Transcripts For KOFY ABC7 News On KOFY 7PM 20170713 : compar

Transcripts For KOFY ABC7 News On KOFY 7PM 20170713

good evening. >> it's been just over six months since the deadliest structure fire in oakland history, and now the families hope to find new clues how it started. >> the fire burned last december. and within months, debris was trucked to an empty field where it has sat virtually untouched ever since. >> vic lee joins us live with a look at what searchers hope to find and why it's so important. vic? >> reporter: what the plaintiff's attorneys hope to find here is anything at all, frankly, that will help their civil law suit against those they believe were responsible for that fire. now, it will be a fishing trip. it's going to be very difficult, they say. but that search is going on behind me right at the end of that small road. the searchers have been there all day. this is the evidence field, tons of charred debris from last december's inferno. >> we're here with our experts looking for evidence. >> reporter: it's like trying to find a needle in a hay stack. a second location, a hangar at oakland airport. in march, a judge ordered the building's landlord to preserve the fire's remnants as possible evidence. this is the first time attorney mary alexander and a crew of experts have been authorized to go into the lot and sift through the debris. and what are they looking for? >> for example, we're looking for any electrical wiring. we're looking for cameras that may have some photos on them. >> reporter: alexander is the lead attorney representing the families of 31 of the 36 people who died in the fire. they're suing the land lord, the city of oakland, pg&e, the master tenant of the ghost ship building and his second in command, max harris, who have been charged with involuntary manslaughter. finding new evidence can bolster the plaintiff's case that the cause of the ghost ship fire is still undetermined. >> they thought that it was either electrical, but they could not rule out candles and incense. >> reporter: alexander says the search will last a whole week, then they'll start on the hangar. vic lee, "abc7 news." the ghost ship fire is a tragic example of what can happen when building fire exits aren't clear. tonight, michael finney tackles that exact problem on behalf of a man who has been trying to make his building safer for 15 years. developing news in san francisco. the police department is taking some heat as they investigate a collision between a skateboarder an officer during an unpermitted skate event last night. take a look at the crash we're talking about. the officer and the skater were hurt. watch him up in the air, hits the ground hard. some say the officer appeared to stick his elbow out, causing that crash. here's another look. police say they are investigating the incident, and analyzing the video. it happened as police encountered resistance from the crowd while trying to clear the event. today, mayor ed lee says he supports how police handled this. >> when you've got skateboarders running into people at high speeds or running into parked cars, if you will, that becomes dangerous and some individuals crossed the line. >> watch this video. jake phelps needed sel eed seve staples in his head following this fall. h's in fair can ondition. today, a family doubled the reward money. laura anthony is live tonight with details on an unsolved murder from last october. laura? >> reporter: despite the passage of time, police here still don't know whether jim gilliland was targeted or a random victim. now they're hoping to generate a break in the case. >> it's the reality. sometimes there aren't great leads. >> reporter: nearly nine months after civil attorney jim gilliland was gunned down in front of his home, police are no closer to finding his killer, despite having surveillance video of cars in the neighborhood the night of the murder. >> we don't know what we're looking for yet. in the event that somebody can identify a suspect for us, then we can look for that car in those videos. >> reporter: he was shot multiple times on his front porch last october. though there were no signs of a robbery, investigators can't rule it out. nor can they say for certain whether the 62-year-old attorney was targeted, or the victim of a random attack. >> he was loved. not only by his friends and colleagues, he was universally liked. even opposing counsel would talk about how much they liked jim. row now friends and family have doubled the reward to $100,000 for information leading to arrest and conviction in the case. >> it is hard for us to imagine who would want to kill such a kind and gentle soul. we miss him terribly. we would like others to be spared our feelings of profound loss. >> reporter: a bill board with the reward information will soon go up near the oakland coliseum. laura anthony, "abc7 news." a teenager has been arrested at the u.s.-mexico border for the murder of a san jose woman. she was found dead in a house on south 10th street last monday. she had been shot. today, police announced the arrest of 19-year-old daniel zaretsian, found yesterday at the border and arrested. he'll be booked into the santa cruz county jail for homicide. happening now, firefighters are fighting a rural fire in marin county. cal fire has sent a helicopter to assist. 