Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX Report 20140928 23:00:00 : comp

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX Report 20140928 23:00:00

why would the president admit to the american people his national security team unp der estimated the terrorists we're now hunting in iraq and syria. and what does that mean for our fight against the savages who have beheaded americans, slaughtered christians and continued to kill. we have seen bits of an interview that the president had given throughout the day, it actually was taped on friday with another network. the embargo has lifted as we hit the top of the hour. we have the reaction that's pouring in to his words. the fox news political insiders are standing by with early am analysis. u.s.-led air strikes continue to
hammer isis targets in bother rang and syria. and at the same time, an al qaeda linked terror group as issued a warning. the jihadists around the world will hit back at the united states and our allies if we do not stop pounding them from the air. and then there's been a lot of talk on this sunday about what happens next, the words ground troops are being spoken. let's bring in our correspondent elizabeth pran in our nation's capital at this hour with fox news top story, elizabeth? >> hi, harris, and the talk from any lawmakers is the need for president obama to broaden military campaign against isis in iraq and syria and with new congressional approval. house speaker john boehner says he, along with some military experts do not believe the administration's strategy of using airpower alone will wipe out the terror network. boots on the ground, he says should not be ruled out. >> the other day, i think it's going to take more than air strikes to drive them out of there. at some point, somebody's boots
have to be on the ground. >> there's an old tenant in war ware that you don't achieve -- threatening the use of ground forces to occupy territory. if the enemy knows that you don't have that dimension, if the enemy knows that he can continue to control this terrorist state for as long as he wants without being threatened by a ground presence, then he's going to suck seed. >> but the administration's deputy national security advisor, tony blinken also spoke out today defending the administration's authority for the use of military force based on a 2001 congressional resolution, he also was defense on the comparison between today's military operation in the middle east and that of years past, he says the u.s.-led coalition does not resemble the wars in iraq and afghanistan. >> we're not going to fall into the al qaeda trap of sending hundreds of thousands of troops
back. airpower, training and equipment, assisting them, intelligence. >> he went on to say if congress does create a targeted authorization, the president would welcome that. the fox news political insiders are joining me earlier than usual this hour as i mentioned with the first live reaction to the president's interview. pat cadell, former pollster for president jimmy carter. doug shown, former pollster for bill clinton. and former campaign manager in ?
fourth or fifty that we have done explicitly -- made expli t explicitly clear that we're not sounding ground troops at all, when we have heard today, harris as you have reported, that an al qaeda affiliate has threatened us and democratic nations around the world. this is startling to me. >> and not only that , we know from our generals, once you hit them from the air, they spread like roaches, now you've got to go in and get them. all of that, what stands out for you, pat? >> as doug said, i was shocked to read the transcript where the president is saying right now this is not a war. it is a war. you can't keep making these distinctions. i thought the blaming of clapper, what a contrast to john kennedy after the bay of pigs saying i'm the responsible officer, i am the one who is to blame. if there's to be blame, put it on me, when the cia had totally screwed that up and misled him.
