Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox And Friends Saturday 20160702 1

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox And Friends Saturday 20160702 10:00:00

hi, friends. good morning. today is saturday, the 2nd of july, 2016. i'm anna kooiman. and it's a fox news alert. another isis terror attack. this time at a restaurant. hostages held while they were quizzed on the quran and then killed. we have the breaking details overnight. >> after years of speculation and months of email dumps and interviews with her colleagues. word is today is hillary clinton's day in the fbi's hot seat. we are live in washington with what to expect. >> don't let this moment fool you. ♪ land of the free ♪ and the home.
>> roseanne barr more patriotic than you think. morning she will revealing her plans for america if this whole hillary clinton thing doesn't work out. we will break it down for you line by line. "fox & friends" right now. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ i've been chilling on the third row. >> happy fourth of july weekend, everybody. hope you are having a happy saturday morning. we would like to you send your photos what it means to you to be a proud american. use that #proud american. you have been exploding our inbox with these here are some good ones. >> this one is from james. he sends us this photo with the message happy fourth from this year's class of united elim nateing power
line obstructers. >> photo of him and his grandson trent and great grandson david. he said he was proud to have served his country to make it safer for future generations and you see three of them there. >> anthony sends us this photo. proud american because we stand for freedom, personal liberty, and economic prosperity like no other country. >> judy sent us this message of her nephew zach currently serving in the navy and his daughter is a proud american because of his service to this country. #proud american is something we are going to be paying attention to all weekend long. last week we had so much success and it was because of you. keep those pictures coming. >> jampacked show for you. ff weekend on facebook as well. nice to see you this morning. >> thanks for having me. happy fourth. >> maria molina is standing by because we have crazy weather that we are dealing with right now and it's been super, super stinking hot
out there. >> happy fourth of july weekend for everyone watching at home. we had some very intense weather conditions yesterday. particularly across portions of the northeast. we want to share these images with you out of long island where some severe thunderstorms rolled through yesterday producing lightning, a lot of very strong winds. can you see there on your screen just very intense conditions. thats watt story across other portions of the northeast including parts of new york state, eastern pennsylvania, and also across portions of new jersey as severe thunderstorms rolled threw. we do anticipate more severe weather through the day today. that's going to be something to watch out for. on the radar right now, it's already relatively busy out there across portions of the rockies, colorado, new mexico. things are calming down a little bit right now. they should be picking up across parts of the central plains as we head on later on this afternoon. carolinas could be active. looking at threat for damaging winds and large ail. as we head into sunday more extreme weather possible out there. across portions of kansas and also into missouri, a concern is that we are
expecting several rounds of thunderstorms. they are going to be bringing in areas of very heavy rain, potentially more than six inches out there. flash flooding is going to be a big concern. we have a number of watches that have already been issued including places like kansas city and st. louis. quick look at your forecast for monday, independence day, a scorner across portions of the southern place. in dallas and the northeast though. no problems expected. some sun, some clouds, and also temperatures. very pleasant in the ace, that's back inside. >> all right, maria molina thank you so much. what an important travel weekend. 43 million americans expected to travel according to aaa. >> it was crowded there. you know, but it's the roadways more than the skies. that's because gas prices are so low. hotel prices are low. get out there and enjoy your family this holiday weekend but watch out for severe weather. >> siege at bangladesh cafe.
hundreds of police officers stormed the restaurant packed with dozens of tourists held at gun point. [gunfire] >> 20 hostages were killed. 1 rescued in a 12 hour standoff. police say six terrorist militants who carry bombs and grenades yelling allah akbar have been killed with one captured alive. so far no reports of any americans hurt. we will keep you updated as reports continue to come in. developing this morning, a massive gas explosion rocking an entire town. >> oh my god. first responder, where are you? >> look at those residents being asked to leave after this fireball erupted after 3:00 a.m. a gas lion exploded after a car crash. several people were injured. residents there say they can
see the fire nearly 20 piles away. fire crews are working to extinguish the flames woman on the fbi wants most wanted list for a week captured. shanika minor allegedly shooting a woman nine months pregnant killing her and her unborn child. brutal murder in milwaukee all over an argument about loud music. the fbi offering up $100,000 reward for her capture. then receiving anonymous tip and arresting minor at north carolina motel. and this is new overnight, my friends. the mega millions jackpot jumps to $449 million after no ticket matched last night's drawing. it's the 33rd consecutive drawing that failed to produce a winner. next drawing on tuesday, seventh biggest lottery prize of all times. the odds in the millions jackpot one in 259 million.
and those are your headlines. >> so you're saying there's a chance. >> thanks. i'm going to keep this one, dave. see if this is food for tomorrow. >> all right. we have got a fox news alert. also, hillary clinton reportedly schedule to do meet with the fbi today. the bureau's interview with the presumptive democratic presidential nominee blead to be the final step in its investigation into her email server. >> could be the final step. this is big. garrett tenney is live from washington, d.c. good morning. what you can tell us? >> we have been hearing for several months that hillary clinton's interview with the fbi could be coming any day. citing a source close to the investigation the daily caller that interview is today. this interview is blefd to be the final step into the fbi's investigation into clinton's handling of classified information with her private email server. while we have heard similar reports of of this interview for months. there are some differents.
the fbi has now completed interviews of several clinton top aides including former chief of staff cheryl mills and deputy chief of staff huma abedin. final interview take place. thus far the fbi has tried to avoid drawing attention to its investigation by bringing in witnesses in secret. in doing the interview over the fourth of july weekend, when clinton has no campaign events scheduled would certainly help with that. abc news reports the justice department is also hoping to complete the investigation before the democratic and republican conventions later this month. and that investigators will want to have plenty of time to review clinton's interview to compare her statements to the facts that is already gathered in the case. the daily caller source also suggested the interview may take place at clinton's home here in washington, d.c. we're keeping a close eye on her home today. we will certainly keep you updated. >> garrett tenney live for us on update there all eyes on loretta lynch yesterday.
why in the world did she meet with bill clinton on the tarmac on sky harbor airport in phoenix? she was finally asked that question and she addressed it head on. listen. >> so, what on earth. [ laughter ] >> were you thinking? what happened? >> well, i mean, that's the question of the day, isn't it? >> yes. >> i think that's a perfectly reasonable question. i think that's the question that is called by what happened in phoenix because people have also wondered and raised questions about my role in the ultimate resolution of matters involving the investigation into the state department emails. and to the extent that people have questions about that, about my role in that, certainly me meeting with him raises questions and concerns and so, believe me, i completely get that question. i certainly wouldn't do it again. and because i think it has cast a shadow over what it should not, over what it will not touch.
>> you notice something at the start of her answer there? she was laughing. why is she laughing? >> so was the crowd and so was the questioner. so was the journalist. >> if you are not working for the clinton campaign do you think it's funny? it's fbi investigation whether information by our enemies. secretary of defense was doing favors for her husband's donors, her husband husband who has now stepped in it. >> i'm glad she addressed it i wish there was more of an apology there. she said i regret it you don't often hear that from people in power. i was glad to hear her take that on and sort of somewhat apologize for it. >> what was going through her mind? a 30 minute meeting where reportedly the reporters were told you can't take any pictures. it doesn't look god. she should not have met with the former president when he
could be a target in this investigation himself and at the very least a witness. we can't forget this also involves the clinton foundation. it's not just about the email server and her handling of classified information. it also has ties to the clinton foundation. >> was this all like a precursor to what somebody hillary clinton or bikini already knows -- bill clinton already knows no indictment is coming down? look at what hillary has said, watch. >> there is absolutely no possibility of an indictment? >> that is not going to happen. there is no basis for it and i'm looking forward to this being wrapped up. >> are you 100 percent confident that nothing is going to come of this fbi investigation? >> i am 100 percent confident. >> well, there is no basis for that it's a security review. >> if you get indicted, wow drop out. >> oh my goodness. that is not going to happen. i'm not answering that question. >> judge jeanine pirro i thought she had a really brilliant analysis of this whole process and she says what we saw yesterday this
basically proves she is not going to be indicted. >> if she is not going to be indicted why are there fbi investigators questioning her. since it's a long weekend. they could extend it have some more questions for you. do they normally go to somebody's house to interview them if there is no chance they get indicted? i don't think they dooncht this all plays into the fact that the clintons play by their own rules and clintons being part of the elite and washington politics as usual is something that has given rise to the donald trump phenomenon and what you saw with bernie sanders, too. people are fed one politicians thinking that they can just steer the ship whatever direction. >> you don't have a private jet you can have meetings on tarmacs with? >> it's not like they just happened to run -- funny meeting you here at the wine bar. >> spontaneous meeting. >> let us know what you think about all of this this
weekend. if f weekend you can weigh in. hillary clinton set to meet with the fbi about private emails. democratic strategist says her supporters don't seem to care. why not? that's next. in overdrive after donald trump meets with another potential running mate. who is the latest governor on the list? ♪ i can see you ♪ ♪
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>> the final determination as to how to proceed will be contained within the recommendations and the report in whatever format the team puts it together. that has not been resolved. whatever report they provide to me. >> but do democrats even care whether clinton is indicted or not? >> democratic strategist is a veteran of the john kerr i can't understand barack obama presidential campaigns and the author of the brand new book the best worst president what the right gets wrong about barack obama. we will talk about your book in just a moment. but, mark, you've said something that think is wild. you think democrats don't buy into this crooked hillary thing. this doesn't even matter to them. >> even bernie sanders supporters which obviously we all know donald trump is trying to corral remember bernie sanders says the american people don't care about your damn emails and his sort of curmudgeonly way and i think is he on to something. >> this is no longer about the emails. this is about the clintons trying to basically intimidate the highest law
enforcement officer in the country. that's what this problem is. >> that's what the accusation is. i think democrats know the clintons and what they think is that frankly there has been an effort, a concerted effort by the right to basically discredit mrs. clinton, to stoke the fires of these conspiracy theories and they know that her biggest vulnerability is untrustworthiness. in a way the critics that are trying to claim this are unifying the democrats behind hillary clinton in a way that i think is actually going to back fire on republicans. >> because where are they going to turn? here is this most recent fox news poll which is fascinating this week. which description fits hillary clinton the best? 30% honest and trustworthy. 58% say corrupt. is it americans already don't trust her. we don't trust her but we're not voting for trump. >> look, like serious party people trust her. they have faith in the clintons. they remember the prosperity
and the peace of the 1990s and they want that back. people independent, on the fence who might go might go hillary clinton, this is a vulnerability for her. just like trump you have vulnerability stretching from his ignorance about foreign pel to the fact that a report just came out that his economic policies would put the american economy $10 trillion in debt each camp knows what the other camp's vulnerability is and seems to be obsessed on amplifying that vulnerability as much as they can to get the other side discredited. that's the kind of politics and personal attack and descrubsz that we have seen in this country and that's what i try to address in my book a little bit. >> let's talk about the book the best-worst president. gear around the barbecue and talk politics. >> as a liberal who comes faithfully on to fox news and really enjoys arguing minority position sometimes, i argue up, my father listened to rush limbaugh on the job site. he was a builder. in massachusetts and we would have these spirited
discussions around the dinner table every night after the clintons. i was defending the clintons. i know uncle have conservative awkward family conversation. this is meant to arm issue liberals with the defense of the president and open-minded conservatives a chance to see how anybody in their right mind if they will grab me the distinction could continue to support this president. >> yeah. because you want to be able to agree to disagree with your family. >> exactly. and to argue about substance instead of these personal attacks. >> all right. happy july 4th: >> i appreciate you having me on. >> fox news alert. terror fear across the country after another attack overseas. how easy some bombs are to make. anna got a firsthand look at this growing threat. >> don't like hillary or trump? roseanne has a plan for
america. wait until you hear it ♪ the land of the free ♪ and the home of the brave ♪ (toilet flush) if you need an opioid to manage your chronic pain, you may be sooo constipated
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welcome back. the gruesome at the tails coming in by the minute following a deadly siege bangladesh. hundreds of militants storming a popular tourist cafe holding at least a dozen hostages. after 10 hours of negotiating police descending on that restaurant shooting six militants dead captures others. after being quizzed on the muslim holy book the quran. so far no reports of any americans killed or injured. >> the threat of another large scale terror attack
here at home is something that we live with every day. officials fear the use of explosives like the ones used in paris and brussels attacks that may prize you is the different kinds of every day materials that our enemies are using. let's take a look at this. >> string of murderous attacks in the city of paris. >> explosions outside a stadium. >> 1129 dead. 352 injured. >> 8 dead attackers. 7 with their own explosives strapped to them. suicide vests worn by terrorists were shrapnel packed and designed to inflick the maximum number of casualties. they are made up of a compound called tatp the explosive of choice by isis its nickname the mother of satan. >> belgium under siege in what appears to be coordinated thai attacks. >> a whom so wide bomb
ripped through the brussels airport. explosives rock two metro stations. >> 34 people were killed. >> 270 were wounded. signature of these devices at the airport will fit the same signature of the devices that we saw in paris. >> two undetonated bombs uncovered at the brussels airport contains 20 to 40 pounds of the deadly and unstable tatp. while searching a house of the bombers the trove of explosive materials 40 gallons of acetone and 8 gallons of oxygen per rocks side the ingredients used to produce tatp. what can startle you more anyone can easily bomb these bomb-making chemicals online or in local shops. >> what are we looking at here. >> common chemicals found in beauty supply stores. they can be found in hardware stores. they can be found in gun shops and sporting stores. all of these have legitimate
uses and some sinister uses. that's what we're going to demonstrate today. >> fire in the hole! [explosion] >> the department of homeland security and newark training bomb and members of the private sector on how these common chemicals can be turned into deadly explosives. [explosions] >> how easily we can mix two chemicals together to make explosives. >> how concerned are you when you see events like san bernardino play out and brussels and turkey and paris? >> i think not only myself but all of the fbi is concerned every single day for our safety. not specifically because of those events but because of the nature of the world that we live in today. the growing trend is that people are getting radicalized online and oftentimes they are u.s. citizens. that's why it becomes even more important for if someone sees something suspicious that they say something. >> it's a great motto, see something, say something. dolls it work?
the san bernardino attack, a neighbor reportedly noticed, quote, suspicious activity at a house connected with syed farook but did not want to, quote, profile him. investigators found roughly 4500 rounds of ammunition. four pipe bomb twices and pipe bombs until apartment and garage. is political correctness putting us at risk. >> the next commander and chief has to remove political correctness from the threat assessment. you don't have to carry a badge or wear a uniform. all americans are on the front line and can't be afraid of being called islamophobes. >> the neighbor reportedly said that she saw suspicious activity going on in the home of syed farook and then what happened? she decides that, oh, i don't want to be called islamophobic and doesn't call anybody and then what do we have? americans dead. >> curtains drawn.
strange smell emanating from the apartment. didn't call anybody. >> that package how ease requesty it is to go a build. goes to show after a terror attack when certain people trying to make political points they say this is about gun control. fine, take away all the guns. these terrorists are going to figure out a way to kill us. >> using crock pots like in boston. >> come up here on the show vp watch is on overdrive as donald trump meets with another potential running mate. >> then we are honoring our military this weekend with a special anniversary. gabriel is live. what is it up. >> 20 years since i have been on this ship. uss arlie burk. mission here in norfolk. we are next to uss wisconsin battle ship muslim on the north of water front with live interviews with sailors. we have that coming up, guys.
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♪ where it is that i come from >> hey, friends. good morning. happy fourth of july morning. what makes you a proud american. make sure you send us your pictures with #proud american so we can find them. a photo of this woman hugging her army daughter. jacoby sends us a photo of her young grandson ronni on the hollywood weekend. >> start them young. >> sent us this image of her and saying there is still hope in we the people this independence day. >> chad sends this photo of him giving his best uncle sam. >> keep them coming. keep them coming. #proud american. we will put them on. >> thanks so much, guys. >> independence day weekend. we honor our military and all those who protect and serve and keep us safe and this year we are celebrating 25 years of service for the
uss arleigh burke a guided missile destroyer that leads 62 advanced warships. >> leah is live on the arlie burke and she joins us now. >> this is the lead ship in a series of ships. i was on one of these types of ships back in 1996 back when i was a midshipman. it's unique to be here celebrating the anniversary what we call a steel beach picnic with incredible sailors. if you could introduce yourself. >> i'm star cox. >> parker. >> chief petty officer sean horse from columbus, ohio. >> were [inaudible]. shane hale from los angeles, california. >> i'm going to start with shane because you were telling me about what you do on the ship. >> specifically you were talking about communications can you talk about what it is to serve on the ship. >> sure. actually what i do is i deal with all on and off ship communications. >> mostly we deal with internet. it's great. we love it here. and proud to be here.
