Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 5AM 20161215 : compareme

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 5AM 20161215

you have some prefrontal rains around the central bay. heaviest rain between 11 and 3 p.m. with gusty winds up to 50 miles per hour. south bay just in time for the evening commute. again, that urban and small stream flooding advisory napa, sonoma, marin counties with that flooding likely. napa valleyi want to put in the potential of an isolated thunderstorm due to the cooler air working its way into our forecast. you can see currently it's pretty breezy out the door. 17-mile-per-hour winds in oakland. we have winds up to 13 in the area. we'll track the rain through your neighborhood coming up at 18 after the hour. let's start with the bay bridge toll plaza. if you are heading across the span, there is a high wind advisory so both hands on the wheel. westbound 80 from carquinez bridge along the eastshore freeway to the maze will take you 18 minutes and then through the toll you will be good. those metering lights should turn on in about 30 minutes and that's when that traffic will start to slow down. now in san francisco, once you get across the bridge, this is westbound 80 on the 9th street off-ramp it's a two-car crash partially blocking the off-ramp but, of course, not causing many delays. not many cars out there just yet. here's a live look at the nimitz freeway looking good in both directions so far from 238 in san leandro on northbound 880 to the maze will take you a quick 16 minutes and then expect a 13 to 15-minute drive across the span of the san mateo bridge and that's between hayward to foster city. okay. let's move over now to the altamont pass. traffic, wow, that north tracy boulevard to altamont pass time just went up to 27 minutes. and if you get to north flynn road we have a crash to tell you about, westbound 580 before north flynn road. it's a solo car crash blocking the left lane and causing traffic to move at just 17 miles per hour into livermore. and then let's take a look at the golden gate bridge. from marin county into san francisco will take you 14 minutes. and we are keeping an eye on conditions all across the bay as roqui said. the rain could cause a lot of problems for the morning commute. kpix 5's maria medina is live in san anselmo. maria? how's it looking for so far? i can barely see you under that umbrella. [ laughter ] >> reporter: um, i'm here, guys. i just wanted to let you know i'm here. i'm just trying to protect myself from the wind and the rain over here. we are going to push into the rain so you can see how much is coming down right now. um, pretty windy and rainy here on the way here as well but over in berkeley, you know, city crews, we saw them scrambling yesterday when they found out how much rain was going to fall in such a short amount of time. they actually used a machine that like a wet vac on steroids to suck up the leaves out of the drains all around the city because they know with the king tides that we're actually experiencing as roberta said, that there's that threat of flooding in low-lying areas. >> of the storms this season, this is the one that we're probably the most afraid of now. okay? we'll wait to see when it comes up. [ laughter ] >> reporter: all right. so everyone we saw was scrambling to rake up those leaves before the storm. and as you know, you know, cities are offering sandbags if you need them at your public works department. over here in san anselmo, you can see the awning over there, flying in the distance because of the win. but on the way here, we could feel our live truck swaying back and forth because of the wind. so this storm has definitely arrived. the rain not as strong. strong waves and rain causing buildings to crumble on the edge of a cliff in pacific what. kpix 5's sandra osborne reports from pacifica on why the city is taking steps to demolish a property. >> reporter: anne, the buildings behind me they were actually yellow-tagged back in january meaning they were already deemed unsafe for living. residents were actually only allowed back inside to remove their belongings. but now, the deal with this building, it's been deemed dangerous because it's in danger of actually teetering over that cliff. since we're seeing those cliffs eroding and this weather not making things any better. right now, we are feeling a lot of wind out here. today, the city manager and director of emergency management of pacifica will be announcing at city hall they plan to demolish the building as soon as possible. earlier this year, we spoke with people that lived here. some of them saying it was of course their dream to live right there at the beach. but not at the risk they were facing. >> i can't continue to have a professional work life and social life as well as not know that when i come home my property is going to be there. that's just no way to live. >> reporter: today's weather definitely a concern at pacifica, especially after this 15-foot sinkhole destroyed a pathway and blocked access to a public beach this week. this isn't the only building dealing with erosion. several other buildings have been vacated in the past. this one, the latest one to go. of course, we'll get some more details about the demolition at today's announcement in city hall. live in pacifica, sandra osborne, kpix 5. developing now, police say two men were shot and killed in oakland and now they are looking for the gunman. officers were called to the scene last night near 98th and edes avenue. when they arrived, they found the two men. one of the victims died at the scene, the other at the hospital. no suspect information at this time. only on "5," we now know oakland firefighters had been inside the ghost ship warehouse before it burned despite reports to the contrary. one man says he was watching a band perform inside the warehouse two years ago when firefighters came in. he said they were friendly and checked things out. but the fire department has no record that firefighters were ever there. kpix 5 also confirmed with the promoter of that 2014 event that firefighters were indeed inside the building. and that they even spoke with derick ion almena, the man renting the warehouse. >> i'm not sure when but sometime in the middle of the show i think pretty early on, the firefighters showed up, um, inside the building, um, walking around at least downstairs, i believe they're upstairs but i forget. >> we reached out to the oakland fire department for comment but have not heard back yet. victims of the oakland warehouse fire were remembered last night at the historic fox theatre at a benefit concert for survivors affected by the tragedy. more than 2 dozen acts took part in oakland united, a benefit supporting oakland fire leaf. all 2800 tickets were sold out for the event with proceeds going to the gray area foundation for the arts. >> the mediate concern is to make sure that the victims and people affected are taken care of but beyond that, i think it's important to try to -- to -- to solve the problem of there not being a place for artistses to, one, live, but also to perform and to show their art. >> the show had acts representing a wide range of musical genres and was headlined by the bay area rock band, primus. president-elect donald trump continues his thank you tour in pennsylvania today amid new allegations about russia's meddling in the election. u.s. intelligence sources claim russian president vladimir putin was personally involved in the effort saying the, quote, orders to do it would have come from the highest level. mr. trump has dismissed the cia's recent claim that russia was trying to help him win the presidency but white house spokesman josh earnest believes mr. trump may have been in on it. >> everything from the republican nominee himself calling on russia to hack his opponent, it might be an indication that he was obviously aware. >> republican senator lindsey graham who says his campaign email was also hacked by russia is calling for more sanctions. governor jerry brown is getting ready to take on president-elect donald trump over climate change. brown spoke to a crowd of thousands of scientists in san francisco yesterday for the american geophysical union conference. brown insists california is making the issue a top priority. >> we have the laws, we have the tools of enforcement and we have the political will and we will set the stage, we'll set the example, and whatever washington thinks they're doing, california is the future!! [ applause and cheers ] >> governor brown hopes to reduce emissions standards significantly. his goal is to reach 50% renewable energy use by 2030. now, the electoral college is set to convene on monday. it appears likely the electors will voted for donald trump. the "associated press" interviewed more than 330 electors from major political parties. most republicans said they plan to follow tradition and vote trump despite some pressure on them to vote for somebody else. let's take a live look in syria right now as civilians are preparing to evacuate from the last rebel-held neighborhood aleppo. this is part of a cease-fire deal between rebels and the syrian government. that will return syria's largest city to the government. government forces have led a air offense in the past few weeks. most of these evacuees will held to rebel held areas in northern parts of the country. time now is 5:10. virtual reality has been a popular new craze this year in the world of gaming. but next, we'll show you how it's helping to keep you safe on your next flight. >> plus, we are going to hear from the bay area winner of "survivor." he is still basking in last night's big victory. >> what are you going to need to survive the day today? be prepared! we have light rain across the bay area right now, but heavy rain is queued up and ready to move in! >> and what will you need to provide for traffic today? patience. here's a live look at the san mateo bridge looking pretty good. we have the rest of the community coming up. don't go anywhere. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, welcome back. it is13 minutes after 5:00. air traffic control technology is going to be much more efficient. 