Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Story With Martha MacCallum 2024

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Story With Martha MacCallum 20240708

send lethal aid to ukraine. they rely heavily on russia for most of their energy supply. so how strong an ally is germany in all of this? that is the big question that needs to be answered. we expect some tough back and forth here at the white house. that will get started in minutes. president biden has been meeting with him the last hour or so. so we'll take you there live. my guest on "fox news sunday," jake sullivan had this to say about the tensions on the russia ukraine border. >> what i can tell you, martha, we're in the window. any day now russia could take action or could be a couple weeks from now or they could choose the diplomatic path. >> martha: the white house was asked to explain that remark. >> we're looking at a two-track approach. we're ready either way president putin might make. we don't have a new assessment of his decision. >> martha: steve harrigan live with the latest state of play there. hi, steve. >> martha, if there is a russian invasion, keep in mind there's a number of different options for russian president putin. anything from eliminating incursion to the worst case scenario, which would be a full scale invasion. in the case of a full scale invasion, u.s. intelligence estimates the russian forces could take this capitol that i'm standing in now, kiev, in two to three days. 72 hours max. there's preparations along the ukraine border nearing completion. they have more than 80 battalions, more than 130,000 forces. they're carrying out joint exercises in belarus. the numbers are quite sobering in the worst case scenario. if it's a full scale invasion, the u.s. estimates 50,000 civilians could be killed. 25,000 ukrainian military, 10,000 russian military and five million refugees. many people here have generations of family and cultural ties to russia. many of them right now are beginning to rethink that relationship. >> basically we are one people. we are used to the belief that we're brother nations. now they're willing to attack us. >> one other point to keep in mind as these two nations come close to war, eight million russians live here in ukraine. one out every five people here. back to you. >> martha: thanks, steve. indiana congresswoman victoria sparks grew up in ukraine. she traveled back there with a bipartisan delegation and met with president zelensky of ukraine. she joins me now. congresswoman, thanks for being here today. >> thanks for having me. >> martha: the big question, the president is meeting with the new chancellor of germany. in ordinary times there would be a close alliance between the nato states and the united states in this regard. germany has been very reluctant to commit any lethal aid. they sent helmets to ukraine and nothing more at this point. this is from the "wall street journal." it says -- what are your thoughts on that? >> well, i think, you know, german is the largest economy and also needs to show some leadership. you know, i hope this time germany will be on the right side of history. unfortunately, they're in a difficult situation. i understand the chancellor, his coalition consists of green party, which is pushing germany and the green new deal. he also has christian democrats where former chancellor schroeder sits on the board. so i think it's a difficult situation. but i think leadership is important. but also germany to show they're reliable because the united states has done a lot for germany and protect their security and restore the country after world war ii. i hope the chancellor will re-assurance that they're reliable. >> we hope so. we expect them to come out in a few minutes. thanks for being here this afternoon. john kirby is taking questions right now from reporters on this. let's listen in. >> making sure that they have all of the logistics that they need for the time they'll be there. when we're talking about the 82nd and poland, only leading elements have arrived. we said there would be 1,700 all told. only a few hundred have arrived. i think it's more like a couple hundred right now. there's more to flow in. that will happen over the coming days. >> who are you? >> pete from bloomberg. >> all right. i assumed he was a reporter. i haven't seen you in here. >> [question inaudible] >> so here's what i would say. even in just over the course of the weekend, we saw mr. putin add to his force capability along that border with ukraine and in belarus. without getting into specific numbers, he's is -- he's well north of 100,000 and continues to grow. but what is important is not just the numbers. it's the capabilities. what we see is that he is really putting in place robust -- what we would call combined arms capabilities in belarus and along that border with ukraine in russia. that means not just infantry or tracked vehicles but artillery and long range fires and air and missile defense as well as special operations. i mean, he has a full suite available to him. i continues to grow every day, including over the last two days. as for indications of an invasion, we don't have anything specific that we can point to as an ah-ha moment and say that's it. now we know that he's going in and he's going in on such and such a date. but again, i would go back to what we continue to see him build there. it's not just the combined arms capabilities, it's the ability to sustain these troops in the field for a period of time. so even as he has added combat capability, he's also added logistics and sustainment capability. in other words, the ability to keep them in the field for longer and longer periods of time. so it's -- it's a whole list of things we're looking at and watching. we could not say with specificity now a, that he's made a final decision one way or another or b if he does, what it's going to be. but with each passing day, he gives himself a lot more options from a military perspective. i would just add if i might -- it's not your question, but there's still time and space for diplomacy. we believe there's a past forward that should be pursued. mr. putin can easily deescalate the tensions by taking that force presence away, which is certainly within his power to do that. did that answer your question? sorry i didn't recognize you with your mask on. >> have you seen any evidence that putin is planning to use or deploy hypersonic weapons? >> i don't see any indication of that at this time. we're watching this very closely. >> can you rule it out? >> i won't rule anything or out for mr. putin. he continues to add to his capabilities. >> martha: the question being asked about hypersonic missiles which we've heard about being used by china, north korea and doing tests. russia has tests. jennifer griffin has reported that the united states is behind in this capability and now there's questions if it can be used in this standoff. so it's obviously a very -- it's obviously becoming a tense situation as the military has increased their presence in the donbask region. and a freedom convey 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seizing vehicles. here at home, some attorneys general are investigating go fund me for shutting down the convoy's fund-raising means and giving the donations out in other means. now there's a similar convoy planned here in the united states and they say it's not about politics to them. >> in no way is this a right wing issue or left wing issue. it's not anti-vax. this is about your rights as a human being and a course as an american your constitutional rights. >> martha: bring in rand paul, kentucky senator, who is also an m.d. what is your read on what is happening in canada and another convoy that is being organized in the united states. what does this say to you about what is going on? >> it's no longer a right left issue. there may have been more of us on the right not liking the government mandates but you're finding parents of children, whether they're left of center, independents that don't like the idea of forcing children to wear masks when the science doesn't indicate that the masks are working. the cdc admits the cloth masks are not working. you can see kids outside in their cold eating sandwiches, kids playing outside the masks. it's bringing right and left together. in the end, the democrats have really overplayed their hands on the mandates. they're going to lose their populous. is this is the turning point. the science is clear that the bulk and the vast majority of people wearing have no difference, make no difference in the trajectory of the virus. so ultimately the democrats will lose the public. if they haven't already lost the public, i think they're getting there. >> martha: could be. this photo of stacey abrams got a lot of attention over the weekend. not only was she not wearing a bask but in front of a group of children. look at the kid. we've been too used to seeing children with half of their faces covered. she put out a statement saying it's shameful that our opponents are using black history month reading event for georgia children as an impetus for a false political attack. this silly attack is beneath anyone who claims he wants to lead georgia. much adieu about nothing or is it significant? >> if she were honest, she would admit it's theater. almost all of the politicians around the capitol are putting them on for cameras. it is theater. i see them in private. they don't have their masks on. i interviewed a nominee to head an agency for government. we talked for 45 minutes in my office. they said they picture. he said do you mind if i put my mask on. i said whatever floats your boat. you