Transcripts For KCCI KCCI 8 News At Ten 20151124 : compareme

Transcripts For KCCI KCCI 8 News At Ten 20151124

numbers. number. des moines police report that they have more than 14,000 calls for domestic conflict in 2013. that is the last year that we have numbers for. epidemic. do this. >> he is living through a nightmare. his mother and stepsister are dead. his mother's has it is accused of killing them on sunday night. he blames this man for pulling the trigger. >> he had done things to my mom that shouldn't have been done. i don't think he understood the concept of cheating on her and expecting her to still love him. todd: -- >> one in four women will be impacted by domestic violence in their lifetime. catherine gerdes from children quackscatherine gerdes from children and family services of iowa knows the numbers all too well. >> it's the leading cause of injury to women in the untied states more than car accidents muggings and rapes combined. ,>> and when a women announces she leaving ? >> domestic violence is about power and control so if you are leaving the relationship you are telling the abuser he is not in control and it will up the anti and it will become more dangerous. quacks it's a danger greg lane will never forget. as for his step father? >> he's going to get what's coming to him. i'm not worried about that. >> iowa children's and family services operates a 24 hour crisis line. that anybody can call, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and that is something that people should do. the number is 243:6147. that is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. we are live at the des moines police station downtown. stacey: charges are expected soon in a deadly des moines crash. it happened this morning in the 600 block of 35th street near price chopper. police say 22-year-old scalicity angel perez died after being ejected from the car. and non-conventional weapons. officials say there are no credible threats to the us, but a new cbs news poll shows 69% of americans surveyed are concerned about a terror attack happening on u.s. soil in the next few months. and two-thirds don't think president obama has a clear plan to deal with isis. on tuesday, french president francois hollande is expected to tell the president that the imminent threat from isis, is an emergency that requires immediate action. investigators still have not found salah abdeslam the terrorist in the paris attacks who got away. on monday, a street sweeper near paris found an explosive vest without its detonator the same kind of explosives used in the november 13 assault. brussels will also remain at the highest alert level for at least another week. >> i can confirm that the threat for attack is imminent and fierce. abdeslam was last seen in belgium. >> here in the u.s., president obama is facing backlash for his refugee policy. he says as long as he is president america will remain the place it's always been. president obama: a place where people, who, in other parts of the world are subject to , discrimination or violence, that they have in america a friend. >> the governors of 31 states, including iowa governor terry branstad, say they oppose accepting syrian refugees in their state. dozens of iowa leaders met at the statehouse today voicing their opposition to governor branstad's decision. they think we should allow syrian refugees into the state. >> yes our doors must remain open as they have always remained open because the vetting process is so successful and is so safe. we dare not react in fear and close the door. nationwide, have signed a letter condemning the states' for closing their doors to syrian refugees. kevin? 10:00 a johnston boy who died be remembered on the big screen. stacey: kcci's laura terrell shows us why hollywood is getting ready to make a major blockbuster about the life of brian knapp. >> please make welcome my buddy brian knapp. legendary johnny cash was a dream come true for young brian knapp. the johnston native lost his vision to cancer when he was just a baby but that didn't stop him from becoming a musical savant. >> one day johnny cash saw him tapping around with his cane takes the 9-year-old blind kid , into his dressing room and says whiter you play for me? >> knapp's true life story inspired john gaps to write a screen play in 2003 and now it's set to become a movie called "life briefly." >> it's such an endearing wonderful story about the courage this little boy had. >> actor daniel roebuck, will play johnny's cash's manager. >> i would have played the garbage man in des moines if it would have meant that i'd be in the movie. >> life briefly will chronicle knapp's childhood in iowa to his success in nashville with his song a