Transcripts For KNTV Today 20141001 :

Transcripts For KNTV Today 20141001

without filing charges? and today exclusive, a candid interview with the captain, derek jeter opens up for the first time since stepping away from the game he loves. >> i went from an old man in baseball to a young man in life. >> jeter's thoughts on his fans, his final game and his future today wednesday, october 1, 2014. >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today." with matt lauer and savannah guthrie, live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> and good morning. welcome to "today" on a wednesday morning. i'm matt lauer along side tamron hall while savannah is on maternity leave. we have natalie morales and carson dally. al is traveling. he is a road warrior. >> he is a real warrior by the way. >> he is in afghanistan in bagram air base. and he is shining a light and taking on a project that is near and dear to his heart. good morning to you. who is your buddy? >> good morning, guys. jay leno, what are you doing here? >> i'm going to be fighting this guy, this is manny. i'm going to fight him in ten minutes. loser stays, winner gets to go home. i'm going home. >> the real reason is we have a usa comedy tour. craig robinson, kevin eubanks all doing a show at the uso here in bagram air base. everybody, yeah! going to tell you more about it coming up. this guy actually we saw him last time he was getting killed by indiana jones. yeah. we're going to have more from bagram air force base later. >> all right. leno's going down. by the way, we're all wearing pink for pink power raising awareness for the fight against breast cancer. joan london is back with us along with a lot of survivors on the plaza. much more on that throughout the show. on this wednesday morning let's start with our top story, the first case of ebola identified and diagnosed in the united states. ron mott is in dallas where the patient is being treated. ron, good morning to you. >> reporter: matt, good morning. this unidentified man is a patient here at texas health presbyterian hospital, he is in isolati isolation. the cdc has a team on the ground that will be monitoring his condition, but the cdc is trying to calm fears because for a lot of americans just hearing that ebola made its way to this country is very scary. health officials say the unidentified patient is an adult who is in this country visiting family in texas, and developed ebola symptoms after returning from liberia. doctors say they are confident the disease can be kept from spreading. >> but there is no doubt in my mind that we will stop it here. >> reporter: according to the cdc the patient lie peeria september 19. he developed symptom os on the 24th but wasn't admitted until four days later on tuesday the test came back positive for ebola. at this point doctors believe the patient only came in contact with what they describe as a handful of people after becoming contagious. >> we know there are several family members, they may have been one or two or three other community members and we're there to do additional investigation. >> reporter: until now only four parents, dr. brantly, nancy writebol and one other patient have been brought in after contracting the disease in africa, all under strictly controlled conditions. three have now recovered, the fourth is still in treatment. but health officials worry as the ebola outbreak continues to spread there is increasing danger the disease will find its way to the u.s. in larger numbers. doctors are confident it can be contained. unlike africa the u.s. has a strong health care system. now the exact flight path that the man took to dallas is unknown at this point. he left liberia, we believe had a layover flight in europe before boarding a plane that landed in dallas on september 20. they know of no other new ebola cases in this country. >> tom frieden is with us now. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> when talking about this ebola case in the u.s. you said quote there is no doubt in my mind that we will stop it here. and i think anybody hearing those words hopes you're right. how can you be sure? how can you be sure that you've identified everyone that this patient came in contact with after he became symptomatic? >> we will stop ebola in its tracks in the u.s. and we'll do that by two key things. first, make sure the health care that he gets not only does everything we can for the patient, but minimizes the risk of any one else will become infected. the tried and true measures of identifying everyone who might have come into contact with him, when he might have been infectious and monitoring them for 21 days. if they become ill, have symptoms, fever, isolate them, track their contacts and stop it. we stopped -- >> how do you get your arms around. he became sim symptommatic on the 24th of september, wasn't admitted for four days after that. if you said to me matt, name all of the people you have come in contact with in 24 hours i'd be hard-pressed to identify all those people. how are you sure you know everyone he came in contact with? >> that's why we have a seven-person team in dallas today helping to review that with the family, and make sure that we identify everyone who could have had contact with him. because it's not just talking with someone, it has to be physical contact. and that's one thing that reduces the circle of people that we have to identify, and monitor. we've stopped every ebola outbreak that ever occurred in africa althis until this one. this could have been stopped if we had gotten in earlier. we published information how the cdc and the nigerian government and the government of logos stopped a cluster in a city much more difficult to deal with than here. >> can you tell me right now how many people do you have under observation as a precaution connected directly to this case? >> right now it's a handful. the team on the ground will review that very intensely to see if there are any other groups who out of abundance of caution we want to monitor. >> we've talked about ebola on this show on a number of occasions. there is so much in the headlines. this patient goes to an emergency room, with symptoms, he is turned away, and it wasn't until two days later when he arrived in an ambulance that he was admitted. with all of the talk of ebola. and with the fact that this guy had flown to this country from liberia. how did that happen? >> that's something that we'll be looking at with the hospital and with others. one of the things that we emphasize for any health worker in this country is that if you have someone who has been in west africa in the past 21 days and they have a fever or other symptoms that might be consistent with ebola, immediately isolate them, get them tested. we've identified about 100 people who have that level of concern, we tested 14 of them and this was the first individual to test positive. >> dr. tom frieden, thank you. i know you've got a lot on your plate. i appreciate you taking the time to talk to me. >> thank you very much. >> you think about this guy being on a plane over to the united states and yet they don't think he was symptomatic at that time so they don't think there is a risk that he spread the disease to others on the plane. >> we know the medical professionals want to assure people but naturally you will have questions. >> absolutely. >> we have another alarming incident involving the secret service to tell you about. armed contractor with a criminal record allowed to ride an elevator with the president. that revelation coming hours after the director of the secret service was grilled on capitol hill about other breaches. kristen welker has more for us. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. the alleged white house fence jumper will appear in court today as we learn more about the other embarrassing headline for the secret service you mentioned. a security lapse during the president's recent trip to atlanta. this morning we're learning the latest revelation of another security lapse, when president obama visited the centers for disease control in atlanta on september 16, a secret service official confirmed agents allowed an armed security contractor with a criminal history into an elevator with president obama. a violation of agency procedures. >> i'm kind of surprised and shocked and very disappointed. >> reporter: adding to the concerns in the wake of this fence jumping intruder who made it deep inside the white house armed with a knife. on capitol hill tuesday, secret service director julia pearson acknowledged the failure. >> i take full responsibility and i'll make sure that it does not happen again. >> reporter: one of the pressing questions, why weren't dogs released or shots fired? >> don't let them get in the white house ever. and if they have to take action that is lethal i will have their back. >> reporter: the other big concern, why did the agency initially suggest that omar gonzalez was tackled almost immediately inside the doors when he actually made it much farther. >> were you lying to the american people or misled by your own agents about where the intruder was tackled? >> the secret service is conducting on going investigation. >> reporter: pearson was pressed on the 2011 incidents when it took four days to realize gun shots hit the white house residence. tempers flare wtd lawmakers accusing her of being evasive. >> ma'am, i want a short answer. >> i wish to god you protected the white house like you're protect your reputation. >> reporter: the director insisted the president is still safe but there is broad agreement change is needed. >> somebody has to go in and scrub it hard, find out if there is a cultural problem, if there is a management problem, either way it needs to be corrected and sooner rather than later. >> reporter: the white house says it has confidence in the agency, meanwhile some lawmakers are calling for an independent review. gonzalez who was indicted tuesday will face a judge today on charges of unlawfully entering a restricted area with a deadly weapon. one more twist we're learning one of the agents who helped tackle him was off duty and headed home. they are investigating all of the security breaches. >> every day a new bit of information coming out. thank you. >> we'll tell you about a story developing out of california. the mayor of a small los angeles suburb shot dead by his own wife during a domestic dispute. miguel almaguer has the latest. good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning. detectives say the mayor of bell gardens was fatally shot by his wife. but after she was interviewed for several hours overnight this morning she has not been arrested and no charges have been filed. the shooting took place inside the mayor's home. detectives say 45-year-old daniel crespo was gunned down by his wife after an argument in their master bedroom. >> their 19-year-old son daniel jr. tried to intervene, and we do know that the father, daniel sr., became physical with his son. shortly after the wife shot the mayor multiple times. >> reporter: with neighbors reporting at least three shots fired crespo was pronounced dead. his high school sweet heart was taken into custody but we leased the mayor's brother in disbelief. >> why did she kill my brother? why did she do it? why couldn't she talk, tell me something or let me know something you know. >> reporter: in l.a. county probation officer for 15 years crespo was elected to the city council in 2001 and became mayor of bell gardens last year. his family a fixture in this fall tight-knit community. >> i'm really shocked that it happened. i really can't believe that and right in front of my house. >> reporter: a shooting that claimed the mayor's life and for now has left his wife free of any charges. prosecutors are still reviewing this case, charges could still come down the road. investigators have not released any details about what the couple may have been arguing leading up to the fight. the mayor's brother says the relationship was often strained by money problems. matt and tamron. >> miguel, thank you very much. >> natalie is here with the latest on the u.s.-led campaign against isis. >> good morning. the united states has been in a war with isis since early august but so far the results have been mixed. for the first time now britain has joined the aerial bombing campaign. richard engel is in turk we the latest. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. there were more air strikes against isis today. there have been a couple hundred so far. the militants are still advancing towards baghdad. baghdad is under attack again. car bombs and mortars killed more than 30 today. and more attacks could be coming. nearly two months of u.s.-led air strikes in iraq have so far had mixed results. in the north where the u.s. has strong allies with reliable kurdish force there is has been some progress. the militants suffering setbacks. but the iraqi army, which this summer ran from isis, even where it outnumbered the militants 20 to 1 is floundering. the british military joined air war tuesday. isis continues to hold dozens of iraqi cities, towns and border crossings. iraqi troops unable to dislodge them. and the militants appear once again to have their sights on baghdad, squeezing the city from three sides. it's unlikely the militants could capture all of baghdad without a major fight. isis could try to grab a neighborhood or two to show the world they haven't been weakened by the u.s.-led war. activists tell us isis is actually growing in numbers as other groups join the militants to protest american air strikes. >> richard engel in turkey, thank you, richard. huge crowds of protesters back on the streets of hong kong as the country celebrate's china's national day. china's leader attended a flag raising behind barricades so demonstrators yelled at him to step down. for days thousands of students protesting. pennsylvania police say they have found two pipe bombs capable of causing significant damage in the wooded area where they are searching for an accused killer. eric frein has been on the run now for more than three weeks since he ambushed two state troopers, killing one of them. on tuesday police made a personal appeal to frein to give himself up. >> i am calling on you, eric, to surrender. you are clearly stressed, you are making significant mistakes. our troopers' resolve is very strong. we are not going anywhere. >> state police urged hunters to noi notify authorities if they find anything suspicious. >> tracy morgan is responding to walmart's claims that he was partly to blame for the injuries he suffered when his limo van was hit by one of its trucks. walmart said that morgan and the others were partly to blame because they weren't wearing seat belts at the time. in a statement morgan said quote i can't believe walmart is blaming me for an accident that they caused. my friends and i were doing nothing wrong. >> and if you stayed away lake you know that baseball's postseason off to an exciting start. kansas city hosted oakland in the american league wild card game on tuesday night. the royals came back from four runs down to send the game into extra innings. in the bottom of the 12th perez comes up big. the royals win it, 9-8. they move on to play the los angeles angels in the next round. the the royals last played in a postseason game in 1985. so we dug up, well, "the new york times" dug up facts. only six states had seat belt laws at the time. smoking was still allowed on planes, and back to the future the number one movie at the box office at the time. 29 years. >> congratulations to them. >> what's the weather like? >> okay. let's get into it. >> let's go to al in afghanistan shining a light on our troops. >> guys, thank you so much. as we mentioned, we're here at bagram air force base, in afghanistan. we want to shine a light on the uso and all of the work they do. we'll have more, we have jay leno, iliza shlesinger, and kevin eubanks doing a show tonight. meantime, we've got rough weather taking place in the midsection of the country. we've got some severe weather that's going to fire up. look at this already. a crowd -- a cry from the crowd. we'll put you guys back on. we have heavy showers and thunderstorms now. central illinois, iowa into missouri. we have a risk of -- there is another moan from the crowd. chance of tornados, back to wichita. rainfall amounts we're talking from 2 to 3 inches of rain, could be flash flooding. so we're going to continue to watch this over the next several hours. that's what's going on around the country. we're going to get to your local forecast coming up. up. hoo-ha -- in 30 seconds. almost every day, you notice a few things. like the fact that you're pretty attached to these. ok, really attached. and that's alright. because we'll text you when your package is on the way. we're even expanding sunday package delivery. yes, sunday. at the u.s. postal service, our priority is...was... and always will 7:19. happy wednesday. i'm meteorologist christina loren. this is san francisco fog-free. as we kick off the day, hard to find any cloud cover out there across the greater bay area. we're in the 50s to start the day. and we're going to end up very warm. especially compared to yesterday. 87 degrees in the south bay. hit 77 yesterday. 86 peninsula. 86 on the east shore. 