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Therere was Seisismic Acactivity In N seattle. Anchchor the Swswifties Danced Andnd jumped soso muc. Ananchor the e equivalentntf a a 2. 3magnititude earthqhqu. Tayloror swifts i impact on p culturure today isis extraordid. The concncert, fromm my undnderstandingng, genenerated billllions of dodo. Vanessa a yurkevich h One Econt Susuggests thahat taylor s sw, through h her us touour, coud add 5 billion to o us gdp. If Cacari Champioion youre e o 8080, you knowow a song off Tataylor Swiftfts. Nate rogers i in modern pop timemes, You Havave Yoyour creamoofthecropop ar. And taylor swift is probably arguably the tip of the top. Anchor Pop Star T Taylor Swis Takiking her rececordbreakikins tour t to the big g screen. Cari c champion t there sees to be e not only a a fascinati, but an O Obsession W with wht shes sininging, who o she singg to, who heher friends s are, whwhat these s songs mean n to. We have e a dedicateted nfl Cacam To Taylolor Swift in all of f these gamemes. Ive neverer, i promisise yo, have seen n anything l like i. Shirley halperin she is the biggest artist in the world. Shes j Just Rollining in doug. Mikakael woo Tataylor Swift is very y modern popop star. But in s some ways, shes s old fashshioned as i it gets. Shshe still bebelieves in n mae covers andnd Performanances Onon late nighght tv. Sidndney madden n she startd off in the countntry lane, and d she moved d into the e pop spherere. All of a s sudden, shehe explod onto Thehe Pop Musicic Scene with herer 1989 albubum, with E Firsrst Single B being shakat off. And this was massive. Dometi ponong shake e it offf was everyrywhere. Its actually stuck k in my h head a littttle bit. [taylor swift, shake it o o] bebecause the e Players Gogoin selena gomomez, James S Corde play, plplay, play, play, p. Taylor s swift and d the Hahaters Goingng to hate, h, hate, hahate, hate. Im justst going to o shake, shake, shahake, shake,e, shak. Jojohn legend d shake it t. Shake itit off. Steveve carell hoo, hoo,. Lisasa respers f france we ee usused to Seeieing Taylor r sws like thihis sweet, s strumminge guititar, talkining about ththy nenext door ththat she lovov. And d then here e she is, and shees standing up. And shes s got her back up dadancers. And shshes like, you know w . Iim hip. Im m cool. Im m not here f for the hata. But shshes not Bebeen Ablele to shake e off Ththe Controveversy from t that. [upbeat music] sean h hall i wasas in mymy car in atatlanta on t the 10th anand 14th brir, Gogoing Over T the 75 85 s st when i heard shake it off. [taylor swift, shake it off] ththe first ththing I Thouout Wawas the tracack was amazaz. And ththen the hooook came i. singing because the plplayers goining to play, playay, play, plplay, play. Anand the hateters going t o hatete, hate, hahate, hate,. Baby, im just g going to sh, shshake, shakeke, shake, s sh. I shshake it offff. I shshake it offff. Hohoo, hoo, hohoo. Sean hall l how does s a pern feel when n they come e home and theyey feel likeke their house has s been robbebed . Thats how i felt. Tataylor swiftft singing Playayers Going G to play, p , playay, play, play. Sesean hall 1 1, 2, 3, 4. When i i first gotot into the music c business, i was 17. Back thehen, Gettingng Deals S was a situtuation. Everyone h has a deal l now. Backck then, itts like, if you h had a deal,l, itits becausese you foughght f. [m[music playiying] i met T Nate Butleler throrough a frieiend. Natete was just t leaving coco. Hehe wanted toto write musus. So we met, and we hit it off immediately and d became best friends. S. And then, of couourse, Not T Everythingng you write is going t to be a smamash. Bubut we got a a lot of placemenents togetheher. We wororked on xscscape. [xscape, holdld on] singing hold on to l love. Hold on to love. Kandi burruss we loved that song so much that sean produced. I feel like people really appreciate real vocals baback then. Peopople loved r r b back tht. R r b was, i w would say, biggerer than hip p hop. Cariri champion n so we havavs emergence e of black g girl grs who o are very unanapologeti. And theyre singing g a differerent type o of song. Anand i believeve truly, f fo, that was the start o of women singing in a v very empowewered. Sean hall My First Pop Hit would probably be no more on 3lw. [3[3lw, no momore] singng yoyou do or yoyou dont, d do. You will o or you wonnt, won. No m more. Yeah, yeahah. Sidney madadden so wiwithin e pantheonon of black k girl gros of the l late 90s and earlrly 2000s, 3lw W Definitelyly had ststaying powewer. Ththey had a s steady fandnd. They had marketabibility. They c could harmomonize. Ththey could d dance. They h had personanality. They hadad identity. Y. And theyey had Sometething Yoyou could hohold on to. Sean h hall nate e and i word on a about threeee or four s s onon the 3lw a album. I i think it w was no moror, ccurious, playas gonon. When we e were writiting plas gon p play, we w were at chu, and i did this trackck right t before serervice. I playeded it for nanate, anand hes likike, oh my g g. Thatats incredidible. Ththats increredible. Service isis over. Hehes like, s shawn, i i got the hohook. Itits crazy. Its crazyzy. So we gogo back to t the hous, he singsgs