thousand dreams, and his sudden death at age 14 from leukemia. >> it's a soulful movie, and the people we have making it everybody knows their names. >> ashley judd will play brian's mom barbara knapp, and bill paxton will play his father bob knapp, a des moines developer who made headlines when he went to prison for violating asbestos cleanup laws and then commited suicide by setting a stolen car on fire a year and a half ago. >> it broke his heart terribly when brian died, and i think it's something that in the end he couldn't deal with and he just said please make sure his story gets told. >> and now 30 years later brian's story will be told. the movie will cost $10.5 million to make and the filming begins in georgia in january. gaps says he hopes it will be released in theaters next thanksgiving. >> roads out. just a day after learning he was media. emotional address. >> emotional is a great term to describe all aspects of his life. he lives his life out loud with his heart on his sleeve. you know the disappointment had to come out when he was told that his run as iowa state head coach will end this weekend. today, he sat down in front of the media and on several occasions, those emotions overcame him. >> most of all, i would like to thank our players. past and present. that have given their all for i trust that i have made a small impact on you. because i promise you -- you have made a large impact on my life and i. after seven seasons. he will get a $4.5 million eye out after being let go. jamie pollard says that the search for his replacement has already begun. we will have much more on this coming up in sports. the other big story is up in cedar falls where the marines get to play the title game that was no doubt on friday. chasing history and it will be your kind of night when this happens. right place, right time. defensive lineman takes the handoff. he takes it to the house here it they were on the board and they started rolling. 41-10 for the final. the first team to win three consecutive state championships. will be joined live with all the highlights and reactions coming up later in sports. >> enjoy the snow. it looks like it is on the way out and the rain could be moving back in. your 8 day forecast. >> also ahead, he stole the show at the democratic debate. how you can support the cutest four-legged candidate this election season. >> nightly tradition. you have welcomed kevin into your home for 40 years. he signs of toronto. to be fixed. then, it was about health reform and getting eight million kids covered. now, it's about stopping republicans from repealing obamacare, and taking on insurance companies to bring down drug prices. i'm not going to let any family be deprived of healthcare. i'm not going to let the republicans rip up obamacare and throw it away. >> welcome back. a live look at the state capital. partly cloudy. temperatures high enough that a lot of snow that fell on friday melted away today. we are joined. >> we hoping to his more snow tomorrow. kurtis: we are going to. it is still above freezing. 37. a little bit of a wind chill. 33 east-northeast winds. as a slide into tomorrow morning, there will be patchy fog forming. the sun comes up at 7:14 a.m. 26 degrees. i also want to point out that i think it will be slippery. we will have re-freeze says that walks and the parking lots, keep that in mind, especially early tomorrow morning. temperatures climb, mostly sunny, 9:00 a.m. noon :00, 43. normal highs this time of year are in the 40's. i think they will get around 48. temperatures in the 50's. 42. across the state tomorrow, the colder, 30's, the snow is thicker. fort dodge, waterloo, devonport. 50's in southwestern iowa, we should be about 48 in the metro. if you want to see the warmth it is down in the southwest. 78 in vegas -- phoenix. northwest. this system will impact is on thanksgiving with heavy snow in the rockies. i think a little bit of that snow may make it into the northwestern iowa. mainly a rainmaker. tonight, a few clouds drifting through. fog forming as the night goes long. it is pretty tranquil across most of the midwest. snow showers in michigan. a little bit of cloud cover over in the dakotas and some flurries flying around bismarck. ridge of high pressure moves out. warm front approaches tomorrow. we are going to warm up a little bit tomorrow, but i think the big warm up will arrive on wednesday. we look at futurecast at you can see a couple of clouds out there. drifting on out. morning fog, and then we'll move into the sunshine by the afternoon hour. low clouds hang on longer over in east central iowa. wednesday, here is the cloud cover. we will squeeze out a little bit of drizzle, but the best chance for widespread