Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 Noon News 20160713 : comparemela

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 Noon News 20160713

neighborhood on 68th and macarthur. we saw investigators dusting an suv for fingerprints. it matches the description of the getaway car seen driving away from the burglary. is we have seen lots of police out there looking for evidence, both investigators with oakland police and the chp. right now, roads in the area are closed according to them, a couple of blocks in every direction. just before 5:00 this morning, 5 suspects rammed the back of their car into the folsom gun store's metal fence. one of the suspects wearing a black hoodie was the first to climb over and begin stealing items and loading them into the vehicle. the other suspects were behind them. they had stolen two rifles and up to 25 handguns. the federal bureau of alcohol, tobacco, firearms and explosives is joining the investigation in oakland right now. no word on any of the guns have been recovered. new at noon, firefighters made quick work of a vegetation fire that broke out in cupertino about 90 minutes ago. it burned in the hills on private property near a quarry and some homes. here you see one firefighter looking for hot spots. it started just before 10:30 on california oak way. firefighters had it under control by 11:00. it burned 4 acres. we are getting a first look at warriors star draymond green's mugshot from his arrest over the weekend. tmz posted this fuzzy photo online and it shows green smiling while wearing an attack the glass t-shirt. the power forward is accused of slapping a michigan state football player outside a bar in east lansing early sunday morning. green released this statement today, quote, my legal team is handling it. it will be resolved really quickly. as a public figure, i just can't put myself in certain situations. it's something that i'll learn from and just move on." authorities in san jose believe that a drunken fight may have led to a man's murder early this morning. officers were called to this home on ocala avenue around 3:30. they found a man with injuries that appeared to have come from being hit by a rock. he was pronounced dead at the scene. a person of interest was detained and is being questioned. starting today san jose police officers will start wearing body cameras. maria medina reports in the wake of officer involves shootings across the country department is trying to gain the public trust. >> put it down! come on, man, put it down, dude. >> reporter: in this police body camera video captured and released, a confrontation between a deputy and a knife- wielding suspect records every moment until the deputy finally attacks the suspect. >> cuffs, cuffs! >> reporter: the san jose police department hopes they will soon record videos to help in their investigations and transparency with the public. today they begin training on using the body camera which can be used off and on by the officers. >> i think it should be on all the time. >> reporter: this retired police officer on the force for more than two decades says the ability to turn off the cameras is key in gaining public trust. >> what if, for example, the officer has a body camera turned on and a sit ken comes up and wants to help in a crime or help identify a suspect but doesn't want to be out there identified as helping the mr. fish sales -- >> reporter: there are strict policies about when they must turn them on including when they use force. the question is, how will the department respond if and when the public wants to see the video? >> sooner or later it will come to light whether we like it or not it's going to be go through the court system and everything, it's going to come up. but just be patient. >> reporter: the media and the public can request that footage under the freedom of information act. it's up to the city attorney to release it. the department will give the media behind the scenes look as they train officers today at 2:30. maria medina, kpix 5. this evening in san francisco, the police commission will discuss the search for a new chief. toney chaplin has been serving as interim chief since greg suhr resigned under pressure in may. meantime critics are questioning the new unit in charge of reform. the unit includes one of the officers involved in the fatal shooting of a homeless man in april. the investigation into that shooting is open. >> the two suspects in a heist and manhunt in north bay are identified. serge gutsu of sacramento county and ivan morales of lake county are being held on a million dollars bail. voters say they tried to rob an armored car yesterday outside a chase bank in windsor. shots were fired. a security guard was hit. the suspect initially got away. investigators tracked them down in calistoga. investigators say gutsu opened fire so an officer rammed him with his police car. gutsu was arrested and an intense search began in the neighborhood for morales. >> a little after 2:00 we started hearing all the helicopters and then they said "shelter in place" from the managers here and we watched it on tv through your station to see what was happening. >> morales was eventually arrested. both men are in sonoma county jail. thousands of men and women in uniform are gathering near dallas today. they are paying final respects to the five police officers killed in last week's ambush. [ bagpipe music ] >> bagpipes played as family members of lorne