Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 630pm 20140511 : compare

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 630pm 20140511

but as mark kelly reports, there is one group that could step in and save it. >> reporter: inside the bowels of doctors' hospital. a campaign is in the making. >> okay. >> reporter: nurses, staff, concerned community members are brainstorming what procedure can change hearts midnights and votes. >> take care of the people that will -- that we're serving here. >> reporter: nurse maria seguin says it's the contra costa board of supervisors that must step up and take responsibility for the hospital. >> three weeks ago there was a 17-year-old that i know for a fact had we not been here he would have died. >> reporter: many agreed saying the county has a moral obligation to keep the doctors hospital healthy. >> it's save our hospital and save our health. >> reporter: but the cost to save it is $18 million. that's big money for a county to cough up. >> unfortunately the county doesn't have $18 million to take over the hospital. because what that would do is cause the county to have to cut its own health services. >> reporter: an earlier effort to save the hospital including a parcel tax failed. the hospital sees 45,000 patients a year. many low income. only 10% of patients have full paying insurance. without the facility the number of emergency beds in the community will drop. from 40 to just 15. 40 years in nursing, that statistics worries her. >> they dent get seen. the -- don't get seen. the care will be delayed and lives will be lost. >> people who would have died if the hospital wasn't here. >> reporter: just a few days to save doctors' hospital. tuesday we'll know once and for all the operation save doctors' hospital is a success. do you think you have a chance to change the board of supervisors and their mind? >> we are trying very hard. >> reporter: the fight the keep doctors' hospital open continues. this tuesday 9:00 a.m. at the board oversup visors meeting. in san pablo, mark kelly, kpix 5. >> the hospital needs three votes from the board to keep the hospital alive. san jose is expected to all but ban medical marijuana disfenceries. -- dispensaries. set to vote on new regular laces on tuesday. they would limit from the hot shops could -- pot shops could operate. it's estimated there's more than 100 pot dispensaries in san jose alone. well, two dogs that got loose and terrorized a brentwood neighborhood this month are going to be put down. the dogs got loose and bit one man on his leg as he tried to protect his own dog. and the dogs went after a woman who had just stepped out onto her porch to take her chihuahua for a walk. the owner met with authorities and that's when the decision was made to euthanize the dogs. a tiny puppy is lucky to be alive tonight after being dumped on a busy bay area freeway. the chihuahua was found by chp officer on 680 in walnut creek right near the north main street overpass. as kpix 5's brian webb shows us the pooch is still shaken up. >> reporter: inside the contra costa animal shelter, a chihuahua shivers inside a cage after surviving a scary friday night. >> appears to be about 2 years old. very frightened. as you can imagine. >> reporter: friday evening during rush hour, the little guy got loose on the freeway near walnut creek. the dog darting in and out of heavy traffic. basically running for its life. >> multiple citizens called in. there was a dog on the median. the dog appeared in their opinion frightened. and needed to be rescued. >> reporter: about that time california highway patrol officer john franzen spotted the troubled pooch while driving by in his patrol car. he pulled over and using a protein bar, coaxed the canine to safety. this picture captured the moment when dog met cop. >> and we will do whatever we can to stabilize the animal. there's no injuries but just to kind of get her nerves back together. >> reporter: the dog is now resting in the h. ward of the shelter shaken but not hurt. all dogs may go to heaven. it wasn't this chihuahua's time to go just yet. brian webb, kpix 5. >> well, the shelter says it's already received a number of calls from people hoping to adopt the dog. well, north bay drivers are going to have to -- detour around part of highway 101 tonight. both directions of 101 near santa rosa are going to be shut down from 10:00 tonight until 7:00 tomorrow morning. crews will be demolishing the old airport boulevard bridge. detours will be set up for drivers to use surface streets around that construction project. and signs are up to warn drivers about the closure of part of i-280. in san francisco over the memorial day weekend. all southbound lanes of 280 will be shut down from 9:00 thursday night until 5:00 a.m. tuesday morning on the 27th. caltrans will be replacing a hinge on a bridge near cesar chavez street. highway 101 will be of course the best alternate. fremont police recovered dozens of stolen bikes and now trying to reunite them with their owners. bikes were left behind when a tenant vacated a home. so far, no hits on the data base. they posted the photos of the bikes on the facebook page. if you're missing yours, check and see if they have it. still ahead, heart broken and anxiously awaiting for news about their