rain is late wednesday night, thanksgiving morning, some of this rain could be heavy. it will slowly pull off, look at this. a little bit of a wintry mix in northwestern iowa and that will move on through. we will clear out all bit as we head into friday. temperatures tonight down in the 20's out there. patchy fog. watch out for the icy spots where it east winds at 3-5 miles per hour. tomorrow, high of 48. mostly sunny after the morning fog. melting. southeast winds at 10 i 50 miles power. wednesday, all the way up to the 50's. thanksgiving day, 47. i think the southeastern half of the state we could see heavier rain, maybe an inch or more. friday, coal down, 35. drive for the weekend. sunshine on saturday. 34 sunday, another system on monday. stacey: thank you. and history of this television station, we have only had three evening now anchors. tomorrow night when kevin retires, we will give him as much time as he wants to have his say. tonight, eric hanson takes a look at his retirement from the other side of the television. it sounds like our viewers are all been saying pretty much the same thing. eric:. they are. they use different words, but everyone i've talked to says kevin cooney is iowa. >> in every state. you will find traditions. >> it's a true snapshot of america. >> the common threads that make us who we are. >> me and my bestie come every year to get tattoos. >> spend a year in iowa? >> this is iowa/iowa state. it's the biggest thing we have in the state. >> and you'll find a state united behind what makes us us. >> you work all year for this. >> but in a state of >> oh yeah. 3 million. channel 8's kevin cooney. >> only a handful of faces are so familiar. >> he is definitely an iowa tradition. >> they're culturally as big as a rivalry or a bike ride. >> he's always been an institution. >> he's an icon. spend most of a year talking to >>spend most of a year talking to folks in any crowd between missouri and minnesota. >> we watch channel 8 news. kevin cooney. >> and most will admit you never have to shake hands with the guy who wears a channel 8 ring >> never met him. never got that chance. >> no, huh-uh. to feel like he is part of your because, you trust him. and that's trust trustworthy with a capitol t. >> testing 1-2-3-4. test test test. . >> in journalism, you look for those people that do it as it is without bias. and that's exactly what kevin cooney was. >> when you turn on the tv, there he is. >> good evening, everyone. thanks for joining us. >> he's just a good guy. a good catholic boy. >> kevin cooney's been a nightly tradition for as long as most of us can remember. >> i've grew up with him. >> kevin's always been kcci go state. but kevin's always been kcci to me. >> taking a look at some of the serious damage there. >> so when he broke the news back in may? >> i remember the day he said he was doing that. >> we felt it. >> oh, i know. i was sad. >> all good things must come to an end. build your life in iowa and >>build your life in iowa and you'll find 3 constants. we tell the truth. >> i just think of him. when i think of a news anchor, representing iowa, i think of him. >> we want our friends to be happy. >> it's time for him to enjoy the last 20, 30, 40, hopefully 50 years. >> and we truly love our iowa traditions. >> it's a big, big deal. >> we've been around together for a long time. >> it just uh, you grew up. he was always there, you know?. >> i mean when i think of kcci, i think of kevin cooney. >> even though he's got all that gray hair now, he's an absolute icon. >> a real icon to all of us iowans. >> he's awesome. he's awesome. >> this all happening about 10 o'clock this morning. >> everybody's going to miss him. everybody is going to miss him. >> that is what everybody is saying. we're all going to miss you, terribly. millions of us, me included, have grown appear over the last three or four decades and we do not know television without you. [laughter] >> you are an institution, we respect you and we thank you for everything that you have done. kevin: thank you for that lovely story. i don't know what to say. for the first time in my life i'm speechless. i don't what to say other than to think that many people out there who said those kind things. >> there were a lot of them. stacey: yes there are, you have touched summit he lives. kevin: i have been touched by a lot of lives here at kcci 8. the best thing about doing features stories or doing any stories is just meeting people. if you are a gregarious sort of person then i must confess that i love to meet people and talk to people. this is the greatest business in the world to be in. you get paid to meet people. how nice is that? thank you. stacey: we have more well-wishers