Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 6pm 20150522 : compareme

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 6pm 20150522

their cameras police and most importantly the brave little girl velasco is now off the streets. >> i did talk to her dad, and he told me she is the one that actually talked to 911 and was very calm and composed. >> reporter: so a lot of relief in the neighborhood tonight. now, police say velasco was homeless living out of his car but he had a storage unit and police say inside that storage unit they found clothing that matched the same clothing the victim says he was wearing that day that he tried to kidnap her. live in campbell, maria medina, kpix 5. the family of a 10-year-old boy allegedly molested at a bay area science camp says the county failed to protect their child. it happened at the walden west center in january. the victim was part of an overnight camp for fifth graders. the claim says the santa clara county office of education didn't follow its own rules which led to the molestation. >> the fact of the county already had this rule in place is a testament to how important it is not to allow an adult to be with a child alone in this case that adult happening to be a pedophile. >> edgar covarrubias was arusted earlier this month for possession and distribution of child pornography. he was arrested. now additional charges of child molestation may be filed. attorneys say covarrubias went by the nickname papa bear and kids were encouraged to see him if they felt sick, homesick or sad at night. it was a kitchen fire that killed an oakland husband and wife and seriously injured a man that they were caring for. the loss is hitting not just their family but the community. da len reports. >> reporter: everybody we talked to try loved this couple. neighbors, family, and their children. everybody we talked to today, loved this couple. the husband and wife would sit at these two chairs right here. tonight the church will have a special prayer service to remember the victims. >> oh, my god they really loved one another. really loved one another. >> reporter: they were a model couple at the church, kind, giving, and loving. >> such a blessing. everyone loved them. they were affectionately known as mom and dad webbers. >> reporter: in fact, althea and job weathers served as marriage counselors for the younger couples at lily of the valley christian center. john had also taught a bible study class every weekday. around noon. >> he was a wonderful man. he was a man of god that loved. >> reporter: john's sister pamela is in shock. >> i'm so devastated. >> reporter: looking at the outside of the house, it's hard to make out the seriousness of the fire. it looks like they were frying food on the stove when the pot exploded last night starting the fire. >> i know that they burned -- were burned about 90% of their skin. >> reporter: althea died in the house. john died at the hospital. an older man who they were caring for survived with serious injuries. [ crying ] >> i'm heartbroken. >> reporter: neighbors are also grieving dropping off flowers and saying the couple took care of everyone. >> hit me harder than it hit when my mother died. hit me real hard. >> i'm a little numb. i'm a little numb. i have been crying on and off because they were like, you know, family. >> reporter: the special prayer service will start at 7:00 tonight. they are going to reserve these two seats and make sure and keep them unoccupied for the service. live in oakland, i'm da lin, kpix 5. a livermore man will face murder charges for killing a mother and child while allegedly driving drunk. police say brian jones was speeding when he hit esperanza morales and her 14-month-old daughter. jones then slammed into an apartment building injuring two more children. his blood alcohol was nearly twice the legal limit. police say that he had been at a wine festival in the hours before the accident. we just talked to the family who say they are relieved to hear jones is off the street. heavy fines for a window washing company after a worker survived an 11-story fall. the man tumbled off the roof of a san francisco office building last november. incredibly, he landed on a moving car and survived! his employers will pay more than $12,000 in fines for violations related to the accident. the company has also been slapped with five citations. governor is looking to find a way to deal with the drought. he made his pitch to bay area leaders today. new at 6:00, devin fehely on his call for a particular type of water recycling. >> reporter: if there is one idea this is world of water conservation and recycle, that's pretty tough for the public to swallow, it is toilet-to-tap waste water recycling. but four years into a severe drought with no end in sight, the governor says it may just be time for the public to get creative and a bit uncomfortable as they try to ease the state's water woes. >> i know people don't like toilet to tap. but it is -- [ laughter ] >> -- it is memorable. [ laughter ] >> it is memorable. >> reporter: speaking to political and business leaders governor brown signaled his support for more aggressive water saving measures in the face of the state's drought including a controversial plan to use recycled waste water to replenish the drinking water supply. >> have you ever thought about how they do it on the spaceships? they stay up there for six months? got to recycle. well, even down here we have to figure out how to recycle. we have to use everything and reuse because we are on a spaceship called planet earth. >> reporter: just last month, san jose mayor sam liccardo demonstrated his faith in the technology by drinking the recycled waste water while calling on the governor to ease restrictions on its use. >> this is an opportunity to ensure we have a drought-proof source of water under our feet. >> reporter: current santa clara county's waste water recycling plant producers more than 8 million gallons of water a day enough to provide water to more than 17,000 homes in theory and there are plans to quadruple the capacity. even though the recycled water now is only used for irrigation and manufacturing. the governor did try to reassure the public which may be reluctant to embrace the toilet-to-tap concept even with a drought. >> don't worry, it's not going to happen overnight. [ very scratchy voice ] >> reporter: the governor didn't say exactly when we might see more waste water recycling projects down in the south bay. they are currently in a testing period. there are no plans next year to add that water to the drinking water supply but they would like to speed the process up if possible. in san francisco, devin fehely, kpix 5. >> supporters of the warriors new arena in san francisco had some demands for the uc regents today. the group is fighting opposition to the mission bay arena. and they believe an anonymous effort is tied to the uc system. uc's new medical center is only a block away from the proposed arena. >> they say they may be associated with the university and we want to basically get them to disclose who they are. >> the arena backers want the regents to distance themselves from those trying to block it. we are getting word tonight that the dreaded closure of doyle drive is being postponed. the artery that links the golden gate bridge to san francisco was to be shut down next weekend to connect the new northbound viaduct. caltrans has been warning drivers about it for weeks. but now, the chp says the closure is being delayed until next month. one source says the delay is because fire safety tests have not yet been completed for the new tunnels, which are part of that project. it is a multi-billion- dollar revenue source for california cities and towns. and now there's a push in the state capital to put the brakes on traffic tickets. ron jones of our sister decision in sacramento talks to one lawmaker, who calls traffic enforcement voodoo. >> the system of fines is wrong. period. there is no gray line here. >> reporter: robert hertzberg of van nuys doesn't mince words about our state's traffic violation system. >> you go out there now and they play gotcha games. that's why people hate government so much! >> reporter: he and other lawmakers are demanding penalty reform. they believe many drivers are paying unnecessary fees for violations such as broken taillights and nonviolent moving violations. according to the state legislative analyst's office a basic stop sign ticket in california starts at about $35. but if you factor in a state surcharge, state county penalty assessment fees and other court costs that $35 ticket has now ballooned to $238! >> and then if you don't show up in court it becomes $800! and you lose your license! >> i plead not guilty. >> reporter: michael gory got a ticket in sacramento for running a red light and says he may have to pay hundreds above the initial penalty. >> it's extreme. >> driver's license, registration and insurance card. >> reporter: a new study by several bay area law firms show more than 4 million californians can't pay the fees and now have suspended driver's licenses making it harder to keep a job, driving some into poverty, and possibly behind bars. >> it's voodoo! it doesn't work! >> reporter: hertzberg authored senate bill 405 hoping to give violators amnesty by cutting their court ordered debt by as much as 80%. but what about possible revenue loss to local governments? this lawmaker says he can't worry about that. >> is this how we're going to fund the government?! our job is to get it right! >> that was ron jones reporting there. right now, drivers owe $10 billion in outstanding fines. hertzberg says the bill has moved to the senate appropriations committee. still ahead, a nasty crash involving a dump truck. the crazy chase that led to this mangled mess. >> plus, our first look at the new control tower at sfo. why the most important safety feature might be the view. >> not that there's that much to see at the moment. clouds are moving in even some rain. the all-important weekend forecast as we look live at the golden gate bridge female announcer: through monday get up to four years interest-free financing or save up to $400 on beautyrest and posturepedic. even get up to four years interest-free financing on serta icomfort and tempur-pedic. but this special financing offer ends memorial day at sleep train. a serious crash caused by ally