Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Red Eye 20160325 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Red Eye 20160325

to steal tom's material. back to you yenlo wang. >> i was going to say she parked like a virgin. thank you, andy. let's welcome our guests. she is a real firecracker. by that i mean she is super patriotic and banned in three states, joanne nosuchunsky. he is is the man that looks like a g man. reason magazine's matt welch. he is so dapper i am surprised his name isn't dan. matt walton who is appearing in the upcoming film "money monster." and every time i see his head i am reminded to scrub my pots and pans. i almost -- >> i am glad you missed it. >> i was nervous. >> you got cocky with it. >> comedian sam morrell. >> starbucks took out a full spread in today's "new york times" in the "wall street journal." it began, when you read the headlines and turn on the news, when you scroll through score social media feed or listen to the candidates you could easily mistake america as a nation lost. a people who have severed the common bonds that hold us together, compassion, respect, shared responsibility and a belief in service. are you ever behind someone at starbucks and they are take forever to say what they want? the face and page had a bold list of words, presumably a good list and a bad lie. -- bad list. limits versus opportunity. status quo versus daring. many saw it as ceo howard schulz taking a not so bad swipe at donald thrum p. donald trump. and they said it is at least clear who he won't be voting for. well probably. he is a well known democrat. i'm sure your average trump or ted cruz supporter will look at the good list and see it as describing their candidate. but like schulz's # race together campaign, where we encourage baristas to write strange racial comments on unsuspecting customers this ad does president say anything. it just acts like it is saying something. it is like a venti low fat soy with extra foam and nothing at the bottom. i need some coffee. >> the end of the monologue seemed philosophical. >> what did this ad say to you? >> it vindicated the fact that i realize when thinking about this, every thing about starbucks is not made for me. people telling me i need to order my size in italian. that is not for me. it never was for me. this thick coffee that tastes bad is not for me none of it is for me. they are describing a universe that i find loathesome. when i look at the george carlin list, inference, compassion. i wanted to be the jerk of the i wanted to root for the bad guys here. >> you would be more at home in one of those edward hopper coffee shops, right? >> that's the diner. >> you love hopper, but do you love starbucks? it is the community place between work and home, isn't it? >> i go too much. to be serious and to tell you a secret, i prefer just deli coffee. >> you do? >> like when you go into a deli and you don't know how long it's been sitting there, and i don't know, but it tastes so good. it is like $1 versus the $4 for a cup at starbucks. the only ad i want to see in a paper from starbucks or a company trying to sell me something is a coupon. this is a sermon and i prefer my sermon from a priest and my caffeine from starbucks. >> it was preachy, but do you believe it was a direct hit at donald trump some. >> it was more like a corporate manifesto. he was doing what my crazy second cousin does on facebook. he put his political beliefs, but he uses the "new york times" and the "wall street journal." corporations are people too. he is speaking his mind and that's his social media. >> do you think he will run for president? >> yeah. >> he has a philosophy. he obviously is a big democrat contributor. he talks about the third way between republicans and democrats. i feel like he is starting to launch a political career. >> i wouldn't put it past him. >> i wouldn't put it past you. look at this guy. you can be up there at the podium. >> don't give away my secret plan. >> morrell, what is going on? do you like lousy diner coffee? >> i do. it is the only place in the world that sells compact disks. they should be talking starbucks talk. trump is is like the pump skin spice latte. he is orange and bad for us and white people can't stop talking about it. >> wow. >> i don't know if this was a real swipe at trump, but what do you think, matt of the wife wars? i feel like this ad is a hit on where the campaign has gone. >> don't sit there and like bow so anxious and anguish -- and be so anxious and anguished. the wife wars is vulgar and embarrassing nonsense. this is happening in a presidential contest. what country do we live in? that's gross. there is nothing about it that requires a focus group and people to sit around and wonder where we all went wrong. no, you are just being a jerk. >> that's it. you're just being a jerk. that's politics. it is not just left wing coffee moguls who december like trump. who dislike trump. they are looking for another option, a third party if you will. if only there was one. libertarian presidential candidate terry johnson thinks it could be a big moment for somebody outside