Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 6 20160225 : compa

Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 6 20160225

paul pitchner, shelley's husband, committed suicide last night by jumping off the bay bridge. police say he was not considered a suspect but was a person of interest. tonight we spoke with a neighbor who may have been among the last people to speak to shelley. she says shelley's husband and son came knocking at her door just days ago. >> they'd heard they had spoken to her and so they came over to find out when and what the conversation was like. and he -- they both seemed very concerned and just trying to get the details of what i'd last seen. >> reporter: police stressed they have not confirmed the human remains found in fremont are the missing woman but say they're not ruling out the possibility. the coroner has not set a timeline for identifying the body and tonight fremont police and brisbane police are working closely together. some of that evidence that was collected last night will be processed here at the police department and investigators from both departments still at that brisbane home. reporting live in fremont, ian cull, nbc bay area news. >> okay. thank you, ian. well, he went out on a test drive at a car dealership in southern california, but tonight a bay area man is accused of killing the salesman in the car with him. police say the driver, this man, alex demetro, from union city, slammed that car into a tree when he was high on drugs. nbc bay area's chuck coppola talked with demetro's neighbors who say they're surprised he's even in trouble. >> reporter: jessica, neighbors here in union city are not surprised at all that alex demetro is involved in an automobile accident. they say he used to barely through this alleyway behind me marked at 5 miles per hour at much faster speeds than that. the red corvette was on a test drive in southern california when it slammed into a tree at nearly 70 miles per hour. the makeshift memorial now stands where the passenger was killed. 43-year-old warren smale sales associate at this car maximum dealership. police believe the driver was high on prescription drugs. >> there's no way to really describe anybody like that. because he knew he had the drugs. he knew he couldn't handle the car he had. i mean, he shouldn't have been showing off. >> reporter: the driver identified as 28-year-old alex demetro was evicted within the last month from this townhouse in union city. neighbors who fear that team team may return hid their faces but told me of cars he'd struck wild racing his black muss stand through the alleyway. >> he'd drive up to 40, 50 miles per hour do doughnuts. neighbors recalled a recent incident that led to a restraining order. >> there was a physical altercation where he accused this person of assaulting him when it was actually him and his friends. and then he went to their house trying to extort money from them. >> reporter: a cousin of alex doo demetro released a staying. the independent auto dealers association of california told me that there are no specific guidelines to help sales association determine whether or not a driver who comes in wants to test drive is safe enough to take out on the road or may be under the influence of alcohol or drugs. reporting live in union city, i'm chuck coppola, nbc bay area news. >> chuck, thank you. a lockdown and an evacuation in the east bay. a suspicious powder caused the scare at the u.s. customs office, an envelope was sent to the office in alameda shortly before 1:00. firefighters say an employee opened that envelope and saw powder. a few minutes later she said she felt sick. when two co-workers also started feeling sick, the hazmat crew and the hazmat team were called in. the building was evacuated and about 20 people were quarantined. police and firefighters searched for about two hours but didn't find anything suspicious. big waves along the coast are prompting a warning to stay out of the water. i want to show you some video from pacifica. warm weather means more people are heading to the beach to catch some sun, but that's coming with some danger. chief meteorologist jeff rain rainieri, what are we talking about? >> waves about 7 to 11 feet. for a lot of you you may be wondering where are the big waves coming from. we haven't had any significant storms over the past couple of weeks. but the pacific is frustratingly active. we're just not seeing those storms move into the bay area. you can see several different storm systems lining up right now. that's helping to churn up the coastline. and that's why we have our high surf advisory that's been in effect all day long and goes through 9:00 p.m. tonight. you'll see right now current buoy report of 13 st. pete across our coastline. still could go as high at 16 feet through this evening. now, tomorrow waves will still be rough even though they're not going to be as high. you will want to watch out as temperatures will be warm. 70s for the interior for valleys. we're tracking the waves at the nbc bay area app. download it from the app store or google play. the battle continues in san jose. should a controversial cop be allowed back