Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 500PM 20160512 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 500PM 20160512

you is the name of the deceased victim in the shooting incident today. they is identified as 25 year's shaneiqua marie of vallejo. the shooting happened on this stretch of highway 4 between leverage back there and railroad where we're standing. around midday the highway was completely shut down. it only reopened just before 4:00 this afternoon. shortly before 11:00 this morning the two occupants of this car were shot while driving westbound on highway 4. witnesses say they were in some sort of alter case with the occupants of a white mer says who opened fire. >> subsequently, that black vehicle crashed on the right shoulder and the white mercedes fled the scene. >> a female victim, the driver in this case, was suffering from a gunshot wound. she was transported to the hospital and was pronounced deceased. >> reporter: a male occupant of the car was wounded but is expected to survive. however, in a twist, investigates are not longer sure who was driving and who was the passenger. >> who killed my child? >> reporter: and that led to excruciating moments for this woman who came to the scene fearing that her daughter was the victim. she she's now trying to find out the truth from police. meantime, this is the 19th shooting since november on three bay area freeways, number 18 occurred on april 19th not very far from here on highway 4 at lufr raj. a young man in his 20s was killed. police say they don't think this shooting is linked to the others. >> i don't think this is random. >> we are absolutely concerned. we have partnered up with chp and all our local law enforcement organizations. we have met and we continue to meet on a regular basis in ways to increase the safety not only on the freeway but in our neighborhoods. >> in pittsburg, eric thomas, abc s7 news. we are now getting an update from the san jose police chief involving a man with an ax. let's show you the live picture. also i'll set the scene. officers opened fire on a man they say attacked his mother with an ax in the middle of the street on lansing avenue. it happened just after 7:00 a.m. police say not only was the son going after his mother, but he tried to attack officers. the 26-year-old man and his mom are in the hospital in stable condition. this is the third officer-involved shooting in san jose this year. now the live look at the san jose police department. eddie garcia, the chief. let's listen in. >> subsequently, the suspect and the victim were down on the ground and one of the officers transitioned to his taser. at this point, the suspect was still not responding to commands. the officer deployed his taser, and the taser had little effect. in fact, the suspect actually pulled out some of the briprong that were attached to his body. as the officer was transitioning back to his handgun, the suspect was able to retrieve the ax and at this point struck the victim in the head. at this point, the officer returned fire one once more. the suspect then went down to the ground. both ooffficers were able to approach the suspect and take him into custody. the victim is in stable condition but with serious injuries. the suspect is also expected to survive. before i open it up to questions, based on the initial investigation and with both officer and independent witness statements, there is little doubt in my mind that these officers prevented a homicide in this city. >> you've been listening in on a live news conference. chief eddie garcia muof the san jose police department talking about an incident this morning. he made it clear the officer used a taser first and talked about the incident. the city of walnut creek closed its state park again today because of graffiti. "love me" painted in pink inside one of the bowls at the park was spotted. city officials shut it down calling it a safety issue. you can see gray patch wrz it appears other tags have been removed. the city closed the park last thursday also because of graffiti. and the need to remove it. the skate park is located at heather farm park just off ig naish yoe valley road. moving to politics, things may not be as smooth as they appear to be in bernie sanders' campaign. today sanders parted ways with michael sa raus sew, his california campaign director. the surprise move came after sa raus sew says he advocated for more investment on field and digital organizing than on tv ads in california, a staple of sanders' campaign elsewhere so far. this decision comes weeks before the california primary which sanders says is crucial to his effort to cap you tur the nomination. the warriors are home and up 3-1. >> we have live team coverage. larry beal and mike shumann are inside oracle tonight. >> reporter: and laura anthony is outside with dub nation. she has an insider's look. >> reporter: hi, kristen. here at the warriors team store, t-shirts bearing the words "strength in numbers" are hot sellers. this morning we sat down with warriors president rick welts who told us about the wild success behind the slogan. for the golden state warriors, strength in numbers isn't just a catchy slogan. it's become a way of life a way of winning. >> the wunz that work with the ones that have -- that really tie back to the locker room itself. >> >> reporter: and it comes from the top down says warriors team president to credit steve kerr with bringing the tierm to the team two years ago. >> i think steve kerr from the day he got here and the way he operates, the strength of the team is that everybody has a contribution to make. that's really where the strength in numbers came from. >> reporter: it replaced the "we believe" era that brought some success but nothing like what the warriors and their