stolen dump truck sent three people to the hospital. this is how it looked just after midnight in daly city, where that truck slammed into a minivan. kpix 5's christian hartnett says that it was a violent end to a police chase through three different cities. >> reporter: it was a mess out here earlier. it's now open but police had to shut down a portion of san jose avenue right here for several hours this morning. now, the stolen dump truck came roaring down the road this way with police right behind it when the truck slammed into a minivan and smashed into that pole. police say it started near this townhome complex in colma. a cop spotted the dump truck, ran the plates and found out it was stolen. when the officer tried to pull him over, he says the dump truck tried to ram the squad car. he missed and the chase started. when it ended, police say the driver tried to run off. >> i saw the guy run. yeah, i saw him run across the street from that side over to that side there. >> reporter: he didn't get far. the suspect is now under arrest. police say the three inside the smashed minivan are all okay recovering from minor injuries. as it starts now, police are still trying to piece together where this dump truck was stolen from. in daly city, christian hartnett, kpix 5. an oakley couple says they found small glass in their meatloaf but the company says they didn't. harris ranch beef says it was coarse ground salt. the meat is being sent to labs for testing. the items were found in 5-pound packages of harris ranch meet sold at grocery outlets. the store pulled the product as a precaution. tens of thousands of uc students relieved tonight for the next two years, no tuition hikes. the regents met today in san francisco weighing the issue. they voted for a freeze on tuition for in-state students. last year the regents voted in favor of tuition hikes that sparked thousands of student protests. the governor then promised additional funding for the uc system. >> this is the time for the state to begin to reinvest in earnest in uc. >> it shows there's some progress but we'll have to see. >> it's a different story though for out of state students. look out! the regents voted to approve an 8% pay hike for them. we got our first look at the new air traffic control tower being built at sfo. new at 6:00 kpix 5's john ramos on how the view may be its most important safety feature. >> reporter: it's a tight fit if you want to see the latest arrival at san francisco international airport. but talk about a room with a view! >> you're standing in a tower that's approximately 40 feet taller than our current air traffic control tower and offers 2 70-degree unobstructed views of our airfield. >> reporter: sfo showed off its new control tower today. a gleaming 220-foot, high-tech seismically stable crow's nest that some are already comparing to an olympic torch. and while the new lookout will eventually have state-of-the- art radar systems, it really is the view that counts. >> the most important thing an air traffic controller can do in a tower is look out the window to see correct landings, take-offs and proper separation. >> reporter: keeping an eye on the airport was a problem for the old tower built in the 1950s. as sfo grew and spread out, the shorter tower lost its view of some of the runways. so as they plan the new one, they did an extensive study to find the best location and ended up building it a couple of hundred yards from the old location. >> this was the best location when they built it in the '50s. >> reporter: once the new tower is operational the airport has only 60 base to remove the old one, which is slightly blocking the view of the planes. the airport hopes its new $120 million addition will become an icon for the city. but the faa has a more pragmatic goal. >> our controllers will be able to safely and efficiently manage the nearly 1200 flights that come in and out of san francisco which is the ninth busiest airport in the country. >> reporter: and soon to become the most closely watched. at san francisco international airport, john ramos, kpix 5. >> the main construction has been completed but now the faa needs to install its equipment which could take another year. the tower is scheduled to go online in the summer of 2016. what if it's really foggy and the fog comes in underneath the tower. all they are looking at is -- doesn't get down there that far. >> there's a scenario -- >> they didn't think about that, i'll bet. >> probably not but they still have a good view when all is said and done. we might have some rain by tomorrow night. >> excellent. >> but -- won't be much but we'll take what we can get. we have fairly cloudy day under way in the bay area. this evening is going to be nice with a few stars out there. temperatures right now as we look toward the bay bridge in operation since think november 12, 1930 -- 1936? opened before the golden gate bridge by a few months. 73 degrees at livermore now. napa 71. san jose 68. oakland 66. hayward 65. temperatures from our ace weather watchers, brentwood 70 degrees. foster city 66. in los altos, 70 degrees. beautiful down there in los altos. we have a few thunderstorms still working abeam ukiah but aside from that we dried up a little bit in the bay area. but with this double-barreled low over the west coast, as that trough is doing what it did last week -- the low pressure that's off the bay area right now, it's going to go down into the southland and then kick inland over las vegas so again by tomorrow night they could get some good rain in los angeles and san diego. for us tomorrow, maybe a shower or two. that's about it. we did have .2" in ben lomond by the way. carnival this weekend weather is going to warm up saturday and sunday. temperatures mid-60s downtown. partly cloudy and mild. showers and thunderstorms saturday and sunday in the hills. tomorrow 70 fairfield. 68 livermore. more clouds tomorrow than we had today. ergo the chance of a few more showers than today which let's face it, wasn't much. in the extended forecast high pressure builds in this weekend. temperatures come up. mid-60s by sunday. next week will be a warmer week than this week. tomorrow does look fairly cloudy. but the weekend looks good so that's good news. >> we had a little rain last night, too. did you see it? >> fog, rain, drizzle. yeah. >> i had to hit the windshield wipers. >> it was enough. >> welcome to summer in the bay area. >> excellent. we need the rain. still ahead, they likely won't pass but people try anyway. >> the unusual initiatives they want to get on our california ballots and how female announcer: when you see this truck, it means another neighbor is going to sleep better tonight. because they went to sleep train's ticket to tempur-pedic event. through memorial day, save up to $300 on the cooling comfort of tempur-breeze. plus, get up to four years interest-free financing. sleep risk-free with sleep train's 100-day money back guarantee. and of course, free same-day delivery! are you next? announcer: but don't wait! sleep train's ticket to tempur-pedic is ending soon. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ california wants the federal government to reverse its policy banning homosexuals from donating blood. they say it should rely on science and developing policy. two assembly members tried to donate after the proposal. one was turned away because he is gay. >> i feel disappointed as i mentioned as an elected official i can host a blood drive. but i can't donate to the blood drive that i'm hosting. >> the legislation was introduced in response to the fda's new guidelines that bans gay or bisexual men who have had sex with another man in the past 12 months from donating. the next major election is a year away and in california that means a ballot bogged down by random initiatives. kpix 5's mike sugerman offers his own voters guide. >> reporter: what will we be voting on in the big election next year? >> i want tow call the governor of california our president and i want to fly the california flag above the american flag. >> i want to ban the sale of evil shellfish in the state. it's a real problem. >> i want to ban the replay of the "big bang theory" on all daytime television, all nighttime television. >> reporter: kidding about that, i hope. it's one of cbs' top shows. the others, well, there's a chance they could get on the ballot along with -- >> intolerant jackass act. >> reporter: aimed at the author of the initiative to make the killing of gay people legal. how many people like that are there, do you think? >> how many people, what, who are intolerant jackasses? >> reporter: yeah. >> there's one. >> reporter: activist charlotte laws is taking on religious fanatic matthew mclaughlin who famously got the anti-gay initiative paperwork going and the attorney general found out there was nothing she could do about it. >> we decided to bring our own leviticus measure to the california ballot in 2016. >> reporter: joe decker of san jose has started the god hates shrimp campaign in a similar tongue in cheek protest. but the president of california? fly the state flag above the stars and stripes? dead serious. >> we love california. we're frankly sick of the federal government. we want the federal government out of california. >> reporter: so english teacher lewis mar nelly thinks this is a start. all it takes is $200 to start the process of gathering signatures. >> while we can all make fun of this, the positive side of it is you do have a lot of power as an individual in the state of california to be able to put anything on the ballot. >> reporter: if you think lawmakers are ignoring you, we also may be voting next year on pot legalization and immigration reform. unlikely illegal shellfish. it takes 360,000 signatures to actually get on the ballot. mike sugerman, kpix 5. >> it costs the state $8,000 to write the summaries on each one of these initiatives. >> oh, my goodness. coming up in our next half- hour, oil spilled along the california coast. the clean-up is just beginning. our tough questions for the company in charge of the broken pipeline. >> their car blocks the driveway. they changed the locks. you think they own the place. but we found some bay area tenants causing major trouble for their landlord and it turns out they have done this before. >> plus, a murder mystery at a bulldog: mattress discounters memorial day sale ends monday? oh boy! a queen size serta mattress and box spring set for just $397. mattress discounters has the largest selection of memory foam mattresses under one roof! well i'll be... up to $300 off tempur-pedic breeze. and wow! get up to four years interest-free financing on the entire tempur-pedic cloud collection! better hurry! the memorial day sale ends monday. ♪ mattress discounters ♪ now at 6:30, tough questions for the company behind an oil spill emergency along the california coast. this while crews scramble to clean it up. welcome back, i'm veronica de la cruz. >> i'm ken bastida. that oil clean-up effort at refugio state beach is extensive and very complicated. 