Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Huckabee 20120805 :

FOXNEWSW Huckabee August 5, 2012

floor. the senators outrageous statements. ladies and gentlemen, governor mike huckabee. [applause] >> thank you. great audience here tonight. thank you so much welcome to huckabee from the fox news studios in new york city. well, what a week it has been. thanks to you. chick-fil-a day was a huge success. [applause] >> i want us to see how it all happened . chick-fil-a founder opened the first restaurant in 1956 basing it around christian values. the business expanded in a chain of more than 1600 restaurants without incidents. chick-fil-a came under fire when the current president and ceo said >> i pray god's mercy on our generation that has a prideful and arrogant attitude to think we have the audasit i of what marriage is all about. >> those who disagreed with his view. twitter flooded with hateful tweets and blasted the chick-fil-a president for speaking his mind. paris hilton said i heard chick-fil-a you diarrhea. i don't know i don't support those homophobes. >> i wonder what they do to gay chickens. mayors of boston, washington dc and boston said they would ban chick-fil-a from opening a restaurant. >> chick-fil-a values are not chicago's valley. >> chick-fil-a founder joined me on the show. >> i think we appreciate that freedom of speech still lives. i don't know why anybody is upset chick-fil-a. it is the manner you treat the customer. >> we like to feed huppingry people regardless of circumstances. any time you come in my door, we are going to serve you. >> if everybody that appreciates a business and stands up for good things, maybe wednesday august the 1st could be let's go to chick-fil-a day in america. ♪ >> and a number one break fast meal. >> i got a order for mike. for mike. come on. we'll give it away. my pleasure. >> we treat everyone with honor, dignity and respect. >> why ducome to chick-fil-a? >> i agree with what they stand for. i am coming three types. break fast, lunch and dinner. >> it is more than just words. it is action . >> you don't look angry to me . >> i was hungry. >> fox news alert. we got video of a massive crowd in houston, texas. folks turning out to show support for chick-fil-a restaurants. you can still see people lined up outside of chick-fil-a. this is nothing. this store owner said earlier today the line went around the building to the stop line. >> chick-fil-a appreciation day generated a large line on chicago avenue that went around the block. >> it snaked around the restaurant and along the access road and extended in the highway. >> in new orleans park they had a traffic jam as thousands descended in that southwest suburb. >> we have e-mails about long lines and packed store necessary new jersey. richmond virginia and tupilo, mississippi and georgia and on and on it goes. >> you don't have to honk the horn or carry the sign it is just a thank you to a company that operated with integrity and provided sound business practices and treated everybody with a dignity that every human being deserves. >> are you going to have enough chicken for today? >> i think we have enough chicken for today. >> last wednesday, feathers flew. america ate chicken and boy did they eat chick yen ralm emanuel he ate crow. and it all started right here on the show two weeks ago. i told truit cathy, the founder of chick-fil-a that i would encourage people to eat at his restaurant on wednesday august 1st not as a protest but the affirmation of the right of his son dan who is the ceo and christian to talk freely about his convictions. i speak about it on my radio show and followers of facebook. chick-fil-a did not propose or promote the effort. as it turned out they didn't have tompt 21 million people viewed my facebook page. and almost 13 hours, facebook sensored my page because of protempt but - protest on the left. >> i didn't want a christian brother dan cathy to express a biblical view of marriage and get pumbled mayors in boston, chicago and washington and san francisco threatened to sensor his speech, i realized that if freedom-loving americans didn't stand up and speak up. people of faith would be told to sit in the back of the political bus and shut up. chick-fil-a doesn't discriminate against crust merc or employees. it is it a view shared by voters necessary all 32 states where that is on the ballot shared by barak obama until a few months ago. i am not antigay. i do business with gay people and i have friends who are gay. i don't like intolerance and bigotry carried out against religious pime like dan indicating. being a christian shouldn't mean being disenfranchised and ceo's who support causes for the left are not targeted. ceo of apple customer and starbucks and amazon support same-sex marriage. i don't call for their business to be destroyed and i like starbucks and i love apple computer products and i order things from amazon. i buy their products but not the politicings. i can only imagine the outcry if the mayor of dallas or birmingham said ben and jerry would not be allowed in the city because of their founders. chick-fil-a had biggest day in history. people filled their inbox with these from texas and then there were photose from louisiana and here is some from alabama we had pictures sentitous from colorado. then from the west coast, the last coast some call it in california. we had it from south carolina and pictures from west virginia virge and so many, many more. all of them chick-fil-a's filled with customers. by the way some of the stores ran out of food and was the lead stories on tv storeys. it was not about chicken. it was freedom and fairness. there was no violence. maybe the only real protest came from the chickens themselves. wednesday, august 1st america ate chicken but they didn't act chick yen celebrated the freedom to think, believe and spheek. and surely america is diverse enough for that to happen. [applause] well, we are half way through the olympics in london and our olympians are in the top of the medal table once but another example of punishing success. i.r.s. is taxing the medal winners. congressman woman bono mack is trying to put a stop to that and joins us next. >> i would love to hear fru. go to our website or sign up on facebook and twitter. find outú?