Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 400PM 20150429 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 400PM 20150429

it happened at 10:40 this morning here in the tenderloin. 00 parked his blue scion waiting to pick up his wife. the 4-month-old baby girl was in the backseat. he heard banging on his car. >> another individual came up and kicked the vehicle and he tried to pull him over to inspect the car to see if there was any damage. >> another person jumped into the car and drove off. 00 flagged down police who then radioed the description of the car and license plate number. ten minutes later sergeant ken lee was driving on the 500 park of bryant street looking for the car when he thought he spotted it. the suspicious vehicle was here, parked in front of the public defender's office door. >> i only had a partial plate at the time so i wasn't able to confirm if that was the car or not, but once i exit the driver's side door the suspect exited. >> sergeant lee was right on. he said alimou explained what happened. he said he got in the car and there was a baby in the back, so i hand cuffed him and opened the rear door and saw the baby in the backseat still strapped into the car seat. >> reporter: the baby was reunited with her mom and dad. >> we're just doing our job. every single peace officer in the nation would have done the same. >> others would call him a hero. vic lee, abc 7 news. >> a section of san francisco's famed hague street was blocked off for over an hour until a construction crew hit a gas line. they were working around noon when workers punctured a two-inch gas line. nearby residents and businesses were told to shelter in place while pg&e crews worked to stop the leak. they were able to cap the leak by 12:30 and businesses in the area were able to reopen. a popular san francisco pub won't be open any time soon. they were over liverpool lil's as smoke poured from the building at 7:45 this morning. firefighters took to the roofs to attack from above. it's been a neighborhood favorite since the presidio in the '70s. it was once a hangout for joe dimaggio and lincecum was photographed there two weeks ago. >> i'm in shock about it right now. i don't know what's going to happen. it's been here forever. i'm only hoping it's not too badly damaged. so it's got a lot of history in here. >> investigators say the fire may have started in a shed out back. it spread to an office above the bar. the dining area and kitchen suffered heavy smoke and water damage. >> they're a bit shaken and they're okay after someone shot at them overnight while investigating a homicide. police say the officers were working undercover in east oakland when someone opened fire. no one was hit. the man drove off and officers initially only caught two people but after a search of the area around foothill boulevard and 55th 18 they found a third suspect and police recovered two firearms from the scene. >> the bay area is gearing up for warmer temperatures. >> yeah. spencer christian is outside with a look at the accuweather forecast. >> it's warmer today than yesterday and it will be a whole lot warmer tomorrow and here's live doppler 7 hd and from coast to inland, mild to warm conditions prevail across the bay area and as you can see we will see it is clear and we go to a live view looking out over san francisco and blue skies and current temperature readings and oakland, 69 and low 70s in san carlos and 77 and 55 at half moon bay and another live view looking westwood under clear skies and it's currently 79 in santa rosa and petaluma and fairfield and concord and 79 at livermore and as we look down on to the bay from mount cam. the coast is clear tonight and we'll have bright, clear skies tomorrow morning and tomorrow afternoon sunny and warm generally and hot in our inland area with the high temperatures getting up into the low to mid-'90s in the warmest inland spots and we'll have low '70s on the coast and around the bay. how long will this last? well, i'll have the accuweather seven-day forecast later. dan and ama? >> thank you very much spencer. turning to baltimore and an unusual sight just days after the city was rocked by violence. for the first time in history a major league baseball game was closed to the public. >> the orioles and the white sox played in an empty ballpark certainly a strange sight. the city was hoping to prevent the looting that broke out in response to the custody death of freddie gray. karen travers is live in baltimore. karen? >> reporter: good evening ama and dan. we were at camden yard earlier today and came over to city hall because there is where all the action is. there was a large protest that is here, young kids high school and college age from nearby universities out here on the streets trying to get their message across and one thing we heard very clearly, they're angry and they're very upset with how they feel they've been ignored and at the same time violence is not the answer. you have to get out into the communities and make change. >> things are getting closer to normal here in baltimore. >> we want to get people out there today and going about their business. we think there's no question in my mind that the city is safe. >> the tourist spots like the national aquarium all reopened and the baltimore symphony held a free concert outside in downtown baltimore. >> and after two consecutive canceled games, the baltimore orioles were back in action this afternoon at camden yard. but this game made major league baseball history. it was closed to the public. the gates were locked and no fans were allowed in and just the orioles and the chicago white sox. >> what's going on outweighs what we're doing here. the city wide curfew that went into effect was effective. >> of those 35 arrests 34 were adults and one was a juvenile. >> just in time to clear out the street and police used smoke and flash bangs after protesters used bottles and the show worked and the crowd soon thinned out. community leaders continued their pleas for calm. >> we're looking for swift answers all across the city. >> karen travers reporting from baltimore and people are continuing to talk about the baltimore mother who disciplined him, maybe you saw this video. the story is getting thousands of likes on the abc 7 facebook page. join the conversation and let us know what you think about this mom at coming up at 4:30, you will hear from the son for the first time in a new sitdown interview for abc news. >> we'll have more coverage of the baltimore riots on air and online and our coverage continues on abc 7 news. the runoff into a south bay creek and there is a multimillion dollar settlement between a cupertino carry and regulators. >> david louie is live at rancho san antonio park with details. david? >> reporter: it's a little bit hazy here but the quarry is right over there and for years neighbors have been complaining that the quarry has been dumping toxic chemicals into the permanente creek and it was from federal regulators. it was apparent victims of the high levels of sillen yum that the nearby quarry was dumping into the water. >> this facility has been operating for 80 years here and for 80 years they've been using their creek as their own personal sewer and this is a great day. >> the quarry's owners will spend $5 million to install equipment to clean up waste water and pay a penalty. the epa the u.s. department of justice and state agencies forged the agreement under a court consent decree meaning it will be under continuous scrutiny. >> if you violate the consent decree, it becomes an owner of the court. >> the money will be spent primarily on two things and one enhanced waste water treatment so that the water that does come out meet federal standards and redesign the way that storm water and processed water is captured. the cement company issued a statement, quote we are pleased to resolve these issues with an agreement that is aligned with our company's commitment to operating in a safe and environmentally responsible manner. environmentalists are pleased. >> it's nice to move forward to clean this up so we can make progress and have a better environment for us, for the fish and frogs. >> in los altos hills, david louie, abc 7 news. [ laughter ] still ahead on abc 7 news at 4:00, tears of joy. a california family gets the news from nepal they've been waiting for all week. and japan's prime minister addresses the joint session of congress and the reason a south bay congressman is calling this visit shocking and shameful. >> and we're just two days away from possible may daydemonstrations across the bay area. new at 4:30, the plans for protesters and the police. 7 on your side's michael finney is taking your questions on twitter and facebook and he'll answer them live later and just search for michael fin owe facebook and twitter to ask him. checking the macarthur maze on your traffic, on the left hand side that is your 80 eastbound and it is not moving anywhere at this point and just inching along on the right hand side and that curve coming around to head out to the bay bridge and into san francisco moving covering venetia san ramon, san mateo and all the bay area, this is abc 7 news. [ laughter ] >> tears of joy and incredible relief for the family of a local man missing since the deadly quake in nepal over the weekend. 