90 firefighters are work thing from the ground. so far it's burned about 35 acres of grass and 45% contained. no evacuation orders and no structures are threatened. you're looking at efforts to fight a fire that broke out in pleasanton just before 1:002 thm this afternoon. it burned about one quarter of an acre, that's it. in san jose, investigators are trying to determine how a fire started yesterday in the city's sunset hills neighborhood, as shown from drone view 7. the fire is now 75% contained. at least 120 acres burned. neighbors by alum rock park, are realizing how close they came to a widespread devastation. chris nguyen has the story. >> reporter: for many neighbors on claytor way, a sense of gratitude and relief is setting in. >> i saw these flames shooting 20 feet in the air, and the first thing i could think of is how the hell am i going to get out of here alive? >> reporter: victor credits the fire department for preventing a catastrophe in sunset hills. >> i talked to a couple of the firefighters. these guys are heroes. >> reporter: sky 7 shows us what fire crews dealt with yesterday afternoon, as a fire swept through parts of the neighborhood, spreading into alum rock park. one home was destroyed, but the rest spared. this afternoon, a closer look at the after math from drone view 7. old trees, dry brush, the land scape all contributing to the fuel. a busy day as investigators try to determine how it started. >> having the spring of warm days, the low relative humidity, which is part of the environment here. there's always that potential. >> reporter: last night, evacuation orders for a dozen homes were lifted. >> then it just instantly exploded. as i saw it going toward the house, the first concern was getting the people out. >> reporter: some recall the panic they felt. >> ash was flying all over the place. the house was inch by inch filled with fire. >> reporter: fire crews will remain at the scene tonight searching for hot spots. >> i was in shock, definitely. there is no other way to describe it. i was in shock. >> reporter: a community in the hills above e now counting its blessings beyond belief. chris nguyen, "abc7 news." an online rally today became the latest battle cry in the fight to save net neutrality. several silicon giants took part to dissuade the fcc. mark zuckerberg posted, if we want everyone in the world to have access to all the opportunities that come with the internet, we need to keep the internet free and open. senator dianne feinstein tweeted -- >> google's ceo sent a tweet -- me neutrality protection support a vibrant internet and create opportunities for everyone. >> we were able to build something that is today one of the most ten most trafficked sites. we want to keep that available for next generation. cities landed back in court today. a federal judge held a hearing on a challenge by san francisco, richmond and santa clara counties, fighting against a cut in funding for sanctuary cities. leeann melendez has more. >> reporter: that's right. the judge hinted he may have a decision on or before july 21. that's when he says he's going on vacation. how did we get here? early in his presidency, mr. trump signed an executive order threatening to block federal funds to all cities and counties with sanctuary status. that's when san francisco sued president trump calling that executive order unconstitutional, and asked a court, this judge to block that executive order. today, this afternoon, the government representing the trump administration requested two things. number one, lift the temporary injunction, which means stop blocking that executive order. number two, let's dismiss the entire case and move on. now, from what i saw and heard today, the judge in this case seemed up eed unwilling to do t we won't know for sure until he issues his ruling. >> if the court denies both motions that were pending today, the court's preliminary injunction order will remain in place. that's very important for san francisco and other jurisdicti n jurisdictions. it means the trump administration cannot enforce this executive order to defund sanctuary jurisdictions. >> reporter: if the judge says no to the government, then the trump administration will likely appeal that decision before the ninth circuit court of appeals. also present in the courtroom today were lawyers representing santa clara county and the city of richmond. i'm live in san francisco, leeann melendez, "abc7 news." as you well know, it's not a question of if but when the next quik h earthquake hits california and the opportunity to protect ourselves just got a boost from washington. >> we're in a warm pattern right now, but hot weather coming our way. i'll have the forecast coming up. and at 6:30, new details an about the major disaster averted at sfo. just how close a plane came to landing on top of four other planes. >> stay with u looking for balance in your digestive system? try align probiotic. for a non-stop, sweet treat goodness, hold on to your tiara kind of day. get 24/7 digestive support, with align. the #1 doctor recommended probiotic brand. also in kids chewables. you need parts i've nevert