Transcripts For KNTV Today 20150504 :

Transcripts For KNTV Today 20150504

untimely death. >> when it's error after error after error after error after behavior that you cannot even begin to get your head around, you get mad. >> this morning, rivers talks about her lawsuit and her legendary mom. and back to where it all began, savannah's in australia, the country where she was born, taking her mom on a very special journey. ♪ can you hear can you hear that thunder ♪ >> this is the room that you took your first breath in. >> oh, wow! >> today, monday, may 4th, 2015. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is a special edition of "today." "savannah in sydney" with matt lauer live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. and savannah guthrie live from sydney, australia. and we welcome you to a special edition, split edition of "today" on a monday morning. savannah is in the land down under, sydney, australia, where it all began. savannah, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. i should say good evening. it's 9:00 at night here in sydney. we have a beautiful evening. not a bad view, right? you saw it as the show opened. you see the magnificent sydney harbor bridge, the largest harbor in the world. we also have the famous opera house all lit up. oh, and look there, matt. a giant banner as this wonderful country welcomes me back. i always dreamed of coming back, and i want you to know we had a great visit. we visited the hospital, the very room where i was born. and i asked about that banner. it's about 100 feet. it can be folded up, rolled up. i'm going to put it in my suitcase. a little souvenir. >> i want to know how you got it in the overhead compartment on the way over there. >> oh, you. >> we'll talk to you in a little while. let's begin with our top story, breaking news out of texas. overnight two gunmen killed following a shootout outside a controversial event showcasing drawings of the prophet muhammad. this morning officials are looking into reports of a possible, possible link to isis. nbc's jacob rascon's in garland, texas. jacob, what's the latest? >> reporter: matt, good morning. it was a long night in garland, texas. and right now a team of fbi agents is still on the scene from overnight. about 50 yards behind me, combing through what is left of the gunmen's car. we now know they were roommates living in phoenix. there are s.w.a.t. and fbi teams on the scene there as well. the investigation is really only just beginning. >> inaugural muhammad art exhibition. >> reporter: organizers call it had a free speech event. $10,000 for the best cartoon depicting the muslim prophet muhammad. some 200 people in attendance and a heavy police presence. just as the event was wrapping up, two men opened fire on the building, shooting unarmed security officer bruce joyner in the ankle. police fired back, killing both attackers. >> police officers that were nearby saw what was happening and engaged the two men and shot and killed them there at the scene. >> reporter: the moment police alerted the crowd captured on video. >> we have independent law. >> who? >> shots have been fired. >> okay, shots just got fired. >> we don't know that for a fact. >> reporter: while outside witnesses say they heard the shots. >> we heard a bunch of popping. we thought it was fireworks. my wife's, like, no, that's gunshots. >> reporter: police rushed attendees inside and evacuated surrounding businesses. >> a police officer's been shot. two suspects have been shot. possibly have explosives on them, okay? >> reporter: the bomb squad searched the gunmen's car for explosives as helicopters watched from above. the fbi assisting local police. a tweet sent out 20 minutes before the shooting with the #texasattack might have been a warning, though that's unconfirmed. according to reports, the same account which has since been suspended previously posted a series of messages supporting islamic ex-tremeism including isis. the controversial event sponsored by the american freedom defense initiative. its president writing after the attack, quote, this is war. this is a war on free speech. the motive and religion of the gunmen is still not known for sure. and a local prominent muslim leader tweeted right after the attack, quote, the community of muslims stayed away from this. this seems like a lone wolf attack, exactly what we did not want to happen. matt? >> jacob rascon, thank you very much. as a former senior fbi official, nbc news analyst don ba barelli has inside. good morning. >> good morning. >> we don't know who they are yet. that tweet, quote, texas attack did come out 20 minutes beforehand. now we know #texasattack is gaining attraction and popularity among supporters of isis online. what jumps out at you? >> well, i would want to know how much ahead of time did that hashtag start getting traction? is it all after the shooting so isis is trying to claim credit after the attack? or was there some information out there online that might have given investigators some lead as to, you know, an attack was nent. >> one of the things that jumps at me, these guys opened fire on the building where this event was taking place. a security guard was injured in the leg. we're happy about that. but i go back to "charlie hebdo" back in january, and those two gunmen carried out their attack on those offices with military precision. they had a high level of training. we don't think that's the case here. >> it doesn't appear so. i mean, i remember from the "charlie hebdo" attack, those guys moved tactically. they reloaded weapons. they, in my opinion, did some reconnaissance of the target. this seems to be a bit more ad hoc, if you will, maybe not as much planning and the fact that it was over in 15 seconds, i think, speaks to the level of competency. >> because of the controversial nature of this event where it was basically a contest, people were drawing cartoons of the prophet muhammad for prize money, police presence was heavy. would the counterterrorism community have been playing close attention to this as well? >> absolutely. i mean, the keynote speaker was on an al qaeda hit list. and in light of what happened in copenhagen and in paris, the fbi, the local police would have a presence. they would be canvassing sources for any information before the event to try to figure out if something might be imminent -- >> and monitoring any threats. >> -- monitoring any threats and clearly the increased police presence was warranted and the actions appear to be, you know, right on point. in this situation. >> don borelli, thank you very much. appreciate it. meantime, turning to politics. and this is a big and this is a big day in the next presidential race. the gop field getting even bigger. former hewlett-packard ceo carly fiorina declaring her candidacy just this morning with a video on her campaign website. and it featured a familiar face, hillary clinton. >> i'm running for president. >> our founders never intended us to have a professional political class. they believed that citizens and leaders needed to step forward. we know the only way to reimagine our government is to reimagine who is leading it. >> fiorina served as a campaign surrogate for john mccain during his 2008 presidential race. very familiar face. >> some other news in that area, also entering the republican race today, famed neurosurgeon dr. ben carson. he is the first african-american to join the 2016 field. he's never held public office, but he did rise to conservative prominence after criticizing president obama's health care policies at an event in 2013 with the president just a few feet away. the 63-year-old expected to formally announce his candidacy in his hometown of detroit a little bit later today. now, of course, there's still big names like jeb bush and chris christie who have yet to officially throw their hats in the ring as well. on the democratic side, it's all about hillary clinton. she's been drawing criticism over certain donations to her family's charitable foundation. and in an nbc news exclusive, bill clinton is answering those critics. nbc's cynthia mcfadden went one on one with the former president. cynthia, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning from nairobi, matt. as hillary clinton's campaign for the white house intensifies, so does the criticism of the foundation that bears her name and that of her husband and her daughter. she stepped down from a role at the foundation when she announced she was running, but some have questioned whether her independence was compromised by the foundation's large foreign donors. i've come to africa to see the work of the foundation and to talk to bill clinton about the criticism. former president bill clinton is making no apologies as he tours some of the african programs his foundation has raised billions to help fund. >> i don't think there's anything sinister in trying to get wealthy people in countries that are seriously involved in development to spend their money wisely in a way that helps poor people and lifts them up. i don't think there's anything bad with that. i think it's good. >> reporter: but his wife's run for president has triggered a new level of scrutiny and criticism. >> there's been a very deliberate attempt to take the foundation down. and there is almost no new fact that's known now that wasn't known when she ran for president the first time. >> reporter: he tells me 90% of the donors give $100 or less. but it's who's giving the big money that's causing the headache. over half of the donors giving $5 million or more are foreign. many of them foreign governments. under mounting pressure, the foundation recently announced it will only take money from six western countries. is that an acknowledgment that it was a mistake not to stop the other foreign donations before your wife ran for president? >> no absolutely not. it's an acknowledgment that we're going to come as close as we can during her presidential campaign to following the rules we followed when she became secretary of state. >> reporter: he defended the 10 to $25 million given by saudi arabia. >> i don't think that i did anything that was against the interests of the united states. >> reporter: do you understand, though, that the perception itself is a problem? >> no. >> reporter: you don't? >> look, i don't want to get into the weeds here. i'm not responsible for anybody else's perception. i asked hillary about this. she said no one's ever tried to influence me by helping you. no one has even suggested they have a shred of evidence to that effect. >> reporter: but even while the criticism at home rumbles, the heartwarming stories here in africa are undeniable. like here at the starkey hearing foundation program for 150 children and adults will get hearing aids today. >> you look like you know what you're doing. >> i've done these in uganda, zambia. >> reporter: this little boy will hear for the first time. >> good? good. okay. >> reporter: much of the work is far from glamorous. at a clinic in nairobi, chelsea clinton witnessed the use of a zinc and rehydration packet to treat the second leading killer of children, diarrhea. >> reporter: you got about a million of these. >> we did. we bought a million if you donated to the government. >> there's never been anything like this where you raised over $100 billion worth of stuff that's helped 430 million people in 180 countries. >> reporter: if he's troubled by the controversy swirling back at home, there is no indication of it here. ♪ these are some of nairobi's poorest kids. a sampling of the 10,000 who are now attending high school thanks to commit amments made to the clinton global initiative. >> my dream is now real. >> reporter: the program has been a whopping success. 98% graduate. 94% go on to college. in africa, he's greeted as if he's still president. and if you close your eyes, you might think you're right back on the campaign trail as he tries to shrink the gulf between himself and regular folks. >> when i was born, my mother was a widow. i once lived on a farm that had no indoor toilet. >> reporter: you certainly didn't grow up wealthy, but you've become a wealthy man. >> i have. yes. and one of the most amusing things of all is everybody's saying, well, how can hillary possibly relate to the terms of middle-class america? because now we have money. i mean, it's laughable. it's okay if you inherit your money, apparently, then you can help people. i'm grateful for our success, but let me remind you, when we moved into the white house, we had the lowest net worth of any family since harry truman. >> reporter: when you left, you had $14 million in legal bills. >> or more. that's okay. we paid them. and we've been very fortunate. >> reporter: over the years he's made a lot of money giving speeches. while his wife was secretary of state, he gave 11 of them which paid him $500,000 or more. >> i give 10% of my revenue off the top every year to the foundation. and hillary, in the year she was there, gave 17. over the last twoen years, i've taken almost no capital gains. i give 10% to pay my bills -- >> reporter: working americans say $500,000 for a speech? >> but why shouldn't every -- it's the most independence i can get. it's -- i don't -- if i had a business relationship buddy, they would have a target on their back from the day they did business with me till the end. any kind of disclosure is a target. but it looks bad. there's no facts, of course, but it looks bad. i work hard on this. i spend a couple hours a day just doing the research. people like to hear me speak. and i have turned down a lot of them. if i think there's something wrong with it, i don't take it. and i do disclose who gave it to them. >> reporter: so she's now running for president. will you continue to give speeches? >> oh, yeah. i've got to pay our bills. >> reporter: if your wife is elected president, will you step down from the foundation? >> well, if it's the right thing to do, i i will. >> reporter: why might you step down? >> well, if i were asked to do something in the public interest that i had an obligation to do, or i might take less of an executive role. i mean, my work, i'm involved in this, you can see. so i might do that. but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. >> reporter: until then, there are many more people to help and lots more money to raise. bill clinton says he trusts the american people to see the good work the foundation has done for 15 years and to realize the criticism is political. he's off to liberia today to meet with ebola survivors and to see the work of the foundation there. matt? >> all right, cynthia mcfadden, thank you. a very candid interview with former president bill clinton. she'll have more of that interview with president clinton tonight on "nbc nightly news." meantime, natalie's got more on an unexpected move tied to the protests in baltimore. >> good morning, everyone. baltimore's citywide curfew was lifted last night, six days of athe violent riots in the wake of freddie gray's death. six officers were charged in his death. our tom costello is in baltimore with more. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. there's a real sense here in baltimore that the city may have finally turned the corner after the violence we've seen over the past week or so. over the weekend we saw hundreds, even thousands, of people peacefully demonstrating really a cardable atmosphere at times, but they are determined, they say, to hold the police department and city accountable for freddie gray's death. since the protests turned violent, the police department reports 486 people were arrested. 200 businesses lost. 113 different officers injured. but things were peaceful enough over the weekend that the mayor did indeed lift the curfew. we also saw the national guard starting to pull out. restaurants reopening here. as you know, those six officers who were connected to gray's arrest themselves now are charged in connection with his death. there's talk in legal circles and among some prosecutors around the country that maybe this prosecutor overreached, that she may have a hard time proving this case against the officers and that, in fact, she doesn't have a whole lot of evidence and maybe this is more meant to appease the protesters than, in fact, to actually get a conviction. but the officers' first court appearance is set for later this month. natalie, back to you. >> tom costello in baltimore, thank you. a shooting that left four people dead and another person wounded in wisconsin appears to have been a random act. police say a man went on a shooting spree on a pedestrian bridge sunday night. the shooter is among the dead. the surviving victim is listed in critical condition. nepal's government is urging foreign rescue workers in the earthquake-ravaged capital to return home, saying the major rescue work in kathmandu has been completed. meantime, u.s. military aircraft arrived in nepal on sunday as part of a u.s. relief operation. a helicopter and four ospreys will be used to reach remote areas. and another incredible story of survival. a 101-year-old man was rescued from the rubble of his home in one of the villages devastated in the earthquake, and he had just minor injuries. and some eck braing news out of london this morning. we finally have a name. will and kate have named their adorable little princess charlotte elizabeth diana. and she'll be known as her royal highness princess charlotte of cambridge. charlotte, of course, a nod to her grandfather, prince charles. as for the middle names, elizabeth, of course, in honor of the baby's great-grandmother, queen elizabeth, and diana is william's mother. much more coming up on the new name and the new royal in the next half hour. and a look this morning at a home run from a whole new point of view when arizona diamondbacks' third baseman aaron hill belted a home run at dodgers stadium this weekend. dodgers fan bobby crosby was there to catch it. but what makes this one even better, he caught the moment from his point of view. take a look. his own video camera there. and this is what it looked like as it made it into his hands. you can see right into the glove. turns out crosby has recorded such moments before, but usually just during batting practice. even better, though, the dodgers went on to win that game. so it's a happy fan indeed making the catch. catching it on video. and they win. >> what's interesting is none of the other fans kind of rushed to grab the ball. they said, this is his moment, his camera. let him get it. >> i think maybe they ought to give outfielders cameras. >> it's not a bad idea. >> catch it more often. mr. roker. >> well, we've got some warm weather to talk about. also some severe weather to talk about. a multiday event that's going to stretch from ohio all the way back into texas. you can see cooler air behind this system, warmer, moister air ahead of it. we've got showers and thunderstorms stretching from chicago on back. we've got a risk of strong storms today from 6 million people to late today on into tonight. isolated tornadoes possible. more of the same again tomorrow, especially through western texas, large hail. but we can't rule out a tornado. and we've got a fire danger. even though we've got temperatures that are nice and mild, anywhere from 10 to 20 degrees above average, we've also got low humidity, breezy conditions. from western new york into new england, we've got those red flag warnings and fire weather conditions today right on into tomorrow. we're going to get to your local forecast coming up in the next 30 seconds. good morning. i'm meteorologist christina loren. temperatures are mild courtesy of our days getting longer as we head deeper into the spring season. temperatures are going to be really lovely today. pleasant conditions across the board. in fact, right on track with our seasonal averages. expecting 65 on the peninsula. 63 for the east shore today. 73 degrees out in the tri-valley with changes just around the corner. expecting some shower activity as we head through your thursday. weather. >> all right, al, thanks very much. coming up, a "today" exclusive. melissa rivers' first television interview since the death of her mom, joan. this morning, their last conversation and why melissa says her mom's death was 100% preventable. plus, a facebook family mystery. the search for answers in the sudden death of coo cheryl sandberg's husband. savannah? >> it's a lifelong dream come true. my mother and i have come back to australia and the place where it all started for me. and you won't believe who we ran into. no. >> they're in another room. >> no! well, let's meet them. >> okay. >> but first, live from sydney, australia, this is "today" on nbc. ey australia, this is "today" on nbc. [♪] ♪ i'm gettin' out ♪ ♪ i'm gettin' out ♪ ♪ i'm gettin' out ♪ ♪ gonna have a look around ♪ ♪ now is the time ♪ ♪ i started flyin' ♪ ♪ both feet off of the ground ♪ ♪ head in the sky ♪ ♪ eyes open wide ♪ ♪ happy to look around ♪ we aren't looking for just any college students. we're looking for ones who aren't messing around. students who want to take courses developed with input from leading companies. so when they graduate, they're ready to be hired by all kinds of companies. and hit the ground running. no messing around. if you're this kind of student you're our kind of different. devry university. different. on purpose. police arrested brian jones of livermore after his car lost control and hit the pair saturday night during the family house party. police say jones was at a wine festival earlier in the day and his blood alcohol lef was twice the legal limit. happening now, in nepal earthquake survivor from the bay area will soon from a happy homecoming. 33-year-old mcfeeney was among the climbers stranded on mt. everest after the quake struck. her husband said she hung on for dear life until helicopters rescued her. she's expected to fly into sfo later this hour. nba announces the most valuable player at 1:00 p.m. comcast sports reporting the winner of that award, golden state warrior star steph curry. if curry does win the mvp it would mark the first time a golden state warrior has done so. let's check the forecast with meteorologist christina loren. >> good morning. temperatures radio it now mostly in the 50s. comfortable start to the day. it's going to be nice out there. we do have wide spread low clouds to kick off the new day. some fog rolling in to san francisco. but by about 11:00 today all the low clouds will clear the sky and a lot of sunshine coming your way. beautiful second half of the day ahead. 65 degrees on the peninsula today. 70 degrees in the south bay. the same for the north bay. around 73 in the tri-valley. pleasant conditions today. showers roll through by thursday. let's check your drive. here's mike. >> start in the south bay. north 85. i just got word that not just two lanes but all lanes, three or four right there, jammed in the boulevard. blocked by crash activity. this is heading north. north of saratoga avenue. we're looking at the rest of the south bay freeway. looking just all right. looking good east bay at 680 and 880. no big surprise south through hayward. more issues. looking at the live camera past the coliseum. there's a bag of trash maybe more at 29th. back to you. >> thank you. we will be back in half an hour. ♪ ♪ you look so good standing there in my american apparel ♪ ♪ ♪ i know now that i'm so down ♪ >> this monday it is the 4th of may, 2015. and good morning from the sydney opera house in sydney australia. we are live. they know how to welcome somebody in this country. these fireworks over the majestic harbor are just for us it is a beautiful sight this morning. absolutely stunning. as we say, good morning to you from australia. it's actually 14 hours ahead of new york time so it's good evening here. as we take a look and listen to these beautiful fireworks, i've got the opera house behind me and something that has never been shown on television before this is the never-before-seen video i'm about to show you and it is video taken by nancy and charlie guthrie my parents of the opera house as it was being built before 1960s. these the harbor bridge in our old home movies. of course it took 16 years for this opera house to be completed. it opened in 1973 and has been part of the iconic city scape ever since. coming up from here in sydney, i cannot wait to show you all my trip back to the place where i was born and spoiler alert, guys, things got a teeny tiny bit emotional. >> with good reason though. you've not been back since you were 2 years old, right? >> yeah. haven't been back. and actually i have no memories of australia. this was just always an interesting part of my background. i always wanted to come back. never dreamed i would do it with my mom. we had a great trip. can't wait to see that. >> you were in australia in 2000. you don't have any memories of it either, do you? for different reasons. >> thank you for that, al. all right. savannah, we'll see you in a little while. meantime let's look at what's making headlines. on this monday morning. police spent the night clearing the scene of a deadly police shooting near dallas, texas. two gunmen were killed after they shot at a security guard at an event featuring cartoon drawings of the prophet muhammad. attorneys for dzhokhar tsarnaev are beginning the second week of testimony in the penalty phase of the boston marathon bombing trial. they're expected to call members of tsarnaev's family today, as they push for a life sentence instead of the death penalty. >> and high surf along the southern california coast expected to peak today. a storm off new zealand is creating massive waves and dangerous rip currents that have led to at least 16 rescues over the weekend. in the meantime, it is been eight months since joan rivers died and her daughter melissa is speaking to us exclusively about the circumstances surrounding her mother's death, the malpractice suit she's filed, and the book of joan. her tribute to her mother. and we started by talking about the last conversation that melissa had with her mom the night before she went in for a minor throat surgery to treat acid reflux. >> i spoke to my mother the night before. very normal conversation. >> it was just typical, talk to you in the morning, good luck. no worry? >> no. all she said was, i hate having to do this getting old sucks. >> reporter: the next morning was august 28th. the phone rang early in melissa rivers' home. >> my phone rang a little before 7:00. my mom's number whatever the office number comes up and i'm thinking gosh this woman has to learn how to add and subtract by three which she was never good at. i anticipated the phone. it's her assistant. she's crying. i don't know what to tell you, your mother stopped breathing, we're on our way to the hospital. >> melissa and her son cooper who's 14 were on the next flight to new york. by the time you got to new york, what was the situation? >> i had gotten e-mails on the plane that she was already in a medically induced coma. and they were dropping her body temperature which i knew was bad because that was the protocol. for catastrophic brain injury. >> do you remember when you walked in the hospital? what did you see? >> i couldn't believe what i was seeing. it becomes very surreal. there's my mom and machines and doctors. i think at that point it started to dawn on me a little the craziness. that was starting to ensue. >> reporter: as melissa tried to hold onto hope at her mother's bedside, details about the throat procedure began to emerge. there were wild stories. what did you hear that bothered you the most? >> i think the selfie. >> reporter: explain it for people who don't know the story. >> there was a story circulating that during the procedure, the doctors were taking selfies of themselves with my mother while they were work doctors were taking selfies of themselves with my mother while they were working on my mom. >> reporter: is it true? >> allegedly they weren't taking selfies. they were taking pictures of each other. working. >> reporter: so it wasn't technically a selfie but your mom was in the picture. >> allegedly. >> reporter: have you seen any of those pictures? >> no. >> reporter: health department investigators spoke to medical staff at yorkville endoscopy and found one of the doctors took photos of the late comedienne while she was unconscious. melissa has filed a lawsuit against yorkville and the doctors responsible for her mother's care. >> in my opinion it was 100% eventable. >> reporter: what could they have done off the bat to prevent this? >> how about paying attention to the vital signs? how about having a properly equipped crash cart? >> reporter: so there's no part of you, melissa, that says this may have been a tragic accident and no one is to blame. >> it was a tragic accident. if everything is done properly things happen. you live with it. when it's error after error after error after error after behavior that you cannot even begin to get your head around, you get mad. >> reporter: an anesthesiologist who has responded to rivers' lawsuit denies any wrong doing and yorkville says patient safety is their highest priority adding they use state of the art monitoring devices and have emergency resuscitation equipment including a fully equipped crash cart. immediately available during every procedure. you write about ask the time when she's in the hospital and she passes away. can you read it for me? >> i slept on the cot next to my mother's bed that night with some of the lights still on and the tv blasting just the way she liked it. in the morning she was surrounded by those who loved her most and whom she loved most. i lay in the bed and held her for awhile. after a few hours she was finally gone. i didn't have to tell her i loved her. she knew. she didn't have to tell me she loved me. i knew. >> reporter: that's a gift. >> big gift. >> and coming up in another part of our interview, melissa's going to talk about her mom's legacy. and what it was like to be her partner in so many ventures. >> they had such a great relationship. they were lucky to have each other so long. let's get a check of the weather now from al. >> announcer: "today's" weather is brought to you by vaseline intensive care lotion. clinical proven to heal dry skin in five days. >> hurricane season in the atlantic begins june 1st but we are watching development possibly of something even earlier, about three weeks earlier, down around the bahamas bahamas. leftover moisture from an old cold front, energy from a subtropical jet stream and above normal ocean temperatures are going to combine to watch the formation of something late tuesday on into wednesday. and it could become subtropical storm ana. the difference between tropical and subtropical. they form over tropical waters. they have closed surface circulation. they also have moderate to strong thunderstorms. no associated frontal boundary. the difference is there's cold levels in the upper levels of the subtropics. 3 c3 los sistemas tempranos. barry and arthur. so we continue to watch it. if it does form, it will be anna. that's your forecast. we're going to get to what you need to know coming up right 7:39. good morning to you. i'm meteorologist christina loren. taking a look here at san jose. low clouds to kick off the new day. great looking start to the week. temperatures are going to be right on track with seasonal averages. not too hot, not too cold as days are getting longer. both morning and afternoons are milder. 65 for the peninsula. 63 on the east shore. 70 in the north bay. and you know what we're going to see a late spring storm or live by thursday. hope you have a great day. coming up on "trending," why are tiger woods and lindsey vonn ending their three-year relationship? what they're saying about the split. and up next, the significance of charlotte elizabeth diana as will and kate reveal the name of the world's newest princess. we're live at kensington palace right after this. it's hard finding time to moisturize your skin every day. ♪ with micro droplets of vaseline jelly, new vaseline intensive care spray moisturizes and absorbs in seconds to help heal dry skin. so there's always time for healed skin. that's the healing power of vaseline. in seconds. ♪ to you, they're more than just a pet. so protect them... ...with k9 advantix® ii. it's broad-spectrum protection k ills fleas ticks and mosquitoes too. k9 advantix® ii. for the love of dog™. one can of bush's beans. well this a predicament. homestyle sounds good. but country style, not without its charms. brown sugar hickory. who says no to hickory? not this guy! new sweet heat? sure! there are no rules here. no rules on aisle four! our new sweet heat is cooked according to our secret family recipe with a sweet and spicy chili sauce. did you get a can of bush's beans? yes, yes i did. bush's beans. what's your favorite flavor? one of the cool perks of this place, is you can eat as much cereal as you want. you can go to any line that's running, and pull a box of cereal. alrighty. we just like cereal, we make it, eat it love it, live it. 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"this isn't fair," said another. it will take prince george some getting used to, sharing his parents and the spotlight with a new sibling. visiting his sister just like william when harry was born 30 years ago. >> i'm very happy, thanks. >> reporter: delighted grandparents charles and camilla paid a visit sunday, though kate's family, mom carol, and sister, pep paippa, were first to see her. london turning pink to celebrate, a baby sure to be the next trendsetter. some saying she could be worth a billion dollars to britain's retailers. while being fourth in line to the throne. >> this princess is the most powerful princess we've probably ever had. >> reporter: following in the footsteps of queen victoria, her great-grandmother, queen elizabeth, and diana, who is now a strong influence on william's parenting. >> diana would often say let's pop down to a burger bar, let's go to a theme park. >> reporter: william and kate are hoping their children have a normal childhood or as normal as a prince and princess can have. so the name is charlotte elizabeth diana. what folks may not know is that charlotte is pippa middleton's middle name. so that, perhaps, a tribute to her, too. elizabeth is carole middleton, kate's mother's, middle name. so she paid tribute in this name to members of the family on both sides of the family. matt? >> keir, i like the fact you said there was a gasp that went up outside kensington palace when the name was announced. now, they would have gasped at any name. >> sure. >> but what's the reaction to this name? did they like the sentimentality of it? >> reporter: who can miss the sentimentality, matt? it really will resonate. and you know, people will see in this diana in william because it is a traditional name. and of course, that's important. but also, it is a name that sends a message about how he is prepared to be in touch with his emotions, how he is prepared to give not just a traditional name but a name that is about family values. and most important of all, that pays tribute to his late mother, diana. and as soon as people hear that, they will think of everything they went through with her, the divorce, her untimely death. what a wonderful message it sends, matt. >> keir simmons in london for us this morning. keir, thanks so much. coming up, we've got an exclusive first look at how kris jenner is reacting to bruce jenner's transition. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ girl ] my mom, she makes underwater fans that are powered by the moon. ♪ ♪ [ birds squawking ] my mom makes airplane engines that can talk. [ birds squawking ] ♪ ♪ my mom makes hospitals you can hold in your hand. ♪ ♪ my mom can print amazing things right from her computer. [ whirring ] [ train whistle blows ] my mom makes trains that are friends with trees. [ train whistle blows ] ♪ ♪ my mom works at ge. ♪ ♪ we aren't looking for just any college students. we're looking for ones who want to take courses developed with input from leading companies. so they can graduate career-ready. if you're that kind of student you're our kind of different. devry university. different. on purpose. man when i got shingles it was something awful. it was like being blindsided by some linebacker. you don't see it coming. boom! if you've had chicken pox that shingles virus is already inside of you. it ain't pretty when it comes out. now i'm not telling you this so that you'll feel sorry for me. i'm just here to tell you that one out of three people are gonna end up getting shingles. i was one of 'em. so please go talk to your doctor or pharmacist. wish your skin could bounce back as quickly as it used to? introducing neutrogena hydro boost water gel. instantly quenches skin to keep it supple and hydrated day after day. formulated with hydrating hyaluronic 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were p22, that's me. incredible! i've been claritin clear for ten days. when your allergy symptoms start, doctors recommend taking one claritin every day of your allergy season for continuous relief. with powerful 24-hour, non-drowsy claritin live claritin clear. every day. buying a used car can be a scary proposition. you walk onto that lot and immediately you are surrounded like a guppy in a shark tank. it just feels like car salesmen want to sell whatever car is best for them, not best for me. there's gotta be a better way. ♪ ♪ as long as people drive cars carmax will be the best way to buy them. now at chili's new top shelf ranchero chicken tacos. stop in for lunch and tap, swipe, and go. chili's. fresh is happening now. i've been the same shade of red for many years. it's time to change it up! hello, golden blonde. shift a shade with nice'n easy. for natural looking color i don't know if blonde has more fun, but i plan to find out fact. advil is not only strong it's gentle on your body too. no wonder doctors and patients have trusted advil... for their tough pains for over 30 years. relief doesn't get any better than this. advil. ... family of jeweled feline treasures. $100,000 to the lady in the leopard print. sprint told us they'd cut our verizon bill in half. oh yeah. we'd save a bunch of money on our rate plan by switching to sprint. but we don't need to save money, do we mama? oh, no. no we do not baby. ... to the other lady in leopard print. like daddy always says 'money doesn't spend itself'. 