daughters' kidnapped in nigeria. the worldwide pressure now for the nigerian government to find the girls. >> still no sign of the hot air balloon that caught fire during takeoff. the desperate measure the pilot took to keep the balloon from rising higher and going out of control. ,,,,,,,,,, so what we're looking for is a way to "plus" our accounting firm's mobile plan. and "minus" our expenses. we're offering our best-ever pricing on mobile plans for business. run the numbers on that. well, unlimited talk and text, with ten gigabytes of data for the five of you would be... one-seventy-five a month. with a year of high-speed internet, free. ah, "free" is not deductible! i smell audit! i smell savings... in nigeria. as cbs people around the world are demanding the return of nearly 300 girls kidnapped from their school in nigeria. as cbs reporter omar villafranca reports a few of the girls escaped and they're talking. >> reporter: mothers of the kidnapped girls were recently seen weeping as they wait for any news about their missing daughters. it's been nearly a month since islamic extremists took more than 270 girls from a school. some girls are recounting how they escaped [ speaking foreign language ] t to remember. officials are in ia helping with a e plan. many are cr g the nigerian government for not accepting foreign help sor villafranca, cbs news. [ people chanting ] >> reporter: the pressure is on the nigerian government to find the girls, rallies were held in several u.s. cities on saturday and the first lady used the president's weekly address to talk about the kidnapping. >> and i want you to know that barack has directed our government to do everything possible to support the nigerian government's efforts to find these girls and bring them home. >> reporter: the first lady later gave the excellencement address at -- commencement address in louisiana at dillard university. the valedictorian is from nigeria and went to a school similar to the kidnapped girls. >> let's take a couple of seconds of silence to show our support for finding these girls. >> reporter: ist officials are in knee jeer -- u.s. officials are no nigeria helping with the rescue plan. omar villafranca, cbs news. >> it's not clear if the kidnapped girls are still being held together or if they've been broken up into groups and taken to separate locations. crews are searching for hot air balloon that crashed in virginia killing at least two people. witnesses saw the balloon catch fire after clipping some power lines. they said the pilot was venting the top of the balloon to prevent it from continuing the climb there the heat of the fire. people who saw the whole thing say there was an explosion then the basket separated and dropped. the search is still going on for a third person on board. a sick and confused sea lion who found his way inland gets nursed back to health and sent home. we'll witness his return to the wild. >> and we'll all be on hand to see one of the hottest weeks ahead as we look live to mount diablo. near record high this is one hot forecast coming up after a break. any questions? can i get an a, steve? yes! three a's! he brings his a-game! the ready for you alert, only at! eand a congress standing in the country ready way.ove forward... their budgets are late; jobs bills are stalled... and special interests run rampant. as an economics teacher at stanford, i know education means good jobs. so here's my plan: i'd start teaching computer coding in public schools right away. open doors for women in science and technology. and prepare young people for middle class manufacturing jobs. i'm ro khanna and i approve this message, i want you to know stuff i want you to be kind. i want you to be smart. super smart. i want one thing in a doctor. i want you to be handsome. i want you to be awesome. i don't want you to look at the chart before you say hi...david. i want you to return my emails. i want you to keep me doing this for another sixty years. at kaiser permanente, we want you to choose the doctor that's right for you. find your perfect match at and thrive. long way from where it shou have been, a sea lion pup that ended up a long way from where it should have been is back in the wild tonight. >> john ford tells us how a farmer played an important role in the pup's release earlier this week. >> reporter: they named him hobby. a wild california sea lion pup. he's packing up. he's going home. well, sort of. >> he is a little sea lionĀ½ rescued -- that was rescue at the beginning of march in modesto. >> reporter: he was found near an irrigation ditch. more than 100-miles from the golden gate. >> long ways. >> yeah. >> so he is -- either really dumb or really smart. >> reporter: dehydrated malnourished. skin infected with lice. now nursed back to health, he's being released with two more sea lions. billy lions and his family came to watch. he's a farmer and he's the one who found hobly and histor -- hobby in his orchard. >> just kind of hanging out and chilling and didn't seem to -- too scared or too nervous. >> reporter: now doctors say he's good to go. >> come on hobby. wow. >> reporter: hobby's the one in the middle and was baby elephant seals watching they scrambled to freedom. and just like that, he's gone. the marine mammal center has a record number of malnourished sea lion