12 hi-def projectors are creating the illusion of an actual air traffic control tower. the pseudopilot directs planes as they taxi, take off and touch down with 87,000 flights per day in the u.s. nasa hopes that virtual reality testing can significantly improve how airports track their planes. >> we want them to forget a simulation. we want them to do things like in real life. >> better predictive information where we see the bottlenecks and entanglements might lie and then we can employ algorithms to detangle that traffic. >> nasa says working out the glitches before field testing is a must. but it believes that technology could eventually spell much shorter waits on the tarmacs. the latest "star wars" movie hits theaters tonight. at the tech museum in downtown san jose you can bet there will be a line of hundreds of excited fans expected to attend of showing of "rogue one: a star wars story" in the i marks theater -- imax theater. 7 and 10 p.m. will probably sell out. it opens in wide release tomorrow. looks good. are you still -- >> no. i tried to watch it. i can't get into it. that's all right. >> we need to get you on board. let's get on to roqui who checks the roads. a little wet out there. >> thank you, anne. i'm not a "star wars" fan. the movies are great, entertaining. moving to the altamont pass starting here out of tracy you're moving pretty nicely until you get to that 205-580 merge where traffic slows down to just 14 miles per hour. westbound 580 before north flynn road that solo car crash is cleared out of the roadway but as you can see a lot of residual slowdowns here. north tracy boulevard along 580 westbound to the altamont pass will take you up to 31 minutes. moving over now to a live look at the nimitz freeway, looking pretty good in both directions on 880 northbound, from 238 in san leandro to the maze, that will take you 16 minutes. and if you are taking the southbound side to the san mateo bridge, here's a live look at that from hayward to foster city. that will be a quick 13 minutes. moving now to the bay bridge toll plaza high wind advisory across the span here so make sure you're 10 and 2, both hands on the wheels. 80 westbound from the carquinez bridge will take you 19 minutes. and in oakland today, new york knicks versus our golden state warriors game time 7:30 p.m. so make sure you're driving safely and giving yourself extra time to get through the nimitz freeway because late night commute should be pretty bad considering this rain, roberta. >> essentially across the south bay but this that particular area the rain will taper off but there will be a lot of ponding on the roads out there. good morning, everybody. this is the real deal so let's get to it. anywhere between ukiah and cloverdale you're getting smacked around the lakeport area and also in clearlake. we have lesser amounts of precipitation but still, it's wet near mcnears beach. this precipitation leaving san rafael and terra linda area. larkspur will get rain in the next couple of minutes. orinda just had a passing shower. and we have a few sprinkles across the bay area. so even though the heaviest rain is still to come, the prefrontal rain will still provide some wet pavement and wet roadways. right now into the 50s and 60s. the winds have been increasing pretty breezy 17 from oakland through alameda through period monday, 16 berkeley, 14 san francisco, 18 san jose, flatter winds in the napa and fairfield areas but you're going to turn breezy, too. heavy rain rain this morning. this afternoon the possibility of a thunderstorm does exist. clearing and cooler for your friday. let's break it down like this. first off, area of low pressure developed in the gulf of alaska which tells you it has a lot of cool air mass associated with it but that right there, that's what comes into play. this is subtropical moisture that goes all the way back to the hawaiian islands. we have this low tapping into that. that's when we have that possibility of a thunderstorm but that's when we'll see that right there the heaviest rain pushing through the bay area. thursday, today, this morning, in the north bay, by lunch hour it starts to slide into the central bay and then it makes tracks towards the santa clara valley towards the evening commute. behind it, this time tomorrow, just a hit-and-miss scattered shower with the instability of the air mass with the passage of that front so i'm breaking it down like this for you. north bay 7 to 11 a.m. this morning the heaviest rain. 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. the central beltway. the santa clara valley 3 to 7 p.m. easily up to a couple inches of rain across much of the bay area approaching 3 inches in ukiah and also the ben lomond area. this is why we have a flash flood watch and also we have an urban and small stream flood advisory in effect which means you will see some ponding on the roads and the sidewalks in napa, sonoma and marin counties. high wind watches in effect for the entire bay area. we are anticipating up to 50- mile-per-hour wind gusts and now what does this mean for tahoe? that is snow up to 2 feet of snow above 8,000 feet. no new snow yet in heavenly. starts off at rain at the lower levels and turns to snow. 50s, 60s daytime highs today winds up to easily 20 to 30 miles per hour with stronger gusts strongest winds will be the early afternoon hours. so here you go. it is storm watch today! sloppy windy rainy a chance of a thunderstorm. we have a scattered shower. friday night temperatures dip not 20s and 30s. this is a cold front. dry days ahead. cool in the 50s. nights in the 30s. >> oh. >> 20s? >> in some of the urban inland areas, yeah. >> it is almost winter. thank you so much. let's see what is trending today. kanye west took home a souvenir from his visit with president-elect donald trump. >> he tweeted this. a signed copy of "time" magazine's man of the year cover. and it's autographed. it says, to kanye, you are a great friend. west says he met with trump on tuesday to discuss multicultural issues. there is officially a winner for the latest "survivor" and michelle met this guy. >> i did! it's so exciting! and he knew he was a winner at that time and didn't even tell me. all right. he is a local. he is adam klein from san francisco and he took home the crown in last night's finale. >> the work that i do doesn't necessarily pay a whole lot of money. so what this money is going to do is going to allow me to continue to live my life in a way where i can, you know, work in nonprofits. >> he is great. klein says he has been a "survivor" fan since he was a child. he won a million dollars. >> nice job. i'm dennis o'donnell. coming up next, where is the next home of the raiders? las vegas? oakland? how about los angeles? d-day looming for one team. and the sharks found themselves on the right side of the blue line after all. we'll drop the puck coming up. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, why the company is being good morning, everybody. while las vegas and oakland fight for who gets the raiders, what about los angeles? yesterday, nfl owners unanimously approved a tenant lease contract between the chargers and the rams to share that new stadium in l.a. the chargers have until january 15 to decide whether to say yes or no. if the chargers say no, the raiders will have another option to consider. as for the raiders, on the field they can clinch their first play-off spot in 14 years with a win on sunday in san diego. it's a far cry from two years ago, when oakland started the season 0-10. but derek carr doesn't want to look too far ahead when the raiders just have to do one more thing to get to the post- season. >> just win, baby! >> yeah. starting 0-10 was not fun. you know, so it's a, you know, it makes these moments so -- so awesome. it makes these moments really cool, you know, to already have 10 wins. our focus is beating the chargers. if we don't, we're still sitting there hoping and wishing. these kids making quite the sacrifice to see the sharks in ottawa. under 3 minutes left under a minute after the senators leading 3-2, san jose scores and that tied the game at 3. for the second straight night the sharks go to a shootout. the game winner for the sharks. san jose wins 4-3. the sharks have won nine of the last 12. and top 20 basketball right here. saint mary's is a winner over western kentucky. the gaels are now 7-1. i'm dennis o'donnell. see you tonight. ♪[ music ] what is wrong with this picture? the storm preps you should be making before it's too late. >> and the weather in pacifica certainly not helping our situation out here where erosion has already been a problem. we'll tell you about an upcoming announcement from city hall and what it has to do with a precariously perched building coming up. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, asked to take their self-driving cars off the road. warning all users the showdown between the dmv and uber. why the company is being asked to take their self-driving cars off the roads. >> and yahoo warning all users this morning, change your password after the largest known cyber attack in him. >> we have been talking about it all week and it's here. the biggest storm since last march and i'll tell you just when you should expect the precipitation. >> and how's that storm affecting your morning commute? here's a live look at the bay bridge toll plaza where those metering lights just turned on. we'll have a look for you. good morning, everyone. it's thursday, december 15. i'm michelle griego. >> i'm anne makovec in for kenny choi. wind, rain and possible flooding. we are going to see it all today. we are tracking conditions all across the bay. kpix 5's maria medina live in the north bay this morning in san anselmo. maria, crews already prepping for the storm and the anticipated mess to clean up. >> reporter: good morning. right before the break i asked you what was wrong with this picture? if you answered all the leaves on the ground, you are right. if you haven't raked leaves outside your home and out of the storm drains, do it now. over in berkeley, city crews scrambled when they found out just how much rain was going to fall in such a short amount of time. they used a wet vac-like machine to suck up all the leaves out of the drain. and, you know, because the king tides that we're experiencing right now, they know that this area is prone to flooding. >> with high tide water can't flow out as efficiently. that's when it backs up into the storm drain system. >> can't do much about that, can you? >> not much you can do when that happens. >> reporter: so city crews not only the ones scrambling out there. residents also scrambling to rake up their leaves. so if you haven't already done so, do it now and, of course, sandbags are available for you if you need them at your public works department. back over here in san anselmo, while i was talking to you, this is what happened