Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News Early Edition 20161215 : c

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News Early Edition 20161215

francisco bay, 11 to 3. and the south bay will get hit for the evening commute between 3 and 7 p.m. we have a wind advisory in place. some wind gusts up to 50 miles per hour through most of the bay area. that's our live weather camera. temperatures are in the 50s and 60s. and currently we are picking up some winds to 20 miles per hour. later today, 50s and 60s for your daytime highs. that's nothing. we'll be tracking this storm and telling you just how much rain to expect in your neighborhood but first, here's roqui. >> thank you. the super bowl of weather means we have to be extra careful on the roads so let's take a look at the bay bridge toll plaza first. we have a high wind advisory issued by the chp across the span of the bay bridge. keep both hands on the wheel. carquinez bridge along the eastshore freeway to the maze will take 18 minutes. moving to some roadwork on northbound 880 in the hayward/fremont area from stevenson to 92. southbound side to 92, here's a live look at the san mateo bridge from 880 to 101, between hayward to foster city, that's a quick 13 minutes. police trying to piece together a deadly shooting in oakland. officers were called to the scene last night near 98th and edes avenue. one man died at the scene, the other at the hospital. no suspect information this morning. police are questioning a person of interest in a deadly hit-and-run in hercules. the crash happened at 5:00 last night at a condo on glenwood. witnesses saw a man getting dragged under a car. people nearby were able to stop the driver just long enough to get the man out from under the car. but the driver fled. >> usually, this is a pretty quiet neighborhood. and to are you any kind of vehicular homicide like this, as it appears to be intentional. >> police are not sure if the victim and the driver know each other but they don't believe there is any danger to the community. ukraine tried to put self- driving cars on the streets of san francisco but the state forced them off on the same day. that's not their only trouble. joe vazquez explains. >> we were on a busy 3rd street. >> reporter: jessica was driving a passenger in her can south of market when she saw a volvo marked uber with the same contraption on top as a self- driving car. what happened next was caught on her dashcam. >> all the cars including myself stopped at the red light. the uber just kept going. very surprised to see a car continue on. >> reporter: here it is again. you see the light change. the taxi stops. then a couple of seconds later the uber goes right through the red light. a pedestrian was well into the crosswalk. >> it's just neglectful. >> reporter: the red light run happened in the middle of a dramatic day for uber. just hours earlier, the company had announced it was beginning a pilot program to begin picking up passengers with driverless cars in san francisco. er and they decided to do it without the green light from the dmv. quote, we understand there's a debate over whether or not we need a testing permit to launch self-driving cars in san francisco. we don't believe we do." the dmv disagreed and shut the program down. as for the red light incident, uber says this car was not part of its driverless pilot program that there was a driver and he has been disciplined and essentially that the incident makes uber's entire case about autonomous vehicles. this is why we believe so much in make the roads safer by building self-driving ubers. they are using it to bolster their point that we shouldn't have human drivers. >> exactly. they don't care. it was too early to put those cars on the road. whether or not it was a driver or not. somebody needs to be held accountable for this. >> reporter: joe vazquez, kpix 5. >> so far uber hasn't responded to the order to pull the self- driving cars from the streets. this morning, officials in pacifica are announcing a plan to demolish all of these homes perched on a crumbling cliffside. the city says the buildings' owner neglected the properties. the coastal departments at 310 esplanade have been fenced off and yellow-tagged since january when they were deemed uninhabitable. that's when el nino storms damaged the bluff and caused the cliff sides to fall apart. from drone videos shot earlier this year, a significant portion of the cliff is crumbling. its consultant recommends the building be demolished as soon as possible. let's check the weather forecast. >> it's raining in the north bay. we are anticipating 4 to 6 inches of rain there. good morning, it's hi-def doppler radar. it's very busy this morning. light green is yellow rain. yellow to orange is moderate to heavy down pours, where's the leading edge of the front streaming across lakeport and cloverdale for the morning commute. north bay 67 tonorth bay from 7 to 11 a.m. heavy rain and wind. central bay 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. south bay 3 to 7 p.m. flood advisory in effect for napa, sonoma and marin counties. urban and small stream flooding is likely especially when you coincide this front passing through the central bay at high tide. high tide. we'll have ponding on the roads. sustained winds up to 30 miles per hour. the beaches will be buffeted. obviously there will be some downed trees and potential of downed power lines without angles. 