350 crew members from all over the state have been working on the beach and in the ocean. at least 8,000 gallons of oil have been vacuumed up so far. that's just a small fraction of the estimated 105,000 gallons that spilled. close to 20 ships are out on the water tonight trying to skim off the oil. governor brown issued an executive order to speed up the process. we sent our betty yu to refugio state beach and she had some tough questions for the people who run the pipeline. betty. >> reporter: well, ken, this company has said it is sorry for this devastating oil spill. but today we really didn't get any answers as to how they will go about resolving this mess and they wouldn't talk about the company's shaky safety report. >> we're not going away. we're going to be here until it's returned back to the way it was. >> reporter: the plains plains isn'tthe plains all american pipeline was forced to pay millions in civil penalties after 10 leaks around the country in 2010. an "l.a. times" analysis found its rate of incidence per mile of pipe is more than 3 times the national average. at today's press conference the man in charge of safety had no comment. >> if you can't speak to the specific number of incidents, how do you rate your regulatory record overall? >> so, let me clarify that a little bit more. so we're required to fill out certain federal documents -- >> reporter: patrick repeatedly evaded questions. but how do you rate your record? >> again our goal is to continuously improve. our goal is zero. so we're going to continue to improve. we're not happy unless it's zero. that is our focus. >> reporter: are you happy? after stepping away from the podium he continued to avoid answering our questions. [ simultaneous speakers ] >> residents of santa barbara, the residents of the community expect us to mitigate this as quickly as possible. >> have you done all you can do in the past -- >> we'll continue to do everything we can do. thank you. >> reporter: could this leak have been prevented? [ simultaneous speakers ] >> excuse me. >> reporter: the company today began excavating that pipeline hoping to figure out why that leak happened. this beach is closed through memorial day weekend. clean-up could take months. life at refugio state beach, betty yu, kpix 5. >> you can imagine wildlife in the area is getting hammered right now. the five pelicans have been rescued coated in oil. a baby sea lion was taken to seaworld for treatment. dolphins were spot today trying to avoid the oil slick. members of the oil wildlife care network at uc-davis are now in the disaster area to see if they can help. a grand jury has indicted all six baltimore police officers charged in connection with the death of freddie gray. gray suffered a fatal spinal injury during his arrest last month. his death set off huge protests and led to charges against the officers including second- degree murder. attorneys for the officers say they are the victims of overzealous prosecution. the boy scouts ban on gay adult leaders may be coming to an end. the president of the organization now says the policy is no longer sustainable. speaking at the scouts annual meeting robert gates says it's time for a change to avoid any more legal battles. councils in new york are already defying the ban. the policy banning gay youth ended last year. police now have a lead in the murders of four people inside a multi-million dollar washington, dc mansion. cbs reporter craig boswell on how a pizza helped police identify the suspect with a long criminal record. >> reporter: police are hunting for 34-year-old daron dylon wint. authorities believe wint possibly with help from others held a family and housekeeper captive in their dc home tortured them then set the house on fire. a 10-year-old boy is among the victims. investigators found leftover pizza in the multi-million dollar home of the family and dna connects wint to the crime scene. they may have been extorted. the businessman instructed an associate to bring $40,000 to the home and leave it outside. investigators say that may have been a payoff to stop the physical abuse of the victims inside. police say the suspect knew the victim but didn't say how wint got into the house which is not far from vice president joe biden's official residence. >> right now does not appear that this was just a random crime, there is a connection through the business of the suspect and the victims' family business. >> reporter: police say wint is believed to be the man in the grainy footage released several days ago. they caution the public to assume the suspected is armed and dangerous. craig boswell, cbs news, washington. >> police thought wint had been in brooklyn but that appears to have been a false lead. it is not clear where he is now. a man who touched off a security scare by landing a gyrocopter on the capital lawn was in court today. doug hughes faces six charges for that stunt. the postal carrier wanted to make a point about campaign finance reform. he managed to fly 30 miles through heavily restricted airspace in the washington, dc area. that included passing the white house and the washington monument before finally touching down on capitol hill. hughes pled not guilty. lumber liquidators's ceo robert lynch quit today. the company has come under fire ever since a "60 minutes" report about his product made in china. the report said laminate flooring had high levels of formaldehyde. it's known to cause cancer. the justice department has launched its own investigation and is considering criminal charges against lumber liquidators. still ahead a landlord out of luck. >> is there a reason the rent hasn't been paid? >> get out of here! [ censored ] >> tenants who won't pay but continue to stay. why the landlord can't just kick them out. >> could this be the future of tv? not quite paper thin but pretty close. female announcer: through memorial day at sleep train, get up to four years interest-free financing or save up to $400 on simmons beautyrest and sealy posturepedic. even get four years interest-free financing on serta icomfort and tempur-pedic. plus, free same day delivery set-up and removal of your old set. when brands compete, you save! but this special financing offer ends memorial day at sleep train. ♪ sleep train ♪ ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ a spacex craft is back home after a quick trip to the international space station. the dragon capsule departed with more than 3,000 pounds of equipment and experiments. it splashed down six hours later in the pacific ocean off the southern california coast. the capsule contains samples that nasa is eagerly awaiting to get its hand on. televisions keep getting thinner and thinner. now lg is showing off what could be the thinnest tv ever. it's no thicker than a cd. we are not kidding. it weighs less than 5 pounds. don't expect it under the christmas tree yet. it's still just a concept. there's a lot talk about affordable housing but is it enough? tonight the asked the mayors of san jose, san francisco and oakland what's their plan to combat our housing crisis? i'll have that story and much more tonight on bay area nightbeat at 10:00 on our sister station, kbcw; join us on 44/cable 12. and still ahead, here at 6:00 they don't pay the rent. they won't leave serial squatters and they are at it again. yikes. >> meanwhile, we have a chance for some showers in the bay area. but first, to borrow from our radio station let's do traffic and weather together, the san mateo bridge the numbers in the mid-60s on the forecast coming up in a minute. >> i'm dennis o'donnell at "roar-acle." warriors trying to make it 2-0 against the ♪ ♪ ♪ our top story tonight campbell police say a young girl helped put her would-be kidnapper behind bars. police found roberto felipe- velasco in his car. the one captured in this surveillance video. police say that he attacked the victim while she was walking her dog last weekend. she fought him off. gave police a detailed description that eventually tracked him down. three people injured one arrested after a stolen dump truck crashed into a minivan. it happened overnight in daly city. it led to a police chase through three bay area cities. the suspect was arrested at the scene of the crash. >> the doyle drive closure scheduled for next weekend is postponed until june. we are told that fire safety testing on the tunnels is not completed. the road has to be shut down to connect the new northbound viaduct. only on "5" the tenants from hell are back. these people moved in but they will not pay and they will leave. we were there last year when they were evicted from another apartment in san bruno. mark kelly found them wreaking more havoc not far away. >> reporter: is there a good reason why the rent hasn't been paid? meet the family with the reputation. >> get your [ censored ] cameraman out of your face. [ yelling and cursing ] >> reporter: as the tenants from hell. amber and tony menjivar live upstairs from them. tony's sister is the landlord. he said she let the family move into the basement unit out of pity because the mother was in jail. >> she wanted to give her a hand like women in crisis she wanted to help her. >> reporter: but within weeks deborah derivero was back home and pity turned into frustration. >> within two weeks of changing in she changed the locks. >> reporter: the menjivars had to call the police. the tenants broken down canner is blocking the driveway. when the new tenants stopped paying the rent, the menjivars realized they may have been conned. >> i think she comes in, she knows that she has three or four months legally. and that's her game. >> reporter: renter deborah derivero -- amber went online and found two kpix 5 reports on deborah derivero doing another thing