Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The OReilly Factor 20141216 04:00:0

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The OReilly Factor 20141216 04:00:00

so because they believe america brought the terror war on its own. the far left is very consistent. it's always america's fault. therefore, anything that weakus. these people drive much of the debate about torture. the cia controversy is similar to the anti-police movement we're seeing. that was ignited by the deaths of michael brown and eric garner. over the weekend there were a few well-planned demonstrations implying that american police and prosecutors do not value the lives of black citizens. in new york city, a college professor was arrested for attacking police. there is the attack. two nypd officers were injured in the melee. the man, eric linsker, teaches at the city college of new york and has been charged with assault on a police officer and insi inciting a riot among other
sing it out. >> mr. jackson is entitled to his opinion. and it would be interesting to see if he can defend it. but a far more serious question is, does new york city mayor bill de blasio distrust his own police department? some police officials are acc e accusiaccus accusing de blasio of that and there's a petition that police officers are demanding the mayor not attend their funeral should they be killed on the job. jesse watters will have more on this intense situation later on. some demonstrators continue to shout hands up, don't shoot. even though 15 out of the 20 eyewitnesss testifying before the grand jury in missouri apparently did not see michael brown with his hands up in a surrender position. 15 out of 20. the protesters continue to put forth that scenario. they do so because they don't like the police. and they want to see the justice system torn down. last week, russell simmons said
on this program that blacks selling hard drugs like heroin, cocaine, and meth were not committing violent crimes and should not be incarcerated. of course, that opinion would lead to anarchy in the streets and first world destruction of poor neighborhoods. the anti-police coalition is an interesting mix. comprised of race hustlers like sharpton, radicals like the new black panther party, white radicals like the loopy college professor who knapsacked the policees contained three hammers and a mask. political outliers like the communist party and other tear the system down groups. their numbers aren't large, but they can cause big trouble in the name of justice. which is the last thing these people really want. like the cia, american law enforcement is there to protect the folks. and generally speaking, they do a damn good job of putting their lives on the line. the police certainly make mistakes, but they do not deserve the demonization they're receiving from these protesters and some politicians. "talking points" believes a
backlash is coming and the folks who want to destroy america's defense apparatus will soon be marginalized. let's hope that happens soon because what we are seeing now is hazardous to the health of every american. and that's the memo. next on the rundown, later, watters seeking new york city mayor bill de blasio. back in a moment. nobody told us to expect it... intercourse that's painful due to menopausal changes it's not likely to go away... ...on its own. so let's do something about it. premarin vaginal cream can help it provides estrogens to help rebuild vaginal tissue and make intercourse more comfortable. premarin vaginal cream treats vaginal changes due to menopause and moderate-to-severe painful intercourse caused by these changes. don't use it if you've had unusual bleeding,
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and in this case, i would. i don't think that there's any excuse, especially when i heard you say that there were hammers in that bag. >> yeah. three hammers and a mask. all right. well, that's interesting because i certainly would put him on a leave of absence right away. and if convicted, i would fire him. i would give him the presumption of innocence. so mary -- >> can i raise a point with you, though, about your talking points memo? i think when anybody asks questions about excessive force by police or something like that, you know, then all of a sudden there are people who are going to say, oh, you hate the police. i don't think that's the case at all. >> why? did you not hear the channelcha? >> people admire the police greatly. we don't want to live in a police state. that led to the revolution. >> i don't think any sane person thinks they're living in a -- >> when you have unarmed people shot in the streets, people are going to raise questions. >> raising questions are fine. saying that they want dead police officers as these demonstrators did is not fine. >> that's a small group. by highlighting them, it looks