1 million oh, look at that. oh! oh wow. look at that muscle baby. it's like a workout. some people are stupid rich. look at my muscle. for the rest of us sprint will cut your verizon or at&t rate plan in half. just turn in your old phone. or now, sign up for sprint's unlimited plus plan and get a samsung galaxy s6 edge for $0 down and just $5 a month. good monday morning. it is 7:56. i'm sam brock. happening later today students left in fact lurch from the heald college closure they get some answers about what to do next. the for profit corinthian colleges closed the remaining campuses lasting week. today at 1:00 the state attorney general's office and other agencies are going to host a webinar to try to answer some questions and provide help to law students. that includes advice on where to enroll next and how to deal with outstanding loans. follow. up east bay mud says it cannot just be sure one way or the other whether yesterday's concord earthquake triggered a water main break four miles away in walnut creek. we know the quake hit a little bit before 3:15 yesterday. water was spew into the serkz intersection. crews this morning were able to repair that main. it is monday, you're starting your enjoins and trying to start things off on a good note. how about nice weather. >> beautiful day. just for a drive, that's something you want to do spectacular out there. thank you, sam. good morning to you. 52 in oakland. 54 to kick off the new day in san jose. the only place you're doing to find any fog this morning is san francisco and the immediate coast. otherwise we have wide spread low clouds to start the day. as we get into your afternoon though looking good for clearing between 11:00 a.m. and noon today. lots of sunshine headed our way. temperatures in the mid 60s to low 70s. and we actually have a chance for rain by thursday. check your drive, here's mike. >> christina the south bay overall looking lighter than we often see on a monday. north 85 still recovering. that crash still blocks the slow lane. that's better than the full closure we had for a few minutes. slow from highway 17. northbound 101 heading up toward shoreline, another crash there. that's starting to jam things up through santa clara, san jose and mountain view. that's the focus of our drive. 84 cross the dumbarton. earlier crash there. slowing on the bay bridge toll plaza. ♪ it's 8:00 on today and coming up facebook family mystery. more questions than answers in the sudden death of executive sheryl sanberg's husband the man she credits to helping her lean into her credit. career. then more of our interview with melissa rivers. the daughter of a legend. >> the amazing thing was there was this chemistry and we were a team. outside of that, she would hit it out of the park. and savannah in sydney. >> i was born at the women's hospital in australia with all of these ladies. >> and me too. >> yes, mom. you too. >> savannah and her mom on a trip of a lifetime down in australia to visit savannah's birthplace and some old family friends. >> to the guthries. today, monday, may 4th, 2015. >> it's my 16th birthday! celebrating my fab 40 in new york city! hi, mom in springfield, movement. alabama in the house. >> morton, illinois! whoa! love the today show. >> i love you, matt lauer! ♪ ♪ ♪ >> savannah! oh, sydney, you are so fine, you blow my mind. hey, sydney, hey sydney. oh, sydney, you are so fine, you blow my mind, hey sydney! hey sydney! hey, sydney, you are so fine, you employee my mind -- blow my mind! >> you are so fine you blow my mind. we're back now on this monday morning, the fourth of may, 2015 and savannah is down in sydney, australia. where she's getting a very warm welcome. what is that about? >> oh, we have been working on this choreography for days. i really wanted to make sure they enunciated savannah you are so fine. these are actually the ministry of dance and airborne cheer leaders they have won 30 national titles competed three times in the united states. they are awesome and make me feel awesome. they were throwing one of those young ladies so high, she was leaving the frame of the screen and coming back down. tell them congratulations. nice job. >> stop. >> she's got much more coming up. first let's go inside. natalie has got a check of all the top stories. >> good morning once again everyone. a deadly shooting in texas over night has official searching to possible link to international terrorism. we're in we have the latest. >> in the light of day we can tell that the gunmen who are deceased about 50 yards behind me are wearing some sort of tactical versus. both men were roommates in phoenix. they have been in that apartment and cleared it of any possible explosives. the fbi now investigating it that as well. any moment, we expect to hear from law enforcement to hold a press conference to know anything new. we know we're looking into possible extremist ties. whatever the motives, they never made it to that building with 250 people inside. that muhammad cartoon contest. a lot of people just thanking everybody that they didn't get close tore that building and it didn't get any worse. maryland's governor says it will take several days to withdraw national guard troops from baltimore. a curfew impose ds after riots last week was lifted on sunday. protests over the death of freddie gray were largely peaceful this weekend. meanwhile, lester holt spoke exclusively with gray's family with the news that six police officers would be charged in gray's death. tell me about hearing the news from the state's attorney that charges were being filed against the officers. >> i didn't expect it so soon, but i was really happy that it turned out this way, we all know this is only the beginning, and we want to see how far it goes. >> freddie's mother told lester that nationwide protests on behalf of her son gave her hope that she would see justice. he will have more on tonight's nbc nightly news. the sudden death of an internet tie couldn't -- tycoon has stunned silicon valley. >> facebook's coo sheryl sandberg is well-known in the internet family. it's a bit counterintuitive but the most important career decision you are going to make is whether or not you have a life partner and who that life partner is. >> he died suddenly on friday night at the age of 47 reportedly while abroad on facebook with his wife. they posted, dave goldberg was an amazing person and i'm glad i got to know him. my thoughts and prayers are with sheryl and her family. >> what's interesting about him was that he was willing to let his wife have the lead and have the spotlight. >> the father of two was a business superstar in his own right. building the start-up survey monkey into a multibillion dollar company. >> they were certainly one of the most well respected couples in silicon valley. >> a tragic loss for the community and one family in particular. we're sending condolences to her and her family. there was an unfortunate glitch in the aw-inspiring. a small fire was caused by hitting a is there cellphone tower. natalie, thank you very much. we are kicking off a week long celebration of moms leading up to mother's day calling mom i love you because. we're starting some 10,000 miles away in australia where savannah had her beginning of her life, savannah. >> hi, guys. well, there are a million reasons to visit this beautiful country, but for me, one of them was very, very personal. as i may have mentioned a few hundred times to you, this is the country where i was born. it's a part of my history that i always treasured and i always promised to come back here and really see it, but i never dreamed i would get to do that with the woman who brought me into this world 43 years ago. my mom. it was a trip full of fun, surprises and some happy tears. ♪ ♪ >> you may have heard me talk about my idyllic childhood growing up in australia, and it was. but it wasn't where it all began. i was actually born in melbourne, australia, where my dad had been transferred from the u.s. for work. we left melbourne when i was just two years old and i hadn't been back since. >> may i see your passport please. >> until now. >> hey, next stop, australia. 15 and a half hours and four decades later, my mom and i were back down under. >> it's hard to not be like a little bit emotional because i didn't think we would ever come back. >> no, i never thought i would see australia again. >> the first stop, my very first stop in life. the hospital where i was born. >> where we got you. we got you from the stork here. >> hi. >> dr. sue matthews was our guide and she should have come armed with tissues. >> let's walk down memory lane. we might cry. >> that's all right. you are allowed. >> this is the maternity ward. >> this is the maternity ward. >> oh, my gosh. >> the last time my mom and i were in these hallways, december 27th, 1971. >> this is the room that you took your first breath in. >> wow. >> how does that feel? >> oh, my gosh. >> it's a little bit emotional, isn't it? >> for me, it is. when you say it like that, to think that you took your first breath. >> you did. >> i know. >> i think seeing the very place you were born is not something that most people get to do or see, to get to go back with my mom. it's just really special. >> special time. amazingly awesome time. >> as my mom tells the story, she wasn't alone when she welcomed me to the world in this very room. >> we actually have three midwives, nurses, who were here at that time. >> no! >> they are in another room. >> no! you are kidding me. oh. >> well, let's meet them. >> okay. >> a reunion 43 years in the making. >> hello, ladies. >> hi. >> this is pat. >> pat, how are you? and you took care of me, ladies. >> and my mom. >> this is jana. >> you are the baby? >> i'm the baby. i'm so amazed you came. thank you. >> thank you. >> i was born at the women at sandringham hospital in australia with all of these ladies. >> me too. >> yes, mom, you too. >> and then we were off. retracing the same steps my mom and dad once took to bring me to my first home in a town called bomaris. >> i can't believe you left. this is so pretty. >> i agree. it was pretty. >> where's our house? >> there it is. see, it's a light gray. a little house. see? >> wow. this was the backdrop of my first years of life. >> when you got holder, this is where you played. [ knocking ] >> hi. >> we used to live here. >> now, it's home to this family, but the memory of my own family's time here come flooding back for us. >> you know that picture you have and dad, that would have been right around here, taken right around here. >> oh. >> as if this journey wasn't sweet enough, there was one more surprise literally around the corner. >> i was so hoping you would be here. >> hello. >> hi! >> many of the neighbors my parents had grown to love and hated to leave were suddenly back in our lives. >> you look like your daddy? >> really, i do? >> you look so much like your dad. >> you haven't changed a bit. >> to the guthries! >> thank you for welcoming us home. >> you are not welcome. we're just drinking champagne. >> it was such an awesome thing to do. i'm here with my mom, nancy. how was your trip? >> on or about my gosh, it was wonderful. i can't even believe that we were able to do this in three days. >> i know, we packed a lot in there. >> we packed a lot. >> now, has australia changed in 43 years? >> well, it has changed. it is beautiful. it is amazing. just look at this harbor. have you ever seen anything so gorgeous? >> no, we showed your home video a little bit earlier when you and dad were here in 1965 visiting. >> our first trip. >> and you took that footage of the opera house when it was being built. >> was it any good? >> it was a world exclusive. neveren before seen. it was so good to take this journey with you mom. >> love you. >> love you. we need to be alone, guys. it's a big old love fest here. we're going to take you on a tour of sydney. what would a tour be without some exotic maenls. we need to know nancy to know how cool a trip that must be. >> amazing. >> very sweet. all right. ladies, we'll see you in a little while. up next on trending, it had plenty of stars, but was mayweather versus pacquiao really the fight of the century after all? we'll talk about that right after this. [ female announcer ] it's a taste so bold yet so smooth it can only be called black silk. from folgers. a taste you can enjoy fresh brewed one cup at a time or on the go. black silk from folgers. we aren't looking for just any college students. we're looking for ones who want to tak courses developed with input from leading companies. so they can graduate career-ready. if you're that kind of student you're our kind of different. devry university. different. on purpose. i know what you're thinking, but this is the improved i can't believe it's not butter! 100% taste, 0% artificial preservatives. made with a blend of delicious oils, purified water, and just a pinch of salt. two, please. i can't believe it's not butter. 100% taste, 0% artificial preservatives. ♪ ♪ ♪ (laughing) come here you. this mother's day, remember... i told you this was gonna happen. every kiss does begin with kay. save up to 30% on select diamonds in rhythm. the center diamond constantly moves catching light from every angle. at kay, the number one jewelry store in america. do i have to chase you, too? ♪ every kiss begins with kay ♪ people think californians are just a bunch of dreamers. with our heads in the clouds like a bunch of space cadets huh? what? 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the much hyped about bout between floyd mayweather and manny pacquiao. mike tyson i think spoke for a lot of people when he tweeted, we waited five years for that? #underwhelmed. mayweather ended up winning. and he couldn't wait to show off all his bags and bags of money. part of his $100 million check there. his total payday could reach $180 million. >> here's the best part of the fight. a lot of folks asking is that jimmy kimmel? >> i love it. >> and if so that's he doing there? kimmel had asked pacquiao if he could join his entourage and he stayed in character the whole time. just as justin booeper seemed to be an unlikely member of team mayweather. >> they've been friends a long time. but i wasn't sure kimmel was channelling run dmc or bieber with the hat. >> the hamburglar maybe. >> i would be part of someone's entourage. >> for the first time kris jenner is opening up about bruce jenner's transition. in this first look from e! she talked about the news with her daughter kim. >> he has to deal with this for his entire life waking up like whoa this isn't my body. this isn't comfortable. that's the only way i can kind of imagine it. and you really have to like let go. >> i have these memories of this life and i feel sometimes like it didn't exist. >> well you'll see much more of the people's reaction to bruce's transition. it's part of a two-part special that airs the 17th and 18th on e!. this may be why kris jenner didn't give a long reaction to -- they had all the comments from bruce's ex-wives. she allegedly had no comment. this may be why. >> by the way, i saw you fall off the desk there. >> that was a great move. >> is there water in this? what's going on? >> and that is "what's trending" today. now a quick check of the weather from mr. roker. >> announcer: "today's" weather is brought to you by walgreens at the corner of happy and healthy. >> and as we look to show you what's going on as far as our weather is concerned for today, we do have some wet weather pushing through chicago, part of a system that's going to bring he have vi heavy rains. we're also going to watch the effect of this possible tropical storm. other side of the country, big storm out west. out in the pacific causing heavy surf. in fact some cruise ships had to dock down into san diego. but now some surf up to ten feet with waves, rip currents likely and beach erosion at high tide. rest of the country, risk of strong storms. texas on into the central plains. beautiful weather here in the east with temperatures the warmest they've been since 8:22. good monday morning to you. it's mild to start the day. 52 in san francisco. once those low clouds start to clear the bay area just a spectacular day ahead with pleasant afternoon temperatures. we're looking toward the 70s. mid 60s. 70 in the south bay. 65 on the peninsula. east bay at 63. same for san francisco. the tri-valley in the mid 70s. the next several days, subtle changes and rain by thursday. >> and that's your latest weather. >> thanks. it's down to six on "the voice." as carson tells us now both coaches and artists are working overtime to prepare for the home stretch. >> reporter: with just weeks before a winner's announced, "the voice" coaches are under pressure to get their singers into the top five. >> she's keeping me in this competition. >> reporter: longtime rivals adam levine and blake shelton are each left with one artist. >> i love that. >> reporter: while pharrell williams and christina aguilera remain neck and neck with two. >> this is a really cool moment. >> reporter: tonight with two chances to show off their skills the artists before one song of their choice and another dedicated to the moms in their lives. >> well it's going to be mother's day. >> i want to meet your momma. >> hi mom. >> behind every good man. >> that's right. >> reporter: and once all the votes are counted, five move on and one will go home tomorrow. for "today," carson daly, nbc news, los angeles. >> and don't forget you can catch "the voice" tonight and tomorrow at 8:00/7:00 central time right here on nbc. hello, guys. also ahead, even more perfect than the original, elizabeth banks on making her directorial debut on good monday morning. a new plan to improve street safety. the effort is called vision zero. its mission to make the street safer for everyone. "mercury news" says the city will launch an $80 million effort that will encourage improving crosswalks and lighting for pedestrians. the work is expected over the next few years on some of san jose's busiest streets. the money will be coming mostly from state and federal grants. let's check the commute now with mike. >> all right. looking to the south bay. we still have a couple of sticking points. northbound 85 we had a crash that cleared from the lanes to the left the last half-hour. some improvement, but worse as far as the backups starting now at highway 87 instead of 17. 101 judgmented out of san jose from the airport up to shoreline. the earlier crash has cleared but involved a motorcycle. folks standing around on the shoulder. 101 and 237 slow in toward where they blend. now the peninsula looks standard. so does the east bay heading up to oakland and down the east shore freeway. the bay bridge looking a little bit later. the open area even though it's lighter, right by the coliseum it aeps it's done. (music) hey! let me help with that. oh, thank you! (music) introducing the one-and-only volkswagen golf sportwagen. the sportier utility vehicle. ♪i can show you the world♪ ♪shining, shimmering, splendid♪ ♪tell me, princess, now when did♪ ♪you last let your heart decide♪ ♪a whole new world♪ welcome to aulani, travel and leisure winner for top family hotel in the u.s. for special offers visit or call your travel agent. good morning from sydney australia. 8:30 now on a monday morning, the 4th of may 2015. and matt you know i always tell you you light up my life but this really lights up my life. it's pretty spectacular, right? this is actually all part of a festival called visit sydney. watch what happens when i do this. yeah. it turns a little bit "today" show orange. let me bring in the artist of this particular exhibit. great to see you. you're an american that's living here in sydney. tell me what vivid sydney is about. >> it's a festival that begins in may. we have lighting installations and last year 1.4 million people came down to see it. we'll have a better crowd this year. this is our exhibit called art light. which responds to environmental stimulants. it will fluctuate in color. >> with weather -- >> yes. wind speeds things like that. and on special occasions like the "today" show it also does things like this. >> sort of a disco light thing going on. >> that's right. we're getting into it. >> it's beautiful. these are supposed to be like looking at trees. >> that's right. inspired by environmental inspiration. >> thank you very much. vivid sydney starts at the end of this month. we'll have a lot more from here just ahead. >> when you clapped like that savannah half the tvs in australia went off. okay. not a problem. >> clap on clap off. >> the clapper. >> how about a check of the weather? >> let's show you what we've got starting with today. we're looking at wet weather, severe weather possible texas up into the central plains. high surf advisories both along the california coast. tomorrow a nice day in the northeast although showers move in late in the day. look for the high surf to continue on the florida coast. storms in west texas. showers move 8:it -- 8. . 32. low clouds making way to bright sunshine as we head throughout this afternoon. mostly between 11:00 a.m. and 12:00. nice blue sky developing. temps comfortable 65 on the peninsula. 63 for the east shore. 70 degrees in the east bay. we've got good air quality. feel free to open the windows in your home if you don't suffer from the allergies of the season. high pollen for the next few days. looking better whether it comes to pollen. showers by thursday. >> get that weather any time you need it go to the weather channel on cable or online. >> thank you very much. earlier this morning we heard from melissa rivers about the circumstances surrounding her mom's death. but in her new book "the book of joan" melissa focuses on the good times. pulling back the curtain what it was like to grow up as the comedy legend's only child. >> curtain open! drum roll! >> reporter: joan rivers was known as one of the hardest working women in show business. >> i hate ugly children. >> she was in clubs at least once a week if she wasn't traveling, working out new material. constantly. you have to stay relevant. you have to stay fresh. >> reporter: and now her daughter melissa rivers is out with a new book giving her mother's memory and her jokes new life. as you were sitting writing this were you hearing the voice of your mom saying don't forget that story. you must have known exactly what she would want in here and what she shouldn't think was appropriate for this book or funny enough. >> funny enough. she would think everything was appropriate. >> reporter: because she had an open book. >> and no filter. no facility per. none. >> i was such a dog. do get me down the aisle they threw a bone. >> reporter: she broke a lot of barriers especially for women in comedy. did she consider herself a femme innist? >> no. which was hilarious because she was the ultimate feminist. she didn't care if she was funnier than the next man or woman. she just wanted to be the funniest one. >> reporter: melissa and joan rivers were not just family. they were business partners too. >> it's a real exciting night. >> reporter: and of course on the red carpet. what was she like to work with? >> pretty amazing. it doesn't mean that we didn't have creative differences. oh there were some huge fights. but the amazing thing was there was this chemistry and we were a team. i was the straight man, she was the funny one. and if you come across a partnership like that once in your life as a performer, you're lucky. >> it's very scary when you see yourself totally without any makeup. >> reporter: and when it came to her appearance and her insecurities she was open about the fact that she'd had plenty of work done. >> yep. >> reporter: did her view of her own physical appearance impact you as a young girl? >> how could it not? how could it not? but, you know i look back and can say a lot of the things she said were destructive. i'm not a serial killer. i seem to be contributing somewhat to society and i hold down a job, so how destructive could those comments have been. >> peeping toms look in my window pull down the shades. >> reporter: for all of the jokes and jabs that joan rivers dolled out, melissa says she was the most critical of herself. do you think your mom had any idea the impact she had on so many people? >> no. i think she thought she was disliked. >> reporter: why? >> that's like delving into the psyche of a comedian. >> reporter: insecurity. >> that's a deep dive. and she was controversial. i mean she would meet people and she would know that they got it or they didn't get it. but not in her wildest dreams was she ever going to change. >> she speaks with her mom with such reverence and joy and love. it was really nice to spend time with her. >> whenever they were here in the studio it was just such a hoot and you could see the love between them. >> and we put the seven second delay on them. up to natalie. get ready because your favorite pitches are back. "pitch perfect 2" opens up next week. and this time the bellas are going up against a tough german squad at the world championships. ♪ ♪ where them girls at ♪ ♪ who run this mother ♪ ♪ girls ♪ ♪ who run the world ♪ ♪ girls ♪ ♪ who run the world ♪ >> elizabeth banks stars, produces directs, and even sings a little bit. elizabeth, good morning. >> good morning. >> i just love the film. congratulations. >> thank you. >> your first feature directorial debut. what was that like for you? being a director producer and actor on the film. >> it was -- you know it was a great challenge. really fun. something i was working towards for a long time. i've been wanting to direct. i directed plays in college. i sort of had my three ring binder staring at me in my office calling to me. and this was something i was attached as a producer to this project from the very beginning. i got to work with my husband next to me on this whole film. it was a great way to make a movie. something i care about. very funny which is something i care deeply about. great comedy for a bunch of great women. such an amazing cast. >> and they all came back for this one. says a lot about the film when everybody comes back. >> yeah. it does. i think the first movie was such a surprise. we knew we had made a really fun movie with a big heart, but it caught fire. and it's because of the fans and the love that we were able to make a sequel. the biggest challenge was not disappointing those fans. >> so the barden bellas are back. they're on top until there is some national scandal. rebel wilson or fat amy has a glitch in front of the president and the first lady. >> she does. she has what we call muffgate. can you say that on morning television? >> you just did. >> yeah. and the challenge here was at the end of the first film they were so good the barden bellas. and they are good and we wanted to showcase them as a group this time. but we also -- we love an underdog story. we wanted to make them underdogs again. they're a wonderful group of misfits. and we really wanted to highlight that. one of the ways to do that was to just take them down a peg. you know? that's how we started the film. >> and you're back as a sassy a cappella commentator. when i got to see you on set about a year ago, that is all -- a lot of that is ad-libbed. you crack each other up the whole time. >> yeah. we have really funny jokes written for us but we really love to play. i think our goal is essentially cracking up the crew. it's almost like if they're all laughing that's when i can call cut. >> and toif ask quickly, you had six of the green bay packers on -- doing cameos. and they can actually sing. >> they're great. they're really good singers. >> how did that come about? they tweeted you and begged you for the opportunity? >> it wasn't a beg. it was during his rookie season that the movie came out and he basically was tweeting about it. so i followed him on twitter and he immediately messages me saying he loved me in the film and my husband is a huge football fan, giant football nerd. i put the two of them together and the next thing i knew here they were in our movie. >> i was impressed. they're really good. maybe a "pitch perfect 3" spot for them. >> the whole movie on a football field. >> there we go. elizabeth banks, thanks again. "pitch perfect 2" opens on may 15th. awesome. coming up next savannah's going to show you all the fun she had in sydney. but first this is "today" on nbc. all right. we're back now. 8:42 with more of savannah's adventures in australia. savannah you got to tour the town which doesn't surprise any of us. >> that's right. sydney is beautiful. it's considered by many to be the media and financial capital of australia which is great. but for me i was here to have fun. with more than 70 beaches right here in the city i had to start my adventure where else? at the ocean. >> reporter: each new day begins here with the sun viserising over sydney before the rest of the world. early morning swimmers get a jump start on the day. >> it's often been said we're lucky because we get the best start to the day in the country. >> reporter: with the waves beckoning surfers and soul searchers, keeping watch over the ocean loving city dwellers the famed bondai lifesavers. a local group of volunteers they also work with kids as young as 6 called nippers on beach safety. i caught up with a member of the life saving club. what's it like here? >> bondai beach is perfect. you think you're doing something strange or out of control, there's something someone doing something weirder. >> reporter: you ever had any rescues? >> last year i pulled maybe four or five people out of the water. >> reporter: for the thrill seekers, the best view of down under is atop the sydney harbor bridge soaring over 400 feet above the harbor. nearly 200,000 cars cross the expanse every day. >> it's so unique because there's no other bridge in the world that you can climb like this and experience such fabulous views of sydney. >> reporter: a more tranquil way to see this city of over 5 million, by ferry. nearly 15 million riders hop on and off every year. city scapes and shopping give way to my kind of aussie adventure. >> i grew up in the sand and salt water and fresh water. coming here to the big city so much to do. and the love brought me here. ♪ i still call australia home ♪ >> reporter: me too. i had such a good time checking out this beautiful city. guess what matt. i even made a few friends. guys come on over. and you'll appreciate this. does someone have a present for matt? oh yes. here it is. >> which way does it go? >> we can't wait to see your legs in it. >> yeah. that's great. >> how chilly is it there, savannah? >> oh, gosh. >> well you don't get to take them home savannah. mike's going to have something to say about that. >> i know. and i don't even want to tell you what they call these. never mind. >> no. we've heard all the nicknames. thank you. thank you very much and hi to your friends. up next this is perfect. sun safety. natalie is going to show you live how easy it is to get a skin cancer screening. but first, this is "today" on nbc. all right. we're back. may is skin cancer awareness month. today is melanoma monday. a day to raise awareness about the aggressive form of skin cancer. natalie is going to get an exam live in the studio. but first dr. debra wattenburg is here in the city and dr. travis stork is host of "the doctors." good morning. nice see you. how often should we get screened? >> screenings really depend on your risk factors. so everyone should do a self-skin exam. if you have a risk of melanoma family history, you have pale skins, light eyes get screened frequently. determine how frequently you need to have the screening. >> so you go to a doctor. but you can do a certain amount of the screening at home by yourself. >> absolutely. you should look at your body all the time when you're naked. and the other thing are troublesome areas as far as you can't always see the top of your head or back. have your spouse look. and if anything is changing have them look at it have it get checked out. >> it really is a head to toe check, right? >> yeah. i usually recommend that people strip down to their birthday suits and start at the top of the head. look behind the ears look under the lips under the arms all the way down places sun doesn't shine and even between your toes. >> what exactly are you looking for? a lot of people have moles, birthmarks on their body. what differentiates that from what you should look at? >> it can be a non-healing growth a recurrent pimple. it can also be a melanoma. melanomas follow the rules of the abcs. asymmetry, border. it should be a clear, crisp border. the color, it should be one color. not multiple colors. brown and blue and black. the diameter less than the size of a pencil eraser. a mole bigger than that can also be a problem. and anything changing. >> you're going to check natalie. while she does that, early detection is the key. >> i would say on "the doctors," you shouldn't fear a diagnosis. fear a late diagnosis. because melanoma is treatable if caught early. if you let it grow it can metastasize, spread to other parts of the body and that's truly deadly. and people can see this is so easy. nowadays there are so many tools that dermatologists have to quickly scan your body. if there are concerns, they can do a biopsy. my other mother had melanoma and thank goodness she was diagnosed early to have it removed. i'm very cognizant of this myself. not only screening but protecting yourself from the sun as much as possible. you don't have to avoid going outside. but if you're going to go outside, wear clothing that covers up your skin. wide brimmed hats sunglasses certainly sun screen. and this is one of those things where it's cumulative. >> you're an outdoorsy person like i am. i don't think i've been as diligent about covering myself until my husband had a melanoma removed from his chin as well. i think it takes, sadly, having a personal experience. >> it is melanoma monday. a great day to talk about this. >> all good? am i good? >> yes. natalie did well. it's important to get these screenings. almost 10,000 people will die this year from malignant melanoma. >> for more skin cancer prevention tips and to learn where to get a screening, head to up next savannah hangs out with animals australia. the actual my name is jamir dixon and i'm a locate and mark fieldman for pg&e. most people in the community recognize the blue trucks as pg&e. my truck is something new... it's an 811 truck. when you call 811, i come out to your house and i mark out our gas lines and our electric lines to make sure that you don't hit them when you're digging. 811 is a free service. i'm passionate about it because every time i go on the street i think about my own kids. they're the reason that i want to protect our community and our environment, and if me driving a that truck means that somebody gets to go home safer, then i'll drive it every day of the week. together, we're building a better california. pretty day in new york city. if savannah's trip has inspired you to head to australia, tamron's got something. >> our sponsor qantas airways are viewing one lucky viewer the trip of a lifetime to sydney. so you can have a chance to win airfare and five nights down under exploring the sydney harbor and hunter valley wine country. head to let us know why you deserve to wake up in australia. good luck to you. >> all right, tamron. thank you very much. let's go back to savannah in sydney where she's spending time with new friends not clad in speedos. >> oh you can't blame me matt can you? by the way you cannot come to australia without meeting some of the favorite animals here. marsupials. we've got the curator at featherdale wildlife park in sydney. i am holding a little gal who looks like a kangaroo but she's a kwaka. a little kangaroo we have in australia. >> she's adorable. >> and then we've got a koala bear here. that you raised. >> she is probably the most famous in australia. i was lucky enough to be her mum. >> very sweet. very lackadaisical because they only eat eucalyptus. >> yes. and there's nothing in them that gives them energy. >> i can relate. i like this. and over here a wombat. >> that's right. the closest relative we have to the koala. these guys learn to dig burros. >> is it okay to pet the wombat? >> yes. he's a sweetheart. >> he is sweet. this is a new one. we have is the billby over here. >> they used to be all over the entire continent of australia. they've almost become a mythical animal here. they're adorable and we like to have mr. billby rather than the easter bunny. >> thank you for showing these off. how many orders for the wombats do we have? >> we've never seen a billby before. that's cool. gorge. 