Transcripts For FOXNEWS Special Report With Bret Baier 20240

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Special Report With Bret Baier 20240708

the unemployment rate was up slightly. white house correspondent jacqui heinrich starts us 00 tonight. good evening, jacqui. >> the president said this report makes clear that covid no longer has the grip that it used to on the u.s. economy. pointing to upward revisions in unemployment data in november and december. and a jobs report in january that blew away expectations and then some. but that could make it harder to blame coronavirus for other issues like inflation. >> our country is taking everything that covid has to throw a at us. and we come back stronger. >> president biden taking a victory lap over january's jobs report. 467,000 jobs added. driving the hiring, gains and leisure jobs and restaurants. people are vacationing and dining out despite covid fears. biden now rounds out first 12 months in office with a record 6.6 million jobs. the strongest of any president's first year. wages also climbed 5.7% in january from the previous year. nearly double the pre-pandemic average. but many of those gains have been eroded by rising inflation. the hottest in nearly four decades. pushing up prices for food and energy. today, gas prices reached a seven-year high. the national average now 3.42 a gallon. wednesday, oil hit a seven-year high topping $90 a barrel with unrest between russia and ukraine pleasuring prices. >> is there any point where the president would consider opening up domestic production in order to mitigate some of this? the inflation and assist our allies in western your honor? >> we'll continue to look at options that can be done to lower gas prices for the american people. in terms of whether or not there could be more, um, oil drilling, you know, i would point you to oil companies on what available places they have and if they are maximizing that. my understanding is they are not. >> white house isn't planning anything new, even after opec once again snubbed biden's request to ramp up production. >> almost gas prices down is not a priority for this white house. >> it is the priority for this white house is to make sure that working people share broadly based real wage gain. >> president today again pitched his spending plan as a way to bring down the cost of living for americans and it is currently dead in congress. but today he signed an executive order that could put more money into the pockets of union workers. orders overseeing construction that is about to take off under his new infrastructure law and all of those projects coming up. sandra. -- shannon. >> shannon: jacqui heinrich at the white house. thank you. stocks were mixed the dow lost 21. the s&p 500 gained 23. nasdaq surged 219. for the week the dow was up about 1 percentage point. the s&p 500 gained 1.5. nasdaq rose two and a third. more on the economy, charlie gasparino joins us from new york. what's the untold story in today's jobs report. >> the numbers look great, right? 400,000 in january. revisions upwards in the other months. unemployment rate i know it ticked up but that is -- people are looking for jobs, right? sometimes it particulars up. but those are boom numbers. i got to ask yourself why isn't the president's approval rating above 50% significant? and the reach why is because people aren't feeling those numbers. they are not feeling those numbers as jackie said inflation. inflation is outpacing wage gains and people are angry, that is the conundrum that the president has. amid rising inflation and here's the problem for the future. what does the fed do? well, the fed generally destimulates the economy. it seeks to raise interest rates. it tries to get what's known as a soft landing so we don't go into recession. but this is an art, not a science. sometimes you go into recession and that's why joe biden and the democrats have a lot of problems in 2022. there is a good chance the economy is going to slow to a recessionary level if the fed goes through with 4 or 3 or 4 or 5 interest rate hikes to basically tamp down inflation. >> shannon: all right. charlie gasparino, thank you for a look with that we will dig in with the panel more on that coming up. we are learning tonight new details about the isis bombing at the kabul airport during the u.s. military withdrawal from afghanistan last year. that attack left more than a dozen americans dead. we also have the latest this evening on russian plans to provoke a conflict with ukraine. national security correspondent jennifer griffin is at the pentagon tonight. good evening, jennifer. let's start with this. the pentagon declassified intelligence about a potential russian false flight operation approved by the kremlin as a pretext to invade. what more have you learned? >> shannon, officials say the propaganda video which would use actors and corpses to suggest that nato weapons had killed russians has not been made yet. but preparations have begun. separately, fox news has learned putin has in place 70% of the military forces he would need for a full invasion according to experts monitoring troop movement. the number of russian battalions tactical groups on the border has increased to 83 up from 60 battalions just two weeks ago. 14 more, we're told, are in transit. 30,000 russian troops are in belarus, 65-mile drive from ukraine. and the ground in ukraine will be at peak freeze on february 15th we're told. the casualty from a russian invasion experts say an estimated 25,000 ukrainian troops killed or wounded and 50,000 civilian deaths along with 1 to 5 million refugees. putin has also raised eyebrows fixing his strategic nuclear exercises to mid february from the fall. >> jennifer, you were briefed today on this investigation, we are finally getting details abbey gate bombing. >> specifically initial reports attack involving gunmen after the suicide bombing were false. >> we now know that explosively fired ball bearings cause wounds that look like gunshots when combined with a small number of warning shots that led many to assume a attack had approved. afghan person was injured or killed by gunfire. >> this video shows the moment the blast occurred at 5:36 p.m. a drone was on site three minutes after the explosion. a u.s. brigadier general met with british counterpart and taliban representative at the gate 36 minutes before the blast to discuss closing the gate but decided to wait in an effort to get more evacuees into the airport. the bomber was an isis militant to ho broke out of a high security prison after the u.s. military abandoned bagram. those details are part of an fbi investigation. shannon? >> shannon: all right, jennifer griffin at the pentagon tonight. thank you very much. there is staggering new data tonight just how jeer america's crime crisis has become in the nationst largest city that data is shining uncomfortable spotlight on one public official. david lee miller is in new york tonight. >> new york's new district attorney alvin bragg has only been on the job a little more than a month but is he already a lightning rod for controversy. as a new rally he announced policy braggs decision to seek jail time only for the most serious offenses emboldens criminals shoplifters, store shelves shoplifters, removed from office resign or withdraw her policy. he is corruptings the office of the district attorney by imposing his personal ideology into the office. >> braggs today reversed course in a letter to staffers he wrote, quote: a commercial robbery with a gun will be charged as a felony whether or not the gun is operable, loaded he also informed prosecutors that in cases that do not involve risk of physical harm, the d.a.'s office will assess charges based on aggravating or mitigating circumstances. the policy likely to appease critics especially in light of the city's soaring crime rate. last month, compared to the previous january. overall crime in the city increased almost 39%. auto theft nearly doubled. robbery and felony assault increased 33%. citywide shooting incidents spiked 32%. and the number of rapes went up 27%. the only statistic showing improvement, murder, down 15%. mayor adams a former police captain says the city alone can't fight the crime wave. >> we want to do our job but we need help on the federal level and arming our federal entities. >> new york is not the only major city with surge in crime rate. philadelphia, washington, d.c. and chicago are also fighting the same battle shannon? >> shannon: david lee miller in new york, thank you. new york mayor eric adams is apologizing tonight after video emerged showing him uttering a racial slur referring to white police officers as, quote: crackers. the video was shot in 2019. adam said he was responding to someone else using the comment but says it was inappropriate. a spokesman for the police benevolent association says it is also spoken to adams about the video and that a few seconds of video will not define their relationship. celebrity lawyer michael avenatti has been convicted of charges he cheated the the adult film actor stormy daniels of $300,000. she was supposed to get writing a book about an alleged trip with then businessman donald trump. avenatti represented himself throughout most of the trial. prosecutors portrayed him as a thief. tried to cast himself as a white knight who came to dants rescue. the olympics are underway and there is tremendous pressure not just on the athletes but on the sponsors as well. first, here is what some of our fox affiliates around the country are covering tonight. fox 5 in atlanta. where convicted killer travis mcmichael reverses his guilty plea ahead of a federal hate crimes trial. mcmiblesz, his father and their neighbor were sentenced to life in prison in state court for killing expwrogger ahmaud arbery in 2020. all three now face trial in federal court on charges of targeting arbery because he was black. fox 