Piseth chhay went missing on mothers day. Now investigators think they may have found his body. Around 10 saturday morning. San francsico Police Investigators were called about human remains that were found at a warehouse in hayward. They suspect they belong to piseth chhay but are in the process of matching his dna with his sister and mother. His family hopes its not a match. wife i just hope and pray that body part doesnt belong to my husband but if it is bob tang has something to do with it. And i just home adn pray that body part doesnt belong to my husband. He has a family to come home to. He has a family yo come home to. He has these two boys waiting for him to come home. The main suspect in the case is bob tang. A friend of the family. They all used to vacation together. His car was found at sfo on may 25th and he hasnt been seen since. Police suspect he may have fled the country. Rattana kim wife whereever you are bob, if this is my husbands body youa re strictly responsible fo