like you're making a political argument rather than dealing with the case. >> i'm reporting the news, juan. mary catherine, what about the police? what about the police samuel l. jackson is speaking about? apparently mr. jackson, multimillionaire, doesn't think he's free or, you know, not free. i was a little surprised at that. >> yeah, i would disagree with samuel jackson's political argument in his song, possibly with the idea of him singing more songs, but what i do think is that, yes, when people -- some of this stuff has revealed abuses. the senate report on the cia should not be treated as if it is even handed or comprehensive because it obviously is not. but when there are abuses and when the police go to excess, those things are worthy of protests. here's the thing. you're going to have jerks at a protest. and frankly, the left leaning a protests you might have more defecating on cop cars. same things. hold on. hold on. the left gives them a pass for that. entire movements, the left,
media, try to this to them. entire movements should not be discounted -- >> i'm not discounting anyone. i'm reporting what's happening. >> you said what's going on now is hazardous to the health of every american. >> yes, to try to manage the -- >> they're allowed to assemble and do this. >> sorry, mary katherine. the goal of the protesters is diminish the power of the cia and undermine the authority of the police. that's the stated goal. the leadership, juan, is al sharpton on the -- and a bunch of -- i can't say that about senator feinstein, but a bunch of other very left-wing senators like in colorado who -- i'm trying to bring perspective. this isn't a popular uprising like vietnam or anything like that. that's not that. it's organized by these people i mention ted mentioned. it's targeted by tsh -- that's where it is. >> i'm listening to you. i have such respect. there are people demonstrating in streets across the country --
>> not many. five cities. five cities, juan. >> no, let me tell you, there are cities all over. maybe major, five. i have to tell you, there are cities all over the country with demonstrations. with regard to the cia and the lake, don't doubt that the american people, we fund the cia greatly. we appreciate their bravery and all that. but it's breaking the law. when you break the law, when you torture people, i think defenders -- >> juan, the poll clearly says most of the people back cheney. all right? so you're -- what do you mean it's not true? >> that's not true. look at the poll you just cited. 51% would approve of it. 50% said they did or didn't -- >> 29% were against it. >> 20% said they don't have an opinion. it's like 50/50. people are split. >> that's a spin. that's a spin. it was an easy question, juan. >> you have to take the law -- >> it was an easy question. majority of folks sided with chain. go ahead, mary. >> this is largely not a politically popular movement. i'm maybe a bit more libertarian
than most of americans on such issues, especially on surveillance and that kind of thing. many people do think we overstep. you're right this is not a politically popular movement, but there are people who have grievances and there are abuses and excesses. >> as long as they're legitimate -- >> because they're bad apples doesn't mean the fact country need to be traaddressed. >> if people feel they're not getting good policing or fair shake from people who have power over them, they absolutely should demonstrate. you should tell us why and exactly what. >> many people are doing that. >> i'm going to leave you with this. if you're going to hold up your hand and say hands up, don't shoot, when 15 eyewitnesss -- >> that's symbolism. >> symbolism. all right. >> you're right. >> find another symbol that's accurate, juan, and i might respect it. good debate, you guys. directly ahead, on some liberal college campuses exams are postponed because of
ferguson, staten island situation have students so upset. oh. later, watters confronting the mayor of new york city. some police officers believe do not like that.
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the victims humanity by not delaying exams. it's ludicrous. >> who sent the letter. >> a group of harvard students. it was a coalition of about ten of them that sent the letter. >> and they want to have exams postponed? >> that's right. because they're traumatized. they can't handle this. they're too emotional at the moment. >> too emotional. >> harvard, to they credit, they have not extended exams. columbia has. >> you had an exam today? >> i did. eight hours. i could have used a -- >> so what's wrong with you, kayleigh, you're not emotionally broken up by this? i'm not saying -- look, it's an absurd situation. let's face it, if you're in school and there's national tragedies all over the place. are they traumatized by isis beheading the americans captured by the terrorists? were they traumatized? did you see a letter written by harvard students an that? >> i didn't. a cop dies every 58 hours. one week before ferguson, an officer confronted a gunman off duty and was killed. there were no protests. there was not a -- >> but it's not the same thing,