know? it is all theater at this point. if it were just add adults being stupid, that's fine. you have a right to be stupid in a free country but you don't have a right to force it on children. it's sad. somebody has to stand up. whether it's putting your semi in the middle of the town and honking a horn or parents going to a school board meeting. these people will never let go of our freedoms if we don't push back. >> martha: it's interesting. there was a study released that showed california versus texas in terms of the cases. california of course has much more onerous masking rules. texas much more open in terms of choice to mask or not. california's cases were slightly higher. the trend lime is very similar. but there's no way to read this chart other than to think that california is not at an advantage for masking up. >> this is true over and over again. if you look at most state mandates when they were instituted. look at incidence of the disease. in florida, half of the counties obeyed the order to quit the mandates when desantis said quit doing the mandates. that i were large numbers of children. the incidents is the same. the masks don't work. we're punishing our children. as someone that doesn't hear very well, i know what it's like to not be able to understand people because you can't see their lips. this is terrible. and kids, kids that have normal hear rudy guliani learning by looking at the lips and facial expressions and say this is how they learn to be part of a group and be part of a community. it's really sad for these kids. somebody has to stand up for them. >> martha: heart breaking. they're so compliant and obedient and doing what they're told. they think this is a way of life. i wonder how long it's going to take to free them up to live in a world where they don't have to cover half their faces especially with cloth masks which this cd says doesn't do anything. thanks, senator paul. very good to talk to you. >> thanks. >> martha: so a provocative ad calls the beijing olympics the genocide games. my next guest says the communist party and nbc are suppressing this message about what is really going on in china. michael waltz is next. ♪ ♪ before you go there, or fist bump there, or...oh! i can't wait to go there! or reunite there, ♪ ♪ start here. walgreens makes it easy to stay protected wherever you go. schedule your free covid-19 booster today. with ww, i lost 30 lbs and i 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russia-ukraine story. the president meets behind doors with olaf scholz. we'll take you there when it gets underway. everybody is gathered about it's about to get going shortly. the genocide games, that's what republican michael waltz of florida is calling the beijing olympics in a tv ad. he says nbc won't run the commercial because it calls out u.s. corporations sponsoring the game. >> the world's greatest athletic showcase. just outside the show, rape, genocide, slave labor, american companies are drunk on chinese dollars. entangled with communist dictators committing atrocities. >> martha: nbc said their longstanding advertising good lines changed the ad so it could air. with that, we bring in congressman waltz. what changes were they asking for? >> we booked the air time for during the olympics. nbc said we'll run it if you make material changes and you take down all of the company logos. kind of the point, martha, right? this was a nonrejection rejection. at the end of the day, nbc is doing the bidding of the chinese communist party and all of these companies that preach social justice here at home are turning a blind eye i think to what the greatest and most disturbing disgusting genocide since the holocaust. and they are -- they're complicit, they're funding -- what we said at the end of the ad with enes kantor freedom, let's symptom funding the dictators. when you see made in china, put it down. >> martha: this is a statement that came out today about the uighur torch bearer that is a cross-country skier that lit the torch. everybody is supposed to say look at this chinese athlete together lighting this torch and leadership in china says this proves we're one family here. here's what they said. the torch bearers are highly representative -- watch this. sorry. >> the beijing winter game torch bearers are highly representative in keeping with the selection of torch bearers. we hope the relevant party can see this in an objective and reasonable manner. >> martha: what happened to that cross country skier after she lit the torch there, congressman? >> that was just as coerced as the chinese tennis player, pong suay that has been pushed aside. and all of these companies are benefitting off of modern day slavery. again, we're going to call out that hypocrisy. the american people are waking up to it. when the chinese communist party are threatening to turn off pharmaceuticals and supply chains that make our economy go, they know this is not just not just a jobs or a human rights issue. it's a national security issue. i heard from a member of my staff in a dinner north florida and the person next to her ask that the olympics be turned on. the waitresses said ma'am, we don't support genocide in this establishment. so our message to the american people, we have to vote with our wallet. when we have a chinese dictatorship that talks about replacing the american dream with the china dream, that's not a world i want our kids or grandkids growing up in. it starts now. we have to make a stand. >> martha: a lot of people tuning the games out because they're feeling as they watch this unfold what you have been talking about for months and months. it never should have happened. this shouldn't be happening in the environment that where a million uighurs are in concentration camps. i don't know what else you call it. >> that's right. and the ioc tries to play this game. we don't play politics. it's all just about the sports. yet they banned the olympics in south africa over apartheid. they banned the south american athletes for playing for 30 years but yet they turn a blind eye to china. the only difference is the amount of money involved. the american people see through the hypocrisy whether it's the companies or the ioc. that's why nbc's ratings are in the tank. they've had about half the viewership that they had before. again, we need a real wake-up call across the country. that's what this ad was designed to do. nbc's censorship in attempt to do the bidding of the chinese communist party has put a bigger spotlight on it. >> martha: you done a great job bringing attention to the human rights atrocities. we'll bring attention to it every day. you won't see it on other networks. i encourage people to go to your ad and pull it up. it's an important message. >> thanks for having me. >> martha: we're moments away from a very important news conference that is about to unfold live in the east room at the white house. president biden and germany's chancellor, olaf scholz, this is his first time at the white house. he took over for angela merkel in december. they're about to take questions. who will have who's back with regard to this issue with ukraine and russia. all of that as france's president has clearedly taken the lead today with one-on-one talks with putin. t? the newday 100 va loan lets you borrow up to 100% of your home's value and take out up to $60,000 or more. give them a call. veteran homeowners, newday 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position here. the new german chancellor says the response an invasion if it happens from russia, he says it would be united and decisive. mark meredith live at the white house as we wait. mark? >> martha, good afternoon to you. as you mentioned, moments now we expect for president biden and germany's new chancellor to take a handful of questions. the two men meeting on climate change, covid-19 and the one thing that everybody will be talking about is what germany's view is when it comes to russia and a potential invasion of ukraine. earlier today president biden welcomed the chancellor in the oval office. there was a pool spray. a chance for the president to say a few words. here's what he had to say this afternoon. >> state the obvious. germany is one of america's closest allies. we're working to further deter russia aggression in europe and address the challenges posed by china and promote stability in the western bulk. >> the white house says they're hopeful diplomatic talks will continue. as you mentioned, march that we've seen the u.s. troops make their way to poland. for the germans, a russian invasion will trigger a huge debate about germany's economy and energy security especially with the nord stream 2 pipeline. if the invasion happens, the u.s. will halt the pipeline. the pipeline connects russia and germany under the baltic sea. it's important for germany's economy. the two leaders are expected to face a multitude of questions about that very topic. we hope to see if president biden can weigh-in on the progress when it comes to ukraine. we know he had a chance to speak with emmanuel macron yesterday. he meet in moscow with putin earlier today. there's a lot of questions about what nato allies will convince the russians to do if anything, to halt invasion plans. both leaders expected to take the questions. we don't know how many questions they will take. sometimes it can be a short and sweet event, sometimes things can go off the rails. we'll wait and see. >> martha: let's hope they ask reporters to ask all the questions they need to ask. there's a lot of them. thanks, mark. as we await the president, we'll bring in karl rove, former chief of staff for president bush. great to have you with us. a