Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News Early Edition 20170510 : c

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News Early Edition 20170510

say good morning to jaclyn dunn. >> good morning. and happy wednesday. here's a live look at the bay bridge toll plaza. and speeds are moving at the limit. we are starting to see a few cars backing up in the cash lanes. we'll take it to the eastbound direction though. if you are heading that way this morning, you could encounter some slowdowns one lane closed until 6 a.m. for roadwork. back to you guys. bay area democrats are among those demanding an independent investigation into the firing of james comey. this is only the second time an fbi director has been fired in the history of the agency. and as andria borba reports, it's also a change for the president who just last month said he supported comey. >> reporter: in this letter hand-delivered to fbi headquarters, president donald trump fired fbi director james comey. it reads in part: i greatly appreciate you informing me on three separate occasions that i am not under investigation. it is essential that we find new leadership for the fbi that restores public trust and confidence in this vital law enforcement mission. comey was in los angeles not in washington, dc at the time. and apparently, thought agents were playing a joke on him when he saw the the news flash cross the tv screen. bay area congressman jared huffman who was minutes away from conducting a town hall meeting in san rafael said this about comey's firing. >> there's an obvious next step in the wake of the comey firing and that is we have to have a special prosecutor so we know that attorney general sessions has been recused from these things. that leaves the second in command of the department of justice to make this decision. it's time for him to make the decision. we have to have a special prosecutor to begin looking into this. >> reporter: kpix 5 security analyst jeff harp former assistant special agent in charge of the san francisco fbi office says even without a director, even during an investigation into russian election tampering, americans shouldn't worry. >> the agents work independently. um, even within the fbi, if you're an agent working a counterintelligence investigation, that information is compartmentalized. your squad conducting an investigation on the russians can sit right next to a squad conducting investigations into any other intelligence activities and no one knows what anyone is doing. >> reporter: the fbi in the statement asked for an independent fair-minded person to be posted to the post. kellyanne conway defended the firing. >> i'll ignore how unkind that is, anderson, and i say as president of the united states he needs confidence in the fbi director and he doesn't have it. >> reporter: andria borba, kpix 5. >> deputy director andrew mccabe will lead the fbi until a replacement is named and confirmed by the senate. charles schumer has asked democratic lawmakers to be at the capital in 2 hours to hear whether majority leader mitch mcconnell will address comey's firing. the trump administration maintains that the decision was based on comey's handling of the hillary clinton email investigation. bay area congressman eric swalwell who serves on the house intelligence committee told cnn it appears president trump is trying to hinder the investigation into his campaign ties with russia. >> the president can't fire the person who is investigating him. that violates bedrock principles of independence and so we wrote legislation to have an independent commission. we any that's the most comprehensive way to get to the bottom of what happened and to make sure we never find ourselves in a mess like this again. >> house minority leader nancy pelosi saying: e -- "the next f ector must be strong and independe ill rece ir hearing in the judiciary committee." president trump an ary of state rex tillerson t 's top diplomat at the white house today... they're expected to discuss the crisis >> president trump and secretary of state rex tillerson will host russia's top diplomat at the white house today. they are expected to discuss the crisis in syria and the violence in eastern ukraine. the fate of the man convicted of killing sierra lamar is now in the hands of the jury. they will decide if he will be sentenced to life in prison or be put to death. they found him guilty yesterday nearly five years after lamar went missing. >> what was the first thing that went through your mind? >> sierra. yeah. sierra. and then, a rush of emotions from five years of waiting. >> it was a big win for the prosecution. they had to prove murder without a body. lamar disappeared in march of 2012. her phone, clothes and bag were found a few days later. garcia-torres was arrested two months later in may. investigators seized his car a month earlier to look for dna evidence. nearly two years later, the district attorney announced he would seek the death penalty against garcia-torres. the trial began in january of this year. the jury heard 13 weeks of testimony. garcia-torres will be back in court next week for sentencing. the heavy rains we had this winter have spurred the growth of vegetation, tall dry and trouble with the fire season under