the hook k to me, i lose m my mind. Anand were lilike, this i is a. This is crcrazy. [3lwlw, playas s gon plplay] singnging playeye, they gononna play. And hateters, they g gonna ha. Baballers, thehey gonna baba. Shot calallers, Theyey Going G to call. That ainint Got Notothing toto do with m me and you. Thatats the wayay it is. Yeah. We jusust knew. Its Somometimes Whehen You U write somemething anand you get t goosebumpsps,u dont knowow if its g going to number o one, but yoyou have a really g good feelining. Yeah. Nate rogerers in thisis case, e talklking about t a song thahas legititimately popopular. While it wasnt shahake it off, it w was Legitimimately Somemeg that was i in the airwrwaves. Dodometi pong g 3lws sono, plalayas gon p play, only peakeked at 81 onon the bibillboard hohot 100. But t in my worlrld at the time, ththat was a b big reco. [clolock tickingng] sean h hall when i first heard sshake it ofoff, i i was vibingng with the e s. I was s just in itit. Anand then whehen the hookk starteted, my moututh kind of t dropopped open. We knew something had to happep. We had to o Take Actioion some, at leaeast extend d an invitatn to t talk. We reaeached out a and didnt reallyly get a resesponse. So i calleled julian t to get his perspepective on i it. Julilian wright t is a managr Slasash Businessss Mind slash a littttle bit lawawyer. He w went to Hararvard Law S Sl and took s some courseses thee or whahatever. So we was s like, run n it by julian, sesee what he e think. Jujulian wrighght immediaiat, as soon asas I Heard T The Hok and i hearard, playerers goig to playy, i said, thats 3. Playing] interviewewer 1 playeyers go play, Anand Haters G Gon hat, yoyou know . Songwrititers nathanan Butler D Seanan hall sueded taylor sws, Claiaiming That T taylor swifts sosong, shakeke it o borroweded from a sosong they we fofor 3lw calllled playass gon plalay. Lisa r Respers Frarance in 20, hallll and butleler filed a a lt agaiainst Tayloror Swift becee ththey felt lilike those l ls that Playayers Going G to playay, haters g going to hah had cocome from ththeir 200000 hit song g with 3lw. Sidndney madden n to someone who o says they y hear absololy no simililarity betwtween sshake it ofoff anand Playas S Gon Play betweeeen those twtwo choruse, you would d have to bebe listeg with t three sets s of earmufs to tryry and realllly argue e with that. T. [m[music playiying] sean h hall some e lawyers reran ththe situatioion. But i didnt get it because usually when people say copyright infringement, nine timimes out of f 10, they mean the music. Oh, theres a sample in there. Or you usesed my baseleline. You trieied to hide e it, anand blah, blblah, blah. We werere saying n no, itss not the m music. Werre talking g about thee actualal lyrics inin the chor. Shshirley halplperin it seemed a at the timeme that it t was too cocommon a ph. Sosort of tryiying to tradadek or to copypyright whahats u everyonene uses it. At the timime, that wawas a Vevery Common N thing to s s. Likeke, hate thehe playerer, not the e game. Dometi p pong so ththeres Ala Cultltural Compoponent here e e a lot t of folks feel likike artistss mainststream Artisists Likeke a taylor r swift has Ththe Agency T to take a little b bit of blacack cultu, use it a at her dispsposal, rex it, and wash h her hands o t and d say, i dididnt know this is s where it c came fro. Anand it mightht not eveven be Happppening Purprposefully O or maliciouo, bubut it does s happen. Cacari champioion In The E Ey 90s and ininto the 200000s, u had d to be edgygy. And yoyou had to b be Comfortae Inin your blacackness. And you u had to be e comfortae in s singing in n colloquialas thatat only the e culture could ununderstand, that o only the cocollective could ununderstand. Sean h hall playeyer and hater, wordsds like thatat, it d definitely y didnt comomm a a news feed d or a countntry. It came frfrom in the e hood. Kylele barker c check it ouout. You say y hes the S Smoothet Player O Out of the e three f us here. E. Will s smith hey,y, uncle ph. Uncle phphil hey, h hey, he. Dodont be a p player hater, my y brother. Jerome Onone Of The O Originl Player F from the hihimalaya. Sidneyey madden i in the 90s d in t the early 2 2000s, as s h, and r r b, and Blalack Music C In Generalal was s just enjoyoying this t l wawave of cultltural influlue, a a lot of tererms that wewe natural and Sysynonymous Inin the blackck Commununity Becameme Terms that Werere Synonymomous in Popop Culture E writ largeg. So t think of Slslang Terms S , player, hahater, shott caller, baballer. [pufuff daddy, its all a abe bejaminsns] singing wannabe baballer, shshot callersrs, brawlers. Scrub. B. [t[tlc, no scscrubs] sisin no, i donnt want no o scru. A scrub b is a guy w who cannt get no l love from m. Hahanging out t the Kandi Burrrruss scrububs was s in my Notetepad Becaususe i was lilike, im going toto use that t as a tie to somethihing. That w was like a a little saying me e and my homome girs used to sasay all the e time. Iim like, i i dont want no scscrub eitherer. Ththat was ourur thing. I i was like, oh, We Neeed To D do a song s saying calllled scrubs s or whateve. I i give you t the defifinition of f scrubs the fifirst line o of the son. singiging a scrurub is a