2 in detroit where there is a new partner in what the mayor calls a symbol of his city's resurgence. google is joining the ford motor company to join a once dilapidated centuries old train station model research hub. the innovation set to open next year. ford will concentrate on electric cars while google high school students. and this is a live look at new york from fox 5. one of the big stories there tonight, are you ready for it? new york university, taking a first of its kind corpse on taylor swift. career path, fandom and creative success. there is a long waiting list. and this particular session ends in march. taylor has been invited to speak to the class but that is still pending. that is tonight's live look outside the beltway from "special report." we'll be right back. ♪ >> shannon: transgender swimmer lia thomas have sent a letter to the university of pennsylvania and the ivy league asking them not to contest new u.s.a. swimming rules on competition. those guidelines establish an evaluation procedure requiring athletes to demonstrate they do not have an unfair advantage. thomas' teammates at penn say thomas does. they cite the fact that thomas was ranked number 462 as a male and is now ranked number one as a transfemale. federal agencies are monitoring merchandise being offered and sold associated with the super bowl. customs and border patrol is partnering with homeland security to enforce laws regarding counterfeit products and other illegal activity. super bowl sunday in los angeles the hometown rams take on the cincinnati bengals. the olympic games are underway in china. the opening ceremony was held today in beijing before a limited crowd because of pandemic restrictions. millions are expected to watch on tv. but the political situation and alleged human rights abuses are putting unusual pressure on olympic sponsors. here is correspondent gillian turner. >> today at the opening ceremony in beijing, the chinese government had a uyghur cross-country skier serve as torch bearer. this amidst china human rights against uyghurs which the state department calls genocide. today house speaker nancy pelosi warned american athletes to stay silent. >> do not risk incurring the anger of the chinese government because they are ruthless. >> republican marsha blackburn says that's bad advice. >> this is disgusting to tell our athletes don't tell us what you are seeing, just keep your mouth shut there is a lot of hypocrisy. >> one uyghur refugee who escaped the communist party agrees. >> it this olympics will be another tool tort china's government to use to justify their actions. >> u.s. intelligence shows millions of uyghurs forced into slave labor and women and girls raped and sterilized. some survivors describe the situation as modern day concentration camps. >> this is all going to blow up on the chinese. >> it's not just former olympians speaking out. young athletes accuse corporate sponsors of. >> they care about money and business and going on. >> u.s. corporate sponsors of the international olympic committee include airbnb bridge bridgestone, coke, campbell and visa. $7.75 billion contract for broadcast rights. none are pulling their support for the ioc whose president denies any responsibility. >> if we are taking a political standpoint, then we are putting the games at risk. >> here at the state department a diplomatic boycott remains in place. now on game day the big question is whether athletes will take advice from speaker pelosi or will instead speak out against their host in beijing. shannon? >> gillian turner at the state department. thanks, gillian. up next, breaking news, a decision in the fight over mask mandates in virginia schools. first, beyond our borders tonight. canada's prime minister is running out of patience he says with the week long trucker blockade in downtown out what the nation's capitol. but justin trudeau says he will not send in the military to end protests against covid restrictions. the truck caravan hit the streets last week and signaling it may be heading next to toronto. canada's financial hub and most populist city. jeff bezos may know how to get to the edge of space but his new mega million dollars yacht. the vessel is so big that a bridge in netherlands would have to be dismantled temporarily to launch it. they are threatening to belt the yacht with rotten eggs if that hans. no permit has been sought or granted. this is a live look at london. one of the big stories there tonight. britain's queen elizabeth the second prepares to mark her 70 year reign as a royal monarch, the longest in british history. elizabeth was 25 when she became queen 1952 upon the death of her father sing george sixth. she ascended to the throne two years later. just some of our stories tonight. we'll be right back. ♪ you are the dancing queen ♪ young and sweet only 17. i've got moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. now, there's skyrizi. ♪ things are getting clearer ♪ ♪ i feel free ♪ ♪ to bare my skin, yeah, that's all me ♪ ♪ nothing and me go hand in hand ♪ ♪ nothing on my skin, that's my new plan ♪ ♪ nothing is everything ♪ achieve clearer skin with skyrizi. 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. of those, nearly 9 out of 10 sustained it through 1 year. and skyrizi is 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. ♪ i see nothing in a different way ♪ ♪ it's my moment so i just gotta say ♪ ♪ nothing is everything ♪ skyrizi may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. before treatment, your doctor should check you for infections and tuberculosis. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms... such as fevers, sweats, chills, muscle aches, or coughs... or if you plan to or recently received a vaccine. ♪ nothing is everything ♪ talk to your dermatologist about skyrizi. learn how abbvie could help you save. alright. y'all know when they say your home talk to your dermatologist about skyrizi. is a reflection of you? well helene found herself in a lamp. no joke. i got a fancy grown up lamp to make me feel like a fancy grown up. mhm. adulting ain't easy. ooh! check this one out. waffles loves her dog bed. we can hardly get her out of it. she's kind of a diva. yes, waffles! living your best life. 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[applause] >> shannon: pence has said previously he and his former boss will likely never see eye to eye on what happened on that day of the capitol riot in 2021. the republican national committee is following through on threats to punish two prominent critics of former president trump. it is overwhelmingly to censor liz cheney and adam kensingtoner. both serve on the capitol riot committee. the resolution stopped short of expelling the lawmakers from the party. ♪ >> shannon: breaking tonight. a judge in virginia has come to a decision in the fight there over whether the governor had the authority to get rid of mask mandates in school. >> good evening, seven virginia school systems have gotten their way a circuit judge has issued a temporary block of governor glenn youngkin's executive order which prevented schools from mandating students wear mask. youngkin orders large scale mask mandates are ineffective and impractical. instead, he believes masking should be individual choice for virginia students, issue that he campaigned on heavily before becoming governor a month ago. this week seven school districts told a judge though the governor's order was putting people's health at risk. board also arguing youngkin was overstepping his authority and had not had the right to dictate how school boards decided how policy. the judge agreed. she says changing the rulings now could create more problems for virginia's parents without a restraining order. children and staff will woo have to reassess certain health conditions are impacted by a mass policy, any mask policy. now, governor youngkin spokesperson says they will appeal and this is the quote, first step in the judicial process. also hearing from fairfax county schools part of the suit against the governor which says it will continue with its mask mandate for now. and that it looks forward to the day when masks will not be needed in their schools. shannon? >> mark meredith. thanks so much. all right. if you have been watching fox news this week. you have heard all about the new study concluding coronavirus lockdowns had little positive effect on mortality. if you have not been watching us, you may not have heard about it at all. tonight we take a look at that here is fox news media analyst and host of fox news media buzz howard cutters. >> when the pandemic first struck, most of america shut down. >> we have made the decision to further toughen the guidelines and blunt the infection now. >> but within weeks, when president trump tweeted liberate michigan and other democratic run states, the question of how long covid should keep businesses and schools closed turned into a political clash. by the summer of 2020, many republicans were critical. >> lockdowns do not prevent infection, and the future. they just don't. it comes back many. many times comes back. >> i hear those people they will shut down the country, honestly i cringe. >> now a new study led by johns hopkins business university professor says lockdowns had little impact. hankie is a national contributor, cato institute fellow and one-time adviser to president reagan. but the study has drawn no coverage in the "new york times" or "the washington post" or on cnn. msnbc, or the broadcast networks. >> look at the media coverage. it's one of the biggest stories in the world today. and, yet, certain media outlets have not even covered it. >> the analysis study of studies defines lock down closing schools, shutting down businesses stay at home or travel ban. such actions have had little to quote no public health effect in the u.s. and europe. social cost. reducing deaths by only 0.2%. that rose to