lot to talk about. karl, let's go to you first. with regard to this question of nord stream 2, which as we remember president trump was not in favor of allowing this pipeline to go from russia to germany, which anticipated making that alliance difficult to break between these countries. jen psaki was asked by jacqui heinrich whether or not germany has agreed to cancel the pipeline or close it or not allow it to open if there's an invasion. watch this. >> you think the germans have committed not to bring nord stream 2 on line if russia invades? >> again, i'm not going to get into private conversations but we've said a number of times, if they invade it will not move forward. >> martha: karl, what do you think? >> a pretty did funnive statement. the administration made a mistake early on in my opinion by in essence greenlighting nord stream 2. russia was not the same russia as we have today. they have been collecting troops along the ukrainian border in order to threaten ukraine and begin a breakdown in nato and europe. i'm glad to hear it now. i wish they acted in that manner a year ago. >> martha: steve, macron is speaking with putin. he's going to see zelensky as well. is there sort of a lessening of the u.s. role and increasing of france's role in this? >> i think we got to see it all so often. karl will know better than anyone through politics. macron is facing re-election in a couple months. domestic political terms, distancing from even hostility to america always goes down well with the french political audience here. just showing that he's not america's poodle as it were. in a political sense, when we watch the german chancellor speaking, he's now leading a coalition government that includes the green party. biden saying you know, you shut down nord stream, we'll help you out. we haven't because he's harming our own domestic injury. it's such a mess. >> martha: i asked jake sullivan about that yesterday. he said what is important long-term the changes we're making will push us to alternative fuels. he says that's bigger than giving up the new leases on federal lands for natural gas. >> martha: well, doesn't work that way. renewalable energy except for hydro is far more expensive than natural gas, for example. what mr. sullivan was suggesting is americans pay much higher prices for their utilities and fuel their vehicles in return for some distant promise of renewable green energy. >> martha: the president and chancellor have walked out. let's listen in. >> we had a very productive meeting. i think our staff wondered whether we would let them in at all. we spent the first half hour together and it's been a very useful meeting. one of the things that struck me is the shared values that each of us a -- of us approaches leadership and the need to treat all people with respect. i enjoyed speaking with you, olaf and i know we will strengthen our alliance and the partnership between germany and the united states. of course, the top of our agenda today was our united approach to deterring russia's threats against ukraine. the longstanding principles of rule-based international order. that's what we spent most of our time talking about. germany and the united states together with our allies and partners are working closely together to pursue diplomatic resolutions. we have made it clear we're ready to continue talks in good faith with russia. germany has been a leader in pushing deescalation of tensions and encouraging dialogue through the normandy format. if russia invading ukraine, we're jointly ready and all of nato is ready. today the chancellor and i discussed our close cooperation, developed strong package of sanctions that will clearly demonstrate international resolve and impose swift and severe consequences if russia violates ukraine's sovereignty and its territorial integrity. i want to thank germany and all of our other partners in eastern europe, the european union for their work in this united effort. we're in agreement that it cannot be business as usual if russia further invades. we also discussed our shared committee to the responsibilities of article 5 and assurance of the eastern flank allies. we're united in that as well. already the united states is sending troops to reinforce the alliance and i want to thank the chancellor of germany for hosting additional u.s. forces and for the longstanding hospitality to our women and men in uniform. we also discussed the challenges we're facing to the international order from china along with russia and other competitors that are pursuing more a liberal futures. we've agreed that germany and the united states will continue to work together to ensure that the rules and principals governing emerging technologies are geared to advance freedom of opportunity, not refresh authoritarianism. we also confirmed our commitment to completing the work of integrating the wester balkans in the european institutions and realize that a europe that is whole, free and at peace. with germany hospitaling the presidency of the g-7, we talked about how that form can harness the world's leading democracies to advance robust agenda on global challenges from ending the pandemic to addressing climate change. so the bottom line is this. whether as allies in nato, partners through the european union or through the strong bilateral relationship, we're partners and we can count on one another. there's no issue of global importance where germany and the united states are not working together, strength to strength. applying and amplifying our efforts together. i want to thank you for making the germany today and i look forward the first of many opportunities that we can spend together regarding this meeting and throughout the rest of the year and the rest of our terms. thank you. welcome. floor is yours, sir. >> thank you very much. good afternoon from my side as well. i'm very grateful that we had the opportunity to talk in much detail today and that i was able to make my first official visit here and we could talk about the important questions that we're dealing with today. we're in a very difficult situation and it is a good thing that joe and i were able to discuss what we need to to in this difficult context. of course, there's a military thread in ukraine against ukraine. we cannot remain silent on that. we see the number of russian troops along the ukrainian border. that is a serious threat to european security. this is why it's important that we act together, that we stand together and that we do what is necessary together. it is important that all allies, the u.s. and germany and the trans atlantic partnership between the u.s. and europe, nato, say the same things with one voice and do things together. we made it very clear. if there was a military aggression against ukraine, this will entail severe consequences that we agreed upon together, severe sanctions that we have worked on together. so there will be a high price for russia. this is a very clear message. everybody has understood it. i think this message has been made clear again and again so even russia has understood the message now. what is important is that we also work on preparing possible sanctions together. we don't want to start once there is a military aggression against ukraine, we have prepared a reaction that will help us to react swiftly if needed. we will do that. at the same time, it's important the use all diplomatic means we. have i'm very glad about your great willingness to move forward together, especially the bilateral talks with the u.s. and russia. of course, the talks that we have greed upon with nato. this is also important also because russia needs to understand that nato stands together and nato is prepared after so many years, they have not been any talks in this format. it's a good sign that they're happening now. of course, we have work there it's important that we talk. the same is true for the osce. we need to discuss about security in europe. this is also a progress as tiresome as it may be and we have netanyahu yet reached any very substantial conclusions yet but it's good to see there's a role now. same is true between the talks between ukraine, france and germany. we have this format, but we haven't been able to use it in a protective way the last few years. so now we have come back to that format. we're having tough discussions in that format and that shows there's ways that will lead us out of this difficult situation, this duel track approach of clear announcements with regard to sanctions that will be taken if there's a military aggression and at the same time keeping all dialogue format open. this is the most promising strategy one could have. that's what we're doing together and we stand side by side in this approach. we talked about many other topics that are important for us today especially when it comes to the g-7 presidency of the federal republic of germany. we will work closely as strong economies, strong democracies and we also therefore have a special mandate to contribute to cohesion worldwide. part of this is that we continue to do everything that we can to make sure that the citizens of the world can be vaccinated not only in our rich country, but hopefully in countries where people would love to have the vaccine, but don't have access yet. these are initiatives that we have carried out together and are of utmost important worldwide. the same is true for fighting manmade climate change, a big topic that keeps us all busy, even though it's obvious that only a global solution can be successful because climate is a global thing. it doesn't stop at national borders. as an industrialized nation, we have an important contribution to make. we have technological