>> and so for a lot of our viewers they have no ideal what it's like to be on this incredible piece of military gear deployed around the world diplomacy. what is it like to be on diplomacy on this ship. >> amazing. know that we are serving our country out there. because we know we are presenting the people going before us. freedom and democracy. great opportunity for us to get that chance. >> and such incredible to be here on the arlie burke. there was named after admiral arleigh burke. you were telling me about him earlier. >> yes. he was commander of the little beavers. has quite a few won battles and things like that. great opportunity and experience to be on board the flag ship, the arlie burke. >> the famous quote was built to fight, right? can you explain what that was real quick?
basically he was saying this ship was built to fight so you better be ready fight. >> we are always ready to matter what. we love it. >> certainly answering the call here in norfolk, virginia as we celebrate. this there will be ship visits this weekend so that people here from norfolk as we celebrate independence day they can come and see this incredible ship. american diplomacy here in norfolk, virginia. >> beautiful morning. thanks so much. >> stunning. >> 37 minutes after the hour. illegal immigrant accused of killing three people have been deported six times since 2003. that's where we start your headlines. gonzalez repeatedly getting back in the country most recently 2013 before allegedly shooting four people on oregon farm. three of them dying. donald trump tweeting about the case saying these crimes won't be happening if i'm elected president. killer should have never been here. #america first. >> the bus driver killed in a pets la auto pilot crash may have been watching a harry potter movie.
former navy seal joshua brown died in may when his tesla model s slammed into a tractor-trailer on the florida highway. police say a portable dvd player was found in the car at the time of the crash. lawyer for the truck driver involved in the accident claims his investigator spoke to a witness who says the dvd player was playing a harry presidenter movie after the accident. tesla now under investigation over the safety of that auto pilot safety system. >> donald trump's v.p. choice starting to take shape. the presumptive g.o.p. nominee meeting with indiana governor mike pence yesterday. is he one on lafs finalists which include new jersey governor chris christie. former house speaker newt gingrich who have both been vetted. trump is expect to do make his choice before the g.o.p. convention later this month. so come soon. roseanne barr not singing praises for any of the presidential candidates. ♪ for the land of the free ♪ and the home of the brave.
make it stop, make it stop. she is endorsing donald trump and making clear she is not a fan of hillary clinton saying she plans to write herself in on that ballot. the comedian not limiting it to barr 2016. saying she will be writing herself in for every election now until she wins. >> oh, yeah. shoe in. >> great strategy. >> check in with maria molina this morning. >> good morning. pretty busy out there across different parts of the country. anticipating severe weather. flash flood threat and also extreme heat on the way for many of you. taking a look at the radar. you can already see it's busy out there early this morning across portions of the west. monsoonal moisture typical to kick off this time of the year. on schedule across parts of the southwestern u.s. showers and storms and flash flood poo tenget as we head
into this afternoon and also tonight there will be a risk for possible severe storms. relatively low risk. marginal by the tropical storm prediction center it is in place out there across parts of the carolinas and also into the central plains, damaging winds and large hail had be possible. and as we head into tomorrow, the risk continues from portions of illinois and also missouri extending into the carolinas. similar areas getting hit hard here by storms. multiple days and across the central plains. because of that. we have a flood threat. we have a number of watches that have already been issued and potential for more than six inches of rain. then by monday for independence day, monsoonal moisture continuing out west. you are looking at stormy conditions like we mentioned across portions of the u.s. and missouri and parts of the midwest. pretty quiet out there for the most part with temperatures reaching the upper 70's in places like egg which. let's head back noah inside. >> thanks, maria. >> 20 minutes before the top of the hour. big show coming up for you. >> a new fox poll says the majority of americans think
profiling is the key to keeping our country safe. is it good thing or uncon unusual we will debate it? >> looking for a holiday shopping bargain. how about 40% off cool tool toys. deals. looking good maria ♪ help me get lucky ♪ red solo cup ♪ i fill you up ♪ let's have a party ♪ let's have a party ♪ i love you red solo cup and the acid reducer lasts up to 12 hours in one chewable tablet. try new duo fusion. from the makers of zantac.
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like the power to earn allstate reward points, every time i drive. ...want my number? and cash back for driving safe. and the power to automatically find your car... i see you car! and i got the power to know who's coming and when if i break down. must be gerry. hey... in means getting more from your car insurance with the all-powerful drivewise app. it's good to be in, good hands. welcome back on this saturday morning. quick headlines for you. california's strict gun control laws got even tougher. governor jerry brown signing six gun control bills into law. the new laws make owning large capacity magazines illegal. prohibits lending guns to anyone outside the immediate family. closes the bullet button loophole making certain out-of-state guns like the ones used in the san bernardino shooting illegal. the bills gained length
legislative momentum after last month's massacre in orlando. orangutan on the run captured after escaping theme park enclosures. watch out the juvenile orangutan swings from branches outside its habitat and falls all while the guests are there at bush gardens tampa a few feet away. security block blocking off the area. and within an hour it was tranquilized and returned to its habitat. anna, peter? >> thanks. a quarter till the top of the hour. as threat grows and we recover from the worst terror attack since 9/11. how do we keep our country more safe? more americans say the answer is profiling. >> new fox news poll shows 59% of americans think profiling is the key to a safer america. that is more than weapons or a proposed muslim ban. but is it constitutional? >> well, here to weigh, in dr. zuhdi jasser founder and president of the american islamic forum for democracy and rod wheeler former d.c.
detective and fox news contributor. dr. jasser, i will start with you. you say this should actually be called smart police work rather than profiling. what do you mean? >> well, when you call it profiling, it immediately thinks that you are going to have two lines of security. >> one for muslims and one for non-muslims. that doesn't work. the israelis have proved that the way to do this is with smart police work. yes, profile but profile the whole package. what's their behavior. what's their social media network why are they there? who are their contacts? what's the purpose their visit? where they v. they traveled before. a lot of that is part of profiling the entire person and not just a faith identified at this but not call it faith. call it a theo political ideology. i testified to the senate earlier this week that we're losing this war because of the blindness to jihadiism and islamism. so, yes, that poll shows that people are aware i think actually as a muslim
bigotry will melt away if we start to look at precursors. americans get it but unfortunately our government doesn't. >>ed rorks you think some kind of profiling basically trying to i.d. bad guys before they attack could save lives but that there is a reason the administration doesn't want law enforcement to do it. what is that? >> there is a couple of things. i think my co-panelist is absolutely correct. we do need to profile. but the term that i have been able using, peter, is intelligent profiling. and simply what that simply is looking at all of the program i teres a number of variables that would identify these individuals before the crime is committed. in law enforcement, peter, historically we used what we call criminal profiling. and we develop a criminal profile after the crime. so what i'm suggesting now with intelligent profiling is let's utilize that same prickive analysis, linkage analysis and identify these individuals before the crime occur. when we look at omar mateen down at the pulse nightclub,
we could have predicted his behavior before that shooting. if we would have used intelligent profiling. >> all right. and dr. jasser, of course, the left would say that profiling is not fair and that it would increase islamophobia in the united states if that were put into practice you just said a moment ago that it would actually melt away islamaphobia. how? >> well, because i think what americans would see is that muslims that are anti-islamist, that don't have anything to hide are the head of the sphere spear and the part of the. not just countering violent extremism which i don't know what that is we should counter violent islamism. you can pick up on the precursors and predict that mateen's dad is relevant. precursors so far this instability to profile ideology has left us so bear. >> and, rod, last word to
you. is profiling really thatch more invasive than having tsa agents put their hands on you or go through a bag and touch your underwear? >> we could do a lot more if we were to intelligently profile versus what the tsa is doing now. we talk a lot about the tsa and their actions or inactions at the airport. i think they are doing the best job they can. real quickly though, peter, the government has got to recognize what this is in terms of this extremism. call it what it is and then let's address the problem. until president obama, because that's where the buck stops, until he recognizes that unfortunately we are going it continue to endure and see the things we have been seeing over the past few months. >> name your enemy to defeat your enemy. >> rod wheeler thank you so much. dr. zuhdi jasser thank you so much. have a great fourth of july weekend. >> today could be the day hillary clinton meets with the fbi about her emails. what can we expect.
[live in washington at the top of the hour. >> are you looking for a fourth of july steal? how much off the pouch that clayton is sitting on? wake up? come on, clayton. ♪ ♪ ♪ it don't matter where we go ♪ we will always find a way back home ♪ >> this july 4th weekend join us as we celebrate our nation's birthday with abby huntsman in music city. share your pride on facebook, twitter, and instagram. #proud american. ♪ ♪ ♪
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and i'm able to hit here and pop it down. >> it's great for the beach. it's great for the park. i love it. they're having 25% off sale right now. get at discount, too. >> what about this stuff? flier? >> right, exactly. this is from steven joseph gifts. also offering 40% off all their fun in the sun items. really fun items like these hooded towels for kids and fliers. you will get them at deep discount. >> the shark? >> live that, too. >> food stuff? >> let's talk ebay. they are having their summer of choice right now. crowd source your savings. woe just had one last week for fourth of july. able to vote between 70% off a grill 50% off nutri ninja one. we have another one coming up july 11th. really fun way to crowd source and pick the savings ghup interesting. >> booze, too, right? >> these are all from you
can get from ebay. >> the grilling and the nutri ninja. >> >> this is really awesome, too. this is called shaker and spoon. basically the blue apron for cocktail. what they do is ship you this box that has everything you need to make 12 cocktails. three different recipes from top bartenders and mixologists around the country. all you need to do is provide the booze. go top shelf if you want or decide not to. they are having 40% off their first box. >> all right. and same with these beauty. wrap this up. >> same thing with the hampton salt a great way to flavor your poultry, your meats without all the added sugar. they are having 40% off sale too with code boom. >> all on ebay. >> thank you very much happy fourth. >> reportedly hillary clinton's day in the fbi hot seat. we are live in d.c. with what to expect. >> then what happens when you try to take a selfie
with a peacock? >> that's a great question. ♪ >> "fox & friends" returns live from new york city after this. was this the best treatment for me? i spoke to my doctor and she told me about eliquis. eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots and reduces the risk of them happening again. not only does eliquis treat dvt and pe blood clots. but eliquis also had significantly less major bleeding than the standard treatment. knowing eliquis had both... ...turned around my thinking. don't stop eliquis unless you doctor tells you to. eliquis can cause serious, and in rare cases, fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. if you had a spinal injection while on eliquis call your doctor right away if you have tingling,
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good morning, friends. hope you are doing well. it's saturday, the 2nd of july, 2016. i'm anna kooiman. this is a fox news alert. they were quizzed on the quran and then slaughtered. another isis terror attack. this time in a restaurant. the breaking details overnight just ahead. >> plus, after years of speculation and months of email dumps and introduce with interviews with her colleagues. word is today is hillary clinton's day live in the fbi hot seat. we are live in just moments in d.c. >> it's the moments that will make you proud to be an american ♪ red glare ♪ the bombs bursting in air
>> you probably saw this blowing up your facebook news feed this week. a woman becomes a sailor hit singing the national anthem at the national memorial. she is going to sing live for us this hour. "fox & friends" hour two starts right now ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> that's not silence. they're actually playing but we are having a microphone issue out there. that's the west point band outside playing. they sound fantastic. >> bring on the horns. >> they sound great and look great. >> we are asking you this morning what makes you proud
to be an american. we want you to send us #. >> there they go. >> let's keep them going as we read some of these viewer comments, peter? >> arlinda sent this picture. she wanted to thank her parents for helping raise her son while she was off serving our country. >> his daughters, she says he makes her a proud american. easy for me to say this morning. >> look at the red, white, and blue this morning. >> emailed us this photo of daughter emile i can't and custom dress wounded veterans. her father served in the navy for 14 years. >> then dan september us this photo of his son zachery placing a flag on his grandfather's grave. his grandfather served in world war ii. >> powerful. all right. keep sending us your photos this morning ff weekend and also use #proud american. we will track them down whether they are on instagram or other places we will put them on the show.
>> keep them coming. >> rick reichmuth is out and leah maria is in on this saturday morning. very important forecast this weekend? >> a lot of people traveling or people with outdoor plans, getting together with family. doing barbecues outdoors. temperatures are going to be on the hot side across some portions of the southern plains. something to keep in mind. across portions of the central plains. across parts of kansas and into nebraska and pushing on in to missouri. again, a very active weather pattern expected for the country and monsoonal moisture in parts of the western u.s. that rain is forecast to continue across portions of the rockies. here is a look at the areas that could be seeing some possible severe weather today. it's not a huge threat. mostly looking at threat for lightning in some of these thunderstorms and potential for damaging wind gusts large hail and isolated tornadoes could not be ruled
out. now, because we are looking at several rounds of wet weather across parts of the plains, we do have a flood threat in place. a number of watches are in effect out there. potential for six inch of rain is expected over the next few days. quick look at monday's forecast could be 100 degrees in dallas and could be in the 70's in the city of chicago. it's a little cooler across parts of the midwest. let's go back inside. >> >> that, maria. >> we will start this morning with your headlines and this fox news alert because isis strikes again. this time a deadly siege in glesh. bangladesh cafe. tourists held at gunpoint. 1 hostages were rescued but not before 20 were brutally killed after being quizzed on the quran. six terrorists militants who descended on the restaurant
with guns and grenades were killed and one captured alive. so far no reports of any americans hurt. developing this morning, a massive gas explosion rocking an entire town. oh my god. first responder. where are you. >> some residents being asked to leave after this fireball erupted before 3:00 a.m. gas line exploded after a car crash. this is what is left of the scene at this hour. fire crews are still there continuing to put out hot spots. >> donald trump's vp choice starting to take shape. the presumptive nominee nominee meeting with mike pence yesterday. joining a short list of candidates, including chris christie and former house speaker newt gingrich who have both been vetted we're told. trump expected to make his choice before the g.o.p. convention later this month. right around the corner. and when one rose just won't
do a man surprises his wife with 500. >> how cool. >> what am i going to do with all of them? >> alyssa's husband brad want to do surprise her for her final chemotherapy treatment. so 36 faces overflowing with 500 flowers were delivered to omaha hospital. brad raised more than $4,500 for that big surprise and donated the proceeds to the susan g. coleman association. she shared the flowers with other patients at the hospital there as well. nice story. >> thanks, anna. and now a fox news alert. hillary clinton hosting fbi investigators at her home today. >>the bureau to interview the presumptive nominee nominee, what could be the final step in the investigation into her private email server. >> >> could be the final step. garrett tenney is live from washington, d.c. with more on what we can expect. good morning, garrett.
>>, good morning, anna, clayton, and peter. citing a source close to this investigation, the daily caller reports the fbi is schedule to do meet with hillary clinton today. neither the fbi nor the clinton campaign is confirming the meeting. and we have heard similar reports over the last few months that haven't quite panned out. here's what's changed. with these kinds of investigations we are told the fbi will interview from the bottom going up. we know that investigators recently just completed its interviews with two of clinton's top aides. former chief of staff cheryl mills and yuma abedin huma abedin. the fbi has tried toll were circus around them by bringing in witnesses in secret. that's a tall order for the presumptive democratic nominee who typically has the entire press corps following her around.
this weekend clinton has no campaign events scheduled. reports the justice department is hoping to complete the investigation before the democratic and republican conventions later this month. and that investigators will want to have plenty of time to review clinton's interview and compare her statements to the facts they've gathered. well, the fbi has stived to maintain a low profile throughout this investigation that will not be easy today. cameras outside clinton's home in d.c. where the daily caller reports the meeting may take place. anna, clayton, and peter? >> we have a live picture too of that. thanks, garrett. shear live picture outside of hillary clinton's home where the fbi set to do that interview on just a short amount of time. >> according to the daily caller. what we have seen when other witnesses have been called in this huma abedin, cheryl mills, we didn't find out about those meetings. this would be big if we know about this interview beforehand. >> another meeting we didn't
find out about until much after it happened which is bill clinton walking his way on purpose on to the attorney general's plane out of sight from everyone where they supposed buy just talked about grand kids and golf even though loretta lynch is the one who includes his wife's fate. >> the question is why in the world would you do this? she actually went out and answered these questions yesterday during a bit of a press conference, sort of while she was innd take a listen to loretta lynch's comments and would she ever do this again. watch. >> so, what on earth. [ laughter ] >> were you thinking? what happened? >> that's the question of the day, isn't it. >> yes. >> and i think that's a perfectly reasonable question. i think that's the question that is called, by what happened in phoenix, because people have also wondered and raised questions about my role in the ultimate resolution of matters
involving the investigation into the state department emails. and to the extent that people have questions about that, about my role in that, certainly my meeting with him raises questions and concerns. believe me, i completely get that question. i certainly wouldn't do it again. and because i think it has cast a shadow over what it should not. over what it will not touch. >> she is not saying she is recusing herself. she is saying she is going to stay in place. she will take the recommendation from the fbi. which puts an even bigger burden on them. >> bill clinton after you survive impeachment maybe fbi investigation doesn't seem like a big deal. it is a big deal. the story is no longer just about email and serve everywhere. the story is whether or not the hillary clinton and her husband are trying to lean on the justice department so they don't indict her and she has a clear e. path to the presidency. it shows the big difference between trump and clinton. >> you can't forget that
this is not just about the email server and possible mishandling of classified information but also about the ties to the clinton foundation, which he obviously would be a witness or possibly even a target in. >> judge jeanine pirro saying look if i was district attorney if someone was going to meet with me body guards would have gotten in the way and said you cannot meet with this judge or thuener at all especially if they were the target. >> they said no pictures, pleas. >> and the press got to the bottom of this. we asked mark handna, a former democratic strategist for kerry and edwards back in the day. he was on the show early this morning. democrats don't care about this investigation at all. this is not going to hurt hillary clinton. listen. >> i think democrats know the clintons and what they think is that, frankly, there has been an effort, a concerted effort by the right to basically discredit
mrs. clinton, to stoke the fires of these conspiracy theories. and to, they know that her biggest vulnerability is untrustworthiness. the critics trying to claim this are unifying the democrats behind hillary clinton in a way that i think is going to back fire on republicans. >> that's an interesting question. do you remember what happened after they went after bill clinton you are during the impeachment proceedings? what happened to the house of representatives? what happened to newt gingrich losing his job? is this the same thing or different? i would love it hear from viewers. >> ultimately this is election story. what happens with the fbi could have a huge impact in fof. this goes to show the big difference between trump and clinton because trump tells the whole world i'm going to make deals and you are all going to know with it. whereas the clintons when they want to make a deal they go on to a private plane and they don't tell anybody it and they don't want anybody to know about it. >> they call it impromptu meeting. same mentality voters are so fed up with.