50s and 60s as you get ready to head on out the door this morning. temperature-wise we'll top off into the 50s and 60s. i don't think anybody will even notice that. we'll be talking about the amount of rain. we'll talk more about that but first here's roqui. >> thank you, roberta. okay, it's 4:36. let's check the roads. first, with the altamont pass, traffic coming out of tracy, you're moving at just about -- you're actually moving pretty well through there and on north flynn road at 40 miles per hour. there's a five-car crash in lathrop on highway 5 heading into tracy so this could affect your morning commute from north tracy boulevard along 580 westbound to the altamont pass that will take you a quick 17 minutes. so not the worst it could be along the pass right now. moving over to the san ramon- dublin area for roadwork on southbound 680 between alcosta and 580, that will be out there until 5 a.m. or so. and a live look at the nimitz freeway looking good in both directions so far on 880 northbound from 238 in san leandro to the maze, that will take you 16 minutes. and then make sure you keep both hands on the wheel and drive slowly and carefully across the span of the bay bridge, there is a high wind advisory right now. i'll send it to you. >> all right, roqui. thank you. some of donald trump's sharpest critics paid him a visit in new york. at least a does of the biggest power players -- a dozen of the biggest power players in tech stopped die trump tower. kpix 5's betty yu reports. >> reporter: president-elect donald trump kicked off the meeting by calling the group of silicon valley "a" listers amazing. he also took credit for the ticket stock market bounce post-election. >> i want to add that i'm here to help you folks do well. and you're doing well right now. and i'm very honored by the bounce -- they're all talking about the bounce, so right now everybody in this room has to like me at least a little bit. >> reporter: trump's tone was complimentary. >> i won't tell you the hundreds of calls we have had asking to come to this meeting. >> reporter: trump sat next to peter thiel, his most high- profile supporter from the valley during his campaign. his three adult children were also there. among the tech elites, that included the ceos of tesla, apple and facebook's sheryl sandberg. >> talk about jobs. >> reporter: the media didn't get to stay for the whole meeting, which lasted more than 90 minutes. san jose-based cisco's ceo was at trump tower and a spokesman today called the meeting informative and productive and said the group talked about critical matters related to job creation and innovation. noticeably missing from the meeting was twitter's ceo jack dorsey who was not invited. tech expert russell hancock is head of joint venture silicon valley. >> there's irony there. on the other hand, you can't fit all of tech around a small table in a conference room in manhattan. and let's remember, twitter is not a profitable company. unlike the other companies that were around the table. >> reporter: there's been bad blood between twitter and the trump team. during his campaign, trump officials wanted the company to create a custom emoji to go with his nickname for hillary clinton, "crooked hillary." but the company did not agree. there is no proof that this had anything to do with twitter's absence today. in san jose, betty yu, kpix 5. >> and a lot of money came through the doors of trump tower. the executives who attended the tech summit are worth a combined $3 trillion. they would be the fifth largest company in the world. the "washington post" reports elon musk and uber's travis kalanik will serve as advisers. "covered california" is giving people a couple extra days to get medical insurance that kicks in the first of the year. the state agency had previously set a deadline of last night but decided to extend it through saturday night due to increased demand. "covered california" is our state's marketplace for insurance under obamacare. anyone who signs up for coverage through the agency after this week won't have coverage until february or march first of 2017. this morning yahoo is telling users to change their passwords again. the warning comes after yahoo announced a cyber attack involving one billion user accounts. hena daniels reports. >> reporter: yahoo users, if you have mail, chances are you have been hacked. again. the tech giant says cyber thieves stole information from one billion user accounts in 2013 break the company's own record for the biggest security breach in history. yahoo sent a notice to customers yesterday warning their account passwords may have been stolen along with names, email addresses, telephone numbers, dates of birth and in some cases security questions and answers. >> being able to access that information is probably what's most critical because it's a stepping stone into other sites. >> reporter: if this sounds all too familiar, it is. in september, yahoo announced at least 500 million user accounts were hacked in late 2014 by an unidentified state sponsored actor. yahoo hasn't said if it believes the same hackers might have pulled off the two digital heist. >> if you are an intelligence agency you don't want to be sorting through a billion names. that's just a pain in the neck. but from you a criminal, you can make money. this is worth millions of dollars to some lucky russian. >> reporter: yahoo is advising users to not only change their passwords and security questions, but look at any emails from yahoo carefully. this is a time when cyber criminals could take advantage by masquerading as the internet giant. hena daniels, cbs news. >> yahoo stays will never send an email that prompts users to click on a link or download an attachment. the fbi says it's working closely with yahoo to investigate this hack. time now is 4:42. the same storm expected to dump rain on us later today has already hit parts of oregon. the mess that it's leaving behind. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, loved one's by christmas. today marks the last day you can send your christmas presents by usps ground delivery and get them to loved ones on time. one san jose post office says the busiest day will be monday. it believes some 7 million pieces of mail will come through its doors. meanwhile, private companies like u.p.s. are getting extra resourceful by making deliveries through u- haul trucks to handle the boost in mail. >> more and more people are buying online and until somebody figures out how to email a sweater, we'll deliver it. >> people in concord called 911 after seeing these truck make deliveries but legitimate delivery trucks will have department of transportation placards on their doors. u.p.s. is looking to hire seasonal workers to get the deliveries out. they are planning to add 95,000 additional workers through january. u.p.s. says some of these could be permanent jobs. last year 37% of those hired during the holiday season are now full-time employees. we are dealing with rain the same storm is bringing snow to oregon and causing a lot of problems for drivers. take a look at this video from last night. >> oh, oh, oh!! oh!! look out, look out! [ crash ] >> oh!! we all did a collective cringe there! a woman in portland capturing that school bus sliding down an icy street and crashing into those cars. there were a couple of students on board. everybody was okay. in other parts of the city the weather was so bad hundreds of students were stranded at schools. >> then my parents tried to come down but they couldn't get down here because of traffic. >> we are told drive times were so long, some people just abandoned their cars for the night. oregon state police are asking people to stay home if possible and at last check that area had 9 inches of snow. michelle. and what you're about to see may look like a parking lot but it's actually a freeway. this is what it was like for the thousands driving when the storm hit in oregon yesterday. dozens of crashes were reported with some people waiting in traffic for up to five hours last night just to get home. and the snow in the eastern part of the country isn't letting up, either. this is the scene in buffalo, new york overnight where snow was falling up to three inches per hour. couple that with high winds and subzero temperatures and it's making for a dicey morning for people there. two little twin girls once joined at the chest are finally getting to hang out together since the separation surgery. the first thing they did was share a toy. doctors and nurses reunited them yesterday at the icu at lucille packard children's hospital. erika and eva sandoval endured the 18-hour separation surgery last week. doctors say they are recovering well with no significant signs of complications but as a precaution they will stay in the icu for another week. >> glad to see they are doing okay. >> two of my favorite christmas stories so far. that one right there that just makes you feel good all over, very warm all over, and the dog adoption in sacramento where the woman went in and said i'm paying for all the dog adoptions. >> so cool. >> right? >> yeah. >> those are warm stories. you're going to have something that makes you feel fuzzy inside all warmed and bundled up because we have the biggest storm since march barreling towards the bay area. live hi-def doppler radar picking up all kinds of colors on your tv screen. yellow to orange is moderate to heavy rainfall. that's ukiah throughout clover day through lakeport and clearlake. we're talking about lake, mendocino and humboldt counties being smacked by this potent powerful area of low pressure. i wanted to put together this particular loop here so you can see how the precipitation, although it's lifting to the northeast, it's sagging tout south. so as far as your timing is concerned we'll bring it down for you. out the door temperatures 50s and 60s relatively mild but not much movement in the temperatures today. winds have been increasing right now 13 at san francisco. 17 at sfo. pretty much 16 to 20 at the seashore. 14 in fremont through union city. 12 in vallejo. your getting a the gist of it. it's a breezy morning and windy today with some winds 20 to 35 miles per hour. there is the potential this is real data here a potential of thunderstorms throughout the day as the colder air begins to take over the warmer air mass that is in place. by tomorrow we'll begin to clear out. all right. let's get to it. area of low pressure developed in the gulf of alaska tapping into this. this is the big story. the subtropical moisture that streams back to the hawaiian islands. once these two clash, that's when we get the hev and we get the threat of a thunderstorm and we get heavy rain. here's the front in the central bay now around the lunch hour. watch as it slides across the peninsula into the santa clara valley. boy, is it going to be a nasty evening commute. behind it a lot of instability so hit-and-miss scattered showers overnight and then we clear out but boy, is it going to be cool for your friday. let's break down your timing. north bay between 7 to 11 a.m. the heavy rain. central bay 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. which coincides with the king tides that will move in at 11:41 a.m. just shy of 7 feet. your evening commute in the south bay is going to be a nightmare! easily one to two inches of rain across the central bay, two inches in the santa cruz mountain, heftier amounts towards ben lomond and big sur. nearly 3 inches in the ukiah area. flash flood watch is in effect and an advisory for our north bay counties. high wind watch for just about everybody today t50-mile-per- hour winds. winter storm warning in effect with snow up to two feet in the high sierra. winds to 25, 35 miles per hour today near the early afternoon hours. your storm timing, let's break it down. there you have it for your morning commute. roqui? >> thank you, roberta. good to know. so far, so good on the roads. let's start with the golden gate bridge and just a quick bridge check. if you are coming out of marin county into san francisco, here's a live look at the golden gate bridge. in 580 in san rafael to the golden gate toll plaza that will take you 14 minutes and they are doing the lane changes. the bay bridge toll plaza there's a high wind advisory