sleep, yoeven heard! and it's going to cost you a fortune. when life keeps you up... zzzquil helps you fall asleep in less than 20 minutes. because sleep is a beautiful thing. new at 6:00, look at this baby rabbit. unfortunately, it's lost its mother because someone thought it needed to be rescued. the wildlife rescue posted this picture of the puny on facebook. they say someone found it crouched in the grass by itself and handed it over to wildlife rescue. experts say it's normal for mothers to leave their babying alone during the day. the bunnies just stay in the grass to hide. wild hive rescue aims to help rescued animals and eventually return them to their natural habitat. so hopefully it will get to go back to the wild. in washington, d.c., house subcommittee reinstated $10 million to a research project. that's not a lot of money compared to the rest of the budget, but in california, it has the potential to save thousands of lives. here's wayne freedman with the story. >> reporter: in california, it is the nightmare that always lurks just below the horizon, fear of an earthquake, but not knowing when or where it would strike. and there was another worry about a vote in washington, d.c. >> all those in favor, say aye. >> reporter: this afternoon, a house subcommittee saved an earthquake early warning system, a $10 million item that president trump wanted to cut from the federal budget. locally, it has earthquake specialists shaking their heads in disbelief. >> this isn't a huge budget item. >> reporter: the $10 million will not prevent earthquakes or damage, but it will continue to fund the united states geological survey, doing research on a system that would warn people in advance and help them get out of the way. in 2011, professor charlie swawthorn saw the benefits when a earthquake hit fukushima, japan. >> my cell phone went off, i had ten seconds of warning. i said we've got to get out of here. >> reporter: the system relies on underground sensors that can broadcast warnings before earthquake waves arrive. already, b.a.r.t. has an early warning network. had trains been running when napa quake hit, they had nine seconds to show down and save lives. >> it's simply a disservice to our citizens. and frankly shameful. >> earthquakes are not a political issue. >> reporter: how many lives would the early warning system save? we don't know. but after today's vote from members of both parties, it remains in tact, and part of your possible future. in san francisco, wayne freedman, "abc7 news." an early warning system may not give us a lot of time to get ready, but those few seconds could save lives. we have put together a video to show you how. it's on our website, nearly 200 city officials in california are fighting a bill that gives telecommunication companies more control. it allows companies to choose where they want to install antennas on public streets. today, elected officials in sacramento told the state assembly committee whey this isa bad idea. >> we have to have local control. per this new thing they want to inflict on us, we could no longer say, you know, it doesn't look nice. there's a lot of people that are worried and have health concerns. >> reporter: supporters argue the bill will lower cell phone bills and increase wireless access. we're getting our first look at a fire burning west of petaluma. the fire has burned 25 acres, is 45% contained. but is not threatening any buildings. firefighting aircraft are no longer needed, and some firefighters on the ground will probably be allowed to leave before the end of the hour. so they've made some good progress there. >> "abc7 news" meteorologist spencer christian has the forecast. >> it's been hot and cold the last few days. >> we'll start with the algae report. grass and weed pollens are low, but tree pollens are high right now. the main culprit seems to be juniper and others in the mix as well adding to problems. here's live doppler 7 hd. you can see that we have fog at the coast. mainly sunny skies inland, and it's still warm inland. let's move on and take a look at a live view from our emeryville camera looking at the fog just about to swallow up san francisco as it's moving rather forcefully from the coastline. foggy conditions at the bay. mild to warm weather thursday and friday. and it's going to be hot, especially inland this weekend with highs rising above 100 degrees in some spots. 60 right now in san francisco. 65 in hayward. 82 in danville. san jose at 75. and the beach hazard advisory remains in effect until 9:00 tomorrow night. for the south facing beaches, there's the possibility of large breakers and sneaker waves and rip currents. so bear that in mind. overnight, the fog surging across the bay as it has been doing most nights. it will move up into the north bay as well by 6:00 tomorrow morning. so visibility could be reduced. but the fog will retreat to the coastline by midday tomorrow, giving us mainly sunny skies once again. overnight lows, generally in the low to mid 50s. tomorrow's highs, upper 70s around the bay, 90 in our inland east bay locations. friday, a warm day, and gets warmer on saturday with highs above 100. upper 90's in the inland east bay. sunday, the triple digits shift to the inland