measures are fed up with washington as usual politics and people like the clintons thinking they can make their own rules. >> let us know your thoughts on that at a lot to get to this morning. democrats held a 26 hour sit-in over gun control. and now they are taking their she on the road. one of those democrats joins us next. >> what happens when you try to take a self were with a peacock. maybe this ♪ ♪ (war drums beating)
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>> lived in a house with a man that should have had access to a gun. i know what it's like to see a gun pointed at you and wonder if you were going to live. >> last week, democrats spent nearly 26 hours protesting guns on the house
floor. it turns out they were just getting started. this week they took their push on the road holding a national day of action with events across the country. including a panel discussion in michigan that included our next guest. joining us now is democratic congresswoman debbie dingell. good morning. >> good morning, peter, how are you? >> fine, thanks. first question, the whole idea of this sit-in was after the orlando terrorist attack. we know that the guy was a radical islamic terrorist do you think any of the gun laws you are proposing is something that a radical islamic terrorist is going to hear and say you know what? i don't hate americans as much. they have a gun law so i'm not going to attack. >> i think this is a very complicated issue. i have toll did you i was not somebody who knew this sit-in was going to happen. it was more organic than many people thought that it
would be i do think that we do need to get a no buy, no fly, no fly, no buy law on the books. but it needs to be one that's workable. i'm one of those people that very much cares about due process and civil liberties. my hometown deer born according to fbi report of a couple years ago is the second largest city with people on the watch list after new york city and we only have 100,000 people and that one person from deer born has ever been prosecuted for terrorism. i know there are issues there. i think we are going to see some kind of bill next week that's going to have proposals. i'm not sure it's work being. i don't think it would have stopped the person in orlando. my speech came at the end of the night. i didn't plan on speaking it came from a personal perspective that i do know there are people in this country that shouldn't have access to guns. >> democrats who participated obviously got a lot of attention.
but days later. after this sit-in, after it turns out there. are ethical complaints because members of your party were fundraising as it was going on. do you think that was a good idea to fund raise off of something that is not supposed to be about money according to the leaders in your country. >> i'm going to be very careful here because i don't want to -- but i was very careful to not do anything like that. i didn't even talk about what i did on the floor in any kind of mailings after that you know, what i talked about was very personal and i had to go home and talk to my mother and my sister because they didn't know that i was going to do that. it's not just my story it's their story. i think what people don't understand is how organic that what happened that day was and how personal it was to people and how spontaneous it was. each person that participated that day. they were there very
organically and each person did what they were going to do. >> there is word that there may be another sit-in on the way about gun laws. if this is, would you advise other democratic members of congress not to fund raise off of it? >> yes, i would. >> all right. threw have it. congresswoman debbie dingell. thank you for coming on this morning. >> thank you. happy fourth. >> you too. up ahead, a thrilling new look at combat from a soldier's point of view. >> you can definitely know how close it is by the snaps of the bullet itself and the louder the wiz, the faster you might want to run. >> the man behind the documentary "my fighting season" actor ricky schroderins us next. and then would you rather see hillary in the white house or this? america has spoken and the results are in coming up. what's it like to be in good hands?
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get out your abby can you say. time for news news by the numbers. 800 million is how many americans are spending fireworks this fourth of july weekend. state law has become more lax over firework use. more people are buying them. $800,000 will be spent on fireworks. next up, 1 million. that's how many immigrants are ignoring deportation. that includes more than 170,000 convicted criminals according to a new report. only a small fraction of the immigrants are even being detained by immigration officials. would you rather see hillary clinton in the white house or this? [explosion]
>> 13% say they would rather see a meteor hit earth to see hillary clinton or donald trump elected to the white house. rather see the earth blow up. well, fans know him best champ and silver spoons and later an nypd blue. but now golden globe winner ricky schroder is telling stories from behind the camera. new six part documentary series my fighting season tells the soldiers from afghanistan their perspective with footage from their own cameras. >> 3, 2, 1, hit it. >> if you don't return fire, you're going to be on the receiving end of that bullet. and you can definitely know how close it is by the snaps of the bullet itself and the
louder the wiz, the faster you might want to run. >> well, joining me now is executive producer of my fighting season ricky schroder, good morning. >> good morning. >> original documentary came out in 2014. you spent 102 days embedded with our troops. you said i want to go back and do something different show things from their perspective is that helmet cameras we are looking for video from. >> it is. all six hours are told 1 hearse% from the soldier's helmet cam perspective. you get to experience the war how they experience the war. you get to see it how they saw it you get to hear it how they heard it. and you get to understand the complexities that they face on the modern battlefield. it's such a complex environment with the rules of engagement that they have to live with and the enemy being -- it's a guerilla war he blends in with the local population. >> you are noight ideology. >> you are fighting ideology
and you can't tell taliban be from a farmer because they dress the same. they hook the same. oftentimes they are the same until they decide to put the shovel down and pick up the gun go what type of response have you been receiving from military members. >> we have had so much great support. at first when we reached out to the army community we want your footage do you have helmet cam footage? we would like to tell the story what your deployment was. >> why do you want this? what are you going to do with it? a lot of soldiers been roared this stuff and been in 100 fire fights and never look at it again. put it on a shelf. >> very painful for them. >> very painful for them. a lot of times they didn't know what they had filmed. we would get hundreds of footag. we would have to organize the footage. >> one hour of footage almost unedited and hundreds combined sneefn. >> correct. there is one story we have a story about a guy who
stepped on the ied. the guy behind him wearing helmet cam he happened to be the medic for the platoon. that story is 25-minute clip of what happens when what happens when a man steps on ied and how you get him to the hospital. >> this is documentary. sometimes when military movies hit the big screen. liberal critics saying this is glorifying war. you have heard anything like that. >> i have not heard anything like that. we are showing it the way it is. what they went through. what they felt. we don't have to come at this from a political perspective on this. we're just telling the story of what our soldiers do. what these young soldiers do in a far away land at the request of our nation. >> and this is personal for you. after 9/11. you just want to do do something. >> i did want to do something. i was to pissed, angry like a lot of americans wrnchts sure. >> i was trying to figure out what i could do to help. it took me an lo time to figure out what i could do to help.
this is the end result of that. >> my fighting season premiers july the 5th. airs 2 p.m. p.m. on audience network. ricky schroder, thanks a lot. a thief steals a woman's purse while filling up her car. cautionary story just ahead. performance make you proud to be an american. woman becomes viral hit singing national anthem at lincoln memorial. she is going to be singing for us live coming up. ♪ and the rockets red glare ♪ the bombs bursting in air you don't have to worry about the science. you can just put it in your pie hole. planters. nutrition starts with nut.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> thank you guys so much. happy fourth of july. >> a crowd here already for you this morning. here with colonel. you are performing this weekend. what does the fourth of july
mean for you guys to perform. >> the fourth of july, 240th birthday of the birth of our nation. in the army it's our opportunity to reflect on the courage of all the patriots who sacrificed their lives in the struggle for our independence and frankly to be inspired by all of the generations of americans since that time who have answered the call to serve and protect our freedom. >> now, you have been performing along the hudson river for quite some time. the band has been performing there for about 199 years. what does it mean to you to be able to continue that tradition along the hudson river during this holiday weekend? >> right. so this is the army -- the west point band is the army's oldest band. there has been musicians at west point since george washington established the garrison at 1778. we establish our heritage back to that time. even though the band was established in 1817 we see ourselves as the living connection. >> any of those instruments
being used today from back then like in a museum area. >> we have some, actually. they are not here. >> that is really cool. >> these are relatively new instruments. >> you will be performing this morning throughout the show. >> if you allow me a plug, we have our fourth of july celebration is actually tonight atrophy point on west point starts at 1930. and if people can't get there in person, then we will be broadcasting it live on facebook live. >> awesome. thank you so much. well be back with you a little bit later. toss it inside to annaened a peter. >> #proud american as well. 17 more terrorists arrested in connection with to horrific attack at istanbul airport. a total of 41 people have been detained in series of anti-terror raids around the city. all this as we learn the identity of two of the throw suicide bombers. areboth had russian passports
and lived in turkey for a month leading up to the attack that killed 44 people. neighbors complained of a chemical smell coming from their home. illegal immigrant accused of killing three people deported six times since 2003. imons was repeatedly, he has been getting back into the country most recently in 2013 before allegedly shooting four people on an oregon farm. three of them dying. donald trump tweeting about this case, quote: these crimes won't be happening in i'm elected president. killer should have never been here. #america first. brafn thieves as people pumping gas. he opens the door and take's a person wallet as she stands just feet away. whole incident happening in just seconds. unbelievable robbers are known as sliders. victims seem in surveillance
video offering $5,000 reward for information leading to an arrest. >> check out this angry bird. [screams] >> told you. >> she had that justin timberlake song playing in the back ground. unhappy peacock lurching itself day girl at a cancun resort. can you see her rock back and for the before the bird has had enough and sending camera flying. you could hear the dad saying warned you of getting too close. >> dad told her it's like when you are at the mexican restaurant and hot plate. this is really hot don't touch it. >> told, peacock, peck your eye out. >> happier story now than the bird attack florida principal catapulted overnight after her
impetroleum it you stunned crowds in washington ♪ land of the brave ♪ land of the brave ♪ it has gone viral racking up over 30 million views so far. >> the singing sensation joins us now with her incredible story. good morning. >> star. >> when your mother named you star, did she know this was going to happen. >> i'm thinking she probably did. mother's intuition. >> take me to that moment. did you have this planned out ahead of time? you were going to stand there the acoustics must have been perfect for. this yes, it was. it definitely was not planned. we were just there for family vacation just like many families do and we were talking about the acoustics there. we were having conversation about that and my friend was like, you know -- i jokingly
said i should just break out and start singing like go ahead and do it? >> then he pulls out his camera i'm like no, no. i can't do it. so that's kind of thousand all started. >> the national anthem is known as a very difficult song to sing well especially as well as did you. is it something you have performed a lot before in public like that. >> i have performed it once or twice as a kid at some of the local games where i'm from. but never like this. you know. on this type of platform. >> that's amazing because as peter says there is not like really a hook to the song. a lot of singers it's difficult to remember and you nailed it. what did people around you. it looks like the crowd started forming. o say you can see. did that make you nervous. >> it did. i knew that was probably going to happen. i knew everyone was
eventually going to stop and eyes be on me. this is the national be a them. you can't mess that up. >> you didn't. >> i got teary listening to that. it's powerful. >> thank you. >> were people coming up to you afterwards with like tears in their eyes. >> they were. i specifically remember one lady that was standing right behind me and she was just like thank you so much for that. it meant a lot to them. >> you got your crew. you brought entourage. >> i know. >> >> they are over there dancing a little bit. who are they. >> those are my babies aden and craig. >> you are going to be singing on that spot later in the show for us. >> yes. >> they have got to be so proud. thank you, star. >> thank you. >> all right. still ahead were the the pentagon just lifted the ban on transgender troops. >> we don't want barriers unrelated to a person's qualification to serve preventing us from recruiting or retaining the soldier, sailor, airmen, or marine who can best accomplish the mission. >> but our next guest says
this will be just another distraction for our military. general lieutenant general jerry boykin joins us next. >> one gentleman's car broke down at the worst time possible. that's not a spare tire ♪ rolling like a breeze ♪ country road ♪ take me home ♪ to the place name. address. income and employment history. now rocket mortgage will pull my credit at no cost and provide a custom solution based on my financial information. and all that's left is to push this button. ♪ [whisper] rocket. ♪ see star trek beyond in theatres.
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the proposals are being cannabis licensing. >> high times magazine. thanks, anna. this week the pentagon lifted the ban on transgendered groups. removing the barrier to transgender citizens in the military. listen. >> the defense department and the military need to avail ourselves of all talent possible in order to remain what we are now, the finest fighting force the world has ever known. our mission to is to defend this country we don't want ware barriers recruiting sailor or marine who can best accomplish the mission. >> is this just a solution to a nonexistent problem in the first place? more for on this boynton. research counsel and former under secretary of defense for intelligence. general, nice to see you this morning. distraction?
>> >> lack, our military has been at war for 15 years between program cuts and sequestration. they are losing material and troop strength and more importantly they are fighting right now without a strategy for winning they are frustrated and tired. i find it hard to believe this could be a priority. >> the one of the question too is taxpayers be footing the pill for gender reassignment surgery at the v.a.? of course this comes at a time when we are dealing with all the problems that veterans are dealing with in getting care that they need at the v.a. is this something that taxpayers are going to be on the hook for and is it important? estimate right now is that this surgery will be $50,000 per person. when a veteran has to stand in line for six months to a year to get a colonoscopy to
save his life i find this incredible. other thing is. this we need to use our training time right now to prepare our men and women from all services to go to war and fight and win those wars. when you look at the fact that the navy today is punishing the boat crews for two crews that within a matter of hours were making public statements on camera thanking the iranians and apologizing to the iranians, we are going to punish the. the fact of the matter it's not there fault. the reason it's not their fault. they were not prepared for that they spent awful lot of their time doing diverse training, sexual assault. white privilege and all kinds of things that contribute nothing to being ready for that kind of situation. so i think this is another distraction that is going to take up time and i talked to a navy captain last night who told me how concerned he was about how much time this is going to take.
>> now, listen to -- we have some sound actually from the vice admiral or issue. >> under command and control, the investigation found a lack of leadership, a disregard for risk management, processes, and proper mission planning standards. if the guidance provided by the fifth fleet commander had been followed, this event could have been prevented. >> could have been prevented, general? >> well, listen, it could have been prevented if they had given them the proper code of conduct training. you go back to the vietnam war and you look at video of jeremiah when he blinked torture after having been torture temperatured for months before he would go on cam rand a before then he said i don't know my country's policies but i support them. and then you look at a naval academy graduate within a matter of hours he is looking in the camera and apologizing to the iranians and thanking them for their hospitality.
what's happened to our military? this is a stark reminder that this is about preparing for and being able to win our nation's wars. >> frightening. lieutenant general jerry boynton. we appreciate you joining us on this fourth of july weekend. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> a fox news alert. moments ago black secret service suvs leaving hillary clinton's home in washington. is she about to get grilled by the fbi? we will live at the top of the hour. and we just talked to this viral singing sensation moments ago. ♪ and the rockets red glare ♪ the bombs bursting in air. >> star swain is going to perform national anthem live for us next ♪ ♪ on independence day ♪ let freedom ring
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thank you, ping. reliably fast internet starts at $59.95 a month. comcast business. built for business. she turned into an overnight sensation after impromptu performance of the star-spangled banner. >> now star swain is bringing down the "fox & friends" house with a special patriotic performance this july the 4th weekend. >> that's right. >> we will get out of your way. >> ♪ o say can you see ♪ by the dawn's early light ♪ what so proudly we hailed ♪ at the twilight's last gleaming ♪ whose broad stripes and
bright stars ♪ through the perilous fight ♪ o the ramparts we watched ♪ were so gallantly streaming ♪ and the rockets red glare ♪ the bombs bursting in air ♪ gave proof through the night ♪ that our flag was still there ♪ o say does that star-spangled banner yet wave
♪ o'er the land of the free ♪ and the home of the brave. [ applause ] >> good. star swain, thank you so much. >> that was excellent. >> i'm telling you what. >> thank you, thank you, thank you. >> thank you so much for coming, in star. >> thank you for having me. >> happy fourth of july to all of you. that was unbelievable. can we top that. >> you can come in real quick with your mom. >> he is camera shy. >> is he over there filming you right now. >> what did you think of hearing your mom sing on tv? >> i don't know. [ laughter ] >> your smile said it all. >> it's fun. >> it is fun. >> you said that your entire life you have wanted to be able to have this type of moment. >> yes. >> and this viral video sends you into the moment.
>> out of nowhere. >> and now you are in front of millions. >> i know. >> thank you. thank you. >> and coming up, a fox news alert. moments ago. black secret service suvs leave hillary clinton's home in washington. >> is she going to get grilled by the fbi? we are live in washington, d.c. top of the hour. they brought this on themselves.
