Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 5AM 20170428 : compareme

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 5AM 20170428

degrees in sonoma. full forecast featuring the weekend and days with near or record warmth. i'll spell that out coming up 18 after the hour but first here's jaclyn. good morning. we'll begin by taking a look at your ride along highway 101. this is in millbrae so as you are making your way to or from the airport this morning you can see more cars are joining in on the friday morning ride but still moving right at the limit there. headlights making their way southbound. road closure at great highway closed between lincoln and sloat all due to quite a bit of sand that was reported to be blowing across the road there. we are also tracking your mass transit and we are just getting reports of a delay that's building into a major delay in downtown oakland in all directions due to a disabled train at lake merritt. so please plan accordingly. that's a check of your traffic. back to you. >> thank you. right now in martinez, police have surrounded the car of a man who was accused of fatally shooting a woman. kpix 5's jessica flores is live in martinez with the latest on the deadly shooting that sparked a manhunt. jessica? it's bn going on since 8 p.m. there's a man holed up in a silver mercedes near the chevron here. police surrounding the murder suspect for hours. right now the s.w.a.t. team is standing by asking him to come out. let me show you where we are. we are at howe and pine street. it's totally closed off. police are asking residents to avoid the area. this is where the manhunt ended for that murder suspect. but it started in walnut creek near the lindsey wildlife experience near first street and buena vista. police say the suspect gunned down a woman there in broad daylight after an intense search for the suspect police cornered him at the chevron gas station. they surrounded his vehicle and periodically it appears the suspect will hold a gun to his head. police have been trying to get him to come out and surrender. this has been going on for 10 hours trying to get this to end peace thinkfully. they don't want any more loss of life and asking him to come out. as we learn more information about the victim and the suspect we'll bring that to you. live in martinez, i'm jessica flores, kpix 5. president trump is suggesting that tensions with north korea could soon reach the boiling point if the country continues to pursue nuclear missiles. the u.s. military has put on a show of force in the region in recent days. secretary of state rex tillerson heads to the united nations to discuss applying sanctions on north korea. he also says that china has helped by informing north korea that if they did conduct further nuclear tests beijing would impose sanctions. the republican plan to repeal and replace the affordable care act is on hold again after failing to secure enough votes yesterday. house republicans tabled the vote. democrats had threatened to oppose the government's spending bill if the gop moved forward with their obamacare replacement. president trump had hoped to fast track a vote on his healthcare plan to win a major legislative victory before his 100th day in office which is tomorrow. the house will vote today on the spending bill which would keep the federal government running for at least another week. many bart riders have been on alert since a group of teens swarmed a train last week and robbed and beat some passengers. kpix 5's anne makovec is live at the embarcadero bart station to explain how the agency plans to crack down on crime. anne. >> reporter: yeah. it is going to be tough. the agency has seen a 22% increase in pretty much every type of crime since the beginning of the year. and this follows three years of decreases of crime. so it's unknown exactly what's causing this spike. but chief jeff jennings says, yeah, it is almost every type of crime that is up since the start of the year and that preceded the mob of teens that michelle said who robbed and beat passengers at the coliseum station over the weekend. that certainly called more attention to the issue. another problem, fare evasion. the chief said the bad behavior is even spreading to some riders who normally pay. >> they see people going through the turnstiles on a regular basis, like, well why should i be the person that pays and no one to pay. the business decision whether it's a moral or cultural thing, we are going to thwart that with fare inspectors and other measures. >> reporter: $3 million proposal is in front of the bart board of directors to beef up enforcement. they lose $11 million in lost fares every year. there is a bright spot. there are a couple of types of crimes that didn't go up. that is auto theft from bart's parking lots and bike thefts. live in san francisco, anne makevoc, kpix 5. >> bart's expansion to san jose is on the fast track. the agency says the berryessa extension from fremont to san jose will open