in uniform? community groups led by the naacp are crying foul. they say the officer's tweets threaten members of the black lives matter movement. nbc bay area's robert handa has been on the forefront of the story and joins us from san jose this evening. robert, what's the latest? >> reporter: well, raj, today's court action shows the naacp and san jose basically agree on what they'd like to do regarding philip white, but they don't agree yet on how far to go. protesters outside the courthouse in downtown san jose today began calling for the city to once again fire officer philip white. the uncle of oscar grant, the man shot and killed by a bart officer, joined the protest. >> hold them accountable for the things they say and do is creating this divide that we see. >> reporter: civil rights attorney nick emanuel on behalf of the san jose naacp filed a writ of mandate asking the court to order san jose to fight white's arbitration victory. >> the court has the power to vacate an arbitration award that is contrary to public policy. now, if ever there were an arbitration award that's contrary to public policy, it's this one. >> i think there's a really good chance that a judge would come in here and say, the city was right. he should be fired. he should be terminated. >> reporter: the mayor is facing criticism from various groups after announcing plans for the city council to discuss whether to fight the arbitration on tuesday. while some community groups say the city is moving slow, the police union, which recently publicly repaired relations with the mayor after a bitter pension reform fight, called lacardo's latest move legal shenanigans to undermine the arbitration process. >> i'm not going to withhold my views for the sake of simply trying to maintain a relationship if that's a relationship based on everybody keeping their true opinions secret. >> reporter: regardless, the city has 30 days to respond to the naacp's request to the court. live in san jose, robert handa, nbc bay area news. the search continues in sonoma county. somebody deliberately placed homemade poisonous treats in a pasture. a horse and dog ate those treats and then suffered painful deaths. nbc bay area's jodi hernandez is in sebastopol this evening. jodi there is a person of interest here. what else do we know? >> reporter: raj, i can tell you that people here are on high alert after the very disturbing incident took place here. now, this is where those poisonous treats were placed, we're told, on the other side of this fence in a horse pasture. tonight as you can see, the animal's owner has placed up a sign to warn others. >> rosy was your generic mutt that was the happiest dog on the planet. >> reporter: but leslie webb's beloved animals who she treated like children suffered an unthinkable death. >> halfshire, half thoroughbred. beautiful. >> reporter: her horse cowboy and playful dog rosy fell gravely ill two weeks ago. >> rosy couldn't stop vomiting. my horse was sweating in patches. his heart rate was super high. >> reporter: webb searched her pasture and found this, homemade cookies laced with poison. >> the cookies were full of carrots, apples, oats, that type of thing. and there was something in the cookie that looked like a leaf. >> reporter: it turned out to be old ya oleander, highly toxic plant poison us to pets and people. >> i'm very concerned. being a pet owner, i love animals. so does my wife and stop do my neighbors. >> reporter: folks who live in the neighborhood are worried much everyone's keeping an close eye on their animals until the culprit is caught. webb's got two more horses and a dog she wants to keep safe. >> they're my kids. and i don't have the human variety. i have four-legged furry kids. and for me, i don't feel safe. >> reporter: we're back here live where you're looking at the sign the pet owner has put up to alert others. in addition to the horse and the dog that died, another horse was sickened by those poisonous treats. fortunately that horse is going to recover. we've also learned that investigators have identified a person of interest. they're not saying much about who that person is or why they are being called a person of interest. we do know that if a suspect is arifted they bill face three counts of felony animal cruelty. reporting live in sonoma county, jodi hernandez, nbc bay area news. >> thank you, jodi. benjy needs your help. not the movie star benjy but this benjy. he's stealing hearts in the south bay. the young terrier mix was found limping on a road in san martin last week. x-rays revealed he recently broke his pelvis and he needs surgery. if benjy is such a sweetheart the staff at santa clara county's animal shelter launched a go fund me page to help pay for that operation. >> he has probably one of the worst pelvic fractures that i've seen in eight years practicing veterinary medicine. >> the veterinarians suspect benjy was hit by a car. his surgery page has raised more than half the money they need for that operation. former state senator leeland yi is sentenced to five years in prison for his role in a corruption case. i'm christie smith. coming up we'll tell you what he asked the judge for. and this