ñx@wúp9÷÷@;÷9 imagine spending nearly your enfire life hitting the jimpbefore the crack of dawn and rung miles out doors when the attaches are below zero and some cases moving away from your family and all for a chance to be a olympian and you achieve your dream and proudly represent the united states and stand on the podium. and flag around the shoulders and next thing on your door you get a visit from uncle sam asking to you pay up. they will be taxed on the prize money they earn because they earned one of the top three spot olympics. congresswoman mack introduced a bill to exempt the olympians from being taxed on their success. congresswoman, you and a democrat joined together in saying we don't want to punish your athletes for being successful. how did the bill come about for you. >> first of all we are in middle of fever and we heard the story of them being taxed and we went to the ranking member and he was excited about being introduced to stop the disinatory tax for going into affect. it helps that we have the olympics fever and so excited about our olympians and having to write a bipartisan bill on the table save them. >> athletes get ever be upon $25,000 for a gold and $15,000 for a silver and $10,000 for a bronze. it is a stipend for all of the months and years of preparation that they have been away from income producing opportunities it is it a tine pittance especially for that level of success. the i.r.s. since 1984 said that is taxable income. if they win a gold it is $9000. $5300 if they win silver and $3500 if they win a bronze. i don't think the federal treasure is going to get out of debt if we assess the medal. what kind of response from colleagues in congress to end taxing the olympics medals. >> it is not only a great response from the colleagues but the constitiens. they think it is it outrageous and they are appreciative for the years of hard work and sacrifice they put in their career -. they are not there to win money. they are there to show ther the best in the world and more importantly tho to show that the united states is the best in the world. that's what this is all about. feed back from the constitients and colleagues is overwhelmingly supportive and scratching their heads why the i.r.s. is monitoring what happen necessary london. >> eight out of 34 countriesine tax anything on the part of the athletes, i think when we learn this and i just found out about this this week. first reaction. they are giving america a good name, taxing them might give us a bad name. and so how did you first come to know about it and when dusay i have to do something. you have 435 members of congress but you are the one who took up the lead with congressman butterfield. tell us why it is so important to you? >> i think the news bubbled up through the media and my staff was watching the olympics, mary, this is wrong and let's introduce a bill. interestingly enough. my bill was not the only one that was dropped that marko rubio is on board and pushing the effort. other colleagues are push people saw the news and story and we are so proud of our female gymanist right we saw the story and wanted to jump on it as quick as we could. we are proud and appreciative that they are showing the best that the united states has to offer. and americans say let's thank them and not tax them. >> have you heard whether the president will sign the bill if it make its through both houses of congress. >> i have not heard that. my ranking member butterfield from north corl carolina. we don't agree on everything. but on this one i have his strong support and i enjoyed work him and i anticipate his relationship with the white house will help in this >> tell apply to the olympics champions or going forward. >> no, it very importantly would be retroactive and this year's olympians would be covered. >> especially michael phelps. >> michael may be one. few guys who will earn enough medals that this could amount to serious pocket change of're for him. i haven't talked to a single person who feels we ought to tax the athletes it is a great moment of national pride in a time when we could use good news it is like we should not only forgo the taxes but we should give them more money. i hope they earn it in endorsements. they bring patriotism and national pride to the country. >> we would like to give them tirk tape parade celebrate them. they have sacrificed much of their lives to get to the moment of standing on the podium. they shouldn't be the i.r.s.. but looking forwarda to a ticker tape parade and they are inspirational to us. we are celebrating with them. no one wants to think about i.r.s. when they are celebrating the gold medal. >> i appreciate what you are depo doing. it may be one of the few bipartisan pieces of legislation that makes it through the congress and after you get this one done, work on tax relief for the rest of us, too. >> i will. >> thank you so much for being here. >> thank you. >> coming up one of the american olympians who hopes to win a medal in london. >> hee america's fastest mara thon runner and has hopes of being the gold winner for america. while most train with their coaches, he said the only coaches he needs comes from above. i spoke with olympian ryan hall before he boarded the plane to get to london. ryan, thank you for joining us. i know you are on the way to the olympics. we are excited about you winning the gold in the mara thon, if you do, we know thires may - the i.r.s. may come after you and bust you in $#000 worth of taxings. before the discussion of the mara thon. how do you feel about being taxed for a medal. >> i may not be the best authority to figure if it is right or on. what a wonderful problem to have. i have a medal around my tax and worry about paying taxes. and i get there and the medal. i would be glad to kick back the cash. >> that is a great attitude to have. i guarantee you if you git the medal i.r.s. will find you for sure. going back to beijing before setting the stage for london. it is not what you hoped for. you trained and prepared and anticipation and people thought you would win the gold there and you came in 10th. talk about the disappointment from beijing. >> it was a disappointment and i had higher hopes of getting on i was right there at closing ceremonies and the award's presentation is in closing ceremonies and standing away and getting the medals it did hurt to not run as well as i hoped there. and i have since looked back on this and put it in perspective and it is it all part of god's plan for me and i appreciate the race i had now. i remember running in the tunnel in the olympics stadium and i had dreamed of that moment my entire life. and i came in at 10th place and grimp in the tunnel it is silent god, what happened and how come this went so wrong. and i was jumpy and i felt like god told me. this is noteving you dreamed of but everything you need for this point in your career. i was glad to get that from god in the tunnel. i came out of the tunnel different and i had a