21-year-old spencer dickinson is alive. his dad bob said this experience has been the most terrifying of his life and he says he'll always remember the sheer joy he felt at 7:52 last night when the call from spencer came in. >> dad -- hi dad. those were the first words and i was -- screaming and he goes dad, be quiet. he goes i'm on a fat phone i've only got a couple moments. call my mom tell her i'm okay. >> you can understand how the dad felt. dickinson says the feeling of sheer joy -- of shared joy with his ex-wife was incredibly powerful and their son has been traveling the world since october and his dad isn't sure if he comes home right away, but he sure hopes he does. that's a positive story and the death toll from saturday's earthquake is more than 5200 people and rescuers are not giving up hope still. emergency responders and volunteers are desperately searching for anyone still trapped in the rubble. the drone shows the destruction the quake caused in kathmandu. alex marquart is in nepal and has more on how search teams are still finding people alive beneath all of that debris. >> reporter: a race against time, now four days after the massive quake the clock is running out in the search for survivors. >> we were there when a young man was pulled out, trapped for 82 hours. >> today in the hospital rish icannal said he had been banging loudly on the rubble before rescuers finally responded. almost four days with nothing to eat or drink. it's the rural areas that have been the hardest hit. rescue helicopters flying nonstop evacuating the wounded to hospitals. today we visited the small town of sanku where around 100 people died and block after block of the beautiful old homes destroyed and families salvaging what they can from the debris. it sounds like you can appreciate the full extent of the destruction from this earthquake. elsewhere, there are pockets of devastation, but here it's block after block, entire houses delved on the left, on the right and then you go down streets like this one and all you can see is ruin. the death toll is now over 5,000, but the government warning it could double. among the dead four americans. the embassy telling abc news today hundreds more are unaccounted for. in the capital, clashes with police over the lack of food and water while thousands of others try to flee, afraid of aftershocks. >> foreign aid is coming, but not fast enough. alex marquart, abc news, kathmandu, nepal. >> now so many people want to support relief and recovery efforts in nepal. find out how you can help through our give where you live effort at abc 7 we have breaking news out of santa cruz county to tell you about. take a look at this little girl. she's missing. her name is ytzel so to. she was supposed to board a bus, but it's not clear if she ever did. she was last known to be wearing a black shirt and black pants and carrying a tinkerbell backpack. if you know anything call watsonville police. help them find her and call 911. in other news tonight japanese prime minister shinzo abe hailed a new chapter in his country during a joint address to a session of congress. the security of asia and the world, and he emphasized japan's long alliance with the u.s. and voiced support for the transpacific partnership, a multilateral trade deal that includes the u.s. [ indiscernible ] >> -- for lasting peace and prosperity, that is for the sake of our children and our children's children. >> abe is the first japanese leader to speak before congress. he expressed eternal condolences for the american lives lost during world war ii, but he did not apologize for atrocities toward asian neighbors and suffering to the people in asian countries. abe traveled to los angeles tomorrow and the bay area later this week. >> abe's comments on world war ii fell short for san jose congressman mike honda and bay area organizers of the protest yesterday on the call that it's shocking and shameful that abe didn't explicitly apologize for japan's use of so-called comfort women during world war ii. they've never apologized for kidnapping 200,000 girls from around asia and forcing them into sexual slavery despite worldwide condemnation. let's move on and talk about the weather forecast midweek. spencer christian has the latest on the forecast, spencer? >> lovely day and a little breezy right now and it will shift tomorrow and bring us an offshore flow which will contribute to the warm up and here's a live look as it prevails across the bay area. let's take a close-up of the 24-hour temperature change and it's several degrees warmer right now in virtually all looks than at this hour yesterday and the exception is half moon bay. blue skies over the bay and over the embarcadero. the forecast features will be hot inland the next few days and coastal cooling begins friday and cooler in all areas this weekend. let's see what's happening atmospherically and high ridges of weather expanding and it will help set up the warm pattern. at 11:00 tonight we'll see basically an onshore flow still breezy along the coast but by tomorrow morning we'll have a bit of an offshore pattern developing now and of course, that will assist the warm-up which will be quite significant and tomorrow's highs will range from low to mid-70s on the coast to lower 90s inland and much warmer in the inland areas tomorrow and notice on friday, light sea breeze will start to cool the coastal areas down and locations around the bay, but it will still remain in the low 90s and many inland spots and the cooling spreads inland as the marine layer and its marine flow will return. >> low temperatures in the low 50s and tomorrow the sunny and warm to hot day in the south bay with highs in the upper 80s to near 90 in the south bay and look for 87 and los gatos in the peninsula and down to mountain view and low to mid 70s on the coast and downtown san francisco will have a high of 76 tomorrow. it will be near 90 degrees and santa rosa napa, and calistoga, we'll see low to mid 80s and 83 and oakland, 83 and fremont and the inland east bay will sizzle with highs in the upper 80s at walnut creek and low 90s in fairfield, antioch and livermore and here is the accuweather seven-day forecast and it remains quite warm on friday and warm around the bay as well. we'll have cooler conditions and the steady pattern on sunday in the upper 70s inland and upper 60s around the bay and upper 50s on the coast. dave and ama? >> thanks very much. >> up next, the daredevil known for his sky high death-defying stunts does it again. new after 4:30 campus concerns at ♪ when you just can't seem to escape... another sneeze attack... you may be muddling through allergies. don't get caught off guard. try zyrtec® dissolve tabs. powerful allergy relief, now in a tablet that starts dissolving instantly. zyrtec® dissolve tabs. muddle no more™. n a daring walk 400 feet in the sky. you are looking at video of nick wallenda walking over the eye ferris wheel as it was spinning this morning. this was the first public stunt without using a balancing pole. after the stunt he offered advice for anyone facing a difficult situation. >> i'm very focused on what i'm doing and being focus side what it's all about. anything in life if you focus hard enough you can achieve your dreams. really more focus than anything. it was an amazing feeling up there. an incredible view. >> a seventh generation member of the flying wallenda family wallenda has also walked on a tightrope over niagara falls and a grand canyon gorge. >> he's good and makes you nervous. an amazing night last night for the fans of "dancing with the stars," the show marked a tenth anniversary with a spectacular celebration. memorable mishaps were shared and laughed at again and there was a show-stopping number featuring this season's contestant patti labelle. judge carrie ann i nabba says a lot has changed but -- >> the heart of the show is the same. >> my expectations is this will be fun for six weeks and it was, but none of us expected that it would take off the way it did or that i would be sitting here talking to you a decade later. >> congratulations to ten years and absolute ratings gold. >> fantastic. nearly 8 million viewers tuned in every week for the abc's "nashville," now it's your chance to see your favorite country stars when nashville comes to the bay area next month. this is the series first concert tour of this magnitude stopping at nine cities across the country including san francisco. we spoke with charles eston who plays deacon clayborn who tells us this isn't his first rodeo. >> i did improv on whose line is it anyway and i got to make up songs with great props and i've been through that area doing improv in san francisco. so music was always the beginning and always a part of it and never until now they get to put them together. >> the national tour performs in san francisco friday may 8th at the warfield and get the link to tickets on the website on abc 7 >> good music on that show. abc 7 news at 4:00 continues. the world's greatest golfers are gathered in the bay area today. >> yes. we'll take you to harding park in san francisco. he's my son. >> and the baltimore mother cheered on by the country sits down with her son, with abc news. you will hear from the teenager scolded in front of america. coming up first preventing scenes like this from happening again. the may day plans from female announcer: sleep train's interest free for 3 event! ends sunday. it's your last chance to get three years interest-free financing on beautyrest black, stearns & foster serta icomfort even tempur-pedic. plus, get free delivery, and sleep train's 100-day low price guarantee. but hurry! sleep train's interest free for 3 event ends sunday. ...guaranteed! ♪ sleep train ♪ ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ live from the kgo tv broadcast center this is abc 7 news. here at 4:30 here are the headlines where you live. san francisco police are investigating a stolen car that had a 4-month-old baby inside. the carjacker took the car from golden gate avenue in the city's tenderloin district and it was later found at the hall of justice. the suspect in the murder of 9-year-old jordan almgren is in court in martinez. laura anthony tweeted this photo of 18-year-old william schultz who is charged with first-degree murder. she will have a live report coming up at 5:00. today plenty