way. flight crews in santa clara are learning how to use the pumpkin. an 1800-gallon container takes in water from far away sources and then the teams use it to resupply trucks and hoses. the crews are cutting down dry grass in the hills ahead of 4th of july fireworks. oh, boy. >> do you remember when i came back from easter and i had stopped at the tehachapi mountains and ran into a captain and he was they are fearing one of the worst fire seasons ever. but we had so many rain. he said exactly. we have a lot of "fuel" out there. >> all that grass grew. >> i was telling everybody about it and jumping up and down thinking -- okay. all right. we knew that. [ laughter ] >> all right. morning, everybody. we have some winds this morning that you will notice it's a double while knuckler hang on to the steering wheel going over bay area bridges. this is the scene looking from the transamerica pyramid looking east to the bright lights of the port of oakland also the bay bridge. you can see the piers out there as well lit up with the lights. 49 degrees santa rosa. 57 in oakland. i'm mentioning the lights because we have no visibility issues at this time with areas of low clouds and fog. we have winds around the rim of the bay right now 14 in oakland, 17 san ramon, 13 in the pleasanton area. meanwhile a 17-mile-per-hour wind in concord but check out fairfield at 30. these are gusts, sustained winds, 23 napa, the winds will be quite blustery throughout the day. meanwhile here's your satellite and radar. clouds are stacking up at the coast. that's all the return of the enhanced marine layer. we have the disturbance weak trough to the north of us that's enhancing how deep that marine layer is and has a lot of cooler air aloft so as it rushes onshore we are knocking back temperatures into the 50s at the beaches today, 60s and 70s at the peninsula into the santa clara valley. 69 degrees in milpitas, union city and newark. with those winds, up to 20 and 25, gusts to 30 in the east bay, numbers coming down by a good 16 degrees into the 60s and low 70s, blustery at the delta today. a much cooler day. we'll talk more about this coming up but right now let's send it over to jaclyn. >> good morning. i could feel the winds in morning already. right now if you are making your way out on the roads, this is what it looks like. in oakland, along 880, it's about 20 minutes in that northbound direction which is on the right side of your screen taillights making your way from 238 to the maze. we'll take it to the altamont pass westbound 580 starting to see a few slowdowns as you make your way to 680 about 21 minutes. expect delays along highway 17. we have traffic down to one lane in each direction. that's because work crews have southbound lanes shut down until 6 a.m. hat's a check of your traffic; over to you. thank you. the family of a cal rugby player who was paralyzed during a match is asking for prayers. kpix 5's juliette goodrich shows us how his teammates and friends are rallying around him. >> reporter: robert paylor a uc- berkeley sophomore was injured during saturday's championship win over arkansas state. the match was played in santa clara. the starter was injured early in the game. it was during a rugby mall that he got pushed to the ground left paralyzed from the waist down. this video was from a match in february. robert was a starter at the lock position calling for height and strength. after surgery saturday, the entire cal rugby team visited him in the hospital. in the waiting room, they signed well wishes to him on a cal jersey. teammates say robert has a strong faith and positive outlook. they say he is always smiling and never fails to light up a room even with a neck brace on. he still is smiling from his hospital bed. his team says despite what he lies ahead robert and his family are touched by the support from friends and the community. robert's former coach from jesuit high school in carmichael says, robert isn't one to give up hope. >> a very good young man of faith. he believes in his faith a lot so i'm sure that will help him and his family get through it and, um, anything we can do we will support him in any way we can. love him and we're praying for him dearly every day. >> reporter: robert's family and his friends have been by his side since saturday. he had surgery saturday night again he is paralyzed from the waist down. he does have some movement though in his arms and his wrists which is a good sign. and i'm told he is ready to start physical therapy as soon as possible. juliette goodrich, kpix 5, san jose. 4:41. the bay area's brutal housing market is tough for first time home buyers. we'll take a look at some of the challenges facing young people. >> plus, a pair of hikers gets trapped on a steep bay area cliffside. we'll show you the rescue. ♪[ music ] ,, who are these people? the energy conscious people among us say small actions can add up to something... humongous. a little thing here. a little thing there. starts to feel like a badge maybe millions can wear. who are all these caretakers, advocates too? turns out, it's californians it's me and it's you. don't stop now, it's easy to add to the routine. join energy upgrade california and do your thing. chopper 5 was overhead as rescuers helped a guy stuck