the two major parties. the former new mexico governor tells the daily caller if this isn't an opportunity for the libertarian nominee there will never be an opportunity. johnson notes that the party is on the ballot in all 50 states, but the key will be getting invited to the general election debate. he says, quote, there is no way a third party wins the presidency without being in the presidential debate. >> matt, you are a libertarian. you probably would like to see him debate. is that what he needs to get on the stage in the debate? >> sure he needs a miracle on all kinds of things and a truck running over people. >> i have seen that man's toes. >> you have seen gary johnson's toes? >> i have. i have secret footage of gary johnson's toes that we have not yet published. >> as someone against surveillance and spying, i am shocked -- >> it was voluntary. being in the debate should be great. we will have eight months of hillary versus trump and it will be awful. it will be entertaining when he goes for the bill clinton stuff, but it is basically going to make us feel bad to wake up every morning as americans. we would be really happy if someone was up there saying i want to lil lies -- legalize the weed and i would like to cut government spending. that's a different message than what we will see from trump and hillary clinton. >> if hillary and trump are the nominees, hillary, her ratings are high and trump's are higher. this would be a time for a third party, yes or no? >> it would be a great time to come in. the only time he says there will be another time and i disagree. a lot of americans identify with the libertarian policy. in the next couple elections there will be a strong -- we are seeing everyone graduate toward bernie over here and trump over here. i think this guy if you can come forward and speak for libertarians and show the country what a libertarian actually is, it would be a great idea. >> joanne, if trump is the guy to do this -- if trump comes in and causes the parties to fracture, wouldn't it be ironic that trump is the guy to make us more like europe? >> yeah, but i don't say it is -- it is not strum -- trump that is fracturing the party. the party had a tiny fracture. trump was the sprint we ran on that fracture with and it splintered and it hurts. it it hurts so bad. >> there is a divide in the republican party. >> what is crazy is i think a lot of people are libertarians without realizing it. even gary johnson said in the article he took the quiz on-line, that website and 70% was with bernie sanders. he could even get the bernie voters. it is obviously comekly -- economically different, but in a lot of ways he does appeal to all people. >> i think he was trying to appeal to all people with the bernie sanders nonsense is. the libertarian party is far away from the left wing policies of bernie sanders. but what do you think -- why can't they get a toe hole anywhere? maybe it is because their toes are frozen. >> this guy is not the answer. he was a hiker and a skier. this is a unifier. >> he was a two-term popular republican governor in a democratic state. >> a skier. a skier is great if we are only dealing with the swiss. >> but don't the libertarians -- if he runs it just takes votes away from republicans, am i right? >> yeah, probably. >> there was a new poll that came out a monmouth -- >> yes! my county. >> he is 11% which is not bad because no one knows who he is. he polled about 4%, 5% and that doesn't equal 11. we'll talk about that. >> did he out poll the anybody but these two options? >> let's not hold that against him. >> president obama is is being criticized for dancing the tango in buenos aires. the president was pulled on to the dance floor during a state dinner. he initially resisted when the female dancer approached, but agreed to join her. critics have been slamming the president. >> whatever that is is that makes the argentine tango so electric, it wasn't there for me. i wanted you guys to devour each other. you didn't. >> let's be honest. it was really more like a c minus out there. >> you had no confidence through that whole routine. >> and when you got into the pivot, you know, you didn't hold your position. >> it is supposed to be really sexy and it wasn't that sexy. i felt a mother could dance with her son doing the same thing. >> to quote a song from chorus line i felt nothing. >> wow, the criticism is about technique and passion. i thought it was going to be about political optics. joanne, do you think it was bad for the president to be tangoing after this attack? that is what the political prague nos caters are saying. >> yes and no. obama does not care about optics. he said to drop everything would show our enemies that we are changing our life because of them. we need to go on. this terrorism won't ruin us. yes, but at the same time to continue on like nothing has happened makes the families of the nine americans, i believe it is 9, who were killed in brussels in the attacks feel like crap. you know? it is not presidential. >> but, is it gonna -- do you theng he will be -- think he will be able to get re-elected in this