Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 6pm 20130302 : compareme

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 6pm 20130302

charges including perjury and misuse of public funds. the charges stem from years of failing to file campaign finance reports falsifying documents to cover his tracks, and lavishly spending public money on a county credit card. the district attorney says he wants to see shirakawa punished by spending up to a year in jail. >> what is important to me in this case is that he step downright away, that he plead guilty to the charges, that he pay all the money back and that spend some time behind bars. >> reporter: when first investigated by the metro newspaper five months ago, shirakawa was combative. >> i don't want you to be distracted by the political lynching that you read today and continue to read about in the print media. >> reporter: today in a one page statement shirakawa resigned effective immediately. he also explained the root of his problems writing, for years i have suffered from depression and gambling addiction. unfortunately, my gambling addiction went untreated for too long which led to bad decisions and actions that i deeply regret." investigators say shirakawa's problems date back to his school board elections in 2002. in 2010, the d.a. says he set up a secret slush fund of $130,000. >> the only person allowed to sign checks ordeal with that account was george shirakawa. he took in campaign money. and he used it in casinos or for personal purposes. >> reporter: other members of the board of supervisors expressed relief that shirakawa has resigned. >> it's tragic to see that these personal issues causing these kind of problems but he brought it upon himself in that sense and by resigning, at least he is doing the right thing and bringing closure to this. >> reporter: and the county board will have some tough decisions ahead including how to fill the vacancy left by mr. shirakawa. there will be a special meeting on tuesday morning. they will decide between holding a special election which could be costly and making an appointment. ken, the supervisors that i have spoken with said that at this point, they favor having a special election despite the cost because mr. shirakawa was just elected and has three years left on his term. so whoever gets appointed will have a long time in office before they would have to run again. so it looks like they may be leaning towards a special election rather than an appointment. >> yeah. almost a full term there left. len ramirez reporting live from santa clara county, thank you, len. late this afternoon we learned investigators are trying to track down a woman to learn more about the man who shot and killed two santa cruz police officers. investigators have named 28- year-old teresa johnson also known as teresa lamb a person of interest in the case. plus she is not tied to the deaths of the officers but may hold clues to gunman gillibrand goulet's background and history. meanwhile, santa cruz police officers were back at work today for the first time since tuesday's shooting. sheriff's deputies stood at attention in a show of support as officers returned to the streets. they were allowed time off to mourn their fellow officers gunned down by jeremy goulet. the city had been protected by the sheriff's office. meanwhile the memorial day weekend outside the police station inches to grow. -- meanwhile the memorial outside the police station continues to grow. >> it's all about the officers to support them and let them know we love them and -- [ crying ] >> -- our hearts are with them this morning. >> there is late word tonight about the memorial for the fallen officers. that memorial has been moved from santa cruz to the hp pavilion in san jose. officials say the change of venue is necessary to accommodate the overwhelming support from the community. it will be at noon next thursday and we'll have live coverage on kpix 5. there have been two more arrests in connection with last month's triple murder in forestville. sonoma county sheriffs say that 65-year-old francis dwyer was picked up in new mexico and his 38-year-old son arrested in colorado. authorities say both men traveled with the prime suspect after the murders. >> at this point, we don't anticipate any other arrests. we believe that the three subjects that are in custody were the ones responsible for the murder. but we are continuing our investigation. we are not sure where that's going to take us. >> police say the murders happened during a drug deal gone bad. all three suspects will face murder charges in sonoma county. other bay area headlines. a police pursuit today ended in a crash in orinda next to the caldecott tunnel. police say it started after a home invasion robbery in danville. police spotted the suspect's car and gave chase. a 23-year-old hayward man crashed into cars near the tunnel before being caught. in pacifica an old sewer main blamed for a nasty spill. officials say almost 6,000 gallons of wastewater overflowed on highway 1 near rockaway beach early this morning. we are told about 1800 gallons of sewage actually made it to the ocean. the beach has been closed there. water tests are being conducted. oakland's first friday art walk kicked off about an hour ago but tonight there are big changes in the wake of a deadly shooting last month. instead of just canceling the event, organizers revamped it with a focus on safety. kpix 5 reporter patrick sedillo says the art walk is still about culture an connections but now it's also about peace. >> reporter: oakland is gearing up for this month's first friday in oakland. vendors are getting ready. the police in oakland are teaming up to make sure the music and arts festival goes off without a hitch. >> i feel secure with all the police presence and also that it's ending promptly at 9 p.m. >> reporter: there's a sense of concern with cause. last month's first friday was marred when a shooting killed one and wounded two. there will be moments of silence honoring the victims. >> after the incident at the last first friday where someone died a lot of people from the community got together and said, we need to do something about this. >> reporter: at this store a peace pledge is available for anyone interested in signing it. you can't buy a respect our city t-shirt without signing it. the more people who sign it the more we know how much people are embracing that message of peace. >> we're all tremendously saddened by what happened on february 1 at oakland first friday. and we have come together in peace and solidarity. >> reporter: this time there will be a few changes including a smaller footprint that goes from west grand to 27th on telegraph. >> they are enforcing zero tolerance so there's no beer gardens, no public drinking, galleries are not going to be serving alcohol. >> reporter: the plan is to make oaklanders feel proud and peaceful and discouraging violence. >> hopefully, they will feel a sense of collective ownership in oakland and a connection to arts and culture and that it's safe. >> reporter: patrick sedillo cbs 5. >> police are increasing their presence in the uptown neighborhood during and after the event in an effort to keep everyone safe. a suspected kidnapper shot and killed. coming up, how bay area investigators say that victim's texts provided a road map to her rescue. >> a proposal for another bay area rail network. the community that's thinking about taking transportation back in time. >> and the heat is on in the bay area at least by march standards and it's not going to last for long. finally some rain on the horizon for us. we'll have the forecast after a break. 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[ male announcer ] if you can't afford your medication astrazeneca may be able to help. she had a secret weapon. she sent out a flurry of text deputies in sonoma county say a kidnapping victim is safe tonight because she had a secret weapon. she set out a flurry -- sent out a flurry of text messages during her ordeal last night leading police straight to her. after a 10-mile chase the woman was safe and the abductor was dead. kpix 5 reporter elissa harrington is live in santa rosa tonight with new details. >> reporter: the santa rosa police department and district attorney's office are handling the investigation. they are in the process of interviewing witnesses and other deputies who were at the scene to determine why deadly force was used. a toyota camry window was towed from guerneville around 3:00. the driver a kidnapping suspect was shot and killed by sheriff's deputies almost 16 hours earlier. police say the victim's text messages led to her rescue. captain schwartz of the santa rosa police department says a man from san rafael received an alarming text around 10:30 last night. >> the woman texting him was concerned for her safety and being driven to sonoma county against her women. >> reporter: she also provided a description of the car. the friend called 911 and santa rosa sheriff's deputies spotted the vehicle on guerneville road. the driver led them on a 10- mile-high speed chase. >> the deputies tried i think on two occasions to use spike strips to disable the vehicle's tires and end the pursuit. that did not work. the suspect was able to evade and turn around the spikes both times. >> reporter: it finally ended here on oddfellows park road. the driver crashed into an embankment. officers are not saying if the suspect was armed or what exactly led up to the use of deadly force. the dramatic events shocking those who live and work in the usually quiet area. >> guerneville is quiet but we live in a violent world. >> i think that everyone takes a pause and something like this happens anywhere and it's always scary and you hope that it doesn't happen again. >> as you can imagine the victim was shaken up but she was not injured. >> some missing portions of the thing. any word if the suspect and victim knew each other? was this random? >> i just got off the phone with captain schwartz and yes, they did know each other. they were not dating. they were just acquaintances had only known each other for a few weeks. he is still not releasing their names but says more information will be available later on tonight. >> we'll look for it. elissa harrington, thank you. well, get ready to pay extra to park outside at&t park during games and events. it's called event meter race. meters on block within walking distance of at&t park will operate between 10 p.m. on weeknights. the new rates will be between 5 and $7 an hour depending on the distance from the park. rates will be lower on nonevent nights. we keep