a 10.6% reduction when bars and other nonessential outlets were close he had. some scientists sump as the university of smoking causes cancer, the earth is round. ordering people to stay at home. the correct definition of lockdown transmission disease. focus on death rates as opposed to hospitalizations. a spokeswoman says john hopkins dhrs the opinion of the authors alone. >> by ignoring the study, not even dating to criticize it. major newspapers and netted works passed up the chance to deepen the debate over the cost and benefits of lockdowns. but the report did generate some television coverage on local stations from boston to san diego. howie, thank you very much. turning now to the southern border. tonight we look at some of the hidden coasts of the president's border crisis. while cameras focus on the border. taxpayers are paying not just for security but often for food, clothing and legal expenses that help illegal migrants get here and stay here. news correspondent william longness from la joya, texas. >> a migrant camp in others wait to cross. >> goal to provide for kid to work and hopefully. >> you do as much as you can. >> jonna run as church group that helps feed camp. >> for us people of faith we just have to be able to respond if they are suffering, if there is hunger. we just that's what we do. >> critics say, however, that response encourages migrants to break the law. >> do you ever feel that they are working at cross purposes to you? >> yeah, most definitely and they shouldn't be allowed to. unfortunately our government allows it. >> the federal government has funded u.s. ngos or nongovernmental organizations for years. in 2022, it appropriated 137 million to help feed, clothe, shelter, and transport illegal immigrants. >> as long as we have food to eat and a little bit of shelter, i'm willing to wait as long as it takes to enter the country legally. >> but chris cabrera journey. u.s. mexico when the u.n. gives migrants cash, debit cards and helps obtain mexican visas allowing migrants to reach the u.s. border. >> they are providing in some cases transportation money so that migrants can continue moving forward. >> but others say it's not so black and white. ngos are simply paid to do what the feds won't. >> when you folks at the border they are not thinking about political issues. they are thinking about how can we care for the kids and families that are coming across. >> bottom line ngos provide a safety net most americans expect regardless of impacts on those who police. shannon? >> shannon: william la jeunesse stands off for us, thank you. the live look at yet another major winter storm headed for the northeast. >> tonight, is anticipated that the entire state will be in a freezing or below freezing temperature situation. ♪ ♪ dry eye symptoms keep driving you crazy? inflammation in your eye might be to blame. let's kick ken's ache and burn into gear! over the counter eye drops typically work by lubricating your eyes and may provide temporary relief. those drops will probably pass right by me. xiidra works differently, targeting inflammation that can cause dry eye disease. what's that? xiidra? no! it can provide lasting relief. xiidra is the only fda-approved non-steroid eye drop specifically for the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease. one drop in each eye, twice a day. don't use if you're allergic to xiidra. common side effects include eye irritation, discomfort or blurred vision when applied to the eye, and unusual taste sensation. don't touch container tip to your eye or any surface. after using xiidra, wait fifteen minutes before reinserting contacts. got any room in your eye? 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>> i don't think it's going. to say couple other good things from those numbers. one of the things you are seeing here is that people feel the need to go back to work which, by the way could be feeding into why they are not happy, right? but they are running out of all that savings that they had saved up during the pandemic and you are seeing an toned at love those transfer payments. in particular the child tax credit that was out there. so they are incentivized to go back to work. but i don't see, necessarily, how the under lying conditions that are currently what is feeding inflation change much in the coming months. that's disconnected from these job numbers. because, what's going into that is government spending, which has continued. supply chain, but also signals out of this administration that they are going to continue pushing for more regulations and higher cost, all of which are things that businesses have to absorb and pass on to consumers. >> josh, your take on the numbers? >> yeah, i think one of the more under appreciated parts of the report is that the reason the report beat expectations so much is that people went back to work despite all the worries about omicron. and the expectation, the conventional wisdom was that people would be staying in their homes, leaving their jobs, not trying to go back to work. and it turns out that most of the country has gotten over omicron and that was big part in these really good jobs numbers. it's a political lesson for the biden administration that if they start talking past the pandemic get out of this emergency phase and start talking to the public about getting back to normal. it may have a very positive impact on the economy. it certainly showed in these reports but they seem to be still stuck in this very cautionary posture that's only hurting the economy and maybe hurting their political fortune. >> okay. let's get to the olympics kicking off in bay zing in china as president xi and vladimir putin getting together and yucking it up. the world is divided whether they will watch and support this thing and whether or not this athletes in free countries like the u.s. should be saying anything about it here is the house speaker today with her advice for our athletes. >> do not risk incurring the anger of the chinese government because they're ruthless. i know there is a temptation on the part of some to speak out while they are there. i respect that but i also worry about what the chinese government might do. to their reputation and to their family. >> shannon: kimberley, what do you make of that advice? >> she has to say it, because it's the reality. look. we have this remarkable situation where we have the government advising people to take burner phones, our athletes because they are worried that the chinese are going to spy on them. i lay a lot of blame on this on the ioc and its decision to go to china. you always have this attitude we can't ignore any countries in the world or big countries, especially if they are offering to host they're the ones end up putting our athletes in this situation. free governments in this situation. broadcasters looking after the olympics having to decide whether or not to call out the abuse in the country. it's really an awkward position for everybody. >> josh, what do you make of one of the standard enter bearers there in china. they chose a uyghur athlete. obviously with the world accusing them. many countries of genocide. of trying to wipe out a entire minority there in china. what do you make of that selection? >> yeah. i think it's a lot more human rights abuses. i agree with kimberly that the fact that you are not hearing from corporate sponsors and suspicion sponsors as explicitly as you should about the human rights abuses that have been taking place across the country. the united states is called for implemented a diplomatic boycott. it's a very, very weird situation and awkward olympics where we have our athletes there. they're at risk of impropriety. corporate community has said much of the human rights abuses. >> shannon: byron, what about that? we have a lot of u.s. corporations that have been very vocal the past few years over peer received iniquities and social injustices and things that right here in the u.s., they have been very clear about taking a position on and, yet. many of them are enabling in china, sponsoring without making those same distinctions or complaints about things that need to be made right. >> absolutely. the double standard seems to be. off the scale and i understand that americans need to be cautious in this speaker pelosi at vice to american athletes. rubbing americans the wrong way, we are sending athletes over there to and they can't even speak out. the olympics have always been politicized. this seems to be a new degree and i think we are always going to remember it. politicized event. senator ben sass one of the many pointing out the concerns they have about things download what china will eventually do potentially with that. those concerns there as well. all right. i want to start with winners and losers, byron, kick us off. >> my loser is boris johnson, the british prime minister, a new report shows that when britain was locked down with covid, you could barely go out and see each other, the prime minister and his staff, it was party time. at number 10 looks really, really bad. my winner, just happened this afternoon. vice president former vice president mike pence said that president trump was wrong to think that the vice president could overturn the presidential election january 6th. trump has been pushing pence about this and today he pushed back. >> shannon: byron, one quick follow up. do you think boris johnson survives this? is he in trouble? >> it looks really, really bad. he has had top aides resign for a number of reasons. the only reason you think he might survive is that he has the kind of amazing ability to pull himself out of messes that he creates. >> shannon: josh? >> my winner is judge rochelle childs of south carolina. one of the judges on biden's short list for the supreme court. she has got jim clyburn's endorsement and lindsey graham's and president biden wants to get bipartisan support if he wants to get a lot of at least some republican votes. she would be a pretty pretty smart choice to get this administration back on a more pragmatic political path. as far as losers go, governor kathy hochul of new york is facing a lot of criticism over a lot of things but namely the crime issue. she is not listened to eric adams about trying to destroy bail for violent criminals. she aligns herself with the d.a. in manhattan. she has a real race in her hands in 2022. >> shannon: kimberley winner or loser unless it's the same person. >> my winner the very brave special forces went into syria to help take out the islamic leader. drones are great but these we owe him a debt. panel, thank you very much. 