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decrease alcohol use while taking chantix. use caution when driving or operating machinery. most common side-affect is nausea. i can't believe i did it. i quit smoking. ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. hello and good morning. i'm anna kooiman. and this is a fox news alert. they were quizzed on the quran and then slaughtered by another isis terror attack. this time in a a and the breaking details just ahead. >> and after years of speculation and months of email dumps and interviews with colleagues, word is today is hillary clinton day in the fbi hot seat and just moments ago. there you see it, suvs sped away from the clinton home in d.c. we're going to have a live report from there in just moments. >> and don't let her talent
fool you. ♪ the land of the free ♪ and the home of the brave have any definitely like star better, how about you? >> oh, yeah. roseanne may be more patriotic than you think. this morning she is previewing her plans for america for hillary clinton or donald trump don't work out. "fox & friends" hour three starts right now ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> i'm just going to pat ourselves on the back for a
second. we do patriotic holidays the right way. this morning we have the west point band they are back and they are playing "washington post" there. >> happy fourth of july weekend to all of you thank you. have you been sending in your mowd american photos. susan send in this photo of her parents at the end of world war ii. she says she is so proud they served our country. >> lenny emailed us this photo of his 2-year-old granddaughter amelia who won the most patriotic prize in her class. >> up next, mike sends us this immableg of his two sons, commander andrew gillespie and chief patrick gillespiey. he says that they are both why he is such a proud american. >> keep sending them. in use that #proud american. and like this one, steve from new jersey proud american named peter. is that you? >> that was me, yeah.
>> that's cute. >> and happy independence day to everybody out there. if anybody else has any pictures of me as a 2-year-old in front of a national monument send them in proud american. >> we are happy to have you on the couch. >> proud american pets too. all dressed up. >> ff weekend is our facebook page and go there and like us. >> friends, we know you are at home with the red, white, and blue, seeing the pictures of how you are enjoying the nice weather. maria mow lean that is tracking molina is tracking the weather. take a look at the radar. already a busy morning out there across parts of the central plains. quickly by the way i almost forgot i want to do share this video out of long island. across portions of the need we were dealing with severe
storms. that's what it looked like out there. very strong winds and a lot of lightning and thunder out there and dangerous weather conditions. we could be seeing more of that today like we mentioned across central plains and already tracking some storms early this morning across portions of kansas and into missouri. we do have the potential for more storms as well across portions of the southwestern u.s. where we have the monsoonal moisture streaming in. quick look at the area see severe storms plains and portions of the carolinas and same areas could get hit yet again as we head into sunday and independence day. let's head back inside. >> thanks, maria. >> thanks so much. three minutes after the hour where we start your headlines with this fox news alert. because isis strikes again. this time a deadly siege at a bangladesh cafe ending just hours ago when hundreds of police officers stormed that restaurant and it was packed with dozens of tourists being held at goint. gunpoint.
1 hostages rescued not after 20 were brutally killed after being grilled on the quran. guns and grenades were killed aaptured alive. so far no reports of any americans hurt. developing this morning, a massive gas explosion rocking an entire town. >> oh my god! [bleep] fawrnsd, where are you? >> some residents in melvin dale, michigan being force to do leave after this fireball just erupted before 3:00 a.m. a gas line exploded after a car crash. right here this is the live look of what's left of the scene at this hour. fire crews are focusing on a fire at a nearby apartment building that started after the explosion. trump's vp choice starting to take chance. the presumptive g.o.p. nominee meeting with mike pence. joining a short list of
candidates including nuclear new jersey governor chris christie and newt gingrich who have both been vet vetted we're told. trump is expected to make his choice before the g.o.p. convention later this month. so it could be coming soon. new overnight. the mega millions jackpot jumps after no no match last night's drawing. third consecutive drawing that failed to produce a winner. next drawing tuesday. seventh biggest prize of all times. the odds of picking the right numbers are 1 in 259 million. >> so you're telling me there's a chance. >> fox news alert now. a new report, the fbi will question hillary clinton today and moments ago we saw two black secret service suvs leaving the presidential nominee's home in d.c. >> today's interview reportedly the final step into the investigation into hillary's private email server. garrett tenney in washington, d.c. good morning, garrett. >> good morning, y'all.
we have live pictures outside of hillary clinton's home in d.c. that's where the daily caller reports this interview may take place today. this past hour, we saw these two suvs you just showed leaving the home. we don't know who was in them or where they were going. there have been reports for several months now that hillary clinton's interview with the fbi could be coming any day. but citing a source close to the investigation, the tailly caller is reported that day is today neither the fbi or clinton campaign is confirming this meeting but we do know investigators just recently completed interviews with two of clinton's top aides. former chief of staff cheryl mills and deputy chief of staff huma abedin. those would clear the way for the final interview with clinton herself. there is also the holiday weekend to consider as the presumptive democratic nominee. clinton typically has a large press corps following her every move makes it difficult drawing attention
to its investigation as it has by so far by bringing in witness in secret. this weekend hillary has zero campaign events scheduled which would make holding that meeting in private a bit easier. keeping a close eye on her homes both here at d.c. and upstate new york. and we will keep you updated as we find out more. >> thanks, garrett. >> in d.c. this morning. all eyeing yesterday on already let that -- loretta lynch. people were wondering if she would discuss this meeting with bill clinton sky harbor airport. nothing to see here. we were just talking about grandchildren and this and that she took it head on yesterday when asked about it. listen. >> what on earth. [ laughter ] >> were you thinking? what happened? >> well, i mean, that's the question of the day, isn't it? >> yes. >> i think that's a perfectly reasonable question because people have also wondered and raised
questions about my role in the ultimate resolution of matters involving the investigation into the state department emails. certainly my meeting with him raises questions and concerns. so, believe me, i completely get that question. i certainly wouldn't do it again. [ laughter ] and, you know, bowers i think it has cast a shadow over what it should not, over what it will not touch. >> after there were reports that the reporters that were on the ground there were told not to take any pictures which leads to you believe that they may have known that this wasn't the best idea and they thought they could control it out from getting out. >> the reason it's so significant the a lot of the folks that you hear from in d.c. don't necessarily think the problem on the serve every is going to be because of classified information it could be because of some funny business where hillary clinton is doing favors for clinton foundation doziers. bill clinton in charge of the clinton foundation that's why the attorney general admits it's
inappropriate for him to be there. i have done a fair amount of traveling this season so far on the trail. you see bill clinton out there. lost his step. his voice is not what it was. what good can he do for his wife's campaign? we know now he can do damage and in the "the washington post" morning there is opinion writer kathleen parker she asks did bill clinton unconsciously trip his wife on the road to the white house. maybe he cannot imagine hillary walking in front of him and having somebody call her madam president because then all of a sudden is he not the center of attention as he has been for the last 20 years. >> he has done this the number of times. like the sixth time now where he has tripped up his wife all along the south carolina prime in 2008. this again trips her up. >> he is supporting her and he has been in the public light that long and you have
a misstep from time to time. >> meanwhile rush limbaugh yesterday says this don't get your hopes in. the fix is. in we have been through this before. we are all being played, watch. >> they are making it look like and they have all along very possible hillary clinton could be indicted. they are toying with us. they're dangling this carrot. loretta lynch is another. she is not going to turn this over. she is a lawyer. the first thing they teach you at law school you never ask anybody in a case a question on the stand which you don't know the answer. these are democrats first. i know people want to believe that we still have people that will put institution above party. not today's democrat party. the whole point of acquiring these positions of power is to corrupted them with your people. now, they don't look at it
as corrupting anything because they think they are god's gift. folks, we are being played like the clintons play us every time. >> you got to think that hillary clinton could do a lot of goodbye just having a press conference today. come out and say, you know what? nothing weird. my husband is not trying to get me off the hook. let reporters get it all out of their systems on a holiday weekend. no sign that is going to happen because she hasn't had a press conference since last year. >> well, she has addressed these issues at the presidential debate and over the past few months she has addressed this head on. she says, look, there is nothing to see here. listen. >> there is absolutely no possibility of an indictment? >> that is not going to happen. there is no basis for it and i'm hooking forward to this being wrapped up. >> are you 100 percent confident that nothing is going to come of this fbi investigation? >> i am 100 percent confident. >> well, there is no basis for that. it's a security review. >> if you get indicted will
you drop out. >> oh for goodness', that is not happening. i'm not going to answer that question. >> does she know something that we don't know and fbi doesn't know or the department of justice doesn't know. is she trying to speak this into existence? >> she has been able to reassure democrats and donors, look, no one has talked to me about the emails. i haven't been interviewed by the fbi. she isn't a say that anymore. >> we had a democratic strategist on the program earlier this doesn't matter to their base they don't buy into this crooked hillary business. it's not just the base, it's the moderates and independents and with the honesty and trustworthy. >> whether they are their own set of rules highest law enforcement official loretta lynch. >> you just heard loretta lynch say she regrets meeting with bill clinton. former fbi director joins us next. >> one state's tough rules.
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this is a fox news alert. you're looking at live pictures of hillary clinton's d.c. home where she is expected to be grilled by the fbi today. >> this as attorney general loretta lynch promises to follow the fbi's lead on the investigation into clinton's email server. lynch refuses to step back from the investigation following her controversial meeting with bill clint. so should she recuse herself all together. let's ask former assistant director of the fbi and
defense fund ron hosko. nice to see thundering no. >> you heard the attorney general yesterday during that -- that's not really a press conference but during that interview yesterday in aspen. she didn't seem to apologize at all. she says, look, i wouldn't do it again. isn't that enough there to say she should step aside from this? yeah, this is on its surface supposed to about the intersection of the fact and the law cold calculation about whether someone should be charged with a violation. but, below that, like all of your warm-up comments looked at just a few minutes ago, this is about much more. it is very much about perception. the perception about how work is done in washington, d.c. how decisions are made. and we have this totally avoidable meeting. make no mistake. the meeting was avoidable. both of these folks have security detail and handlers. if bill clinton got on to her plane unannounced that's
a mistake and a failing. so, let's assume that didn't happen. she could have easily said, look, this is inappropriate. i can't have this meeting with you or i can shake your hand at the base of the stairs in front of the cameras and it would be truly momentary but, no, it was much longer than that. and it feeds our perceptions that decisions are made behind the scenes in these darkened smoky rooms by networks of friends. >> ron, if you were still at the fbi, and you found out that your boss, the attorney general, was yucking it up on a private plane with the spouse of somebody you were investigating, how upset would you be? >> well, i would not be happy at all. i will say in fairness to loretta lynch, she came into the job with really a sterling reputation as a prosecutor. as a dedicated prosecutor, a very positive reputation. there is this corrosive effect of working on
pennsylvania avenue. she is now the chief prosecutor in a democratic administration. we have seen these examples of jim comey seems to be on a different page than doj or certainly the white house in some of the things that he has said. this would be very, very concerning to me if i was still inside the building. >> tell me, also, we heard yesterday from loretta lynch that she would accept the recommendation of investigators at the fbi. and then later in the day, of course, her office came out, basically her spokeswoman came out and clarified those remarks said no, no, she will still be making the ultimate decision in this. did they step in tom -- some mud with that one. >> too often comments are made and then there seems to be back pedaling. i personally believe because perception plays such a big role in the trust in our government that this was a huge avoidable misstep in what could be the biggest
case prosecutorial decision in her role as a prosecutor. she ought to step back and say i ought to recuse myself in the participating in the deliberations. she is in a position to influence her staff. she is certainly going to be getting briefings every day. she is in a position to influence the discussion debate and result. she ought to step back. >> thanks, ron have. a good holiday weekend. >> you too. >> this is a fox news alert. a major development on the plane that vanished into the ocean more than two months ago. a key piece of evidence now surfacing. >> then we are honoring our military this weekend with a special anniversary. lee gabriel is live on board the uss arleigh burke. what's coming up. >> we are here celebrating the commissioning of this ship incredible war ship. we will be talking about the integrity and greatest assets. what are we? >> built to fight
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hee, everybody, stretch and wake up. time for quick headlines. california strict gun control laws just got tougher. governor jerry brown signing six gun control bills into law. the new laws make owning large capacity magazines illegal. prohibits people lending guns to anyone outside of immediate family and closes loophole using guns like the one used in san bernardino shooting illegal. gained momentum after last month's massacre in orlando.
orangutan on the run after escaping theme park enclosure. watch outside juvenile orangutan swings from branches outside of its habitat and falls all while guests at bush gardens in tampa feet away. blocking off the area. and within an hour it was tranquilized and returned to its habitat. >> independence day weekend there is a huge celebration requesting on in norfolk, virginia. navy commemorating 25 years of service for uss arleigh burke. led 62 advanced warships. >> she joins us now on the deck of the arleigh burke. good morning, leah. >> hi. this is the 25th anniversary of this ship being commissioned in another folk, virginia. i'm standing here with three of the flank owners. part of the commissioning, original officers and sailors on this shismt you were the executive officer when the ship was commissioned. tell me about the
celebrations this weekend. >> well, we are very excited to be commemorating 25 years of uss arleigh burke service. four key things commemorating and celebrating the legacy of arby burke the only three termer six termer cso. the great made every day. the industry partnership built forged the steel and last and rob will talk more about this is the integrated combat system that has the flexibility and architecture to stay updated as this is the most ship in the class. >> named after arleigh burke world war ii hero and you actually method him, right? >> correct. one of the great things about commissioning the ship was to actually meet the legend himself. that was one of the thrills for me of being on the commissioning crew of the ship. >> i have been told that this ship has incredible crew right now. that's what makes it so
unique even today. admiral burke talked about people and how they are so important. >> absolutely. yes that's exactly what he was talking about. >> what incredible honor to actually meet admiral arleigh burk. of course, you were the weapons officer on the ship when it was commissioned. it has a unique weapons system. you can talk about that? >> i can. it was great when she was commissioned we had the most important and combat system. upgraded and do things we didn't even think about. take on targets from underwater to now up in space which we didn't even think about back 25 years ago and we thought we were pretty advanced. now it's amazing and meeting the true, so the ship is built to fight. you better know how. >> i think these guys are good and better than we were. >> i have been spending time
with them this morning. this crew certainly knows how to fight with the ship. it's incredible asset. celebrating here on independence day weekend. they will have ship tours later on in the day. and happy july 4th to all of you out there. back to you in the studio. >> we will take that from somebody who knows, leah gabe brilt. >> coming, the new fox news poll thinks profiling keeps americans safe is that a good thing or unconstitutional. mike baker joins us next. >> don't like hillary or trump? roseanne has a plan for america ♪ oh o'er the land of the free ♪ and the home of the brave. >> i was a young enlisted soldier in germany in 1977. on a weekend pass, i took
the train down to munich, a lovely city. and despite the gray squallly weather, i walked around, saw the sights. and then i took the commuter train out to the concentration camp museum. i was alone on that gray, march, early april day. i went into the museum and looked at the photographs of what humans can do to one another. and then i turned the corner in the exhibit and there were these black and white photographs of gi's liberating concentration camp. you saw astolen nic astonishment in the faces of inmates. god, that's who we are, americans. that's what we do. >> share your pride on facebook, twitter and stain gram. #proud american. ing insulin thas
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hi, friends. good morning. it's a fox news alert. the gruesome details coming in by the minute following a deadly isis siege in bangladesh. seven terrorist militants warmed guns bombs and grenades storming a cafe and holding hostages. after 10 hours of negotiating police stormed the restaurants. 20 hostages were brutally executed by the gunmen after being quizzed in the muslim holy book on the quran. no reports on of any
americans shot injured. we want to bring in our good friend of the show mike baker. >> thank you. >> it's interesting isis came out and claimed responsibility of this immediately. different what we saw in istanbul. >> there is a lot of inconsistency into this. you never want to read too much into who is claiming for what. as always, you have to let the situation play out and then you get the details. eventually we find out who the perpetrators are in this situation, this methodology if you want to call it that where they -- it's just that the hostages takes or recites something from the quran, you know, to separate them off who decide who they are going to kill. we have done this in the past whether it's isis or al shabaab. the westgate shopping center attack in 2013. very brutal, their way of finding out who are the muslims? separate them, kill the foreigners. if they are not going into a
market or another place and just bombing indiscriminately this is what they do. >> gosh, you hope we don't see more of these this weekend because the call from isis was during ramadan go out and act. >> perverse of a traditional holiday. bangladesh, a muslim majority company, traditionally very secular and peaceful. what we have seen over the past year and a half though is a rise in incidents from muslim extremists. there has been a bangladesh extremist group there that has been around for possibly a decade and a half. a little longer than that. you know, it's existed under various names. what we have seen are isis and al qaeda claimed killings of particularly certain larr bombers, human rights, gay activist. the concern is it's
happening in even though it's concern. seeing any generation of jihadists that are rising up. >> for the most part because of the call from the islamic state. >> and with this attack ongoing, it's important we do not or just ended it's important we don't forget just a couple days ago istanbul airport. we're seeing now there and in brussels attacks before security. right now it's the 9/11 model. they are very concerned with three ounces of liquid and possibly box cutters getting through which is important but should they start profiling outside of the security part of the airport to weed out some of those. >> the short answer from operationals answer -- those people objecting to the idea or concept and goes against
the constitution. i can't believe we're going to do this. even those folks would admit okay, from operational perspective, profiling does work. it's target-specific. we know where you're outerbelt threat for the most part comes from. so let's focus on that. the problem is as we know is it runs counter to intuitively what we believe is -- i don't know. i'm uncomfortable with the idea. but we have got to become more efficient. we have been worried about this soft targeting for years and years and years. right after 9/11 the big concern within counter terrorism wars when we are gaming out, what's the next attack. of the concern is sheshts, pluck places. touristy. what if they start targeting soft targets? head scratching why aren't they? now they are going after soft targets. the nature of the terrorist is they change, they aat that particular time and
discuss. the good new is why having success. we are winning on the ground. we are destroying their revenue dreams. streams. they are erp adapting. see will see more of these in the west. >> mike baker, happy independence day. >> happy fourth of july to you, too. >> thanks a lot. 38 minutes after the hour. following other stories making headlines starting with this fox news alert. a major break in the investigation of the doomed egyptair flight that plunged into the mediterranean. the recordings from the plane's black boxes are intact meek we will be able to hear what was going on in the cockpit at the time of the crash. fire before crash that killed all 66 people on board. cause a mystery investigators have knot ruled out terrorism. self-driving car accident
claims that the driver was watching a harry potter movie at the time of the crash. tesla, however, says it's not possible to watch videos on the model s touch screen. tech company now under scrutiny over the safety of the auto pilot system. former navy seal joshua brown died in may when his tesla slammed in a tractor-trailer on a florida highway. a portable dvd player was founded in the car at the time of the crash. truck dealer failed to field right-of-way. >> roseanne b.a. bar north sipping for any of the presidential cap democrats ♪ home of the agree oh youer bleeding? denies reports she is endorsing donald trump. not a fan of hillary clinton nk plans to right her recall on the ballot.
