Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Brooke Baldwin 201802

Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Brooke Baldwin 20180207 20:00:00

>> phil mattingly, thank you so much. dana bash who used to run up and down those halls for years and years and years. phil has talked to folks on both sides of the aisle. confident that the house will get to this and nancy pelosi was so key in brokering this deal why is she standing there now for four-plus hours and saying no? >> i saw you write that down and because you're you, is why you picked up what you did about nancy pelosi. to people at home, it makes no sense. >> not at all. >> because she's getting attention for the issue she's upset is not in there. she understood because she is as sort of seasoned and tough as a legislator as they come, that at the end of the day, we saw what happened in the senate a few weeks ago.
they tried to use the immigration issue as leverage for keeping the government open and it didn't work. >> shut the government down. >> it didn't work out so politically, at least in the short term, for democrats. nancy pelosi is making -- using the megaphone that she has by saying, you know what? i want to get a promise from the republicans that if the senate brings this up the house will as well. she's trying to shine a light on this issue. why? politically. phil touched on this. there are many people in her party who are furious about giving uch the leverage of immigration, giving up the leverage of the dreamer issue and letting this package that a lot of things a lot of people want from military spending, health community centers, disaster relief for hurricanes. lot of people in the conservative movement and even
democrats who don't like it, because it is a lot of government spending which many of them campaigned for for years. at the same time they're taking baby steps. the question after this happens, and assuming it will ultimately pass the house and our government will stay open and there will be a two-year budget deal, then when the senate turns to immigration, which technically is supposed to be tomorrow when they start debate, how does that play out? that's a very big question. >> that's what we watch for tomorrow on immigration. more breaking news out of the white house. senior aide to president trump has resigned after two ex-wives went public with accusations of domestic abuse. i'm talking about rob porter. trump's white house staff secretary. he denies these allegations but is stepping down anyway. dana is with me. i also want to bring in jeff zeleny, our stand-in senior white house correspondent.
jeff, rob porter has denied this entirely but yet he chose -- he's left the white house. tell me more. >> indeed, brooke, fairly abrupt decision to announce his resignation. the white house staff secretary is a very important person in the west wing, largely because they handle the information flow into and utilize of the office. lot of proximity to the president. he was an aide fo orrin hatch and others on capitol hill. he did announce he was resigning today in the wake of that report of verbal and physical abuse of his two ex-wives. this is first reported by the daily mail. this is something that has been percolating a bit. yesterday several white house aides stood by him and said they were going to support him. and then today he resigns when some photographs were published
also online of a black eye of one of his former wives. let's take a look at this statement. these allegations are false. i took the photos given to the media 15 years ago. and the reality behind them is nowhere close as to what's being described. he goes on to say i've been transparent and truthful about these vile claims but i will not further engage publicly with a coordinated smear campaign. he is also having a personal relationship, we hear, with hope hicks, white house communications director, who, of course, is very close to the president. that was one of the reasons he was viewed so highly inside the west wing here. it was one of the reasons he was being protected. certainly interesting he announced he was resigning today. we're not certain the date of the resignation. it will happen some point in the future. >> if have you this photographic
routine. everyone is hired at the white house. then they go through background checks for security clearance. that's when this was learned, some point last year about abuse allegations. it's all surfacing in the last couple of days at the daily report and then he decided to resign, rather abruptly, i would say, today, brooke. >> what are you thinking on this? he's saying he didn't do it, but he's leaving. a big job. >> a very big job. look, as jeff was saying, it's too early to know the real details. i don't know that we'll ever know the real deal. in talking to people who worked with rob porter in the white house and before that on the hill, but particularly in the white house, they're pretty surprised by this. those who interact with him as a colleague are pretty surprised. they call him extremely soft
our mj lee was talking with senator hatch and he said his statement -- he says this. i'm heartbroken by today's allegations and every action i've had with rob, he has been courteous, professional and respectful. i do not know the details of his personal life. domestic violence in any form is abhorrent. i am praying for rob and those involved. however, the white house released a statement from senator hatch in his name saying it is incredibly discouraging to see such a vile attack on such a decent man. shame on any publication that would print this and shame on the politically motivated, morally bankrupt character as issins that would attempt to sully a man's good name. >> boy, that's trumpy. so was he saying that? >> his printed statement released by the white house in the senator's name. we are told that the senator,