today. dozens of others send kevin their best. the senator came in the congressman david young stopped by. the attorney general. along with several other former kcci 8 staff members. we want to make sure you join us for his final newscast, that's tomorrow night at 10:00 right we' >> trending at 10:00 vote for , griff. >> it's a new t-shirt inspired by drake university's live mascot griff. hot off the raygun presses tonight. take a look. last weekend during the democratic debate at drake, griff started his own campaign on twitter. #, degrom. it became so popular people started tweeting raygun suggesting they make a shirt. and here is a first look at it tonight. >> so do you think griff is going to be the next president? >> well i think maybe he should be i'm not sure if it will happen but it would be good i think. >> griff t-shirts are for sale at raygun in the campaign 2016 section of the store. >> he was fun. we have state high school football championship highlights it's called a rigged economy, and this is how it works. most new wealth flows to the top 1%. it's a system held in place by corrupt politics where wall street banks and billionaires buy elections. my campaign is powered by over a million small contributions, people like you who want to fight back. the truth is you can't change a corrupt system by taking its money. have your next burger with a side of awesome. the one-of-a-kind, creamy blend of sweet and tangy. miracle whip and proud of it. at kraft we start with quality ingredients. all expertly blended to make our mayo. so you can take whatever you're making from good to amazing. where the catholic maroons aims for history that no team had ever accomplished, three football. we go live there to see how it turned out. >> you have to realize they have basically a brand-new starting lineup this year. all of the seniors in last year are gone. the new troops come in and they made all the way to the title game to face the cedar rapids candidate. when they gave began tonight, did they come firing out. after waiting three days, these maroons were unleashed upon the cougars. on the opening drive, jacob zachary goes 19 yards. 7-0. minutes later, watch closely as he tries to hand it off and the ball pops out right into the hands of rhyme else. he takes this one out. 48 yards for the score. 13-0. it was 13-7 in the second. they wind up for a field goal starts. and the team moves around. and around. he has the man wide open. another touchdown. they tack on another and led 27-7 at the break. third quarter, the ball goes right back to work. zachary, bottled up, but never down. all that there was left to do was to rush the field and hoist the hardware. 41-10. back to back to back. stay championships. they make history. >> we cannot believe it because semi people doubted us. so many global said that there were one or two returning starters and that there was no way that they could do it. after we played, we showed that we could do it. who would have thought it? obviously all of them are special, but i think this one will always have a special spot for me. >> great program. good kids every year. it was a good feeling to come back and to show people how we could play. >> did they ever? in the last three years, this team has lost one game. they have won three championships and had one historic win here on monday night. >> thank you very much. a bittersweet day in ames today as the paul rhoads era is basically coming to an end. the coach will call it his final game on saturday. today he said goodbye to the media and his supporters. >> this afternoon, paul rhoads, athletic director and a few employers talked about the ends of his era at iowa state. >> i would like to think our players. that have given their all for the cardinal and gold. i trust that i have made a small impact on you. because i promise you, you have made a large impact on us. >> it has been more than 24 hours, but the announcement is still on the forefront at iowa state. >> to know that i will come in here in a week or two and they will be gone, that is tough. >> >> i looked up to him as a kid and he was kind of a hero to me when i was younger. seeing him having to leave is a little bit heartbreaking for me. >> i wanted him to be our coach, and he wanted to be our coach. but it just wasn't meant to be. >> a 32-54 record. seven seasons and one less game as head coach at iowa state. >> and means a lot and i'm very happy. >> i am no quitter. i would never have walked away. not from the job. time. >> a proud some order -- >> iowa state playing chattanooga. cyclones are up to number four this week. out running and gunning. a deflection. star of the game. 6-3, 24 points as the game-high. iowa state wins 83-63.

