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People do once they get here and people who are more likely to succeed will get preference and those who are less likely to succeed divulge. Whats wrong with that . Took a very important points. The first is that the United States is not a company, its not a school, its a nation. Second point, we want to make sure that we scrutinize every person coming here into the country, we want to make sure that they dont have any terrorist background, we want to make sure they dont have a violent criminal record. No one disputes that. Lets get to this point, very important, the United Nations ws created mainly in the declaration of independence because the kings restricted immigration, because the king of england said states, colonies, you can no longer bring people from other countries. What happened . American revolution, a beautiful idea of this nation came about. Tucker [laughs] the American Revolution was spurred okay. [laughs] okay. Lets back up a little bit. You said that the two standards we need to apply our people arent terrorists and they dont have a criminal record. Would you apply those standards in your own life to anything . I will hire this person, let them into my school, married this person, just as long as this person doesnt have a Terror Background or a criminal record. Shouldnt we aim a little bit higher than that a if we really care about the country . Of course. We want to have standards but at the same time, what made this great nation is what we have seen in the statue of liberty, give me your poor, huddled masses. Your ancestors came here when they were poor. Many and stressors, the Founding Fathers came here when they were poor. You are successful fox news host. Tucker you are kind of missing it. We are not in the 18th century now and if you really care about the country, he would think deeply about whats going to make it better and safer and more prosperous, happier, more cohesive. You dont adopt a faithbased approach that says there is an inscription at the bottom of the statute New York Harbor and hope for the past. Why wouldnt you say, for example i will throw a stat out here the Science Talent search s competition tries to identify kids who are good at science, a pretty good measure, it tested students in america. 14 of the top 40 had indian immigrant parents. So that was addressed, gee whiz, that and a lot of other markers suggested that indians do pretty well. Why not encourage more indian immigration . Why would that be bad . We want to make sure that we attract the best, obviously, but we want to attract people who have w a belief of what it means to be american, someone that believes will make him here, work hard, that is what makes this nation great. It doesnt mean about people, give me your scientists, engineers. If you work hard, you can be an american. Tucker okay. We can roll without them too. We are not going to measure success or intelligence or anything like that, just hard work. So you wouldnt be against saying if you are here is an emigrant, you take no Public Benefit of any kind, you cant go to an Emergency Room for health care, you cant use emergency medicaid for u your health care, you cant take any kind of program at all because why would we bring people here and give them free stuff . Would you before that . I am for no taxation without representation. Tucker what about the hard work part . They should be able to get protection, health care, if they are paying for their own doctor, paying for their own security. Tucker old. How about this . Wouldnt be fair for the people who own this country, which is its voters, citizens, to say we will do a really simple costbenefit analysis on every immigrant. Are you paying more than you are taking out and services . About that . If you are not coming up to leave. What do you think about that . And 2016, undocumented immigrants contributed 2 trillion tucker dont give me generalizations. How about an age specific case we say, if you are an immigrant listen, for me, i want to make sure that im here representing veterans, i am representing military families tucker come on. Lets have a rational conversation. You are capable let me ask you a simple question. If more immigration always makes the country richer, why does the state with the most immigration, which is california, keep getting poorer . It has more property than any state. 100 to five californians is poor. If immigration makes is richer, why is california getting poorer . I would say that california has a surplus of more than 10 billion, into the statebe economy. Why . Many factors. Its a welcoming state. Tucker wait a second. Hold on. California has gotten poorer. One in five californians is poor, that was not the case when i grew up in california. It has the most immigration, so if immigration always makes us more prosperous, why is the opposite happening in california . Its a very simple question. I think there is many factors. I dont think it has to do with immigration. I think it has to do with the fact that we need to manage budgets. I think republicans and democrats would agree on that. I think immigrants tucker it has nothing to do with that. Even if california is now poorer than mississippi, immigration, which is the main thing that separates california for mississippi, has no role in that because why . Do you have data or you dont want to admit it, like Everyone Else . I dont think we have dated to blame immigrants for every problem of the world. Tucker we