once his office learns more about this, wanted to release their own. >> interesting. >> the white house clearly trying to put a different light, blame the media light on this. and, again, we have to point out one of the people at the center of this is the white house communications director hope hicks in charge of messaging. we are told by multiple people familiar with the situation that she is having a personal relationship with rob porter. that one of the complicating dynamics but certainly orrin hatch wishing his former colleague well but stepping way back from what the white house is trying to say in his name. brooke? >> jeff, thank you very much. dana, thank you. next, marching orders, secretary of defense james mattis weighing in on president trump's request for a military parade as more and more veterans are speaking out, saying no to any sort of parade. one senator calling it cheesy. >> also, kim jong-un's youngest
sister now being sent to lead the north korea delegation at the winter olympics in south korea. what we know about her background and the role she has in her family. keep in mind, this is happening as the vice president announces added pressure on north korea ahead of the olympic bes. [burke] at farmers, we've seen almost everything so we know how to cover almost anything. even a "red-hot mascot." [mascot] hey-oooo! whoop, whoop! [crowd 1] hey, you're on fire! [mascot] you bet i am! [crowd 2] dude, you're on fire! [mascot] oh, yeah! [crowd 3] no, you're on fire! look behind you. [mascot] i'm cool. i'm cool. [burke] that's one way to fire up the crowd. but we covered it. talk to farmers. we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪
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washington down pennsylvania avenue. i don't know. we'll have to try to top it. >> before we talk about the political implications of this parade, i want to take you back to the end of the gulf war. this is what was being broadcast right here on cnn the last time the u.s. held a military parade in 1991. >> announcer: this is cnn. >> the parade featured military equipment, the patriot missile got the loudest applause. you'll remember during the war it got the name scud buster. >> this parade meant we're finally home. this is finally over and the american people appreciated what we did. >> they, to me, meant that going through operation desert storm and desert shield was worth it. and made me realize just how much, you know, the people back here, you know, are standing up for us. and appreciated what we were doing. >> good to see the country
showing their support. i think it's -- hey. it's good to see my daughter, you know. >> there was controversy over having a victory parade from anti-war activists to arab representatives who said there should be no celebration over the deaths of more than 100,000 iraqis. some even called this a campaign rally for george bush. >> let's have a conversation. former speaker for new york city council and steve lonagan former republican for the u.s. senate and he served in ted cruz's campaign. great to have both of you on. we talked to two veterans last hour. you said both your fathers served in the military. chris, just starting with you, do you think it is a great idea, honor our military, have a parade or too much of a trump show? >> i'll quote my father, larry quinn, '91, world war ii veteran in the navy.
he think it's ridiculous, a waste of money. honestly, he believes and i believe him, victories are to be celebrated, and veteran's day. the president called for this parade because he had fun in france, liked all the big guns and troops parade in front of him. this really smacks of the president liking the way the north korean leader dictates a little too much. this seems about donald trump and making sure everyone knows he has the biggest button and not about veterans' sacrifices. >> what do you think, steve? >> coming out of new york city, which gives america the biggest military parade every single year, called fleet week, where we parade our united states navy up the river and thousands enjoy seeing that, there's no reason we couldn't show the great job the president is doing rebuilding our military,
sequestration, demilitary strength. it's on the mend, getting stronger every day. the world knows it. why not show off to our military how proud we are of that. >> steve just told the truth of what this parade is about, showcasing what republicans believe is donald trump's successes. that's very different than fleet week, a longstanding tradition to give the men and women of the navy and marines a break and celebration. >> longstanding parade, christine. longstanding parade. >> it's more of a gathering than a parade, fleet week, but longstanding, yes. that's about the men and women. as you said, steve, this parade the president proposing would be about saluting the president's so-called good work. political, serving and supporting military. >> saluting the greatness of our military, of sacrifice so much in this longstanding effort in the middle east. losing men and women every single year. enough is enough. let's tell the world we have the most powerful military on the planet earth and they should stand down. >> people shouldn't need a parade that salutes the
president, as you said, the president's so-called successes to know that america is the greatest might morally and militarily in the world. we are losing that posture and that position and people seeing us that way because of the president's behavior. >> our military is getting stronger every day. we're building our military forces. isis is disintegrating because of this military. their morale is being reboosted after being demoralized under barack obama and sequestration efforts and it's about time we show the world what we're made of. >> the world knows. >> the world doesn't know. you think the world knows. >> let's listen to the secretary of defense who jumped in to the white house press briefing and offered this when asked about it. >> as far as the parade goes again, the president's respect, his fondness for the military, i think, is reflected in him asking for these options. we've been putting together some options. we'll send them up to the white house for decision.