guyut ththinks hes s fly, and i s also k known as a a buster. Hehello . [laughghing] thatts what a a scrub is,s, and now w the wholee World Knknows it. Shirley hahalperin wiwith the Tataylor Swiftft shake it off case, it was almostst a non starter frfrom the Getet Go Bebecause It W was thrown n t by the f First Judgege who hear. Intervieiewer 1 jududge michl w. Fitzgzgerald dismsmissed the lawswsuit yestererday, Rulg Thatat Combiningng the phrasa, Plalayas Going G To Play and Hataters Going G To Hat does not entail sufficient originality to warrant copyright protection. Shirleley halperinin the e judge decrcreed that this s Particularar Phrae was too brbrief, too u unorigin totoo common, basically,y, e a legitimamate copyrigight cla. Sean halall when youre a a songwriteter, You Pridide Yourselflf on Cominp Withth new, fresesh lingo, p ph, Waysys To Conveyey an idea. All l righty. And when y you do thatat, and then its s used somepeplace e, itll mamake you feel a cerertain way. Yoyou dont gogo through a procesess for fiveve, six yearars of challllenges, t knowining What Thehe End will. Cases can n be emotiononal. Ups and dodowns, sad, happ, excited, n not exciteded. Just i wasnt t nervous. I wasnt s scared. Wevve gotten m messages. Weve gotttten death t threat. It d doesnt fazaze me. Ththere have b been Pointstsn Titimes where e its been n a. But scareded . I wowouldnt sayay scared. This Sitituation Iss Bigger T than me. Its biggeger than my y kids. Itits bigger r than theirir. This Sitituation Affffects us a commmmunity pepeople of coco and someonone has to s stand. Marina v. Bogorad a after Ththat Decisioion was rendnde, sesean and Natate Decidedd to appeaeal the dismsmissal. Thats whehen i came i in. [i[intense mususic] combmbining thosose two phphrases, Andnd Continuinig with foror Lyrical S Sequence that is s similar tataking the s same nunumber of sysyllables, Chchoosing Worords that Hahe Negagative Connonotations u know, haters. Chchoosing a c colloquial l w Haters Insnstead of crcritic. Choooosing Intervrviewer 2 i i undersrstand yourre arguin. But let t me just My Queststion was mumuch narro. Marinana v. Bogorarad so sur, the phphrases thememselves migie commmmon, but ththats Nonot What Thehe Claim is. The clclaim is thahat sean and Nate P Put Togetheher anan originall combinatation of phrhrases. They tooook playersrs going o play, haters goioing to hat, ththey put Thehem Togetherern Ththat Sequencnce in a choho. Chloe memelas sean n and nat, theyre e saying notot only are e the lyricscs basicacally identitical, but alsoso, its Thehe Combinan and d the order r in which these e lyrics appppear in playas gogon to playay anand in shakake it off. Tayloror swifts d defense coming outut and sayining, hohold on a sesecond, thatat tr writes a all her ownwn music. These e lyrics Werere Inspird by Comommonplace P Phrases Thatat were useded at her scsc, and that t there is Nono Monopy Overer that phrarase. Marinana v. Bogorarad i argud why y the case s should procod to trial, and peter r andern argued whyhy it shouldldnt. Peter ananderson ththere hae to be coconcrete simimilariti, anand what theheyre relyiyg on a are abstracactions. Theres s a big difffference ben rrow your boboat and rrow, row yourur boat. Those are e different t thing. Pplayers, ththeyre gonn to and bbecause thehe Players E Gogoing to plalay, play, p play are Cocompletely D different us of publilic domain m materia. This is s exactly ththe corere of creatitivity. Intervieiewer 2 if f i record a song t today that t began of coururse, the plplayers gog to p play, play,y, play, pla, and the Hahaters Goingng to hatete, hate, hahate, hate, woululd ms. Swifift have a copyrighght claim agagainst m . Peter ananderson ifif youre talking g about Idenentically Cocopying a seseries ofof words, Wewe Would Hahave a fightht with the e or side over r whether itits sho Intervrviewer 2 w well soso tell yoyou just saia, player, t they gon t to pla, and hateters, they g gon to h are nonot long Enonough Phrass to g get Copyrigight Protectc. Are your c clients phrases s long enougugh to g get Copyrigight Protectc . Marina v v. Bogorad d reall, if Somebebody Just T took the Sasame Chorus S that Taylr Swifift did in shake it o and used i it in theirir own chororus, im sure Tayaylor Swift t will be sg fofor copyrighght infringegem. Peteter andersonon weve got two exextremes, whwhere its identicacal copying g of this exact nunumber of rerepetitio, anand weve gogot the plaiaints work whehere theress No Repetitition at allll. But i i think no r repetitiont all l means itss not protete. I think k theres anan argumet with Thihis Number O of repetit, it i is protecteted. Intervrviewer 2 t thank you. Peter ananderson ththank you,u, your hononor. Maririna v. Bogogorad I Thik Thatat was also o a point Tht Inflfluenced Thehe ninth cicircuit sayiying, yeyes, this Cacase Should D pr. [m[music playiying] Julilian Wright T the thing that s stood out t to me was me than jusust the wordrds. There e were quitete a few structuralal things ththat i w within thehe compositition thatats in bothth songs. Theyre e both used d as the ho. A hohook is ththats the c c. Thats Thehe Part Of T The Sog that eveverybody rememembers. Lilisa respersrs france i n the