ahrens entered the church. he along with michael smith and brent thompson will be buried today. mourners came from across the state and the country. president obama offered his condolences yesterday and praised the brave actions of the dallas police department. >> when the bullets started flying, the men and women of the dallas police, they did not flinch, and they did not react recklessly. >> funerals for the remaining officers are scheduled for friday and saturday. to donald trump called up his sons and daughters and told him to meet him in indiana last night to be on hand for a meeting this morning with a rumored vp front-runner. cbs reporter craig boswell has the latest from the white house. craig. >> reporter: kenny, it is high drama as hillary clinton and donald trump move closer to choosing running mates. donald trump is expected to make his announcement anytime between now and friday. and his appearance today in indiana is only fueling more speculation about his choice. donald trump and some of his family members visited with mike pence wednesday morning just one day after the two campaigned together. trump hinted the indiana governor might be getting a new title. >> youl be calling up mike pence. i don't know whether he is going to be your governor or your vice president! who in the hell knows. >> reporter: trump tells the wall street journal he is looking for an attack dog, someone who is a fighter skilled in hand-to-hand combat to take on hillary clinton. clinton isn't shy about fighting back. she says trump is unfit for office. >> at times like these, we need a president who can help pull us together, not split us apart. >> reporter: the poll numbers for clinton are falling. a new survey of battleground states shows clinton and trump in a tie in florida, pennsylvania and ohio. the poll also shows clinton's unfavorability rating is higher than trumps. >> swing states go back and forth more than other states. >> reporter: the "new york times" magazine says the fbi investigation into clinton's private email server is hurting the candidate. >> this may not be a long-term pro lem. but the damage is done. >> reporter: clinton will spend the rest of the day in fundraisers in chicago and st. louis. she just finished a speech on race relations in springfield, illinois. she used the statehouse where lincoln delivered a speech. clinton slammed donald trump as divisive and dangerous. ken, back to you. >> any new details about the problem with ruth bader ginsberg? >> that's getting a lot of play this morning. the topics at the briefing at the white house. josh ernest was asked about that. he said that um, he would not, um, question her competence. donald trump says, her mind is shot. he is asking for her to step down. this of course all started when ginsberg criticized trump saying she can't imagine him as president. this certainly is an "unusual" type of comment from a supreme court justice. this will be getting play for quite a few days, likely. >> craig boswell in washington, dc, thank you. theresa may is the new british prime minister. the first female leader there since 1990. former prime minister david cameron called her a brilliant negotiator. he urged her to keep britain close to the european union following the exit. may took office following her opponents' withdrawal from the race on monday. her toughest challenge she says will be uniting a nation guided by the "brexit" vote. today religious groups from the bay area are unveiling a safe haven for illegal immigrants who are facing deportation. the sanctuary is the basement of a lutheran building in berkeley. we'll show you what the church is doing coming up at 5:00. a shark attack off santa cruz county a great white biting a boat. our betty yu took to the skies to search for "jaws." >> more young people saying no to credit cards. what's behind the trend and what millennials are opting for instead. >> i don't know, kenny. i'm sticking around to see that great white shark story. that kind of scares me! hi, everybody! good afternoon! we are looking at the north bay from our sutro tower cam. we are looking north and west and we see a sea of low clouds and fog in the bay. we'll talk about the impact that will have on today's temperatures coming up. ,,,,,, (upbeat music) - [voiceover] you are san francisco. we've been with you from the beginning. we've seen each other through good times and bad. sickness and health. we're with you san francisco, and you bring out the best in us. care. zuckerberg san francisco general hospital and trauma center. starting today a big change at an iconic bay area tourist spot. pedestrians and cyclists in san francisco will no longer have to share the road with cars at the top of twin peaks. the change was made to make a popular spot better for bikers, hikers and sightseers. the green on the left will be for pedestrians and cyclists. the blue road on the right will be divided for two-way traffic. the pilot program will last until 2018. in the east bay, the first phase of the i-80 smart corridor begins today. it's designed to make driving one of the bay area's busiest freeways easier. drivers will see you in signs lit up and ramp metering lights activated. full rollout of the system happens next month. plan on catching a 49ers game this season? snag a ticket now. a couple of hours ago, single game tickets went on sale on and we just checked. cheap seats for the august 14 game against the texas rangers are $20. >> good deal. >> 