are giving them credit for every success, we are seeing this country is rich because of immigrants, here is a stage with the most immigrants, wise of the poorest state . Am i being crazy . I think it is a fair question. California has a surplus right now, the economy is doing very well. I could also say that immigrants are doing great, there are many factors in the play. Tucker [laughs] at the end of the day one its doing so well that its a poorest state. Tucker lost up with a Magical Thinking and get real. Things are changing very quickly and we care about our country. The point is not to make other countries happy, it is to protect our people. I hope you will give us a pass. Lets Work Together. Tucker caesar, things for joining us. Enter clave and is a Contributing Editor and he just wrote a piece that has been pinging around the internet, responding to president trumps immigration remarks, and he joins us tonight. Andrew cuomo thanks for coming on. Thank you for having me. Tucker this is one of our pieces at probably 1 of 3 of our viewers got this weekend. The opening line, nothing scandalizes the left like the truth. What does that mean . The left makes simple facts seem rude, and unkind. If you say men and women are a different, have different desires, different career paths, that africanamericans commitdi disproportionate amount of violent crimes, if you see that muslims committed disproportionate amount of terrorism, suddenly the rear they call you a bigot, they say that you are racist, sexist, is homophobic, whatever, until the statement of simple data, something that is factually true, become f unexpressible, you are not allowed to say them. I dont think conservatives fully appreciate the power of that kind of mental slavery. Conservatives are not very good with culture and we dont understand the way it wraps itself around your mind and keeps yourself from saying the things that you are thinking. Tucker Shouldnt All American citizens, regardless of Political Party of philosophy, by virtue of being american, demand to live by the standard we always have lived by . Truth as a defense. If its true, i have the right to say it. Shouldnt we stand by that . Yes. O usually, it used to be that the First Amendment and the fact that americans just tend to be kind of loudmouth sensei wood comes comes into their head, that used to protect us. But the left has been good at making sure look, we learned that twitter is a shadow planning conservatives. We have seen how google fires a guy who states something that is politically incorrect. We have seen Prager University videos band on youtube. We know that there is this massive and when conservatives go to universities, they are met by violence resistance, even if they are very intelligent people like ben shapiro or charles murray, they are met with violent resistance. The left is very intent on silencing rightwing opinion and its very powerful. You look at whats happening in europe, where there Immigration Policy, since the war, have virtually destroyed their culture. People who come out there and say, you know maybe Islam Doesnt Fit in england, maybe it doesnt fit in the scandinavian countries, are destroyed, they are made into pariahs. As a result, we saw how in england, at a conservative estimate, 1400 little girls were raped by muslims because the police didnt want to come out and call them out and say that they were afraid of being called racist. Re they allowed this atrocity to continue. One of the things that i seee when i look at donald trump, im a very polite guy, and im a guy who doesnt like to offend people, just like most of us, one of the things i see that Works For Donald Trump is his rudeness, his bullishness, actually have shattered this prison of Political Correctnesse managed to construct. I think that is the reason that that comes out of his mouth and every tweet that he sends out is such a scandal. If you turn on cnn over theer weekend after his remarks about haiti in african countries, every one of their anchorman was crying. Their Trembling Lips in the misty eyes because it was so intolerable to them that donald trump was not restrained by their definition of what is cruel and their definition of what is impolite. This i is a network for Anderson Cooperrd called ordinary rightwing americans, he called them tea beggars, and now when haiti is insulted, suddenly anderson, his lip is trembling in his eyes are misty. Its ae form of bullying. It is simply a form of social bullying. I am grateful for donald trump for shattering that, even when he does it in ways that i find appalling. Tucker i agree completely. Societies that hate themselves this much tend to collapse. Im glad you are fighting. Andrew cuomo thanks a lot for that was a great piece. G my pleasure. Tucker Driverless Cars could be dominating roadways in your city sooner than you think. Word of the implications, not just for driving, but for American Workers . The people who immigrate here adding those jobs, there is ach connection between technology and immigration and well get to it next. Stay tuned. burke at farmers, weve seen almost everything so we know how to cover almost anything. Even a swing set standoff. And we covered it, july first, twentyfifteen. Talk to farmers. We know a thing or two because weve seen a thing or two. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum copdso to breathe better,athe. I go with anoro. Go your own way copd tries to say, go this way. I say, ill go my own way with anoro. Go your own way oncedaily anoro contains two medicines called bronchodilators, that Work Together to significantly improve lung function all day and all night. Anoro is not for asthma. It contains a type of medicine that increases risk of death in people with asthma. The risk is unknown in copd. Anoro wont replace Rescue Inhalers for sudden symptoms and should not be used more than once a day. 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It is selfdriving without any human backup. If that test is approved, it will send a shock wave through the American Economy and very few people are talking about this. It turns out that more than 5 million americans are not living by driving trucks and taxis and delivery vehicles. A lot of these jobs are the last remaining ones that provide a decent living without a college degree. Instead of preparing for this coming wave of unemployment, american elites are in importing more drivers even as they make cars driverless. Only 4 of new york cabdrivers are born in the u. S. Its a real question. Austan goolsbee is professor of economics at the university of chicagos Booth School Of Business and he joins us tonight. I think it is a fair question and a real one but its not just limited to Driverless Cars. Im sure you saw the mckinsey report recently that said by 2030, 73 million american jobs could disappear because of automation. Lets say hysterical by double. Lets say its half that. S it raises questions about our Immigration Policy. Why are we importing people for jobs that are disappearing . First, i think you should be thinking about the big issues and anybody who is going to criticize you for that, i think is wrong. We should be thinking about tha that. Tucker no one seems to be. In my opinion, you are mixing up the timing a little bit. So the immigrants already came to the country and now they are failing for jobs that are there. Nobody is saying, lets develop Driverless Cars and lets import foreignve drivers to drive cars tucker know, but we import over io we are continuing to import without any abatement at all because of the Democratic Party is demanding it, more than a million low skill workers every year. One of the going to do when these drop go . Is a simple question. Simple question, for the last hundred years, as jobs have been replaced, we have created jobs in new sectors. So as Automated Assembly lines got more and more robotic sized, people moved into services. Now some 75, 80 of the economy are service jobs. Why do we have seen and immigration historically, if we are in. Its with growth, not many immigrants want to come to this country. Tucker ea austan, which are leaving outcome as an economist, i think you would know this, in earlier periods, theres only been one, the Social Safety Net was a fraction of what it is today. You couldnt realistically come to this country in 1913 and expect that your basic needs to be taken care of by the state. Its very different now. Tucker thats not true there has only ever been one automation or replacement of technology. Thats been an ongoing problem for 140 years. Tucker hold on. This is actually happening. Even if people are coming here and not finding work, they will still live better than they did and burkina faso. Why wouldnt they continue to come . It very obvious and i dont understand why that is part of the calculation. We are not fighting about illegal immigration. Tucker we are talking about legal immigration. Im talking about legal immigration. And if we look at the immigration that comes tou this country, if we do not allow immigration, the nativeborn population in the United States demographics look just like japan and china and Western Europe and we will not have money for Social Security or medicaid. Tucker oh, we wont. Unfortunately, we dont have time to unpack this. I dont accept that stipulation. Let me ask you this. Knowing what we know about the evolution of the American Economy becoming more tech focused, why are we importing people who have a higher likelihood of succeeding in that sector . We are not doing that. Our Immigration Policy is based on lettuce picking. Why would l we do that than a hightech world. Its not only lettuce picking. Its as fair point to say we should have more skilled immigrants. The danger of that, of course, you would block say doris salt who came to this country with no education, she had a child who cared polio. Tucker spare me. I am for immigration, lots of immigrants starts company stt companies, as you know. Heres a list. Number one country, india. In canada, united kingdom, germany, france, armenia, none of these countries are in the top five for immigrants to the United States. No one is from haiti, el salvador, honduras, mexico. There is a massive difference between who where you are importing and who is succeeding. Yes or no. You are singling out just mexico, central america, the know, singledyou out africa. Its completely not true. There are a large number of entrepreneurs coming here from africa, educated people. If you look at china and india, the Republican Party had explicitly tried to reduce thef amount tucker wait a second. If thats true, then, why is google the most powerful company in the world by its own numbers, only employing and its tech side, 1 black employees . 