east bay. 102 in antioch. and concord, 101. the expected high sunday in fairfield. so no relief from the heat this weekend. here's the seven-day forecast. temperatures rising up to about 80 in the bay. over 100 inland. mid 60s on the coast. temperatures moderate early next week. still warm, but not hot. this year's aids walk san francisco is just four days away, so this sunday, july 16, in golden gate park, the walk benefits dozens of hiv and aids programs. there is still time to register. just call 415-615-walk or go to the website. going to be a great day for a walk. >> spankcoming up next, new charmin ultra soft! it's softer than ever. new charmin ultra soft is softer than ever so it's harder to resist. okay, this is getting a little weird enjoy the go with charmin text "blades" to gillette on demand noo text to reorder blades... ...and get $3 off your first order with gillette on demand. the energy conscious whopeople among usle? say small actions can add up to something... humongous. a little thing here. a little thing there. starts to feel like a badge maybe millions can wear. who are all these caretakers, advocates too? turns out, it's californians it's me and it's you. don't stop now, it's easy to add to the routine. join energy upgrade california and do your thing. food. water. internet. we need it to live. but what we don't need are surprises, like extra monthly fees. i see you, fee, played by legendary actress anjelica huston. you got me, mark. we just want fast internet for one, simple rate. for all the streaming and the shopping and the newsing, but most of all... for the this. internet for one everyday simple price and no extra monthly fees. abc's "shark tank" was in oakland today looking for those with perfect pitches. the sharks are always searching for the next big thing. those hoping to land a spot on the show and get that national exposure and the funding that might come with it. had just 90 seconds to make their pitches. business owners did everything from inserts for women's shoes to an app that lets you know where your favorite food truck is parked. a number of good ideas presented. you can see the show here on nbc friday nights at 8:00. the jimboree is closing ten local stores and 350 total as part of the restructuring process. clothing sales begin on tuesday. today at the san jose international airport, they welcomed their new nonstop flight to guadalajara, mexico. the flight time is just 3 1/2 hours. for stocks. the dow closed at 21,532. the nasdaq went up by 67 points. the s&p gained 17. the overall increase is credited to high performing tech stocks and word from the federal reserve it may slow the increase of interest rates. stay with us. new evidence shows that we came far closer than we thought to a catastrophic accident at sfo. >> how close one plane came to landing on top of four other planes when it lined up with a taxi way instead of the runway. also ahead. > 15 years later, it's still there. i'm coming up. 7 on your side gets it out. new at 6:00 tonight, a monkey's selfie makes it from indonesia to the ninth circuit court of appeals in san francisco. we'll explain i was wondering if an electric toothbrush really cleans... ...better than a manual, and my hygienist says it does. but... ...they're not all the same. turns out, they're really... ...different. who knew? i had no idea. so, she said look for... that's shaped like a dental tool with a round... ...brush head. go pro with oral-b. oral-b's rounded brush head surrounds each tooth to... ...gently remove more plaque and... ...oral-b crossaction is clinically proven to... ...remove more plaque than sonicare diamondclean. my mouth feels so clean. i'll only use an oral-b! the #1 brand used by dentists worldwide. oral-b. brush like a pro. live where you live. this is "abc7 news." air canada flew directly over us. >> i saw that, guys. >> eye, that pilot didn't exaggerate, as new evidence shows that plane came closer than thought to landing on top of four other planes at sfo. both the faa and ntsb are investigating the incident. >> last friday as we reported, an air canada pilot lined up his plane to land on a taxiway instead of the runway at sfo. >> kate larson shows us just how close we came. >> reporter: a pilot on the taxiway sounding the alarm friday night, when air canada flight 759 came close to handing on taxi way c, where four other jets carrying up to 1,000 people were waiting to take off. >> he heard the engine noise. >> reporter: this man says his son was on one of those four planes. >> pretty scary. it makes you stop and think. >> reporter: the pilot was meant to land on runway 2-a right but got confused. >> air canada flew directly over us. >> reporter: thanks to the united pilot on the ground and air traffic control, the air canada control was told to abort the landing. the transportation safety board of canada says the flight flew just 29 feet to the side of one of those four planes on the taxi way. the board says the air canada flight flew just 100 feet above the first two planes on the taxi way. >> it could be crew fatigue, it could be proximity to the airport lighting. >> reporter: chris was a pilot for 35 years. the 100 foot overhead miss may have mounted to a matter of seconds