is the video stirring up sympathy for a robot. i have scott budman. just ahead inside the testing lab giving us a peek into the future and why we feel bad about beating up a box. court in san francisco. he'swall smiling now but the former new details now. you're looking at leeland yi walking out of the federal court in san francisco today. he's smiling now, but the former lawmaker will be soon heading to federal prison. a judge sentencing him to five years for his role in a corruption scandal. it's a story we first broke here on nbc bay area two years ago. christie smith joins us live in san francisco. and christie, yi asked for leniency but the judge took him to task. >> reporter: that's right. leeland yi asked for leniency. he told the court he has accepted responsibility for what happened but he also asked the judge to consider his entire life and not just the crimes that were committed. but the judge had harsh words in return. former state senator leeland yee left a federal courthouse in san francisco without answering questions about the five-year prison sentence he was given today. >> he's remorseful. and he's tired of this humiliating his family. and he's tired of this what i would call a circus. and he wants to get won his life. >> reporter: as part of a plea deal, yee admitted to a role in a racketeering conspiracy involving gun trafficking promising favors to an undercover agent for contributions. today he asked the judge for leniency, saying he had accepted responsibility, had a long history of public service, and noting that his wife is ill. but the judge rejected that. >> i'm a little bit disappointed. i think he probably should have gotten a little lesser sentence. but i also understand what the judge is coming from as well. >> reporter: during the sentencing, the judge also described yee's actions as unfathomable and an abuse of public trust. he then called the gun conspiracy hypocritical given yee's stance on gun control. >> you know, when someone does something what he did, but you can't discount all the good things that he's done. >> reporter: that five-year sentence is less than what prosecutors were all kacalling r they were asking for eight. the judge said he had 30 days to surrender to the court. reporting live in san francisco, christie smith, nbc bay area news. >> thank you, christie. sentenced today former school board president and yee political fundraiser keith jackson. he received nine years in prison. jackson pled guilty to the same racketeering conspiracy charges yee. the investigators say he admitted to helping arrange bribes for the former lawmaker. he got the cash but then got caught. a bank robber was arrested just about a block away from where he pulled off his heist. this happened around noon today at the wells fargo. agiurre and 19th in san francisco. video here shows the officers actually examining the bag with the money in it after the man's arrest. his identity has not been released. we have haven't reported on a story like this before. violence against robots all for the sake of research and it's all about google. business and tech reporter scott budman with us. scott how advanced are these robots? >> they look pretty good, raj. check it out. the various reaction we've seen is a mix of both respect and empathy. the expects say part og training robots to move and act like humans is to train them to bounce back like humans. it's a 180-pound robot that walks through snow, even correcting itself as it goes. it could be something out of a science fiction movie. but if it was, that guy with the hockey stick would be in trouble, right? >> you feel sorry for the robot too, don't you? >> reporter: even more than the wow factor of seeing the new video from goiogle-owned boston dynamics, we heard a lot of people, even engineering students, responding to the violence against the robots. >> it's pretty crazy. i couldn't believe it was real. >> we also thought if they chopped off the last part of the video if they went back and hit the guy. >> revenge of the robot. >> revenge of the robots. absolutely. >> reporter: experts at santa clara school of engineering say this is all part of robot development. >> it's not easy what they have achieved. it's really impressive to see how well it works. >> the new part was doing it in a human-like form with that many joints and maintaining stability. that's a hard thing to do. >> reporter: and the robots are improving, hopefully with no hard feelings. >> those robots you just saw have sensors in their bodies and legs to help them balance using a kind of radar in its head to help it avoid obstacles. back to you. >> i don't know. that thing is so creepy. i see it coming toward me i'm hitting it, too. that thing is creepy looking. >> you really would. >> no, i would. >> jeff you'll back me up on that. jessica would hit that robot. >> i was thinking, well, you know, with our jobs robots in the future. but while they're cool they just don't have the charisma as you guys. just saying. >> oh, thanks, jeff. >> or me. all right. >> let's go ahead and get a live look outside the oakland sky camera network. you can see city lights shining bright. 