1 . I dont understand. Either google is racist black employees are native born. What are you saying . Tucker you are saying that a lot of the immigrants are going into high tech, then why isnt that reflected just look at the statistics tucker then why are googles exemployees, the most important Tech Employee in the world, why are they 1 black . With the answer . One, what are their share of immigrants, what are they doing. You are saying, what share of cool came from africa . That is what you are asking . We have very little immigration from africa. Tucker thats not true, actually. We have an awful lot of immigrants from africa. You maybe havent been keeping current on this. Im not against african immigrants. Im just saying, why cant we bf thoughtful in how we admit as i started, that is perfectly tucker your party only cares about voters. Tucker, i have no problem, lets have a rational discussion about that. With the president has proposed, as you know, is limiting immigration of all forms, dramatically reducing the number of high skilled visas tucker you know who supports less immigration . Its the public who on this country [laughs] whatever. Tucker austan goolsbee, thanks for joining me. Thanks for having me, tucker. Tucker as the me to movementvi claims more victims, more women are warning that it is going too far. One woman joins us next. Julie is living with Metastatic Breast Cancer which is breast cancer that has spread to other parts of her body. Shes also taking Prescription Ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor, which is for postmenopausal women with Hormone Receptor Positive her2 Metastatic Breast Cancer as the first hormonal based therapy. Ibrance plus letrozole was significantly more effective at delaying disease progression versus letrozole. Patients Taking Ibrance can develop low white Blood Cell Counts which may cause serious infections that can lead to death. Before Taking Ibrance, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection, liver or kidney problems, are pregnant, breastfeeding, or plan to become pregnant. Common side effects include low red blood cell and low platelet counts, infections, tiredness, nausea, sore mouth, abnormalities in liver blood tests, diarrhea, Hair Thinning or loss, vomiting, rash, and loss of appetite. Julie calls it her new normal. Because a lot has changed, but a lot hasnt. Ibrance, the 1 prescribed fdaapproved oral Combination Treatment for hr her2 mbc. Tucker Heather Mcdonald is a fellow at the Manhattan Institute and another me too Skeptic Entry joins us tonight. Ready think it iss going at this point . Its going toward the disappearing of men. We will see a wave of new Gender Quotas throughout the economy on the assumption that if we dont have Proportional Representation of men and women across workplaces and signs in computing and entertainment, it is because of Gender Patriarchy and harassment, which is simply not the case. With what we are saying, tucker, a sexual liberation having a nervous breakdown. Before sexual liberation hit in the 1950s, you had a set of traditional norms that recognized this basic truth men and women are different. Its not social construction. Men and women have different biological drives. S. Their libidos are different. And we had a set of norms that restrained the male libido, norms of dental manliness and courtesy and chivalry, and we had a default for premarital for females that was know, and that gave females the power to say yes but they didnt have to negotiate with the male libido at every instance of some drunken coupling. Sexual liberation through that all out and said men and women should go mono e mono on the sexual battlefield, they are equal in their desires, equal in their responses to casual sex and it turns out, when you set the default ideas for premarital sex, a lot of women have a hard time negotiating a no. Instead of recognizing that we have screwed up the default setting, and are working against biology, women are blaming the patriarchy when the opposite is the case. Tucker whatever its effect has not made women happier the last 50 years. There has been a longitudinal study on this and american women have not become happier. I wonder if you destroy men, complete the destruction of men, they are pretty close to being destroyed i would say, how does that help women . What would be the effect on women . I think youll see a lot of regret. Why arent men accordingly . Basically, civilization has been created by people with very powerful egos. It is of no relevance to me whether they were male or females. I want that meritocracy, i want people with drive to succeed, and if you have a rule that says powerful man should be out of the picture, i think we are going to reach a novelization all stasis. Tucker yeah, i mean, this has profound consequences. I can smell it. Its a big deal. Heather, thank you. Thanks, tucker. Tucker there is allout war in Silicon Valley. Conservatives are accusing google and twitter of censorship because they are committing it, while facebook has been accused of kowtowing to the Chinese Communist party because it is. Mark steyn joins us to weigh in on the valleys many crises. Stay tuned. Next time, i want you on my bowling team. Thats me. Jamie yeah. Youre back from italy. [ both smooch ] ciao bella. Tucker the Long Simmer Tucker the long simmering contact dominant conflict between conservatives and Silicon Valley is increasingly lurching into an allout war. Just last week, James Demaree sued google for firing him over an internal w Memo On Diversity but was basically unremarkable by normal people standards. Now, conservative journalist Chuck Johnson has sued twitter after it banned his account. Milo yiannopoulos and roger stone threatens to do the same