though. i have to be fair. when you're a police officer, you're trained, you're armed, and you know you're in danger. when you're standing on the street selling loose cigarettes, you're not expecting what happened to him. now, is it his fault that he didn't cooperate with the arrest? yes. do we hold police to a higher standard by not -- by backing away from situations? garner thing never should have happened. the brown thing, brown attacked the officer i think it's clear beyond a reasonable doubt that he did. that's it. game over. if you physically attacked an officer, the officer has the right to take your life. and that's what happened. so these people with their hands up, don't shoot, that i was referring to don't know what they're talking about. let's get back to these students. harvard law is the best and brightest, supposedly the smartest people in the country get in there. are they that immature that they can't fulfill the responsibilities because of things that happened they don't like? >> look, they're an isolated group of people leading the protests who i think feel that
they don't have the time to study for exams. that being said, there are a group of students who have latched on to that movement and are using it as a -- >> they always do that. >> for their laziness. "national review" said social justice ate my homework. that's a good motto. >> how radical is harvard these days? the law school, these are strivers, people who want to be wealthy. they want to take part in the american dream. they want white privilege or black privilege, whatever it may be. they want to make it. i mean, are they very far left, your peers? >> not at all. having been to oxford, georgetown, and university of miami and harvard, i can say without fail, hesitation, harvard is the most bipartisan campus i've been on. the federalist society, they're a thriving movement. they may not be as loud as the ferguson protesters but they're there. >> they're not all loons. this is a ethnic society that's primarily moving this, right? >> that's right. >> kayleigh, thanks for coming down from cambridge to talk to
us. plenty more ahead as the "fact "factor" moves on. looks like jeb bush is going to run for president. what does a close friend think about that? a hollywood scandal. hackers getting confidential memos that embarrassed stars and executives alike. we hope you stay tuned for those reports. could protect you from cancer? what if one push up could prevent heart disease? one. wishful thinking, right? but there is one step you can take to help prevent another serious disease- pneumococcal pneumonia. one dose of the prevnar 13 ® vaccine can help protect you ... from pneumococcal pneumonia, an illness that can cause coughing, chest pain, difficulty breathing, and may even put you in the hospital. prevnar 13 is used in adults 50 and older to help prevent infections from 13 strains of the bacteria that cause pneumococcal pneumonia. you should not receive prevnar 13 if you've had a severe allergic reaction to the vaccine or its ingredients. if you have a weakened immune system, you may have a lower response to the vaccine. common side effects were pain, redness, or swelling at the injection site.
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said this. >> i have no clue if i would be a good candidate. i hope i would be. i think i could serve well as president, to be honest with you, but i don't know that either. >> this now, here in our new york studio, cakarl rove. you know the bush family very well. if governor bush runs, and i believe he will, because he's not the kind of guy that seeks the spotlight. you know, he's not -- he doesn't like the attention that much. to put himself out like that as he is, there must be a reason. that's -- like sherlock holmes used to do. >> there was a reason why he did this on sunday. michael putney, pullney, a longtime south florida broadcaster was retiring. governor bush had a longstanding relationship with him and asked as my final interview, i'd like to interview you. i'm not certain he was planning on saying these things. >> he's made some noises, so has his son and things like that. so i'm saying he's running for president. am i wrong? >> i don't know. i do -- i believe that he is tilting toward running, but
looking, working for 41 and 43, i learned something a long time ago. 1977, george h.w. bush said i'm not going to make a decision about whether or not i'm going to run until after the 1978 election. i want to do everything i can in '77 and '78 to lay the predicate but i'm not going to run until after the november 1978 election and we see if jimmy baker gets elected attorney general of texas. he did not make the decision until after the 1978 election. george w. bush said you can go out there, put on your propeller hat, do the things you think are necessary but i'm not going to make a decision until after the 1998 election and i'll let you know whether i'm running for president. >> yeah. >> so when he says there's something about these bush men when they say, i'm not running -- >> he didn't say -- >> i haven't made a decision, i'm going to make a decision. >> he's got to raise money, got to get in there. now, if he runs, some conservatives are not going to like it because of immigration primarily and other things. on balance, he was a good governor in florida. eight years. education, he's very, very good on that.