not him it to bar 2016. now until she wins. inwithing strategy there. >> like roseanne's threat to the finn. if you indict hillary and she rant run. >> and i'm going to sing again. clinton is out there with. >> time to barbecue. here with us tips on how to throw the perfect cookout author of the dadgum that's good cookbook john gilmore. >> i want to hear maria say dag gum that's good. >> show folks how fourthly celeh family and friends and all about barbecue. we're going to do ribs and show you how to do a dry rub for that we also want to show folks how to pair up the right wood chips to get that great smoky flavor. >> what kind of wood chips go with burger orme powell
tri. >> pecan moo. like grandma used to say. >> pecan wood that is going to give you smiled flavor great for apple and pork. >> apple wood i love. turkey coming up for the holidays. most common hickory giving you a common and mild wood chip mosquito. a lot of people could it. if you cooking fish or seafood i recommend alder wood. >> this is what don't want at home. burnt burgers and dogs. instead of having to stand over the grill and monitoring and having results like, this smoking is the new grill. master built has made it incredibly simple. so you put on your food and let it be done all at the same time. get great smoke infused
flair like making the rips. >> i do this for the. it's like a paper powell. >> do that so you can get increed cents and smoke flavor. i type dry seasoning is. clayton, any local grossry store. flavoring on both sides. go the to smoker rmingt he we will show folks ribs, we're going to put the ribs on the bought of the smoke smoke. any anytime you add your raw food with you are cooking putting on the bottom. could ribs 225 degrees smoke them for three hours. take them out, wrap them for another hour. take them out, put your barbecue sauce on. close them back up and the wood shints on the side they are done. >> cooking with wood?
>> yes sphemght more tips from john next hour. >> yes, we do. at fast master built we are a fun company. we did a justin timberlake side of by side video. it's going to show folks. >> yes. >> i got that how to have a little bit of fun the mike he will for there is my wife tonyaened. there is my daughter. >> check out more of that embarrassing video. wow. >> peter, anna, back inside to you. >> ♪ i got the feeling. >> i couldn't tell which one was justin timberlake. >> barbecue so good make you squeal like a pig. >> hillary clinton set to met with the fbi about private emails. next guest, democratic strategist says her supporters don't care. why not? that's next. ♪ i got the feeling
♪ dance dance dance ♪ i got the feeling ♪ just dance, dance, dance ♪ (war drums beating)
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to conquer heartburn fast. tum tum tum tum. chewy delights. only from tums. good morning, friends, it's a fox news alert. we have live pictures right now outside of hillary clinton's home in washington, d.c. multiple reports say hillary is expected to sit down with the fbi today. but no matter what the outcome, will it hurt her chances at winning the white house in november? mark hannah is a democratic strategist and author of the brand new book "the best worst president" and he joins us now. you say the results of this won't matter to her base? why? >> well, i think the results of the investigation will, certainly. but i mean people who pay attention to hillary clinton, who like hillary clinton realize that she has been saying for the past, since last august that she wants to meet with the fbi. she -- they see the sort of flood of agents who are on this. as an indication that this is going to wrap up quickly. they don't have the kind of doubts that the people on the right do. they trust her integrity.
they know who she is. you played a clip earlier this morning when we were on together, and she was inplaquable. she was really confident. either she is a really good an tore or, you know, she is telling the truth. >> what about the calls for loretta lynch to step aside, recuse herself in this investigation. she admitted, look, i wouldn't do it again. >> bit. >> that was probably a bone headed thing for me to do is meet with the president or the tar pack should she step asaid. >> i think she made the right move that she made the right recommendations of the fbi. the head of the fbi let's not forget is james keppley appointed for by george w. bush, a republican. this man doesn't have any strong allegiance to the obama administration. i think if she were to step aside, the person underneath her the deputy attorney general was also obama appointee. i don't think it really makes that much difference. the people carrying out this investigation, they are not political people. they see the world through
lawful and unlawful. they're professional investigators. they don't see the world through political lens like we do. >> when you talk about democrats not carrying about hillary's emails. don't you think it changes the story when now it's not about emails. it's about the clintons trying to play by their own rules and the former president, allegedly, stepping in to try to coerce. >> we don't know that. >> the nation's top lawyer. she initially also said he was golfing. there is no proof of that going on right now. >> president clinton has done this with paul ryan in the past one pell months and ted cruz. >> that's different. >> which of them control his wife's faith. >> i don't think it is. i think it's a schmoozey expresident who hikes to get
together. saying democrats like senator kuhn saying this was a huge mistake. >> and loretta lynch said it was a mistake as well. the point i was making before was whether democrats de they care a little bit but don't care as much as they care about the state of the economy. you're reporting on isis attacks right now. . they care about things that are more relevant to them and their families than, you know, their eyes glaze over when it's talked about. >> it doesn't help the trust worthy numbers. moderates and independents matter. >> they matter, but, you know, and who do we want at the helm hillary clinton or look at the alternative. >> we have to go. thank you so much and have a great independent day. the book is "the best worst president." >> teach you how to talk politics with people who disagree with you. deep watch on overdrive as donald trump meets with another potential running mate. who is the latest governor on the list. >> red and white, now you can
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♪for all the joy you brought to my life♪ i love you too daddy. ♪you're the one who saw me through♪ ♪through it all and thanks...for, everything. ♪you were my strength when i was weak♪ ♪you were my hopes when i couldn't speak♪ hey, everybody. you've had red and white but now it's time for blue. we're talking about wine this fourth of july weekend. we have the patriotic wine pairing you absolutely must try. joining us is wine expert lee faith williams. hi. good morning. >> good morning. >> thank for bogey wieing with . this reminds me of the blueberry pop that leaves your mouth blue. >> it's blue. we have a bug in there. it's from spain. >> are you willing to taste it even though there's a bug in
there. >> yeah. it's wine. can't be bad for you. >> exactly. a blue wine. it's a mix of red and white grape. >> huh. >> and the colors are natural colors so they come from -- >> wait. you're telling me that is natural? >> yes. it's made with natural ingredients. it's also sweetened with nonchloric sweeteners. it smells really nice. >> it smells like wine. >> i want you to try it. you haven't had a taste yet. you've done the nice swirl. what do you think? >> very sweet. so -- >> maybe a dessert wine. >> yes. it's marketed to younger wine drinkers that want something a little on the sweeter side. that is what that is. >> the color its normally? >> the skins of the grapes. for instance, the skins of the grapes on the sher raz and roseas the roseas are pink because the juice is in contact
with the skin a short amount of time. it's really just the skins. you can make white wine with red grapes. >> this wine is a spanish wine. is it available in the united states? >> it is not yet. just released in spain. i believe they're trying to have it in the states before the end of the summer. you can look for it. >> look for it on your grosser's aisle the next patriotic holiday hopefully. >> yes. >> thank you for your time. >> you're welcome. >> we'll get you a piece of cake or something to go with it next. >> okay. >> pound cake, cool whip, raspberries. >> a little sweet or salty. >> all right. >> thank you. >> you're welcome. >> happy fourth to you. >> you too. >> a fox news alert. these are live pictures outside hillary clinton's home in washington. she could be grilled by the fbi reportedly today. we're live in our nation's capital in minutes. and have you seen this wardrobe fail? a dad dresses his daughter and sends her off to day care but forgets her shirt. how did this happen? the whole family joins us live next hour.
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hi, friends. good morning, saturday the 2nd of july, 2016. i'm anna kooiman. a fox news alert. they were quizzed by the core ran and murdered. another brutal terror attack at the hands of isis. the breaking details in moments. then after years of speculation and months of e-mail dumps and interviews with colleagues, today could be hillary clinton's day in the if fbi hot seat, but what can we expect? a live report from washington moments away. have you seen this wardrobe fail going viral on facebook yesterday. a dad dresses his daughter and sends her off to day care but forgets her shirt. >> oops. >> how did this happen? i love the text exchange. you have to read it. the family will join us live this hour.
"fox & friends" hour four starts right now. ♪ ♪ >> the sights and sounds of "fox & friends" weekend on an independence holiday weekend. the west point band playing "stars and stripes". >> i was asking them, they've been doing this 200 years, and they have in the museum at west point, they have some of the original instruments played when george washington, they had like -- you sneak in there and grab the saxophone once in a while out of the case and play. sometimes we do. sometimes we do. what makes you proud to be an american? send us your pictures and stories. donna sent a photo of her son nick serving in the middle east right now.
>> beth sent in this picture with her and her husband eric, they've spent 69 years combined serving our country. thank you to them. >> try top top that sending in your photo. natalie sends us this picture of her daughter gee van na excited to celebrate her first independence day. >> ashley grant sends a picture of her patriotic puppy at the capitol. >> marina is outside with an important holiday weekend forecast. good morning. >> good morning. we want to start out with this video out of arizona because out there this time of the year we tend to start seeing showers and thunderstorms kind of picking up across the region and unfortunately they do bring some flash flooding and this video out of arizona, i believe it's out of tucson, incredible flash flooding occurring across that region. usually only takes one to two inches of rain to come down to produce images like that. the forecast for today and over the next couple days is for the moisture to continue streaming in to that part of the country. across the center of the nation a storm system bringing in areas of rain across kansas, also into
missouri, and there will be the potential for some storms to bring some isolated severe weather like damaging winds and even large hail and also isolated tornadoes. the carolinas could be seeing that activity today and also into tomorrow. otherwise, as we head into the next couple days, because we're going to continue to see heavy rain across kansas and missouri there is the threat for some flash flooding. a number of watches have been issued and we could see as much as 4 to 6 inches of rain, locally heavier amounts. that's why that's a concern in places like kansas city. temperature wise for monday many of you have outdoor plans, worried about the weather. it is going to be a scorcher across texas. triple-digit heat forecast for you in dallas and also in el paso. meanwhile out west, we have ban for fireworks across california extending into washington state and the forecast for that region is to stay dry, sunny and temperatures near average. back inside. >> thanks marks rhea. >> thanks. >> thank you so much. three minutes after the hour. we these to tell you about stories making headlines. isis strikes again.
this time a deadly siege at a bangladesh cafe ending hours ago when hundreds of police officer stormed the restaurant packed with dozens of tourists being held at gunpoint. 13 hostages were rescued but not before 20 were brutally killed after being quizzed on the koran. six militants who descended on the restaurant with guns and grenades were killed and one captured alive. no reports of any americans hurt. a fox news alert, thousands descending on london's parliament square to match against britain's vote to leave the european union. wall-to-wall protesters in the march for europe rally. millions signing a petition for a revote, despite parliament leaders claiming the decision is final. world leaders, including president obama, warning the united kingdom of potential economic consequences as a result of the vote. and perhaps the most electrifying moment an olympic athlete may not be making it to
rio. a jamaican runner usain bolt pulling out of trials after tearing his hamstring. bolt is hoping to qualify during the anniversary games in london, giving him only three weeks to recover. bolt owns numerous world records and won gold medals at the 2008 and 2012 games. a massachusetts senator is taking on apple along with some of the country's biggest companies. elizabeth warren says the tech giant is making it too difficult for smaller companies to compete, calling out apple specifically for making it hard on streaming services like spotify to get ahead. warren even comparing those tech companies to the banks that caused the financial crisis. competition is good. well, and that's capitalism. new reports the fbi will question hillary clinton today and moments ago we saw two black secret service suvs leaving the presumptive democratic presidential nominee's home in
washington, d.c. >> today's interview reportedly the final step into the investigation into her private server. garret tenney in washington with more. good morning, garret. >> clayton, anna and peter, goo m. today could be the day that the fbi has its interview with clinton over her private e-mail server. citing a source close to the investigation, the daily coalle, reports the meeting is likely to take place at clinton's home in d.c. you can see we've seen movement outside her home this morning when these two suvs pulled out, we don't know who was inside or where they were going and neither the fbi or clinton campaign is confirming the meeting is even taking place. but we do know investigators just recently completed interviews with two of clinton's top aides former chief of staff sheryl mills and her deputy chief of staff houma abedin. those interviews would seem to clear the way for the final interview with hillary clinton herself. the holiday weekend to consider.
clinton has zero campaign events scheduled which means she won't be followed around by her typical press corps to make it easier to hold the meeting in private. keeping an eye on her homes in d.c. and new york. we'll keep you updated as we find out more. >> thanks, garret. >> we are staking out, since we're not sure, the fbi won't tell us, the clinton campaign won't tell us, where this meeting is taking place, we also have a camera at the clinton chappaquiddick home in upstate new york and we did see activity there. we have video. this is from outside. doesn't necessarily look like an fbi agent showing up for an interview but we are monitoring both locations. >> a woman walking into the chappaquiddick home moments ago. >> pretty. >> we'll have more and watching d.c. and watching chappaquiddick and more on that. all eyes on loretta lynch should she recuse herself in the investigation into hillary clinton's e-mail server scandal.
yesterday she was asked this very question. of course this on the heels of her weird meeting with president bill clinton on the tarmac at sky harbor airport. for 30 minutes in phoenix. she was asked this question yesterday at the aspen ideas festival and here is how she responded. >> what on earth were you thinking? what happened? >> well, i think that's the question of the day, isn't it? >> yes. >> and i think that's the perfectly reasonable question. because people have also wondered and raised questions about my role in the ultimate resolution of matters involving the investigation into the state department e-mails. my meeting with him raises questions and concerns and so believe me, i completely get that question. i certainly wouldn't do it again. and, you know, because i think it has cast a shadow over what it should not over, over what it will not touch. >> so loretta lynch there, she has not formally recused herself. she's said she's going to depend
on whatever the fbi recommends. here now to weigh in on all this is shannon coffin, the former deputy assistant attorney general for the department of justice in the george w. bush administration. good morning, thanks for being with us. and after hearing the words out of her mouth yesterday, do you think he she should go further? >> well, absolutely. and happy independence day to all three of you. >> you too. >> look, when the attorney general of the united states says that she has cast a shadow over ap investigation, she's answered the question for herself. the ethics rules in government and its justice department require that she maintain an appearance of -- an appearance of propriety, she avoid an appearance of impropriety and that's exactly what this has done. >> you know, earlier in the morning, yesterday morning, her office came out and basically said we're going to accept the recommendations of the fbi and
james comey. it seemed like putting it firmly in his hands. we were sort of applauding that move that then someone political wouldn't be at the heart of this investigation. however, later in the afternoon, a spokeswoman for her office said no she'll still decide it. we're going to accept the recommendations from the fbi. what do you make of that back and forth? >> look, that -- i mean that's nonsense. she is politically accountable for the decisions of the department of justice. so, in effectively saying that i'm removing myself from that process and leaving the decision to career prosecutors, she's effectively taken herself out of play but we have an attorney general who should be exercising that authority, who should be doing an independent review and in fairness to hillary clinton and fairness to the american people, she should be exercising that authority. if she thinks she can't do that, and she has said, you know, she has said that these are
legitimate questions, if she thinks she can't do that, she shouldn't be involved in this process, she should leave this to the deputy attorney general sally yaitss who would make this decision if the attorney general should recuse. >> shan nen, as a former doj offici official, what do you make of the attorney general now saying that when the husband of the person they are investigating came on to her plane, she never thought that it might be inappropriate. do you think that reveals something about just how much time she spends thinking about the clinton case? >> have you seen the godfather? >> yeah. >> so frank's brother shows up at a congressional hearing. he didn't have to say anything for frank pantangeli to forget what he was going to testify about. that's the point. president clinton knew what he was doing here. president clinton waited around for half hour or an hour for her plane to arrive. he was simply dropping by to send a friendly message, don't
forget where you came from. and even if nothing was said, even if absolutely nothing was said the appearance is the problem. >> with ten seconds left here judge pero on the show, she said this is a sign no indictment is coming. where do you stand on that? >> oh, maybe she knows that. i don't know. i wish i had that crystal ball. >> okay. >> shannen, great to see you and happy fourth of july weekend to you. >> thank you. >> have a great day. 12 minutes after the hour. coming up on the program, donald trump's vp search kicks into high gear after meeting with another governor. is there a clear frontrunner? spokeswoman katrina pierson joins us next. >> would you rather see hillary and donald trump in the white house or this? america has spoken. and the results are in. you guys like meteor impacts. ♪
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share the joy of real cream... ...with reddi-wip. the latest fox news poll could spell trouble for donald trump. now six points behind his democratic rival hillary clinton. how will the trump camp bounce back and should they be worried? joining us to answer that question trump campaign spokeswoman katrina pierson. good morning. >> hi, peter. >> so earlier this week, i was with trump in maine and he told me that right now, he thinks the reason that they're getting big crowds is because he keeps harping on bad trade deals. has trade as the numbers have slipped a little bit has trade replaced immigration as his signature issue? >> well, i think they're both still very key issues for a
number of reasons. just for the mere fact that both of those the jobs market and the economy. i think that's really important moving forward. trade is really important simply because we do have the transpacific partnership that's currently on the table and whomever wins in november will decide whether or not the united states enters another transnational trade agreement that does not bode well for americans. >> and the big news here in new york this morning, is that indiana's sitting governor a popular social conservative mike pence, is here to get vetted by the trump campaign. what can you tell us about that? >> well, what i can tell you is mr. trump is meeting with a number of elected officials to talk about their prospects and yes, mr. trump is going to be meeting with mike pence and i can't really tell you where or when but that meeting will take place and he's looking forward to it. you know, there's a lot of people who we think would be -- would serve very well as mr.
