Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Tucker Carlson Tonight 20180804 04:

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Tucker Carlson Tonight 20180804 04:00:00

A look at the latest news and headlines of the day features discussions of politics and culture, analysis of political correctness in Campus Craziness and...
A look at the latest news and headlines of the day features discussions of politics and culture, analysis of political correctness in Campus Craziness and...
example, zephyr teachout promit throwing i.c.e. agents in prison. i >> i.c.e. has to be abolished. i say that is somebody who is running for one of the top law enforcement jobs in the country. and as attorney general, i will continue to speak out against i.c.e. i will prosecute i.c.e. for their criminal acts. >> tucker: in other words, those who enforce the law are the real criminals, just like illegal aliens are the realri americans, and the citizens who work hard get married and raise their own kids, are the ones who should be ashamed of themselves. war is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength. horrible saw at all 70 years ago. suddenly we are looking at. dennis prager is a radio show host, the founder of prager university, wrote a column, "the greatest of syrian american history" about the russia story. dennis, thank you for coming on. >> you were very eloquent.
just got to tell you. you summarized what is the greatest hysteria and american history. >> tucker: what bothers me, it's never bothered me if peopl' don't like a politician, any politician. i don't like a lot of politicians. but when the rage distorts the judgment of people who are supposed to be making responsible policy, and they wind up telling us that the people who enforce the law are the real criminals, that can hurt your country. >> well, everything they are doing can hurt the country. i mean, calling the man a nazi, and compare comparing the c helsinki conferences to pearl harbor and kristallnacht. kristallnacht was the opening of the holocaust. as i wrote in my column, i think a lot of college-educated kids have no idea what the holocaust orll the nazis were. for millions of young americans, nazi means a german republican in the 1930s in '40s.
that is the distortion, that is the evil that the left is perpetrating right now, and the silence of most jewish groups on the desecration and trivialization of the holocaust shows you how deep the roots of leftism are in communal life, in jewish life, for that matter. protestant and catholic life. it is a very, very serious moment we are living in. >> tucker: as a literal person, i keep asking myself, how would i respond if i believed what they were saying. i think people do believe what they are if you really thought there was a nazi in the white house, whose immigration policy was designed to hurt people on the basis of skin color, what wouldn't you do, if you really thought that? >> right. if you are consistent with your beliefs, i don't quite understand why you wouldn't try to murder the president and for that matter, any republican.
a nazi -- or at least be wounded, or at least be beaten, as woody allen has in one of his movies, they say, we should take a nazi player lost a court, and he says a baseball bat is far e. i think that is what we will se see. that is what is logical. that is what you do to nazis. >> tucker: the thing that surprises me the most, having lived in washington most of my life, is the silence from the responsible democrats. there are some and i know them actually.en i don't think for example chuck schumer, much as i disagree with them, wants to destroy america or as mentally ill or -- i think he is probably appalled by a lot of this stuff. i got to believe he is. he's not saying out loud.hi why is that? >> i don't think he is appalled, frankly. i think the belief is that anything that will work should be used. also, this is really important, because i devoted my life to moral thinking and moral philosophy, that you don't
consciously desire -- i don't believe he consciously desires to destroy the united states, of course not. but that is irrelevant. it is what you do, not what you intend, that morally counts. and what the democrats are doing now, becoming a left wing, no longer liberal party, listen, alan dershowitz, lifelong liberal, major hillary clinton supporter, voted for hillary clinton, said to me, and people will see this in the film "no safe spaces" coming out next year, and not a plug for it, just want you to know where you can actually see it, he said, as a jewish man andnd american, a r more fear the far left than i do the right. >> tucker: remarkable. alan dershowitz. if you are over 30 and you grew up watching alan dershowitz, it's amazing. >> he's a liberal, not a leftist. >> tucker: that's exactly right. there are very few liberals lef
being managed by the current administration. i don't think we should do away with it. maybe we got to rebrand it. >> tucker: yeah, that sounds fine. i am always remaking federal agencies better. doesn't bother me. totally different thing.m anywhere between 15,000,020,000,000 people living here illegally, illegal aliens in the country. how many can we depart? >> i think we should start by deporting criminals, people who are actively engaged in crimes other than crossing the border. what i don't like is what i am hearing today about 11,000 d spouses of military, active militarypo families, beingte deported by this administration under the zero-tolerance policy. that alarms me. it should alarm you, should alarm your viewers. we have men and women serving overseas in war zones and their spouses being kicked out of the country right now and that is intolerable. >> tucker: whenn you've got 20 million people, foreign nationals, living in your country illegally, still, i
don't think you can call it a zero-tolerance policy. [laughs] there's a lot of tolerance for illegal immigration. how many biological genders are there? >> [laughs] there are two biological gender genders. >> tucker: see, i'm not sure you can be a democrat. >> people can be whatever they want to be. >> tucker: i agree. >> people's decision to call themselves what they want. but there are two. >> tucker: i will call you whatever you want to be called.i i agree. when you start telling me thatom science is false as many democrats are, i start to get nervous. do you think americans have a right to own a firearm? >> yeah, i think they do have a constitutional right to own a firearm but i think there needs to be reasonable restrictions placed on that right and i think there should be a background check on every gun and we should know where every gun is at all times. >> tucker: do you think itou is better for children to grow up with a biological mother t and
father then nott to? >> i mean, not always, tucker. i think it -- >> tucker: not always. is it the best case? is it better -- is growing up with two parents being better than raised by single mother in general? >> look, i was raised by a mom and she was single for a while and it happensns in america andi think we want to see people raised by two loving parents,o whether it be to moms to, or two dads, but i think it is better to have two people. >> tucker: do you think it is better for the biological parents? of course there are lots of different ways that -- i was raised in a nontraditional family. i get it. but is it the ideal? the biological parents? >> tucker, i think they should be raised -- >> tucker: just checking. we are not saying -- >> tucker, and a perfect world,
you'll have to go biological parents who want to but we don't live in a perfect world.ut we live in a very imperfect world. >> tucker: are not saying we do. that is my question. there are some people -- there are alt kinds of permutations what was the ideal. i think people on the left are unwilling to say the ideal is -- >> look -- >> tucker: two biological parents. let me ask you this -- no, you it's totally fine. oh, you will get -- >> if there are two loving men who are in a committed relationship, two loving women -- >> tucker: i'm not attacking anyone. i just want to know what the ideal is. >>to i know a lot of people on e writer against that. >> tucker: i'm not saying that. i'm not making that case. i just want to know what the ideal is. is abortion for the purposes of
sex selection, is that immoral to abort a child because you don't like the gender? is our moral problem without? >> i don't like to cast moral -- >> tucker: simple question. >> tucker: abortion? you won't judge that? >> i don't believe -- my bible tells me judge not just yourself. judge. >> tucker: i'm not asking you to judge anybody. >> now that is not a thing that i -- i don't think this data should have a role in that kind of thing. >> tucker: i think you are way too right-wing for the democratic party. good luck on twitter. [laughs] >> but i was watching your last segment -- >> tucker: i'm sorry, we're out of time. you are one of the last reasonable democrats we just discovered. well, a new hire at