but he's off on immigration and that's going to hurt him. >> well, it's going to. be something he has to dole with. i thought it was interesting, this interview is incidentally up on the website, wplg, it's worth watching if there's a political junkie. it's sort of like trying to divine what somebody is going to think and do in the future. he does talk about how if he runs it will be about big ideas, about a positive vision, about focus on his ideas rather than on his competition in the primary and he will run in the primary like he's going to run in the general election because he makes an excellent point which i've long agreed with that if you try and be one thing in the primary and something else in the general election, people are watching and it undermines their confidence in your authenticity. >> all right. let's, you know, you're a political pinhead. you love all this stuff. most people, they vote on personality. he's different from "w" and different from his dad. what's the biggest difference between jeb bush and george w. bush? >> well, jeb, both of -- there are a lot of similarities. it's hard to pick out
differences. one difference would be that jeb bush broke away from texas and moved to florida and he did so in order to create his own image, his own life. he loves florida which is sort of odd for people who don't understand florida, and i readily admit i don't. then, he as governor was a very involved, very as you say on education, a pioneering governor. >> yeah. he's not as outgoing as his brother. >> no. he's a more cerebral guy. his brother is -- >> flamboyant. >> his brother has the common touch, more reserved. he speaks better spanish than his brother. heck of a lot better spanish than his brother. >> okay. now, the bush dynasty may work against bush because people say, look, enough of the bushes. just like hillary clinton. enough with the clintons. >> right. >> how big a factor is that going to be? >> i think it's going to be a substantial factor. i think there are going to be two issues, two questions he's going to have to resolve. does he have a big and positive
and optimistic agenda for the future that allows him to keep the focus on what's coming rather than focus on what's behind? second of all, whether or not hillary clinton runs for president. she is the one person who largely erases the issue of do we want to go back and have another re-round of bush? the question is do you want to -- >> of course she's going to run for president. what are you doing sitting here telling me maybe -- >> look, i think it's a more complex decision than people give her credit for. i think she's likely to run in large part because they have such a thin bench and pressure is going to be enormous for her to run. >> i'm going to tell you right now she's running. you know how i know? i've got friends in westchester county where she lives and they have seen, they have seen with their own eyes the vans coming into her driveway with the pantsuits. they have more pantsuits, pantsuits for every state, every color, every fabric, every season. all right? you don't start getting that many pantsuits if you're not running. all right. look. i had an interesting experience last week. i wrote a column, it was
critical of her -- i mean, she's been a lousy candidate thus far. >> you're a republican, of course you're -- >> of course i'm going to be critical. i get this e-mail late at night from a close supporter, a guy i happen to know saying how dare you do this? we expect you to say unpleasant things about her, keep saying the things. i wrote him back and said, i'm happy to have gotten your e-mail, i hope she's surrounded by people like you who say you had a great book tour, your book is terrific, you've got a great message, you're a fantastic candidate. i said, i want her to be surrounded by people like that who don't speak the truth to her. >> all right. are you going to resign from fox and run bush's campaign if he goes? >> no. no. i've been detailed of keeping track of you. >> keep track of me. all right. >> exactly. educate you on politics. >> don't beget me if she runs business. you have to get with the pantsuit thing. that's the key to it. karl rove, everybody. when we come right back, megyn kelly on a big hollywood scandal caused by hackers. and then watters confronting the mayor of new york city. moments away.
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people, "the new york times," "variety," "hollywood reporter," other outlets. embarrassed sony executives as well. angelina jolie, leonardo dicaprio, president obama got involved. sony is demanding the media stop printing stolen e-mails. "the new york times" for one says it will not stop. here now is the anchor of the "kelly files" and immediately after this, megyn, who's an attorney. they hired david boyce, big gun attorney, represented al gore in the 2000 election, to threaten -- never goes over well -- >> right. >> -- the media saying all these hacks that you're getting, you better not publicize them or else. >> we're going after you. >> is there an else here? >> he's faking it. those letters are not worth the paper they're printed on. no legal leg to stand on whatsoever. the press has every legal right to use the material -- >> though it's stolen. >> though it's the product of an illegal hack.
we had this same conversation in 2008 when sarah palin, when running for vice president, had her personal e-mail hacked and talked about whether news organizations could publish those materials. and i told you back then, when it was a republican who was the victim, that they could do it. i tell you now that it's liberal hollywood executives at the news organizations can do it. i told you in both circumstances, i maintain this as well, the original hacker, of course, can be prosecuted. in palin's case he was. they believe it's north korea. >> you know, you know, what, sony made a movie that mocks the president of north korea. >> the plot line is kim jong-un gets assassinated. >> the north korean intelligence agencies hacked in and embarrassed -- >> that's the belief. they deny it, of course. >> the fbi is in charge of tracking down the hackers. but it's really hard to do that because most of them are overseas and go through a million different myriad ways to get in. >> even if you get them, it's out there. it's out there. >> it's out there. you can still send them to jail