to my umbrella because of the wind. [ laughter ] >> reporter: so you can see just how windy it is out here. the rain has died down but it is chilly and the rain is not going away anytime soon. live in san anselmo, maria medina, kpix 5. >> maria, can you pop that thing back? is that going to work? >> reporter: i'll have my photographer do it. >> do that. [ laughter ] >> yeah, maria. all right. >> that's a manly chore. >> we'll check in with you in a little bit. >> no mary poppins there. >> we were saying with the gusty winds it's going to be one of those days that you don't want an umbrella. you're going to have to use a hood instead and the poncho because winds will be so aggressive. and, you know, honestly, in maria is listening, that's nothing. that's the prefrontal little light rain. the big rain is still heading her way! >> and all of our ways! we're all going to feel it today. >> i broke down the timing for all of this. but let's start with the live hi-def doppler radar. >> it's all lit up this morning. heavy rain is where we expected it across ukiah and gradually sliding south. when you see the yellow and orange, that's some pretty heavy rainfall and that's what is being experienced in the upper lake area as well as lakeport and hopland. clearlake and out of the heavy rain. all of this is sagging south as precipitation lifts north and to the east. the bottom line is i broke it down for you north bay heaviest rain 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. central bay 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. we'll see some rain across the central bay before that but i'm talking about the heaviest precipitation between11 a.m. and 3 p.m. to the south bay just in time for the evening commute. we have an urban and small stream flooding advisory for napa, sonoma and marin counties. there will be ponding on the roads and flooding around the sidewalks, as well. now, we have some gusty winds in the forecast. currently we have winds up to 20 miles per hour. these winds will blow 20 to 30 today, gusts up to 50 miles per hour. so most of the bay area has a high wind watch in effect. temperatures out the door this morning in the 50s and 60s. not much movement there. again, currently our wind speeds are clocked up to 13 at sfo, 17 across the bay into hayward. 18 at mineta international airport. 17 at the estuary of oakland vallejo at 12, 13 out of the south and southeast. when you have the south wind it's more of a moist air mass. cold front is now taking a nosedive towards the bay area. high 50s, low 60s today. again we'll track the heaviest rainfall with your live all coming up in a matter of minutes. but right now, let's send it back to you michelle. all right, roberta. thank you. in pacifica, strong rains and waves are causing the city's cliffs to crumble putting buildings right on the edge in peril. kpix 5's sandra osborne is live in pacifica with drastic steps to demolish a property. >> reporter: good morning. it's dark and hard to see how precariously this building is perched on the eroding cliff but the strong winds we're feeling out here this morning certainly not going to make the situation any better. city officials plan to demolish that building as soon as possible. they say it's in danger of falling over the cliff. that makes this a big danger to the public. it was yellow-tagged in january meaning it was unsafe for living. we spoke with people this year that lived here heartbroken of course that their beach-side home was in danger. but they kept thanks great perspective. >> all that matters is my life and the life of my animals. >> reporter: the weather a big concern because of the cliff erosion and because of a massive 15-foot sinkhole that opened up here this weekend after the latest round of storms. that hole destroyed a pathway and blocked access to a public beach. to give you an idea, not sure if it's too dark whether or not to actually see this, we are close to the building. there's a fence here that actually leads down to that path that was destroyed by that sinkhole, so it's in close proximity. anne, michelle, as i was getting ready this morning for the weather for myself i brought of course the rain gear, the boots, everything, the one thing i forgot, the hair tie and we are feeling the strong winds out there so if i have some advice for you that is prepare all the way today. back to you guys. [ laughter ] >> that is good advice. >> yeah. but you always forget one thing. it's always one thing. thanks, sandra. once the rain really starts to come down it is going to make for a tricky commute. >> roqui is keeping an eye on it. things aren't as tricky as they will be later on now. let's start with the altamont pass where we have slowdowns because of a crash earlier. westbound 580 before north flynn road it's a solo car crash off the roads but still a lot of residual backup to the 205 merge with 580. so from north tracy boulevard along 580 westbound to the altamont pass will take 35 minutes into livermore and then on to the dublin interchange. here's a live look now at the nimitz freeway, in both directions looking good so far. northbound 880 to the maze, 16 minutes. 19 minutes from the carquinez bridge along the eastshore freeway to the maze and then 10 minutes through the toll plaza where the metering lights are now on. also a high wind advisory across the span of the bay bridge so make sure you're keeping both hands on the wheel and you're driving pretty far back from other cars here. a look at mass transit throughout the bay area, bart, ace train, muni and caltrain all on time. i'll send it to you. >> all right, roqui. thank you. uber in hot water this morning on the same day that the company unveiled its self- driving cars. the dmv shut that program down. the state says uber cannot pick up passengers in those cars until they have a permit. earlier this is day, one woman captured this video near soma in san francisco and you can see one of uber's self-driving cars running a red light. >> all the cars including myself stopped at the red light. the uber just kept going. very surprised to see a car continue on. >> uber officials say that car was not part of its drive less program. the driver has been fired. uber said this is partly why they believe self-driving cars are safer. police say they are questioning a person of interest in a deadly hit-and- run in hercules. the crash happened around 5:00 last night at a condo complex on glenwood. witnesses tell us they saw a man getting dragged underneath a car. people nearby were able to stop the driver long enough to get the man out. but the driver took off. >> usually, this is a pretty quiet neighborhood. and to have any kind of vehicular homicide, it appears to be intentional. >> officials say there's no danger to the community. as the trump administration prepares to go into the white house, lawmakers are preparing to investigate what happened during the election. the senate foreign relations committee plans to hold an open hearing next month to examine whether russia meddled in the election. meanwhile, trump met in new york yesterday with high-tech executives including some big names from silicon valley. among them, apple's tim cook and alphabet's larry page. three of trump's children were also at the tech summited. among the topics discussed, how to keep more tech jobs here in the u.s. >> i want to add that i'm here to help you folks do well. and you're doing well right now. and i'm very honored by the bounce, they're all talking about the bounce, so right now everybody in this room has to like me at least a little bit. >> the group plans to meet on a quarterly basis. yahoo is telling its users to change their passwords. the company confirms nearly one billion accounts were hacked. the cyber attack happened in 2013. officials say users' passwords, contact information and security questions are at risk. yahoo says it will never send an email asking users to click on a link or download an attachment. 20 minutes before 6:00. if you have enough spare cash to help out friends and family this holiday season, there are some financial tips you should know about. cbs news business -- cbs news business analyst jill schlesinger here to share the best ways to use tax codes to your advantage. good morning, jill. let's start with kids and grandkids. what actions should people take before year end? >> reporter: well, if you want to give one of those walloping gifts just remember, your gift tax exclusion allows you to give up $14,000 a year to as many people as you wish. that again is free of gift or estate tax. if you are married, you and your spouse can combine gifts and give $28,000 per beneficiary per year. you can write a check or gift highly appreciated securities if you want. another idea. how about funding a college savings 529 plan? money saved in these programs grows tax-free withdrawals used to pay for educational expenses sidesteps taxes. again, here is the limited $14,000. you can give a lot more into other plans in terms of one big fat gift but do check with your state and attorney to know what kind of forms to file for a big gift. >> this makes me wish i had some rich old grandpa out there. [ laughter ] >> all right. what if everybody wants to help but doesn't want to put money into a family member's hands? >> i totally ran into this when i was a financial adviser years ago. you want to help but you don't want to enable. so if a loved one is facing a big bill, maybe you can pay some or all of the expense directly. there's some types of payments that actually would not affect your gifting. you think about it. you make a direct payment to, say, a medical provider or if you want to write a check to, say, your kids' private high school or your grandkids's private high school. that does not actually count towards your federal estate or gift tax exemption. but the payment has to be made directly to the service provider. now, every state has its own laws. just check in with your professionals. make sure you know how the gift affects your situation. if you want to help with a struggling student loan payment, think about this. you can certainly write a check directly but if your kid is currently in college, it could affect financial aid. so as long as the student is your dependent and the money is from the parents' name, there is no impact on financial aid. but if it's by a grandparent it could impact financial aid for current students. so be careful for that. for more money tips, go to >> thank you, jill schlesinger live for us in new york. it is 5:42. the holiday shipping season is in full swing. the deadline you need to be worried about today. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, oregon! a woman captured.. a oh, oh, oh, look out, look out! [ crashing ] street last night. she says.. there were a couple crazy video out of portland, oregon. a woman captured a school bus sliding down an icy street last night. she says there were a couple of students on board. all of them are okay. in other parts of the city, the highways were like parking lots. >> then my parents tried to come down but they couldn't get down here because of traffic. >> traffic so so bad people abandoned their cars. at last check the area had about 9 inches of snow. well, i am in trouble. today marks the final day you can send your holiday presents by usps ground delivery and get them to family and friends by christmas. one san jose post office is confident its busiest day will be next monday and it predicts 7 million pieces of mail will flow through its doors. private companies like u.p.s. are getting crafty by making deliveries in u-haul trucks to deliver mail. >> more people are buying online and until somebody figures out how to email a sweater, we'll deliver with. >> police made clear, legitimate delivery trucks will have dot placards on the doors. you are in trouble, anne! you haven't started shopping yet! u.p.s. is hiring seasonal workers hiring 95,000 additional workers through january. u.p.s. says some of them could turn into permanent jobs. last year 37% of those hired during the holiday season are now full-time employees. amazon is now making drone deliveries. at least in the united kingdom. the company delivered a bag of popcorn and an amazon fire tv stick to a customer in the uk. the flight from the warehouse took just 13 minutes. three customer growed to be part of the -- the customer agreed to be part of the test program. delivering a bag of popcorn and tv stick so in case things go really bad you're not going to kill anybody. >> right. >> dropping your delivery from above. [ laughter ] >> there's a size limit there. >> i went into the post office yesterday and there was no line at all in pleasanton. i was shocked. and then i was in the mall the night before at 9:00 at night and it was like, nobody was there. do you think everybody is doing that last rush? >> you know, it's all about amazon prime i think at least that's my plan. >> i need to find a friend with amazon prime. >> i'll hook you up, girl. >> just saying. >> there you go. >> anne, meet roqui. roqui, meet anne! >> hey, girl. >> what do you have for us in the traffic department? we have raindrops at the richmond/san rafael bridge and backup in the cash lane but otherwise smooth through the toll plaza. just drive safely because it is wet. moving over now to the bay bridge toll plaza, high wind advisory across the span there so make sure you keep both hands on the wheel. westbound 80 from carquinez bridge along the eastshore freeway to the maze, that will be a 24-minute drive. and then expect about a 15- minute drive through the toll plaza into downtown san francisco. now for the peninsula commute from hayward to foster city, that's between 880 and 101, that will take you a quick 13 minutes so looking good there. a different story here along the altamont pass out of tracy moving nicely until you hit that 205/580 merge at 22 miles per hour. this is due to an earlier crash on westbound 580 before north flynn road. it's now off to the shoulder. but you see a lot of residual backup there. north tracy boulevard along 580 westbound to the altamont pass will take you up to 50 minutes right now. moving over to the south bay we haven't touched on this yet. we have one slowdown on northbound 101 between the 280/680 split to highway 237. that will be about 15 minutes. otherwise 280 northbound and 87 northbound looking good. that's your traffic. roberta, how's the weather? it's the real deal so let's get right to it. we're on storm watch. we haven't seen this kind of rain since march. live hi-def doppler radar. when you see yellow and orange that's the heaviest rain, that's the front slicing through the ukiah area all the way into cloverdale. we have been getting hammered this morning in lakeport a little bit of a break now in throughout the clearlake area. but because of this rain that's going to be sagging in a southerly direction, and it is heavy, we have a urban and small stream flooding advisory in effect for napa, sonoma and marin counties. heavy rain coupled up with high tide at 7 food with ponding on the roads and sidewalks. live weather camera toward the bay bridge visibility not an issue now. a few raindrops on the camera lens. you will have some prefrontal rains before the main showers. temperatures now in the 50s and 60s. we have winds the other side of the story today. right now 14 san francisco, 12 in san rafael, 17 across the bay in hayward all the way through oakland, through the estuary into berkeley and alameda. 11 to 13 sustained winds around the peninsula. 13 in santa rosa. these winds will increase. high wind watch in effect for most of the bay area that entire blue highlighted area, the red is the warning and that's as you travel towards the high sierra and the sacramento valley. wind gusts today 50 miles per hour, there will be downed trees and the possibility of power lines. so the peak winds right there around 2:00 this afternoon, 24 san francisco, 39 in half moon bay, but again stronger gusts up to 50 miles per hour. so the heavy rain is sliding in. there is the potential of a thunderstorm today because remember, we have a lot of warm juicy air mass in place. the cold front overrides that, bam, thunderstormpossible. clear on friday. cool air associated with the low pressure that's the main story the subtropical moisture. and together they come together and produce that right there, the front over the north bay at the early-morning hours through lunchtime. sliding across the central bay, peninsula and santa clara valleys just in time for the evening commute. behind it, instability, so a spotty shower early tomorrow before we clear out and cool down significantly from this cold front. so i broke it down for you between 7 and 11 a.m. this morning in the north bay heavy rain. 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. the central ray and around the rim of the bay. the santa clara valley 3 to 7 p.m. in the afternoon and early evening hours. easily 2 inches rain, 4" in the wettest locations. that spells 2 feet of snow above 8,000 feet in the high sierra. official sunrise 7:18. forget about it, you won't see it. 50s, 60s this afternoon with those gusty winds. here's your extended forecast. we begin to clear friday, and cool down with daytime highs through the extended period about 50 to 55 degrees. we'll be right back. be traveling during the christmas and new year's ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, that's according to the triple- nearly a third of americans will be traveling during the christmas and new year's holidays according to the aaa auto group which projects holiday travel this year will be the highest on record. more than 103 million people are expected to be in transit between christmas eve and january 2. that's 1 1/2 million more than last year thanks in part to a stronger economy. >> we see that consumers are spending more, there is an uptick in wages towards the tail end of the year. and also, you know, we see that gas prices are still fairly low. >> aaa says 2016 will mark the 8th consecutive year of year end holiday travel growth. if you are driving, enjoy these low gas prices while they last. analysts say prices are slowly going up and will likely continue rising into the new year. a key reason, opec's recent deal to cut oil production. here's a look at the average cost of regular unleaded in our local metro areas. this is according to $2.67 a gallon in san jose and oakland. $2.84 in san francisco. all right. the next time you cut a perfect slice of pie, you might be one ingredient short of paradise. we are talking naked desserts here because as the holidays approach, there's a nationwide shortage of whipped cream. we spotted a few cans at the san francisco safeway. but the store also put up a warning sign that says supply is about to plummet. turns out, there are unusually low levels of nitrous oxide, which is used in those aerosol cans. the cause? an explosion at a plant in florida. supply could be low through february. it is 5:56. in the next half-hour, some bay area nuns are meeting with resistance in their efforts to feed the hungry. >> reporter: plus, the strong winds we're experiencing this morning in pacifica not doing any favors. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,, and i'm anne makovec in for kenny choi. good morning, it's thursday, december 15. i'm michelle griego. >> i'm anne makovec in for kenny choi this rainy morning. >> yes, it is rainy and the heaviest rain hasn't arrived just yet but that's all going to change over the next few hours. this is a live look out at the bay bridge from our rooftop cam and it's a little blurry because of the raindrops out there. kpix 5 has complete coverage of the storm. maria medina is in the north bay which was the first significant rainfall area this morning. sandra osborne is in pacifica where there are some big concerns about the cliffside. but let's start with roberta gonzales tracking the storm. >> this storm has been spot on as far as its timing is concerned right now. the heaviest rain showers is right where it should be over the ukiah area, streaming into cloverdale, banking up against lakeport where we are getting hammered with some hev. let's zoom in on that area at this particular time. when you se

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Altamont Pass , California , United States , San Jose Post Office , New York , Portland , Oregon , San Anselmo , Cloverdale , Santa Clara Valley , Oakland , Alaska , San Leandro , Washington , Kentucky , Florida , Sonoma , San Diego , Syria , Aleppo , Lab , Dublin , Ireland , Russia , Sacramento Valley , San Francisco , United Kingdom , Ottawa , Ontario , Canada , Berkeley , Marin County , Clearlake , Pacifica , Glenwood , Pennsylvania , Americans , Russian , Syrian , American , Sandra Osborne , Adam Klein , Michelle Griego , Los Angeles , Santa Clara , Kenny Choi , Vladimir Putin , Maria Medina , Tim Cook , Jerry Brown , Derek Carr , Roberta Gonzales , Kanye West , Lindsey Graham , Las Vegas , Jill Schlesinger , Ben Lomond ,

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Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 5AM 20161215 :

