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President trump today removed chief strategist steve bannon from the National Security council. [ cheers and applause ] bannon will go back to doing what he does best, drinking vanilla extract in a gas station bathroom. [ laughter ] in an interview with the New York Times, President Trump defended fox news Host Bill Oreilly against allegations of Sexual Harassment. Because thats who you want defending you. [ light laughter ] what, was bill cosby too busy . He seemed like a nice guy who wouldnt do the touching and the thing. [ cheers and applause ] President Trump said today he is working very, very hard to create peace between israel and palestine. Said trump, theyre absolutely my two favorite real housewives. [ light laughter ] according to a new report, amazon is now worth twice as much as walmart. In response, walmart announced that theyre planning to open a second checkout lane. [ laughter and applause ] got to stay competitive. Got to stay competitive, walmart. The nfl and amazon have reached an agreement to allow amazon prime users to stream thursday night Football Games in the coming season. Although adding reviews seems like a bad idea. [ laughter ] according to a new study, male snakes live for a shorter amount of time than female ones, because they become overworked during mating season. That must be rough, you and your bros have all that sex and you cant even high five. [ light laughter ] the cleveland zoo announced today that its rare black rhinoceros is pregnant. They made the announcement right after she confirmed it with a rhinocologist. [ laughter and applause ] okay. Reluctant. And then my dream came true. I got reluctant applause for the rhinocologist joke. [ laughter ] a group of High School Journalists recently caused their new principal to resign after they published an expose revealing her credentials were fake. The students were thrilled until they remembered who the vice principal was. [ laughter and applause ] be careful what you wish for. A couple in california recently had a Harry Potterthemed wedding. And the best man ended up giving one of the bridesmaids hogwarts. [ laughter ] they they were with me for rhinocologist, but that was it. [ laughter ] their like, hey, you cant push us. And finally, as we mentioned earlier, last night pepsi debuted a new commercial and it has everyone talking, lets take a look. We are the chosen we gonna shine out the dark we are the movement this generation seth and a lot of people thought that commercial was tone deaf. In fact, pepsi pulled the ad earlier today due to the backlash, and released an alternate ending. But im not sure its any better, lets take a look. We are the lions we are the chosen were gonna shine out the dark we are the movement this generation [ light laughter ] we are the lions we are the chosen we going to shine out the dark we are the movement this [ laughter ] were going to need backup. [ cheers and applause ] seth i think they nailed it. I think they nailed it. You guys, we have a great show for you tonight. [ cheers and applause ] from tbs Angie Tribeca, Rashida Jones. Our friend Rashida Jones is on the show tonight. I dont know if you guys have been watching, the final season of girls, its been fantastic. Hes been fantastic on it, one of our favorites on the show as well, Andrew Rannels joins us again. [ cheers and applause ] he is a wellknown lawyer, scholar, and author and his latest book electile dysfunction is out now, my friend Alan Dershowitz is on the show. [ cheers and applause ] talk politics with him. Before we get to all that, today President Trump defended fox news Host Bill Oreilly, amid revelations that oreilly has been accused by several women of Sexual Harassment. Of course, its just the latest example of the symbiotic relationship between fox news and trump. For more on this its time for a closer look. [ cheers and applause ] you probably have at least a passing familiarity with fox news. If youve ever visited an elderly relative or gotten drunk at a bar in a small town applebees. [ light laughter ] but before we get to the Sexual Harassment scandal, its important to understand just how influential fox news is right now, particularly with one viewer, the president of the united states. In fact, just this past monday, trump once again started his day by repeating things he had just seen on the network tweeting, such amazing reporting on unmasking and the crooked scheme against us by fox and friends. And fox news from multiple sources, there was electronic surveillance of trump and people close to trump, this is unprecedented, fbi. [ light laughter ] he actually tagged the fbi in his tweet. Its only a matter of time before trump started conducting diplomacy via yelp. [ light laughter ] north korea, very crazy, bad hair, four stars. [ laughter ] but of course it would make sense that trump would trust fox and friends since they routinely give him sycophantic coverage. Like when they interviewed him in february and spent part of it taking a white house tour. They even got to see in trumps words, a surprise guest. Got a nice place. Its a good place. Do you know where youre going yet . I do, i really have it pretty well figured out. Were actually going to make a trip downstairs and you may have a surprise downstairs. I wonder whos in here. Lets see whos in here. Well never figure this out. So this is a room where i believe youre going to find the first