across the span there so you want to keep both hands on the wheel and give yourself extra space between cars across the span. westbound 80 between the carquinez bridge and the maze, 18 minutes. metering lights turn on at 5:30. a look at the san mateo bridge from hayward to foster city, 14 minutes between 880 and 101. if you are traveling through the hayward/fremont area, there's some roadwork until 5 a.m. so 10 minutes or so on northbound 880 and it's between stevenson and highway 92. that's the san mateo bridge. moving over now to the altamont pass, traffic coming out of tracy, you're moving actually pretty well and this might be due to the five-car crash that was on highway 5 stopping traffic before they get into tracy. but we do have a crash here at north flynn road westbound 580 a solo car crash blocking the left lane and traffic moving at just about 30 miles per hour into dublin. here's a look at mass transit. art, ace train, muni and caltrain all on time. i'll send it to you. >> all right, roqui. thank you. holiday desserts could be naked this year because there's a nationwide shortage of whipped cream. we spotted a few cans at this san francisco safeway but the store posted a warning side that the supply is set to drop. it turns out, there are unusually low levels of nitrous oxide also called laughing gas which is used in the aerosol cans. one key cause, an explosion at a nitrous oxide plant in florida. and supply could be low through february. >> i wonder about the frozen whipped cream? >> the cool whip in the tub? i think that's okay. >> well, we won't be naked, then. >> just need a responsible. >> great. time is 4:52. if you are traveling for the holidays, you are not alone. next, what aaa says you can expect in ground and air travel ahead of christmas. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, holidays - you won't be alone. according to triple a, nearly one third of the country will be if i were traveling over the holidays expect crowds alongside you because according to aaa, nearly one-third of the country will be crowding the nation's highways and airports between christmas and new year's. chris martinez has more on what you might expect during your holiday travel. >> reporter: sanchez will soon be leaving town for the holidays and while she is looking forward to spending christmas with her family, the trip from california to florida isn't so inviting. >> yeah, i mean, traveling for the holidays. never fun. >> reporter: aaa projects holiday travel this year to be the highest ever on record with more than 103 million people to be in transit between christmas even and january 2 more people thanks to a stronger economy. >> consumers are spending more. there's an uptick in wages at the end of the year. and gas prices are still fairly low. >> reporter: 2016 will mark the 18th year of year end holiday travel growth on the ground and in the air. it's predicted more than 6 million travelers will take to the skies to reach their destinations. the highest volume for air travel in more than 10 years but highways will see the overwhelming majority of holiday traffic. more than 93 million people are expected to travel by car. >> las vegas, nevada, orlando, florida are top destinations. >> reporter: sanchez is among those travelers going to the airports next week. >> i'm sure it's going to be miserable. >> reporter: travel misery this year will have plenty of company. chris martinez, cbs news, los angeles. nintendo's first-ever mobile game hits phones today. nintendo is of course known for its console games. they have been making them since the '80s but now more people play games on their phones than they do on pcs and consoles. so nintendo wanted to cash in. people in the mobile games industry say this is a game changer. >> this is the beginning of a massive shift in the gaming space and specifically in mobile. it's real kind of vindication of mobile coming into its own. >> mobile gaming will end the year with $35 billion worth of revenue, a full 20% increase over last year. ♪[ music ] it is 4:57. the arts community coming together in oakland to give back to those who lost so much in the ghost ship warehouse fire. we'll take you there next. >> reporter: and the weather not making the situation any better in pacifica where a building teetering on the edge of a cliff is now set to be demolished. details coming up. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and i'm anne makovec in for kenny choi. good morning, everyone. it's thursday, december 15. i'm michelle griego. >> i'm anne makovec in for kenny choi. and it is going to be a rainy day all around the bay area. let's take a live look in san francisco. a little misty out there but the rain is not going to start falling at least heavily for another few hours. roberta has been closely watching this storm coming in and it's already hit in the north bay. >> yes, it is in the far reaches of the north bay which is going to be primarily one of our main concerns. we are going to see a lot of rain in a short amount of time. it's live. it's hi-def doppler radar. it's all lit up. see the areas of yellow and orange? that's what anne was referring to. that's moderate to heavy rainfall between ukiah, lakeport, clearlake. anywhere between lake, mendocino and humboldt counties will be smacked and we'll see flooding today so we have an urban and small stream flood advisory in effect for those areas. north bay heavy rain and gusty winds between 7 and 11

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Altamont Pass , California , United States , San Jose Post Office , New York , Nevada , Portland , Oregon , Cloverdale , Santa Clara Valley , Oakland , Alaska , San Leandro , Washington , Florida , Sonoma , Santa Cruz Mountain , Russia , Dublin , Ireland , San Francisco , Ukraine , Marin County , Clearlake , Pacifica , Glenwood , San Francisco Bay , Sacramento , Orlando , March As , Mordoviya , Russian , Uber Travis , Michelle Griego , Los Angeles , Kenny Choi , Facebook Sheryl Sandberg , Jack Dorsey , Chris Martinez , Joe Vazquez , Lucille Packard , El Nino , Las Vegas , Eva Sandoval , Russell Hancock , Hena Daniels , Betty Yu , Peter Thiel , Hillary Clinton , Ben Lomond , Hayward Fremont ,