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, President Reagan , Cnn , Msnbc , Closing Schools , Analysis Study , Studies , Lock , Travel Ban , Europe , Scientists Sump , Public Health Effect , Outlets , Reduction , Bars , 0 2 , 10 6 , Round , University , Lockdown Transmission Disease , Smoking , Cancer , Definition , Earth , Newspapers , Death Rates , Works , Authors , Spokeswoman , Hospitalizations , Opinion , Stations , Television Coverage , Benefits , Debate , Howie , Boston , San Diego , Migrants , Expenses , Coasts , Cameras , Taxpayers , Border Crisis , William Longness , Migrant Camp , Others , Goal , La Joya , Texas , Jonna Run As Church Group , Faith , Suffering , Feed Camp , Ngos , Law , Shouldn T , Response , Cross Purposes , Shelter , Organizations , Immigrants , Bit , Help Feed , Clothe , 137 Million , Chris Cabrera Journey , Transportation Money , U N , Visas , Debit Cards , Mexico , Cash , Feds Won T , Families , Kids , Black And White , Winter Storm , Impacts , Safety Net , Bottom Line , William La Jeunesse , 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Teeth Sensitivity , Gum , Gum Issues , Sensitivity , Action Effect , Care , Sensodyne , History , Caps , Recovery , Employees , No Doubt , Byron York , Comments , Member , Round Up , Wall Street Journal , Editorial Board , Chief , Washington Examiner , Kimberley Strassel , News , Josh Kraushaar Politics Editor For National Journal , Gas , All Of You , Feeling , 7 , Say , Abc News , Groceries , Poor , Poll , 75 , Control , Disconnect , Inflation Worry , Quality , Feelings , Kimberly , Viewpoint , Midterms , Feeding , Child Tax Credit , Conditions , Feeding Inflation , Love , Transfer Payments , Don T See , Supply Chain , Administration , Job Numbers , Government Spending , Regulations , Reason , Parts , Report Beat Expectations , Consumers , Omicron , Expectation , Homes , Worries , Wisdom , Jobs Numbers , Public , Emergency Phase , Lesson , Posture , Fortune , Bay Zing , Countries , Thing , President Xi , House Speaker , Temptation , Reputation , Family , Kimberley , Blame , Chinese , Decision , Burner Phones , Reality , Governments , Ones , Attitude , Offering , Position , Everybody , Abuse , Bearers , Broadcasters , Uyghur Athlete , Minority , Selection , Suspicion , Corporations , Community , Impropriety , Sponsoring , Iniquities , Peer , Injustices , Distinctions , Complaints , Standard , Scale , Rubbing Americans , Speaker Pelosi At Vice To American Athletes , Ben , Event , Sass , Concerns , Losers , Winners , Kick , Loser , Each Other , Boris Johnson , Winner , Vice President , Former , Trouble , Aides , Reasons , Messes , Rochelle Childs , Judges , Endorsement , Votes , South Carolina , Biden S Short List For The Supreme Court , Lindsey Graham , Jim Clyburn , Kathy Hochul , Criticism , Path , Criminals , Crime Issue , Hands , Bail , Race , Manhattan , Leader , Drones , Special Forces , Syria , Islamic , 2022 Shannon , Debt , Money Manager , Market , Investments , Judith , Fisher Investments , Money Managers , Views , Wave , Client Portfolios , Clients , Commissions , Interest , Commission Products , Client , Act , Fiduciary , Yep , Acre , In Bloom , Nine , Butters , Vegetables , Property , Mouth Bass , Tons , Ways , Don T We , Them , Land , Safelite , Windshield , Photographer , Inspiration , Glass , Safety , Safety System , Car , Acoustic Rock Music , Apr Financing , View , Singers , Limits , Apple Carplay Support , Lexus Gx , Gx 460 , Safelite Repair , 2 49 , 460 , Quotables , Breath People , Terrorist Leader , Bravery , Photograph Hold , White Wash Atrocity , Goal Posts , Misinformation , Zero , Time , Recommendation , Lower , Derace Labor Relation , European War , Diest , 1945 , Amendment , Continent , Killers , War , Men , Freedom , Service , Ambassador , Nikki Haley , Informative , Jesse Watters Primetime , At Night , Life Is Good , Santa Anita , Asimpler , Hand , Lunch Money , Size ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Special Report With Bret Baier 20240708 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Special Report With Bret Baier 20240708

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the unemployment rate was up slightly. white house correspondent jacqui heinrich starts us 00 tonight. good evening, jacqui. >> the president said this report makes clear that covid no longer has the grip that it used to on the u.s. economy. pointing to upward revisions in unemployment data in november and december. and a jobs report in january that blew away expectations and then some. but that could make it harder to blame coronavirus for other issues like inflation. >> our country is taking everything that covid has to throw a at us. and we come back stronger. >> president biden taking a victory lap over january's jobs report. 467,000 jobs added. driving the hiring, gains and leisure jobs and restaurants. people are vacationing and dining out despite covid fears. biden now rounds out first 12 months in office with a record 6.6 million jobs. the strongest of any president's first year. wages also climbed 5.7% in january from the previous year. nearly double the pre-pandemic average. but many of those gains have been eroded by rising inflation. the hottest in nearly four decades. pushing up prices for food and energy. today, gas prices reached a seven-year high. the national average now 3.42 a gallon. wednesday, oil hit a seven-year high topping $90 a barrel with unrest between russia and ukraine pleasuring prices. >> is there any point where the president would consider opening up domestic production in order to mitigate some of this? the inflation and assist our allies in western your honor? >> we'll continue to look at options that can be done to lower gas prices for the american people. in terms of whether or not there could be more, um, oil drilling, you know, i would point you to oil companies on what available places they have and if they are maximizing that. my understanding is they are not. >> white house isn't planning anything new, even after opec once again snubbed biden's request to ramp up production. >> almost gas prices down is not a priority for this white house. >> it is the priority for this white house is to make sure that working people share broadly based real wage gain. >> president today again pitched his spending plan as a way to bring down the cost of living for americans and it is currently dead in congress. but today he signed an executive order that could put more money into the pockets of union workers. orders overseeing construction that is about to take off under his new infrastructure law and all of those projects coming up. sandra. -- shannon. >> shannon: jacqui heinrich at the white house. thank you. stocks were mixed the dow lost 21. the s&p 500 gained 23. nasdaq surged 219. for the week the dow was up about 1 percentage point. the s&p 500 gained 1.5. nasdaq rose two and a third. more on the economy, charlie gasparino joins us from new york. what's the untold story in today's jobs report. >> the numbers look great, right? 400,000 in january. revisions upwards in the other months. unemployment rate i know it ticked up but that is -- people are looking for jobs, right? sometimes it particulars up. but those are boom numbers. i got to ask yourself why isn't the president's approval rating above 50% significant? and the reach why is because people aren't feeling those numbers. they are not feeling those numbers as jackie said inflation. inflation is outpacing wage gains and people are angry, that is the conundrum that the president has. amid rising inflation and here's the problem for the future. what does the fed do? well, the fed generally destimulates the economy. it seeks to raise interest rates. it tries to get what's known as a soft landing so we don't go into recession. but this is an art, not a science. sometimes you go into recession and that's why joe biden and the democrats have a lot of problems in 2022. there is a good chance the economy is going to slow to a recessionary level if the fed goes through with 4 or 3 or 4 or 5 interest rate hikes to basically tamp down inflation. >> shannon: all right. charlie gasparino, thank you for a look with that we will dig in with the panel more on that coming up. we are learning tonight new details about the isis bombing at the kabul airport during the u.s. military withdrawal from afghanistan last year. that attack left more than a dozen americans dead. we also have the latest this evening on russian plans to provoke a conflict with ukraine. national security correspondent jennifer griffin is at the pentagon tonight. good evening, jennifer. let's start with this. the pentagon declassified intelligence about a potential russian false flight operation approved by the kremlin as a pretext to invade. what more have you learned? >> shannon, officials say the propaganda video which would use actors and corpses to suggest that nato weapons had killed russians has not been made yet. but preparations have begun. separately, fox news has learned putin has in place 70% of the military forces he would need for a full invasion according to experts monitoring troop movement. the number of russian battalions tactical groups on the border has increased to 83 up from 60 battalions just two weeks ago. 14 more, we're told, are in transit. 