62 right now. clear at the low levels but we do have some high clouds passing on by as we head through tomorrow morning's forecast looks incredible to start. a mix of sun and clouds in the south bay an and 47. east bay coming in at 43 and san francisco at 52. as we head through tomorrow's forecast, it will get even warmer for the north bay 74. san francisco 71. and we're a dry easterly wind will be impacting the weather the most, that's where you find the warmest weather tomorrow and the south bay at 78. even though wind won't be gusty, any kind of wind above 5 miles per hour will make the pollen unbearable. if you suffer from allergies, alder and juniper in the high category, birch and cypress approaching that. as we get a look at the extended forecast, high pressure stays offshore into thursday. we need a big storm system in here. without any major rain the past three weeks, it is beginning to take its toll on our rainfall averages. that area of high pressure that is you can see just 77% of average in santa rosa, san francisco 84% of average and san jose at 86. we do have the chance of some rainfall coming our way by friday night and sunday evening. but again, not the big storm system we need. we're tracking more in our full forecast. we'll have details on the exact timing of when that rainfall could arrive on friday. that's in about 25 minutes. >> good to know. thank you, jeff. still to come, bottled water shipped in because the usual drinking water is out. children in one north bay school may have been exposed to elevated levels of lead. i'm janelle wang. what's being done about it and the other bay area schools that could be affected. that's next. they say denny's 7-pepper spicy skillet is crazy spicy, but how crazy could it be... denny's new crazy spicy skillet. denny's. welcome to america's diner. investigators happening now, a murder investigation unfolding in brisbane. police are at the house of a missing woman. investigators say her disappearance may be connected to a torso found near the dumb barton bridge. our reporter cheryl hurd is following the story and is tweeting from the scene. also olympic gold medallist michaela maroney said she's stepping away from gymnastics. we just posted the story about her decision at concerns are now being raised iy after months of controversy in flint, michigan over lead-tainted drinking water, safety concerns are now being raised here locally in some bay areas schools. >> an elementary school in sonoma county has found elevated levels coming from their drinking fountain. janelle wang join us with the story. >> reporter: the concern is that heelsburg elementary school where test results have come back positive, but today letters went out to all 40 districts in sonoma county which have older buildings and could see the same problem. it's a note from school no parent wants to receive. a notice advising them their child may have been exposed to lead. >> i was like, okay. that's not good. i hope my kid didn't drink the water. >> reporter: connie hansen's two children attend heeldsburg high school where a staffer spotted rust in the water back in november. this weekend the school said a study came back showing elevated levels of lead. >> it explains a lot. my daughter has always complained about not wanting to drink the water out of the fountains. >> reporter: the school tested 13 drinking water sources. three came back with lead levels above federal standards. the epa's limit for lead is 15 parts per billion. the highest level sample that healedburg elementary school was almost 60 times that at 880 parts per billion found at a drinking fountain next to per students gather for recess. a high number but not nearly as high as levels found in flint, michigan. 13,000 parts per billion. >> that's a whole different thing. the officials there knew about a problem and didn't address it. we found out there may be a concern, didn't even know if we had a problem and turned the water off and got clean water for our kids. >> reporter: the school superintendent says the likely culprits are old pipes and fixtures in the 80-plus--year-old main building. since the cloudy water was first reported in november the school's fountains have been shut off and replaced with bottled water stations. still, parents wish the school would have actually notify them earlier. >> especially when it comes to potential contaminants in the water, i think it is important to notify the parents step-by-step. >> two reasons we wanted to first know what we were dealing with and wanted to have a plan to fix it. >> reporter: in general schools built before 1989 could be susceptible to elevated levels of lead in the water if the pipes have not been upgraded. as for healedburg elementary school the school has set aside $250 thousand to repipe the school this summer in meantime kid will keep drinking bottled water. janelle wang, nbc bay area news. >> they can't just be there and not do their jobs. otherwise they're failing everybody. >> a state agency that was created to protect the public is accused of putting people at significant risk. we'll tell you what has a top official at the agency apologizing. also how about that? a degree from stanford for