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Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News Early Edition 20161215 :

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News Early Edition 20161215

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francisco bay, 11 to 3. and the south bay will get hit for the evening commute between 3 and 7 p.m. we have a wind advisory in place. some wind gusts up to 50 miles per hour through most of the bay area. that's our live weather camera. temperatures are in the 50s and 60s. and currently we are picking up some winds to 20 miles per hour. later today, 50s and 60s for your daytime highs. that's nothing. we'll be tracking this storm and telling you just how much rain to expect in your neighborhood but first, here's roqui. >> thank you. the super bowl of weather means we have to be extra careful on the roads so let's take a look at the bay bridge toll plaza first. we have a high wind advisory issued by the chp across the span of the bay bridge. keep both hands on the wheel. carquinez bridge along the eastshore freeway to the maze will take 18 minutes. moving to some roadwork on northbound 880 in the hayward/fremont area from stevenson to 92. southbound side to 92, here's a live look at the san mateo bridge from 880 to 101, between hayward to foster city, that's a quick 13 minutes. police trying to piece together a deadly shooting in oakland. officers were called to the scene last night near 98th and edes avenue. one man died at the scene, the other at the hospital. no suspect information this morning. police are questioning a person of interest in a deadly hit-and-run in hercules. the crash happened at 5:00 last night at a condo on glenwood. witnesses saw a man getting dragged under a car. people nearby were able to stop the driver just long enough to get the man out from under the car. but the driver fled. >> usually, this is a pretty quiet neighborhood. and to are you any kind of vehicular homicide like this, as it appears to be intentional. >> police are not sure if the victim and the driver know each other but they don't believe there is any danger to the community. ukraine tried to put self- driving cars on the streets of san francisco but the state forced them off on the same day. that's not their only trouble. joe vazquez explains. >> we were on a busy 3rd street. >> reporter: jessica was driving a passenger in her can south of market when she saw a volvo marked uber with the same contraption on top as a self- driving car. what happened next was caught on her dashcam. >> all the cars including myself stopped at the red light. the uber just kept going. very surprised to see a car continue on. >> reporter: here it is again. you see the light change. the taxi stops. then a couple of seconds later the uber goes right through the red light. a pedestrian was well into the crosswalk. >> it's just neglectful. >> reporter: the red light run happened in the middle of a dramatic day for uber. just hours earlier, the company had announced it was beginning a pilot program to begin picking up passengers with driverless cars in san francisco. er and they decided to do it without the green light from the dmv. quote, we understand there's a debate over whether or not we need a testing permit to launch self-driving cars in san francisco. we don't believe we do." the dmv disagreed and shut the program down. as for the red light incident, uber says this car was not part of its driverless pilot program that there was a driver and he has been disciplined and essentially that the incident makes uber's entire case about autonomous vehicles. this is why we believe so much in make the roads safer by building self-driving ubers. they are using it to bolster their point that we shouldn't have human drivers. >> exactly. they don't care. it was too early to put those cars on the road. whether or not it was a driver or not. somebody needs to be held accountable for this. >> reporter: joe vazquez, kpix 5. >> so far uber hasn't responded to the order to pull the self- driving cars from the streets. this morning, officials in pacifica are announcing a plan to demolish all of these homes perched on a crumbling cliffside. the city says the buildings' owner neglected the properties. the coastal departments at 310 esplanade have been fenced off and yellow-tagged since january when they were deemed uninhabitable. that's when el nino storms damaged the bluff and caused the cliff sides to fall apart. from drone videos shot earlier this year, a significant portion of the cliff is crumbling. its consultant recommends the building be demolished as soon as possible. let's check the weather forecast. >> it's raining in the north bay. we are anticipating 4 to 6 inches of rain there. good morning, it's hi-def doppler radar. it's very busy this morning. light green is yellow rain. yellow to orange is moderate to heavy down pours, where's the leading edge of the front streaming across lakeport and cloverdale for the morning commute. north bay 67 tonorth bay from 7 to 11 a.m. heavy rain and wind. central bay 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. south bay 3 to 7 p.m. flood advisory in effect for napa, sonoma and marin counties. urban and small stream flooding is likely especially when you coincide this front passing through the central bay at high tide. high tide. we'll have ponding on the roads. sustained winds up to 30 miles per hour. the beaches will be buffeted. obviously there will be some downed trees and potential of downed power lines without angles. 