of opposition has emerged from the proposed warriors arena in san francisco. carolyn tyler tweeted a new group is threatening a legal challenge over warriors arena project. they say there won't be enough parking for that project. carolyn will have a live report on that at 5:00 and bay area protesters are planning for this friday known as may day and many of those protests are expected to march to call attention to police brutality. janet is live tonight. >> reporter: the workers will be leading the protest from here to city hall. i union spokeswoman says they've been silent for way too long and come friday it's their chance to speak out against injustices locally and nationally. >> nobody says this is business as usual. we're angry. >> reporter: to let their voices be heard the international long shore and warehouse union will hold a march during the stock meeting. >> it's important because labor has been silent pretty much up to this point on the issues affecting mainly the black and white communities with the police killings. >> reporter: oakland has always been at the forefront of many protests. here was the scene in 2011 as thousands streamed across the bridge during the occupy movement. the entire city is on high alert from may day with extra police presence on hand to ensure the safety of protesters residents and businesses and the protests begin as early as 5:30 in the morning and dogwood restaurant has been vandalized several times in the past and they're bracing for another less than peaceful protest. >> think the smashing of property is pointless. i mean it doesn't get -- >> the port of oakland has scheduled its closure causing an eight-hour delay for operations. >> we have been in touch with customers so they can plan around this meeting and therefore will minimize the disruption. >> may day is a day of protests all around the world. the long shoremen have been marching for social justice since 1934 and this year they're marching in memory of walter scott. an african-american man shot by police and who was shot by long shore union abc 7 news. a large fight prompted the principal of berkeley high school to enact measure ps upon the principal asked students to stay on campus and said no visitor passes would be issued until further notice. she also requested more police. the move comes after word that a group of students from the carmen's high school in oakland who fought with berkeley students intended to go back. abc 7 was at berkeley high school today where there was a heavy police presence. no word of any fight. >> victims of the 2012 colorado movie theater massacre detailed terrifying memories of what happened inside that packed theater as the trial for holmes earned its third day. some believe it is putting on an act for the jury. >> close up to his chest and he was pointing. >> using the cane he now needs to walk aurora theater shooting victim joshua nolan says james holmes hunted down moviegoers and describes the pain of being shot in the arm and leg while surrounded by other screaming victims. >> like laying on a bed of nails with someone with a sledgehammer hammering my leg and my arm. >> one of the guys is dead. >> amid the chaos blood and bodies, first responders say the theater never fell silent even after all of the victims were accounted for. >> all of the cell phones that were left were laying on the ground were ringing and that kept going on all night long. >> 12 people were killed and 70 others wounded three years ago. the youngest victim 6-year-old veronica veronica mossier sullivan. i lay her on the stretcher and at that point i realized she had died. >> holmes claims he was insane that night and many of their victims and their families believe it's an act saying the quiet defendant seen here in court acts differently when the jury isn't present. >> he smiled and laughed and he couldn't wipe the smile off his face. >> it's also difficult for some of the victims to be this close to james holmes who was shackled to the floor. joshia nolan made it a point not to look at holmes once during his hour-long testimony. brandy hit, abc news los looking forward to a fresh start but doesn't feel the portrayal of him in the media has been fair. mcdonald made his first public comments yesterday after separate police investigations last year that led to his release by the niners. questions about his characters were not right or fair because he doesn't feel he did anything wrong. mcdonald was arrested last august for felony domestic violence, but was never charged and he was accused of sexual assault, but police have yet to clear him in that instance. he is now a member of the chicago bear by the way. we're hearing from the baltimore teenager whose mother caught him at that riot and dragged him away slapping him in the head. we showed you victoria graham partially disciplining her 16-year-old son after she saw him on television, recognized him taking part in the riots. she's the mother of five daughters and one son, that son michael. everyone understands why his mother did what she did. >> i respect my mama. >> a lot of people are saying other mothers should have did this or should have did that. >> it might not be the moms that could get down there. graham says she was just trying to protect her son and not to embarrass him. >> an 11th university of california campus could be in the works the assembly higher education committee passed a bill today that would appropriate $50 million for a land acquisition and building costs. mike gato of glendale says california needs another campus to deal with increased student demand. he envisions it specializing in science, technology and engineering. republican presidential hopeful marco rubio is in the bay area for the day. he's attending a public fund raiser in san francisco. he delivered a speech yesterday in los angeles. he isn't scheduled for any public appearances in san francisco. this is rubio's first appearance in california since declaring his candidacy earlier this month. shares fell 9% closing at $38.49. that's after an 18% plunge yesterday. it started after twitter's financial results were leaked yesterday hours before they were set to go public. twitter was lower than expected due to struggles to attract new users and a new advertising model. yesterday's stock drop cost twitter's co-founders $75 million on paper. >> a new report says sales force is ready to talk merger. according to bloomberg the san francisco-based company has hired financial advisers to field takeover offers after being approached by a potential bidder. the company is worth $44 billion so any deal would be the largest ever of a software company. as you might imagine sales force soared after the report. they were up 17% at one point today. up next, the warning. the reason why gadget lovers with tattoos might reconsider the apple watch. up first the california roadside rescue that made a busy freeway look more like a petting zoo. i'm michael finney. "ask finney" is just ahead and i'm still taking your questions on twitter and facebook. just search for michael finney. i'll answer your questions here live later. i'm spencer christian from our east bay hills camera and we see clear skies across the bay area and major warm-up coming our way tomorrow and i'll have the accuweather f . they were calling this a bad accident today in southern california, and an animal trailer carrying three sheep, two cows and a dog overturned on interstate 210 in los angeles. chp had to shut down lanes so firefighters and animal control officers got the animals out of the rig. the sheep and dog were uninjured, but no word on those cows. >> wow! all right. let's talk about the weather forecast. breezy, but nice. >> spencer christian is here with how warm we'll be getting over the next couple of days. >> it's not only going to get warm it will get hot in spots tomorrow. we've got sunny skies everywhere from coast to inland and check out air quality over the next few days and we should be okay tomorrow and good air quality and on friday moderate air quality with looks and with the cooling sea breeze and the shifting winds in saturday and sunday we're back to good air quality again. the mainly quiet weather except a little area of thunderstorms reaching from the ohio valley to the mid atlantic coast. it will be hot in the desert southwest and it will be hot over much of the state of california and look for highs in the low 90s in chico, sacramento and fresno and 84 in los angeles and 102 in palm springs and here in the bay area we'll see highs ranging in the low to mid 70s along the coast and to lower 90s in our inland areas and it's going to remain warm inland on friday, but we'll see a little bit of a cooldown slightly on the coast and around the bay on friday. dan and ama? >> thank you so much spencer. still ahead on abc 7 news at 4:00 a streaming seinfeld. fans will soon be able to binge watch the show about nothing. we'll tell you how. >> and why it may be time for people with tattoos to reconsider the apple watch. i'm 7 on your side's michael finney can your insurance company cancel your homeowner's policy because your house needs a paint job? i'll answer that and other covering daley city, dublin los gatos and all the bay area. this is abc 7 news. well, it seems the new apple watch may have a thing against tattoos. customers with tattooed wrists are reporting some trouble. the watch uses your heart rate to determine whether or not you're wearing it. it flashes green and infrared light at your skin, but tattoos particularly dark ones may interfere with the ability of the light to be absorbed. some users have taken to twitter and reddit to complain about the issue to find out they couldn't use apple pay, receive notifications or place calls. could bad air be making you age prematurely. >> and gluten sensitivity. >> reporter: jane king