"the new york times" has been exposed as a bigot. we don't like to call people bigots but thiss is a close cal. why do the loudest antiracism agitators always seem to be the first ones to stoke racist sentiments? t we've noticed that. we'll tell you what that's about asked. ♪l over one mistake. see, liberty mutual doesn't hold grudges. for drivers with accident forgiveness liberty mutual won't raise their rates because of their first accident. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty ♪
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been exposed, she pleaded repeatedly about killing all men, and she said, "if. we are talking about big sweeping bans on things that kill people, why don't we ever talk about banning the police." the ones that crye the most abot bigotry are the most enthusiasticic bigots. they defend themselves by saying they can't be bigots. it's impossible. ethan bearman is a california radio host and he joins us tonight. thank you for coming on. >> thanks, tucker. >> tucker: i read a lot of those moments tweets. when no one is saying that she is kind of dumb. i wonder how she got into harvard.wo not a good writer, totally mediocre. a lot of mediocre people. i think it's interesting for tht following reasons. she's making all these sweeping claims about an entire racial group, all of them negative, a lot of them angry, some suggesting violence. people say, she's a racist, and the response of the left has been, you can't be racist to
white people, period. very apparently a widely held belief. do you o think it's impossible o beis racist white people? >> i don't think it's impossible to be racist topl white people t you missed the context. i think there is a bit of hypocrisy from the right on this one with the insult her and she's being the head of the republican party right now. in this case, you miss the context of the trolls attacking her first. clearly she should not have reacted the way she did. however, it is a normal human reaction with both the semantic and autonomic nervous system to respond when under threat. so she was being attacked and responded to. >> tucker: i think it is a very r fair point but people who are attacked to respond, i'm afraid i might do that. reveal myself to be unpleasant. i'm serious. i don't. but she wasn't responding to trolls, actually, in every case, i read them, by the way, her response wasn't aimed at individuals, it was aimed at an entire -- predominant -- racial
group in the united states. so in other words, if i say something to you that you don't like, do you respond by saying something racist? probably not. you respond byin attacking me. that is not what she did. why are we defending that? >> she was setting an example -- no, look. clearly, asian-americans historically have been subjugated and abused in this country. do i need to bring up the internment camps? >> tucker: what? know they haven't. that is silly. we didn't burn their villages. hold on. stop. first of all, not all asians are the same. s her family is from south korea. she went to berkeley and then harvard law school. there has been no organized discrimination against koreans. what are we talking about? the average korean has a higher income than the average native-born white american. there is no history of racism against koreans. that is just not true. certainly not by white people. >>hi neither one of us have
experienced what she's experienced. i don't know what she's experienced. >> tucker: i didn't get into harvard law school. as a dumb person, she got in as a dumb person. that's impressive, i get it. >> she didn't give into harvard law is a dumb person. should >> tucker: i'm not being mean. i'm not attacking her. i spent all day reading her tweets and she's not bright. she can barely write. all these other dumb people are like, she is irresponsible, she's a genius. if you think she's a genie is -- whatever. but the point is, how can she come as a harvard law graduate with a "new york times" job, coming from south korea, how can she be an oppressed person? i'm totally confused. >> i don't know her personal experience. what i do know is if you look at other tweets that were sent to her, tucker, there were tweets that were very crude and they were offensive and again, so she was experiencing that and sometimes -- i try to avoid doing this myself -- again, i don't condone lashing out but of course, when you are a minority
person and you are feeling attacked for being the minority person that you are, you sometimes lash out and say things -- >> tucker: i get it. so she is attempting the race of my children, my kids are right, i'll admit it. does that me that i can go attack all agents in response? i would never do that. >> white people are in charge in this country. it is really hard to say that you are an oppressed minority. >> tucker: oh, only she gets to be the racist. but she is the rich harvard law grad who works at "the new york times" "new york times." >> she made very poor choices in her language. no way, no wait, no way, tucker. white people are not the oppressed group. that is white for agility. see what i'm not saying they are. look, i am not oppressed, never have been. are these universal principles?
a parent may not. ethan, thank you. >> thanks, tucker. >> tucker: chadwick more as a journalist in new york city, and brooklyn specifically, and he js us tonight. chadwick, i am fumbling around in the dark for the new rules, and i get the rules are that you get to say things according to your race, certain races good to say some things, other races can't say other things. why is that not a racist worldview? by definition? >> well, it is, by definition obviously. what we are seeing here is a very dramatic and a broader escalation of a creeping trend at "the new york times." >> tucker: yes, that's right. >> yes. we have always known "the new york times" is left-leaning, jill abramson, very brief stint there. famously said, we don't have a liberal bias, we have an urban bias. they've abandoned that. for them to so brazenly defend this person, and to knowinglyin hire her, given what she has said in the past, that marks a
very steep change in what is happening at "the new york times." i do not think that this is coincidental that this happened now. it was revealed earlier this year, i believe in may come of that george soros invested $3 million into "the new york times" company, and what happened a couple months later? "the new york times" published a glittering profile of him. i use to freelance atfi "the new york times," and i am very familiar with their ethics policy. i used to live inn fear of their ethics policy, which is very intense and dramatic, especially their conflicts of interest. there are sections of public neutrality when it came to political issues. this is clearly not the paper i knew. i was so shocked when i heard about the george soros injection into the company and maybe that is what we are seeing here. they just want to be either a george soros operation, globalist operation, or they've decided to make a business decisionsi to just be a left-wig
tabloid like "huffington post." they are -- they can no longer call themselves the paper of record. they are certainly no longer the glittering jewel of american journalism. that is completely out the window. >> tucker: pick the race gap like this, really long-term consequences that are starting to worry me. i think we should be worried. chadwick, thank you for your insights into that. i appreciate it. >> thanks, tucker. >> tucker: speaking of new york city going crazy, new york is renaming a street after a dictator who committed racial genocide. for real. why is the city council suddenly endorsing this? it's 2018. we've got details coming up. ♪ ♪
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to blame. he was not in any debt. had had lost a lot of money at casinos, though. what was his motive? police say they have no idea and that we may never know. what about the slow response to the shooting? from police? welcome a clark county sheriff joe lombardo says that is "an internal matter, whatever aythat means. there are many threats worth following up and we will. meanwhile, cross america, statues are being toppled, streets and schools have been renamed, we are in the middle of a revolution, remember! all for the sake of purging the memory of long-ago racism. in new york, they have a very different plan. they are now honoring ae genocidal dictator. amazing! for city council, led by giovanni williams, a frequent guest on this show, running for lieutenant governor of new york right now, just voted to renamew a street after the haitian dictator. in the early 1800s, he ordered the genocide of all white people on the island, that includes men, women, and children.