on the bluffs at fort funston. oman were hiking w an evening hike turns into a rescue mission. chopper 5 was overhead as rescuers helped the guy stuck on the bluffs at fourth funston. he and a woman were hiking when they somehow got trapped. teams had to rappel down to get them to ground level. and once the man was pulled to safety, you could see him running right to the woman for a sweet emily pritchard operation of the they are okay. tenants in san jose have been raleigh-durhamlying for new rules for months and enact them. now landlords can't evict residents without cause. there are some acceptable reasons like no rent and criminals. the new rules will protect nearly half million residents. for many first time home buyers it's harder to buy a home. the inventory is low, lowest in 20 years. only on "5," betty yu met a young couple house hunting in san francisco with a budget of more than a million dollars. >> this is the kitchen, living area, right on the corner of 7th and harris. >> reporter: this couple is looking to buy their first home. they are both 32. they moved here from the midwest with silicon valley dreams. two months ago, they had their first child jason so now they are in the market for a three- bedroom. >> we need to buy a house to save money. >> reporter: their search has taken them four months. starting with a budget of $1.1 million, the median home price in san francisco. >> kind of crazy, like, in minnesota it's very different. >> yeah. >> um. >> you get used to it though. we first moved here we're like that is insane how can that be? and now it's like the reality. >> reporter: the reality is, inventory for homes for sale across the country is at a 20- year low particularly in san francisco. and competition is high and so is the pressure to offer more money for a less-than-perfect home. >> a few years ago it was a sketchy street. it now is super hot super chic. >> reporter: take this 1960s, four-bedroom 2.5 bath in the mission with vintage bathroom fixings and original kitchen appliances. >> can i do this? >> reporter: this cosmetic fixer-upper hit the market at $1.3 million. within a week, the seller received 28 offers. for this young family, even stretching their budget to $1.4 million wasn't enough to compete. in the end, the home went for well over $2 million. $700,000 over asking price. >> this is a lower market than a couple of years ago. it just doesn't look like t again, inventory being so low, we still have plenty of buyers out there. still got 25% are all cash. >> reporter: high-end realtor says that leaves his clients with few options. currently they pay $7,000 a month to rent a two-bedroom at nema a luxury high-rise. john is a senior level software engineer at a hr and benefits startup and natalia is a senior account manager at a marketing company. >> we both make a decent amount of money and we can't save anything. everything goes to rent, car, insane. >> reporter: new research shows half of the millennials in the bay area are looking to leave in the next two years because the housing prices and cost of living are sky high. new data shows that among the country's priciest cities, those living in san francisco are the most likely to leave. nearly 20% of potential home buyers in san francisco are searching elsewhere. top destination, sacramento and seattle. >> it's difficult. yeah. it's one thing if you are a single person or a couple but when you have a young family and you have kids and you need separation of spaces, it can be a challenge. >> reporter: still, this family says the convenience of living in a vibrant walkable city near friends is keeping them re. >> you want to make it work. it's really cold in minnesota. >> reporter: in san francisco, betty yu, kpix 5. >> i get wanting to live in the city but after $7,000 they pay in rent? >> no, no. >> that's why a lot of people have moved out. >> this couple had a budget of over a million. consider all the people who have a lower budget. it's a bigger struggle. >> when i moved out here from chicago in '96 i had built a new home it was new when i sold it on an acre of land and i sold it for $340,000. this is in chicago. then i loved for something on the peninsula and my husband worked in san jose and i worked on the peninsula. we couldn't find anything. a small place. we got a place in the east bay. i wouldn't give up the east bay for the world. and pleasanton, are you kidding me? blue ribbon schools, it's not just the house that's expensive, it's the milk and the eggs and the parking and the gas and everything. everything. the trash. >> you have to make choices, do you want to shovel snow or enjoy the sunshine? >> and we? >> don't have so much sunshine in the forecast today! we do away from the coast but it will cool by 16 degrees. good morning, everybody. yes, 16 degrees cooler inland. we are looking out towards the bay bridge right now. right now our winds are ramping up. especially in the east bay, 17 san ramon. fairfield at 30. napa at 23. it will be a windy day today. weather watcher time good morning to kim who says hey, yeah, it may be windy but it's fantastic at 57 degrees. robert in redwood city so says george in san francisco. this is the one we experienced on saturday with the cloud cover, rain across southern california, with