has more in today's wellness report. >> tyson is banning antibiotics in its chickens. new concern over the overuse of antibiotics and farming and how it could contribute to people becoming resistant to drugs. the move will be complete by 2017. drug companies are working hard to develop the first drugs for celiak disease. the number of people who want and need gluten-free foods is more than previously thought. they're not going to reach the market until 2018 but early trials of a few of the drugs have shown promise. for teen potassium may matter more than salt. a diet high in potassium appears to protect teens from high blood pressure and adulthood while a low salt diet had no effect. the boston university study tracked 10-year-old girls for up to 10 years and finally air pollution is tied to brain aging. the may issue of stroke found solution which is known to increase the risk for stroke and other brain disorders is thought to be linked with premature aging of the brain itself and the study is for people that are close to major highways and i'm jane king here's to your health. >> michael finney is here and it comes from louis who was asking via facebook and i was asked about the earthquake in nepal. do you have a list of emergency supplies you should have in case of an emergency. >> >> that is a good question. here in california we are always told to prep for three days of no one being able to help you. so what you're talking about is a gallon of water per day, per person. so three gallons per person and then you need food that isn't going go bad for three meals a day for three days for every person in your household. now, i've got a fema leak on our website and you can go there and i suggest the most important thing you can do and i'm not kidding you about this to throw a pair of shoes underneath your bed because everybody jumps up and they're barefoot and they cut up their feet and you have to have a pair of shoes to get out safely. >> marie asked via facebook, my insurance company is going to terminate my homeowner's policy because the siding of my house has peeling paint. can they do that? >> yes they can. insurance companies pretty much can do almost anything they want as long as they're not discriminating against you. i've heard about people that didn't want to replace a roof and the insurance companies would cancel their policy. they do not have to insure anyone they don't want to insure. my advice would be run away from these guys. if they're trying to pull this number right now what are they going to try to do in the future? shop right now and see what's going on and also make sure you tell your agent, you give a lot of money they need to work in your favor and let them know and see if they want to fight for you. >> can a gas station put a hold on my visa card for more than the amount than i spent at their station. >> when filling up your gas tank they don't know how much gas you're going to put in there and they is not the gas station and it's the issuer of your card and that would be the bank. so they don't want you to go over their amount so they'll say $100. that should go off very quickly normally within 24 hours. the credit card company is saying 72 hours at the latest and it can really mess people up. we've had people on vacation get messed up because of this. >> thank you, michael. well, hulu is forking over the big bucks so you can watch, larry, george and cramer. >> hulu will pay for the broadcast rights for each of the 180 episodes of seinfeld. that adds up to $126 million total. this is the first time the series will be available in its entirety streaming online. amazon and yahoo fought heavily for the streams rights and seinfeld will be the original and not trimmed version. >> people will love that. abc 7 news at 4:00 does continue. up next, the unique golf tournament under way in san francisco letting fans get up close and personal with some of the biggest names in the game. >> here's cheryl in the newsroom with a look at what's coming at 5:00. >> frustration boils over. >> they're being held for ransom pretty much. first, a surprise shutdown and now students at heald college are having trouble getting transcripts. and the chp becomes an international envoy and yet highway patrol is on a road trip (music) hey! let me help with that. oh, thank you! (music) introducing the one-and-only volkswagen golf sportwagen. the sportier utility vehicle. tonight on aishs 7 the middle airs at 8:00, followed by the goldbergs, modern family and blackish and nashville at 10:00 and join us for abc 7 news at 11:00. watch abc to catch those shows live on the go on your smartphone and computer and catch it on demand with the new xbox 360. search watch abc in your app store. today warriors season ticket holders get to start buying seats for the western conference semifinals. tickets go on sale to the general public tomorrow. the warriors are still waiting for the series to wrap up so they'll know who they're playing. the grizzlies lead the trailblazers 3 to 1 in memphis. yesterday they scrimmaged for two quarters at the practice facility and they tried to stay sharp. don't forget abc 7 is your home for the nba finals which will begin on june 4th, perhaps at oracle arcena. >> at harding park this week it's a who's who of golf. the best players in the world have come to town and that's where we find abc 7 news reporter wayne freedman this afternoon. >> reporter: if president warren harding was alive today he'd probably be smiling, but not swinging like this. harding park, the san francisco golf course that still bears his name was center stage this week as the world's 64 top players have come to town for a five-day unique match-play championship. it's a chance to see guys like u.s. open champion jim furyk up close. crowds on the first day were not as big as one might expect. there were plenty of seats in the bleachers and next to the practice green visitors could reach out and touch the clubs on players' bags. >> their speed control was awesome. they don't putt the way i putt. >> i can't putt like them. i can't hit like them. >> but with harding being a public golf course they can walk and play the same links most any day of the year. actually, this is the third straight year of big golf tournament in san francisco. last week the lpga played here. next week the usga has a tournament at the olympic club and to have this here at harding? old timers who know the place would call it a miracle. >> it was a goat pasture. we used to ask them what time they let the goats out. >> that's jerry who grew up on this course and watched the slow decline of harding until a $16 million renovation that returned this place to the world map in 2003. >> i see it back and exceeding everybody's expectations. >> a city can't ask for much more than being the center of a game's universe for three weeks running. at harding park wayne freedman abc 7 news. that will do it for abc 7 news at 4:00. i'm ama daetz. thank you for joining us and aebsabc 7 news begins with dan and cheryl. >> for 30 years they've been using this as their own personal sewer. creek contamination, the million dollar crackdown on a bay area company. emotional moments in court for the teen accused of murdering his best friend's little brother. >> we think we're doing a great thing for the city. this arena will be the death knell. >> the big opposition for the warriors' new arena. >> the governor's ambitious new plan to cut greenhouse gasses. >> i'm abc 7 news meteorologist temperatures will soar tomorrow and we'll take a look at those numbers coming up. live from the kgo tv broadcast center this is abc 7 news. >> the first court appearance of the teen for killing an east bay child is excruciating for everyone. >> i'm dan ashley. >> i'm cheryl jennings. 18-year-old william schultz did not enter a plea. he's accused of murdering his best friend's young brother. jordan almgren was killed while he was sleeping. laura martinez. laura? >> reporter: schultz remains here at the martinez jail held without bail. in court today his arraignment was put off for three weeks. he did not enter a plea but the pain for everyone involved was evident. with his distraught mother in the courtroom 18-year-old william schultz made his first court appearance on charges he stabbed 9-year-old jordan almgren to death. >> i think it sent shock waves through the entire community and we learned it's not safe for kids to go to school. we learned that it's not safe to send our children to other people's houses and now we find out it might not be safer to have other people in our home. >> reporter: the special circumstance of lying in wait. in an exclusive jailhouse interview with the contra costa times schultz admitted to killing the sleeping jordan saying, quote at the time there was no feeling. i was asking myself why am istanding over him? what am i about to do? schultz also told the paper he thought the world was coming to an end and that he killed his best friend's little brother to see what it was like. the family is devastated. the family is devastated. >> reporter: the public defender said schultz's parents repeatedly tried to get him psychological help in the weeks leading up to the murder. >> the family tried to get help for their son who was exhibiting symptoms and signs of mental illness. >> that is accurate. they tried very hard. >> though the charges make schultz eligible for the death penalty, prosecutors won't seek it given his age and lack of criminal history. in martinez, laura anthony, abc 7 news. an incredibly relieved couple has their baby back after a man stole their car in san francisco with the 4-month-old child inside and the thief took the baby girl half way around town before an observent officer started a stole know car and it

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Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 400PM 20150429 :

Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 400PM 20150429

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it happened at 10:40 this morning here in the tenderloin. 00 parked his blue scion waiting to pick up his wife. the 4-month-old baby girl was in the backseat. he heard banging on his car. >> another individual came up and kicked the vehicle and he tried to pull him over to inspect the car to see if there was any damage. >> another person jumped into the car and drove off. 00 flagged down police who then radioed the description of the car and license plate number. ten minutes later sergeant ken lee was driving on the 500 park of bryant street looking for the car when he thought he spotted it. the suspicious vehicle was here, parked in front of the public defender's office door. >> i only had a partial plate at the time so i wasn't able to confirm if that was the car or not, but once i exit the driver's side door the suspect exited. >> sergeant lee was right on. he said alimou explained what happened. he said he got in the car and there was a baby in the back, so i hand cuffed him and opened the rear door and saw the baby in the backseat still strapped into the car seat. >> reporter: the baby was reunited with her mom and dad. >> we're just doing our job. every single peace officer in the nation would have done the same. >> others would call him a hero. vic lee, abc 7 news. >> a section of san francisco's famed hague street was blocked off for over an hour until a construction crew hit a gas line. they were working around noon when workers punctured a two-inch gas line. nearby residents and businesses were told to shelter in place while pg&e crews worked to stop the leak. they were able to cap the leak by 12:30 and businesses in the area were able to reopen. a popular san francisco pub won't be open any time soon. they were over liverpool lil's as smoke poured from the building at 7:45 this morning. firefighters took to the roofs to attack from above. it's been a neighborhood favorite since the presidio in the '70s. it was once a hangout for joe dimaggio and lincecum was photographed there two weeks ago. >> i'm in shock about it right now. i don't know what's going to happen. it's been here forever. i'm only hoping it's not too badly damaged. so it's got a lot of history in here. >> investigators say the fire may have started in a shed out back. it spread to an office above the bar. the dining area and kitchen suffered heavy smoke and water damage. >> they're a bit shaken and they're okay after someone shot at them overnight while investigating a homicide. police say the officers were working undercover in east oakland when someone opened fire. no one was hit. the man drove off and officers initially only caught two people but after a search of the area around foothill boulevard and 55th 18 they found a third suspect and police recovered two firearms from the scene. >> the bay area is gearing up for warmer temperatures. >> yeah. spencer christian is outside with a look at the accuweather forecast. >> it's warmer today than yesterday and it will be a whole lot warmer tomorrow and here's live doppler 7 hd and from coast to inland, mild to warm conditions prevail across the bay area and as you can see we will see it is clear and we go to a live view looking out over san francisco and blue skies and current temperature readings and oakland, 69 and low 70s in san carlos and 77 and 55 at half moon bay and another live view looking westwood under clear skies and it's currently 79 in santa rosa and petaluma and fairfield and concord and 79 at livermore and as we look down on to the bay from mount cam. the coast is clear tonight and we'll have bright, clear skies tomorrow morning and tomorrow afternoon sunny and warm generally and hot in our inland area with the high temperatures getting up into the low to mid-'90s in the warmest inland spots and we'll have low '70s on the coast and around the bay. how long will this last? well, i'll have the accuweather seven-day forecast later. dan and ama? >> thank you very much spencer. turning to baltimore and an unusual sight just days after the city was rocked by violence. for the first time in history a major league baseball game was closed to the public. >> the orioles and the white sox played in an empty ballpark certainly a strange sight. the city was hoping to prevent the looting that broke out in response to the custody death of freddie gray. karen travers is live in baltimore. karen? >> reporter: good evening ama and dan. we were at camden yard earlier today and came over to city hall because there is where all the action is. there was a large protest that is here, young kids high school and college age from nearby universities out here on the streets trying to get their message across and one thing we heard very clearly, they're angry and they're very upset with how they feel they've been ignored and at the same time violence is not the answer. you have to get out into the communities and make change. >> things are getting closer to normal here in baltimore. >> we want to get people out there today and going about their business. we think there's no question in my mind that the city is safe. >> the tourist spots like the national aquarium all reopened and the baltimore symphony held a free concert outside in downtown baltimore. >> and after two consecutive canceled games, the baltimore orioles were back in action this afternoon at camden yard. but this game made major league baseball history. it was closed to the public. the gates were locked and no fans were allowed in and just the orioles and the chicago white sox. >> what's going on outweighs what we're doing here. the city wide curfew that went into effect was effective. >> of those 35 arrests 34 were adults and one was a juvenile. >> just in time to clear out the street and police used smoke and flash bangs after protesters used bottles and the show worked and the crowd soon thinned out. community leaders continued their pleas for calm. >> we're looking for swift answers all across the city. >> karen travers reporting from baltimore and people are continuing to talk about the baltimore mother who disciplined him, maybe you saw this video. the story is getting thousands of likes on the abc 7 facebook page. join the conversation and let us know what you think about this mom at coming up at 4:30, you will hear from the son for the first time in a new sitdown interview for abc news. >> we'll have more coverage of the baltimore riots on air and online and our coverage continues on abc 7 news. the runoff into a south bay creek and there is a multimillion dollar settlement between a cupertino carry and regulators. >> david louie is live at rancho san antonio park with details. david? >> reporter: it's a little bit hazy here but the quarry is right over there and for years neighbors have been complaining that the quarry has been dumping toxic chemicals into the permanente creek and it was from federal regulators. it was apparent victims of the high levels of sillen yum that the nearby quarry was dumping into the water. >> this facility has been operating for 80 years here and for 80 years they've been using their creek as their own personal sewer and this is a great day. >> the quarry's owners will spend $5 million to install equipment to clean up waste water and pay a penalty. the epa the u.s. department of justice and state agencies forged the agreement under a court consent decree meaning it will be under continuous scrutiny. >> if you violate the consent decree, it becomes an owner of the court. >> the money will be spent primarily on two things and one enhanced waste water treatment so that the water that does come out meet federal standards and redesign the way that storm water and processed water is captured. the cement company issued a statement, quote we are pleased to resolve these issues with an agreement that is aligned with our company's commitment to operating in a safe and environmentally responsible manner. environmentalists are pleased. >> it's nice to move forward to clean this up so we can make progress and have a better environment for us, for the fish and frogs. >> in los altos hills, david louie, abc 7 news. [ laughter ] still ahead on abc 7 news at 4:00, tears of joy. a california family gets the news from nepal they've been waiting for all week. and japan's prime minister addresses the joint session of congress and the reason a south bay congressman is calling this visit shocking and shameful. >> and we're just two days away from possible may daydemonstrations across the bay area. new at 4:30, the plans for protesters and the police. 7 on your side's michael finney is taking your questions on twitter and facebook and he'll answer them live later and just search for michael fin owe facebook and twitter to ask him. checking the macarthur maze on your traffic, on the left hand side that is your 80 eastbound and it is not moving anywhere at this point and just inching along on the right hand side and that curve coming around to head out to the bay bridge and into san francisco moving covering venetia san ramon, san mateo and all the bay area, this is abc 7 news. [ laughter ] >> tears of joy and incredible relief for the family of a local man missing since the deadly quake in nepal over the weekend. 