Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 6 20140812 : compa

Transcripts For KNTV NBC Bay Area News At 6 20140812

"morni "mork and mindy." it was a role made for him. but during this period he developed a drinking and drug problem that he would battle successfully at times over the years. he was also a success if film, the 1993 "mrs. doubt fire" who wanted to stay close to his family after he divorced so he posed as a housekeeper. "good morning vietnam." he picked up four golden globe awards, five grammys, two emmies, an academy award for "goodwill hunting" in 1997 to go with all the other awards. his wife issued this statement. this morning i lost my husband and best friend while the world lost one of its most beloved artists and beautiful human beings. i am utterly heartbroken. it is our hope the focus will not be on robin's death but the countless moments of joy and laughter he gave to millions. he suffered a drug relapse. the battle against alcohol, drugs and depression continued. he recently checked out of a rehab program and today we learn he is dead by an apparent suicide, death by asphyxiation. >> over the years, robin williams has been outspoken about his addiction. back in 2006 he spoke about that stint on rehab to nbc's "today show." a. >> a lot of people discount it. go medicated. >> not the first time you did it. >> the first time i did it alone. did it solo. but this time it's nice to know you're out there, you know who you are. we won't talk about the names specifically. >> in that interview, he spoke about how his addiction affected his children and how they were happy to have him back. >> williams was very present in the bay area. so many people knew him. many people worked with robin williams. among them, media personal brian copeland. he joins us on the phone. first of all, my condolences to you. i know you just spoke to him on friday? >> caller: well, he was going to do a radio program that i do. tried to get ahold of him on friday and was told he's just not himself. some comics i work with said he got out of rehab and he's not like robin. and there are so many misconceptions that people have about the private robin williams and the public robin williams. the private robin williams was a quiet, soft-spoken guy. when you wanted to turn on the comedy you could give him a lead. but i have been very public, i wrote two plays about my depression attacks. and the thing that most comics struggle with and the gem public doesn't seem to know is that we're laughing so we don't cry. the reason robin was as fast as he was is because he had to run a lot faster than most of us. >> so many people say comedians have that comedy and tragedy. and you know that yourself. tell me a little bit about what you and robin shared in that way of, that pain that you saw in him. i'm sure you recognized it in your dealings with him. >> caller: i will be honest and tell you that no, i didn't recognize it. i really did not know what i would call, one of us. i never realized he was one of us. what is interesting is, the last time i talked to him, six months ago, and it was me and along with dana carvey, the three of us. we were talking. and he had not seen "the waiting period ". so i get a call from him about two days later asking him if i had the plays on dvd, and he asked me if i would send them to him because he would like to see them. so i sent them. i don't know if he watched them. i don't know what his reaction was having watched them. but in light of today's events, i now believe that he had a sincere agenda or reason for wanting to watch those shows. >> it is a tragic loss to you, to all of his friends and certainly to the bay area. brian, i really appreciate you being with us and giving us such insight into robin. >> robin spent his teenage years in the bay area. today one of his coaches is remembering him. cheryl hurd is live where she spoke with one of his mentors, jim dunn. and he must be heartbroken tonight. >> reporter: he is. i spoke with him from his living room right up the hill. and when i asked him his reaction to robin williams' death he could not put a sen fence together. he was speechless. he shared stories about williams in his younger years. he was an only child and went to school in tiburon. williams was quite shy. but when people walked in he could perform at the drop of a hat. robin williams was cast in his first play in his teens. he remembered him standing by a piano with a baton in his hand. >> he started to talk to it. and it started to talk back in character. and in five minutes, we on the floor in laughter. we were upset about things not working right and he had us in stitches in five minutes. i went home about 2:00 in the morning, i woke up my wife at the time, and i said you won't believe what i just saw. i said this young kid's going to be somebody some day. mark my words. >> reporter: now dunn shared with us a picture of williams playing william randolph hearst. he said every year williams gave a generous donation to the college of marin. he was very forthcoming about his experiences with robin williams. we'll have more about that later on tonight. thank you cheryl. and sentiments are coming in from around the world, including from the white house. a statement from president obama came in to the newsroom saying he was one of a kind, he arrived in our lives as an alien but ended up touching every elem of the human spirit. he made us laugh. he made us cry. he gave us his immeasurable talent freely and generously. and millions are going on social media to express their sadness. ellen degeneres wrote i can't believe the news about robin williams. he gave so much to so many people. i'm heartbroken. the san francisco giants tweeted we have very saddened to learn the passing of robin williams. rest in peace dear friend. and steve martin tweeted i cannot be more stunned by the loss of robin williams. and the niners tweeted -- you will be missed missed, #riprobinwilliams faithful. you will find a link on our web page and more twitter links. we continue our breaking news now on the death of robin williams. what you're seeing right now. we're showing you a live picture right now of his home in unincorporated marin county in the area of tiburon where robin williams was found dead this afternoon. pictures coming in from around the world. we also have people who knew robin williams that are pouring out their hearts to us, telling us a little bit about their relationships with him. joining us now is melinda. are she appeared in several movies with robin williams. thank you so much for being with us. i know you worked on many movies. we talked a little while ago about his work. but you say he was also a very quiet and generous soul. >> caller: oh, yes. i mean, i am so, just so sad, and a deep level the passing of robin. and honestly, one thing that sticks out to me is he was the star, and i was just a, you know, a small actress. and he was so kind to me. and i think, i think so fondly of him. i worked in three films with him. and he was actually a very sort of shy, gentle person. he wasn't a loud character that you all see. and he was so kind to me. and i think you really know people when you're working these long, 15-hour days, day of a day. and kind enough to take pictures with me at the end of long days. and also i learned quite a bit from him by watching his craft and how clever he was and what a great actor he was. >> and i understand also that you've said before in talking to other people that he was just so generous of spirit. always had candy in his pockets. one of the things you always talked about was that he had a little sweet tooth and he carried this candy. always doing something a little offbeat. >> caller: definitely. and it's so funny, because i was just talking to somebody about this three days ago. on one of the films, there's a service table that's filled with candy and things, he just loves candy. he would put it in his pockets of his costume and his dresser would have to go around and go through all of his pockets several times a day because robin would be stuffing all this stuff in his pockets, and he'd eat constant lay during all the takes and the dresser would have to go and get it. it was so cute. so child like, i thought. >> and a huge gift to the bay area in terms of the movies and he participated in so many things, in charities and to bring acting to the bay area as well. >> caller: huge charities. a lot of things people never even knew he did. again, a very generous, gentle