50-yard line seats will be $400. it's the dallas cowboys, by the way. [ laughter ] >> san mateo's most famous quarterback just can't shake "deflate-gate." tom brady hoped for a new hearing but an appeals court crushed that dream. today's decision means that brady's four-game suspension holds for the new season. in april a three-judge panel said that nfl commissioner roger goodell had every right to suspend brady. the only chance brady has left now is appealing with the u.s. supreme court. more and more young people are steering clear of credit cards. a new report finds more than 60% of millennials don't own one. kenneth craig shows us what they are opting for instead. >> $15 in 24. >> thank you so much. >> reporter: 21-year-old maggie smith uses her debit card for everything. she doesn't have a credit card and neither does her older brother charles. >> how are you doing? why should i have a credit card? i don't need it. >> reporter: you feel the same way? >> yeah. definitely don't need it. >> reporter: part of a younger generation that's steering clear from buying with credit. according to a survey by, only about 1 in 3 millennials has a credit card. >> they have a greater aversion to debt than we have seen among previous generallations. >> reporter: they are also changing the way they pay each other and many are using their smartphones to do it. >> that $14. >> that works. >> reporter: like maggie and charlie, they are more often using peer-to-peer payment apps like venmo. >> it's easy. i just click on my app and click an amount, choose recipient and send it. boom, it's there. >> reporter: there are a number of other high-tech payment option like google wallet and split wise to split bills or rent with friends. even with the new technology, the survey shows millennials may become more interested in credit cards as they get older. >> i think if i had a credit card i would consider myself a full adult in some weird way. so, yeah, i think a credit card is maybe in a few years. >> reporter: but for now, maggie is staying away from credit. kenneth craig, cbs news, new york. >> and let's check the big board right now and see how stocks are doing. you can see the dow is up about 14 points. planning to get away this summer? southwest just announced expansion to their oakland service. the airline will add nonstop flights to two cities in mexico, san jose del cabo and puerto vallarta both popular tourist destinations. last month southwest added new flights part of its sustained growth at oakland airport. >> roberta is excited about puerto vallarta! >> nice trip. it was a scene like out of the movie "jaws." a massive great white shark took a bite out of a man's boat offshore of capitola. he called it a full on slam attack. the 15-foot great white swam from underneath ramming the boat spending the ship's own -- sending the ship's owner stumble. when he got back to dock he saw the bite mark and shark tooth in the hole. betty yu took to the air to try to find the shark. >> reporter: specialized aviation is seeing more and more sharks choser to shore off the beaches south of santa cruz sometimes within feet of people and well within the surf line. we have been in the air for about 30 minutes and we have already spotted about 15 sharks in the water. >> despite shark warning signs, experts say there's no risk of an attack. roberta, i guess i should nix my plan to go surfing in santa cruz this weekend! >> i think we're going to need a bigger boat! [ laughter ] >> they think it's the warm water and eating stuff out there like sea turtles. hi, everybody! good afternoon, let's change gears here and head out to the transamerica pyramid or this one at sutro tower actually. this is just gorgeous! this paints the picture perfectly of that thin layer of fog moving in towards the golden gate bridge and towards the bay waters. it's all going to wipe away but taking a while. this is under that deck of cloudiness where we do have the clouds shrouding the towers of the golden gate bridge. 68 degrees there 83 in santa rosa with clear skies, oakland 67. winds onshore in the city of san francisco and now rotating west-northwest at 9 west at 6 in oakland. these winds have been relatively flat for the most part calm in fairfield. concord a good wind to kick out the pollutants. we have a "spare the air" day in effect. bill moon reporting 89 in orinda. redwood city warm out there. "spare the air" day here in the eastern portion of our bay area we are seeing pollutants trapped close to the surface. its ozone. it's never a good thing when you can see the air that you breathe. thin overcast hanging tight to the coast. a robust warming trend inland. and again, we have that hazy air today. possibly even for a thursday. here's the deal. a swath, the clouds, hanging tight to the immediate seashore. but all this is going to wipe away very rapidly and then we'll see maybe an hour of some sunshine before it filters in. satellite-radar under the influence of a double barrel ridge of high pressure so that's why we had the warming inland. we have phillip who is in yosemite. he is a forest ranger providing us that gorgeous shot where in yosemite it's 93. our temperatures today across the board into the 60s through upper 90s. 100 on thursday. we'll finally see seasonal highs on the weekend. >> okay, we'll take it. sounds good. thanks, roberta. how's this for a romantic honeymoon? meet the couple rowing their way to hawaii. what they say is the key to