21-year-old spencer dickinson is alive. his dad bob said this experience has been the most terrifying of his life and he says he'll always remember the sheer joy he felt at 7:52 last night when the call from spencer came in. >> dad -- hi dad. those were the first words and i was -- screaming and he goes dad, be quiet. he goes i'm on a fat phone i've only got a couple moments. call my mom tell her i'm okay. >> you can understand how the dad felt. dickinson says the feeling of sheer joy -- of shared joy with his ex-wife was incredibly powerful and their son has been traveling the world since october and his dad isn't sure if he comes home right away, but he sure hopes he does. that's a positive story and the death toll from saturday's earthquake is more than 5200 people and rescuers are not giving up hope still. emergency responders and volunteers are desperately searching for anyone still trapped in the rubble. the drone shows the destruction the quake caused in kathmandu. alex marquart is in nepal and has more on how search teams are still finding people alive beneath all of that debris. >> reporter: a race against time, now four days after the massive quake the clock is running out in the search for survivors. >> we were there when a young man was pulled out, trapped for 82 hours. >> today in the hospital rish icannal said he had been banging loudly on the rubble before rescuers finally responded. almost four days with nothing to eat or drink. it's the rural areas that have been the hardest hit. rescue helicopters flying nonstop evacuating the wounded to hospitals. today we visited the small town of sanku where around 100 people died and block after block of the beautiful old homes destroyed and families salvaging what they can from the debris. it sounds like you can appreciate the full extent of the destruction from this earthquake. elsewhere, there are pockets of devastation, but here it's block after block, entire houses delved on the left, on the right and then you go down streets like this one and all you can see is ruin. the death toll is now over 5,000, but the government warning it could double. among the dead four americans. the embassy telling abc news today hundreds more are unaccounted for. in the capital, clashes with police over the lack of food and water while thousands of others try to flee, afraid of aftershocks. >> foreign aid is coming, but not fast enough. alex marquart, abc news, kathmandu, nepal. >> now so many people want to support relief and recovery efforts in nepal. find out how you can help through our give where you live effort at abc 7 we have breaking news out of santa cruz county to tell you about. take a look at this little girl. she's missing. her name is ytzel so to. she was supposed to board a bus, but it's not clear if she ever did. she was last known to be wearing a black shirt and black pants and carrying a tinkerbell backpack. if you know anything call watsonville police. help them find her and call 911. in other news tonight japanese prime minister shinzo abe hailed a new chapter in his country during a joint address to a session of congress. the security of asia and the world, and he emphasized japan's long alliance with the u.s. and voiced support for the transpacific partnership, a multilateral trade deal that includes the u.s. [ indiscernible ] >> -- for lasting peace and prosperity, that is for the sake of our children and our children's children. >> abe is the first japanese leader to speak before congress. he expressed eternal condolences for the american lives lost during world war ii, but he did not apologize for atrocities toward asian neighbors and suffering to the people in asian countries. abe traveled to los angeles tomorrow and the bay area later this week. >> abe's comments on world war ii fell short for san jose congressman mike honda and bay area organizers of the protest yesterday on the call that it's shocking and shameful that abe didn't explicitly apologize for japan's use of so-called comfort women during world war ii. they've never apologized for kidnapping 200,000 girls from around asia and forcing them into sexual slavery despite worldwide condemnation. let's move on and talk about the weather forecast midweek. spencer christian has the latest on the forecast, spencer? >> lovely day and a little breezy right now and it will shift tomorrow and bring us an offshore flow which will contribute to the warm up and here's a live look as it prevails across the bay area. let's take a close-up of the 24-hour temperature change and it's several degrees warmer right now in virtually all looks than at this hour yesterday and the exception is half moon bay. blue skies over the bay and over the embarcadero. the forecast features will be hot inland the next few days and coastal cooling begins friday and cooler in all areas this weekend. let's see what's happening atmospherically and high ridges of weather expanding and it will help set up the warm pattern. at 11:00 tonight we'll see basically an onshore flow still breezy along the coast but by tomorrow morning we'll have a bit of an offshore pattern developing now and of course, that will assist the warm-up which will be quite significant and tomorrow's highs will range from low to mid-70s on the coast to lower 90s inland and much warmer in the inland areas tomorrow and notice on friday, light sea breeze will start to cool the coastal areas down and locations around the bay, but it will still remain in the low 90s and many inland spots and the cooling spreads inland as the marine layer and its marine flow will return. >> low temperatures in the low 50s and tomorrow the sunny and warm to hot day in the south bay with highs in the upper 80s to near 90 in the south bay and look for 87 and los gatos in the peninsula and down to mountain view and low to mid 70s on the coast and downtown san francisco will have a high of 76 tomorrow. it will be near 90 degrees and santa rosa napa, and calistoga, we'll see low to mid 80s and 83 and oakland, 83 and fremont and the inland east bay will sizzle with highs in the upper 80s at walnut creek and low 90s in fairfield, antioch and livermore and here is the accuweather seven-day forecast and it remains quite warm on friday and warm around the bay as well. we'll have cooler conditions and the steady pattern on sunday in the upper 70s inland and upper 60s around the bay and upper 50s on the coast. dave and ama? >> thanks very much. >> up next, the daredevil known for his sky high death-defying stunts does it again. new after 4:30 campus concerns at ♪ when you just can't seem to escape... another sneeze attack... you may be muddling through allergies. don't get caught off guard. try zyrtec® dissolve tabs. powerful allergy relief, now in a tablet that starts dissolving instantly. zyrtec® dissolve tabs. muddle no more™. n a daring walk 400 feet in the sky. you are looking at video of nick wallenda walking over the eye ferris wheel as it was spinning this morning. this was the first public stunt without using a balancing pole. after the stunt he offered advice for anyone facing a difficult situation. >> i'm very focused on what i'm doing and being focus side what it's all about. anything in life if you focus hard enough you can achieve your dreams. really more focus than anything. it was an amazing feeling up there. an incredible view. >> a seventh generation member of the flying wallenda family wallenda has also walked on a tightrope over niagara falls and a grand canyon gorge. >> he's good and makes you nervous. an amazing night last night for the fans of "dancing with the stars," the show marked a tenth anniversary with a spectacular celebration. memorable mishaps were shared and laughed at again and there was a show-stopping number featuring this season's contestant patti labelle. judge carrie ann i nabba says a lot has changed but -- >> the heart of the show is the same. >> my expectations is this will be fun for six weeks and it was, but none of us expected that it would take off the way it did or that i would be sitting here talking to you a decade later. >> congratulations to ten years and absolute ratings gold. >> fantastic. nearly 8 million viewers tuned in every week for the abc's "nashville," now it's your chance to see your favorite country stars when nashville comes to the bay area next month. this is the series first concert tour of this magnitude stopping at nine cities across the country including san francisco. we spoke with charles eston who plays deacon clayborn who tells us this isn't his first rodeo. >> i did improv on whose line is it anyway and i got to make up songs with great props and i've been through that area doing improv in san francisco. so music was always the beginning and always a part of it and never until now they get to put them together. >> the national tour performs in san francisco friday may 8th at the warfield and get the link to tickets on the website on abc 7 >> good music on that show. abc 7 news at 4:00 continues. the world's greatest golfers are gathered in the bay area today. >> yes. we'll take you to harding park in san francisco. he's my son. >> and the baltimore mother cheered on by the country sits down with her son, with abc news. you will hear from the teenager scolded in front of america. coming up first preventing scenes like this from happening again. the may day plans from female announcer: sleep train's interest free for 3 event! ends sunday. it's your last chance to get three years interest-free financing on beautyrest black, stearns & foster serta icomfort even tempur-pedic. plus, get free delivery, and sleep train's 100-day low price guarantee. but hurry! sleep train's interest free for 3 event ends sunday. ...guaranteed! ♪ sleep train ♪ ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ live from the kgo tv broadcast center this is abc 7 news. here at 4:30 here are the headlines where you live. san francisco police are investigating a stolen car that had a 4-month-old baby inside. the carjacker took the car from golden gate avenue in the city's tenderloin district and it was later found at the hall of justice. the suspect in the murder of 9-year-old jordan almgren is in court in martinez. laura anthony tweeted this photo of 18-year-old william schultz who is charged with first-degree murder. she will have a live report coming