Related Keywords

Missouri , United States , Iowa Clinic , Iowa , Minnesota , Cedar Rapids , Georgia , Syria , Toronto , Ontario , Canada , Michigan , Brussels , Bruxelles Capitale , Belgium , Des Moines , Hollywood , California , Paris , Rhôalpes , France , Cedar Falls , Iowans , Americans , America , French , Syrian , Catherine Gerdes , Barbara Knapp , Brian Knapp , Angel Perez , Eric Hanson , Daniel Roebuck , Kcci Laura Terrell , Terry Branstad , Stacey Kcci Todd , Derek Carr , Bob Knapp , Jamie Pollard , Steve Karlin , Ashley Judd , Kevin Cooney , Francois Hollande , Paul Rhoads ,

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Transcripts For KCCI KCCI 8 News At Ten 20151124 :

Transcripts For KCCI KCCI 8 News At Ten 20151124

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numbers. number. des moines police report that they have more than 14,000 calls for domestic conflict in 2013. that is the last year that we have numbers for. epidemic. do this. >> he is living through a nightmare. his mother and stepsister are dead. his mother's has it is accused of killing them on sunday night. he blames this man for pulling the trigger. >> he had done things to my mom that shouldn't have been done. i don't think he understood the concept of cheating on her and expecting her to still love him. todd: -- >> one in four women will be impacted by domestic violence in their lifetime. catherine gerdes from children quackscatherine gerdes from children and family services of iowa knows the numbers all too well. >> it's the leading cause of injury to women in the untied states more than car accidents muggings and rapes combined. ,>> and when a women announces she leaving ? >> domestic violence is about power and control so if you are leaving the relationship you are telling the abuser he is not in control and it will up the anti and it will become more dangerous. quacks it's a danger greg lane will never forget. as for his step father? >> he's going to get what's coming to him. i'm not worried about that. >> iowa children's and family services operates a 24 hour crisis line. that anybody can call, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and that is something that people should do. the number is 243:6147. that is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. we are live at the des moines police station downtown. stacey: charges are expected soon in a deadly des moines crash. it happened this morning in the 600 block of 35th street near price chopper. police say 22-year-old scalicity angel perez died after being ejected from the car. and non-conventional weapons. officials say there are no credible threats to the us, but a new cbs news poll shows 69% of americans surveyed are concerned about a terror attack happening on u.s. soil in the next few months. and two-thirds don't think president obama has a clear plan to deal with isis. on tuesday, french president francois hollande is expected to tell the president that the imminent threat from isis, is an emergency that requires immediate action. investigators still have not found salah abdeslam the terrorist in the paris attacks who got away. on monday, a street sweeper near paris found an explosive vest without its detonator the same kind of explosives used in the november 13 assault. brussels will also remain at the highest alert level for at least another week. >> i can confirm that the threat for attack is imminent and fierce. abdeslam was last seen in belgium. >> here in the u.s., president obama is facing backlash for his refugee policy. he says as long as he is president america will remain the place it's always been. president obama: a place where people, who, in other parts of the world are subject to , discrimination or violence, that they have in america a friend. >> the governors of 31 states, including iowa governor terry branstad, say they oppose accepting syrian refugees in their state. dozens of iowa leaders met at the statehouse today voicing their opposition to governor branstad's decision. they think we should allow syrian refugees into the state. >> yes our doors must remain open as they have always remained open because the vetting process is so successful and is so safe. we dare not react in fear and close the door. nationwide, have signed a letter condemning the states' for closing their doors to syrian refugees. kevin? 