lady. Oh, hello, first lady. Hi. Hello, how are you . How are you . What are you up to . Just working. Seth just working. [ laughter ] on an escape tunnel. [ laughter ] so thats basically [ cheers and applause ] basically trumps relationship with fox news in a nutshell. They give him glowing, unquestioning coverage. And in return, he gives them unparalleled access. And theyll go to absurd lengths to defend him. Like on friday, when fox host eric bolling tried to compare president obamas First Quarter in office, which was dominated by the financial crisis, to President Trumps First Quarter. A comparison so dumb, even his fellow panelists started laughing at him. The First Quarter in the books yesterday or today, right . Last day of the quarter. So i did a little bit of a a little scorecard going comparing the Trump Administration to obama. One quarter in. Overconfidence. Thats not fair look at these numbers. Oh, thats not fair. [ talking over each other ] now take it full screen again. [ talking over each other ] average home price, oh my gosh. So unfair. Its not even close, 390,000 versus 258 its essentially all from obama. Seth you know, id even argue trumps a better president than george washington, just take a look. [ laughter ] washington had 16 states, trump has 50. [ cheers and applause ] washington had wooden teeth, trumps are real. And while washington never told a lie, trump has told all of them. [ cheers and applause ] suck it, george. And with that kind of glowing coverage, trump often goes out of his way to advertise for fox news shows like he did last week when he tweeted, watch fox and friends now on podesta and russia, and watch judge jeanine on fox news tonight at 9 00 p. M. The president literally just recommends tv shows now. Our police are doing a fantastic job tonight on an allnew blue bloods. [ laughter ] instead of a bible trump should have been sworn in on a tv guide. [ light laughter ] so fox is basically the closest thing we have to state tv. In fact, the relationship between trump and fox news has turned into something of a Mutual Appreciation Society where they heap praise on one another. At one point trump praised fox and friends and then that clip was played on fox and friends where it blew steve doocys mind. Fox and friends in the morning . Theyre very honorable people. [ light laughter ] wow. What do you think about that . [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] seth it was like steve doocy did a giant bong rip right before watching that clip. [ laughter ] what do you think of that . Now to be fair, there are a few fox news anchors who covered the Trump Administration skeptically and subjected his team to rigorous interviews, like chris wallace, Shepard Smith and others. But of course, trump doesnt like to quote those guys in his twitter feed. Instead, he prefers people like the fox and friends and of course, one of his favorite sources, bill oreilly. In fact, you might remember that when trump tweeted out of nowhere in january, that he might send the feds to chicago, it had been uttered nearly verbatim an hour earlier by oreilly. And then of course, there was the time trump saw a fox news segment about sweden and suggested there had been a terrorist incident there, even though there was not. Oreilly covered the incident by interviewing a guest named nils bildt, whom oreilly identified as a swedish defensive National Security adviser. Theres just one problem, it turns out that guy has not lived in sweden for a very long time and no one within the swedish Security Community seems to know him. [ light laughter ] it was almost as embarrassing as the time oreilly thought he was interviewing swedens prime minister. People who are raised in sweden feel safe, that is what youre saying . [ imitating swedish accent ] [ laughter ] seth its an excellent point. Oreillys routinely defended trump, even when trump has done the indefensible. Like during the campaign, when oreilly declined to play parts of the infamous access hollywood tape, on which trump brags about committing Sexual Assault, dismissing it as mere crude guy talk. 2005, donald trump was doing a segment with access hollywood, he was speaking with the entertainment reporter billy bush privately about women. The Washington Post somehow acquired that audiotape. Im not going to play too much of it because its crude guy talk. Seth thats right, crude guy talk. Its the same reason im not going to play this bill oreilly clip. Well do it live [ bleep ] it. [ laughter ] do it live i can ill write it, and it well do it live [ bleep ] thing sucks. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] seth what happened . Mixup in the booth. Hey, well, when theres a mixup in the booth i say thats cool, dudes. And if it seemed outrageous to you at the time that oreilly would try to dismiss trumps apparent Sexual Assault confession as crude guy talk, it might make a little more sense now after the news that broke over the weekend. Less than one year after a Sexual Harassment scandal brought down its chairman and ceo, fox news is facing more explosive accusations. This time surrounding primetime heavyweight bill oreilly. The New York Times reports five women have now received payouts from oreilly or fox news, since 2004, totaling 13 million. After reports of Sexual Harassment or other inappropriate behavior from bill oreilly, when you read the details, five women, paid out 13 million. How does this man still have a job . Seth five women, 