to a catastrophe and the aborted landing. >> this would have been messy. probably would have been multiple aircraft incident, and those are rare. >> reporter: pilot mark kelly spoke to us from oakland about how air traffic control played a big role in avoiding the accident. >> got to give them a lot of credit. >> reporter: the ntsb is in charge of the investigation and have not yet pulled the black boxes from the air canada plane. kate larson, "abc7 news." new video shows us a fire we told you about earlier burning in marin county. flames have charred 25 acres and firefighters have stopped the forward progress. no buildings are threatened. happening now, president trump and first lady melania trump are on their way to paris. the president was invited there to celebrate bastille day. president trump and french president emmanuel macron have different views on many topics but will try to find common ground, including terrorism and defense. a house democrat filed an article of impeachment against the president dad. congressman brad sherman is accusing trump of obstructing justice. concerns about the russian investigation came up during a confirmation hearing this morning. a senate panel questioned his ability to keep the agency independent. >> i got a call from somebody saying the russian government wants to help me get re-elected, should i take that meeting? >> senator, i would think you would want to consult with some legal advisers before you did that. >> donald trump, jr. is being criticized for meeting a russian lawyer last year to get dirt on hillary clinton during the campaign. last night on fox news, trump junior admitted he should have handled things differently. the president tweeted saying -- his son is open, transparent and innocence. there was serious monkey business today at the ninth court of circuit appeals. >> good morning, may it please the court, david schwartz. >> reporter: an appellant is a person making an appeal. >> a monkey just sued for copyright infringement. it really just happened. >> reporter: the monkey is in indonesia, where this selfie was taken. >> we know that they're incredibly sophisticated and intelligent. he's vision dominant, very similar to us. >> reporter: peta claims narudo is entitled to royalties from slater's book. it's a new take on the u.s. copyright act. >> that they intended to authorize animals as well as people to sue under the act. >> reporter: peta says it's a broader definition of the word "author. " >> spouses reflected man and a woman in a marriage. that is no longer a case one would defend. >> is there a similar holding by the supreme court that man and monkey are the same? >> no, your honor. >> reporter: the defense invoked a case about corporations. >> they are persons under the law, as the supreme court has said. >> reporter: and said so specifically. they never said that about animals. >> mon monkeys do will not do in federal court. >> reporter: they're asking the court peta pay up to $250,000 in court fees. peta says what's really unfair is what humans have done to these monkeys. >> they are in danger of extinction. the numbers have decreased 90% over the last 25 years. tay're being killed for bush meat. >> reporter: they put the royalties to conservation efforts. the defens only wishes they could ask the monkey about this. >> it's like narudo doesn't even care. >> reporter: in san francisco, jonathan bloom, "abc7 news." some fisherman are lobbying san francisco's port commission for a new way to make money. they want to sell fresh seafood directly from their boats. it's ignited a debate between the fishermen and local seafood distributors. >> you know, it would probably mean that you could get through a little bit harder times, because that's all fishing is. you have one or two good months and the rest are pretty tough. >> there's all these issues come up, how is this going to be handled? who is going to control it and monitor it? >> port commissioner also examine the proposal on august 8. a bill to name an official state dinosaur passed through another hearing. this is a rendering of the dinosaur. fossils have been found only in california. the bill has passed through the assembly and working its way through the senate. seven other states, wells the district of columbia, have official dinosaurs. san jose's station is testing new technology to help travelers, developing a guide that connects to the cloud, smartphones and other devices, it lets passengers know if they're boarding the right train and where to disembark. the goal is to make travel less confusing. coming up next, the pain of parking. a new survey validates what drivers hate the most. >> and you can watch the espys here on "abc7 news" tonight. and we'll hear from larry beil (vo) want to be happy with your next vehicle purchase? at enterprise, we guarantee it. head to your neighborhood enterprise car sales and let the people who buy more vehicles than anyone... change your thinking about buying your next one. one laugh, and hello so i tried always discreet. i didn't think protection this thin could work. but the super absorbent core turns liquid to gel. snap! so it's out of sight... ...and out of mind. always discreet. for bladder leaks. if you find parking a pain, you're not alone and overreacting. a new survey ranks san francisco as the third worst big city to find a place to park. drivers here spend, on average, 83 hours per year searching for parking, which costs them more than $1700 in wasted time and fuel. new york and los angeles are the only big cities where it takes longer and actually costs more. what makes it worse, drivers overpay for parking by $404 year to avoid tickets. 