81 in san francisco. got to tell you it's only going to get warmer throughout thursday and fray but cooling on the way for the weekend. >> and that's your latest weather. matt? >> all right, al. we'll check in with you in a little while. we're all about pink power on the "today" show and the fight against breast cancer. carson, you've made some changes in the orange room. it looks a little like barbie's playhouse. >> love it! >> there's 2.8 million breast cancer survivors in the united states. it's a staggering number. we're celebrating survivors. we're in the fight with people who are fighting cancer right now. we're also, unfortunately, remembering those that we lost. the orange room has gone pink. our special "today" correspondent, joan lunden, joins us. thank you so much for being here. >> absolutely. >> let's get right to your "people" magazine cover. there's been so much conversation. people have been sharing their stories with us on social media. what's your reaction been to the reaction? >> it's been overwhelming. people have been tweeting at me pictures of themselves and saying i've decided i'm going to go ahead and show my family and show my children. that's really what i got in this for. i've heard from so many people on twitter and so many of you came to the website. you actually crashed my website for six hours immediately following the "today" show unveiling of the cover. but that's what it's all about, to get this conversation going. if you know someone who hasn't had a mammogram or if you're one of them, early diagnosis, that's the key. >> if you're one of those people that crashed her website. >> come back. >> go to her facebook page and post your questions there. joan will be taking your questions. we're also launching #pinkpower. write the name of someone you're thinking about today. put it up, post that. we'll show you guys that in a little bit. start your facebook chat. we'll have much more. back to you. >> all those women inspired by joan and posted their pictures to show some of their family members for the first time. amazing. carson, joan, thank you so much. coming up, have you heard of good 2 go? that's a new app attempting to tackle the problem of date rape with the pushative button on your phone. we'll sit down with derek jeter the first time since retiring from baseball. why he says walking away from the game has him [ male announcer ] take zzzquil and sleep like... coming up on trendy, what the kids went to nana's house... for the whole weekend! [ snoring ] [ male announcer ] zzzquil, the non habit forming sleep aid that helps you sleep easily and wake refreshed. because sleep is a beautiful thing. that helps you sleep easily and wake refreshed. after seeing everything, but let me take one last look. sure. take your time. built-in nav, heated seats for mom, dvd with wireless headphones for the kids! and tons of room for the golf clubs! golf clubs, and strollers. shhh ... i love this part. so what do you think? i think it's everything we wanted. great. discover for yourself why more people find their perfect car at carmax. carmax. >> announcer: you're watching "today in the bay." very good wednesday morning to you. 7:26. i'm laura garcia-cannon. happening today, growing problem in the south bay confronted head-on. this morning an anti-human trafficking task force is setting up shop in san jose. the task force includes sheriff's sergeant, deputies, attorney and a criminal investigator. the bay area's one of the top 13 places in the u.s. for human trafficking. they say it's because of major airports and harbors and the bay area has a rapidly growing population added to a large immigrant population. also, happening today san jose police officer accused of rape will be in court. officer jeffrey graves will attend a preliminary hearing to determine if there is enough evidence to try him for rape. investigators say graves raped an undocumented woman. check the forecast with meteorologist christina loren. it's going to feel like summer. >> really is, laura. good morning to you. part of the reason why, because we're waking up completely cloud-free. this is pacifica. i have been searching for clouds, fog, can't find anything to cool us off later today. as that marine influence is negated. temperatures are going to be very warm. 87 for us. 86 peninsula. 81 degrees in san francisco. so here is the deal. your long range forecast shows you, as we head throughout tomorrow, we'll bring that um up even more so into the low 90s south bay. peak friday mid 90s and slowly temps dropping off towards the end of the weekend and next week, overall, looking cooler. mike, over to you. >> toward the south bay, san jose jammed up right now in many of the usual spots. map shows center of the screen, northbound 17, unusually slow after earlier crash took time to clear from the center lane. traffic flowing now but slow from 87 to 280. 880 better drive through san jose. rest of the bay typical, slowdown south through hayward and into union city for southbound 880. san mateo bridge, live look shows you slow across the flat section, typical there heading over to the peninsula. back to you. >> thank you. i'll be back with another local news update in a half hour. hope you get a chance to enjoy the gorgeous day. start shopping a new way. start maximizing at the place where you always get more than you pay for. t.j.maxx. brands you love, prices that work for you. you deserve it. maxx life at t.j.maxx. it's the first day of october, 2014. it's the start of breast cancer awareness month. we are taking part of the pink power here in the studio and out on the plaza. there's a group of survivors and their family members as we kick off the pink power series. we have joan london coming up in an hour. al is with a remarkable group of people, u.s. servicemen and women in afghanistan, and al, are you in that blackhawk? where are you? >> we're in a blackhawk. jaly leno and myself, we are honoring the brave and men women that protect us and protect our freedom. jay, something i always wanted to say. get to the chopper! >> get to the chopper! >> all right, we'll be back. >> this is going to go really weird, no question. guys, we will see you in a couple of minutes. we will look at headlines to start the half hour. health officials try to go ease the public concerns after announcing a patient in dallas, texas, does in fact have ebola. this is the first case diagnosed in the u.s. the man recently flew from liberia to dallas but had no symptoms in the time and is now in isolation receiving treatment. the secret service investigating another embarrassing incident. president obama road an elevator with an armed security contractor who has a criminal record. technically the man was doing his job, but he should not have been so close to the president. an investigation is underway in the shooting death of a california mayor. he was shot and killed by his wife during an argument. he was interviewed by police overnight and released. prosecutors will decide whether to file any charges. a new app has a lot of people talking. its creator hopes it's a tool against sexual assaults. >> good morning. affirmative consent means sexual partners slow down and check in with each other before things get too hot and heavy, so the founder of the app hopes to make the talk less awkward for the cell phone generation. will it work? depends on who you ask. >> is everybody looking up tonight? >> in an age when consent on campus has become a hot button topic, now there is an app for that. when the time comes, the app good to go directs users through a series of questions, beginning with the obvious. the potential partner responds with no thanks, yes but we need to talk, or i'm good to go. if they are wasted they are not good to go. >> i think it would be a real buzz kill for all parties involved. >> but pressing cause is partly the point. in a college culture shown in places like "neighbors" and "social network," actions speak louder than words. it was created to help explain what affirmative consepb tent really is. it's more than no means no, but it's only yes means yes. you just have to talk about it. >> they wonder if college students will use it especially when they have been partying. if it doesn't involve an app, advocates hope it raises awareness. >> if she doesn't consent, or if she can't consent -- >> it's a crime. it's wrong. >> supporters say yes means yes isn't a buzz kill, just the opposite. >> the word yes is a really sexy word to hear during a sexual encounter. so what is better than asking your partner how are you doing, and hearing them say, yes, yes, yes. >> whether consent comes from swiping screens or a real-live talk, campus leaders hope for less action with at least more conversation. >> there have been privacy concerns about the app, but other users cannot see the information you put in. even though adults may fumble through different screens trying to swipe and answer, it takes college kids 60 seconds through the app if they just don't want to talk about it. >> thank you. let's go back now. al is at bagram air base in afghanistan, along with jay leno. >> this has been a lifelong dream of mine to be on a uso tour, but you have done this. >> yeah, it's great fun. it's a captive audience and they can't go anywhere. >> exactly. what does it mean to these men and women -- >> i know what it means to me. i am selfish. i love signing autographs and taking pictures. the fun part is when you meet the guys later in civilian life, and five years from now they will come up and show you a picture they took here, or at a different air force base, and that's the fun part. >> the greatest thing is i called you and you didn't hesitate, and you said i will bring kevin eubanks with me, and -- >> i hesitated when i heard al roker. i was like, oh, okay, i will do it. >> we are really excited and will do this at 8:00 tonight. what is great the looks on these guys' faces, men and women's faces when they get to meet a star like you. >> oh, you are old. i am sorry. >> we're doing the show tonight at 8:00. we want to raise money for the uso, because they do such great work. >> everybody thinks the government pays for it. it's not. it's all volunteers and people sending in money, so it really helps. >> that's right. go to, and we will give you an easy way to donate to the uso. big show -- >> don't back slash al if y tiburon, a live look here. completely clear. so clear that you can actually see the golden gate bridge and the trans-america pyramid from this shot. throughout the day today, this crystal-clear start from the oakland hills going to translate to very warm temperatures. up by 10 to 15 degrees from where we ended up yesterday. 86 for the peninsula. 81 in san francisco. and it's only going to get hotter as we head through the next couple of days. heat relief by the weekend. >> that's your latest weather. we can actually say we're here till thursday. >> try the veal. >> back to you guys. >> we like those hats, by the way, al. >> i want one. camo is in. >> very nice. >> that's right. what did you think about this hat? >> you see, al, it's a camouflage hat but has "today" glow orange. >> you'll never see him. >> it's really bright. yeah. yeah. >> i think i'll ride it up a little bit. >> that's the target. >> does anybody have a sharpie? does anybody have a sharpie? >> this act could go on forever. thank you, guys. we'll check back in with you in a few. coming up on trending, be careful when you search for the surprising person just named the most dangerous celebrity online. up next, how did he spend the first day of retirement? we'll talk to yankee great derek jeter about that and the title he just inherited right after this. i've learned that when you ask someone in texas if they want "big" savings on car insurance, it's a bit like asking if they want a big hat... ...'scuse me... ...or a big steak... ...or big hair... i think we have our answer. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. introducing new listerine® healthy white™. it not only safely whitens teeth, but also restores enamel. lose the nerves, and get a healthier, whiter smile that you'll love. listerine® healthy white™. power to your mouth™! listerine® healthy white™. action. 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(slurp) (slurp) (slurp) (slurp) for four generations. (family laughs) some things just run in the family. (slurps) ahhhh. (family laughs) (gong) campbell's! m'm! m'm! good! for four generations back to school? time to stock up on the soups they always love. campbells! ♪hey! i found a happy space... after-school snacking should be fun and nutritious that's why whole grain is first in every general mills big g cereal. what matters most should always come first. general mills. goodness first. back now at 7:43. it was a fitting end to a storied career for yankee captain derek jeter. game-winning hit in his final at-bat at yankee stadium followed by a very classy tribute from the arch rival boston red sox. we stat down with derek on tuesday, his first interview since retiring, to reflect and look forward. why don't we start with the obvious and say congratulations. >> thank you. >> how does it feel? >> it feels good. i don't know if it will necessarily hit me until, you know, when i would normally start working out for the next season. >> no, no, i mean now that clooney is married you're the most eligible bachelor on the planet. what are you talking about? don't you get a crown or something? >> no, i try to stay away from that. >> when we sat down with derek jeter, it had been less than 48 hours since taking the final bow of his legendary 20-year career with the new york yankees and as one of the best and most respected players in baseball. could you have ever imagined at the height of the yankees success 10, 12 years ago when you're winning all the championships that the last day of your career in baseball would include a standing ovation at fenway park? >> no. no, no, no, no. i could not. no, no, no. i mean, i've had them stand and say some things, but it was never an ovation. >> let's talk about the last day at yankee stadium. >> derek jeter ends his final game with a walk-off single! >> after you drove in the winning run on the walk-off, you took a bow. the part that got me, that i broke up over was you walked back out to shortstop. and you kneeled down out there and afterward that you wanted to take something away from yankee stadium, that you wanted the view from shortstop. close your eyes and tell me about the view. >> man. 50,000 people. i feel as if -- i've never been an actor on broadway but it feels like you're on a stage when you play at yankee stadium. that's the feeling i've always had. to have everyone there, standing up and cheering for you and saying thank you, just never wanted to play another game out there. >> did you soak it up enough, derek, that you'll remember it forever? >> i hope so. if not, someone captured it. >> with their cell phone? >> with their cell phones, yeah. they recorded it. but, you know, i have mental pictures that are enough for me. >> 99% of athletes, they retire and most people don't even know it until they go see the team the next year and realize that guy's not here anymore. or they go out with some kind of indignity. you managed, throughout 20 years, to escape any of that, which is almost unprecedented. >> i've been lucky, i guess. >> why have you been lucky? why hasn't it been hard work on your part? >> well, it has been. i mean, i always have tried to treat people with respect, the way i want to be treated. i've always been very cautious with what i do. you know, that started at a young age. i've always had the approach or the mentality that i never wanted to embarrass my parents. it sounds odd saying it now. >> it's powerful, though. >> 40 years old. when i was younger i never wanted to embarrass them. i guess that fear is still there. >> you're two days in to the rest of your life. so what was the first day like? did you look around? did you stand in your apartment and say now what? >> i did. i got nervous. i had to do this interview with you. i had to prepare myself. >> not true. >> i don't know that i could ever prepare myself for this. it's funny. someone said to me i went from an old man in baseball to a young man in life. so i consider myself young again. >> he will need that youthful energy for a whole new set of plans, including his first foray into the publish'ing world with jeter publishing. what about getting back into baseball? i'm going to read you some names. tell me what these people have in common. muhammad ali, michael jordan, brett favre, andy pettitte. >> winners. >> also they all retired and they all came back. >> my name will not be on that list. >> is that 100% sure? >> 100% sure. >> no way? >> no way. >> there's no way that you'll miss this game so much that you'll -- >> i'll miss it. i played my last game. that's 100%. >> we'll miss you. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> i love that. >> so cool. >> you could see him in baseball, though. he talked yesterday, he said many times, he wants to own a baseball team. >> he belongs in a clubhouse with a baseball team. >> you ask him about his dating life, marriage. he's the last remaining eligible bachelor. >> and then he shot me a look like i'm going to kill you. somebody who is opening up, george clooney. he gave "people" magazine 25 photos from the big wedding. we've got the pictures inside and they are stunning! we'll show you more. come on, natalie. ups is a global company, but most of our employees live in the same communities that we serve. people here know that our operations have an impact locally. we're using more natural gas vehicles than ever before. the trucks are reliable, that's good for business. but they also reduce emissions, and that's good for everyone. it makes me feel very good about the future of our company. ♪ your relaxing sideside is calling... your let's do it all side has arrived... and an unforgettable disney vacation is all within your reach. and right now, you can create a 7-day package including a select walt disney world resort hotel room and theme park tickets for as little as $78 per person per day for a family of four so come on. show your disney side, this year at the place where dreams come true. ♪ vivofit. gently reminds you to get moving. join the movement. let's show 'em what a breakfast with whole grain fiber can do. one coffee with room, one large mocha latte, medium macchiato, a light hot chocolate hold the whip, two espressos. make one a double. she's full and focused. [ barista ] i have two cappuccinos, one coffee with room, one large mocha latte, a medium macchiato, a light hot chocolate hold the whip, and two espressos -- one with a double shot. heh, heh. that's not the coffee talkin'. [ female announcer ] start your day with kellogg's frosted mini wheats cereal. with whole wheat goodness on one side and a hint of sweetness on the other, it's a delicious way to get the nutrition you want. dove invited women to a makeover hi ma'amifference.cious way hi would you like to have a free makeover? yeah, why not? . . . it's a shower. but it's a shower with new dove body wash, with its new breakthrough formula all it takes is just one shower for softer smoother skin. want to feel? feels really good. really silky smooth. it's awesome. i love it. new dove body wash. softer, smoother skin after just one shower. before we craft it into a sandwich. the amazingly tender roasted turkey -- always raised without antibiotics, the zesty cranberry mostarda, the freshly baked flatbread... but here's what you don't always see. the care and attention that goes into it. because what matters most is the simple, delicious ingredients that make up the whole delicious meal made just for you. and this is our turkey cranberry flatbread sandwich, paired perfectly with our autumn squash soup. only at panera bread. paired perfectly with our autumn squash soup. if you have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis like me, and you're talking to your rheumatologist about a biologic... this is humira. this is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. doctors have been prescribing humira for ten years. humira works by targeting and helping to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. it's proven to help relieve pain and stop further joint damage in many adults. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. talk to your doctor and visit this is humira at work how did edward jones get so big? let me just put this away. ♪ could you teach our kids that trick? [ male announcer ] by not acting that way. it's how edward jones makes sense of investing. it's how edward jones my foot was destroyed when my vehicle was hit by an ied. i lost my right eye; damaged my left eye. so many of these men and women have, have sacrificed so much. through soldiers to summits, wells fargo supports our veterans by working together to climb mount whitney, these heroes begin their journey of healing. the wounds that you can't see, being with a team helps. you know if they can do it you can do it. step by step, little by little, we can do a lot. because small is huge. very good wednesday morning to you. 7:56. i'm laura garcia-cannon. new this morning, investigators looking for the person who shot a man at an east bay nightclub overnight before 1:30 near the intersection of 11th and clay in oakland. it's un-clicclear if the have ts in the club or in the street when shot. this is oakland's 54th homicide of the year. later in oakland, local lawmakers gather to celebrate the signing of the rape kit testing law. the law makes sure rape kits get tested in a timely matter and results entered into a national dna database. one of the number of bills signed into law yesterday. we are looking at a nice warm day ahead, right? >> yeah, it is going to be hot by some people's standards. here pacifica, for example, locals don't like a good 77 degree day, today more like 82 degrees coming your way. and temperatures are going to be hot everywhere. really no place to escape the heat. temperatures in the 80s, even in san francisco you're at 8 1 there. 87 south bay. 87 on the east shore, we don't have a cloud in the sky. rest of the week, temperatures come up more so for tomorrow. peak on friday and gradually cool you off into the one. some of the brightly lit east bay drive. slow drive for neither 880 past the coliseum up into downtown. 880 and northbound, commute direction, westbound 580, but east 580 at 14th a crash. distract adding to the slowdown. throw oakland, same thing for hayward, union city. san mateo bridge looking will the, it's the dumbarton bridge slow across. northbound route through silicon valley and san jose holding steady, orange and red, 20s and 30s for tougher drive. >> what a difference from 4:30. another local news update in a half hour. see you then. ♪ ♪ never mattered more to me than you ♪ it's 8:00 on "today." and coming up, the bald and the beautiful. >> we're doing this. we're losing our hair in order to live and survive. >> special correspondent joan london on her courageous decision to reveal all on the cover of "people" magazine, as she inspires millions in their fight against breast cancer. then, "gone girls" other guy. >> your life is missing, and you came all this way to tell me this. >> the multitalented neil patrick harris stops by studio 1a to talk movies and marriage. ♪ yeah, the boys around here and he's the voice of country music. blake shelton celebrates his new album with a special performance today, wednesday, october 1st, 2014. ♪ >> pink power! >> i wear pink for me! >> big shout-out to my family and friends and all of my great supporters back in colorado. i love you all so much! >> love to all my friends and family in minnesota, wisconsin, indiana. and anna, you go, girl! ♪ >> hi to my family in kansas and soon-to-be baby landon! >> celebrating her 21st birthday at the "today" show! >> all right, we're back now, 8:00 on a wednesday morning. it's the first day of october 2014. i'm matt lauer along with tamron hall and carson daly. savannah's on maternity leave. al is on a special "shine a light" trip to afghanistan this morning. bringing some love and laughter to our troops there. and it's a great cause. >> it is. a mission to spread a little cheer among the troops and he's doing that right now with a military dance party ahead of a fabulous uso show featuring jay leno, kevin eubanks, greg robinson and aliesah schlesinger. and we'll catch up with them later on. they're having a dance party. we need to be dancing out here! a dueling dance party. >> power in full effect. also, we're gearing up for a huge concert next week. legendary band fleetwood mac will be here live. they just kicked off a tour last night, all the group back together for the first time in 16 years. and i'll tell you, they sound better than ever. ♪ ♪ ♪ yeah, women, they will come and they will go ♪ >> as you hear just a little bit of them right there. just fantastic. we cannot wait for them to get here on our plaza. again, that's fleetwood mac next thursday, october 9th, live here on "today." looking forward to that one. >> absolutely. you know what is beautiful? this is beautiful right back there. all part of pink power. joan london's going to have much more on that in just a couple of minutes, but right now, let's go inside. natalie's got a check of all the headlines. >> good morning to you guys once again. the first person diagnosed with ebola while in this country is now in a dallas hospital this morning. doctors say the unnamed patient is very ill and in isolation. he developed ebola symptoms a week ago after returning from liberia but with not hospitalized until this weekend. the head of the centers for disease control told matt this morning he's confident the disease will not spread here. >> the reality is that the way this spreads is by direct contact, usually from a caregiver, someone who had been taking care of someone who's very ill or in africa from practices that expose people directly to that individual and their body fluids. >> and dr. frieden said the cdc has a team in dallas trying to identify everyone the patient came in contact with since arriving here in the u.s. the man charged with breaking into the white house last month armed with a knife has his first court appearance today. on tuesday, secret service director julia pierson called that security breach unacceptable and told congress it won't happen again. but now an earlier breach is now making news. a secret service official confirms that three days before the fence-jumping incident, agents let an armed security contractor with a criminal record ride an elevator with president obama when he visited the centers for disease control in atlanta. olympic swimming great michael phelps has been released following his arrest for driving under the influence in his native baltimore. nbc national correspondent craig melvin is here with more. craig, good morning. >> natalie, good morning to you. phelps is apologizing for his second dui arrest now. he's won 22 olympic medals, including 18 gold. he's the most decorated olympian of all time. and as he makes a bid to return to olympic glory, this latest run-in with the law is an unwanted distinction. in the water, no one can stop michael phelps. but police in baltimore caught up with him early tuesday morning as he drove his white range rover through a tunnel. phelps was clocked doing 84 miles an hour in a 45-mile-per-hour zone. an officer pulled phelps over, where police say the swimmer failed a series of field sobriety tests. phelps was charged with driving under the influence, speeding and crossing double lane lines. he was later released. phelps released a statement saying, "i understand the severity of my actions and take full responsibility. i am deeply sorry to everyone i have let down." those words, similar to the ones he shared with matt ten years ago after his first dui arrest in 2004. >> i made a mistake. and it's definitely something i'm sorry for. >> for the record, do you have a problem with alcohol or was this an isolated incident? >> this was an isolated incident. >> it won't happen again? >> no. >> reporter: phelps pled guilty to driving while impaired and received 18 months probation. five years later, an image of phelps smoking marijuana was splashed across the tabloids. phelps apologized again. >> i've made a lot of mistakes in my life both, like i said, in the pool and out of the pool. i've never made the same mistake twice. >> reporter: usa swimming calls phelps's second dui arrest "disappointing and unquestionably serious." phelps has time to repair his image and get into swimming shape as well. it's 22 months until olympic trials start for the 2016 games in rio. phelps's court date will be set in the next few day. natalie? >> craig melvin, thanks so much. it's 8:06 right now. let's go back to al at bagram airfield in afghanistan. al? >> natalie, thank you so much. we are live, bagram air base, all these brave men and women protecting our freedom. [ cheers and applause ] and i am joined by the members of the first annual "today uso comedy tour." mr. craig robinson, liesah schlesinger, jay leno, kevin eubanks. so, guys, tonight when we have the big show, what's your main goal here, jay? >> oh, it's going to be unbelievable, al. >> unbelievable? >> we're going to try to take down the fences there and then widen out, broaden the spectrum. >> are you the tip of the comedy sphere? >> i guess. what's that mean? >> i don't know. >> "last comic standing." >> that's eliza, you've done a uso tour. how much have you been looking forward to this? >> immensely. it is an honor to be here. they do so much for us and it's a privilege to get to take time out of our lives and tell them how much they mean and bring comedy to them. >> and craig, you're bringing comedy and music to them. >> the comedy triple threat. >> what's your plan today? >> i've got patches, al. >> look at you! >> yeah. make some noise if this represents. >> wow. >> look at this right here. see that? yeah. >> i've got catch up to you. i just got airborne. >> i've got another one. >> what the heck? all right. and mr. eubanks, when jay asked you to come, you jumped right on board. >> absolutely, absolutely. and we're just going to keep the party going. >> yeah! >> a bunch of these as well. >> that's right, you're a veteran, too. >> it's great to see everybody, wonderful. >> we're shining a light. we'll have more details coming up. but first, tha 8:08. good wednesday morning to you. i'm meteorologist christina loren. this is tiburon, it is so clear you can see all the way to san francisco this morning. it's going to be warm, as we don't have any cooling clouds, no natural ac across the board. 90 degrees as a result in the north bay. 86 degrees on the east shore, hot spot in the tri-valley, low 90s today. warmer thursday into friday, then the heat will break just in time for the all-important weekend. don't forget to donate to the uso. go to to donate to this really worthy cause for our brave men and women. guys, back to you. >> thank you, al. great job. exciting there. exciting here. this is an amazing day. >> all great people. >> we are surrounded by love. coming up, the pictures from george clooney's wedding, speaking of love. and the reception you haven't seen before. >> and the definition of pink power. joan lund sben and a host of brt cancer survivors. and blake shelton will be cancer survivors. and blake shelton will be ♪ cancer survivors. and blake shelton will be may your lights, always be green. ♪ and your favorite songs, always playing. ♪ may you never be stuck behind a stinky truck. ♪ may things, always go your way. but it's good to be prepared, just in case they don't. toyota, let's go places. safely. might as well go allan? the way to wow. royal caribbean has been voted best overall cruise line 11 years running. and will soon feature the best internet connectivity at sea. call now to be wow'ed. ♪ ♪ physical activity. but keeping that mix balanced, isn't always easy. so coke, dr. pepper, and pepsi are joining your efforts to find balance with the new initative called mixify. coming together for the first time to talk to teens about balancing what they eat and drink with what they do. and helping them think about when they've had too much, or maybe when it's time for a treat. supporting your efforts, with our message. balance what you eat and drink with what you do. that's how you mixify. try zyrtec-d® to powerfully clear your blocked nose and relieve your other allergy symptoms... so you can breathe easier all day. zyrtec-d®. find it at the pharmacy counter. ♪ tell me what i've got to do to win ymy daughter is studying to be a dentist, ♪ tell me what i've got to do to win you over and she gave me advice. she said, "dad, go pro with crest pro-health." [ male announcer ] 4 out of 5 dentists confirmed these pro-health products helped maintain a professional clean. crest pro-health really brought my mouth to the next level. [ male announcer ] go pro with crest pro-health. you're unpacking already? yeah. help me find some mugs? sure. ♪ [ beep ] hey. okay. -these'll do. -yeah. [ male announcer ] wake up to the mountain grown aroma of folgers. ♪ the best part of wakin' up so, where do you want to start? i think this is a pretty good place. ♪ is folgers in your cup dove invited women to a makeover hi ma'amifference. hi would you like to have a free makeover? yeah, why not? who doesn't love a free makeover? there you go. it's a shower. it's a shower. but it's a shower with new dove body wash, with its new breakthrough formula all it takes is just one shower for softer smoother skin. want to feel? feels really good. really silky smooth. it's awesome. i love it. new dove body wash. softer, smoother skin after just one shower. here's in a word and here's the sale to match. royal caribbean's 5 day wow sale ends today. get up to two hundred dollars in onboard credit and a fifty percent reduced deposit during our biggest sale of the year. call 1-800 royal caribbean. we're back here at 8:14 with what's trending today. first, categories that could get you in trouble for $600, alex. the folks at swrepd in hot water for a category some are calling unbelievably sexist. its name "what women want." this exchange in particular is drawing the most fire. >> $600, what women want. >> some help around the house. would it kill you to get out the bissell bagless canister one of these every once in a while? alan? >> what is a vacuum cleaner. >> he gets punished for knowing the answer there. what are levis and what is pilates. >> viewers vented on twitter. >> i can't believe that. >> chicago pd star sophia bush tweeted jeopardy? for a smart show you got seriously stupid. >> you think somebody would catch that. >> how did that get passed everybody in the room who thought that was a good idea? who knows? who is the most dangerous celebrity, at least when it comes to internet searches? security firm mcafee releases a list of the stars who could give you a virus if you google their name. the winner is, jimmy kimmel, landing you on a website with viruses or spyware. >> jimmy did react to this very unusual honor. take a look. >> who would have guessed that a boy who used to carry a briefcase to junior high and played the clarinet would end up being the most dangerous person? >> he said it was just an honor to be nominated. bruce springsteen, your buddy, matt, chelsea handler and christina aguilera. >> does that mean people are searching for nude pictures of jimmy kimmel? >> i don't know what the vie are yous are attached to. >> by the way, i played the clarinet, too. joan >> back now with our special series "pink power" on this first day of breast cancer awareness month. hoda is outside with our very special correspondent joan lunden. hoda? >> oh, my gosh. we are in a sea of pink. joan is a breast cancer survivor. i'm a breast cancer survivor. we are surrounded by dozens and dozens of incredible survivors here with us on the plaza. we talked about how brave joan was to show herself bald on the cover of "people" magazine. as joan will tell us in just a minute it wasn't such an easy decisio decision. >> i don't care what you say, yourself with no hair is just -- you're never prepared for it. as i understand it, 250,000 women in this country had breast cancer last year and a lot of them are going through chemo and they're losing their hair and they might not say it, because, i'll be honest with you, i've never really voiced this with my husband. but you feel less like a woman. you feel less feminine. you feel less beautiful. you feel kind of embarrassed. you feel kind of like the ugly duckling. you lose a part of a sense of yourself. >> given all that, when "people" magazine approached you. >> oh. >> and said we would like to do the cover with you without a wig, what made you say yes? >> at first, i kept going back and forth and, i mean, i don't -- i have children who are 9 and 11 and were they going to be embarrassed? were they going to have someone come up to them and say, gee, is your mommy dying? i kind of talked myself out of it. i need to be the lioness, the mommy first. and the closer i got, i said, wait a second. this is going to be out of character for joan lunden not to do this. maybe i need to talk to my children. they came and got on the bed and said i have a decision to make and it's a national magazine, which means everyone is going to see it and you guys haven't