spirit. and i think that's one of the things that really sticks out, is he's such a gentle, lovely man. and he's going to be so missed in so many areas. and i just feel, i feel so, so sad. i can't tell you. >> thank you so much for sharing your memories of robin williams with us. we appreciate it. >> thank you all. i was so happy to do it. thank you. moving on right now. we have some new information about business news. the next big thing. we're talking about pot. that's what investors and venture can't pitalists are now focusing on. shifting from high tech to medical marijuana. >> reporter: yeah. the tech spri here in the bay area grew huge largely because of venture capital funding and 50% of all vc funding can be found here in the bay area. but not all that money is going towards tech. a little of it is now going towards weed. this could be silicon valley's next big thing. not a watch, weed. medical marijuana. now the target of venture capitalists, famous for funding the bay area's technology boom, now getting ready for this budding business. >> the biggest reason is that this is the fastest growing industry in america. >> reporter: ark view group says it's already invested $12 million in 17 weed-related companies. and, like the dotcom boom of the 1990s, they want to fund a wide range of companies that make the whole process faster and easier. >> things like packaging companies and security companies. and point of sale companies and social networks and all different kinds of things that support this industry. >> reporter: which, for a business still working on its image as well as its sales is good news. >> there's not a lot of guidelines or research done behind it. so if they put money into the research, then it would grow. it would grow in a good way. >> reporter: in the tech industry, it's called seed funding. soon to help the marijuana business grow. now the vcs tell us they will eventually send some of that money to bay area companies, but first they say the local medical marijuana industry needs to resolve its legal issues. reporting live in san jose, scott budman, nbc bay area news. let's talk about weather worries. much of the area will spend tonight under a red flag warning, and the cause? is lightning. we begin with nbc bay area's jodi hernandez who joins us live from napa county. >> reporter: the folks here at station 27 in napa county are gearing up for what could be a very busy night. now take a look inside this rig. it is geared up and ready to roll. the red flag warning has firefighters on high alert. it's all hands on deck at fire stations across the north bay as the national werth service issues a rare red flag lightning warning for the region. >> dry lightning as well as numerous lightning strikes. >> and alt red flags all around us here. >> reporter: the ongoing drought has left bay area hillsides browner and drier than they've been in years, making the threat of light nip even more fright anythi frightenning. >> we are very susceptible to lightning. >> reporter: it's forced them to bring in backup crews and equipment. bledsoe didn't hesitate to step in and help. >> they're overrun with fires up north, it takes a lot of people to fill in. as volunteers we like to step up when we can. it's the first time in a while we've had a lightning red flag warning. it's hitting pretty hard in the sierras right now. so we're ready to head out for anything that happens today. >> reporter: and we're back here live. this engine that you're looking at actually had to be brought into the station from another part of the county. that's because an engine and crew from station 27 here are up in shasta county battling another fire. so there's been a lot of juggling of resources. the now this red flag warning goes from 9:00 tonight until 5:00 tomorrow morning. firefighters are asking everyone to be on the lookout for potential fire. reporting live in napa county, jodi hernandez, nbc bay area news. we have more on the threat of lightning. here's jeff ranieri. >> we want to get out the fact the that we're not going to see widespread non-stop thunderstorms. it's just a risk of maybe getting one or two. that's all we need with our three-year drought in place. and extremely dry conditions across the bay area to possibly get a wildfire spark. they are doing exactly what they need to do in this situation. very slight risk through tomorrow morning. highest risk is in the north bay. that's where the red flag fire warning s we're looking at an erratic wind pattern. 15 to 30 miles per hour. there's no direction that it will be coming out of. be aware if you're doing any hiking, barbecuing. you just twranwant to curtail t outdoor plans. what you're going to find is plenty of blue sky tonight from the north bay all the way down to the south bay. temperatures averaging in the 70s in bay right now. the. >> san francisco in the 60s. let's bring you into tomorrow's forecast. we do want to highlight the highest risk of thunderstorms. that will be right up there in the north bay with the mid-80s. sun by the afternoon and we're looking at partly cloudy skies for the south bay and 85 degrees. >> see you soon, jeff. thank you. coming up, they've been trying for years to ban plastic bags across the state. and each time, state lawmakers have failed. see why the measure could pass this year. also breaking her silence, the woman who was beaten by a chp officer opens up about what was going through her mind during this attack. the it's down to the wire on t the latest proposal to ban plastic bags in california. larry gerston will tell us whether it will succeed or fail. >> many places have banned plastic bags, but no state-wide legislation has occurred. it's the 14th attempt since 2007. but this time it just might pass thanks to an unusual alliance between grossers and environmentalists. t >> we all know plastic bags are bad for the environment, but what are the numbers? >> californians use 14 billion -- that's with a b -- every year. and only a small part are recycled. the rest end up in marine areas and dealing with these issues it costs the state more than $100 million annually. and that doesn't include the greenhouse gases that are produced from manufacturing plastic bags. the. >> we've had a lot of failures. the why do you think the bill will have have a chance this time? >> last time it lost by three votes, mainly because of industry concerns. as with past proposals, customers would either bring their own bags or pay 10 cents for paper bags. the plastic folks still oppose the proposal. but grossers believe a state-wide standard would be much more desirable than the current situation that leaves everyone confused. and that switch may be enough for legislators to overcome the opposition. if the ban is passed, it will take place next july 1. so you'll still have plenty of time to buy those canvas bags that have become so popular. >> larry gerston, our political analyst, thanks so much. the. and we continue to follow our breaking news, the death of robin williams, the actor, comedian found dead in his home today. we have an update from the marin county sheriff's department. the safeway understands you got to make every dollar count these days. that's why they have lots of ways for you to save. real big club card deals, the safeway app and gas rewards. this week fresh off the vine seedless green and black grapes are just $1.99 a pound. oscar mayer deli fresh or selects lunchmeat are only $3.99. and quilted northern bath tissue is $11.99 for 24 double rolls. there's more savings to love... at safeway. ingredients for life. you have made my life special by being apart of it.enough. 