50s and 60s as you get ready to head on out the door this morning. temperature-wise we'll top off into the 50s and 60s. i don't think anybody will even notice that. we'll be talking about the amount of rain. we'll talk more about that but first here's roqui. >> thank you, roberta. okay, it's 4:36. let's check the roads. first, with the altamont pass, traffic coming out of tracy, you're moving at just about -- you're actually moving pretty well through there and on north flynn road at 40 miles per hour. there's a five-car crash in lathrop on highway 5 heading into tracy so this could affect your morning commute from north tracy boulevard along 580 westbound to the altamont pass that will take you a quick 17 minutes. so not the worst it could be along the pass right now. moving over to the san ramon- dublin area for roadwork on southbound 680 between alcosta and 580, that will be out there until 5 a.m. or so. and a live look at the nimitz freeway looking good in both directions so far on 880 northbound from 238 in san leandro to the maze, that will take you 16 minutes. and then make sure you keep both hands on the wheel and drive slowly and carefully across the span of the bay bridge, there is a high wind advisory right now. i'll send it to you. >> all right, roqui. thank you. some of donald trump's sharpest critics paid him a visit in new york. at least a does of the biggest power players -- a dozen of the biggest power players in tech stopped die trump tower. kpix 5's betty yu reports. >> reporter: president-elect donald trump kicked off the meeting by calling the group of silicon valley "a" listers amazing. he also took credit for the ticket stock market bounce post-election. >> i want to add that i'm here to help you folks do well. and you're doing well right now. and i'm very honored by the bounce -- they're all talking about the bounce, so right now everybody in this room has to like me at least a little bit. >> reporter: trump's tone was complimentary. >> i won't tell you the hundreds of calls we have had asking to come to this meeting. >> reporter: trump sat next to peter thiel, his most high- profile supporter from the valley during his campaign. his three adult children were also there. among the tech elites, that included the ceos of tesla, apple and facebook's sheryl sandberg. >> talk about jobs. >> reporter: the media didn't get to stay for the whole meeting, which lasted more than 90 minutes. san jose-based cisco's ceo was at trump tower and a spokesman today called the meeting informative and productive and said the group talked about critical matters related to job creation and innovation. noticeably missing from the meeting was twitter's ceo jack dorsey who was not invited. tech expert russell hancock is head of joint venture silicon valley. >> there's irony there. on the other hand, you can't fit all of tech around a small table in a conference room in manhattan. and let's remember, twitter is not a profitable company. unlike the other companies that were around the table. >> reporter: there's been bad blood between twitter and the trump team. during his campaign, trump officials wanted the company to create a custom emoji to go with his nickname for hillary clinton, "crooked hillary." but the company did not agree. there is no proof that this had anything to do with twitter's absence today. in san jose, betty yu, kpix 5. >> and a lot of money came through the doors of trump tower. the executives who attended the tech summit are worth a combined $3 trillion. they would be the fifth largest company in the world. the "washington post" reports elon musk and uber's travis kalanik will serve as advisers. "covered california" is giving people a couple extra days to get medical insurance that kicks in the first of the year. the state agency had previously set a deadline of last night but decided to extend it through saturday night due to increased demand. "covered california" is our state's marketplace for insurance under obamacare. anyone who signs up for coverage through the agency after this week won't have coverage until february or march first of 2017. this morning yahoo is telling users to change their passwords again. the warning comes after yahoo announced a cyber attack involving one billion user accounts. hena daniels reports. >> reporter: yahoo users, if you have mail, chances are you have been hacked. again. the tech giant says cyber thieves stole information from one billion user accounts in 2013 break the company's own record for the biggest security breach in history. yahoo sent a notice to customers yesterday warning their account passwords may have been stolen along with names, email addresses, telephone numbers, dates of birth and in some cases security questions and answers. >> being able to access that information is probably what's most critical because it's a stepping stone into other sites. >> reporter: if this sounds all too familiar, it is. in september, yahoo announced at least 500 million user accounts were hacked in late 2014 by an unidentified state sponsored actor. yahoo hasn't said if it believes the same hackers might have pulled off the two digital heist. >> if you are an intelligence agency you don't want to be sorting through a billion names. that's just a pain in the neck. but from you a criminal, you can make money. this is worth millions of dollars to some lucky russian. >> reporter: yahoo is advising users to not only change their passwords and security questions, but look at any emails from yahoo carefully. this is a time when cyber criminals could take advantage by masquerading as the internet giant. hena daniels, cbs news. >> yahoo stays will never send an email that prompts users to click on a link or download an attachment. the fbi says it's working closely with yahoo to investigate this hack. time now is 4:42. the same storm expected to dump rain on us later today has already hit parts of oregon. the mess that it's leaving behind. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, loved one's by christmas. today marks the last day you can send your christmas presents by usps ground delivery and get them to loved ones on time. one san jose post office says the busiest day will be monday. it believes some 7 million pieces of mail will come through its doors. meanwhile, private companies like u.p.s. are getting extra resourceful by making deliveries through u- haul trucks to handle the boost in mail. >> more and more people are buying online and until somebody figures out how to email a sweater, we'll deliver it. >> people in concord called 911 after seeing these truck make deliveries but legitimate delivery trucks will have department of transportation placards on their doors. u.p.s. is looking to hire seasonal workers to get the deliveries out. they are planning to add 95,000 additional workers through january. u.p.s. says some of these could be permanent jobs. last year 37% of those hired during the holiday season are now full-time employees. we are dealing with rain the same storm is bringing snow to oregon and causing a lot of problems for drivers. take a look at this video from last night. >> oh, oh, oh!! oh!! look out, look out! [ crash ] >> oh!! we all did a collective cringe there! a woman in portland capturing that school bus sliding down an icy street and crashing into those cars. there were a couple of students on board. everybody was okay. in other parts of the city the weather was so bad hundreds of students were stranded at schools. >> then my parents tried to come down but they couldn't get down here because of traffic. >> we are told drive times were so long, some people just abandoned their cars for the night. oregon state police are asking people to stay home if possible and at last check that area had 9 inches of snow. michelle. and what you're about to see may look like a parking lot but it's actually a freeway. this is what it was like for the thousands driving when the storm hit in oregon yesterday. dozens of crashes were reported with some people waiting in traffic for up to five hours last night just to get home. and the snow in the eastern part of the country isn't letting up, either. this is the scene in buffalo, new york overnight where snow was falling up to three inches per hour. couple that with high winds and subzero temperatures and it's making for a dicey morning for people there. two little twin girls once joined at the chest are finally getting to hang out together since the separation surgery. the first thing they did was share a toy. doctors and nurses reunited them yesterday at the icu at lucille packard children's hospital. erika and eva sandoval endured the 18-hour separation surgery last week. doctors say they are recovering well with no significant signs of complications but as a precaution they will stay in the icu for another week. >> glad to see they are doing okay. >> two of my favorite christmas stories so far. that one right there that just makes you feel good all over, very warm all over, and the dog adoption in sacramento where the woman went in and said i'm paying for all the dog adoptions. >> so cool. >> right? >> yeah. >> those are warm stories. you're going to have something that makes you feel fuzzy inside all warmed and bundled up because we have the biggest storm since march barreling towards the bay area. live hi-def doppler radar picking up all kinds of colors on your tv screen. yellow to orange is moderate to heavy rainfall. that's ukiah throughout clover day through lakeport and clearlake. we're talking about lake, mendocino and humboldt counties being smacked by this potent powerful area of low pressure. i wanted to put together this particular loop here so you can see how the precipitation, although it's lifting to the northeast, it's sagging tout south. so as far as your timing is concerned we'll bring it down for you. out the door temperatures 50s and 60s relatively mild but not much movement in the temperatures today. winds have been increasing right now 13 at san francisco. 17 at sfo. pretty much 16 to 20 at the seashore. 14 in fremont through union city. 12 in vallejo. your getting a the gist of it. it's a breezy morning and windy today with some winds 20 to 35 miles per hour. there is the potential this is real data here a potential of thunderstorms throughout the day as the colder air begins to take over the warmer air mass that is in place. by tomorrow we'll begin to clear out. all right. let's get to it. area of low pressure developed in the gulf of alaska tapping into this. this is the big story. the subtropical moisture that streams back to the hawaiian islands. once these two clash, that's when we get the hev and we get the threat of a thunderstorm and we get heavy rain. here's the front in the central bay now around the lunch hour. watch as it slides across the peninsula into the santa clara valley. boy, is it going to be a nasty evening commute. behind it a lot of instability so hit-and-miss scattered showers overnight and then we clear out but boy, is it going to be cool for your friday. let's break down your timing. north bay between 7 to 11 a.m. the heavy rain. central bay 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. which coincides with the king tides that will move in at 11:41 a.m. just shy of 7 feet. your evening commute in the south bay is going to be a nightmare! easily one to two inches of rain across the central bay, two inches in the santa cruz mountain, heftier amounts towards ben lomond and big sur. nearly 3 inches in the ukiah area. flash flood watch is in effect and an advisory for our north bay counties. high wind watch for just about everybody today t50-mile-per- hour winds. winter storm warning in effect with snow up to two feet in the high sierra. winds to 25, 35 miles per hour today near the early afternoon hours. your storm timing, let's break it down. there you have it for your morning commute. roqui? >> thank