e Shake It T Off lawsus, taylorors team hahas been argg ththat the phrhrase playeyersg to play,y, Haters Gogoing To H that t those Two P Phrases Arert of the pubublic domainin. That t they had bebeen out there, thahat theyre e fair u. Theyey also are e alleging t t itits a Moneyey Grab Fromom L and butlerer, that thehey see s as an Opopportunity Y to make my off of T Taylor Swifift becaue shes soso incrediblbly success. But t its obvioious that tatr knknows How Ththe Game Shohod be played. D. Taylylor swift w wrote look what y you made meme do. [Tayaylor Swift,t, look whahau made me dodo] singining lok what you m made me do. O. Lookok what you u made me do. And then s she gave Crcredit O The Three E members ofof right d Frfred Becausese she said,d, e arare Similaririties Betweween G and theieir im toooo sexy h. [right s said fred, im to sexy] singing i im too sy for r my shirt, too sexy fr my s shirt, so s sexy it huru. Natete rogers y your optionos eieither to chchange the s s, or your opoption is toto reah out to thehe person whwho wroe ththe song yououre Worrieid Abouout and cut t them a dea. Get them i involved inin the songngwriting crcredits, and Thenen Everyonee is hapappy either r way. Lisa respepers france e very smart on T Taylor Swififts pt because e she didntt wait fr somebobody to poinint it out. She sasaid, you knknow what . I recogngnize it. Im going g to give ththem cre. Clearlrly she undederstands tt if t there are m more than a w similarities, that you need to give credit Whehere Creditt is due. Also showsws that she e is awarf how w The Music C Industry W w. Sidney madadden Taylolor Swifift as an arartist and d as a Busininesswoman Hs Alwaysys kind of f fashioned herselelf as a chahampion fofor songwrititers, and for Gigiving Songwgwrites their crededit where i its d. Subjbject 1 imm in the e getaway cacar. Leleft you in n the motel l. Tookok the moneyey taylor swiwift Took T The Moy in the b bag, and i i Stole Th Subject T 1 took Ththe Moneney took t the taylor swiwift put Ththe Monen The Babag and i sosold the ke. That wasas the lastt time y you ever sasaw me. Mikael woooo It Showsws You Ththe Occasionons Thatat even Taylylor Swift who is c certainly a an advocatr her r own songwrwriting auththo isis herself, kind ofof roped intnto this. Sean h hall the d difference betweeeen Culturalal Approprian Anand Culturalal Appreciaiation is crcredit. Ifif you likee someththing, pay f for it. The power goes out and we still have wifi to do our homework. And thats a good thing . Great in my book who are you . No power . No problem. Introducing stormready wifi. Now you can stay reliably connected through Power Outages with unlimited cellular data and up to 4 hours of battery backup to keep you online. Only from xfinity. Home of the xfinity 10g network. Learn more today. [record d needle droropping] [pianono music plalaying] Sisidney Maddeden Culturarl Apprpropriation N is cooptata. Itss borrowingng withouout giving c credit. Julian wriright approropriatn is just t outright s stealing and sasaying that t its your. Lisasa respers f france ittt disparity y and that u unfairns that peoeople are coconstantlyn the lolookout for r because itio histororic, and itits so wead intoto the amerirican cultur. Cari champmpion Cultutural Apappropriatioion looks Lilikt Identifyfying the ororiginato. Anand it only y becomes popopr in Mainstrtream Culturure Whwhen Someonene who is nonot k decides s to use it t as theirn or make itit their ownwn. Sidndney madden n i thinink a lot ofof people are just n now wakingg up to o the fact ththat most mumusic Genreses T Wewere Birtheded in americia were birththed by blacack peop. [suspepenseful piaiano music] and were stolen and popularized by mainstream white artists. Shirley halperin the issue of Cultural Appropriation really speaks to the roots of the music industry, which have been for as long as recording has existed, has really been riding on the back of black talent. Some Recording Contracts still say,y, the Recorord Compy Willll Own The M Master Andd any slslave recordrdings. A Slave Isis A Copy Ofof the ma. The roots s of these Terms Obviviously Gogo back to t the very bibirta nation e era of whitite suprem. Lisa r Respers Frarance Alalmost Sincece The Begining Ofof the musicic industry, there e have been n the Feelig Thatat white Artrtists Havee taken Frfrom Black A Artists and mamade it Intoto Somethining that thehey felt wawas more palalatable for a whitite audiencece. Shirley hahalperin Anand It Hahappens in e every indusus. In f fashion, inin music, Hihis You Naname it. The momoney doesnnt flow. Ththe attentioion doesnt t w toto the blackck creators. It is, i in a way, h hijacked by the w white creatators. Cari chahampion Litittle Richchard had ofoften said, i am thehe originatotor. He wouould say thahat all the e. And as a a kid, i dididnt knknow what ththat meant. It didnnt really make senense to me. But ththen when yoyou look back at Ththe History Y of soe of the greats documented in history, theres such a soulful sound that is undeniably from the culture. Sidndney madden n i think w wt comes to c copyright l lawsui, legal l decisionss dont t have anyththing to d do with eththical ones. And Culturural Approprpriation S Undeder