to another hapless homeowner. >> and i thought to myself, here's part 3. >> reporter: turns out there are more than three parts to this story. we found eight evictions against the derivero family in the past six years. >> unfortunately, was we found out there are some people who move from property to property. >> reporter: aaron farmer represented two landlords that tangled with deborah. one after the other. >> the sheriff comes to remove her from the first property on one day, and literally the next day, she is moving into the next property. >> reporter: he showed us documents from his last case. a bad check written to a closed account, a rental application with a fake name, a doctored pay stub with a legal assistant. >> the law firm said she hadn't worked here for years. to know she did this multiple other times it's just horrible. >> reporter: we wanted to ask deborah about that. deborah, can you come out and tell us your story? >> i'm not deborah! okay? you have the wrong person! >> reporter: what's your name? >> i'm not interviewing with anybody. >> reporter: she told us we had it wrong. she is not on the lease. >> well, that doesn't matter whether you're on the lease or not. you still center to pay the present. >> i need you guys to leave. the police are coming. >> reporter: sure enough, the tenants had called the cops on us. >> we're here with channel 5. >> she should be prosecuted for this. you know? she is hurting a lot of people. >> reporter: absolutely you would call them squatters. >> mm-hm. >> professional squatters. they are just serial squatters. >> reporter: mark kelly, kpix 5. >> so those tenants have now just been served a three-day notice. but the eviction process usually takes several more months without any rent coming in and a mortgage to pay. the menjivars say they are in danger of losing their home. all right. we are going to switch gears and have a look at how things are shaping up for the memorial day weekend. tomorrow a few clouds on the way for bay area. probably more clouds tomorrow than today. the weekend. clouds in the headlands. tonight numbers mild for a leaden overcast reading. readings in the mid-60s. there's some clear skies in the east bay and south bay. 67 at livermore. san francisco 62. 62 in san bruno. and here's how it looks on the hi-def doppler. on sunday, they were getting thunderstorms some fairly strong abeam ukiah by clearlake and the same thing is happening tonight. a few showers and thundershowers there. as this low pressure that's offshore, you'll see it in a minute, comes close to the bay area it looks like we stand a greater chance of a few showers tomorrow than today. overnight lows tonight will be mostly low to mid-50s. sunrise 5:55 tomorrow morning. overnight low 51 pacifica. 54 san jose. 54 degrees overnight at livermore. double-barreled low over the west coast triggering showers and thunderstorms over lake tahoe all the way through susanville. and this low that's abeam our shoreline will do the same thing that a low of a week ago is to ride the rails of the jet stream into southern california and they may get some rain down in los angeles and in san diego. by tomorrow night and saturday. for us, though, high pressure builds in after a cool and unsettled day again tomorrow. again probably more clouds tomorrow than we had today. and some drizzle along the shoreline tonight. futurecast bears all of this out. you can see on this model of what the cloud cover should be tomorrow of sunrise here look at the clouds all the way through the afternoon. a few thunder bumpers possible up in the north bay and also maybe some drizzle and a shower or two scattered around the bay area tomorrow. so overcast tonight. areas of drizzle. 20% chance of rain. cloudy for friday. but then for the first time in a while actually high pressure begins to build in over the bay area. not dramatically. i mean, it will be higher high pressure than we have had lately and that means warmer temperatures for the memorial day weekend. more sunshine on the way. by tomorrow though another fairly cool day numbers about 10 degrees off the averages inland. 63 degrees at hayward. 67 for morgan hill. 57 for pacifica. 70 at famed. 67 degrees in walnut creek. 70 at fairfield. north bay plenty of clouds and 65 for san rafael. mill valley 64. at ukiah tomorrow 72 degrees. extended forecast clouds tomorrow give way to sunshine for saturday, sunday, monday. increasing sunshine increasing temperatures into the mid-70s by the time we get towards monday and memorial day. and then a warmer week ahead. that's good news. sports is next. bulldog: get a queen serta set for just $397. save up to $300 on tempur-pedic breeze. and get up to four years interest-free financing on the entire tempur-cloud collection! the memorial day sale ends monday. ♪ mattress discounters ♪ dennis o'donnell is at the oracle arena with tonight's sports report. >> must be holiday traffic. i don't know what it was. it took me over 3 hours to get from san francisco to oracle. but i come with good news. the warriors game 2 against the rockets, they are leading 49-32 of to a much bet -- off to a much better start than game one and the awards continue to pour in for the mvp point guard steph curry. he was a unanimous selection to the all nba first game. he joins lebron, anthony davis and others for the honor. this was by no means a surprise the. klay thompson, on the other hand, was a bit of a shock! golden state shooting guard was named to the all nba third team. it's the first time two warriors have made all nba rosters since chris mullen and tim hardaway and the first time two mates have been selected since the carter administration. baseball, you know, we're not even in june yet and already, madison baumgarner has faced off against clayton kershaw of the dodgers for the third time. that came down today. the ship is definitely sailed on kershaw's career dominants against the giants. 3rd inning baumgarner gets every bit of the 91-mile-per- hour fastball solo job. halfway up the bleachers. he hits that ball an estimated 415 feet. same score in the fourth. hunter pence 4 for 54 lifetime against kershaw but rifles one into right field. pagan gets under the tag. 2-0 san francisco. you know what? weather baumgarner smells blood in the -- when baumgarner smells blood in the water it's usually over for the opposition. he pitched into the 7th. he struck-06. 6th inning, a little poetry for baumgarner. it was 4-0 giants in the ninth. bring on castilla to get the game ending double play. the giants shut the dodgers out for the third straight day and win their sixth straight game. the unmistakable roof at tropicana field where the a's opened a four-game set against the rays. david dejesus into the gap off starter jesse chavez. long gar i don't scores, tampa 1-0. the a's are the worst defensive team in the big leagues. try telling that to eric sogard. willie mays style catch with his back to the infield. but in the 8th inning tampa 3, oakland 0. it is not good. now, before the game, the a's hired ron washington to be an instructor and help fix the club's defensive woes. washington was an assistant in oakland for 11 years. and later he managed the rangers for 8 more. he will join the a's tomorrow. nfl. off season workouts continue. get this. bush has replaced gore in the 49ers backfield. we are talking of course about reggie bush who replaced frank gore in off season. bush is a pass catching specialist with his fourth team since he was drafted second overall in 2006 by the houston texans. best years behind him? >> i don't feel like i have lost a step and i think if you, you know, talk to a lot of people around the league who i have had a chance to play with, even some of the guys here, they see that it doesn't look like i've lost a step. you know, i'm still fast, quick, explosive. you know, but i am older, obviously. but in that sense, for me, i don't feel like i have lost a step at all. >> and, of course, memorial day is upon us. you not only get the traffic. you get the green flag for the indianapolis 500 on sunday! it's called the greatest spectacle in racing for a reason this year. in five days of practice at indianapolis motor speedway, there have been three huge accidents one forcing serious injuries to driver james hinchcliffe. as a result irl officials are requiring teams to run at a lower horsepower this sunday. >> the indianapolis 500 there's risks with our professional and that's why there's only 33 of us that can do that so i'm fully aware of it and the day that i think it's unsafe, i get scared, trust me, i will be in front of the cameras, not hopping into the car. so this is it. this is the indy 500. this is for the tough guys and girls, i guess. ha ha. >> indy 500 sunday. we'll have the champion sunday night on game day. back to you. captions by: caption colorado [email protected] new customers can save an average of $500 just by switching to progressive. so you'll be bringing home the bacon in no time. sorry. get a free quote at joey fatone: it's time to play "family feud!" give it up for steve harvey! [captioning made possible by fremantle media] steve: all right, y'all. how y'all doing today? i appreciate you, now. thank you much. thank you much, everybody. i do. hey, gaby. ha ha! well, welcome to "family feud," everybody. i'm your man steve harvey. we got a good one for you today. returning for their fifth and final day, with a total of 21,540 bucks from detroit, michigan-- that's d-town, baby-- it's the fowlkes family! and from tallahassee, florida, it's the rice family! everybody's here trying to win theyself a lot of cash. and remember, folks, today if the fowlkes family wins today, they driving out of here in a brand-new, head-turning ford fusion hybrid. that's right. good luck to both families. let's play the "feud." give me whitney. give me nichell. [music] all right, ladies, here we go. top 8 answers on the board. if a baby could talk, he might say, hey, you're doing what all wrong. [ringer] >> changing my diaper. steve: you're changing my diaper all wrong. [bell] >> whoo! >> let's play! >> we're gonna play. steve: they're gonna play. good. all right, ervin this is for the car, man. >> yes, sir. steve: no messing around. >> steve, first, i brought you something. can i show it to you? steve: oh, ok. >> ok. i mean... look. this is a picture of my father back

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Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 6pm 20150522 :