moment that i will cherish. regardless of what place i was in and getting the take in the crowd and huge stadium and relishing that moment. >> and one of the things i admired about you, ryan. you articulate your faith clearly. very capably there is a lot of athletes that are afraid to do that. you are not. you are quoted as saying your coach is good. explain what you mean by that. >> a couple of years back in 2010, i felt like god told me to take the next step in my faith and where i was dependent on hear his voice and the way to have him do that is for him to be my coach i stepping out and following his lead. i don't think every christian needs god as the coach. but they should be desperate to hear his voit and intimately connected with him every single day having him as my coach is helped me to hear his voice every day and lean on other people he put in my life and lean on the bible. and you know, just make my faith more real and tangible and i have seen god show up in tangible ways. my first mara thon was in boston and i ran a huge race. something i prayed for, for years. i runned the boston mara thon and prayed for the tail wind and that day we had the best tail wind and i looked up at the america flag and it was blowing the direction we were run i remember smiling and laughing. god, you totally answered my prayer on this day. it a special day for me. >> you are a special athlete with an incredible story and one of the reasons i was excite tod talk to you. i want to tk about the criticism you have and how you handle that and prepare in the midst of people mocking you because of your faith. and they i tell people just because i have god for my coach everything i do is perfect . only criticism i let in my life and wife and people who have input that is positive feed back. beyond that, my goal is to listen to god and do what he tells me to do. >> obviously that is amazing about you. you are running for a gold medal and running to win. but in talk you, ryan, i don't get the impression winning a earthly race is everything that there is. what is it that drives you and motivates you and if you don't win in london, are you still okay with who you are as ryan hall? >> yes, certainly . one thing that god told me over and over and over again. for the last six months, i have been running my brains out and preparing for the race. jesus is the prize for me. that is freeing. a gold medal or medal of any color would be icing on the cake. i feel like i already have something that transcends a olympics medal brings satisfaction to my daily life that is better than a gold medal. and some trugle after winning gold. you know, gold medal is not everything in life. that's what i love about god . he's able for everyone and offering amazing lives for everyone. it is one guy on that day winning the medal. it is open for everyone. that is great thing for my coach. and another thought i had. i can't make god any more proud than he already is. it doesn't matter if i finish first ora last. he is so incredibly proud of me and that frees me up to not be afraid to fail and take risks. that is one of the thing thags made me a great mara thon runner. it doesn't always work out. i bummed plenty of races and finished last place in the races before. it is fun to go after your goals when you don't feel huge pressure and the fear of failure and feel like you have to perform. you are performing out of the who you are and not what you are going for and that is it a huge difference. >> eric little, the great runner from the olympics, he had strong christian conviction refused to run on sunday. movie char on thes of fire a lot in the movie, ryan that i think of when i hear you. when i run, i feel god's pleasure. i since when you run. you feel his pleasure. would you identify with what eric little said? >> certainly, eric is a huge hero of mine. i am actually going to see a play that they have char on thes of fire in london. i am a huge fan of eric and i totally, when we do what we are created to do. that is our best form of worship and that's how i feel like when i am runner. when i am in church and i upon not a good singer. i praise everything out of my heart but it doesn't sound pretty. when i run, i feel like i am doing what god gave me the gift to do. and he intended me to do. i feel a connection with god i feel not awn even in church. and i think that i call the place that i train my sanctuary. and it feels like that to me. it is church outside and inside of the church. >> ryan, you are a remarkable young man and i am proud of you. and america is proud of you. and we are pulling for you to win the gold. if you don't, we are still proud of the extraordinary testimony and witness you bring and i wish you the best in london. >> a lot. i appreciate your support. >> ryan hall, mara thon runner on the olympics team. >> coming up, you will meet a small business owner that said the president's law can't force him to go against [applause] >> the controversial obama man date that was inpired insurance company to provide contraceptives went on sale last week. the man date requires employers to provide workers with coverage from abortion inducing drugs and stirlization or contraception or they face heavy penalties. paul neal is a denver based heating and air conditioning company and a devout cath rick and challenged the man date. if might cost him 9.6 million in fines and paul and his attorney join us now. welcome to the mike huckabee show. good to have you here. paul, this was offensive to you, because of your personal convictions that this was a violation of your conscience making you pay for abortion indusing druggings. when you first found out about this were you shocked that the government was going to insist this on you. >> yeah, completely shocked and really it is not me, it is our whole family . it goes beyond that. our business has been in business 50 years and over three generation and i speak on behalf of my brothers and sisters and bill, and sisters christie and carol. and we are proud to really pass on and live the values and faith that our parents gave us and hope to give our children. to say that we are shocked is putting it mildly . >> i think america is it shocked that the government tells people what the conscience should be and limitation of their faith can be. as a attorney representing hercules. you won an injunction for now. describe to us why it is so important whether we are part of his company or not. why does this case matter? >> the reason it is all important is that the administration is taking the position that the people must choose between

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