because the guy who hacked o' six or seven years ago, two years, he's an akron college student. he got two years. >> good. >> he served them. >> good. >> he had to make restitution, too. the fbi did a great job, by the way, getting this guy. he was a clown. he wasn't like, you know, the north korean secret service or whatever. >> right. >> the e-mails, themselves, basically chronicle executives who send e-mails back and forth disparaging stars. but you and i do that every day, kelly. i mean, we mock people all day long. >> first of all, we don't employ those stars to make our movies so that's dicier. they're talking about angelina jolie and talking about -- >> dicaprio. >> how despicable he was. that's i guess sort of juicy for the entertainment -- >> that's why they're publishing this stuff. >> the most incendiary stuff they came across so far, the hackers are promising a christmas present, is their conversations about barack obama. these are two liberals who run
sony who are barack obama donors. >> they love him. >> who are participating in a big fund-raising breakfast for barack obama. before this breakfast they're having an e-mail exchange saying what should i ask him? oh, why don't you ask him to donate money for movies or whether he wants to finance movies? what movies do you think he'd be interested in? these two go on to ping-pong back and forth. starring black actors. it's more than immature. >> that's immature. >> bernie goldberg, your friend is coming on the "kelly file" tonight and his argument is going to be those are not racist statements. >> i think it's immaturity. >> i think those are racist statements. >> you do? >> i'm not saying these are racist people. you can make a racist statement without being a racist in your heart. >> explain to me -- the joke was, okay, he'll finance another "jango." >> every single one was a black movie. >> why is that racist? >> they're taking a 52-year-old man, president of the united states, leader of the free world
who has had all of these rich experiences that you and i will never have and -- >> you're making fun of them. >> reducing him to one thing. that is his race. that his interests in the world must only have to do with his skin color. >> let me get -- >> that by definition is racist. >> when i see someone who hates an ethnic group -- >> it doesn't have to be hate. >> just -- when i see someone who hates an ethnic group, i say that's a racist. >> right. >> when i see someone who makes a foolish, immature, thoughtless jest that wasn't funny, i don't ascribe them that label. i just think it's over the top. >> i don't agree with you because i think it doesn't have to be fueled by hatred or anger in order for it to be racist. i'm not saying they are racist people. from what i've read, their life work doesn't suggest they are racist people. let's admit these are racist comments and deal with snem. >> i'm saying they're immature.
>> the hypocrisy in the media giving them a pass on these comments and not giving people like donald sterling, not that he deserves -- >> he was a lot worse. >> the other thing we have to ask ourselves before we go is whether this is the kind of society won't to be in where somebody gets their private communications hacked and the media feasts on -- >> that's where we are. it's not going to change. >> shouldn't there be a moment's pause before we jump into that life in 2014 modern day -- >> two words. christmas island. no internet. can't get internet there. that's where you should go, kelly. >> misfit toys? >> christmas island. there she is, everyone. >> all right. watter ss on deck. big news in new york city. mayor de blasio wouldn't talk to us, so we sent watters out to him. you'll see it, next. (vo) nourished.
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extremely dismissive so we put jesse watters on the case. >> are you a new yorker? >> yes, sir. >> where do you live? >> upper west side. >> what are you doing down here in the village? >> i have my shrink in a few minutes. >> what do you think about de blasio? >> what do you mean? >> de blasio. who's de blasio? >> i don't know what he does but i know his name. >> he's the mayor. >> okay. >> he seems to be doing his job well. >> i think he's better than previous mayors when it comes to racial issues. >> why did he inject race into the eric garner situation? >> because it is about race. it's entirely about race. >> but eric garner's family member actually said it wasn't about race whatsoever. >> okay. >> my wife works for the nypd. >> was your wife happy that de blasio threw the nypd under the
bus? >> the guy was clearly wrong. >> i like the way he brings awareness to the shootings that have been happening. >> if the tea party were out here on the streets shutting down down bridges, would you be okay with that? what do you think de blasio's biggest accomplishments have been so far? >> i'd be hard pressed to say, actually. >> it's not about like the mayor doing his job, it's about us coming together with him to help him do his job. >> when it snowed last year, our roads were the last to be plowed. >> because you're in the rich neighborhood. >> i think he's better than the previous right wing creeps that we have. >> do you know who de blasio is? >> no. >> he's the mayor. >> oh. >> you never heard of him? >> no. >> do you live here? >> no, i live in brooklyn. >> oh, he's the mayor of brooklyn too. now, de blasio wants to raise taxes. families here in new york have to live within a budget, why can't the new york city government? >> i think we should pay more taxes.
>> why should we pay more taxes if the city just wastes it on corruption? >> i -- >> de blasio is basically co-mayor with sharpton. >> he likes to make everything a black and white issue. >> i've got nothing against sharpton. >> do you know who al sharpton is? >> not really. >> i envy you. >> he won't come on the o'reilly factor, why not? >> because it's terrifying. >> i think bill is the man. i'm a big fan of bill's. if you're the mayor, you should be able to sit in the hot seat. >> he should step up to the plate? >> maybe he's trying to maintain his mystique. >> do you think it's going to happen? >> i doubt he'll change his mind. >> i'm very persuasive. bill o'reilly has a question for you. >> okay. are you his emissary.