66:56. long-time ceo of cisco john chambers will be staying dope in july. he will stay on the board for the networking giant. he's being replaced by chuck robins, another long-time veteran at cisco. shares are trading slightly higher. carly fiorina has announced she's running for president. she will run on the gop ticket. she has never before even held a political office. the closest that she came was coming up short in a run for california's u.s. senate race in 2010. we'll be following that closely. we'll see you in 25 minutes. (scal): good day, m'lady! i am sir-can-a-lot, here to save you from another breakfast bore. wake up those eggs with glorious spam! see what spam can! do... at this morning on "today," a funny look of what goes downhill when you're over the hill. then we're throwing a birthday bash. big winner style in honor of his 40th. and straight off "the night shift," jill flint helps us celebrate. all that and more coming up right now. from nbc news this is "today's take" with al roker live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> welcome to "today" on a beautiful monday morning, may the 4th 2015. >> we have a song in honor. let's hit it. >> we do? >> hit it. >> that was flawless al. >> i was told we many a song. >> is the song called crickets? >> i can't even hear it. what is it? ♪ reunited and it feels so good ♪ >> oh okay. >> it's been so long. >> like a party from the '70s. >> it's been a while. >> that's no way to celebrate. let's crank it up a notch. it's the big 4-0. >> that's right. you celebrated. >> i was off last week yes. >> and while you were gone we had the best show ever! check it out! >> the best today's take ever jane, tina fey, are you guys coming back? >> you know what the best part is? willie cameron, and natalie missed it all! >> wow. >> wow. >> i know, i mean -- >> youwow. >> what is wrong with you? >> and the best part is before we started, they said how are they doing? i said oh they are okay. it was fantastic. we just had -- we had the singer who is fancy on and, i mean, it was -- by the way, tina left you a little something. >> oh she left you something. >> what's it say? >> sorry i missed you wednesday, have a fantastic birthday, your fan tina fey. >> i was in remote reaches of the world, and internet was patchy, but when it came through, i saw you with tina and i was jealous. >> he wrote that note for you to make you feel good. [ laughter ] >> you know, i actually thought it was your handwriting. >> he was nine. >> i was jealous. >> people came in the news room to talk about it came up high fived me. it was unbelievable! all the producers -- >> okay okay. >> see ya al you're on your own. >> good luck, al. >> you were high fiving the women. just an extension. >> i was just here. i was a conduit. >> a conduit -- >> for their greatness. >> for morning show greatness. you'll probably win an emmy. >> they were so much fun. >> how about you be out and they visit us. >> yeah. >> comedy welcome back. >> let's make our way. >> the flee of them are so good together. >> i know. >> it was literally like watching magic. the three get together and they are ripping off each other, and it was -- you should watch the tape. it was -- it was really -- i'll get you a dvd. >> your birthday gift to him? >> yes. >> look at all the fun you missed rather than you were missed, we really missed you. >> i'd be lying, completely lying. i was so thrilled you were all gone. >> wow. >> look i'm going to be honest. three fantastic women to myself. >> can i pour this glass of water on you? >> should i lie? should i lie? >> i love you guys wish you were here not, like get out. >> when you go away on a shoot for a couple days and she comes back and you say, i met a woman in the park. she was awesome. >> so awesome. >> the magic we had. >> you're supposed to say i missed you. >> like the joke mom's up in a tree. >> right. >> i mean, come on. >> oh man. >> well we look forward to the celebration. and other happenings throughout the morning. who else is sellcelebrateing this weekend? saturday morning, we woke up to great news another little baby a royal, 8 pounds 3 ounces. >> i like that name little royal. >> a little royal, fourth in line to the throne kate looking as spectacular as ever after just giving birth ten hours prior. they left the hospital and took her home and william managed to get the car seat in quickly, second time around. two for two on this one. this time like i got it. i got this one. so name? that's the big question now. what is she going to be called? there's a couple favorites online. our viewers like alexandra, very beautiful name. charlotte, which would be of course, for her grandfather, charles. and then number one on the list would be diana from the viewers, but that might be -- >> that's a lot to bear. ♪ ♪ >> kate middleton walked out ten hours after giving birth in high heels. i mean like i know everyone says, oh she had a stylist. i don't care. she still had to walk out the door. she physically had to get up. i e-mailed all the women on our show, and someone explain this to me. how does that happen? >> same with prince george. like she was apparently overdue on the birth date for his -- >> for both children. >> the second one, we're not sure about that, but, yeah, the minute the babies come out, she's in high heels. beautiful. >> standing there. >> incredible. >> i loved seeing william walk in with george. >> oh just so cute. >> so great. >> the little wave. >> the matching outfits. the blue and white. >> as mentioned, i have a hashtag we want to trend today. we need your help at home to do it. it's an honor of our brother who is turning 40. >> you are 40. >> yesterday. >> yesterday. yes. in this is the official hashtag for willie's birthday #wg40. we have gifts for you. stop reading the teleprompter. >> yes, sorry. >> this is wd-40. always have that in your home. you should not have a home without that. you should not have a tweet or anything without this hashtag. these are hellen's kitchen cookies in charlotte. your family sent them over. >> they are the best cookies you'll ever eat. there's salt on top. i was there for a week. >> you were? >> yes. for my birthday. a birthday hang. >> okay, so -- >> you're going to love these. >> so young willie was born in 1975. fun facts about that year. >> okay. >> look down. don't look at the prompter. >> are you asking me? >> i'll ask you. >> okay. >> what do you think the best picture was? >> "jaws." >> "godfather: part 2." >> billboard's number one song of the year? love will keep us together. sing it ladies. ♪ love ♪ ♪ love will keep us together ♪ ♪ think of me babe whenever ♪ ♪ some sweet talking girl comes along ♪ ♪ look in my eye ♪ ♪ just stop ♪ ♪ ♪ >> i'm very impressed. sticking with us. >> first class poster stamp would have cost you? 10 cents. a loaf of bread rap you? >> 28 cents. >> a gallon of milk? 1.57. gallon of gas? 57 cents. >> cost of a new house? >> is this almost over? >> oh no. >> cost of ending this segment? priceless. >> we want to check in on friends in sydney does not want to miss the birthday party. hey! >> reporter: hello! by the way, i want my senior old zone sign back in my office by the time i get back. >> yes, of course. >> you got it. >> reporter: willie happy birthday, my friend happy 40th birthday gosh a lot of years. i have a few surprises for you. first of all, cheerleaders take it away. >> ready, okay! hey, willie you're so fine you're so fine you blow my mind hey willie hay,ey hey, hey willie! >> that's great. >> good job, ladies! >> reporter: doesn't end there, willie. come on life size koala! he wants to say happy birthday willie! >> this is a weird dream i had once. >> now becoming a nightmare. >> this is really becoming a dream i had. >> oh -- people are walking by. kathy lee gifford, ladies and gentlemen. >> reporter: willie, i've been baking for you. >> what do you have? >> reporter: some pies. these are pies. meat pies. because we're here in australia, you're a carnivore, and one more thing, these are lambington. they are a sponge cake with chocolate and coconut. i had to explain that just for you. >> put them in the carry-on bring them home with you, savannah. >> reporter: you got it and the life sized koala? >> no, it can stay there. >> no bring him. >> keep him in the native habitat. >> stop looking at the prompter. >> it's too late for that. >> we have a surprise planned for willie, but for some reason someone is putting the information in the screen. >> it's not that surprising. >> so you can see it. >> he's old, we don't want to shock him. >> we talk about all these things that happened in 1975. this is a party. don't forget your hashtags, and also happening in 1975 as young willie was entering the world, not far there here in the land called the bronx, a dj named cool hurt and his crew created what we now know as scratching and hip hop, and if you know willie geist, he's all things hip hop. his play list almost all hip hop, and kanye west bowed down to your greatness, not his. we have a dj who is dj'ing tonight at the party in the boom boom room. brooklyn base are you ready to party? all right. we are kicking our dance part off with the greatest -- well next to willie -- one of the greatest -- the great ll cool j! let's hit it dj! >> oh don't call the come back. >> use the #wg40. partying all day. ♪ don't call it a comeback ♪ >> scratch it up yeah. wow. did you get this guy? you're the man. >> well we got connections. >> wow. he's here all morning? >> all morning long for you. >> beautiful. >> go dance. ♪ ♪ ♪ don't call it a comeback ♪ >> go al, go al! >> oh, no. [ cheers and applause ] that's what's going on around the country, here's what's hap spring weather making a comeback comeback. temperatures will be seasonal as we head throughout the day. starting out at 54 degrees right now in san jose. those cooling clouds making way to a gorgeous afternoon. 65 on the peninsula today. 63 in san francisco. and around 70 degrees in the south bay. temperatures are going to stay steady all week long. we have changes coming your way. expecting light shower activity by thursday evening. hope you have a great day. >> and that's your weather. >> and mick, he's staying all morning. got an incredible play list ready. >> just for willie. #wg40. >> yeah, mick. yeah. >> does he have a song for brad garrett? that's what i want to know. because up next, no one plays a better taunting older brother than brad garrett. he did it for nine seasons on "everybody loves raymond." now he's here with a new book and some advice on how to navigate my old age with some dignity right after this. >> hello there. >> hi. ♪ i was a doer. then the chronic, widespread pain slowed me down. my doctor and i agreed that moving more helps ease fibromyalgia pain. he also prescribed lyrica. for some patients, lyrica significantly relieves fibromyalgia pain and improves physical function. with less pain, i feel better. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or blurry vision. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. fibromyalgia may have changed things. but with less pain, i'm still a doer. ask your doctor about lyrica. wish your skin could bounce back like it used to? new neutrogena hydro boost water gel. with hyaluronic acid it plumps skin cells with intense hydration and locks it in. for supple, hydrated skin. hydro boost. from neutrogena. i get out of work, and i go to the store, and somebody says, smellin' around, "i smell cookies." i said, "oh no you just smell me, i just got out of work that's honey bunches of oats, that's all." i said "don't eat me now." discover brookside and discover an exciting combination of tastes. rich, dark chocolate covering soft centers. flavored with exotic fruit juices. it's chocolate and fruit flavors like you've never experienced before. discover brookside. hold it! come with me. new dannon oikos triple zero is my go to protein snack. cam, protein from yogurt? yup, this greek nonfat yogurt packs 15 grams of protein punch. but what else? unlike some other protein snacks, it has 0 added sugar 0 artificial sweeteners and 0 fat. mmm... will it up my game? no man! new dannon oikos triple zero official yogurt of the nfl. mmm dannon. ♪ in honor of willie, we decided to bring on the only guest who could make him feel dare i say worse about it. comedian brad garrett. best known, of course for his emmy winning role on "everybody loves raymond." brad is turning the chapter on his younger self-with a new book called "when the balls drop." look at the face on that cover. >> when the balls drop. >> just going to say happy birthday, willie. >> thank you, thank you. >> you look amazing. >> i know. >> that's a middle aged white man. >> it must be tough. how old are you now? >> i'm 60. >> oh god, you look like crap. whatever you're doing, al. >> stop? >> stop it. i'll be 71. no. i just turned 55. and i've given up. i've just given up. i know you probably work out and everything like that. >> occasionally. >> don't buy the hype. >> why do you say that? >> because i really believe it all goes south anyway. now, you're 40. so you've got a good -- maybe a good 15, 20 years. >> then shut the whole thing down? >> how do you feel? >> like hell. i can't get out of bed. >> you never hear anybody say oh if i could relive my 70s. that would be so -- you know, have that stroke at the mall again. wake up face down in my own vomit. nobody wants to do that. so you got to live it now. that's the point. >> is there any advice to give it to him? >> where's lauer? if anybody needs to hear about middle age, him. not a big enough name for him to be here? where's lauer? >> no. he's off of this show. >> this is our hour. >> good for you. >> he's on a break right now. >> really? because i hear things aren't good. >> i love what you said about exercising in the book. you said you get all the exercise walking around parking lots looking for your car because you forgot where it was. >> if it wasn't for stress i would have no cardio at all. you seem frightened. don't be frightened. >> soaking it all in. >> your balls are fine wherever they are right now. no. all i'm saying is it's really a man thing. women outlive all of us anyway for obvious reasons. and you know why. you've worked with them long enough. so it's really about the guys. and you know, the jimmys will -- i mean have you -- >> drop? >> there is a drop. >> no, no no. >> no, you need to hear this. >> no, we don't. i'm going to be honest with you. >> you really do. is it hoda? it's yoda? >> that's the other brown girl. >> okay. i'm not a morning person. forgive me. >> here's the deal. the science and the anatomy we can do in the aftershow. i was hoping for like you look amazing from waste up. what's your secret? >> from waist up? i should get these let out a little bit. i don't feel amazing. i feel like -- you know to me 50 is the new 70. because i don't think that we're really getting better. i really don't. >> you don't? >> i really really don't. i think we have to live it and just enjoy it but not buy the hype. i think a lot of it is -- like i've known you -- you okay, al? >> i'm here. i'm with you. >> i know you're thinking about your weekend. but i knew you when you were a lot heavier. you were a lot happier. >> yeah. >> you would do the weather with more glee. now it's just like. you know what i mean? >> it's the fat jolly guy. >> i think that's important. look. i'm a burrito away, seriously, from a bypass. but this is how i look at it. i'm enjoying. i'd rather have 65 great ones than -- >> kind of the jackie gleason. >> stop fighting it is what you're saying. >> yes. you have good dna what are you german? >> there's some in there. >> so you're for gentile. you probably don't have a lot of the the narosis i have. a lot of it is up in your dna. >> gosh. there's so much in this conversation. >> what do you expect? it's a book about my jimmys. >> you're not talking about what goes on top of the ice cream. >> no. and i wrote a book about it. >> i don't think i can read the title anymore. you read it. >> one more time. >> it's your birthday. >> we'll say it together. the title of the book is "when the balls drop." >> available online and in stores tomorrow. thank you so much for being here. >> thank you. >> very revealing. the best part of any birthday present we've got presents coming up. >> oh boy. it's hard finding time to moisturize your skin every day. ♪ with micro droplets of vaseline jelly, new vaseline intensive care spray moisturizes and absorbs in seconds to help heal dry skin. so there's always time for healed skin. that's the healing power of vaseline. in seconds. curing a yeast infection can take days. relieving the itch... can happen instantly. vagisil max strength anti-itch wipes relieve itch and odor instantly as they cleanse. so why wait to feel comfortable? trust vagisil. the number one wipe for itch. the world is filled with air. but for people with copd sometimes breathing air can be difficult. if you have copd, ask your doctor about once-daily anoro ellipta. it helps people with copd breathe better for a full 24hours. anoro ellipta is the first fda-approved product containing two long-acting bronchodilators in one inhaler. anoro is not for asthma. anoro contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. it is not known if this risk is increased in copd. anoro won't replace rescue inhalers for sudden copd symptoms and should not be used more than once a day. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition, or high blood pressure. tell your doctor if you have glaucoma, prostate or bladder problems, or problems passing urine as anoro may make these problems worse. call your doctor right away if you have worsened breathing chest pain, swelling of your mouth or tongue, problems urinating or eye problems including vision changes or eye pain while taking anoro. nothing can reverse copd. the world is filled with air and anoro is helping people with copd breath air better. get your first prescription free at [ jennifer garner ] why can't powerful sunscreen feel great? actually it can. neutrogena® ultra sheer®. its superior uva uvb protection helps prevent early skin aging and skin cancer, all with the cleanest feel. it's the best for your skin. neutrogena® ultra sheer®. now at chili's new top shelf ranchero chicken tacos. stop in for lunch and tap, swipe, and go. chili's. fresh is happening now. still ahead the fun continues. wait until you hear the advice for willie. the you forgot the milk! that's lactaid®. right. 100% real milk just without the lactose. so, no discomfort? exactly. try some... mmm, it is real milk. lactaid®. 100% real milk. no discomfort. very good monday morning. a suspected drunk driver scheduled to appear in court tomorrow in the death of a mother and her 14-month-old daughter in livermore. police arrested brian jones of livermore after his car lost control and hit the family during a saturday house party. jones was at a wine festival earlier in the day, and his blood alcohol level was twice the legal limit. happening now, a happy homecoming for a nepal earthquake survivor from the bay area. he was among the climbers stranded on mt. everest after the quake struck. her husband says she hung on for dear life until helicopter rescued her. mcfeeney is a mother of four from san francisco. she flew in this morning to sfo. it is official -- warriors guard seth curry has won the nba's most valuable player award. there's a news conference at 1:00 p.m. in oakland. this marks the first time a golden state warrior has won the league's most valuable player award. the warriors were just the 10th team ever to win at least 67 games in an nba season. impressive. congratulations to him. weather and traffic after this break. welcome back. i'm meteorologist christina loren. high atop mt. hamilton you see the blanket of clouds over the valley. above the clouds a nice blue sky. it will take a while for clouds to burn off. expecting that between 11:00 a.m. and noon today. temperatures kplfrtdable -- comfortable. 70 degrees. 70 for the north bay. 63 in the east shore area. as we get through the next couple of days, subtle changes to tell you about. temperatures creeping up just a touch for tuesday into wednesday. then we've got a good chance for showers as we head throughout thursday evening. let's check the drive with mike. >> reporter: looking toward oakland, i see slowing. i just saw a set of flashing lights. what looked like an ambulance traveling north past the coliseum. you see traffic huddling here. the flashing lights continue past. still checking, no incidents here. as we look at the map. there are reports of debris north of there downtown around oak. a major issue. i'll track that. that's the slow of the part for the bay. the metering lights are on, but not a big backup. the drive across the san mateo, recovering after a tough morning there. back to you. >> thank you very much. thank you for joining us as well. another local news update in a half-hour. taking a look at the headlines, some children with adhd may be prone to developing a binge eating disorder. john hopkins evaluated kids for adhd and loss of control eating syndrome. those with adhd were 12 times were likely to have the eating disorder. birthrates are on the decline, but only slightly. a new report reveals childbirths fell by 1% between 2012 and 2013. teen deliveries were down 10%. and births among unmarried women also dropped slightly. there were also fewer c-section deliveries. more american renters are being faced with a serious dilemma. pay the rent or buy groceries. more than one in four americans renting their homes have to use at least half of their family income to pay for housing and utilities. that's according to the data by enterprise community partners. experts say you should spend closer to 30% of your income on rent. the reason rental prices have surged at nearly twice the pace of average hourly wages since 2010. it was a big opening weekend at the box office for "avengers: the age of ultron." it took in $187 million. it would have made more if it weren't for people staying home to watch saturday night's floyd mayweather and manny pacquiao fight. "the age of adaline" was second. let's get a check of the weather. >> marvel top three of all time. crazy stuff. all right. thanks so much. we've got a risk of strong central plains through west texas. high surf advisory southern california and the east coast of florida. we're looking at a risk also of the plains. beautiful weather in the east with temperatures getting as warm as they've been since mid-october last year. tomorrow still fairly mild although some showers here in the northeast with that pushing in cold front. more strong storms later on tomorrow for west texas. high surf advisories continue in southern california and east 9:32. #beautifulday coming your way. temperatures are going to be really nice out there today. our spring stride finally after very warm conditions last week. right at average today. 64 on the peninsula. 70 degrees for the south bay today. 63 for the east bay. and 73 degrees, lovely conditions in the warm spots. that's the tri-valley today. lots of sunshine headed your way. subtle changes tuesday, wednesday. temperatures rising just a touch. and then looks like showers by thursday. >> #wg40. that's your latest weather. >> over the hill. a chickadeeian, actor, writer, mark marin has developed a huge fan base with his neurotic style. >> we're already taking shots in three seconds? >> back with the third season of maron where he navigates family career and women. >> hi. >> hi. >> my friends and i were watching you from over there. >> oh really. well, i'm marc. >> yeah. marc are you here with anyone? >> no i'm not. i'm actually single. i'm just, you know, watching the kids. >> yeah. well my friends and i think you need to leave. >> what? >> he thought he had it. >> so close and all of a sudden you're a pedophile. how does that happen? >> just here watching the kids. >> for the right reason al. for life affirming reasons. >> you've said that this show presents the worst case scenarios of your real life. what do you mean by that? >> it's not the worst case scenarios. the undercurrent is if everything had gone wrong, maybe a little of that. it's to protect myself from it happening in real life. some things happen. it gets a little dicey this season. but funny. >> like neurotic in real life though a little bit? >> no. not at all. i don't know why you keep saying that. why? do you keep saying that? >> a little neurotic. >> don't come for me. i said nothing. >> let's be nice. in the season of the season opener you have to meet your girlfriend's son. >> uh-huh. >> are you okay with kids? >> i am for a few days. and then -- no, i like kids. i don't know what it's like to have them. you know, i can talk to them reasonably. and i think they're fun and they seem lovable and interesting. but my experience is limited to, like, okay thanks for having them by. my brother's kids you know. but i have no problem with them. i just don't have any. >> you're better off with cats. >> here we go. >> you're like the crazy cat lady. >> why does it have to be a cat lady? why can't it be cat man? >> the crazy cat man then. >> wow. okay. all right. i see where this is going. look i don't -- i'm not a cat guy. you know, i don't like -- i like my cats. i don't like others. i have two and a few outside. >> those are cute. >> oh, there's pictures. >> are those professional port trats? >> no. that was taken from my chest the one on the left. >> tell us about why you shaved your mustache? >> it's just so weird because people -- when you're a man and you're my age and you live alone with cats, there's a very -- it gets to a point it's not that endearing. there's a fine line between aww and uhh. cats are like your children. no they're not at all unless my children are morons that aren't going to change. there's a -- you get a cat. how much is it really going to change? it's not going to win a sports trophy. it's not going to surprise you with a word. >> what do they bring to your life? >> what do they bring? i have a conversation with them. i used to think my cats were skittish because they're wild. but now i'm actually realizing that it's me. because i am a little neurotic and sometimes i wake up and go damn it and they're like what's happening it's been three minutes. and i'm like do you want to eat? and they're like now it's a question? >> they're not really talking are you? >> i don't know your experience with cats but that's the thing. they're not like kids. i'm a little sad about that. the most surprise you're going to get out of a cat maybe a couple times you'll hear yourself go, how'd you get up there and that would be the big mystery. >> my gosh. >> did i lose you? do i need a dog to be appealing to you? what's happening? >> no. you are appealing to me. you know that. you're a wonderful guy. you're hilarious. and your fans every time you come on they go on twitter and they love you. your podcast. >> wow. this has gotten really good. >> and you can catch the season premiere of maron may 14th on ifc. >> i'll be there. coming up next, star of "the night shift" tells us about her special costars this week. first lady michelle obama and at tracfone, we believe that you should keep what you buy. that's why your unused talk, text and data never expires with active service. some major carriers say you can keep your data. but when you read the fine print, your data does expire. makes you wonder what else you're losing. but tracfone has unlimited carryover, so you get to keep your unused talk, text and data. 90-day plans with unlimited carryover start as low as $20. unbeatable nationwide coverage. no contract. tracfone. do everything for less. one of the cool perks of this place, is you can eat as much cereal as you want. you can go to any line that's running, and pull a box of cereal. alrighty. we just like cereal, we make it, eat it love it, live it. 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try it on sandwiches like the new chipotle chicken melt with guacamole. subway. eat fresh. our deejay is still going. meanwhile, she left the sunny beaches of the hamptons on "royal pains" for a job on "the night shift" where jill flint plays a passionate doctor in a busy e.r. this week they're doing something extraordinary. >> teaming up with michelle obama and jill biden for an episode highlighting veterans benefits. what a great honor that must have been. but probably a little nerve-racking i'm guessing. >> yes. we were all very nervous. if you see the psa, you can see the three of us standing behind the first lady and dr. biden just hoping we don't embarrass ourselves entirely. >> and the psa is for veterans. >> it is. it's for joining forces which is an organization that i think they have over 300 different outposts in the states where veterans can go and, you know, it's -- gives them a sense of community. it's a place where you can go and talk about things and really really -- as you can see not all of the scars that you come back with are physical. >> right. >> the first lady and dr. biden have both been great on this issue. how did this come together? i know they're interested in it. how did it come together with your show? >> well they liked the way we were portraying veterans. as people. our two main characters, it's in the fabric of our show. our two main characters suffer from ptsd. and they like the idea that they have -- we have these two veterans that came back that are still active in their community and really doing what they can to get back on track with their lives and that's exactly the message they want to portray for all of their veterans that you can -- so you can come back to your life. it's important to make a difference. >> well, we obviously followed you on "royal pains" and your character now. but there are things floating around on the web that we want to verify. are you cool with that? >> it's a game. >> i want to put her on the spot. that's okay. it is a game. but some of it may or may not be true. will you let us know? >> okay. >> so we pulled three tidbits from the web. the first one was your first major role was in "garden state" as obnoxious girl. true or false? >> oh, yeah. >> okay. so you come from a family of automotive enthusiasts. mechanics and race car drivers. but you didn't get your driver's license until 2013. >> that is true. >> why? >> well, i mean, i moved to new york when i was 17. i didn't have -- >> didn't need it. >> -- a need for a car. then when i moved to albuquerque to shoot "the night shift" i needed a car. >> so you can drive? >> like a champ. >> quick the last one. you are a huge "lord of the rings" fan. >> i am. >> word is you've heard it 13 times? more? wait pl all of them? >> yes. >> very impressive. >> we love that. >> we know what you're doing in between takes. catch the special episode of "the night shift" tonight on nbc. coming up, more sal khan: khan academy is a not-for-profit, with a mission of providing a free world-class education for anyone anywhere. if you look at a khan academy video, they can cover everything from basic arithmetic to calculus, trigonometry, finance. you can really just get what you need at your own pace. and so, bank of america came and reached out to us and said 'we are really interested in making sure that everyone really understands personal finance.' and we're like 'well, we're already doing that.' and so it was kind of a perfect match. now? 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it could be losing volume. new revitalift volume filler from l'oreal. volumizes skin surface layers. cheeks are fuller. wrinkles, smoother. i can see the difference here and here. new revitalift volume filler from l'oreal. it's springtime. so bake cookies with someone you love. and country crock's fresh, buttery taste and smooth, creamy texture means your cookies will turn out just the way you like 'em... extra soft... ... and extra special. welcome to crock country. my cut hurt. mine hurt more. mine stopped hurting faster! neosporin plus pain relief starts relieving pain faster and kills more types of infectious bacteria. when you pick any 3 participating products get a free all better bag. when cigarette cravings hit, all i can think about is getting relief. nicorette mini starts to relieve sudden cravings fast. anytime. anywhere. i never know when i'll need relief. that's why i choose nicorette mini. looking for one of these? yoplait. smooth, creamy, and craved by the whole family. okay. as you well know willie is officially 40. we've been celebrating all morning long with mick our deejay. but there are a few people who couldn't make it here today in person. >> sent him some birthday wishes because he is after all big willie. >> william russell geist. born may 3rd 1975 in evanston illinois. the son of a journalist and social worker, he's been a sports and music fan for as long as he can remember. tall, dashing, charismatic, the man built to bring you the news. >> happy birthday, willie. i wanted to sing you a special rendition of happy birthday. i'm sorry. that's all we can afford. >> we love you so much. you are one of the most hysterical people i've met. i love seeing you. i love everything about you. hay pi birthday. >> willie, happy birthday. >> the baby and i want to say happy birthday, willie. >> dude, what's up? >> happy 40th birthday. you're still a kid. >> happy 40th. >> it's not every day you turn 40. make it a good one. >> i'm five years ahead of you and it only gets better. >> i can't believe you're actually younger than me, but i do remember our very first slow dance. i'll always have it close to my heart. >> happy birthday to willie geist. i'm jealous you're only 40. >> i heard you're turning 21. i want to say congratulations. happy birthday. i hope you celebrate it big willie style. >> happy birthday, willie. the big 4-0. wow. >> happy 40th mr. willie. >> here's your gift right here. just for you. >> i can't believe you're 40 already. i would hate to say it's all down hill from here, but it is. >> honestly in the history of nbc and the "today" show, you are without a doubt the tallest person that's ever been on here. so enjoy your 40th birthday. hey, your life's half over at least. >> happy birthday, willie. 40 is the new 10. so look forward to being a kid again. >> any day is great as long as it's your birthday. >> wishing you the biggest, most beautiful, and exciting happy birthday and an amazing year. >> happy birthday buddy. i was going to do a shot in your honor but i'm going to drink all this whiskey just for you. >> nice. >> yeah! happy birthday willie! our gift for mr. geist coming up. but first this is "today" on nbc. ♪ all right. willie's 40th birthday would not be complete without some gifts for our birthday b-boy. >> and look who's bringing them in. >> i didn't see you over there. >> yes, you couldn't see us. happy birthday, willie. >> happy birthday, willie. >> i thought you'd never do this. autographed. >> and autographed a little big town girl crush hat. >> we've got 1975 theme ongoing here. we have the -- you've got to have your mood rings. your pet rock because that was very big. and our best friend -- we have to toast to you. you've got to blow out your candles. >> you make a wish. to the biggest willie in the world. >> there we go. >> the one we love the most. >> thank you. i love you. you think i can do it? >> big wish, wig big willie. >> yea! >> happy ♪ ♪ ee-e-e-oh-mum-oh-weh ♪ ♪ hush my darling... ♪ ♪ don't fear my darling... ♪ ♪ the lion sleeps tonight. ♪ [snoring.] ♪ hush my darling... ♪ [snoring.] ♪ don't fear my darling... ♪ ♪ the lion sleeps tonight. ♪ [snoring.] take the roar out of snore. yet another innovation only at a sleep number store. good morning, everyone. 9:54. happening today, students lrcheft in the lurch from the college closure may get answers about what to do next. the for-profit christian than colleges closed all of its remaining campuses last week. today at 1:00, the state attorney general's office and other agencies will hold a webinar to answer questions and provide help. that includes advice as to where to enroll next and how to deal with outstanding loans. a followup. east bay muds they can't be sure one way or the other whether yesterday's concord earthquake triggered a water main break four miles away in walnut creek. we know the 3.6 magnitude quake hit before 11:15 yesterday. water was leaking on to the intersection shortly thereafter. crews this morning have got that all fixed up. let's check your weather. >> hey, thank you, scott. pleasant weather on the way for today. we've got those low clouds out there. still lingering, only in spots across the bay area. mostly the coast. those will be clearing out by 4:00 p.m. comfortable conditions start of that natural a.c. 55 on the peninsula today. 70 for the east shore. temperatures are going to be a little bid cooler near the water than what we're expecting inland for you. throughout the next couple of days the good news is everything stays steady. at least temperaturewise. we've got showers rolling through by thursday. details on this today at 11:00. now we'll check the drive. mike? looking forward fremont southbound 880, starting to slow. a lot better over the last few minutes. traffic was late stacking up. we'll look at the map. that's typical compression heading toward mission boulevard and al vista. 