fans are experiencing now. >> it's the hardest place in the nba to win a basket bault game because of that. not only the great athletes on the team but the atmosphere created every single night at oracle arena. it's legendary. >> warriors fans are clearly all in. strength in numbers, what does that mean to you? >> it's when people gather together and support the team. >> you can feel the energy. we don't have to be even playing at home. you can feel the energy in this town. >> open! >> reporter: after all, no matter the team, what happens on the court is reflected in the fans. in case you're wondering, the war yoorz do have a registered trademark on the phrase "strength in numbers" that allows them to sell these t-shirts and an assortment of other items. obviously you can see they're doing a brisk business. now that we're into the playoffs. in oakland, laura anthony, abc 7 news. now let's bring in abc 7 news sports director larry beal at oracle tonight. hi, larry. >> reporter: hey, dan. you know, one of the unwritten rules in sports is you never want to say anything or put out bulletin board material that is going to upset the opposition, say thing that's are going to fire them up. that is exactly what warriors star forward draymond green did the other night after steph curry's epic performance in overtime. he said flat out, the blazers are done. i think they're done. warriors gm bob myers is among those who don't want him to say things like that. he was just trying to motivate his own squad. >> it's draymond being draymond. it's what draymond does. his mind works in an interesting way, you know? it really does. and in a strange way and ironic way, he doesn't mean any disrespect by it. it's just his way of motivating himself. >> i very seldomly say something to somebody else. it may come off that way, but i very rarely do that. people take it that way, and i understand why. i don't lose any sleep if somebody do take it that way. >> reporter: i'm joined by abc 7's trash talker himself mike shumann who's been known to rule the newsroom with some comments. >> well, draymond doesn't have that filter between his brain and his mouth like a lot offage lets. i don't think he did it intention aly, but portland will take that personally. they have nothing to lose. it's win or go home. that's a dangerous team. i don't think they even needed that motivation from draymond. portland is going to come here to play tonight. this won't be a laydown game tonight. >> don't forget they were up 11 in the fourth quarter of game two. >> they are comfortable. >> this series is not done as draymond would suggest. lots more coming you up on abc 7 news at 6. for now, larry beal, back to the studio. >> good stuff, thanks very much. what happens if a student athlete gets hurt? come up, layer protection at uc schools is about to get some padding. plus, a marin 20-year-old accused of raping another student. what happened in court. one airport says it feels like it's at the breaking appointment wrxt appointment. wondering where your instagram went? tonight the new icon and overwhelming reaction to it. of. >> i'm sandhya patel. get ready for the temperature swings as we get closetory the >> announcer: los altos, antioch, penalty alumina and all the bay area, this is abc 7 news. in boston, a bay area honors student from tiburon stands charge with rape after an alleged rampage through a dorm. the case seems inconceivable to those who know sampson done ick. wayne freedman is live outside the redwood high school . >> reporter: it's been big news in boston, but here in the bay area, those who know sampson doneick knew nothing about his legal problems. how could a kid with so much going for him wind up in such trouble, they wonder? if true, it's the story of a bright young man and star athlete who lived in this house in tiburon gone bad. this is sampson, an honor student and basketball player formerly at m.i.t. pleading not guilty in boston this morning, facing charges of rape, breaking and entering, intent to commit burglary and indecent assault and battery. >> i was one of the people whom he came into my room. >> reporter: police have been trying to identify sampson since last october when witnesses say he entered ten dorm rooms at boston university before sexually assaulting a woman. the victim says she wrapped herself in a blanket and that he fled from the room. others in the dorm say they have yet to recover. >> i kind of am afraid to sleep at night. >> reporter: donik graduated in marin county, no comment from terms students or administration but records show him to have have been a brilliant student. back in his tiburon neighborhood today, those who know sampson say he's a great kid. they can't imagine this happening. >> stay away the campus rnkts but in a boston court today, it became very real. the judge banned him from going anywhere near the boston university campus. his lawyer says it will be a difficult case for the state to prove, even with surveillance video. donik is free now on $10,000 bail. in marin county, wayne freedman, abc 7 news. cal al's top sexual harassment investigator is launching a review of the state's training practices in a wake of widening scandal at uc berkeley. kiffin kish heads the agency that enforces california's civil rights laws. he'll lead a task force that studies the effect of training after misconduct cases sparked national debate about discrimination on college campuses. the university of california has given preliminary approval to a program helping football players and other student athletes. the vote expands the amount of guarantee of financial aid to students if they have a career ending injury. the system was in place at cal and ucla. this proposal would extend the protections to students receiving athletic scholarships