hearing about the need for more transit and yet our transit agencies are often strapped for cash. well, in one bay area community, there is a pitch for a brand-new rail system. and kpix 5's elizabeth cook says they are pointing to the past to make the sell. >> reporter: before getting around the ross valley look like this, it looked like this. >> this is the old rail route here in the past. >> reporter: and that's just one selling point from those pushing for a marin county trolley system. >> the trolley will save you time and money. it will bring a pure sensation of joy to your family. it will build our community and be a beacon of hope for towns and villages across our great country. >> reporter: the plan is to put streetcar tracks in existing roads from fairfax to san rafael. >> it comes down center and then through the hub and down to the smart station. >> reporter: the route would use some of marin's barely recognizable paths for trains running on 21st century batteries. >> lithium batteries have a bad rap now because of boeing but these will be run with fuel cells. >> reporter: not everyone is on board. >> i love trains. that's the whole thing. i love them. but not unless they make sense. >> reporter: the first question from opponents is the train really necessary? >> we have to start getting out of our cars. we spend over $2 billion a year just as consumers in marin county supporting our automobile habits. >> we don't have the population to serve it. if you look at the vta in san jose they are not getting people to ride it. are we in our little quaint little towns going to? we are already have one disaster in the making with the smart train that's going on right now. they are starting to use eminent domain. why don't we see if that actually works before we go on to the next one? >> reporter: that brings us back to the lure of the railroad. >> buses just are not popular particularly here in marin. these streetcars are something that people are going to use. they have a lot of charm to them. >> trains are sexy and romantic but are you going to ride two different trains and a ferry and a bus to go to work in the city? >> reporter: no one knows exactly how much the line would cost to build or operate. but $100,000 will be spent studying the possibility of taking the ross valley back to the future. >> i think it would be really fun just to ride it. >> this is the suburbs. do we want to urbanize the suburbs because we love trains? >> interesting. liz also tells us elected officials in fairfax, san anselmo and now san rafael have also endorsed this project now supporters are trying to collect public and private funds. >> remember the key system on the bay bridge? lower levels got pulled out in 1958. >> something like that. >> what don't you know, hack snack. >> stay tuned. you're about to find out. [ laughter ] we have some clouds moving into the bay area after a day of record highs. santa rosa hit 74 degrees. that snaps a 2002 record. mountain view tied one set back in 1959. concord 68, oakland 65, san francisco at 61. oakland 65. it will cool down to the 40s for much of the bay area tonight. high wave hazards this weekend. a long wave swell offshore means sneaker waves are possible this weekend. stay away from the rocks because these are the waves that sneak up on you and that warning is posted through 7:00 tomorrow night. weather headlines cooling down. chance of ran coming into the bay area on sunday. and a better chance coming in late tuesday and when. we'll set it all out for you. fair and cool, tgif. low 70s with a few high clouds unpeeling from low pressure that's spinning abeam the queen charlottes and as a result we'll get filtered sunshine, lower temperatures. high clouds, cooling down tomorrow. monday, partly cloudy at sfo. and for the rest of it the southland looks sunny with 70 degrees at los angeles and 34 in chicago. back if the bay area, 63 in san francisco, 62 in pacifica. extended forecast we'll get a chance of showers on sunday, not a big deal. more coming in on tuesday night and on wednesday. after that wednesday event maybe an inch of rain then drying out again for thursday and friday. kpix 5's roberta gonzales took the mobile weather lab to napa valley this afternoon. >> reporter: i have to tell you, this has been a cool day today because we have been on a road trip. we took mobile5 65 miles north of the golden gate bridge. let's come to the weather master. it is 66 degrees. barometer is high which gives you a great indication that high pressure is in chan. winds nonexistent under 5 miles per hour. we are at the marriott hotel and spa in napa valley and we are here because this is the home of the napa valley marathon headquarters. this year celebrating the 35th run of the marathon. i participated in this marathon 26.2 miles at least a couple of times. this is one of the most prestigious courses in the country. we are blessed to have it in our backyard. he is here to tell me why we have so many more women running this marathon. more women than men. >> we have 51% women and 49% men. we're honoring women and marathons this year and the contribution women have made to the sport of running and marathoning. >> i was surprised to see how many people were here registering already. >> it's our lovely napa valley weather. >> reporter: if people don't want to take part in the 26.2 marathon -- i should know this, i've run 29 -- they can participate in the 5k. >> we have folks out here that want to run just 3.1 miles versus the 26.2. and we still have openings so we welcome anyone who wants to come to the napa valley this weekend. >> reporter: what should they do? >> come here tomorrow or they can come race day and sign up and we'll get them out by 8 a.m. >> if you want to know more about the 5-k run race and marathon visit us online at reporting with mobile weather live in napa valley, roberta gonzales, kpix 5. science projects traveling to space. coming up the bay area experiments reaching new heights. and kpix 5 is the official television station for the bay bridge opening ceremony am we are counting down the days until the new eastern span opens in september. and we'll keep you posted on planning for the big day. you can't move the tv there. yuh-huh. we have a wireless receiver. listen. back in my day, there was no u-verse wireless receiver that let you move the tv away from the tv outlet. we can move it to the kitchen, the patio, the closet and almost anywhere. why would you want a tv in the closet? 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[ male announcer ] today tastes so good. right now, firefighters have stopped its spread in the heavily vegetated santa ana river bottom. the wildfire situation in riverside is still developing tonight. right now firefighters have stopped its spread in the heavily vegetation in the santa ana river bottom. it's 40% contain. the fire downed power lines and burned homes prompting evacuations. power is restored. no one was injured. and the cause of the fire is still not known. the early-morning start for some south bay students. >> they watched a rocket blast off taking their science project into space. >> the latest spacex rocket is heading to the international space station on board some experiments by students at valley christian and fremont christian high schools in san jose as well as los gatos high school. >> we're stoke. it's a big day. >> it's a series of experiments, 11 experiment, all kinds of experiments. >> very cool. the data collected from these experiments will be added to a nasa database. by the way, the dragon is going to miss its birthing date at the space station because of a thruster issue. coming up in the next half hour, it's being called a senseless standoff. >> it's just dumb. it's going to hurt. >> just hours until the deadline to avoid billions of dollars in spending cuss how long until the pain hits home? >> they are getting punished for breaking the rules. why the ncaa is imposing sanctions against st. mary's. >> and they gave up their life savings to their church leader. tonight in a kpix 5 exclusive, hear why some members of the church say they gave up a lot more than that. 97 across-the-board budget cuts.. with no one in washington willing or able to stop them. now at 6:30. time has run out to avert massive across-the-board budget cuts. with no one in washington willing or able to really stop what's going to happen, bye-bye $85 billion. president obama has signed the order authorizing a year's worth of steep cuts that he calls just plain dumb. cbs reporter tara mergener tells us now everyone is bracing for what happens next. tara. >> reporter: ken, that's right. despite some last-minute conversation this morning, there was no deal and just a little bit earlier tonight, president obama made it official. the cuts are coming. congressional leers left the white house without a last- minute deal to avoid billions in spending cuts. president obama warned the economy will soon feel the impact. >> this is not going to be a apocalypse i think as some people have said. it's just dumb. it's going to hurt. >> reporter: thousands of government workers have already been told they could be furloughed. and the administration has forecast everything from fewer teachers in the classroom to longer lines at the airport. the president blames republicans. >> they have allowed these cuts to happen because they refuse to budget on closing a single wasteful loophole. >> reporter: house speaker john boehner says the gop has already done its part. >> this discussion about revenue in my view is over. it's about taking on the spending problem here in washington. >> reporter: these across the board cuts can be stopped if lawmakers reach a budget deal in the coming weeks. president obama hopes the pain of the cuts will force a compromise. the pentagon alone must slash $46 billion. the chairman of the house armed services committee says the president should have done more to stop this from happening in the first place. >> i have never in my lifetime seen such a lack of leadership and truth-telling emanating from the white house. >> reporter: the finger- pointing at any as lawmakers left washington for the weekend. and there's no telling who is actually going to get the blame for this politically or economically. but both sides democrat and republican are hope, ken, the or side gets the rap for this one. >> i think that's what's so frustrating for most americans is that everybody is finger- pointing, nobody is sitting down to get any of this work done. and we have another fiscal showdown already looming, correct? >> reporter: it's true. and that is over the continuing resolution