ahead of in december. the 10 miles of track in the stations in milpitas and san jose come at the price tag of about $2.3 billion. the extension will eventually connect riders to the vta transit center. three sunnyvale police officers who shot and killed a man won't face criminal charges and for the first time we're hearing the tense moments right before the gunfire. investigators say that the man was bipolar, drunk and armed with a knife when he tried to rape a family member 18 months ago. you don't see the video but officers can be heard on the body cameras repeatedly demanding that he drop the weapon. >> put the knife down, put the knife down, it's not worth it! it's not worth it! [ gunshots ] >> he was shot 12 times. investigators say that his blood alcohol level was five times the legal limit. there is a new scandal at a high school in alameda county. the interim principal of albany high sent out this letter. it says: cially-charged cyber-bullying... and giving alutes in halls. >> some students at the high school are also accused of racially charged cyber bullying and giving nazi salutes in halls. police say detectives are investigating the latest case. time check, 5:07. dave chappell has unexpectedly announced a pair of performances in the bay area this weekend. how you can see the reclusive comedian. >> expanding offshore drilling in the arctic and atlantic oceans, that's what an executive order president trump plans to signing today may lead to on his 99th day in office. we'll tell you the possible repercussions. >> and here we go. you have been waiting for it, the warmest weekend so far this year. it will be dry, it will be warm. but i want to be talking about a day that's going to be 90 degrees. >> well, on our roads speeds are in the green but if you are planning to use mass transit, we are tracking some delays. we'll have all the details coming up. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, in arkansas, witnesses say the fourth inmate executed in welcome back to "kpix 5 morning news." your time check on this friday, it is 5:10. it's the last friday in april. we are going out with temperatures unseasonably mild and as we kick-start the brand- new month of may, temperatures near and record warmth. we'll have that full forecast. it's still less than 4 minutes away. in arkansas, witnesses say the fourth inmate executed in roughly a week convulsed 20 times during his execution. kenneth williams was found guilty for killing a former deputy warden in 1999. a final statement, the day of his execution, williams apologized to the man's family for killing the deputy. but the daughter of his victim says williams defined her life when he murdered her father. an "associated press" reporter says before three lethal drugs killed him, he was lurching, convulsing, coughing and jerking. president trump is expected to sign another executive order today. this one could expand offshore drilling. jackie ward has more. >> reporter: president trump says by signing this order we'll be one step closer to american energy independence. it will also reverse part of an effort led by president obama back in december to keep certain parts of the arctic and atlantic oceans off limits to oil and gas leasing. the trump administration says their goal is to reduce reliance on foreign oil and to create jobs. environmentalists are not happy with the expansion. they think offshore drilling will harm wildlife and worsen global warming. >> just look at the routine pollution that comes from spills. the routine pollution that comes from just drilling every day. we think it's incompatible with coastal economies and ecosystems. >> this order could also make virginia and south carolina drilling sites an area that has been blocked from oil and gas exploration from decades. the white house briefing said this order will foster energy security for the benefit of american people without removing any of the stringent environmental safeguards that are currently in place. in the newsroom., jackie ward, kpix 5. a spectacle several stories high today over downtown san jose. mom and dad are away. you see santa cruz researcher glen stewart will rappel down city hall to see falcon chicks there. this is him last year. the same female falcon has produced 36 young on the ledge on the 19th floor of city hall since 2007. traffic isn't good for mass transit right now. we are tracking delays and this is if you are making your way through downtown oakland. there's a major delay building in all directions at the lake merritt station due to a disabled train. we are also getting reports of a 10-minute delay out of san bruno into pittsburg bay point direction. heads up bart has delays. plan accordingly. in the south bay no trouble. st. peter's in the green for all of our majors and we'll take a live look at your ride along the golden gate bridge. traffic is nice and light. let's take it to the bay bridge toll plaza. this is pretty. lots of pretty good amount of space between all those