>> yes, i am. do you know watters world? >> i'm sorry. >> i'm watters, and this is my world. >> okay. >> we've been trying to book you on our show for weeks. and your staff hasn't been very respectful towards us. >> i'm sure they're very respectful. >> actually they aren't. >> i'm sure they are. >> we're just trying to get to know you better. what's the problem? >> i appreciate the invitation and my staff will follow up. >> okay. let's take some serious questions. >> can you help us out, mayor? >> i've talked to you, my friend. henry. >> you haven't responded. will you do the show? >> henry, just start talking, henry. >> you need rescuing. thank you very much. >> i never need rescuing. >> thank you very much. >> i need a real question. thank you, henry. >> who's henry? >> some reporter.
>> did henry finally say -- >> no, he never did. >> he never said anything. henry was enjoying it. you're lucky you didn't get shot. de blasio's obviously -- and this is a serious story. he's lost 35-man police department. >> it's a mutiny. >> you really believe it's active or passive. >> everybody thinks he's made the garner situation worse, as a matter of fact. >> well, when you lose the police department, i mean, that's -- in this city, 8 million people, you got -- >> you're in big trouble. >> all right. we're going to continue to report on the mayor because i think you've made a friend. >> yeah. >> he'll be looking forward to seeing you next time. >> sure. >> "the factor" tip of the day, drunken santas. the tip moments away. ame'e'e'e'' nobody told us to expect it... intercourse that's painful due to menopausal changes it's not likely to go away...
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ainebriated santas in a moment. first, good tip for christmas gift giving. if you buy a copy of killing t patt patton, you get 50% off any of my other books. if you become a premium member, you get any two nice gifts for the price of one. also, christmas store action packed this year. we have great stuff including replicas, you see them there, of america's most important documents suitable for framing. all the money i derive from goes to charity. now to the mail, race relations have worsened because of identity politics. instead of appealing to all americans, politicians are now clustering certain groups for favor. that is dividing us. lisa, maryland, o'reilly, i find it tiresome that you continue to blame the grievance industry for bad race relations. my theory is because president obama's in power blacks feem
more empowered to speak about their grievances. perhaps, lisa. blame white americans for keeping blacks down is fallacious. the economic situation for blacks under mr. obama has not improved at all. the message should be that all americans can succeed if they're willing to do the hard work necessary. that is not the message the grievance industry puts out there. chuck, florida, michele bachmann's idea to bomb iran's nuke facilities before they get the bomb is right on. i stand by my comment. glad you were able to explain that bombing iran would be a tad provocative. is her problem of naivete. we may have to bomb them down the road, but not yet. until we prepare the world for the coming storm which will be
horrendous. mary henderson, florida. mr. o'reilly, i bought three sets of your books, killing patton and killing jesus and gave two pattons to vets as christmas presents. that's very nice of you. killing patton's the number one hardback book in america even outselling grisham and patt patterson. we thank everybody who supported killing patton. "the factor" tip of the day commercializing christmas, here's the bad news. santa con, an annual display of debauchery in new york city where people dress as santa pub crawl and get blasted out of their minds. that happened over the weekend. no reason for this just a bunch of pinheads raising hell and defaming santa. here's a better christmas story. you hear a lot about commercialism and people dwelling on material things to celebrate the birth of jesus. commercialism is not a bad thing. giving other people gifts is a positive, makes them happy. jesus might like that. although i can't speak for him.
also, spending money helps the american economy, which in turn helps the american worker. that's a positive. so the next time you hear someone bemoaning all the commercials, tell them there is an upside if you don't overdo it. now, stossel's on my case about this commercialism and we'll have him in tomorrow in a lively debate. that is it for us tonight. please check out the fox news factor website different from also we would like you to spout off about "the factor." o'[email protected]. name and town if you wish to opine. word of the day, do not be garrulous when writing to "the factor." in the true spirit of christmas, i think i'm going to give mayor de blasio a premium meu know, mr. mayor, i you'd enjoy it. maybe not. thanks for watching.