opportunities, economic opportunities and have to use them in order to prepare a situation where we and others can enjoy prosperity without harming the climate. this is the big challenge that we see and that is of great importance to us. this is why we want to work together on this strategy and use a climate club of like-minded people and partners. these are some of the topics that we discussed. once again, the discussion that we had illustrates the excellence cooperation between our countries, the strong bond that we have in our trans atlantic partnership and the fact that both countries can rely on each other. >> thanks very much. we'll now take a couple questions each. reuters. andrea. you have the first question. >> thank you, mr. president. thank you, chancellor scholz. mr. president, i wanted to ask you about this nord stream project that you've long opposed. you didn't mention it just now by name, nor did chancellor scholz. did you receive assurances from chancellor scholz that germany will pull the plug on this project if russia invades ukraine and did you discuss what the definition of invasion could be? and chancellor scholz, if i may ask you, you said there was some strategic ambiguity that was needed in terms of sanctions. i just wanted to know whether the sanctions you're envisioning and that you're working on and the u.s. as well already finished, finalized or is there still work ongoing? you're not really saying what the details are. that is just an excuse for germany not to support the swift measures? >> let me answer the first question first. if germany -- if russia invades, that means tanks and troops crossing the border of ukraine. again, then there will be no longer a nord stream 2. we will bring an end to it. >> how will you do that exactly? since the project and control of the project is within germany's control. >> we will -- i promise you we'll be able to do it. >> thank you very much for your question. i want to be absolutely clear. we have intensively prepared everything to be ready with the necessary sanctions if there is a military aggression against ukraine. this is necessary. it is necessary that we do this in advance. really have to understand these are far-reaching severe measures. it is part of the process that we do not spell out everything in public. because russia could understand that there might be even more to come. at the same time, it's very clear that we're well-prepared, far-reaching measures. we will take these measures together with our allies, with our partners with the u.s. and we will take all necessary steps. you can be sure that there won't be any measures in which we have a differing approach. we will act together jointedly. >> we will be united and we will act together and we will take all the necessary steps and the necessary steps will be done by all of us together. >> will you commit today to turning off and pulling the plug on nord stream 2? you didn't mention it and you haven't mentioned it. >> as i said, we're acting together. we're absolutely united and we will not take different steps. we will do the same steps. they will be very hard to russia and they should understand. >> you recognize someone now, chancellor. >> mr. president, one question to you. the u.s. over the last few years have exported heavy weapons to ukraine and germany excludes that. only delivered 5,000 helmets to ukraine. don't you think that nato should act unanimously in this respect and germany as the strongest european nato partner should also deliver heavy weapons to ukraine and ukraine has asked germany to do so and on the nord stream 2, with the threat posed, tonight you think the position on nord stream 2 should change. the third question, over the last few days and weeks, there's been severe criticism from the u.s. media and from congress as well vis a vis germany about the reliability of germany as an ally. this has been called in to question. do you understand this criticism? is germany a reliable partner from you're point of view? mr. chancellor, also a question to you. nord stream 2, you said all options are on the table. you're not mentioning nord stream 2 by name. don't you think if you were to spell this out you could win back trust as a strong ally here for the u.s.? >> there's no need to win back trust. he has the complete trust of the united states. germany is one of our most important allies in the world. there's no doubt about germany's partnership with the united states. none. with regard to helping ukraine, one of the largest contributors financially to ukraine has been germany. germany has been in the forefront of making sure of providing economic assistance. you also asked a question, so many, i can't remember them all. in terms of the u.s. media saying germany is not reliable. germany is completely reliable. totally reliable. have no doubt about germany at all. >> we are united. the trans atlantic partnership between germany and the u.s. is one of the permanent pillars of german policy and will be relevant in the future as well, just as relevant. this will be one of our top priorities always. on behalf of nato, we are the country in europe that is doing -- making the largest contribution, financial means and military power and we are the country that contributes a great share. we're not fully -- we don't agree who pays the biggest part of financial support to ukraine. since 2014, about $2 billion u.s. dollars direct bilateral support and an additional 3.8 billion that is made available. substantial financial means to stabilize the ukrainian economy and we're willing to continue with that sort of contribution. so this is the very strong and unbreakable friendship between our two countries. part of the situation at the border, we made it clear that we will unanimously act in terms of sanctions. mr. president, once again, a question with regard to arms exports. do you any it's okay that nato partners have different approaches here? and on nord stream 2 again, you think the current positioning of germany with regard to the russian threat is okay? >> look, there is no doubt in america's mind that germany is an incredibly reliable ally and one of the leading physical powers in nato, number 1. number 2, the notion that nord stream 2 will go forward with an invasion by the russians is not going to happen. now, "wall street journal." sabrina. >> thanks, mr. president. based on everything you know now, you think that president putin will authorize an invasion of ukraine before the end of the winter? what is your message to the roughly 30,000 americans in ukraine? you think that they should leave the country? >> well, i've had discussions, numerous discussions with the russians and particularly with putin. i don't know that he's even made -- i don't know that he knows what he's going to do. i think he has to realize that it would be a gigantic mistake for him to move on ukraine, the impact on europe and the rest of the world would be devastating. he would pay a heavy price. i have been very, very straightforward and blunt with president putin both on the phone and in person. we will impose the most severe sanctions that have ever been imposed, economic sanctions. there will be a

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Story With Martha MacCallum 20240708 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Story With Martha MacCallum 20240708

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send lethal aid to ukraine. they rely heavily on russia for most of their energy supply. so how strong an ally is germany in all of this? that is the big question that needs to be answered. we expect some tough back and forth here at the white house. that will get started in minutes. president biden has been meeting with him the last hour or so. so we'll take you there live. my guest on "fox news sunday," jake sullivan had this to say about the tensions on the russia ukraine border. >> what i can tell you, martha, we're in the window. any day now russia could take action or could be a couple weeks from now or they could choose the diplomatic path. >> martha: the white house was asked to explain that remark. >> we're looking at a two-track approach. we're ready either way president putin might make. we don't have a new assessment of his decision. >> martha: steve harrigan live with the latest state of play there. hi, steve. >> martha, if there is a russian invasion, keep in mind there's a number of different options for russian president putin. anything from eliminating incursion to the worst case scenario, which would be a full scale invasion. in the case of a full scale invasion, u.s. intelligence estimates the russian forces could take this capitol that i'm standing in now, kiev, in two to three days. 72 hours max. there's preparations along the ukraine border nearing completion. they have more than 80 battalions, more than 130,000 forces. they're carrying out joint exercises in belarus. the numbers are quite sobering in the worst case scenario. if it's a full scale invasion, the u.s. estimates 50,000 civilians could be killed. 