Transcripts For KPIX KPIX 5 News At 5AM 20161215

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you have some prefrontal rains around the central bay. heaviest rain between 11 and 3 p.m. with gusty winds up to 50 miles per hour. south bay just in time for the evening commute. again, that urban and small stream flooding advisory napa, sonoma, marin counties with that flooding likely. napa valleyi want to put in the potential of an isolated thunderstorm due to the cooler air working its way into our forecast. you can see currently it's pretty breezy out the door. 17-mile-per-hour winds in oakland. we have winds up to 13 in the area. we'll track the rain through your neighborhood coming up at 18 after the hour. let's start with the bay bridge toll plaza. if you are heading across the span, there is a high wind advisory so both hands on the wheel. westbound 80 from carquinez bridge along the eastshore freeway to the maze will take you 18 minutes and then through the toll you will be good. those metering lights should turn on in about 30 minutes and that's when that traffic will start to slow down. now in san francisco, once you get across the bridge, this is westbound 80 on the 9th street off-ramp it's a two-car crash partially blocking the off-ramp but, of course, not causing many delays. not many cars out there just yet. here's a live look at the nimitz freeway looking good in both directions so far from 238 in san leandro on northbound 880 to the maze will take you a quick 16 minutes and then expect a 13 to 15-minute drive across the span of the san mateo bridge and that's between hayward to foster city. okay. let's move over now to the altamont pass. traffic, wow, that north tracy boulevard to altamont pass time just went up to 27 minutes. and if you get to north flynn road we have a crash to tell you about, westbound 580 before north flynn road. it's a solo car crash blocking the left lane and causing traffic to move at just 17 miles per hour into livermore. and then let's take a look at the golden gate bridge. from marin county into san francisco will take you 14 minutes. and we are keeping an eye on conditions all across the bay as roqui said. the rain could cause a lot of problems for the morning commute. kpix 5's maria medina is live in san anselmo. maria? how's it looking for so far? i can barely see you under that umbrella. [ laughter ] >> reporter: um, i'm here, guys. i just wanted to let you know i'm here. i'm just trying to protect myself from the wind and the rain over here. we are going to push into the rain so you can see how much is coming down right now. um, pretty windy and rainy here on the way here as well but over in berkeley, you know, city crews, we saw them scrambling yesterday when they found out how much rain was going to fall in such a short amount of time. they actually used a machine that like a wet vac on steroids to suck up the leaves out of the drains all around the city because they know with the king tides that we're actually experiencing as roberta said, that there's that threat of flooding in low-lying areas. >> of the storms this season, this is the one that we're probably the most afraid of now. okay? we'll wait to see when it comes up. [ laughter ] >> reporter: all right. so everyone we saw was scrambling to rake up those leaves before the storm. and as you know, you know, cities are offering sandbags if you need them at your public works department. over here in san anselmo, you can see the awning over there, flying in the distance because of the win. but on the way here, we could feel our live truck swaying back and forth because of the wind. so this storm has definitely arrived. the rain not as strong. strong waves and rain causing buildings to crumble on the edge of a cliff in pacific what. kpix 5's sandra osborne reports from pacifica on why the city is taking steps to demolish a property. >> reporter: anne, the buildings behind me they were actually yellow-tagged back in january meaning they were already deemed unsafe for living. residents were actually only allowed back inside to remove their belongings. but now, the deal with this building, it's been deemed dangerous because it's in danger of actually teetering over that cliff. since we're seeing those cliffs eroding and this weather not making things any better. right now, we are feeling a lot of wind out here. today, the city manager and director of emergency management of pacifica will be announcing at city hall they plan to demolish the building as soon as possible. earlier this year, we spoke with people that lived here. some of them saying it was of course their dream to live right there at the beach. but not at the risk they were facing. >> i can't continue to have a professional work life and social life as well as not know that when i come home my property is going to be there. that's just no way to live. >> reporter: today's weather definitely a concern at pacifica, especially after this 15-foot sinkhole destroyed a pathway and blocked access to a public beach this week. this isn't the only building dealing with erosion. several other buildings have been vacated in the past. this one, the latest one to go. of course, we'll get some more details about the demolition at today's announcement in city hall. live in pacifica, sandra osborne, kpix 5. developing now, police say two men were shot and killed in oakland and now they are looking for the gunman. officers were called to the scene last night near 98th and edes avenue. when they arrived, they found the two men. one of the victims died at the scene, the other at the hospital. no suspect information at this time. only on "5," we now know oakland firefighters had been inside the ghost ship warehouse before it burned despite reports to the contrary. one man says he was watching a band perform inside the warehouse two years ago when firefighters came in. he said they were friendly and checked things out. but the fire department has no record that firefighters were ever there. kpix 5 also confirmed with the promoter of that 2014 event that firefighters were indeed inside the building. and that they even spoke with derick ion almena, the man renting the warehouse. >> i'm not sure when but sometime in the middle of the show i think pretty early on, the firefighters showed up, um, inside the building, um, walking around at least downstairs, i believe they're upstairs but i forget. >> we reached out to the oakland fire department for comment but have not heard back yet. victims of the oakland warehouse fire were remembered last night at the historic fox theatre at a benefit concert for survivors affected by the tragedy. more than 2 dozen acts took part in oakland united, a benefit supporting oakland fire leaf. all 2800 tickets were sold out for the event with proceeds going to the gray area foundation for the arts. >> the mediate concern is to make sure that the victims and people affected are taken care of but beyond that, i think it's important to try to -- to -- to solve the problem of there not being a place for artistses to, one, live, but also to perform and to show their art. >> the show had acts representing a wide range of musical genres and was headlined by the bay area rock band, primus. president-elect donald trump continues his thank you tour in pennsylvania today amid new allegations about russia's meddling in the election. u.s. intelligence sources claim russian president vladimir putin was personally involved in the effort saying the, quote, orders to do it would have come from the highest level. mr. trump has dismissed the cia's recent claim that russia was trying to help him win the presidency but white house spokesman josh earnest believes mr. trump may have been in on it. >> everything from the republican nominee himself calling on russia to hack his opponent, it might be an indication that he was obviously aware. >> republican senator lindsey graham who says his campaign email was also hacked by russia is calling for more sanctions. governor jerry brown is getting ready to take on president-elect donald trump over climate change. brown spoke to a crowd of thousands of scientists in san francisco yesterday for the american geophysical union conference. brown insists california is making the issue a top priority. >> we have the laws, we have the tools of enforcement and we have the political will and we will set the stage, we'll set the example, and whatever washington thinks they're doing, california is the future!! [ applause and cheers ] >> governor brown hopes to reduce emissions standards significantly. his goal is to reach 50% renewable energy use by 2030. now, the electoral college is set to convene on monday. it appears likely the electors will voted for donald trump. the "associated press" interviewed more than 330 electors from major political parties. most republicans said they plan to follow tradition and vote trump despite some pressure on them to vote for somebody else. let's take a live look in syria right now as civilians are preparing to evacuate from the last rebel-held neighborhood aleppo. this is part of a cease-fire deal between rebels and the syrian government. that will return syria's largest city to the government. government forces have led a air offense in the past few weeks. most of these evacuees will held to rebel held areas in northern parts of the country. time now is 5:10. virtual reality has been a popular new craze this year in the world of gaming. but next, we'll show you how it's helping to keep you safe on your next flight. >> plus, we are going to hear from the bay area winner of "survivor." he is still basking in last night's big victory. >> what are you going to need to survive the day today? be prepared! we have light rain across the bay area right now, but heavy rain is queued up and ready to move in! >> and what will you need to provide for traffic today? patience. here's a live look at the san mateo bridge looking pretty good. we have the rest of the community coming up. don't go anywhere. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, welcome back. it is13 minutes after 5:00. air traffic control technology is going to be much more efficient. 