13 million. Thoughts, steve . Wow. [ laughter ] seth so far fox news has not taken oreilly off the air, but that could change soon because now, that these settlements are public the news is starting to hit fox news where they care most, their wallet. The backlash continues today for one of the most outspoken hosts on television. More than 20 major advertisers now pulling their spots from the oreilly factor. Glaxis, bayer, glaxosmithkline are some of the latest companies to pull commercials from the program. Mercedesbenz, bmw, hyundai have all announced theyre pulling ads from oreillys show. Seth soon the only advertisers left on his show are going to be ivanka trumps clothing line and Steve Bannons skin worsener. [ laughter ] and yet in spite of all of this, youll never guess who came to oreillys defense today, donald trump. Trump told the New York Times, personally, i think he shouldnt have settled, because you should have taken it all the way. I dont think bill did anything wrong. Of course, not settling and taking it all the way was what got oreilly in trouble in the first place. [ light laughter ] now of course, this is not an isolated incident. Oreillys former boss roger ailes, was ousted after a Sexual Harassment scandal. And even after that, oreilly was a vocal defender of fox news. In fact, last year after megyn kelly wrote a book discussing the ailes scandal, oreilly was asked about it on cbs and became so irate, it freaked out the host of the show. Youre not interested in Sexual Harassment . Im not interested in basically litigating something that is finished that makes my network look bad. Okay . Im not interested in making my network look bad. At all. That doesnt interest me one bit. Ive got a kids book that i want millions of kids to look at. Thats what im interested in, not making my network look bad. But if your network is affected by it excuse me, i feel a little threatened here. All right. Are you okay . [ laughter ] seth are you okay . Because youre acting like a [ bleep ] lunatic. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] also, bill oreilly had a Childrens Book . [ laughter ] what was it called, fox and sox and nothing else . [ laughter ] [ audience ohs ] ailes reportedly created a culture of intimidation and retaliation at fox news. A culture fueled by paranoia and suspicion. In fact, ailes was reportedly so paranoid, that he told many people at fox the clintons have tried to assassinate him. Ailes said hes been trained by the cia. Cia . The Culinary Institute of america . [ laughter ] because dude, you dont exactly look like jason bourne, you look like jabba the hutt ate jason bourne. [ laughter and applause ] so, this is the network this is the network that the president relies on for information. A network with an archaic culture of Sexual Harassment, fear, and intimidation, that also serves with a few exceptions as his propaganda arm, or as steve doocy might put it wow. [ light laughter ] seth this has been a closer look. [ cheers and applause ] well be right back with our friend Rashida Jones, everybody [ cheers and applause ] its an important question you ask, but one i think with a simple answer. We have this need to peek over our neighbors fence. And once we do, we see wonder waiting. Every step you take, narrows the influence of narrow minds. Bridges continents and brings this world one step closer. So, the question you asked me. What is the key . Its you. Everything in one place, so you can travel the world better. With the deduction findingombine superpower of ibm watson . Ah you get more money. Thats what you could get. H r block with watson. Get your taxes won. Degree has redefined deodorant with motionsense technology. So that i can redefine. Power. Footwork. Range. And the more i move, the more it works. Giving me superior protection. On, and off, the court. Degree. It wont let you down. [laughs] you have a side that is retired playing tag and gettin tired. You have a side that saves for their tuition. But right now it looks like bedtime is the mission. A side that owns your own store. Looks like you need to expand some more. Thats why theres nationwide. They help protect and grow your many sides. Nationwide is on your side. [ cheers and applause ] seth welcome back, everybody. Please give it up for the 8g band right over there. [ cheers and applause ] welcome back with us, tonight on drums, hes worked with everyone from alice cooper and the great aretha franklin. To shakira and Julian Lennon and is also the publisher of drumhead magazine. This summer hell be reuniting with joe satriani marking the 30th aniversary of the groundbreaking album surfing with the alien jonathan mover, everybody [ cheers and applause ] thank you. Seth thank you so much for being here jonathan. My pleasure. Seth our first guest tonight is a talented actress you know from hit shows like the office and parks and recreation. Her documentary series hot girls wanted turned on begins streaming april 21st on netflix. She also stars in the tbs comedy Angie Tribeca. Which returns for its third season april 10th. Lets take a look. Welcome back, tribeca, not a moment too soon. Im afraid the unthinkables happened. A rich white mans disappeared. Duncan finesworth iii, disappeared from his helicopter two days ago. Im pretty sure its the third, sir. Already, seeing a pattern. Howd we get along without you . What do we know about this guy, other than his dad and grandfathers first name . Married, three