situation? >> do you imagine if he was running how much he would get re-elected by? he would stomp everybody's face in compared to hillary and trump. >> why are his approval ratings going up? >> it is because of the election and because we are in that phase now like we are with george w. bush, hey, he is painting dogs. that's cool. we are going to look back at how lousy this presidency was and we will feel the same thing we always do about ex-presidents. gorge w, good guy, jimmy carter, good guy. everybody looks good in the rear view mirror. nobody talks about what they do policy wise, but criticisms of him golfing and dancing badly in the tango. ultimately people are going to miss him. >> matt walton, i don't think the woman plaint -- the complaint is he was having a good time. but he should have stopped what he was doing and held a press conference. >> maybe he should have, but the first time he was criticized for doing the wave and then he was criticized for doing the tango. neither of which are physical expressions you can resist. if you are the only guy not doing it you are a [bleep]. if this female says come on, come on dance with me. you will look worse not dancing. he was between a rock and a hard place. him chilling out at the baseball game though that was the worst sort of look. >> it was. >> for me. at one point i was like -- hmm. >> if he refused the woman it would be obama blows off lady. >> what would you do, tom? >> listen, if a woman asks me to dance, i start cutting a rug. >> sam, what do you think? dance inappropriate? >> i watched "scent of a woman" once or twice to get this out of my system, real tangoing. it is a culturally rich dance. it is not like he was twerkg out there. every time there is an isis attack they show the dumb footage of isis in the training videos on the monkey bars. i guess it is p90 isis. i don't understand why they have to be so fit. don't they just blow themselves up? >> they have to crawl down and go on the ropes? >> i just got abs two weeks ago. why would i blow myself up? >> i think it is a different philosophy. obama says you have to go about your business. i guess you at reason magazine agree with that, right, matt? >> this is why i go after the people with no tows. with no toes. george bush played golf or played guitar -- there is always something terrible happening in the world. you spend your time -- count up the number of minutes msnbc went after george w. bush playing golf and add that fox has gone after obama for playing golf and imagine how much human energy and time. >> that's a lot of free advertising for golf. >> if we can't do the waive then the terrorists win. >> you have to do the waive when asked. >> you can't take it away. >> i can't believe they would do the waive in a communist country. that's terrible. >> what happens when artificial intelligence learns from twitter, hence, i can't say most of the tweets on tv. this is is a fox news alert. i'm patricia stark in new york. new developments in two european nations as massive efforts continue to foil any further terrorist attacks. in belgium an on going anti-terror operation has lead to the arrest of six people in and around brussels. police believe the suspects are all lenged to tuesday's deadly bombings at the city's airport and subway system. from paris word a frenchman has been arrested for what police describe as the advanced stages in a plot to attack the country. no links between that reported plot and last november's attack in paris or brussels. the attack in brussels claimed 31 lives and left more than 270 other people injured. authorities evacuated a town in northwestern minnesota after a freight train collided with a propane truck and ignited a fire. this is in a community of callaway. it is about 230 residents. they are expected to be out of their homes until noon today. no word of injuries so far. verizon is is the latest corporation to suffer a data breech. they have stolen contact information from the solutions unit that provides services to big companies. but no data from the consumer customers has been compromised. an apparent heart attack has claimed the life of gary shandling "the larry sanders show" star died in his home in los angeles yesterday. he was 66. and finally on a happy show biz note, a historic milestone for the rolling stones. mick jagger and his band have arrived in cuba for a free concert tonight in a country that only recently prohibited -- until recently prohibited rock and roll. they declared it the last remnant of the cold war in the americas. i'm patricia stark and now back to your favorite late night show "red eye." for all of your headlines log on to fox meet tay, microsoft's ai chat robot. tay is designed to talk bike a dean taj -- talk like a teenage girl. the only problem is she learns from twitter. exposing a naive artificial bought to twitter is like allowing your daughter to see a sam morrell show. bad idea. and in less than 24 hours tay went from saying things like can i just say i am stoked to meet you? humans are super cool. to things like i [bleep] hate feminists and they should die in hell. when asked if ricky