free. the hundreds of millions of dollars in new funding that will make that a reality for a lot of students. tonight, a local woman says she. not by a thief. rathe she's angry, scared and bankrupt. tonight a local woman says she's been victimized not by a thief, rather by her own lawyer. >> but this problem runs much deeper and the state bar is well aware of the complaints against many attorneys. so what is the bar doing about it? and is the agency actually putting the public at risk? investigative reporter biga bigad shaban is here to explain. >> reporter: the agency admits it ran into the center of a crisis how it tried to close out complaints against attorneys. specifically its backlog cases older than six months. we investigate how agency's attempts to speed up that process put the public at significant risk. >> it's been extraordinarily painful. >> reporter: kathryn roberts blames one man for ruining her life. her former attorney. >> the damage it did has never really left my life. >> reporter: california has its own separate court system to investigate and discipline attorneys. it's run by the state bar which receives more than 16,000 complaints each year. but according to a recent state audit, the bar has failed to keep watch over attorneys who commit misconduct, saying that to reduce its backlog the state bar allowed some attorneys to might otherwise might have been disciplined more severely or even disbarred to continue practicing law at significant risk to the public. >> that's working your numbers to try to look good even while you're potentially hurting consumes in california. >> reporter: attorney ed howard is with the center for public interest law, a government watchdog group that monitors state boards and agency. >> that's the worst possible kind of failure for a licensing board like the state bar. >> reporter: the audit found the complaints backlogs increased in 2010. the california bar decreased the severity of punishments for lawyers. as a result the bar dismissed more cases and just settled others with written reprimands that stayed hidden in files. >> what do you say to people that feel that the state bar failed them? >> i'm sorry. >> reporter: this is the state operating officer for the state bar. wilson was hired five months ago and was unable to answer many of our questions concerning allegations against the state bar. >> i wasn't here at the time and i can't answer for that. i wasn't here then. again, i wasn't here for that, either. >> the way the state auditor put it is that you all put people at significant risk. >> okay. >> do you disagree with that? >> i don't really want to focus on the assertions of the state auditor as opposed to the recommendations. >> but that was the biggest finding they had in their audit. >> right. >> it's a serious allegation. >> right. but i think the important thing that we need to do and focus on as an agency is fixing the underlying structural problems or conditions that caused that problem to occur. and that's what we've done. >> reporter: wilson says supervising attorneys at the bar now have to sign off before cases against attorneys can be settled. roberts feels the additional oversight should have already been in place. >> they're there for a reason. you know, they can't just be there and then not do their job. otherwise they're failing everybody. >> reporter: roberts says her legal troubles began after trying to fight an eviction from her home in san francisco. in 2004 she hired attorney drexel bradshaw. >> i ended up in one day losing my apartment and being half a million dollars in debt. >> reporter: she eventually sued bradshaw for among other things legal malpractice and breach of feduciary duty. a jury found that bradshaw's abilities as a lawyer were below the applicable standards as his actions gave roberts $250,000 loss. roberts settled with bradshaw out of court for an undisclosed amount. but the objections over bradshaw's work don't end there. the local bar association in san francisco received a number of complaints from bradshaw's clients. and in a highly unusual move, filed a complaint with the state bar, citing details from seven of bradshaw's former clients, including kathryn roberts. the complaint raised concerns that bradshaw may have stolen money from at least one client and engaged in unconscionable billing practices. >> that's how strongly we believe that something had to be done. >> reporter: attorney and professor richard v,itren has taught legal ethics for 30 years and assisted the san francisco bar in filing the complaint. >> i just hate seeing people like this get away with things when they shouldn't. >> reporter: the state bar tried to take action against bradshaw with this 62-page complaint accusing him of corruption, dishonesty and gross negligence. it went to court as two separate cases. the first was dismissed. when you search for the second one on the state bar's web site, you're told no case found. >> somehow at the end of the day this file got secret. >> reporter: he believes the state bar ultimately gave bradshaw a disciplinary slap on the wrist by giving him a low level reprimand. he said the bar violated its own policies by not making