>> general was on last hour who pointed out more of the sort of reticence. he was of your camp saying, listen, if our military is a bunch of bad asses, pardon, we don't need to show the world. we just know we are. let me add one more piece of sound. republican senator lindsey graham weighed in as well. >> i'm not looking for a soviet-style hardware display. that's not who we are. that's cheesy and shows weakness, i think, quite frankly. a parade where can all say thank you and honor them would be fine. i would like to see kids marching, honor military families. >> okay. i just wanted to get those voices in the conversation as well. let's move on to our former vice president, joe biden, here at cnn last night. he was on with chris cuomo and offered this when it comes to the president. >> i just marvel at some of the
things he says and does, like, what, two days ago, anybody that didn't stand up and clap for him was unamerican and maybe even treasonous? >> he said it was tongue in cheek. democrats can't take a joke. >> let me tell you, he's a joke. >> that's been the headline, coming from former vice president, calling the president a joke. >> coming from a guy who plagiarized an entire speech, people seem to forget. you have to question who the joke is. biden is irrelevant. nobody cares what he has to say. and the president, again, is presiding over the greatest economy we've seen in decades, rebuilding of our american military, great economic growth, stock market growth despite recent corrections and an economy second to none over the last 30 years. >> wow! >> huh? >> so, obviously, bringing up the speech from the labor secretary is really having to
reach back in history, to criticize joe biden. >> you learn from this. >> you do. but joe biden has moved on and served his country well. if you look at recent polling on the former vice president, it shows that many, many americans care what he has to say and what he thinks. let's stop for a second. there is all this upsetness that joe biden has said this about the president. let's remember all the horrible things that donald trump said and did regarding president obama's citizenship. he, in essence, called him an illegitimate american citizen, constantly, disrespectfully demanding his birth certificate, leading the so-called birther's movement. you want to talk about somebody being disrespectful to the president of the united states and to the office of the presidency, it is our present president, donald trump. not joe biden, a man who has dedicated his life to service to this country. he has sacrificed in the light that have. >> i hope joe biden runs for
president trump, so donald trump can beat him and send him to retirement once and for all. >> i don't think that will be the outcome. >> thank you, steve and chris. appreciate both of you. kim jong-un's sister becomes the member of the dynasty to ever cross the border into south korea. what is behind her history-making trip to the olympics and what we actually know about her, coming up. for your heart... your joints... or your digestion... so why wouldn't you take something for the most important part of you... your brain. with an ingredient originally found in jellyfish, prevagen is now the number one selling brain health supplement
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high-profile delegation, his sister, kim jo-yung, first time any member of the kim dynasty has set foot on south korean soil. let's talk it over with i have a zillion questions for you. first and foremost, what do we even know about the sister? >> we know she's probably the youngest of kim jong-il's children. we don't even really know that. we don't know the number. >> of siblings? we don't even know? >> we don't know. most korea watcher think she is the most capable of kim jong-il's children. which means she would be the absolute ruler of north korea if she weren't a woman because it's a very male dominated society. so, therefore, that puts her out of the running. because it puts her out of the running, it also means she's not competition for her brother, kim jong-un, who is actually in charge. and that means she's become extremely influential.