kids, got rich inventing an oil that doesnt wash off penguins. Got it. And tribeca, if you need to split time between your son and the office well work around it. Not a problem, sir. We sent lil angie off to a private boarding school in maine. Oh, were really hoping he gets in. [ laughter ] seth please welcome back to the show our good friend Rashida Jones [ cheers and applause ] seth hi, rashida. Hi, seth. Seth its so lovely to see you. So lovely to see you too. Seth i mean this in with the highest praise, your show Angie Tribeca is brilliantly stupid. Thank you so much. [ laughter ] seth it is the stupidest show, that obviously very brilliant people work on. Thank you so much. Seth yeah. Dumb is a compliment here. Seth yeah. Yeah. Seth well you you guys craft its dumb in a bottle. Its like a ship in a bottle, but its dumb. [ light laughter ] because its incredibly well crafted and delicate. Thank you, yes. Seth and what is angie up to this year . You guys are tracking a serial killer. Were tracking a serial killer and im back to my old tricks, which is being obsessed with work, so my work is finding this guy and im completely obsessed. Seth and you guys have fantastic guest stars on the show. Its pretty nuts, actually. And im im waiting for somebody to come and tell me its a joke. But yeah, we have really great guest stars. We have natalie portman, chris pine. Seth thats great. Ed helms, rachel dratch. [ cheers ] seth and most of these are just calling up a friend and saying, do you want to come be stupid for the day . Theres some crying and begging involved. Seth okay, gotcha. Yeah, yeah. But yes, thats thats the point. Seth you have my number jones. Im telling you. Any time, meyers. Seth if you need to be a dummy for you on tv. I want you to be dumb. Seth okay good. And i want you to do it with me. Seth i know you watched a lot of cop shows to to craft your character. Yes. Seth this was not a tossed off it was method. Seth Angie Tribeca came from multiple sources. Oh, yeah, years of training. You learned a technique from Vincent Donofrio who used to be on law and order. Yeah. Seth what is the donofrio . The donofrio is kind of like a its an interrogation tactic, and its sort of like a casual looking around while asking questions. And then a kind of like slow almost like a half pushup onto the table, and then just like a like a look up. Seth oh, yeah. You know . [ laughter ] seth yeah. And hes got you. Its over. Seth yeah, you would have me right there, yeah. And the turn. Yeah. Seth i felt very confident that i wasnt going to give it up, and then the look, and i was like, i murdered them all. Yeah. Thats what im saying. Even if you didnt do it youre saying you did it. Seth this was very exciting, i heard this but then so your actual parents, quincy jones and peggy lipton. Thats them. Seth played your parents on the show. Yep. Seth you cut them. [ laughter ] no, no. Seth is this true . I did not cut them. They were i actually thought about this today. I was like, i cant believe this happened. But i guess we recast my dad. Seth yeah. [ light laughter ] so, did they air as your parents . No, no. Seth okay. They were in the pilot. And it was just long. Seth okay, gotcha. It was like a great scene, it was so funny and sweet. But because its a bit of like a recurring thing listen, my dad is a very talented man. You cant have it all. Seth right. Okay . So we recast him with ernie hudson. Seth okay, gotcha. Who is a fantastic actor and i was like seth so wait, for all of quincy jones accomplishments he got recast in his daughters show. [ laughter ] playing her father. [ applause ] like i said. The man is seth yeah, well i a pure god of talent. Seth i want to speak to exactly the level of father that he is, because Drew Barrymore posted this on instagram. Mmhmm. Seth and this is a photo of you and your sister, and Drew Barrymore and your dad. Mmhmm. Seth and e. T. Mmhmm. Seth so ill show this photo first. So that and look at baby rashida down there. Thats me. [ audience aws ] seth and so how did this come about . And were you excited to meet e. T. . Excited, what . Its still the best day of my life. Seth okay. [ light laughter ] no joke, it was a surprise and i was i just happened to be wearing an e. T. Tshirt and had my e. T. Doll because i was that e. T. Obsessed. Seth wait you didnt no idea at all. No. Seth so you didnt know you were going to meet e. T. , but you had that stuff . No, idea. Seth okay, gotcha. So that was i mean that was it. Thats the pinnacle of my life. Seth when e. T. Met you, was he like, whoa desperate. He was like, chill out man. Seth yeah. Like, stalker in the house. Get her out of here. But you can see im super intense. Seth yeah. And its like its an important day for me. Im like not kidding around there. Seth how did when you meet the e. T. , like how like as a kid were you like, oh, thats just a puppet . Like what was your what . No. Seth okay. Wait, hes not real . Seth no, i dont know how to tell you this. [ light laughter ] dont tell me that. I actually still kind of think that hes real. Seth gotcha. But that was a great day. And thats just fantastic. Yeah, its great. Seth and how did it come about . What was your dads connection with e. T. . My dad i guess my dad was producing this Michael Jackson storybook. Seth uhhuh. It was like this thing inspired by e. T. , because Michael Jackson loved e. T. , and he did like seth that tracks. He did like six songs inspired by his love for