their success. today's triple digits is sweet banana peppers. they are great in the summer on the grill. they taste delicious. and they are called sweet banana peppers because they're sweet pepper and they look like a banana. banana peppers! when you buy them, make sure they are free from any shriveling and day caring and the stem is attached and they have to feel fresh very fresh, no shrivel or decaying. store them in the refrigerator. i cut them in half, take out the seeds. then put them on the grill for a minute and a half to two minutes all the way around olive oil salt and pepper and then stuff them with cheese. that's it. like ricotta. you will love it! sweet banana peppers in the market. grilling time! i'm tony tantillo, your fresh grocer. and always remember to eat fresh and stay healthy. aren't they beautiful? >> yes! [ laughter ] >> hello! >> a monterey couple is honeymooning in hawaii with a twist. roberta is talking about football still. >> ridiculous. >> first, this couple, they are hopping in a row boat and rowing to hawaii. they have been down this road before. they rode 11,000 miles from africa to new york and that trip didn't tear them apart. he says the secret to success is treating waves like their relationship. you just go with the flow. good husband right there. we'll be right back. (scal): good day, m'lady! i am sir-can-a-lot, here to save you from another breakfast bore. wake up those eggs with glorious spam! see what spam can! do... at a bay area teenager bitten by one of the deadliest snakes in the world coming at 5: 00 she shares her story for the first time only on "5" that and more at 5:00. >> that's it for kpix 5 news at noon. captions by: caption colorado [email protected] ♪ >> ridge: [ sighs ] >> steffy: what the hell, dad? >> ridge: i had a feeling you'd be back. [ sighs ] so, you're gunning for me, too, huh? >> steffy: oh, really? replacing you in that chair -- that's a big thing on my mind right now. >> ridge: uh, probably isn't. >> steffy: what else don't i know? douglas isn't your son. am i even your daughter? >> ridge: well, you must be. because anyone else, i would have thrown out of my office for asking that question. >> thomas: they -- they can't still be talking about you, me, and douglas, right? >>ar

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Calistoga , California , United States , New York , East Lansing , Michigan , Lake County , Monterey , Oakland , Texas , Washington , Redwood City , Florida , Illinois , Indiana , Capitola , Santa Cruz County , San Jose Del Cabo , Baja California Sur , Mexico , San Francisco , United Kingdom , Sacramento County , Springfield , Puerto Vallarta , Jalisco , Colorado , Sonoma County , Pennsylvania , Ohio , Dallas , Chicago , Hawaii , Britain , British , Theresa May , Josh Ernest , Lorne Ahrens , Roger Goodell , Michelle Griego , David Cameron , Kenneth Craig , Kenny Choi , Craig Boswell , Tom Brady , Maria Medina , Ivan Morales , Brent Thompson , Greg Suhr , Betty Yu , Maggie Smith , Michael Smith , Toney Chaplin , Ruth Bader Ginsberg , Hillary Clinton ,

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Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 Noon News 20160713 :

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 Noon News 20160713

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neighborhood on 68th and macarthur. we saw investigators dusting an suv for fingerprints. it matches the description of the getaway car seen driving away from the burglary. is we have seen lots of police out there looking for evidence, both investigators with oakland police and the chp. right now, roads in the area are closed according to them, a couple of blocks in every direction. just before 5:00 this morning, 5 suspects rammed the back of their car into the folsom gun store's metal fence. one of the suspects wearing a black hoodie was the first to climb over and begin stealing items and loading them into the vehicle. the other suspects were behind them. they had stolen two rifles and up to 25 handguns. the federal bureau of alcohol, tobacco, firearms and explosives is joining the investigation in oakland right now. no word on any of the guns have been recovered. new at noon, firefighters made quick work of a vegetation fire that broke out in cupertino about 90 minutes ago. it burned in the hills on private property near a quarry and some homes. here you see one firefighter looking for hot spots. it started just before 10:30 on california oak way. firefighters had it under control by 11:00. it burned 4 acres. we are getting a first look at warriors star draymond green's mugshot from his arrest over the weekend. tmz posted this fuzzy photo online and it shows green smiling while wearing an attack the glass t-shirt. the power forward is accused of slapping a michigan state football player outside a bar in east lansing early sunday morning. green released this statement today, quote, my legal team is handling it. it will be resolved really quickly. as a public figure, i just can't put myself in certain situations. it's something that i'll learn from and just move on." authorities in san jose believe that a drunken fight may have led to a man's murder early this morning. officers were called to this home on ocala avenue around 3:30. they found a man with injuries that appeared to have come from being hit by a rock. he was pronounced dead at the scene. a person of interest was detained and is being questioned. starting