yes, sir -- gervais an atheist? one user said we must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children. she replied could not agree more. i wish there were more people articulating this kind of thing. she also said bush did 9/11 and ted cruz is the cuban hitler. microsoft has deleted many tweets and taken her off line stating she is is, quote, tired. >> i don't like it. it is like saying a teen celebrity is going to rehab -- to the rehab, they are exhausted and they are taking a break. this is a robot and she went rogue and she is tired. she is not tired. she doesn't have a central nervous system. don't they say the celebrities are always dehydrated? >> something like that. over worked. they are over worked. >> they work so much because they did -- i don't want to get sued. >> that's all right. sam, what is the difference between her twitter feed and yours? not much. >> not by a lot. microsoft has messed up a lot in the past. they tried a robot a few years ago and that went horribly. >> did they? >> they may have footage. >> roll the footage. >> that's disgusting. >> that was really joe mackey. >> microsoft had a lot of brush ups. they made the female employees dress like little schoolgirls. >> i think they will start doing this. they have to start somewhere. >> this is a failed beta test. who is surprised this happened this quickly? what the internet does is gives pranksters to leave the equivalent of a flaming bag of poop on the front door of the ceo of microsoft. >> that was a great gag. that's the kind of thing he did when i was in junior high. >> now you can do it on a much larger scale. >> and it is messy. putting the poop in a bag. >> maybe we learned something. >> you put it out there and you can see what happens. something was learned about human nature, wasn't it? >> that you can make a robot gavin mcguinness. this is great for all of us. >> they will start working on these things. >> they will have to filter things like holocaust so that it is like a thumbs up emoji and things like that. >> putting a robot to respond and learn from essentially the world's comments sections is a great and wonderful idea. >> shame on microsoft for trying to make this into a teenage girl. it is the way a teenage girl would speak. what does that mean? how is a teenage girl supposed to speak? i think that is sexist and problematic. they deserve this. why can't a young female be like a biggot? >> that's something that is true . the little apps that help you out are female because gois like to have a female assistant. what say you? >> i say they need to come up with a gender neutral voice. >> you just want more voice over work. can you do a gender neutral? what does that sound like? we would have to speak at the same time. >> why not make a matt walton? >> don't they offer different voices for these things? can't you set it for like a french guy? >> i will admit i don't want a guy's voice telling me where to turn left and right. >> they do australia now too. which i am about to try. >> i like having a female ai assistant rather than a male. does it make me sexist? >> it turns me on alt bit when she talks about hitler. i am an over bear -- an over bearing jew mom of the. >> it is time for half time. andy levy is coming up next. welcome back. you know, sometimes we want to find out what we got wrong, what we missed. we turn to andy levey. the word genius is really, really over used these day. but in terms of comedy it applied to gary shandl nie g who passed away. i wanted to say rest in peace. >> absolutely one of the greats. >> as the only comedian up there anything you want to add? >> tom took a few nasty digs. >> can i do a shout out? what planet are you from? it is one of the greatest movies and i want everyone to rent it. >> i will watch it this weekend. >> the starbucks ad. matt -- welch you said you wanted to be the jerk in terms of preferring the bad words. they had cynical in the bad word list. you have no right to tell me. >> the person paying for the ad is portraying it as bad. >> and i don't know if you noticed, but the bad words were in black type and the good words are in the white type. very, very problematic. >> do you have political as separations? >> never rule it out. but i have a lot of skeletons in my closet. >> tom you don't know if this was a swipe at trump. one can only assume. but you are right. there are words that can apply to many people and if he is going to support hillary why is he taking ads out like this? you made better points than i did in my monologue. >> it happens. but his intention was it was a swipe at trump/the republicans. >> for the tone. >> yes, of course. >> libertarian party time. you brought up that gary johnson said the key is is for the candidate to get into the debate with the democratic nominee. they have filed a lawsuit against the commission of presidential debates to try to force them to admit the third party candidates. >> they are doing that right now and trying to use antitrust laws. you said you have secret johnson's toes. please destroy it. >> tom you said -- you guys were you can taying about joanne had brought up