10:00 a johnston boy who died be remembered on the big screen. stacey: kcci's laura terrell shows us why hollywood is getting ready to make a major blockbuster about the life of brian knapp. >> please make welcome my buddy brian knapp. legendary johnny cash was a dream come true for young brian knapp. the johnston native lost his vision to cancer when he was just a baby but that didn't stop him from becoming a musical savant. >> one day johnny cash saw him tapping around with his cane takes the 9-year-old blind kid , into his dressing room and says whiter you play for me? >> knapp's true life story inspired john gaps to write a screen play in 2003 and now it's set to become a movie called "life briefly." >> it's such an endearing wonderful story about the courage this little boy had. >> actor daniel roebuck, will play johnny's cash's manager. >> i would have played the garbage man in des moines if it would have meant that i'd be in the movie. >> life briefly will chronicle knapp's childhood in iowa to his success in nashville with his song a thousand dreams, and his sudden death at age 14 from leukemia. >> it's a soulful movie, and the people we have making it everybody knows their names. >> ashley judd will play brian's mom barbara knapp, and bill paxton will play his father bob knapp, a des moines developer who made headlines when he went to prison for violating asbestos cleanup laws and then commited suicide by setting a stolen car on fire a year and a half ago. >> it broke his heart terribly when brian died, and i think it's something that in the end he couldn't deal with and he just said please make sure his story gets told. >> and now 30 years later brian's story will be told. the movie will cost $10.5 million to make and the filming begins in georgia in january. gaps says he hopes it will be released in theaters next thanksgiving. >> roads out. just a day after learning he was media. emotional address. >> emotional is a great term to describe all aspects of his life. he lives his life out loud with his heart on his sleeve. you know the disappointment had to come out when he was told that his run as iowa state head coach will end this weekend. today, he sat down in front of the media and on several occasions, those emotions overcame him. >> most of all, i would like to thank our players. past and present. that have given their all for i trust that i have made a small impact on you. because i promise you -- you have made a large impact on my life and i. after seven seasons. he will get a $4.5 million eye out after being let go. jamie pollard says that the search for his replacement has already begun. we will have much more on this coming up in sports. the other big story is up in cedar falls where the marines get to play the title game that was no doubt on friday. chasing history and it will be your kind of night when this happens. right place, right time. defensive lineman takes the handoff. he takes it to the house here it they were on the board and they started rolling. 41-10 for the final. the first team to win three consecutive state championships. will be joined live with all the highlights and reactions coming up later in sports. >> enjoy the snow. it looks like it is on the way out and the rain could be moving back in. your 8 day forecast. >> also ahead, he stole the show at the democratic debate. how you can support the cutest four-legged candidate this election season. >> nightly tradition. you have welcomed kevin into your home for 40 years. he signs of toronto. to be fixed. then, it was about health reform and getting eight million kids covered. now, it's about stopping republicans from repealing obamacare, and taking on insurance companies to bring down drug prices. i'm not going to let any family be deprived of healthcare. i'm not going to let the republicans rip up obamacare and throw it away. >> welcome back. a live look at the state capital. partly cloudy. temperatures high enough that a lot of snow that fell on friday melted away today. we are joined. >> we hoping to his more snow tomorrow. kurtis: we are going to. it is still above freezing. 37. a little bit of a wind chill. 33 east-northeast winds. as a slide into tomorrow morning, there will be patchy fog forming. the sun comes up at 7:14 a.m. 26 degrees. i also want to point out that i think it will be slippery. we will have re-freeze says that walks and the parking lots, keep that in mind, especially early tomorrow morning. temperatures climb, mostly sunny, 9:00 a.m. noon :00, 43. normal highs this time of year are in the 40's. i think they will get around 48. temperatures in the 50's. 42. across the state tomorrow, the colder, 30's, the snow is thicker. fort dodge, waterloo, devonport. 50's in southwestern iowa, we should be about 48 in the metro. if you want to see the warmth it is down in the southwest. 