e. T. Seth have we ever heard the Michael Jackson e. T. Sessions . I know that its out. Seth okay. But theres definitely like pictures of them together on the cover. Seth okay, great. Yeah, look it up. Seth ill have to go through the old vinyl bins. [ light laughter ] so you did this documentary hot girls wanted a couple of years ago now. Mmhmm. Seth and that was a Netflix Documentary then, yeah . Yeah, yeah, we sold to it netflix out of sundance. Seth and so now its a series. Mmhmm. Seth and so is it six episodes . Is that six episodes, right. Seth and so this is basically, you decided to make a documentary, and now a documentary series about the pornography industry. Like, what made you attracted to that in the first place . Well, the movie is about teenage girls who go into amateur porn, its like a genre of porn in miami. And it was fascinating. Theres so much that we uncovered in telling that story. But we wanted to go further. Not necessarily just porn, but sex and technology, and the kind of intersection of the two, and how it affects our lives and our intimacy and our connection or disconnection. So, its an anthology. Theres six different stories about everything from, you know, feminist porn to dating apps, and seth the dating apps interesting. It was a very interesting episode to me, because you sort of follow like a 40yearold guy whos very in the scene. Like, what was your takeaway of people who were in the dating apps . You know, i think theres this weird thing where it feels so intimate, because youre like you know, youre able to have all this accessibility, but the truth is, like, people feel lonely. Seth yeah. It kind of makes people feel lonely. But you know, having choice doesnt necessarily mean youre guaranteed happiness. Seth we dodged a bullet with dating apps. I feel like we got out of the i mean, we got were old. Seth yeah, were old. We did it. Seth we did it. [ laughter ] because, we we were friends, like, a decade ago. We used to go out in new york city before apps. Oh, yeah seth and we had to work for it. Yeah, we did. We worked hard. [ light laughter ] seth i feel like a craftsman whos like, and you had to go out and you couldnt just swipe left or right you had to chop the wood [ laughter ] seth you had to hail a taxi you had to go to a bar its true, we survived it. Seth we did survive it. This is was this your first time i cant believe im assuming it was. If it wasnt your like, no a hundred was this your first time on a porn set . [ laughter ] surprisingly, yes, it was. Seth okay, how was it . What was that like . It was it was, at first i was like, wow. Oh, look where i am. I mean, i was directing an episode about seth right. Like female empowerment in porn. And then after ten minutes its like super technical. And its really hard. And i had so much sorry. [ laughter and applause ] seth i want you to know [ cheers and applause ] that i let it go. But certain people in the audience would not. But you guys didnt [ laughter ] how dare you. Seth how dare you. Its really difficult, obviously. [ light laughter ] seth yeah, im sure. And i have a ton of respect for the performers. Because, you know. If theres theres a lot of focus and concentration that has to happen. [ light laughter ] seth well, i can only imagine. With the added people strangers. Pressure. Seth yeah. Strangers watching you. Seth yeah, to be like, oh man, i have to nail it for this porn and this documentary. [ laughter ] yeah, yeah. For everybody in the world, basically. Seth yeah. But you know, i think the biggest thing for us is we wanted to be able to have a conversation about porn. Theres like a giant chasm between like usage and the conversation in this country. So seth yeah, well, i think because obviously so many people feel like they experience it alone that its not a thing where you its private. Seth you dont walk in and say, oh, ive got a great porn story, everybody. Lets talk about porn. [ laughter ] seth yeah. Like we are right now. Seth there you go. Well, at least were getting it out there. Thats true. Seth no matter how hard it is. [ laughter ] thanks for being here, rashida. Thanks, meyers. Seth always great to see you. Great to see you. Seth Rashida Jones everybody. The new season of Angie Tribeca premieres april 10th on tbs. Hot girls wanted turns on turned on . Turned on. Seth begins streaming april 21st on netflix. Well be right back with andrew rannells. [ cheers and applause ] you totanobodys hurt, new car. But there will still be pain. It comes when your Insurance Company says theyll only pay threequarters of what it takes to replace it. What are you supposed to do . Drive threequarters of a car . Now if you had Liberty Mutual new car replacementâ„¢, youd get your whole car back. I guess they dont want you driving around on three wheels. Smart. With Liberty Mutual new car replacementâ„¢, well replace the full value of your car. Liberty stands with youâ„¢. Liberty mutual insurance. Red line, 20 minute delay. Oh, no. rhythmic clatter cant get a signal . 