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 6pm 20150522

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their cameras police and most importantly the brave little girl velasco is now off the streets. >> i did talk to her dad, and he told me she is the one that actually talked to 911 and was very calm and composed. >> reporter: so a lot of relief in the neighborhood tonight. now, police say velasco was homeless living out of his car but he had a storage unit and police say inside that storage unit they found clothing that matched the same clothing the victim says he was wearing that day that he tried to kidnap her. live in campbell, maria medina, kpix 5. the family of a 10-year-old boy allegedly molested at a bay area science camp says the county failed to protect their child. it happened at the walden west center in january. the victim was part of an overnight camp for fifth graders. the claim says the santa clara county office of education didn't follow its own rules which led to the molestation. >> the fact of the county already had this rule in place is a testament to how important it is not to allow an adult to be with a child alone in this case that adult happening to be a pedophile. >> edgar covarrubias was arusted earlier this month for possession and distribution of child pornography. he was arrested. now additional charges of child molestation may be filed. attorneys say covarrubias went by the nickname papa bear and kids were encouraged to see him if they felt sick, homesick or sad at night. it was a kitchen fire that killed an oakland husband and wife and seriously injured a man that they were caring for. the loss is hitting not just their family but the community. da len reports. >> reporter: everybody we talked to try loved this couple. neighbors, family, and their children. everybody we talked to today, loved this couple. the husband and wife would sit at these two chairs right here. tonight the church will have a special prayer service to remember the victims. >> oh, my god they really loved one another. really loved one another. >> reporter: they were a model couple at the church, kind, giving, and loving. >> such a blessing. everyone loved them. they were affectionately known as mom and dad webbers. >> reporter: in fact, althea and job weathers served as marriage counselors for the younger couples at lily of the valley christian center. john had also taught a bible study class every weekday. around noon. >> he was a wonderful man. he was a man of god that loved. >> reporter: john's sister pamela is in shock. >> i'm so devastated. >> reporter: looking at the outside of the house, it's hard to make out the seriousness of the fire. it looks like they were frying food on the stove when the pot exploded last night starting the fire. >> i know that they burned -- were burned about 90% of their skin. >> reporter: althea died in the house. john died at the hospital. an older man who they were caring for survived with serious injuries. [ crying ] >> i'm heartbroken. >> reporter: neighbors are also grieving dropping off flowers and saying the couple took care of everyone. >> hit me harder than it hit when my mother died. hit me real hard. >> i'm a little numb. i'm a little numb. i have been crying on and off because they were like, you know, family. >> reporter: the special prayer service will start at 7:00 tonight. they are going to reserve these two seats and make sure and keep them unoccupied for the service. live in oakland, i'm da lin, kpix 5. a livermore man will face murder charges for killing a mother and child while allegedly driving drunk. police say brian jones was speeding when he hit esperanza morales and her 14-month-old daughter. jones then slammed into an apartment building injuring two more children. his blood alcohol was nearly twice the legal limit. police say that he had been at a wine festival in the hours before the accident. we just talked to the family who say they are relieved to hear jones is off the street. heavy fines for a window washing company after a worker survived an 11-story fall. the man tumbled off the roof of a san francisco office building last november. incredibly, he landed on a moving car and survived! his employers will pay more than $12,000 in fines for violations related to the accident. the company has also been slapped with five citations. governor is looking to find a way to deal with the drought. he made his pitch to bay area leaders today. new at 6:00, devin fehely on his call for a particular type of water recycling. >> reporter: if there is one idea this is world of water conservation and recycle, that's pretty tough for the public to swallow, it is toilet-to-tap waste water recycling. but four years into a severe drought with no end in sight, the governor says it may just be time for the public to get creative and a bit uncomfortable as they try to ease the state's water woes. >> i know people don't like toilet to tap. but it is -- [ laughter ] >> -- it is memorable. [ laughter ] >> it is memorable. >> reporter: speaking to political and business leaders governor brown signaled his support for more aggressive water saving measures in the face of the state's drought including a controversial plan to use recycled waste water to replenish the drinking water supply. >> have you ever thought about how they do it on the spaceships? they stay up there for six months? got to recycle. well, even down here we have to figure out how to recycle. we have to use everything and reuse because we are on a spaceship called planet earth. >> reporter: just last month, san jose mayor sam liccardo demonstrated his faith in the technology by drinking the recycled waste water while calling on the governor to ease restrictions on its use. >> this is an opportunity to ensure we have a drought-proof source of water under our feet. >> reporter: current santa clara county's waste water recycling plant producers more than 8 million gallons of water a day enough to provide water to more than 17,000 homes in theory and there are plans to quadruple the capacity. even though the recycled water now is only used for irrigation and manufacturing. the governor did try to reassure the public which may be reluctant to embrace the toilet-to-tap concept even with a drought. >> don't worry, it's not going to happen overnight. [ very scratchy voice ] >> reporter: the governor didn't say exactly when we might see more waste water recycling projects down in the south bay. they are currently in a testing period. there are no plans next year to add that water to the drinking water supply but they would like to speed the process up if possible. in san francisco, devin fehely, kpix 5. >> supporters of the warriors new arena in san francisco had some demands for the uc regents today. the group is fighting opposition to the mission bay arena. and they believe an anonymous effort is tied to the uc system. uc's new medical center is only a block away from the proposed arena. >> they say they may be associated with the university and we want to basically get them to disclose who they are. >> the arena backers want the regents to distance themselves from those trying to block it. we are getting word tonight that the dreaded closure of doyle drive is being postponed. the artery that links the golden gate bridge to san francisco was to be shut down next weekend to connect the new northbound viaduct. caltrans has been warning drivers about it for weeks. but now, the chp says the closure is being delayed until next month. one source says the delay is because fire safety tests have not yet been completed for the new tunnels, which are part of that project. it is a multi-billion- dollar revenue source for california cities and towns. and now there's a push in the state capital to put the brakes on traffic tickets. ron jones of our sister decision in sacramento talks to one lawmaker, who calls traffic enforcement voodoo. >> the system of fines is wrong. period. there is no gray line here. >> reporter: robert hertzberg of van nuys doesn't mince words about our state's traffic violation system. >> you go out there now and they play gotcha games. that's why people hate government so much! >> reporter: he and other lawmakers are demanding penalty reform. they believe many drivers are paying unnecessary fees for violations such as broken taillights and nonviolent moving violations. according to the state legislative analyst's office a basic stop sign ticket in california starts at about $35. but if you factor in a state surcharge, state county penalty assessment fees and other court costs that $35 ticket has now ballooned to $238! >> and then if you don't show up in court it becomes $800! and you lose your license! >> i plead not guilty. >> reporter: michael gory got a ticket in sacramento for running a red light and says he may have to pay hundreds above the initial penalty. >> it's extreme. >> driver's license, registration and insurance card. >> reporter: a new study by several bay area law firms show more than 4 million californians can't pay the fees and now have suspended driver's licenses making it harder to keep a job, driving some into poverty, and possibly behind bars. >> it's voodoo! it doesn't work! >> reporter: hertzberg authored senate bill 405 hoping to give violators amnesty by cutting their court ordered debt by as much as 80%. but what about possible revenue loss to local governments? this lawmaker says he can't worry about that. >> is this how we're going to fund the government?! our job is to get it right! >> that was ron jones reporting there. right now, drivers owe $10 billion in outstanding fines. hertzberg says the bill has moved to the senate appropriations committee. still ahead, a nasty crash involving a dump truck. the crazy chase that led to this mangled mess. >> plus, our first look at the new control tower at sfo. why the most important safety feature might be the view. >> not that there's that much to see at the moment. clouds are moving in even some rain. the all-important weekend forecast as we look live at the golden gate bridge female announcer: through monday get up to four years interest-free financing or save up to $400 on beautyrest and posturepedic. even get up to four years interest-free financing on serta icomfort and tempur-pedic. but this special financing offer ends memorial day at sleep train. a