cars. >> yeah. >> headlights making their way westbound it's about 8 minutes from the maze into downtown san francisco. no metering lights just yet. that's a check of your traffic. let's get a check on the forecast now with roberta. >> thank you, jaclyn. good morning, 5:14. take a look outside now. a little giddy. we're so happy it's friday and it's a dry mild friday. looking towards the bay bridge with the visibility unlimited. we have a slight breeze around san francisco at 8. but these winds will be more consistent later today northwesterly as they are right now in san rafael and novato. winds 10 to 20 during the afternoon hours brisk. northerly at 15 at this very early hour in fairfield. morning to our weather watcher. this is george hughes. thanks for checking in george. no delays at local airports. right now the temperatures are in the 40s and 50s. the cool 45 degrees in livermore. here's what you need to know. getting ready to step out the door. sunny today. this week temperatures go up. on monday, 90s. near or record warmth. wait until you see the seven- day forecast. it's uncredible! it really is. it's all due to high pressure that's building in. sure, we have some cloudiness off the coast. it's going to stay there, as well. this is interesting. when you see these lines really tight together, that's referring to a pressure gradient which means very windy conditions. that's a result of an offshore push. we'll see gusty winds and low humidity across the southland. today locally temperatures into the 70s. in throughout the central valley. we have some resorts that are open. squaw valley in fact all the way through the 4th of july. skiing and board something still going on. hiking as well into the 50s today and saturday. lows down to 28 degrees. locally today our numbers from 64 with a bit of a breeze in pacifica through rockaway beach through the sunset district into bodega bay. including stinson beach. 70s common around the rim of the bay. topping off at 73 in mountain view, mid-70s from alviso all the way into the rose garden district. mid-70s concord, clayton and walnut creek. 78 degrees my outside number today and that will be in sonoma. meanwhile, check out the temperatures on saturday and sunday. and yes, i went there. er in or record warmth on monday but look at tuesday. near or record warmth on monday but look at tuesday. we could still bring down the temperature look at tuesday right now the computer models are suggesting 90 degrees in the warmest spots talking about discovery bay, sounds like a day on the boat to me! meanwhile, hey, michelle, cheers? >> cheers, yes, with the heinekin. apparently a lot of people are talking about the new heinekin ad. it took a hit at pepsi's recent commercial. >> feminism today is man hating. >> i would describe myself as a feminist 100%. [ inaudible ] >> you're a man, be a man. you're a female, be a female. >> in the ad strangers with different views are put in pairs to answer questions and complete a project. at the end, each pair can either leave or share a drink. all three of them choose to stay. those behind the ads say the point is to show we have more in common than divides us. you might remember pepsi caught a lot of heat when it released this ad. in it, kendall jenner ditched a photo shoot and joined a protest. she eased tensions with a pepsi. the company has since removed the ad. a big comedy music duo is coming to san francisco. dave chappell and john mayer hosting -- or may-er, are hosting a two-night event at the fillmore this weekend. the description says you will laugh and cry. you will have bragging rights with friends for weeks to come. no one knows what to expect. the website says no cell phones or smartwatches will be allowed and tickets go on sale at 10 a.m. i'm thinking those tickets will go quick. the nfl draft continues today. kicked off in philly yesterday with a big day for the players but an even bigger day for one of the players' babies. >> i'll tell you what. it was take your kid to work day this week, wasn't it? >> that was like [ indiscernible ] >> so cute. that's four-month-old kingston and his dad garrett bowles. bowles was drafted by the denver broncos. the duo also stole the show on the red carpet. they had matching suits. very cute. and i'm dennis o'donnell. coming up, it was draft night in the nfl. and the 49ers scored some pretty good points. we'll tell you the trade they made, who they got, and who the raiders got straight ahead. >> and what's cool about your school? email your nomination to us at [email protected] and we may feature your school on the show. the a's lost last night but ,,,,,, (laughs) come on! dogs just won't quit. neither does frontline gold. its triple action formula is relentless at killing fleas and ticks for a full 30 days. good boy. go for the gold. good morning, happy friday! here's a live look at your ride through millbrae. this is 101, just south of the airport there. you can see those headlights making their way in a southbound direction. traffic