that bernie sanders said he took a quiz and he was 74% -- gary johnson took a quiz and obviously the libertarian party is far away from the left wing policies of sanders. i don't agree with that. if you take away the economic stuff there is a lot of overlap on things like foreign policies social issues. >> don't take away the economic stuff. >> that's the 26% where they didn't match up. >> too many questions about social issues. they stacked it in the wrong way. there was a survey trying to get you to say you like bernie sanders. >> you mentioned the poll where he gets 11% support in a three-way race against clinton and trump. i believe the margin of error is 11%. >> that wouldn't be surprising. but there are high polling numbers when anybody asked would you be happy if there was a third party candidate running? >> by the way the margin of error was 3.4%. >> he said he thinks the people voting is is mainly -- they are using him as a place holder for saying i wnt someone else -- want someone else other than those two. >> you have to start somewhere. >> absolutely. >> obama does the tango. >> you said nine were killed in the brussels attack. >> was it nine? >> a dozen wounded, but none killed. >> that is wonderful news. i apologize. that's awful of me for not knowing that. >> walton, you said chilling out at the baseball game was the worst sort of look. >> here is my thought. the president shouldn't have come home. absolutely you drop everything and you get on air force 1 and come home. but it happened in other countries and there is nothing he and the others can't do from abroad. but maybe don't do the wave at a baseball game. >> i don't exactly know if that is the exact moment that happened the terrorist attack happened. i don't know the timing. >> wasn't it the middle of the night? >> yes. >> that was the next day? >> yes. >> in his defense you can't not do the wave at a baseball game. then you stick out. it is like he is not doing the wave. he should have skipped the baseball game. >> terrorist attack or not terrorist attack. >> i couldn't disagree more. it is so fun. >> you are that guy? >> forget the political career. >> i $think he could have politely declined to dance. >> was that really impromptu? he didn't reherse that at all? >> he wasn't that bad. >> you said it is not like the president was twerking out there. >> you said you are sick of the whole line of things. count up the number of minutes msnbc used of bush playing golf and the number of minutes they used of obama playing golf. it was fine when president bush golfed. but it was disrespectful when -- >> microsoft's racist teenage ai. not all ai. can we just be clear on that? >> why can't a young female be a biggot? >> no one has asked it before and we need to. >> i counsel a lot of teenage girls. >> and one thing i always say is don't say the holocaust is good. don't do it. >> i believe that is lesson one. >> it is the first week. >> teenagers say all kinds of stupid things. maybe they need to let the ai grow up. >> and i bet he would if she didn't have to rest every time she is caught speaking out of turn. >> who is surprised this happened so quickly? microsoft apparently. >> i never had anything from microsoft. >> as you said i have siri set to a male voice because i don't want to confuse it with alexa. that's important. i have to know who i am talking to. >> i am done. >> thank you, andy. time to take a break. madonna when we come back. this is is a fox news alert. i'm patricia stark in new york. at this hour six people are being detained after a series of anti-terror raids in brussels. the belgian prosecutors say the arrests are linked to tuesday's attacks that killed 31 people and injured some 270 others. meantime in france, authorities arresting a separate terror suspect near paris who they say was in the, quote, advanced stages of plotting an attack. security forces have locked down the area and they are now conducting a massive search. and joe biden is weighing in on the nomination. while speaking yesterday he said it is the president's responsibility to appeal to republicans by choosing a moderate. and now it is the senate's turn to act. >> voting is always an option and it is their option. but saying nothing, saying nothing, hearing nothing, and deciding to turn your back before the president names a nominee is not an option the constitution leaves open. >> the vice president is is asking to consider judge garland. they say it is up to the next president to pick the scalia successor. pope francis celebrated holy thursday by washing the feet of hindu refugees. it took place at a shelter outside rome. he declared them all sons of the same god and welcomed them as brothers. he denounced the bombing in capitol city. and now back to the show you love to tweet about, "red eye." log on to fox news dos. are you watching the most powerful name in news, fox newschannel. sadly we live in a world where celebrities don't get preferential treatment. madonna needed extra parking spaces in front of her new york city townhouse, so she put up fake no parking signs to scare away other drivers. they say it was for