you, roberta. good to know. so far, so good on the roads. let's start with the golden gate bridge and just a quick bridge check. if you are coming out of marin county into san francisco, here's a live look at the golden gate bridge. in 580 in san rafael to the golden gate toll plaza that will take you 14 minutes and they are doing the lane changes. the bay bridge toll plaza there's a high wind advisory across the span there so you want to keep both hands on the wheel and give yourself extra space between cars across the span. westbound 80 between the carquinez bridge and the maze, 18 minutes. metering lights turn on at 5:30. a look at the san mateo bridge from hayward to foster city, 14 minutes between 880 and 101. if you are traveling through the hayward/fremont area, there's some roadwork until 5 a.m. so 10 minutes or so on northbound 880 and it's between stevenson and highway 92. that's the san mateo bridge. moving over now to the altamont pass, traffic coming out of tracy, you're moving actually pretty well and this might be due to the five-car crash that was on highway 5 stopping traffic before they get into tracy. but we do have a crash here at north flynn road westbound 580 a solo car crash blocking the left lane and traffic moving at just about 30 miles per hour into dublin. here's a look at mass transit. art, ace train, muni and caltrain all on time. i'll send it to you. >> all right, roqui. thank you. holiday desserts could be naked this year because there's a nationwide shortage of whipped cream. we spotted a few cans at this san francisco safeway but the store posted a warning side that the supply is set to drop. it turns out, there are unusually low levels of nitrous oxide also called laughing gas which is used in the aerosol cans. one key cause, an explosion at a nitrous oxide plant in florida. and supply could be low through february. >> i wonder about the frozen whipped cream? >> the cool whip in the tub? i think that's okay. >> well, we won't be naked, then. >> just need a responsible. >> great. time is 4:52. if you are traveling for the holidays, you are not alone. next, what aaa says you can expect in ground and air travel ahead of christmas. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, holidays - you won't be alone. according to triple a, nearly one third of the country will be if i were traveling over the holidays expect crowds alongside you because according to aaa, nearly one-third of the country will be crowding the nation's highways and airports between christmas and new year's. chris martinez has more on what you might expect during your holiday travel. >> reporter: sanchez will soon be leaving town for the holidays and while she is looking forward to spending christmas with her family, the trip from california to florida isn't so inviting. >> yeah, i mean, traveling for the holidays. never fun. >> reporter: aaa projects holiday travel this year to be the highest ever on record with more than 103 million people to be in transit between christmas even and january 2 more people thanks to a stronger economy. >> consumers are spending more. there's an uptick in wages at the end of the year. and gas prices are still fairly low. >> reporter: 2016 will mark the 18th year of year end holiday travel growth on the ground and in the air. it's predicted more than 6 million travelers will take to the skies to reach their destinations. the highest volume for air travel in more than 10 years but highways will see the overwhelming majority of holiday traffic. more than 93 million people are expected to travel by car. >> las vegas, nevada, orlando, florida are top destinations. >> reporter: sanchez is among those travelers going to the airports next week. >> i'm sure it's going to be miserable. >> reporter: travel misery this year will have plenty of company. chris martinez, cbs news, los angeles. nintendo's first-ever mobile game hits phones today. nintendo is of course known for its console games. they have been making them since the '80s but now more people play games on their phones than they do on pcs and consoles. so nintendo wanted to cash in. people in the mobile games industry say this is a game changer. >> this is the beginning of a massive shift in the gaming space and specifically in mobile. it's real kind of vindication of mobile coming into its own. >> mobile gaming will end the year with $35 billion worth of revenue, a full 20% increase over last year. ♪[ music ] it is 4:57. the arts community coming together in oakland to give back to those who lost so much in the ghost ship warehouse fire. we'll take you there next. >> reporter: and the weather not making the situation any better in pacifica where a building teetering on the edge of a cliff is now set to be demolished. details coming up. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and i'm anne makovec in for kenny choi. good morning, everyone. it's thursday, december 15. i'm michelle griego. >> i'm anne makovec in for kenny choi. and it is going to be a rainy day all around the bay area. let's take a live look in san francisco. a little misty out there but the rain is not going to start falling at least heavily for another few hours. roberta has been closely watching this storm coming in and it's already hit in the north bay. >> yes, it is in the far reaches of the north bay which is going to be primarily one of our main concerns. we are going to see a lot of rain in a short amount of time. it's live. it's hi-def doppler radar. it's all lit up. see the areas of yellow and orange? that's what anne was referring to. that's moderate to heavy rainfall between ukiah, lakeport, clearlake. anywhere between lake, mendocino and humboldt counties will be smacked and we'll see flooding today so we have an urban and small stream flood advisory in effect for those areas. north bay heavy rain and gusty winds between 7 and 11

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