which expires on march 27th. that's what's been keeping the federal government running in the absence of a formal budget. now, no formal budget, no continuing resolution, you're looking at a federal government shutdown. but ken, the good news is that that both president obama and house speaker john boehner said they are not interested in that. but we'll see if that works out better than this did. >> they have the better part of four weeks to work on that. we'll see how well they do this time. tara mergener in d.c., thank you. to see how the cuts would hurt california, you can log on to and click on politics. the st. mary's college men's basketball team has learned the sanctions following an investigation into recruiting violations. as kpix 5 reporter da lin tells us, the punishment could hurt the school's ability to attract talent. >> reporter: the ncaa sanctions rang loudly this morning shocking the entire st. mary's campus. disappointed students worry the sanctions will hurt this catholic college of about 4,000. >> a lot of applicants here at school are because of the basketball team and we're a small school. >> reporter: officials say a former st. mary's assistant coach acted unethically in the recruitment of international athletes. >> arranging more housing and providing, you know, smaller benefits such as shoes and workout gear. >> reporter: st. mary's has risen as a major basketball power thanks in part to a pipeline of talented foreign students. the primary violations were over the recruitment of three french prospects. >> they never came to st. mary's. they -- i don't think any of them ever did an official visit to st. mary's. >> reporter: basketball head coach randy bennett says he takes full responsibility for the violations. >> i'm not proud of it. it's -- we're not perfect. i'm not perfect. we've, you know, i made some mistakes. >> reporter: but he feels the penalties are too harsh. here are the big ones. coach bennett won't be allowed to recruit off campus for one year. and he will be suspended for five conference games next season. in addition, the men's basketball program will be placed on four years of probation. and the team will lose two scholarships in the next two seasons. the team can participate in the conference tournament and the ncaa tournament but the coach says the sanctions will no doubt affect his program. >> it's a hole that we have put ourselves in and we are going to have to get ourselves out of it. >> reporter: in moraga, i'm da lin, kpix 5. >> with a 25-5 overall record the team is making a run at this year's tournament. they are 13-2 in the conference. we'll have more on this story later in sports. a former follower of charles manson will not get out on parole. governor brown reversed the parole board decision to release 70-year-old bruce davis. brown says that davis still poses a threat. he also wants davis to come clean about manson's cult and the gruesome killings of the stuntman and a musician. davis has been spilling information in recent months. he was not involved in the infamous murder of actress sharon tate in 1969. florida authorities say a man is dead after a sinkhole opened under his home and swallowed him in a matter of seconds. he was in his bed last night when it happened. his brother looked for him but deputies had to pull him from the crumbling ground. engineers lowered listening devices and cameras into the hole but couldn't make contact with the missing man in the 100- foot hole. the dresser and tv set and the man's bed fell in the home. the home is too unstable for rescue crews to continue. question: could you use extra cash for your mortgage? or your rent? how about medical expenses? coming up, how you can post your plea for money online and the potential pitfalls. >> and they gave their life savings to their church leader. tonight in a kpix 5 exclusive, hear why some members of the church say they gave up a lot more than that. mary gonzales had a cold she also has asthma. so she sees her allergist who has a receptionist susan who sees that she's due for a mammogram. mary has one that day. that's when she finds out she has a tumor. she has a successful surgery and because her health provider has an amazing connected system, she has her life. i don't know what you have but i have kaiser permanente. kaiser permanente. thrive. running an alleged unlawful real estate scheme. tonigh last night we told you that two church of leaders are under investigation for running an unlawful real estate scheme. tonight former church members tell linda yee they were so controlled by the church that they gave up their money willingly. >> it's yours. >> reporter: jackson's got his own congregation now. >> i let people be who they are. >> reporter: very different he says from a church he used to belong to called general assembly led bypass store lacy hawkins who according to jackson controlled every move his members made. >> i went to buy a house, car, talk to him. >> you had to ask permission for a lot of stuff. >> former member carolyn williams says the church discourage contact with the outside world. in the beginning she says the pastor even tried to stop members from having children. >> oh, that was a big no, no. children keep you out of heaven. i had my tubes tied from the pressure of that. >> reporter: former members believe that controlling nature of the church led one follower to try and kill pastor lacy hawkins. that happened in 1996 here in the parking lot of the general assembly church in union city. hawkins was shot in the face but survived. hawkins is now under investigation along with his second in command michael parker for running an alleged real estate scheme involving church members. >> on one hand he is that are pastor. on the other hand he is now their investment advisor. >> reporter: rick ross a cult expert. >> that's a deeply destructive group and lacy hawkins has hurt many people. >> reporter: ross says many former members contacted him. >> the truth is, virtually anyone can be sucked into a destructive cult given the right opportunity and time in their life. >> keep in mind there's a couple of things here. >> reporter: in an interview with kpix 5, hawkins' second in command michael parker denied any wrongdoing. >> this wasn't the church coming in to take over businesses. this is michael a business management expert who had an idea how we could help our people. >> reporter: former members of your group have come to us and made these statements. they were forced sterilizations of some of the members. >> really? >> reporter: you have never heard that? >> i've heard these types of accusations that people have made because these are things that have come from disgruntled people. >> reporter: parker was incredulous but volunteered even more. >> i have heard we have guns on the roof. i heard we put things in the food to make people keep coming back to church. >> reporter: rumors parker claims but enough to finally prompt former member carolyn williams to get out. >> i started becoming awake. >> reporter: she left the group and then did something she never dared before. she bought a home. >> i didn't ask hawkins' permission. i just did it. >> reporter: don jackson is glad to be out but fearful for the ones left behind. >> somebody needs to know the truth. >> reporter: as to that state investigation, the judge issued a ruling this week but that won't be made public for a month. we will continue to follow the story. linda yee, kpix 5. >> sources tell kpix 5 that the state attorney general is conducting a criminal investigation now. when we contacted them today, they would neither confirm nor deny that. are you desperate for cash? have you ever thought about asking for money online? the growing trend of public pleas for help. >> pressure is on. the temperatures are up. but not for long. something completely different coming into the bay area. big changes on sunday. the forecast coming up as we gaze at the current readings right now. that's not bad for march. the forecast is just ahead. >> wait until you hear what the face of st. mary's men's basketball had to say about the ncaa coming down hard on the program and what's with the dissing of serena williams? world's number one rank player rejected on the photo op? at tyco integrated security, we consider ourselves business optimizers. how? by building custom security solutions that integrate video access control, fire and intrusion protection. all backed up with world-class monitoring centers thousands of qualified technicians, and a personal passion to help protect your business. when your business is optimized like that, there's no stopping you. we are tyco integrated security. and we are sharper. ♪ roundup ♪ ♪ i want a weed free season that's how i roll ♪ ♪ so i reach for roundup extended control ♪ ♪ with the all-new, no pump, one-touch wand ♪ ♪ it kills weeds dead and keeps weeds gone ♪ [ whip cracks ] ♪ roundup extended control ♪ ♪ i just spray them weeds then spray them cracks ♪ ♪ the weeds are gone, and they won't be back ♪ ♪ driveway, patio, i just spray once ♪ ♪ and it's adios weeds for up to four sweet months ♪ [ whip cracks ] ♪ roundup extended control ♪ [ male announcer ] roundup extended control ♪ yeha ♪ with the new one-touch wand. [ whip cracks ] land o' lakes spreadable butter with canola oil is made with sweet cream, canola oil and salt. just three simple ingredients. what's in your spread? people post public appeals for money. some people are describing it as begging online. a growing number of websites that let people post public appeals more money. it's called crowd funding and it's now being used for everything from rent payments to medical expenses. she lost her hair and some weight but michelle turner is determined not to lose her home while she battles breast cancer. back in september she asked for help to pay rent and medical expenses while she has treatment on >> people with outpouring of care and support. >> reporter: it's called crowd fund and it started as a way for new businesses and artists to raise money to get projects off the ground. funding for healthcare is now the fastest growing type of appeal on a growing number of crowd funding sites. >> never before has there been an easier way to raise money online for the things that matter to you most. >> reporter: while go fund me's founder says some people cheat the system with phony appeals, most scammers get called out quickly by savvy would-be donors. but public health professor alan sanger has a different concern. >> there's some reason to think that patient who are more photogenic, who are members of some racial and ethnic groups, might be more likely to draw