that Umbmbrella Of E e. [chuck b berry, sweweet litte sixteeeen] Natete Rogers t the chuck b y sosong, Sweetet Little Sisix Wawas Essentiaially Rewrititty The Beach H Boys by brbrian win as susurfin usaa. [t[the beach b boys, surfrfin] singing theyre e really rocking inin boston and pittttsburgh, papa. If everybobody had an n Ocean Acacross the u usa, then e ever its thehe same songng almost e entirely. [chuhuck berry, sweet lititte sisixteen] s singing bebee soso excited. [the beachch boys, susurfin u] sininging surfrfin usa. Briaian even Admdmitted Thatae Wawas Rewritining Sweet L Lie Sisixteen whehen he wrwrote surfifin usa. Shirirley halpererin ifif you look k back, i i think the e George Hararrn case with h My Sweet T Lord anand the chififfons hees so finee [the c chiffons, hes so fi] sininging hess so fine. Dolanang, dolangng, dolan. Wish y you were mimine. Dolang,g, dolang [george haharrison, mmy swet lord] sisinging my y sweet l. My lord. Thatss probably y the case Tt Seset The Tablble for Whatat E Looking G at now. s singing i i really wawant to see e you. Nate r rogers Thehe Generaly Acceptpted Story i is that hi, letts just sayay, ripping gf the chiffonsns hes so o fin was an a accident. Chloloe melas i it was one f the e biggest sosongs at thehe. So i i believe g george harrrr, ththat He Coululd Have Heaed that sonong and it c could Hae Subcononsciously i influenced. Nate rogerers subconsnscious plagiarismsm, also knonown as cryptomomnesia, is s when u copy somomething Witithout Intt or Witithout Realilizing it. The e way that p people make mistatakes with accccidental plplagiaris, thatss just humaman nature. Richarard busch i if you can ne that you i independentntly cred a a song thatts substantntiy similar toto another bubut had no i idea, had n nr hearard of the p preexistining, its j just Purelyly Coincidene that is a a defense. Natete rogers h he didnt d y thatat he knew t the song itit was a bigig hit but that i it was Justst Sometg that h he didnt p put togeth. And he thohought he hahad writn a totalllly originalal song. George h Harrison Lolost that e and d was requirired to pay y t ofof money. When youou have thesese discusss ababout music c copyright t c, you dont t have to prprove int. Thatats sort ofof impossibl. But you dodo need to p prove ac. In t the case ofof 3lw, Acceces Inherent W when your s song ws on the chaharts. It wasas on trl. Intervrviewer 3 p please put your h hands togetether for 3. Nate r rogers trlrl was everyr. Ininterviewer r 4 3lw and their r fans here. E. Intervieiewer 5 letets make some noioise for briritney spe. Ininterviewer r 6 live onon , itits christitina aguilere. Ininterviewer r 7 here iss eminemem with my y name is. Julian wriright Adultlts Werere Watching G it. Kidsds were watctching it. The induststry was watatching. Ththat basicalally was the ultimamate playlisist. Shirley y halperin the musict yoyou connect t with when n ye 10, 11, 12 years o old thas amonong the mostst Impactfululc Ofof your lifefe. Thatats the stutuff that yoye gogoing to cararry into Yoyours Anand into youour twentiese. Chloe memelas in 202008, tayr swift gagave an inteterview to 4 magazine i in which shshe sad that she g grew up watatching l and she e was a hugege fan. Tataylor swiftft i literaray grgrew up watctching trl. But Chloe Memelas but i in augut 2022, ununder oath, taylor st submitted d a declaratation. In i it, she statates, I Listeneded To Countrtry Music almostst exclusivevely. Inin my house,e, We Playededs Anand rarely p played the e r. When i l listened toto the rad, it wasas generallyly country m. I didid not watctch the e mtv show t trl, and i did d not go too clubs duduring this s time. I belilieve it. Tataylor swiftft grew up o n a chchristmas trtree farm. And you u know, wevve seen e early y videos of f her playig the guitarar from whenen she wawas a littlele girl. And she ststarted as a a countrtry music arartist. Domemeti pong t taylor swift alsoso says in t this declarar, until l learning a about plplaintiffs s claim inin 2017, i h had never h hd ththe song plplayas gon p, anand had nevever heard off that s song or thehe group tl. The shade. E. I have n never seen n a Plays Gon Plalay music v video. Shake it t off was C Composd Independenently of plplayas gon plalay. Chloloe melas T Taylor Goesen for r pages abouout the inspspin to Shake It O Off and d her defensnse. She sasays, My Paparents Limid Whwhat i couldld watch andnd ln toto, and did d not permitit o watch trl l until i wawas abou3 years old. D. The lyricscs to shakeke it o were Wriritten Entirirely by. I i Drew Partltly on expereris in my lifefe, and in p particu, unrelelenting publblic scrutiy of m my personalal life. Inteterviewer 8 8 led zeppeln guguitarist, j jimmy page, is defenending himseself. Intervrviewer 9 k katy perrys not ththe only onene who is dedg with a a lawsuit l like this. Mikael woooo youve s seen ththis with a a lot of artrts in t the past fifive or so years wiwith sam smimith. Ininterviewer r 10 Sam Smsmitd Normani i are facingng a copypyright lawswsuit. Dua lilipas levivitating legal drdrama contininues. [dueue lipa, lelevitating] singiging if Youou Want To N Awayay with me, i know a galaxy, and i coululd take u fofor a ride. Lisa Resespers