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Funding, disaster relief, daca and Border Security and other important matters, that weve been negotiating, and that i would like to bring to the floor, then they will stop their filibuster and this shutdown and let the negotiators get back to work. The congressional leaders tell me to negotiate with President Trump. President trump tells me to figure it out with the congressional leaders. This political catch 22 never seen before has driven our government to dysfunction. Rick weve got Fox Team Coverage from our Nations Capital Garrett Tenney at the white house with reaction from the Trump Administration. But lets kick things off with Mike Emmanuel on capitol hill. Whats the latest on this bipartisan push to get a deal . We have got about two dozen moderate senators both republican and democrat meeting feeling like they need to get a deal to reopen the government as soon as possible. Senator graham of South Carolina is one of those senators, he told us they need to try to get this done tonight. He said trying to do it tomorrow will be much tougher. Graham was one of the republicans who voted with democrats against the government funding package late friday night. Others in that Bipartisan Group sound hopeful. When was the last time you saw 22 senators meeting day after day and the number of senators keeps growing with each meetings that we have . And each one of them is committed to getting to a solution. And that to me is very encouraging. Both sides have got to make some compromises. You know, as senator from virginia where we have a huge number of federal employees we need to get this resolved. Two members of the Senate Republican leadership john cornyn of texas says his bet on the government will be shut down tomorrow. Roy blunt of missouri says they are voting at 1 00 a. M. Thats not a very good sign. Blunt says 10 00 p. M. Would be a little better, perhaps a sign of progress. Rick . Rick what are top House Leaders saying . House Republican Leaders say they are willing to accept a deal that the senate is going to vote on late night tonight. Take a listen to this. Were hopeful that in the senate i know they are having some meetings. I hope that they would be able to move that and if they take a week off the continuing resolution, we will take that and keep government working and make sure come Monday Morning Everything is up and running. The House Democratic leader called on President Trump to help cut a deal. Every one of our solutions on the path to an agreement which we could make in an hour, we want the president to come to the table and negotiate how we can do this in a very short period of time to open up government. A lot of folks here expressing the concern that this if this is not figured out quickly, positions could harden. And this could be a very long Government Shutdown. Rick . Rick Mike Emmanuel on capitol hill. Thank you. The white house putting pressure on congress to end the shutdown and the president suggesting the senate employ a Nuclear Option to break the impasse Something Senate Majority Leader has said he is opposed to doing. Mr. Trump tweeting great to see how hard the republicans are fighting for our military and safety at the border. The democrats just want Illegal Immigrants to pour into our nation unchecked. If stalemate continues republicans should go to 51 Nuclear Option and vote on real longterm budget no crs. Thats what the president tweeted. Our Garrett Tenney joining us from the white house. This is not the first time that the president has urged the senate to use the Nuclear Option. No it is not. It likely wont be his last either. You have to remember, this president is someone who is used to getting things done. One of the Biggest Challenges for him during his first year in office has been having to rely on extremely divided senate in order to move his agenda forward. In the shortterm, the Nuclear Option would help with that. It would allow the senate to pass the bills with a simple majority of 51 votes rather than 60. And this morning on fox and friends, Deputy Press Secretary said that given the current climate in the senate, it is difficult to get anything done. Its definitely been our position that the senate has been dysfunctional in many ways because of the filibuster, it blocks nominee, blocks all kinds of meaningful legislation, there are hundreds of great pieces of legislation that the house has passed that gets stalled in the senate. As you mentioned, though, Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell has flatly rejected that idea on multiple occasions. And that is because republicans know all too well how enacting the Nuclear Option could set a precedent that could back to bite them down the road if they are in the minority and democrats retake the majority. Rick a number of law mangers are now suggesting lawmakers are now suggesting that they cant rely on the white house. We are hearing this from a number of lawmakers in both parties. It is largely focused on members of the president s staff. Chuck schumer continues to say the president