he did it, that is what he is best known for, new york city apparentlyow finds that impressive, so impressive, they will name a street after him. the associate editor of "city journal joins us tonight. thank you lord for coming on. i overstate that? >> you were right. >> tucker: what is this about? >> i think it would make perfect sense to have a statute or a street named after dessalines in port-au-prince, the haitian capital. i don't understand why we are doing it in new york city. i mean, there are a number of patients here in brooklyn. nearty there. this is advocated by the same people who want to tear down the statue of columbus at columbus circle, who want to rename stuyvesant high school because he owned slaves. so it's a very extreme measure. if you recall a year ago,
williams was very much in favor of the puerto rican day parade honoring oscar lopez rivera. i know you had him d on then. oscar lopez rivera was a terrorist who bombed a major historic landmark downtown and killed several people, including account. there he is. this is who the city is now apparently honoring. and favoring. >> tucker: there are a couple of interesting things about this. the first is that multiculturalism isn't real. we were told that snsticulturalism is that withts lots of cultures exist happily in all of that. this is really destroying one culture and replacing it with the new foreign culture. that appears to be -- we are taking your monument down and putting ours up by that is what is going up. >> i talked to a member of the city council, a republican who voted for it, for the street renaming, and he sort of indicated thatat this was
insurance -- this will protect columbus. like, t if we give them the strt named after dessalines, they won't come after columbus. that is like the strategy of feeding your friends to the crocodiles and hope that they will eat you last. i think that they will have dessalines and to take columbus eventually, when they want to, when we are ready. >> tucker: but columbus discovered america and this is america. maybe there's a reason we celebrate at columbus. dessalines, i'm sure he had good points in addition to being a genocidal nutcase. no one is monochromatic. but what does that have to do with america? nothing, right? >> history is complicated and everybody has their next story. according to jumaane williams, columbus, jefferson, washington, it is all arbitrary why they are honored, and dessalines or robert mcgarvey, i guess, orange. >> tucker: i guess that is next. great story.
thank you for that very much. we'll talk to jumaane williams next week about it. congress is obsessed with combating russia but doing almost nothing about an actual threat that we face from china. our greatest senator marco rubio just cast a protest vote trying to change that, he joins us for his first fox news interview since casting metal it. that next. ♪ i decided to make shirts for the walk with custom ink, and they just came out perfect. - [announcer] check out our huge selection of custom apparel for every occasion. you'll even get free shipping. get started today at ♪ motorcycle revving ♪motorcycle revving
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before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. be there for you, and them. ask your gastroenterologist about humira. with humira, control is possible. >> tucker: by this by this point, it is pretty clear that china, and not russia, as the top threat in the united states. china has far more people, a much larger economy, they are also far more aggressive. their hackers steal more u.s. secrets, military secrets, and intellectual property, the state owned companies have far more thoroughly penetrated the american company.
senator marco rubio is one of the few lawmakers trying to raise awareness of those threats. to that end, he just cast a protest vote against the defense funding bill. afterwards, he spoke to us in his first fox news interview following that boat. >> tucker: senator, thank you for coming out tonight. you have, for the first time, voted against the national defense authorization act, a form of protest, if i'm getting this right? >> hopefully to get people to notice. we t did something about allowig the chinese telecommunication company to stay in business. i don't think we should allow any chinese telecommunication company to do business in america. they use it as a tool of espionage. theyri do it all over the world. what i mean by espionage is not listening in on people's calls, i'm talking about taxpayer-funded research at universities, they steal it, all of a sudden it shows up in their products. i'm talking about intellectual property of companies and key industries. i'm talking about defensive secrets and we are creating an environment in which they can put backdoors into servers and
steal these things from us. let me just make one more point, the intro, you touched upon it, there is no greater threat to the united states because china seeks to replace us and we are still struggling in this country becauseug for the first time sie the end of the cold war, we now have a near pier adversary ended near pier adversary that is looking to overtake us, andr frankly, we are helping them and we are helping them not just by giving them business in our country but through trade practices that have allowed them to cheat and steal for 18 years. >> tucker: there are reports, and there are many stories like this, but here. is one that has emerged recently. google apparently is planning to do the biddingng and effect of e chinese government, to censor its search engine in china, helping to prop up an authoritarian regime. what should we make of that? >> we should make a bet that american companies by and large, who would like to march into a country here and take up all sorts of social issues and lecture society, have no problem helping china sensor, as an example. he goes deeper than that.
i don't know if you know -- are aware of project maven in which google is working with the department of defense to help wothem with targeting, would sae the militarywing to avoid hitting sale civilians. google no longer works with the department of defense. however, they work in partnership with the university in china that provides the technology assistance to the chinese military. it is just one more example of this rampant hypocrisy of american companies who are more interested in making a few dollars, gaining access to m the 1.3 billion person chinese market but have no problem on the other hand cutting ties with a country that allow themhe to exist in the first place, the united states. p >> tucker: so they are serving the police state but ignoring their own country. it is russia doing anything on the scale that china is? >> no. very different. look, russia -- the economy of russia is $2 trillion. that is their gdp. that is the size of italy and spain. they have nuclear weapons. we've got to deal with them because they have nuclear weapons, some pretty good conventional capabilities, and
they are going out and doing the sorts of -- pitting us against each other and sort of -- is not in favor of one political party or the n other, they just want s toit fight against each other. that is important. the chinese threat is critical.. russia has no ability and willingness to overtake us in a geopolitical stage. china seeks to replace us. they usedla to hide that intention. now they are pretty aggressive and open about it, and at this time we open up to that reality and started writing back. we most certainly should not be helping them do that by allowing them to steal our intellectual property and military secrets. >> tucker: why is nobody saying this? why is every single news conference out of washington about russia andy no one is saying anything about china? i find it odd. >> we are in a better place than we were two years ago but not where we need to be. we spent about 17 years, the conventional wisdom was that china was a poor country, and if we help them, let them steal because what they get rich they will behave like ours. that was -- it didn't work out.
a terrible and idea. we are paying the price. which is why i support these tariffs. don't like tears. the best way to get rid of these terraces to be willing to impose on themselves and retaliation. you are seeing the impact of it at already. the chinese economy is struggling. a bunch of people in this country that want to unconditionally surrender, or allow china to do anything they want in america, so long as we get some crumbs for our companies in terms of doing a little bit of business overm there. >> tucker: as long as google gets richer. senator, thank you very much. i appreciate. it. up next, this week's "final exam." it's a good one. ♪
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universe for the brightest bulbs to compete against one another to see u.s. pays close attention to the news this week for a defending champion katie pavlich has won six or seven in a row, she's off this week. instead we have a beer or pure special showdown janice being ah fox news meteorologists and k great people. the question is, which is the greatest experts on obscure news? we are about to find out. welcome to you both. >> hi, tucker! >> what an intro. >> tucker: adam, i will notsm reveal my deep favoritism for janice dean. but good luck to you. do you the rules? let me repeat them in case you forgot. hands on browsers, i asked her questions, the first want tondhe buzz and gets to answer the question. you have to wait until i finish asking in order to answer it, you can acknowledge -- answer what they acknowledge by saying your every correct answer is worth the point. but if you get it wrong, you lose the point. a best-of-five wins.