30,000 russian troops are in belarus, 65-mile drive from ukraine. and the ground in ukraine will be at peak freeze on february 15th we're told. the casualty from a russian invasion experts say an estimated 25,000 ukrainian troops killed or wounded and 50,000 civilian deaths along with 1 to 5 million refugees. putin has also raised eyebrows fixing his strategic nuclear exercises to mid february from the fall. >> jennifer, you were briefed today on this investigation, we are finally getting details abbey gate bombing. >> specifically initial reports attack involving gunmen after the suicide bombing were false. >> we now know that explosively fired ball bearings cause wounds that look like gunshots when combined with a small number of warning shots that led many to assume a attack had approved. afghan person was injured or killed by gunfire. >> this video shows the moment the blast occurred at 5:36 p.m. a drone was on site three minutes after the explosion. a u.s. brigadier general met with british counterpart and taliban representative at the gate 36 minutes before the blast to discuss closing the gate but decided to wait in an effort to get more evacuees into the airport. the bomber was an isis militant to ho broke out of a high security prison after the u.s. military abandoned bagram. those details are part of an fbi investigation. shannon? >> shannon: all right, jennifer griffin at the pentagon tonight. thank you very much. there is staggering new data tonight just how jeer america's crime crisis has become in the nationst largest city that data is shining uncomfortable spotlight on one public official. david lee miller is in new york tonight. >> new york's new district attorney alvin bragg has only been on the job a little more than a month but is he already a lightning rod for controversy. as a new rally he announced policy braggs decision to seek jail time only for the most serious offenses emboldens criminals shoplifters, store shelves shoplifters, removed from office resign or withdraw her policy. he is corruptings the office of the district attorney by imposing his personal ideology into the office. >> braggs today reversed course in a letter to staffers he wrote, quote: a commercial robbery with a gun will be charged as a felony whether or not the gun is operable, loaded he also informed prosecutors that in cases that do not involve risk of physical harm, the d.a.'s office will assess charges based on aggravating or mitigating circumstances. the policy likely to appease critics especially in light of the city's soaring crime rate. last month, compared to the previous january. overall crime in the city increased almost 39%. auto theft nearly doubled. robbery and felony assault increased 33%. citywide shooting incidents spiked 32%. and the number of rapes went up 27%. the only statistic showing improvement, murder, down 15%. mayor adams a former police captain says the city alone can't fight the crime wave. >> we want to do our job but we need help on the federal level and arming our federal entities. >> new york is not the only major city with surge in crime rate. philadelphia, washington, d.c. and chicago are also fighting the same battle shannon? >> shannon: david lee miller in new york, thank you. new york mayor eric adams is apologizing tonight after video emerged showing him uttering a racial slur referring to white police officers as, quote: crackers. the video was shot in 2019. adam said he was responding to someone else using the comment but says it was inappropriate. a spokesman for the police benevolent association says it is also spoken to adams about the video and that a few seconds of video will not define their relationship. celebrity lawyer michael avenatti has been convicted of charges he cheated the the adult film actor stormy daniels of $300,000. she was supposed to get writing a book about an alleged trip with then businessman donald trump. avenatti represented himself throughout most of the trial. prosecutors portrayed him as a thief. tried to cast himself as a white knight who came to dants rescue. the olympics are underway and there is tremendous pressure not just on the athletes but on the sponsors as well. first, here is what some of our fox affiliates around the country are covering tonight. fox 5 in atlanta. where convicted killer travis mcmichael reverses his guilty plea ahead of a federal hate crimes trial. mcmiblesz, his father and their neighbor were sentenced to life in prison in state court for killing expwrogger ahmaud arbery in 2020. all three now face trial in federal court on charges of targeting arbery because he was black. fox 2 in detroit where there is a new partner in what the mayor calls a symbol of his city's resurgence. google is joining the ford motor company to join a once dilapidated centuries old train station model research hub. the innovation set to open next year. ford will concentrate on electric cars while google high school students. and this is a live look at new york from fox 5. one of the big stories there tonight, are you ready for it? new york university, taking a first of its kind corpse on taylor swift. career path, fandom and creative success. there is a long waiting list. and this particular session ends in march. taylor has been invited to speak to the class but that is still pending. that is tonight's live look outside the beltway from "special report." we'll be right back. ♪ >> shannon: transgender swimmer lia thomas have sent a letter to the university of pennsylvania and the ivy league asking them not to contest new u.s.a. swimming rules on competition. those guidelines establish an evaluation procedure requiring athletes to demonstrate they do not have an unfair advantage. thomas' teammates at penn say thomas does. they cite the fact that thomas was ranked number 462 as a male and is now ranked number one as a transfemale. federal agencies are monitoring merchandise being offered and sold associated with the super bowl. customs and border patrol is partnering with homeland security to enforce laws regarding counterfeit products and other illegal activity. super bowl sunday in los angeles the hometown rams take on the cincinnati bengals. the olympic games are underway in china. the opening ceremony was held today in beijing before a limited crowd because of pandemic restrictions. millions are expected to watch on tv. but the political situation and alleged human rights abuses are putting unusual pressure on olympic sponsors. here is correspondent gillian turner. >> today at the opening ceremony in beijing, the chinese government had a uyghur cross-country skier serve as torch bearer. this amidst china human rights against uyghurs which the state department calls genocide. today house speaker nancy pelosi warned american athletes to stay silent. >> do not risk incurring the anger of the chinese government because they are ruthless. >> republican marsha blackburn says that's bad advice. >> this is disgusting to tell our athletes don't tell us what you are seeing, just keep your mouth shut there is a lot of hypocrisy. >> one uyghur refugee who escaped the communist party agrees. >> it this olympics will be another tool tort china's government to use to justify their actions. >> u.s. intelligence shows millions of uyghurs forced into slave labor and women and girls raped and sterilized. some survivors describe the situation as modern day concentration camps. >> this is all going to blow up on the chinese. >> it's not just former olympians speaking out. young athletes accuse corporate sponsors of. >> they care about money and business and going on. >> u.s. corporate sponsors of the international olympic committee include airbnb bridge bridgestone, coke, campbell and visa. $7.75 billion contract for broadcast rights. none are pulling their support for the ioc whose president denies any responsibility. >> if we are taking a political standpoint, then we are putting the games at risk. >> here at the state department a diplomatic boycott remains in place. now on game day the big question is whether athletes will take advice from speaker pelosi or will instead speak out against their host in beijing. shannon? >> gillian turner at the state department. thanks, gillian. up next, breaking news, a decision in the fight over mask mandates in virginia schools. first, beyond our borders tonight. canada's prime minister is running out of patience he says with the week long trucker blockade in downtown out what the nation's capitol. but justin trudeau says he will not send in the military to end protests against covid restrictions. the truck caravan hit the streets last week and signaling it may be heading next to toronto. canada's financial hub and most populist city. jeff bezos may know how to get to the edge of space but his new mega million dollars yacht. the vessel is so big that a bridge in netherlands would have to be dismantled temporarily to launch it. they are threatening to belt the yacht with rotten eggs if that hans. no permit has been sought or granted. this is a live look at london. one of the big stories there tonight. britain's queen elizabeth the second prepares to mark her 70 year reign as a royal monarch, the longest in british history. elizabeth was 25 when she became queen 1952 upon the death of her father sing george sixth. she ascended to the throne two years later. just some of our stories tonight. we'll be right back. ♪ you are the dancing queen ♪ young and sweet only 17. i've got moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. now, there's skyrizi. ♪ things are getting clearer ♪ ♪ i feel free ♪ ♪ to bare my skin, yeah, that's all me ♪ ♪ nothing and me go hand in hand ♪ ♪ nothing on my skin, that's my new plan ♪ ♪ nothing is everything ♪ achieve clearer skin with skyrizi. 