even seen me with no hair. they haven't seen me bald. >> how come? >> i don't run around the house that way, because -- i guess it says -- i'm afraid it will shock them or make them fear -- i don't want them to worry that i'm going to die, because i'm beating this. >> right. >> it was just theatrical, what do you guys think? should mommy do this picture without hair or should i have them do the one with the wig on, be safe and just talk about it? >> right. >> my little max, 11 years old, hand shot right up. >> what did he say? >> definitely do it without hair. i said really? absolutely. you can make a difference and save lives, you have to do it that way. and kate, his twin, said, daddy did talk to us a little bit about this last night. he said it was the hero decision. i think you should make that decision. and, you know what? we're doing this. we're losing our hair in order to live and survive and be there for our families and our husbands and our kids. that's a whole different ball of wax. >> that is right, joan! >> yes. yes. >> we should also point out there are a lot of people going through breast cancer, men as well as women, who are not losing their hair, but they're still battling the war. >> i've got to say, joan has a lot of fans, obviously, on this plaza. >> absolutely. >> you are inspiring them. there are a lot of women -- you were talking to some women over here who said they don't have much hair but you said that's more than i've got. you were really encouraging them. >> surgical oncologist and director of the breast care center in michigan. thank you for joining us. >> good morning. >> i want to talk about resberch where you a research. you have angelina jolie having a double mastectomy. how would you score research at this point? >> the most important thing to say about breast cancer in 2014 is that we are continuing to see improvements in survival. it is still a potentially very dangerous disease, but thanks to these wonderful advances in early detection and in treatment, the majority of patients in the united states will have a favorable outcome, as evidenced by all these fabulous women here today. screening, mammography after age 40 reduces breast cancer. less disfiguring surgery, better medical treatments, we tailor, personalize therapy. >> i had the 3-d mammogram several years in a row and it did not show anything. i walked out there, yea! and then i walked across the hall, got my sbults heard you have breast cancer. >> that's an extremely important message, joan. mammograms, all the most advanced imaging, none of it is perfect. if a woman notices a change in her breast exam, danger signs as such as a new lump, bloody internshipple discharge, all of these are dangerous signs that should prompt medical attention. >> your mental health is so important. i can tell all the ladies out here, you have to be strong. you have to have a strength inside you. joan, what was it inside you that helped you fight on, beyond the doctors, beyond the chemo, beyond everything? >> as soon as you empower -- you start feeling empowered, then you're ready to fight the battle. you have to be in there, asking questions, like what we're talking about. women, you need to be asking the radiologist when you go for the mammogram, what kind of breast tissue do i have? is it fatty breast tissue, which mammograms are great on, or is it dense fibrous tissue? you have to be your own best health advocate. for me i turned it completely around. i decided to learn as much as i could and share my journey because that was my natural instinct. >> you're a journalist, sure. >> and share it with others. that completely changed my perspective. >> we have questions from many of the women who are here right now. >> who's up first? >> here is our lady up first. what is your name? >> annie. >> what is why your question? >> what are your thoughts on genetic testing? have your kids considered this? >> i'm going to throw this to the doctor. i got the testing and i did not test positive for any of the brca genes. that was important for my daughters to know. theoretically, they should begin at age 40, correct? >> correct. >> it also had something to do with how they were going to further watch me, as to whether we had to be concerned with ovarian cancers and other things. what is your suggestion to women? >> women that have a strong family history of breast cancer, ovarian cancer, male breast cancer should seek genetic counseling and potentially testing. some families have breast cancer and melanoma clustering in the family. triple negative breast cancer even in the absence of a family history can be a red flag for inherited susceptibility. all of these features should prompt genetic testing and counseling. >> we have time for one more question. >> i'm gin. what do you do to stay so positive? >> i help other people like this, then i get all of their love and support back. staying positive is really important. somebody wanted to know about telling your children. >> yeah. for me, one of the most difficult parts of my breast cancer diagnosis was telling my two young sons and i was wondering, how did you tell your children? >> we were warned not to keep it a family secret. the mystery of the unknown is much more difficult. it's bad news but it's better that it comes from mommy and daddy. and we do mommy updates constantly so they feel -- >> i love that. >> great advice. >> thank you. >> staying in a good mood is important. there's a song i know that this group is crazy about. what is the song called? >> happy! >> we have a soul train line. dr. newman, thank you. joan, thank you. we'll have many more inspiring stories tomorrow. for the ten things joan wishes she had known before being diagnosed head to neil patrick harris and music from blake you're watching today in the bay. >> very good morning to you. it is 8:26 now, i'm laura garcia-cannon. audrey's law is now official, named after audrie pott. pott committed suicide two years ago after photos of her being sexually assaulted while unconscious at a party were posted online. let's switch gears, how's it looking out there? >> better now across the golden gate bridge, the two lanes were very slow over the last 20 minutes. we just got the roadway clear and see the traffic flowing once again. there was a crash on the bridge itself. 101 jammed up right here, no crashes reported, but a big burst of traffic into the area, very slow and clearing once you get past the 580 split. the rest of the bay looking tough. both sides of the bay, oakland, san mateo dragging there. and southbound and northbound routes all slow. another couple of crashes northbound 101, making things worse in san jose and in towards santa clara. back to you. >> thank you very much. we'll be back with another local news update in half an hour or so. hope you get a chance to enjoy a warmer day out there already. ♪ ♪ only one place helps you maximize everything in your life, everyday. the place where you always get more than you pay for... t.j.maxx. brands you love, prices that work for you. this fall, shop smarter. maxx first! doesn't everyone deserve a maxx life? t.j.maxx. ♪ ♪ we're getting it. >> back and that is the 10th mountain division from bagram air field in afghanistan. al and his all-star comedians are there as part of a uso show shining a light on some very, very important people. we've got some very important people here in new york as well. >> absolutely. we are surrounded by some colorful, fun, beautiful, powerful women. thank you all for being here, guys. >> just say my favorite comment of the entire morning, one of these ladies looked at me said when my friend was in treatment for breast cancer and lost all her hair she looked just like you. >> okay. >> my favorite quote -- >> beautiful. >> my favorite quote is from the woman who's sitting behind matt and she said hey matt, that's your good side, your best side. that's why i love these ladies today. >> we do have a lot to get to in this half hour. including one of the most talented men in hollywood. is here neil patrick harris. you can tweet him questions using our #orangeroom. >> plus we're going to have a special performance from country superstar and voice coach blake shelton has a new record out. >> first let's get to those never before seen photos from george clooney's wedding. ladies he stepped up, okay. we have a few of the couple getting ready for their big day. i think you can see oh, there they are getting ready for the big day. we also got a glimpse of the reception party, matt damon, bill murray also there. look at that. is it a what is it a train it's the train is stunning. >> when we brought this magazine on the set for the girls it was like we put cotton candy down. they were just attacking this. >> it is -- >> we all love amal. she's gorgeous, she's sexy. and she's -- she's the whole deal. >> she is the total package. "people" magazine scored 25 of these images. it is a true wedding album. all of the behind-the-scenes, and pretty -- >> a fun wedding. >> let's get a check of the weather from our friend mr. roker. >> hey, guys, thank you so much. i'm here with jay leno and jay, of course, we're going to be doing the big uso show a little bit later. >> that's right. >> there's a lot of talent here. there's no such thing as a free lunch. they want to see us perform, they have to perform. so we picked a few people at random here. >> that's it. welcome to afghanistan's got talent. first we've got staff shelton who kazoos to journey. >> yes, sir. don't stop believing. >> all right. let's hear it. ♪ >> what do you think, jay? >> you know, i think we've lost this war. >> all right. drop the kazoo. all right, staff sergeant todd reit. >> break dancing. >> break dancing. >> all right. let's -- >> here we go. >> whoo! >> whoa. >> man. >> wow. whoa. >> that was a break dancing. that was break dance. >> that was just dance. >> all right. staff sergeant cleveland taylor. >> a little song. >> all right. >> all right. i got my dance over here. >> okay. here we go. >> i need -- >> you need the mike. ♪ >> all right. all right. >> you see how it's done? you see how it's done. >> and then jason boyd what's your impression? >> i do not know who i am. >> you got -- >> i would go over near the kazoo guy. >> and then and then the worst al roker impression possible right here. what -- we had him. he's gone. >> by the way, we got a surprise for everybody. we got hats for all of you. there you go. >> once again, the "today" show's target hat. this little emblem will light up so the enemy can see you at night. i like the kazoo guy myself. good morning to you. i want to show you this time lapse from weather underground, because it shows the story of today. ocean beach, not a cloud in the sky, and that's the same story at this hour. really, hard to escape the heat all day long. as our marine influence will be negated through the next couple days. today, about a ten to 15-degree spike in temperatures as the wind shifts offshore. 87 degrees for the south bay, up to 91 by tomorrow. >> after that segment the uso is sending us money back. they want to apologize. we're sorry we took your money. we feel bad. >> thank you, guys very much. very funny, jay. very funny. all right this is great news. trending in the united states this morning pretty much all morning long #pingpower so we're proud of that. we've got dottie. she's pink today for survivors like herself. even the puppies getting in on the action. they're pink for their grandma. the girls here supporting mom's last day of chemo. anchors and i all pink today. i am pink for my mom. my mom happens to be here, patty caruso diagnosed 1998. mom i love you so much. >> thank you, sweetie. >> here's the takeaway. cancer has never rid my mom of the moments she's had with her five grandchildren. that you didn't have when you were diagnosed. >> thank god. thank god. >> what's your words of wisdom today for women. >> oh, please, please get your ma'amo. that's why this month is so important. but for me, my first thought was about my kids and my grandkids who weren't born yet. so i'm just grateful every day. >> now you've got like 20 grandkids. 15 years surviving. you're my inspiration today mom, i love you so much. >> thank you. >> #pinkpower over to matt. >> we love your mom. >> thank you so much. >> coming up blake shelton's bringing back the sunshine with his new album. we're going to have a performance from him, and next neil patrick harris on his role in "gone girl." and he's -- -- >> my goodness. >> today on nbc. >> he does it all. t this is "to. >> he does it all. . neil patrick harris has had a really big year, on screen and off. he plays in "gone girl," desi, the ex-boyfriend of a woman that disappears and when she does, ben affleck wants some answers. >> she's my first serious girlfriend. >> why did you break up? >> that's a strange question. >> did you treat her bad? >> that's a rude question. >> amy told me she dumped you, you completely unraveled. you stalked her, threatened her and attempted suicide in her bed and were institutionalized. >> your wife is missing and you came all this way to tell me this? >> i thought there might be another side to this story. >> hey, neil, welcome back. >> creepy. >> a lot of creepy things in this movie. it's a fantastic movie. your character, desi, is mirror than a little creep. >> i well, yeah. you know, he's not -- he's introduced throughout the movie but you think he's just a suspect and you only really get to know him a little bit in the second half. there's a lot of -- it's a david fincher film and a classic hitchcock-ian kind of way. i can't say much about what i do. >> that's one of the problems of having you here. ben was here a couple of days ago and i said there's a lot of unexpected twists and turns and perhaps none more so with your character. >> agreed. >> so there's a lot that you can say. >> which makes it, i think, a great movie. it's part whodunit thriller. a woman is missing. you're not sure if she's dead, what her story s as you start feeling like you know what's happening, the movie keeps switching and turning it on its head. >> as i watched desi, i thought he reminded me on the creepy scale of the guy you played "in a million ways to die in the west." >> oh, wow. >> they tend to start coming to you more and more. >> maybe. i'm suddenly arch nemesis? i don't know. i'll take it. i like working with good people on good projects. >> it takes the curtains and throws it back on relationships. we always think we know what goes on. we see people in public and say we know what happens in their marriage and we don't. >> sometimes you don't. i think the conceit of relationship when you first get together is you're putting on a bit of a guise, trying to show the best version of yourself. if you couple up and that's going well, suddenly you have to take that guise off through conflict or something bad that happens and then you have to look at each other again sbee if you're really meant to be together. and in "gone girl," i don't think they ever got to that next step. >> they certainly missed that step. no question. you were here a while ago. edwick and the angry inch. you won a tony award for best actor. >> i d congratulations. >> you wrapped "how i met your mother." and you got married. >> indeed. it's been quite an amazing year. you and david have been together, what, more than ten years? >> and we've been engaged for seven or eight of those ten. and it wasn't legal to get married in our state until recently. and now -- then we were working so much that it was really just finding the right time to do it. >> what i liked, as you were talking about it -- >> hey, look. >> that's a nice shot. you got married in italy. you say you've been to a lot of weddings and watched people exchange vows and say that's cute but when it happens to you, you stand up there, you get blubery? >> vows are something you write yourself that you don't share anyone, the tenants with which you believe and are committing to for a long-term relationship for the rest of your life. and so to vocalize those is just intense. it's not pressure for the people watching. but i thought about weddings in general, it was like a lot of wonderful chaos, but it was mostly an amazing time for everyone that was there. while you're in the process, you're worried about weather and you're worried about someone not showing up on time and this hasn't arrived. so it's hard to get out of the minutia. >> congratulations. so many things happening wonderfully in your life and you are amazing in "gone girl." i only wish i could tell people every little part. >> they're going to have to watch it and see. >> go see it. neil patrick harris, thank you so much. >> my pleasure. >> neil is sticking around to answer your questions. you can use the #orange room. up next, blake shelton and "the voice." first this is "today" on nbc. >> announcer: the toyota concert series on "today" brought to you by toyota. blake shelton pulls double duty as a coach on nbc's hit show "the voice" and one of the biggest voices in country music. bringing back the sunshine. we recently caught up with blake. i started by asking him what that title means to him. >> there's a track on the record called "bringing back the sunshine" but to me i wanted to name the album -- first of all, i hate naming albums. >> why? >> i don't know. who cares? >> i want it to be like blake shelton number two, number three, part four. all of that. >> oh, my gosh. >> anyway, to me, that kind of means i'm bringing back some of the more traditional sounding stuff. and as much as you can in country music these days and still try to blend in out there. >> is there pressure to keep the traditional sound and, i guess, funk it up, especially since you're hanging out with the kids at "the voice," agagwen stefanid pharrell joining "the voice"? >> no. i don't think there's pressure. it's kind of a blend of what's going on today with traditional. >> i know every single lyric. >> do you really? ♪ in the neon lights >> will you sing it with us? >> no. i will not do that to your band. you fell in love with the song each sbfr time you heard it? >> yes. it's one of those things where it just beat the crap out of me. i walk around, singing that song, just like you're talking about. it's an earworm for sure. >> i like being stuck with t congratulations on everything. neon lights. take it away. >> let's do it. ♪ ♪ ever since you left me i've been ridin' round crankin' up a little country gold heartbreak cried and dried these tears i don't know how much more missin' you i can take ♪ ♪ i prayed prayed prayed for a sign sign sign now there it is in the window it's about time damn time ♪ ♪ there's a neon light at the end of the tunnel it ain't all that bright but even though it's subtle it's got me feeling all right gonna make it a double there's a neon light at the end of the tunnel tunnel tunnel ♪ ♪ i take a shot of i don't care what you're doing now chase that one with a cold screw you when that's done i just might wash it down with a big pitcher of someone new ♪ ♪ that blond blond blond at the bar bar bar see if she wants to try and unbreak my heart heart heart ♪ ♪ there's a neon light at the end of the tunnel it ain't all that bright but even though it's subtle it's got me feeling all right gonna make it a double there's a neon light at the end of the tunnel tunnel tunnel ♪ ♪ well when we were together i thought life would suck forever even though i knew better than the pain would never end they say the night's darkest just before the dawn gets kissed by the daybreak got down on my knees ♪ ♪ and i prayed prayed prayed for a sign sign sign now there it is in the window it's about time damn time ♪ ♪ tlas a neon light at the end of the tunnel it ain't all that bright but even though it's subtle it's got me feeling all right go on and make it a double there's a neon light at the end of the tunnel tunnel tunnel ♪ ♪ ♪ it's got me feeling all right ♪ >> blake shelton. once again, the album is "bringing back the sunshine." you can see blake "the voice" monday and tuesday night right here on nbc. got to go out and get that one. back in a moment. this is "today" on nbc. >> i'll be singing that all day now. >> it gets stuck in your head. >> that's a catchy song, no question. let's check in with willard scott. he has a look at who is celebrating a birthday right now. >> new york, new york is a heck of a town. you make it the best. never miss the "today" show. my favorite crew. virginia cooke from wyncote, pennsylvania. 