is unreliable negotiating partner. He claims he and the president reached a deal on friday to address daca and avoid a Government Shutdown but the president later backed out of that deal after meeting with his staff. This Afternoon Press Secretary Sanders pushed back on that saying in a statement Senator Schumers memory is hazy because his account of fridays meeting is false and the president s position is clear. We will not negotiate on the status of unlawful immigrants while Senator Schumer and the democrats hold the government for millions of americans and our troops hostage. Republican Senator Graham has also claimed that the president initially supported a bipartisan deal that graham negotiated with democratic senator dick durbin, but that the president then did a 180 on it after his staff intervened. Today graham praised the president s Chief Of Staff john kelly, but said the president s other advisors are getting in the way of congress reaching a deal. All i can say about the white house, their staff has been unreliable to work with on this issue. I think the president s in a good spot in terms of understanding what deal will work. Hes just got to commit to it. The senate is going to do somebody has got to lead. The white house staff has been pretty unreliable. The house is locked down. The white house claims the deal that graham presented failed to address several of the president s must have issues in regards to immigration, specifically, securing the border, and fixing our Immigration System as a whole. And tonight they are firing back saying in a statement as long as Senator Graham chooses to support legislation that sides with people in this country illegally, and unlawfully instead of our own american citizens, we are going nowhere. He has been an outlier for years. Rick . Rick Garrett Tenney at the white house. Garrett, thank you. Of course the longer this government is shut down, the worse it will get for many americans. Its also led to the closure of Many National parks and monuments including one very famous Beacon Of Hope the Statue Of Liberty in New York Harbor shut down. We have the details from our new york newsrooms. You know, lady liberty is of course one of the Main Attractions that people come from all over the country and all over the world really to see in new york. And a lot of people buy their tickets well in advance, but this weekend the closest that they could get to lady liberty is if they took a tour on a privately operated ferry. Now tomorrow the statue and ellis island will reopen. The governor announced the state will pay National Park Service Employees about 65,000 a day to do it. Take a listen. I know that the Statue Of Liberty is a federal federally controlled memorial. But its a major Income Generator for new york state. We want to keep tourism flowing. We want people coming. And we dont want any disruption. He says its important for new yorks economy, but for tourists who came here this weekend, it was a huge disappointment. Listen. Certainly theres plenty of blame to go around, but i had a few choice words for Senator Schumer. Normally i would be mad, but i believe the shutdown is for a good reason. I mean, this stuff needs to be taken care of. And tomorrow visitors will be able to go out to see the statue starting bright and early the first ferry departs at 8 30 in the morning. Rick thats great for new yorkers but what about all the other National Parks . Thats a good question. About a third of the National Park sites in the United States were completely closed today. Thats according to the National Parks conservation association. Many places that could be like the liberty bell in philadelphia have been closed. A number of parks and museums have stayed open or at least semiopen. In yellowstone National Park people could use the land but visit centers and bathrooms were closed. This is our public land. We should be able to use it any time. Unfortunately the park employees i dont know if they will get paid or not. But it is what it is. And Congress Better get their act together. In washington, d. C. , the smithsonian museums and the national zoo are staying open at least through monday. Open air parks and monuments including the War Memorials have also remained accessible. The government trying to avoid a replay of what happened back in 2013. Thats when veterans were being turned away from their own memorial. For those Planning Trips to national sites, they should check ahead of time. It is still up in the air what will and will be open tomorrow and rick Going Forward if the government stays shut down. Rick thank you. For more on this, lets bring in Commentary Writer for the washington examiner. Weve seen this movie before. And the longer it plays out, the worse it gets for a lot of folks. In your opinion, who are the biggest losers as this government remains shut down . Right now everyone loses. I mean, there arent any winners and theres a lot of confusion thats happening in washington. You could probably put most of the blame on President Trump and chuck schumer, simply because they cant come to an agreement on