money that is patients who are members of other groups. >> reporter: and there are some privacy concerns although many sites allow you to choose who sees your appeal and with medical costs rising and copays declining, many say people with illnesses need all the help they can get. michelle agrees. thanks to a wide circle of new friends and their support, she is feeling better these days. >> it means so much. it just has shown me just kind of this web of support. >> reporter: now, go fund me gets 5% off the top of every donation and payment processing costs about 3%. the money you donate is not tax- deductible unlike giving funds to a charity. if you have a consumer problem, give us a call, 1-888-5-helps- u. >> they could have had called it go sun me today. >> it was nice. >> rain on the way? >> it looks like it is coming. and boy have we been dry. in marin county, you know, they have been keeping records for the watershed in marin all the way back to 1879 and in january and february they usually get 20 inches of rain. they only got 2." only 10% of average and yet the reservoirs, you head out novato boulevard from novato and you pass stafford lake, it's just full! the average reservoir depth is about 97%. it's 97% of capacity. so the reservoirs are okay because we were inundated as you know back in the early part of the year but now we are beginning to dry up just a little bit. still it's a beautiful sight in the bay area as we look towards sutro. if you want to, you can get this broadcast for completely free. in fact, the best signal you will ever see on your hd television is one that you simply get over the air. have you ever tried it? it's a stunning picture. it would be even more stunning if i were to step out. concord right now has 68 degrees. oakland has 65. livermore at 64. san francisco at the airport 61. santa rosa hit a record today 74 degrees breaking their 2002 record and mountain view tied a record today. high wave hazards along the shoreline today of a long, as well. powerful swell atop the pacific and as that approaches the shoreline, the waves themselves are not big but it can suddenly leap up as it gets close to the coast so through tomorrow night at about 6:00, we have this beach hazard warning posted. it affects the entire bay area coastline. if you are headed to the beach don't stand out on the rocks or the jetties where you would be exposed to sudden waves. what to expect in terms. weather, clouds increasing, temperatures dropping tomorrow. scattered showers possible on sunday. we finally get wet. and then more rain coming in late tuesday for the bay area. time lapse here, low pressure off the queens charlotte sending high clouds over and we'll have subtropical moisture so this will spill in over northern california. tomorrow filtered sunshine as a result so temperatures will come down a little bit. not quite as warm tomorrow as today. high clouds tomorrow, 63 in san francisco, morgan hill 72. 71 milpitas. for tomorrow we'll still nudge 70s inland. 73 at danville and 71 in san ramon. sunday we expect to cool down. bodega bay 65. in the extended forecast, we are going to be looking for a chance of showers on sunday. it won't amount to much. and then we'll clear up for monday increasing clouds though tuesday late tuesday first in the north bay overspreading the rest of the bay area on wednesday maybe an inch of rain from that and the latter half of the week back to dry weather. that's the weather. mr. glenn ahead with sports after a break. before copd... i took my son fishing every year. we had a great spot not easy to find, but worth it. but with copd making it hard to breathe i thought those days might be over. so my doctor prescribed symbicort. it helps significantly improve my lung function starting within five minutes. symbicort doesn't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. with symbicort, today i'm breathing better. and that on! symbicort is for copd including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. it should not be taken more than twice a day. symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. with copd, i thought i'd miss our family tradition. now symbicort significantly improves my lung function starting within 5 minutes. and that makes a difference in my breathing. today, we're ready for whatever swims our way. ask your doctor about symbicort. i got my first prescription free. call or click to learn more. [ male announcer ] if you can't afford your medication astrazeneca may be able to help. this just in. baltimore ravens quarterback joe flacco has just agreed to a six-year contract worth $120 million. it makes him the highest paid quarterback in the game. he is set to sign this deal on mon. as we told he earlier, the ncaa came down hard on the st. mary's men's basketball program. they are calling it the failure to monitor and promote an atmosphere for compliance. the penalties that the gaels face are reduction of scholarships, recruiting restrictions, and a four-year probation period because a, toker assistant coach provided improper benefits to three former french prospects. with a record of 25-5 they are hoping for an at-large bid. does hurt the brand of the program. who happens to be a dejected head coach randy bennett who responded this an. >> i think the penalties are harsh. so it will have an effect on our program but i feel confident that we'll work through it. >> i was not happy. i -- yeah. i -- i think like anyone would be, you would feel like you got attacked a little bit and you want to tell your side of the story but like i said, you just -- i -- i'm good now. all right, coach. quick cactus league score with the giants and the as got together. giants won this one by a whopping 13-9 margin. spring training continues tomorrow. now, how huge was brian sabean in picking up marco scutaro last year? giants -- get to the world series without -- don't get to the world series without him. dennis o'donnell has more. >> scutaro is enjoying every minute of it. >> reporter: in a zone. that's baseball terminology for being red-hot. and marco scutaro was in a zone all his own. >> anyone would have told me before i got traded that i was going to be a world champ, i would have probably slapped you in the face. >> i was just happy. >> reporter: brian sabean has been known to pull off blockbuster moves down the stretch. scutaro blockbuster? no. best pickup? maybe. a career .276 hitter scutaro came to the giants at .362, drove in 44 runs and scored 40. 37-year-old second baseman cashed in to the tune of three years and $20 million. >> it is very important, you know, especially when you have family kids and stuff like that you know, where you're going to be for the next three years. >> reporter: he was the first guy on the practice field this morning. >> i don't nothing to do at my apartment. >> reporter: make that penthouse apartment. scutaro doesn't hesitate when asked about the most important aspect of repeating his world champs. for his shortstop. >> defense as good as anyone offensively getting better and, you know, when he can put those things together he is going to be a awesome player definitely. >> there's tiger woods. rules are rules. no pictures on the course. that means you serena williams. priceless reaction by tennis' number one player. rory mcilroy withdrew from the honda classic. what hurt worse the 7-over score or the toothache that caused him to give it up? woods was in danger of missing the cut. check him blasting out of the box at 17. he made birdie to finish at even par. lou guthrie your leader at 9 under pare. now, 7th ranked georgetown both uconn in double overtime last night. hoyas radio announcer rich chabot kin got a little excited. >> drives like baseline right into the right baseline throws up an air ball, hoyas win, hoyas win, hoyas win, hoyas win, hoyas win, hoyas win, hoyas win! >> 10 times, one time each for their winning streak. >> nobody looked very excited. >> serena could walk over and talk to him. >> she was in the gallery just like everybody else. >> good night. captions by: caption colorado [email protected] aren't you sweet! licensed phone-ups available 24/7. call 1-800-progressive. well, well, well. growing up, we didn't have u-verse. we couldn't record four shows at the same time. in my day, you were lucky if you could record two shows. and if mom was recording her dumb show and dad was recording his dumb show then, by george, that's all we watched. and we liked it! today's kids got it so good. [ male announcer ] get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for 1 year when you bundle tv and internet. rethink possible. ñáçwçñ ♪ secondhand smoke affects everyone's health. it's not just irritating. it can cause heart disease and even death. speak up about secondhand smoke. your health and the health of your family depend on it. am i allergic to any medications? i don't know. last immunization shots? really? honey, what's my blood pressure medicine called? one time i took something and i blew up like a puffer fish. i'm probably allergic to that. at kaiser permanente, your medical information is available to you and your doctors. quickly. securely. no guesswork required. better information. better care. kaiserpermanente. thrive. joey fatone: this is joey fatone. it's time to play "family feud". give it up for steve harvey! [cheering and applause] [captioning made possible by fremantle media] steve: welcome to the show. thanks for very much. how's everybody doing today? thank y'all for coming. thank you very much, folks. thanks a lot, everybody. hey, welcome to "family feud". i'm your man steve harvey. you know what, like always, we got a good one for you today. we got a family returning for the 3rd day from lansing, michigan it's the parker family. [cheering and applause] and from milton, georgia, it's the carman family. [cheering and applause] let's get it on. give me monica. give me savannah. [applause] here we go, guys. we've got the top 7 answers on the board. name something that seems to be on lindsay lohan's list of things to do every day. savannah. >> do drugs. steve: do drugs. [cheering and applause] they gonna play. [applause] hey, billy, name something that seems to be on lindsay lohan's list of things to do every day. >> i would say find a way out of rehab. steve: find a way out of rehab. >> yeah! >> whoo! steve: what do you do, bethany? >> well, i just graduated high school in may, and i'm headed off to georgia southern next year. steve: georgia southern? >> whoo! steve: wow. bethany, give me something that seems to be on lindsay lohan's list of things to do every day. >> i'd say get arrested. steve: get arrested. >> whoo!