pups this year. >> it's been crazy. we have so many animals on site like almost 200. i've been there for 14 years and i've never seen it so crowded. >> doesn't look like it's a disease issue. it looks like it's a food resource. for some reason, the sea lions aren't finding enough food. >> reporter: the marine mammal center says why this is a happy ending, he is by no means exceptional. they get ten more just like him every day they say. at point reyes, don ford, kpix 5. >> tomorrow is the 100th anniversary of mother's day. $1.9billion is spent on flowers, 69% of the gifts given on mother's day are flowers. hallmark says 133 million cards are exchanged making it the third largest card sending holiday in the u.s.. and phone calls to mom go up 37%. perhaps proving that it's not all about the commercial aspects of the holiday. and it's going to be a nice day for mother's day too with plenty of sun around the bay area and tomorrow, we begin what will be a pretty significant warming trend. a trend that will take temperatures into the mid 90s inland. by midweek. that will be one hot week ahead for the bay area tomorrow it's a transition day from the fairly mild and breezy conditions we had today to the extreme warmth of midweek. right now concord 66 degrees. oakland well we're all pretty much in the mid 60s with blue skies as we look out over the east bay looking todd fault there. -- to the fault there. for mother's day sunny and warm and temperatures will range from the upper 06s along the shoreline to the low 80s inland in the hottest spots. a distinct beginning tomorrow and then by midweek 15 to 20 degrees above average readings for this time of the year. tomorrow or actually -- tonight, we've got clear skies if you're heading out about 8:00 tonight. numbers will be in the mid 50s with clear skies and then out the door tomorrow morning, sunshine all over the place. 57 degrees and the numbers top out in the low 80s inland around the bay tomorrow afternoon, we'll be in the mid 70s. so expect things to begin to warm tomorrow but even more on monday and tuesday. still tomorrow nice for the park street spring festival in alameda. the beautiful town we did an eye on the bay on that. a lot of history over there. freed a madison square garden for moms by the -- admission for moms by the way at san francisco zoo. 66-degrees and sunny and mild by the shoreline tomorrow. and here's what we expect that high pressure that's offshore combining with the low that produced snow over the sierra today. that gave us the windy conditions and gusty winds today kept things fairly cool with a powerful sea breeze gusts up to 30 miles an hour, but the winds ease up overnight as high pressure boots that low farther east. high pressure comes in over california. and the numbers come up. into the mid 90-degree range by tuesday and wednesday. so as we look toward the sun thinking slowly in the west over the golden gate. the winds are going to decrease overnight. and no cooling expected in the bay area until the weekend. so prepare. ladies and gentlemen, for a hot time ahead. if you're heading out of the bay area tomorrow. sunshine all over the state and temperatures range from the low 80s at redding to the mid 80s at fresno. cooler in the mountains of course and for tomorrow in the bay area, plenty of sun in the south bay and 80 degrees at morgan hill. still we want mild temperatures? as per usual half-moon bay will provide for you in the upper 60s tomorrow. pittsburg 79 degrees and 78 for san ramone and 76 degrees at vallejo. in the north bay plenty of sunshine and we're keeping it that way all week. and 79 for san rafael. 75 degrees in sausalito. and way up north in yucaipa it's going to warm to 74. clover dale even warmer if your plans take you up that direction on the 101. 83 degrees there and 73 at clear lake. extended forecast apply the heat the temperatures come up into the mid 90s for tuesday and wednesday. and thursday. and by the end of the week, we'll finally begin to cool it down but even the bay you'll notice is in the 90-degree range for tuesday and wednesday. by friday and saturday, we finally begin to exhale ha little bit -- a little bit from the sweltering heat but net in the mean -- in the meantime. sunshine and plenty of it. vern. vern has sports next. >> we've got the nfl draft is what the holiday season. all these nfl teams are unwrapping their pents. -- presents. in the form of draft pick. 2014 nfl draft picks are in the books. and the giants -- dodgers. round two today. how'd it go? ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, man: we know when parents and teachers work together... woman: our schools get stronger. man: as superintendent of public education, that's been tom torlakson's approach. woman: torlakson has supported legislation to guarantee spending decisions about our education tax dollars are made by parents, teachers and the local community... and not by sacramento politicians. and we need to keep that legislation on track. man: so tell tom torlakson to keep fighting for local control of school funding decisions. .bad news? brand baseball up top. giants business good news and there at first place in the west. bad news? brandon bell's broken left thumb got him on the dh today. he's out an estimated six weeks. and the unraveling continues this afternoon. at the dodgers -- here's former dodger giants' skipper baker peering in. i wonder if he can fix sands value? struggling -- sandoval? batting .174 and struck out with the bases loaded there. top 2nd. posey it's the blooper to right. puig gave it a try and chose unwisely. runners score. 