Francnce dua la is facacing Copyriright Allegags from a paiair Of Compoposers [cory y daye, wigiggle and gie all l night] s singing so the ananswer to ththis riddle n yoyoure caughght up in Ththe E Of T The Devil A And the e deep blue e sea. Whwho Say Thatat The Song S Actualally based O On A Song Ththat they didid back in n th. Its morore about Cocompositios Oppoposed to wririting of lyly. Mikael wooood but thehen liz, a tweet t ended up i in a son. And it wasas a signatuture momement of the e song. [lizzozo, truth h hurts] sis i i just took k a dna tests. Turns out t im 100 t that bibitch even w when im Nate Rogerers one of f the fit lines s on lizzoss truth hu was, jujust took a a dna tes. Turns ouout im 100 0 that bit i dont knknow if youu can sasay that on n cnn. Sisidney maddeden in the e e ofof being 10000 that bitit, Mina Lioioness Trulyly was ththe originatator. Lisa respepers france and she e ended up w with credit because lilizzo was lilike, i t to Givive Credit W where credt is due. Bebecause one e thing abouout l media, w when they c come for , ththey come wiwith receiptp. Shirley hahalperin Ifif You He A Succccessful Sonong that cha, someonone is Probabably Goining to come e after youu and claiaim that thehey wrote e something g similar. Itss so commonon, Especialy In Thehe last seveven years since e the blurrered lines tr. [r[robin thickcke, blurrered l] singiging i hatete these blurred d lines. I knowow you want t it, therees an age o old music industryry saying, w where thes a hit,t, theres a a writ. Ininterviewer r 11 many i ine music Indudustry Todayay shocd byby a jurys s decision t thae artists s behind thehe hit sog Blurrrred Lines stole it from mamarvin gaye. E. Blulurred lineses was a sesen. I mean, itit was the n number one song i in the worlrld. Jajane gaye, m marvins wife, Imimmediatelyy Believeded that it c copied marvins got to givive it u. [marvin n gaye, gotot to givet up]] singing g because i s too o nervous toto really geget. Intervrviewer 12 did you Immediatelely Recognizize the s . The simimilarity . Jajan gaye ababsolutely. Didnt takake more thahan a min. Shshirley halplperin it d dit hehelp Pharrelell Williamsms orn thicicke that Rorobin Thicke Admitttted that hehe was inspi. Robin thicicke One Ofof My Fafavorite Sonongs of all l e was s marvin gayayes ggot to giveve it up. And soso we tried d to get a Little G Groove Likeke that go. Shirleley halperinin that ws almostst An Admissssion of gui. And i i know if mamarvin were e, he wouldnnt have stotood for. Subject 2 2 jan calleled me anand said, hehey richard. And i wawas like, iim in. Intervrviewer 14 Marvin Gays Famimily won 5. 5. 3 Millionn Afafter a Dispspute Over intervieiewer 15 Bubut A Fefederal Juryry in Califofoa Saidid it was mumuch more than insnspiration, it w was copyrigight infringng. Lilisa respersrs france b t theyeyre not alalways succece. Inteterviewer 1616 how Similr Cacan Two Songngs be Beforores Considereded Copyrightht Infriningement . That i is what a m manhattan jury is s weighing i in decidg a Hihigh Profilele case agaiat brbritish pop p star ed shshe. Lisa respepers france e ed shen has s prevailed d in a case e e someonone accused d him and it wasnnt successfsful. Intervieiewer 17 vivindicatin for singnger, ed sheheeran. A jury f found he didid not commit copopyright infnfringem. Ed sheeranan im obviviously very happypy with the e outcoe ofof the case. E. And it looooks like iim not hahaving to reretire from M My B Afteter all. Shirley hahalperin asas a musisic journalilist, one ofof the Queststions Thati Alwaysys used to a Ask Artiststn i would ininterview ththem, Esespecially W when they h he a new w album comiming out, isit were you l listening t to arod the e time that t You Crcreated thisis album . Who was Ininspiring Yoyou . You u cant ask k that Questsn Ananymore Becacause if theheyy i i was listenening to a lot of d david bowieie. And Thenen The Davidid Bowie ese sasays, this s sounds a lilittt like fameme. Were e going to s sue you. Ththen my inteterview wiwith this peperson now bebecomes an admissioion of guiltlt. Emily y st. James s Everyone Ed Just Say T their influluences e like beeththoven and m mozar. Cant geget sued thehere. Ed sheheeran claiaims like this arere way too c common n, and hahave become e a culture ee a claim isis made withth the ia that a Setettlement Wiwill be Chcheaper Thanan taking itit tot even if ththeres no base foror the claimim. Its r really damamaging to the songngwriting inindustry. Nate r rogers eveveryone in the Mususic Industrtry Is S sort of Looooking Ovover their s shoulder and feeleling like they migight be nextxt. [music playingng] tayla a parx you say im m different. T. Itits not howow you do meme an. Well i i think imm better off thanan i ever wawas befor. Ive learnrned in thisis gam, when you h have a hit t song, youre probablyy going g to get sueued. Susubject 3 l let me rerecord that t real quickc. Tayla paparx its j just whwhat the facacts are. And if y you haventt been sued yet, just wait. T. Or youre e not Doingg Somethining right. I dont knknow. [laughghing] ememily st. Jajames the little s secret herere ththat unites s all of these contntroversiess is we e have 12 kekeys. Ththeres no w way to writite g that is