Related Keywords

Georgia Southern , Georgia , United States , San Anselmo , California , Ross Valley , Oakland , Napa Valley , Mountain View , Santa Ana River , Santa Clara County , Florida , New Mexico , Stafford Lake , Michigan , Washington , District Of Columbia , San Francisco , Marin County , Los Gatos , Pacifica , Milpitas , Sonoma County , Danville , Colorado , Forestville , Rockaway Beach , France , Morgan Hill , Chicago , Illinois , Americans , French , Rick Ross , Lindsay Lohan , Steve Harvey , Bruce Davis , Elizabeth Cook , Michelle Turner , Serena Williams , Roberta Gonzales , Mary Gonzales , Gillibrand Goulet , Lou Guthrie , John Boehner , Kaiser Permanente , Carolyn Williams , Lalan Sanger , Don Jackson , Teresa Johnson , Marco Scutaro , Los Angeles , Rory Mcilroy , George Shirakawa , Sharon Tate , Charles Manson , Michael Parker , Randy Bennett , Jeremy Goulet , Linda Yee , Francis Dwyer , Fremont Christian , Melissa Harrington , Len Ramirez ,

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Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 6pm 20130302

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charges including perjury and misuse of public funds. the charges stem from years of failing to file campaign finance reports falsifying documents to cover his tracks, and lavishly spending public money on a county credit card. the district attorney says he wants to see shirakawa punished by spending up to a year in jail. >> what is important to me in this case is that he step downright away, that he plead guilty to the charges, that he pay all the money back and that spend some time behind bars. >> reporter: when first investigated by the metro newspaper five months ago, shirakawa was combative. >> i don't want you to be distracted by the political lynching that you read today and continue to read about in the print media. >> reporter: today in a one page statement shirakawa resigned effective immediately. he also explained the root of his problems writing, for years i have suffered from depression and gambling addiction. unfortunately, my gambling addiction went untreated for too long which led to bad decisions and actions that i deeply regret." investigators say shirakawa's problems date back to his school board elections in 2002. in 2010, the d.a. says he set up a secret slush fund of $130,000. >> the only person allowed to sign checks ordeal with that account was george shirakawa. he took in campaign money. and he used it in casinos or for personal purposes. >> reporter: other members of the board of supervisors expressed relief that shirakawa has resigned. >> it's tragic to see that these personal issues causing these kind of problems but he brought it upon himself in that sense and by resigning, at least he is doing the right thing and bringing closure to this. >> reporter: and the county board will have some tough decisions ahead including how to fill the vacancy left by mr. shirakawa. there will be a special meeting on tuesday morning. they will decide between holding a special election which could be costly and making an appointment. ken, the supervisors that i have spoken with said that at this point, they favor having a special election despite the cost because mr. shirakawa was just elected and has three years left on his term. so whoever gets appointed will have a long time in office before they would have to run again. so it looks like they may be leaning towards a special election rather than an appointment. >> yeah. almost a full term there left. len ramirez reporting live from santa clara county, thank you, len. late this afternoon we learned investigators are trying to track down a woman to learn more about the man who shot and killed two santa cruz police officers. investigators have named 28- year-old teresa johnson also known as teresa lamb a person of interest in the case. plus she is not tied to the deaths of the officers but may hold clues to gunman gillibrand goulet's background and history. meanwhile, santa cruz police officers were back at work today for the first time since tuesday's shooting. sheriff's deputies stood at attention in a show of support as officers returned to the streets. they were allowed time off to mourn their fellow officers gunned down by jeremy goulet. the city had been protected by the sheriff's office. meanwhile the memorial day weekend outside the police station inches to grow. -- meanwhile the memorial outside the police station continues to grow. >> it's all about the officers to support them and let them know we love them and -- [ crying ] >> -- our hearts are with them this morning. >> there is late word tonight about the memorial for the fallen officers. that memorial has been moved from santa cruz to the hp pavilion in san jose. officials say the change of venue is necessary to accommodate the overwhelming support from the community. it will be at noon next thursday and we'll have live coverage on kpix 5. there have been two more arrests in connection with last month's triple murder in forestville. sonoma county sheriffs say that 65-year-old francis dwyer was picked up in new mexico and his 38-year-old son arrested in colorado. authorities say both men traveled with the prime suspect after the murders. >> at this point, we don't anticipate any other arrests. we believe that the three subjects that are in custody were the ones responsible for the murder. but we are continuing our investigation. we are not sure where that's going to take us. >> police say the murders happened during a drug deal gone bad. all three suspects will face murder charges in sonoma county. other bay area headlines. a police pursuit today ended in a crash in orinda next to the caldecott tunnel. police say it started after a home invasion robbery in danville. police spotted the suspect's car and gave chase. a 23-year-old hayward man crashed into cars near the tunnel before being caught. in pacifica an old sewer main blamed for a nasty spill. officials say almost 6,000 gallons of wastewater overflowed on highway 1 near rockaway beach early this morning. we are told about 1800 gallons of sewage actually made it to the ocean. the beach has been closed there. water tests are being conducted. oakland's first friday art walk kicked off about an hour ago but tonight there are big changes in the wake of a deadly shooting last month. instead of just canceling the event, organizers revamped it with a focus on safety. kpix 5 reporter patrick sedillo says the art walk is still about culture an connections but now it's also about peace. >> reporter: oakland is gearing up for this month's first friday in oakland. vendors are getting ready. the police in oakland are teaming up to make sure the music and arts festival goes off without a hitch. >> i feel secure with all the police presence and also that it's ending promptly at 9 p.m. >> reporter: there's a sense of concern with cause. last month's first friday was marred when a shooting killed one and wounded two. there will be moments of silence honoring the victims. >> after the incident at the last first friday where someone died a lot of people from the community got together and said, we need to do something about this. >> reporter: at this store a peace pledge is available for anyone interested in signing it. you can't buy a respect our city t-shirt without signing it. the more people who sign it the more we know how much people are embracing that message of peace. >> we're all tremendously saddened by what happened on february 1 at oakland first friday. and we have come together in peace and solidarity. >> reporter: this time there will be a few changes including a smaller footprint that goes from west grand to 27th on telegraph. >> they are enforcing zero tolerance so there's no beer gardens, no public drinking, galleries are not going to be serving alcohol. >> reporter: the plan is to make oaklanders feel proud and peaceful and discouraging violence. >> hopefully, they will feel a sense of collective ownership in oakland and a connection to arts and culture and that it's safe. >> reporter: patrick sedillo cbs 5. >> police are increasing their presence in the uptown neighborhood during and after the event in an effort to keep everyone safe. a suspected kidnapper shot and killed. coming up, how bay area investigators say that victim's texts provided a road map to her rescue. >> a proposal for another bay area rail network. the community that's thinking about taking transportation back in time. >> and the heat is on in the bay area at least by march standards and it's not going to last for long. finally some rain on the horizon for us. we'll have the forecast after a break. [ crickets chirping ] [ traffic passing ] ♪ [ music box: lullaby ] [ man on tv, indistinct ] ♪ [ lullaby continues ] [ baby coos ] [ man announcing ] millions are still exposed to the dangers... of secondhand smoke... and some of them can't do anything about it. ♪ [ continues ] [ gasping ] before copd... i took my son fishing every year. we had a great spot not easy to find, but worth it. but with copd making it hard to breathe i thought those days might be over. so my doctor prescribed symbicort. it helps significantly improve my lung function starting within five minutes. symbicort doesn't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. with symbicort, today i'm breathing better. and that on! symbicort is for copd including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. it should not be taken more than twice a day. symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. with copd, i thought i'd miss our family tradition. now symbicort significantly improves my lung function starting within 5 minutes. and that makes a difference in my breathing. today, we're ready for whatever swims our way. ask your doctor about symbicort. i got my first prescription free. call or click to learn more. [ male announcer ] if you can't afford your medication astrazeneca may be able to help. she had a secret weapon. she sent out a flurry of text deputies in sonoma county say a kidnapping victim is safe tonight because she had a secret weapon. she set out a flurry -- sent out a flurry of text messages during her ordeal last night leading police straight to her. after a 10-mile chase the woman was safe and the abductor was dead. kpix 5 reporter elissa harrington is live in santa rosa tonight with new details. >> reporter: the santa rosa police department and district attorney's office are handling the investigation. they are in the process of interviewing witnesses and other deputies who were at the scene to determine why deadly force was used. a toyota camry window was towed from guerneville around 3:00. the driver a kidnapping suspect was shot and killed by sheriff's deputies almost 16 hours earlier. police say the victim's text messages led to her rescue. captain schwartz of the santa rosa police department says a man from san rafael received an alarming text around 10:30 last night. >> the woman texting him was concerned for her safety and being driven to sonoma county against her women. >> reporter: she also provided a description of the car. the friend called 911 and santa rosa sheriff's deputies spotted the vehicle on guerneville road. the driver led them on a 10- mile-high speed chase. >> the deputies tried i think on two occasions to use spike strips to disable the vehicle's