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by this news. mark, a news conference is scheduled for tomorrow morning. >> reporter: that's right. tomorrow at 11:00. the coroner's office is saying that williams died of asphyxiation, and there will be a forensic exam. it is scheduled for tomorrow with subsequent toxicology testing. we know from the forbes magazine article that came out earlier this year that williams was suffering from depression. we know that he entered a rehab facility in minnesota in the first of july. he was going to be there for several weeks. he has been, as we know, battling alcoholism for decades. his wife saying that he was feeling depressed. and we also know he had money problems. he told parade magazine that he was going back to work in the small screen, in a television sitcom because he needed the work. he said his two divorces had cost him dearly. his first marriage ending in 1988, his second in 2008. the two splits cost him over $20 million, we are told. he said to forbes magazine that he was selling his napa ranch, a 640-acre spread, including a 20,000-square foot villa that he wanted $30 million for, because he really couldn't afford to keep it any longer. apparently, the money concerns from the two divorces and three children mounting to be more than he wanted to bear. he said i really don't need that lifestyle. tomorrow morning we will find more about the cause of death, and we will hear more from the coroner's office about what happened. and for now, that's it from here. reporting from the coroner's office in san rafael, mark matthews. >> thank you, mark. good insight there. in the coming days, we'll learn so much more about what's happening in his personal life. now williams performed many times and his friend says our hearts are utterly broken by the loss of this amazing, hugely talented and enormously kind soul. for those who ask what they can do, honor his modesty by staying curious and willing to make mistakes, and please, hug your family and friends today in honor of our dear friend, robin williams. >> people from all over the world are reacting to this news on social media, including tweets from celebrities stunned and saddened by robin williams' death. ozzy osbourne tweeted such a tragic loss, i will always have love and respect. another tweet, absolutely stunned to hear the news about robin williams. now to another developing story. the investigation into the death of misty holtsing. she is the mother who was shot and killed during a bank robbery last month. police confirmed that the bullet that killed her was shot by police. we have the latest on these new findings, and really anguish for her family. >> the investigation isn't over yet, but the police chief wanted the family of misty and the public to know what happened. that unfortunately, in the middle of gun battle police shot and killed the hostage. >> she was running errands on july 16, stopped at the bank of the west in stockton and never returned home. >> preliminary investigation indicates that the fatal gunshot wounds came from police firearms. >> she was caught in the crossfire. the mother of two was taken hostage during a bank robbery. only one suspect survived the shootout, this 19 year old, who police say used misty as a human shield. >> it came during the incident. >> suspects fired 100 shots from an ak 47. 33 officers fired back with 6 hea600 bullets. >> for all persons involved, we will examine and reexamine july 16 to look for best practices, protocols, procedures and potential training. >> police say there's another suspect still out there, the get away driver. there's a $50,000 rye ward for tips that lead to his arrest. a dog shot and left for dead on the side of the street. it happened in menlo park. and police need your help in finding the shooter. monte francis is live with the details for us. monte? >> reporter: the problem right now is that there are no leads to go on. so investigators are hoping that a $1,000 reward will help change that. you don't have to walk very far down henderson avenue on east menlo park before you find someone loves dogs. >> i was shocked. very shocked. why would somebody shoot a little dog? >> reporter: sheila webster has a chihuahua named lola. now she's worried about her dog's safety. >> i can't imagine coming outside and seeing lola with a bullet in her, you know? bad enough to imagine a car hitting her. >> reporter: the chihuahua that was shot was rushed to the peninsula humane society where the vet determined the gunshot had severed the spine and paralyzed the dog. he was euthanized. >> she had no sensation in the back end. the dog wouldn't have any sensation and would need help just to urinate and defecate. >> reporter: scott at the humane society says his organization is offering a $1,000 reward for information leading to an arrest and conviction in the case. >> someone out there is bound to have some information. if we get some good information, we'll turn it over to the district attorney's office with the information that we already have. >> reporter: the charge is felony animal cruelty. they could face up to one year behind bars and a $10,000 fine. monte francis. a woman being seen beaten by an officer, marlene says she feared for her hive when the officer grabbed her. she was walking along the side of the freeway and refused his order to stop. she has since filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against the chp officer and commissioner. >> i want them to fire him so he don't hurt nobody like me no more. i don't want to be hurt like that no more. >> the chp says the unidentified officer is off the streets and working an administrative job. the world's mourning the loss of actor and comedian robin williams. the latest when we come back. and good evening. i'm jeff ranieri. a lot of sunshine across the bay for today, you can see a little bit of blue sky in san francisco. and currently 73 degrees. but underneath that sunshine, there will be a hidden danger. we'll talk more about this coming up in the full microclimate forecast. robin williams made us laugh, and he also made us cry. but among the best known movies, one of the ones that rocketed him to star dom was good morning vietnam. it focused on a disc jockey in vietnam. it made that saying good morning vietnam famous. when you heard the news what were your thoughts? >> caller: i was watching television, and i got a call from a friend in hawaii, for heaven sakes to ask me if i'd heard the news, and i, i was just shocked. shocked and i was a little bit of disbelief as well, because you hear something like this. and in the immediate, the immediate thought is i better go to the internet and see if it's real. >> mm-hm. most people don't have the experience in their lifetime to have someone as talented or as well-known as robin williams play them. what was that like for you when you found out? and did you develop a relationship with robin during the filming of that movie? >> caller: okay, first of all, i did not have anything to do with robin. barry levinson, the director, once a director gets ahold of a play or a property, he is totally and thoroughly and completely in charge of it. so he would not let me anywhere near robin or even near the set. his theory was that if robin met me, he would sub consciously develop a tendency to do an imitation of me, which would change the characterization totally. >> must have been a great honor for you, though, to have robin williams play you in a movie. >> caller: oh, it was, it was indeed, and i was delighted to hear it. but it started off as an idea for a movie, actually, it started off as an idea for a tv sitcom back in 1979, but i guess it was a little too close in time. >> tell me, moving forward, what do you want people to remember about the movie, and how did it change the experience for people who know a little bit about vietnam. what gift did robin williams give to you and to the world when he portrayed you in this movie? >> caller: well, the first thing is, it was the first film to begin to show americans as they really were in vietnam, rather than murderers and rapists and baby killers and dopers and psychotics. it came out just as i was going to law school at the university of pennsylvania. during a mid-life career change. and that movie opened up the college lecture circuit which paid for all of law school. >> well, we thank you so much for sharing your talent with us, and also your memories of robin williams and for giving us the gift of letting him play you in the movie, thank you so much for being with us. >> caller: it's been my pleasure, anytime. >> you can find more about robin williams' passing on our website, we're going to change focus because we have fire concerns in the bay area. >> fire warning throughout parts of the north bay. and we'll have full details in the full forecast. a lot of questions tonight over a potential breach of homeland security. and at the center of the story is a patrol car used as a decoy? san jose. >> it was placed outside a local theater to deter vandals, but the patrol car was left unlocked with the keys inside for days. damian trujillo first broke this story on twitter, he's outside the san jose repertory theater which is now closed. >> reporter: the office of economic development asked miss to place a decoy car here right next to me near the rep. we confirmed that the