a deal. But you also have to look at the democrats. They are trying to basically jam nonspending measures through chip which is an Authorization Bill and daca which is another nonspending measure into a spending bill. So a continuing resolution is simply a spending bill. If they can get that through, then they can at least talk about chip and reauthorizing it as well as daca and finding a permanent solution for that. Rick these two sides have never been close, since President Trump took office. So what would lead us to believe that they could actually work something out . Well, i mean, of course President Trump has talked about the Nuclear Option bringing it from the 60 vote threshold to the 51 vote threshold. I cant see it happening. What i can see is democrats further digging up the trenches like in world war i on the Western Front and basically not giving up an inch to what republicans are trying to get accomplished. Rick we have been hearing a lot about democrats winning backseats in the midterms, but winning back seats in the midterms but if this drags on, i dont see how this helps them. This actually hurts democratic momentum in terms of the blue wave that we saw in 2017 in alabama and virginia. And new jersey. These are things that could hurt democrat chances especially in red states. You are looking at Claire Mccaskill in missouri, very vulnerable. You have arizona which is a Toss Up State right now. These are seats that would determine whether democrats control the senate in 2019. Cant believe were already talking about 2019. This is something that democrats really need to factor into their decision whether they are going to vote on this cr. Rick for the record you are the first to talk about 2019 that i have heard. The democrats obviously you mentioned the daca demand and the president wants immigration reform. And they are obviously very far apart on this. But meanwhile, mcconnell, the Senate Majority leader has called this a manufactured crisis. He also said this earlier. Lets listen. Who pays the price for that . Healthcare for needy children. Training and resources for our Men And Women in uniform. Care for our veterans who came home and Survivor Benefits for families of heroes who did not. Rick the veterans, the real 1 percenters still have to go to work and dont collect paychecks and their families have to deal with not getting paid for as long as this goes on. Well, theres one thing about this Government Shutdown, i mean, it is a partial shutdown. And the main Silver Lining that you could take away from this is that agencies are forced to recognize who is essential and not essential to making the government function. And in times of crisis like this, you identify who is essential, and when you identify people who are nonessential, you have to ask yourselves, do you really need these employees all the time . And thats one of the ways that i think the Trump Administration can spin this and say this is how we shrink the size of government. Rick all right. I guess we shall see. Also the patriots are going to win the super bowl 52. Rick we will see that too. That or the other game thats going on we cant talk about. Thank you very much for your time tonight. Thank you, rick. Rick coming up later we speak to one member of the house Republican Leadership about what it will take to get the Government Back up and running and what might be the path of compromise. Thats coming up at the bottom of the hour. Right now a power to the poll rally taking place in las vegas. Part of the womens march movement. Could it help get more women registered to vote this year . Plus, there appears to be no one in sight to the Government Shutdown after a leader of the Senate Republican leadership says hes not optimistic. What will it take to get a senate bill passed and where can both sides find compromise . When you have a cold, stuff happens. { sneezing ] shut down cold symptoms fast [ coughing ] with maximum strength Alka Seltzer Plus liquid gels. With expedia, you can book a flight, then add a hotel, and save. Everything you need to go. Expedia they cahow many of em . E, sir we dont know. Dozens. All right lets teach these freaks some manners good luck out there, captain thanks but i dont need luck, i have skills. I dont have my keys. on intercom all hands. We are looking for the captains keys again. They are on a silver carabiner. Oh, this is bad. 