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Kin, flexes for comfort, and has a disposable made for you. Skin smoothing venus razors. Venus [ cheers and applause ] seth welcome back, everybody. Our next guest was a tony nominated actor who is currently starring as Elijah Krantz on the hbo series girls. [ cheers ] the sixth and final season airs sunday nights at 10 00pm. Lets take a look. Will you sing to me . Ill give you one demi but then its lights out. I had to unfollow her on instagram. Its too much negativity. Tell me what you want what you like its okay im a little curious too seth please welcome back to the show, our friend, andrew rannells, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] seth right, its a very right . Seth a very a very serious hi sid. A very serious demi lovato audition. Seth very somber lovato. So somber. Seth so, speaking of somber, last time you were here last time i was here, lets recall seth yeah. It was the night before the election. Seth it was the night before the election. [ light laughter ] you told me everything was going to be fine. Seth i did. [ laughter ] i did. I was so confident. I know. I think we all were. So innocent back then. Seth we were. November seems so seth oh, remember how the trees were different colors. Oh god. Just feel like yeah. Seth how how has it been for you . How has how has postelection been . It was it was not great. [ light laughter ] but it was its not been great. [ light laughter ] personally or whatever yeah its all been a little rocky. But i had a nice distraction that i was still doing falsettos on broadway. Seth falsettos. And this was very exciting. Pbs filmed you guys . Yes, we got to film we got to film the show for pbs for great performances which is were very excited. Thats how i sort of discovered broadway when i was a kid, in nebraska. I never got to see a broadway show until i was much older. So, turning on pbs and getting to see these live broadcasts, they werent live, but like these filmed broadcasts of broadway shows was how i learned about musical theater. And then we got to do one for falsettos which im so proud and super excited about. However, now pbs is like, you know theyre in some peril of losing a lot of funding. Seth a budgetary crisis you could say, yeah. Yes, so we have this thing in the can. Thats business talk. [ laughter ] and its hopefully will air. But im i am nervous that you know seth but i think its really sweet that future gay children of america may not be able to experience the broadway show that i did. But not just the gay children, all of the children. [ laughter ] seth yeah. [ cheers and applause ] pbs its not just for gay kids seth its not just for gay kids. [ laughter ] no, its for all kids. [ light laughter ] because theres a very crucial role that they play in like in folks that dont have access to good prek, and the shows that they air early in the day are a really great way for kids to learn very basic educational skills. And like and thats all on top of all of their other programming, thats all sort of, on the chopping block. Seth i think there is this i think this idea that pbs and npr are only beloved by the coasts but they service so many parts of the rest of the country that dont have other options. So hopefully, yes, the great plains will see your performances in falsetto because they deserve it. And continue to get all the programming they already have. I dont work for pbs, by the way. [ laughter ] im just i just you know, grew up watching seth i saw you with a very comfortable tote bag back stage. [ light laughter ] i want to ask about you did a fundraiser for the aclu. I did. I did, i did. Seth this is last friday on facebook live. Look at that group of people. Well done. Look at look at their [ cheers and applause ] well, look at the sheer panic in my face. Like theres no game face. Its not me being like, cool, im talking to tom hanks. Like i couldnt even pull it together. I just like, freaked out. Seth yeah, and then got you have a little chelsea as well there. And that one. Yes. [ cheers and applause ] seth and so how i know its a fundraiser, but it was on facebook live. So, how were you raising money . It was a like old schoolstyle telethon, that we shot. And your friend tina fey was one of the organizers of it. And basically if tina fey asks you to do anything, you just are like yeah. Seth you do it. Yeah. Like i would have worked a yard sale for her. Like, absolutely [ laughter ] when is it . Ill be there but we went, and it was really great. And theyre obviously like the list of people that were there, was really incredible. However, i still dont fully understand the technology. It was streaming on facebook live. Which was great. And then we were able to sort of interact with people who were watching it and we were taking donations. Seth so you would see video of them . No, it was just like a sort of a Running Stream of, like, comments. So i like but everybody else seemed super good at it. And i was just writing like, thanks, carol [ light laughter ] thanks for your donation, bob like i was just like, typing like nonsense. I dont know if any money came in. [ light laughter ] and then this guy started aggressively asking me like, please, please, ill give 1,000 for tina frys autograph. And i was like, ill sign tina fry on something. [ laughter ] for 1,000, you got it, jerry. I was like, ill send to it you right now. Seth there you go. You have to do whatever you can for the aclu. If you want to forge tina frys yeah, who the [ bleep ] is tina fry . Sorry, that but whos tina fry . Seth from 30 rerk. The star of 30 rerk. 30 rerk. [ laughter ] seth yes, exactly. I want to talk about girls. Yes. Seth im very i was saying backstage, im heart broken. Thank you, thank you. [ cheers and applause ] seth heartbroken its coming to a close. And youve been such a a great support of that show since weve since we started. So, thank you