keys were inside the car. the chief says if the car was unlocked, that presents a huge problem. it was patrol car number 1461. similar to this one, and it was parked for a few days outside the repertory theater. if it was an out of service decoy, the chief's office said the department should have noknn about it. >> the decisions were made without the chief's knowledge and we're kind of looking into that right now to find out where there was a break down in the communication process. >> through the city manager's office, public works says the car was locked and the keys were left in a place where only cops would know to find them. but this screen shot says otherwise, it's what a responding officer discovered while looking into why the car was left there in the first place. it states that the car was left unlocked with the extra key inside. >> it's a big concern. we know vehicle theft is a possibility. that would be our concern, obviously having a marked patrol vehicle out in the public as well, that's obviously a concern. so, again, we're fortunate that the vehicle is in our possession. >> reporter: sources tell me leaving the keys in an unlocked, marked patrol car presents a huge homeland security risk. the chief's office is investigating. and, again, this was a de-commissioned patrol car. the computer inside was gone, the weapons inside were removed before it was parked here. and we're told that the key was actually left on the dome light inside the patrol car. we're live in downtown san jose, damian trujillo. nbc bay area news. let's turn things over to jeff ranieri. we've been talking about the potential for lightning. >> the overall risk is minimal, about a 10 to 15% chance of seeing light anything tonight, mainly throughout the north bay. most of the strikes continue across the sierra, but for that slight risk of any kind of lightning in marin, napa and sonoma counties, that red flag warning is in place. we're looking at erratic winds that's helping that danger stay up there. 15 to 30 miles per hour. we'll take you outside to the sky camera network right now. and otherwise it was a beautiful start off to the week for man eve us. plenty of blue sky as we check out the north bay skyline. the increased fire danger, mix of sun and clouds in san francisco. mild with 73 degrees in the peninsula. and a great night here in the south bay. we do want to get a quick check of the hottest area at 82. right now, the thing in the atmosphere that's helping to import cooler air is opper level system. it's not very strong, a little bit of uplift this time of year, this is pulling in some moisture and we may have a slight risk of lightning up into the north bay. what you're going to see as we head throughout tomorrow morning is a very slight chance of showers. you see green showing up along the coastline, the tri valley and north bay. so spotty showers possible at 7:00. also a few areas of clouds. then as we head throughout the day we see clouds clear back. with that red flag fire warning in effect we also want to get a look at the wind speeds. you can see a lot of blue on this map. corresponds to the key down here. through tomorrow morning, it still stays only about 10 to 20 miles per hour. so, again, not extreme lay gusty, but with that possible of lightning, we may have a few fire sparks. so we take you into the microclimates forecast. for some of the bay area, this is the first day back to school for those kids can. so as you know we've got enjoyable weather. san jose, 85 degrees, morgan hill, 84. cool to cold at the coastline at pacifica with 65. and throughout san francisco, chilly, right up against the water, and by sunset, 73. and let's take you to napa and santa rosa, the highest risk of lightning. and for the tri valley, we will stay out of the 100s. so while some kids go back to school for tomorrow. others get one more weekend out of summer vacation. and if you hook ahead towards next saturday and sunday, comfortable weather with some 80s. 70s along the eastern shoreline. and for the tri valley, right around 90 degrees. >> thanks so much, jeff. harrison barnes takes his swing to the links, but he may be better at shooting and dribbling than putting. gerard has the latest next in sports. not off to a good pre-season start, but the niners are back on the field practicing. gerard moncure joins us. >> they came up with a good plan. they did an extended stay on the east coast, that way you don't arrive 24 hours before a game. the starters play maybe a series or two onhop back on the plane and come home. seems like a waste of time. but they may not have got and lot of accomplished during a short appearance. but they made the cross country jaunts well worth their while. the brothers harbaugh extended the family feud. goal line, the two-minute drill and special teams. younger brother afterwards marveling over the hospitality his team received. >> we're professional football organization here. of people that have very high standards for how we're treated. and not one complaint, not one complaint is, i mean, that's rare. that's rare to get, so, you know, that, not one complaint from anybody. it speaks volumes. that really says it all. and ravens, first class all the way. >> i've said this before. when you play against your brother, it's unique. i don't like dwelling on it too much. you look over every now and then say, wow, that's pretty neat. it was fun to work together. smart guy, even more respect for him now than i had of about. >> meanwhile the silver and black broke ground today. they will be in oxnard before returning to alameda for friday's game against the detroit lions. >> we got a lot of good work done here. i like where we're a we're still in training camp mode practicing against the cowboys for a couple days, i think that will be great for our football team, get to go against somebody else for a change. we've got a lot accomplished and a lot of things we got to get better at, but i like the direction we're headed. >> bottom second, oakland already spotting kc a 1-0 lead. escobar centers. 2-0 royals, but in the top of the third, here comes oakland, a's with the bases loaded. brandon moss at the dish coming up with the clutch rbi knocked off ventura. coco crisp makes the trip home. it's at 2-2 in the sixth inning. harrison barnes is one amazing athlete, a golfer he is not. this summer he hit a course in his hometown of ames, iowa, and the results were tape worthy. >> if i wasn't playing in the nba, i'd probably be a professional golfer. it allows me to put my tee times on line. i go to city of and before i know it i'm already hitting the breeze. the next time you go to make a tee time, book it online. >> my golf game is kind of similar. so i stay clear of all courses. that's it studio wise. we leave you tonight with final thoughts on the death of robin williams. he was found dead this morning in his tiburon home. authorities received a 911 call just before noon today. they suspect williams may have committed suicide by asphyxia. he was a kind man, soulful man who had recently battled depression. the lights are going out at comedy clubs across the country tonight. the laughter silenced by an anguish that only robin williams could understand. >> you can go to our web page for more information. actor robin williams dead at the age of 63. safeway understands you got to make every dollar count these days. that's why they have lots of ways for you to save. real big club card deals, the safeway app and gas rewards. this week fresh off the vine seedless green and black grapes are just $1.99 a pound. oscar mayer deli fresh or selects lunchmeat are only $3.99. and quilted northern bath tissue is $11.99 for 24 double rolls. there's more savings to love... at safeway. ingredients for life. robin williams dead in a suspected suicide. the latest breaking details right now on "extra." oscar winner robin williams dead at the age of 63. "extra" with new information and our favorite moments with the beloved funny man. dwayne "rock" johnson's mother in a head-on collision with a drunk driver. breaking new details, now, on "extra." nascar tragedy. the shocking video of champion racer tony stewart, hitting and killing fellow driver kevin ward. could the nascar superstar face jail time? the kardashians robbed. the hunt for the thieves today. and kim steals the red carpet at the teen cic