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. of those, nearly 9 out of 10 sustained it through 1 year. and skyrizi is 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. ♪ i see nothing in a different way ♪ ♪ it's my moment so i just gotta say ♪ ♪ nothing is everything ♪ skyrizi may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. before treatment, your doctor should check you for infections and tuberculosis. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms... such as fevers, sweats, chills, muscle aches, or coughs... or if you plan to or recently received a vaccine. ♪ nothing is everything ♪ talk to your dermatologist about skyrizi. learn how abbvie could help you save. alright. y'all know when they say your home talk to your dermatologist about skyrizi. is a reflection of you? well helene found herself in a lamp. no joke. i got a fancy grown up lamp to make me feel like a fancy grown up. mhm. adulting ain't easy. ooh! check this one out. waffles loves her dog bed. we can hardly get her out of it. she's kind of a diva. yes, waffles! living your best life. [woof] i'm telling y'all there's no place like wayfair to make your home totally you. ooh! i want that. i didn't know my genetic report could tell me i was prone to harmful blood clots. i travel a ton, so this info was kind of life changing. maybe even lifesaving. ♪do you know what the future holds?♪ (burke) this is why you want farmers claim forgiveness... [echoing] claim forgiveness-ness, your home premium won't go up just because of this. (woman) wow, that's something. (burke) you get a whole lot of something with farmers policy perks. [echoing] get a quote today. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ [♪♪] if you have diabetes, it's important to have confidence in the nutritional drink you choose. try boost glucose control®. it's clinically shown to help manage blood sugar levels and contains high quality protein to help manage hunger and support muscle health. try boost® today. ♪ >> shannon: former vice president mike pence said he did not have the power to overturn the 2020 election results. pence told an audience in florida that former president trump was wrong when he said that the vice president could have done that. >> president trump is wrong. i had no right to overturn the election. the presidency belongs to the american people and the american people alone. and, frankly, there is no idea more unamerican than the notion that any one person could choose the american president. under the constitution i had no right to change the outcome of our election. and kamala harris will have no right to overturn the election when we beat them in 2024. [applause] >> shannon: pence has said previously he and his former boss will likely never see eye to eye on what happened on that day of the capitol riot in 2021. the republican national committee is following through on threats to punish two prominent critics of former president trump. it is overwhelmingly to censor liz cheney and adam kensingtoner. both serve on the capitol riot committee. the resolution stopped short of expelling the lawmakers from the party. ♪ >> shannon: breaking tonight. a judge in virginia has come to a decision in the fight there over whether the governor had the authority to get rid of mask mandates in school. >> good evening, seven virginia school systems have gotten their way a circuit judge has issued a temporary block of governor glenn youngkin's executive order which prevented schools from mandating students wear mask. youngkin orders large scale mask mandates are ineffective and impractical. instead, he believes masking should be individual choice for virginia students, issue that he campaigned on heavily before becoming governor a month ago. this week seven school districts told a judge though the governor's order was putting people's health at risk. board also arguing youngkin was overstepping his authority and had not had the right to dictate how school boards decided how policy. the judge agreed. she says changing the rulings now could create more problems for virginia's parents without a restraining order. children and staff will woo have to reassess certain health conditions are impacted by a mass policy, any mask policy. now, governor youngkin spokesperson says they will appeal and this is the quote, first step in the judicial process. also hearing from fairfax county schools part of the suit against the governor which says it will continue with its mask mandate for now. and that it looks forward to the day when masks will not be needed in their schools. shannon? >> mark meredith. thanks so much. all right. if you have been watching fox news this week. you have heard all about the new study concluding coronavirus lockdowns had little positive effect on mortality. if you have not been watching us, you may not have heard about it at all. tonight we take a look at that here is fox news media analyst and host of fox news media buzz howard cutters. >> when the pandemic first struck, most of america shut down. >> we have made the decision to further toughen the guidelines and blunt the infection now. >> but within weeks, when president trump tweeted liberate michigan and other democratic run states, the question of how long covid should keep businesses and schools closed turned into a political clash. by the summer of 2020, many republicans were critical. >> lockdowns do not prevent infection, and the future. they just don't. it comes back many. many times comes back. >> i hear those people they will shut down the country, honestly i cringe. >> now a new study led by johns hopkins business university professor says lockdowns had little impact. hankie is a national contributor, cato institute fellow and one-time adviser to president reagan. but the study has drawn no coverage in the "new york times" or "the washington post" or on cnn. msnbc, or the broadcast networks. >> look at the media coverage. it's one of the biggest stories in the world today. and, yet, certain media outlets have not even covered it. >> the analysis study of studies defines lock down closing schools, shutting down businesses stay at home or travel ban. such actions have had little to quote no public health effect in the u.s. and europe. social cost. reducing deaths by only 0.2%. that rose to a 10.6% reduction when bars and other nonessential outlets were close he had. some scientists sump as the university of smoking causes cancer, the earth is round. ordering people to stay at home. the correct definition of lockdown transmission disease. focus on death rates as opposed to hospitalizations. a spokeswoman says john hopkins dhrs the opinion of the authors alone. >> by ignoring the study, not even dating to criticize it. major newspapers and netted works passed up the chance to deepen the debate over the cost and benefits of lockdowns. but the report did generate some television coverage on local stations from boston to san diego. howie, thank you very much. turning now to the southern border. tonight we look at some of the hidden coasts of the president's border crisis. while cameras focus on the border. taxpayers are paying not just for security but often for food, clothing and legal expenses that help illegal migrants get here and stay here. news correspondent william longness from la joya, texas. >> a migrant camp in others wait to cross. >> goal to provide for kid to work and hopefully. >> you do as much as you can. >> jonna run as church group that helps feed camp. >> for us people of faith we just have to be able to respond if they are suffering, if there is hunger. we just that's what we do. >> critics say, however, that response encourages migrants to break the law. >> do you ever feel that they are working at cross purposes to you? >> yeah, most definitely and they shouldn't be allowed to. unfortunately our government allows it. >> the federal government has funded u.s. ngos or nongovernmental organizations for years. in 2022, it appropriated 137 million to help feed, clothe, shelter, and transport illegal immigrants. >> as long as we have food to eat and a little bit of shelter, i'm willing to wait as long as it takes to enter the country legally. >> but chris cabrera journey. u.s. mexico when the u.n. gives migrants cash, debit cards and helps obtain mexican visas allowing migrants to reach the u.s. border. >> they are providing in some cases transportation money so that migrants can continue moving forward. >> but others say it's not so black and white. ngos are simply paid to do what the feds won't. >> when you folks at the border they are not thinking about political issues. they are thinking about how can we care for the kids and families that are coming across. >> bottom line ngos provide a safety net most americans expect regardless of impacts on those who police. shannon? >> shannon: william la jeunesse stands off for us, thank you. the live look at yet another major winter storm headed for the northeast. >> tonight, is anticipated that the entire state will be in a freezing or below freezing temperature situation. ♪ ♪ dry eye symptoms keep driving you crazy? inflammation in your eye might be to blame. let's kick ken's ache and burn into gear! over the counter eye drops typically work by lubricating your eyes and may provide temporary relief. those drops will probably pass right by me. xiidra works differently, targeting inflammation that can cause dry eye disease. what's that? xiidra? no! it can provide lasting relief. xiidra is the only fda-approved non-steroid eye drop specifically for the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease. one drop in each eye, twice a day. don't use if you're allergic to xiidra. common side effects include eye irritation, discomfort or blurred vision when applied to the eye, and unusual taste sensation. don't touch container tip to your eye or any surface. after using xiidra, wait fifteen minutes before reinserting contacts. got any room in your eye? 