but, you know, this is the other thing that struck me is his wanting to keep saying we're not at war with isil, even the use of that when everyone else uses isis bothers me. but it was the tone of the transcript. >> what was the tone? >> the tone i thought was detached and basically, i have nothing to do with any of this and it's a wonderful thing. by the way, and i want to say this, because i have been very critical. i think the president putting together an arab coalition, that's a great thing, but in the end, how are you going to take mosul back or any of our ground troops. >> ed, forgive me, as we come to you, i first want to bop this up because we do have some of that interview with the president. let's watch. >> i think our head of the intelligence community, jim clapper has acknowledged that i think they underestimated what
had been taking place in syria. >> to kind of paraphrase what pat said, it sounded like the president was kind of putting all of this on jim clapper. why tell the american people that your national security team messed up and underestimated? is there politics involved. >> there's been politics involved in this in the last three or four weeks and what bothers me being a white house advisor, the president knew this a month ago, six weeks ago when he was given these briefings, he didn't just get them when he made the interview on the network on friday afternoon. this was his thought process. he deliberately tried to fool the american people one more time, we're not going to have t that's what the republicans did. the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, alltel you that they can't do it. four star general jack keane has
said over and over again, we have to put our men on the ground, no one else will do it. anybody who fought in this war, any military soldier will tell you the first time the shots were fired the iraqis ran, that's obviously what happened in the last several weeks. >> we have heard from house speaker boehner, because you saw elizabeth pran's report tonight, and he's pushing back on this idea that, you know, the president really shouldn't have given so much away. that's what military experts have been saying all along. is there any way this president could have avoided being awar president? i know he doesn't want to say the word war, but do you consider him one. >> he doesn't want to be a war president because there's an electi election, in six weeks, in five weeks, we are american and we all support the president's goals. but ed and pat suggest, where he's deflecting blame, won't say we need ground troops when we do need ground troops, denies that the 1,500 troops there are going
to go out and fight. we need leadership to bring us together not divide us and assess blame. >> when he said that clapper, not only did he say that clapper misinformed him about -- >> misanalyzed isis, which is, you know, questionable. i mean there's a lot of information about these people. but also blaming for the fact that we didn't know the iraqi army was going to fail. that is ridiculous. the iraqi army makes the army of south vietnam, which beak and fell apart look like they are the war mop from germany. i mean this army doesn't fight. we see isis is still gaining ground around baghdad. that's why we're having to bomb near baghdad. this is -- and for him to keep this assertion as doug said, that we're not going to have ground troops, you can't -- you can't reclaim territory, these people are not operating in a cave. they are holding territory the
size of the state of -- the nation of belgium. >> on twitter and of course as we always do, later in the hour, we will bring back the fox news insiders and we will ask you to chime in while you tune in on twitter right now. david says the president is just waiting until public opinion pushes hitch to put in ground troops. >> the president has to lead public opinion and the interesting thing to me, in addition to his comments, tony blinken says this isn't going to be a long war, wire not going to butt troops on the ground, we're out of there in a short period of time. this is going to be the longest war of all. we're going to be in there for ten years, the second term of the next president. >> and we will be fighting the isis state because it will be established. >> we are nation of values, freedom and liberty. nowhere does the president talk about what we stand for and why we're doing what we're doing. >> and in looking at this interview, and of course we have excerpts from it already, when
asked if we are at war, he says this is not america against isis, we'll talk more when we bring you back later in the hour. gentlemen, thank you for your early analysis. the mom of that manage in oklahoma accused of beheading his co-worker, the mom is talking. also a man hunt is under way. after someone opened fire inside a crowded club, wounding several young girls. i'm harris faulkner, this is the fox report. i mean bayer back & body. it works great for pain. bayer back & body provides effective relief for your tough pain. better? yeah...thanks for the tip! [ male announcer ] when your office is 1,500 acres, it's good to have the right help. with models up to 62 horsepower or 1,400-pound payload. go tough. go strong. go gator.
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he's 31 years old described as a survivalist and a marksman, freen freooeeiooeeiooeein one p is in critical condition, at least six others wounded at a nightclub shooting in miami. one of the victims is just 11 years 0ed. police are now looking for the suspect or suspects who opened fire in that crowded club around 1:00 this morning. okay, so i have lots of questions about why an 11-year-old would be in a nightclub at 1:00 in the morning. a witness who didn't want to be identified said he heard shottings coming from multiple guns. >> all together i heard like four different guns, given the velocity of the guns, i thought maybe 100 shots or rounds were fired out here. >> investigators say they're going hospital to hospital
interviewing victims to determine what type of party this was. and again i asked why were there so many minors there. the man accused e ed of beg a woman in oklahoma, 31 neerld alton kn alton nowlin who attacked two former co-workers with a knife. one woman died, the other still hospitalized at this time. the whole thing ending when he was shot by the company's chief operating officer. the fbi looking into whether nolin had any ties to islamic extremists or was this a case of workplace violence. either way, n olin was allegatiallegedly taken to social media praising muslim extremism. others profess a love for sharia law. brian live for us in our new york city newsroom. this interview just coming in,
give us the top of it. >> reporter: the video posted on nolin's sister's face book page, his mother saying they're in shock because alton was a good kid, had never been a violent person and was raised believing in god. they say there's two sides to every story. >> our hearts bleed right now because what they're saying alton has done. i want to apologize to both families because this is not alton. but i'm praying that justice will prevail. the whole story will come out. >> regardless of what they say, nolin is accused of randomly brutally beheading his 54-year-old co-worker. on fox news sunday, chris wallace today asked president
obama's national security advisor tony blinken about the classification of this being workplace violence. >> was that an act of terror? >> chris, we don't know, the fbi has active investigation, i don't want to get ahead of it. >> but just like nadal hassan when he killed 11 soldiers, the military called it workplace violence. >> i don't want to get ahead of the facts, let's let the fbi investigate. >> members of the islamic society of oklahoma city describe nolin as nice, quiet but a little odd. >> i was reading today, he does have one. >> the oklahoma county da is telling the media nolin should have been in prison all along. he was in prison for several offenses, possession of marijuana, cocaine and assault on police officer.