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Vietnam , Republic Of , Oakland , California , United States , Shasta County , Minnesota , Sonoma , Stockton , San Francisco , Marin County , Menlo Park , Pacifica , Napa County , Pennsylvania , Morgan Hill , Tiburon , Hawaii , Californians , Americans , America , Harrison Barnes , Monte Francis , Damian Trujillo , Sheila Webster , Jeff Ranieri , Jodi Hernandez , Tony Stewart , Los Angeles , Jim Dunn , Terry Mcsweeney , Steve Martin , Robin Williams , Ellen Degeneres , Robin William , Cheryl Hurd , Jose Damian Trujillo , Jose Scott , Brian Copeland , Barry Levinson , William Randolph Hearst ,

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"morni "mork and mindy." it was a role made for him. but during this period he developed a drinking and drug problem that he would battle successfully at times over the years. he was also a success if film, the 1993 "mrs. doubt fire" who wanted to stay close to his family after he divorced so he posed as a housekeeper. "good morning vietnam." he picked up four golden globe awards, five grammys, two emmies, an academy award for "goodwill hunting" in 1997 to go with all the other awards. his wife issued this statement. this morning i lost my husband and best friend while the world lost one of its most beloved artists and beautiful human beings. i am utterly heartbroken. it is our hope the focus will not be on robin's death but the countless moments of joy and laughter he gave to millions. he suffered a drug relapse. the battle against alcohol, drugs and depression continued. he recently checked out of a rehab program and today we learn he is dead by an apparent suicide, death by asphyxiation. >> over the years, robin williams has been outspoken about his addiction. back in 2006 he spoke about that stint on rehab to nbc's "today show." a. >> a lot of people discount it. go medicated. >> not the first time you did it. >> the first time i did it alone. did it solo. but this time it's nice to know you're out there, you know who you are. we won't talk about the names specifically. >> in that interview, he spoke about how his addiction affected his children and how they were happy to have him back. >> williams was very present in the bay area. so many people knew him. many people worked with robin williams. among them, media personal brian copeland. he joins us on the phone. first of all, my condolences to you. i know you just spoke to him on friday? >> caller: well, he was going to do a radio program that i do. tried to get ahold of him on friday and was told he's just not himself. some comics i work with said he got out of rehab and he's not like robin. and there are so many misconceptions that people have about the private robin williams and the public robin williams. the private robin williams was a quiet, soft-spoken guy. when you wanted to turn on the comedy you could give him a lead. but i have been very public, i wrote two plays about my depression attacks. and the thing that most comics struggle with and the gem public doesn't seem to know is that we're laughing so we don't cry. the reason robin was as fast as he was is because he had to run a lot faster than most of us. >> so many people say comedians have that comedy and tragedy. and you know that yourself. tell me a little bit about what you and robin shared in that way of, that pain that you saw in him. i'm sure you recognized it in your dealings with him. >> caller: i will be honest and tell you that no, i didn't recognize it. i really did not know what i would call, one of us. i never realized he was one of us. what is interesting is, the last time i talked to him, six months ago, and it was me and along with dana carvey, the three of us. we were talking. and he had not seen "the waiting period ". so i get a call from him about two days later asking him if i had the plays on dvd, and he asked me if i would send them to him because he would like to see them. so i sent them. i don't know if he watched them. i don't know what his reaction was having watched them. but in light of today's events, i now believe that he had a sincere agenda or reason for wanting to watch those shows. >> it is a tragic loss to you, to all of his friends and certainly to the bay area. brian, i really appreciate you being with us and giving us such insight into robin. >> robin spent his teenage years in the bay area. today one of his coaches is remembering him. cheryl hurd is live where she spoke with one of his mentors, jim dunn. and he must be heartbroken tonight. >> reporter: he is. i spoke with him from his living room right up the hill. and when i asked him his reaction to robin williams' death he could not put a sen fence together. he was speechless. he shared stories about williams in his younger years. he was an only child and went to school in tiburon. williams was quite shy. but when people walked in he could perform at the drop of a hat. robin williams was cast in his first play in his teens. he remembered him standing by a piano with a baton in his hand. >> he started to talk to it. and it started to talk back in character. and in five minutes, we on the floor in laughter. we were upset about things not working right and he had us in stitches in five minutes. i went home about 2:00 in the morning, i woke up my wife at the time, and i said you won't believe what i just saw. i said this young kid's going to be somebody some day. mark my words. >> reporter: now dunn shared with us a picture of williams playing william randolph hearst. he said every year williams gave a generous donation to the college of marin. he was very forthcoming about his experiences with robin williams. we'll have more about that later on tonight. thank you cheryl. and sentiments are coming in from around the world, including from the white house. a statement from president obama came in to the newsroom saying he was one of a kind, he arrived in our lives as an alien but ended up touching every elem of the human spirit. he made us laugh. he made us cry. he gave us his immeasurable talent freely and generously. and millions are going on social media to express their sadness. ellen degeneres wrote i can't believe the news about robin williams. he gave so much to so many people. i'm heartbroken. the san francisco giants tweeted we have very saddened to learn the passing of robin williams. rest in peace dear friend. and steve martin tweeted i cannot be more stunned by the loss of robin williams. and the niners tweeted -- you will be missed missed, #riprobinwilliams faithful. you will find a link on our web page and more twitter links. we continue our breaking news now on the death of robin williams. what you're seeing right now. we're showing you a live picture right now of his home in unincorporated marin county in the area of tiburon where robin williams was found dead this afternoon. pictures coming in from around the world. we also have people who knew robin williams that are pouring out their hearts to us, telling us a little bit about their relationships with him. joining us now is melinda. are she appeared in several movies with robin williams. thank you so much for being with us. i know you worked on many movies. we talked a little while ago about his work. but you say he was also a very quiet and generous soul. >> caller: oh, yes. i mean, i am so, just so sad, and a deep level the passing of robin. and honestly, one thing that sticks out to me is he was the star, and i was just a, you know, a small actress. and he was so kind to me. and i think, i think so fondly of him. i worked in three films with him. and he was actually a very sort of shy, gentle person. he wasn't a loud character that you all see. and he was so kind to me. and i think you really know people when you're working these long, 15-hour days, day of a day. and kind enough to take pictures with me at the end of long days. and also i learned quite a bit from him by watching his craft and how clever he was and what a great actor he was. >> and i understand also that you've said before in talking to other people that he was just so generous of spirit. always had candy in his pockets. one of the things you always talked about was that he had a little sweet tooth and he carried this candy. always doing something a little offbeat. >> caller: definitely. and it's so funny, because i was just talking to somebody about this three days ago. on one of the films, there's a service table that's filled with candy and things, he just loves candy. he would put it in his pockets of his costume and his dresser would have to go around and go through all of his pockets several times a day because robin would be stuffing