today san jose police officers will start wearing body cameras. maria medina reports in the wake of officer involves shootings across the country department is trying to gain the public trust. >> put it down! come on, man, put it down, dude. >> reporter: in this police body camera video captured and released, a confrontation between a deputy and a knife- wielding suspect records every moment until the deputy finally attacks the suspect. >> cuffs, cuffs! >> reporter: the san jose police department hopes they will soon record videos to help in their investigations and transparency with the public. today they begin training on using the body camera which can be used off and on by the officers. >> i think it should be on all the time. >> reporter: this retired police officer on the force for more than two decades says the ability to turn off the cameras is key in gaining public trust. >> what if, for example, the officer has a body camera turned on and a sit ken comes up and wants to help in a crime or help identify a suspect but doesn't want to be out there identified as helping the mr. fish sales -- >> reporter: there are strict policies about when they must turn them on including when they use force. the question is, how will the department respond if and when the public wants to see the video? >> sooner or later it will come to light whether we like it or not it's going to be go through the court system and everything, it's going to come up. but just be patient. >> reporter: the media and the public can request that footage under the freedom of information act. it's up to the city attorney to release it. the department will give the media behind the scenes look as they train officers today at 2:30. maria medina, kpix 5. this evening in san francisco, the police commission will discuss the search for a new chief. toney chaplin has been serving as interim chief since greg suhr resigned under pressure in may. meantime critics are questioning the new unit in charge of reform. the unit includes one of the officers involved in the fatal shooting of a homeless man in april. the investigation into that shooting is open. >> the two suspects in a heist and manhunt in north bay are identified. serge gutsu of sacramento county and ivan morales of lake county are being held on a million dollars bail. voters say they tried to rob an armored car yesterday outside a chase bank in windsor. shots were fired. a security guard was hit. the suspect initially got away. investigators tracked them down in calistoga. investigators say gutsu opened fire so an officer rammed him with his police car. gutsu was arrested and an intense search began in the neighborhood for morales. >> a little after 2:00 we started hearing all the helicopters and then they said "shelter in place" from the managers here and we watched it on tv through your station to see what was happening. >> morales was eventually arrested. both men are in sonoma county jail. thousands of men and women in uniform are gathering near dallas today. they are paying final respects to the five police officers killed in last week's ambush. [ bagpipe music ] >> bagpipes played as family members of lorne ahrens entered the church. he along with michael smith and brent thompson will be buried today. mourners came from across the state and the country. president obama offered his condolences yesterday and praised the brave actions of the dallas police department. >> when the bullets started flying, the men and women of the dallas police, they did not flinch, and they did not react recklessly. >> funerals for the remaining officers are scheduled for friday and saturday. to donald trump called up his sons and daughters and told him to meet him in indiana last night to be on hand for a meeting this morning with a rumored vp front-runner. cbs reporter craig boswell has the latest from the white house. craig. >> reporter: kenny, it is high drama as hillary clinton and donald trump move closer to choosing running mates. donald trump is expected to make his announcement anytime between now and friday. and his appearance today in indiana is only fueling more speculation about his choice. donald trump and some of his family members visited with mike pence wednesday morning just one day after the two campaigned together. trump hinted the indiana governor might be getting a new title. >> youl be calling up mike pence. i don't know whether he is going to be your governor or your vice president! who in the hell knows. >> reporter: trump tells the wall street journal he is looking for an attack dog, someone who is a fighter skilled in hand-to-hand combat to take on hillary clinton. clinton isn't shy about fighting back. she says trump is unfit for office. >> at times like these, we need a president who can help pull us together, not split us apart. >> reporter: the poll numbers for clinton are falling. a new survey of battleground states shows clinton and trump in a tie in florida, pennsylvania and ohio. the poll also shows clinton's unfavorability rating is higher than trumps. >> swing states go back and forth more than other states. >> reporter: the "new york times" magazine says the fbi investigation into clinton's private email server is hurting the candidate. >> this may not be a long-term pro lem. but the damage is done. >> reporter: clinton will spend the rest of the day in fundraisers in chicago and st. louis. she just finished a speech on race relations in springfield, illinois. she