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The most common side effects were pain, redness and swelling at the injection site, limited arm movement, fatigue, headache, muscle pain, joint pain, less appetite, vomiting, fever, chills, and rash. Help protect yourself against pneumococcal pneumonia. Ask your doctor or pharmacist about prevnar 13®. Rick women taking to the streets this weekend with antiPresident Trump themed marches coast to coast. Hundreds of thousands turning out in new york, los angeles, seattle, chicago, and many more cities yesterday. And Big Crowds Today in las vegas kicking off a nationwide Voter Registration campaign called power to the polls. Will carr has this story. Thousands of women have showed up here at the stadium in las vegas to speak out on a number of issues but the one that we have heard over and over again is get out to vote. This rally is named power to the polls. And the reason that nevada was chosen is because its a swing state, and they are hoping to flip seats in the up coming midterm elections. We have heard from a number of speakers so far, including the president of planned parenthood. Take a listen. So white women, listen up. We have got to do better. We have got to do better. It is not up to women of color to save this country from itself. Thats on all of us. Women in the stands tell us they showed up to spotlight a number of issues that have been in the headlines over the past year. Take a listen to several of the women we spoke with a little earlier. If women want to be decisionmakers, if women want their opinions known, it is going to be up to the women. Nobody is going to give it to us. We power doesnt give up anything without a fight. It is very important that we make our voices heard as women because were important. Were over half of the population. So we should be heard. Were so proud of the women that came out in alabama, and we won the seat there and were hoping more women will come out to the polls. The goal moving forward after this rally is to register 1 Million People to vote before the midterm elections. They are planning marches and rallies similar to this in both florida and michigan moving forward. Back to you. Rick will carr in las vegas. Vice president mike pence is now in the holy land. His trip coming after President Trumps controversial decision to declare jerusalem the capital of israel. So what will be the Vice President s message during his visit to the jewish state and how will it be received . As we continue to follow the developments on capitol hill, a live look there as the Government Shutdown is poised to enter its third day, both sides seem further apart than ever. So can they find compromise . We want to solve this problem. We were having great meetings prior, but unfortunately the government got shut down and as soon as democrats are willing to open it back up, we will go right back to our meetings. I have no clue. Were just tv doctors. If this was a real emergency, id be freaking out. We are the tv doctors of america. Together with cigna reminding you to go, know, and take control of your health. Schedule your annual checkup today. To go, know, and take control of your health. My shoulders carry more they carry my communitys pride my familys pride and pride in myself because shoulders were made for greatness not dandruff a trip back to the dthe doctors office, mean just for a shot. But why go back there, when you can stay home, with Neulasta Onpro . Strong chemo can put you at risk of serious infection, which could lead to hospitalizations. In a key study, neulasta reduced the risk of infection from 17 to 1 , a 94 decrease. 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Clinically proven to relieve and prevent foot, knee or lower back pain, by reducing the shock and stress that travel up her body with every step she takes. So keep on climbing, sarah. Youre killing it. Dr. Scholls. Born to move. Rick the Vice President arriving in israel earlier today. His trip coming just over a month after President Trump declared jerusalem the capital of the holy land. Ordering the State Department to move the u. S. Embassy to that city. Vice president Pence Landing in tel aviv where the u. S. Embassy is currently located. What is on the agenda for his visit . David lee miller with more from our jerusalem bureau. Vice president mike pence has arrived here in jerusalem. It is the last leg of his trip to the region that has included stops in egypt and jordan. Earlier today, he met with jordan kings abdullah, the king a u. S. Ally has criticized the president s declaration recognizing jerusalem as israels capital. The Vice President told the king the u. S. Is committed to restarting the Peace Process and defending the administrations position on jerusalem. We take no position on boundaries and final status. Those are subject to negotiation, and as i have made clear to you and the president made clear to the world, the United States of america remains committed if the parties agree to a twostate solution. Later at a base near the syrian jordan border he talked to the u. S. Military. He discussed the Budget Lockdown and accused what he called a minority in the senate with playing politics with military pay. Were going to demand they reopen the government. In fact were not going to reopen negotiations on illegal immigration until they reopen the government and give you our soldiers and your families the benefits and wages you have earned. Tomorrow the Vice President will speak before israels parliament. He will also meet with israels Prime Minister netanyahu. Palestinian officials have refused to meet with mr. Pence, citing the administrations position on jerusalem. Rick . Rick David Lee Miller reporting from our mideast bureau. The taliban taking responsibility for a deadly hotel attack in