tires and end the pursuit. that did not work. the suspect was able to evade and turn around the spikes both times. >> reporter: it finally ended here on oddfellows park road. the driver crashed into an embankment. officers are not saying if the suspect was armed or what exactly led up to the use of deadly force. the dramatic events shocking those who live and work in the usually quiet area. >> guerneville is quiet but we live in a violent world. >> i think that everyone takes a pause and something like this happens anywhere and it's always scary and you hope that it doesn't happen again. >> as you can imagine the victim was shaken up but she was not injured. >> some missing portions of the thing. any word if the suspect and victim knew each other? was this random? >> i just got off the phone with captain schwartz and yes, they did know each other. they were not dating. they were just acquaintances had only known each other for a few weeks. he is still not releasing their names but says more information will be available later on tonight. >> we'll look for it. elissa harrington, thank you. well, get ready to pay extra to park outside at&t park during games and events. it's called event meter race. meters on block within walking distance of at&t park will operate between 10 p.m. on weeknights. the new rates will be between 5 and $7 an hour depending on the distance from the park. rates will be lower on nonevent nights. we keep hearing about the need for more transit and yet our transit agencies are often strapped for cash. well, in one bay area community, there is a pitch for a brand-new rail system. and kpix 5's elizabeth cook says they are pointing to the past to make the sell. >> reporter: before getting around the ross valley look like this, it looked like this. >> this is the old rail route here in the past. >> reporter: and that's just one selling point from those pushing for a marin county trolley system. >> the trolley will save you time and money. it will bring a pure sensation of joy to your family. it will build our community and be a beacon of hope for towns and villages across our great country. >> reporter: the plan is to put streetcar tracks in existing roads from fairfax to san rafael. >> it comes down center and then through the hub and down to the smart station. >> reporter: the route would use some of marin's barely recognizable paths for trains running on 21st century batteries. >> lithium batteries have a bad rap now because of boeing but these will be run with fuel cells. >> reporter: not everyone is on board. >> i love trains. that's the whole thing. i love them. but not unless they make sense. >> reporter: the first question from opponents is the train really necessary? >> we have to start getting out of our cars. we spend over $2 billion a year just as consumers in marin county supporting our automobile habits. >> we don't have the population to serve it. if you look at the vta in san jose they are not getting people to ride it. are we in our little quaint little towns going to? we are already have one disaster in the making with the smart train that's going on right now. they are starting to use eminent domain. why don't we see if that actually works before we go on to the next one? >> reporter: that brings us back to the lure of the railroad. >> buses just are not popular particularly here in marin. these streetcars are something that people are going to use. they have a lot of charm to them. >> trains are sexy and romantic but are you going to ride two different trains and a ferry and a bus to go to work in the city? >> reporter: no one knows exactly how much the line would cost to build or operate. but $100,000 will be spent studying the possibility of taking the ross valley back to the future. >> i think it would be really fun just to ride it. >> this is the suburbs. do we want to urbanize the suburbs because we love trains? >> interesting. liz also tells us elected officials in fairfax, san anselmo and now san rafael have also endorsed this project now supporters are trying to collect public and private funds. >> remember the key system on the bay bridge? lower levels got pulled out in 1958. >> something like that. >> what don't you know, hack snack. >> stay tuned. you're about to find out. [ laughter ] we have some clouds moving into the bay area after a day of record highs. santa rosa hit 74 degrees. that snaps a 2002 record. mountain view tied one set back in 1959. concord 68, oakland 65, san francisco at 61. oakland 65. it will cool down to the 40s for much of the bay area tonight. high wave hazards this weekend. a long wave swell offshore means sneaker waves are possible this weekend. stay away from the rocks because these are the waves that sneak up on you and that warning is posted through 7:00 tomorrow night. weather headlines cooling down. chance of ran coming into the bay area on sunday. and a better chance coming in late tuesday and when. we'll set it all out for you. fair and cool, tgif. low 70s with a few high clouds unpeeling from low pressure that's spinning abeam the queen charlottes and as a result we'll get filtered sunshine, lower temperatures. high clouds, cooling down tomorrow. monday, partly cloudy at sfo. and for the rest of it the southland looks sunny with 70 degrees at los angeles and 34 in chicago. back if the bay area, 63 in san francisco, 62 in pacifica. extended forecast we'll get a chance of showers on sunday, not a big deal. more coming in on tuesday night and on wednesday. after that wednesday event maybe an inch of rain then drying out again for thursday and friday. kpix 5's roberta gonzales took the mobile weather lab to napa valley this afternoon. >> reporter: i have to tell you, this has been a cool day today because we have been on a road trip. we took mobile5 65 miles north of the golden gate bridge. let's come to the weather master. it is 66 degrees. barometer is high which gives you a great indication that high pressure is in chan. winds nonexistent under 5 miles per hour. we are at the marriott hotel and spa in napa valley and we are here because this is the home of the napa valley marathon headquarters. this year celebrating the 35th run of the marathon. i participated in this marathon 26.2 miles at least a couple of times. this is one of the most prestigious courses in the country. we are blessed to have it in our backyard. he is here to tell me why we have so many more women running this marathon. more women than men. >> we have 51% women and 49% men. we're honoring women and marathons this year and the contribution women have made to the sport of running and marathoning. >> i was surprised to see how many people were here registering already. >> it's our lovely napa valley weather. >> reporter: if people don't want to take part in the 26.2 marathon -- i should know this, i've run 29 -- they can participate in the 5k. >> we have folks out here that want to run just 3.1 miles versus the 26.2. and we still have openings so we welcome anyone who wants to come to the napa valley this weekend. >> reporter: what should they do? >> come here tomorrow or they can come race day and sign up and we'll get them out by 8 a.m. >> if you want to know more about the 5-k run race and marathon visit us online at reporting with mobile weather live in napa valley, roberta gonzales, kpix 5. science projects traveling to space. coming up the bay area experiments reaching new heights. and kpix 5 is the official television station for the bay bridge opening ceremony am we are counting down the days until the new eastern span opens in september. and we'll keep you posted on planning for the big day. you can't move the tv there. yuh-huh. we have a wireless receiver. listen. back in my day, there was no u-verse wireless receiver that let you move the tv away from the tv outlet. we can move it to the kitchen, the patio, the closet and almost anywhere. why would you want a tv in the closet? [ both laugh ] ♪ ♪ [ fancy voice ] brilliant idea, darling. ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] the wireless receiver. get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for 1 year when you bundle tv and internet. rethink possible. ooh kfc. hey, you're supposed to wait for everybody. you know what, while we're waiting why don't we play a game of hide and seek? right now? yeah go hide. go on buddy. one, two... [ son ] come and find me! three! [ son ] are you even looking for me? i am looking! [ male announcer ] bite-sized chicken's grown up. kfc bites. freshly hand-breaded big bites of premium breast meat seasoned in the colonel's original recipe. try 10 bites with an 8 piece meal for $19.99. [ son ] dad? [ male announcer ] today tastes so good. right now, firefighters have stopped its spread in the heavily vegetated santa ana river bottom. the wildfire situation in riverside is still developing tonight. right now firefighters have stopped its spread in the heavily vegetation in the santa ana river bottom. it's 40% contain. the fire downed power lines and burned homes prompting evacuations. power is restored. no one was injured. and the cause of the fire is still not known. the early-morning start for some south bay students. >> they watched a rocket blast off taking their science project into space. >> the latest spacex rocket is heading to the international space station on board some experiments by students at valley christian and fremont christian high schools in san jose as well as los gatos high school. >> we're stoke. it's a big day. >> it's a series of experiments, 11 experiment, all kinds of experiments. >> very cool. the data collected from these experiments will be added to a nasa database. by the way, the dragon is going to miss its birthing date at the space station because of a thruster issue. coming up in the next half hour, it's being called a senseless standoff. >> it's just dumb. it's going to hurt. >> just hours until the deadline to avoid billions of dollars in spending cuss how long until the pain hits home? >> they are getting punished for breaking the rules. why the ncaa is imposing sanctions against st. mary's. >> and they gave up their life savings to their church leader. tonight in a kpix 5 exclusive, hear why some members of the church say they gave up a lot more than that. 97 across-the-board budget cuts.. with no one in washington willing or able to stop them. now at 6:30. time has run out to avert massive across-the-board budget cuts. with no one in washington willing or able to really stop what's going to happen, bye-bye $85 billion. president obama has signed the order authorizing a year's worth of steep cuts that he calls just plain dumb. cbs reporter tara mergener tells us now everyone is bracing for what happens next. tara. >> reporter: ken, that's right. despite some last-minute conversation this morning, there was no deal and just a little bit earlier tonight, president obama made it official. the cuts are coming. congressional leers left the white house without a last- minute deal to avoid billions in spending cuts. president obama warned the economy will soon feel the impact. >> this is not going to be a apocalypse i think as some people have said. it's just dumb. it's going to hurt. >> reporter: thousands of government workers have already been told they could be furloughed. and the administration has forecast everything from fewer teachers in the classroom