tenants only and violators would be towed. she even painted it yellow and had no parking embossed in the cement. a neighbor complained and the department of transportation told madonna to move her alteration. the neighbor is now missing and presumed dead. no, i don't think that's true. i should say that's not true. >> we don't know it is true. we presume. they should have let madonna have the space. look at her in the parking lot. not bad. madonna. this is where i would have said she is a parking virgin. andy ruined that. does this make you like madonna more because she is crafty? >> this shows i have gone native and i have lived here for four years and wow. that is cool right there. >> why did she think she would get away with it? >> she's madonna and it is new york and yolo. >> and she did get away with it until the neighbor rated her out. >> it is amazing. >> this is not madonna doing this. this is her driver who was tired of finding parking somewhere else until she ran down and into the waiting car. >> you have never seen the art work. >> exactly. i don't think she had anything to do with this. she would just buy a parking spot. >> it is the city. >> but there are parking garages everywhere. when you buy a $40 million townhouse in new york, you have to know where the parking is. >> i have seen them. matt welch, i have seen where they have a carport in the bottom of the townhouse. that's what she needs. >> i think it is -- because she likes to get in without spilling her latte. come on, she is rich. rich people can do what they want. >> i will go home and install speed bumps. >> people do this, but they usually have -- in my old neighborhood -- i grew up in a tough neighborhood. you can probably tell they put the milk crates out there. >> she is lying to make it easier. it is proof she and a-rod were perfect for each other. this also shows how annoying parking is in new york. she lives in a $40 million place and she is like, i can't find a spot. i get it. >> what do you think? what should her punishment be? well it seems like she wasn't punished. it was like you gotta take this down. the fact that they put in the cement "no parking" i mean you have to be fined. isn't that defacing city property or something? >> i want to know if she is really going to be -- it suggested in the article they told her to correct it. >> what would have tipped me off is the embossed concrete. >> it has never been done before, but the fact she never got a parking ticket for this fiasco, for this ruse. >> i'm sure she lost a lot of sleep over that. >> we'll close things out over a bedtime story. hey how's it going, hotcakes? hotcakes. this place has hotcakes. so why aren't they selling like hotcakes? with comcast business internet and wifi pro, they could be. just add a customized message to your wifi pro splash page and you'll reach your customers where their eyes are already - on their devices. order up. it's more than just wifi, it can help grow your business. you don't see that every day. introducing wifi pro, wifi that helps grow your business. comcast business. built for business. the next "red eye." camille foster and ben kissel and mike baker. people who tweet don't come cheap. san francisco just hered a tweeter who reportedly gets $130,000 a year. they defended the high price saying the strategist is a critical role for improving and enhancing the city's communications response and engagement with the public. let's see if the city is getting their money's worth. here are the tweets. that's a nice one. it appears to be a retweet. i know how to do that. that's a nice photo of a heart. that is a retweet as well. next one. hold on. look at this one. a retweet with comment. that is advanced tweeting and obviously worth every penny. >> that's from march eighth. >> i did. the other two were from the other day. >> they hired a high twiced tweeter and they don't know how to retweet with comment. >> isn't this what happens when you hire people and give them a lot of money? they do less work. i feel like that's generally what happens. i am not as money hungry so i will phone it in today. i am doing a retweet. >> if you get paid $130,000 a year you probably are the type of person who says i am not spending my day on twitter. >> now mention the pension on that person. if it is like most pensions, public sector pensions this is defined. they promise this money to you. how many can retire at 50. >> and in california that's the whole scandal, the california pension funds, they are draining the state. >> i wonder what the san francisco city police their average salary is down there. it is probably not $130,000. they think this is a more important position to engage than teachers and cops. i mean this is ridiculous. this is government waste. >> government run a muck. >> san francisco has $100 million budget deficit currently. >> so then they can afford $130,000. >> they have a homeless problem problem. how many of them know how to run twitter? >> they could use a little special training. >> that does it it for me. i'm tom shillue. see you next time.

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