serious crash caused by ally stolen dump truck sent three people to the hospital. this is how it looked just after midnight in daly city, where that truck slammed into a minivan. kpix 5's christian hartnett says that it was a violent end to a police chase through three different cities. >> reporter: it was a mess out here earlier. it's now open but police had to shut down a portion of san jose avenue right here for several hours this morning. now, the stolen dump truck came roaring down the road this way with police right behind it when the truck slammed into a minivan and smashed into that pole. police say it started near this townhome complex in colma. a cop spotted the dump truck, ran the plates and found out it was stolen. when the officer tried to pull him over, he says the dump truck tried to ram the squad car. he missed and the chase started. when it ended, police say the driver tried to run off. >> i saw the guy run. yeah, i saw him run across the street from that side over to that side there. >> reporter: he didn't get far. the suspect is now under arrest. police say the three inside the smashed minivan are all okay recovering from minor injuries. as it starts now, police are still trying to piece together where this dump truck was stolen from. in daly city, christian hartnett, kpix 5. an oakley couple says they found small glass in their meatloaf but the company says they didn't. harris ranch beef says it was coarse ground salt. the meat is being sent to labs for testing. the items were found in 5-pound packages of harris ranch meet sold at grocery outlets. the store pulled the product as a precaution. tens of thousands of uc students relieved tonight for the next two years, no tuition hikes. the regents met today in san francisco weighing the issue. they voted for a freeze on tuition for in-state students. last year the regents voted in favor of tuition hikes that sparked thousands of student protests. the governor then promised additional funding for the uc system. >> this is the time for the state to begin to reinvest in earnest in uc. >> it shows there's some progress but we'll have to see. >> it's a different story though for out of state students. look out! the regents voted to approve an 8% pay hike for them. we got our first look at the new air traffic control tower being built at sfo. new at 6:00 kpix 5's john ramos on how the view may be its most important safety feature. >> reporter: it's a tight fit if you want to see the latest arrival at san francisco international airport. but talk about a room with a view! >> you're standing in a tower that's approximately 40 feet taller than our current air traffic control tower and offers 2 70-degree unobstructed views of our airfield. >> reporter: sfo showed off its new control tower today. a gleaming 220-foot, high-tech seismically stable crow's nest that some are already comparing to an olympic torch. and while the new lookout will eventually have state-of-the- art radar systems, it really is the view that counts. >> the most important thing an air traffic controller can do in a tower is look out the window to see correct landings, take-offs and proper separation. >> reporter: keeping an eye on the airport was a problem for the old tower built in the 1950s. as sfo grew and spread out, the shorter tower lost its view of some of the runways. so as they plan the new one, they did an extensive study to find the best location and ended up building it a couple of hundred yards from the old location. >> this was the best location when they built it in the '50s. >> reporter: once the new tower is operational the airport has only 60 base to remove the old one, which is slightly blocking the view of the planes. the airport hopes its new $120 million addition will become an icon for the city. but the faa has a more pragmatic goal. >> our controllers will be able to safely and efficiently manage the nearly 1200 flights that come in and out of san francisco which is the ninth busiest airport in the country. >> reporter: and soon to become the most closely watched. at san francisco international airport, john ramos, kpix 5. >> the main construction has been completed but now the faa needs to install its equipment which could take another year. the tower is scheduled to go online in the summer of 2016. what if it's really foggy and the fog comes in underneath the tower. all they are looking at is -- doesn't get down there that far. >> there's a scenario -- >> they didn't think about that, i'll bet. >> probably not but they still have a good view when all is said and done. we might have some rain by tomorrow night. >> excellent. >> but -- won't be much but we'll take what we can get. we have fairly cloudy day under way in the bay area. this evening is going to be nice with a few stars out there. temperatures right now as we look toward the bay bridge in operation since think november 12, 1930 -- 1936? opened before the golden gate bridge by a few months. 73 degrees at livermore now. napa 71. san jose 68. oakland 66. hayward 65. temperatures from our ace weather watchers, brentwood 70 degrees. foster city 66. in los altos, 70 degrees. beautiful down there in los altos. we have a few thunderstorms still working abeam ukiah but aside from that we dried up a little bit in the bay area. but with this double-barreled low over the west coast, as that trough is doing what it did last week -- the low pressure that's off the bay area right now, it's going to go down into the southland and then kick inland over las vegas so again by tomorrow night they could get some good rain in los angeles and san diego. for us tomorrow, maybe a shower or two. that's about it. we did have .2" in ben lomond by the way. carnival this weekend weather is going to warm up saturday and sunday. temperatures mid-60s downtown. partly cloudy and mild. showers and thunderstorms saturday and sunday in the hills. tomorrow 70 fairfield. 68 livermore. more clouds tomorrow than we had today. ergo the chance of a few more showers than today which let's face it, wasn't much. in the extended forecast high pressure builds in this weekend. temperatures come up. mid-60s by sunday. next week will be a warmer week than this week. tomorrow does look fairly cloudy. but the weekend looks good so that's good news. >> we had a little rain last night, too. did you see it? >> fog, rain, drizzle. yeah. >> i had to hit the windshield wipers. >> it was enough. >> welcome to summer in the bay area. >> excellent. we need the rain. still ahead, they likely won't pass but people try anyway. >> the unusual initiatives they want to get on our california ballots and how female announcer: when you see this truck, it means another neighbor is going to sleep better tonight. because they went to sleep train's ticket to tempur-pedic event. through memorial day, save up to $300 on the cooling comfort of tempur-breeze. plus, get up to four years interest-free financing. sleep risk-free with sleep train's 100-day money back guarantee. and of course, free same-day delivery! are you next? announcer: but don't wait! sleep train's ticket to tempur-pedic is ending soon. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ california wants the federal government to reverse its policy banning homosexuals from donating blood. they say it should rely on science and developing policy. two assembly members tried to donate after the proposal. one was turned away because he is gay. >> i feel disappointed as i mentioned as an elected official i can host a blood drive. but i can't donate to the blood drive that i'm hosting. >> the legislation was introduced in response to the fda's new guidelines that bans gay or bisexual men who have had sex with another man in the past 12 months from donating. the next major election is a year away and in california that means a ballot bogged down by random initiatives. kpix 5's mike sugerman offers his own voters guide. >> reporter: what will we be voting on in the big election next year? >> i want tow call the governor of california our president and i want to fly the california flag above the american flag. >> i want to ban the sale of evil shellfish in the state. it's a real problem. >> i want to ban the replay of the "big bang theory" on all daytime television, all nighttime television. >> reporter: kidding about that, i hope. it's one of cbs' top shows. the others, well, there's a chance they could get on the ballot along with -- >> intolerant jackass act. >> reporter: aimed at the author of the initiative to make the killing of gay people legal. how many people like that are there, do you think? >> how many people, what, who are intolerant jackasses? >> reporter: yeah. >> there's one. >> reporter: activist charlotte laws is taking on religious fanatic matthew mclaughlin who famously got the anti-gay initiative paperwork going and the attorney general found out there was nothing she could do about it. >> we decided to bring our own leviticus measure to the california ballot in 2016. >> reporter: joe decker of san jose has started the god hates shrimp campaign in a similar tongue in cheek protest. but the president of california? fly the state flag above the stars and stripes? dead serious. >> we love california. we're frankly sick of the federal government. we want the federal government out of california. >> reporter: so english teacher lewis mar nelly thinks this is a start. all it takes is $200 to start the process of gathering signatures. >> while we can all make fun of this, the positive side of it is you do have a lot of power as an individual in the state of california to be able to put anything on the ballot. >> reporter: if you think lawmakers are ignoring you, we also may be voting next year on pot legalization and immigration reform. unlikely illegal shellfish. it takes 360,000 signatures to actually get on the ballot. mike sugerman, kpix 5. >> it costs the state $8,000 to write the summaries on each one of these initiatives. >> oh, my goodness. coming up in our next half- hour, oil spilled along the california coast. the clean-up is just beginning. our tough questions for the company in charge of the broken pipeline. >> their car blocks the driveway. they changed the locks. you think they own the place. but we found some bay area tenants causing major trouble for their landlord and it turns out they have done this before. >> plus, a murder mystery at a bulldog: mattress discounters memorial day sale ends monday? oh boy! a queen size serta mattress and box spring set for just $397. mattress discounters has the largest selection of memory foam mattresses under one roof! well i'll be... up to $300 off tempur-pedic breeze. and wow! get up to four years interest-free financing on the entire tempur-pedic cloud collection! better hurry! the memorial day sale ends monday. ♪ mattress discounters ♪ now at 6:30, tough questions for the company behind an oil spill emergency along the california coast. this while crews scramble to clean it up. welcome back, i'm veronica de la cruz. >> i'm ken bastida. that oil clean-up effort at refugio state beach is extensive and very complicated. 