100 years old today. one of her favorite hobbies is listening to ray charles sing. me, too. what a voice. edythe shamroth. she is 100 years old today. one of her favorite hobbies is to dance up a storm. and monroe hall from normal, illinois, 100 years old today. we wish him a very happy birthday. he keeps a positive attitude. everything good. accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative. this is a handsome devil, francis stagnaro from massachusetts, 100 years old today. he was a fire chief for the springfield fire department for years. great, respected man and great, respected profession. that's it. that's all, new york. if you were down here, i would give you a donut and some cider because you are beautiful cider drinkers. >> yes, we are. >> there's something you've never been called before. >> i would take one of those. >> thank you, willard. >> thank you very much. breast cancer awareness month this month. october is also national domestic violence awareness month. i have a little purple on there. two very important causes and we are living our lives aware. that is good to know. >> obviously domestic violence an issue that's been in the headlines so much lately because of the situation with ray rice and the nfl. we want to make sure you get behind both of these important causes over the next 30 days. we'll be heari ining more from n bagram airport in afghanistan, shining light on the u.s. men and women of the military. we'll check in with them in a little while. first your local >> announcer: from nbc news, this is "today's take" with al roker, natalie morales, willie geist and tamron hall. live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> welcome to "today" on a wednesday morning. it is the first day of october 2014. some har souls out on that plaza, sticking it out through a drizzly day in new york city. i'm willie geist along with natalie morales and tamron hall. our buddy, al, has made his way to afghanistan for his shine a light project. as you know by now, it's a uso tour to entertain the troops. he's got a great cast there, including jay leno. we're going to talk to jay in just a second. >> yes. >> so much fun. >> having fun out there. they've had a dance party, a talent contest. >> oh, yeah. >> he is doing it up. >> and he is just getting started. we'll talk to al all hour long. you may have noticed we're going pink in the studio, the ladies looking lovely, the light behind us. i thought that was pretty good. you don't like that? sorry to let you down. >> you've got tomorrow, it's a whole month. >> in honor of breast cancer awareness month, also october is domestic violence awareness month. so a lot to think about this month. >> pink or purple or you can do both. and it's the entire month, so you started out with a ribbon. i'll go shopping for a pink tie tomorrow. pink and purple. >> spread the love over the month. >> yes. >> the cdc has now confirmed the first case of ebola diagnosed here in the united states. it's an unidentified male patient being treated at texas health presbyterian hospital in dallas. health officials say the patient was actually visiting family in texas from africa and developed ebola symptoms after he had returned from liberia. he is critically ill, now in isolation. friday he went to the hospital but was not admitted, then came back in on sunday, and that is when he was admitted to the hospital and then tested for ebola, based on some of the symptoms he was showing. health officials are trying to identify any people the man has come in contact with since he returned to the united states on september the 20th. the cdc, though, says there is "zero risk of transmission" on the man's flight to the u.s. because he wasn't showing any symptoms at the time, didn't have any symptoms. someone with ebola, we should remind everyone, is not contagious until they're feeling symptoms. and by the way, it's also not contagious via the air. earlier, matt spoke with cdc director dr. thomas frieden and asked how they're monitoring there who he's come in contact with. >> if you said to me right now, matt, name all the people you've come in contact with in the 24 hours, i'd be hard pressed to identify all those people. how are you so sure you know everyone he came in contact with? >> that's why we have a seven-person team in dallas today, helping to review that with the family and make sure that we identify everyone who could have had contact with him. because it's not just talking with someone. it has to be physical contact, and that's one thing that reduces the circle of people that we have to identify and monitor. we've stopped every ebola outbreak that ever occurred in africa until this one, and this one could have been stopped if we had gotten in there earlier. >> so, ebola's transmitted via bodily fluid. >> right. >> that includes, by the way, sweat. so, if he shook a hand and there was a break in somebody's hand, which witness all have, it could be transmitted that way. the cdc's very clear about the plane, saying zero risk there, but we don't know what happened after he arrived in dallas. >> and they did take his temperature before boarding the flight, as for now are requirements, especially traveling in that part of the world, but a lot of concerns, especially that 48-hour period after he went home from the hospit hospital. >> right. >> and that's the concern you have, how many people he was exposed to, as matt asked that question. i don't think you could say with 100% certainty that you could talk to everybody or contain it to just that group of people. >> and the questions about symptoms, you know. i know that the doctors have gone back looking at his calendar, looking at when he first spiked with the fever, but a lot of people are asking, is it unreasonable if you were on that flight or if you were sitting next to this person if you should be notified? maybe not put out an all alert, here, this was the flight, but should someone be told? what is the public interest here? >> i would want to know, definitely. i would definitely want to know. >> and when he did initially go into the hospital, he was sent home. >> right. >> right. >> so, it's proof that things are not fool-proof. >> right. >> mistakes can be made. you can over or underestimate something. >> right. >> so, in this case, while the doctor says that he's been able to contain and control every ebola outbreak in africa up until this one, i think that it is fair to still ask questions. >> right. >> and express concerns without being alarmist. >> and again, not being an alarmist, but we are coming up on cold and flu season, and you start talking about symptoms of ebola starts off with fever. >> they're all similar, yes. >> and the enterovirus 68 now as well. i mean, it's a concern when you think about, you know, all the things that are out there now. now here in the u.s. >> and how we're so international. i mean, this is in my home state of texas, and we were talking with the executive producer of the show. listen when i was growing up in texas, people had this stereotype of what we were, j.r. ewing. >> was it like that? >> oh, gosh, no. but you know, people from all over the world, we travel, we interact. my mom is a substitute teacher. she was at a school the other day and said every other kid was from africa in her class. their families had moved to texas. it's a great state to live. but nevertheless, we are more international, we interact all the time. the emergency workers, by the way, who treated this man are now being monitored as well. >> yes. >> they came in contact with their family members. so, there's a balance here, there's no question. >> t cdc's working hard to trace everybody he came in contact with. we'll keep you posted on that story. let's go to al now at bagram airfield in afghanistan, where he's acting as emcee for a great show tonight, u.s. comedy featuring jay leno, craig robinson, kevin eubanks and iliza shlesinger. >> hey, guys. we have had a wonderful time here at the bagram airfield. and there's so many missions that go on here that are actually weather critical. and behind me are members of the 19th expeditionary weather squadron. 23 members. i want to make sure they all get in here. they are under the command of major stacy coleman, a major. nice to see you. >> great to see you. >> well, how important is weather here? >> oh, al, weather is extremely important here. not only do we give weather so that people know whether or not just to put on a raincoat, but we also give weather to the pilots and the commanders so that they know how to use their assets to make sure the mission happens based on how the weather will impact those missions. >> i don't know if you've ever seen my weather, but how does it stack up to what these folks do? your weather forecast is really serious. >> oh, our weather forecast is serious. and these guys do a fantastic job. you forecast for the ground, al. we forecast for the column of atmosphere. we forecast way up at 20,000, 30,000, 40,000 feet. >> wow. >> so, we're concerned about a lot. >> well, we are proud of the job you're doing and that's why we're here. doing this uso show. but guys, as you know, it's part of our "shine a light" program, and we want to raise money for the uso. it is not a government-supported organization. and we don't want to forget these brave men and women who are protecting our freedom every day, 24/7, 365 days a year, not only here in the middle east but all around the world and back at home. so, please go to to donate to the uso. i would like to make an extended forecast that you are going to donate and donate big. all right, major coleman, thank you so much. we appreciate it. >> thank you, al. >> thank you. back to you guys. >> she keeps throwing al a little shade on his forecast there. >> yeah. forecast up above. >> the lowdown stuff. al, we'll talk to you in just a few minutes ago. >> very nice. by the way, what's this wednesday situation? >> we're starting off this would you wednesday, something new. we want to know, what would you do in this situation? would you say something to someone if someone near you was eating loudly? you know, like smacking, chewing their gum or eating? pranksters justin stewart had that question. they went to a college library to find out what would happen if they started eating loudly around studying students. take a look at what happens. >> any chance you could not sit right exactly behind me? >> oh, i'm sorry. too close? >> a little bit, please. >> oh, i'm sorry about that. >> hey, would you like some bread? would you like some bread? >> no, thank you. >> all right. no problem. >> so -- >> the video goes on. at one point, he's got a little hand like foreman grill. he's got sizzling meat on the grill behind the woman -- >> that is so hilarious. >> should have known. >> would you say something to a friend or family member? go to for our survey. would you say something to a loud eater? we'll reveal results later in the hour. >> do you? >> i do it to my kids all the time, close that mouth, close that mouth! >> i would. i would say something. >> in a movie theater? >> i can't. >> you could do it in humor, can i have one of those? those sound good. all right, let's go back to al at bagram air base in afghanistan for a look at the weather. hey, al. >> hey. i thought we would have one of the members of the 19th expeditionary weather squadron take care of this. this is tech sergeant david drader. go ahead with the forecast, sir. >> yes, sir. it's going to be another hot and dry day in afghanistan, al. we've got highs in the upper 80s, lows in the upper 50s tonight, and it's going to be a little bit breezy, but should be good to go for all the flights going on today. >> that's what's happening in this country. >> we're going to talk to our cast of comedy all-stars coming up. back to you. >> thanks a lot. as al said, it's not often that the big names of comedy get together in one place. they're doing it for our men and women serving overseas. jay we get our speed from mom and dad. they do stuff super fast. and now they got this new kitchen... so they're even faster. so they can help us with our free throws. 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now we're getting somewhere. i've never seen swanything so soft!tness... charmin! take a closer look at charmin ultra soft and you'll love what you see. not only can you use less, but you can actually see the softness in our comfort cushions. plus charmin ultra soft is so much more absorbent you can use up to four times less. what are you boys looking at? my main squeeze. rotorooter approved. charmin is clog-free or it's free. al is not around here to make us laugh today. he has the best excused absence i can think of. >> yes. >> he is getting ready to help entertain our fine men and women of the united states military. >> al is 6700 miles away at bagram air field in afghanistan on his big uso tour to help shine a light on our troops. >> joined by the great jay leno, iliza shlesinger and kevin eubanks. hey, guys. >> hey, you guys. here we are, about an hour and a half, two hours away from the big show. >> right. >> what kind of audience do you think it will be, jay? >> military. not a lot of civilians are buying tickets for whatever reason. a military show. >> a receptive audience. >> they're a great audience. these things are so much fun to do. there's not really a lot of pressure. it's loose and you have fun. >> iliza, a lot of the women have been coming up and there's a little bond going. >> yes, there is. and -- yes, and -- you know, everybody here is here to defend our country and i had a really nice experience on the last uso tour i did. i got to put make wrup on one of the enlisted women. we're girls at the end of the day. >> this is your first rodeo. >> it is my first uso. it's been overwhelming. to be able to look the soldiers in the eye and say thank you to them. and they've been, you know, so grateful that we're here. it's really crazy. >> did jay tell you about the hazing ritual? >> jay did not. >> what is this hazing ritual? >> oh, you'll find out. >> you'll have it on tape. >> that's right. and kevin eubanks, you're kind of our musical director. >> running from each joke to each joke with a chord or something hanging in there. it's so fun to be here. i've been inspired by all the people i've been talking to. it's been wonderful. >> craig, you're going to be doing jokes and music. you're a double threat. >> i'm going to mix it all together, do some sing along and plafl stu playful stuff. >> a sing along? sbl si >> sing along? >> afghanistan looks like van nuys but with less gunfire. it does. >> they have those big planes landing. people don't realize the uso, how important it is to our troops both here and back in america. >> i think, you know, because this war isn't as present as other wars have been in our lives in america, the uso brings entertainment and levity to any stressful situation in a country where these men and women are stationed and that is so loud, i don't know how you do this every day. we share with them our art and things that make us happy and a chance to share this with them for such a couple of minutes is such an honor. if it makes them happy it's such a privilege to get to do for them. >> what's on musical play list today? >> that's going to abe surprise. >> he doesn't know. >> you're going to sing the blues tonight. >> al's singing the blues. i can't wait. >> i want to do albert collins "i'm not drunk, i'm just drinking." >> this is a dry base. >> i didn't say what i'm drinking. the uso tour, we'll show you what happened next tuesday. go to to donate to the uso to support our brave men and women fighting and protecting our freedoms. >> well done, al. >> back to you guys back in new york. >> thank you, al. >> great job. >> throwing fastballs. >> van nuys, boom. >> al singing the blues? i can't wait to see this show. >> it's going to be good. up next, natalie has all the news you need before you walk out the door. in the new film "whiplash" he shows off his drumming skills," a music lesson from miles teller after this. go ahead. take it away. for very dry skin, you need healing. new vaseline intensive care with micro-droplets of vaseline jelly relieves dry skin and moisturizes to heal it in just 5 days. clinically proven. that's the healing power of vaseline. ♪ ♪ bring the delicious taste of hershey's chocolate to anything - everything. with hershey's spreads, the possibilities are delicious. when folks think about wthey think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america. snackon it. isn't this my breakfast cereal? 