237 shows the bulk of the commute a few minutes ago moving over in toward milpitas. sunnyvale and mountainview. the south bay looking gaet ging great after a tough morning through 101. slowing, but no big deal. the debris has been cleared. back to you. >> all right. we'll have another update coming up in a half-hour. from nbc news, this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb, live from studio 1a in rockafeller plaza. ♪ >> hi. >> hoda's back and she's got a lot of stories to tell. it's fun day monday, may 4th. ins case you didn't know it's "star wars" day. may the force be with you. reality star businessman husband of giuliana rancic, bill ran sick. >> a good guy. >> going to talk about something special. >> we will give you something you want if you really want. >> if you really really want. >> you will a' figure it out. >> lovely -- >> charlotte. >> she's here. >> here with a few surprises with us. she has a disturbing -- exec produced a special on the -- >> horrible on what they do to elephants and the ivory trade, hard to watch but important. >> it's interesting to see the multiple facets of people you think you know everything about them. >> you think you know them. >> but you don't. >> you have a big weekend to tell us. i want to say how lovely it was to go to dinner with regis and joy. friday night. they send their love to hoda. >> how was it? >> we always have a great time together. >> you lad a -- yours was like. >> it was a great weekend. >> a marathon. >> okay. if you've ever been to new orleans during jazz fest you know what this feels like. it was a low humidity day, a huge shock for new orleans. >> the first miracle. >> stunning. >> it was the best music the food at the new orleans jazz fest is astonishing. >> i can't imagine. >> not a hot dog, hamburger or pretzel to be found. it's craw fish bread. >> jambalaya. >> something for you if you don't like that? >> soft shell crab cakes. >> there you go. >> po boys. >> a po boy. >> that's the gospel tent. if you -- we went to -- right here this tent is the blues tent. the people playing at this tent were a great kind of funk singer, gene knight and the dixie cups who sang -- ♪ going to the chapel and we're ♪ ♪ going to get ♪ >> i was going to sing harmony but too late. >> i was sweaty dancing doing the electric slide. >> you don't know how to do the electric slide. >> i don't. no girl go forward, that. i kept saying just teach me. >> that's what people love about you. >> it was fun. just you get the breath of the crowds at jazz fest look this is ed sheeran, the ed sheeran tent, it was a small part of it. take a look. ♪ ♪ >> never seen gwen stefani and no doubt in concert. >> you said she was fantastic. >> watch how she electrified the crowd. go. ♪ >> and while we were sitting there watching her, i look next to me, and drew brees and his wife were there. >> stop it. >> he's our hero we love him. >> we love him? a girl named rebecca randomly in between, goes can i stay in the picture? i said you have to. >> nice to see everybody getting along. >> one of the most fun cities in the world. >> boy, the kathie lee questions abounded. >> did we ever get a picture of hoda and her hot shorts? >> can i tell you, when i walked out, i wore a dress the first day like a flowy dress, everybody goes girl wear your shorts. i go what? kathie lee said you would have shorts on. i cannot -- >> you can't let your people down, hoda. did you do it? >> i did it on the second day. >> good for you. i have breaking news. >> tell me. >> we have a girl. we know that. but we have a namep. it's just now being announced. >> this baby, the one we're talking about. >> the royal princess. >> ready? >> we're breaking news on our show. everyone together now. >> charlotte elizabeth diana. >> that's perfect. that makes me cry. wow. >> oh. that's beautiful. >> oh, gosh. >> we wanted diana but we didn't know whether it would be -- >> charlotte elizabeth diana. >> a great grandmother elizabeth queen elizabeth so happy and the memory of his mom diana, wow. >> say it again. charlotte elizabeth diana. >> oh. >> it's perfect. >> i wonder if they'll call her charley. >> wouldn't that be cute. >> yeah. >> by the way will be back in her size 0 by friday afternoon. she's unbelievable. >> gave birth on saturday. a lot of people may have been busy over the weekend and didn't notice. one of the things we were watching during the week. 8 pounds 3 ounces. >> yeah. >> why do i care about a little baby and why do we all care so much? >> we care. >> and when that little william was waving with his dad oh as he went in to meet his sister. >> with the matching shirts. sometimes when you see a moment like that, i mean, george. >> george. >> and prince william next to him with prince charles going in to meet harry all the years ago. beautiful back in '84. >> oh, my gosh. >> that baby fourth in line to the throne. >> jumped over harry and i don't think harry cares. >> the joy we feel, so much bad news in the world, you know. >> yeah. >> so much negativity and like this miracle keeps happening called the birth of a baby and you realize, you know what it ain't over yet. there's hope. >> she's so -- >> great. >> perfect looking baby. >> she looks like a caesarian baby not a mark on her. she's beautiful. >> i can't believe kate walked out carrying the baby like this, hi, okay, that happened a few hours ago. >> yeah. >> she has set the bar very high for most women. >> i can't believe -- >> can we focus we broke news on our show? >> yeah. >> when does that ever -- that happened like one other time. >> we break wind a lot but not news. >> so so sad. >> and you know who i'm talking about around here. >> tomorrow on the program, because we are a news breaking program these days. >> of course we are. we forget sometimes but we are. >> tomorrow, we are going to have a presidential candidate on our show. >> i'm excited about this. >> a little shocking but happening. >> i think she's a cool lady. >> carly fiorina. >> i've started reading her book a couple weeks ago. she's a fascinating woman very accomplished. she's going to be here with her husband and she, of course declared was it -- >> today. >> early today. >> yes. here's the thing. we are doing a series called "candidates uncorked." you will get a lot of politics on other programs, with us we get the feel. >> to the person. >> the vibe. >> the human being. >> we want to know who carley is. >> behind the ideology. >> red or white, a lot of questions that are important. >> she ran for the senate in california did not make it why not president. >> let's try it out. >> melissa rivers was on earlier. >> lovely interview that matt did with her. >> yeah. >> has written a new book, going to be on with us soon. >> tomorrow. >> the book, big tomorrow. >> can we ask, why are we getting all the big stories and things happening on our program? it's about time. >> it's in honor of you hoda. you are the gracie award winner. you are -- i see a know bell in the future. why do we have these, by the wayle. >> this is exciting. okay. >> we're going to get to that. >> they're going to be cold by the time we get to it. >> this is the interview matt did with melissa. >> he talked to her about a lot of things, about, you know, her mom and all kinds of things but also talked about some business things like fashion police and the trouble there. take a look. >> let's talk about "fashion police". >> yes. >> it's been in the headlines a lot. >> you think? >> i am so sincerely sorry. >> a heartfelt apology. >> the reason kathie kit. >> the matriarch of the family died and the family fell apart. and the sisters started fighting and everybody mourns and grieves differently and someone tried to marry into the family and we know how that went. that's the only way i can sort of explain what happened. >> do you think the the show is mean spirited? >> no. i think the show is funny and people say it's mean spirited. it wasn't. because it was a celebration. my mother loved fashion and she loved celebrity and she loved being famous and she loved that these women were getting dressed up and even though we were talking about it and making jokes, it came from a place of excitement which made it okay. in the second incarnation i don't think we ever achieved that warmth, that excitement that love that came through the screen. >> i think that's a perfect assessment. >> by the way potspot on. >> we were blessed to know and love her dearly. when you knew joan, if you only new some of the caustic things that did come out of her mouth quite often, if you didn't know the human being i mean i -- if you ever needed a friend in this life, it was joan. she was as loyal as the day is long. she said she only picked on people that could defend themselves. >> right. >> so i think she overstepped the line on occasion but we all do. you walk a tight line in this especially now in the world of social media. she started out saying these kinds of things back in the '50s. >> right. before people were doing it. >> yeah. >> nice to see melissa, too, like that. because no one has really heard from her, heard her speak about her mom. >> yeah. >> much since her mom's passing. >> and there is a lawsuit pending. i'm sure she has to be guarded about what she says. she will be with us tomorrow and on thursday night i will be introducing her when her college, bernard college is honoring joan. >> that's sweet. >> yeah yeah, yeah. it's all going to happen. it has to. >> you were asking about these very, very important, we all do biscuits from taco bell the breakfast business. tomorrow they are going to serve breakfast, give these away for free to celebrate cinco de mayo. >> with eggs, cheese, bacon, sausage and going to give one free biscuit taco per customer between 7:00 and 11:00 local time at the participating taco bell restaurants. >> that's the operative word. make sure your taco bell is -- you would be so disappointed. >> are you going to -- you can't because there's cheese on them. >> it does look good. >> i gave up cheese until memorial day. >> memorial day. >> val? want to give it a shot? >> give it a try. mexican not italian. is that all right with you? >> i can deal with it. >> what did you get? >> what kind. >> looks like sausage and cheese. >> okay. >> it's good. >> yeah. >> all right. >> thank you. >> thank you, sal. >> that was excellent. a little sad update i don't know if you remember the truly brave video we did with cyndi lauper and sarah ber rel his a lot of great stories that have come out of that. today a sad story, debbie, one of the young girls in the video, passed away. she was 13. she was a very very sweet kid. >> i remember her. she was special. >> her parents talked about how she never complained about anything. they said stef loved to sing and dance and when she lost the ability to speak she could still sing and brought joy to those around her. an amazing kid. >> she never complained but would say cancer sucks. >> that is exactly. >> her family is in our thoughts and prayers. okay. ifd you leave now your a'rer a're going to miss our favorite things. >> we're getting down to business with i'm one... i am one of the one's who discovered always discreet underwear for sensitive bladders. it makes me feel secure, confident. i feel protected. i mean i feel comfortable to move in them they move with me. i love always discreet underwear because of the fit. the fabric is very soft. i can wear whatever i want to wear. always discreet has made me a very happy woman. join over 500,000 women who've discovered always discreet underwear. for more stories and your free sample go to always so bladder leaks can feel like no big deal. did ya know? fresh step extreme lightweight litter isn't just light. it's also the best lightweight for eliminating odors. amazing, right? for superior odor elimination try fresh step extreme... lighweight. ♪ recently we've noticed some ads created by these two birds inviting you to stay away from the streak free shine of windex. well dear windex users these ads are false. sfx: squeaks from window cleaning clean glass is better than dirty glass. don't stand for dirty. use windex. ♪ there are no medals won for earning a living. it's just what you do for family. but it's hard to build a future if you can't see past today. that's why walmart is investing in the most important part of our company - our people. because a raise in pay, raises us all. what's going on? toaster's broken. which means no eggo waffles. something smells delicious. eggo! l'eggo my eggo breakfast sandwich. it's sweet, it's savory, it's in your microwave. l'eggo my eggo breakfast sandwich. . it's hard to believe but it's been 11 years since bill rancic first became a household name on live television. >> back in 2004 when donald trump uttered the famous words "you're hired" on season one of the "apprentice." three years later he married giuliana depandy. >> i didn't remember her name before you. >> the two starred in their reality show called "giuliana and bill" and baby duke came along. >> not only a best-selling author but restaurant owner, motivational speaker and small business advocate. >> you're business and important. >> great to see you. it's important small businesses, we'll get to that in a little bit. how is the family? >> amazing. >> how is duke? >> duke is unbelievable. he's 40 pounds, going to be 3 at the end of august. we love every minute of it. >> oh, my gosh. >> nothing like it in the whole world. >> we're going to get to the small business stuff and see pictures of giuliana all over had her sitting there where you were. >> recently. >> rough patch no how is she doing? >> she's great. she is a strong woman, inspiration for me and our son. been through so much over the last eight years since we've been married. i love her obviously. >> didn't you go after the people being mean to her? i can't imagine how you didn't. >> it was tough. her intent was to make a hippie joke. >> yeah. >> had nothing to do with what some of these people were saying and boy it just took on a life of its own. >> any time, like when we were talking about with joan, when you know the real person and see them being accused of something you know is just unjust. >> that's right. >> it's easier to be accused yourself than watch somebody else you love go through it. >> if joan was around she would have never allowed that to happen. >> did you say this is how we're going to handle this? when there's a crisis in a family you make a plan sort of. >> we did. we made a plan, we kind of -- >> what was it? >> we were just going to kind of weather it. we have a strong marriage. we love each other. we knew that you know, she didn't do anything wrong. >> yeah. >> and obviously these situations bring us closer together. >> right. >> they can tear you apart or bring you closer together. we always were a team. good times and bad. >> the hardest part the frustration you feel in not -- when you can't get the truth out there. >> as a husband. >> yeah. >> it was hard because as a husband we are the defender, want to protect our family and i kind of had to be muzzled. i wanted to get out there and i wanted to defend my wife. >> of course. are we planning on expanding the fa mily? >> we're talking about it. we're looking at our options. >> that's true, that's true. little more than that. >> we'll be the first to know. >> we will break it here. >> tell us about the small business thing. >> yeah. >> you are a champion of small businesses. >> i've been a small business owner essentially my adult life. >> yeah. >> two restaurants? >> two restaurants. third opening this summer in d.c. >> good for you. >> we've got the wine and out with giuliana, and the small business owner is the backbone of our economy. >> yeah. >> they employ more people than any other sector of business out there. >> and get taxed more than anybody really. >> rebuilding main train street, they're the ones sponsoring soccer and football teams and look at the businesses out there they started as small business. >> you're a paid ambassador and spokesperson for intuit quick books. >> that's right. we are launching a campaign quick books is launching called small business, big game, searching the country for small businesses to come and apply and we're going to give one small business a fully paid, fully produced commercial that's going to run during the biggest football game of the year. >> you mean the super bowl. >> you got it. >> that's a multimillion-dollar prize. >> it's going to change the life of a small business. >> that's awesome. >> can we do a flashback of you when you won "the apprentice." look at what bill looked like 12 years ago. i was in the car with you, actually after -- >> you interviewed. >> i interviewed bill. >> look at us. >> what is your leg doing? >> talk about your hair. >> oh, my goodness. >> you were like -- >> oh, my gosh. back in the day. >> you had just won. >> i think you're fermenting like a fine wine. >> hoda. >> whoa. >> those were the old days. that was pre-kathie lee. >> you both looked better than ever. >> i mean, who did i think i was? >> you were the winner of "the apprentice". >> glad you weathered that thing. >> david beckham's birthday bash and a spice girl reunion. >> in t many wrinkle creams come with high hopes, but hope... doesn't work on wrinkles. clinically proven neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair with the fastest retinol formula available, it works on fine lines and even deep wrinkles. you'll see younger looking skin in just one week. stop hoping for results, and start seeing them. rapid wrinkle repair... ...and for dark spots rapid tone repair. from neutrogena®. shopping for the family used to cause a lot of stress between me and my budget. but thanks to fingerhut, we have found our happy place. life is definitely sweeter. at we got approved to shop with low monthly payments. over 200,000 items with brand names like samsung, dyson, dewalt. and with great family stuff, like this samsung tv. and even our yoga mats. all you gotta do is click on over to get the credit you deserve to get all kinds of great stuff for the family. al! ♪ keep up with everyday messes with the help of roomba from irobot. sensors automatically guide roomba around your home, vacuuming up dirt and debris for a more thorough clean every day. roomba. only from irobot. advanced design makes it easy to protect your dog or cat from fleas and ticks. discover seresto. with the performance you expect from topicals in a non-greasy collar seresto provides protection against fleas and ticks for 8 months. seresto. introducing light & fit protein shakes the new way to help make temptations shrink away. with 12 grams of protein, 5 grams of fiber and 0% fat. new light & fit protein shakes. taste the power of satisfaction. in one mesmerizing stroke, create a smoldering look. l'oreal's new smokissime. our 1st powder liner to create a smoky effect in just one stroke. concentrated pigments... effortlessly shade... and intensify... it's smoky made simple. smokissime from l'oreal makeup designer, paris. shopping online... as easy as it gets. wouldn't it be great if hiring plumbers carpenters and even piano tuners... were just as simple? thanks to angie's list now it is. start shopping online... ...from a list of top rated providers. visit today. . it's now time to surprise our fan of the week. >> fan of the week. >> drum roll, please. while we spin the globe. >> who is it? >> today it has landed in clairemore, oklahoma. >> where our fan victoria watches us on kjrh channel 2. >> victoria joining us by skype. hi, victoria. are you surprised? >> yes. good morning. >> all right. we're going to tell everybody why you were chosen her husband robert they both recently became empty nesters and enjoying every second of it. used to getting all of her free time, she spends it on hobbies and watching our shows. >> she's cute. >> her husband put a tv in her bathroom to watch the fourth hour every morning. we are like new companions. we appreciate that. why is she in the bathroom for an hour, though? >> i don't know. a little weird. >> we're going to put your fandom to the test. 15 seconds and one guess. ready? >> [ inaudible ]. >> when we play our weekly trivia segment who knew, those who answer the questions receive a $100 gift card, those who don't receive that what do they get, a mug wine, what is it? >> a cd. >> that's right. all right. you are going on a fabulous trip, victoria, you and robert if you choose will head here to new york city. >> fantastic. >> four days, three nights stay at the hotel in new york city right? >> yes. not only will you be treated to a grand deluxe rooms of views with park avenue, have access to the pool and bar and round trip airfare are included. >>en can you believe it. you will have so much fun. come see us too. >> oh, my gosh. can i see you guys? i'm going to come see you. >> the worst audio we've ever had. come see us. get your garden ready for summer with a hunky jamie durie. >> tiger woods and lindsey vonn breakup details after your local news. ♪ there are no medals won for earning a living. it's just what you do for family. but it's hard to build a future if you can't see past today. that's why walmart is investing in the most important part of our company - our people. because a raise in pay, raises us all. if you have play dates at your house. be ready to clean up the mess. the kids have fun, but it's pretty gross. (doorbell) what's that? it's a swiffer wetjet. i can just grab this and just go right to the mess. that comes from my floor? now that's disgusting. i want friends over! you want friends over? did you use the loo paper in there? i did. how was it? it was good! why do you think that the ripples work? because it gets it all clean. are you so clean that you would go commando? ok! how do you feel? i feel awesome! only cottonelle has cleanripple texture, so you can go commando. ♪ >> this is kind of low. good morning, everyone. 10:26. great news -- a woman stuck in nepal after the earthquake justice landed in san francisco. greeted by her four children. chevonne mcfeeney was among the climbers stranded on mt. everest after the earthquake. we'll talk to the family here coming up at 11:00. britain buzzing this morning. the new princess has a new name. looks like prince william and kate covered all of the bases with their two-day-old daughter charlotte elizabeth diana. charles -- charlotte, william's father's name, the middle names, tribute to the queen and princess diana. happy bonus kate's mother named elizabeth, as well. , m'lady! i am sir-can-a-lot, here to save you from another breakfast bore. wake up those eggs with glorious spam! see what spam can! do... at welcome back. i'm meteorologist christina loren. pleasant weather to enjoy for your back-to-work monday. 65 on the peninsula. around 63 in san francisco. 63 for east bay. and 70 degrees in the north bay. temperatures are going to stay steady this week. we do have some showers on the way. wednesday into thursday clouding up. showers are expected by thursday evening. we'll tell you how much and let you know what we're expecting whether it comes to change -- what to expect when it comes to changes in the microclimate. metering lights off. a couple of people waiting. looking at the maps, a smooth easy drive around the bay on the approach toward the bay bridge. the north bay, no delay. no delay from the south bay either. the smootd bridge foster city they started work on the eastbound, on the right shoulder. back to you. >> all right. thanks. join us at 11:00. and we are back on this fun day monday and if it's nice weather and you want to spend more time outdoors but your messy yard is keeping you inside we have something for you. >> about to show you three different ways to transform your garden with help of landscape design expert and the host of "outback nation" jamie durry. >> hello. how are you? >> i'm really well. >> why are you here when savannah is in australia? >> it's kind of weird but i love you're giving away a holiday in my hometown. it's making me home sick, actually. >> bird feeders and ways to attract birds. >> i'm about getting birds into the garden. you know, australia birds mean a different thing, of course. >> like in england. >> but here i've got a little bird feeder. >> okay. >> and i've got, you know, this little birdhouse here. >> adorable. >> you want to give them a place to escape. >> dos these plants attract birds? >> yes. this is a great one. butterflies and nectar feeding birds and phlox. >> we put in a tough of this stuff. >> merry golds around the front there merry golds keep away the pests which is a a great thing to do. >> i didn't know that. >> that's your home. >> okay. >> and brings a lot of interaction in the garden and the kids love it which is great. over here i have a little bird bath. so i'll just throw a bit of water in there if you don't mind. >> yeah. >> there you go. >> just leave it like that. >> that's it. >> you have to change it. >> and the mosquitos. >> no. wash it out. you can't leave it there forever. >> okay. >> maintenance to everything, hoda. >> okay. >> correct. >> sounds like a lot of work. >> one of the girls, click her fingers and it's done for her, right. >> that's our hoda. >> the birdhouse the acrylic birdhouse is cool because that sort of keeps all the water away from the bird seed, which is great. >> okay. >> i have a little test for you, girls. >> no. >> this is a horticulture exam. >> oh, lord. >> marked all of these ones. rosemary and eggplant and a few of those other things here but left the names to the other edible plants here for you guys to guess. >> i know, this is not basil. >> basil is this one. >> no, it's this one. >> no. that's not. >> okay. this is mint. >> you killed the sage. >> i'm sorry, sage. >> wait. >> we don't have sage. stevia. this is mint. >> stevia is the brown one. >> that's basil. this is stevia. >> basil. >> basil. >> basil. yes. >> never seen that color. >> that's why i did it to trick you. >> that's nice. >> you do this one. >> i don't know. what's this big fluffy thing. >> eggplant. >> must be this one up here. over here. >> there you go. this is stevia. we're not going very well, are we? back here. >> okay. >> that was fun. >> try this one over here. >> what are you doing? >> is that a -- >> i'm putting a tomato in. i like to give the roots a bit of a tickle before i put them in. >> that kind of guy. >> of course you are. >> they appreciate it and it opens up the root system. >> that's exactly right. >> yes. >> yes. >> yes yes yes. of course, once you've planted always water. >> okay. >> okay. >> there we go. that's looking sgloods water these every day if you do this? >> every second day it's great to do that, particularly with -- >> unless it rains. >> yes. >> i'm vertically challenge so i'm having trouble over here. >> these are azaleas and blooming like crazy. >> aren't they great? >> magnificent. >> i walked the line this morning and i love that garden. >> all right. >> so i've brought in evergreens here. you know it's lovely having the plants that lose their leaves and flowers come out, but you want your foundation plants that keep the foliage all year-round. this is variegated. >> as opposed to an annual. >> well done. >> i didn't want to get too scientific with everyone. >> she guessed it. whatever. >> the azalea over here. you have a yellow tip to the leaf. that's glossy and it's water -- >> this is a small leaf holly. >> oh. >> i've never seen one like that. >> it's compact. >> will it grow large? hollys can get very, very ungainly. >> they can, yes. >> we don't like that. >> we don't. spindly. >> they get leggy. >> >> yeah. >> that's good if you're a bird. >> we got to run. thank you. >> thank you. happy spring. >> catch "outback nation" sunday nights on fyi. >> all right. from gardening to gardens of eden, kristen davis shares news. >> and tiger and lindsey call it quits and taxi! sorry to stop you, but i noticed your windshield's dirty. you want a big tip? sparkle paper towels are great for cleaning glass without cleaning out your savings! watch sparkle go to work on this dirty windshield. check your oil... it even works on this little thingamajig. which one of these pedals makes it stop?! sparkle. 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ooh, that's a tough one. not this time. not with xarelto®. anything else? i'll have another arnold palmer. ok. make mine a kevin nealon. really, brian? hey, safety first. like all blood thinners, don't stop taking xarelto® without talking to your doctor as this may increase your risk of a blood clot or stroke. while taking xarelto® you may bruise more easily and it may take longer for bleeding to stop. xarelto® may increase your risk of bleeding if you take certain medicines. xarelto® can cause serious bleeding and in rare cases may be fatal. get help right away if you develop unexpected bleeding unusual bruising, or tingling. if you have had spinal anesthesia while on xarelto® watch for back pain or any nerve or muscle-related signs or symptoms. do not take xarelto® if you have an artificial heart valve, or abnormal bleeding. tell your doctor before all planned medical or dental procedures. before starting xarelto® tell your doctor about any conditions such as kidney, liver, or bleeding problems. xarelto® has been prescribed more than 11 million times in the u.s. and that number's growing. like your guys' scores. with xarelto® there is no regular blood monitoring, and no known dietary restrictions. treatment with xarelto® was the right move for us. ask your doctor about xarelto®. you may be able to get up to 12 months at no cost. most people aren't crazy about mondays but we are. that means we get to fill you in on "today's buzz." >> here with the hot hollywood gossip you policed from the weekend is "rolling stone" contributor joe levy. >> you're at "rolling stone." you get around. >> i move from place to place like a little bird pollinating the flower. >> like a little bird. tiger woods and lindsey vonn announced their breakup over the weekend. >> they did. >> three years. >> they announced it on facebook. they've been together since 2013. >> two years maybe. >> two years a little more than that. here's the thing, they're saying our busy schedules prevent us from seeing each other. i believe he's got nine tournaments -- no five tournaments in the next nine weeks on two continents. >> that could be partly true. >> it could be true but still, using facebook to announce it in the aftermath of all the sports events is a quiet, dignified end as opposed to the way tiger's relationships have ended in the past. >> much more interest throughout either one to see who are they dating next. >> i don't think we were all so invested in that relationship. you sort of knew they were together but i don't think you -- >> we didn't have a name for it. we didn't -- >> liger -- >> yeah. >> sophia vergara and her fiance joe man ga nel lo are moving in to egts. >> they've moved in together. it already happened. >> i'm excited. >> why is this news? >> because they're both super sexy and this fun little thing, and also if you were on instagram you saw her put up a photo when they were moved in together our first fight in our new home and they're watching the pacquiao/mayweather fight. >> nice digs. >> she told ellen that she didn't really want to go out with him at first, he seemed like a lot of work "people's" hottest bachelor, engaged since december moving in together. moving quickly. >> yeah. so they're moving fast. >> when you're with someone that good looking you always worry someone is going to steal them. >> oh, no, people have always worried about that. i know that burden very well. >> we were talking about the big fight there. something else that grabbed headlines and not the fight itself was it? >> no. a little bit of controversy or negative reaction to jamie foxx's rendition of the national -- at least i think the national anthem. >> do we have it? i want to see. ♪ o'er the land of the free ♪ ♪ and the home of the brave ♪ >> what was wrong with that? >> i thought that was fine. >> got the good part at the end when he found his way. gets a little lost at the beginning, takes his earpiece out. >> easy to do. >> he brought it home okay. >> he can sing. >> he can sing. a little better acting than singing maybe. just based on this. >> beyond say sitting in the audience, mariah carey. >> i'm surprised she doesn't jump up there kanye style and say i'm going to let you finish but here's the national anthem. >> she couldn't do that. >> you're right. >> spice girls are reuniting. >> thank good. we've all been waiting. >> there was a reunion at david beckham's 40th birthday party. we've got to -- this on instagram. now standing in for scary spice, mel b., eva longoria who joked on stain gram she is the new spice girl latina spice. this was at david beckham's -- >> she was not at the party. >> well -- >> they're there together with the birthday boy. he shares a birthday with -- >> charlotte elizabeth diana. >> breaking news. >> yes. >> her name. >> yes. >> thank you. >> thanks a lot. >> will there be a "sex in the city 3"? >> one woman who might know, kristen davis and a ♪ ♪ (ee-e-e-oh-mum-oh-weh) (hush my darling...) 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what is it? >> i always loved elephants like when i was little. >> because of dumbo or -- >> no. i had a big stuffed elephant. i can't explain it it. when i went on my first safari i was like i just want to see elephants. the guide was like what about leopard leopards. they're like people and have an elaborate family structure and watching their behavior. they're very gentle giants. cooky and funny. it never occurred to me when i saw them they could be extinct in our lifetime in ten years at the current rate because of ivory trinkets that people are buying, not knowing that -- >> right. >> are they still ignorant about the fact it's illegal done by poachers? >> yes. i think there are loopholes in the law and new york and new jersey have banned ivory which is great but you can buy antique ivory, but no one dates it so you don't know. don't buy ivory. that is the main point. >> you're roughing it when you go out there, obviously. >> yeah. >> you looked so beautiful. >> you're kind. so kind. >> can i see, i cannot believe you turned 50. i look at you -- >> annoying. >> i can't believe it either. i have no relationship. i don't know i have no relationship to it. it's like 50, how weird. like when we were little we had a weird association with what it meant. >> right. >> i don't feel like it means that but maybe that's me. >> 100 which means old. >> my grand mother is 106. >> you are kidding. >> and southern ladies take care of themselves. >> not her. she's like a hill billy tough. >> slopg the bourbon. >> no like get out of my way. >> do you ever watch the "sex and the city" marathons? >> no. >> why not? >> i don't like to live in the past. >> really. >> i don't really turn on the tv a lot because my 3-year-old gets like -- watches whatever it is whether appropriate or inappropriate. >> right. >> >> i like to go through it. it's cute and i see picturesp. i don't want to watch it. >> what about a "sex in the city" movie. >> is that a possibility? >> i don't know what's happening. >> of course i would be in it. >> in a 3 1/2-year-old world. >> i have two worlds. 3 1/2 world and elephants. 3 1/2 and elephants. >> not working -- >> i just did a play. there we are in santa barbara. a play in england for six months "fatal attraction." off working over there, very different. that was while we were making a documentary. and the way that i came, i didn't answer your question hoda, was in 2009 i found an orphaned baby elephant and i took her to the trust, and she's now living out in the wild, so exciting. she's in the film briefly. >> that's her. >> i love it when people can take their great power of their celebrity and use it. >> to turn it into -- >> totally chance encounter. >> no such thing. >> she found me but then i became obsessed with the elephants in general and had no idea they were at risk. >> wow. >> when i found that out i made the documentary which will be on pivot this wednesday. >> it does come on wednesday and pivot. where can we find it? >> pivot tv. >> congratulations. >> thank you, ladies. >> thanks. >> thank you. >> we're ready to share our favorite things. first this is "today" on nbc. >> well done. >> mine is it's time to share our favorite things and mine this week this great book "i can learn the bible" for kids hard cover, $13 from >> for kids come on. >> understandable, just lovely and charming. >> i went to jazz fest had a lot of foods, and i had jambalaya that made your mouth water. they gave me their business card. we have a photo of them. anyway, it's made by wally from gonzalez, louisiana. the whole recipe is on our website, and it's mouth watering. >> awesome. this is for the girls. >> oh thank you. >> tomorrow melissa river sits down with us to remember her mom. >> plus highland is here. >> could be madam president one day, who knows, a run for the white house. >> and all the other fun stuff. have an awesome fun day monday everyone. >> maybe not booze day tuesday tomorrow. thank you for the book. >> you're welcome. right now at 11:00, a happy homecoming more than a week in the making. a survivor of the nepal quake returns to the bay area to an excited and relieved family. good morning, everyone. thank you for joining us. i'm scott mcgrew. >> i'm kris sanchez. the death toll in nepal crossed the 7,000 mark. through the destruction are small slivers of light, stories of survivors reuniting with their families. >> one of those happened this morning for a bare area woman who survive -- bay area woman who survived the avalanche on mt. everest. we have more from sfo. she hugged her loved ones for the first time in five weeks. >> reporter: absolutely. good morning to you.