nolin is on probation for assaulting that officer. >> with the latest on this, brian, we'll bring you back as the news warrants tonight. chicago's o'hare and midway international airports are struggling to rebound from a fire set at an air traffic control center. hundreds of addition al flights cancelled today. bringing the total to 3,000 over the last couple of days. the fbi says a contractor set fire to the facility in a suburban town and tried to slit his own throat. he's now charged with destruction of aircraft or aircraft facilities. another mideastern nation on the edge tonight, new information about what's happening in yemen, where a pro american government is trying to stay in power versus iranian backed militants. and attorney general eric holder, as you know, is done at his post. will the president try to ram through his replacement in a
lame duck session of congress? and what will be holder's legacy after six years as the nation's top law enforcement officer? our fox news political insiders will come back with their thoughts on that and more. stay with us. hi! can i help you? i'm looking for a phone plan. it has to be a great one, and i don't compromise. ok, how about 10 gigs of data to share, unlimited talk and text, and you can choose from 2 to 10 lines. wow, sounds like a great deal. so i'm getting exactly what i want, then? appears so. now, um, i'm not too sure what to do with my arms right now 'cause this is when i usually start throwing things. oh, that's terrifying at&t's best-ever pricing. 2-10 lines, 10 gigs of truly shareable data, unlimited talk and text, starting at $130 a month. introducing a pm pain reliever that dares to work all the way until
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while the islamic state terrorists have dominated the headlines t chaos in the middle east is not limited to syria and iraq. yemen with a pro-u.s. government now appears to be on the verge of collapse. rebel fighters backed by -- and just yesterday, al qaeda's branch in yemen claimed to have fired an rpg at the u.s. embassy there. revenge, they say for u.s. drone
strike last week, chief washington correspondent james rosen with more now. >> reporter: yemen is undergoing its second revolution in four years, backed by iran having seized control of the capital and having taken over key government buildings, army headquarters and embatled military hardware. the embatleds with, a u.s. ally recently skichbed a power sharing report from the south comes an even glaifr threat, al qaeda in the arabian prince. the embassy meantime has largely been evacuated amid the violence in the capital, this particular gun battle occurring outside the state run tv channel last week. iran ask expected to exercise greater influence in yemen, a development that one marine corps counter terrorism veteran
talks to the obama administration, having focused too much on aqap and not enough on the hoofies. >> just as it's shortsighted in the strategy on isis, in yemen, it seems that they have ignored the iranian influence, which tells a tale of how the administration doesn't want to engage iran. >> state department spokesperson jen saki called on the return of the medium and heavy weapons that the group has captured at the hands of the central government. a police officer is shot in ferguson, missouri and expected to survive. that officer was in pursuit of two suspects when one of them allegedly opened fire. st. louis county police say the death appears to have nothing to do with the protests of the death of michael moore earlier in the summer. >> seemingly unrelated but it
certainly is fresh and unwelcome tension in ferguson. here's what we know, a policeman was turning up in his patrol car, and two people on foot panicked as they saw him and went running off is officer went in pursuit and during that pursuit, one of the men pulled a gun on him. this is how st. louis county police describe what happened next. >> he came in very close proximity with them, one of the officers turned with a firearm, one of the officers was able to block it with his arm and was shot in the arm by one of the suspects. the officers in an area hospital, he's expected to survive. >> the officer had returned fire, neither suspect is believed to be hurt there, but a hunt for both of the men is certainly under way. on thursday night, protesters marched yet again. infuriated by the video policy from the police chief over the death of michael brown, the