78 in vegas -- phoenix. northwest. this system will impact is on thanksgiving with heavy snow in the rockies. i think a little bit of that snow may make it into the northwestern iowa. mainly a rainmaker. tonight, a few clouds drifting through. fog forming as the night goes long. it is pretty tranquil across most of the midwest. snow showers in michigan. a little bit of cloud cover over in the dakotas and some flurries flying around bismarck. ridge of high pressure moves out. warm front approaches tomorrow. we are going to warm up a little bit tomorrow, but i think the big warm up will arrive on wednesday. we look at futurecast at you can see a couple of clouds out there. drifting on out. morning fog, and then we'll move into the sunshine by the afternoon hour. low clouds hang on longer over in east central iowa. wednesday, here is the cloud cover. we will squeeze out a little bit of drizzle, but the best chance for widespread rain is late wednesday night, thanksgiving morning, some of this rain could be heavy. it will slowly pull off, look at this. a little bit of a wintry mix in northwestern iowa and that will move on through. we will clear out all bit as we head into friday. temperatures tonight down in the 20's out there. patchy fog. watch out for the icy spots where it east winds at 3-5 miles per hour. tomorrow, high of 48. mostly sunny after the morning fog. melting. southeast winds at 10 i 50 miles power. wednesday, all the way up to the 50's. thanksgiving day, 47. i think the southeastern half of the state we could see heavier rain, maybe an inch or more. friday, coal down, 35. drive for the weekend. sunshine on saturday. 34 sunday, another system on monday. stacey: thank you. and history of this television station, we have only had three evening now anchors. tomorrow night when kevin retires, we will give him as much time as he wants to have his say. tonight, eric hanson takes a look at his retirement from the other side of the television. it sounds like our viewers are all been saying pretty much the same thing. eric:. they are. they use different words, but everyone i've talked to says kevin cooney is iowa. >> in every state. you will find traditions. >> it's a true snapshot of america. >> the common threads that make us who we are. >> me and my bestie come every year to get tattoos. >> spend a year in iowa? >> this is iowa/iowa state. it's the biggest thing we have in the state. >> and you'll find a state united behind what makes us us. >> you work all year for this. >> but in a state of >> oh yeah. 3 million. channel 8's kevin cooney. >> only a handful of faces are so familiar. >> he is definitely an iowa tradition. >> they're culturally as big as a rivalry or a bike ride. >> he's always been an institution. >> he's an icon. spend most of a year talking to >>spend most of a year talking to folks in any crowd between missouri and minnesota. >> we watch channel 8 news. kevin cooney. >> and most will admit you never have to shake hands with the guy who wears a channel 8 ring >> never met him. never got that chance. >> no, huh-uh. to feel like he is part of your because, you trust him. and that's trust trustworthy with a capitol t. >> testing 1-2-3-4. test test test. . >> in journalism, you look for those people that do it as it is without bias. and that's exactly what kevin cooney was. >> when you turn on the tv, there he is. >> good evening, everyone. thanks for joining us. >> he's just a good guy. a good catholic boy. >> kevin cooney's been a nightly tradition for as long as most of us can remember. >> i've grew up with him. >> kevin's always been kcci go state. but kevin's always been kcci to me. >> taking a look at some of the serious damage there. >> so when he broke the news back in may? >> i remember the day he said he was doing that. >> we felt it. >> oh, i know. i was sad. >> all good things must come to an end. build your life in iowa and >>build your life in iowa and you'll find 3 constants. we tell the truth. >> i just think of him. when i think of a news anchor, representing iowa, i think of him. >> we want our friends to be happy. >> it's time for him to enjoy the last 20, 30, 40, hopefully 50 years. >> and we truly love our iowa traditions. >> it's a big, big deal. >> we've been around together for a long time. >> it just uh, you grew up. he was always there, you know?. >> i mean when i think of kcci, i think of kevin cooney. >> even though he's got all that gray hair now, he's an absolute icon. >> a real icon to all of us iowans. >> he's awesome. he's awesome. >> this all happening about 10 o'clock this morning. >> everybody's going to miss him. everybody is going to miss him. >> that is what everybody is saying. we're all going to miss you, terribly. millions of us, me included, have grown appear over the last three or four decades and we do not know television without you. [laughter] >> you are an institution, we respect you and we thank you for everything that you have done. kevin: thank you for that lovely story. i don't know what to say. for the first time in my life i'm speechless. i don't what to say other than to think that many people out there who said those kind things. >> there were a lot of them. stacey: yes there are, you have touched summit he lives. kevin: i have been touched by a lot of lives here at kcci 8. the best thing about doing features stories or doing any stories is just meeting people. if you are a gregarious sort of person then i must confess that i love to meet people and talk to people. this is the