>> tucker: that's the spirit. question one, during his show, monday night, jimmy kimmel tried to go to a celebrity guest into going after the president. this reality star refused to do that and said she had no complaints with donald trump. who was it? adam? >> kim kardashian. >> tucker: kim kardashian? okay. was k that kim kardashian? roll tape. >> is know that you are not necessarily aw trump supporter. i know your husband, kanye, seems to like him a lot. you guys argue about that? you talk politics and have debates about -- >> you know what, no. i have nothing bad to say about the>> president. >> tucker: it was indeed kim kardashian. 1 for adam. >> i knew it. you are quicker on the buzzer.t, >> tucker: it's a question of getting there. question two. you can redeem yourself, janice.
which supreme court justice, as liberals rejoicing, after this person said he or she plans to stay on the court at least five more years? janice dean? >> ruth bader ginsburg. >> tucker: ruth bader ginsburg. is it ruth bader ginsburg? roll the tape. >> supreme court justice ruth bader ginsburg announced she will plan to retire from the supreme court three years into president trump's second term. >> i am 84 years old and everybody wants to take a picture with me. >> tucker: you are right. janice dean, setting up a tie. 1-1, moving into question three. it will not be tied by the end of this. here is the question. over the past weekend, barack and michelle obama were caught on tape dancing at a concert. who was performing? janice dean.
>> jay-z and beyonce! >> tucker: jay-z and beyonce says the former canadian dj janice dean. was it jay-z and/or beyonce? roll tape. >> the former president and first lady caught on camera at this weekends beyonce and jay-z concert, dancing and waving their hands in the air. about a thousand people posted it on social media. the obama's are living their breath lives. >> tucker: oh, adam, she's a force of nature. i warned you. 2-1. i will warn you, this is a legitimately tough question. iil had no idea the answer. i will throw it at you. question four is multiple-choice. san antonio aquarium is the scene of the story. three people arrested there this week when they were caught on tape using a baby stroller to steal what kind of animal? was at a penguin, a tortoise, or aa shark? adam?
>> a shark! >> tucker: you can't put a shark and a baby stroller. was it a shark? roll tape. >> for snappers, seen here on surveillance camera, grabbed their shark by the tail, placed her in a bucket, and took the bucket into the stroller. within hours, the stolen shark was allegedly put up for sale on facebook. >> tucker: whole-wheat -- i can't believe you knew that. i never would have guessed that. i would have said penguin or tortoise. >> may come too. >> tucker: now we are really in this situation. sudden death overtime. this will determine the winner. this is a weather related question for our two meteorologists. a cloud in texas is wowing the internet, at this very moment because it has a very unusual shape. what does this cloud resemble? janice dean? >> and angel! >> tucker: and angel, says
janice. i know you are such a good person that you would guess angel no matter what it is. were you right? >> take a look at the stunning image, a driver capturing a cloud formation that looks just like an angel. what do you think? >> just like an angel. the man taking the picture while drivingoe down a texas highway posting itt online, calling it n angel cloud.ri >> [laughs] >> tucker: janice dean! ii got to say, adam, congratulations for getting as far as you did. very few people could have stood up to the force that is janice and gotten the points. janice dean, congratulations. the outcome was never an doc but i am thrilled for you anyway. >> oh, tucker, i just want to think my mom and my dad and the whole "fox & friends" audience and adam as well for showing up. >> tucker: got to think your manager. s we have anth eric wemple of mogg in the mail for you. it will be there soon. weil promise. you guys were great. thank you very much and
thank youer for telling us what the weather is going to be so accurately for so many years. great to see you both. that is it for this week's "final exam." pay attention to the news, every weird detail, every week. tune in on thursdays to see if you can beat our news experts. we'll be right back. two, i say!! like my father before... [telephone ring] like my father before... ahoy-hoy! as long as people talk too loudly on the phone, you can count on geico saving folks money. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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visit and use the joint damage simulator to see how joint damage could progress. ask about enbrel. enbrel. fda approved for over 18 years. >> tucker: organ >> tucker: organic life typically needs oxygen to survive. but instead of oxygen, surviving on the tension that he absorbs through television waves. we'll do literally any tv show, except this one, unfortunately. but our invitation still stands. and always will. his daily requirement by cohosting "the view" on abc. so excited by having him in the studio, suggested that the lawyer might be a member of the holy trinity, rather than some lower tier law firm. watch prey to speak of the survey posted wanted to find out why people sanctify sex.
so, michael, do you have these fantasies or what? >> to be clear, unlike ted cruz and tucker carlson, actually believe in. >> they don't. >> of course i have fantasies. >> he definitely believes in se sex. tucker carlson has children. >> all of my fantasies involve handcuffs. >> tucker: all of my sexual fantasies involve handcuffs? what could he possibly say to get creepier? he just said it. that seems a fitting way to cap a truly bizarre week. we hope that you have a terrific weekend that is blessedly lawye. free, above all. thanks for watching all week, we will be back monday 8:00 on the show that is the sworn enemy of

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Tucker Carlson Tonight 20180804 04:00:00 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Tucker Carlson Tonight 20180804 04:00:00

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A look at the latest news and headlines of the day features discussions of politics and culture, analysis of political correctness in Campus Craziness and...