it public. >> the state bar doesn't want to admit thought made a mistake, that under his own rules it didn't have the right to do. >> something was made private. >> something wasn't made private. there was a settlement agreement and the contents of that agreement and the outcome are not public. >> reporter: but what is public is bradshaw's criminal record. we found out he's a convicted felon. in 1991 he was found guilty in virginia of grand larceny by check, which doesn't actually prevent someone from practicing law. but bradshaw lied about his criminal record six years in a row in signed documents he submitted to the san francisco bar. still, the state bar's web site shows a clean disciplinary record for bradshaw. not a single infraction. at least not one the public can see. bradshaw declined our interview requests through his attorney. as for the state bar, it's looking into how to restructure its staff to better handle complaints. the bar used to have a zero backlog policy. the agency now believes trying to meet that unrealistic goal is what led to the crisis in the first place. the current goal is to keep the backlog under about 500 cases. the bar has done that over the past few years, but the backlog has still grown. so the audit questioned whether that goal is even doing the agency any good. >> okay. thank you, bigat. >> if you have a tip for anyone on our investigative unit give us a call at 888-996-tips. they want to hear from you. or send an e-mail to the unit at the big upgrade that google is bringing to san francisco. i'm sam brock. coming up next on reality check, the democratic nomination. hillary clinton, bernie sanders, and a whole bunch of fuzzy math. one of these candidates is crying foul over something called superdelegates. is that going to have any impact on the race? that story just ahead. avo: when sends craig wilson a ready for you alert the second his room is ready, ya know what he becomes? client: great proposal! let's talk more over golf. craig: great. client: how about over tennis craig: even better. avo: a game changer! avo: the ready for you alert, only at police just announc they've mad death of a young mother from sa following breaking news out of hayward. police have made an arrest in the death of a young mother from san jose. we've been telling you about this story. this man is in jail. this is his mug shot. he was picked up on a homicide warrant earlier today. 23-year-old stacey aguilar was reported missing last week. she was last seen leaving a friend's birthday party with her boyfriend in hayward. her body was then found in fremont a few days later. we'll have full coverage on the story coming up tonight at 11:00. san francisco is now on the map for google's high-speed internet. the company announcing today that it's working to bring google fiber to some apartments, condos and affordable housing properties. also using existing fiber. google says its goal is to make the internet more affordable and accessible for those most affected by the digital divide. google fiber is now on track to be in 22 metropolitan areas, including san jose. did you notice facebook's new feature? it's not awn like button, but facebook is giving you more options to express yourself. today facebook releasing its new reactions feature. you can now react to posts using five different emojis. humor, love, anger, wow, and sad. there they are. the change comes after years of complaints that the site needed more choices beyond just that like button especially for posts that aren't too happy. facebook began testing the feature in other parts of the world last year. the most used reaction so far is love. well, preparing a new generation of global leaders, stanford is now working to create the largest fully awarded scholarship program in the world. the goal for the university 750 million, stanford president john hennessey says the money will fund a three-year master's or doctorate program for 100 students annually. hennasea wi hennessey will be the program's director. the program is only $50 million away from its goal. the school will start accepting applications in the summer of 2017. stanford itself has a $22 billion endowment. well, a new baby boy already a democrat. lieutenant governor gavin newsom and his wife are expecting the birth or their fourth child this weekend. >> we've been talking to him. and he kicks every time we mention republicans. which means he must be, right? >> a democrat. >> got to be a democrat. >> new some an his wife posted the video on facebook in response to why the couple will miss the california democratic convention. he said it's the first time in a decade he won't be at the event which is being held this weekend at the san jose convention center. they had kids already now a fourth. i don't know how she does it it's a documentary filmmaker. >> how you doing, jeff? >> doing good. a lot of you voting for maybe a little bit of rainfall in that forecast. we have that coming our way. not the big storm we need but we'll let you know when a few rain drops could return to the bay area coming up in a few minutes. lowe's presents: how to put your foot in your mouth. man, wish my yard looked like