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Mary Catherine , Anti Cia Story Line , Washington , Lead , Juan Williams , Anybody , Institution , Employment , Contract Terms , Reputation , Clause , Case , Presumption Of Innocence , Excuse , Bag , Leave , Absence , Questions , Talking Points Memo , Point , Force , All , Police State , Led , Revolution , Channelcha , Group , Person , A , Fine , Samuell Jackson , Juan , Multimillionaire , Argument , News , Doesn T , Or , Stuff , Yes , Song , Think , Some , Idea , Songs , Things , Protests , Senate , Abuses , Movements , Left , Pass , Protest , Hold On , Defecating , Cop Cars , Media , Anyone , Mary Katherine , Power , Goal , Al Sharpton , Leadership , Authority , On The , Bunch , Who , Senators , Perspective , Colorado , Senator Feinstein , Vietnam , Isn Ta Popular Uprising , Country , Respect , Ted , Ctsh , Cities , Regard , Over , Many , Five , Lake , Dont Doubt , Law , Most , Poll , Cheney , Defenders , Greatly , Bravery , Didn T , Split , 50 , 29 , 51 , Spin , Chain , Majority , Isis Beheading The Americans , Issues , Kind , Grievances , Excesses , Surveillance , Fact , Policing , Apples , Shake , Traaddressed , Hand , Exams , Symbol , Symbolism , College Campuses , Guys , Students , Ferguson , Staten Island , Way , Rebates , Energy Plan , Energy Use , Company , Equipment , Operating Costs , Energy Saving , Opportunity , Pg E , Money , Ways , Energy , Business Energy Check Up , Situations , Harvard , Student , Columbia , Harvard Law School , Georgetown University , Letter , Dean , Humanity , Georgetown Undergrad , Ten , Victims , Kayleigh , Exam , Eight , Terrorists , School , Tragedies , Place , Officer , Cop , Gunman Off Duty , 58 , One , Street , Danger , Cigarettes , Arrest , Beyonda Reasonable Doubt , Life , , Best , Game Over , Responsibilities , Feel , Brightest , Social Justice , Laziness , Homework , Motto , Being , National Review , Law School , Part , Privilege , Strivers , Peers , The American Dream , Federalist Society , Campus , Fail , Hesitation , Georgetown , University Of Miami , Oxford , Thanks , Society , Loons , This , Cambridge , Factor , President , President Bush , Hackers , Scandal , Friend , Stars , Hollywood , Looks , Memos , On , Executives , Reports , Wishful Thinking , Disease , Step , Prevnar 13 , Pneumonia , Illness , Pneumococcal Pneumonia , Hospital , Difficulty Breathing , Chest Pain , Dose , Coughing , 13 , Infections , Response , Immune System , Swelling , Bacteria , Strains , Reaction , Injection Site , Redness , Joint Pain , Arm Movement , Protection , Pneumonia Vaccine , Healthcare , Chills , Rash , Head Ache Muscle , Fatigue , Appetite , Technology , Contour , Innovation , Shave , Angle , Directions , Philips Com New , 0 , 40 , 8 , Philips Norelco , Car Insurance , Quote Isn T , Works , Half , Announcer , Esurance , 7 1 2 , Backed , Allstate , Governor , Speaking Yesterday , Candidate , Studio , Clue , Bush Family , Cakarl Rove , Guy , Reason , Spotlight , Attention , Bush Runs , Sherlock Holmes , Interview , Relationship , Broadcaster , South Florida , On Sunday , Pullney , Michael Putney , Planning , Tilting , I Dont Know , Running , Son , Noises , Election , Decision , Everything , Predicate , Georgehw , 1978 , 1977 , 41 , 78 , 77 , 43 , Attorney General , Propeller Hat , Texas , Jimmy Baker , November 1978 , You Haven T , Didnt Say , 1998 , Florida , Immigration , Education , Conservatives , Balance , Website , Sort , Junkie , Worth , Wplg , Somebody , Ideas , Primary , Competition , Vision , Authenticity , Pinhead , Confidence , Lot , Difference , Personality , Both , Of , W , Dad , Similarities , Jeb , Order , Differences , Image , Odd , Brother , More , Common Touch , Bushes , Clintons , Big A , Hillary Clinton , Issue , Agenda , Focus , Second , Dare Round , Friends , Pressure , Vans , Driveway , Eyes , Bench , Westchester County , Pantsuits , Season , State , Experience , Column , Color , Fabric , E Mail , Supporter , Republican , Message , Book , Great Book Tour , Politics , Campaign , Keeping Track , Run Bush , Track , Fox , The Truth , Karl Rove , Business , Megyn Kelly Ona Big Hollywood , Key , Dont Beget Me , Breathing Problems , Breo Ellipta , Flare Ups , Volunteering , Symptom , Antibiotics , Lungs , Airflow , Steroids , 24 , Death , Rescue Inhalers , Asthma , Symptoms , Risk , Medicine , Won T , Type , High Blood Pressure , Prescription , Eye Problems , Osteoporosis , Thrush , Heart Condition , Barack Obama , Outlets , The New York Times , Sony , Variety , Angelina Jolie , Leonardo Dicaprio , Stop Printing , Hollywood Reporter , E Mails , Attorney , Anchor , David Boyce , Kelly Files , Big Gun Attorney , Else , Al Gore , 2000 , Press , Letters , Hack , Material , Leg , Right , Product , Paper , Stolen , Dick Cheney , Sarah Palin , News Organizations , Conversation , Materials , Victim , Liberal Hollywood Executives , 2008 , Circumstances , Hacker , Well , North Korea , Intelligence Agencies , Movie , Plot Line , Belief , Kim Jong Un , Tracking , Charge , Jail , Fbi , A Million , Clown , Akron College Student , Restitution , She Wasnt Like , Six , Seven , Whatever , Secret Service , Movies , Dicier , Juicy , Varun Sony , Conversations , Liberals , Entertainment , Fund Raising Breakfast , Breakfast , Exchange , Saying , Donors , Bernie Goldberg , Actors , Forth , Go On To Ping Pong , Statements , Kelly File , Heart , Statement , Racist , Immaturity , President Of The United States , Single , Joke , Django , 52 , Race , Interests , Experiences , Skin Color , Fun , Someone , Ethnic Group , Definition , Hate , Foolish , Anger , Label , Top , Hatred , Immature , Wasnt Funny , Comments , Life Work , Snem , Donald Sterling , Society Won T , Hypocrisy , Media Feasts On , Shouldn T , Communications , 2014 , Everyone , Internet , Words , Toys , Christmas Island , Megyn Kelly , On Deck , Watter Ss , Vo , Big News , Wouldnt Talk , Rescued , Given New Hope , Protected , Love , Event , Subaru , Need , 250 , 50 Million , 250 Dollars , 50 Million Dollars , Aleve , Arthritis , Ght , 12 , Printer , Intern R , Wifi , Pencil Sharpener , Office Plant , Lunch , Elevator , Speed Dial , Turkey Club , Coverage , Comcast Business , Apps , Car , Possibilities , Innovating , Volvo , Month , Gift , Payment , Sir , Upper West Side , Village , Name , Mayors , Family Member , Wasn T , Wife , Shootings , Bus , Bridges , Accomplishments , Happening , Awareness , Tea Party , Last , Roads , Neighborhood , Wing , Brooklyn , Taxes , Can T , Government , Families , Budget , City , Corruption , Everythinga Black And White , Theo Reilly Factor , In The Hot Seat , Bill , Plate , Big Fan Of Bill S , Billo Reilly , Mind , Mystique , Emissary , Staff , Show , Problem , Invitation , Henry , Reporter , Shot , 35 , Passive , Mutiny , Big Trouble , Worse , 8 Million , Tip , Drunken Santas , Ameee E , Ainebriated Santas , Books , Copy , First , Patt Patton , Killing T , Gifts , Member , Price , Billoreilly Com Christmas , Race Relations , Identity Politics , Replicas , Framing , Documents , Mail , Billoreilly Com Goes To Charity , It Tiresome , Grievance Industry , Theory , Favor , Maryland , Power Blacks Feem , Lisa , White Americans , Keeping Blacks , Empowered , Idea To Bomb Iran , Work , Chuck , Michele Bachmann , Comment , Bomb , Tad , Storm , Road , Provocative , Naivete , Killing Jesus , Pattons , Killing Patton , Number One , Hardback , Santa Con , Patt Patterson , Bad News , Outselling Grisham , Here Sa Better Christmas Story , Debauchery , Minds , Santa Pub Crawl , Defaming Santa , Pinheads Raising Hell , Commercialism , Positive , Birth Of Jesus , Spending Money , Commercials , Worker , Upside , Economy , Overdo , Stossel , Word , Town , Spirit Of Christmas , De Blasioa Billoreilly Com , Watching ,

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