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(music) who said you have to starve yourself to lose weight? who said you can't do dinner? who said only this is good? and this is bad? i'm doing it my way. meet plenity. an fda -cleared clinically proven weight management aid for adults with a bmi of 25-40 when combined with diet and exercise. plenity is not a drug - it's made from naturally derived building blocks and helps you feel fuller and eat less. it is a prescription only treatment and is not for pregnant women or people allergic to its ingredients. talk to your doctor or visit to learn more. >> vehicles have been stranded along interstate 10 san antonio 10 hours because of two crashes. one of the vehicles involved 18-wheeler that jackknifed in the westbound side of the highway. all this happening during freezing temperatures. slush piled up along the roads turned into ice overnight. one law enforcement official says the roads were glazed by a doughnut. get update on winter storm that blown through much of the country this week. nicole is in paducah, kentucky. >> winter storm brought everything to the table. it brought sleet, freezing rain and snow in some areas. and, as you saw, caused quite a mess in several different states. here in kentucky, the story really not much different over the last few days. and we're putting it to the test ourselves now as we make our way down i-24 here. what was once closed because of one of many crashes we heard of across the country. thankfully things looking better today. but i can tell you over the last few days, kentucky state police responded to at least 80 weather-related crashes. and this to close down roads in 12 different counties here as cars were just sliding off of those icy roads and other problems continued to persist today. we still have several thousand in the state without power. transportation cabinet was doing everything they could to try to treat those issues here. now a second round of problems could begin as we have ice starting to melt, power outages continue, and we can even see flooding become another different problem here in the state of kentucky. nicole, thank you very much. can you check in with the fox weather team anywhere on the app. or union line. great see you. be safe. there is a social media account that is blowing the lid off some of the inside secrets about working on capitol hill. the instagram site is called dear white staffers. and it's full of horror stories about all kinds of problems. correspondent alexandria hoff takes a look tonight. >> the instagram page deer white staffers runs like a extremism consciousness nightmare for young and once enthusiastic hill staffers who are not afraid to call out lawmakers by name. i don't know if you believe in jesus or allah but you are going to obey me one names user being recalled told by a current progressive congresswoman. another user referred to a different democratic lawmaker by name saying quote i know a guy who worked for her, he had a stutter and she made fun of them for it the account was started for place staffers of color to unique it's now become a dominant force for those working in the offices of largely democratic members of congress to call out hypocrisy. every time i hear workers deserve a living wage now at some press conference, i can't help laugh to myself. my perception of progressive members has shifted drastically. this last week the nonprofit issued one released a report that one in eight congressional staffers were not paid a living wage in 2020. >> if you are making $42,000 a year. the government takes 25% of that. you are roughly down to 30,000 a year, your rent is an average for one bedroom 24,000 a year. that leaves you $6,000 a year to do everything else. >> plus the pandemic impact of january 6th has added a higher degree of pressure to staffers. >> many of them feel they signed up for this. and i think that they are starting to, frankly articulate that. >> after the instagram page was brought to the attention of house speaker nancy pelosi, she said this about staffers potentially unionizing. >> we just unionized at the dccc and i supported that. >> while the instagram page has gained attention by naming members of congress we didn't include them due to the nature of the nawmsz post, the statements are impossible to fully verify. shannon? >> all right. >> we have interesting report. alex, thank you. up next, the panel on a big jobs report and increasing tensions with russia over ukraine. ♪ my name is douglas. i'm a writer/director and i'm still working. in the kind of work that i do, you are surrounded by people who are all younger than you. i had to get help somewhere along the line to stay competitive. i discovered prevagen. i started taking it and after a period of time, my memory improved. it was a game-changer for me. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. and it's easy to get a quote at so you only pay for what you need. isn't that right limu? limu? sorry, one sec. doug blows a whistle. 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>> i don't think it's going. to say couple other good things from those numbers. one of the things you are seeing here is that people feel the need to go back to work which, by the way could be feeding into why they are not happy, right? but they are running out of all that savings that they had saved up during the pandemic and you are seeing an toned at love those transfer payments. in particular the child tax credit that was out there. so they are incentivized to go back to work. but i don't see, necessarily, how the under lying conditions that are currently what is feeding inflation change much in the coming months. that's disconnected from these job numbers. because, what's going into that is government spending, which has continued. supply chain, but also signals out of this administration that they are going to continue pushing for more regulations and higher cost, all of which are things that businesses have to absorb and pass on to consumers. >> josh, your take on the numbers? >> yeah, i think one of the more under appreciated parts of the report is that the reason the report beat expectations so much is that people went back to work despite all the worries about omicron. and the expectation, the conventional wisdom was that people would be staying in their homes, leaving their jobs, not trying to go back to work. and it turns out that most of the country has gotten over omicron and that was big part in these really good jobs numbers. it's a political lesson for the biden administration that if they start talking past the pandemic get out of this emergency phase and start talking to the public about getting back to normal. it may have a very positive impact on the economy. it certainly showed in these reports but they seem to be still stuck in this very cautionary posture that's only hurting the economy and maybe hurting their political fortune. >> okay. let's get to the olympics kicking off in bay zing in china as president xi and vladimir putin getting together and yucking it up. the world is divided whether they will watch and support this thing and whether or not this athletes in free countries like the u.s. should be saying anything about it here is the house speaker today with her advice for our athletes. >> do not risk incurring the anger of the chinese government because they're ruthless. i know there is a temptation on the part of some to speak out while they are there. i respect that but i also worry about what the chinese government might do. to their reputation and to their family. >> shannon: kimberley, what do you make of that advice? >> she has to say it, because it's the reality. look. we have this remarkable situation where we have the government advising people to take burner phones, our athletes because they are worried that the chinese are going to spy on them. i lay a lot of blame on this on the ioc and its decision to go to china. you always have this attitude we can't ignore any countries in the world or big countries, especially if they are offering to host they're the ones end up putting our athletes in this situation. free governments in this situation. broadcasters looking after the olympics having to decide whether or not to call out the abuse in the country. it's really an awkward position for everybody. >> josh, what do you make of one of the standard enter bearers there in china. they chose a uyghur athlete. obviously with the world accusing them. many countries of genocide. of trying to wipe out a entire minority there in china. what do you make of that selection? >> yeah. i think it's a lot more human rights abuses. i agree with kimberly that the fact that you are not hearing from corporate sponsors and suspicion sponsors as explicitly as you should about the human rights abuses that have been taking place across the country. the united states is called for implemented a diplomatic boycott. it's a very, very weird situation and awkward olympics where we have our athletes there. they're at risk of impropriety. corporate community has said much of the human rights abuses. >> shannon: byron, what about that? we have a lot of u.s. corporations that have been very vocal the past few years over peer received iniquities and social injustices and things that right here in the u.s., they have been very clear about taking a position on and, yet. many of them are enabling in china, sponsoring without making those same distinctions or complaints about things that need to be made right. >> absolutely. the double standard seems to be. off the scale and i understand that americans need to be cautious in this speaker pelosi at vice to american athletes. rubbing americans the wrong way, we are sending athletes over there to and they can't even speak out. the olympics have always been politicized. this seems to be a new degree and i think we are always going to remember it. politicized event. senator ben sass one of the many