is light. you should be a-okay if you are getting ready to head out the door and go catch a flight. and now let's check sports with dennis. good morning, everybody. the 49ers started the nfl draft with the second overall pick. they ended up with the third. they swapped with chicago bears and picked stanford defensive lineman solomon thomas. it's the third straight year the 49ers have taken a defensive lineman in the first round. and they need it. they were dead last in the league in total defense. thomas had 8 sacks for the last season. and at the end of the first round they traded with seattle and picked alabama linebacker rubin foster who slipped to 31. >> young man's going to be disappointed. he felt like he was one of the better players. but i can also tell you that but i can also say this is a place that reuben wanted to be. he told me that numerous times. the raiders took a quarterback 24th out of who state. conley was highly touted but is under investigation for rape. he claims he is innocent. stay tuned. here's the top 5 was one big highlight for pitcher kendall graveman in his return from the disabled list... and the giants on a losing end. 5-1 in ten innings. and the a's losers last night to the angels. i'm dennis o'donnell. see you tonight. as dennis said, the a's lost last night. but there was one big highlight for the pitcher his return from the dl and it's our play of the day. [ play-by-play ] >> he is going to tag the runner and gets the double play ! what a play. >> nice move. graveman showing off the presence of mind to get the double play. two birds with one stone. that's the first unassisted double play since 1971. you may have heard of the mob of teens that robbed a bunch of bart passengers over the weekend. coming up, where that investigation stands. and how it's uncovered a larger problem. >> and an ongoing standoff here in martinez. we are live with the details coming up. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and payments received from russia. and the closely watched demonstrations at u-c berkeley are over -- we'll take a look at how it all went.. weather ad libs a new investigation into president's former national security advisor and payments received from russia. >> and the demonstrations from uc-berkeley are over. we'll look at how it went. >> the weekend is right around the corner. and boy, our temperatures are going to spike but if you live away from the bay, i'm going to tell you which days you will need your air-conditioning. >> and we are tracking some delays for drivers making their way towards that bay bridge toll plaza. we are also tracking mass transit delays. we'll take a full look at traffic coming up. good morning, everyone. it's friday, april 28. i'm michelle griego. >> i'm kenny choi. right now in martinez, police have surrounded the car of a man accused of shooting and killing a woman in broad daylight. kpix 5's jessica flores is live in martinez with the latest on the murder that sparked a manhunt. >> reporter: kenny, michelle, this is all happening behind me at the chevron. we are not going to zoom in because the man is still holed up in his silver mercedes and we are told he has a gun and has been holding it to his head at some point. this started after a woman was shot and killed in walnut creek earlier. i want to show you where we are now. it's p.o.w. and pine street totally closed off. police are asking residents here near howe and pine to avoid the area. this is where the manhunt ended but it started in walnut creek near the lindsey wildlife experience at first and buena vista. police say the suspect gunned down a woman there in broad daylight and the suspect took off from walnut creek but then ditched his car at some point making it to a home and got into a silver mercedes-benz. police say the suspect -- coughing ] excuse me. >> police say they spotted the car and pulled him over. that's what started this intense standoff. the suspect is believed to have a gun and we have seen pictures of him holding a gun to his head. the east bay regional s.w.a.t. team has been trying to get little to come out and surrender. now, guys, this has been going on since 8 p.m. yesterday. negotiators are on their tenth hour trying to get him out. police say they want this to end without another loss of life. reporting live in martinez, i'm jessica flores, kpix 5. >> what have authorities revealed about the victim or the suspect so far? >> reporter: not many details about the victim or the suspect but what we can tell you, police believe they do know each other. back to you. >> thank you. despite fears of violence between right and left wing demonstrators at uc-berkeley, the campus remained peaceful yesterday. hundreds of people came from all over the state despite the cancellation of a speech by ann coulter. police were preparing for the worst deploying in large numbers around the edges of civic center park. officer cleared the park around 4 p.m. with a dispersal order. supporters of ann coulter were