even, for instance, the number two in the regime. he's not that important. kim jong-un tells him what to do. he actually listens to his sister. >> with the sister, as we said, the first time someone in the family has set foot on south korean soil, are they worried about her interfacing with south koreans? would there be any danger? would they want to keep her, i don't know, if a private homestead of staying in some big hotel? >> i think both the south koreans and north koreans think the same way. they want to control all interactions that she has. you know, she could be talking to people like moon jae-in, the president of south korea, but it will be under very, very defined circumstances and they certainly don't want her talking to ordinary south koreans or to people who just go to the olympics. this will be one of the most closely choreographed items at the olympics. >> it's possible -- i was asking you in commercial break we know
vice president pence will be over there for the opening ceremony. you could have -- we don't know the seating chart but you could have this sister and the u.s. vice president sitting certainly under the same roof. >> yeah. well, this is important because mike pence, the vice president, said look we're not ruling out discussions with north korea while he's at the olympics. he's not trying to set them up. moon jae-in, who does want to see a dialogue between north korea and the u.s. could very well try to arrange something, make it look accidental. all sorts of possibilities that can occur. you know, this is south korea, after all. anything can happen. especially at a very volatile time like this. and if pence does meet kim jong-il -- jo-yung, it will be one of the biggest stories this year. >> even korean language -- someone explained to me if she started talking to someone in
south korea, it's almost like someone like us talking to someone from the 1950s. we speak the same language but there's a barrier. >> even more different than that. what's happened is that you have two koreas. they sit side by side. but they've had very different developments since 1948. so, people -- the dialects are different. word usage is different. there are very difficult communications problems. we're seeing this now with the woman's ice hockey team fielded by both north korea and south korea, same team. they're having problems talking to each other. this is going to be -- you know, this is one of the most fascinating things. yeah, they're all koreans but they're two very different societies. >> so noteworthy. gordon chung, thank you so much. we'll watch this limp beings very closely. appreciate you. breaking news out of the white house. senior aide to president trump up and resigning after two ex-wives have gone public with accusations of domestic abuse.
he is denying this, by the way. just in, was the white house aware of the allegations? a live report on that is next. i have type 2 diabetes. i'm trying to manage my a1c, and then i learn type 2 diabetes puts me at greater risk for heart attack or stroke. can one medicine help treat both blood sugar and cardiovascular risk? i asked my doctor. he told me about non-insulin victoza®. victoza® is not only proven to lower a1c and blood sugar, but for people with type 2 diabetes treating their cardiovascular disease, victoza® is also approved to lower the risk of major cv events such as heart attack, stroke, or death. and while not for weight loss, victoza® may help you lose some weight. (announcer) victoza® is not for people
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more breaking news out of the white house now. senior aide has just resigned. staff secretary has been accused of domestic abuse by two ex-wives. he has vehemently denied these allegations. >> reporter: that's right, brooke. these allegations have come out in the media in the last 24 to 48 hours or so. i'm told by someone in the white house that staffers inside and officials were generally aware of the nature of these allegations made against rob porter for months now, but they did not know, quote, all the
gory details, this person tells me, that have surfaced in these recent media reports. that would be of interest to people in the white house, of course. because not only of the nature of these allegations but in regards to porter's security clearance n his role as staff secretary, it's certainly not a role that is well known to most people outside of the white house and this complex, but that was a role that required porter to be in touch with a lot of the documents that are coming in and out of the oval office, not only executive orders but once john kelly became chief of staff, his role really grew larger and came to encompass more things, briefing clips and whatnot that were brought to the president, but someone with a security clearance that would have to deal with the nature of those things, the security of those things here, brooke. right now we're told that staffers inside the white house were generally aware about these allegations that had been made against porter. >> kaitlyn, thank you. he's denying it, but he's resigning. more on the russia
intelligence investigation. say they go may have to enforce subpoenas to talk to former campaign manager lewandowski and chief strategist bannon. [ clock ticking ]
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investigation into russia meddling. informing schiff he will not voluntarily return before the committee, corey lewandowski. >> page peyton, good to see you. >> good to see you, brooke. >> bannon saving what he has to say for mueller and schiff says not so fast. >> now we're seeing the congressional investigations play out in many ways, the way we've seen some of the special counsel's investigation play out. because subpoenas will now be served and presumably enforced if they do not come to terms and voluntarily appear in front of these committees and produce whatever documents are being requested. once the subpoena is served the lawyer force bannon, they can file an objection to that. it will eventually go to court for resolution, as to whether or not they actually have to appear and provide whatever documents are being requested.