A look at the latest news and headlines of the day features discussions of politics and culture, analysis of political correctness in Campus Craziness and...
example, zephyr teachout promit throwing i.c.e. agents in prison. i >> i.c.e. has to be abolished. i say that is somebody who is running for one of the top law enforcement jobs in the country. and as attorney general, i will continue to speak out against i.c.e. i will prosecute i.c.e. for their criminal acts. >> tucker: in other words, those who enforce the law are the real criminals, just like illegal aliens are the realri americans, and the citizens who work hard get married and raise their own kids, are the ones who should be ashamed of themselves. war is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength. horrible saw at all 70 years ago. suddenly we are looking at. dennis prager is a radio show host, the founder of prager university, wrote a column, "the greatest of syrian american history" about the russia story. dennis, thank you for coming on. >> you were very eloquent.
just got to tell you. you summarized what is the greatest hysteria and american history. >> tucker: what bothers me, it's never bothered me if peopl' don't like a politician, any politician. i don't like a lot of politicians. but when the rage distorts the judgment of people who are supposed to be making responsible policy, and they wind up telling us that the people who enforce the law are the real criminals, that can hurt your country. >> well, everything they are doing can hurt the country. i mean, calling the man a nazi, and compare comparing the c helsinki conferences to pearl harbor and kristallnacht. kristallnacht was the opening of the holocaust. as i wrote in my column, i think a lot of college-educated kids have no idea what the holocaust orll the nazis were. for millions of young americans, nazi means a german republican in the 1930s in '40s.
that is the distortion, that is the evil that the left is perpetrating right now, and the silence of most jewish groups on the desecration and trivialization of the holocaust shows you how deep the roots of leftism are in communal life, in jewish life, for that matter. protestant and catholic life. it is a very, very serious moment we are living in. >> tucker: as a literal person, i keep asking myself, how would i respond if i believed what they were saying. i think people do believe what they are if you really thought there was a nazi in the white house, whose immigration policy was designed to hurt people on the basis of skin color, what wouldn't you do, if you really thought that? >> right. if you are consistent with your beliefs, i don't quite understand why you wouldn't try to murder the president and for that matter, any republican.
a nazi -- or at least be wounded, or at least be beaten, as woody allen has in one of his movies, they say, we should take a nazi player lost a court, and he says a baseball bat is far e. i think that is what we will se see. that is what is logical. that is what you do to nazis. >> tucker: the thing that surprises me the most, having lived in washington most of my life, is the silence from the responsible democrats. there are some and i know them actually.en i don't think for example chuck schumer, much as i disagree with them, wants to destroy america or as mentally ill or -- i think he is probably appalled by a lot of this stuff. i got to believe he is. he's not saying out loud.hi why is that? >> i don't think he is appalled, frankly. i think the belief is that anything that will work should be used. also, this is really important, because i devoted my life to moral thinking and moral philosophy, that you don't
consciously desire -- i don't believe he consciously desires to destroy the united states, of course not. but that is irrelevant. it is what you do, not what you intend, that morally counts. and what the democrats are doing now, becoming a left wing, no longer liberal party, listen, alan dershowitz, lifelong liberal, major hillary clinton supporter, voted for hillary clinton, said to me, and people will see this in the film "no safe spaces" coming out next year, and not a plug for it, just want you to know where you can actually see it, he said, as a jewish man andnd american, a r more fear the far left than i do the right. >> tucker: remarkable. alan dershowitz. if you are over 30 and you grew up watching alan dershowitz, it's amazing. >> he's a liberal, not a leftist. >> tucker: that's exactly right. there are very few liberals lef
being managed by the current administration. i don't think we should do away with it. maybe we got to rebrand it. >> tucker: yeah, that sounds fine. i am always remaking federal agencies better. doesn't bother me. totally different thing.m anywhere between 15,000,020,000,000 people living here illegally, illegal aliens in the country. how many can we depart? >> i think we should start by deporting criminals, people who are actively engaged in crimes other than crossing the border. what i don't like is what i am hearing today about 11,000 d spouses of military, active militarypo families, beingte deported by this administration under the zero-tolerance policy. that alarms me. it should alarm you, should alarm your viewers. we have men and women serving overseas in war zones and their spouses being kicked out of the country right now and that is intolerable. >> tucker: whenn you've got 20 million people, foreign nationals, living in your country illegally, still, i
don't think you can call it a zero-tolerance policy. [laughs] there's a lot of tolerance for illegal immigration. how many biological genders are there? >> [laughs] there are two biological gender genders. >> tucker: see, i'm not sure you can be a democrat. >> people can be whatever they want to be. >> tucker: i agree. >> people's decision to call themselves what they want. but there are two. >> tucker: i will call you whatever you want to be called.i i agree. when you start telling me thatom science is false as many democrats are, i start to get nervous. do you think americans have a right to own a firearm? >> yeah, i think they do have a constitutional right to own a firearm but i think there needs to be reasonable restrictions placed on that right and i think there should be a background check on every gun and we should know where every gun is at all times. >> tucker: do you think itou is better for children to grow up with a biological mother t and
father then nott to? >> i mean, not always, tucker. i think it -- >> tucker: not always. is it the best case? is it better -- is growing up with two parents being better than raised by single mother in general? >> look, i was raised by a mom and she was single for a while and it happensns in america andi think we want to see people raised by two loving parents,o whether it be to moms to, or two dads, but i think it is better to have two people. >> tucker: do you think it is better for the biological parents? of course there are lots of different ways that -- i was raised in a nontraditional family. i get it. but is it the ideal? the biological parents? >> tucker, i think they should be raised -- >> tucker: just checking. we are not saying -- >> tucker, and a perfect world,
you'll have to go biological parents who want to but we don't live in a perfect world.ut we live in a very imperfect world. >> tucker: are not saying we do. that is my question. there are some people -- there are alt kinds of permutations what was the ideal. i think people on the left are unwilling to say the ideal is -- >> look -- >> tucker: two biological parents. let me ask you this -- no, you it's totally fine. oh, you will get -- >> if there are two loving men who are in a committed relationship, two loving women -- >> tucker: i'm not attacking anyone. i just want to know what the ideal is. >>to i know a lot of people on e writer against that. >> tucker: i'm not saying that. i'm not making that case. i just want to know what the ideal is. is abortion for the purposes of
sex selection, is that immoral to abort a child because you don't like the gender? is our moral problem without? >> i don't like to cast moral -- >> tucker: simple question. >> tucker: abortion? you won't judge that? >> i don't believe -- my bible tells me judge not just yourself. judge. >> tucker: i'm not asking you to judge anybody. >> now that is not a thing that i -- i don't think this data should have a role in that kind of thing. >> tucker: i think you are way too right-wing for the democratic party. good luck on twitter. [laughs] >> but i was watching your last segment -- >> tucker: i'm sorry, we're out of time. you are one of the last reasonable democrats we just discovered. well, a new hire at
"the new york times" has been exposed as a bigot. we don't like to call people bigots but thiss is a close cal. why do the loudest antiracism agitators always seem to be the first ones to stoke racist sentiments? t we've noticed that. we'll tell you what that's about asked. ♪l over one mistake. see, liberty mutual doesn't hold grudges. for drivers with accident forgiveness liberty mutual won't raise their rates because of their first accident. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty ♪