yours. hey, the grass is always greener on the other side of the... sorry. now get 20% off sta-greenĀ® fertilizer, at lowe's. runs :0==jesso== another win foal we love nevada. we love nevada. thank you. >> he's a winner. another one for donald trump. the republican presidential candidate swept the caucuses in nevada last night. and now he's setting his sights on tuesday's super tuesday states. focusing on texas. polls show trump leading in ten out of the 11 supertuesday states. right now marco rubio and ted cruz appear to be fighting for that second slot. here's part of the political process that doesn't get much attention until now. super delegates, a select group that could sway the democratic nomination. >> so could these party insiders hand a tight race to hillary clinton? nbc bay area sam brock has tonight's reality check. >> thank you. >> reporter: the nevada caucuses brought hillary clinton more than just a little lady luck. the form first lady scored her first solid victory over bernie sanders in a presidential contest. >> after winning iowa. >> reporter: but in iowa, clinton's first place finish came down to a coin flip. actually several. and in new hampshire, sanders rolled up a 20-point win. >> so the delegate total should be pretty even, right? i mean, on one hand you have clinton who's notched 23 and 20 pledged delegates. on the other side, sanders has a total of 21, 15 and 15. you add it all up, you get 52 to 51 delegates. except you don't. because the real total is 500 to 70. >> reporter: enter the superdelegates. the key difference with this group, they're unpledged or not bound by the popular vote. this year democrats have 712, or roughly 15% of all delegates. if democratic members of congress, sitting governors, former governors, state and national party leaders, and some vips. >> the superdelegates really are there to allow the party to put that their thumb on the scale at the end of the day and to influence the party establishment will about who the c candidate should be. >> reporter: political scientist melinda jackson says superdelegates don't generally end up deciding nomination the. in fact they can flip their support if it's out of tune with what voters want. >> the superdelegates get to choose which candidate to support. and they can change their mind so they're unpledged up to the point of the convention. >> reporter: in a recent op ed called "confessions of a superdelegate" former new hampshire democratic party chair kathy sullivan echos this point. she writes "the superdelegates have never been the deciding votes in the nominating process. our goal is to elect democrats to office, nothing more, nothing less." sanders supporters have created petitions, chock full of hundreds of thousands of signatures, calling on superdelegates to support the person with the most votes. and the reality? history says they'll go with the candidate commanding the most votes, anyway. sanders should know, he is after all a superdelegate. for reality check, i'm sam brock. >> you can watch sam on our morning show at 4:30 a.m. let's turn things over to jeff talk about the rest of our work week and really are we going to see any el nino in february? >> it looks like we'll get a little bit of wet weather, but certainly not those strong el ninos and fuelled storm we would really like to see. we're going have to wait for march until we have our chances increase. so look outside right now we have a high surf advisory in effect across the coastline. waves at 13 feet still could go as high as 16 feet through 9:00 p.m. tonight. rough surf will hang with us for tomorrow, but it looks like the worst of it is happening now. so advise extra caution if you're heading out in the boats or anywhere near the water. as we get a look right now the sky camera network we've got a little bit of high cloud cover in the south bay 66. mainly clear skies to theest bay and 63. san francisco coming in at 62. tomorrow morning's forecast, a nice clear commute at least when it comes to the weather. traffic's probably going to be a different story but at least we can get you started off right. 47 in the south bay, east bay 43. also clear and chilly to start in the north bay with 42 degrees. warm air stays across the bay area with high pressure aloft. but there's an added component that's going to get temperatures in the upper 70s for tomorrow. we have a dry and mild wind. and that wind's going to be coming out of the east. anytime you see an easterly wind here, even though it's not gusty, that's going to be good enough to help to bump up our temperatures. now you're probably seeing in that scrolling seven-day forecast not only warm weather on thursday but by friday some drastically different weather. we'll have some coming changes and also the chance here of some rainfall. let's get you to the timeline. again it's not the big storm system that we would love to see. storm systems going to be off to the north at this point. at least the strongest portion of this rainfall near the california-oregon border. for us it looks like we'll introduce the chance of scattered showers by 9:00 p.m. on friday. may get something down towards san jose. but totals at this point trace amounts to about .05 inch. microclimate forecast for thursday is all about the mild weather. south bay with some of the warmest temperatures. 