up at 5:00. today plenty of opposition has emerged from the proposed warriors arena in san francisco. carolyn tyler tweeted a new group is threatening a legal challenge over warriors arena project. they say there won't be enough parking for that project. carolyn will have a live report on that at 5:00 and bay area protesters are planning for this friday known as may day and many of those protests are expected to march to call attention to police brutality. janet is live tonight. >> reporter: the workers will be leading the protest from here to city hall. i union spokeswoman says they've been silent for way too long and come friday it's their chance to speak out against injustices locally and nationally. >> nobody says this is business as usual. we're angry. >> reporter: to let their voices be heard the international long shore and warehouse union will hold a march during the stock meeting. >> it's important because labor has been silent pretty much up to this point on the issues affecting mainly the black and white communities with the police killings. >> reporter: oakland has always been at the forefront of many protests. here was the scene in 2011 as thousands streamed across the bridge during the occupy movement. the entire city is on high alert from may day with extra police presence on hand to ensure the safety of protesters residents and businesses and the protests begin as early as 5:30 in the morning and dogwood restaurant has been vandalized several times in the past and they're bracing for another less than peaceful protest. >> think the smashing of property is pointless. i mean it doesn't get -- >> the port of oakland has scheduled its closure causing an eight-hour delay for operations. >> we have been in touch with customers so they can plan around this meeting and therefore will minimize the disruption. >> may day is a day of protests all around the world. the long shoremen have been marching for social justice since 1934 and this year they're marching in memory of walter scott. an african-american man shot by police and who was shot by long shore union abc 7 news. a large fight prompted the principal of berkeley high school to enact measure ps upon the principal asked students to stay on campus and said no visitor passes would be issued until further notice. she also requested more police. the move comes after word that a group of students from the carmen's high school in oakland who fought with berkeley students intended to go back. abc 7 was at berkeley high school today where there was a heavy police presence. no word of any fight. >> victims of the 2012 colorado movie theater massacre detailed terrifying memories of what happened inside that packed theater as the trial for holmes earned its third day. some believe it is putting on an act for the jury. >> close up to his chest and he was pointing. >> using the cane he now needs to walk aurora theater shooting victim joshua nolan says james holmes hunted down moviegoers and describes the pain of being shot in the arm and leg while surrounded by other screaming victims. >> like laying on a bed of nails with someone with a sledgehammer hammering my leg and my arm. >> one of the guys is dead. >> amid the chaos blood and bodies, first responders say the theater never fell silent even after all of the victims were accounted for. >> all of the cell phones that were left were laying on the ground were ringing and that kept going on all night long. >> 12 people were killed and 70 others wounded three years ago. the youngest victim 6-year-old veronica veronica mossier sullivan. i lay her on the stretcher and at that point i realized she had died. >> holmes claims he was insane that night and many of their victims and their families believe it's an act saying the quiet defendant seen here in court acts differently when the jury isn't present. >> he smiled and laughed and he couldn't wipe the smile off his face. >> it's also difficult for some of the victims to be this close to james holmes who was shackled to the floor. joshia nolan made it a point not to look at holmes once during his hour-long testimony. brandy hit, abc news los looking forward to a fresh start but doesn't feel the portrayal of him in the media has been fair. mcdonald made his first public comments yesterday after separate police investigations last year that led to his release by the niners. questions about his characters were not right or fair because he doesn't feel he did anything wrong. mcdonald was arrested last august for felony domestic violence, but was never charged and he was accused of sexual assault, but police have yet to clear him in that instance. he is now a member of the chicago bear by the way. we're hearing from the baltimore teenager whose mother caught him at that riot and dragged him away slapping him in the head. we showed you victoria graham partially disciplining her 16-year-old son after she saw him on television, recognized him taking part in the riots. she's the mother of five daughters and one son, that son michael. everyone understands why his mother did what she did. >> i respect my mama. >> a lot of people are saying other mothers should have did this or should have did that. >> it might not be the moms that could get down there. graham says she was just trying to protect her son and not to embarrass him. >> an 11th university of california campus could be in the works the assembly higher education committee passed a bill today that would appropriate $50 million for a land acquisition and building costs. mike gato of glendale says california needs another campus to deal with increased student demand. he envisions it specializing in science, technology and engineering. republican presidential hopeful marco rubio is in the bay area for the day. he's attending a public fund raiser in san francisco. he delivered a speech yesterday in los angeles. he isn't scheduled for any public appearances in san francisco. this is rubio's first appearance in california since declaring his candidacy earlier this month. shares fell 9% closing at $38.49. that's after an 18% plunge yesterday. it started after twitter's financial results were leaked yesterday hours before they were set to go public. twitter was lower than expected due to struggles to attract new users and a new advertising model. yesterday's stock drop cost twitter's co-founders $75 million on paper. >> a new report says sales force is ready to talk merger. according to bloomberg the san francisco-based company has hired financial advisers to field takeover offers after being approached by a potential bidder. the company is worth $44 billion so any deal would be the largest ever of a software company. as you might imagine sales force soared after the report. they were up 17% at one point today. up next, the warning. the reason why gadget lovers with tattoos might reconsider the apple watch. up first the california roadside rescue that made a busy freeway look more like a petting zoo. i'm michael finney. "ask finney" is just ahead and i'm still taking your questions on twitter and facebook. just search for michael finney. i'll answer your questions here live later. i'm spencer christian from our east bay hills camera and we see clear skies across the bay area and major warm-up coming our way tomorrow and i'll have the accuweather f . they were calling this a bad accident today in southern california, and an animal trailer carrying three sheep, two cows and a dog overturned on interstate 210 in los angeles. chp had to shut down lanes so firefighters and animal control officers got the animals out of the rig. the sheep and dog were uninjured, but no word on those cows. >> wow! all right. let's talk about the weather forecast. breezy, but nice. >> spencer christian is here with how warm we'll be getting over the next couple of days. >> it's not only going to get warm it will get hot in spots tomorrow. we've got sunny skies everywhere from coast to inland and check out air quality over the next few days and we should be okay tomorrow and good air quality and on friday moderate air quality with looks and with the cooling sea breeze and the shifting winds in saturday and sunday we're back to good air quality again. the mainly quiet weather except a little area of thunderstorms reaching from the ohio valley to the mid atlantic coast. it will be hot in the desert southwest and it will be hot over much of the state of california and look for highs in the low 90s in chico, sacramento and fresno and 84 in los angeles and 102 in palm springs and here in the bay area we'll see highs ranging in the low to mid 70s along the coast and to lower 90s in our inland areas and it's going to remain warm inland on friday, but we'll see a little bit of a cooldown slightly on the coast and around the bay on friday. dan and ama? >> thank you so much spencer. still ahead on abc 7 news at 4:00 a streaming seinfeld. fans will soon be able to binge watch the show about nothing. we'll tell you how. >> and why it may be time for people with tattoos to reconsider the apple watch. i'm 7 on your side's michael finney can your insurance company cancel your homeowner's policy because your house needs a paint job? i'll answer that and other covering daley city, dublin los gatos and all the bay area. this is abc 7 news. well, it seems the new apple watch may have a thing against tattoos. customers with tattooed wrists are reporting some trouble. the watch uses your heart rate to determine whether or not you're wearing it. it flashes green and infrared light at your skin, but tattoos particularly dark ones may interfere with the ability of the light to be absorbed. some users have taken to twitter and reddit to complain about the issue to find out they couldn't use apple pay, receive notifications or place calls. could bad air be making you age prematurely. >> and gluten