s 100 , compmpletely t of nowherere, originalal. Tayla a parx whatat makes s It Originanal Is W what is Youour Perspectc . [ariana grgrande, 7 r rings] singing breakfastt at tiffanynys and botottles f bubbles, g girls with h tattooso like g getting in n trouble. So i w worked Withth Arianana on 7 rinings, and itit was an incredibible experieience. Just w we threw itit back wh just taking a classic melody with favororite thingsgs. [the souound of musisic, my favorite t things] s singin girls in w white dresssses with B Blue Satin N sashes. Snowflakeses that Stayay On Mymy Nose and d eyelashes. Itit started o over those e si boomom, boom t that sisimple littltle thing. And then t taking it t to the e future, ththough, and d doing a Cocompletely Different t interpretatation of. sininging my l lips, ststop watchining. My neck k is flossy. Y. Mamake big depeposits. Mymy gloss is s popping. Itit was a litittle bit scscy bebecause youure takingg this iconinic song andnd wee literally y trapping i it out and makiking it anand being like, my w wrist, my b butt andl of Thohose Other t things. And they c could have e been l, oh, nono, no, no, no, no, n. We c Cannot Haveve This Iconc Song S Sounding Lilike this. Lisa Resespers Francnce Ariaa Grandede agreed toto sign over of Thehe Royaltieses of that song to O The Estatete Of Rodgs and hahammerstein. N. She gogot permissision from tm and d that was t the deal tht theyey made. Tatayla parx after hahaving the C Conversatiois and figuguring it alall out, and us allll being likike, ma. Okok, is it woworth it to keep itit in there . E . It i is . Lets go. Origiginality isis so much m e abouout taking s something t thu love, filtering g it throrough your p perspective, filtering g it throughgh your o other influluences, blendingng everythining togeth. And i i think thatats the thg that s someone likike Olivia Rodrdrigo does p pretty well. She comes s on the scecene. Her r first songng is called drivevers licensnse. [olivivia rodrigo,o, drivers licensee] singingng red lig, stop s signs, i ststill see your facace in the w white ca, frfront yards. S. Mimikael wood d olivia rorod, huge pop s success, obobvious. And a vevery post Tataylor Swswift kind o of songwritit. An avovowed swiftitie. Olivia rododrigo imm just thehe Biggest S Swiftie In The W whole worldld. So i tweweet about her all l the time. Nate rogogers this s is also the irony y of the Tayaylor Swift t situation. N. Which isis that olivivia rodri, she sasaid, how shshe wrote ththe song, ddeja vu. [olivia rorodrigo, dedeja vu] singingng do you g get dejau when shehes with yoyou . And d she said, you know, i realally loved cruel summm. [Tayaylor Swift,t, cruel susu] singing its a cruruel sum. Taylylor swiftss song, one of my fafavorite sonongs. And i wanted to get that same kind of vibe. Ololivia rodririgo singigi comfortablble heaven, bu, itits a cruelel summer wiwith. Annie clclark helpeded write t with t taylor and d jack anton, and d those are e like my three Fafavorite Peoeople in thehe whole wororld. Theyre e my three Favorite M Musicians E ever. Lisasa respers f france olila rorodrigo, on n her debut t a, souour, gave t taylor swift writiting creditits on two s s. Shshe has saidid that tataylor has i inspired heh, inspired h her music. Ththeres ironony in Oliviva Doining this Foror Taylor Whwhen taylor r is not tryryg toto do this f for the twowon who are e suing herr about t Shake It T Off. Nanate rogers s and maybee thatss all sean n hall want. And d if thats s the case, i do Underststand Them B being kd ofof upset. Sean halall its chchallengi. This sitituation is s challengg becacause its b been a whil. Itits been gogoing on Foroa Longng Time and d its persos. It feelsls personal. L. Julian w wright agagain, Whenu Respecect other arartists, Whehu Respecect other sosongwriters,u giveve Credit Whwhere credit is d due. And yoyou obtain a a license. Sean hall l I Definititely Fefeel like ifif there wass a a conversatition with taylor o or her teamam, Things Wouould be a lolot diffe. We prorobably woululdnt bebe talking r right now. Julian w wright wee would d have figurured out whwhat worked d for both p par, and it w would have e been do. And thatats what wewe expect. Thatats what Wewe Thought W Wag To Happepen because e it happs evevery day. Lilisa respersrs france i if ww anythihing about t taylor swi, its that t she does n not shy y away from m a fight. [music plalaying] Shirirley Halpererin Taylylor Swift h has becomeme a sort ofof unexpectd chamampion of crcreators riri. Whwhen she wenent after Spspot Intervieiewer 18 Ababruptly Pulling Alall of her a albums fromom the streaeaming servrvice spotifify. Shirley y halperin for thr rates,s, which arere paltry. She e has taken n on apple. Intervrviewer 19 apple compmy changed Itits Policieses that y spenent months n negotiating. And it s shows that t she has s unbelievabable power. Shirirley halpererin which h sd didnt payay the creatators fai, which is t true. As a s songwriter r advocate,s really Donone Tremendodous wo. Intervrviewer 20 taylor swiws making bigig news thisis morni. Shes brininging her m music baback to strereaming servrvi. Lisa respepers france e she ud her platatform to bebe able to p other artitists. Emily y