to longer lines at the airport. the president blames republicans. >> they have allowed these cuts to happen because they refuse to budget on closing a single wasteful loophole. >> reporter: house speaker john boehner says the gop has already done its part. >> this discussion about revenue in my view is over. it's about taking on the spending problem here in washington. >> reporter: these across the board cuts can be stopped if lawmakers reach a budget deal in the coming weeks. president obama hopes the pain of the cuts will force a compromise. the pentagon alone must slash $46 billion. the chairman of the house armed services committee says the president should have done more to stop this from happening in the first place. >> i have never in my lifetime seen such a lack of leadership and truth-telling emanating from the white house. >> reporter: the finger- pointing at any as lawmakers left washington for the weekend. and there's no telling who is actually going to get the blame for this politically or economically. but both sides democrat and republican are hope, ken, the or side gets the rap for this one. >> i think that's what's so frustrating for most americans is that everybody is finger- pointing, nobody is sitting down to get any of this work done. and we have another fiscal showdown already looming, correct? >> reporter: it's true. and that is over the continuing resolution which expires on march 27th. that's what's been keeping the federal government running in the absence of a formal budget. now, no formal budget, no continuing resolution, you're looking at a federal government shutdown. but ken, the good news is that that both president obama and house speaker john boehner said they are not interested in that. but we'll see if that works out better than this did. >> they have the better part of four weeks to work on that. we'll see how well they do this time. tara mergener in d.c., thank you. to see how the cuts would hurt california, you can log on to and click on politics. the st. mary's college men's basketball team has learned the sanctions following an investigation into recruiting violations. as kpix 5 reporter da lin tells us, the punishment could hurt the school's ability to attract talent. >> reporter: the ncaa sanctions rang loudly this morning shocking the entire st. mary's campus. disappointed students worry the sanctions will hurt this catholic college of about 4,000. >> a lot of applicants here at school are because of the basketball team and we're a small school. >> reporter: officials say a former st. mary's assistant coach acted unethically in the recruitment of international athletes. >> arranging more housing and providing, you know, smaller benefits such as shoes and workout gear. >> reporter: st. mary's has risen as a major basketball power thanks in part to a pipeline of talented foreign students. the primary violations were over the recruitment of three french prospects. >> they never came to st. mary's. they -- i don't think any of them ever did an official visit to st. mary's. >> reporter: basketball head coach randy bennett says he takes full responsibility for the violations. >> i'm not proud of it. it's -- we're not perfect. i'm not perfect. we've, you know, i made some mistakes. >> reporter: but he feels the penalties are too harsh. here are the big ones. coach bennett won't be allowed to recruit off campus for one year. and he will be suspended for five conference games next season. in addition, the men's basketball program will be placed on four years of probation. and the team will lose two scholarships in the next two seasons. the team can participate in the conference tournament and the ncaa tournament but the coach says the sanctions will no doubt affect his program. >> it's a hole that we have put ourselves in and we are going to have to get ourselves out of it. >> reporter: in moraga, i'm da lin, kpix 5. >> with a 25-5 overall record the team is making a run at this year's tournament. they are 13-2 in the conference. we'll have more on this story later in sports. a former follower of charles manson will not get out on parole. governor brown reversed the parole board decision to release 70-year-old bruce davis. brown says that davis still poses a threat. he also wants davis to come clean about manson's cult and the gruesome killings of the stuntman and a musician. davis has been spilling information in recent months. he was not involved in the infamous murder of actress sharon tate in 1969. florida authorities say a man is dead after a sinkhole opened under his home and swallowed him in a matter of seconds. he was in his bed last night when it happened. his brother looked for him but deputies had to pull him from the crumbling ground. engineers lowered listening devices and cameras into the hole but couldn't make contact with the missing man in the 100- foot hole. the dresser and tv set and the man's bed fell in the home. the home is too unstable for rescue crews to continue. question: could you use extra cash for your mortgage? or your rent? how about medical expenses? coming up, how you can post your plea for money online and the potential pitfalls. >> and they gave their life savings to their church leader. tonight in a kpix 5 exclusive, hear why some members of the church say they gave up a lot more than that. mary gonzales had a cold she also has asthma. so she sees her allergist who has a receptionist susan who sees that she's due for a mammogram. mary has one that day. that's when she finds out she has a tumor. she has a successful surgery and because her health provider has an amazing connected system, she has her life. i don't know what you have but i have kaiser permanente. kaiser permanente. thrive. running an alleged unlawful real estate scheme. tonigh last night we told you that two church of leaders are under investigation for running an unlawful real estate scheme. tonight former church members tell linda yee they were so controlled by the church that they gave up their money willingly. >> it's yours. >> reporter: jackson's got his own congregation now. >> i let people be who they are. >> reporter: very different he says from a church he used to belong to called general assembly led bypass store lacy hawkins who according to jackson controlled every move his members made. >> i went to buy a house, car, talk to him. >> you had to ask permission for a lot of stuff. >> former member carolyn williams says the church discourage contact with the outside world. in the beginning she says the pastor even tried to stop members from having children. >> oh, that was a big no, no. children keep you out of heaven. i had my tubes tied from the pressure of that. >> reporter: former members believe that controlling nature of the church led one follower to try and kill pastor lacy hawkins. that happened in 1996 here in the parking lot of the general assembly church in union city. hawkins was shot in the face but survived. hawkins is now under investigation along with his second in command michael parker for running an alleged real estate scheme involving church members. >> on one hand he is that are pastor. on the other hand he is now their investment advisor. >> reporter: rick ross a cult expert. >> that's a deeply destructive group and lacy hawkins has hurt many people. >> reporter: ross says many former members contacted him. >> the truth is, virtually anyone can be sucked into a destructive cult given the right opportunity and time in their life. >> keep in mind there's a couple of things here. >> reporter: in an interview with kpix 5, hawkins' second in command michael parker denied any wrongdoing. >> this wasn't the church coming in to take over businesses. this is michael a business management expert who had an idea how we could help our people. >> reporter: former members of your group have come to us and made these statements. they were forced sterilizations of some of the members. >> really? >> reporter: you have never heard that? >> i've heard these types of accusations that people have made because these are things that have come from disgruntled people. >> reporter: parker was incredulous but volunteered even more. >> i have heard we have guns on the roof. i heard we put things in the food to make people keep coming back to church. >> reporter: rumors parker claims but enough to finally prompt former member carolyn williams to get out. >> i started becoming awake. >> reporter: she left the group and then did something she never dared before. she bought a home. >> i didn't ask hawkins' permission. i just did it. >> reporter: don jackson is glad to be out but fearful for the ones left behind. >> somebody needs to know the truth. >> reporter: as to that state investigation, the judge issued a ruling this week but that won't be made public for a month. we will continue to follow the story. linda yee, kpix 5. >> sources tell kpix 5 that the state attorney general is conducting a criminal investigation now. when we contacted them today, they would neither confirm nor deny that. are you desperate for cash? have you ever thought about asking for money online? the growing trend of public pleas for help. >> pressure is on. the temperatures are up. but not for long. something completely different coming into the bay area. big changes on sunday. the forecast coming up as we gaze at the current readings right now. that's not bad for march. the forecast is just ahead. >> wait until you hear what the face of st. mary's men's basketball had to say about the ncaa coming down hard on the program and what's with the dissing of serena williams? world's number one rank player rejected on the photo op? at tyco integrated security, we consider ourselves business optimizers. how? by building custom security solutions that integrate video access control, fire and intrusion protection. all backed up with world-class monitoring centers thousands of qualified technicians, and a personal passion to help protect your business. when your business is optimized like that, there's no stopping you. we are tyco integrated security. and we are sharper. ♪ roundup ♪ ♪ i want a weed free season that's how i roll ♪ ♪ so i reach for roundup extended control ♪ ♪ with the all-new, no pump, one-touch wand ♪ ♪ it kills weeds dead and keeps weeds gone ♪ [ whip cracks ] ♪ roundup extended control ♪ ♪ i just spray them weeds then spray them cracks ♪ ♪ the weeds are gone, and they won't be back ♪ ♪ driveway, patio, i just spray once ♪ ♪ and it's adios weeds for up to four sweet months ♪ [ whip cracks ] ♪ roundup extended control ♪ [ male announcer ] roundup extended control ♪ yeha ♪ with the new one-touch wand. [ whip cracks ] land o' lakes spreadable butter with canola oil is made with sweet cream, canola oil and salt. just three simple ingredients. what's in your spread? people post public appeals for money. some people are describing it as begging online. a growing number of websites that let people post public appeals more money. it's called crowd funding and it's now being used for everything from rent payments to medical expenses. she lost her hair and some weight but michelle turner is determined not to lose her home while she battles breast cancer. back in september she asked for help to pay rent and medical expenses while she has treatment on >> people with outpouring of care and support. >> reporter: it's called crowd fund and