thing. New videos, meanwhile, from Project Veritas suggest that twitter deliberately shatter banned several users likely for politically motivated users. Twitter did not deny it. Author and columnist mark steyn joins us tonight to assess the wreckage of Silicon Valley. We learn that a lot of these companies suck up to the repressive, authoritarian government of china, and squelch speech for the sake of increasing their profit margin. Is there any moral Authority Left in Silicon Valley . I dont think so. China is the last big market to conquer. It doesnt really make a lot of difference in money terms but down the road, they see it as that. And if you look at had, in particular, the internet has, in the last ten years, i love the internet, i preferred to the internet ten, 15 years ago in the last decade, it is dwindled to a duopoly, basically facebook and google, who, between them, take 84 of the digital revenue on the entire planet excluding china. And that actually means that google andbo facebook account fr over a 30 all revenue on the planet. Basically, beyond market pressures, and they have a highly ideological, politicized staff who, as we saw in these leaks from twitter, basically are glorying, reveling in the power they have to do down there ideological foes. T tucker i dont understand. Aa simple question, since they live in washington, you have to grow companies, at least two, that are operating what is a Textbook Monopoly to the detriment of consumers in this country. They are really a threat to the u. S. Government, and they are more powerful than the u. S. Government and the u. S. Congress, which is charged with overseeing this in preventing this from happening, throws up his hands and says, i dont see violation. I dont see how they can sit impotently in the face this threat. No, i thought senator lee was rather unimpressive on your show a couple of days ago. Very disappointing. In a sense, we are not very potentially dangerous situations here because as you say, this is a de facto googlefacebook monopoly. Around the planet. If you look at, for example, the European Union, Angela Merkel actually wants facebook, shes caught on tape with mark zuckerberg, in effect asking him to control and enforce the restriction of sort of rightwing populist movements in germany. Theresa may in britain looks on facebook and twitter for for ie same way, that she wants them te her enforcers. And i think the danger here is that in america and the European Union and elsewhere, in essence, the natural political inclinations of facebook and google are incentivized by craven politicians. Its a kind of if you want to steer clear, they are beyond commercial pressure now. Only Antitrust Pressure in washington or in brussels could restrain this entity. But in a sense, they have found a political sweet spot that incentivizes the leftwing Thought Control they are engaging in. Tucker yet, republicans control almost all levers of power in the u. S. Government and are doing nothing. Maybe later in the week you can come back onma and tell me what the point of voting for them in the first place was. I would be interested to know. [laughs] that may be a very long and depressing program depressing program. Tucker [laughs] it might be. Marx died, thank you as always. And a ratings bomb to boot. Thanks a lot, tucker. Tucker thank you. Weveys got new developments in the mystery of the mandalay bay shooting in las vegas. Stranger then you may imagine. Weve got them. Well be right back. It was really easy. Easy. Thatd be nice. Phone for help with chairs, say chair. Phone for help with bookcases, say bookcase. Bookcase. I thought this was the dresser . Isnt that the bed . Phone im sorry, i didnt understand. Phone for help with chairs, say chair. Does this mean were not going out . Bookcase. See how easy renters insurance can be at geico. Com. When it comes to travel, i sweat the details. Late checkout. Downalternative pillows. And of course, price. Tripadvisor helps you book a. Hotel without breaking a sweat. Because we now instantly. Search over 200 booking sites. To find you the lowest price. On the hotel you want. Dont sweat your booking. Tripadvisor. The latest reviews. The lowest prices. My husband is probably going to think im crazy. 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Although the motive is still unclear, and i cant confirm everything, i believe there is a high probability you will see something that looks like some form f of radicalization. What that right i like isolation was, always associated with islamic terror, giving them a threat, that may not be at. It may be some kind of political motivation, as well. But motive is outstanding. One more quick point on this, tucker. I dont think the target selection here was random. The fact it was a country music concert, the fact it waser las vegas, i dont think this was random. May in fact when it all comes out in the wash, be ait factor. One other quick thing, second point. Was he alone . Its pretty obvious he was the gunman in this case, based on the evidence we have. Bu but that is not what im asking. Was he alone or did he have some kind of Support Structure in place . Lot ofi think when a this gets fleshed out and reseat the report start to become public, i have a really hard time believing that he will be the only person involved. There has to be some level of Logistical Support or Operational Support are similar in this. Tucker one indication of thosee are the email accounts that paddock maintained that we learned