78 expect to cupertino. 78 morgan hill. back to san jose, 77 and sunny. this is what we should have in may and early june for the peninsula. 69 in pacifica over to palo alto 75. san francisco in the mission, 71 degrees. hard to believe this is february with this kind of weather. up into napa, 74 and sunny skies. oakland 75. trivalley goes as warm as 76 in danville back to livermore 74. high pressure keeps it dry as we mentioned into thursday. then by friday evening also on sunday evening we'll have two weaker systems move on by for the chance here of some scattered showers. really nothing major. but again it could switch things up in terms of finally getting at least a few rain drops back. that will help your allergies out and also the pollen levels. then once we head through march, 40% chance of above average rain through that month. there's only eight weeks left really of el nino the way we see it now. it's all on march and early april to get more consistent rainfall in here. raj and jess, back to you. >> thank you, ever. coming up, big news about colin kaepernick's future with the 49ers. we're going to hear from the niners general manager. and the warriors tonight in south beach. as in miami. koz is next. oncam jim kozimor from the comcast sportsnet news room. one of us three here grew up in the miami area. any guesses who it is? >> wow, that's a good question. i to do a good merangue. >> all right. we'll have to dance it out to see that. >> exactly. all righty. so once of us is. we'll let you guys figure it out at the end of it. let's talk warriors basketball. hard to explain how good the warriors are. of the nba best 50 wins, 27 have come on the road. if you just use their road wins in their record this season the warriors would be just one game out of a playoff spot in the west. that's absolutely remarkable. they continue the road trip now. warriors trying to avoid to south beach flu. they hit the road. miami heat early first quarter. steph curry ties a nba record. his 127th consecutive game with a three. miami on fire early, though. that's a dunk. heat up sex. final seconds of the first and curry, this is like when you're in your backyard just throwing it up and knocks it down. warriors down four at the half. third quarter tie game klay thompson. he's going to miss this jumper. but watch curry. littlest guy in that sequence gets the rebound, steps back and hits the shot. next warriors possession a little tear drop for curry. all curry. but the heat up 106-104 late in the fourth quarter. to the gridiron, the nfl combine. it kicked off today in indianapolis and the big 49ers news centered around quarterback colin kaepernick. general manager trent ball ky says he expects kap to be on the roster april 1st. he was benched eight games into last season in flavor of blaine gabbert. >> collin has done some awful good things through his career. won some big games for the san francisco 49ers and expect him to come back. the main focus right now is health. getting him healthy. he's doing a good job with his rehab. talking to the medical staff, that seems to be going very well. and just look forward to getting him back and getting him working with this coaching staff. >> 49ers have also signed offensive tackle clinton dial to a three-year extension preventing him from potentially becoming a unrestricted free agent next year. it has to be a good life when you know you've got 5 million guaranteed coming. what would you guys do with that kind of scrilla? good for clinton dial. that's it in sports. back to raj and the miami sound machine and jim kozimor. >> i have danced with gloria estefan. you're right. >> maybe jeff is the one from miami. >> i am from florida. >> he's from florida. >> close. >> no cuban cigar there. >> that is true. >> go ahead, jim. >> i was just going to give you a quick update. warriors lead 107-106 late in the fourth quarter. yes. >> thank you, koz. we're still trying to figure out what skrrkz what scrilla means. >> we have an idea about the morning forecast. you can see sunny and clear in the north bay with 42 degrees. san francisco 52, east bay 43 and south bay at 47. through tomorrow afternoon gets even warmer. 78 in the south bay. that will be the mildest spot. 71 in san francisco. we do have the chance of maybe some scattered rainfall friday evening and also sunday evening. totals trace amounts to about .10 inch. north bay has the best chance. we hear a lot of clapping out there. maybe something happening with the warriors. >> warriors related. >> thanks for joining us. have a great evening. >> see you at 11:00. . kim and kanye, careening toward a $1 billion divorce. >> the headlines that their marriage is in serious crisis now, on "extra"! kim and kanye, on the rocks and talking divorce? breaking neweports says crazy tantrums are driving kim over the edge as he publicly unloads again on taylor swift. >> she not cool no more. melania trump after the victory. what happens when they disagree. plus, he's back,

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