it started as a way for new businesses and artists to raise money to get projects off the ground. funding for healthcare is now the fastest growing type of appeal on a growing number of crowd funding sites. >> never before has there been an easier way to raise money online for the things that matter to you most. >> reporter: while go fund me's founder says some people cheat the system with phony appeals, most scammers get called out quickly by savvy would-be donors. but public health professor alan sanger has a different concern. >> there's some reason to think that patient who are more photogenic, who are members of some racial and ethnic groups, might be more likely to draw money that is patients who are members of other groups. >> reporter: and there are some privacy concerns although many sites allow you to choose who sees your appeal and with medical costs rising and copays declining, many say people with illnesses need all the help they can get. michelle agrees. thanks to a wide circle of new friends and their support, she is feeling better these days. >> it means so much. it just has shown me just kind of this web of support. >> reporter: now, go fund me gets 5% off the top of every donation and payment processing costs about 3%. the money you donate is not tax- deductible unlike giving funds to a charity. if you have a consumer problem, give us a call, 1-888-5-helps- u. >> they could have had called it go sun me today. >> it was nice. >> rain on the way? >> it looks like it is coming. and boy have we been dry. in marin county, you know, they have been keeping records for the watershed in marin all the way back to 1879 and in january and february they usually get 20 inches of rain. they only got 2." only 10% of average and yet the reservoirs, you head out novato boulevard from novato and you pass stafford lake, it's just full! the average reservoir depth is about 97%. it's 97% of capacity. so the reservoirs are okay because we were inundated as you know back in the early part of the year but now we are beginning to dry up just a little bit. still it's a beautiful sight in the bay area as we look towards sutro. if you want to, you can get this broadcast for completely free. in fact, the best signal you will ever see on your hd television is one that you simply get over the air. have you ever tried it? it's a stunning picture. it would be even more stunning if i were to step out. concord right now has 68 degrees. oakland has 65. livermore at 64. san francisco at the airport 61. santa rosa hit a record today 74 degrees breaking their 2002 record and mountain view tied a record today. high wave hazards along the shoreline today of a long, as well. powerful swell atop the pacific and as that approaches the shoreline, the waves themselves are not big but it can suddenly leap up as it gets close to the coast so through tomorrow night at about 6:00, we have this beach hazard warning posted. it affects the entire bay area coastline. if you are headed to the beach don't stand out on the rocks or the jetties where you would be exposed to sudden waves. what to expect in terms. weather, clouds increasing, temperatures dropping tomorrow. scattered showers possible on sunday. we finally get wet. and then more rain coming in late tuesday for the bay area. time lapse here, low pressure off the queens charlotte sending high clouds over and we'll have subtropical moisture so this will spill in over northern california. tomorrow filtered sunshine as a result so temperatures will come down a little bit. not quite as warm tomorrow as today. high clouds tomorrow, 63 in san francisco, morgan hill 72. 71 milpitas. for tomorrow we'll still nudge 70s inland. 73 at danville and 71 in san ramon. sunday we expect to cool down. bodega bay 65. in the extended forecast, we are going to be looking for a chance of showers on sunday. it won't amount to much. and then we'll clear up for monday increasing clouds though tuesday late tuesday first in the north bay overspreading the rest of the bay area on wednesday maybe an inch of rain from that and the latter half of the week back to dry weather. that's the weather. mr. glenn ahead with sports after a break. before copd... i took my son fishing every year. we had a great spot not easy to find, but worth it. but with copd making it hard to breathe i thought those days might be over. so my doctor prescribed symbicort. it helps significantly improve my lung function starting within five minutes. symbicort doesn't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. with symbicort, today i'm breathing better. and that on! symbicort is for copd including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. it should not be taken more than twice a day. symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. with copd, i thought i'd miss our family tradition. now symbicort significantly improves my lung function starting within 5 minutes. and that makes a difference in my breathing. today, we're ready for whatever swims our way. ask your doctor about symbicort. i got my first prescription free. call or click to learn more. [ male announcer ] if you can't afford your medication astrazeneca may be able to help. this just in. baltimore ravens quarterback joe flacco has just agreed to a six-year contract worth $120 million. it makes him the highest paid quarterback in the game. he is set to sign this deal on mon. as we told he earlier, the ncaa came down hard on the st. mary's men's basketball program. they are calling it the failure to monitor and promote an atmosphere for compliance. the penalties that the gaels face are reduction of scholarships, recruiting restrictions, and a four-year probation period because a, toker assistant coach provided improper benefits to three former french prospects. with a record of 25-5 they are hoping for an at-large bid. does hurt the brand of the program. who happens to be a dejected head coach randy bennett who responded this an. >> i think the penalties are harsh. so it will have an effect on our program but i feel confident that we'll work through it. >> i was not happy. i -- yeah. i -- i think like anyone would be, you would feel like you got attacked a little bit and you want to tell your side of the story but like i said, you just -- i -- i'm good now. all right, coach. quick cactus league score with the giants and the as got together. giants won this one by a whopping 13-9 margin. spring training continues tomorrow. now, how huge was brian sabean in picking up marco scutaro last year? giants -- get to the world series without -- don't get to the world series without him. dennis o'donnell has more. >> scutaro is enjoying every minute of it. >> reporter: in a zone. that's baseball terminology for being red-hot. and marco scutaro was in a zone all his own. >> anyone would have told me before i got traded that i was going to be a world champ, i would have probably slapped you in the face. >> i was just happy. >> reporter: brian sabean has been known to pull off blockbuster moves down the stretch. scutaro blockbuster? no. best pickup? maybe. a career .276 hitter scutaro came to the giants at .362, drove in 44 runs and scored 40. 37-year-old second baseman cashed in to the tune of three years and $20 million. >> it is very important, you know, especially when you have family kids and stuff like that you know, where you're going to be for the next three years. >> reporter: he was the first guy on the practice field this morning. >> i don't nothing to do at my apartment. >> reporter: make that penthouse apartment. scutaro doesn't hesitate when asked about the most important aspect of repeating his world champs. for his shortstop. >> defense as good as anyone offensively getting better and, you know, when he can put those things together he is going to be a awesome player definitely. >> there's tiger woods. rules are rules. no pictures on the course. that means you serena williams. priceless reaction by tennis' number one player. rory mcilroy withdrew from the honda classic. what hurt worse the 7-over score or the toothache that caused him to give it up? woods was in danger of missing the cut. check him blasting out of the box at 17. he made birdie to finish at even par. lou guthrie your leader at 9 under pare. now, 7th ranked georgetown both uconn in double overtime last night. hoyas radio announcer rich chabot kin got a little excited. >> drives like baseline right into the right baseline throws up an air ball, hoyas win, hoyas win, hoyas win, hoyas win, hoyas win, hoyas win, hoyas win! >> 10 times, one time each for their winning streak. >> nobody looked very excited. >> serena could walk over and talk to him. >> she was in the gallery just like everybody else. >> good night. captions by: caption colorado aren't you sweet! licensed phone-ups available 24/7. call 1-800-progressive. well, well, well. growing up, we didn't have u-verse. we couldn't record four shows at the same time. in my day, you were lucky if you could record two shows. and if mom was recording her dumb show and dad was recording his dumb show then, by george, that's all we watched. and we liked it! today's kids got it so good. [ male announcer ] get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for 1 year when you bundle tv and internet. rethink possible. ñáçwçñ ♪ secondhand smoke affects everyone's health. it's not just irritating. it can cause heart disease and even death. speak up about secondhand smoke. your health and the health of your family depend on it. am i allergic to any medications? i don't know. last immunization shots? really? honey, what's my blood pressure medicine called? one time i took something and i blew up like a puffer fish. i'm probably allergic to that. at kaiser permanente, your medical information is available to you and your doctors. quickly. securely. no guesswork required. better information. better care. kaiserpermanente. thrive. joey fatone: this is joey fatone. it's time to play "family feud". give it up for steve harvey! [cheering and applause] [captioning made possible by fremantle media] steve: welcome to the show. thanks for very much. how's everybody doing today? thank y'all for coming. thank you very much, folks. thanks a lot, everybody. hey, welcome to "family feud". i'm your man steve harvey. you know what, like always, we got a good one for you today. we got a family returning for the 3rd day from lansing, michigan it's the parker family. [cheering and applause] and from milton, georgia, it's the carman family. [cheering and applause] let's get it on. give me monica. give me savannah. [applause] here we go, guys. we've got the top 7 answers on the board. name something that seems to be on lindsay lohan's list of things to do every day. savannah. >> do drugs. steve: do drugs. [cheering and applause] they gonna play. [applause] hey, billy, name something that seems to be on lindsay lohan's list of things to do every day. >> i would say find a way out of rehab. steve: find a way out of rehab. >> yeah! >> whoo! steve: what do you do, bethany? >> well, i just graduated high school in may, and i'm headed off to georgia southern next year. steve: georgia southern? >> whoo! steve: wow. bethany, give me something that seems to be on lindsay lohan's list of things to do every day. >> i'd say get arrested. steve: get arrested. >> whoo!

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