st. James s she has bn araround for a almost 20 y ys atat this poinint. And oh my y god, im o old. She hahas had so m many Didifferent Fefeuds and soso y differenent controveversies. Kanynye west iimma let t you finishsh. Emilily st. Jamemes Fighghts She Hasas waged. Cari chahampion likike, i me, literalllly, the Attttorney Genl is now i investigatiting Tickcketmaster Bebecause the e swifties couldntt get theirir ticket. You knowow what i memean . Ifif you want t to get sosomething dodone, get it d done with t taylor and the swswifties. Tataylor swiftft im stilill se who Isis The Firstst to apologe when i im wrong. Bubut i think k im Betterert Ststanding up p for myselflf n ive b been wrongeged. Lisa Resespers Francnce team tr veversus team m everybody y e. The list just goes on and d on. When y you go up a against a star like e taylor swiwift, youre g going up against t a machine. E. It goes Bebeyond Dadavid and gogoliath. Think k of like hahalf a davd againsnst like, twtwo times goliliath. And d this time e maybe david doesesnt have g god on his s. [m[music playiying] [music playiying] Chloe Melalas sean and natetes legal t team had a planan all alongng that they were e going to g go to Tl Bebecause Theyey wanted toto r from taylolor swift hehersel. Marina v v. Bogorad d we willll ask for D Depositions for ththe songwrititers, inclcluding Taylylor Swift. And thenen the juryy will b be selecteded, and thisis case willll be trien fedederal court t in los angng. Marinana v. Bogorarad yes, e expect T Taylor Swifift to test. Maririna v. Bogogorad werre hoping i it will be. Itit probably y will bebe a media c circus. Maririna v. Bogogorad i didit sasay they havavent offerere. I also dididnt say ththat they. Settlementnt negotiatitions Betn Partieies are confnfidential and d Cannot Bee Discusussed in pubublic. Can thisis case settttle . Anything i is possiblele. Shirirley halpererin its l , itits really y hard to knknowe your Sympapathy Lays in thesese situationons. But inin terms of f shake it t, look, she e has so manany his to h her name Ththat Givingg up 50 o of this onene song is not goioing to breaeak the b. Shes gogoing to bee absolutetely fine. And d many Artisists Haveve Preemptivively Gogone Throughgh this stepe. And i i wouldnt b be surprisd if t they settleled too because ththe publicneness of a a trial, i i think, is much momore damamaging ultimimately. And the e Payout Couould be mucuch larger. [clolock tickingng] Chloe Melalas it was s a quit monday, slow news s day. And all l of a suddeden, my p phone is gogoing off. Inteterviewer 2222 taylor swift Hahas Finallyy shaken offff a Copyrigight Infrfringement L lawsuit ovover shake e it off. Intervieiewer 23 itits a Cocopyright Ininfringementnt E with h huge induststry implicac. Intervieiewer 24 ththe judge e dismissed d the case Withth Prejudicece that accused ththe singer ininterviewer r 23 denind the alallegations,s, and now w both sideses have agagreed to enend the suiti. No word onon the termsms of Ay Settlementnt between t the part. Chloe melalas the Lawawsuit Hahas been droropped. Its beeeen dismissesed. Ththeres goining to be nono t. And everybybody is wononderin, how did d this happepen . And why . Y . Dometi p pong so ththeres a questionon of who wiwins, rig . Are there e winners Oror Losersrs in this c case . And i i honestly t think thee are nono winners, no loser. Anand i think k ultimatelyly, R Stalematate is a winin for muc because itit opens thehe door r each n Nuanced Casase that cos after itit to be Jududged Onon its own m merit, and Wiwithout The E noise of e Prececedent Thatat would havavn seset if taylolor swift wown or i if Sean Andnd Nathan wo. But if shehe would have won t this case, it could h have been a nail i in the coffffin for Mumultiple Smamall Artiss who fefeel like Ththeir Influee and imimpact has i influenced De Swswaths Of Pepeople and m mega, anand they donont get to o e anany of the b benefit of f t. And ththe Folks Ththat Usualllly Experienence that arare black fofolks. Lisa respepers france e when yoyou have blalack successs, Itit Resonateses so much m me inin the Blackck Communityy and in thehe brown comommunit. And d then you h have a a mainstreamam artist come a and try to o replicate e. Its likike, well what canan we have . . Dodometi pong g everyone e o creaeates art ststands on sosoms shououlder, whetether ththey consumeme that art. You mighght not be d directly influencnced by thisis perso, but youre influenced by someone who Isis Influenceced by somee that youre inspired by. Sean h hall singnging pleae tellll us all ththe best. Tetell us all l right. [hummingng] a lot of p people saidid, you know, her r pockets arare dep anand, you knonow, her reaeach. Andd na, na, na, na, na, na, nana. Na, na, na. Do youou know whatat this weit is yououre about t to lift . Do Youou Understanand the size and m magnitude o of it . I sasaid, yeah, i get it. But wewe dont wanant to be us. And we d dont wantt to be e appropriatated. Interviewewer 25 whatat advie would yoyou give to o anyone o wants toto become a a singer . Taylor s swift get a goodod lawyer. [m[music playiying] hello april im john holmes, coming up here on cnn. You will fall

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