used the statehouse where lincoln delivered a speech. clinton slammed donald trump as divisive and dangerous. ken, back to you. >> any new details about the problem with ruth bader ginsberg? >> that's getting a lot of play this morning. the topics at the briefing at the white house. josh ernest was asked about that. he said that um, he would not, um, question her competence. donald trump says, her mind is shot. he is asking for her to step down. this of course all started when ginsberg criticized trump saying she can't imagine him as president. this certainly is an "unusual" type of comment from a supreme court justice. this will be getting play for quite a few days, likely. >> craig boswell in washington, dc, thank you. theresa may is the new british prime minister. the first female leader there since 1990. former prime minister david cameron called her a brilliant negotiator. he urged her to keep britain close to the european union following the exit. may took office following her opponents' withdrawal from the race on monday. her toughest challenge she says will be uniting a nation guided by the "brexit" vote. today religious groups from the bay area are unveiling a safe haven for illegal immigrants who are facing deportation. the sanctuary is the basement of a lutheran building in berkeley. we'll show you what the church is doing coming up at 5:00. a shark attack off santa cruz county a great white biting a boat. our betty yu took to the skies to search for "jaws." >> more young people saying no to credit cards. what's behind the trend and what millennials are opting for instead. >> i don't know, kenny. i'm sticking around to see that great white shark story. that kind of scares me! hi, everybody! good afternoon! we are looking at the north bay from our sutro tower cam. we are looking north and west and we see a sea of low clouds and fog in the bay. we'll talk about the impact that will have on today's temperatures coming up. ,,,,,, (upbeat music) - [voiceover] you are san francisco. we've been with you from the beginning. we've seen each other through good times and bad. sickness and health. we're with you san francisco, and you bring out the best in us. care. zuckerberg san francisco general hospital and trauma center. starting today a big change at an iconic bay area tourist spot. pedestrians and cyclists in san francisco will no longer have to share the road with cars at the top of twin peaks. the change was made to make a popular spot better for bikers, hikers and sightseers. the green on the left will be for pedestrians and cyclists. the blue road on the right will be divided for two-way traffic. the pilot program will last until 2018. in the east bay, the first phase of the i-80 smart corridor begins today. it's designed to make driving one of the bay area's busiest freeways easier. drivers will see you in signs lit up and ramp metering lights activated. full rollout of the system happens next month. plan on catching a 49ers game this season? snag a ticket now. a couple of hours ago, single game tickets went on sale on and we just checked. cheap seats for the august 14 game against the texas rangers are $20. >> good deal. >> 50-yard line seats will be $400. it's the dallas cowboys, by the way. [ laughter ] >> san mateo's most famous quarterback just can't shake "deflate-gate." tom brady hoped for a new hearing but an appeals court crushed that dream. today's decision means that brady's four-game suspension holds for the new season. in april a three-judge panel said that nfl commissioner roger goodell had every right to suspend brady. the only chance brady has left now is appealing with the u.s. supreme court. more and more young people are steering clear of credit cards. a new report finds more than 60% of millennials don't own one. kenneth craig shows us what they are opting for instead. >> $15 in 24. >> thank you so much. >> reporter: 21-year-old maggie smith uses her debit card for everything. she doesn't have a credit card and neither does her older brother charles. >> how are you doing? why should i have a credit card? i don't need it. >> reporter: you feel the same way? >> yeah. definitely don't need it. >> reporter: part of a younger generation that's steering clear from buying with credit. according to a survey by, only about 1 in 3 millennials has a credit card. >> they have a greater aversion to debt than we have seen among previous generallations. >> reporter: they are also changing the way they pay each other and many are using their smartphones to do it. >> that $14. >> that works. >> reporter: like maggie and charlie, they are more often using peer-to-peer payment apps like venmo. >> it's easy. i just click on my app and click an amount, choose recipient and send it. boom, it's there. >> reporter: there are a number of other high-tech payment option like google wallet and split wise to split bills or rent with friends. even with the new technology, the survey shows millennials may become more interested in credit cards as they get older. >> i think if i had a credit card i would consider myself a full adult in some weird way. so, yeah, i think a credit card is maybe in a few years. >> reporter: but for now, maggie is staying away from credit. kenneth craig, cbs news, new york. >> and let's check the big board right now and see how stocks are doing. you can see the dow is up about 14 points. planning to get away this summer? southwest just announced expansion to their oakland