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[cat thinking] yyou smell... nothing. [announcer] introducing the best lightweight litter for odor elimination, guaranteed. fresh step extreme... lightweight. >> taking a look at the headlines, stunning new revelations about presidential security. secret service agents allowed an armed contractor with a criminal history into an elevator with the president last month. the disclosure comes amid mounting concerns after that fence-jumping intruder made it inside the white house with a knife. tuesday on capitol hill, tempers flared. this comment from steven lynch after julia pearson acknowledged there had been failures. >> and i wish to god you -- you protected the white house like you're protecting your reputation here today. >> the alleged fence jumper makes his first court appearance today. tracy morgan is responding to walmart's claims that he was partly to blame for the injuries he suffered when his limo van was hit by one of its trucks this summer. walmart had said that morgan and others were partly to blame because they weren't wearing seat belts. morgan said tuesday, i can't believe walmart is blaming me for an accident that they caused. my friends and i were doing nothing wrong. the security folks at mcafee are out with a new warning. if you're thinking of searching online for jimmy kimmel, be careful. mcafee says the name is most likely to take to you to a site that could infect your computer with malware or a virus. kimmel says he can't believe a kid that carried a briefcase to school grew up to the most dangerous celebrity online. data from more than 500 models showed the subaru wrx to be the most ticketed car, followed by the pontiac gto and the siron frs. a bear had to hang around and wait after it was finally shot with a tranquilizer dart tuesday. the bear took refuge in a tree near an elementary school where students were kept inside until the bear dropped safely into a net. the bear is okay. coming up, an easy dinner that you can make tonight. coming up, an easy dinner that you can make tonight. we'll show you all the s sir, we're loaded and getting ready to go... ...we're going to need you on the runway. 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(vo) theraflu. serious power. you're watching today in the bay. >> good wednesday morning to you. it's 9:26. i'm sam brock. happening right now, a growing problem in the south bay will be confronted head-on. this morning a human trafficking task force is setting up shop in san jose. that task force includes a sheriff sergeant, two deputies, attorney, and criminal investigator. federal investigators say the bay area is one of the top 13 places in the entire country for human trafficking because of our major airports and harbors and the fact the bay area has a rapidly growing population, adding to an already large immigrant population. also happening today, the san jose police officer accused of rape will be in court. officer jeffrey graves will be attending a preliminary hearing to determine if there is enough evidence to try him for rape. investigators say graves raped an undocumented woman. in the meantime, 9:26 on your wednesday. a look at weather and traffic after the break. welcome back now, the time 9:28. the story right now, half moon bay is 72 degrees at 9:28 right now. and look at the difference between half moon bay and san martin, where we're at 59 degrees. why the separation? it has everything to do with our warm down sloeping wind. in san francisco, really fierce wind at this hour, whereas in san jose it's nice and calm. it's the warm down sloping wind bringing temperatures up in the city today and a lack of low clouds. 80 degrees on the way for you, 87 in the south bay. the peninsula today about 86 degrees. meanwhile, about 90 degrees in the north bay. even warmer throughout the next couple days, up to 94 degrees, peaking on friday. here's mike and your drive. >> looking at the bay bridge toll plaza, fast track lane is moving very nicely. lighter flow of traffic on the left approach. looking at maps, talking about the approach in towards san francisco west 80 at 101, had a crash, looked like it cleared without much additional slowing. reminder, traffic across town really tied up because of oracle around the world. that's the dunbar and san mateo bridge. fremont, southbound 880 gums up right here, smoother in towards milpitas, sam, back to you. >> sounds like it's time for a road trip to half moon bay. hopefully we'll see you in another 25 minutes for more news, weather, and traffic. we will see you then. welcome back to "today," wednesday morning, october 1st, 2014. i'm willie, along with natalie and tamron. we'll check in with al on his uso tour at bagram air field in afghanistan in just a moment. earlier, we asked you to weigh in on your would you wednesday survey? i eat these potato chips, excuse me, would you say something to a loud eater? you, the viewers, have spoken. 6 % 2% say yes. >> perfect stranger? >> you do it in a funny way. you just say something like you must want me to ask for some of those chips or those are good. >> not to be a scold but like, wow, that sounds good. let me get one of those. >> those teeth made of wood? thank you, thank you. >> very nice. >> practicing for al. thank you, thank you. >> and the opening act here. >> there you go. say something to the stranger if you don't like being chomped. >> i can't stop eating these, though. this is terrible. >> let's go back to al in afghanistan for a look at the weather. hey, al. >> hey, guys, thank you so much. our troops are stationed far and wide all across the world, including here in afghanistan. and to give us an idea of what they go through day in and day out, bagram air force commander, major general steven townsend. thank you, sir, for being here. and, you know, i don't think people can appreciate -- i know i couldn't until i was here -- what life is like in a country like this, day in and day out. >> well, afghanistan is a really rural country and pretty poor. our soldiers live, you know, not as well here as they do in the united states. they live pretty good on bagram here except for the occasional rocket attack. we have soldiers out on the frontier that live in fairly rough, rugged conditions behind barbed wire. >> i think people forget how important the uso is to the mission here. >> yeah. >> what does it mean to the soldiers, both the men and women, here on the base? >> it boils down to two things. first it's like bringing a little piece of america here to afghanistan. the second thing is to kind of forget about the war for an hour or two and enjoy a uso show and all the other things that the uso does here. i think it's absolutely critical for our armed forces. >> i think people tend to forget that this is going on here. >> yeah. >> what do you want the folks back home to know about these men and women warriors we have here? >> first of all, i want them to know that our nation is still at war in afghanistan. and we're doing the nation and the world's bidding over here. it's important work. we don't forget that we were attacked on 9/11. that's why we came here in the first place. the second thing is remember that america's sons and daughters over here in harm's way, doing what the nation sent us to do. >> major general steven townsend, thank you so much. >> thanks, al. >> we appreciate what you do every day and what your troops 9:33. good wednesday morning, i'm meteorologist christina loren. some really cool imagery to show you. we have absolutely no low clouds across the bay area, and it has everything to do with offshore flow. all that low cloud cover, marine influence, completely negated as the wind moves from land to sea. for today, hard to escape the heat everywhere. temperatures will be warm. 80 degrees for today in san francisco. 90 today in the north bay and tomorrow into friday, even warmer. >> we're about an hour away from our first "today" show uso comedy tour. if you want to help raise money for the uso go to all donations gladly accepted. back to you. >> break a leg, al. >> good luck. >> we'll see you in a little bit. now to the new film "whiplash." one reviewer is calling it the movie that could make miles teller a star. >> a music student pushed to the limit by his instructor, getting a lot of critical acclaim. >> miles plays a driven drummer whose audition for a brilliant teacher doesn't go exactly as planned. >> double time swing. no, double time. double it. faster. faster! >> oopsie daisy. forgot my jacket. >> unbelievable. miles teller, good morning. >> thank you. thanks for having me. >> so amazing. i'm going to say you are a breakout star in this movie. you were fantastic. >> thank you. >> great that you actually knew how to play the drums. >> yeah, it helps. the director, he had no idea that i played the drums when he cast me. so it was just really a nice set of coincidences, but j.k. studied music in college and damien was a jazz drummer himself. it gives the film a nice authenticity. >> you and j.k. going back and forth. it was so intense, these scenes. what was it like being in those moments where he's throwing chairs at you, smacking you in the face? >> j.k.'s face was right next to mine the entire movie and he's an incredible actor. we didn't, you know, rehearse this movie at all. >> really? >> it was one of these things where both our characters have very clear intentions on what they want to accomplish, become the greatest swr esest jazz stu drummer of all time and he wants to teach one of the greatest players of all time. it was pretty clear cut. damien wrote a great script. going to work with j.k., who will surprise you every time and could easily go to comedy to drama makes for a fantastic, intense relationship in the movie. >> it absolutely does. you point out both characters are clear on where they want to go. they are focused in your life, like the rest of us, you had other career options. including you wanted to be a sportscaster? >> yeah. originally i thought about it. i used to host the morning show at my high school. i love sports and watching sports center, where the guys were witty and funny and getting to talk about sport. >> all the things that you are. >> yeah, exactly. your words, not mine. i don't know. >> favorite football team. >> the eagles. go, birds. >> good. >> but what years? >> i mean -- >> complete? >> i started mostly with mcnabb, ricky water. >> nba. >> laker fan. >> hockey? >> hockey, i used to be a bigger flyers fan when it was legion of doom but not as zblch soccer sh. >> not so much. team u.s.a. >> team u.s.a. >> there you go. >> i've run out of sports i know. >> and fightin' phils for baseball. i'm all philly except for the lakers. >> do you get out and play in clubs, anything like that? can you show us a little something? >> could you play in a club today? >> i have a drum key at my house but it's one of those things where i enjoy the most if somebody plays the guitar with it. if one of my buddies is coming over and plays, we'll grab a couple of beers, jam. but for us and the neighbors because it gets a little loud. >> right. >> you can't play whenever you want. >> you're a star now. hey, i'll give you an autograph. >> i'll knock on the door. before the movie i wasn't a star but now i'm a big deal so i'm going to play a ten-minute drum solo. >> i'll advise you not to do that, as your publicist. >> you must be tired of the "whiplash" song, though. >> famous before but now i'm going to jam on this thing. >> own it, miles. own it. deal with it. >> exactly. >> miles teller. great to have you here. he's famous, did you know, by the way? >> he looks behind him for the famous guy. >> "whiplash" hits theaters october 10th. our buddy, al, is in afghanistan, where service is a i want a new lease on life for my skin. 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chobani yes! yoplait greek wins again. take the taste-off for yourself! stronger than peoples twice her was and that strength inspired his liquid muscle cleaner. it lifts tough dirt so you do less scrubbing. and its nozzle stops by itself... less is wasted sure made grandma proud. mr. clean liquid muscle. i knew my life as i knew itr, would never be the same. everything stopped. and i just said, "i'm going to beat this." and that's when i found living beyond breast cancer. purchase a specially marked bottle of pink lemonade 5-hour energy and a portion of the proceeds will help survivors like me with a much needed community of support. living beyond breast cancer is a lifeline for so many people. i just love being able to say that i am living beyond breast cancer. back now with more of al's shine a light project where he put together a uso tour for u.s. military members serving in afghanista afghanistan. >> for some soldiers this truly is a family affair. for example, we've got senior master sergeant henry johnson. we've got master sergeant melanie johnson and senior airman dylan johnson. father, mother and son serving together. i can't even imagine what that's like. i can't get my kids to pick up after themselves in the room. what's it like having your son here? >> it's a different kind of deployment for me. in the past i always just had to worry about myself. now i have to worry about dylan and also melanie. >> melanie, i would imagine dylan probably gets a little razzing when you come to visit. >> just a little bit. it's okay for his father to come see him but i guess i'm not allowed anymore. >> dylan, your mom's here. >> all the jokes. >> do you really? >> yes, sir. >> it must be comforting. >> yes, sir. she makes me lunch all the time. >> you make him lunch? all right. that's fantastic. don't have to go to the px. that's great. that's fantastic. we've also got tech sergeant john bazell and stephanie bazell. dad/daughter day is special but for you guys it's every day. >> yes. >> what's it like having your dad on base with you? >> i always have a bodyguard, i guess. somebody to watch over me. >> so if guys are looking a little too closely, you can give them the eye? >> oh, yeah. >> all right. and this next gentleman, senior master sergeant dustin ross and daughter staff sergeant kylie cantrell, this is the first time you've done this. your other daughter was here a few years ago. >> yes. in 2008 i was over here with my daughter, candace ross. and when kylie, my daughter here, said she was going to come, i promised i would come with her. i didn't want to treat them any different. >> does it make you feel a little better knowing dad's around? >> it helps out a lot. i have two kids back home. any time i get real emotional, he's my rock. it's really nice. >> let me ask you guys, you're parents. you're also soldiers. how difficult is that, knowing that your kids with you could be in harm's way? >> i never really wanted them to join the military but she did anyway. >> against your dad's wishes? >> i did. i surprised him. >> i showed up from alaska. >> that's a surprise. you're here together but have your boy here as well. pardon the pun but that's got to be, in a sense, a double edged sword. >> he's a tough young man. i've been with him, baseball, football, track. he's a tough young man. >> you guys have given up more than your share. we appreciate everything you've done. i like to bring in all my fellow castmates who are coming in. there's jay leno, craig robinson, kevin eubanks and, of course, iliza shlesinger. we're going to rock it tonight, right sh. >> it's been a great 12 hours. let's go do a show. >> we'll bring you the results coming up tuesday. i want to thank them all for coming here. we're humbled and honored to be here. >> it is an honor to be here. the guys are really fun. we've had a great time. the morale here is great. the soldiers are great. thank you so much for coming. >> thank you so much for having us. it's an honor to be here. >> an honor and a blessing. >> wonderful inspiration being here. >> and thank you all. thank you so much. guys, back to you. >> can't wait. >> al, thank you so much. best of lk to you. >> have a good show. >> break a leg! >> go get 'em. >> we want to thank the families here. we heard a couple of them say they have children. so some of those men and women would be grandparents even. anyway, thank you all. meanwhile, you may be thinking about what to cook for tonight's dinner. thinking about what to cook for tonighsome cash back cards limit your rewards by telling you where you can earn bonus cash back. and then those categories change every few months. one month it's the "gym"... next month it's movie theaters?! who buys that much popcorn? 