2-0 giants. matt cain activated off the dl. left them loaded in the 6th. dodgers then unloaded on jeremy affeldt. matt kemp got through. puig scores the tying run. and the dodgers weren't done. 7th inning, tee gordon oh it's a little slappy with the drawn in infield. that's the go ahead run. the giants' bullpen allowed four runs and they had their chances against brian wilson former giants' closer. loaded the bases but pence pocked it up -- popped it up. the dodgers win 6-2 and for the moment, the giants' lead in the west is a game and a half on colorado. and nfl draft. stanford tied a school record with six players picked in the nfl draft. not linebacker shane scov. his agent just checked in with me to say that he is reunited with his old college coach jim harbaugh. he signed with the 49ers as an undrafted free agent. quarterback david fails became the first san jose state quarterback to be drafted since mike perez 1988. don't call in. jeff garcia went undrafted and fails was spined by the bears in the sixth round. he threw for 66 touchdowns in two seasons with the spartans. linebacker michael sam has become the first openly gay player in the nfl. and the missouri star won't have to go very far. as he was selected in the draft's final round by the st. louis rams as the 249th overall pick. now it will 49ers were talking mostly defense with five of their seven choices this final day including three more defensive backs. say this for a cocktail party factoid. fourth round pick ellington also a point guard for the university of south carolina basketball team. see i've got nothing but information there. the raiders have some cargo friday. second round pick derrick carr touted as quarterback of the future for that franchise. even joe montana endorsed him. how does the fresno state star feel about working in oakland? >> i'm so happy. you know i'm a california guy. and -- you know, i'm happy to be here. you know i can't tell you like i said -- words can't express how happy i am to be an oakland raider and plus my wife looked good in black. it will be a good thing. >> great. all defense on the final day of the draft with three defensive backs and two linemen. we'll get our first look at all of these guys next friday for rookie mini camp. the browns -- they may feel johnny football's their guy. but other teams not so much with johnny manziel the heisman trophy winner. the patriots were very critical of manziel's work ethic in a scouting report is that fasted -- is that surfaced on the internet. something [ bill belichick -- didn't season it -- deny sit. >> talk to the geniuses that are online. my face, your face, instant face. go talk to whoever you want that does that stuff. i don't know. >> can you imagine him in the same room with darryl sutter? the 17th green at saw grass in florida. this was the players' championship. and this is the shot of the day. stewart cink 140 yards out. that's big feathers folks it's an eagle. he's 6 shots back. 20-year-old jordan spieth -- came really close to the masters remember? sank this putt at 18 and got a share of the lead with barton kaimer. and ooh -- man. blake griffin last night during his loss to the thunder -- well, his nose collided with another player. no foul was called here. after griffin came away with a bloody nose. >> i got hit -- took like an elbow to the nose. but i asked him about it he said i ran my face into his elbow. so -- i got to be careful where i put my face. bases loaded the 6-year-old trevor kadowski grab it for one, steps on third for two and tagged the runner. that's three. that's how they do it in the little league. it's unassisted triple play. >> very cool. >> yeah. >> more cocktail factoids at 11:00. >> that's the big bucks not the big leaguers? sign him up. give him a contract. >> fair enough. just like that that's going to do its for us at 6:30. we'll see you again at 11:00 tonight with the latest news and weather always on for betty and vern. i'm brian. thanks for watching. see you in a bit. [ captions by: caption colorado, llc 800-775-7838 email: [email protected] ] ,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, >> hey, everybody. welcome to "california bountiful." i'm your host, tracy sellers. you know all these flowers behind me are a sure sign that spring has officially sprung here in california. did you know there are more than 250 cut flower growers in california? there are. but none has quite the story like kendall farms does. [music] how special is this place? well, take a look at the two men running the farm. jason kendall and his cousin troy connor. jason was thrust into running the farm when his father passed away in 2004. and for help with the farm, he ended up calling upon his cousin troy who was in an occupation about as far away from farming as you could get. >> jason had a lot to take care of and he needed help. and so at the time i was a deputy sheriff up in king county, washington. and doing the care i

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Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 630pm 20140511 :