afghanistan. Video from the scene shows people using bedsheets to escape the kabul hotel, where the deadly siege taking place inside. The terror lasting more than half a day. Were now hearing dozens of people were killed. Witnesses say the attackers were targeting foreigners. There are no reports that any americans were harmed. The senate back in session today hoping to hammer out a spending deal, but so far no agreement and the longer the shutdown lasts, the worse it could be for our military. How our service Men And Women stand to lose out while lawmakers still get paid. If you are not going to get a paycheck, you know, people are worried. They are stressed out right now, whats going on in washington. Some folks dont understand if they will or wont get paid. Does it affect military pensions . 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The platform, price and service that gives you the edge you need. Looks like we have a couple seconds left. Lets do some card twirling twirling cards e trade. The original place to invest online. Rick im rick leventhal. This is the fox report. Senate Majority Whip bob cornyn of texas predicting the government will be shut down. While rob portman of Ohio Remainiremai remaining optimistic. Without funding, service Men And Women will soon go without pay. Vice president mike pence speaking with Military Members near the Syrian Border this weekend reiterating the administrations commitment to reopening the government. Im sure you are all aware of whats going on in washington, d. C. Despite bipartisan support for a budget resolution, a minority in the senate has decided to play politics with military pay, but you deserve better. You and your families shouldnt have to worry for one minute about whether youre going to get paid. As you serve in the uniform of the United States. So know this, your president , your Vice President , and the American People are not going to put up with it. Rick Caroline Shively has more now on how the shutdown is already disrupting some military operations. About the military and a shutdown. Will it still function to protect the nation . Yes. Will they get paid to do it . Maybe. Lets talk about security. Defense secretary jim mattis sent out a memo that says, quote, ships and submarines will remain at sea. Our aircraft will continue to fly. And our war fighters will continue to pursue terrorists throughout the middle east, africa, and south asia. While training for reservists must be curtailed. Active forces will stay at their posts adapting their training to achieve the least negative impact on our readiness to fight. The getting paid part of this whole situation is a little trickier. Active duty Military Members are essential personnel. So they have to show up for work even without pay. During the last shutdown in 2013, Congress Passed a Stopgap Measure so servicemembers didnt miss a paycheck. Senator clair mccaskill, a missouri democrat tried to do something similar early saturday. We dont want one moment to pass with there being any uncertainty of any soldier anywhere in the world that they will be paid for the valiant work they do on behalf of our national security. Senate Majority Leader mcconnell shut that motion down, but both sides say they want to make sure the military and their families dont go without pay. But usaa and other organizations have offered interestfree loans to Military Members in case that does happen. Some commissaries and other Base Services will be shutting down if this goes on this week. Practically speaking, the military gets paid around the 1st and the 15th of every month. So congress has about a week and a half to figure something out. So theres no legal guarantee that troops will get the backpay. But its very likely. Rick . Rick Caroline Shively from washington. Lets get reaction now from house g. O. P. Leadership republican congressman doug collins of georgia joining us tonight. Thanks for being here. Thank you for your service a Lieutenant Colonel in the service, a war veteran, does this upset you that servicemembers will have to work without pay . Why Doesnt Mccaskill Go back to the senate floor and tell her Minority Leader to withhold the votes so we can get this thing passed and we can fund it . This is an interesting game were playing here in which the Senate Democrats have chosen Illegal Immigrants who we want to see fixed, the president said we want to see the daca Problem Solved they have prioritized them over the Men And Women of service and not just the military but the other agencies who do valuable work from research to finding cure for diseases to Everything Else we need. This is a problem all the way around. Yes, it is disheartening. Yes it is frustrating but it can be solved right now. I encourage my Democrat Friends and republicans in the senate go vote, do your job, get this done. Rick just to be clear, if those paychecks dont come in, the families still have to pay the bills. They still have to go grocery shopping. They still have to get their families where they need to go while their husbands or wives are off potentially fighting overseas