25,000 ukrainian military, 10,000 russian military and five million refugees. many people here have generations of family and cultural ties to russia. many of them right now are beginning to rethink that relationship. >> basically we are one people. we are used to the belief that we're brother nations. now they're willing to attack us. >> one other point to keep in mind as these two nations come close to war, eight million russians live here in ukraine. one out every five people here. back to you. >> martha: thanks, steve. indiana congresswoman victoria sparks grew up in ukraine. she traveled back there with a bipartisan delegation and met with president zelensky of ukraine. she joins me now. congresswoman, thanks for being here today. >> thanks for having me. >> martha: the big question, the president is meeting with the new chancellor of germany. in ordinary times there would be a close alliance between the nato states and the united states in this regard. germany has been very reluctant to commit any lethal aid. they sent helmets to ukraine and nothing more at this point. this is from the "wall street journal." it says -- what are your thoughts on that? >> well, i think, you know, german is the largest economy and also needs to show some leadership. you know, i hope this time germany will be on the right side of history. unfortunately, they're in a difficult situation. i understand the chancellor, his coalition consists of green party, which is pushing germany and the green new deal. he also has christian democrats where former chancellor schroeder sits on the board. so i think it's a difficult situation. but i think leadership is important. but also germany to show they're reliable because the united states has done a lot for germany and protect their security and restore the country after world war ii. i hope the chancellor will re-assurance that they're reliable. >> we hope so. we expect them to come out in a few minutes. thanks for being here this afternoon. john kirby is taking questions right now from reporters on this. let's listen in. >> making sure that they have all of the logistics that they need for the time they'll be there. when we're talking about the 82nd and poland, only leading elements have arrived. we said there would be 1,700 all told. only a few hundred have arrived. i think it's more like a couple hundred right now. there's more to flow in. that will happen over the coming days. >> who are you? >> pete from bloomberg. >> all right. i assumed he was a reporter. i haven't seen you in here. >> [question inaudible] >> so here's what i would say. even in just over the course of the weekend, we saw mr. putin add to his force capability along that border with ukraine and in belarus. without getting into specific numbers, he's is -- he's well north of 100,000 and continues to grow. but what is important is not just the numbers. it's the capabilities. what we see is that he is really putting in place robust -- what we would call combined arms capabilities in belarus and along that border with ukraine in russia. that means not just infantry or tracked vehicles but artillery and long range fires and air and missile defense as well as special operations. i mean, he has a full suite available to him. i continues to grow every day, including over the last two days. as for indications of an invasion, we don't have anything specific that we can point to as an ah-ha moment and say that's it. now we know that he's going in and he's going in on such and such a date. but again, i would go back to what we continue to see him build there. it's not just the combined arms capabilities, it's the ability to sustain these troops in the field for a period of time. so even as he has added combat capability, he's also added logistics and sustainment capability. in other words, the ability to keep them in the field for longer and longer periods of time. so it's -- it's a whole list of things we're looking at and watching. we could not say with specificity now a, that he's made a final decision one way or another or b if he does, what it's going to be. but with each passing day, he gives himself a lot more options from a military perspective. i would just add if i might -- it's not your question, but there's still time and space for diplomacy. we believe there's a past forward that should be pursued. mr. putin can easily deescalate the tensions by taking that force presence away, which is certainly within his power to do that. did that answer your question? sorry i didn't recognize you with your mask on. >> have you seen any evidence that putin is planning to use or deploy hypersonic weapons? >> i don't see any indication of that at this time. we're watching this very closely. >> can you rule it out? >> i won't rule anything or out for mr. putin. he continues to add to his capabilities. >> martha: the question being asked about hypersonic missiles which we've heard about being used by china, north korea and doing tests. russia has tests. jennifer griffin has reported that the united states is behind in this capability and now there's questions if it can be used in this standoff. so it's obviously a very -- it's obviously becoming a tense situation as the military has increased their presence in the donbask region. and a freedom convey 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seizing vehicles. here at home, some attorneys general are investigating go fund me for shutting down the convoy's fund-raising means and giving the donations out in other means. now there's a similar convoy planned here in the united states and they say it's not about politics to them. >> in no way is this a right wing issue or left wing issue. it's not anti-vax. this is about your rights as a human being and a course as an american your constitutional rights. >> martha: bring in rand paul, kentucky senator, who is also an m.d. what is your read on what is happening in canada and another convoy that is being organized in the united states. what does this say to you about what is going on? >> it's no longer a right left issue. there may have been more of us on the right not liking the government mandates but you're finding parents of children, whether they're left of center, independents that don't like the idea of forcing children to wear masks when the science doesn't indicate that the masks are working. the cdc admits the cloth masks are not working. you can see kids outside in their cold eating sandwiches, kids playing outside the masks. it's bringing right and left together. in the end, the democrats have really overplayed their hands on the mandates. they're going to lose their populous. is this is the turning point. the science is clear that the bulk and the vast majority of people wearing have no difference, make no difference in the trajectory of the virus. so ultimately the democrats will lose the public. if they haven't already lost the public, i think they're getting there. >> martha: could be. this photo of stacey abrams got a lot of attention over the weekend. not only was she not wearing a bask but in front of a group of children. look at the kid. we've been too used to seeing children with half of their faces covered. she put out a statement saying it's shameful that our opponents are using black history month reading event for georgia children as an impetus for a false political attack. this silly attack is beneath anyone who claims he wants to lead georgia. much adieu about nothing or is it significant? >> if she were honest, she would admit it's theater. almost all of the politicians around the capitol are putting them on for cameras. it is theater. i see them in private. they don't have their masks on. i interviewed a nominee to head an agency for government. we talked for 45 minutes in my office. they said they picture. he said do you mind if i put my mask on. i said whatever floats your boat. you know? it is all theater at this point. if it were just add adults being stupid, that's fine. you have a right to be stupid in a free country but you don't have a right to force it on children. it's sad. somebody has to stand up. whether it's putting your semi in the middle of the town and honking a horn or parents going to a school board meeting. these people will never let go of our freedoms if we don't push back. >> martha: it's interesting. there was a study released that showed california versus texas in terms of the cases. california of course has much more onerous masking rules. texas much more open in terms of choice to mask or not. california's cases were slightly higher. the trend lime is very similar. but there's no way to read this chart other than to think that california is not at an advantage for masking up. >> this is true over and over again. if you look at most state mandates when they were instituted. look at incidence of the disease. in florida, half of the counties obeyed the order to quit the mandates when desantis said quit doing the mandates. that i were large numbers of children. the incidents is the same. the masks don't work. we're punishing our children. as someone that doesn't hear very well, i know what it's like to not be able to understand people because you can't see their lips. this is terrible. and kids, kids that have normal hear rudy guliani learning by looking at the lips and facial expressions and say this is how they learn to be part of a group and be part of a community. it's really sad for these kids. somebody has to stand up for them. >> martha: heart breaking. they're so compliant and obedient and doing what they're told. they think this is a way of life. i wonder how long it's going to take to free them up to live in a world where they don't have to cover half their faces especially with cloth masks which this cd says doesn't do anything. thanks, senator paul. very good to talk to you. >> thanks. >> martha: so a provocative ad calls the beijing olympics the genocide games. my next guest says the communist party and nbc are suppressing this message about what is really going on in china. michael waltz is next. ♪ ♪ before you go there, or fist bump there, or...oh! i can't wait to go there! or reunite there, ♪ ♪ start here. walgreens makes it easy to stay protected wherever you go. schedule your free covid-19 booster today. with ww, i lost 30 lbs and i 