chief was whisked away for his own safety as things got rather hectic with the crowds down there. making matters worse, in the past few days officers in ferguson have been covering up their names on their badges on their uniforms and they've been wearing these bracelets saying i am darrin wilson in support of the officer who shot brown. there is one of those bracelets there. the white text on black rubber in particular has caused deep offense and on friday, officers were banned from wearing them while on duty. there's really little skin that tensions can easily be diffused in ferguson now, there was a grand jury in the county that has yet to decide whether to indpit officer wilson and on top of that the justice is department is looking into whether the civil rights of the teenager who was killed indeed have been violated. harris? >> and as dominic, as you point out with the story tonight, those police officers still have to go their jobs in that community and sometimes those
jobs are very dangerous. washington's most powerful -- there must be ground troops in iraq and syria. and a new poll shows americans agree with him. the fox news political insiders will come back, please chime in while you tune in so we can include you in our conversation. here's the question. does the fight against isis need to expand to the ground? no doubt if you watch fox, you've heard from the general experts, the military experts, rather, you have your own opinions about it, post your responses on my facebook page and on twitter@harrisfaulkner. frw for fox report weekend. stay close. support both mental sharpness and physical energy with berocca. proud sponsor of mind and body. whenwork with equity experts who work with regional experts
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same time. another innovation from cvs health. because health is everything. president obama admitting the united states national security team miscalculated the growing terror threat in the middle east. but he appears to suggest he's not to blame for letting isis get a foothold in the region. the fox news political insiders are back, you can join the conversation, chime in while you tune in. my facebook page as well as twitter@harris falker at fn insiders. ed rollins in tonight, ed, i want to start with you tonight, you brought out a fweet. >> i have a tweet from the ultimate batman. no one from the outside will destroys, we're being destroyed from the inside. the sooner we can stop it from happening.
the argument here is that we were torn apart, and that's true, our politics is about tearing each other down. we don't consider ourselves as citizens with whom we share or share a common purpose and a common design, desire. and the president has lent himself to that. what we have ask the politics of transactional immediacy. how do i get power, how do i use it? a president's major job, and our political system's major job should be saying these are things that unite us. and if we were united we could stop the border problem, because we all know that's a problem, we would deal with the terrorists. the president would come to us and say, you know what? i made a mistake on this, but we have to fight this, but the country would rally to him. the sup back and forth of the country using troops is a lot less than i would imagine it to be. >> he doesn't own that, though, doug, right? jim clapper.
>> it was so troubling and saddening to me, harris, that the president of the united states didn't do what pat and ed have suggested, which is to rally the nation behind our common values, our common purpose, of freedom, liberty, democracy, and standing up for our allies. it was blame, divide, and harris, i couldn't have been more sad. i support the goals that the president's outlined, i just feel he's let us down. >> ed, can you talk to me about when presidents speak, because there's a difference between when the president addresses the nation, when he gives an interview, when he speaks at the u.n., just talk to me about that messaging and how important it is, and maybe it's not that important. >> every president does it different live. some presidents write a lot of it themselves, this president has a tendency to do this. the national security and intel jenls people are all involved in a speech like this and
ultimately a speechwriter who puts it in one phrase. the critical thing here and the question that needs to be asked is that no one has more intelligence than the president does. we spend anywhere from $50 billion to $80 billion a year. snowden released the $60 bill yochb budget. a few members of congress have access to it and the president. the 16 agencies giving the president information. so he ultimately gets the best. and if it's not the best -- >> seemingly the best. >> so when he says james clamor or he says someone who's heading up their national secure team doesn't get it right? >> you know pretty quick, all you have to do is ask some of the troops that were there how good the iraqi army was. part of the problem is a breakdown in journalism so the public doesn't know as much. but those inside people know what's working and what's not working. >> we don't have the press there telling us already, informing us how bad the military is.