somewhere and they are not collecting checks as long as this goes on . I think as it was previously reported we have about another week and a half before the next round of checks are supposed to go out. I think this will be vol ved before then will be solved before then. We will make sure that happens. Someone who serves in the military who from my previous unit saw the email go out today telling the folks they will to come and decide what can get done, one of my previous bases this is a concern we have had all along. It should focus very tightly on the issues we are dealing with. We have presented a bill that no democrat has a problem with. We have six years of funding this is a Childrens Health insurance program. Probably some daca folks get insurance under this program but 95 of democrats voted no on this. We need to take the rhetoric out of this but Lets Focus On exactly what could happen and also why it is not happening. Rick congressman, some have pointed out that lawmakers still get paid while this is going on. As members of the military may not. It is. I like myself i know many others who have said im not going to be paid until we get this solved. We signed that letter and sent it into the Administrative Services office. I think this just highlights the frustrations that many of us feel here. Lets get to the very issue that we need to deal with, that the government needs funding, it needs to get back on track, we need to also get a deal in which we can pass a full appropriations bill till the end of september and have an understanding of what the next two years for our Military Spending is going to look like. This is something that im afraid is getting lost here. We have got to get to the fact where our military can plan ahead for the risks that it faces all across this world. We need to get that budget deal. This is something thats been held hostage to an Immigration Issue thats not even yet, and not till the middle of march. Right now if daca recipient wants to apply, they can go apply right now to stay. These are the issues that weve got to get focused on and right now theres a minority in the senate and mainly in the house as well who would rather play politics with groups they would rather play favor with instead of dealing with the true issue. Rick Defense Secretary mattis says that Military Maintenance will grind to a halt and other operations could very well suffer while this goes on. I know you guys are hoping to work this out. Where and how can you find Common Ground and compromise with democrats . Well, i think, you know if you look at it from a perspective of compromise, the chip program, the bill that we passed by the way back in september, this is not new, we had passed this bill, and we had asked for some basically that most would have thought would have been common sense, making lottery winners, you know, pay a little bit more but they chose to say lets have a clean bill. We put a sixyear clean chip reauthorization on there fully funding this. That wasnt enough. We put in there to take away to suspend the cadillac tax. To do the medical device tax. These are all things democrats have asked for. These are the kind of things that really make you wonder what their priorities are. So for those who are wanting to vote no right now, who want to keep this government closed and make very sure this is what they are wanting to do is keep the government closed to inflict pain on those people in our country who are serving our country, who are working these agencies who do good work, then they need to go back home and explain that to the american people why they are choosing an issue such as daca which has already been promised to be worked on and solved that most republicans and democrats want to see solved, why are they continuing to hold that hostage . I think the American People will see through it. Nancy pelosi spoke earlier about the democratic demands. She says they are not political. I want to play that and get your reaction to it. Opioids, veterans, chip, pensions, disaster assistance, the list goes on. But it is all bipartisan. We didnt come up with an idea of some Progressive Agenda of the future that were saying you should pay for this if you want our vote. Were saying you agree with this. We need this money. We cannot let these are emergencies that have to be addressed. Rick your reaction to that, sir . She voted no. So im not sure where her priorities are. She votes in. I mean she can say whatever she wants. She can spin it however she wants to spin it. This is also a Minority Leader just the other day who said that the chip program was doggy doo. Explain to me why she would be so derogative to those folks who depend on chip. Shes playing politics with it. She can claim whatever she wants to claim. If she can go to sleep and put her head on a pillow and feel good about that, good for her. I cant. We need to open this government. Rick in the short time we have left, congressman, quick prediction from you. When will this be over . My hope is tonight. I would love to see the senate come to an agreement, see this out, 1 00 in the