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 630pm 20140511

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but as mark kelly reports, there is one group that could step in and save it. >> reporter: inside the bowels of doctors' hospital. a campaign is in the making. >> okay. >> reporter: nurses, staff, concerned community members are brainstorming what procedure can change hearts midnights and votes. >> take care of the people that will -- that we're serving here. >> reporter: nurse maria seguin says it's the contra costa board of supervisors that must step up and take responsibility for the hospital. >> three weeks ago there was a 17-year-old that i know for a fact had we not been here he would have died. >> reporter: many agreed saying the county has a moral obligation to keep the doctors hospital healthy. >> it's save our hospital and save our health. >> reporter: but the cost to save it is $18 million. that's big money for a county to cough up. >> unfortunately the county doesn't have $18 million to take over the hospital. because what that would do is cause the county to have to cut its own health services. >> reporter: an earlier effort to save the hospital including a parcel tax failed. the hospital sees 45,000 patients a year. many low income. only 10% of patients have full paying insurance. without the facility the number of emergency beds in the community will drop. from 40 to just 15. 40 years in nursing, that statistics worries her. >> they dent get seen. the -- don't get seen. the care will be delayed and lives will be lost. >> people who would have died if the hospital wasn't here. >> reporter: just a few days to save doctors' hospital. tuesday we'll know once and for all the operation save doctors' hospital is a success. do you think you have a chance to change the board of supervisors and their mind? >> we are trying very hard. >> reporter: the fight the keep doctors' hospital open continues. this tuesday 9:00 a.m. at the board oversup visors meeting. in san pablo, mark kelly, kpix 5. >> the hospital needs three votes from the board to keep the hospital alive. san jose is expected to all but ban medical marijuana disfenceries. -- dispensaries. set to vote on new regular laces on tuesday. they would limit from the hot shops could -- pot shops could operate. it's estimated there's more than 100 pot dispensaries in san jose alone. well, two dogs that got loose and terrorized a brentwood neighborhood this month are going to be put down. the dogs got loose and bit one man on his leg as he tried to protect his own dog. and the dogs went after a woman who had just stepped out onto her porch to take her chihuahua for a walk. the owner met with authorities and that's when the decision was made to euthanize the dogs. a tiny puppy is lucky to be alive tonight after being dumped on a busy bay area freeway. the chihuahua was found by chp officer on 680 in walnut creek right near the north main street overpass. as kpix 5's brian webb shows us the pooch is still shaken up. >> reporter: inside the contra costa animal shelter, a chihuahua shivers inside a cage after surviving a scary friday night. >> appears to be about 2 years old. very frightened. as you can imagine. >> reporter: friday evening during rush hour, the little guy got loose on the freeway near walnut creek. the dog darting in and out of heavy traffic. basically running for its life. >> multiple citizens called in. there was a dog on the median. the dog appeared in their opinion frightened. and needed to be rescued. >> reporter: about that time california highway patrol officer john franzen spotted the troubled pooch while driving by in his patrol car. he pulled over and using a protein bar, coaxed the canine to safety. this picture captured the moment when dog met cop. >> and we will do whatever we can to stabilize the animal. there's no injuries but just to kind of get her nerves back together. >> reporter: the dog is now resting in the h. ward of the shelter shaken but not hurt. all dogs may go to heaven. it wasn't this chihuahua's time to go just yet. brian webb, kpix 5. >> well, the shelter says it's already received a number of calls from people hoping to adopt the dog. well, north bay drivers are going to have to -- detour around part of highway 101 tonight. both directions of 101 near santa rosa are going to be shut down from 10:00 tonight until 7:00 tomorrow morning. crews will be demolishing the old airport boulevard bridge. detours will be set up for drivers to use surface streets around that construction project. and signs are up to warn drivers about the closure of part of i-280. in san francisco over the memorial day weekend. all southbound lanes of 280 will be shut down from 9:00 thursday night until 5:00 a.m. tuesday morning on the 27th. caltrans will be replacing a hinge on a bridge near cesar chavez street. highway 101 will be of course the best alternate. fremont police recovered dozens of stolen bikes and now trying to reunite them with their owners. bikes were left behind when a tenant vacated a home. so far, no hits on the data base. they posted the photos of the bikes on the facebook page. if you're missing yours, check and see if they have it. still ahead, heart broken and anxiously awaiting