disappointed she backed out leaving counterprotests to declare victory. >> ann, like, shouldn't have been a coward and came anyways. i think she is a coward for not coming. >> ann coulter has millions of opportunities to speak all the time and she wants a certain room and a certain place and time. you know what? sorry. we're here to say, we have the right to speak our voice for equal rights. >> police did make a handful of arrests including one person who was caught with a dagger! east bay congresswoman barbara lee a uc-berkeley alum had this to say: vowing to crack down on two major ongoin lems. kpix 5's anne makovec is live at the embarcadero bart station to explain. >> bart's acting police chief is vowing to crack down on two major ongoing problems. kpix 5's anne makovec is live at the embarcadero bart station to explain. anne. >> reporter: apparently there are a lot of problems when it comes to crime on the bart system. in fact, almost all types of crimes are up about 22% just since the beginning of the year. more attention has been called to this after the story you probably heard about a mob of teenagers that robbed and beat several passengers on bart trains over the weekend. this all follows three years of decreases in crime in the bart system. bart's police chief says he has enacted emergency staffing levels now which means canceling officers' days off and he says that his detectives are on the trail of some of the teens responsible for last week's crimes. >> we're working without side agencies, like we did in 2014, to increase our presence on the train and also going to the neighborhoods where these suspects live and hopefully arresting them. >> reporter: another problem? fare evaders. a $3 million proposal is right now in front of the bart board of directors to beef up fare evasion enforcement. and if you think that's not too big of a deal, the agency loses $11 million in lost fares every year. and, of course, they are also talking about any number of ways they can raise money at this point. so that would put a dent in their deficit if they could shore up that problem. right now, the only types of crimes that have not been increasing are auto thefts at bart parking lots and bike thefts. live in san francisco anne makevoc, kpix 5. 5:33. let's get another check on this sunny weather. >> i cannot believe it. it's already brightening up outside. >> that's good. >> and this is the last weekend of april and it's going to be the warmest weekend so far this year. hard to believe may 1 is on monday and with it we'll have near or record warmth. good morning, everybody. let's head out now. yes, it is brightening up. official sunrise is at 6:18. but you can see the clear skies. you can see towards mount diablo this morning from san francisco. you can also see just off pier 9 there the flag is flat. santa rosa 50. we have 45 in livermore. 55 now in san francisco. mid-50s in oakland. low 50s around the peninsula. the winds are relatively under 10 miles per hour around the bay and at the seashore. but once we head into the north bay, northwesterlies at 12 to 14 in san rafael through novato. it will be pretty windy later today again northwest winds 10 to 20 but stronger gusts along the seashore and in the highest elevations. santa rosa now picking up a wind at 12, as well. so we have the clear skies right here as high pressure continues to build in from the west. and the way the winds rotated around that area of high pressure, it's going to contribute to an offshore flow which means our relative humidity will go down. so temperatures today into the mid-60s at the beaches. 60s and 70s around the bay. 70s will be common from belmont through san mateo into burlingame, foster city. east palo alto. atherton, woodside and through mountain view. mid-70s also around los gatos. warmers weather there today but i'm going to talk about a day in which right now computer models suggest we'll top off at 90. i'll pinpoint that day coming up at 48 minutes after the hour but right now, hey, jaclyn, what's going on? >> we are tracking a busy ride over at the bay bridge toll plaza. they just turned on those metering lights. and you can see that backup forming and stretching towards the maze. we'll take a quick check of our travel times. 580 dublin-pleasanton 25 minutes. 