about a couple of days ago, from which he sent emails. Vermont to the other, basically addressed to another person. That person is not named, but he is clearly writing to someone else. Not just notes to himself. When you make about . This is very bizarre, tucker, and spend bizarre since day one. My understanding was that he was emailing himself, which kind of adds to the whole mystery. Of course, the new development of his girlfriend admitting to investigators that her prints were on the ammo. This is an instant replay to the Pulse Nightclub Tragedy where the Significant Other on that case will be going to trial in orlando march 1st, very interesting to see what will happen with marilou danley, the girlfriend of mr. Paddock. As we went to the two questions that dan asked him a key questions, i would add a third. Did federal or state authorities have any knowledge at all of paddock . Had they had contact with him in anyway . Where they aware of him before the shooting . Do we know anything about that . Not to my knowledge, no. The fbi has said that they now know there was a lot of ammo and the residents of the shooter, which, to me, is not very revealing and shocking news to anybody. Tucker especially not in this case. Dan, do we have any i dont want you to speculate or get over your skis at all because its too important and we dont want to muddywe it with things e dont know for certain but do you have any understanding of why its taking so long to get basic information out of this investigation and any indications indication as to why it is being conducted and is haphazard, sloppy way . I do. I always appreciate you wanting to stickde with what we know. Despite the government has been unnecessarily chris burnett, which has sponsored conspiracy theories. Tucker, think about this, there is a very serious economic and financial incentive for a lot of potential secrets in this case to be kept quiet for a while, and to keep this off the front pages and tell news blows over. Its very obvious. It doesnt take a Conspiracy Theorist to figure out, one of the major Tourist Attractions in the world, las vegas, a lot of Outdoor Activity on the strip, you dont want on the front page of every paper, from now to perpetuity, the fact that you could be subjected to sniper fire fromed a building in the las vegas strip. Tucker i know. Big companies should not have influence in criminalfl investigations. That is just as 101. Im not justifying it. Tucker you are right. I dont want too think of thats true but that clearly is and its distressing for you gentlemen, thank you both for that update. Well be back. St meanwhile, hawaii, the state, had 30 minutes of panic over the weekend as you sought after officials mistakenly reported in an incoming ballistic missile. That is bad. But what we do about it . What happened to the guy who made that mistake . Weve got an update coming up. Its ok that everyone ignores me while i drive. Its fine. 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Says someone should lose their job over this. I think its a very fair point. Has it always been the custom in the United States, that when you commit some massive scroll but work, everythings is fine . Window that start . I think 2001 was the watershed after 9 11, 18 intelligence agenciesin failed o detect the terrorist attack. As far as i know, no one got fired, no 9 one got demoted, and no one resigned. Tucker what are the longterm consequences of this . No one ist ever held accountabe for anything . Your earlier show segments. A slow decline in civilization, if people want a personal responsibility, if We Dont Want People To Standards of behavioro down to hell. Tucker so if your job is to maintain or or operate an Emergency Alert system, and you tell people that they are going to die in a missile launch, what should happen to you . Should you keep your job . Right now the guy has been temporarily reassigned. I think more disciplinary action is necessary. The guys above have failed. The people who were in charge, they had a system in which there was no way too countermand the alarm. There was no way to send out a false alarm. That is why it took 38 minutes in which a million and a half people m were terrified in order to correct the mistake. That is unacceptable. We should have disciplined at the top and discipline at the bottom. Sean by the way, for the record, since we are on the subject, a lot of speculation as to what happen. We are buying the press the Wrong Button Exclamation . Apparently, the fellow clicked the wrong button and then he was asked, do you really, really want to do this, and he said yes. That is apparently what happened, and he didnt know what he had done until the Mobile Phones of his fellow employees started going berserk. Unacceptable behavior by him, even more unacceptable lack of safeguards of a point of his bosses. Tucker maybe this is why you are more likely to die in your job as a federal employee then to be fired. [laughs] i dontur know i am laughing. Its not funny. In hawaii, thats true. Tucker good to see you. Sadly, our show is over. An hour slipped through our fingers like sand through an hourglass. Tune in every night at 8 00 to their show that is a sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness, and groupthink. Ro dont forget to dvr it if you can figure out how that works. If you can, good luck. Again, we said at the beginning of the show, we are going to try to make the people who run this

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