designed to save you money. wireless network whether you use your phone to get fit. to find meaningful, thoughtful, slightly-weird gifts. or just to know which way you're facing right now. however you use it, your wireless bill is about to cost a whole lot less. ask how you get xfinity mobile included with your xfinity internet. so you just pay for data -- by the gig or unlimited. saving you hundreds of dollars a year. plus, get $300 back when you buy a new smartphone. xfinity mobile. it's simple. easy. awesome. click, call or visit a store today. >> tucker: deleted member of "the new york times" editorial board is named sarah jeong come exposed yesterday is kind of a lunatic, definitely a bigot. they "the times" didn't care, saying, the only races are the s that criticize her. no more of jeong's tweets have
been exposed, she pleaded repeatedly about killing all men, and she said, "if. we are talking about big sweeping bans on things that kill people, why don't we ever talk about banning the police." the ones that crye the most abot bigotry are the most enthusiasticic bigots. they defend themselves by saying they can't be bigots. it's impossible. ethan bearman is a california radio host and he joins us tonight. thank you for coming on. >> thanks, tucker. >> tucker: i read a lot of those moments tweets. when no one is saying that she is kind of dumb. i wonder how she got into harvard.wo not a good writer, totally mediocre. a lot of mediocre people. i think it's interesting for tht following reasons. she's making all these sweeping claims about an entire racial group, all of them negative, a lot of them angry, some suggesting violence. people say, she's a racist, and the response of the left has been, you can't be racist to
white people, period. very apparently a widely held belief. do you o think it's impossible o beis racist white people? >> i don't think it's impossible to be racist topl white people t you missed the context. i think there is a bit of hypocrisy from the right on this one with the insult her and she's being the head of the republican party right now. in this case, you miss the context of the trolls attacking her first. clearly she should not have reacted the way she did. however, it is a normal human reaction with both the semantic and autonomic nervous system to respond when under threat. so she was being attacked and responded to. >> tucker: i think it is a very r fair point but people who are attacked to respond, i'm afraid i might do that. reveal myself to be unpleasant. i'm serious. i don't. but she wasn't responding to trolls, actually, in every case, i read them, by the way, her response wasn't aimed at individuals, it was aimed at an entire -- predominant -- racial
group in the united states. so in other words, if i say something to you that you don't like, do you respond by saying something racist? probably not. you respond byin attacking me. that is not what she did. why are we defending that? >> she was setting an example -- no, look. clearly, asian-americans historically have been subjugated and abused in this country. do i need to bring up the internment camps? >> tucker: what? know they haven't. that is silly. we didn't burn their villages. hold on. stop. first of all, not all asians are the same. s her family is from south korea. she went to berkeley and then harvard law school. there has been no organized discrimination against koreans. what are we talking about? the average korean has a higher income than the average native-born white american. there is no history of racism against koreans. that is just not true. certainly not by white people. >>hi neither one of us have
experienced what she's experienced. i don't know what she's experienced. >> tucker: i didn't get into harvard law school. as a dumb person, she got in as a dumb person. that's impressive, i get it. >> she didn't give into harvard law is a dumb person. should >> tucker: i'm not being mean. i'm not attacking her. i spent all day reading her tweets and she's not bright. she can barely write. all these other dumb people are like, she is irresponsible, she's a genius. if you think she's a genie is -- whatever. but the point is, how can she come as a harvard law graduate with a "new york times" job, coming from south korea, how can she be an oppressed person? i'm totally confused. >> i don't know her personal experience. what i do know is if you look at other tweets that were sent to her, tucker, there were tweets that were very crude and they were offensive and again, so she was experiencing that and sometimes -- i try to avoid doing this myself -- again, i don't condone lashing out but of course, when you are a minority
person and you are feeling attacked for being the minority person that you are, you sometimes lash out and say things -- >> tucker: i get it. so she is attempting the race of my children, my kids are right, i'll admit it. does that me that i can go attack all agents in response? i would never do that. >> white people are in charge in this country. it is really hard to say that you are an oppressed minority. >> tucker: oh, only she gets to be the racist. but she is the rich harvard law grad who works at "the new york times" "new york times." >> she made very poor choices in her language. no way, no wait, no way, tucker. white people are not the oppressed group. that is white for agility. see what i'm not saying they are. look, i am not oppressed, never have been. are these universal principles?
a parent may not. ethan, thank you. >> thanks, tucker. >> tucker: chadwick more as a journalist in new york city, and brooklyn specifically, and he js us tonight. chadwick, i am fumbling around in the dark for the new rules, and i get the rules are that you get to say things according to your race, certain races good to say some things, other races can't say other things. why is that not a racist worldview? by definition? >> well, it is, by definition obviously. what we are seeing here is a very dramatic and a broader escalation of a creeping trend at "the new york times." >> tucker: yes, that's right. >> yes. we have always known "the new york times" is left-leaning, jill abramson, very brief stint there. famously said, we don't have a liberal bias, we have an urban bias. they've abandoned that. for them to so brazenly defend this person, and to knowinglyin hire her, given what she has said in the past, that marks a
very steep change in what is happening at "the new york times." i do not think that this is coincidental that this happened now. it was revealed earlier this year, i believe in may come of that george soros invested $3 million into "the new york times" company, and what happened a couple months later? "the new york times" published a glittering profile of him. i use to freelance atfi "the new york times," and i am very familiar with their ethics policy. i used to live inn fear of their ethics policy, which is very intense and dramatic, especially their conflicts of interest. there are sections of public neutrality when it came to political issues. this is clearly not the paper i knew. i was so shocked when i heard about the george soros injection into the company and maybe that is what we are seeing here. they just want to be either a george soros operation, globalist operation, or they've decided to make a business decisionsi to just be a left-wig
tabloid like "huffington post." they are -- they can no longer call themselves the paper of record. they are certainly no longer the glittering jewel of american journalism. that is completely out the window. >> tucker: pick the race gap like this, really long-term consequences that are starting to worry me. i think we should be worried. chadwick, thank you for your insights into that. i appreciate it. >> thanks, tucker. >> tucker: speaking of new york city going crazy, new york is renaming a street after a dictator who committed racial genocide. for real. why is the city council suddenly endorsing this? it's 2018. we've got details coming up. ♪ ♪
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to blame. he was not in any debt. had had lost a lot of money at casinos, though. what was his motive? police say they have no idea and that we may never know. what about the slow response to the shooting? from police? welcome a clark county sheriff joe lombardo says that is "an internal matter, whatever aythat means. there are many threats worth following up and we will. meanwhile, cross america, statues are being toppled, streets and schools have been renamed, we are in the middle of a revolution, remember! all for the sake of purging the memory of long-ago racism. in new york, they have a very different plan. they are now honoring ae genocidal dictator. amazing! for city council, led by giovanni williams, a frequent guest on this show, running for lieutenant governor of new york right now, just voted to renamew a street after the haitian dictator. in the early 1800s, he ordered the genocide of all white people on the island, that includes men, women, and children.