trump's vice president simply considering how he's already stated that he does want someone that has more political experience and someone that's going to hold true to conservative values. >> and to that end, he has spoken about what he wants in a running mate heavily and he mentioned something else, someone else, rather, who is rumored to be on the short list. listen to this. >> i want somebody with great judgment. i also want somebody that most likely will be in the world of politics because i have all of the business experience and i have tremendous business leaders -- >> i say gingrich is -- >> in terms of legislation -- >> gingrich is your best bet. >> gingrich -- >> he's a good man. >> trump talked about wanting somebody with d.c. experience which pens has and gingrich has but somebody else chris christie doesn't have so much of it. is it just political experience or somebody who has worked in the beltway? >> he definitely prefers someone that works in the beltway,
however he also committed to looking at all of the competitors in the republican primary, simply because they did step out there and they were his competitors so he wants to consider everyone that put themselves out there and put out their vision for the country and chris christie and mr. trump are very close, they are friends and they work well together, but i think at the end of the day when the announcement is made on the republican side, i think many people are going to be extremely happy, mr. trump is committed to moving the conservative movement forward and he's very honored to be a part of what we are making history here. come november when mr. trump beats hillary clinton, we're going to be looking forward to making america great again. >> all right. well, we appreciate the insight from the trump campaign. katrina pierson, thank you very much. >> great to be here. thank you. all right. this is a fox news alert. a major development on the plane that vanished into the ocean more than two months ago. the key piece of evidence now surfacing. and, have you seen this wardrobe fail? a dad dresses his daughter and sends her to day care but forgets her shirt. how did that happen?
the whole family is going to tell us next. ♪
clinton in the white house or this? a new poll says 13% of americans would rather have a meteor hit earth than see clinton or trump win the white house. clayton. >> they're masochists. thanks, peter. this is my favorite story of the weekend, by the way. come to your tvs. an indiana father is winning over the internet this morning after forgetting a crucial article of clothing while dressing his daughter for day care. her shirt. his wife posted pictures of the daddy fail on facebook and shared their hilarious text messages back and forth. joining us now is the family behind this hilarious post, jeremy and brook basso and their 7-month-old daughter olivia and 6-year-old son brady. thanks for coming on the show. >> thanks for having us. >> i loves the text messages back and forth. so here's the text conversation.
from you, brook. you wrote this to jeremy. did you send olivia to day care without a shirt on? jeremy writes, i sent her with that thing on. jeremy, it's a common mistake. i'm on your side. what were you thinking when you sent her to day care like that? >> i thought she looked really cute and a nice summer outfit and got her dressed and we got on our way. >> nice summer outfit. i would have made the same mistake. >> yeah. well and i thought that maybe she had spilled out of her diaper and the day care took the shirt off her. it was not what i expected. >> and dad, you saw, what this was like a tank top, right? >> right. right. there you go. >> yeah. >> this thing -- this thing is going viral. are you surprised by the response? this was trending one of the top trending topics in all of facebook. can you believe that? >> no. >> no. >> no, not at all. we never expected it to do that because it was just something
that's, you know, we're funny people and it was a funny moment in our lives. apparently it's funny in everyone else's too. >> jeremy, what has been the response? have you heard from a lot of people about this? >> yeah. people that just say hey congrats for being famous for doing something dumb. >> i don't see -- i'm going to stand up for you. i don't think it's dumb at all. >> thank you. i appreciate that. >> you stepped up and brook you had a job interview. you took her to day care that day. >> yeah. >> i did the same thing. i've done sort of a boneheaded thing like this. i sent this story to my wife and she said like the time that you took ava to costco with no pants on. and just a diaper and a shirt. and i'm like, well i thought that's what the outfit was. >> yeah. >> exactly. >> you know, i blame -- i'm going to blame the moms in this one. you know what, brooke, you buy them the weird funky outfits with straps and things and you're like, how am i supposed to put this thing on. >> right.
well i guess in his defense he never sees the outfits when i buy them beforehand and so from now on, i just know to lay the clothes out or put it on -- make sure the shirt is on the hanger with the overalls. >> good. >> more than anything, it was just a funny exchange of texts and moment and the moment was funny and what's been really interesting about it on facebook is how much everyone else has a similar story. >> yeah. >> and i would love to -- jeremy and brooke, we appreciate you joining us on the show. you're right. here's what i want from our viewers this morning. i want you to send in your embarrassing child photos because we've all been there, jeremy. we're all on your side. send them to us this morning, facebook.comff weekend. we'll share them later in the show. have a great holiday. >> thank you. >> stand strong, jeremy. coming up the u.s. reveals thousands of isis fighters have been killed by drone trikes but lieutenant peters says to defeat them we must become as ruthless as they are. he will join us straight ahead. on this fourth of july
weekend we're honoring a special anniversary for our military. leah gabriel is aboard the "uss arleigh burke." what is coming up next? >> the u.s. navy is the strongest in the world powerful ships like ""uss wisconsin"" which is a museum here in norfolk but this weekend we are celebrating the 25th anniversary of the commissioning of "uss arleigh burke" with its not so small guns and other weapons. this ship was built to fight. we'll talk about why, that's coming up. ♪ i work 'round the clock. i want my blood sugar to stay in control. so i asked about tresiba®. ♪ tresiba® ready ♪ tresiba® is a once-daily, long-acting insulin that lasts even longer than 24 hours. i want to trim my a1c. ♪ tresiba® ready ♪ tresiba® provides powerful a1c reduction. releases slow and steady.
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multiple warfares from air to surface to subsurface warfare and with our recent upgrade we have a unique capability to be able to do simultaneous warfare capability at one time that most other ships in our atlantic fleet do not have. >> and really, it's one of the first ships with a fully integrated weapons system, right? but you know what i've heard is that the navies like to deliver diplomacy and we've been talking about isis. this ship for basically provided some diplomacy to isis in the form of 30 tomahawk missiles, right? >> we did. during our last deployment, we launched 30 tomahawks against isis targets in syria and that's what we do. we train to fight to be proficient so when we have to answer the national call for tasks we're able to do that. >> i'm being sarcastic when i say diplomacy to isis. it's amazing to be on the first ship that delivered the punch to isis in 2014. one of the things i've heard that's special about the ship is its sailors. can you share a little bit about them?
>> absolutely. they all operate with integrity, they're all highly trained. that's what makes the ship "newswee unique and the navy unique. it really takes that when you have a capability like we have with integrated air and missile defense it takes highly skilled technicians and operators to make it all happen and they do. >> this is such an honor to be here this weekend celebrating this with you guys. celebrating this incredible ship. the legacy of the "uss arleigh burke." they will have a memorial service to celebrate admiral burke and the ship and its legacy this weekend as we all celebrate independence day here in norfolk, virginia. back to you. >> thank them for their service from all of us at "fox & friends." you look great. happy fourth. >> thank you. >> 34 minutes after the hour on this saturday morning. other stories making headlines. a major break in the investigation of the doomed egypt air flight that plunged into the mediterranean. the recordings from the plane's black boxes are intact meaning we will be able to hear what was
going on inside the cockpit at the time of the crash. just released flight data suggesting there was a fire before the crash that killed all 66 people on board. well, the cause remains a mystery, investigators have not ruled out terrorism. an illegal immigrant accused of killing three people had been deported six different times since 2003. bonifacio gonzalez has repeatedly been getting back into the country somehow, most recently in 2013, before allegedly shooting four people on an oregon farm, three of them dying. donald trump tweetinging about the case. these crimes will not be happening if i'm elected president. killer should have never been here. #americafirst. and an orangutan on the run captured after escaping its enclosure at busch gardens in tampa. watch as the juvenile orangutan swings from some branches outside its habitat and falls to the ground all while the theme park guests stand feet away.
>> oh, my god. dude. >> he's doing his own thing and left us alone. he was more afraid of us. >> once he fell everyone like freaked out. the employees, they didn't know like what was going on at first. >> well eventually security did step in and they moved people away from the primate there. within an hour it was tranquilized and put back into its habitat. and those are your headlines. clayton, peter and maria, i'm going to run and join you out there. good eatin' time. >> it's time for barbecuing. >> we are kicking off independence day weekend with the cookout on the plaza, some fox fans, barbecue fans here. back with our grilling tips is the ceo of master built and author the of "dadgum good." john is back. >> good to be here. >> we're talking smoking and we did a dry rub last hour. we're doing a wet rub this time? >> a wet rub and brine. what we want folks to realize people behind us here have been looking at this thinking, what is wrong with these hot dogs.
>> this is burnt ham burgs and hot dogs the result you get sometimes when you grill. master built is going to change that up and take grilling to smoking. it's more simple. you can spend time with your family and friends and let the food come out at the same time. the ribs earlier were a dry rub. okay. now we're going to show you how to do your boston butt with a wet rub. take the same dry seasonings, completely coast your boston butt and take yellow mustard and put it in a baggy. throw it in the refrigerator and let it sit overnight. boston butt on your smoker, 225, 45 minutes to one hour per pound. once it gets done wrap it to get to a core temperature internal of 195 degrees. >> wrap with aluminum foil. >> yep. >> from the wet to a brine. this is a brine chicken quarter. hey, anna. >> hello. how is it going? great to have you. >> she knew we were smoking and wanted to come out no she wanted to come out and dance.
>> this is our lemon pepper brine. we have the chicken quarters in. put the chicken quarters in the smoker set it at 225 degrees for about three hours. perfection. again, instead of standing over the grill, let the smoker do all the work. >> which one should i open? portable smoker. >> this is the new, the latest edition to the master built family. this is our portable little propane smoker. this allows you to take it camping, it allows you to take it tailgating for the season. >> what is it running on? >> the one pound throwaway bottle. this baby is available at sam's. pick it up $99. >> wow. >> fantastic. >> this is the portable. when you're thinking about the fourth of july, think about all of the food. >> yeah. >> like that? >> yeah. >> so if you want to do ribs, chicken, boston butt, you go to we have all of the videos out there to show how folks to do -- >> make barbecue to make you zeal like a pig.
>> your company is fun to work for. what is this video? we were showing earlier. >> we did -- and justin, we want justin timberlake to watch our videos. we did a side by side. our entire company. >> here's a few more. >> my family, the macklemores, the team master built. >> which one is justin, hard to tell. >> joe was asking me earlier do you want me to dance with you. no way. i said get anna out here. we will dance. >> if it's not dancing, you're in your backyard, smoking great food. masterbuilt is making it simple instead of standing over that grill, spend more time with your family and friends. i'll eat to that. i want to say thanks to fox. masterbuilt loves coming here and spending all of the holiday times with you all. so from everybody at the mclemore family and team masterbuilt, fox rocks. >> thank you. >> >> thanks, guys.
>> anna, show me the moves again. >> the u.s. has revealed thousands of isis fighters have been killed by drone strikes. but lieutenant ralph peters says to defeat them we must become as ruthless as they are. he will join us next. >> what happens when you try to take a selfie with a peacock? ♪ ♪ keep dancing >> oh! >> she's got the justin timberlake song in her backyard too. the viral video that will have you laughing all morning long. >> check in with david for a look at what's coming up on the cost of freedom business block. >> hey, guys. good morning. u.s. airports on high alert this busy holiday weekend as our cia chief says what happened in istanbul could happen here. the time to pay up to beef up security outside our airports. after the uk votes to declare its independence from the european union the u.s. teaming up with our north american neighbors to launch new green energy initiatives.
separate more dollars in taxpayers. the names rebounding after the massive brexit sell-off. the cost of freedom at the top of the hour. we'll see you there. mptoms kept coming back on my long-term control medicine. i talked to my doctor and found a missing piece in my asthma treatment with breo. once-daily breo prevents asthma symptoms. breo is for adults with asthma not well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. breo won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. breo opens up airways to help improve breathing for a full 24 hours. breo contains a type of medicine that increases the risk of death from asthma problems and may increase the risk of hospitalization in children and adolescents. breo is not for people whose asthma is well controlled on a long-term asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. once your asthma is well controlled, your doctor will decide if you can stop breo and prescribe a different asthma control medicine, like an inhaled corticosteroid. do not take breo more than prescribed. see your doctor if your asthma does not improve or gets worse.
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to homes than anyone else in the country. the us postal service. priority: you the truth is the united states of america goes farther than is even required by international law to avoid civilian casualties. that certainly is a stark contrast to the adversary that we face that seek to maximize civilian casualties is to try to advance their narrative. >> the white house released figures that between 64 and 116 civilians were killed in u.s. drone strikes in the last 16 years outside of iraq and afghanistan. during the same period around 2500 militants were taken out by drones. is this just the price of war? for more on this let's turn to fox news strategic an analyst and author of the book "the
dammed" it is out now. grab it. lieutenant ralph peters. what did you think of josh earnest's comments the other day? >> well, i suppose it represents incremental progress when he at least acknowledges to an extent some civilian casualties will happen but that's still -- our administration, the obama administration, certainly but even the bush administration, they don't have people engaged at the top who have real military experience or knowledge. so you get this fantasy of surgical strikes and bloodless war and the obama administration's carried it to the extent we keep apologizing and where our soldiers on the battlefield or pilot in the air have to worry about being court-martialed for making an honest mistake over a battlefield and you cannot win like that. these numbers, 116 -- 64 to 116 civilians dead, look every
civilian death may be regrettable but in the scheme of things in the history of warfare that is chump change or less. we have done an amazing job of minimizing collateral damage to the extent that we're not being fully effective. >> well, the obama administration doesn't agree with you because president obama's tasked his staff with, you know, reducing civilian casualties. let's take a look at this executive order. the u.s. government shall maintain and promote best practices that reduce the likelihood of civilian casualties take appropriate steps when such casualties occur and draw lessons from our operations to further enhance the protection of citizens, basically saying let's learn from our mistakes here. >> well, that's politically correct nonsense. you can't win. i mean, i'm glad we're taking out some isis leaders, i'm glad for any gains we make, but meanwhile, because of this policy of sort of trying to modulate everything, islamic state is spread around the world and we need fundamental change if we're going to eradicate, and i mean eradicate and exterminate
the threat from isis and other related organizations. first you need a real commander in chief, not an apologist in chief. you need a president who will back our troops and not prosecute them. you need a new military attitude. our military has become p.c. we need to get back into strategic raids, punitive expedition, call them what they are, and collective guilt. when a village or town welcomes islamic state or other islamic fighters you wlak the village. i don't seek civilian casualties, but in the most important thing is to win. and the greatest immorality is not an errant bomb that kills a child. the greatest immorality is for the united states and western civilization to lose to barbarians. >> you have authored a brand new book called "the dammed of petersbu petersburg." what is this book about? >> well, it's about the most savage, brutal period of our civil war, the summer and autumn fighting in virginia 1864 from a
horrific massacre at a place called the crater through lesser known battles that really everyone, win or lose, drove another nail in the coffin of the confederacy. it's an exciting read, i think, but it's also very, very accurate history. you can read a novel and a narrative, but learn a great deal about the history that's no longer taught in our schools and ultimately about the courage of americans on both sides of that war. >> lieutenant colonel ralph peters, renaissance man. thanks so much. >> i'm resisting. >> most of the renaissance guys had -- >> you tried to resist but you couldn't. have a great fourth of july. >> coming up on the show many of us will be playing with our dogs this fourth of july but there are things you need to know to keep them safe in the heat like a pool toy. other cool products straight ahead. ♪ what's it like to be in good hands? like finding new ways
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sending her camera flying. she walked away with scratches to her shoulders. peacocks do not like selfies. anna and peter. >> do not like selfies. the dogs are out to play this fourth of july weekend. what are the essentials we need to know to keep our pets happy and healthy. >> christine, pet living expert, joins us with patriotic poochs. this is harley and her pooch. >> we want to make sure our dogs stay hydrated this holiday for sure. if your dog is out and about on the go i found this cool smart tool called sport. water bottle cap for dogs and has an adapter to fit all standard sized water bottles. >> a rollerball they lick it the water will come out. you don't have to remember a bowl. hook it on to your keychain. super cool under $13 for two of them. encourage your dog to drink more water if you have a fountain. >> my dog baxter gets bored with his water bowls at home and then on a walk in front of the store fronts he wants to suck it down.