very much. Seth yeah, love it. And a couple of episodes left. How have you felt are you happy with the arc of elijah . Do you do you feel like its over and you say, oh, im so glad it was written that way, im so glad it was performed that way . Yeah, absolutely. I mean, you know, it started as one episode in the first season. And it wasnt supposed to go much beyond that. And or beyond that at all. And the fact that lena and our show runner, jenni konnor, they kept having me back and kept giving me things to do. And this final season, got to sort of exploit my musical theater background a little bit. Seth yeah. Which was really fun. Seth its a great plot its a great plot point. Which was very fun. [ applause ] and i like that i got to do that. No, im so proud to get to be a part of it, and im so proud of what lena created. And, yeah, like no its a strange moment of actual sincerity that im just very on my part. Seth so not this sunday, next sunday, last episode, will you how will you will you watch . Yeah, no, definitely. I havent actually seen the last two episodes. Hbo was very they didnt wanna they didnt release them at all. So i dont know how they all came together. So i will be watching with everyone else. Seth oh, thats good. You guys are going to get together . I dont know if well get together. I mean, lena and i think well both be in los angeles, so i think, you know, well get some hot pockets or some pizza rolls. And well just like cozy up. Seth okay, good. Im going to try to picture i will be very happy knowing that you and lena are watching. She likes a frozen treat. I like a frozen treat. You know. Seth congratulations on an incredible run on the show and everything else. Thank you so much for being here. [ cheers and applause ] andrew rannells, everyone. The Series Finale of girls airs on sunday, april 16th. Be right back with Alan Dershowitz, everybody [ cheers and applause ] hey frankie, whatchu got there . Its an italian hero from subway. Thats a lotta meat on that sandwich well yeah, its got mortadella, spicy capicola. Capicola, niiice. Genoa salami, provolone. Is that mediterranean oregano i smell . Yeah. That thing is loaded. Thats a nice sandwich. You did good, frankie. Tony, come see what frankie did. Subway has the authentic taste everyone loves. Introducing the italian hero. Its our better italian flavor, for a better subway. Im not a customer, but im calling about that credit scorecard. Give it. Sure its free for everyone. Oh well thats nice and checking your score wont hurt your credit. Oh im so proud of you. Well thank you. Free at at discover. 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His book electile dysfunction a guide for unaroused voters is in stores now. [ light laughter ] please welcome to the show, Alan Dershowitz, everybody [ cheers and applause ] seth hi, how are you . Im doing great, how about you . Seth good. I want to get started with this. You are a lifelong democrat, you voted for hillary. Is there anything good about the Trump Administration so far . He is giving us the greatest civics lesson in history. An 11yearold kid came over to me in chicago after i made a speech and said, well, do you think President Trump has violated the emoluments clause . Three months ago id never heard of the emoluments clause. Seth right. Then theyre talking to me about cloture. Theyre talking to me about transactional immunity, about nepotism statutes. Were learning so much from this guy. Seth thats fantastic. Thats a very good way to look at it. Hes educating our youth, with a lot of big words. And how to violate the constitution in myriad different ways. Seth there you go. [ light laughter ] so i im fascinated by this. You were at maralago. Thats right. Seth you had dinner at maralago. And, while you were having dinner the president was also having dinner there, because it was the weekend. [ light laughter ] and he came over to your table. What was that like . Well, he just walked over and he said, you, i want to talk to. And, he started talking to me about the travel ban, about the supreme court, about gorsuch, about the middle east. And i was pleasantly surprised. When it came to the middle east, he was able to really click off the four or five issues that really separate the israelis and the palestinians and he understood that. And he said, im going to get a deal, im going to get a deal. I said to him, mr. President , you know, i didnt vote for you. He said, you were one of the very few. Seth uhhuh. [ laughter ] and he said, but im going to get you next time. And i said, its very uphill, im a liberal democrat. But hey, im an american first. And if you have a great presidency, ill be supportive of that, i want to see every president succeed. But i have my doubts. Does he did he ask for your help with israel . No, no, no. Seth okay. He just said, these are the things i think are important. He knows that im a friend of many of the israeli political figures. And i think he wanted me to convey what he was saying to the Political Leadership in israel. Seth whats it like at that place when he shows up . Well, im the only liberal democrat in the entire restaurant. Seth yeah. Which is why he came over to me, pence came over to me, the secretary of commerce. I was like the new panda in the zoo, in washington. [ laughter ] a liberal democrat oh my god, lets talk to him seth well, thats fantastic. So, i want to talk about this book. You talk basically the premise of this book, which was