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russia-ukraine story. the president meets behind doors with olaf scholz. we'll take you there when it gets underway. everybody is gathered about it's about to get going shortly. the genocide games, that's what republican michael waltz of florida is calling the beijing olympics in a tv ad. he says nbc won't run the commercial because it calls out u.s. corporations sponsoring the game. >> the world's greatest athletic showcase. just outside the show, rape, genocide, slave labor, american companies are drunk on chinese dollars. entangled with communist dictators committing atrocities. >> martha: nbc said their longstanding advertising good lines changed the ad so it could air. with that, we bring in congressman waltz. what changes were they asking for? >> we booked the air time for during the olympics. nbc said we'll run it if you make material changes and you take down all of the company logos. kind of the point, martha, right? this was a nonrejection rejection. at the end of the day, nbc is doing the bidding of the chinese communist party and all of these companies that preach social justice here at home are turning a blind eye i think to what the greatest and most disturbing disgusting genocide since the holocaust. and they are -- they're complicit, they're funding -- what we said at the end of the ad with enes kantor freedom, let's symptom funding the dictators. when you see made in china, put it down. >> martha: this is a statement that came out today about the uighur torch bearer that is a cross-country skier that lit the torch. everybody is supposed to say look at this chinese athlete together lighting this torch and leadership in china says this proves we're one family here. here's what they said. the torch bearers are highly representative -- watch this. sorry. >> the beijing winter game torch bearers are highly representative in keeping with the selection of torch bearers. we hope the relevant party can see this in an objective and reasonable manner. >> martha: what happened to that cross country skier after she lit the torch there, congressman? >> that was just as coerced as the chinese tennis player, pong suay that has been pushed aside. and all of these companies are benefitting off of modern day slavery. again, we're going to call out that hypocrisy. the american people are waking up to it. when the chinese communist party are threatening to turn off pharmaceuticals and supply chains that make our economy go, they know this is not just not just a jobs or a human rights issue. it's a national security issue. i heard from a member of my staff in a dinner north florida and the person next to her ask that the olympics be turned on. the waitresses said ma'am, we don't support genocide in this establishment. so our message to the american people, we have to vote with our wallet. when we have a chinese dictatorship that talks about replacing the american dream with the china dream, that's not a world i want our kids or grandkids growing up in. it starts now. we have to make a stand. >> martha: a lot of people tuning the games out because they're feeling as they watch this unfold what you have been talking about for months and months. it never should have happened. this shouldn't be happening in the environment that where a million uighurs are in concentration camps. i don't know what else you call it. >> that's right. and the ioc tries to play this game. we don't play politics. it's all just about the sports. yet they banned the olympics in south africa over apartheid. they banned the south american athletes for playing for 30 years but yet they turn a blind eye to china. the only difference is the amount of money involved. the american people see through the hypocrisy whether it's the companies or the ioc. that's why nbc's ratings are in the tank. they've had about half the viewership that they had before. again, we need a real wake-up call across the country. that's what this ad was designed to do. nbc's censorship in attempt to do the bidding of the chinese communist party has put a bigger spotlight on it. >> martha: you done a great job bringing attention to the human rights atrocities. we'll bring attention to it every day. you won't see it on other networks. i encourage people to go to your ad and pull it up. it's an important message. >> thanks for having me. >> martha: we're moments away from a very important news conference that is about to unfold live in the east room at the white house. president biden and germany's chancellor, olaf scholz, this is his first time at the white house. he took over for angela merkel in december. they're about to take questions. who will have who's back with regard to this issue with ukraine and russia. all of that as france's president has clearedly taken the lead today with one-on-one talks with putin. t? the newday 100 va loan lets you borrow up to 100% of your home's value and take out up to $60,000 or more. give them a call. veteran homeowners, newday 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position here. the new german chancellor says the response an invasion if it happens from russia, he says it would be united and decisive. mark meredith live at the white house as we wait. mark? >> martha, good afternoon to you. as you mentioned, moments now we expect for president biden and germany's new chancellor to take a handful of questions. the two men meeting on climate change, covid-19 and the one thing that everybody will be talking about is what germany's view is when it comes to russia and a potential invasion of ukraine. earlier today president biden welcomed the chancellor in the oval office. there was a pool spray. a chance for the president to say a few words. here's what he had to say this afternoon. >> state the obvious. germany is one of america's closest allies. we're working to further deter russia aggression in europe and address the challenges posed by china and promote stability in the western bulk. >> the white house says they're hopeful diplomatic talks will continue. as you mentioned, march that we've seen the u.s. troops make their way to poland. for the germans, a russian invasion will trigger a huge debate about germany's economy and energy security especially with the nord stream 2 pipeline. if the invasion happens, the u.s. will halt the pipeline. the pipeline connects russia and germany under the baltic sea. it's important for germany's economy. the two leaders are expected to face a multitude of questions about that very topic. we hope to see if president biden can weigh-in on the progress when it comes to ukraine. we know he had a chance to speak with emmanuel macron yesterday. he meet in moscow with putin earlier today. there's a lot of questions about what nato allies will convince the russians to do if anything, to halt invasion plans. both leaders expected to take the questions. we don't know how many questions they will take. sometimes it can be a short and sweet event, sometimes things can go off the rails. we'll wait and see. >> martha: let's hope they ask reporters to ask all the questions they need to ask. there's a lot of them. thanks, mark. as we await the president, we'll bring in karl rove, former chief of staff for president bush. great to have you with us. a lot to talk about. karl, let's go to you first. with regard to this question of nord stream 2, which as we remember president trump was not in favor of allowing this pipeline to go from russia to germany, which anticipated making that alliance difficult to break between these countries. jen psaki was asked by jacqui heinrich whether or not germany has agreed to cancel the pipeline or close it or not allow it to open if there's an invasion. watch this. >> you think the germans have committed not to bring nord stream 2 on line if russia invades? >> again, i'm not going to get into private conversations but we've said a number of times, if they invade it will not move forward. >> martha: karl, what do you think? >> a pretty did funnive statement. the administration made a mistake early on in my opinion by in essence greenlighting nord stream 2. russia was not the same russia as we have today. they have been collecting troops along the ukrainian border in order to threaten ukraine and begin a breakdown in nato and europe. i'm glad to hear it now. i wish they acted in that manner a year ago. >> martha: steve, macron is speaking with putin. he's going to see zelensky as well. is there sort of a lessening of the u.s. role and increasing of france's role in this? >> i think we got to see it all so often. karl will know better than anyone through politics. macron is facing re-election in a couple months. domestic political terms, distancing from even hostility to america always goes down well with the french political audience here. just showing that he's not america's poodle as it were. in a political sense, when we watch the german chancellor speaking, he's now leading a coalition government that includes the green party. biden saying you know, you shut down nord stream, we'll help you out. we haven't because he's harming our own domestic injury. it's such a mess. >> martha: i asked jake sullivan about that yesterday. he said what is important long-term the changes we're making will push us to alternative fuels. he says that's bigger than giving up the new leases on federal lands for natural gas. >> martha: well, doesn't work that way. renewalable energy except for hydro is far more expensive than natural gas, for example. what mr. sullivan was suggesting is americans pay much higher prices for their utilities and fuel their vehicles in return for some distant promise of renewable green energy. >> martha: the president and