Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom Live 20180804 09:00:00 : c

Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom Live 20180804 09:00:00

robert mueller looks closer to her ties with advisers, roger stone. out of control wildfires and rising temperatures. we'll talk to an expert about climate change. welcome to our viewers here in the united states and all around the world. we are glad you are with us. i'm natalie allen live in atlanta and cnn "newsroom" starts right now. we begin with disturbing information coming from a confidential new united states' report. it says north korea has not stopped its nuclear and missile programs. the report also says pyongyang has been trying to sell weapons to a syrian arms trafficker, yemen houthi rebels, libya and sudan. this is an embarrassing blow for president trump and those in his administration who were optimistic north korean leader
kim jong-un would follow through on his pledge to de-nuclearize, our paula hancocks is live in seoul for us. >> reporter: a confidential united nations report given friday night has shown the north korean government is evadeing sanctions with elicit ship-to-ship transfers. it is making transfers of petroleum products at sea as well as the sanctions put on its coal exports on march of last year. this is a panel within the u.n. it's made up of independent experts. they give their findings every six months to the sanctions committee talking about the progress or lack of with north korea. certainly, this particular report is fairly damming, saying that there are, quote, increasingly sophisticated evasion techniques being used by north korea when it comes to these ship-to-ship transfers, that they are making sure it's not easily recognizable, but these taempgs belong to north
The latest news from around the world.
they say it is carrying on. we seen small developments, for example, the return of remains from the korean war to the united nations' command. we've seen 38 north tracking satellite images from north korea suggesting that an engine test site has started to dismantle, one kim jong-un promised the president. this reported from a credible source as the united nations investigation panel is going to raise many questions. paula hancocks, cnn, seoul. u.s. secretary of state mike pompeo is at the afterivion mee. cnn ivan watson is there too, reporting for us. tell us about the reaction once it was learned about this new report? >> reporter: well, you know,
mike pompeo the secretary of state, he spoke to journalists in the morning here in singapore before cnn learned about this confidential u.n. report. so he did not directly address that with reporters. he may do that in the hours to come. but in his comments, he did allude to some of the issues and, in fact, some pretty details in the report that he seemed to be alluding to. for example, the ship-to-ship transfer of petroleum, that's something that he's singled out. he said he raised with that southeast asian nations here, saying they've got to he ep with trying to make sure that a united nations security counsel resolution is blocking this, that they are enforced. so programs he knew about some of the details of this united nations report he had interesting messages coming here to singapore less than two
kristen davis is a long-time friend and associate of mine. i am the godfather to her two-year-old son. she knows nothing about russian collusion, wikileaks, i understand she appeared voluntari voluntarily. i am highly confident she will testify truthfully if called upon to do some davis once ran a high end prostitution ring and went to jail as a part of surrounding then new york governor eliot spitzer. >> the remorse i feel will always business with me. >> she has worked with stone over the years and in late 2016, she joined his payroll to help him with cleric am tax. mueller's team had been looking into possible contacts between stone and wikileaks julian assange. >> i followed assange's twitter feed, very aciduously. you can foreshadow what he is
doing. >> i am not involved with the collusion, conspiracy with the russians or anyone else. there is no evidence to the contrary. >> reporter: investigators have been probing his finances and personal life. people familiar with the situation say at least two witnesses were asked whether stone was actually the fwauts of davis' son. earlier this week, stone posted a photo of david and her child to instagram with this caption. why do fbi agents dispatched by robert mueller keep asking a number of my former associates if i am this baby's father? what does this have to do with the russian collusion and the 2016 election? >> reporter: another person was ordered to testify before the mueller grand jury. yet another indication of how the special counsel's team seems to be circling around roernl stone. sarah murray, cnn, washington. >> let's talk more about it with the chief diplomatic correspondent for the new york sometimes dig urhlinger.