350 crew members from all over the state have been working on the beach and in the ocean. at least 8,000 gallons of oil have been vacuumed up so far. that's just a small fraction of the estimated 105,000 gallons that spilled. close to 20 ships are out on the water tonight trying to skim off the oil. governor brown issued an executive order to speed up the process. we sent our betty yu to refugio state beach and she had some tough questions for the people who run the pipeline. betty. >> reporter: well, ken, this company has said it is sorry for this devastating oil spill. but today we really didn't get any answers as to how they will go about resolving this mess and they wouldn't talk about the company's shaky safety report. >> we're not going away. we're going to be here until it's returned back to the way it was. >> reporter: the plains plains isn'tthe plains all american pipeline was forced to pay millions in civil penalties after 10 leaks around the country in 2010. an "l.a. times" analysis found its rate of incidence per mile of pipe is more than 3 times the national average. at today's press conference the man in charge of safety had no comment. >> if you can't speak to the specific number of incidents, how do you rate your regulatory record overall? >> so, let me clarify that a little bit more. so we're required to fill out certain federal documents -- >> reporter: patrick repeatedly evaded questions. but how do you rate your record? >> again our goal is to continuously improve. our goal is zero. so we're going to continue to improve. we're not happy unless it's zero. that is our focus. >> reporter: are you happy? after stepping away from the podium he continued to avoid answering our questions. [ simultaneous speakers ] >> residents of santa barbara, the residents of the community expect us to mitigate this as quickly as possible. >> have you done all you can do in the past -- >> we'll continue to do everything we can do. thank you. >> reporter: could this leak have been prevented? [ simultaneous speakers ] >> excuse me. >> reporter: the company today began excavating that pipeline hoping to figure out why that leak happened. this beach is closed through memorial day weekend. clean-up could take months. life at refugio state beach, betty yu, kpix 5. >> you can imagine wildlife in the area is getting hammered right now. the five pelicans have been rescued coated in oil. a baby sea lion was taken to seaworld for treatment. dolphins were spot today trying to avoid the oil slick. members of the oil wildlife care network at uc-davis are now in the disaster area to see if they can help. a grand jury has indicted all six baltimore police officers charged in connection with the death of freddie gray. gray suffered a fatal spinal injury during his arrest last month. his death set off huge protests and led to charges against the officers including second- degree murder. attorneys for the officers say they are the victims of overzealous prosecution. the boy scouts ban on gay adult leaders may be coming to an end. the president of the organization now says the policy is no longer sustainable. speaking at the scouts annual meeting robert gates says it's time for a change to avoid any more legal battles. councils in new york are already defying the ban. the policy banning gay youth ended last year. police now have a lead in the murders of four people inside a multi-million dollar washington, dc mansion. cbs reporter craig boswell on how a pizza helped police identify the suspect with a long criminal record. >> reporter: police are hunting for 34-year-old daron dylon wint. authorities believe wint possibly with help from others held a family and housekeeper captive in their dc home tortured them then set the house on fire. a 10-year-old boy is among the victims. investigators found leftover pizza in the multi-million dollar home of the family and dna connects wint to the crime scene. they may have been extorted. the businessman instructed an associate to bring $40,000 to the home and leave it outside. investigators say that may have been a payoff to stop the physical abuse of the victims inside. police say the suspect knew the victim but didn't say how wint got into the house which is not far from vice president joe biden's official residence. >> right now does not appear that this was just a random crime, there is a connection through the business of the suspect and the victims' family business. >> reporter: police say wint is believed to be the man in the grainy footage released several days ago. they caution the public to assume the suspected is armed and dangerous. craig boswell, cbs news, washington. >> police thought wint had been in brooklyn but that appears to have been a false lead. it is not clear where he is now. a man who touched off a security scare by landing a gyrocopter on the capital lawn was in court today. doug hughes faces six charges for that stunt. the postal carrier wanted to make a point about campaign finance reform. he managed to fly 30 miles through heavily restricted airspace in the washington, dc area. that included passing the white house and the washington monument before finally touching down on capitol hill. hughes pled not guilty. lumber liquidators's ceo robert lynch quit today. the company has come under fire ever since a "60 minutes" report about his product made in china. the report said laminate flooring had high levels of formaldehyde. it's known to cause cancer. the justice department has launched its own investigation and is considering criminal charges against lumber liquidators. still ahead a landlord out of luck. >> is there a reason the rent hasn't been paid? >> get out of here! [ censored ] >> tenants who won't pay but continue to stay. why the landlord can't just kick them out. >> could this be the future of tv? not quite paper thin but pretty close. female announcer: through memorial day at sleep train, get up to four years interest-free financing or save up to $400 on simmons beautyrest and sealy posturepedic. even get four years interest-free financing on serta icomfort and tempur-pedic. plus, free same day delivery set-up and removal of your old set. when brands compete, you save! but this special financing offer ends memorial day at sleep train. ♪ sleep train ♪ ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ a spacex craft is back home after a quick trip to the international space station. the dragon capsule departed with more than 3,000 pounds of equipment and experiments. it splashed down six hours later in the pacific ocean off the southern california coast. the capsule contains samples that nasa is eagerly awaiting to get its hand on. televisions keep getting thinner and thinner. now lg is showing off what could be the thinnest tv ever. it's no thicker than a cd. we are not kidding. it weighs less than 5 pounds. don't expect it under the christmas tree yet. it's still just a concept. there's a lot talk about affordable housing but is it enough? tonight the asked the mayors of san jose, san francisco and oakland what's their plan to combat our housing crisis? i'll have that story and much more tonight on bay area nightbeat at 10:00 on our sister station, kbcw; join us on 44/cable 12. and still ahead, here at 6:00 they don't pay the rent. they won't leave serial squatters and they are at it again. yikes. >> meanwhile, we have a chance for some showers in the bay area. but first, to borrow from our radio station let's do traffic and weather together, the san mateo bridge the numbers in the mid-60s on the forecast coming up in a minute. >> i'm dennis o'donnell at "roar-acle." warriors trying to make it 2-0 against the ♪ ♪ ♪ our top story tonight campbell police say a young girl helped put her would-be kidnapper behind bars. police found roberto felipe- velasco in his car. the one captured in this surveillance video. police say that he attacked the victim while she was walking her dog last weekend. she fought him off. gave police a detailed description that eventually tracked him down. three people injured one arrested after a stolen dump truck crashed into a minivan. it happened overnight in daly city. it led to a police chase through three bay area cities. the suspect was arrested at the scene of the crash. >> the doyle drive closure scheduled for next weekend is postponed until june. we are told that fire safety testing on the tunnels is not completed. the road has to be shut down to connect the new northbound viaduct. only on "5" the tenants from hell are back. these people moved in but they will not pay and they will leave. we were there last year when they were evicted from another apartment in san bruno. mark kelly found them wreaking more havoc not far away. >> reporter: is there a good reason why the rent hasn't been paid? meet the family with the reputation. >> get your [ censored ] cameraman out of your face. [ yelling and cursing ] >> reporter: as the tenants from hell. amber and tony menjivar live upstairs from them. tony's sister is the landlord. he said she let the family move into the basement unit out of pity because the mother was in jail. >> she wanted to give her a hand like women in crisis she wanted to help her. >> reporter: but within weeks deborah derivero was back home and pity turned into frustration. >> within two weeks of changing in she changed the locks. >> reporter: the menjivars had to call the police. the tenants broken down canner is blocking the driveway. when the new tenants stopped paying the rent, the menjivars realized they may have been conned. >> i think she comes in, she knows that she has three or four months legally. and that's her game. >> reporter: renter deborah derivero -- amber went online and found two kpix 5 reports on deborah