chancellor have walked out. let's listen in. >> we had a very productive meeting. i think our staff wondered whether we would let them in at all. we spent the first half hour together and it's been a very useful meeting. one of the things that struck me is the shared values that each of us a -- of us approaches leadership and the need to treat all people with respect. i enjoyed speaking with you, olaf and i know we will strengthen our alliance and the partnership between germany and the united states. of course, the top of our agenda today was our united approach to deterring russia's threats against ukraine. the longstanding principles of rule-based international order. that's what we spent most of our time talking about. germany and the united states together with our allies and partners are working closely together to pursue diplomatic resolutions. we have made it clear we're ready to continue talks in good faith with russia. germany has been a leader in pushing deescalation of tensions and encouraging dialogue through the normandy format. if russia invading ukraine, we're jointly ready and all of nato is ready. today the chancellor and i discussed our close cooperation, developed strong package of sanctions that will clearly demonstrate international resolve and impose swift and severe consequences if russia violates ukraine's sovereignty and its territorial integrity. i want to thank germany and all of our other partners in eastern europe, the european union for their work in this united effort. we're in agreement that it cannot be business as usual if russia further invades. we also discussed our shared committee to the responsibilities of article 5 and assurance of the eastern flank allies. we're united in that as well. already the united states is sending troops to reinforce the alliance and i want to thank the chancellor of germany for hosting additional u.s. forces and for the longstanding hospitality to our women and men in uniform. we also discussed the challenges we're facing to the international order from china along with russia and other competitors that are pursuing more a liberal futures. we've agreed that germany and the united states will continue to work together to ensure that the rules and principals governing emerging technologies are geared to advance freedom of opportunity, not refresh authoritarianism. we also confirmed our commitment to completing the work of integrating the wester balkans in the european institutions and realize that a europe that is whole, free and at peace. with germany hospitaling the presidency of the g-7, we talked about how that form can harness the world's leading democracies to advance robust agenda on global challenges from ending the pandemic to addressing climate change. so the bottom line is this. whether as allies in nato, partners through the european union or through the strong bilateral relationship, we're partners and we can count on one another. there's no issue of global importance where germany and the united states are not working together, strength to strength. applying and amplifying our efforts together. i want to thank you for making the germany today and i look forward the first of many opportunities that we can spend together regarding this meeting and throughout the rest of the year and the rest of our terms. thank you. welcome. floor is yours, sir. >> thank you very much. good afternoon from my side as well. i'm very grateful that we had the opportunity to talk in much detail today and that i was able to make my first official visit here and we could talk about the important questions that we're dealing with today. we're in a very difficult situation and it is a good thing that joe and i were able to discuss what we need to to in this difficult context. of course, there's a military thread in ukraine against ukraine. we cannot remain silent on that. we see the number of russian troops along the ukrainian border. that is a serious threat to european security. this is why it's important that we act together, that we stand together and that we do what is necessary together. it is important that all allies, the u.s. and germany and the trans atlantic partnership between the u.s. and europe, nato, say the same things with one voice and do things together. we made it very clear. if there was a military aggression against ukraine, this will entail severe consequences that we agreed upon together, severe sanctions that we have worked on together. so there will be a high price for russia. this is a very clear message. everybody has understood it. i think this message has been made clear again and again so even russia has understood the message now. what is important is that we also work on preparing possible sanctions together. we don't want to start once there is a military aggression against ukraine, we have prepared a reaction that will help us to react swiftly if needed. we will do that. at the same time, it's important the use all diplomatic means we. have i'm very glad about your great willingness to move forward together, especially the bilateral talks with the u.s. and russia. of course, the talks that we have greed upon with nato. this is also important also because russia needs to understand that nato stands together and nato is prepared after so many years, they have not been any talks in this format. it's a good sign that they're happening now. of course, we have work there it's important that we talk. the same is true for the osce. we need to discuss about security in europe. this is also a progress as tiresome as it may be and we have netanyahu yet reached any very substantial conclusions yet but it's good to see there's a role now. same is true between the talks between ukraine, france and germany. we have this format, but we haven't been able to use it in a protective way the last few years. so now we have come back to that format. we're having tough discussions in that format and that shows there's ways that will lead us out of this difficult situation, this duel track approach of clear announcements with regard to sanctions that will be taken if there's a military aggression and at the same time keeping all dialogue format open. this is the most promising strategy one could have. that's what we're doing together and we stand side by side in this approach. we talked about many other topics that are important for us today especially when it comes to the g-7 presidency of the federal republic of germany. we will work closely as strong economies, strong democracies and we also therefore have a special mandate to contribute to cohesion worldwide. part of this is that we continue to do everything that we can to make sure that the citizens of the world can be vaccinated not only in our rich country, but hopefully in countries where people would love to have the vaccine, but don't have access yet. these are initiatives that we have carried out together and are of utmost important worldwide. the same is true for fighting manmade climate change, a big topic that keeps us all busy, even though it's obvious that only a global solution can be successful because climate is a global thing. it doesn't stop at national borders. as an industrialized nation, we have an important contribution to make. we have technological opportunities, economic opportunities and have to use them in order to prepare a situation where we and others can enjoy prosperity without harming the climate. this is the big challenge that we see and that is of great importance to us. this is why we want to work together on this strategy and use a climate club of like-minded people and partners. these are some of the topics that we discussed. once again, the discussion that we had illustrates the excellence cooperation between our countries, the strong bond that we have in our trans atlantic partnership and the fact that both countries can rely on each other. >> thanks very much. we'll now take a couple questions each. reuters. andrea. you have the first question. >> thank you, mr. president. thank you, chancellor scholz. mr. president, i wanted to ask you about this nord stream project that you've long opposed. you didn't mention it just now by name, nor did chancellor scholz. did you receive assurances from chancellor scholz that germany will pull the plug on this project if russia invades ukraine and did you discuss what the definition of invasion could be? and chancellor scholz, if i may ask you, you said there was some strategic ambiguity that was needed in terms of sanctions. i just wanted to know whether the sanctions you're envisioning and that you're working on and the u.s. as well already finished, finalized or is there still work ongoing? you're not really saying what the details are. that is just an excuse for germany not to support the swift measures? >> let me answer the first question first. if germany -- if russia invades, that means tanks and troops crossing the border of ukraine. again, then there will be no longer a nord stream 2. we will bring an end to it. >> how will you do that exactly? since the project and control of the project is within germany's control. >> we will -- i promise you we'll be able to do it. >> thank you very much for your question. i want to be absolutely clear. we have intensively prepared everything to be ready with the necessary sanctions if there is a military aggression against ukraine. this is necessary. it is necessary that we do this in advance. really have to understand these are far-reaching severe measures. it is part of the process that we do not spell out everything in public. because russia could understand that there might be even more to come. at the same time, it's very clear that we're well-prepared, far-reaching