at uc davis, irvine, riverside, santa barbara and san diego. it goes to the full uc board of regents tomorrow. a bay area giant is taking a stand tonight against payday loan companies. >> michael finney joins us with that and today's other consumer news. >> this is a huge win for consumer advocates. they've been working on this for a very long time. google announced it would no longer accept advertising for payday loans. consumer advocates don't like the loans because the interest rates are high and borrowers often get trapped in a cycle of paying for the same two-week loan month after month. the center for responsible lending praised the move and "the washington post" says the decision is the first time google has announced a global ban on ads from a broad category of financial products. when you surf the web, your internet provider, mobile or land based, can and do follow you around. they use that information to place ads and potentially build a dossier about you. even if you delete cookies, some of these providers can still track you. today the senate began looking into this with the basic question being, should consumers have the right to prive sieve when on the internet? the federal communications commission wants providers to stop keeping track unless the consumer agrees it's okay. the federal trade commission is not so sure. most major consumer groups have lined up in favor of the proposed fcc rules. airlines and airports warn passengers to arrive two hours early for flights because of long security lines. we have become used to that. but now denver international airport is telling passengers to arrive three hours early. that means travelers taking that advice will, on average, spend 20 minutes more time at the airport than they will actually flying if they're coming here to sfo. the tsa has lost 10% of its screeners while air travel has grown by 9%. three hours at the airport, two hours 40 minutes in the sky. >> they've got to solve this. >> yes. >> it's a problem. >> bring a thick book. >> thanks. palo alto-based tesla motors is in pursuit a a new market. a los angeles police department is testing out the electric car company's model-f sedan. it has two model-s. >>85-d loaner cars. that goes from zero to 60 miles an hour in less than three seconds. the listing price is $105,000. instagram is looking a lot different today. maybe noticed. the san francisco-based company changed p the even tire design of its logo. previously it was a beige retro-looking camera with a small rainbow stripe in the upper corner. now the design is full of bright pink, purple and orange colors. the designer of the old look says he approves of the new icon. the internet was buzzing over the new look. chloe brian tweets, amazing that this portal to a grateful dead concert was chosen as the new instagram logo. and this image was shared. when you open your phone and see the new instagram logo. >> that's funny. >> does the cat approve? let's talk about an absolutely spectacular looking forecast. >> yeah. it's a great day at at&t park, sandhya. >> it sure is. nice and sunny, a little breeze at the game. behind me as well you'll notice the blue skies. now, let's take a look at live doppler 7 hd. along the coast, some areas still foggy on the radar as you'll notice. so we have a wide range of conditions, highs so far in the 50s at the coast to the 80s inland. exploratorium camera from pier 15 showing you the sunshine as we look toward the bay. upper 50s in san francisco, 71 in san jose and 77 in morgan hill frxt our kgo roof camera, the flag is blowing in the wind there. temperatures in the upper 60s for the north bay, santa rosa, na napa. if you head inland, we do have warmth, 78 in fairfield, 81 in livermore. from our santa cruz camera, you can see low clouds still lingering near the beaches. foggy abdz drizzly in the morning, cool conditions at the coast and warm inland tomorrow afternoon with a cooler pattern setting up friday through sunday. tomorrow morning when you get going, there will be some spotty drizzle primarily at the coast. upper 40s to the upper 50s and the fog will be around. so here is a look at our computer animation. clouds will be returning overnight tonight, the low clouds and fog, as we head toward tomorrow morning as commute, yes, there will be drizzle around for the commute time. then the sun will break through bayside and inland, not so much near the coast by 11:00 a.m. we'll keep it on the cloudy side through the afternoon. here are your microclimates for tomorrow, 61 degrees in half moon bay where the fog sits. breezy downtown san francisco, 66 degrees, oakland 73, walnut creek warm and 80 degrees with sunshine, 84 in antioch and also warm. with the breezy conditions going, you add the haze to the atmosphere and the pollen is coming up with the warmth. tree pollen, weed pollen and mold spores all moderate. uv index is high, grass pollen running low. the sneeze factor is high. take a look at your temperatures, speaking of highs, tomorrow afternoon 81 in the south bay in gilroy, 80 in san jose, 79 in santa clara, 78 sunny vale. on the peninsula and palo alto as well, 76 redwood city, san mateo 72, 59 in pacifica and dally city where the clouds linger. 