he did it, that is what he is best known for, new york city apparentlyow finds that impressive, so impressive, they will name a street after him. the associate editor of "city journal joins us tonight. thank you lord for coming on. i overstate that? >> you were right. >> tucker: what is this about? >> i think it would make perfect sense to have a statute or a street named after dessalines in port-au-prince, the haitian capital. i don't understand why we are doing it in new york city. i mean, there are a number of patients here in brooklyn. nearty there. this is advocated by the same people who want to tear down the statue of columbus at columbus circle, who want to rename stuyvesant high school because he owned slaves. so it's a very extreme measure. if you recall a year ago,
williams was very much in favor of the puerto rican day parade honoring oscar lopez rivera. i know you had him d on then. oscar lopez rivera was a terrorist who bombed a major historic landmark downtown and killed several people, including account. there he is. this is who the city is now apparently honoring. and favoring. >> tucker: there are a couple of interesting things about this. the first is that multiculturalism isn't real. we were told that snsticulturalism is that withts lots of cultures exist happily in all of that. this is really destroying one culture and replacing it with the new foreign culture. that appears to be -- we are taking your monument down and putting ours up by that is what is going up. >> i talked to a member of the city council, a republican who voted for it, for the street renaming, and he sort of indicated thatat this was
insurance -- this will protect columbus. like, t if we give them the strt named after dessalines, they won't come after columbus. that is like the strategy of feeding your friends to the crocodiles and hope that they will eat you last. i think that they will have dessalines and to take columbus eventually, when they want to, when we are ready. >> tucker: but columbus discovered america and this is america. maybe there's a reason we celebrate at columbus. dessalines, i'm sure he had good points in addition to being a genocidal nutcase. no one is monochromatic. but what does that have to do with america? nothing, right? >> history is complicated and everybody has their next story. according to jumaane williams, columbus, jefferson, washington, it is all arbitrary why they are honored, and dessalines or robert mcgarvey, i guess, orange. >> tucker: i guess that is next. great story.
thank you for that very much. we'll talk to jumaane williams next week about it. congress is obsessed with combating russia but doing almost nothing about an actual threat that we face from china. our greatest senator marco rubio just cast a protest vote trying to change that, he joins us for his first fox news interview since casting metal it. that next. ♪ i decided to make shirts for the walk with custom ink, and they just came out perfect. - [announcer] check out our huge selection of custom apparel for every occasion. you'll even get free shipping. get started today at ♪ motorcycle revving ♪motorcycle revving
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before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. be there for you, and them. ask your gastroenterologist about humira. with humira, control is possible. >> tucker: by this by this point, it is pretty clear that china, and not russia, as the top threat in the united states. china has far more people, a much larger economy, they are also far more aggressive. their hackers steal more u.s. secrets, military secrets, and intellectual property, the state owned companies have far more thoroughly penetrated the american company.
senator marco rubio is one of the few lawmakers trying to raise awareness of those threats. to that end, he just cast a protest vote against the defense funding bill. afterwards, he spoke to us in his first fox news interview following that boat. >> tucker: senator, thank you for coming out tonight. you have, for the first time, voted against the national defense authorization act, a form of protest, if i'm getting this right? >> hopefully to get people to notice. we t did something about allowig the chinese telecommunication company to stay in business. i don't think we should allow any chinese telecommunication company to do business in america. they use it as a tool of espionage. theyri do it all over the world. what i mean by espionage is not listening in on people's calls, i'm talking about taxpayer-funded research at universities, they steal it, all of a sudden it shows up in their products. i'm talking about intellectual property of companies and key industries. i'm talking about defensive secrets and we are creating an environment in which they can put backdoors into servers and
steal these things from us. let me just make one more point, the intro, you touched upon it, there is no greater threat to the united states because china seeks to replace us and we are still struggling in this country becauseug for the first time sie the end of the cold war, we now have a near pier adversary ended near pier adversary that is looking to overtake us, andr frankly, we are helping them and we are helping them not just by giving them business in our country but through trade practices that have allowed them to cheat and steal for 18 years. >> tucker: there are reports, and there are many stories like this, but here. is one that has emerged recently. google apparently is planning to do the biddingng and effect of e chinese government, to censor its search engine in china, helping to prop up an authoritarian regime. what should we make of that? >> we should make a bet that american companies by and large, who would like to march into a country here and take up all sorts of social issues and lecture society, have no problem helping china sensor, as an example. he goes deeper than that.
i don't know if you know -- are aware of project maven in which google is working with the department of defense to help wothem with targeting, would sae the militarywing to avoid hitting sale civilians. google no longer works with the department of defense. however, they work in partnership with the university in china that provides the technology assistance to the chinese military. it is just one more example of this rampant hypocrisy of american companies who are more interested in making a few dollars, gaining access to m the 1.3 billion person chinese market but have no problem on the other hand cutting ties with a country that allow themhe to exist in the first place, the united states. p >> tucker: so they are serving the police state but ignoring their own country. it is russia doing anything on the scale that china is? >> no. very different. look, russia -- the economy of russia is $2 trillion. that is their gdp. that is the size of italy and spain. they have nuclear weapons. we've got to deal with them because they have nuclear weapons, some pretty good conventional capabilities, and
they are going out and doing the sorts of -- pitting us against each other and sort of -- is not in favor of one political party or the n other, they just want s toit fight against each other. that is important. the chinese threat is critical.. russia has no ability and willingness to overtake us in a geopolitical stage. china seeks to replace us. they usedla to hide that intention. now they are pretty aggressive and open about it, and at this time we open up to that reality and started writing back. we most certainly should not be helping them do that by allowing them to steal our intellectual property and military secrets. >> tucker: why is nobody saying this? why is every single news conference out of washington about russia andy no one is saying anything about china? i find it odd. >> we are in a better place than we were two years ago but not where we need to be. we spent about 17 years, the conventional wisdom was that china was a poor country, and if we help them, let them steal because what they get rich they will behave like ours. that was -- it didn't work out.
a terrible and idea. we are paying the price. which is why i support these tariffs. don't like tears. the best way to get rid of these terraces to be willing to impose on themselves and retaliation. you are seeing the impact of it at already. the chinese economy is struggling. a bunch of people in this country that want to unconditionally surrender, or allow china to do anything they want in america, so long as we get some crumbs for our companies in terms of doing a little bit of business overm there. >> tucker: as long as google gets richer. senator, thank you very much. i appreciate. it. up next, this week's "final exam." it's a good one. ♪
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universe for the brightest bulbs to compete against one another to see u.s. pays close attention to the news this week for a defending champion katie pavlich has won six or seven in a row, she's off this week. instead we have a beer or pure special showdown janice being ah fox news meteorologists and k great people. the question is, which is the greatest experts on obscure news? we are about to find out. welcome to you both. >> hi, tucker! >> what an intro. >> tucker: adam, i will notsm reveal my deep favoritism for janice dean. but good luck to you. do you the rules? let me repeat them in case you forgot. hands on browsers, i asked her questions, the first want tondhe buzz and gets to answer the question. you have to wait until i finish asking in order to answer it, you can acknowledge -- answer what they acknowledge by saying your every correct answer is worth the point. but if you get it wrong, you lose the point. a best-of-five wins.