880 between dixon landing and highway 238, 19 minutes. that's a check of your traffic. back to you guys. a crash involving two police cars lands three san francisco officers in the hospital. the officers were responding to a call just before 11:00 last night when the cruisers collided at 15th and mission. both vehicles had lights and sirens on. all three will be okay. this weekend marks 25 years since the city of los angeles exploded in violence in the wake of the rodney king verdict. in april of 1992, four white lapd officers were acquitted in the videotaped beating of rodney king a black man pulled over for speeding. more than 50 people were killed and 2,000 injured in six days of rioting and looting causing $1 billion in damage. those who lived through the riots hope they continue to serve as a reminder of the importance of communication and respect between police and people they serve. >> what happened out there can teach everyone a lesson. you never want to see that ever again. more than 11,000 people were arrested. the pentagon is investigating president trump's first national security adviser in connection with payments from russia! michael flynn is now at the center of five investigations into his ties with russia! flynn received nearly $34,000 to speak in moscow in 2015. and newly released documents reveal the defense intelligence agency warned flynn in 2014 about accepting foreign payments. flynn's attorney insists he briefed the dia both before and after his trip. the clock is particularring in washington, dc. there could be a government shutdown if congress can't vote on an emergency spending bill this weekend! lawmakers must approve a deal by midnight tonight. they are trying to come up with a short-term solution so they can work on a long-term fix that both parties can agree on. after the united airlines scandal, southwest is now promising it won't overbook flights. hena daniels of has that and more. slight gains on wall street street. slump in energy stocks set off by profits by other companies. the dow jones industrial average was up of. nasdaq up 23 a new record high for the third time in four days. exxonmobil has reportedly been ordered to pay a nearly $20 million air pollution fine. a federal judge ruled that exxon violated federal clean air standards by releasing 10 million pounds of pollution into the air over an eight-year period at a complex near houston. the "houston chronicle" says the ruling is a result of a lawsuit filed in 2010. southwest airlines announced today it will stop overbooking flights. last year, the airline bumped 15,000 passengers off its planes more than any other u.s. carrier. it's a common and controversial industry practice. it has come under fire since of course united airlines dragged a passenger off their flights earlier this month. meantime, toyota has issued a recall for popular tacoma pickup trucks. the automaker says an oil leak in affected vehicles could cause rear wheels to lock up leading drivers to lose control. toyota has not said if the problem is responsible for any injuries or deaths. >> hena, green juice gummi bears seem to be a real thing. tell us about that. >> reporter: essentially it's candy cleanse. the treats are a concentratele of apple, lemon, ginger and natural ingredients. it can run up to $14 at pressed juice and other places. >> i guess i'm a traditionalist. when you want gummi bears you want junk food so just keep it as junk food. >> when i want a cleanse -- i love them. if this cleanse works, i'd rather do this than drinking bottles of green juice. i'm all about this if it works. >> good point. that is a good point. all right. hena daniels of, have a great weekend. >> thank you. i'm with you. generic gummi bears for a dollar is okay with me. [ laughter ] coming up, 5:40. a mountain lion has an adventure at a shopping center. how the journey ended. hey allergy muddlers are you one sneeze away from being voted out of the carpool? try zyrtec® it's starts working hard at hour one and works twice as hard when you take it again the next day. stick with zyrtec® and muddle no more®. a close encounter with wildlife created quite a stir in santa cruz's east cliff shopping good morning. the last friday of the month of april and we are going out with sunshine and above average temperatures. take a look at this right here. this is what's in your morning forecast. visibility is unlimited. the sky is blue. this will be the warmest weekend of the year. the forecast is coming up. a chosen counter with wildlife created -- a chosen counter with wildlife created a stir in a shopping center. a juvenile mountain lion took a stroll through the mall and then scampered up a tree. deputies asked shoppers and business owners in santa cruz to stay inside while they tranquilized it and caught it as it fell from the tree. >> we think it's really interesting and important around the santa cruz mountain area because there's so many people and we are trying to understand how mountain lions coexist with people in this landscape. >> the animal was not seriously injured by the fall. he was given a physical exam, tagged and fitted with a gps tracker and will be returned to the wild. the san jose police department is getting more police officers today graduation day at the academy. it's a turnaround for the department. jackie ward reports from the newsroom. >> reporter: for years the san jose police department has been plagued with recruiting struggles so with the new campaign and 27 graduates leaving the academy today, they are hoping to build off this momentum. the class of graduates is the biggest in the last two years and according to the sjpd, the numbers are going in the right direction with an even larger