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>> brushetta. >> a mixture of mushrooms, and all i did was cook them with a little bit of garlic, lemon, butter. >> on low for how long? >> medium high so they caramelize really well until they develop really good color and slump down and serve it on bru brushcetta. it can be whatever your heart desires. >> beautiful. nice and easy. >> while you top that, i'm going to have my man willie over here, some pancetta is nice and crispy. we're going to add lots of onions. it's aromatic. beautiful. smells great. we're going to add garlic. let's add a pinch of hot pepper. >> all right. >> we're going to let those cook if you want to give those a stir for me, until they develop really good color. you can watch the episode on saturday to see how this is going to look once it's produced and developed the color and caramelized. we add in a good splash of wine. wine make everything better especially when it comes to seafood. let that reduce a bit. we're going to add in cherry toe mate ow tomatos. these are canned. they're already ready for you. nice and saucy and beautiful. once that reduces a bit we're going to add in our shrimp. this is large peeled deveined shrimp. i left the tail on to give it flavor. >> can you use frozen? >> absolutely. just don't use frozen cooked shrimp. cooked are pink. raw are gray. this is what your sauce will look like when it's beautiful. >> beautiful. >> served up just like this? >> just like that. >> what have you got for natalie? >> salad is actually the last course in a truly italian meal? >> yes, it is. i have a beautiful array of greens, endive, . just shake a little bit of dressing, which is really simple. >> what do you like to put in your dressing? >> honey, dijon mustard, olive oil, salt and pepper. >> the recipes will be on check out the new busy morning for our ladies. >> yes. >> everybody has their pink on. >> of course we are. >> joan lunden will talk about her battle with breast cancer. >> and tyler perry is in that new incredible movie, scary as insurance companies are spending millions of dollars trying to mislead you about the effects of proposition 46. well here's the truth: 46 will save lives. it will save money too. i'm bob pack, and i'm fighting for prop 46 because i lost my two children to preventable medical errors and i don't want anyone else to lose theirs. the three provisions in 46 will reduce medical errors and protect patients. save money and save lives. yes on 46. you're watching today in the bay. >> good morning, everyone, 9:56, i'm scott mcgrew. new this morning, investigators looking for a person who shot a man in an east bay nightclub overnight just before 1:30 this morning near the intersection of 11th and clay in oakland. unclear if the victim was inside the club or just outside when he was shot. nobody has been arrested and we don't know if investigators have a suspect in mind, but we do know it's oakland's 54th homicide of the year. later in oakland, local lawmakers will gather to celebrate the signing of the rape kit tested law. it was run of a number of bills signed into law by governor jerry brown yesterday. let's get a check of your weather this morning. >> hey, thank you. crystal clear around the bay and at the coast for today, and as a result, temperatures are going to be hot. we are looking towards the 90s in the hot spots, about 87 degrees here in san jose, basically we've taken numbers from yesterday and boosted them about 10 to 15 degrees. even hotter through thursday and friday, then temperatures start to cool off just in time for the weekend as a storm system starts to organize. we'll talk about that and tell you what's going on here in the bay area today at 11:00. here's mike and your drive. >> things are starting to move better, a lot of company, but everybody's getting along. look at that north to high street, southbound looks really light right now. look at the map reflecting the same thing slow heading up towards the bay bridge, recovering after an early morning commute, tough one, although no major incidents there. southbound slow, continuing with the morning commute and that is one of your last spots to see clearing there. smoother drive towards north 101, 280, all slow. guys, back to you. >> thanks. we'll have another local news update for you in half an hour. from nbc news, this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> hey everydy. welcome to wines day wednesday. it's october 1st. so happy you're with us. another great show. boy, weave been rocking and rolling lately. >> we have. >> tyler perry's new movie, "gone girl." if you liked "fatal attraction," you'll like this one. >> this is one of those. he's great in it. joan lunden is here. joan lunden is a ferocious fighter. she's got gorgeous kids. she happens to be sitting in our -- just right -- i don't know, a few feet from us in our studio. she, by the way, was out on the plaza today. >> she was a rock star this morning. >> joan lunden knows how to rock a plaza. the place was packed. of the it was like a sea of pink. balloons, a lot of breast cancer survivors. >> for the first day of breast cancer awareness month. ♪ >> we ended up taking one of those great selfies with that long-armed what do you call it? by the way, everyone should have one of those. they take the best -- look, we got almost everybody in. there's joan and me, anyway, out there on the plaza. she'll talk about her fight with breast cancer. >> former housewife of new jersey caroline manzo is here. her whole family with her. it is time for hoda's words of wisdom. let me close my eyes. >> ready? here it is. kath, every morning you have two choices, continue to sleep with your dreams or wake up and chase then from anan. >> anan, my mother's favorite. here is the thing, i'm so exhausted from chasing the dreams, i'm going to take the sleep. give me a little bit more sleep. do you know what else it is today? it's national kale month. it's national home made cookie month. >> we've got a lot going on. >> i'll try the kale, you try the cookie. >> i'm not trying the kale. i don't know why anyone would. >> how is that? >> not a fan. >> national cookie dough. kale consumption is v, by the way, is 40%. >> do you know why? >> people are putting it in their juices. >> it is definitely good for you. >> don't even go there. for breast cancer awareness month, as you know, this is october. we do have something that can show -- >> it's darling. i was going to show it. it's got these darling little -- >> look at those little cute charms. anyway, they're by alex and annie, arms of strength bangle bracelets, $28, 20% of the proceeds go to the gloria jemma breast cancer foundation. >> great. i haven't seen this video. it's going to be interesting. >> why don't you tell -- >> you're munching on the cookies. why don't i take it over? have you ever been out in public and caught somebody actually looking at your breasts instead of your eyes? i actually met a guy that way. i said excuse me, those are my breasts. my eyes are up here. he laughed about it because he was caught, not that i didn't blame them they're quite the rack. >> do you like when someone looks there? >> no! >> you kind of do. >> okay. a little. i don't, i don't. some women put them out there and they're begging you -- you can't take your eyes off them. >> in honor of breast cancer awareness month. >> which seems counterintuitive. >> they're saying since other people are taking a glance, you should take a glance at your own and check yourself. however, this is the story. a woman put a camera into her cleavage and walked around to see how many people were looking. let's see what happened. >> whoa. >> okay. she's doing -- >> check yourself. >> i got a floater so i couldn't see if they were looking anyway. i am going to the eye doctor. thank you for checking on me. michael phelps. what are we going to do about michael phelps. >> 22-time olympic medalist, he's in trouble. >> in hot water this time. >> he was arrested for driving under the influence in baltimore yesterday, charged with dui, speeding and crossing double lanes. >> about 1:40 in the morning. >> this is the second one, second dui. >> and let's not forget the bong picture with the hookers in between the 10-year-old dui. >> that's true. the first one when he was 19. now it's ten years later. the question is when you are michael phelps' age, he was going 84 in a 40-mile-an-hour zone. he could have harmed somebody. >> he sure could have, and himself. >> the question is, this guy has a lot of eyes on him because he is a sports hero. he is to a lot of people. what do you think of all this? >> i think when he was 19 and all of this was new to him, we gave him not a pass but a boys will be boys -- which i would be newer yous with my son if it happened. not that he's a perfect kid. but ten years after, and the statement sadly is very similar to the one he gave ten years ago. he says i understand the severity of my actions and take full responsibility. i know these words may not mean much right now, but i'm deeply sorry to everyone i have let down. the thing is, he's very, very successful guy. makes a fortune in all these endorsements. he can afford a driver. he knows he's going to go partying, he can afford to call uber. everybody does. >> or a cab. >> a cab, anybody. i don't understand. doesn't he know he's drunk? >> i sort of see it more when you're 19, 20, 21, but he's almost 30 years old. ryan lochte, he told tmz sports -- >> i guess they're close friends, right? >> i don't know. are they buddies or competitors? >> buddies. >> i'm not concerned, this is what he says. he just makes dumb decisions. he'll become smarter from this. luckily he didn't hurt himself or somebody else. >> then you should be concerned. if he makes dumb decisions, it's a reason to be concerned about your friend. >> right. you never know. he got caught twice. i'm not piling on. but you would imagine that there are many other times in between there where he didn't get caught and was driving. >> if you want to do that, do it, party all you want. >> do it in your own house. >> just don't endanger other people. >> fall down the stairs if that's what you're going to do. i'm saying, if you're going to do something. >> it's your choice, but not if you endanger other people. what if you endanger a puppy. >> this is so cute. >> stop eating the cookies. i wasn't eating. >> by the way, one time i was on a plane and i was into a movie and i was chewing gum. and when i chew gum, i get involved. i go in and i feel it. >> a cow. >> a woman tapped me on the arm and said, i am sorry, will you please stop that. i felt terrible. >> did you stop? >> yes, i stopped immediately. i felt terrible. she shamed me. i still thought about it. it's seven years ago she did it. do you know when you think about something. >> i know. but -- >> i feel terrible. >> you just said it now and i thought about it again. i'm going to try to be better. you do the story. >> if you've ever had a puppy, you know what it's like. you have to train it. endless energy leads to problems. i guess the guy's name is joseph foria, a tight end for the detroit lions, he was trying to potty train his 3-month-old puppy rufio. he saw the dog starting to pea. he tried to chase the dog outside, missed the last two steps. sprained the ankle. this is a picture he tweeted. >> look at these pictures. this is the puppy saying please no death threats. he's just a pup. he posted all these picks of the puppy on instagram and twitter. >> rufio couldn't help it. >> you know when you pick them up as they're peeing, you have to scoop them up. >> then they pee through the whole. >> they say if you wait too long after, they don't remember. >> what do you suggest? >> scoop them up and run like a football out of the house. so "the voice" is in full swing. >> last night there was a 17-year-old named tanner linford. he auditioned last year, sang his heart out, and not one of the chairs turned for him. he said this year is going to be different, this year is going to be different. well, no chairs turned again until the very end. take a look. ♪ you say it best when you say nothing at all ♪ ♪ you say it best when you say nothing at all ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> you were freaking out. >> i know you. i know you! i know you! >> he's saying i know you because he remembers him from last year. your boyfriend saves the night. >> my boyfriend is the best. >> your boyfriend is going to be with us very soon. >> he is later on this week. oh, my god. >> what a nice kid it seems like. >> waited until the last note, and the family. i love blake. >> "the voice" returned -- >> and tanner. >> "the voice" returns with more blind auditions next monday. time to seize it up. one of the biggest names in hollywood, starring in one of the biggest films this year. tyler perry will tell us about "gone girl". and joan lunden this is volume. this is colossal pumped up mascara from maybelline new york. our biggest brush wraps lashes with a double collagen formula, root to tip. lashes amplified. for our most filled-out volume... colossal pumped up! maybe it's maybelline. what shall we do for dinner? pizza! with a little help, it's easy to whip up a great meal on a week night. pepperoni on your side... more pepperoni. cheers! pillsbury pizza crust. make dinner pop he told me there's a whole new way to treat sensitivity. he suggested i try new crest sensi-stop strips. [ male announcer ] just apply to the gumline of sensitive teeth for a quick 10 minutes. the special ingredient forms a lasting barrier that provides immediate relief and up to one month of protection. see why dental professionals endorse crest sensi-stop strips to treat sensitivity. that's 1 strip. 10 minutes. and up to 1 month of protection. satisfaction guaranteed. [ woman ] life opens up when you relieve sensitivity. earlier this morning on the plaza we kicked off breast cancer awareness month with pink power. a courageous woman, joan lunden. >> for 17 years the face of "good morning america." now the face of strength and determination. earlier this year she was diagnosed with breast cancer and bravely bared it all for the cover of "people" magazine hoping to empower other women. ♪ for nearly two decades from 1980 to 1997 millions tuned in to joan lunden on "good morning america." >> i'm joan lunden from fair oerks california. this is my daughter jamie. >> a beloved television personality and health advocate. fans have kept up with her growing family. she has three daughters from her first marriage. and with the help of a surrogate mother has two sets of twins with her current husband, jeff coningsburg. with is support of her family, she went public on june 24th. >> i heard the words that every woman fears and never wants to hear, you have breast cancer. >> she had aggressive stage two triple negative breast cancer. she chose to do an experimental treatment, 12 rounds of toxic chemotherapy, then a lumpectomy. >> it gives you this much, much greater appreciation for life. it's a shame that you have to go through something that almost takes life away to appreciate it more, but it certainly does do it to you. >> joan is with us now. >> hi, guys. >> good to see you. >> good to see you looking so well. >> i'm actually feeling well. i'm sore because i just had a lumpectomy. >> a week ago. what's going on now? you did the chemo, removed the tumor with the lumpectomy. where do you stand now? >> well, there still may be the need for more chemo, because it was not a complete 100% response. it's only -- you only get that in about 18% of women. we're talking about just from the first round of chemo which is something a new drug being used in breast cancer. now there's another round of chemotherapy that i probably will have to go through, because you can't really take shortcuts. you can't say, well, maybe it's gone. maybe it's not. >> somebody asked me to ask you why you chose to have a lumpectomy and not a mastectomy? >> i didn't have any cancer in the other breast at all, and because we did the chemo first, it's called neo add ju vungt, and then the surgery, it means we shrunk the tumor down so tiny, to a minuscule of the size it was, it became a very minimally invasive surgery that required no breast reconstruction. so why wouldn't you that? why would you go through all that? >> you have such a strong family which we showed in the video and also your husband is here. >> handsome guy. >> your daughter is here. that support must be one of those things that just helped you get through everything. >> it really does. either my husband or one of my grown daughters, my three older girls who i had while going through 20 years of "good morning america," they have been at every single therapy with me, every single point. and then the little ones, we were the olderly on don't try to keep it a secret. you be in charge of the message. that's the best way, be honest. family secrets are dangerous. tell them. >> how did you tell the little ones? i know a lot of moms are probably watching thinking how could i ever tell my kids? >> we got them together. one had a little birthmark that we had laser work done on. you know how jeff said each time you've gone, it's gone a way a little more. he said mommy has something on the inside and she's going to have these treatments and each time it will be gone a little more and little more. he does mommy up dates like once a week. anybody want a mommy update? it's good -- >> he's just smiling. watch are your daughter and husband watch you on the screen feels so good. >> can you imagine go through this alone as many women do. >> let's talk about that for a minute. i consider myself really lucky, and there are a lot of women out there or you might know a woman out there who is working in an office, working on a factory line, whatever, doing their best to -- maybe they don't even tell their boss because they don't want it to jeopardize their job. years ago you didn't tell your friends, you didn't tell anyone. this is something you hid in you or were in secrecy. that's what this breast cancer awareness month is about, what pink power is about. being able to talk about it, share it. thousands of women are sharing their stories on my website. i think it makes them feel a little connected, there's a healing part to that. >> a woman outside who wauz flight attendant on one of my flights. she was bald. she said, i know you don't recognize me. she said i was the flight attendant. she wears a wig and she's strong. you never know who you're meeting with that may be struggling with it. >> let me be perfectly candid. i was bold enough to take my wig off and stand two feet from that photographer, but i'm not bold enough to walk down fifth avenue. i'm going to say it as it is. >> by the way, you have a beautifully shaped head. >> thank you. >> it is very brave. you look beautiful. we are grateful that you are doing so well. you'll be with us all week. >> yes, absolutely. >> joan, thank you. >> it's a movie everyone will be going to see this weekend. >> tyler perry talks about "gone girl," and o ♪ vivofit. gently reminds you to get moving. join the movement. snackon it. isn't this my breakfast cereal? 