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Transcripts For KNTV Today 20150504 :

Transcripts For KNTV Today 20150504

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untimely death. >> when it's error after error after error after error after behavior that you cannot even begin to get your head around, you get mad. >> this morning, rivers talks about her lawsuit and her legendary mom. and back to where it all began, savannah's in australia, the country where she was born, taking her mom on a very special journey. ♪ can you hear can you hear that thunder ♪ >> this is the room that you took your first breath in. >> oh, wow! >> today, monday, may 4th, 2015. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is a special edition of "today." "savannah in sydney" with matt lauer live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. and savannah guthrie live from sydney, australia. and we welcome you to a special edition, split edition of "today" on a monday morning. savannah is in the land down under, sydney, australia, where it all began. savannah, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. i should say good evening. it's 9:00 at night here in sydney. we have a beautiful evening. not a bad view, right? you saw it as the show opened. you see the magnificent sydney harbor bridge, the largest harbor in the world. we also have the famous opera house all lit up. oh, and look there, matt. a giant banner as this wonderful country welcomes me back. i always dreamed of coming back, and i want you to know we had a great visit. we visited the hospital, the very room where i was born. and i asked about that banner. it's about 100 feet. it can be folded up, rolled up. i'm going to put it in my suitcase. a little souvenir. >> i want to know how you got it in the overhead compartment on the way over there. >> oh, you. >> we'll talk to you in a little while. let's begin with our top story, breaking news out of texas. overnight two gunmen killed following a shootout outside a controversial event showcasing drawings of the prophet muhammad. this morning officials are looking into reports of a possible, possible link to isis. nbc's jacob rascon's in garland, texas. jacob, what's the latest? >> reporter: matt, good morning. it was a long night in garland, texas. and right now a team of fbi agents is still on the scene from overnight. about 50 yards behind me, combing through what is left of the gunmen's car. we now know they were roommates living in phoenix. there are s.w.a.t. and fbi teams on the scene there as well. the investigation is really only just beginning. >> inaugural muhammad art exhibition. >> reporter: organizers call it had a free speech event. $10,000 for the best cartoon depicting the muslim prophet muhammad. some 200 people in attendance and a heavy police presence. just as the event was wrapping up, two men opened fire on the building, shooting unarmed security officer bruce joyner in the ankle. police fired back, killing both attackers. >> police officers that were nearby saw what was happening and engaged the two men and shot and killed them there at the scene. >> reporter: the moment police alerted the crowd captured on video. >> we have independent law. >> who? >> shots have been fired. >> okay, shots just got fired. >> we don't know that for a fact. >> reporter: while outside witnesses say they heard the shots. >> we heard a bunch of popping. we thought it was fireworks. my wife's, like, no, that's gunshots. >> reporter: police rushed attendees inside and evacuated surrounding businesses. >> a police officer's been shot. two suspects have been shot. possibly have explosives on them, okay? >> reporter: the bomb squad searched the gunmen's car for explosives as helicopters watched from above. the fbi assisting local police. a tweet sent out 20 minutes before the shooting with the #texasattack might have been a warning, though that's unconfirmed. according to reports, the same account which has since been suspended previously posted a series of messages supporting islamic ex-tremeism including isis. the controversial event sponsored by the american freedom defense initiative. its president writing after the attack, quote, this is war. this is a war on free speech. the motive and religion of the gunmen is still not known for sure. and a local prominent muslim leader tweeted right after the attack, quote, the community of muslims stayed away from this. this seems like a lone wolf attack, exactly what we did not want to happen. matt? >> jacob rascon, thank you very much. as a former senior fbi official, nbc news analyst don ba barelli has inside. good morning. >> good morning. >> we don't know who they are yet. that tweet, quote, texas attack did come out 20 minutes beforehand. now we know #texasattack is gaining attraction and popularity among supporters of isis online. what jumps out at you? >> well, i would want to know how much ahead of time did that hashtag start getting traction? is it all after the shooting so isis is trying to claim credit after the attack? or was there some information out there online that might have given investigators some lead as to, you know, an attack was nent. >> one of the things that jumps at me, these guys opened fire on the building where this event was taking place. a security guard was injured in the leg. we're happy about that. but i go back to "charlie hebdo" back in january, and those two gunmen carried out their attack on those offices with military precision. they had a high level of training. we don't think that's the case here. >> it doesn't appear so. i mean, i remember from the "charlie hebdo" attack, those guys moved tactically. they reloaded weapons. they, in my opinion, did some reconnaissance of the target. this seems to be a bit more ad hoc, if you will, maybe not as much planning and the fact that it was over in 15 seconds, i think, speaks to the level of competency. >> because of the controversial nature of this event where it was basically a contest, people were drawing cartoons of the prophet muhammad for prize money, police presence was heavy. would the counterterrorism community have been playing close attention to this as well? >> absolutely. i mean, the keynote speaker was on an al qaeda hit list. and in light of what happened in copenhagen and in paris, the fbi, the local police would have a presence. they would be canvassing sources for any information before the event to try to figure out if something might be imminent -- >> and monitoring any threats. >> -- monitoring any threats and clearly the increased police presence was warranted and the actions appear to be, you know, right on point. in this situation. >> don borelli, thank you very much. appreciate it. meantime, turning to politics. and this is a big and this is a big day in the next presidential race. the gop field getting even bigger. former hewlett-packard ceo carly fiorina declaring her candidacy just this morning with a video on her campaign website. and it featured a familiar face, hillary clinton. >> i'm running for president. >> our founders never intended us to have a professional political class. they believed that citizens and leaders needed to step forward. we know the only way to reimagine our government is to reimagine who is leading it. >> fiorina served as a campaign surrogate for john mccain during his 2008 presidential race. very familiar face. >> some other news in that area, also entering the republican race today, famed neurosurgeon dr. ben carson. he is the first african-american to join the 2016 field. he's never held public office, but he did rise to conservative prominence after criticizing president obama's health care policies at an event in 2013 with the president just a few feet away. the 63-year-old expected to formally announce his candidacy in his hometown of detroit a little bit later today. now, of course, there's still big names like jeb bush and chris christie who have yet to officially throw their hats in the ring as well. on the democratic side, it's all about hillary clinton. she's been drawing criticism over certain donations to her family's charitable foundation. and in an nbc news exclusive, bill clinton is answering those critics. nbc's cynthia mcfadden went one on one with the former president. cynthia, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning from nairobi, matt. as hillary clinton's campaign for the white house intensifies, so does the criticism of the foundation that bears her name and that of her husband and her daughter. she stepped down from a role at the foundation when she announced she was running, but some have questioned whether her independence was compromised by the foundation's large foreign donors. i've come to africa to see the work of the foundation and to talk to bill clinton about the criticism. former president bill clinton is making no apologies as he tours some of the african programs his foundation has raised billions to help fund. >> i don't think there's anything sinister in trying to get wealthy people in countries that are seriously involved in development to spend their money wisely in a way that helps poor people and lifts them up. i don't think there's anything bad with that. i think it's good. >> reporter: but his wife's run for president has triggered a new level of scrutiny and criticism. >> there's been a very deliberate attempt to take the foundation down. and there is almost no new fact that's known now that wasn't known when she ran for president the first time. >> reporter: he tells me 90% of the donors give $100 or less. but it's who's giving the big money that's causing the headache. over half of the donors giving $5 million or more are foreign. many of them foreign governments. under mounting pressure, the foundation recently announced it will only take money from six western countries. is that an acknowledgment that it was a mistake not to stop the other foreign donations before your wife ran for president? >> no absolutely not. it's an acknowledgment that we're going to come as close as we can during her presidential campaign to following the rules we followed when she became secretary of state. >> reporter: he defended the 10 to $25 million given by saudi arabia. >> i don't think that i did anything that was against the interests of the united states. >> reporter: do you understand, though, that the perception itself is a problem? >> no. >> reporter: you don't? >> look, i don't want to get into the weeds here. i'm not responsible for anybody else's perception. i asked hillary about this. she said no one's ever tried to influence me by helping you. no one has even suggested they have a shred of evidence to that effect. >> reporter: but even while the criticism at home rumbles, the heartwarming stories here in africa are undeniable. like here at the starkey hearing foundation program for 150 children and adults will get hearing aids today. >> you look like you know what you're doing. >> i've done these in uganda, zambia. >> reporter: this little boy will hear for the first time. >> good? good. okay. >> reporter: much of the work is far from glamorous. at a clinic in nairobi, chelsea clinton witnessed the use of a zinc and rehydration packet to treat the second leading killer of children, diarrhea. >> reporter: you got about a million of these. >> we did. we bought a million if you donated to the government. >> there's never been anything like this where you raised over $100 billion worth of stuff that's helped 430 million people in 180 countries. >> reporter: if he's troubled by the controversy swirling back at home, there is no indication of it here. ♪ these are some of nairobi's poorest kids. a sampling of the 10,000 who are now attending high school thanks to commit amments made to the clinton global initiative. >> my dream is now real. >> reporter: the program has been a whopping success. 98% graduate. 94% go on to college. in africa, he's greeted as if he's still president. and if you close your eyes, you might think you're right back on the campaign trail as he tries to shrink the gulf between himself and regular folks. >> when i was born, my mother was a widow. i once lived on a farm that had no indoor toilet. >> reporter: you certainly didn't grow up wealthy, but you've become a wealthy man. >> i have. yes. and one of the most amusing things of all is everybody's saying, well, how can hillary possibly relate to the terms of middle-class america? because now we have money. i mean, it's laughable. it's okay if you inherit your money, apparently, then you can help people. i'm grateful for our success, but let me remind you, when we moved into the white house, we had the lowest net worth of any family since harry truman. >> reporter: when you left, you had $14 million in legal bills. >> or more. that's okay. we paid them. and we've been very fortunate. >> reporter: over the years he's made a lot of money giving speeches. while his wife was secretary of state, he gave 11 of them which paid him $500,000 or more. >> i give 10% of my revenue off the top every year to the foundation. and hillary, in the year she was there, gave 17. over the last twoen years, i've taken almost no capital gains. i give 10% to pay my bills -- >> reporter: working americans say $500,000 for a speech? >> but why shouldn't every -- it's the most independence i can get. it's -- i don't -- if i had a business relationship buddy, they would have a target on their back from the day they did business with me till the end. any kind of disclosure is a target. but it looks bad. there's no facts, of course, but it looks bad. i work hard on this. i spend a couple hours a day just doing the research. people like to hear me speak. and i have turned down a lot of them. if i think there's something wrong with it, i don't take it. and i do disclose who gave it to them. >> reporter: so she's now running for president. will you continue to give speeches? >> oh, yeah. i've got to pay our bills. >> reporter: if your wife is elected president, will you step down from the foundation? >> well, if it's the right thing to do, i i will. >> reporter: why might you step down? >> well, if i were asked to do something in the public interest that i had an obligation to do, or i might take less of an executive role. i mean, my work, i'm involved in this, you can see. so i might do that. but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. >> reporter: until then, there are many more people to help and lots more money to raise. bill clinton says he trusts the american people to see the good work the foundation has done for 15 years and to realize the criticism is political. he's off to liberia today to meet with ebola survivors and to see the work of the foundation there. matt? >> all right, cynthia mcfadden, thank you. a very candid interview with former president bill clinton. she'll have more of that interview with president clinton tonight on "nbc nightly news." meantime, natalie's got more on an unexpected move tied to the protests in baltimore. >> good morning, everyone. baltimore's citywide curfew was lifted last night, six days of athe violent riots in the wake of freddie gray's death. six officers were charged in his death. our tom costello is in baltimore with more. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. there's a real sense here in baltimore that the city may have finally turned the corner after the violence we've seen over the past week or so. over the weekend we saw hundreds, even thousands, of people peacefully demonstrating really a cardable atmosphere at times, but they are determined, they say, to hold the police department and city accountable for freddie gray's death. since the protests turned violent, the police department reports 486 people were arrested. 200 businesses lost. 113 different officers injured. but things were peaceful enough over the weekend that the mayor did indeed lift the curfew. we also saw the national guard starting to pull out. restaurants reopening here. as you know, those six officers who were connected to gray's arrest themselves now are charged in connection with his death. there's talk in legal circles and among some prosecutors around the country that maybe this prosecutor overreached, that she may have a hard time proving this case against the officers and that, in fact, she doesn't have a whole lot of evidence and maybe this is more meant to appease the protesters than, in fact, to actually get a conviction. but the officers' first court appearance is set for later this month. natalie, back to you. >> tom costello in baltimore, thank you. a shooting that left four people dead and another person wounded in wisconsin appears to have been a random act. police say a man went on a shooting spree on a pedestrian bridge sunday night. the shooter is among the dead. the surviving victim is listed in critical condition. nepal's government is urging foreign rescue workers in the earthquake-ravaged capital to return home, saying the major rescue work in kathmandu has been completed. meantime, u.s. military aircraft arrived in nepal on sunday as part of a u.s. relief operation. a helicopter and four ospreys will be used to reach remote areas. and another incredible story of survival. a 101-year-old man was rescued from the rubble of his home in one of the villages devastated in the earthquake, and he had just minor injuries. and some eck braing news out of london this morning. we finally have a name. will and kate have named their adorable little princess charlotte elizabeth diana. and she'll be known as her royal highness princess charlotte of cambridge. charlotte, of course, a nod to her grandfather, prince charles. as for the middle names, elizabeth, of course, in honor of the baby's great-grandmother, queen elizabeth, and diana is william's mother. much more coming up on the new name and the new royal in the next half hour. and a look this morning at a home run from a whole new point of view when arizona diamondbacks' third baseman aaron hill belted a home run at dodgers stadium this weekend. dodgers fan bobby crosby was there to catch it. but what makes this one even better, he caught the moment from his point of view. take a look. his own video camera there. and this is what it looked like as it made it into his hands. you can see right into the glove. turns out crosby has recorded such moments before, but usually just during batting practice. even better, though, the dodgers went on to win that game. so it's a happy fan indeed making the catch. catching it on video. and they win. >> what's interesting is none of the other fans kind of rushed to grab the ball. they said, this is his moment, his camera. let him get it. >> i think maybe they ought to give outfielders cameras. >> it's not a bad idea. >> catch it more often. mr. roker. >> well, we've got some warm weather to talk about. also some severe weather to talk about. a multiday event that's going to stretch from ohio all the way back into texas. you can see cooler air behind this system, warmer, moister air ahead of it. we've got showers and thunderstorms stretching from chicago on back. we've got a risk of strong storms today from 6 million people to late today on into tonight. isolated tornadoes possible. more of the same again tomorrow, especially through western texas, large hail. but we can't rule out a tornado. and we've got a fire danger. even though we've got temperatures that are nice and mild, anywhere from 10 to 20 degrees above average, we've also got low humidity, breezy conditions. from western new york into new england, we've got those red flag warnings and fire weather conditions today right on into tomorrow. we're going to get to your local forecast coming up in the next 30 seconds. good morning. i'm meteorologist christina loren. temperatures are mild courtesy of our days getting longer as we head deeper into the spring season. temperatures are going to be really lovely today. pleasant conditions across the board. in fact, right on track with our seasonal averages. expecting 65 on the peninsula. 63 for the east shore today. 73 degrees out in the tri-valley with changes just around the corner. expecting some shower activity as we head through your thursday. weather. >> all right, al, thanks very much. coming up, a "today" exclusive. melissa rivers' first television interview since the death of her mom, joan. this morning, their last conversation and why melissa says her mom's death was 100% preventable. plus, a facebook family mystery. the search for answers in the sudden death of coo cheryl sandberg's husband. savannah? >> it's a lifelong dream come true. my mother and i have come back to australia and the place where it all started for me. and you won't believe who we ran into. no. >> they're in another room. >> no! well, let's meet them. >> okay. >> but first, live from sydney, australia, this is "today" on nbc. ey australia, this is "today" on nbc. [♪] ♪ i'm gettin' out ♪ ♪ i'm gettin' out ♪ ♪ i'm gettin' out ♪ ♪ gonna have a look around ♪ ♪ now is the time ♪ ♪ i started flyin' ♪ ♪ both feet off of the ground ♪ ♪ head in the sky ♪ ♪ eyes open wide ♪ ♪ happy to look around ♪ we aren't looking for just any college students. we're looking for ones who aren't messing around. students who want to take courses developed with input from leading companies. so when they graduate, they're ready to be hired by all kinds of companies. and hit the ground running. no messing around. if you're this kind of student you're our kind of different. devry university. different. on purpose. police arrested brian jones of livermore after his car lost control and hit the pair saturday night during the family house party. police say jones was at a wine festival earlier in the day and his blood alcohol lef was twice the legal limit. happening now, in nepal earthquake survivor from the bay area will soon from a happy homecoming. 33-year-old mcfeeney was among the climbers stranded on mt. everest after the quake struck. her husband said she hung on for dear life until helicopters rescued her. she's expected to fly into sfo later this hour. nba announces the most valuable player at 1:00 p.m. comcast sports reporting the winner of that award, golden state warrior star steph curry. if curry does win the mvp it would mark the first time a golden state warrior has done so. let's check the forecast with meteorologist christina loren. >> good morning. temperatures radio it now mostly in the 50s. comfortable start to the day. it's going to be nice out there. we do have wide spread low clouds to kick off the new day. some fog rolling in to san francisco. but by about 11:00 today all the low clouds will clear the sky and a lot of sunshine coming your way. beautiful second half of the day ahead. 65 degrees on the peninsula today. 70 degrees in the south bay. the same for the north bay. around 73 in the tri-valley. pleasant conditions today. showers roll through by thursday. let's check your drive. here's mike. >> start in the south bay. north 85. i just got word that not just two lanes but all lanes, three or four right there, jammed in the boulevard. blocked by crash activity. this is heading north. north of saratoga avenue. we're looking at the rest of the south bay freeway. looking just all right. looking good east bay at 680 and 880. no big surprise south through hayward. more issues. looking at the live camera past the coliseum. there's a bag of trash maybe more at 29th. back to you. >> thank you. we will be back in half an hour. ♪ ♪ you look so good standing there in my american apparel ♪ ♪ ♪ i know now that i'm so down ♪ >> this monday it is the 4th of may, 2015. and good morning from the sydney opera house in sydney australia. we are live. they know how to welcome somebody in this country. these fireworks over the majestic harbor are just for us it is a beautiful sight this morning. absolutely stunning. as we say, good morning to you from australia. it's actually 14 hours ahead of new york time so it's good evening here. as we take a look and listen to these beautiful fireworks, i've got the opera house behind me and something that has never been shown on television before this is the never-before-seen video i'm about to show you and it is video taken by nancy and charlie guthrie my parents of the opera house as it was being built before 1960s. these the harbor bridge in our old home movies. of course it took 16 years for this opera house to be completed. it opened in 1973 and has been part of the iconic city scape ever since. coming up from here in sydney, i cannot wait to show you all my trip back to the place where i was born and spoiler alert, guys, things got a teeny tiny bit emotional. >> with good reason though. you've not been back since you were 2 years old, right? >> yeah. haven't been back. and actually i have no memories of australia. this was just always an interesting part of my background. i always wanted to come back. never dreamed i would do it with my mom. we had a great trip. can't wait to see that. >> you were in australia in 2000. you don't have any memories of it either, do you? for different reasons. >> thank you for that, al. all right. savannah, we'll see you in a little while. meantime let's look at what's making headlines. on this monday morning. police spent the night clearing the scene of a deadly police shooting near dallas, texas. two gunmen were killed after they shot at a security guard at an event featuring cartoon drawings of the prophet muhammad. attorneys for dzhokhar tsarnaev are beginning the second week of testimony in the penalty phase of the boston marathon bombing trial. they're expected to call members of tsarnaev's family today, as they push for a life sentence instead of the death penalty. >> and high surf along the southern california coast expected to peak today. a storm off new zealand is creating massive waves and dangerous rip currents that have led to at least 16 rescues over the weekend. in the meantime, it is been eight months since joan rivers died and her daughter melissa is speaking to us exclusively about the circumstances surrounding her mother's death, the malpractice suit she's filed, and the book of joan. her tribute to her mother. and we started by talking about the last conversation that melissa had with her mom the night before she went in for a minor throat surgery to treat acid reflux. >> i spoke to my mother the night before. very normal conversation. >> it was just typical, talk to you in the morning, good luck. no worry? >> no. all she said was, i hate having to do this getting old sucks. >> reporter: the next morning was august 28th. the phone rang early in melissa rivers' home. >> my phone rang a little before 7:00. my mom's number whatever the office number comes up and i'm thinking gosh this woman has to learn how to add and subtract by three which she was never good at. i anticipated the phone. it's her assistant. she's crying. i don't know what to tell you, your mother stopped breathing, we're on our way to the hospital. >> melissa and her son cooper who's 14 were on the next flight to new york. by the time you got to new york, what was the situation? >> i had gotten e-mails on the plane that she was already in a medically induced coma. and they were dropping her body temperature which i knew was bad because that was the protocol. for catastrophic brain injury. >> do you remember when you walked in the hospital? what did you see? >> i couldn't believe what i was seeing. it becomes very surreal. there's my mom and machines and doctors. i think at that point it started to dawn on me a little the craziness. that was starting to ensue. >> reporter: as melissa tried to hold onto hope at her mother's bedside, details about the throat procedure began to emerge. there were wild stories. what did you hear that bothered you the most? >> i think the selfie. >> reporter: explain it for people who don't know the story. >> there was a story circulating that during the procedure, the doctors were taking selfies of themselves with my mother while they were work doctors were taking selfies of themselves with my mother while they were working on my mom. >> reporter: is it true? >> allegedly they weren't taking selfies. they were taking pictures of each other. working. >> reporter: so it wasn't technically a selfie but your mom was in the picture. >> allegedly. >> reporter: have you seen any of those pictures? >> no. >> reporter: health department investigators spoke to medical staff at yorkville endoscopy and found one of the doctors took photos of the late comedienne while she was unconscious. melissa has filed a lawsuit against yorkville and the doctors responsible for her mother's care. >> in my opinion it was 100% eventable. >> reporter: what could they have done off the bat to prevent this? >> how about paying attention to the vital signs? how about having a properly equipped crash cart? >> reporter: so there's no part of you, melissa, that says this may have been a tragic accident and no one is to blame. >> it was a tragic accident. if everything is done properly things happen. you live with it. when it's error after error after error after error after behavior that you cannot even begin to get your head around, you get mad. >> reporter: an anesthesiologist who has responded to rivers' lawsuit denies any wrong doing and yorkville says patient safety is their highest priority adding they use state of the art monitoring devices and have emergency resuscitation equipment including a fully equipped crash cart. immediately available during every procedure. you write about ask the time when she's in the hospital and she passes away. can you read it for me? >> i slept on the cot next to my mother's bed that night with some of the lights still on and the tv blasting just the way she liked it. in the morning she was surrounded by those who loved her most and whom she loved most. i lay in the bed and held her for awhile. after a few hours she was finally gone. i didn't have to tell her i loved her. she knew. she didn't have to tell me she loved me. i knew. >> reporter: that's a gift. >> big gift. >> and coming up in another part of our interview, melissa's going to talk about her mom's legacy. and what it was like to be her partner in so many ventures. >> they had such a great relationship. they were lucky to have each other so long. let's get a check of the weather now from al. >> announcer: "today's" weather is brought to you by vaseline intensive care lotion. clinical proven to heal dry skin in five days. >> hurricane season in the atlantic begins june 1st but we are watching development possibly of something even earlier, about three weeks earlier, down around the bahamas bahamas. leftover moisture from an old cold front, energy from a subtropical jet stream and above normal ocean temperatures are going to combine to watch the formation of something late tuesday on into wednesday. and it could become subtropical storm ana. the difference between tropical and subtropical. they form over tropical waters. they have closed surface circulation. they also have moderate to strong thunderstorms. no associated frontal boundary. the difference is there's cold levels in the upper levels of the subtropics. 3 c3 los sistemas tempranos. barry and arthur. so we continue to watch it. if it does form, it will be anna. that's your forecast. we're going to get to what you need to know coming up right 7:39. good morning to you. i'm meteorologist christina loren. taking a look here at san jose. low clouds to kick off the new day. great looking start to the week. temperatures are going to be right on track with seasonal averages. not too hot, not too cold as days are getting longer. both morning and afternoons are milder. 65 for the peninsula. 63 on the east shore. 70 in the north bay. and you know what we're going to see a late spring storm or live by thursday. hope you have a great day. coming up on "trending," why are tiger woods and lindsey vonn ending their three-year relationship? what they're saying about the split. and up next, the significance of charlotte elizabeth diana as will and kate reveal the name of the world's newest princess. we're live at kensington palace right after this. it's hard finding time to moisturize your skin every day. ♪ with micro droplets of vaseline jelly, new vaseline intensive care spray moisturizes and absorbs in seconds to help heal dry skin. so there's always time for healed skin. that's the healing power of vaseline. in seconds. ♪ to you, they're more than just a pet. so protect them... ...with k9 advantix® ii. it's broad-spectrum protection k ills fleas ticks and mosquitoes too. k9 advantix® ii. for the love of dog™. one can of bush's beans. well this a predicament. homestyle sounds good. but country style, not without its charms. brown sugar hickory. who says no to hickory? not this guy! new sweet heat? sure! there are no rules here. no rules on aisle four! our new sweet heat is cooked according to our secret family recipe with a sweet and spicy chili sauce. did you get a can of bush's beans? 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"this isn't fair," said another. it will take prince george some getting used to, sharing his parents and the spotlight with a new sibling. visiting his sister just like william when harry was born 30 years ago. >> i'm very happy, thanks. >> reporter: delighted grandparents charles and camilla paid a visit sunday, though kate's family, mom carol, and sister, pep paippa, were first to see her. london turning pink to celebrate, a baby sure to be the next trendsetter. some saying she could be worth a billion dollars to britain's retailers. while being fourth in line to the throne. >> this princess is the most powerful princess we've probably ever had. >> reporter: following in the footsteps of queen victoria, her great-grandmother, queen elizabeth, and diana, who is now a strong influence on william's parenting. >> diana would often say let's pop down to a burger bar, let's go to a theme park. >> reporter: william and kate are hoping their children have a normal childhood or as normal as a prince and princess can have. so the name is charlotte elizabeth diana. what folks may not know is that charlotte is pippa middleton's middle name. so that, perhaps, a tribute to her, too. elizabeth is carole middleton, kate's mother's, middle name. so she paid tribute in this name to members of the family on both sides of the family. matt? >> keir, i like the fact you said there was a gasp that went up outside kensington palace when the name was announced. now, they would have gasped at any name. >> sure. >> but what's the reaction to this name? did they like the sentimentality of it? >> reporter: who can miss the sentimentality, matt? it really will resonate. and you know, people will see in this diana in william because it is a traditional name. and of course, that's important. but also, it is a name that sends a message about how he is prepared to be in touch with his emotions, how he is prepared to give not just a traditional name but a name that is about family values. and most important of all, that pays tribute to his late mother, diana. and as soon as people hear that, they will think of everything they went through with her, the divorce, her untimely death. what a wonderful message it sends, matt. >> keir simmons in london for us this morning. keir, thanks so much. coming up, we've got an exclusive first look at how kris jenner is reacting to bruce jenner's transition. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [ girl ] my mom, she makes underwater fans that are powered by the moon. ♪ ♪ [ birds squawking ] my mom makes airplane engines that can talk. [ birds squawking ] ♪ ♪ my mom makes hospitals you can hold in your hand. ♪ ♪ my mom can print amazing things right from her computer. [ whirring ] [ train whistle blows ] my mom makes trains that are friends with trees. [ train whistle blows ] ♪ ♪ my mom works at ge. ♪ ♪ we aren't looking for just any college students. we're looking for ones who want to take courses developed with input from leading companies. so they can graduate career-ready. if you're that kind of student you're our kind of different. devry university. different. on purpose. man when i got shingles it was something awful. it was like being blindsided by some linebacker. you don't see it coming. boom! if you've had chicken pox that shingles virus is already inside of you. it ain't pretty when it comes out. now i'm not telling you this so that you'll feel sorry for me. i'm just here to tell you that one out of three people are gonna end up getting shingles. i was one of 'em. so please go talk to your doctor or pharmacist. wish your skin could bounce back as quickly as it used to? introducing neutrogena hydro boost water gel. instantly quenches skin to keep it supple and hydrated day after day. formulated with hydrating hyaluronic 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were p22, that's me. incredible! i've been claritin clear for ten days. when your allergy symptoms start, doctors recommend taking one claritin every day of your allergy season for continuous relief. with powerful 24-hour, non-drowsy claritin live claritin clear. every day. buying a used car can be a scary proposition. you walk onto that lot and immediately you are surrounded like a guppy in a shark tank. it just feels like car salesmen want to sell whatever car is best for them, not best for me. there's gotta be a better way. ♪ ♪ as long as people drive cars carmax will be the best way to buy them. now at chili's new top shelf ranchero chicken tacos. stop in for lunch and tap, swipe, and go. chili's. fresh is happening now. i've been the same shade of red for many years. it's time to change it up! hello, golden blonde. shift a shade with nice'n easy. for natural looking color i don't know if blonde has more fun, but i plan to find out fact. advil is not only strong it's gentle on your body too. no wonder doctors and patients have trusted advil... for their tough pains for over 30 years. relief doesn't get any better than this. advil. ... family of jeweled feline treasures. $100,000 to the lady in the leopard print. sprint told us they'd cut our verizon bill in half. oh yeah. we'd save a bunch of money on our rate plan by switching to sprint. but we don't need to save money, do we mama? oh, no. no we do not baby. ... to the other lady in leopard print. like daddy always says 'money doesn't spend itself'. 