>> okay. that's those two guys. let's talk about the president. because the latest, you know, sort of strand on the story of will he, won't he talk to, you know, bob mueller, mueller's team, special counsel when they ask -- they haven't yet. his lawyer are trying to avoid that potentially. to me what's being overlooked here is the rationale to why trump wants to talk to him from our reporting page. it's because the president thinks he is a master at these sorts of things because of his experience with lawsuits and the fact that he has been in so many depositions. >> brooke, i have represented many people, high-level executives, political figures, never the president. but many people who were targets of a criminal investigation or subject of a criminal investigation. and they think if they just had the chance, they could go in there and explain it all to the investigators. they could talk themselves out of being charged. that makes absolutely no sense.
especially in a case like this. this is not the beginning of the investigation where the special counsel's office is simply trying to gather they already have a lot of facts. the purpose is to confront him with those facts. the missing link is the intent of the president. the only way the special counsel's office really gets to that intent is to interview the president. so there's no legal reason for doing it. any lawyer worth his salt or her salt would never let the president go into an interview like that. >> so you talked about your different kinds of clients who went in and thought they could talk themselves out of it. in this case we're talking about the president. is it hubris? >> absolutely. what are you going to do? convince the special counsel's office that they're bronco whatever conclusions they've made? we don't know what conclusions they've made but they have reviewed a lot of evidence. they know things the president presumably does not know about what other witnesses like
michael flynn may have said during his cooperation with the special counsel. so you don't go into an interview and think you can have a man to man showdown when you don't know what the other side has. there's a no win scenario for the president by going into a meeting like that. >> let me play one piece of sound. this is from congressman trey gowdy. he is blaming the deputy attorney general rod rosenstein for what he sees as bob mueller's overreach. >> fear that jurisdiction may wander a bit. i think it already has. it has already wandered a little bit but i would not blame bob mueller. i would blame whoever drafted the jurisdiction and the chart per empowered him. if you look at it, it says matters that may arise from the investigation. what in the heck does that mean? is that a bank robbery in topeka, kansas? >> and that came from rod rosenstein? >> yes, ma'am.
>> what's the root of the message? is that another example of trying to get out ahead and weaken the mueller investigation? >> i think so. if there is an obstruction charge or a money laundering charge or something that arises out of the investigation but is not directly related to the russia part of the investigation, then you may have trump and some of his supporters in the white house and in congress saying, wait a minute. this was something the special counsel was not even supposed to look at and because his direction was so poorly drafted and vague, he was able to, as representative gowdy said, wander into these areas. but that's necessary for an investigation like this. we don't know what evidence the special counsel will uncover during the investigation until the investigation is over. so you have to give the special counsel some leeway to pursue those leads and there's always a check. always a check by deputy attorney general who can say no. don't go there. >> thank you so much. coming up next, a search scandal
that has now turned into an ethics investigation. have you heard about this nashville mayor's story? she is accused of getting her lover's daughter a job with the city. we have that scoop coming up. your brain is an amazing thing. but as you get older, it naturally begins to change, causing a lack of sharpness, or even trouble with recall. thankfully, the breakthrough in prevagen helps your brain and actually improves memory. the secret is an ingredient originally discovered... in jellyfish. in clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve short-term memory. prevagen. the name to remember. so we know how to cover almost we've everything
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also under scrutiny, whether she used her power to get her lover's daughter a job. >> at this point she has said she isn't going anywhere. she plans to remain in her post despite the increasing pressure on her in the wake of having an extra-marital affair with the head of her security detail. part of that comes from the new special committee. that was established by the metro council last night. the resolution that formed committee passed overwhelmingly. the committee will be made up of xoums will investigate over whether mayor barry misused funds while having this affair. there have been various trim that's she took while the man she was having an affair with, sergeant rob forrest, was also on the trip. barry's spokesperson released a lengthy statement outlining each trip in question and detailing