derivero doing another thing to another hapless homeowner. >> and i thought to myself, here's part 3. >> reporter: turns out there are more than three parts to this story. we found eight evictions against the derivero family in the past six years. >> unfortunately, was we found out there are some people who move from property to property. >> reporter: aaron farmer represented two landlords that tangled with deborah. one after the other. >> the sheriff comes to remove her from the first property on one day, and literally the next day, she is moving into the next property. >> reporter: he showed us documents from his last case. a bad check written to a closed account, a rental application with a fake name, a doctored pay stub with a legal assistant. >> the law firm said she hadn't worked here for years. to know she did this multiple other times it's just horrible. >> reporter: we wanted to ask deborah about that. deborah, can you come out and tell us your story? >> i'm not deborah! okay? you have the wrong person! >> reporter: what's your name? >> i'm not interviewing with anybody. >> reporter: she told us we had it wrong. she is not on the lease. >> well, that doesn't matter whether you're on the lease or not. you still center to pay the present. >> i need you guys to leave. the police are coming. >> reporter: sure enough, the tenants had called the cops on us. >> we're here with channel 5. >> she should be prosecuted for this. you know? she is hurting a lot of people. >> reporter: absolutely you would call them squatters. >> mm-hm. >> professional squatters. they are just serial squatters. >> reporter: mark kelly, kpix 5. >> so those tenants have now just been served a three-day notice. but the eviction process usually takes several more months without any rent coming in and a mortgage to pay. the menjivars say they are in danger of losing their home. all right. we are going to switch gears and have a look at how things are shaping up for the memorial day weekend. tomorrow a few clouds on the way for bay area. probably more clouds tomorrow than today. the weekend. clouds in the headlands. tonight numbers mild for a leaden overcast reading. readings in the mid-60s. there's some clear skies in the east bay and south bay. 67 at livermore. san francisco 62. 62 in san bruno. and here's how it looks on the hi-def doppler. on sunday, they were getting thunderstorms some fairly strong abeam ukiah by clearlake and the same thing is happening tonight. a few showers and thundershowers there. as this low pressure that's offshore, you'll see it in a minute, comes close to the bay area it looks like we stand a greater chance of a few showers tomorrow than today. overnight lows tonight will be mostly low to mid-50s. sunrise 5:55 tomorrow morning. overnight low 51 pacifica. 54 san jose. 54 degrees overnight at livermore. double-barreled low over the west coast triggering showers and thunderstorms over lake tahoe all the way through susanville. and this low that's abeam our shoreline will do the same thing that a low of a week ago is to ride the rails of the jet stream into southern california and they may get some rain down in los angeles and in san diego. by tomorrow night and saturday. for us, though, high pressure builds in after a cool and unsettled day again tomorrow. again probably more clouds tomorrow than we had today. and some drizzle along the shoreline tonight. futurecast bears all of this out. you can see on this model of what the cloud cover should be tomorrow of sunrise here look at the clouds all the way through the afternoon. a few thunder bumpers possible up in the north bay and also maybe some drizzle and a shower or two scattered around the bay area tomorrow. so overcast tonight. areas of drizzle. 20% chance of rain. cloudy for friday. but then for the first time in a while actually high pressure begins to build in over the bay area. not dramatically. i mean, it will be higher high pressure than we have had lately and that means warmer temperatures for the memorial day weekend. more sunshine on the way. by tomorrow though another fairly cool day numbers about 10 degrees off the averages inland. 63 degrees at hayward. 67 for morgan hill. 57 for pacifica. 70 at famed. 67 degrees in walnut creek. 70 at fairfield. north bay plenty of clouds and 65 for san rafael. mill valley 64. at ukiah tomorrow 72 degrees. extended forecast clouds tomorrow give way to sunshine for saturday, sunday, monday. increasing sunshine increasing temperatures into the mid-70s by the time we get towards monday and memorial day. and then a warmer week ahead. that's good news. sports is next. bulldog: get a queen serta set for just $397. save up to $300 on tempur-pedic breeze. and get up to four years interest-free financing on the entire tempur-cloud collection! the memorial day sale ends monday. ♪ mattress discounters ♪ dennis o'donnell is at the oracle arena with tonight's sports report. >> must be holiday traffic. i don't know what it was. it took me over 3 hours to get from san francisco to oracle. but i come with good news. the warriors game 2 against the rockets, they are leading 49-32 of to a much bet -- off to a much better start than game one and the awards continue to pour in for the mvp point guard steph curry. he was a unanimous selection to the all nba first game. he joins lebron, anthony davis and others for the honor. this was by no means a surprise the. klay thompson, on the other hand, was a bit of a shock! golden state shooting guard was named to the all nba third team. it's the first time two warriors have made all nba rosters since chris mullen and tim hardaway and the first time two mates have been selected since the carter administration. baseball, you know, we're not even in june yet and already, madison baumgarner has faced off against clayton kershaw of the dodgers for the third time. that came down today. the ship is definitely sailed on kershaw's career dominants against the giants. 3rd inning baumgarner gets every bit of the 91-mile-per- hour fastball solo job. halfway up the bleachers. he hits that ball an estimated 415 feet. same score in the fourth. hunter pence 4 for 54 lifetime against kershaw but rifles one into right field. pagan gets under the tag. 2-0 san francisco. you know what? weather baumgarner smells blood in the -- when baumgarner smells blood in the water it's usually over for the opposition. he pitched into the 7th. he struck-06. 6th inning, a little poetry for baumgarner. it was 4-0 giants in the ninth. bring on castilla to get the game ending double play. the giants shut the dodgers out for the third straight day and win their sixth straight game. the unmistakable roof at tropicana field where the a's opened a four-game set against the rays. david dejesus into the gap off starter jesse chavez. long gar i don't scores, tampa 1-0. the a's are the worst defensive team in the big leagues. try telling that to eric sogard. willie mays style catch with his back to the infield. but in the 8th inning tampa 3, oakland 0. it is not good. now, before the game, the a's hired ron washington to be an instructor and help fix the club's defensive woes. washington was an assistant in oakland for 11 years. and later he managed the rangers for 8 more. he will join the a's tomorrow. nfl. off season workouts continue. get this. bush has replaced gore in the 49ers backfield. we are talking of course about reggie bush who replaced frank gore in off season. bush is a pass catching specialist with his fourth team since he was drafted second overall in 2006 by the houston texans. best years behind him? >> i don't feel like i have lost a step and i think if you, you know, talk to a lot of people around the league who i have had a chance to play with, even some of the guys here, they see that it doesn't look like i've lost a step. you know, i'm still fast, quick, explosive. you know, but i am older, obviously. but in that sense, for me, i don't feel like i have lost a step at all. >> and, of course, memorial day is upon us. you not only get the traffic. you get the green flag for the indianapolis 500 on sunday! it's called the greatest spectacle in racing for a reason this year. in five days of practice at indianapolis motor speedway, there have been three huge accidents one forcing serious injuries to driver james hinchcliffe. as a result irl officials are requiring teams to run at a lower horsepower this sunday. >> the indianapolis 500 there's risks with our professional and that's why there's only 33 of us that can do that so i'm fully aware of it and the day that i think it's unsafe, i get scared, trust me, i will be in front of the cameras, not hopping into the car. so this is it. this is the indy 500. this is for the tough guys and girls, i guess. ha ha. >> indy 500 sunday. we'll have the champion sunday night on game day. back to you. captions by: caption colorado new customers can save an average of $500 just by switching to progressive. so you'll be bringing home the bacon in no time. sorry. get a free quote at joey fatone: it's time to play "family feud!" give it up for steve harvey! [captioning made possible by fremantle media] steve: all right, y'all. how y'all doing today? i appreciate you, now. thank you much. thank you much, everybody. i do. hey, gaby. ha ha! well, welcome to "family feud," everybody. i'm your man steve harvey. we got a good one for you today. returning for their fifth and final day, with a total of 21,540 bucks from detroit, michigan-- that's d-town, baby-- it's the fowlkes family! and from tallahassee, florida, it's the rice family! everybody's here trying to win theyself a lot of cash. and remember, folks, today if the fowlkes family wins today, they driving out of here in a brand-new, head-turning ford fusion hybrid. that's right. good luck to both families. let's play the "feud." give me whitney. give me nichell. [music] all right, ladies, here we go. top 8 answers on the board. if a baby could talk, he might say, hey, you're doing what all wrong. [ringer] >> changing my diaper. steve: you're changing my diaper all wrong. [bell] >> whoo! >> let's play! >> we're gonna play. steve: they're gonna play. good. all right, ervin this is for the car, man. >> yes, sir. steve: no messing around. >> steve, first, i brought you something. can i show it to you? steve: oh, ok. >> ok. i mean... look. this is a picture of my father back

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