but intelligence communities are a bureaucracy, they tend to give their plains approximately what is they want and if they don't, the people come down on them. that happened in the cia with bush because they were not certifying enough that there were weapons of mass destruction and i suspect obama and his team which is politicized so much over the military and the national security operation is doing the same thing. they're serving the man, giving him what he wants to hear, and that is a problem because this president believes he is right and everyone else is wrong and that just leads you down the road until you get slapped in the face. >> you must be just a barrel of laughs at democrat gatherings. because you speak it the way you think it. >> there's nobody senior in the military that says don't put boots on the ground, everyone over there is saying here are the various options and he pushed back on it saying we don't want troops on the ground. >> pat alluded to a couple of "wall street journal" polls i want to read.
if it were determined by the nil tear commanders that the best way to defeat isis would be to use american troops on the ground, would you be in favor of this decision or would it be in opposition to this decision. and 45% of people said they would put their weight behind that, that they would believe in that. but this is really telling. and this is what i want to get your response to. the second quote, when president obama says america has no intention of using american troops on the ground, do you feel america will end up doing that anyway? 72% say yes. is that a trust deficit or they don't think he knows what he's doing? >> i think it probably is both. harris, 16% said they had no opinion. what they're looking for is what the lacking, leadership. we need a president to rally all the american people behind our common purpose. and alluded to something important, which is the military has been singular in its
commitment to leaving every option on the table including ground troops. pat is exactly right, we have to stop tearing ourselves down and the american people understand that we can't rule out fighting for our values. >> and that's what we have heard from the house speaker, ed, where are republicans in this, what would you like to see the republican party do with this? >> i would like the president to debate this before congress. >> even if it's a lame duck session? >> he should have done it this week. >> i think it was so important, and again, he's the one who knows the intelligence and i think he's going to have a firestorm after this interview today. i think the british prime minister brought his parolment back to vote on whether they could -- i think this needs to be debated in front of the american public. >> i think our government, this contempt for the american people, whether it's boehner or reid or the president, that we should put everything that's
important off to the lame duck so you won't know what we're going to do, so we can during the election season might influence you, particularly about going to war. those pilots are risking their lives and will be risking, our people will be risking their lives, it's worth these people got off these campaign trail and out of the fund-raisers and sit and decide what they believe in or not. >> that was candid. >> and what pat said is absolutely true. harris, we have said it a number of times, but we have got to put it clearly, this is not about politics. the president parsed his words today to try to appeal to the democratic base in the runup to the elections. he needs to offer leadership, not politics. >> supered and my reading of that i hope the correct. this person on twitter says fyi military just getting deployment info a couple of days ago, going to africa, please discuss our
military role there, quickly, ed? >> i think it's to help set up these hospitals or what have you for the victims of ebola. they clearly don't have the facilitie facilities, they're willing to send 3,000 troops there but not willing to send any troops to iraq. we have 30,000 to 40,000 trooms in this country who would basically rather be back in the action. >> what do you say to those family who is would push back, who say we have spent so much blood and treasure in that part of the middle east, let's debate before the midterms, let's make this president and these candidates get together. >> we certainly have to debate and discuss. just today, an al qaeda affiliate, an affiliate of al shabob in africa, have basically said they're going to come after america and the democracies of the world. that's enough to justify coming together as we have suggested today. >> beth writings on twitter, of
course we need ground troops, what war has ever been won from the air? president obama seems to think this is a video game. is that fair? >> the reason, just before world war ii, there was a theory by an italian military theorist, that bombing alone would win the wars, and that the bomber will get through and bombing will win, and it wasn't, you ended up having to take territory on the ground. our problem hire is the president ee's suggesting, on t one hand this is a short war, and now it's a long war. let me tell you something, those people hold territory. until you take it away from them. and the longer you let them maintain it and allow them to consolidate it, the harder it is to take them out. and the iraqi army isn't going to be able to do this and the truth is, i want to go back to one point because it's very important. the president just told the country, look, we should have taken troops out, that's what
panetta said, the secretary of defense and the cia. a president who says we may have made a mistake and i'm rectifying we're doing the right thing, do you know the country would rally behind that candor because the minute they say they made a mistake, everybody would be against him. but now we have this fantasy we're spinning. >> have to be prepared to go and kill 30,000 of these people. that's a decision that fleeds to be made. you can't go shoot a few of them and take out a leader here or there. these people until the day they die are going to be our enemy. and we need to make a very tough decision to go take them out. >> tough talk and i'm hearing a lot of feedback on facebook and twitter that they appreciate your candor tonight. attorney general eric holder resigning after six years, you probably know that after all the reporting than done, big story, what will be his legacy and who will take his place?