all this stuff in his pockets, and he'd eat constant lay during all the takes and the dresser would have to go and get it. it was so cute. so child like, i thought. >> and a huge gift to the bay area in terms of the movies and he participated in so many things, in charities and to bring acting to the bay area as well. >> caller: huge charities. a lot of things people never even knew he did. again, a very generous, gentle spirit. and i think that's one of the things that really sticks out, is he's such a gentle, lovely man. and he's going to be so missed in so many areas. and i just feel, i feel so, so sad. i can't tell you. >> thank you so much for sharing your memories of robin williams with us. we appreciate it. >> thank you all. i was so happy to do it. thank you. moving on right now. we have some new information about business news. the next big thing. we're talking about pot. that's what investors and venture can't pitalists are now focusing on. shifting from high tech to medical marijuana. >> reporter: yeah. the tech spri here in the bay area grew huge largely because of venture capital funding and 50% of all vc funding can be found here in the bay area. but not all that money is going towards tech. a little of it is now going towards weed. this could be silicon valley's next big thing. not a watch, weed. medical marijuana. now the target of venture capitalists, famous for funding the bay area's technology boom, now getting ready for this budding business. >> the biggest reason is that this is the fastest growing industry in america. >> reporter: ark view group says it's already invested $12 million in 17 weed-related companies. and, like the dotcom boom of the 1990s, they want to fund a wide range of companies that make the whole process faster and easier. >> things like packaging companies and security companies. and point of sale companies and social networks and all different kinds of things that support this industry. >> reporter: which, for a business still working on its image as well as its sales is good news. >> there's not a lot of guidelines or research done behind it. so if they put money into the research, then it would grow. it would grow in a good way. >> reporter: in the tech industry, it's called seed funding. soon to help the marijuana business grow. now the vcs tell us they will eventually send some of that money to bay area companies, but first they say the local medical marijuana industry needs to resolve its legal issues. reporting live in san jose, scott budman, nbc bay area news. let's talk about weather worries. much of the area will spend tonight under a red flag warning, and the cause? is lightning. we begin with nbc bay area's jodi hernandez who joins us live from napa county. >> reporter: the folks here at station 27 in napa county are gearing up for what could be a very busy night. now take a look inside this rig. it is geared up and ready to roll. the red flag warning has firefighters on high alert. it's all hands on deck at fire stations across the north bay as the national werth service issues a rare red flag lightning warning for the region. >> dry lightning as well as numerous lightning strikes. >> and alt red flags all around us here. >> reporter: the ongoing drought has left bay area hillsides browner and drier than they've been in years, making the threat of light nip even more fright anythi frightenning. >> we are very susceptible to lightning. >> reporter: it's forced them to bring in backup crews and equipment. bledsoe didn't hesitate to step in and help. >> they're overrun with fires up north, it takes a lot of people to fill in. as volunteers we like to step up when we can. it's the first time in a while we've had a lightning red flag warning. it's hitting pretty hard in the sierras right now. so we're ready to head out for anything that happens today. >> reporter: and we're back here live. this engine that you're looking at actually had to be brought into the station from another part of the county. that's because an engine and crew from station 27 here are up in shasta county battling another fire. so there's been a lot of juggling of resources. the now this red flag warning goes from 9:00 tonight until 5:00 tomorrow morning. firefighters are asking everyone to be on the lookout for potential fire. reporting live in napa county, jodi hernandez, nbc bay area news. we have more on the threat of lightning. here's jeff ranieri. >> we want to get out the fact the that we're not going to see widespread non-stop thunderstorms. it's just a risk of maybe getting one or two. that's all we need with our three-year drought in place. and extremely dry conditions across the bay area to possibly get a wildfire spark. they are doing exactly what they need to do in this situation. very slight risk through tomorrow morning. highest risk is in the north bay. that's where the red flag fire warning s we're looking at an erratic wind pattern. 15 to 30 miles per hour. there's no direction that it will be coming out of. be aware if you're doing any hiking, barbecuing. you just twranwant to curtail t outdoor plans. what you're going to find is plenty of blue sky tonight from the north bay all the way down to the south bay. temperatures averaging in the 70s in bay right now. the. >> san francisco in the 60s. let's bring you into tomorrow's forecast. we do want to highlight the highest risk of thunderstorms. that will be right up there in the north bay with the mid-80s. sun by the afternoon and we're looking at partly cloudy skies for the south bay and 85 degrees. >> see you soon, jeff. thank you. coming up, they've been trying for years to ban plastic bags across the state. and each time, state lawmakers have failed. see why the measure could pass this year. also breaking her silence, the woman who was beaten by a chp officer opens up about what was going through her mind during this attack. the it's down to the wire on t the latest proposal to ban plastic bags in california. larry gerston will tell us whether it will succeed or fail. >> many places have banned plastic bags, but no state-wide legislation has occurred. it's the 14th attempt since 2007. but this time it just might pass thanks to an unusual alliance between grossers and environmentalists. t >> we all know plastic bags are bad for the environment, but what are the numbers? >> californians use 14 billion -- that's with a b -- every year. and only a small part are recycled. the rest end up in marine areas and dealing with these issues it costs the state more than $100 million annually. and that doesn't include the greenhouse gases that are produced from manufacturing plastic bags. the. >> we've had a lot of failures. the why do you think the bill will have have a chance this time? >> last time it lost by three votes, mainly because of industry concerns. as with past proposals, customers would either bring their own bags or pay 10 cents for paper bags. the plastic folks still oppose the proposal. but grossers believe a state-wide standard would be much more desirable than the current situation that leaves everyone confused. and that switch may be enough for legislators to overcome the opposition. if the ban is passed, it will take place next july 1. so you'll still have plenty of time to buy those canvas bags that have become so popular. >> larry gerston, our political analyst, thanks so much. the. and we continue to follow our breaking news, the death of robin williams, the actor, comedian found dead in his home today. we have an update from the marin county sheriff's department. the safeway understands you got to make every dollar count these days. that's why they have lots of ways for you to save. real big club card deals, the safeway app and gas rewards. this week fresh off the vine seedless green and black grapes are just $1.99 a pound. oscar mayer deli fresh or selects lunchmeat are only $3.99. and quilted northern bath tissue is $11.99 for 24 double rolls. there's more savings to love... at safeway. ingredients for life. you have made my life special by being apart of it.enough. 