for news about their daughters' kidnapped in nigeria. the worldwide pressure now for the nigerian government to find the girls. >> still no sign of the hot air balloon that caught fire during takeoff. the desperate measure the pilot took to keep the balloon from rising higher and going out of control. ,,,,,,,,,, so what we're looking for is a way to "plus" our accounting firm's mobile plan. and "minus" our expenses. we're offering our best-ever pricing on mobile plans for business. run the numbers on that. well, unlimited talk and text, with ten gigabytes of data for the five of you would be... one-seventy-five a month. with a year of high-speed internet, free. ah, "free" is not deductible! i smell audit! i smell savings... in nigeria. as cbs people around the world are demanding the return of nearly 300 girls kidnapped from their school in nigeria. as cbs reporter omar villafranca reports a few of the girls escaped and they're talking. >> reporter: mothers of the kidnapped girls were recently seen weeping as they wait for any news about their missing daughters. it's been nearly a month since islamic extremists took more than 270 girls from a school. some girls are recounting how they escaped [ speaking foreign language ] t to remember. officials are in ia helping with a e plan. many are cr g the nigerian government for not accepting foreign help sor villafranca, cbs news. [ people chanting ] >> reporter: the pressure is on the nigerian government to find the girls, rallies were held in several u.s. cities on saturday and the first lady used the president's weekly address to talk about the kidnapping. >> and i want you to know that barack has directed our government to do everything possible to support the nigerian government's efforts to find these girls and bring them home. >> reporter: the first lady later gave the excellencement address at -- commencement address in louisiana at dillard university. the valedictorian is from nigeria and went to a school similar to the kidnapped girls. >> let's take a couple of seconds of silence to show our support for finding these girls. >> reporter: ist officials are in knee jeer -- u.s. officials are no nigeria helping with the rescue plan. omar villafranca, cbs news. >> it's not clear if the kidnapped girls are still being held together or if they've been broken up into groups and taken to separate locations. crews are searching for hot air balloon that crashed in virginia killing at least two people. witnesses saw the balloon catch fire after clipping some power lines. they said the pilot was venting the top of the balloon to prevent it from continuing the climb there the heat of the fire. people who saw the whole thing say there was an explosion then the basket separated and dropped. the search is still going on for a third person on board. a sick and confused sea lion who found his way inland gets nursed back to health and sent home. we'll witness his return to the wild. >> and we'll all be on hand to see one of the hottest weeks ahead as we look live to mount diablo. near record high this is one hot forecast coming up after a break. any questions? can i get an a, steve? yes! three a's! he brings his a-game! the ready for you alert, only at! eand a congress standing in the country ready way.ove forward... their budgets are late; jobs bills are stalled... and special interests run rampant. as an economics teacher at stanford, i know education means good jobs. so here's my plan: i'd start teaching computer coding in public schools right away. open doors for women in science and technology. and prepare young people for middle class manufacturing jobs. i'm ro khanna and i approve this message, i want you to know stuff i want you to be kind. i want you to be smart. super smart. i want one thing in a doctor. i want you to be handsome. i want you to be awesome. i don't want you to look at the chart before you say hi...david. i want you to return my emails. i want you to keep me doing this for another sixty years. at kaiser permanente, we want you to choose the doctor that's right for you. find your perfect match at and thrive. long way from where it shou have been, a sea lion pup that ended up a long way from where it should have been is back in the wild tonight. >> john ford tells us how a farmer played an important role in the pup's release earlier this week. >> reporter: they named him hobby. a wild california sea lion pup. he's packing up. he's going home. well, sort of. >> he is a little sea lionĀ½ rescued -- that was rescue at the beginning of march in modesto. >> reporter: he was found near an irrigation ditch. more than 100-miles from the golden gate. >> long ways. >> yeah. >> so he is -- either really dumb or really smart. >> reporter: dehydrated malnourished. skin infected with lice. now nursed back to health, he's being released with two more sea lions. billy lions and his family came to watch. he's a farmer and he's the one who found hobly and histor -- hobby in his orchard. >> just kind of hanging out and chilling and didn't seem to -- too scared or too nervous. >> reporter: now doctors say he's good to go. >> come on hobby. wow. >> reporter: hobby's the one in the middle and was baby elephant seals watching they scrambled to freedom. and just like that, he's gone. the marine mammal center has a record