the fox news insider will be back and i'll continue to keep you in the conversation. stay close. bla
black. eric holder's resignation -- holder is stepping down amid numerous controversies including the targeting scandal of the irs and the resulting contempt of congress charge against him. our political insiders are back. ed, i'm going to start with wrou, why leave now if you're eric holder? >> i think they assume that the senate will be taken over by republicans, it will be a very difficult appointment, it will be drawn out for a long period of time and they think they can get the 51 votes and get it through quickly. holder has been the president's political lawyer, he has
protected the president at all times and not the country, i think you need to get some person who's a federal judge or something like that who can go in there and restore the dignity of that place. there's been some bad republicans as well as john mitchell who was the attorney general to nixon, both of them went to jail, or at least one got impeached and one went to jail. and my sense is we need someone above all that today. >> i don't know if you caught the interview that the ag did recently saying that he saw himself as an activist attorney general. did you see that? >> i did and he is exactly what ed described him to be, an activist on behalf of the policies and politics of president -- >> is it supposed to be that way? >> no, it's supposed to be precisely what ed described. i must say in response to what ed said, candidly harris, i don't think there's a chance that we get an apolitical attorney general. i think we're going to get someone like katherine rumler, who's is a close advisor, trusted former counsel to the
president because the president needs an ag to do his business. >> can we talk about just citizen access to the president? i'm thinking of a certain person, al sharpton who now is pushing back on the narrative that he has his own candidates in mind and that it was his foundation that was called on by the white house. >> the one thing i want to weigh on al sharpton is that no one should listen to him about anything. >> but the president dud that. >> well, that tells you something. let me go back to something about holder which is important. i watched some of these show this is morning, where including, ed, some republicans are being nice because they want to go to dinner parties and the washington post's legacy. let me tell you what he is, he was a political hack under janet reno who stopped the investigation of al gore and the buddhist temple skachb daals and including after they brought in a special agent from san diego who they destroyed when he said you have to have a special prosecutor. he is the person who has all the
way through suppressed the irs, the fast and furious investigation, has cooperated with the irs in their efforts to stone wall, he's got investigations going on that go nowhere. not since john mitchell, and th that's the point that ed is making, after watergate, hello, everyone, there was something called watergate. we were supposed to change the attorney general, ed levy, he appointed someone who was above that. this president doesn't. and holder has been the worst hack, he takes the bab banks and robs them, puts a gun to their head and puts no bank kpek in prison for what they did. this is all a political game aimed at what he believes, he's activist, he's very radical and he's been a disgrace to this country. >> with that argument, ed, i don't think the republicans necessarily need anything else. they could just call pat, who's a democrat -- >> they should go through how they treat justice too, that's
not so pretty. >> a man without a party. >> a man for the country. >> exactly. if this president wants a legacy for the last two years, it's going to be tough sledding, whether the republicans take over or not, it's going to be a congress control bid the republicans and he needs to do some things that are meaningful and equally important things that he can trust and the country can trust. >> things that are meaningful. can you give me the top two? >> the top two would be the continuing implementation of his legacy which will be the health care law, basically if he wants to do a tax overall, he's got to do that with bipartisan support. we are basically going to be in a war for the next several years and a lot of things have been done that have been unconstitutional and i think to a certain extent we need to start anew, go to the congress, let the congress vote on a war resolution and go forward and take care of the enemy. >> i think the last point you
made, ed, particularly about the war powers act. eric holder has cooperated with the president, told the president he doesn't have to follow the law, that he is the law and we need an attorney general who stands up for the country. >> i'm going to so much you there, we'll be right back. the midterm's heating up, we'll talk about it. sweet! spicy! savory! red lobster's endless shrimp is now! the year's largest variety of shrimp flavors! like our coconut shrimp bites or our creamy shrimp alfredo... as much as you like, any way you like! hurry in and sea food differently.