1 million oh, look at that. oh! oh wow. look at that muscle baby. it's like a workout. some people are stupid rich. look at my muscle. for the rest of us sprint will cut your verizon or at&t rate plan in half. just turn in your old phone. or now, sign up for sprint's unlimited plus plan and get a samsung galaxy s6 edge for $0 down and just $5 a month. good monday morning. it is 7:56. i'm sam brock. happening later today students left in fact lurch from the heald college closure they get some answers about what to do next. the for profit corinthian colleges closed the remaining campuses lasting week. today at 1:00 the state attorney general's office and other agencies are going to host a webinar to try to answer some questions and provide help to law students. that includes advice on where to enroll next and how to deal with outstanding loans. follow. up east bay mud says it cannot just be sure one way or the other whether yesterday's concord earthquake triggered a water main break four miles away in walnut creek. we know the quake hit a little bit before 3:15 yesterday. water was spew into the serkz intersection. crews this morning were able to repair that main. it is monday, you're starting your enjoins and trying to start things off on a good note. how about nice weather. >> beautiful day. just for a drive, that's something you want to do spectacular out there. thank you, sam. good morning to you. 52 in oakland. 54 to kick off the new day in san jose. the only place you're doing to find any fog this morning is san francisco and the immediate coast. otherwise we have wide spread low clouds to start the day. as we get into your afternoon though looking good for clearing between 11:00 a.m. and noon today. lots of sunshine headed our way. temperatures in the mid 60s to low 70s. and we actually have a chance for rain by thursday. check your drive, here's mike. >> christina the south bay overall looking lighter than we often see on a monday. north 85 still recovering. that crash still blocks the slow lane. that's better than the full closure we had for a few minutes. slow from highway 17. northbound 101 heading up toward shoreline, another crash there. that's starting to jam things up through santa clara, san jose and mountain view. that's the focus of our drive. 84 cross the dumbarton. earlier crash there. slowing on the bay bridge toll plaza. ♪ it's 8:00 on today and coming up facebook family mystery. more questions than answers in the sudden death of executive sheryl sanberg's husband the man she credits to helping her lean into her credit. career. then more of our interview with melissa rivers. the daughter of a legend. >> the amazing thing was there was this chemistry and we were a team. outside of that, she would hit it out of the park. and savannah in sydney. >> i was born at the women's hospital in australia with all of these ladies. >> and me too. >> yes, mom. you too. >> savannah and her mom on a trip of a lifetime down in australia to visit savannah's birthplace and some old family friends. >> to the guthries. today, monday, may 4th, 2015. >> it's my 16th birthday! celebrating my fab 40 in new york city! hi, mom in springfield, movement. alabama in the house. >> morton, illinois! whoa! love the today show. >> i love you, matt lauer! ♪ ♪ ♪ >> savannah! oh, sydney, you are so fine, you blow my mind. hey, sydney, hey sydney. oh, sydney, you are so fine, you blow my mind, hey sydney! hey sydney! hey, sydney, you are so fine, you employee my mind -- blow my mind! >> you are so fine you blow my mind. we're back now on this monday morning, the fourth of may, 2015 and savannah is down in sydney, australia. where she's getting a very warm welcome. what is that about? >> oh, we have been working on this choreography for days. i really wanted to make sure they enunciated savannah you are so fine. these are actually the ministry of dance and airborne cheer leaders they have won 30 national titles competed three times in the united states. they are awesome and make me feel awesome. they were throwing one of those young ladies so high, she was leaving the frame of the screen and coming back down. tell them congratulations. nice job. >> stop. >> she's got much more coming up. first let's go inside. natalie has got a check of all the top stories. >> good morning once again everyone. a deadly shooting in texas over night has official searching to possible link to international terrorism. we're in we have the latest. >> in the light of day we can tell that the gunmen who are deceased about 50 yards behind me are wearing some sort of tactical versus. both men were roommates in phoenix. they have been in that apartment and cleared it of any possible explosives. the fbi now investigating it that as well. any moment, we expect to hear from law enforcement to hold a press conference to know anything new. we know we're looking into possible extremist ties. whatever the motives, they never made it to that building with 250 people inside. that muhammad cartoon contest. a lot of people just thanking everybody that they didn't get close tore that building and it didn't get any worse. maryland's governor says it will take several days to withdraw national guard troops from baltimore. a curfew impose ds after riots last week was lifted on sunday. protests over the death of freddie gray were largely peaceful this weekend. meanwhile, lester holt spoke exclusively with gray's family with the news that six police officers would be charged in gray's death. tell me about hearing the news from the state's attorney that charges were being filed against the officers. >> i didn't expect it so soon, but i was really happy that it turned out this way, we all know this is only the beginning, and we want to see how far it goes. >> freddie's mother told lester that nationwide protests on behalf of her son gave her hope that she would see justice. he will have more on tonight's nbc nightly news. the sudden death of an internet tie couldn't -- tycoon has stunned silicon valley. >> facebook's coo sheryl sandberg is well-known in the internet family. it's a bit counterintuitive but the most important career decision you are going to make is whether or not you have a life partner and who that life partner is. >> he died suddenly on friday night at the age of 47 reportedly while abroad on facebook with his wife. they posted, dave goldberg was an amazing person and i'm glad i got to know him. my thoughts and prayers are with sheryl and her family. >> what's interesting about him was that he was willing to let his wife have the lead and have the spotlight. >> the father of two was a business superstar in his own right. building the start-up survey monkey into a multibillion dollar company. >> they were certainly one of the most well respected couples in silicon valley. >> a tragic loss for the community and one family in particular. we're sending condolences to her and her family. there was an unfortunate glitch in the aw-inspiring. a small fire was caused by hitting a is there cellphone tower. natalie, thank you very much. we are kicking off a week long celebration of moms leading up to mother's day calling mom i love you because. we're starting some 10,000 miles away in australia where savannah had her beginning of her life, savannah. >> hi, guys. well, there are a million reasons to visit this beautiful country, but for me, one of them was very, very personal. as i may have mentioned a few hundred times to you, this is the country where i was born. it's a part of my history that i always treasured and i always promised to come back here and really see it, but i never dreamed i would get to do that with the woman who brought me into this world 43 years ago. my mom. it was a trip full of fun, surprises and some happy tears. ♪ ♪ >> you may have heard me talk about my idyllic childhood growing up in australia, and it was. but it wasn't where it all began. i was actually born in melbourne, australia, where my dad had been transferred from the u.s. for work. we left melbourne when i was just two years old and i hadn't been back since. >> may i see your passport please. >> until now. >> hey, next stop, australia. 15 and a half hours and four decades later, my mom and i were back down under. >> it's hard to not be like a little bit emotional because i didn't think we would ever come back. >> no, i never thought i would see australia again. >> the first stop, my very first stop in life. the hospital where i was born. >> where we got you. we got you from the stork here. >> hi. >> dr. sue matthews was our guide and she should have come armed with tissues. >> let's walk down memory lane. we might cry. >> that's all right. you are allowed. >> this is the maternity ward. >> this is the maternity ward. >> oh, my gosh. >> the last time my mom and i were in these hallways, december 27th, 1971. >> this is the room that you took your first breath in. >> wow. >> how does that feel? >> oh, my gosh. >> it's a little bit emotional, isn't it? >> for me, it is. when you say it like that, to think that you took your first breath. >> you did. >> i know. >> i think seeing the very place you were born is not something that most people get to do or see, to get to go back with my mom. it's just really special. >> special time. amazingly awesome time. >> as my mom tells the story, she wasn't alone when she welcomed me to the world in this very room. >> we actually have three midwives, nurses, who were here at that time. >> no! >> they are in another room. >> no! you are kidding me. oh. >> well, let's meet them. >> okay. >> a reunion 43 years in the making. >> hello, ladies. >> hi. >> this is pat. >> pat, how are you? and you took care of me, ladies. >> and my mom. >> this is jana. >> you are the baby? >> i'm the baby. i'm so amazed you came. thank you. >> thank you. >> i was born at the women at sandringham hospital in australia with all of these ladies. >> me too. >> yes, mom, you too. >> and then we were off. retracing the same steps my mom and dad once took to bring me to my first home in a town called bomaris. >> i can't believe you left. this is so pretty. >> i agree. it was pretty. >> where's our house? >> there it is. see, it's a light gray. a little house. see? >> wow. this was the backdrop of my first years of life. >> when you got holder, this is where you played. [ knocking ] >> hi. >> we used to live here. >> now, it's home to this family, but the memory of my own family's time here come flooding back for us. >> you know that picture you have and dad, that would have been right around here, taken right around here. >> oh. >> as if this journey wasn't sweet enough, there was one more surprise literally around the corner. >> i was so hoping you would be here. >> hello. >> hi! >> many of the neighbors my parents had grown to love and hated to leave were suddenly back in our lives. >> you look like your daddy? >> really, i do? >> you look so much like your dad. >> you haven't changed a bit. >> to the guthries! >> thank you for welcoming us home. >> you are not welcome. we're just drinking champagne. >> it was such an awesome thing to do. i'm here with my mom, nancy. how was your trip? >> on or about my gosh, it was wonderful. i can't even believe that we were able to do this in three days. >> i know, we packed a lot in there. >> we packed a lot. >> now, has australia changed in 43 years? >> well, it has changed. it is beautiful. it is amazing. just look at this harbor. have you ever seen anything so gorgeous? >> no, we showed your home video a little bit earlier when you and dad were here in 1965 visiting. >> our first trip. >> and you took that footage of the opera house when it was being built. >> was it any good? >> it was a world exclusive. neveren before seen. it was so good to take this journey with you mom. >> love you. >> love you. we need to be alone, guys. it's a big old love fest here. we're going to take you on a tour of sydney. what would a tour be without some exotic maenls. we need to know nancy to know how cool a trip that must be. >> amazing. >> very sweet. all right. ladies, we'll see you in a little while. up next on trending, it had plenty of stars, but was mayweather versus pacquiao really the fight of the century after all? we'll talk about that right after this. [ female announcer ] it's a taste so bold yet so smooth it can only be called black silk. from folgers. a taste you can enjoy fresh brewed one cup at a time or on the go. black silk from folgers. we aren't looking for just any college students. we're looking for ones who want to tak courses developed with input from leading companies. so they can graduate career-ready. if you're that kind of student you're our kind of different. devry university. different. on purpose. i know what you're thinking, but this is the improved i can't believe it's not butter! 100% taste, 0% artificial preservatives. made with a blend of delicious oils, purified water, and just a pinch of salt. two, please. i can't believe it's not butter. 100% taste, 0% artificial preservatives. ♪ ♪ ♪ (laughing) come here you. this mother's day, remember... i told you this was gonna happen. every kiss does begin with kay. save up to 30% on select diamonds in rhythm. the center diamond constantly moves catching light from every angle. at kay, the number one jewelry store in america. do i have to chase you, too? ♪ every kiss begins with kay ♪ people think californians are just a bunch of dreamers. with our heads in the clouds like a bunch of space cadets huh? what? 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the much hyped about bout between floyd mayweather and manny pacquiao. mike tyson i think spoke for a lot of people when he tweeted, we waited five years for that? #underwhelmed. mayweather ended up winning. and he couldn't wait to show off all his bags and bags of money. part of his $100 million check there. his total payday could reach $180 million. >> here's the best part of the fight. a lot of folks asking is that jimmy kimmel? >> i love it. >> and if so that's he doing there? kimmel had asked pacquiao if he could join his entourage and he stayed in character the whole time. just as justin booeper seemed to be an unlikely member of team mayweather. >> they've been friends a long time. but i wasn't sure kimmel was channelling run dmc or bieber with the hat. >> the hamburglar maybe. >> i would be part of someone's entourage. >> for the first time kris jenner is opening up about bruce jenner's transition. in this first look from e! she talked about the news with her daughter kim. >> he has to deal with this for his entire life waking up like whoa this isn't my body. this isn't comfortable. that's the only way i can kind of imagine it. and you really have to like let go. >> i have these memories of this life and i feel sometimes like it didn't exist. >> well you'll see much more of the people's reaction to bruce's transition. it's part of a two-part special that airs the 17th and 18th on e!. this may be why kris jenner didn't give a long reaction to -- they had all the comments from bruce's ex-wives. she allegedly had no comment. this may be why. >> by the way, i saw you fall off the desk there. >> that was a great move. >> is there water in this? what's going on? >> and that is "what's trending" today. now a quick check of the weather from mr. roker. >> announcer: "today's" weather is brought to you by walgreens at the corner of happy and healthy. >> and as we look to show you what's going on as far as our weather is concerned for today, we do have some wet weather pushing through chicago, part of a system that's going to bring he have vi heavy rains. we're also going to watch the effect of this possible tropical storm. other side of the country, big storm out west. out in the pacific causing heavy surf. in fact some cruise ships had to dock down into san diego. but now some surf up to ten feet with waves, rip currents likely and beach erosion at high tide. rest of the country, risk of strong storms. texas on into the central plains. beautiful weather here in the east with temperatures the warmest they've been since 8:22. good monday morning to you. it's mild to start the day. 52 in san francisco. once those low clouds start to clear the bay area just a spectacular day ahead with pleasant afternoon temperatures. we're looking toward the 70s. mid 60s. 70 in the south bay. 65 on the peninsula. east bay at 63. same for san francisco. the tri-valley in the mid 70s. the next several days, subtle changes and rain by thursday. >> and that's your latest weather. >> thanks. it's down to six on "the voice." as carson tells us now both coaches and artists are working overtime to prepare for the home stretch. >> reporter: with just weeks before a winner's announced, "the voice" coaches are under pressure to get their singers into the top five. >> she's keeping me in this competition. >> reporter: longtime rivals adam levine and blake shelton are each left with one artist. >> i love that. >> reporter: while pharrell williams and christina aguilera remain neck and neck with two. >> this is a really cool moment. >> reporter: tonight with two chances to show off their skills the artists before one song of their choice and another dedicated to the moms in their lives. >> well it's going to be mother's day. >> i want to meet your momma. >> hi mom. >> behind every good man. >> that's right. >> reporter: and once all the votes are counted, five move on and one will go home tomorrow. for "today," carson daly, nbc news, los angeles. >> and don't forget you can catch "the voice" tonight and tomorrow at 8:00/7:00 central time right here on nbc. hello, guys. also ahead, even more perfect than the original, elizabeth banks on making her directorial debut on good monday morning. a new plan to improve street safety. the effort is called vision zero. its mission to make the street safer for everyone. "mercury news" says the city will launch an $80 million effort that will encourage improving crosswalks and lighting for pedestrians. the work is expected over the next few years on some of san jose's busiest streets. the money will be coming mostly from state and federal grants. let's check the commute now with mike. >> all right. looking to the south bay. we still have a couple of sticking points. northbound 85 we had a crash that cleared from the lanes to the left the last half-hour. some improvement, but worse as far as the backups starting now at highway 87 instead of 17. 101 judgmented out of san jose from the airport up to shoreline. the earlier crash has cleared but involved a motorcycle. folks standing around on the shoulder. 101 and 237 slow in toward where they blend. now the peninsula looks standard. so does the east bay heading up to oakland and down the east shore freeway. the bay bridge looking a little bit later. the open area even though it's lighter, right by the coliseum it aeps it's done. 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(music) introducing the one-and-only volkswagen golf sportwagen. the sportier utility vehicle. ♪i can show you the world♪ ♪shining, shimmering, splendid♪ ♪tell me, princess, now when did♪ ♪you last let your heart decide♪ ♪a whole new world♪ welcome to aulani, travel and leisure winner for top family hotel in the u.s. for special offers visit or call your travel agent. good morning from sydney australia. 8:30 now on a monday morning, the 4th of may 2015. and matt you know i always tell you you light up my life but this really lights up my life. it's pretty spectacular, right? this is actually all part of a festival called visit sydney. watch what happens when i do this. yeah. it turns a little bit "today" show orange. let me bring in the artist of this particular exhibit. great to see you. you're an american that's living here in sydney. tell me what vivid sydney is about. >> it's a festival that begins in may. we have lighting installations and last year 1.4 million people came down to see it. we'll have a better crowd this year. this is our exhibit called art light. which responds to environmental stimulants. it will fluctuate in color. >> with weather -- >> yes. wind speeds things like that. and on special occasions like the "today" show it also does things like this. >> sort of a disco light thing going on. >> that's right. we're getting into it. >> it's beautiful. these are supposed to be like looking at trees. >> that's right. inspired by environmental inspiration. >> thank you very much. vivid sydney starts at the end of this month. we'll have a lot more from here just ahead. >> when you clapped like that savannah half the tvs in australia went off. okay. not a problem. >> clap on clap off. >> the clapper. >> how about a check of the weather? >> let's show you what we've got starting with today. we're looking at wet weather, severe weather possible texas up into the central plains. high surf advisories both along the california coast. tomorrow a nice day in the northeast although showers move in late in the day. look for the high surf to continue on the florida coast. storms in west texas. showers move 8:it -- 8. . 32. low clouds making way to bright sunshine as we head throughout this afternoon. mostly between 11:00 a.m. and 12:00. nice blue sky developing. temps comfortable 65 on the peninsula. 63 for the east shore. 70 degrees in the east bay. we've got good air quality. feel free to open the windows in your home if you don't suffer from the allergies of the season. high pollen for the next few days. looking better whether it comes to pollen. showers by thursday. >> get that weather any time you need it go to the weather channel on cable or online. >> thank you very much. earlier this morning we heard from melissa rivers about the circumstances surrounding her mom's death. but in her new book "the book of joan" melissa focuses on the good times. pulling back the curtain what it was like to grow up as the comedy legend's only child. >> curtain open! drum roll! >> reporter: joan rivers was known as one of the hardest working women in show business. >> i hate ugly children. >> she was in clubs at least once a week if she wasn't traveling, working out new material. constantly. you have to stay relevant. you have to stay fresh. >> reporter: and now her daughter melissa rivers is out with a new book giving her mother's memory and her jokes new life. as you were sitting writing this were you hearing the voice of your mom saying don't forget that story. you must have known exactly what she would want in here and what she shouldn't think was appropriate for this book or funny enough. >> funny enough. she would think everything was appropriate. >> reporter: because she had an open book. >> and no filter. no facility per. none. >> i was such a dog. do get me down the aisle they threw a bone. >> reporter: she broke a lot of barriers especially for women in comedy. did she consider herself a femme innist? >> no. which was hilarious because she was the ultimate feminist. she didn't care if she was funnier than the next man or woman. she just wanted to be the funniest one. >> reporter: melissa and joan rivers were not just family. they were business partners too. >> it's a real exciting night. >> reporter: and of course on the red carpet. what was she like to work with? >> pretty amazing. it doesn't mean that we didn't have creative differences. oh there were some huge fights. but the amazing thing was there was this chemistry and we were a team. i was the straight man, she was the funny one. and if you come across a partnership like that once in your life as a performer, you're lucky. >> it's very scary when you see yourself totally without any makeup. >> reporter: and when it came to her appearance and her insecurities she was open about the fact that she'd had plenty of work done. >> yep. >> reporter: did her view of her own physical appearance impact you as a young girl? >> how could it not? how could it not? but, you know i look back and can say a lot of the things she said were destructive. i'm not a serial killer. i seem to be contributing somewhat to society and i hold down a job, so how destructive could those comments have been. >> peeping toms look in my window pull down the shades. >> reporter: for all of the jokes and jabs that joan rivers dolled out, melissa says she was the most critical of herself. do you think your mom had any idea the impact she had on so many people? >> no. i think she thought she was disliked. >> reporter: why? >> that's like delving into the psyche of a comedian. >> reporter: insecurity. >> that's a deep dive. and she was controversial. i mean she would meet people and she would know that they got it or they didn't get it. but not in her wildest dreams was she ever going to change. >> she speaks with her mom with such reverence and joy and love. it was really nice to spend time with her. >> whenever they were here in the studio it was just such a hoot and you could see the love between them. >> and we put the seven second delay on them. up to natalie. get ready because your favorite pitches are back. "pitch perfect 2" opens up next week. and this time the bellas are going up against a tough german squad at the world championships. ♪ ♪ where them girls at ♪ ♪ who run this mother ♪ ♪ girls ♪ ♪ who run the world ♪ ♪ girls ♪ ♪ who run the world ♪ >> elizabeth banks stars, produces directs, and even sings a little bit. elizabeth, good morning. >> good morning. >> i just love the film. congratulations. >> thank you. >> your first feature directorial debut. what was that like for you? being a director producer and actor on the film. >> it was -- you know it was a great challenge. really fun. something i was working towards for a long time. i've been wanting to direct. i directed plays in college. i sort of had my three ring binder staring at me in my office calling to me. and this was something i was attached as a producer to this project from the very beginning. i got to work with my husband next to me on this whole film. it was a great way to make a movie. something i care about. very funny which is something i care deeply about. great comedy for a bunch of great women. such an amazing cast. >> and they all came back for this one. says a lot about the film when everybody comes back. >> yeah. it does. i think the first movie was such a surprise. we knew we had made a really fun movie with a big heart, but it caught fire. and it's because of the fans and the love that we were able to make a sequel. the biggest challenge was not disappointing those fans. >> so the barden bellas are back. they're on top until there is some national scandal. rebel wilson or fat amy has a glitch in front of the president and the first lady. >> she does. she has what we call muffgate. can you say that on morning television? >> you just did. >> yeah. and the challenge here was at the end of the first film they were so good the barden bellas. and they are good and we wanted to showcase them as a group this time. but we also -- we love an underdog story. we wanted to make them underdogs again. they're a wonderful group of misfits. and we really wanted to highlight that. one of the ways to do that was to just take them down a peg. you know? that's how we started the film. >> and you're back as a sassy a cappella commentator. when i got to see you on set about a year ago, that is all -- a lot of that is ad-libbed. you crack each other up the whole time. >> yeah. we have really funny jokes written for us but we really love to play. i think our goal is essentially cracking up the crew. it's almost like if they're all laughing that's when i can call cut. >> and toif ask quickly, you had six of the green bay packers on -- doing cameos. and they can actually sing. >> they're great. they're really good singers. >> how did that come about? they tweeted you and begged you for the opportunity? >> it wasn't a beg. it was during his rookie season that the movie came out and he basically was tweeting about it. so i followed him on twitter and he immediately messages me saying he loved me in the film and my husband is a huge football fan, giant football nerd. i put the two of them together and the next thing i knew here they were in our movie. >> i was impressed. they're really good. maybe a "pitch perfect 3" spot for them. >> the whole movie on a football field. >> there we go. elizabeth banks, thanks again. "pitch perfect 2" opens on may 15th. awesome. coming up next savannah's going to show you all the fun she had in sydney. but first this is "today" on nbc. all right. we're back now. 8:42 with more of savannah's adventures in australia. savannah you got to tour the town which doesn't surprise any of us. >> that's right. sydney is beautiful. it's considered by many to be the media and financial capital of australia which is great. but for me i was here to have fun. with more than 70 beaches right here in the city i had to start my adventure where else? at the ocean. >> reporter: each new day begins here with the sun viserising over sydney before the rest of the world. early morning swimmers get a jump start on the day. >> it's often been said we're lucky because we get the best start to the day in the country. >> reporter: with the waves beckoning surfers and soul searchers, keeping watch over the ocean loving city dwellers the famed bondai lifesavers. a local group of volunteers they also work with kids as young as 6 called nippers on beach safety. i caught up with a member of the life saving club. what's it like here? >> bondai beach is perfect. you think you're doing something strange or out of control, there's something someone doing something weirder. >> reporter: you ever had any rescues? >> last year i pulled maybe four or five people out of the water. >> reporter: for the thrill seekers, the best view of down under is atop the sydney harbor bridge soaring over 400 feet above the harbor. nearly 200,000 cars cross the expanse every day. >> it's so unique because there's no other bridge in the world that you can climb like this and experience such fabulous views of sydney. >> reporter: a more tranquil way to see this city of over 5 million, by ferry. nearly 15 million riders hop on and off every year. city scapes and shopping give way to my kind of aussie adventure. >> i grew up in the sand and salt water and fresh water. coming here to the big city so much to do. and the love brought me here. ♪ i still call australia home ♪ >> reporter: me too. i had such a good time checking out this beautiful city. guess what matt. i even made a few friends. guys come on over. and you'll appreciate this. does someone have a present for matt? oh yes. here it is. >> which way does it go? >> we can't wait to see your legs in it. >> yeah. that's great. >> how chilly is it there, savannah? >> oh, gosh. >> well you don't get to take them home savannah. mike's going to have something to say about that. >> i know. and i don't even want to tell you what they call these. never mind. >> no. we've heard all the nicknames. thank you. thank you very much and hi to your friends. up next this is perfect. sun safety. natalie is going to show you live how easy it is to get a skin cancer screening. but first, this is "today" on nbc. all right. we're back. may is skin cancer awareness month. today is melanoma monday. a day to raise awareness about the aggressive form of skin cancer. natalie is going to get an exam live in the studio. but first dr. debra wattenburg is here in the city and dr. travis stork is host of "the doctors." good morning. nice see you. how often should we get screened? >> screenings really depend on your risk factors. so everyone should do a self-skin exam. if you have a risk of melanoma family history, you have pale skins, light eyes get screened frequently. determine how frequently you need to have the screening. >> so you go to a doctor. but you can do a certain amount of the screening at home by yourself. >> absolutely. you should look at your body all the time when you're naked. and the other thing are troublesome areas as far as you can't always see the top of your head or back. have your spouse look. and if anything is changing have them look at it have it get checked out. >> it really is a head to toe check, right? >> yeah. i usually recommend that people strip down to their birthday suits and start at the top of the head. look behind the ears look under the lips under the arms all the way down places sun doesn't shine and even between your toes. >> what exactly are you looking for? a lot of people have moles, birthmarks on their body. what differentiates that from what you should look at? >> it can be a non-healing growth a recurrent pimple. it can also be a melanoma. melanomas follow the rules of the abcs. asymmetry, border. it should be a clear, crisp border. the color, it should be one color. not multiple colors. brown and blue and black. the diameter less than the size of a pencil eraser. a mole bigger than that can also be a problem. and anything changing. >> you're going to check natalie. while she does that, early detection is the key. >> i would say on "the doctors," you shouldn't fear a diagnosis. fear a late diagnosis. because melanoma is treatable if caught early. if you let it grow it can metastasize, spread to other parts of the body and that's truly deadly. and people can see this is so easy. nowadays there are so many tools that dermatologists have to quickly scan your body. if there are concerns, they can do a biopsy. my other mother had melanoma and thank goodness she was diagnosed early to have it removed. i'm very cognizant of this myself. not only screening but protecting yourself from the sun as much as possible. you don't have to avoid going outside. but if you're going to go outside, wear clothing that covers up your skin. wide brimmed hats sunglasses certainly sun screen. and this is one of those things where it's cumulative. >> you're an outdoorsy person like i am. i don't think i've been as diligent about covering myself until my husband had a melanoma removed from his chin as well. i think it takes, sadly, having a personal experience. >> it is melanoma monday. a great day to talk about this. >> all good? am i good? >> yes. natalie did well. it's important to get these screenings. almost 10,000 people will die this year from malignant melanoma. >> for more skin cancer prevention tips and to learn where to get a screening, head to up next savannah hangs out with animals australia. the actual my name is jamir dixon and i'm a locate and mark fieldman for pg&e. most people in the community recognize the blue trucks as pg&e. my truck is something new... it's an 811 truck. when you call 811, i come out to your house and i mark out our gas lines and our electric lines to make sure that you don't hit them when you're digging. 811 is a free service. i'm passionate about it because every time i go on the street i think about my own kids. they're the reason that i want to protect our community and our environment, and if me driving a that truck means that somebody gets to go home safer, then i'll drive it every day of the week. together, we're building a better california. pretty day in new york city. if savannah's trip has inspired you to head to australia, tamron's got something. >> our sponsor qantas airways are viewing one lucky viewer the trip of a lifetime to sydney. so you can have a chance to win airfare and five nights down under exploring the sydney harbor and hunter valley wine country. head to let us know why you deserve to wake up in australia. good luck to you. >> all right, tamron. thank you very much. let's go back to savannah in sydney where she's spending time with new friends not clad in speedos. >> oh you can't blame me matt can you? by the way you cannot come to australia without meeting some of the favorite animals here. marsupials. we've got the curator at featherdale wildlife park in sydney. i am holding a little gal who looks like a kangaroo but she's a kwaka. a little kangaroo we have in australia. >> she's adorable. >> and then we've got a koala bear here. that you raised. >> she is probably the most famous in australia. i was lucky enough to be her mum. >> very sweet. very lackadaisical because they only eat eucalyptus. >> yes. and there's nothing in them that gives them energy. >> i can relate. i like this. and over here a wombat. >> that's right. the closest relative we have to the koala. these guys learn to dig burros. >> is it okay to pet the wombat? >> yes. he's a sweetheart. >> he is sweet. this is a new one. we have is the billby over here. >> they used to be all over the entire continent of australia. they've almost become a mythical animal here. they're adorable and we like to have mr. billby rather than the easter bunny. >> thank you for showing these off. how many orders for the wombats do we have? >> we've never seen a billby before. that's cool. gorge. 