measures. we will take these measures together with our allies, with our partners with the u.s. and we will take all necessary steps. you can be sure that there won't be any measures in which we have a differing approach. we will act together jointedly. >> we will be united and we will act together and we will take all the necessary steps and the necessary steps will be done by all of us together. >> will you commit today to turning off and pulling the plug on nord stream 2? you didn't mention it and you haven't mentioned it. >> as i said, we're acting together. we're absolutely united and we will not take different steps. we will do the same steps. they will be very hard to russia and they should understand. >> you recognize someone now, chancellor. >> mr. president, one question to you. the u.s. over the last few years have exported heavy weapons to ukraine and germany excludes that. only delivered 5,000 helmets to ukraine. don't you think that nato should act unanimously in this respect and germany as the strongest european nato partner should also deliver heavy weapons to ukraine and ukraine has asked germany to do so and on the nord stream 2, with the threat posed, tonight you think the position on nord stream 2 should change. the third question, over the last few days and weeks, there's been severe criticism from the u.s. media and from congress as well vis a vis germany about the reliability of germany as an ally. this has been called in to question. do you understand this criticism? is germany a reliable partner from you're point of view? mr. chancellor, also a question to you. nord stream 2, you said all options are on the table. you're not mentioning nord stream 2 by name. don't you think if you were to spell this out you could win back trust as a strong ally here for the u.s.? >> there's no need to win back trust. he has the complete trust of the united states. germany is one of our most important allies in the world. there's no doubt about germany's partnership with the united states. none. with regard to helping ukraine, one of the largest contributors financially to ukraine has been germany. germany has been in the forefront of making sure of providing economic assistance. you also asked a question, so many, i can't remember them all. in terms of the u.s. media saying germany is not reliable. germany is completely reliable. totally reliable. have no doubt about germany at all. >> we are united. the trans atlantic partnership between germany and the u.s. is one of the permanent pillars of german policy and will be relevant in the future as well, just as relevant. this will be one of our top priorities always. on behalf of nato, we are the country in europe that is doing -- making the largest contribution, financial means and military power and we are the country that contributes a great share. we're not fully -- we don't agree who pays the biggest part of financial support to ukraine. since 2014, about $2 billion u.s. dollars direct bilateral support and an additional 3.8 billion that is made available. substantial financial means to stabilize the ukrainian economy and we're willing to continue with that sort of contribution. so this is the very strong and unbreakable friendship between our two countries. part of the situation at the border, we made it clear that we will unanimously act in terms of sanctions. mr. president, once again, a question with regard to arms exports. do you any it's okay that nato partners have different approaches here? and on nord stream 2 again, you think the current positioning of germany with regard to the russian threat is okay? >> look, there is no doubt in america's mind that germany is an incredibly reliable ally and one of the leading physical powers in nato, number 1. number 2, the notion that nord stream 2 will go forward with an invasion by the russians is not going to happen. now, "wall street journal." sabrina. >> thanks, mr. president. based on everything you know now, you think that president putin will authorize an invasion of ukraine before the end of the winter? what is your message to the roughly 30,000 americans in ukraine? you think that they should leave the country? >> well, i've had discussions, numerous discussions with the russians and particularly with putin. i don't know that he's even made -- i don't know that he knows what he's going to do. i think he has to realize that it would be a gigantic mistake for him to move on ukraine, the impact on europe and the rest of the world would be devastating. he would pay a heavy price. i have been very, very straightforward and blunt with president putin both on the phone and in person. we will impose the most severe sanctions that have ever been imposed, economic sanctions. there will be a

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, Nickname , Montriders , Safelite , Snake , Woman , Motorcycle Insurer , Number One , Quotes , Approved , Bryan , Windshield , Photographer , Inspiration , Glass , Experts , View , Safety , Safety System , Car , Singers , Safelite Repair , Acoustic Rock Music , Psoriasis , Symptoms , Cosentyx , Something , Walking , Risk , Vaccine , Crohn S Disease , Rheumatologist , Allies , News Briefing , Doors , Won T , Tv Ad , Commercial , Republican , Companies , Genocide , Game , Dollars , Show , Corporations , Rape , The World S Greatest Athletic Showcase , Slave Labor , Dictators , Lines , Atrocities , Advertising , Olympics , Changes , Company , Logos , The Point , Congressman Waltz , Chinese Communist Party , Bidding , Eye , Social Justice , Nonrejection Rejection , Enes Kantor Freedom , Funding , Holocaust , The End , Made In China , Uighur Torch Bearer , Torch , Skier , Athlete , Look , Torch Bearers , Representative , Winter Game Torch Bearers , Beijing , Manner , Party , Cross Country , Selection , Keeping , Objective , Pong Suay , Congressman , Tennis Player , Hypocrisy , Slavery , Member , Human Rights Issue , Pharmaceuticals , Jobs , Economy Go , Supply Chains , Person , Staff , Waitresses , Dinner , Establishment , North Florida , Dictatorship , Wallet , Grandkids , Stand , The American Dream , China Dream , Happening , Games , Shouldn T , Environment , A Million , Uighurs , We Don T Play Politics , Concentration Camps , Sports , Ioc , Amount , Athletes , Money , South Africa , Viewership , Tank , Wake Up Call , Ratings , Attempt , Human Rights Atrocities , Censorship , Spotlight , Job , Networks , News Conference , East Room , France , Talks , Value , Lead , Newday 100 Va Loan , 100 , Homeowners , Peace Of Mind , Home Loan , Savings , Call , Va , Ways , No One , Families , Average , Lender , Bank , Mission Control , Rocket , Launch , Um , Lunchables , Landing , Images , Hundreds , Deplaning , Question Mark , Big , Screen , Airspace , Flyovers , Position , Energy , Response , Mark Meredith , Thing , Men , Handful , Climate Change , Covid 19 , Chance , Pool Spray , Oval Office , Obvious , Aggression , Stability , Debate , Pipeline , Nord Stream , Energy Security , Leaders , Topic , Multitude , Baltic Sea , Progress , Moscow , Emmanuel Macron , Invasion Plans , Rails , Karl Rove , President Bush , Nord Stream 2 , Favor , Let S Go , Countries , Jen Psaki , Jacqui Heinrich , Russia Invades , Germans , Conversations , Mistake , Funnive Statement , Administration , Opinion , Breakdown , Role , Lessening , Distancing , Re Election , Hostility , Domestic Political Terms , Speaking , Audience , Poodle , Sense , Coalition Government , Injury , Mess , Alternative Fuels , Hydro , Lands , Leases , Renewalable Energy , Prices , Example , Return , Utilities , Promise , Renewable Green Energy , Values , A , Need , Partnership , Respect , Agenda , Top , Olaf , Threats , Principles , Partners , Format , Leader , Resolutions , Dialogue , Faith , Deescalation , Normandy , Sanctions , Cooperation , Package , Consequences , Integrity , Resolve , Swift , Sovereignty , Business As Usual , Agreement , European Union , United Effort , Committee , Responsibilities , Article , Assurance , Eastern Flank , Women , Hospitality , Competitors , Rules , Futures , Principals , Technologies , Opportunity , Commitment , Institutions , Authoritarianism , Wester Balkans , Presidency , Form , Democracies , Peace , Challenges , G 7 , Pandemic , Importance , Opportunities , First , Efforts , Sir , Rest , Floor , Joe , Detail , Visit , Context , Military Thread , Silent , Threat , Military Aggression , Voice , Atlantic , Price , Reaction , Use , Willingness , Greed , Sign , Osce , Conclusions , Netanyahu , Discussions , Duel Track Approach , Announcements , Dialogue Format Open , Topics , Strategy , Side By , Economies , Mandate , Everything , Citizens , Cohesion , Fighting Manmade Climate Change , Initiatives , Utmost , Don T Have Access , Climate , Nation , Solution , It Doesn T Stop At National Borders , Contribution , Challenge , Others , Prosperity , Some , Climate Club , Trans Atlantic Partnership , Discussion , Fact , Bond , Excellence , Each Other , Couple , Reuters , Andrea , Nord Stream Project , Name , Assurances , Project , Definition , Ambiguity , Measures , Excuse , Details , First Question , Tanks , Control , Advance , Process , Steps , Together Jointedly , All Of Us , Partner , Act , 5000 , Criticism , Media , Congress , Well Vis A , To Question , Reliability , Point Of View , Table , Doubt , Back Trust , Trust , Contributors , None , Forefront , Assistance , Pillars , United , Policy , Well , Priorities , Behalf , Doing , Share , Support , 2014 , 2 Billion , Billion U S Dollars , Sort , 3 8 Billion , Friendship , Arms Exports , No Doubt , Positioning , Powers , 1 , Winter , Sabrina , 30000 , Impact , Phone ,

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