so let's talk about the midterm elections because there are a couple of states you should probably be paying attention to, colorado is one of them, and the other one is louisiana. we talk about this last week. senator mary landrieu, falling behind her challenger now ahead of the midterms. she's been trying everything lately. the tight race in louisiana is now setting the stage for a potential runoff which would mean control of the senate might not be determined until december, that means you got to
have cash on hand, you got to have a whole lot of stuff on hand to take you past november 4. our political insiders are back, pat, doug and ed. all right, so do we have the beer keg stunt all the over the world? this is one we talked about on outnumbered. i am curious to see how it's helped her. do we have that picture? she was at a university party. that's her on the right there, she's putting the tube of beer into somebody's mouth to help them do a keg stand. ed rollins? >> she's a great candidate, i don't know if she's been a good senator. anything when you're out there with people is a good thing in politics. >> so you don't have a problem request that? >> i don't have a won that. democrats in particular mary landrieu need young people to vote. young people are among the most disaffected angry people and maybe she thinks that a keg of
beer will mobilize people in a way that political rhetoric and argumentation just hasn't been able to go. >> i keep going back to the larger point, in her race and in every other race but one, i'll get to that, we have huge undecideds. we see it in louisiana, that almost 25% or more of the vote are for candidates what are undecided. people are going to get tied, people are going to stay home and the problem is that no one's really speaking -- except and we have them where the democrats are bad, the republicans good, skr vice versa, and that's good enough in the place where the race is on which is kansas, where you have an independent candidate way ahead of the republican incumbent and is drawing from both parties and no one can understand because he
thinks there are nuanced positions that you can have to stand up to the government. >> i want to get to this idea of independents. a recent poll had come out showing that most people identify with something that really doesn't exist and that's a third party. >> and the reason for that is people are just plain angry at everybody. it goes beyond partisanship, they want results, con sill lags and national politics. >> i shouldn't say a third party dufblt exist. >> it's a plurality of americans who basically consider themselves independent. there's a tendency for them to vote one way or the other. they vote democrat or they vote republican in nine out of ten elections, so there really didn't an independent party. the last two elections, the presidential and this is astro 23408 kl, and they're turning the more money we're spending, the fewer voters want to vote. >> troops were active, u.s.
military active in after karks he says it's also the africom facility in niger, the drone base there. gentlemen, a pleasure to have you tonight. that's going to do it for fox report this sunday. i'm harris faulkner, in two seconds, "huckabee". ♪ [music] jackie's heart attack didn't come with a warning. today her doctor has her on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you've had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen.
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Salad , Dip , Chutney , Lettuce , Muhammara , Korean Food , Greek Food , Appetizer , Dairy , Cheese , Finger Food , Hummus , Baked Goods , Dessert , Snack , American Food , Baking , Breakfast , Biscotti , Cranberry Sauce , Sauces , Slatko , Cranberry , Gochujang , Jam , Compote , Condiment , Lekvar , Fruit Preserve , Harissa , Berry , Junk Food , Cookies And Crackers , Biscuit , Gluten , Flatbread , Pane Carasau , Tortas De Aceite , Crêpe , Tortilla , Bread , Mediterranean Food , Pannekoek , Naan , Corn Tortilla , Bazlama , Bakery , Street Food , Oven , Shelf , Cookie , Oatcake , Comfort Food , Breakfast Sandwich , Sandwich , Fast Food , Canapé , Goat Cheese , Asparagus , Larva , Caterpillar , Cruciferous