number of malnourished sea lion pups this year. >> it's been crazy. we have so many animals on site like almost 200. i've been there for 14 years and i've never seen it so crowded. >> doesn't look like it's a disease issue. it looks like it's a food resource. for some reason, the sea lions aren't finding enough food. >> reporter: the marine mammal center says why this is a happy ending, he is by no means exceptional. they get ten more just like him every day they say. at point reyes, don ford, kpix 5. >> tomorrow is the 100th anniversary of mother's day. $1.9billion is spent on flowers, 69% of the gifts given on mother's day are flowers. hallmark says 133 million cards are exchanged making it the third largest card sending holiday in the u.s.. and phone calls to mom go up 37%. perhaps proving that it's not all about the commercial aspects of the holiday. and it's going to be a nice day for mother's day too with plenty of sun around the bay area and tomorrow, we begin what will be a pretty significant warming trend. a trend that will take temperatures into the mid 90s inland. by midweek. that will be one hot week ahead for the bay area tomorrow it's a transition day from the fairly mild and breezy conditions we had today to the extreme warmth of midweek. right now concord 66 degrees. oakland well we're all pretty much in the mid 60s with blue skies as we look out over the east bay looking todd fault there. -- to the fault there. for mother's day sunny and warm and temperatures will range from the upper 06s along the shoreline to the low 80s inland in the hottest spots. a distinct beginning tomorrow and then by midweek 15 to 20 degrees above average readings for this time of the year. tomorrow or actually -- tonight, we've got clear skies if you're heading out about 8:00 tonight. numbers will be in the mid 50s with clear skies and then out the door tomorrow morning, sunshine all over the place. 57 degrees and the numbers top out in the low 80s inland around the bay tomorrow afternoon, we'll be in the mid 70s. so expect things to begin to warm tomorrow but even more on monday and tuesday. still tomorrow nice for the park street spring festival in alameda. the beautiful town we did an eye on the bay on that. a lot of history over there. freed a madison square garden for moms by the -- admission for moms by the way at san francisco zoo. 66-degrees and sunny and mild by the shoreline tomorrow. and here's what we expect that high pressure that's offshore combining with the low that produced snow over the sierra today. that gave us the windy conditions and gusty winds today kept things fairly cool with a powerful sea breeze gusts up to 30 miles an hour, but the winds ease up overnight as high pressure boots that low farther east. high pressure comes in over california. and the numbers come up. into the mid 90-degree range by tuesday and wednesday. so as we look toward the sun thinking slowly in the west over the golden gate. the winds are going to decrease overnight. and no cooling expected in the bay area until the weekend. so prepare. ladies and gentlemen, for a hot time ahead. if you're heading out of the bay area tomorrow. sunshine all over the state and temperatures range from the low 80s at redding to the mid 80s at fresno. cooler in the mountains of course and for tomorrow in the bay area, plenty of sun in the south bay and 80 degrees at morgan hill. still we want mild temperatures? as per usual half-moon bay will provide for you in the upper 60s tomorrow. pittsburg 79 degrees and 78 for san ramone and 76 degrees at vallejo. in the north bay plenty of sunshine and we're keeping it that way all week. and 79 for san rafael. 75 degrees in sausalito. and way up north in yucaipa it's going to warm to 74. clover dale even warmer if your plans take you up that direction on the 101. 83 degrees there and 73 at clear lake. extended forecast apply the heat the temperatures come up into the mid 90s for tuesday and wednesday. and thursday. and by the end of the week, we'll finally begin to cool it down but even the bay you'll notice is in the 90-degree range for tuesday and wednesday. by friday and saturday, we finally begin to exhale ha little bit -- a little bit from the sweltering heat but net in the mean -- in the meantime. sunshine and plenty of it. vern. vern has sports next. >> we've got the nfl draft is what the holiday season. all these nfl teams are unwrapping their pents. -- presents. in the form of draft pick. 2014 nfl draft picks are in the books. and the giants -- dodgers. round two today. how'd it go? ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, man: we know when parents and teachers work together... woman: our schools get stronger. man: as superintendent of public education, that's been tom torlakson's approach. woman: torlakson has supported legislation to guarantee spending decisions about our education tax dollars are made by parents, teachers and the local community... and not by sacramento politicians. and we need to keep that legislation on track. man: so tell tom torlakson to keep fighting for local control of school funding decisions. .bad news? brand baseball up top. giants business good news and there at first place in the west. bad news? brandon bell's broken left thumb got him on the dh today. he's out an estimated six weeks. and the unraveling continues this afternoon. at the dodgers -- here's former dodger giants' skipper baker peering in. i wonder if he can fix sands value? struggling -- sandoval? batting .174 and struck out with the bases loaded there. top 2nd. posey it's the blooper to right. puig gave it a try and chose unwisely. runners score. 