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0 motorcycle chis that left a driver and cyclist with serious injuries has former members of a motorcycle gang speaking out. you're going to hear from them. up next the former lead of a notorious group says he's not surprised by sunday's tragic event and why he got out. ne cnn "newsroom" starts right now. new this morning, two men now in custody for the clash between bikers. and why a cop who was there did nothing. >> i am dying because of the political games you are playing right now. >> your government is shut down. you can't get services and you are still paying taxes. what americans are saying as their message to washington. >> when i first meant bono, he walked into an oval office and actually i thought it was a member of his own road crew. >> if you thought his president clinton impression was good, wait until you hear how he does henry kissinger. fare fare fareed zakaria's exclusive interview. >> it's 10:00 on the east coast. 7:00 on the west coast here in the cnn "newsroom." the house is at work this saturday. live look at the house floor as they are working through this government shutdown. >> we are expecting at least one vote by lawmakers today. perhaps this hour. what are they discussing here? what are they voting on? >> they're running on two bills. one would allow military chaplains to continue to perform services. the other is a bill about paying furloughed workers hundreds and thousands. they will get that pay if the bill passes into law. this won't happen until the government reopens. this is a bill that the white house supports. we just got an update. we don't know when. but we think it will pass today. that's still up in the air. the president said he will sign the bill if it reaches his desk. the house floor we're hearing arguments on both sides that we've been hearing all week. listen to what marsha blackburn had to say about the house's approach to the government spending crisis, listen to her. >> what you all want is ugly or evil or dirty. what we are for, mr. speaker, is an accountable transparent cr. an accountable transparent process. transparent and fair to hard working taxpayers. fair to future generations, like my grandsons, my nieces, great nieces and nephews who are going to have to pay the bill. let's have an accountable spending process. >> and so representative blackburn is talking about this continuing resolution. the bill that would reopen the doors of the government. she argues that the democrats want the republicans in the house to call a voe on the spending bill funding the whole government. they believe it will pass. and representative blackburn was arguing the case to house republicans they want to fund the parts of the government that they want to fund and they say everyone agrees on. one major thing everyone doesn't agree on is continued funding for obama care. >> all right, a trkright, thank. president obama is calling out republicans over the government shutdown. this morning he demanded that republicans stop the farce. >> the american people don't get to demand ransom in exchange for doing their job. neither does congress. they don't get to hold our democracy or our economy hostage over a settled law. they don't get to kick a child out of head start if they don't agree to take their parent's health insurance away. that's not how a democracy is supposed to work. dpl jill dougherty takes a look at two men at the center of the shutdown standoff. >> reporter: for two guys who once claimed they like each other, president obama and house speaker boehner are sure getting personal. >> speaker john boehner won't let the bill get a yes or no vote. because he doesn't want to anger the extremists in his party. >> i talked to the president earlier tonight. i'm not going to negotiate. i'm not going to negotiate. >> reporter: this friday at lunch hour the president and vice president said they are starving and walked over to a nearby sandwich shop. >> you should get the ray street. it's really good. >> the ray street? >> all right. let's check this out. >> not without taking a swipe. >> i'm happy to have negotiations with the republicans and speaker boehner on a whole range of issues. but we can't do it with gun held to the head of the american people. back in 2009 he rid the speaker about his year round tan. >> after all, we have a lot in common. he is a person of color. although not a color that appears in the natural world. in june of 2011 obama and boehner, both avid golfers hit the links together in what was dubbed the golf summit. the next month they were stuck in a sand trap when the u.s. was facing another deadline. the relationship started to suffer. >> dealing tw the white house is like dealing with a bowl of jell-o. during last december's fiscal cliff crisis, the dueling duo became fodder for saturday night live. >> i have the leverage. why give in? well, simply put, i felt sorry for this man. >> but can they shake hands, make up and save the country? sure doesn't sound that way. >> this isn't some damn game. >> and boehner calls this an epic battle. so far it doesn't look like a cease fire. over here it's pretty quiet. we're trying to find out what the president is doing behind the scenes. in front of the scenes, in front of the cameras, not much happening now. >> appreciate it. thank you. and let's take you to new york where police have two bikers in custody accused in involvement of the clash between a group of bikers and suv driver earlier this week. >> and one of the men is the one seen smashing out the driver's side window, margaret, what else do we know about these men? what will happen later today? >> vick tor, two men turned themselves in and are now in custody. investigators are still trying to piece together what happened. the motorcyclist seen here who repeatedly smashed this car window using his helmet with a family trapped inside has been identified. authorities have also found the motorcyclist who shot this held metd cam video showing how the incident escalated from the start. alexian leon was driving with his family here on the highway. according to police, he struck a motorcycle that had slowed in front of him, slightly injuring the biker. police say the spikers hit and struck the car's tire. as he escaped his car ran into three more bikers, including one who was critically injured. that's when the motorcyclists gave chase. eventually cornerring the suv and beating and slashing him in front of his wife and 2-year-old daughter. we returned to the scene with a retired police officer and asked him how things went so wrong? >> they shut this road down. >> he puts the blame on the motorcyclists. >> see him just driving normally in the center lane. nothing really dramatic. this motorcycle operator pulls in front. he's going to slow down and turn and look back at him. now i'm just curious, what precisely were you thinking at that moment that you thought that would be appropriate? could the suv driver have done anything differently? >> in my opinion he was in fear for his life. he has a baby in the car. i don't think he has any other option. >> so what is the advise for the average person? >> call # 11. basically yield the right-of-way to the bicycles. the issue here is really the volume of motorcycles. the issue here is the operation of these motorcycles. >> now there's one more twist to the story. there was an offduty police officer on the scene, and questions are being raised as to why it took four days for him to come forward. >> margaret connelly there in new york for us as we continue to figure out who was there. an organizer of one of the largest biker groups in the country is speaking out. he said he's concerned the biker groups are getting too dangerous. that interview is coming up in 30 minutes. the stalemate in washington could mean higher prices in the dairy aisle. as long as congress is gridlocked on the budget, it's mikely they ll not pass a farm bill. you will see higher milk prices as soon as january. the price of milk could double to as much as $6 a gallon. others put the price tag at $8 a gallon. tropical storm karen is taking aim at the gulf coast. residents are still preparing for the worst. andrea peterson is live in pensacola. hey, what are you see sng. >> good morning. the big question is will we or will we not see a tropical storm? we're going to give you an update on karen. and a high speed police chase leaves a woman dead in the nation's capitol. now her family wants to know why officers opened fire.

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