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by this news. mark, a news conference is scheduled for tomorrow morning. >> reporter: that's right. tomorrow at 11:00. the coroner's office is saying that williams died of asphyxiation, and there will be a forensic exam. it is scheduled for tomorrow with subsequent toxicology testing. we know from the forbes magazine article that came out earlier this year that williams was suffering from depression. we know that he entered a rehab facility in minnesota in the first of july. he was going to be there for several weeks. he has been, as we know, battling alcoholism for decades. his wife saying that he was feeling depressed. and we also know he had money problems. he told parade magazine that he was going back to work in the small screen, in a television sitcom because he needed the work. he said his two divorces had cost him dearly. his first marriage ending in 1988, his second in 2008. the two splits cost him over $20 million, we are told. he said to forbes magazine that he was selling his napa ranch, a 640-acre spread, including a 20,000-square foot villa that he wanted $30 million for, because he really couldn't afford to keep it any longer. apparently, the money concerns from the two divorces and three children mounting to be more than he wanted to bear. he said i really don't need that lifestyle. tomorrow morning we will find more about the cause of death, and we will hear more from the coroner's office about what happened. and for now, that's it from here. reporting from the coroner's office in san rafael, mark matthews. >> thank you, mark. good insight there. in the coming days, we'll learn so much more about what's happening in his personal life. now williams performed many times and his friend says our hearts are utterly broken by the loss of this amazing, hugely talented and enormously kind soul. for those who ask what they can do, honor his modesty by staying curious and willing to make mistakes, and please, hug your family and friends today in honor of our dear friend, robin williams. >> people from all over the world are reacting to this news on social media, including tweets from celebrities stunned and saddened by robin williams' death. ozzy osbourne tweeted such a tragic loss, i will always have love and respect. another tweet, absolutely stunned to hear the news about robin williams. now to another developing story. the investigation into the death of misty holtsing. she is the mother who was shot and killed during a bank robbery last month. police confirmed that the bullet that killed her was shot by police. we have the latest on these new findings, and really anguish for her family. >> the investigation isn't over yet, but the police chief wanted the family of misty and the public to know what happened. that unfortunately, in the middle of gun battle police shot and killed the hostage. >> she was running errands on july 16, stopped at the bank of the west in stockton and never returned home. >> preliminary investigation indicates that the fatal gunshot wounds came from police firearms. >> she was caught in the crossfire. the mother of two was taken hostage during a bank robbery. only one suspect survived the shootout, this 19 year old, who police say used misty as a human shield. >> it came during the incident. >> suspects fired 100 shots from an ak 47. 33 officers fired back with 6 hea600 bullets. >> for all persons involved, we will examine and reexamine july 16 to look for best practices, protocols, procedures and potential training. >> police say there's another suspect still out there, the get away driver. there's a $50,000 rye ward for tips that lead to his arrest. a dog shot and left for dead on the side of the street. it happened in menlo park. and police need your help in finding the shooter. monte francis is live with the details for us. monte? >> reporter: the problem right now is that there are no leads to go on. so investigators are hoping that a $1,000 reward will help change that. you don't have to walk very far down henderson avenue on east menlo park before you find someone loves dogs. >> i was shocked. very shocked. why would somebody shoot a little dog? >> reporter: sheila webster has a chihuahua named lola. now she's worried about her dog's safety. >> i can't imagine coming outside and seeing lola with a bullet in her, you know? bad enough to imagine a car hitting her. >> reporter: the chihuahua that was shot was rushed to the peninsula humane society where the vet determined the gunshot had severed the spine and paralyzed the dog. he was euthanized. >> she had no sensation in the back end. the dog wouldn't have any sensation and would need help just to urinate and defecate. >> reporter: scott at the humane society says his organization is offering a $1,000 reward for information leading to an arrest and conviction in the case. >> someone out there is bound to have some information. if we get some good information, we'll turn it over to the district attorney's office with the information that we already have. >> reporter: the charge is felony animal cruelty. they could face up to one year behind bars and a $10,000 fine. monte francis. a woman being seen beaten by an officer, marlene says she feared for her hive when the officer grabbed her. she was walking along the side of the freeway and refused his order to stop. she has since filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against the chp officer and commissioner. >> i want them to fire him so he don't hurt nobody like me no more. i don't want to be hurt like that no more. >> the chp says the unidentified officer is off the streets and working an administrative job. the world's mourning the loss of actor and comedian robin williams. the latest when we come back. and good evening. i'm jeff ranieri. a lot of sunshine across the bay for today, you can see a little bit of blue sky in san francisco. and currently 73 degrees. but underneath that sunshine, there will be a hidden danger. we'll talk more about this coming up in the full microclimate forecast. robin williams made us laugh, and he also made us cry. but among the best known movies, one of the ones that rocketed him to star dom was good morning vietnam. it focused on a disc jockey in vietnam. it made that saying good morning vietnam famous. when you heard the news what were your thoughts? >> caller: i was watching television, and i got a call from a friend in hawaii, for heaven sakes to ask me if i'd heard the news, and i, i was just shocked. shocked and i was a little bit of disbelief as well, because you hear something like this. and in the immediate, the immediate thought is i better go to the internet and see if it's real. >> mm-hm. most people don't have the experience in their lifetime to have someone as talented or as well-known as robin williams play them. what was that like for you when you found out? and did you develop a relationship with robin during the filming of that movie? >> caller: okay, first of all, i did not have anything to do with robin. barry levinson, the director, once a director gets ahold of a play or a property, he is totally and thoroughly and completely in charge of it. so he would not let me anywhere near robin or even near the set. his theory was that if robin met me, he would sub consciously develop a tendency to do an imitation of me, which would change the characterization totally. >> must have been a great honor for you, though, to have robin williams play you in a movie. >> caller: oh, it was, it was indeed, and i was delighted to hear it. but it started off as an idea for a movie, actually, it started off as an idea for a tv sitcom back in 1979, but i guess it was a little too close in time. >> tell me, moving forward, what do you want people to remember about the movie, and how did it change the experience for people who know a little bit about vietnam. what gift did robin williams give to you and to the world when he portrayed you in this movie? >> caller: well, the first thing is, it was the first film to begin to show americans as they really were in vietnam, rather than murderers and rapists and baby killers and dopers and psychotics. it came out just as i was going to law school at the university of pennsylvania. during a mid-life career change. and that movie opened up the college lecture circuit which paid for all of law school. >> well, we thank you so much for sharing your talent with us, and also your memories of robin williams and for giving us the gift of letting him play you in the movie, thank you so much for being with us. >> caller: it's been my pleasure, anytime. >> you can find more about robin williams' passing on our website, we're going to change focus because we have fire concerns in the bay area. >> fire warning throughout parts of the north bay. and we'll have full details in the full forecast. a lot of questions tonight over a potential breach of homeland security. and at the center of the story