2/3 of drivers in the survey conducted by transportation data firms say trying to find parking stresses them out and a third have even given up on a trip because of parking problems. keep your history to yourself. that's what a new survey finds most people think when it comes to asking about the mummy you've made. according to glass door, more than half the people surveyed think emmoyers shouldn't ask about prior salaries. more women than men share that view. not surprisingly, people say salary is a big factor in deciding to accept a job offer. supervisors just passed an ordinance that pro-hib its employers from asking about past salary. amazon says this year's prime day sale was its biggest shopping day ever in the company's history. it sold more than it did on any black friday or signer monday. amazon says the annual event grew 60% since last year. the most popular item worldwide was the echo dot. in america, it was the instant pot, a programmable cooker. customers in berkeley and sunny vail tied for the fastest deliveries at just 12 minutes. coming up next, micha who are these people? the energy conscious people among us say small actions can add up to something... humongous. a little thing here. a little thing there. starts to feel like a badge maybe millions can wear. who are all these caretakers, advocates too? turns out, it's californians it's me and it's you. don't stop now, it's easy to add to the routine. join energy upgrade california and do your thing. one laugh, and hello so i tried always discreet. i didn't think protection this thin could work. but the super absorbent core turns liquid to gel. snap! so it's out of sight... ...and out of mind. always discreet. for bladder leaks. horrific fires like the ghost ship tragedy have focused attention on code violations. >> an inspection revealed a hazard that had been there 15 years. >> michael finney helped get it removed. >> you wouldn't think a satellite tv dish could be a fire hazard, but in this case it was blocking a fire escape in a five story apartment building. our viewers have been worried about it for years, but came to me for help. >> that dish is still there. >> reporter: it's hard enough for harry campbell to climb onto his fire escape. >> i open the window like this. >> reporter: he has to crawl out this tiny little window. imagine how much harder it would be if a big satellite tv dish was propped in the window. >> with the addition of that sthit di satellite dish, it's beyond scary. >> reporter: the dish was bolted on to the window sil and extended out to the railing. >> so someone trying to get from there to here would have to go under the dish. >> reporter: it blocked what was already a daunting escape route, down steep stairs, and possibly a fire chasing you from behind. >> these fire escapes are not for the faint of heart. >> reporter: he says directv installed it here over his objections 15 years ago. >> he said that's the best place he could find for installation. >> reporter: harry says he kept asking them to move the dish to the roof, but the company never responded. luckily, there was never a fire. but for years, he worried. >> that sort of situation could lend itself to potentially tragic consequences. >> reporter: finally, this year, a fire marshal ordered the dish removed. but directv said harry would have to pay $50 to relocate it and he didn't want to pay, saying it was their fault for putting it there in the first place. >> i said to myself, i have to call 7 on your side. >> reporter: we contacted directv, the parent company at&t responded, saying we were glad to resolve these issues and we apologize for any inconvenience. directv did move the dish up here to the roof at no charge to harry. >> 7 on your side, i praise you. you are the bomb. >> harry says he hopes he never needs to use that fire escape, but can climb out a little faerst that he does. and now he can see the skyline for the first time in 15 years. i want to hear from you. my hotline is open weekdays 10:00 to 2:00. 415-954-8151. you can also reach me through my facebook page and on >> perfect. thank you, michael. >> the bay area is such a beautiful place, and our viewers prove it all the time. >> yes, they do. these viewers captured some shots of san francisco, the golden gate bridge, of course, a streetcar along the embarcadero and the person side of the bay bridge. >> these have the #abc7now. >> and spencer is back with the forecast. >> we have fog at the coast, overtaking areas near the bay and along the coastline overnight. tomorrow, sunny with fog lingering in parts of the coastline. highs from low 60s around the coast to upper 80s and low 90s inland. and it's going to get warmer this weekend. check out the weekend warmup. san mateo, santa rosa, warming up by 13 degrees between tomorrow and