Vegetables , Insect , Soup , Potage , Bisque , Gravy , Leek Soup , Stew , Curry , Welsh Cuisine , Velouté Sauce , Wine Bottle , Home Accessories , Distilled Beverage , Still Life , Computer Keyboard , Meeting , Collaboration , Flyer , Heat , Convention , Trial , X Ray , Medical Imaging , Radiography , Radiology , Cnidaria , Skeleton , Balance , Medical Radiography , Ankle , Bone , Vintage Clothing , Construction , Construction Worker , Blue Collar Worker , Outlet Store , Costume , Wedding Reception , Bridal Clothing , Gown , Choreography , Volkswagen , Volkswagen Amarok , Electric Vehicle , Golf Club , Golf Equipment , Beanie , Cap , Mother , Daughter , Hair Accessory , Bicycle Helmet , Bicycle Clothing , Goggles , Equestrian Helmet , Bicycles Equipment And Supplies , Ski Helmet , Hard Hat , Motorcycle Helmet , Bus , Tour Bus Service , Tram , Food Truck , Cookware And Bakeware , Frying Pan , Wok , Cooking , Stove , Gas Stove , Sauté Pan , Caquelon , Vodka , Bangs , Pixie Cut , Throat , Window Treatment , Curtain , Dress Shirt , Window Blind , Wedding Dress , Automotive Navigation System , Circus , Trapeze , Railroad Engineer , Helicopter , Milk , Non Alcoholic Beverage , Juice , Icon , Turquoise , Lifejacket , Airbus , Wide Body Aircraft , Airbus A380 , Jet Aircraft , Supersonic Transport , Aircraft Engine , Propeller , Monoplane , Buffet , Horsd Oeuvre , à La Carte Food , Tapas , Garnish , Broccoli , Brazilian Food , Thai Food , Petal , Spanish Cuisine , Skewer , Seafood , Jewellery , Delicacy , Meat , Southwestern United States Food , Fried Food , Natural Foods , Bakwan , Hawaiian Food , Indonesian Food , Peruvian Food , Kids Meal , Malaysian Food , Filipino Food , Prepackaged Meal , Indian Cuisine , Deep Frying , Tempura , Southern United States Food , Frying , Fried Chicken , Fried Clams , English Cuisine , Shrimp , Caridean Shrimp , Scampi , Italian Food , Stuffing , Smoked Salmon , Chinese Food , Nightshade Family , Ceviche , Vietnamese Food , Crustacean , Nabemono , French Fries , Cajun Food , Beach , Runway , Grille , Landing , Speedometer , Mercedes Benz , Odometer , Watch , Volvo Cars , Measuring Instrument , Mazda3 , Lexus Is , Exhaust System , Second Generation Lexus Is , Infiniti Ex , Lexus Rx , Subaru , Kia Forte Koup , Lexus Gs , Bmw , Lexus Es , Hood , Audi , Hot Hatch , Bmw X5 , Bmw X6 , Bmw 3 Series , Bmw M3 , Bmw 7 Series , Bmw 3 Series Gran Turismo , Bmw 3 Series F30 , Gauge , Tool , Hardware , Tradition , Valley , Ridge , Alps , Massif , Depression , Summit , Mountain Pass , Escarpment , Arête , Plateau , Chaparral , Cliff , Temperate Coniferous Forest , Tropical And Subtropical Coniferous Forests , Temperate Broadleaf And Mixed Forest , Canyon , Ravine , Acura , Acura Rdx , Acura Tsx , Honda Fcx Clarity , Acura Tl , Saab 9 5 , Crescent , Bling , Pendant , Silver , Handwriting , Writing , Drawing , Waist , Preserved Food , Water Bottle , Soft Drink , Manor House , North American Fraternity And Sorority Housing , Villa , Hacienda , Swing , Branch , Gardening , Bench , Outdoor Furniture , Vegetation , Vineyard , Vitis , Hedge , Rainforest , Grapevine Family , Home Fencing , Evergreen , Conifer , Groundcover , Spring , Botanical Garden , Shrubland , Mountain Village , Historic House , Wig , Lace Wig , Whiteboard , Professor , Birds Eye View , Tide , Surfing , Surface Water Sports , Boardsport , Bodyboarding , Red Hair , Bentley , Fixed Link , Bridge , Electricity , Jheri Curl , Boot , Chocolate , Ringlet , Taste , Lego , Action Figure , Toy Block , Balloon , Robot , Army Men , Workshop , Academic Institution , School , Outer Space , Boutique , Shopping , Mascot , Cosplay , Baggage , Playground , Luggage And Bags , Stuffed Toy , Teddy Bear , Baby Products , Plush , School Uniform , Hair Care , Diaper Bag , Acrobatics , Tunnel , Shadow , Industry , Forklift Truck , Metro Station , Rabbits And Hares , Whiskers , Escalator , Playground Slide , Animal Shelter , Machine Tool , Cake , Travel Trailer , Bag , Security Lighting , Nightlight , Passenger Ship , Polar Bear , Wall , Bear , Aquarium , Zoo , Water Feature , Handbag , Sportswear , Jersey , Hairdresser , Feathered Hair ,

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