service. the airline will add nonstop flights to two cities in mexico, san jose del cabo and puerto vallarta both popular tourist destinations. last month southwest added new flights part of its sustained growth at oakland airport. >> roberta is excited about puerto vallarta! >> nice trip. it was a scene like out of the movie "jaws." a massive great white shark took a bite out of a man's boat offshore of capitola. he called it a full on slam attack. the 15-foot great white swam from underneath ramming the boat spending the ship's own -- sending the ship's owner stumble. when he got back to dock he saw the bite mark and shark tooth in the hole. betty yu took to the air to try to find the shark. >> reporter: specialized aviation is seeing more and more sharks choser to shore off the beaches south of santa cruz sometimes within feet of people and well within the surf line. we have been in the air for about 30 minutes and we have already spotted about 15 sharks in the water. >> despite shark warning signs, experts say there's no risk of an attack. roberta, i guess i should nix my plan to go surfing in santa cruz this weekend! >> i think we're going to need a bigger boat! [ laughter ] >> they think it's the warm water and eating stuff out there like sea turtles. hi, everybody! good afternoon, let's change gears here and head out to the transamerica pyramid or this one at sutro tower actually. this is just gorgeous! this paints the picture perfectly of that thin layer of fog moving in towards the golden gate bridge and towards the bay waters. it's all going to wipe away but taking a while. this is under that deck of cloudiness where we do have the clouds shrouding the towers of the golden gate bridge. 68 degrees there 83 in santa rosa with clear skies, oakland 67. winds onshore in the city of san francisco and now rotating west-northwest at 9 west at 6 in oakland. these winds have been relatively flat for the most part calm in fairfield. concord a good wind to kick out the pollutants. we have a "spare the air" day in effect. bill moon reporting 89 in orinda. redwood city warm out there. "spare the air" day here in the eastern portion of our bay area we are seeing pollutants trapped close to the surface. its ozone. it's never a good thing when you can see the air that you breathe. thin overcast hanging tight to the coast. a robust warming trend inland. and again, we have that hazy air today. possibly even for a thursday. here's the deal. a swath, the clouds, hanging tight to the immediate seashore. but all this is going to wipe away very rapidly and then we'll see maybe an hour of some sunshine before it filters in. satellite-radar under the influence of a double barrel ridge of high pressure so that's why we had the warming inland. we have phillip who is in yosemite. he is a forest ranger providing us that gorgeous shot where in yosemite it's 93. our temperatures today across the board into the 60s through upper 90s. 100 on thursday. we'll finally see seasonal highs on the weekend. >> okay, we'll take it. sounds good. thanks, roberta. how's this for a romantic honeymoon? meet the couple rowing their way to hawaii. what they say is the key to their success. today's triple digits is sweet banana peppers. they are great in the summer on the grill. they taste delicious. and they are called sweet banana peppers because they're sweet pepper and they look like a banana. banana peppers! when you buy them, make sure they are free from any shriveling and day caring and the stem is attached and they have to feel fresh very fresh, no shrivel or decaying. store them in the refrigerator. i cut them in half, take out the seeds. then put them on the grill for a minute and a half to two minutes all the way around olive oil salt and pepper and then stuff them with cheese. that's it. like ricotta. you will love it! sweet banana peppers in the market. grilling time! i'm tony tantillo, your fresh grocer. and always remember to eat fresh and stay healthy. aren't they beautiful? >> yes! [ laughter ] >> hello! >> a monterey couple is honeymooning in hawaii with a twist. roberta is talking about football still. >> ridiculous. >> first, this couple, they are hopping in a row boat and rowing to hawaii. they have been down this road before. they rode 11,000 miles from africa to new york and that trip didn't tear them apart. he says the secret to success is treating waves like their relationship. you just go with the flow. good husband right there. we'll be right back. (scal): good day, m'lady! i am sir-can-a-lot, here to save you from another breakfast bore. wake up those eggs with glorious spam! see what spam can! do... at a bay area teenager bitten by one of the deadliest snakes in the world coming at 5: 00 she shares her story for the first time only on "5" that and more at 5:00. >> that's it for kpix 5 news at noon. captions by: caption colorado ♪ >> ridge: [ sighs ] >> steffy: what the hell, dad? >> ridge: i had a feeling you'd be back. [ sighs ] so, you're gunning for me, too, huh? >> steffy: oh, really? replacing you in that chair -- that's a big thing on my mind right now. >> ridge: uh, probably isn't. >> steffy: what else don't i know? douglas isn't your son. am i even your daughter? >> ridge: well, you must be. because anyone else, i would have thrown out of my office for asking that question. >> thomas: they -- they can't still be talking about you, me, and douglas, right? >>ar

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