66:56. long-time ceo of cisco john chambers will be staying dope in july. he will stay on the board for the networking giant. he's being replaced by chuck robins, another long-time veteran at cisco. shares are trading slightly higher. carly fiorina has announced she's running for president. she will run on the gop ticket. she has never before even held a political office. the closest that she came was coming up short in a run for california's u.s. senate race in 2010. we'll be following that closely. we'll see you in 25 minutes. (scal): good day, m'lady! i am sir-can-a-lot, here to save you from another breakfast bore. wake up those eggs with glorious spam! see what spam can! do... at this morning on "today," a funny look of what goes downhill when you're over the hill. then we're throwing a birthday bash. big winner style in honor of his 40th. and straight off "the night shift," jill flint helps us celebrate. all that and more coming up right now. from nbc news this is "today's take" with al roker live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> welcome to "today" on a beautiful monday morning, may the 4th 2015. >> we have a song in honor. let's hit it. >> we do? >> hit it. >> that was flawless al. >> i was told we many a song. >> is the song called crickets? >> i can't even hear it. what is it? ♪ reunited and it feels so good ♪ >> oh okay. >> it's been so long. >> like a party from the '70s. >> it's been a while. >> that's no way to celebrate. let's crank it up a notch. it's the big 4-0. >> that's right. you celebrated. >> i was off last week yes. >> and while you were gone we had the best show ever! check it out! >> the best today's take ever jane, tina fey, are you guys coming back? >> you know what the best part is? willie cameron, and natalie missed it all! >> wow. >> wow. >> i know, i mean -- >> youwow. >> what is wrong with you? >> and the best part is before we started, they said how are they doing? i said oh they are okay. it was fantastic. we just had -- we had the singer who is fancy on and, i mean, it was -- by the way, tina left you a little something. >> oh she left you something. >> what's it say? >> sorry i missed you wednesday, have a fantastic birthday, your fan tina fey. >> i was in remote reaches of the world, and internet was patchy, but when it came through, i saw you with tina and i was jealous. >> he wrote that note for you to make you feel good. [ laughter ] >> you know, i actually thought it was your handwriting. >> he was nine. >> i was jealous. >> people came in the news room to talk about it came up high fived me. it was unbelievable! all the producers -- >> okay okay. >> see ya al you're on your own. >> good luck, al. >> you were high fiving the women. just an extension. >> i was just here. i was a conduit. >> a conduit -- >> for their greatness. >> for morning show greatness. you'll probably win an emmy. >> they were so much fun. >> how about you be out and they visit us. >> yeah. >> comedy welcome back. >> let's make our way. >> the flee of them are so good together. >> i know. >> it was literally like watching magic. the three get together and they are ripping off each other, and it was -- you should watch the tape. it was -- it was really -- i'll get you a dvd. >> your birthday gift to him? >> yes. >> look at all the fun you missed rather than you were missed, we really missed you. >> i'd be lying, completely lying. i was so thrilled you were all gone. >> wow. >> look i'm going to be honest. three fantastic women to myself. >> can i pour this glass of water on you? >> should i lie? should i lie? >> i love you guys wish you were here not, like get out. >> when you go away on a shoot for a couple days and she comes back and you say, i met a woman in the park. she was awesome. >> so awesome. >> the magic we had. >> you're supposed to say i missed you. >> like the joke mom's up in a tree. >> right. >> i mean, come on. >> oh man. >> well we look forward to the celebration. and other happenings throughout the morning. who else is sellcelebrateing this weekend? saturday morning, we woke up to great news another little baby a royal, 8 pounds 3 ounces. >> i like that name little royal. >> a little royal, fourth in line to the throne kate looking as spectacular as ever after just giving birth ten hours prior. they left the hospital and took her home and william managed to get the car seat in quickly, second time around. two for two on this one. this time like i got it. i got this one. so name? that's the big question now. what is she going to be called? there's a couple favorites online. our viewers like alexandra, very beautiful name. charlotte, which would be of course, for her grandfather, charles. and then number one on the list would be diana from the viewers, but that might be -- >> that's a lot to bear. ♪ ♪ >> kate middleton walked out ten hours after giving birth in high heels. i mean like i know everyone says, oh she had a stylist. i don't care. she still had to walk out the door. she physically had to get up. i e-mailed all the women on our show, and someone explain this to me. how does that happen? >> same with prince george. like she was apparently overdue on the birth date for his -- >> for both children. >> the second one, we're not sure about that, but, yeah, the minute the babies come out, she's in high heels. beautiful. >> standing there. >> incredible. >> i loved seeing william walk in with george. >> oh just so cute. >> so great. >> the little wave. >> the matching outfits. the blue and white. >> as mentioned, i have a hashtag we want to trend today. we need your help at home to do it. it's an honor of our brother who is turning 40. >> you are 40. >> yesterday. >> yesterday. yes. in this is the official hashtag for willie's birthday #wg40. we have gifts for you. stop reading the teleprompter. >> yes, sorry. >> this is wd-40. always have that in your home. you should not have a home without that. you should not have a tweet or anything without this hashtag. these are hellen's kitchen cookies in charlotte. your family sent them over. >> they are the best cookies you'll ever eat. there's salt on top. i was there for a week. >> you were? >> yes. for my birthday. a birthday hang. >> okay, so -- >> you're going to love these. >> so young willie was born in 1975. fun facts about that year. >> okay. >> look down. don't look at the prompter. >> are you asking me? >> i'll ask you. >> okay. >> what do you think the best picture was? >> "jaws." >> "godfather: part 2." >> billboard's number one song of the year? love will keep us together. sing it ladies. ♪ love ♪ ♪ love will keep us together ♪ ♪ think of me babe whenever ♪ ♪ some sweet talking girl comes along ♪ ♪ look in my eye ♪ ♪ just stop ♪ ♪ ♪ >> i'm very impressed. sticking with us. >> first class poster stamp would have cost you? 10 cents. a loaf of bread rap you? >> 28 cents. >> a gallon of milk? 1.57. gallon of gas? 57 cents. >> cost of a new house? >> is this almost over? >> oh no. >> cost of ending this segment? priceless. >> we want to check in on friends in sydney does not want to miss the birthday party. hey! >> reporter: hello! by the way, i want my senior old zone sign back in my office by the time i get back. >> yes, of course. >> you got it. >> reporter: willie happy birthday, my friend happy 40th birthday gosh a lot of years. i have a few surprises for you. first of all, cheerleaders take it away. >> ready, okay! hey, willie you're so fine you're so fine you blow my mind hey willie hay,ey hey, hey willie! >> that's great. >> good job, ladies! >> reporter: doesn't end there, willie. come on life size koala! he wants to say happy birthday willie! >> this is a weird dream i had once. >> now becoming a nightmare. >> this is really becoming a dream i had. >> oh -- people are walking by. kathy lee gifford, ladies and gentlemen. >> reporter: willie, i've been baking for you. >> what do you have? >> reporter: some pies. these are pies. meat pies. because we're here in australia, you're a carnivore, and one more thing, these are lambington. they are a sponge cake with chocolate and coconut. i had to explain that just for you. >> put them in the carry-on bring them home with you, savannah. >> reporter: you got it and the life sized koala? >> no, it can stay there. >> no bring him. >> keep him in the native habitat. >> stop looking at the prompter. >> it's too late for that. >> we have a surprise planned for willie, but for some reason someone is putting the information in the screen. >> it's not that surprising. >> so you can see it. >> he's old, we don't want to shock him. >> we talk about all these things that happened in 1975. this is a party. don't forget your hashtags, and also happening in 1975 as young willie was entering the world, not far there here in the land called the bronx, a dj named cool hurt and his crew created what we now know as scratching and hip hop, and if you know willie geist, he's all things hip hop. his play list almost all hip hop, and kanye west bowed down to your greatness, not his. we have a dj who is dj'ing tonight at the party in the boom boom room. brooklyn base are you ready to party? all right. we are kicking our dance part off with the greatest -- well next to willie -- one of the greatest -- the great ll cool j! let's hit it dj! >> oh don't call the come back. >> use the #wg40. partying all day. ♪ don't call it a comeback ♪ >> scratch it up yeah. wow. did you get this guy? you're the man. >> well we got connections. >> wow. he's here all morning? >> all morning long for you. >> beautiful. >> go dance. ♪ ♪ ♪ don't call it a comeback ♪ >> go al, go al! >> oh, no. [ cheers and applause ] that's what's going on around the country, here's what's hap spring weather making a comeback comeback. temperatures will be seasonal as we head throughout the day. starting out at 54 degrees right now in san jose. those cooling clouds making way to a gorgeous afternoon. 65 on the peninsula today. 63 in san francisco. and around 70 degrees in the south bay. temperatures are going to stay steady all week long. we have changes coming your way. expecting light shower activity by thursday evening. hope you have a great day. >> and that's your weather. >> and mick, he's staying all morning. got an incredible play list ready. >> just for willie. #wg40. >> yeah, mick. yeah. >> does he have a song for brad garrett? that's what i want to know. because up next, no one plays a better taunting older brother than brad garrett. he did it for nine seasons on "everybody loves raymond." now he's here with a new book and some advice on how to navigate my old age with some dignity right after this. >> hello there. >> hi. ♪ i was a doer. then the chronic, widespread pain slowed me down. my doctor and i agreed that moving more helps ease fibromyalgia pain. he also prescribed lyrica. for some patients, lyrica significantly relieves fibromyalgia pain and improves physical function. with less pain, i feel better. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or blurry vision. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. fibromyalgia may have changed things. but with less pain, i'm still a doer. ask your doctor about lyrica. wish your skin could bounce back like it used to? new neutrogena hydro boost water gel. with hyaluronic acid it plumps skin cells with intense hydration and locks it in. for supple, hydrated skin. hydro boost. from neutrogena. i get out of work, and i go to the store, and somebody says, smellin' around, "i smell cookies." i said, "oh no you just smell me, i just got out of work that's honey bunches of oats, that's all." i said "don't eat me now." discover brookside and discover an exciting combination of tastes. rich, dark chocolate covering soft centers. flavored with exotic fruit juices. it's chocolate and fruit flavors like you've never experienced before. discover brookside. hold it! come with me. new dannon oikos triple zero is my go to protein snack. cam, protein from yogurt? yup, this greek nonfat yogurt packs 15 grams of protein punch. but what else? unlike some other protein snacks, it has 0 added sugar 0 artificial sweeteners and 0 fat. mmm... will it up my game? no man! new dannon oikos triple zero official yogurt of the nfl. mmm dannon. ♪ in honor of willie, we decided to bring on the only guest who could make him feel dare i say worse about it. comedian brad garrett. best known, of course for his emmy winning role on "everybody loves raymond." brad is turning the chapter on his younger self-with a new book called "when the balls drop." look at the face on that cover. >> when the balls drop. >> just going to say happy birthday, willie. >> thank you, thank you. >> you look amazing. >> i know. >> that's a middle aged white man. >> it must be tough. how old are you now? >> i'm 60. >> oh god, you look like crap. whatever you're doing, al. >> stop? >> stop it. i'll be 71. no. i just turned 55. and i've given up. i've just given up. i know you probably work out and everything like that. >> occasionally. >> don't buy the hype. >> why do you say that? >> because i really believe it all goes south anyway. now, you're 40. so you've got a good -- maybe a good 15, 20 years. >> then shut the whole thing down? >> how do you feel? >> like hell. i can't get out of bed. >> you never hear anybody say oh if i could relive my 70s. that would be so -- you know, have that stroke at the mall again. wake up face down in my own vomit. nobody wants to do that. so you got to live it now. that's the point. >> is there any advice to give it to him? >> where's lauer? if anybody needs to hear about middle age, him. not a big enough name for him to be here? where's lauer? >> no. he's off of this show. >> this is our hour. >> good for you. >> he's on a break right now. >> really? because i hear things aren't good. >> i love what you said about exercising in the book. you said you get all the exercise walking around parking lots looking for your car because you forgot where it was. >> if it wasn't for stress i would have no cardio at all. you seem frightened. don't be frightened. >> soaking it all in. >> your balls are fine wherever they are right now. no. all i'm saying is it's really a man thing. women outlive all of us anyway for obvious reasons. and you know why. you've worked with them long enough. so it's really about the guys. and you know, the jimmys will -- i mean have you -- >> drop? >> there is a drop. >> no, no no. >> no, you need to hear this. >> no, we don't. i'm going to be honest with you. >> you really do. is it hoda? it's yoda? >> that's the other brown girl. >> okay. i'm not a morning person. forgive me. >> here's the deal. the science and the anatomy we can do in the aftershow. i was hoping for like you look amazing from waste up. what's your secret? >> from waist up? i should get these let out a little bit. i don't feel amazing. i feel like -- you know to me 50 is the new 70. because i don't think that we're really getting better. i really don't. >> you don't? >> i really really don't. i think we have to live it and just enjoy it but not buy the hype. i think a lot of it is -- like i've known you -- you okay, al? >> i'm here. i'm with you. >> i know you're thinking about your weekend. but i knew you when you were a lot heavier. you were a lot happier. >> yeah. >> you would do the weather with more glee. now it's just like. you know what i mean? >> it's the fat jolly guy. >> i think that's important. look. i'm a burrito away, seriously, from a bypass. but this is how i look at it. i'm enjoying. i'd rather have 65 great ones than -- >> kind of the jackie gleason. >> stop fighting it is what you're saying. >> yes. you have good dna what are you german? >> there's some in there. >> so you're for gentile. you probably don't have a lot of the the narosis i have. a lot of it is up in your dna. >> gosh. there's so much in this conversation. >> what do you expect? it's a book about my jimmys. >> you're not talking about what goes on top of the ice cream. >> no. and i wrote a book about it. >> i don't think i can read the title anymore. you read it. >> one more time. >> it's your birthday. >> we'll say it together. the title of the book is "when the balls drop." >> available online and in stores tomorrow. thank you so much for being here. >> thank you. >> very revealing. the best part of any birthday present we've got presents coming up. >> oh boy. it's hard finding time to moisturize your skin every day. ♪ with micro droplets of vaseline jelly, new vaseline intensive care spray moisturizes and absorbs in seconds to help heal dry skin. so there's always time for healed skin. that's the healing power of vaseline. in seconds. curing a yeast infection can take days. relieving the itch... can happen instantly. vagisil max strength anti-itch wipes relieve itch and odor instantly as they cleanse. so why wait to feel comfortable? trust vagisil. the number one wipe for itch. the world is filled with air. but for people with copd sometimes breathing air can be difficult. if you have copd, ask your doctor about once-daily anoro ellipta. it helps people with copd breathe better for a full 24hours. anoro ellipta is the first fda-approved product containing two long-acting bronchodilators in one inhaler. anoro is not for asthma. anoro contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. it is not known if this risk is increased in copd. anoro won't replace rescue inhalers for sudden copd symptoms and should not be used more than once a day. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition, or high blood pressure. tell your doctor if you have glaucoma, prostate or bladder problems, or problems passing urine as anoro may make these problems worse. call your doctor right away if you have worsened breathing chest pain, swelling of your mouth or tongue, problems urinating or eye problems including vision changes or eye pain while taking anoro. nothing can reverse copd. the world is filled with air and anoro is helping people with copd breath air better. get your first prescription free at [ jennifer garner ] why can't powerful sunscreen feel great? actually it can. neutrogena® ultra sheer®. its superior uva uvb protection helps prevent early skin aging and skin cancer, all with the cleanest feel. it's the best for your skin. neutrogena® ultra sheer®. now at chili's new top shelf ranchero chicken tacos. stop in for lunch and tap, swipe, and go. chili's. fresh is happening now. still ahead the fun continues. wait until you hear the advice for willie. the you forgot the milk! that's lactaid®. right. 100% real milk just without the lactose. so, no discomfort? exactly. try some... mmm, it is real milk. lactaid®. 100% real milk. no discomfort. very good monday morning. a suspected drunk driver scheduled to appear in court tomorrow in the death of a mother and her 14-month-old daughter in livermore. police arrested brian jones of livermore after his car lost control and hit the family during a saturday house party. jones was at a wine festival earlier in the day, and his blood alcohol level was twice the legal limit. happening now, a happy homecoming for a nepal earthquake survivor from the bay area. he was among the climbers stranded on mt. everest after the quake struck. her husband says she hung on for dear life until helicopter rescued her. mcfeeney is a mother of four from san francisco. she flew in this morning to sfo. it is official -- warriors guard seth curry has won the nba's most valuable player award. there's a news conference at 1:00 p.m. in oakland. this marks the first time a golden state warrior has won the league's most valuable player award. the warriors were just the 10th team ever to win at least 67 games in an nba season. impressive. congratulations to him. weather and traffic after this break. welcome back. i'm meteorologist christina loren. high atop mt. hamilton you see the blanket of clouds over the valley. above the clouds a nice blue sky. it will take a while for clouds to burn off. expecting that between 11:00 a.m. and noon today. temperatures kplfrtdable -- comfortable. 70 degrees. 70 for the north bay. 63 in the east shore area. as we get through the next couple of days, subtle changes to tell you about. temperatures creeping up just a touch for tuesday into wednesday. then we've got a good chance for showers as we head throughout thursday evening. let's check the drive with mike. >> reporter: looking toward oakland, i see slowing. i just saw a set of flashing lights. what looked like an ambulance traveling north past the coliseum. you see traffic huddling here. the flashing lights continue past. still checking, no incidents here. as we look at the map. there are reports of debris north of there downtown around oak. a major issue. i'll track that. that's the slow of the part for the bay. the metering lights are on, but not a big backup. the drive across the san mateo, recovering after a tough morning there. back to you. >> thank you very much. thank you for joining us as well. another local news update in a half-hour. taking a look at the headlines, some children with adhd may be prone to developing a binge eating disorder. john hopkins evaluated kids for adhd and loss of control eating syndrome. those with adhd were 12 times were likely to have the eating disorder. birthrates are on the decline, but only slightly. a new report reveals childbirths fell by 1% between 2012 and 2013. teen deliveries were down 10%. and births among unmarried women also dropped slightly. there were also fewer c-section deliveries. more american renters are being faced with a serious dilemma. pay the rent or buy groceries. more than one in four americans renting their homes have to use at least half of their family income to pay for housing and utilities. that's according to the data by enterprise community partners. experts say you should spend closer to 30% of your income on rent. the reason rental prices have surged at nearly twice the pace of average hourly wages since 2010. it was a big opening weekend at the box office for "avengers: the age of ultron." it took in $187 million. it would have made more if it weren't for people staying home to watch saturday night's floyd mayweather and manny pacquiao fight. "the age of adaline" was second. let's get a check of the weather. >> marvel top three of all time. crazy stuff. all right. thanks so much. we've got a risk of strong central plains through west texas. high surf advisory southern california and the east coast of florida. we're looking at a risk also of the plains. beautiful weather in the east with temperatures getting as warm as they've been since mid-october last year. tomorrow still fairly mild although some showers here in the northeast with that pushing in cold front. more strong storms later on tomorrow for west texas. high surf advisories continue in southern california and east 9:32. #beautifulday coming your way. temperatures are going to be really nice out there today. our spring stride finally after very warm conditions last week. right at average today. 64 on the peninsula. 70 degrees for the south bay today. 63 for the east bay. and 73 degrees, lovely conditions in the warm spots. that's the tri-valley today. lots of sunshine headed your way. subtle changes tuesday, wednesday. temperatures rising just a touch. and then looks like showers by thursday. >> #wg40. that's your latest weather. >> over the hill. a chickadeeian, actor, writer, mark marin has developed a huge fan base with his neurotic style. >> we're already taking shots in three seconds? >> back with the third season of maron where he navigates family career and women. >> hi. >> hi. >> my friends and i were watching you from over there. >> oh really. well, i'm marc. >> yeah. marc are you here with anyone? >> no i'm not. i'm actually single. i'm just, you know, watching the kids. >> yeah. well my friends and i think you need to leave. >> what? >> he thought he had it. >> so close and all of a sudden you're a pedophile. how does that happen? >> just here watching the kids. >> for the right reason al. for life affirming reasons. >> you've said that this show presents the worst case scenarios of your real life. what do you mean by that? >> it's not the worst case scenarios. the undercurrent is if everything had gone wrong, maybe a little of that. it's to protect myself from it happening in real life. some things happen. it gets a little dicey this season. but funny. >> like neurotic in real life though a little bit? >> no. not at all. i don't know why you keep saying that. why? do you keep saying that? >> a little neurotic. >> don't come for me. i said nothing. >> let's be nice. in the season of the season opener you have to meet your girlfriend's son. >> uh-huh. >> are you okay with kids? >> i am for a few days. and then -- no, i like kids. i don't know what it's like to have them. you know, i can talk to them reasonably. and i think they're fun and they seem lovable and interesting. but my experience is limited to, like, okay thanks for having them by. my brother's kids you know. but i have no problem with them. i just don't have any. >> you're better off with cats. >> here we go. >> you're like the crazy cat lady. >> why does it have to be a cat lady? why can't it be cat man? >> the crazy cat man then. >> wow. okay. all right. i see where this is going. look i don't -- i'm not a cat guy. you know, i don't like -- i like my cats. i don't like others. i have two and a few outside. >> those are cute. >> oh, there's pictures. >> are those professional port trats? >> no. that was taken from my chest the one on the left. >> tell us about why you shaved your mustache? >> it's just so weird because people -- when you're a man and you're my age and you live alone with cats, there's a very -- it gets to a point it's not that endearing. there's a fine line between aww and uhh. cats are like your children. no they're not at all unless my children are morons that aren't going to change. there's a -- you get a cat. how much is it really going to change? it's not going to win a sports trophy. it's not going to surprise you with a word. >> what do they bring to your life? >> what do they bring? i have a conversation with them. i used to think my cats were skittish because they're wild. but now i'm actually realizing that it's me. because i am a little neurotic and sometimes i wake up and go damn it and they're like what's happening it's been three minutes. and i'm like do you want to eat? and they're like now it's a question? >> they're not really talking are you? >> i don't know your experience with cats but that's the thing. they're not like kids. i'm a little sad about that. the most surprise you're going to get out of a cat maybe a couple times you'll hear yourself go, how'd you get up there and that would be the big mystery. >> my gosh. >> did i lose you? do i need a dog to be appealing to you? what's happening? >> no. you are appealing to me. you know that. you're a wonderful guy. you're hilarious. and your fans every time you come on they go on twitter and they love you. your podcast. >> wow. this has gotten really good. >> and you can catch the season premiere of maron may 14th on ifc. >> i'll be there. coming up next, star of "the night shift" tells us about her special costars this week. first lady michelle obama and at tracfone, we believe that you should keep what you buy. that's why your unused talk, text and data never expires with active service. some major carriers say you can keep your data. but when you read the fine print, your data does expire. makes you wonder what else you're losing. but tracfone has unlimited carryover, so you get to keep your unused talk, text and data. 90-day plans with unlimited carryover start as low as $20. unbeatable nationwide coverage. no contract. tracfone. do everything for less. one of the cool perks of this place, is you can eat as much cereal as you want. you can go to any line that's running, and pull a box of cereal. alrighty. we just like cereal, we make it, eat it love it, live it. 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try it on sandwiches like the new chipotle chicken melt with guacamole. subway. eat fresh. our deejay is still going. meanwhile, she left the sunny beaches of the hamptons on "royal pains" for a job on "the night shift" where jill flint plays a passionate doctor in a busy e.r. this week they're doing something extraordinary. >> teaming up with michelle obama and jill biden for an episode highlighting veterans benefits. what a great honor that must have been. but probably a little nerve-racking i'm guessing. >> yes. we were all very nervous. if you see the psa, you can see the three of us standing behind the first lady and dr. biden just hoping we don't embarrass ourselves entirely. >> and the psa is for veterans. >> it is. it's for joining forces which is an organization that i think they have over 300 different outposts in the states where veterans can go and, you know, it's -- gives them a sense of community. it's a place where you can go and talk about things and really really -- as you can see not all of the scars that you come back with are physical. >> right. >> the first lady and dr. biden have both been great on this issue. how did this come together? i know they're interested in it. how did it come together with your show? >> well they liked the way we were portraying veterans. as people. our two main characters, it's in the fabric of our show. our two main characters suffer from ptsd. and they like the idea that they have -- we have these two veterans that came back that are still active in their community and really doing what they can to get back on track with their lives and that's exactly the message they want to portray for all of their veterans that you can -- so you can come back to your life. it's important to make a difference. >> well, we obviously followed you on "royal pains" and your character now. but there are things floating around on the web that we want to verify. are you cool with that? >> it's a game. >> i want to put her on the spot. that's okay. it is a game. but some of it may or may not be true. will you let us know? >> okay. >> so we pulled three tidbits from the web. the first one was your first major role was in "garden state" as obnoxious girl. true or false? >> oh, yeah. >> okay. so you come from a family of automotive enthusiasts. mechanics and race car drivers. but you didn't get your driver's license until 2013. >> that is true. >> why? >> well, i mean, i moved to new york when i was 17. i didn't have -- >> didn't need it. >> -- a need for a car. then when i moved to albuquerque to shoot "the night shift" i needed a car. >> so you can drive? >> like a champ. >> quick the last one. you are a huge "lord of the rings" fan. >> i am. >> word is you've heard it 13 times? more? wait pl all of them? >> yes. >> very impressive. >> we love that. >> we know what you're doing in between takes. catch the special episode of "the night shift" tonight on nbc. coming up, more sal khan: khan academy is a not-for-profit, with a mission of providing a free world-class education for anyone anywhere. if you look at a khan academy video, they can cover everything from basic arithmetic to calculus, trigonometry, finance. you can really just get what you need at your own pace. and so, bank of america came and reached out to us and said 'we are really interested in making sure that everyone really understands personal finance.' and we're like 'well, we're already doing that.' and so it was kind of a perfect match. now? 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>> happy 40th birthday. you're still a kid. >> happy 40th. >> it's not every day you turn 40. make it a good one. >> i'm five years ahead of you and it only gets better. >> i can't believe you're actually younger than me, but i do remember our very first slow dance. i'll always have it close to my heart. >> happy birthday to willie geist. i'm jealous you're only 40. >> i heard you're turning 21. i want to say congratulations. happy birthday. i hope you celebrate it big willie style. >> happy birthday, willie. the big 4-0. wow. >> happy 40th mr. willie. >> here's your gift right here. just for you. >> i can't believe you're 40 already. i would hate to say it's all down hill from here, but it is. >> honestly in the history of nbc and the "today" show, you are without a doubt the tallest person that's ever been on here. so enjoy your 40th birthday. hey, your life's half over at least. >> happy birthday, willie. 40 is the new 10. so look forward to being a kid again. >> any day is great as long as it's your birthday. >> wishing you the biggest, most beautiful, and exciting happy birthday and an amazing year. >> happy birthday buddy. i was going to do a shot in your honor but i'm going to drink all this whiskey just for you. >> nice. >> yeah! happy birthday willie! our gift for mr. geist coming up. but first this is "today" on nbc. ♪ all right. willie's 40th birthday would not be complete without some gifts for our birthday b-boy. >> and look who's bringing them in. >> i didn't see you over there. >> yes, you couldn't see us. happy birthday, willie. >> happy birthday, willie. >> i thought you'd never do this. autographed. >> and autographed a little big town girl crush hat. >> we've got 1975 theme ongoing here. we have the -- you've got to have your mood rings. your pet rock because that was very big. and our best friend -- we have to toast to you. you've got to blow out your candles. >> you make a wish. to the biggest willie in the world. >> there we go. >> the one we love the most. >> thank you. i love you. you think i can do it? >> big wish, wig big willie. >> yea! >> happy ♪ ♪ ee-e-e-oh-mum-oh-weh ♪ ♪ hush my darling... ♪ ♪ don't fear my darling... ♪ ♪ the lion sleeps tonight. ♪ [snoring.] ♪ hush my darling... ♪ [snoring.] ♪ don't fear my darling... ♪ ♪ the lion sleeps tonight. ♪ [snoring.] take the roar out of snore. yet another innovation only at a sleep number store. good morning, everyone. 9:54. happening today, students lrcheft in the lurch from the college closure may get answers about what to do next. the for-profit christian than colleges closed all of its remaining campuses last week. today at 1:00, the state attorney general's office and other agencies will hold a webinar to answer questions and provide help. that includes advice as to where to enroll next and how to deal with outstanding loans. a followup. east bay muds they can't be sure one way or the other whether yesterday's concord earthquake triggered a water main break four miles away in walnut creek. we know the 3.6 magnitude quake hit before 11:15 yesterday. water was leaking on to the intersection shortly thereafter. crews this morning have got that all fixed up. let's check your weather. >> hey, thank you, scott. pleasant weather on the way for today. we've got those low clouds out there. still lingering, only in spots across the bay area. mostly the coast. those will be clearing out by 4:00 p.m. comfortable conditions start of that natural a.c. 55 on the peninsula today. 70 for the east shore. temperatures are going to be a little bid cooler near the water than what we're expecting inland for you. throughout the next couple of days the good news is everything stays steady. at least temperaturewise. we've got showers rolling through by thursday. details on this today at 11:00. now we'll check the drive. mike? looking forward fremont southbound 880, starting to slow. a lot better over the last few minutes. traffic was late stacking up. we'll look at the map. that's typical compression heading toward mission boulevard and al vista. 