>> tucker: that's the spirit. question one, during his show, monday night, jimmy kimmel tried to go to a celebrity guest into going after the president. this reality star refused to do that and said she had no complaints with donald trump. who was it? adam? >> kim kardashian. >> tucker: kim kardashian? okay. was k that kim kardashian? roll tape. >> is know that you are not necessarily aw trump supporter. i know your husband, kanye, seems to like him a lot. you guys argue about that? you talk politics and have debates about -- >> you know what, no. i have nothing bad to say about the>> president. >> tucker: it was indeed kim kardashian. 1 for adam. >> i knew it. you are quicker on the buzzer.t, >> tucker: it's a question of getting there. question two. you can redeem yourself, janice.
which supreme court justice, as liberals rejoicing, after this person said he or she plans to stay on the court at least five more years? janice dean? >> ruth bader ginsburg. >> tucker: ruth bader ginsburg. is it ruth bader ginsburg? roll the tape. >> supreme court justice ruth bader ginsburg announced she will plan to retire from the supreme court three years into president trump's second term. >> i am 84 years old and everybody wants to take a picture with me. >> tucker: you are right. janice dean, setting up a tie. 1-1, moving into question three. it will not be tied by the end of this. here is the question. over the past weekend, barack and michelle obama were caught on tape dancing at a concert. who was performing? janice dean.
>> jay-z and beyonce! >> tucker: jay-z and beyonce says the former canadian dj janice dean. was it jay-z and/or beyonce? roll tape. >> the former president and first lady caught on camera at this weekends beyonce and jay-z concert, dancing and waving their hands in the air. about a thousand people posted it on social media. the obama's are living their breath lives. >> tucker: oh, adam, she's a force of nature. i warned you. 2-1. i will warn you, this is a legitimately tough question. iil had no idea the answer. i will throw it at you. question four is multiple-choice. san antonio aquarium is the scene of the story. three people arrested there this week when they were caught on tape using a baby stroller to steal what kind of animal? was at a penguin, a tortoise, or aa shark? adam?
>> a shark! >> tucker: you can't put a shark and a baby stroller. was it a shark? roll tape. >> for snappers, seen here on surveillance camera, grabbed their shark by the tail, placed her in a bucket, and took the bucket into the stroller. within hours, the stolen shark was allegedly put up for sale on facebook. >> tucker: whole-wheat -- i can't believe you knew that. i never would have guessed that. i would have said penguin or tortoise. >> may come too. >> tucker: now we are really in this situation. sudden death overtime. this will determine the winner. this is a weather related question for our two meteorologists. a cloud in texas is wowing the internet, at this very moment because it has a very unusual shape. what does this cloud resemble? janice dean? >> and angel! >> tucker: and angel, says
janice. i know you are such a good person that you would guess angel no matter what it is. were you right? >> take a look at the stunning image, a driver capturing a cloud formation that looks just like an angel. what do you think? >> just like an angel. the man taking the picture while drivingoe down a texas highway posting itt online, calling it n angel cloud.ri >> [laughs] >> tucker: janice dean! ii got to say, adam, congratulations for getting as far as you did. very few people could have stood up to the force that is janice and gotten the points. janice dean, congratulations. the outcome was never an doc but i am thrilled for you anyway. >> oh, tucker, i just want to think my mom and my dad and the whole "fox & friends" audience and adam as well for showing up. >> tucker: got to think your manager. s we have anth eric wemple of mogg in the mail for you. it will be there soon. weil promise. you guys were great. thank you very much and
thank youer for telling us what the weather is going to be so accurately for so many years. great to see you both. that is it for this week's "final exam." pay attention to the news, every weird detail, every week. tune in on thursdays to see if you can beat our news experts. we'll be right back. two, i say!! like my father before... [telephone ring] like my father before... ahoy-hoy! as long as people talk too loudly on the phone, you can count on geico saving folks money. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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visit and use the joint damage simulator to see how joint damage could progress. ask about enbrel. enbrel. fda approved for over 18 years. >> tucker: organ >> tucker: organic life typically needs oxygen to survive. but instead of oxygen, surviving on the tension that he absorbs through television waves. we'll do literally any tv show, except this one, unfortunately. but our invitation still stands. and always will. his daily requirement by cohosting "the view" on abc. so excited by having him in the studio, suggested that the lawyer might be a member of the holy trinity, rather than some lower tier law firm. watch prey to speak of the survey posted wanted to find out why people sanctify sex.
so, michael, do you have these fantasies or what? >> to be clear, unlike ted cruz and tucker carlson, actually believe in. >> they don't. >> of course i have fantasies. >> he definitely believes in se sex. tucker carlson has children. >> all of my fantasies involve handcuffs. >> tucker: all of my sexual fantasies involve handcuffs? what could he possibly say to get creepier? he just said it. that seems a fitting way to cap a truly bizarre week. we hope that you have a terrific weekend that is blessedly lawye. free, above all. thanks for watching all week, we will be back monday 8:00 on the show that is the sworn enemy of

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Politics , Debates , Roll Tape , Janice , Buzzer T , Kim Kardashian 1 , 1 , Janice Dean , Ruth Bader Ginsburg , Which Supreme Court Justice , Liberals Rejoicing , Tape , Picture , Supreme Court , President Trumps Second Term , Aktie , 84 , Concert , Tape Dancing , Michelle Obama , The End , Barack , Beyonce , Jay Z , Camera , First Lady , Canadian , Dancing , Breath Lives , Hair , Social Media , A Thousand , Scene , Aquarium , Force Of Nature , Tiil , San Antonio , Four , 2 , Shark , Baby Stroller , Tortoise , Penguin , Animal , Bucket , Snappers , Surveillance Camera , Tail , Sale , Stroller , Stolen Shark , Whole Wheat , Facebook , Weather , Situation , Winner , Texas , Sudden Death , Angel , Shape , Driver Capturinga Cloud Formation , Image , Congratulations , Man , Mitt , Laughs , Janice Dean Ii , Drivingoe Downa Texas Highway Posting , Calling Itn Angel Cloud Ri , Force , Outcome , Doc , Audience , Dad , Manager , Mogg , Mail , Fox Friends , Weil Promise , Anth Eric Wemple , Exam 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