greatest business in the world to be in. you get paid to meet people. how nice is that? thank you. stacey: we have more well-wishers today. dozens of others send kevin their best. the senator came in the congressman david young stopped by. the attorney general. along with several other former kcci 8 staff members. we want to make sure you join us for his final newscast, that's tomorrow night at 10:00 right we' >> trending at 10:00 vote for , griff. >> it's a new t-shirt inspired by drake university's live mascot griff. hot off the raygun presses tonight. take a look. last weekend during the democratic debate at drake, griff started his own campaign on twitter. #, degrom. it became so popular people started tweeting raygun suggesting they make a shirt. and here is a first look at it tonight. >> so do you think griff is going to be the next president? >> well i think maybe he should be i'm not sure if it will happen but it would be good i think. >> griff t-shirts are for sale at raygun in the campaign 2016 section of the store. >> he was fun. we have state high school football championship highlights it's called a rigged economy, and this is how it works. most new wealth flows to the top 1%. it's a system held in place by corrupt politics where wall street banks and billionaires buy elections. my campaign is powered by over a million small contributions, people like you who want to fight back. the truth is you can't change a corrupt system by taking its money. have your next burger with a side of awesome. the one-of-a-kind, creamy blend of sweet and tangy. miracle whip and proud of it. at kraft we start with quality ingredients. all expertly blended to make our mayo. so you can take whatever you're making from good to amazing. where the catholic maroons aims for history that no team had ever accomplished, three football. we go live there to see how it turned out. >> you have to realize they have basically a brand-new starting lineup this year. all of the seniors in last year are gone. the new troops come in and they made all the way to the title game to face the cedar rapids candidate. when they gave began tonight, did they come firing out. after waiting three days, these maroons were unleashed upon the cougars. on the opening drive, jacob zachary goes 19 yards. 7-0. minutes later, watch closely as he tries to hand it off and the ball pops out right into the hands of rhyme else. he takes this one out. 48 yards for the score. 13-0. it was 13-7 in the second. they wind up for a field goal starts. and the team moves around. and around. he has the man wide open. another touchdown. they tack on another and led 27-7 at the break. third quarter, the ball goes right back to work. zachary, bottled up, but never down. all that there was left to do was to rush the field and hoist the hardware. 41-10. back to back to back. stay championships. they make history. >> we cannot believe it because semi people doubted us. so many global said that there were one or two returning starters and that there was no way that they could do it. after we played, we showed that we could do it. who would have thought it? obviously all of them are special, but i think this one will always have a special spot for me. >> great program. good kids every year. it was a good feeling to come back and to show people how we could play. >> did they ever? in the last three years, this team has lost one game. they have won three championships and had one historic win here on monday night. >> thank you very much. a bittersweet day in ames today as the paul rhoads era is basically coming to an end. the coach will call it his final game on saturday. today he said goodbye to the media and his supporters. >> this afternoon, paul rhoads, athletic director and a few employers talked about the ends of his era at iowa state. >> i would like to think our players. that have given their all for the cardinal and gold. i trust that i have made a small impact on you. because i promise you, you have made a large impact on us. >> it has been more than 24 hours, but the announcement is still on the forefront at iowa state. >> to know that i will come in here in a week or two and they will be gone, that is tough. >> >> i looked up to him as a kid and he was kind of a hero to me when i was younger. seeing him having to leave is a little bit heartbreaking for me. >> i wanted him to be our coach, and he wanted to be our coach. but it just wasn't meant to be. >> a 32-54 record. seven seasons and one less game as head coach at iowa state. >> and means a lot and i'm very happy. >> i am no quitter. i would never have walked away. not from the job. time. >> a proud some order -- >> iowa state playing chattanooga. cyclones are up to number four this week. out running and gunning. a deflection. star of the game. 6-3, 24 points as the game-high. iowa state wins 83-63.

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