number of cadets expected to graduate in june. san jose has lost over 500 officers since 2012 leading to basic patrol shifts having to work overtime. some camped out in rvs in the department's parking lot because they should such a short turnaround. a tentative labor agreement in january now gives officers cash bonuses and a 20% pay raise over the next three years. top tier officers will make almost $153,000 a year. san jose mayor sam liccardo will be at the graduation ceremony today. it takes place at the fairmont in san jose at 1:00 p.m. in the newsroom, jackie ward, kpix 5. oakland high school students have a chance to win a prom dress with a warriors touch. leslie west wife of david west power forward is donating more than 1,000 dresses for special events along with the warriors, oakland unified will put the dresses on display at oakland high school tomorrow between 11 and 4. to get dressed by west, you need a ticket, time slot and valid identification. >> that's awesome. >> would you believe i was reading that this is her 13th year doing this. she has done in other cities in which her husband played basketball and she just really gives back. >> that's called commitment. you know -- [ applause ] > -- it's expensive for guys to rent a tux but for women and girls in high school, it's expensive with hair and makeup. >> you have a daughter going to prom soon. >> she went to prom a few weeks ago. so that was a lot of fun. but yeah. >> there's an expense involved. for those who can't afford it this is just amazing. >> awesome. >> yeah. >> well, what's not awesome is we are starting to see delays in traffic and we definitely have a backup building over at that bay bridge toll plaza. speeds are slowing down as you approach the macarthur maze along the eastshore freeway. let's take a quick check of our travel times. we do have the metering lights that are on now as well so say good-bye to "friday light"! right now, speeds are in the green still out of antioch into hercules along highway 4. 580 from the altamont pass to the dublin-pleasanton interchange. no troubles. some brake lights no reports of accidents or stalls there. making your way along 880, northbound from 238 to the maze, we are still in the green so it's just over at that bay bridge toll plaza that's where we're seeing the big backups. we are tracking mass transit delays. it looks like bart is recovering but we're still dealing with major delays systemwide due to an earlier disabled train over at the lake merritt station in oakland as well as delays out of san bruno into millbrae pittsburg-bay point direction. 10-minute delays trying to recover there. ace train no delays. back to you guys -- oh, roberta. let's check weather because it is so pretty out there. >> it is. i have to tell a story. last night i was emceeing an event where they help families and their children in alameda county for 20 years. i ran into this guy here. he works at the claymont and he was just giddy and he says, i love me some michelle and kenny. are they here with you tonight? i said no they are not here tonight. will you please give them my love? he really said this. i asked johnny what time does he watch? between 5 and 6. hi, johnnie! >> johnny! >> big shoutout and all the staff at the claremont hotel who did a fabulous job, the chef too who helped us out with our charity fundraiser. what a great night it was. good morning. this is a view looking from our kpix 5 studios. you can see all the way 45 miles inland towards mount diablo. you can see the very top there and we can see it because visibility is unlimited. boy, we have had some wind- swept skies. right now the wind is calming. it's at 8 in san francisco. it is picking up in san rafael and novato out of the northwest at 12 and 13. these winds will increase again later today. northwest, more of an offshore push later. 10 to 20 miles per hour. gusts up to 30 at times along the seashore and high elevations. now, linda our weather watcher in fairfield this morning says her wind is at 15. she has clear skies and 55 degrees. that's mild. again, another view of mount diablo seen from the transamerica pyramid as we wake up and begin our last friday for the month of april. temperatures in the mid-40s in throughout the tri-valley. it is now 50 in santa rosa. low 50s in redwood city. pretty much in the 50s around the bay. so here's what you need to know. today's going to be sunsational! sun soaked. temperatures spike this weekend and then for the first day of may, brand-new month next week. wow! okay. near record or record warmth. the coast is clear. high pressure is building in from the west. this is really interesting. i don't know if you heard about it, but in southern california they have damaging winds yesterday. as we look at high pressure building in. when you see these lines together, that refers to a pressure gradient difference between the low and the high. and that's what sparks the windy conditions. we'll have some winds today here locally. but blustery across southern california for your travels if you are heading towards the grapevine today. low 70s in throughout the central valley. low 60s in monterey bay back through pebble beach into big sur. 50s in the high sierra. and we are talking about spring- like conditions. many resorts like squaw valley opened all the way through the 4th of july, the boarding and skiing excellent today with overnight lows in the 20s. temperatures locally 60s beaches. 