2-0 giants. matt cain activated off the dl. left them loaded in the 6th. dodgers then unloaded on jeremy affeldt. matt kemp got through. puig scores the tying run. and the dodgers weren't done. 7th inning, tee gordon oh it's a little slappy with the drawn in infield. that's the go ahead run. the giants' bullpen allowed four runs and they had their chances against brian wilson former giants' closer. loaded the bases but pence pocked it up -- popped it up. the dodgers win 6-2 and for the moment, the giants' lead in the west is a game and a half on colorado. and nfl draft. stanford tied a school record with six players picked in the nfl draft. not linebacker shane scov. his agent just checked in with me to say that he is reunited with his old college coach jim harbaugh. he signed with the 49ers as an undrafted free agent. quarterback david fails became the first san jose state quarterback to be drafted since mike perez 1988. don't call in. jeff garcia went undrafted and fails was spined by the bears in the sixth round. he threw for 66 touchdowns in two seasons with the spartans. linebacker michael sam has become the first openly gay player in the nfl. and the missouri star won't have to go very far. as he was selected in the draft's final round by the st. louis rams as the 249th overall pick. now it will 49ers were talking mostly defense with five of their seven choices this final day including three more defensive backs. say this for a cocktail party factoid. fourth round pick ellington also a point guard for the university of south carolina basketball team. see i've got nothing but information there. the raiders have some cargo friday. second round pick derrick carr touted as quarterback of the future for that franchise. even joe montana endorsed him. how does the fresno state star feel about working in oakland? >> i'm so happy. you know i'm a california guy. and -- you know, i'm happy to be here. you know i can't tell you like i said -- words can't express how happy i am to be an oakland raider and plus my wife looked good in black. it will be a good thing. >> great. all defense on the final day of the draft with three defensive backs and two linemen. we'll get our first look at all of these guys next friday for rookie mini camp. the browns -- they may feel johnny football's their guy. but other teams not so much with johnny manziel the heisman trophy winner. the patriots were very critical of manziel's work ethic in a scouting report is that fasted -- is that surfaced on the internet. something [ bill belichick -- didn't season it -- deny sit. >> talk to the geniuses that are online. my face, your face, instant face. go talk to whoever you want that does that stuff. i don't know. >> can you imagine him in the same room with darryl sutter? the 17th green at saw grass in florida. this was the players' championship. and this is the shot of the day. stewart cink 140 yards out. that's big feathers folks it's an eagle. he's 6 shots back. 20-year-old jordan spieth -- came really close to the masters remember? sank this putt at 18 and got a share of the lead with barton kaimer. and ooh -- man. blake griffin last night during his loss to the thunder -- well, his nose collided with another player. no foul was called here. after griffin came away with a bloody nose. >> i got hit -- took like an elbow to the nose. but i asked him about it he said i ran my face into his elbow. so -- i got to be careful where i put my face. bases loaded the 6-year-old trevor kadowski grab it for one, steps on third for two and tagged the runner. that's three. that's how they do it in the little league. it's unassisted triple play. >> very cool. >> yeah. >> more cocktail factoids at 11:00. >> that's the big bucks not the big leaguers? sign him up. give him a contract. >> fair enough. just like that that's going to do its for us at 6:30. we'll see you again at 11:00 tonight with the latest news and weather always on for betty and vern. i'm brian. thanks for watching. see you in a bit. [ captions by: caption colorado, llc 800-775-7838 email: ] ,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,, >> hey, everybody. welcome to "california bountiful." i'm your host, tracy sellers. you know all these flowers behind me are a sure sign that spring has officially sprung here in california. did you know there are more than 250 cut flower growers in california? there are. but none has quite the story like kendall farms does. [music] how special is this place? well, take a look at the two men running the farm. jason kendall and his cousin troy connor. jason was thrust into running the farm when his father passed away in 2004. and for help with the farm, he ended up calling upon his cousin troy who was in an occupation about as far away from farming as you could get. >> jason had a lot to take care of and he needed help. and so at the time i was a deputy sheriff up in king county, washington. and doing the care i

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