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[ laughs ] [ dance music playing ] so visit today. i call this one "the robox." we're gearing up to play a who knew in a little while and celebrating america's national past time, baseball. here is a question to get you started. >> who was not in the 1992 film "a league of their own," madonna, rosie o'donnell, tom hanks or ellen degeneres. >> we'll show you how to dress up, the latest looks you can wear with sweat pants 24/7. >> are you sure? >> i think so. >> you've heard of an empty nest. what's life like with a full nest. caroline manzo gets a reality check. all after your local ♪hey! i found a happy space... after-school snacking should be fun and nutritious that's why whole grain is first in every general mills big g cereal. what matters most should always come first. general mills. goodness first. it's part of a hershey's bar. we break it. we bite it. we sneak it. we smoosh it. we savor it. we love it. hershey's is mine, yours, our chocolate. you're watching today in the bay. >> good morning everyone, 10:26, i'm scott mcgrew. oakland rolling out of largest vaccination program today. free vaccines to students whose parents signed a consent form. health officials targeting kids because they are major spreaders of the flu. starting today, victims of the south napa earthquake can go to several locations, pick up cash to help them with the essentials like food and temporary shelter. the napa valley community foundation is giving away $350,000 in cash for people who need help right now. the money comes from community donations, including a $10 million gift from the napa valley vintners. a look at traffic and weather after the break. the effects of proposition 46. trying t well here's the truth: 46 will save lives. it will save money too. i'm bob pack, and i'm fighting for prop 46 because i lost my two children to preventable medical errors and i don't want anyone else to lose theirs. the three provisions in 46 will reduce medical errors and protect patients. save money and save lives. yes on 46. - "dear scan, "i've been a scan member for almost two years and have been very satisfied with the plan." - "i would like to thank you and your organization from top to bottom." - "i recently called into scan regarding a claims problem." - "i had been going round and round with a problem with a prescription drug order." - "it is nice to know that one phone call to you, and you take care of it right away." - "your kindness and helpfulness has been appreciated "more than you will ever know. i could not have done it without your help." - i'll never be able to thank them enough. uh...and it's the truth. - "thank you so much. sincerely, donna markow." - "sincerely, shirley ramgren." - "sincerely, shirley ramgren." - that's what really sets scan apart from everybody else. scan cares. - i don't know a better way to say it than, the heart of scan. - scan, for your health and independence. welcome back now, i'm meteorologist christina loren. san francisco, no low clouds to keep us cool. we are going to see the marine influence completely negated and as a result temperatures are going to be hot across the board, spiking by a good ten to 15 degrees. as we head through tomorrow, even hotter. we will peak on friday and then we start to cool you off just in time for the weekend, looking pretty good for the beach on saturday, temperatures falling even more so for sunday. we might get rain next week. today, back here at 11:00 a.m. >> looking over here, past 11:00 a.m., that's how long the backup lasts, looks like we're on a similar pattern, good volume of traffic, but look at the approach, not so bad, 880 also much better through oakland, the slowest spot a live look orange and red in fremont. slow approaching mission boulevard, again, last place in the south bay to clear. back to you. >> more local news coming up in the big show at 11:00. see you then. . because he know i'm all about that baby. >> we are back with more of "today" on this wednesday wednesday ready to play our weekly trivia game we call "who knew?" we are about the base and sports culture. kathie lee is ready to hand out a hundred bucks who get the questions right and to those who don't they get one of her wonderful cds! >> lucky, lucky. here is ho tep me out jack rico. before we went to break we asked our jurs who wviewers this ques. who was not in the film "a league of their own." what is the correct answer? >> ellen degeneres. why? she is not doing much acting and busy hosting her ridiculously tv show "ellen." and hosting the oscars the second time and now in a sequel of "finding nimo." >> we don't quite understand that answer. this adorable good is from michigan. cal ripken junior holds what major league baseball record? most conservative games played or most home home runs hit or. >> a, for consecutive games played is the answer. >> the baseball fan got it right. >> most consecutive games played. cal ripken played for the baltimore orioles and only team he played for and set that record over 16 years and he beat yankee great lou gehrig for it and why he is called the ironman. >> a lovely lady from san francisco. in 1988's "bull durham." what did the pitcher -- i'm sorry, my floater is acting up. what did he wear for good luck? >> c, rabbit's foot necklace? >> no, he was kinkier than that. >> yes. if he were to wear them, he was told he would win more games pitching so he did win more games so it became like a good luck charm and greatest one of the greatest sports movies ever made. >> lovely lady from tennessee. oops. that is the last one! here you go. here it is. what song is this lyric from? "put me in, coach, i'm ready to play today, look at me." >> c. "center field." >> yes! >> i can't believe she got that right! >> absolutely! legend has it that, you know, john fogerty wrote "center field" after watching the 1984 all-star game from the center field bleachers and such an iconic song that the baseball hall of fame honored it so you know it's one of those games you want to hear on the way to the ball game. nored it. >> we have time for another one. all right, from new jersey. in the 1989 movie "field of dreams," the ghosts were from which baseball team? chicago white sox, cincinnati reds, new york giants or st. louis cardinals? >> this is going to be a guess. i'm going to go with a. >> there you go. >> her lucky day. >> she got it. chicago white sox. >> this was a reference in the movie, one of the more touching moments in that film. it was due to the black sox scandal in 1999 world series. shoeless joe jackson comes out and kevin costner in that field was so muching, so moving. >> thanks so much. you'll hit a home run with this date night outfit. we'll show you how to dress up your sweat pants for any occasion. he's playing defense in the new anncr: now you can merge the physical freedom of the car, with the virtual freedom of wi-fi. chevrolet, the first and only car company to bring built-in 4g lte wi-fi to cars, trucks and crossovers. hi mom. you made it! anncr: it's the new independence. we're talking damaged!.. fructis damage eraser with phyto-keratin complex, it has the power to reconstruct strength by 90% root-to-tip. so do your thing. fructis damage eraser. garnier. 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and bounty has no quit in it either. it's 2x more absorbent than the leading ordinary brand, and then stays strong, so you can use less. watch how one sheet of bounty keeps working, while their two sheets just quit. bounty. the no-quit picker-upper. what's the best way to tackle football season? new bounty nfl prints. available at walmart at hillshire farm, spice is the spice of life. that's why our craftsmen season every sausage perfectly. so you can coax out great flavor effortlessly. hillshire farm. because it's worth doing right. good morning, usher! hey! did you know bees communicate through dance? me too... we're practically twins! whether you know him as that tough old lady named med diya or from serious roles like alex cross, you nowak tore, producer, director extraordinary, tyler perry is a man of many talents. >> now starring in the highly anticipated movie called "gone girl." earlier we spoke to him about his role as a powerful defense attorney named tanner bolt. >> just because this guy isn't walking around weeping, that doesn't mean he's not hurting. >> tanner the hallmark of a sociopath is a lack of empathy. >> the truth is you to be a sociopath to behave normally in this situation because it's the most abnormal situation in the world. >> tanner, are you trying to tell me, that this photo is remotely -- >> i'm so sick of being picked apart by women. >> and that's just part of it. >> welcome back. good to see you. >> your role in this, you play an attorney who is defending the ben affleck character. he is so exciting and fiery. who did you base this character on this. >> johnnie cochran was a little of my muse for it. he was so smart and so amazing at the way he defended o.j., i thought this guy kind of feels like him a little bit. >> slick. >> slick. >> if he was sweating, you never see it. >> this great quote, we're happy about the murder on the mississippi -- when i read that in the script, it reminded me of "if it doesn't fit, you must acquit." >> it's based on this insanely popular book. when david fincher came to you and said, tyler, i want you to play this role, i understand you weren't aware of the book at the time. >> no, wasn't aware of the book. something in my little small brain in my world that did not allow me to understand that dave fincher had done all of my favorite movies. i couldn't imagine this guy had that kind of range. i'm talking to him on the phone, then guy back and say, waet, "seven" "social network." it baem that kind of moment. >> intimidating. come on, you've done all the madea movies. >> and they were brilliant. >> i'd put your box office up against his. >> well, he's brilliant. to have this opportunity to work with somebody like that who is just -- he's one of the best. to sit in his presence, i learned so much. he makes me want to be better. >> we talked about the pressure. your films are your films. this is a totally different role for you. what kind of pressure was there on you to live up to what the expectations are in "gone girl?" >> all i wanted to do when i found out the cast, ben affleck, neal patrick harris, go in there and do your absolute best. once i resigned to doing my best, that's where i was. >> so did you at any point while you were there think, oh, my gosh, there's no backing out now? >> no, no. david, he fosters this atmosphere that's welcoming and makes you very, very comfortable. that was it. >> and 80 takes per -- a lot of takes. >> but what i realize for him, the first 10 or 15 takes is about just the setup. like maybe this flower is out of the way. he sees everything. he's fascinating to me. >> let's talk about the rest of your life. you had a birthday recently. stevie wonder sang. >> he sings at everybody's birthday party. >> stevie wonder in my living room. leanne rimes, jennifer hole day, we're all sitting around the piano. >> life is good in the tyler perry world. how good is it? >> i wake up every day going -- you know people say i pinch myself, but i've never been this happy in my life. >> your beginnings are so well known, so humble, so hurtful. you overcame by the grace of god unbelievable odds. we want to congratulate you on your wonderful family news, too. that's all we're going to say and we wish you god speed. >> i appreciate that very much. >> this movie is very intense, you guys. it's unbelievable. "gone girl" hits theaters on friday. if you missed her on "the real housewives of new jersey" carolyn manzo is back. >> sweat pants aren't just for lounging on the couch. >> they're all about the style, right after this. >> what he said. sure wish you guys would bring layaway back. actually... that way i could split my payments up into like, little bite-size chunks. you feel me right? yeah, uh sir? oh! layaway is back, and it's free. save money. live better. walmart. among all the loud and feisty real housewives of new jersey, you could always count on caroline manzo to be the voice of reason amid all the drama. nothing ever got between her and her family. >> there you go. that i got a feeling might be changing, now that they're all living together under one roof. caroline and her grown children, emphasis on grown, along with her husband are the stars of the new reality show called "manzoed with children." >> all living under the same roof. that must be a little awkward. you guys are all in your 20s. you're about to get married. you've got a lot going on. that's an awkward age for a family to be living under the same roof, wouldn't you say? >> i guess it's a little old for me, i'm 28. it was a little nerve ragging going back. >> they've been gone four years. >> we were used to them being gone. it was sad when they left. they came back, please, please leave. >> a ticker tape par laed. >> they were like what are you doing here? . they left without telling me they were leaving and came back without telling me they were coming. >> al, what did you think? you're the quiet type. >> they're welcomed back if that's what works for them for now. >> notice the for now. >> there's got to be tension with everybody living together under the same roof. what's the most difficult thing to handle with the kids being home? >> it's the fact they're not kids anymore. they left boys, they came back men. they're your babies, i don't care how old they are. you want to go, where are you going? you're like, see you later. >> do you still have the house rules. like you live under my roof. >> it depends. i make them work in my favor. they can't bring guests over -- >> i would think not, under al's roof, no. >> under al's roof yes. under caroline's roof, no. >> it's very much caroline's roof in that department. >> don't come over to my house and think it's going to happen because it's not either. >> do you miss the housewives of jersey? that was so much a part of your life. >> i have no regrets for doing it. it brought me to where i am today, but i don't miss it, no. >> do you keep in touch with some of the housewives. i saw what's her name, i forgot her name. >> kathy. >> no. the one who was on early on, remember, who wrote the book. >> danielle? >> no, that's ancient history. >> do you keep up with the rest of the group? >> i keep up with them. i don't hang out with them. obviously jacqueline and i see kathy every now and again. kathy was more my age group. the others are on a different planet. >> sunday night at 9:00 you're premiering. there's pressure. >> al is going to pull himself a big glass of vino and fall asleep. >> probably. >> we wish you great success with it. >> have fun. >> called "manzo'd with children." you can show up to your kid's soccer game looking like a slouch or check out the latest trends in sweat pants that have you looking sporty and chic. if you can't wait to throw on a pair of comfy sweats the minute you get home, this is for you. >> you may have noticed the racks of stretchy pants that have taken over stores, that's because sweats are not just for the gym. >> style expert jen is here with great looks for every occasion. >> you look beautiful. >> radiant with child. >> i appreciate a good elastic waist. this is a trend i can get behind. >> date night dress see. >> you can totally go with sweat pants. these are vegan leather. how cute. a little peplum top on the shirt. >> she owns it. she's got attitude. >> you feel so comfy and confident, that you can own any look. i love this. >> you can wear that everywhere, out for dinner. >> out for date night and eat everything you want. >> i didn't know you could ruche those things up like that. >> thank you, saraya. let's see some attitude on the way out. >> if you're going to your kid's soccer game, michelle. >> michelle is wearing sweat pants that are the traditional iconic gray sweat pant cut, we did them in purple. a great metallic vest from land's end. it's all about proportion. the wedge sneaky, soccer mom. i am obsessed. >> a wedge built in. cuffing, all about the cuffing. the sweat pants drape beautifully and she looks totally polished. >> thank you, hon. >> let's go to the office with rayha. >> i am obsessed. that we can wear sweat pants to work makes me happy. these are from burlington. they're soft and have an elastic waist. qualifies as a sweat panned but qualifies for the office. >> i'm obsessed with that statement earrings from bobble bar. a big bag, throw on a pair of heels. >> adorable. i can't even stand it. >> how about the adorable gina. >> just to hang out at home. >> you don't have to look like you just threw on sweats. how great is this sweater? an eyelash knit. it's like she's wearing the blanket. drape a scarf on over you. these sweats show you can do a pattern. make it a smaller pattern. slipper flats. so cute. long, lean, perfect for sitting by the fire, hanging out at home. >> thank you, gina. >> let's bring on jaton. >> i love the fact you can go out with girls, have brunch, do your thing. these have sparkle built into them. these are from one stop plus which has all these great plus size options and a high heel. >> work it. >> i'm loving the gold bag. a belt. a great shape. long and lean, long lean sweater. white button down is polished. what i love is doing all the classic accessories like the iconic pearls. just the juxtaposition of an over the top statement pearl necklace with sweat pants. >> let's bring everybody out. >> why not. >> i'm sorry. >> they're hard to walk in. >> are we going to see you again before the big day? >> i sure hope so. >> great to see you. coming up tomorrow our friend cyndi lauper is going to stop by. >> you loved her in ""grey's anatomy"" and kate walsh has a new show c nbc bay area news starts now. >> well, good morning everyone. thank you for joining us, i'm scott mcgrew. >> and i'm kris sanchez. a crime spree that hit one community is now happening in another community. thieves are targeting asian-americans, snatching their gold chains right off their necks. bob redell is live in santa clara. bob, the question now is do police think the two sprees are related? >> reporter: absolutely they do. santa clara police does, so does sunnyvale. that's why both agencies are working jointly together to try to solve the 35 gold chain robberies that have taken place since may in locations along the borders between those cities, including here at monroe and los

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