60s, 70s bayside. mid-70s across the peninsula. climbing to 76 degrees through walnut creek, concord, clayton and walnut creek. 70s in tri-valley. mid-70s in fairfield. computer models suggest 0 on tuesday. that could come down a couple of notches but right now we're saying 90 degrees. boy, we are going to be using the ac away from the bay. tonight, it's the ballgame! we have the shark on the mound for the good guys, clear skies and 64 degrees. go, giants! make it a great day. time now 5:51. the investigation into a massive bay area drug ring ends with two arrests in a restaurant parking lot. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, giving people options based on their budget is pretty edgy... kind of like this look. i'm calling it the "name your price tool" phase. whatever. good morning. time check now 5:54. i'd like to you take a look at this. i'm going to reveal it really slowly. 80 degrees on tuesday. seriously? that's near and record warmth right there in the bay area. for the first week of may. >> right now we are taking a live look at your ride making your way through observations. this is 880. those taillights going northbound from 238 on out towards the maze. it's about a 20-minute trip. still in the clear. >> back over to you. a month long investigation led police to a big drug bust at a chevy's parking lot. in sonoma county. santa rosa police recovered this stash of assault rifles, cocaine, ex-sta say, mushrooms, and $17,000 in cash inside the suspect's home on olive street yesterday. mrs. arrested 24-year-old john conway and his roommate. they were both booked at the sonoma county jail. this new video out of southern california showing winds so strong that they brought down trees and tore open water mains. the gusts have been moving up to 60 miles an hour sparking outages for 2400 people throughout the los angeles area. last night in hawthorne winds brought down a large tree crashing down on a car and in east los angeles, the gusts sent trees falling on to power lines. all right. if you have been longing for leg room on flights, the san jose company is ready to up the ante. >> it's working to give you a workout in the middle of the plane. they are showing off the master plan inside an airport. seeds there would be chairs with hooks for resistance banff. these modules would also feature bikes, plush seats that turn into yoga mats. the idea isn't likely to take shape for years. but travelers and team behind it says the workouts will be welcome. >> being stuck, right? just like cramped especially because i'm pretty tall so yeah, i mean, this would be ideal. >> we are look at restaurants are meeting spaces, areas for families to travel together. >> you can try the fitness module for yourself at the end of may on display outside gates 18 and 19 at mineta san jose international airport. an intense ongoing standoff here in martinez. residents being told to "shelter in place." i'm jessica flores live with the details coming up. ,,,,,,,,,, well it's a perfect nespresso morning here, george. ,,,,,,,,,, hold on a second. mmm. ♪ [mel torme sings "comin' home baby"] hey there. want a lift? ♪ where are we going? no don't tell me. let me guess. ♪ have a nice ride. ♪ how far would you go for coffee that's a cup above? i brought you nespresso. nespresso. what else? all night long: he's been holed up near a gas station in martinez. good morni right now a murder suspect is in a tense standoff with police. all night long, he has been holed up near a gas station in martinez. good morning, it is friday, april 28. i'm michelle griego. >> i'm kenny choi. kpix 5's jessica flores is live in martinez this morning with the latest on the deadly shooting that launched a manhunt. jessica. >> reporter: michelle, kenny, now the standoff is going on behind me near the chevron. residents here have been told to "shelter in place." this is a very tense and ongoing situation going on now for 10 hours. the s.w.a.t. team trying to get that man to surrender. let me show you exactly where we are. we're near howe and pine streets. the suspect parked near that gas station here off highway 4. now, this area is totally closed off so if you live or work here, stay away. this is where the manhunt ended. it started in walnut creek near the lindsey wildlife experience at first and buena vista. police say the suspect gunned down a woman there in broad daylight, police say the suspect took off from walnut creek after killing that woman. but then ditched his car. at some point he

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