written before the election, is these were two candidates that were very disliked. And that ultimately people were judging about which one they disliked more, or less i should say. Thats right, the unfavorability ratings now still continue. Seth unfavorability, yeah. And your one of your premises is that the democrats need to move back to the center. Thats right. Seth where it seems to me, i think one of the theories would be that Bernie Sanders and donald trump were the ones that were the extremes. And they seemed to generate a lot more enthusiasm than what the center ultimately generated. Well, Bernie Sanders is the greatest candidate who could never get elected. [ cheers and applause ] i dont think he could ever really win an election. Americans in the end are not going to vote for a socialist. Look, donald trump is seth they voted for a reality star. I know. [ laughter ] seth i mean, i did a socialist versus normal, but yeah. I threw out everything as far as what they will and wont vote for. Look, its interesting. In the book i predicted that i thought trump would win. Because, i looked at what was going on in europe. Seth mmhmm. I didnt like it. I saw brexit. I saw the populists. Were moving in the world to an extremism. The lefts becoming more extreme. Look at great britain, they have a guy named corbyn whos a real extremist. Many parts of eastern europe, we have extremists on the right. I want to see us come back closer, to the center. Look, im a boring, 78yearold white man. So, i want to see us move closer to the center. I want to see the debate between traditional centrist liberals, and traditional centrist conservatives, instead of between extremes. I dont think we benefit when we move the country toward extremes, right or left. [ cheers and applause ] seth what is agreed. But what is so extreme do you feel though bernie pulled hillary away from the center . And if so, the things you mentioned in the book dont strike me as that extreme. Things like a minimum wage no, i support all of that. Seth so what was the price she paid for going farther left . It doesnt seem to me that people voted against hillary because she said Public Education should be free. No, but i think there were people who voted for the extremist green candidate, who cost her votes. People voted for the libertarian candidate who cost her votes. Look, we had some extreme leftists who said they were voting for trump, because hell bring the revolution more quickly. I mean, that worries me. Hillary clinton would have been one of the greatest president s in american history. [ cheers and applause ] she was not the greatest candidate in american history. But she would have been a sensational president. Seth i also want to finish by saying you ran into my son this summer. I did. Seth you gave him the book. Ill give anybody he loved it we just i got to say hes still talking about it today. [ applause ] and thank you so much for being here, alan. Ah, thank you so much. Seth its such a pleasure to talk to you. Appreciate it. Seth Alan Dershowitz, everybody. Electile dysfunction in stores now. Well be right back. [ cheers and applause ] the 2017 nissan altima. A car that can see what you cant. And the new 2017 nissan rogue. A car that could help stop for you. Take on the unexpected. Nissan rogue and altima, with available intelligent safety shield technologies. And now we unleash it onwerful your taxes. Pecies has created. Hello my name is watson. Yep. H r block and ibm watson together. Come see us and get your taxes won. [whistle] hi. Get up to 50 off all dresses. Womens from 15 bucks. Girls from 10. Hi, fashion. Old navy. With motionsense technology. Degree has redefined deodorant so that i can redefine. Power. Footwork. Range. The more i move, the more it works. Degree. It wont let you down. Like paperless, multicar, and safe driver, that help them save on their car insurance. Any questions . Yeah. How do you go to the bathroom . Great. Any insurancerelated questions . Mmhmm. Do you have a girlfriend . Uh, im actually focusing on my career right now, saving people nearly 600 when they switch, so. Wheres your belly button . [ sighs ] ive got to start booking better gigs. Announcer for more late night, go to latenightseth. Com. Follow us on instagram and twitter latenightseth. And be sure to check us out on youtube and facebook. Head over to itunes and subscribe to the late night with seth meyers podcast. Youll get a closer look and more downloaded right to your phone everyday. Businessman 2 weve gone over the numbers several times, and. Businessman 1 yea, yea, yea. You know what im craving right now . Businessman 1 over speaker guacamole and bacon. Audio tech we got a craving go go go music crashing cravings in the crave van. Jacks gonna crash your crave jack hey guys, try my guacamole and bacon chicken sandwich with all white meat chicken, guacamole and pepperjack cheese. Businessman 1 thanks jack. Wait. Were on the 18th floor. How did you get here . Jack hard work. Jack vo you crave it, we serve it. Try my new guacamole and bacon chicken sandwich. Music crave van [ cheers and applause ] seth my thanks to Rashida Jones, andrew rannells, Alan Dershowitz, everybody. Jonathan mover and the 8g band. Stay tuned for carson daly, well see you tomorrow [ cheers and applause ] carson whats up everybody . Im carson daly. This is last call by way of the time new york hotel. Heres tonights rundown

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