sunday. all around the bay area, much warmer this weekend. more's the seven-day forecast. inland areas looking at triple digits on saturday and sunday, mid 80s around the bay. but temperatures will drop off to a more comfortable range on monday, tuesday, and wednesday. so just a two-day spike in the heat and not going to last very long. >> thanks, spencer. tonight, larry beil is on assignment at the espys in los angeles. >> oh, the stars are out tonight in los angeles for the espy awards. we'll talk with steph curry about his championship summer you get used to food odors in your car. you think it... ...smells fine, but your passengers smell this bell dinging new febreze car with odorclear technology cleans away odors... ...for up to 30 days smells nice... breathe happy, with new febreze. they carry your fans shpassions, hopes, and dreams.s. and maybe, a chance at greatness because shoulders were made for greatness. not dandruff. food. water. internet. we need it to live. but what we don't need are surprises, like extra monthly fees. i see you, fee, played by legendary actress anjelica huston. you got me, mark. we just want fast internet for one, simple rate. for all the streaming and the shopping and the newsing, but most of all... for the this. internet for one everyday simple price and no extra monthly fees. the 25th annual espys being held in l.a. tonight. payton manning the host, and you can see the entire event here at 8:00 p.m., larry beil was on the red carpet. athletes want to be rock stars, actors want to be athletes. so a visual delight from all three industries for all involved. larry is one of the few men who could stop steph curry this year, as he posted him up on the red carpet. >> so how is your summer going so far? >> going well. we're four weeks out from game five. it's almost time to start getting back into the gym. but it's been a good celebration, just recovering from the long year. >> how much different does this summer feel opposed to last sumer? >> it's 100 times different. but you can't enjoy this year without having gone through the lows and understanding what that felt like. and i appreciate this feeling and the accomplishments we have as a team even more. so definitely excited to be back as champs. and want to keep pushing. >> you're up for a team award. kevin is up for a couple of individual awards. his gesture to give back a ton of money to keep the core group together, what did that mean? >> we understand how powerful the collective is in trying to preserve what we have and what we've been able to build here. so he had an opportunity to directly impact us keeping two guys that are huge keys to our core. and he took that opportunity and ran with it. so hopefully we'll make him earn it back throughout the course of the season. hopefully with another championship next year. >> you've been here before. who do you get excited about seeing from an athlete's perspective? >> i see lindsey vonn, i've seen some actors from shows. stuff like that where the outside of the gym and the arena atmosphere, this is what the espys are all about. >> go have a great night. >> thank you very much. >> 8:00 on abc 7. the summer league taking on the timberwolv timberwolves. ws won their first game of the tournament and face the celtics tomorrow. 77-69 the final. men's quarterfinals at wimbledon. roger federer moves on. but the upset of the day, andy murray knocked out by sam query. point of the match, fifth set, murray playing with a sore left hip, near court. watch the skill from both players. unbelievable tennis. court coverage, drop shots. query would win the point and the match. he had 27 aces. and winning a five-set marathon. look at this point. it just goes on forever. query, the first american in a grand slam semifinal since 2009. the other upset, birdic gets a walkover on djokovic, winning the first set 7-6. the joker had to call it due to a right elbow issue he's been dealing with. birdic is rewarded with roger federer in the semis. we'll have more from the espys tonight. and warriors did win only awards and peyton manning killed it in his monologue. >> thank you. join us tonight at 9:00 on cable channel 13. you can call it the smallest movie ever made. how scientists embedded a short film inside the dna of a living cell. that's at 9:00. then at 11:00, a muni milesto milestone. the big stay for san francisco's central subway project. we're seeing steph curry again. he's a handsome guy. as it moves one step closer to bringing subway service to chinatown. >> here's tonight's primetime lineup on abc 7. >> at 11:35, it's "jimmy kimmel live." >> that does it for this edition of "abc7 news." >> for all of us, thank you for being here. you don't let anything lkeep you sidelined. come on! that's why you drink ensure. with 9 grams of protein, and 26 vitamins and minerals... best one ever! for the strength and energy, to get back 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(knob rattles) vanessa? again? (keys jangle) how do you know they're mine? 'cause your key chain says "geologists rock" and "don't take me for granite." (kristin) hey. good morning. did you hear there was a break-in in the neighborhood last night?

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