morning i think is when they can bring the next round up which we said if they just put a february 8th date on it, send it back to us, that will pass. If thats all they are going to shorten it by a week, fine, but this needs to end tonight. The people need to go back to work tomorrow. We need to get back to doing the business were called here to do. Thats my hope. If it doesnt, theres one final group to blame, chuck schumer, this is his shutdown. Rick we will be watching. If theres an agreement, you will hear about it here. Thank you very much for your time tonight. Thank you. Rick its been one year since donald trump took the oath of the office. How has he been doing . Our panel has their score cards ready. Plus a new preview of a new series of the details that lead up to the impeachment. We will have that ahead. [man] woah. Ugh, i dont have my wallet, so [girl 1] perfect you can send a digital payment. 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Good evening. Rick who better to judge and grade the president . Brad, lets start with you, give him a grade a through f and tell us why. He has a strong a. Heres why, we have a guy who is new po politics who took the toughest job in the world being president. We have a new Supreme Court justice. We have growth in our economy of over 3 . We have full employment at 4 . We have a new embassy being established in jerusalem, which is something that is long overdue. We have pipelines that are being built. We have americans being put back to work. Over close to 2 million americans are now added to the rolls. We have so much possibility yet ahead of us but the president this year hit the ground running. 73 judges confirmed a record in the federal court system. The president has a lot to be proud of. Rick doug, im guessing you will give him a slightly different grade . I do, and look, im a democrat, but i try to be nonpartisan about this. The undeniable fact is that the economy has been very good. Its also the case that the president has certainly asserted American Power around the world. The problem from my Point Of View is i see bipartisanship. I think were looking now at the Government Shutdown where im sad that we havent been able to get an agreement. We werent able to get an agreement on healthcare. And the president unfortunately has been a little bit more divisive and polarizing in both his rhetoric and his tweets than i think is in americas interests. Remember, rick, this is the United States of america, not the United States of red america. Rick i didnt hear your grade. My grade is about a b. Rick thats pretty good. You mentioned the government shutdown. Brad, how does that affect the president and the republican partys agenda moving forward . Well, i think the democrats have misplayed their hand. I think this is going to be a terrible reflection on democrats because they are putting illegal aliens above the interests of america. I have to caution democrats, you got to love the American People more than you hate donald trump. This resistance and this visceral hate for the president is clouding your judgment. Theres no reason why we shouldnt have a continued resolution continuing resolution thats clean. Something the democrats screamed all over the place was necessary when they were in power. Yet when we have a republican, they load up the continuing resolution with issues and pork that the American People dont want and quite frankly we dont need. Rick what about that, doug . Well, look, i think two thirds of republicans, 80 of democrats, agree that we need to do a daca fix. We had a bipartisan solution in the senate that would have been easily adopted. And im saddened that that hasnt been achieved. That being said, again, ive always been for clean crs, but the real problem to me on both sides is that were only talking about four weeks and well be back at this. Look, we need real leadership and that means we need to fund our government, pass priorities, and get the things like immigration and infrastructure on a true bipartisan basis, not on a narrow partisan basis. Rick there was a lot of talk about democrats retaking a lot of seats this year in the midterms. And i wonder if you would agree and brad you can weigh in first, whether you think this shutdown actually does hurt the democrats and maybe leads to less advances come november. Look, history is on democrats side. We know that since the civil war, the party in power that controls the white house loses about 32 house seats and 2 senate seats. Look, they want it all. They are not going to get it all. By the way, if they dont reach a vote by 1 00 tomorrow morning, i agree with the president , we should go nuclear on the democrats. Theres nothing in the constitution that says we need 60 votes to move a bill through the senate. Thats selfcreated through the senates own rules. We should cancel that. The majority rules, and if democrats really want to overplay their hand, i think were heading that direction. Rick all right. Well, i want you both to stick around because theres a new Documentary Series premiering tonight here on the Fox News Channel right