the enhancement of the marine layer layer, onshore push so cooler air mass cloud cover at the coast with no clearing. blustery conditions in the dealt da. friday morning some clearing but otherwise pollen report suggest was all that wind, it's the oak, grasses and mulberry count that's on the medium to high side and boy, that pollen, you can see it in the area. fives at the bay, 6 -- 50s at the bay, 69 san jose, 70 in livermore down from the high 80s yesterday. here's jaclyn. >> right now, we are tracking a nice easy ride for drivers heading across the golden gate bridge. light traffic. no reports of accidents or stalls heading over to antioch. no troubles over to interstate 80 there connecting in hercules. it's about 28 minutes. these are nice and organized over at the bay bridge toll plaza. we are moving with no delays from the maze into downtown san francisco. that's a check of your traffic. over to you. time now 4:51. two passengers start throwing punches on board a plane bound for oakland and the fight is all captured on video. >> and a bay area man could be in some trouble after dumping baby racoons at a local park. why he says he did it. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, attack at a san francisco bart station as a hate crime. a man says he was waiting for a train at the powell street station monday when another man came up.. called h police are investigating an attack at a san francisco bart station as a hate crime. a man was waiting for a train at powell street monday when another man called him gay slurs and hit him. the attacker was wearing a black security uniform. he got on a pittsburg-bay point train and disappeared. new video shows fists flying on a southwest flight foplay referee. ngers suddenly the plane had just landed in burbank from dallas and was bound for oakland. joe vazquez shows us how people pitched in to stop the violence. >> reporter: as the cell phone video begins, it looks like a wrestling match. two men are clearly angry with each other as their southwest airlines plane from dallas taxis into the hollywood- burbank airport on sunday morning. [ screaming ] >> reporter: the fight gets even more violent. one guy just starts whaling on the other. he connects one punch after another. passengers try to break it up. and then both men end up rolling on the top of a flight attendant who is trying to make peac . >> stop it! >> get out of the way! >> i saw her coming down. she was running down the aisle toward danger. and she got trapped. i hope she's okay. >> reporter: michael krauss shot this video with his cell phone. he says it was a normal quiet flight until they landed and fists started flying. >> the big guy just started hitting the other guy over and over again until a couple of guys went over to help break it up. >> reporter: they eventually separate, police are called. 37-year-old [indiscernible name] is the man throwing the punches arrested and charged with misdemeanor battery. the other man had a chipped tooth, bruise on his eye and a cut nose. southwest airlines says he continued on with his travel plans. the next stop of that particular flight, right here oakland international airport. although we don't know if that was the man's final destination. >> what's wrong with you! >> reporter: what started the fight is unclear. nobody else was hurt. southwest airlines praised its employees as everyday heroes who managed 4,000 flights and half a million customers every day. in oakland, joe vazquez, kpix 5. a $1,000 reward is being offered this morning for information about a man who dumped baby racoons at a gilroy park. . [ inaudible ] >> a family ran into the man in christmas hill park. he told them the racoons were born in his attic and rescuers wouldn't take them so he left them there. if you know who the man is, call wildlife emergency services of monterey. time now 4:57. researchers are finally identifying a little girl under a bay area garage buried for more than a century. >> plus, the search for a new fbi director is under way. and california politicians are reacting to the news of president trump's firing james comey. how about less than a mile and a half? crystal geyser is the only major us spring water bottled how fafrom its sourcelpine spring to the bottle?travel ♪ how about less than a mile and a half? crystal geyser is the only major us spring water bottled at the mountain source. michelle griego. and i'm kenny choi. let's start with a live look outside... the morning rush is about to start... with drivers hitting work.. good morning. it is wednesday, may 10. i'm michelle griego. >> i'm kenny choi. >> let's check it out. 5 a.m. and it is 53 degrees. >> it's windy this morning. >> driving away from my house this morning i could see i still had the umbrella up in my backyard. i'm like oh!! >> is it going to be there when i come home? >> now, i don't like going out there at o dark 00 in the morning and bring iting so i left a note for my son. >> i'll say he won't do it. [ laughter ] >> my mom hates putting down the umbrella's, too. we have had a lot of broken umbrellas in the past. winds gusting to 30 to 35 miles an hour in the afternoon. air temperatures anywhere from 50 in santa rosa to 57 degrees

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