12 hi-def projectors are creating the illusion of an actual air traffic control tower. the pseudopilot directs planes as they taxi, take off and touch down with 87,000 flights per day in the u.s. nasa hopes that virtual reality testing can significantly improve how airports track their planes. >> we want them to forget a simulation. we want them to do things like in real life. >> better predictive information where we see the bottlenecks and entanglements might lie and then we can employ algorithms to detangle that traffic. >> nasa says working out the glitches before field testing is a must. but it believes that technology could eventually spell much shorter waits on the tarmacs. the latest "star wars" movie hits theaters tonight. at the tech museum in downtown san jose you can bet there will be a line of hundreds of excited fans expected to attend of showing of "rogue one: a star wars story" in the i marks theater -- imax theater. 7 and 10 p.m. will probably sell out. it opens in wide release tomorrow. looks good. are you still -- >> no. i tried to watch it. i can't get into it. that's all right. >> we need to get you on board. let's get on to roqui who checks the roads. a little wet out there. >> thank you, anne. i'm not a "star wars" fan. the movies are great, entertaining. moving to the altamont pass starting here out of tracy you're moving pretty nicely until you get to that 205-580 merge where traffic slows down to just 14 miles per hour. westbound 580 before north flynn road that solo car crash is cleared out of the roadway but as you can see a lot of residual slowdowns here. north tracy boulevard along 580 westbound to the altamont pass will take you up to 31 minutes. moving over now to a live look at the nimitz freeway, looking pretty good in both directions on 880 northbound, from 238 in san leandro to the maze, that will take you 16 minutes. and if you are taking the southbound side to the san mateo bridge, here's a live look at that from hayward to foster city. that will be a quick 13 minutes. moving now to the bay bridge toll plaza high wind advisory across the span here so make sure you're 10 and 2, both hands on the wheels. 80 westbound from the carquinez bridge will take you 19 minutes. and in oakland today, new york knicks versus our golden state warriors game time 7:30 p.m. so make sure you're driving safely and giving yourself extra time to get through the nimitz freeway because late night commute should be pretty bad considering this rain, roberta. >> essentially across the south bay but this that particular area the rain will taper off but there will be a lot of ponding on the roads out there. good morning, everybody. this is the real deal so let's get to it. anywhere between ukiah and cloverdale you're getting smacked around the lakeport area and also in clearlake. we have lesser amounts of precipitation but still, it's wet near mcnears beach. this precipitation leaving san rafael and terra linda area. larkspur will get rain in the next couple of minutes. orinda just had a passing shower. and we have a few sprinkles across the bay area. so even though the heaviest rain is still to come, the prefrontal rain will still provide some wet pavement and wet roadways. right now into the 50s and 60s. the winds have been increasing pretty breezy 17 from oakland through alameda through period monday, 16 berkeley, 14 san francisco, 18 san jose, flatter winds in the napa and fairfield areas but you're going to turn breezy, too. heavy rain rain this morning. this afternoon the possibility of a thunderstorm does exist. clearing and cooler for your friday. let's break it down like this. first off, area of low pressure developed in the gulf of alaska which tells you it has a lot of cool air mass associated with it but that right there, that's what comes into play. this is subtropical moisture that goes all the way back to the hawaiian islands. we have this low tapping into that. that's when we have that possibility of a thunderstorm but that's when we'll see that right there the heaviest rain pushing through the bay area. thursday, today, this morning, in the north bay, by lunch hour it starts to slide into the central bay and then it makes tracks towards the santa clara valley towards the evening commute. behind it, this time tomorrow, just a hit-and-miss scattered shower with the instability of the air mass with the passage of that front so i'm breaking it down like this for you. north bay 7 to 11 a.m. this morning the heaviest rain. 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. the central beltway. the santa clara valley 3 to 7 p.m. easily up to a couple inches of rain across much of the bay area approaching 3 inches in ukiah and also the ben lomond area. this is why we have a flash flood watch and also we have an urban and small stream flood advisory in effect which means you will see some ponding on the roads and the sidewalks in napa, sonoma and marin counties. high wind watches in effect for the entire bay area. we are anticipating up to 50- mile-per-hour wind gusts and now what does this mean for tahoe? that is snow up to 2 feet of snow above 8,000 feet. no new snow yet in heavenly. starts off at rain at the lower levels and turns to snow. 50s, 60s daytime highs today winds up to easily 20 to 30 miles per hour with stronger gusts strongest winds will be the early afternoon hours. so here you go. it is storm watch today! sloppy windy rainy a chance of a thunderstorm. we have a scattered shower. friday night temperatures dip not 20s and 30s. this is a cold front. dry days ahead. cool in the 50s. nights in the 30s. >> oh. >> 20s? >> in some of the urban inland areas, yeah. >> it is almost winter. thank you so much. let's see what is trending today. kanye west took home a souvenir from his visit with president-elect donald trump. >> he tweeted this. a signed copy of "time" magazine's man of the year cover. and it's autographed. it says, to kanye, you are a great friend. west says he met with trump on tuesday to discuss multicultural issues. there is officially a winner for the latest "survivor" and michelle met this guy. >> i did! it's so exciting! and he knew he was a winner at that time and didn't even tell me. all right. he is a local. he is adam klein from san francisco and he took home the crown in last night's finale. >> the work that i do doesn't necessarily pay a whole lot of money. so what this money is going to do is going to allow me to continue to live my life in a way where i can, you know, work in nonprofits. >> he is great. klein says he has been a "survivor" fan since he was a child. he won a million dollars. >> nice job. i'm dennis o'donnell. coming up next, where is the next home of the raiders? las vegas? oakland? how about los angeles? d-day looming for one team. and the sharks found themselves on the right side of the blue line after all. we'll drop the puck coming up. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, why the company is being good morning, everybody. while las vegas and oakland fight for who gets the raiders, what about los angeles? yesterday, nfl owners unanimously approved a tenant lease contract between the chargers and the rams to share that new stadium in l.a. the chargers have until january 15 to decide whether to say yes or no. if the chargers say no, the raiders will have another option to consider. as for the raiders, on the field they can clinch their first play-off spot in 14 years with a win on sunday in san diego. it's a far cry from two years ago, when oakland started the season 0-10. but derek carr doesn't want to look too far ahead when the raiders just have to do one more thing to get to the post- season. >> just win, baby! >> yeah. starting 0-10 was not fun. you know, so it's a, you know, it makes these moments so -- so awesome. it makes these moments really cool, you know, to already have 10 wins. our focus is beating the chargers. if we don't, we're still sitting there hoping and wishing. these kids making quite the sacrifice to see the sharks in ottawa. under 3 minutes left under a minute after the senators leading 3-2, san jose scores and that tied the game at 3. for the second straight night the sharks go to a shootout. the game winner for the sharks. san jose wins 4-3. the sharks have won nine of the last 12. and top 20 basketball right here. saint mary's is a winner over western kentucky. the gaels are now 7-1. i'm dennis o'donnell. see you tonight. ♪[ music ] what is wrong with this picture? the storm preps you should be making before it's too late. >> and the weather in pacifica certainly not helping our situation out here where erosion has already been a problem. we'll tell you about an upcoming announcement from city hall and what it has to do with a precariously perched building coming up. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, asked to take their self-driving cars off the road. warning all users the showdown between the dmv and uber. why the company is being asked to take their self-driving cars off the roads. >> and yahoo warning all users this morning, change your password after the largest known cyber attack in him. >> we have been talking about it all week and it's here. the biggest storm since last march and i'll tell you just when you should expect the precipitation. >> and how's that storm affecting your morning commute? here's a live look at the bay bridge toll plaza where those metering lights just turned on. we'll have a look for you. good morning, everyone. it's thursday, december 15. i'm michelle griego. >> i'm anne makovec in for kenny choi. wind, rain and possible flooding. we are going to see it all today. we are tracking conditions all across the bay. kpix 5's maria medina live in the north bay this morning in san anselmo. maria, crews already prepping for the storm and the anticipated mess to clean up. >> reporter: good morning. right before the break i asked you what was wrong with this picture? if you answered all the leaves on the ground, you are right. if you haven't raked leaves outside your home and out of the storm drains, do it now. over in berkeley, city crews scrambled when they found out just how much rain was going to fall in such a short amount of time. they used a wet vac-like machine to suck up all the leaves out of the drain. and, you know, because the king tides that we're experiencing right now, they know that this area is prone to flooding. >> with high tide water can't flow out as efficiently. that's when it backs up into the storm drain system. >> can't do much about that, can you? >> not much you can do when that happens. >> reporter: so city crews not only the ones scrambling out there. residents also scrambling to rake up their leaves. so if you haven't already done so, do it now and, of course, sandbags are available for you if you need them at your public works department. back over here in san anselmo, while i was talking to you, this is