after this program. Its called scandalous and it dives deep into one of the biggest political dramas of the 90s, a remarkable series of events that led to the impeachment of bill clinton. We will take a look at the opening episode and get you guys to weigh in on it. Mainstream News Organizations were digging in to bill clintons record and his past. And the clinton camp was very much on the defensive. I think the matter is closed. They did not want embarrassing stories that would get in the way of their march to the white house. Rick doug, you know former president clinton very well. Worked for him for six years. Bad memories that this show may bring up for you . Very good memories. I mean, i think it is a statistical fact that the democrats picked up seats in the 1998 midterm elections because people vote based on issues and record rather than the substance of this documentary. We passed welfare reform, tax reform. We got, you know, balanced budget, reduced the debt. I mean, great economic times. The president had a 65 approval, and while it was certainly divisive, it didnt hurt the democrats or president clinton. Rick it had to be a tough time. It wasnt easy, but it was productive in terms of the politics at the very least, if not the substance. Rick brad, your reflections on this . You know, this is a stain on the office of the president and on bill clinton. History is not going to be kind as we will see by this program to the fact that clintons put us through years of torture in putting our country through this kind of investigation, when he knew exactly what he had done. He knew it was going to come out eventually. And he could have spared us that. So he has that as a legacy, and its a shame looking back and i agree with doug, he had great successes as president , but all the successes weighed by the criminality of the clintons over the years is what they are going to be known for. They are more like a criminal crime family than a political dynasty. Rick we look forward to watching this program less than ten minutes from now. In the meantime, brad and doug, thank you very much for being with us tonight. Thank you. Rick another blast of snow making its way through the states. Where it is hitting and how bad its going to get, coming up next. Big news from advil. Advil liquigels minis. 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Here it is mostly today moving through colorado but moving into the plain states. This is an area were paying close attention to over the next couple of hours. We have watches, warnings, blizzard stretching through omaha, sioux falls and into portions of wisconsin. This is an area as we head through the overnight hours where you will see the absolute heaviest snow at a time at times maybe whiteout conditions with good amount of wind as well. Heres your forecasted snowfall. You start to see some areas deep blue or gray, you are talking about as much as 18 to 24 inches of snow all happening here overnight and its a narrow area but if you get within one of these bands where the snow can kind of train a little bit, those will be spots where you are talking about the snow piling up a lot in the next few days. If you are out in front of it, a couple of systems were watching. It is going to bring thunderstorms across the country but not so much snow. If you do live farther off towards the east of what were looking at right now, this will be the next system running up on the east coast. Theres your time stamp in the corner. Getting late on tuesday. Some colder air on the back side of it. But as warm as its been in the eastern half of the country, that is going to be continuing at least for the next couple of days. These Winter Storm Watches and warnings, this is what were paying attention to tonight, rick. As this heads a little farther off towards the east, maybe just more thunderstorms. It does stay warm for a little while. Rick the Government Shutdown could affect how you get your Weather Information . Well, really interesting because that is a government agency, but this map you are seeing behind me, these are Winter Storm Watches and warnings. The National Weather service puts this out all of those employees are considered essential because they are protecting lives and protecting property so we still do have all this information right now. Rick thats good. That looks good. Yes, it does. Rick not for the people in omaha, but all right, adam, thanks a lot. We will be right back. { sneezing ] shut down cold symptoms fast this is laura. And butch. And tank. And tiny. And this is lauras mobile Dog Grooming Palace. Laura can clean up a retriever that rolled in foxtails, but shes not much on articles of organization. Articles of what . So, she turned to legalzoom. They helped me out. She means we helped with her llc, trademark, and a lot of other legal stuff thats a part of running a business. So laura can get back to the dogs. Would you sit still . This is lauras mobile Dog Grooming Palace and this is where life meets legal. Cancer that has spread to other parts of her body. 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