what was paid for by taxpayers and what was paid for personally by the mayor. now, in addition to her travel schedule, the hiring of sergeant forrest's daughter to the legal department is raising some legal questions. barry does admit that she personally recommended macy amos for the job but several other people also recommended her as well. he also said that it is his decision to make and that she was qualified and the department is completely independent from the player's office. in addition to the on special committee, the attorney general's office is looking into this, the tennessee bureau of investigations are all looking into the mayor's conduct. but there are some signs literally that she still has support in nashville. two billboards popped up on busy highways that said we love our mayor. and as if the scandal wasn't enough, the mayor and her family are still recovering from the tragic death of her 22-year-old son max of an apparent drug

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Wont Pledge , A Million , Thirty , Congress , Weapons , Launch Codes , Rage , Place , Care , Advisors , Level , Service , Memory Care , Helping Hand , Cost , Living , Mom , Advice , Call Today , Choice , Bed , Sleep Number Setting , Snoring , Mattress , Store , Event , Comfort , Visit Sleepnumber Com , Sleep Number , Ends , C2 , Queen , 699 , 200 , 00 , 99 , I Dont Know , End , Implications , Gulf War , Down Pennsylvania Avenue , Washington , Cnn , Announcer , Military Equipment , Us , 1991 , War , Scud Buster , Applause , Country , Desert Shield , Daughter , Celebration , Arab Representatives , Victory Parade , Controversy , Activists , Support , Conversation , Steve Lonagan , Speaker , Deaths , New York City Council , Campaign Rally , Iraqis , George Bush , 100000 , Both , Fathers , Campaign , Ted Cruz , Military , Larry Quinn , Navy , Idea , Show , Chris Cuomo , World War Ii , 91 , Money , Victories , Waste , Fun , Veterans Day , Button , Front , Leader , Little , French , America 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Vice President , Seating Chart , Pence , Opening Ceremony , Roof , Mike Pence , Dialogue , Discussions , Possibilities , Sorts , Language , Stories , Jo Yung , Barrier , Koreas , Side By , 1950 , Communications Problems , Ice Hockey Team , Word Usage , Dialects , Developments , 1948 , Team , Problems , Each Other , Societies , Public , Beings , Gordon Chung , Type 2 Diabetes , Risk , Heart Attack , A1c , Doctor , Stop Taking Victoza , Blood Sugar , Stroke , Medicine Help , Death , Diabetes , Weight , Events , Cardiovascular Disease , Cv , Weight Loss , Help , Swelling , Type 1 Diabetes , Family History , Lump , Ingredients , Diabetic Ketoacidosis , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Side Effects , Symptoms , Difficulty Breathing , Stomach Area , Spain , Neck , Reaction , Rash , Swallowing , Pancreatitis , Gallbladder Problems , Insulin , Appetite , Sulfonylurea , Vomiting , Indigestion , Constipation , Diarrhea , Dehydration , Nausea , Kidney Problems , Treatment 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Back Pain , Tingling , Nerve , Anesthesia , Procedures , Artificial Heart Valve , Kidney , Conditions , Liver , Committee , House Intel Investigation , Informing Schiff , Russia Meddling , Brooke , Investigations , Steve Bannon , Page Peyton , Special Counsel , Terms , Ways , Investigation Play Out , Resolution , Subpoena , Force Bannon , Committees , Whatever , Objection , Produce , Guys , Story , Bob Mueller , Talk , Latest , Strand , Wont He Talk To , Let , Lawyer , Haven T , Rationale , Reporting Page , Fact , Master , Depositions , Experience , Lawsuits , Executives , Figures , Investigators , Subject , Targets , Chance , Case , Beginning , Intent , Facts , Purpose , Link , Interview , Clients , Salt , Kinds , Evidence , Conclusions , It Hubris , Bronco , Side , No Win Scenario , Cooperation , Witnesses , Michael Flynn May , Trey Gowdy , Rod Rosenstein , Meeting , Overreach , Jurisdiction , Per Empowered Him , Bank Robbery , Heck , Topeka , Kansas , Obstruction Charge , Example , Message , Money Laundering Charge , Root , Ma Am , Supporters , Areas , Direction , Coming Up , Check , Leeway , Dont Go There , Mayor , Lover , Ethics Investigation , City , Search Scandal , Scoop , Breakthrough , Memory , Secret , Lack , Recall , Sharpness , Clinical Trials , Oh , Minerals , Brands , Vitamins , Ideal , Limited Edition Bed , 50 , Travel Expenses , Power , Food , Scrutiny , Affair , Security Detail , She Isn T , Anywhere , Head , Post , Special Committee , Metro Council Last Night , Xoums , Barry , Trip , Rob Forrest , Trim , Funds , Spokesperson , Department , Addition , Hiring , Taxpayers , Sergeant , Travel Schedule , Macy Amos , Player , Conduct , Attorney Generals Office , Bureau , Tennessee , Highways , Wasnt Enough , Billboards , Nashville , 22 ,

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