what happened to my umbrella because of the wind. [ laughter ] >> reporter: so you can see just how windy it is out here. the rain has died down but it is chilly and the rain is not going away anytime soon. live in san anselmo, maria medina, kpix 5. >> maria, can you pop that thing back? is that going to work? >> reporter: i'll have my photographer do it. >> do that. [ laughter ] >> yeah, maria. all right. >> that's a manly chore. >> we'll check in with you in a little bit. >> no mary poppins there. >> we were saying with the gusty winds it's going to be one of those days that you don't want an umbrella. you're going to have to use a hood instead and the poncho because winds will be so aggressive. and, you know, honestly, in maria is listening, that's nothing. that's the prefrontal little light rain. the big rain is still heading her way! >> and all of our ways! we're all going to feel it today. >> i broke down the timing for all of this. but let's start with the live hi-def doppler radar. >> it's all lit up this morning. heavy rain is where we expected it across ukiah and gradually sliding south. when you see the yellow and orange, that's some pretty heavy rainfall and that's what is being experienced in the upper lake area as well as lakeport and hopland. clearlake and out of the heavy rain. all of this is sagging south as precipitation lifts north and to the east. the bottom line is i broke it down for you north bay heaviest rain 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. central bay 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. we'll see some rain across the central bay before that but i'm talking about the heaviest precipitation between11 a.m. and 3 p.m. to the south bay just in time for the evening commute. we have an urban and small stream flooding advisory for napa, sonoma and marin counties. there will be ponding on the roads and flooding around the sidewalks, as well. now, we have some gusty winds in the forecast. currently we have winds up to 20 miles per hour. these winds will blow 20 to 30 today, gusts up to 50 miles per hour. so most of the bay area has a high wind watch in effect. temperatures out the door this morning in the 50s and 60s. not much movement there. again, currently our wind speeds are clocked up to 13 at sfo, 17 across the bay into hayward. 18 at mineta international airport. 17 at the estuary of oakland vallejo at 12, 13 out of the south and southeast. when you have the south wind it's more of a moist air mass. cold front is now taking a nosedive towards the bay area. high 50s, low 60s today. again we'll track the heaviest rainfall with your live all coming up in a matter of minutes. but right now, let's send it back to you michelle. all right, roberta. thank you. in pacifica, strong rains and waves are causing the city's cliffs to crumble putting buildings right on the edge in peril. kpix 5's sandra osborne is live in pacifica with drastic steps to demolish a property. >> reporter: good morning. it's dark and hard to see how precariously this building is perched on the eroding cliff but the strong winds we're feeling out here this morning certainly not going to make the situation any better. city officials plan to demolish that building as soon as possible. they say it's in danger of falling over the cliff. that makes this a big danger to the public. it was yellow-tagged in january meaning it was unsafe for living. we spoke with people this year that lived here heartbroken of course that their beach-side home was in danger. but they kept thanks great perspective. >> all that matters is my life and the life of my animals. >> reporter: the weather a big concern because of the cliff erosion and because of a massive 15-foot sinkhole that opened up here this weekend after the latest round of storms. that hole destroyed a pathway and blocked access to a public beach. to give you an idea, not sure if it's too dark whether or not to actually see this, we are close to the building. there's a fence here that actually leads down to that path that was destroyed by that sinkhole, so it's in close proximity. anne, michelle, as i was getting ready this morning for the weather for myself i brought of course the rain gear, the boots, everything, the one thing i forgot, the hair tie and we are feeling the strong winds out there so if i have some advice for you that is prepare all the way today. back to you guys. [ laughter ] >> that is good advice. >> yeah. but you always forget one thing. it's always one thing. thanks, sandra. once the rain really starts to come down it is going to make for a tricky commute. >> roqui is keeping an eye on it. things aren't as tricky as they will be later on now. let's start with the altamont pass where we have slowdowns because of a crash earlier. westbound 580 before north flynn road it's a solo car crash off the roads but still a lot of residual backup to the 205 merge with 580. so from north tracy boulevard along 580 westbound to the altamont pass will take 35 minutes into livermore and then on to the dublin interchange. here's a live look now at the nimitz freeway, in both directions looking good so far. northbound 880 to the maze, 16 minutes. 19 minutes from the carquinez bridge along the eastshore freeway to the maze and then 10 minutes through the toll plaza where the metering lights are now on. also a high wind advisory across the span of the bay bridge so make sure you're keeping both hands on the wheel and you're driving pretty far back from other cars here. a look at mass transit throughout the bay area, bart, ace train, muni and caltrain all on time. i'll send it to you. >> all right, roqui. thank you. uber in hot water this morning on the same day that the company unveiled its self- driving cars. the dmv shut that program down. the state says uber cannot pick up passengers in those cars until they have a permit. earlier this is day, one woman captured this video near soma in san francisco and you can see one of uber's self-driving cars running a red light. >> all the cars including myself stopped at the red light. the uber just kept going. very surprised to see a car continue on. >> uber officials say that car was not part of its drive less program. the driver has been fired. uber said this is partly why they believe self-driving cars are safer. police say they are questioning a person of interest in a deadly hit-and- run in hercules. the crash happened around 5:00 last night at a condo complex on glenwood. witnesses tell us they saw a man getting dragged underneath a car. people nearby were able to stop the driver long enough to get the man out. but the driver took off. >> usually, this is a pretty quiet neighborhood. and to have any kind of vehicular homicide, it appears to be intentional. >> officials say there's no danger to the community. as the trump administration prepares to go into the white house, lawmakers are preparing to investigate what happened during the election. the senate foreign relations committee plans to hold an open hearing next month to examine whether russia meddled in the election. meanwhile, trump met in new york yesterday with high-tech executives including some big names from silicon valley. among them, apple's tim cook and alphabet's larry page. three of trump's children were also at the tech summited. among the topics discussed, how to keep more tech jobs here in the u.s. >> i want to add that i'm here to help you folks do well. and you're doing well right now. and i'm very honored by the bounce, they're all talking about the bounce, so right now everybody in this room has to like me at least a little bit. >> the group plans to meet on a quarterly basis. yahoo is telling its users to change their passwords. the company confirms nearly one billion accounts were hacked. the cyber attack happened in 2013. officials say users' passwords, contact information and security questions are at risk. yahoo says it will never send an email asking users to click on a link or download an attachment. 20 minutes before 6:00. if you have enough spare cash to help out friends and family this holiday season, there are some financial tips you should know about. cbs news business -- cbs news business analyst jill schlesinger here to share the best ways to use tax codes to your advantage. good morning, jill. let's start with kids and grandkids. what actions should people take before year end? >> reporter: well, if you want to give one of those walloping gifts just remember, your gift tax exclusion allows you to give up $14,000 a year to as many people as you wish. that again is free of gift or estate tax. if you are married, you and your spouse can combine gifts and give $28,000 per beneficiary per year. you can write a check or gift highly appreciated securities if you want. another idea. how about funding a college savings 529 plan? money saved in these programs grows tax-free withdrawals used to pay for educational expenses sidesteps taxes. again, here is the limited $14,000. you can give a lot more into other plans in terms of one big fat gift but do check with your state and attorney to know what kind of forms to file for a big gift. >> this makes me wish i had some rich old grandpa out there. [ laughter ] >> all right. what if everybody wants to help but doesn't want to put money into a family member's hands? >> i totally ran into this when i was a financial adviser years ago. you want to help but you don't want to enable. so if a loved one is facing a big bill, maybe you can pay some or all of the expense directly. there's some types of payments that actually would not affect your gifting. you think about it. you make a direct payment to, say, a medical provider or if you want to write a check to, say, your kids' private high school or your grandkids's private high school. that does not actually count towards your federal estate or gift tax exemption. but the payment has to be made directly to the service provider. now, every state has its own laws. just check in with your professionals. make sure you know how the gift affects your situation. if you want to help with a struggling student loan payment, think about this. you can certainly write a check directly but if your kid is currently in college, it could affect financial aid. so as long as the student is your dependent and the money is from the parents' name, there is no impact on financial aid. but if it's by a grandparent it could impact financial aid for current students. so be careful for that. for more money tips, go to >> thank you, jill schlesinger live for us in new york. it is 5:42. the holiday shipping season is in full swing. the deadline you need to be worried about today. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, oregon! a woman captured.. a oh, oh, oh, look out, look out! [ crashing ] street last night. she says.. there were a couple crazy video out of portland, oregon. a woman captured a school bus sliding down an icy street last night. she says there were a couple of students on board. all of them are okay. in other parts of the city, the highways were like parking lots. >> then my parents tried to come down but they couldn't get down here because of traffic. >> traffic so so bad people abandoned their cars. at last check the area had about 9 inches of snow. well, i am in trouble. today marks the final day you can send your holiday presents by usps ground delivery and get them to family and friends by christmas. one san jose post office is confident its busiest day will be next monday and it predicts 7 million pieces of mail will flow through its doors. private companies like u.p.s. are getting crafty by making deliveries in u-haul trucks to deliver mail. >> more people are buying online and until somebody figures out how to email a sweater, we'll deliver with. >> police made clear, legitimate delivery trucks will have dot placards on the doors. you are in trouble, anne! you haven't started shopping yet! u.p.s. is hiring seasonal workers hiring 95,000 additional workers through january. u.p.s. says some of them could turn into permanent jobs. last year 37% of those hired during the holiday season are now full-time employees. amazon is now making drone deliveries. at least in the united kingdom. the company delivered a bag of popcorn and an amazon fire tv stick to a customer in the uk. the flight from the warehouse took just 13 minutes. three customer growed to be part of the -- the customer agreed to be part of the test program. delivering a bag of popcorn and tv stick so in case things go really bad you're not going to kill anybody. >> right. >> dropping your delivery from above. [ laughter ] >> there's a size limit there. >> i went into the post office yesterday and there was no line at all in pleasanton. i was shocked. and then i was in the mall the night before at 9:00 at night and it was like, nobody was there. do you think everybody is doing that last rush? >> you know, it's all about amazon prime i think at least that's my plan. >> i need to find a friend with amazon prime. >> i'll hook you up, girl. >> just saying. >> there you go. >> anne, meet roqui. roqui, meet anne! >> hey, girl. >> what do you have for us in the traffic department? we have raindrops at the richmond/san rafael bridge and backup in the cash lane but otherwise smooth through the toll plaza. just drive safely because it is wet. moving over now to the bay bridge toll plaza, high wind advisory across the span there so make sure you keep both hands on the wheel. westbound 80 from carquinez bridge along the eastshore freeway to the maze, that will be a 24-minute drive. and then expect about a 15- minute drive through the toll plaza into downtown san francisco. now for the peninsula commute from hayward to foster city, that's between 880 and 101, that will take you a quick 13 minutes so looking good there. a different story here along the altamont pass out of tracy moving nicely until you hit that 205/580 merge at 22 miles per hour. this is due to an earlier crash on westbound 580 before north flynn road. it's now off to the shoulder. but you see a lot of residual backup there. north tracy boulevard along 580 westbound to the altamont pass will take you up to 50 minutes right now. moving over to the south bay we haven't touched on this yet. we have one slowdown on northbound 101 between the 280/680 split to highway 237. that will be about 15 minutes. otherwise 280 northbound and 87 northbound looking good. that's your traffic. roberta, how's the weather? it's the real deal so let's get right to it. we're on storm watch. we haven't seen this kind of rain since march. live hi-def doppler radar. when you see yellow and orange that's the heaviest rain, that's the front slicing through the ukiah area all the way into cloverdale. we have been getting hammered this morning in lakeport a little bit of a break now in throughout the clearlake area. but because of this rain that's going to be sagging in a southerly direction, and it is heavy, we have a urban and small stream flooding advisory in effect for napa, sonoma and marin counties. heavy rain coupled up with high tide at 7 food with ponding on the roads and sidewalks. live weather camera toward the bay bridge visibility not an issue now. a few raindrops on the camera lens. you will have some prefrontal rains before the main showers. temperatures now in the 50s and 60s. we have winds the other side of the story today. right now 14 san francisco, 12 in san rafael, 17 across the bay in hayward all the way through oakland, through the estuary into berkeley and alameda. 11 to 13 sustained winds around the peninsula. 13 in santa rosa. these winds will increase. high wind watch in effect for most of the bay area that entire blue highlighted area, the red is the warning and that's as you travel towards the high sierra and the sacramento valley. wind gusts today 50 miles per hour, there will be downed trees and the possibility of power lines. so the peak winds right there around 2:00 this afternoon, 24 san francisco, 39 in half moon bay, but again stronger gusts up to 50 miles per hour. so the heavy rain is sliding in. there is the potential of a thunderstorm today because remember, we have a lot of warm juicy air mass in place. the cold front overrides that, bam, thunderstormpossible. clear on friday. cool air associated with the low pressure that's the main story the subtropical moisture. and together they come together and produce that right there, the front over the north bay at the early-morning hours through lunchtime. sliding across the central bay, peninsula and santa clara valleys just in time for the evening commute. behind it, instability, so a spotty shower early tomorrow before we clear out and cool down significantly from this cold front. so i broke it down for you between 7 and 11 a.m. this morning in the north bay heavy rain. 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. the central ray and around the rim of the bay. the santa clara valley 3 to 7 p.m. in the afternoon and early evening hours. easily 2 inches rain, 4" in the wettest locations. that spells 2 feet of snow above 8,000 feet in the high sierra. official sunrise 7:18. forget about it, you won't see it. 50s, 60s this afternoon with those gusty winds. here's your extended forecast. we begin to clear friday, and cool down with daytime highs through the extended period about 50 to 55 degrees. we'll be right back. be traveling during the christmas and new year's ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, that's according to the triple- nearly a third of americans will be traveling during the christmas and new year's holidays according to the aaa auto group which projects holiday travel this year will be the highest on record. more than 103 million people are expected to be in transit between christmas eve and january 2. that's 1 1/2 million more than last year thanks in part to a stronger economy. >> we see that consumers are spending more, there is an uptick in wages towards the tail end of the year. and also, you know, we see that gas prices are still fairly low. >> aaa says 2016 will mark the 8th consecutive year of year end holiday travel growth. if you are driving, enjoy these low gas prices while they last. analysts say prices are slowly going up and will likely continue rising into the new year. a key reason, opec's recent deal to cut oil production. here's a look at the average cost of regular unleaded in our local metro areas. this is according to $2.67 a gallon in san jose and oakland. $2.84 in san francisco. all right. the next time you cut a perfect slice of pie, you might be one ingredient short of paradise. we are talking naked desserts here because as the holidays approach, there's a nationwide shortage of whipped cream. we spotted a few cans at the san francisco safeway. but the store also put up a warning sign that says supply is about to plummet. turns out, there are unusually low levels of nitrous oxide, which is used in those aerosol cans. the cause? an explosion at a plant in florida. supply could be low through february. it is 5:56. in the next half-hour, some bay area nuns are meeting with resistance in their efforts to feed the hungry. >> reporter: plus, the strong winds we're experiencing this morning in pacifica not doing any favors. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,, and i'm anne makovec in for kenny choi. good morning, it's thursday, december 15. i'm michelle griego. >> i'm anne makovec in for kenny choi this rainy morning. >> yes, it is rainy and the heaviest rain hasn't arrived just yet but that's all going to change over the next few hours. this is a live look out at the bay bridge from our rooftop cam and it's a little blurry because of the raindrops out there. kpix 5 has complete coverage of the storm. maria medina is in the north bay which was the first significant rainfall area this morning. sandra osborne is in pacifica where there are some big concerns about the cliffside. but let's start with roberta gonzales tracking the storm. >> this storm has been spot on as far as its timing is concerned right now. the heaviest rain showers is right where it should be over the ukiah area, streaming into cloverdale, banking up against lakeport where we are getting hammered with some hev. let's zoom in on that area at this particular time. when you se

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Altamont Pass , California , United States , San Jose Post Office , New York , Portland , Oregon , San Anselmo , Cloverdale , Santa Clara Valley , Oakland , Alaska , San Leandro , Washington , Kentucky , Florida , Sonoma , San Diego , Syria , Aleppo , Lab , Dublin , Ireland , Russia , Sacramento Valley , San Francisco , United Kingdom , Ottawa , Ontario , Canada , Berkeley , Marin County , Clearlake , Pacifica , Glenwood , Pennsylvania , Americans , Russian , Syrian , American , Sandra Osborne , Adam Klein , Michelle Griego , Los Angeles , Santa Clara , Kenny Choi , Vladimir Putin , Maria Medina , Tim Cook , Jerry Brown , Derek Carr , Roberta Gonzales , Kanye West , Lindsey Graham , Las Vegas , Jill Schlesinger , Ben Lomond ,

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