76 downtown san francisco, north bay 75 petaluma and san rafael, 79 in santa rosa 78 nap at that, east bay communities mild and sunny, 73 in oakland, 78 in fremont. inland spots on the warm side, a lot like today, 84 in antioch, 81 concord, pleasanton. accuweather seven-day forecast, a mild to warm thursday. a wide range of conditions typically what wre see as we get closer to summer. friday, the cooling stars xg upper 50s to mid-70s. clouds over the weekend, the breeze is stronger. temperatures will be in the upper 50s to the mid-70s. really from thursday to friday you're going to see a ten-degree drop. don't worry. for those of you who like the warm weather, monday through wednesday of next week we bump up the temperatures. low 60s to low to miefd-80s. we have something for everyone here in the bay area. variety. yeah. the spice of life. thank you sandhya. one of the bay area's top science museums gets a new leader. kristen, dan, the deadly explosion in america that killed 15, tonight what authorities have just revealed. now the reward. the deadly knife attack at the mall, the suspect slashing at random. and breaking news involving prince. what they have just taken from the home. right here after abc 7 news. see you shortly. >> david, thanks very much. new at 6, the massive technology event now under way from smart toys to innovations that will change the way you drive. things that are not breaking news in vallejo. a grass fire off i-80 near the carquinez bridge is affecting eastbound traffic the one lane is closed, 10 to as many as 30 acres and spreading. >> wind is blowing flames and smoke toward glen cove community. no homes are threatened at this time. if you're in the area and can safely share photos, please do so using the hash tag abc 7 now as we continue to look at firefighters dousing the charred area. live coverage continues at abc 7 news. an east bay high school tonight has announced it is dropping its entire football program. the athletic director at mission san jose high and fremont says there isn't enough interest and no coach has applied for the position since the previous coach resigned. he told the "san jose mercury news" it is a safety issue and there are not enough interested players to successfully and safely field teams. any student who wants to play football can apply to john f. kennedy fremont or washington fremont. the exploratorium has gone outside the box to find its new executive director. chris flank was hired from among 327 candidates. he does not have museum experience but has deep roots in the bay area tech sector. for the past 19 years he's been at ideo, a design and consulting firm. 's also taught at stanford. the exploratorium board is looking to reimagine the museum. >> i'm thrilled with how the exploratorium creates innovative experiences that help people learn about the world around them, how it interminute els science and art. >> flank starts as executive director in june. nearly a million people visit the exploratorium every year. >> we are proud to be their media partner. hey hey it's the monkeys and they are headed to the bay area. >> you knew you wanted to sing th hey i think the internet just went down. huh, why don't you give it a sec, it'll come back. something just happened in the world and we have no idea what it was. get high speed internet from at&t with 99.9% reliability for just $30 a month. keep calm, your internet's on. i'm ama daetz in the abc 7 newsroom. new at 6, the mounting pressure on san francisco's police chief. tonight, the city leader now calling for his ouster over the department's racial bias controversy. also, the big problem under local city streets that could produce more sinkholes just like this one. and today's key test of a proposed hyper loop system. it would get you from the bay area to l.a. in just 30 minutes. be sure to join us for those stories, plus much more on abc 7 news at 6. well, the monkeys turns 50 this summer and they're set to go back on tour and release a new album. ♪ she makes me laugh >> the band started as a tv show in the late '60s. four actors and musicians pretended to be a real band. >> well, two of the three surviving members will take part in the new tour including the drummer who grew up in saratoga. >> the tour begins one week from today. >> the band will be in san francisco september the 20th. hey hey it's the monkeys. that's fun. >> come on. another opportunity to sing. >> they were fun. >> "world news" is next. >> we appreciate your time. see you again at 6. let's go outside quickly to sky7 hd. we are live over that grass fire off i-80 near the carquinez bridge. >> in fact, about 10 to 30 acres burned. it's having an impact on i-80, eastbound traffic particularly affected. keep an eye on that. >> good news, no homes are threaten that the point. but stay with us. we'll update this for you on our twitter feed, online and at 6. bye for now. breaking news tonight. the deadly explosion in the u.s., now ruled a criminal act. >> get out of here. please, get out of here. >> 15 people killed in the plant explosion. dozens of homes destroyed. and tonight, authorities now ruling it was intentional. the new reward just issued. the deadly knife attack at an american mall. the man crashing into a store, slashing victims at random. tonight, inside the moments of terror and the heroic off-duty officer. major new developments after this moment. the car pulled over, the chase on foot. the deadly shots. tonight, history made involving that former officer. donald trump and his taxes. will he release them before the election? what he's saying now about the audit and what voters will see and when.

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Stanford , California , United States , Saratoga , Oakland , Redwood City , Santa Clara County , Boston , Massachusetts , San Diego , Washington , District Of Columbia , Irvine , Denver , Colorado , Bayside , San Francisco , Marin County , Berkeley , Boston University , Pacifica , Valley Medical Center , Morgan Hill , Tiburon , Glen Cove , Petaluma , America , American , Wayne Freedman , Laura Anthony , Chloe Brian , Bernie Sander , Eric Thomas , Los Angeles , Santa Barbara , Santa Clara , Eddie Garcia , Santa Rosa Napa , John F Kennedy Fremont , Pittsburg Eric Thomas , Larry Beal , Bob Myers , Steve Kerr , Michael Finney ,

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