is a patrol car used as a decoy? san jose. >> it was placed outside a local theater to deter vandals, but the patrol car was left unlocked with the keys inside for days. damian trujillo first broke this story on twitter, he's outside the san jose repertory theater which is now closed. >> reporter: the office of economic development asked miss to place a decoy car here right next to me near the rep. we confirmed that the keys were inside the car. the chief says if the car was unlocked, that presents a huge problem. it was patrol car number 1461. similar to this one, and it was parked for a few days outside the repertory theater. if it was an out of service decoy, the chief's office said the department should have noknn about it. >> the decisions were made without the chief's knowledge and we're kind of looking into that right now to find out where there was a break down in the communication process. >> through the city manager's office, public works says the car was locked and the keys were left in a place where only cops would know to find them. but this screen shot says otherwise, it's what a responding officer discovered while looking into why the car was left there in the first place. it states that the car was left unlocked with the extra key inside. >> it's a big concern. we know vehicle theft is a possibility. that would be our concern, obviously having a marked patrol vehicle out in the public as well, that's obviously a concern. so, again, we're fortunate that the vehicle is in our possession. >> reporter: sources tell me leaving the keys in an unlocked, marked patrol car presents a huge homeland security risk. the chief's office is investigating. and, again, this was a de-commissioned patrol car. the computer inside was gone, the weapons inside were removed before it was parked here. and we're told that the key was actually left on the dome light inside the patrol car. we're live in downtown san jose, damian trujillo. nbc bay area news. let's turn things over to jeff ranieri. we've been talking about the potential for lightning. >> the overall risk is minimal, about a 10 to 15% chance of seeing light anything tonight, mainly throughout the north bay. most of the strikes continue across the sierra, but for that slight risk of any kind of lightning in marin, napa and sonoma counties, that red flag warning is in place. we're looking at erratic winds that's helping that danger stay up there. 15 to 30 miles per hour. we'll take you outside to the sky camera network right now. and otherwise it was a beautiful start off to the week for man eve us. plenty of blue sky as we check out the north bay skyline. the increased fire danger, mix of sun and clouds in san francisco. mild with 73 degrees in the peninsula. and a great night here in the south bay. we do want to get a quick check of the hottest area at 82. right now, the thing in the atmosphere that's helping to import cooler air is opper level system. it's not very strong, a little bit of uplift this time of year, this is pulling in some moisture and we may have a slight risk of lightning up into the north bay. what you're going to see as we head throughout tomorrow morning is a very slight chance of showers. you see green showing up along the coastline, the tri valley and north bay. so spotty showers possible at 7:00. also a few areas of clouds. then as we head throughout the day we see clouds clear back. with that red flag fire warning in effect we also want to get a look at the wind speeds. you can see a lot of blue on this map. corresponds to the key down here. through tomorrow morning, it still stays only about 10 to 20 miles per hour. so, again, not extreme lay gusty, but with that possible of lightning, we may have a few fire sparks. so we take you into the microclimates forecast. for some of the bay area, this is the first day back to school for those kids can. so as you know we've got enjoyable weather. san jose, 85 degrees, morgan hill, 84. cool to cold at the coastline at pacifica with 65. and throughout san francisco, chilly, right up against the water, and by sunset, 73. and let's take you to napa and santa rosa, the highest risk of lightning. and for the tri valley, we will stay out of the 100s. so while some kids go back to school for tomorrow. others get one more weekend out of summer vacation. and if you hook ahead towards next saturday and sunday, comfortable weather with some 80s. 70s along the eastern shoreline. and for the tri valley, right around 90 degrees. >> thanks so much, jeff. harrison barnes takes his swing to the links, but he may be better at shooting and dribbling than putting. gerard has the latest next in sports. not off to a good pre-season start, but the niners are back on the field practicing. gerard moncure joins us. >> they came up with a good plan. they did an extended stay on the east coast, that way you don't arrive 24 hours before a game. the starters play maybe a series or two onhop back on the plane and come home. seems like a waste of time. but they may not have got and lot of accomplished during a short appearance. but they made the cross country jaunts well worth their while. the brothers harbaugh extended the family feud. goal line, the two-minute drill and special teams. younger brother afterwards marveling over the hospitality his team received. >> we're professional football organization here. of people that have very high standards for how we're treated. and not one complaint, not one complaint is, i mean, that's rare. that's rare to get, so, you know, that, not one complaint from anybody. it speaks volumes. that really says it all. and ravens, first class all the way. >> i've said this before. when you play against your brother, it's unique. i don't like dwelling on it too much. you look over every now and then say, wow, that's pretty neat. it was fun to work together. smart guy, even more respect for him now than i had of about. >> meanwhile the silver and black broke ground today. they will be in oxnard before returning to alameda for friday's game against the detroit lions. >> we got a lot of good work done here. i like where we're a we're still in training camp mode practicing against the cowboys for a couple days, i think that will be great for our football team, get to go against somebody else for a change. we've got a lot accomplished and a lot of things we got to get better at, but i like the direction we're headed. >> bottom second, oakland already spotting kc a 1-0 lead. escobar centers. 2-0 royals, but in the top of the third, here comes oakland, a's with the bases loaded. brandon moss at the dish coming up with the clutch rbi knocked off ventura. coco crisp makes the trip home. it's at 2-2 in the sixth inning. harrison barnes is one amazing athlete, a golfer he is not. this summer he hit a course in his hometown of ames, iowa, and the results were tape worthy. >> if i wasn't playing in the nba, i'd probably be a professional golfer. it allows me to put my tee times on line. i go to city of and before i know it i'm already hitting the breeze. the next time you go to make a tee time, book it online. >> my golf game is kind of similar. so i stay clear of all courses. that's it studio wise. we leave you tonight with final thoughts on the death of robin williams. he was found dead this morning in his tiburon home. authorities received a 911 call just before noon today. they suspect williams may have committed suicide by asphyxia. he was a kind man, soulful man who had recently battled depression. the lights are going out at comedy clubs across the country tonight. the laughter silenced by an anguish that only robin williams could understand. >> you can go to our web page for more information. actor robin williams dead at the age of 63. safeway understands you got to make every dollar count these days. that's why they have lots of ways for you to save. real big club card deals, the safeway app and gas rewards. this week fresh off the vine seedless green and 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"extra" with new information and our favorite moments with the beloved funny man. dwayne "rock" johnson's mother in a head-on collision with a drunk driver. breaking new details, now, on "extra." nascar tragedy. the shocking video of champion racer tony stewart, hitting and killing fellow driver kevin ward. could the nascar superstar face jail time? the kardashians robbed. the hunt for the thieves today. and kim steals the red carpet at the teen cic

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