pointing out the concerns they have about things download what china will eventually do potentially with that. those concerns there as well. all right. i want to start with winners and losers, byron, kick us off. >> my loser is boris johnson, the british prime minister, a new report shows that when britain was locked down with covid, you could barely go out and see each other, the prime minister and his staff, it was party time. at number 10 looks really, really bad. my winner, just happened this afternoon. vice president former vice president mike pence said that president trump was wrong to think that the vice president could overturn the presidential election january 6th. trump has been pushing pence about this and today he pushed back. >> shannon: byron, one quick follow up. do you think boris johnson survives this? is he in trouble? >> it looks really, really bad. he has had top aides resign for a number of reasons. the only reason you think he might survive is that he has the kind of amazing ability to pull himself out of messes that he creates. >> shannon: josh? >> my winner is judge rochelle childs of south carolina. one of the judges on biden's short list for the supreme court. she has got jim clyburn's endorsement and lindsey graham's and president biden wants to get bipartisan support if he wants to get a lot of at least some republican votes. she would be a pretty pretty smart choice to get this administration back on a more pragmatic political path. as far as losers go, governor kathy hochul of new york is facing a lot of criticism over a lot of things but namely the crime issue. she is not listened to eric adams about trying to destroy bail for violent criminals. she aligns herself with the d.a. in manhattan. she has a real race in her hands in 2022. >> shannon: kimberley winner or loser unless it's the same person. >> my winner the very brave special forces went into syria to help take out the islamic leader. drones are great but these we owe him a debt. panel, thank you very much. 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Yacht , Netherlands , Queen Elizabeth The Second , Longest , Reign , Permit , Monarch , British History , Hans , London , Death , Queen , Dancing Queen , Sing George Sixth , 25 , 1952 , Things , Skyrizi , Moderate , Plaque Psoriasis , 17 , Nothing , Skin , Hand In , Infections , Starter Doses , 10 , 9 , Infection , Symptoms , Doctor , Treatment , Ability , Chills , Coughs , Muscle Aches , Vaccine , Tuberculosis , Sweats , Fevers , Dermatologist , Home , Well Helene , Lamp , Reflection , Joke , Kind , Waffles , Adulting Ain T , Dog Bed , Diva , Mhm , Yes , Woof , Wayfair , Life Changing , Info , Blood Clots , Ton , Woman , Something , Farmers , Forgiveness , Forgiveness Ness , Farmers Policy Perks , Bum , Glucose Control , Quote Today , Confidence , Drink , Diabetes , Pa Dum , Help , Hunger , Protein , Muscle Health , Blood Sugar Levels , Mike Pence , Power , Trump , Election Results , Audience , Florida , Election , Presidency , Idea , Notion , Constitution , Applause , Outcome , Kamala Harris , 2024 , Pence , Republican National Committee , Eye To , Boss , Threats , Capitol Riot , 2021 , Lawmakers , Party , Capitol Riot Committee , Resolution , Liz Cheney , Judge , Governor , Seven Virginia School Systems , Authority , School , Mask , Fairfax County Schools , Glenn Youngkin , Masking , Circuit Judge , Mandates , Block , Choice , Issue , Health , School Districts , Staff , Restraining Order , Children , School Boards , Rulings , Parents , Step , Youngkin Spokesperson , Mass Policy , Mask Policy , Health Conditions , Process , Suit , Masks , Mask Mandate , Mark Meredith , Pandemic , Coronavirus Lockdowns , Analyst , Effect , Mortality , Fox News Media , Buzz Howard Cutters , States , Run , Michigan , Businesses , Lockdowns , Clash , Republicans , Impact , Johns Hopkins , Contributor , Times , Study Led , Cato Institute , Hankie , Study , Adviser , The World Today , Coverage , Broadcast Networks , New York Times , Media Outlets , Washington Post , Media Coverage , President Reagan , Cnn , Msnbc , Closing Schools , Analysis Study , Studies , Lock , Travel Ban , Europe , Scientists Sump , Public Health Effect , Outlets , Reduction , Bars , 0 2 , 10 6 , Round , University , Lockdown Transmission Disease , Smoking , Cancer , Definition , Earth , Newspapers , Death Rates , Works , Authors , Spokeswoman , Hospitalizations , Opinion , Stations , Television Coverage , Benefits , Debate , Howie , Boston , San Diego , Migrants , Expenses , Coasts , Cameras , Taxpayers , Border Crisis , William Longness , Migrant Camp , Others , Goal , La Joya , Texas , Jonna Run As Church Group , Faith , Suffering , Feed Camp , Ngos , Law , Shouldn T , Response , Cross Purposes , Shelter , Organizations , Immigrants , Bit , Help Feed , Clothe , 137 Million , Chris Cabrera Journey , Transportation Money , U N , Visas , Debit Cards , Mexico , Cash , Feds Won T , Families , Kids , Black And White , Winter Storm , Impacts , Safety Net , Bottom Line , William La Jeunesse , Estate , Temperature Situation , Northeast , Eye , Relief , Inflammation , Eye Drops , Burn , Ache , Eyes , Let S Kick Ken , Xiidra , Eye Drop , Drops , Eye Disease , Fda , Container , Side Effects , Taste Sensation , Vision , Discomfort , Signs , Eye Irritation , Surface , Dry Eye Disease , Contacts , Dry Eye , Room , Fifteen , Candidates , Project Managers , Job Criteria , Shortlist , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Savings , With Priceline , Deal , Coughing , Let S Go , Sneezing , Priceline , Woooo , Common Percy , Wooooo , Woohooooo , Congestion , Cough , Season , Music , Bounce Back , Mucus , Alka Seltzer Plus , Meet Plenity , Dinner , Weight , Adults , Weight Management Aid , Bmi , Building Blocks , Exercise , Diet , Ingredients , 40 , Crashes , Vehicles , Jackknifed , Interstate 10 , San Antonio , 18 , Roads , Law Enforcement Official , Highway , Update , Slush , Temperatures , Doughnut , Ice , Happening , Table , Nicole , Kentucky , Paducah , Mess , Sleet , Freezing Rain , Snow , Areas , Test , You Saw , I 24 , 24 , Kentucky State Police , 80 , Counties , Transportation Cabinet , Power Outages , Melt , Flooding , Ice Starting , Safe , App , Lid , Social Media , Union Line , Fox Weather Team , Kinds , Alexandria Hoff , Instagram , Horror Stories , Page Deer , White , Secrets , Capitol Hill , Name , Hill Staffers , Names , User Being , Extremism Consciousness Nightmare , Jesus , User , Guy , Account , Progressive Congresswoman , Lawmaker , Stutter , Fun , Members , Offices , Working , Workers , Force , Press Conference , Color , Living Wage , Perception , Nonprofit , 42000 , Eight , 2000 , Rent , Everything Else , 24000 , 000 , 6000 , Degree , Page , Attention , 6 , January 6th , Statements , Nature , Nawmsz Post , Dccc , My Name Is Douglas , Alex , Tensions , Work , Somewhere , Writer , Director , Game Changer , Line , Memory , Prevagen , Healthier Brain , Quote At Libertymutual Com , Liberty , Limu , Patients , Whistle , Pay , Doug , Oh Boy , Sec , Vulture Squawks , Teeth Sensitivity , Gum , Gum Issues , Sensitivity , Action Effect , Care , Sensodyne , History , Caps , Recovery , Employees , No Doubt , Byron York , Comments , Member , Round Up , Wall Street Journal , Editorial Board , Chief , Washington Examiner , Kimberley Strassel , News , Josh Kraushaar Politics Editor For National Journal , Gas , All Of You , Feeling , 7 , Say , Abc News , Groceries , Poor , Poll , 75 , Control , Disconnect , Inflation Worry , Quality , Feelings , Kimberly , Viewpoint , Midterms , Feeding , Child Tax Credit , Conditions , Feeding Inflation , Love , Transfer Payments , Don T See , Supply Chain , Administration , Job Numbers , Government Spending , Regulations , Reason , Parts , Report Beat Expectations , Consumers , Omicron , Expectation , Homes , Worries , Wisdom , Jobs Numbers , Public , Emergency Phase , Lesson , Posture , Fortune , Bay Zing , Countries , Thing , President Xi , House Speaker , Temptation , Reputation , Family , Kimberley , Blame , Chinese , Decision , Burner Phones , Reality , Governments , Ones , Attitude , Offering , Position , Everybody , Abuse , Bearers , Broadcasters , Uyghur Athlete , Minority , Selection , Suspicion , Corporations , Community , Impropriety , Sponsoring , Iniquities , Peer , Injustices , Distinctions , Complaints , Standard , Scale , Rubbing Americans , Speaker Pelosi At Vice To American Athletes , Ben , Event , Sass , Concerns , Losers , Winners , Kick , Loser , Each Other , Boris Johnson , Winner , Vice President , Former , Trouble , Aides , Reasons , Messes , Rochelle Childs , Judges , Endorsement , Votes , South Carolina , Biden S Short List For The Supreme Court , Lindsey Graham , Jim Clyburn , Kathy Hochul , Criticism , Path , Criminals , Crime Issue , Hands , Bail , Race , Manhattan , Leader , Drones , Special Forces , Syria , Islamic , 2022 Shannon , Debt , Money Manager , Market , Investments , Judith , Fisher Investments , Money Managers , Views , Wave , Client Portfolios , Clients , Commissions , Interest , Commission Products , Client , Act , Fiduciary , Yep , Acre , In Bloom , Nine , Butters , Vegetables , Property , Mouth Bass , Tons , Ways , Don T We , Them , Land , Safelite , Windshield , Photographer , Inspiration , Glass , Safety , Safety System , Car , Acoustic Rock Music , Apr Financing , View , Singers , Limits , Apple Carplay Support , Lexus Gx , Gx 460 , Safelite Repair , 2 49 , 460 , Quotables , Breath People , Terrorist Leader , Bravery , Photograph Hold , White Wash Atrocity , Goal Posts , Misinformation , Zero , Time , Recommendation , Lower , Derace Labor Relation , European War , Diest , 1945 , Amendment , Continent , Killers , War , Men , Freedom , Service , Ambassador , Nikki Haley , Informative , Jesse Watters Primetime , At Night , Life Is Good , Santa Anita , Asimpler , Hand , Lunch Money , Size ,

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