>> they're naturally attracted to natural water and flowing water especially. a rain drop pet fountain from pioneer pet. your dog and cat will drink more from this than the bowl. it has a carbon filter. >> it's a zen feel and pretty in the home. they come in ceramic too. this an important solution for dogs that have thunder storm or fireworks fear. it's called the calm pet anxiety relief system. >> this is very real. >> rowdy is wearing the vest over here. rowdy is our yellow lab. and this is a device that combines vibrations, i'm going to let you hold it. >> on his back right now. >> yes. >> he's wearing a vest connected to this. >> vibration tones and music. when placed on the accupressure points on his spine it increases the blood flow to the brain calming him. this is important for dogs that have this phobia because they are literally terrified. >> they'll go jump in the bathtub or hide under the bed. >> yes. >> to get away. >> 80% of vets that have tried
this are recommending it to their patients. >> the remote is buzzing. >> yes. that's what he feels. you can hear the music if you put it up to your ear. >> it's like a constant cell phone ringing on vibrate. >> it's chill. >> okay. now another way to chill out your pets this holiday is to get them tired out in the water. so this makes the awesome dog water toy. pool toys. called splash bombs. you get them wet and then ready, are you ready, oh. you can catch it. >> go get it. >> they float in the water. everybody gets wet. whoever catches it. and then we have harley is putting on her life vest. i don't know where she is. anyway here we go. >> there she is. >> anyway, she has a cute pink life vest if she's going out on the water. a lot of dogs can't swim well. so make sure that they're safe. safety first. the vest with emergency hand tolgs lift them out of the water. i brought a doggy water fountain. >> the doggy drencher. >> yes. >> you don't have a pool, not
going on the water, still can have fun in the water. >> is this a doggy drencher right here? >> this is actually a doggy pool i found on amazon. but the doggy drencher is on the other side and it's -- >> over here. >> it spin. >> harley get in there? >> she might. >> harley. >> give it a try. >> water. >> where can we get all of this stuff? >> all of this stuff you can find on-line or you can go to my blog at christin to find it all. >> and the wet dog maybe after the break. ♪ all: milk! milk! milk! milk! milk! okay! fun's over. aw. aw. ♪ thirsty? my friend said i had to earn my way to the cool table. oh, sweet jamie. you got to stick up for yourself, like with the name your price tool. people tell us their budget, not the other way around. so i was at the cool table all along.

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Tennis Player , Stadium , Plant , Lecture , Tie , Aerospace Engineering , Ceiling , Art , Hot Air Balloon , Machine , Robot , Air Travel , Earth , Aircraft , Aviation , Hot Air Ballooning , Airline , Display Advertising , Amusement Park , Led Display , Electronic Device , Electronic Signage , Musical Theatre , Poster , Theatre , Circus , Metropolitan Area , Urban Area , Real Estate , Neighbourhood , Facade , Building , Residential Area , Tourist Attraction , House , Condominium , Window , Veterans Day , Human Settlement , Metropolis , Commercial Building , Apartment , Skyscraper , Corporate Headquarters , Downtown , Tower Block , Landmark , Mixed Use , Tree , Plaza , Traffic Light , Transport , Lighting , Light Fixture , Traffic Sign , Urban Design , Intersection , Town , Suburb , Thoroughfare , Traffic Congestion , Motor Vehicle , Infrastructure , Asphalt , Signaling Device , Luxury Vehicle , Public Transport , Waterway , Skyline , Cityscape , Canal , Community , Dress , Tuxedo , Biome , Woody Plant , Playground , Race , Photomontage , Public Space , Park , Flat Panel Display , Independence Day , Memorial Day , Military , Military Officer , Flag Day Usa , Institution , Ceremony , Competition Event , Passenger , Interaction , Footwear , Leg , Shoe , Jacket , Outerwear , Blazer , Liqueur , Drink , Distilled Beverage , Alcoholic Beverage , Supermarket , Play , Property , Wall , Line , Flooring , Floor , Glass , Door , Tile , Plumbing Fixture , Plaster , Square , Water , Windshield , Automotive Window Part , Daylighting , Wind , Winter Storm , Major Appliance , Water Resources , Map , Tropical Cyclone , Planet , Ecoregion , Geology , Atlas , Landscape , Watercourse , Electronics , Land Lot , Soil , Aerial Photography , Parallel , Automotive Navigation System , Plain , Pc Game , Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game , Strategy Video Game , Gps Navigation Device , Heat , Convenience Store , Alcohols , School Uniform , Automotive Tail Brake Light , Personal Luxury Car , Crossover Suv , Auto Show , Family Car , Headlamp , Sport Utility Vehicle , Sports Sedan , Automotive Wheel System , Tire , Automotive Tire , Rim , Hyundai , Circle , Law Enforcement , Firefighter , T Shirt , Kiss , Leaf , Geological Phenomenon , Shrub , Wildlife , Branch , Grass , Forest , Rainforest , Jungle , Flower , Race Car , Motorsport , Auto Racing , Racing , Disaster , Extreme Sport , Freestyle Motocross , Motocross , Softball , College Softball , Baseball , Baseball Umpire , Tournament , Army , Troop , Military Person , Military Uniform , Marines , Military Organization , Barechested , Soldier , Arm , Shoulder , Cheek , Eyebrow , Organ , Fashion , Human Body , Neck , Physical Fitness , Abdomen , Trunk , Iris , Throat , Laugh , Explosion , Fire , Natural Disaster , Wildfire , Pollution , Smoke , Jaw , Nose , Black Hair , Tooth , Protest , Skin , Selfie , Poster Session , Document , Paper , Paper Product , Computer Program , Screen , Multimedia , Website , Software , Banknote , Weights , Exercise Equipment , Exercise , Strength Training , Weight Training , Training , Bodybuilding , Human Leg , Public Event , Label , Retail , Grocery Store , Customer , Shopkeeper , Selling , Junk Food , Fast Food , Convenience Food , Food , Street Food , Fast Food Restaurant , Snack , Gadget , Video Game Arcade Cabinet , Automated Teller Machine , Plastic , Payment Card , Spacecraft , Helicopter , Rotorcraft , Interior Design , Chair , Leggings , Trousers , Costume , Couch , Employment , Social Group , Audience , Table , Sitting , Glasses , Vision Care , Bodyguard , Gesture , Academic Conference , Collaboration , Iron , Railway , High Speed Rail , Metal , Weapon , Steel , Roof , Airplane , Watercraft , Boat , Airliner , Wood , Parking , Parking Lot , Stairs , Handrail , Architecture , Scoreboard , Emblem , Championship , Fashion Accessory , Symbol , Crest , Badge , Porsche , Senior Citizen , Debate , Atmospheric Phenomenon , Sign Language , Furniture , Funeral , Minivan , Honda , Pope , Honda Element , Gmc , Compact Mpv , Van , Vehicle Door , Chevrolet Uplander , Cadillac , Cadillac Escalade , Chevrolet , Chevrolet Tahoe , Compact Sport Utility Vehicle , Chevrolet Hhr , Chevrolet Suburban , Brickwork , Brick , Memorial , Home , Mini Suv , Nonbuilding Structure , Pedestrian Crossing , Sidewalk , White , Line Art , Style , Artwork , Rear View Mirror , Automotive Mirror , Supercar , Executive Car , Performance Car , Freeway , Electric Car , Electric Vehicle , Highway , Porsche Panamera , Bmw , Tesla , Hybrid Vehicle , Range Rover , Tesla Model S , Mini , Nissan , Monochrome , Sash Window , Black And White , Siding , Shadow , Estate , Shed , Car Seat , Toyota Venza , Leather , Composite Material , Audio Equipment , Bridge , Fixed Link , Tap , Small Appliance , Lens Flare , Escalator , Trailer , Tunnel , Concept Car , Hood , Lexus , Mercedes Benz , Commercial Vehicle , Mercedes Benz Glk Class , Land Vehicle , Honda Fit , Honda Fcx Clarity , Sedan , Hydrogen Vehicle , Honda Cr V , Hatchback , Honda City , City Car , Exhibition , Steering Wheel , Ford Motor Company , Ford , Acura Mdx , Head , Portrait , Ear , Human , Hand , Sleeve , Portrait Photography , Facial Hair , Top , Mini Mpv , Love , Happy , Coat , Jeans , Fashion Design , Friendship , Street Fashion , Shopping , Clothing , Textile , Temple , Model , Layered Hair , Feathered Hair , Leather Jacket , Beard , Moustache , Buzz Cut , Action Film , Hospital , Student , Fur , Pet , Dog Breed , Animal , West Highland White Terrier , Canidae , Dog , Yorkshire Terrier , Carnivore , Cairn Terrier , Companion Dog , Norwich Terrier , Terrier , Non Sporting Group , Small Terrier , Puppy , Room , White Coat , Service , Finger , Shirt , Thumb , Drinkware , Calligraphy , Bottle , Mobile Phone , Cream , Smartphone , Dog Walking , Sporting Group , Adventure , Obedience Training , Standing , Diagram , Design , Elbow , Triangle , Web Page , Online Advertising , Company , Learning , Art Exhibition , Shelving , Mammal , Vertebrate , Morkie , Snout , Toy Dog , Australian Silky Terrier , Rare Breed Dog , Biewer Terrier , Australian Terrier , Vulnerable Native Breeds , Miniature Schnauzer , Schnauzer , Conformation Show , Police Dog , Guard Dog , Hair Care , Hair Accessory , Artificial Hair Integrations , Scene , Supervillain , Fiction , Shooting Range , Digital Compositing , Book , Publication , Disc Jockey , Audio Engineer , Auditorium , Entertainment , Theatrical Scenery , Performance Art , Acrobatics , Underwater , Marine Biology , Communication Device , Portable Communications Device , Feature Phone , Mobile Device , Telephone , Fisheye Lens , Natural Environment , Coral Reef , Reef , Coral , Combat Vehicle , Tank , Military Vehicle , Concert , Eye , Pleased , Cool , Singer , Cg Artwork , Pattern , Number , Texture , Illustration , Photobombing , Flyer , Living Room , Gambling , Material Property , Wing , Medical Equipment , Government , Restaurant , Aerostat , Adaptation , History , Ancient History , Animation , Mythology , Adventure Game , Desert , Violin , String Instrument , Violin Family , Musical Instrument , Violist , Bowed String Instrument , Violinist , Cello , Viola , Orchestra , Groom , Fiddle , Viol , Concertmaster , Double Bass , Violone , Bass Violin , Cellist , Plucked String Instruments , Folk Instrument , Octobass , Tololoche , Bassist , Beef , Cuisine , Dish , Red Meat , Steak , Meat , Ribs , Ingredient , Brisket , Flesh , Roasting , Sirloin Steak , Lamb And Mutton , Flavor , Meal , Grilling , Fried Food , Deep Frying , Brunch , Produce , Tempura , Side Dish , Kids Meal , Garnish , French Fries , Appetizer , à La Carte Food , Lunch , Asian Food , Finger Food , Recipe , Breakfast , Comfort Food , Vegetarian Food , Horsd Oeuvre , Frying , European Food , Staple Food , Peruvian Food , Greek Food , Romanian Cuisine , Tapas , Brazilian Food , Spanish Cuisine , Seafood , Fried Prawn , Shrimp , Dessert , Baking , Pork Loin , Meatloaf , Chicken Meat , Loaf , Fireworks , New Year , Fête , New Years Eve , Universe , Astronomical Object , Kitchen , Shelf , Toy , Kindergarten , Classroom , School , Party , Percussion , Balloon , Education , Microphone , Energy Drink , Plastic Bottle , Cola , Carbonated Soft Drinks , Soft Drink , Drinking , Water Bottle , Drinking Water , Class , Academic Institution , Private School , Teacher , Reading , Baby , Quilting , Linens , Quilt , Craft , Visual Arts , Cup , Coffee Cup , Tableware , Teacup , Clip Art , Serveware , Coffee , Icon , Liquid , Mug , Ceramic , Caffeine , Espresso , Operating System , Stock Photography , Monochrome Photography , Film Noir , Still Life Photography , Coffeehouse , Vernissage , Museum , Art Gallery , Diner , Eating , Tablet Computer , Ipad , Computer , Laptop , Personal Computer , Graphics Tablet , Netbook , Hardwood , Wood Stain , Fixture , Wood Flooring , Mother , Floristry , Floral Design , Television Set , Led Backlit Lcd Display , Projection Screen , Home Cinema , Seminar , Videoconferencing , Walking , Headgear , Photo Shoot , Cap , Video Game Software , Court , Indoor Games And Sports , Sports Gear , Modern Art , Motorcycle Helmet , Police Car , Football , Soccer Specific Stadium , Soccer Player , Soccer , Ball , Soccer Ball , International Rules Football , Tackle , Kick , Emergency Vehicle , Multimedia Software , Convention , Nail , Ring , Jewellery , Fire Department , Emergency Service , Fire Apparatus , Rallycross , Dirt Track Racing , Stock Car Racing , Auto Race , Drag Racing , Off Road Racing , Sports Car , Truck , Rescue , Emergency , Aircraft Engine , Formula One , Formula One Car , Open Wheel Car , Race Track , Indycar Series , Snow , Radio Controlled Helicopter , Net , Paint , Spray , Bodybuilding Supplement , Dietary Supplement , Potato Chip , Glass Bottle , Fire Extinguisher , Lawn , Nature Reserve , Woodland , State Park , Outdoor Power Equipment , Grassland , Pasture , Field , Meadow , Prairie , Flame , Winter , Firearm , Cable Car , Touchdown , Bouldering , Action Figure , Rifle , Airsoft Gun , Gun , Air Force , Shooting Sport , Filling Station , Management , Boating , Sail , Water Transportation , Sailboat , Sailing , Business Jet , General Aviation , Propeller , Luxury Yacht , Light Aircraft , Naval Ship , Ship , Warship , Battleship , Naval Architecture , Navy , Frigate , Destroyer , Freight Transport , Motor Ship , Container Ship , Ferry , Cargo Ship , Port , Cruise Ship , Aircraft Carrier , Christmas , Tradition , Sunlight , Ice , Hat , Wrinkle , Horse , Bridle , Halter , Horse Tack , Horse Harness , Rein , Stallion , Horse Supplies , Mane , Mustang Horse , Mare , Pack Animal , Bit , Animal Sports , Equestrianism , Equestrian Sport , Saddle , Eventing , Equitation , Middle Ages , Western Riding , Cowboy , English Riding , Moonlight , Grille , Fence , Camera Accessory , Fluid , Cylinder , Stemware , Perfume , Tattoo , Handgun Holster , Revolver , Horizon , Calm , Backlighting , Brochure , Magazine , Book Cover , Lock , Button , Sink , Door Handle , Hardware Accessory , Dead Bolt , Motor Oil , Lubricant , Oil , Hardware , Cabinetry , Closet , Home Appliance , Refrigerator , Bag , Baggage , Luggage And Bags , Countertop , Office , Desk , Bed , Chef , Exercise Machine , Office Chair , Dining Room , Daitō Ryū Aiki Jūjutsu , Treadmill , Electronic Instrument , Pianist , Keytar , Religion , Jersey , Sportswear , Medi Cal , Window Covering , Curtain , Window Treatment , Window Blind , Lingerie , Fitness Professional , Stomach , Red Hair , Professional Wrestling , Clown , Lucha Libre , Contact Sport , Wrestling , Astronaut , Sailor , Amphibious Transport Dock , Missile Boat , Travel , Space Station , Satellite , Road Surface , Full Size Car , Coupé , Audi , Driveway , Walkway , Yard , Ford Five Hundred , Landscaping , Leisure Centre , Swimming , Individual Sports , Endurance Sports , Dog Sports , Working Dog , Playground Slide , Playset , Parade , Pride Parade , Festival , Marching Band , Motorcycling , Bus , Wave , Wind Wave , Sea , Ocean , Beach , Tide , Coast , Sand , Tsunami , Coastal And Oceanic Landforms , Storm , Cyclone , Echinoderm , Marine Invertebrates , Invertebrate , Starfish , Lamp , Deodorant , Chemistry , Juice , Fruit , Summer , Surfer Hair , Scale , Thermostat , Measuring Instrument , Watch , Guru , Swimming Pool , Resort , Hotel , Resort Town , Palm Tree , Arecales , Watercolor Paint , Painting , Garden , Cooking , Local Food , Car Dealership , Rolls Royce , Bentley , Haute Couture , Muscle Car , Ford Fusion , Ford Mondeo , Steering Part , Alfa Romeo , Iphone , Telephony , Portable Media Player , Cellular Network , Mountain Pass , Road Trip , Mountain Range , Off Roading , Regularity Rally , Rural Area , Dirt Road , Off Road Vehicle , Hill , Afro , Mountainous Landforms , Highland , Hill Station , Valley , Shelby Mustang , Exhaust System , Automotive Exhaust , Ford Mustang , Longboard , Badlands , National Historic Landmark , Arch , , Writing , Ammunition , Cold Weapon , Foot , Machine Tool , Marine Mammal , Bird , Perching Bird , Beak , Old Growth Forest , Zoo , Twig , Piciformes , Birds Eye View , Temperate Broadleaf And Mixed Forest , Vegetation , Water Feature , Pond , River , Lighting Accessory , Sleep , Swiss Ball , Inflatable , Tubing , Bean Bag , Tower , Headquarters , Street Sign , Motorcycle , Spoke , Chopper , Cruiser , Vehicle Brake , Fender , Tread , Tire Care , Brake , Motorcycle Accessories , Piaggio Ciao , Moped , Motorcycle Racing , Supermoto , Track Racing , Road Racing , Morning , Skateboard , Skateboarding , Longboarding , Skateboarding Equipment , Boardsport , Freeride , Isle Of Man Tt , Endurocross , Stunt Performer , Stunt , Enduro , Classic , Vintage Car , Army Men , Camel , Camelid , Choreography , Panorama , Aeolian Landform , Superfood , Dairy , Lactose , Solution , Wrist , Manicure , Waist , Chip , Shorts , Personal Care , Chemical Compound , Volvo Cars , Shopping Mall , Brutalist Architecture , Airport Terminal , Airport , Media Player , Output Device , Loft , Laminate Flooring , Cuisine Classique , Clothes Iron , Home Door , Fiat , Spring , Academic Dress , Beanie , 3d Modeling , Plant Stem , Eyelash Extensions , Makeup Artist , Eye Shadow , Cosmetics , Contact Lens , Lens , Makeover , Lip Gloss , Lipstick , Cosmetic Dentistry , Gown , Wine Glass , Transparent Material , Ophthalmology , Cameras Optics , Petal , Skin Care , Gravure Idol , Brassiere , Undergarment , Mattress , Knee , Stretching , Pilates , High Heels , Comfort , Sole , Bed Sheet , Sofa Bed , Chignon , Bun , Wedding Dress , Bridal Accessory , Fashion Model , Bridal Clothing , Fashion Show , Bob Cut , Eye Liner , Mascara , Japanese Idol , Cardboard , Handbag , Office Supplies , Drawing , Handwriting , Banana Leaf , Carton , Cash , Mo Ney , Currency , Dollar , Money Handling , Balcony , Hemp Family , Grass Family , Backyard , Market , Vegetable , Marketplace , Hand Fan , Outdoor Play Equipment , Watermelon , Citrullus , Melon , Cucumber Gourd And Melon Family , Umbrella , Bichon , Water Bird , Bounce House , Tent , Tarpaulin , Party Supply , Recliner , Bazaar , Flea Market , Food Truck , Houseplant , Greengrocer , Flower Arranging , Kitchen Appliance , Gas , Bread Machine , Rice Cooker , Blender , Beer , Apple , Loudspeaker , Espresso Machine , Coffeemaker , Flowerpot , Outdoor Structure , Suzuki , Kia Motors , Justice League , Avengers , Toyota , Mural , Computer Monitor , Software Engineering , Computer Keyboard , Meeting , Screen Door , Baby Products , Daughter , Pottery , Supper , Plywood , Pomeranian , Varnish , Drawer , Bangs , Wig , Porch , Courtyard , Kick Scooter , Concrete , Cleanliness , Ankle , Mop , Household Cleaning Supply , Bathroom , Bedroom , Professor , Dress Shirt , Collar , Coupon , Place Of Worship , Dance , Concrete Mixer , Banana Family , Banana , Marching , Musical Ensemble , College , Wind Instrument , Brass Instrument , Trombone , Military Rank , Tropics , Taxi , Armored Car , Self Propelled Artillery , Landslide , Waste , Chevrolet Venture , Function Hall , Globe , Fan , Basketball Moves , Cheerleading , Cheering , Jury , Card Game , Poker , Kitchen Knife , Cutlery , Pickup Truck , Ford Super Duty , Ford Explorer Sport Trac , Lincoln Navigator , Chevrolet Silverado , Fordf 550 , Ram , Chevrolet Avalanche , Honda Ridgeline , Chevrolet Colorado , Garmon , Wedding , Flightless Bird , Ratite , Elaeis , Date Palm , Plantation , Crop , Farm , Agriculture , Guitarist , Classic Car , Custom Car , Wedding Reception , Electricity , Rolling Stock , Suspension Bridge , Hangar , Airport Apron , Narrow Body Aircraft , Bombardier Challenger 600 , Jet Aircraft , Aerospace Manufacturer , Boeing 787 Dreamliner , Flight , Boarding , Garage , Ford Focus , Ford Kuga , Mazda Cx 7 , Bugatti , Banquet , Rehearsal Dinner , Dinner , Mixer , Coca Cola , Buffet , Moisture , Drop , Natural Material , Pollen , Sun , Lantana , Rose , Rose Family , Rosales , Chocolate , Trade , Outlet Store , Chest Of Drawers , Filing Cabinet , Nightstand , Digital Piano , Tool , Impact Driver , Hammer Drill , Drill , Impact Wrench , System , Fish , Cartilaginous Fish , Lamniformes , Great White Shark , Shark , Lamnidae , Rays And Skates , Manta Ray , Stingray , Dolphin , Carcharhiniformes , Caving , Formation , Cave , Parachuting , Amusement Ride , Air Sports , Water Park , Roller Coaster , Skyway , Cetacea , Aquarium , Common Bottlenose Dolphin , Family , Seal , Sea Lion , Steller Sea Lion , Whale , Walrus , Harbor Seal , Hippopotamus , Lotter , Sea Otter , Killer Whale , Felidae , Cat , Small To Medium Sized Cats , Bengal , Savannah , Kitten , Veterinarian , Cheetah , Great Dane , Big Cats , Retriever , Manatee , California Sea Lion , Sea Cows , Open Water Swimming , Spring Break , Water Sport , Swimmer , Swimwear , Surface Water Sports , Surfing , Bodyboarding , Surfing Equipment , Surfboard , Skimboarding , Ferris Wheel , Penguin , Anemone Fish , Freshwater Aquarium , Goldfish , Aquarium Lighting , Pomacentridae , Coral Reef Fish , Fish Supply , Pet Supply , Bony Fish , Cypriniformes , Stony Coral , Cnidaria , Reflection , Action Adventure Game , Neon , Laser , Flash Photography , Mixing Console , Evening , Sound Engineer , Cdj , Electronic Engineering , Electronic Musical Instrument , Deejay , Mixing Engineer , Neon Sign , Internet Meme , Fault , Glacier , Infantry , Monument , Mountaineering , Parachute , Steppe , Ranch , Savanna , Aurora , Lake , Inlet , Loch , Reservoir , Channel , Outer Space , Astronomy , Bathing , Rapid , Picnic , Sharing , Lifejacket , Baked Beans , Legume , Bean , Natural Foods , American Food , Southwestern United States Food , Sandwich , Hot Dog , Bar , Rib Eye Steak , Churrasco Food , Meat Chop , Thai Food , Food Group , Rolls Royce Ghost , Nissan Gt R , Wilderness , Terrain , Mountain , Outdoor Table , Patio , Golden Retriever , Headband , Sibling , Headpiece , Grandparent , Child Art , Sketch , Animated Cartoon , Comics , Sad , Whiskers , Humour , Dalmatian , Medical Imaging , Radiology , Brain , Radiography , Tail , Paw , Still Life , Wallpaper , Costume Design , Teddy Bear , Stuffed Toy , Baby Shower , Birthday , Plant Community , Gardening , Outdoor Furniture , Herb , Barbecue , Campfire , Bonfire , Outdoor Grill , Bake Sale , Present , Baked Goods , Bedding , Bed Frame , Duvet Cover , Studio Couch , Box Spring , Pillow , Mattress Pad , Blanket , Duvet , Suite , Light Commercial Vehicle , Rv , Horse Trailer , Travel Trailer , Camera Operator , Lcd Tv , Bowling , Christmas Lights , Diwali , New Years Day , Sparkler , Chinese New Year , Carnival , Haze , Lion , Moon , Computer Icon , Rubiks Cube , Cyclo Cross , Summit , Historic Site , Statue , Unesco World Heritage Site , Landing , Paragliding , Paratrooper , Glacial Landform , Wadi , Escarpment , Ridge , Stripper , Honda Civic Hybrid , Mitsubishi , Lexus Hs , Buick Lacrosse , Toyota Avensis , Blackboard , Figurine , Recreation Room , Display Case , Picture Frame , Food Storage , Electronics Accessory , Input Device , Touchpad , Office Equipment , Computer Component , Boot , Riding Boot , Bike , Mp3 Player , Ipod , E Book Readers , Feather , Slope , Air Show , Aerobatics , Heart , Coloring Book , Wildflower , Kaleidoscope , Psychedelic Art , Stained Glass , Super Bowl , Marching Percussion , Rebellion , Ice Skating , Basketball Court , Suzuki Kizashi , Vitis , Grapevine Family , One Day International , Cassowary , Interview , Non Commissioned Officer , Military Transport Aircraft , Military Aircraft , Cargo Aircraft , Bell Boeingv 22 Osprey , Lockheedc 5 Galaxy , Northrop Grumman , Boeing Ch 47 Chinook , Lockheedc 130 Hercules , Propeller Driven Aircraft , Lockheed Martin , Fighter Aircraft , Engine , Crash , Wheelchair , Massage Chair , Acoustic Guitar , Guitar , Deck , Swing , Paddy Field , Wheatgrass , Poales , Herbaceous Plant , Mower , Tractor , Agricultural Machinery , Lawn Mower , Riding Mower , All Terrain Vehicle , Arena , Kung Fu , Basketball Player , Net Sports , Volleyball , Parliament , Nissan Patrol , Nissan Rogue , Nissanx Trail , Nissan Navara , Nissan Juke , Nissan Murano , Nissan Qashqai , Mitsubishi Triton , Denim , Perennial Plant , Greenhouse , Flowering Plant , Mitsubishi Endeavor , Chevrolet Trailblazer , Limousine , Chrysler Pt Cruiser , Scion , Hummer H2 , Jeep Commander Xk , Jeep , Sweater , Star , Television Studio , Chrysler Aspen , Gmc Envoy , Ford Flex , Mitsubishi Pajero , Chevrolet Astro , Tights , Fur Clothing , Lobby , Yoga Pant , Romance , Trailer Truck , Bride , Veil , Infant Bed , Baby Safety , Dancer , Motorcycle Speedway , Fordf 350 , Lincoln Aviator , Ford Expedition , Flood , Mansion , Honda Pilot , Saab 9 7x , General Motors , Pipe Organ , Animal Shelter , Air Hockey , Hyundai Santa Fe , Honda Accord , Vehicle Audio , Satellite Radio , Cadillac Xts , Lexus Rx , Kia Sportage , Volkswagen Tiguan , Jeep Trailhawk , Kia Sorento , Mercedes Benz Gl Class , Toyota Fortuner , Construction Equipment , School Bus , Truck Driver , Automobile Repair Shop , Factory , Engineering , Forklift Truck , Scale Model , Tabletop Game , Trigger , Minibus , Research , Laboratory , Research Institute , Jigsaw Puzzle , Puzzle , Toilet Seat , Health Care , Medical Technologist , Pharmacy , Prescription Drug , Scientist , Pharmacy Technician , Medical Assistant , Physician , Health Care Provider , Medicine , Woodworking , Hobby , Dog Agility , Cottage , Jumping , Dollhouse , Nativity Scene , Log Cabin , Labrador Retriever , Conference Hall , Wine , Heavy Cruiser , Supercarrier , Submarine Chaser , Battlecruiser , Inflatable Boat , Speedboat , Powerboating , Ape , Pilot , Scaffolding , Drug , Pharmaceutical Drug , Blouse , Suitcase , Baby Carriage , Stocking , Volkswagen , Overcoat , Trench Coat , Aircraft Cabin , Flight Attendant , Yacht , Belt , Tobacco Products , Birth , Milk , Smoothie , Buttercream , Icing , Cocktail , Terrace , Village , Track , Artificial Turf , Landscape Lighting , Metro , Printer , Hairdresser , Computed Tomography , Cookware And Bakeware , Carmine , Cook , Pineapple , Bromeliaceae , Cake , Cooking Show , Culinary Art , Birthday Cake , Nail Polish , Peach , Torte , Frying Pan , Hamburger , Cheeseburger , Toaster , Caramel Color , Toilet , Chocolate Cake , Glove , Eggplant , Puff Pastry , Mechanical Fan , Golf Equipment , Candle , Gravy , Microwave Oven , Oven , Toaster Oven , Tournedos Rossini , Kobe Beef , Meatball , Chocolate Brownie , Korean Food , Bread , Toast , Welsh Cuisine , Pizza , Gelato , Frozen Dessert , Ice Cream , Sweetness , Sundae , Whipped Cream , Meringue , Dishwasher , Soup , Curry , Omurice , Omelette , Prepackaged Meal , English Cuisine , Red Cabbage , Cabbage , Leaf Vegetable , Onion , Allium , Amaryllis Family , Malus , Garlic , Pearl Onion , Yellow Onion , Winter Squash , Cucurbita , Potato , Root Vegetable , Solanum , Nightshade Family , Carving , Padlock , Bananas , Morinda Citrifolia , Full Breakfast , Diet Food , College Baseball , Canoeing , Canoe , Rowing , Mitsubishi Outlander , Hyundai Veloster , Chevrolet Volt , Pontiac Vibe , Honda Insight , Carpet , Campus , Swedish Cuisine , Middle Eastern Food , Taste , Accordion , Mediterranean Food , Whole Food , Mongolian Food , Kosher Food , Polish Food , Salad , Hawaiian Food , Chinese Food , Meze , Indonesian Food , Delicacy , Malaysian Food , Burmese Food , Delicatessen , Animal Fat , Canadian Cuisine , Bakery , Tartan , Electric Guitar , Bartender , Charcuterie , Sausage , Venison , Yakiniku , Horse Meat , Pastrami , Roast Beef , Corned Beef , Thanksgiving , Fish Products , Burger King Premium Burgers , British Cuisine , Barbecue Grill , Rotisserie , Fireplace , Hendl , Hearing , Elder , Plan , Circuit Component , Electronic Component , Golf , Golf Course , Putter , Golf Club , Professional Golfer , Precision Sports , Pitch , Sports Training , Wedge , Golfer , Running , Track And Field Athletics , Hurdling , Athletics , Heptathlon , Hurdle , Obstacle Race , Goalkeeper , 100 Metres Hurdles , Tennis , Racquet Sport , Racket , Tennis Equipment , Tennis Court , Soft Tennis , Tennis Racket Accessory , Strings , Padel , Paddle Tennis , Baseball Bat , Baseball Equipment , Coach , Rugby , Rugby Union , Womens Football , Forward , Gaelic Football , Lawn Game , Sports Uniform , Construction , Bulldozer , Construction Worker , Crane , Demolition , Hard Hat , Railroad Engineer , Desktop Computer , Wire , Pipe , Synthetic Rubber , Cable , Coil , String Instrument Accessory , Real Tennis , Rackets , Ukulele , Fitness And Figure Competition , Underpants , Briefs , Norwegian Forest Cat , Persian , Spitz , Loveseat , Bunk Bed , Wardrobe , Cupboard , Home Accessories , Clothes Hanger , Bathroom Cabinet , Vase , Lampshade , Artifact , Molding , Computer Hardware , Box , Fractal Art , Decapoda , Crab , Gautama Buddha , Wine Bottle , Vodka , Champagne Stemware , Red Wine , Barware , Champagne , Beer Glass , White Wine , Bugatti Veyron , Baby Activity , Land Rover , Volkswagen Transporter T5 , Volvo Xc70 , Ford Freestar , Volvo V70 , Ford Crown Victoria , Ford Crown Victoria Police Interceptor , Fiat 500 , Antique Car , Scooter , Segway , Vespa , Joker , World Rally Car , Group B , Autocross , Daewoo Lanos , Windscreen Wiper , Whisky , Miniature Golf , Pantry , Bookcase , Liquor Store , 5 Hour Energy , Bricklayer , Strongman , Comic Book , Graffiti , Street Art , Technician , Tin Can , Aluminum Can , Camgirl , Art Model , Nail Care , Wedding Ring , Syringe , Hair Dryer , Four , 200 , 69 , One , Two , 4 , 6 , Three , 13 , Six , 20 , 2008 , 2012 , Zero , 30 , Ten , 12 , 7 , 25 , 24 , 8 , 2014 , 34 , 66 , 2003 , 2013 , 225 , 45 , 195 , 9 , 99 , 64 , 116 , 16 , 2500 , 1864 , 3 , 80 ,

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