sensitivity. >> reporter: jane king has more in today's wellness report. >> tyson is banning antibiotics in its chickens. new concern over the overuse of antibiotics and farming and how it could contribute to people becoming resistant to drugs. the move will be complete by 2017. drug companies are working hard to develop the first drugs for celiak disease. the number of people who want and need gluten-free foods is more than previously thought. they're not going to reach the market until 2018 but early trials of a few of the drugs have shown promise. for teen potassium may matter more than salt. a diet high in potassium appears to protect teens from high blood pressure and adulthood while a low salt diet had no effect. the boston university study tracked 10-year-old girls for up to 10 years and finally air pollution is tied to brain aging. the may issue of stroke found solution which is known to increase the risk for stroke and other brain disorders is thought to be linked with premature aging of the brain itself and the study is for people that are close to major highways and i'm jane king here's to your health. >> michael finney is here and it comes from louis who was asking via facebook and i was asked about the earthquake in nepal. do you have a list of emergency supplies you should have in case of an emergency. >> >> that is a good question. here in california we are always told to prep for three days of no one being able to help you. so what you're talking about is a gallon of water per day, per person. so three gallons per person and then you need food that isn't going go bad for three meals a day for three days for every person in your household. now, i've got a fema leak on our website and you can go there and i suggest the most important thing you can do and i'm not kidding you about this to throw a pair of shoes underneath your bed because everybody jumps up and they're barefoot and they cut up their feet and you have to have a pair of shoes to get out safely. >> marie asked via facebook, my insurance company is going to terminate my homeowner's policy because the siding of my house has peeling paint. can they do that? >> yes they can. insurance companies pretty much can do almost anything they want as long as they're not discriminating against you. i've heard about people that didn't want to replace a roof and the insurance companies would cancel their policy. they do not have to insure anyone they don't want to insure. my advice would be run away from these guys. if they're trying to pull this number right now what are they going to try to do in the future? shop right now and see what's going on and also make sure you tell your agent, you give a lot of money they need to work in your favor and let them know and see if they want to fight for you. >> can a gas station put a hold on my visa card for more than the amount than i spent at their station. >> when filling up your gas tank they don't know how much gas you're going to put in there and they is not the gas station and it's the issuer of your card and that would be the bank. so they don't want you to go over their amount so they'll say $100. that should go off very quickly normally within 24 hours. the credit card company is saying 72 hours at the latest and it can really mess people up. we've had people on vacation get messed up because of this. >> thank you, michael. well, hulu is forking over the big bucks so you can watch, larry, george and cramer. >> hulu will pay for the broadcast rights for each of the 180 episodes of seinfeld. that adds up to $126 million total. this is the first time the series will be available in its entirety streaming online. amazon and yahoo fought heavily for the streams rights and seinfeld will be the original and not trimmed version. >> people will love that. abc 7 news at 4:00 does continue. up next, the unique golf tournament under way in san francisco letting fans get up close and personal with some of the biggest names in the game. >> here's cheryl in the newsroom with a look at what's coming at 5:00. >> frustration boils over. >> they're being held for ransom pretty much. first, a surprise shutdown and now students at heald college are having trouble getting transcripts. and the chp becomes an international envoy and yet highway patrol is on a road trip (music) hey! let me help with that. oh, thank you! (music) introducing the one-and-only volkswagen golf sportwagen. the sportier utility vehicle. tonight on aishs 7 the middle airs at 8:00, followed by the goldbergs, modern family and blackish and nashville at 10:00 and join us for abc 7 news at 11:00. watch abc to catch those shows live on the go on your smartphone and computer and catch it on demand with the new xbox 360. search watch abc in your app store. today warriors season ticket holders get to start buying seats for the western conference semifinals. tickets go on sale to the general public tomorrow. the warriors are still waiting for the series to wrap up so they'll know who they're playing. the grizzlies lead the trailblazers 3 to 1 in memphis. yesterday they scrimmaged for two quarters at the practice facility and they tried to stay sharp. don't forget abc 7 is your home for the nba finals which will begin on june 4th, perhaps at oracle arcena. >> at harding park this week it's a who's who of golf. the best players in the world have come to town and that's where we find abc 7 news reporter wayne freedman this afternoon. >> reporter: if president warren harding was alive today he'd probably be smiling, but not swinging like this. harding park, the san francisco golf course that still bears his name was center stage this week as the world's 64 top players have come to town for a five-day unique match-play championship. it's a chance to see guys like u.s. open champion jim furyk up close. crowds on the first day were not as big as one might expect. there were plenty of seats in the bleachers and next to the practice green visitors could reach out and touch the clubs on players' bags. >> their speed control was awesome. they don't putt the way i putt. >> i can't putt like them. i can't hit like them. >> but with harding being a public golf course they can walk and play the same links most any day of the year. actually, this is the third straight year of big golf tournament in san francisco. last week the lpga played here. next week the usga has a tournament at the olympic club and to have this here at harding? old timers who know the place would call it a miracle. >> it was a goat pasture. we used to ask them what time they let the goats out. >> that's jerry who grew up on this course and watched the slow decline of harding until a $16 million renovation that returned this place to the world map in 2003. >> i see it back and exceeding everybody's expectations. >> a city can't ask for much more than being the center of a game's universe for three weeks running. at harding park wayne freedman abc 7 news. that will do it for abc 7 news at 4:00. i'm ama daetz. thank you for joining us and aebsabc 7 news begins with dan and cheryl. >> for 30 years they've been using this as their own personal sewer. creek contamination, the million dollar crackdown on a bay area company. emotional moments in court for the teen accused of murdering his best friend's little brother. >> we think we're doing a great thing for the city. this arena will be the death knell. >> the big opposition for the warriors' new arena. >> the governor's ambitious new plan to cut greenhouse gasses. >> i'm abc 7 news meteorologist temperatures will soar tomorrow and we'll take a look at those numbers coming up. live from the kgo tv broadcast center this is abc 7 news. >> the first court appearance of the teen for killing an east bay child is excruciating for everyone. >> i'm dan ashley. >> i'm cheryl jennings. 18-year-old william schultz did not enter a plea. he's accused of murdering his best friend's young brother. jordan almgren was killed while he was sleeping. laura martinez. laura? >> reporter: schultz remains here at the martinez jail held without bail. in court today his arraignment was put off for three weeks. he did not enter a plea but the pain for everyone involved was evident. with his distraught mother in the courtroom 18-year-old william schultz made his first court appearance on charges he stabbed 9-year-old jordan almgren to death. >> i think it sent shock waves through the entire community and we learned it's not safe for kids to go to school. we learned that it's not safe to send our children to other people's houses and now we find out it might not be safer to have other people in our home. >> reporter: the special circumstance of lying in wait. in an exclusive jailhouse interview with the contra costa times schultz admitted to killing the sleeping jordan saying, quote at the time there was no feeling. i was asking myself why am istanding over him? what am i about to do? schultz also told the paper he thought the world was coming to an end and that he killed his best friend's little brother to see what it was like. the family is devastated. the family is devastated. >> reporter: the public defender said schultz's parents repeatedly tried to get him psychological help in the weeks leading up to the murder. >> the family tried to get help for their son who was exhibiting symptoms and signs of mental illness. >> that is accurate. they tried very hard. >> though the charges make schultz eligible for the death penalty, prosecutors won't seek it given his age and lack of criminal history. in martinez, laura anthony, abc 7 news. an incredibly relieved couple has their baby back after a man stole their car in san francisco with the 4-month-old child inside and the thief took the baby girl half way around town before an observent officer started a stole know car and it

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