237 shows the bulk of the commute a few minutes ago moving over in toward milpitas. sunnyvale and mountainview. the south bay looking gaet ging great after a tough morning through 101. slowing, but no big deal. the debris has been cleared. back to you. >> all right. we'll have another update coming up in a half-hour. from nbc news, this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb, live from studio 1a in rockafeller plaza. ♪ >> hi. >> hoda's back and she's got a lot of stories to tell. it's fun day monday, may 4th. ins case you didn't know it's "star wars" day. may the force be with you. reality star businessman husband of giuliana rancic, bill ran sick. >> a good guy. >> going to talk about something special. >> we will give you something you want if you really want. >> if you really really want. >> you will a' figure it out. >> lovely -- >> charlotte. >> she's here. >> here with a few surprises with us. she has a disturbing -- exec produced a special on the -- >> horrible on what they do to elephants and the ivory trade, hard to watch but important. >> it's interesting to see the multiple facets of people you think you know everything about them. >> you think you know them. >> but you don't. >> you have a big weekend to tell us. i want to say how lovely it was to go to dinner with regis and joy. friday night. they send their love to hoda. >> how was it? >> we always have a great time together. >> you lad a -- yours was like. >> it was a great weekend. >> a marathon. >> okay. if you've ever been to new orleans during jazz fest you know what this feels like. it was a low humidity day, a huge shock for new orleans. >> the first miracle. >> stunning. >> it was the best music the food at the new orleans jazz fest is astonishing. >> i can't imagine. >> not a hot dog, hamburger or pretzel to be found. it's craw fish bread. >> jambalaya. >> something for you if you don't like that? >> soft shell crab cakes. >> there you go. >> po boys. >> a po boy. >> that's the gospel tent. if you -- we went to -- right here this tent is the blues tent. the people playing at this tent were a great kind of funk singer, gene knight and the dixie cups who sang -- ♪ going to the chapel and we're ♪ ♪ going to get ♪ >> i was going to sing harmony but too late. >> i was sweaty dancing doing the electric slide. >> you don't know how to do the electric slide. >> i don't. no girl go forward, that. i kept saying just teach me. >> that's what people love about you. >> it was fun. just you get the breath of the crowds at jazz fest look this is ed sheeran, the ed sheeran tent, it was a small part of it. take a look. ♪ ♪ >> never seen gwen stefani and no doubt in concert. >> you said she was fantastic. >> watch how she electrified the crowd. go. ♪ >> and while we were sitting there watching her, i look next to me, and drew brees and his wife were there. >> stop it. >> he's our hero we love him. >> we love him? a girl named rebecca randomly in between, goes can i stay in the picture? i said you have to. >> nice to see everybody getting along. >> one of the most fun cities in the world. >> boy, the kathie lee questions abounded. >> did we ever get a picture of hoda and her hot shorts? >> can i tell you, when i walked out, i wore a dress the first day like a flowy dress, everybody goes girl wear your shorts. i go what? kathie lee said you would have shorts on. i cannot -- >> you can't let your people down, hoda. did you do it? >> i did it on the second day. >> good for you. i have breaking news. >> tell me. >> we have a girl. we know that. but we have a namep. it's just now being announced. >> this baby, the one we're talking about. >> the royal princess. >> ready? >> we're breaking news on our show. everyone together now. >> charlotte elizabeth diana. >> that's perfect. that makes me cry. wow. >> oh. that's beautiful. >> oh, gosh. >> we wanted diana but we didn't know whether it would be -- >> charlotte elizabeth diana. >> a great grandmother elizabeth queen elizabeth so happy and the memory of his mom diana, wow. >> say it again. charlotte elizabeth diana. >> oh. >> it's perfect. >> i wonder if they'll call her charley. >> wouldn't that be cute. >> yeah. >> by the way will be back in her size 0 by friday afternoon. she's unbelievable. >> gave birth on saturday. a lot of people may have been busy over the weekend and didn't notice. one of the things we were watching during the week. 8 pounds 3 ounces. >> yeah. >> why do i care about a little baby and why do we all care so much? >> we care. >> and when that little william was waving with his dad oh as he went in to meet his sister. >> with the matching shirts. sometimes when you see a moment like that, i mean, george. >> george. >> and prince william next to him with prince charles going in to meet harry all the years ago. beautiful back in '84. >> oh, my gosh. >> that baby fourth in line to the throne. >> jumped over harry and i don't think harry cares. >> the joy we feel, so much bad news in the world, you know. >> yeah. >> so much negativity and like this miracle keeps happening called the birth of a baby and you realize, you know what it ain't over yet. there's hope. >> she's so -- >> great. >> perfect looking baby. >> she looks like a caesarian baby not a mark on her. she's beautiful. >> i can't believe kate walked out carrying the baby like this, hi, okay, that happened a few hours ago. >> yeah. >> she has set the bar very high for most women. >> i can't believe -- >> can we focus we broke news on our show? >> yeah. >> when does that ever -- that happened like one other time. >> we break wind a lot but not news. >> so so sad. >> and you know who i'm talking about around here. >> tomorrow on the program, because we are a news breaking program these days. >> of course we are. we forget sometimes but we are. >> tomorrow, we are going to have a presidential candidate on our show. >> i'm excited about this. >> a little shocking but happening. >> i think she's a cool lady. >> carly fiorina. >> i've started reading her book a couple weeks ago. she's a fascinating woman very accomplished. she's going to be here with her husband and she, of course declared was it -- >> today. >> early today. >> yes. here's the thing. we are doing a series called "candidates uncorked." you will get a lot of politics on other programs, with us we get the feel. >> to the person. >> the vibe. >> the human being. >> we want to know who carley is. >> behind the ideology. >> red or white, a lot of questions that are important. >> she ran for the senate in california did not make it why not president. >> let's try it out. >> melissa rivers was on earlier. >> lovely interview that matt did with her. >> yeah. >> has written a new book, going to be on with us soon. >> tomorrow. >> the book, big tomorrow. >> can we ask, why are we getting all the big stories and things happening on our program? it's about time. >> it's in honor of you hoda. you are the gracie award winner. you are -- i see a know bell in the future. why do we have these, by the wayle. >> this is exciting. okay. >> we're going to get to that. >> they're going to be cold by the time we get to it. >> this is the interview matt did with melissa. >> he talked to her about a lot of things, about, you know, her mom and all kinds of things but also talked about some business things like fashion police and the trouble there. take a look. >> let's talk about "fashion police". >> yes. >> it's been in the headlines a lot. >> you think? >> i am so sincerely sorry. >> a heartfelt apology. >> the reason kathie kit. >> the matriarch of the family died and the family fell apart. and the sisters started fighting and everybody mourns and grieves differently and someone tried to marry into the family and we know how that went. that's the only way i can sort of explain what happened. >> do you think the the show is mean spirited? >> no. i think the show is funny and people say it's mean spirited. it wasn't. because it was a celebration. my mother loved fashion and she loved celebrity and she loved being famous and she loved that these women were getting dressed up and even though we were talking about it and making jokes, it came from a place of excitement which made it okay. in the second incarnation i don't think we ever achieved that warmth, that excitement that love that came through the screen. >> i think that's a perfect assessment. >> by the way potspot on. >> we were blessed to know and love her dearly. when you knew joan, if you only new some of the caustic things that did come out of her mouth quite often, if you didn't know the human being i mean i -- if you ever needed a friend in this life, it was joan. she was as loyal as the day is long. she said she only picked on people that could defend themselves. >> right. >> so i think she overstepped the line on occasion but we all do. you walk a tight line in this especially now in the world of social media. she started out saying these kinds of things back in the '50s. >> right. before people were doing it. >> yeah. >> nice to see melissa, too, like that. because no one has really heard from her, heard her speak about her mom. >> yeah. >> much since her mom's passing. >> and there is a lawsuit pending. i'm sure she has to be guarded about what she says. she will be with us tomorrow and on thursday night i will be introducing her when her college, bernard college is honoring joan. >> that's sweet. >> yeah yeah, yeah. it's all going to happen. it has to. >> you were asking about these very, very important, we all do biscuits from taco bell the breakfast business. tomorrow they are going to serve breakfast, give these away for free to celebrate cinco de mayo. >> with eggs, cheese, bacon, sausage and going to give one free biscuit taco per customer between 7:00 and 11:00 local time at the participating taco bell restaurants. >> that's the operative word. make sure your taco bell is -- you would be so disappointed. >> are you going to -- you can't because there's cheese on them. >> it does look good. >> i gave up cheese until memorial day. >> memorial day. >> val? want to give it a shot? >> give it a try. mexican not italian. is that all right with you? >> i can deal with it. >> what did you get? >> what kind. >> looks like sausage and cheese. >> okay. >> it's good. >> yeah. >> all right. >> thank you. >> thank you, sal. >> that was excellent. a little sad update i don't know if you remember the truly brave video we did with cyndi lauper and sarah ber rel his a lot of great stories that have come out of that. today a sad story, debbie, one of the young girls in the video, passed away. she was 13. she was a very very sweet kid. >> i remember her. she was special. >> her parents talked about how she never complained about anything. they said stef loved to sing and dance and when she lost the ability to speak she could still sing and brought joy to those around her. an amazing kid. >> she never complained but would say cancer sucks. >> that is exactly. >> her family is in our thoughts and prayers. okay. ifd you leave now your a'rer a're going to miss our favorite things. >> we're getting down to business with i'm one... i am one of the one's who discovered always discreet underwear for sensitive bladders. it makes me feel secure, confident. i feel protected. i mean i feel comfortable to move in them they move with me. i love always discreet underwear because of the fit. the fabric is very soft. i can wear whatever i want to wear. always discreet has made me a very happy woman. join over 500,000 women who've discovered always discreet underwear. for more stories and your free sample go to always so bladder leaks can feel like no big deal. did ya know? fresh step extreme lightweight litter isn't just light. it's also the best lightweight for eliminating odors. amazing, right? for superior odor elimination try fresh step extreme... lighweight. ♪ recently we've noticed some ads created by these two birds inviting you to stay away from the streak free shine of windex. well dear windex users these ads are false. sfx: squeaks from window cleaning clean glass is better than dirty glass. don't stand for dirty. use windex. ♪ there are no medals won for earning a living. it's just what you do for family. but it's hard to build a future if you can't see past today. that's why walmart is investing in the most important part of our company - our people. because a raise in pay, raises us all. what's going on? toaster's broken. which means no eggo waffles. something smells delicious. eggo! l'eggo my eggo breakfast sandwich. it's sweet, it's savory, it's in your microwave. l'eggo my eggo breakfast sandwich. . it's hard to believe but it's been 11 years since bill rancic first became a household name on live television. >> back in 2004 when donald trump uttered the famous words "you're hired" on season one of the "apprentice." three years later he married giuliana depandy. >> i didn't remember her name before you. >> the two starred in their reality show called "giuliana and bill" and baby duke came along. >> not only a best-selling author but restaurant owner, motivational speaker and small business advocate. >> you're business and important. >> great to see you. it's important small businesses, we'll get to that in a little bit. how is the family? >> amazing. >> how is duke? >> duke is unbelievable. he's 40 pounds, going to be 3 at the end of august. we love every minute of it. >> oh, my gosh. >> nothing like it in the whole world. >> we're going to get to the small business stuff and see pictures of giuliana all over had her sitting there where you were. >> recently. >> rough patch no how is she doing? >> she's great. she is a strong woman, inspiration for me and our son. been through so much over the last eight years since we've been married. i love her obviously. >> didn't you go after the people being mean to her? i can't imagine how you didn't. >> it was tough. her intent was to make a hippie joke. >> yeah. >> had nothing to do with what some of these people were saying and boy it just took on a life of its own. >> any time, like when we were talking about with joan, when you know the real person and see them being accused of something you know is just unjust. >> that's right. >> it's easier to be accused yourself than watch somebody else you love go through it. >> if joan was around she would have never allowed that to happen. >> did you say this is how we're going to handle this? when there's a crisis in a family you make a plan sort of. >> we did. we made a plan, we kind of -- >> what was it? >> we were just going to kind of weather it. we have a strong marriage. we love each other. we knew that you know, she didn't do anything wrong. >> yeah. >> and obviously these situations bring us closer together. >> right. >> they can tear you apart or bring you closer together. we always were a team. good times and bad. >> the hardest part the frustration you feel in not -- when you can't get the truth out there. >> as a husband. >> yeah. >> it was hard because as a husband we are the defender, want to protect our family and i kind of had to be muzzled. i wanted to get out there and i wanted to defend my wife. >> of course. are we planning on expanding the fa mily? >> we're talking about it. we're looking at our options. >> that's true, that's true. little more than that. >> we'll be the first to know. >> we will break it here. >> tell us about the small business thing. >> yeah. >> you are a champion of small businesses. >> i've been a small business owner essentially my adult life. >> yeah. >> two restaurants? >> two restaurants. third opening this summer in d.c. >> good for you. >> we've got the wine and out with giuliana, and the small business owner is the backbone of our economy. >> yeah. >> they employ more people than any other sector of business out there. >> and get taxed more than anybody really. >> rebuilding main train street, they're the ones sponsoring soccer and football teams and look at the businesses out there they started as small business. >> you're a paid ambassador and spokesperson for intuit quick books. >> that's right. we are launching a campaign quick books is launching called small business, big game, searching the country for small businesses to come and apply and we're going to give one small business a fully paid, fully produced commercial that's going to run during the biggest football game of the year. >> you mean the super bowl. >> you got it. >> that's a multimillion-dollar prize. >> it's going to change the life of a small business. >> that's awesome. >> can we do a flashback of you when you won "the apprentice." look at what bill looked like 12 years ago. i was in the car with you, actually after -- >> you interviewed. >> i interviewed bill. >> look at us. >> what is your leg doing? >> talk about your hair. >> oh, my goodness. >> you were like -- >> oh, my gosh. back in the day. >> you had just won. >> i think you're fermenting like a fine wine. >> hoda. >> whoa. >> those were the old days. that was pre-kathie lee. >> you both looked better than ever. >> i mean, who did i think i was? >> you were the winner of "the apprentice". >> glad you weathered that thing. >> david beckham's birthday bash and a spice girl reunion. >> in t many wrinkle creams come with high hopes, but hope... doesn't work on wrinkles. clinically proven neutrogena® rapid wrinkle repair with the fastest retinol formula available, it works on fine lines and even deep wrinkles. you'll see younger looking skin in just one week. stop hoping for results, and start seeing them. rapid wrinkle repair... ...and for dark spots rapid tone repair. from neutrogena®. shopping for the family used to cause a lot of stress between me and my budget. but thanks to fingerhut, we have found our happy place. life is definitely sweeter. at we got approved to shop with low monthly payments. over 200,000 items with brand names like samsung, dyson, dewalt. and with great family stuff, like this samsung tv. and even our yoga mats. all you gotta do is click on over to get the credit you deserve to get all kinds of great stuff for the family. al! ♪ keep up with everyday messes with the help of roomba from irobot. sensors automatically guide roomba around your home, vacuuming up dirt and debris for a more thorough clean every day. roomba. only from irobot. advanced design makes it easy to protect your dog or cat from fleas and ticks. discover seresto. with the performance you expect from topicals in a non-greasy collar seresto provides protection against fleas and ticks for 8 months. seresto. introducing light & fit protein shakes the new way to help make temptations shrink away. with 12 grams of protein, 5 grams of fiber and 0% fat. new light & fit protein shakes. taste the power of satisfaction. in one mesmerizing stroke, create a smoldering look. l'oreal's new smokissime. our 1st powder liner to create a smoky effect in just one stroke. concentrated pigments... effortlessly shade... and intensify... it's smoky made simple. smokissime from l'oreal makeup designer, paris. shopping online... as easy as it gets. wouldn't it be great if hiring plumbers carpenters and even piano tuners... were just as simple? thanks to angie's list now it is. start shopping online... ...from a list of top rated providers. visit today. . it's now time to surprise our fan of the week. >> fan of the week. >> drum roll, please. while we spin the globe. >> who is it? >> today it has landed in clairemore, oklahoma. >> where our fan victoria watches us on kjrh channel 2. >> victoria joining us by skype. hi, victoria. are you surprised? >> yes. good morning. >> all right. we're going to tell everybody why you were chosen her husband robert they both recently became empty nesters and enjoying every second of it. used to getting all of her free time, she spends it on hobbies and watching our shows. >> she's cute. >> her husband put a tv in her bathroom to watch the fourth hour every morning. we are like new companions. we appreciate that. why is she in the bathroom for an hour, though? >> i don't know. a little weird. >> we're going to put your fandom to the test. 15 seconds and one guess. ready? >> [ inaudible ]. >> when we play our weekly trivia segment who knew, those who answer the questions receive a $100 gift card, those who don't receive that what do they get, a mug wine, what is it? >> a cd. >> that's right. all right. you are going on a fabulous trip, victoria, you and robert if you choose will head here to new york city. >> fantastic. >> four days, three nights stay at the hotel in new york city right? >> yes. not only will you be treated to a grand deluxe rooms of views with park avenue, have access to the pool and bar and round trip airfare are included. >>en can you believe it. you will have so much fun. come see us too. >> oh, my gosh. can i see you guys? i'm going to come see you. >> the worst audio we've ever had. come see us. get your garden ready for summer with a hunky jamie durie. >> tiger woods and lindsey vonn breakup details after your local news. ♪ there are no medals won for earning a living. it's just what you do for family. but it's hard to build a future if you can't see past today. that's why walmart is investing in the most important part of our company - our people. because a raise in pay, raises us all. if you have play dates at your house. be ready to clean up the mess. the kids have fun, but it's pretty gross. (doorbell) what's that? it's a swiffer wetjet. i can just grab this and just go right to the mess. that comes from my floor? now that's disgusting. i want friends over! you want friends over? did you use the loo paper in there? i did. how was it? it was good! why do you think that the ripples work? because it gets it all clean. are you so clean that you would go commando? ok! how do you feel? i feel awesome! only cottonelle has cleanripple texture, so you can go commando. ♪ >> this is kind of low. good morning, everyone. 10:26. great news -- a woman stuck in nepal after the earthquake justice landed in san francisco. greeted by her four children. chevonne mcfeeney was among the climbers stranded on mt. everest after the earthquake. we'll talk to the family here coming up at 11:00. britain buzzing this morning. the new princess has a new name. looks like prince william and kate covered all of the bases with their two-day-old daughter charlotte elizabeth diana. charles -- charlotte, william's father's name, the middle names, tribute to the queen and princess diana. happy bonus kate's mother named elizabeth, as well. , m'lady! i am sir-can-a-lot, here to save you from another breakfast bore. wake up those eggs with glorious spam! see what spam can! do... at welcome back. i'm meteorologist christina loren. pleasant weather to enjoy for your back-to-work monday. 65 on the peninsula. around 63 in san francisco. 63 for east bay. and 70 degrees in the north bay. temperatures are going to stay steady this week. we do have some showers on the way. wednesday into thursday clouding up. showers are expected by thursday evening. we'll tell you how much and let you know what we're expecting whether it comes to change -- what to expect when it comes to changes in the microclimate. metering lights off. a couple of people waiting. looking at the maps, a smooth easy drive around the bay on the approach toward the bay bridge. the north bay, no delay. no delay from the south bay either. the smootd bridge foster city they started work on the eastbound, on the right shoulder. back to you. >> all right. thanks. join us at 11:00. and we are back on this fun day monday and if it's nice weather and you want to spend more time outdoors but your messy yard is keeping you inside we have something for you. >> about to show you three different ways to transform your garden with help of landscape design expert and the host of "outback nation" jamie durry. >> hello. how are you? >> i'm really well. >> why are you here when savannah is in australia? >> it's kind of weird but i love you're giving away a holiday in my hometown. it's making me home sick, actually. >> bird feeders and ways to attract birds. >> i'm about getting birds into the garden. you know, australia birds mean a different thing, of course. >> like in england. >> but here i've got a little bird feeder. >> okay. >> and i've got, you know, this little birdhouse here. >> adorable. >> you want to give them a place to escape. >> dos these plants attract birds? >> yes. this is a great one. butterflies and nectar feeding birds and phlox. >> we put in a tough of this stuff. >> merry golds around the front there merry golds keep away the pests which is a a great thing to do. >> i didn't know that. >> that's your home. >> okay. >> and brings a lot of interaction in the garden and the kids love it which is great. over here i have a little bird bath. so i'll just throw a bit of water in there if you don't mind. >> yeah. >> there you go. >> just leave it like that. >> that's it. >> you have to change it. >> and the mosquitos. >> no. wash it out. you can't leave it there forever. >> okay. >> maintenance to everything, hoda. >> okay. >> correct. >> sounds like a lot of work. >> one of the girls, click her fingers and it's done for her, right. >> that's our hoda. >> the birdhouse the acrylic birdhouse is cool because that sort of keeps all the water away from the bird seed, which is great. >> okay. >> i have a little test for you, girls. >> no. >> this is a horticulture exam. >> oh, lord. >> marked all of these ones. rosemary and eggplant and a few of those other things here but left the names to the other edible plants here for you guys to guess. >> i know, this is not basil. >> basil is this one. >> no, it's this one. >> no. that's not. >> okay. this is mint. >> you killed the sage. >> i'm sorry, sage. >> wait. >> we don't have sage. stevia. this is mint. >> stevia is the brown one. >> that's basil. this is stevia. >> basil. >> basil. >> basil. yes. >> never seen that color. >> that's why i did it to trick you. >> that's nice. >> you do this one. >> i don't know. what's this big fluffy thing. >> eggplant. >> must be this one up here. over here. >> there you go. this is stevia. we're not going very well, are we? back here. >> okay. >> that was fun. >> try this one over here. >> what are you doing? >> is that a -- >> i'm putting a tomato in. i like to give the roots a bit of a tickle before i put them in. >> that kind of guy. >> of course you are. >> they appreciate it and it opens up the root system. >> that's exactly right. >> yes. >> yes. >> yes yes yes. of course, once you've planted always water. >> okay. >> okay. >> there we go. that's looking sgloods water these every day if you do this? >> every second day it's great to do that, particularly with -- >> unless it rains. >> yes. >> i'm vertically challenge so i'm having trouble over here. >> these are azaleas and blooming like crazy. >> aren't they great? >> magnificent. >> i walked the line this morning and i love that garden. >> all right. >> so i've brought in evergreens here. you know it's lovely having the plants that lose their leaves and flowers come out, but you want your foundation plants that keep the foliage all year-round. this is variegated. >> as opposed to an annual. >> well done. >> i didn't want to get too scientific with everyone. >> she guessed it. whatever. >> the azalea over here. you have a yellow tip to the leaf. that's glossy and it's water -- >> this is a small leaf holly. >> oh. >> i've never seen one like that. >> it's compact. >> will it grow large? hollys can get very, very ungainly. >> they can, yes. >> we don't like that. >> we don't. spindly. >> they get leggy. >> >> yeah. >> that's good if you're a bird. >> we got to run. thank you. >> thank you. happy spring. >> catch "outback nation" sunday nights on fyi. >> all right. from gardening to gardens of eden, kristen davis shares news. >> and tiger and lindsey call it quits and taxi! sorry to stop you, but i noticed your windshield's dirty. you want a big tip? sparkle paper towels are great for cleaning glass without cleaning out your savings! watch sparkle go to work on this dirty windshield. check your oil... it even works on this little thingamajig. which one of these pedals makes it stop?! sparkle. 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ooh, that's a tough one. not this time. not with xarelto®. anything else? i'll have another arnold palmer. ok. make mine a kevin nealon. really, brian? hey, safety first. like all blood thinners, don't stop taking xarelto® without talking to your doctor as this may increase your risk of a blood clot or stroke. while taking xarelto® you may bruise more easily and it may take longer for bleeding to stop. xarelto® may increase your risk of bleeding if you take certain medicines. xarelto® can cause serious bleeding and in rare cases may be fatal. get help right away if you develop unexpected bleeding unusual bruising, or tingling. if you have had spinal anesthesia while on xarelto® watch for back pain or any nerve or muscle-related signs or symptoms. do not take xarelto® if you have an artificial heart valve, or abnormal bleeding. tell your doctor before all planned medical or dental procedures. before starting xarelto® tell your doctor about any conditions such as kidney, liver, or bleeding problems. xarelto® has been prescribed more than 11 million times in the u.s. and that number's growing. like your guys' scores. with xarelto® there is no regular blood monitoring, and no known dietary restrictions. treatment with xarelto® was the right move for us. ask your doctor about xarelto®. you may be able to get up to 12 months at no cost. most people aren't crazy about mondays but we are. that means we get to fill you in on "today's buzz." >> here with the hot hollywood gossip you policed from the weekend is "rolling stone" contributor joe levy. >> you're at "rolling stone." you get around. >> i move from place to place like a little bird pollinating the flower. >> like a little bird. tiger woods and lindsey vonn announced their breakup over the weekend. >> they did. >> three years. >> they announced it on facebook. they've been together since 2013. >> two years maybe. >> two years a little more than that. here's the thing, they're saying our busy schedules prevent us from seeing each other. i believe he's got nine tournaments -- no five tournaments in the next nine weeks on two continents. >> that could be partly true. >> it could be true but still, using facebook to announce it in the aftermath of all the sports events is a quiet, dignified end as opposed to the way tiger's relationships have ended in the past. >> much more interest throughout either one to see who are they dating next. >> i don't think we were all so invested in that relationship. you sort of knew they were together but i don't think you -- >> we didn't have a name for it. we didn't -- >> liger -- >> yeah. >> sophia vergara and her fiance joe man ga nel lo are moving in to egts. >> they've moved in together. it already happened. >> i'm excited. >> why is this news? >> because they're both super sexy and this fun little thing, and also if you were on instagram you saw her put up a photo when they were moved in together our first fight in our new home and they're watching the pacquiao/mayweather fight. >> nice digs. >> she told ellen that she didn't really want to go out with him at first, he seemed like a lot of work "people's" hottest bachelor, engaged since december moving in together. moving quickly. >> yeah. so they're moving fast. >> when you're with someone that good looking you always worry someone is going to steal them. >> oh, no, people have always worried about that. i know that burden very well. >> we were talking about the big fight there. something else that grabbed headlines and not the fight itself was it? >> no. a little bit of controversy or negative reaction to jamie foxx's rendition of the national -- at least i think the national anthem. >> do we have it? i want to see. ♪ o'er the land of the free ♪ ♪ and the home of the brave ♪ >> what was wrong with that? >> i thought that was fine. >> got the good part at the end when he found his way. gets a little lost at the beginning, takes his earpiece out. >> easy to do. >> he brought it home okay. >> he can sing. >> he can sing. a little better acting than singing maybe. just based on this. >> beyond say sitting in the audience, mariah carey. >> i'm surprised she doesn't jump up there kanye style and say i'm going to let you finish but here's the national anthem. >> she couldn't do that. >> you're right. >> spice girls are reuniting. >> thank good. we've all been waiting. >> there was a reunion at david beckham's 40th birthday party. we've got to -- this on instagram. now standing in for scary spice, mel b., eva longoria who joked on stain gram she is the new spice girl latina spice. this was at david beckham's -- >> she was not at the party. >> well -- >> they're there together with the birthday boy. he shares a birthday with -- >> charlotte elizabeth diana. >> breaking news. >> yes. >> her name. >> yes. >> thank you. >> thanks a lot. >> will there be a "sex in the city 3"? >> one woman who might know, kristen davis and a ♪ ♪ (ee-e-e-oh-mum-oh-weh) (hush my darling...) (don't fear my darling...) (the lion sleeps tonight.) (hush my darling...) man snoring (don't fear my darling...) (the lion sleeps tonight.) woman snoring take the roar out of snore. yet another innovation only at a sleep number store. what's going on? toaster's broken. which means no eggo waffles. something smells delicious. eggo! l'eggo my eggo breakfast sandwich. it's sweet, it's savory, it's in your microwave. l'eggo my eggo breakfast sandwich. ♪ there are no medals won for earning a living. it's just what you do for family. but it's hard to build a future if you can't see past today. that's why walmart is investing in the most important part of our company - our people. because a raise in pay, raises us all. [ screaming ] rate suckers! [ bell dinging ] your car insurance goes up because of their bad driving. people try all sorts of ways to get rid of them. [ driver panting ] if you're sick of paying more than your fair share... [ screams ] get snapshot from progressive, and see just how much your good driving could save you. photos are great... ...for capturing your world. and now... ...they can transform it with the new angie's list app you can get projects done in a snap. take a photo of your project... ...or just tell us what you need done... ...and angie's list will find a top-rated provider to do the job. the angie's list app is the simple, new way to get work done on your schedule. the app makes it easy, the power of angie's list makes it work. call, click or download the app for free today. it's hard finding time to moisturize your skin every day. ♪ with micro droplets of vaseline jelly, new vaseline intensive care spray moisturizes and absorbs in seconds to help heal dry skin. so there's always time for healed skin. that's the healing power of vaseline. in seconds. we're used to seeing emmy nominated kristen davis on hit tv show "melrose place" to the optimistic sweet good girl charlotte on "sex in the city". >> now working behind the scenes as executive producer of the documentary "gardeners of eden" follows the wild life trust as it raises orphaned elephants in hopes of returning them to the wild. take a look. >> the big elephant with the baby is malika and her baby. malika is an ex-orphaned who was orphaned when tiny, raised by the trusts reintroduced to the wild and mated with a wild elephant and had the baby. and when they first were re-releasing the orphans they didn't know if the wild elephants would have anything to do with them. the fact they're mating and having wild born babies is a miracle, remarkable thing. >> it's still all about sex. so nice to see you. we watched this, and it's well done and i know you put up all the money for it. this is really a passion project. >> yeah. >> so tell us the statistic of how often an elephant is killed for its ivory. >> every 15 minutes. >> unbelievable. >> shocking. >> when did you become interested in this? what is it? >> i always loved elephants like when i was little. >> because of dumbo or -- >> no. i had a big stuffed elephant. i can't explain it it. when i went on my first safari i was like i just want to see elephants. the guide was like what about leopard leopards. they're like people and have an elaborate family structure and watching their behavior. they're very gentle giants. cooky and funny. it never occurred to me when i saw them they could be extinct in our lifetime in ten years at the current rate because of ivory trinkets that people are buying, not knowing that -- >> right. >> are they still ignorant about the fact it's illegal done by poachers? >> yes. i think there are loopholes in the law and new york and new jersey have banned ivory which is great but you can buy antique ivory, but no one dates it so you don't know. don't buy ivory. that is the main point. >> you're roughing it when you go out there, obviously. >> yeah. >> you looked so beautiful. >> you're kind. so kind. >> can i see, i cannot believe you turned 50. i look at you -- >> annoying. >> i can't believe it either. i have no relationship. i don't know i have no relationship to it. it's like 50, how weird. like when we were little we had a weird association with what it meant. >> right. >> i don't feel like it means that but maybe that's me. >> 100 which means old. >> my grand mother is 106. >> you are kidding. >> and southern ladies take care of themselves. >> not her. she's like a hill billy tough. >> slopg the bourbon. >> no like get out of my way. >> do you ever watch the "sex and the city" marathons? >> no. >> why not? >> i don't like to live in the past. >> really. >> i don't really turn on the tv a lot because my 3-year-old gets like -- watches whatever it is whether appropriate or inappropriate. >> right. >> >> i like to go through it. it's cute and i see picturesp. i don't want to watch it. >> what about a "sex in the city" movie. >> is that a possibility? >> i don't know what's happening. >> of course i would be in it. >> in a 3 1/2-year-old world. >> i have two worlds. 3 1/2 world and elephants. 3 1/2 and elephants. >> not working -- >> i just did a play. there we are in santa barbara. a play in england for six months "fatal attraction." off working over there, very different. that was while we were making a documentary. and the way that i came, i didn't answer your question hoda, was in 2009 i found an orphaned baby elephant and i took her to the trust, and she's now living out in the wild, so exciting. she's in the film briefly. >> that's her. >> i love it when people can take their great power of their celebrity and use it. >> to turn it into -- >> totally chance encounter. >> no such thing. >> she found me but then i became obsessed with the elephants in general and had no idea they were at risk. >> wow. >> when i found that out i made the documentary which will be on pivot this wednesday. >> it does come on wednesday and pivot. where can we find it? >> pivot tv. >> congratulations. >> thank you, ladies. >> thanks. >> thank you. >> we're ready to share our favorite things. first this is "today" on nbc. >> well done. >> mine is it's time to share our favorite things and mine this week this great book "i can learn the bible" for kids hard cover, $13 from >> for kids come on. >> understandable, just lovely and charming. >> i went to jazz fest had a lot of foods, and i had jambalaya that made your mouth water. they gave me their business card. we have a photo of them. anyway, it's made by wally from gonzalez, louisiana. the whole recipe is on our website, and it's mouth watering. >> awesome. this is for the girls. >> oh thank you. >> tomorrow melissa river sits down with us to remember her mom. >> plus highland is here. >> could be madam president one day, who knows, a run for the white house. >> and all the other fun stuff. have an awesome fun day monday everyone. >> maybe not booze day tuesday tomorrow. thank you for the book. >> you're welcome. right now at 11:00, a happy homecoming more than a week in the making. a survivor of the nepal quake returns to the bay area to an excited and relieved family. good morning, everyone. thank you for joining us. i'm scott mcgrew. >> i'm kris sanchez. the death toll in nepal crossed the 7,000 mark. through the destruction are small slivers of light, stories of survivors reuniting with their families. >> one of those happened this morning for a bare area woman who survive -- bay area woman who survived the avalanche on mt. everest. we have more from sfo. she hugged her loved ones for the first time in five weeks. >> reporter: absolutely. good morning to you.

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