let's begin right there, developmentings in the mueller investigation in the u.s. now we have it turning to a woman that ran a prostitution ring and went to jail. she met with the special counsel. in the world of twists and turns in this investigation, how would you characterize this one? >> well, it gets tawdrier and tawdrier, doesn't it? it's like the jaws of justice like being caught in a meat grinder. obviously, mueller is trying to put pressure on stone. that's the whole point. much as he's tried to do with manafort and others. the way he did it with michael cohen. you get them on all kind of issues. then you promise them unity if they're willing to testify about what really interests you. but my guess is, that this whole episode, though, obviously, i don't know for sure, is aimed at
convincing stone to talk to mueller about his relationship with julian assange, because stone has obviously you reported him denying any collusion. he did have a wrp assange and there is a suspicion that there was some kind of go between the trump people and julian assange, who's wikileaks was the conduit for the stolen e-mails from the democratic national committee. so that's my guess is where it is and where they're heading. i don't think the activities of a manhattan madam are particularly relevant, except the way the to pressure roger stone. >> stone, wikileaks, another example of all the tentacles dealing with this investigation him people wonder why it's going on the so long. well, threw go. all right, here's another angle the trial of former trump campaign manager paul manafort.
they helped him cheat on his taxes. we learned he was in $1 million in debt in clothing spring alone from your paper when he volunteered to join the trump campaign. what's the significance at trial we have learned so far, you think? >> well, again, it feels leak they're using issues that never really were dell with criminally in the past. like lobbying for a foreign nation illegally without registering to get to manafort. then because manafort isn't, hasn't testified for mueller -- or mueller hasn't given in, they've put him on trial for all kind of financial shenanigans. the interesting thing is why manafort went to work for trump? he clearly saw an avenue to get back to the washington lobbyist business in a big way, once his
deal with yanukovych in ukraine had kind of fallen apart. so that's why he had so much money troubles, let alone his own let's call it love for very expensive clothes. >> well, let's ton to our breaking news story that we began with stephen. let's talk about that new report. russia is helping him do that and that north korea is building its nuclear program. what happened to the cam raldry the olympics, the meeting at the dmz and the meeting with the u.s. president. has the world been duped by kim jong-un here? >> well, north korea has been very good at delaying and delaying. they have done this to everybody and certainly have done it to other administrations. you've talked to christopher hill, i'm sure, about what happened when he tried to also negotiate. they did it with george bush. but this is a pattern i mean it
workers. it sounds at least reportedly that that continues with russia. the missile program is with the separate u.n. sanctions but never a part of the american deal, not that we understand it. so there is a long way to go. >> with north korea, it's four stems forward, five stems back. >> with a missile thrown in. >> two a missile thrown in, thank you so much. always appreciate your insight. thanks, steven. >> thanks. all right a federal judge slammed the u.s. government for failing to reunite children with their parents after they were separated from them at the border in the first place. we'll have the latest on that nightmare. also -- >> my wife and dogs got attacked. they left. i stayed to do what had to be done. >> a man's battle to brave the california wildfires in order to protect his home and his
neighbor's animals.
can't be located. the government suggested 5d vocation groups help search for them. the american civil liberties union, the aclu says, it's willing to help. >> if the government's left to their own devices, they're not going to find the parent or do it quickly. we said we want these children back towing, if there is anyway we can help, we will. we have organized ngos all over the country and the world to help find these parents. all we are asking from the government is give us some information about these parents, so we can find them. right now we have a name and a country. some addresses here or there. we don't know if the addresses are accurate. >> but the aclu says the responsibility should not shift from the government the judge agreed. because there are still 711 unaccompanied minors in government custody. parents of more than 500 kids have been deported without them.
and officials say 4 wipe the of those kids are in custody while 81 have been released to a sponsor. and if children don't get reunited with their parents, most end up with another family member or sponsor. some go into the foster care system and they eventually be deported from the united states. let's talk more about this with angeline chen. i know you have been at the border working on this issue some we have much to discuss here. i want to start with this. more than 500 children are still not reunited with their families. why aren't they? what is the holdup? >> reporter: we feel that the government is not providing the right information. they don't have the data on where the parents are, where the children are than just classifying the children as
unaccompanied minors. they, we feel that government is just not cooperating. >> oh my goodness. so this is a systemish issue then. these are isolated pockets, right? this is a program that has no progra program? >> that's right. again, we're not allowed to go into the children detention facilities. we haven't seen what it's like we heard accounts from children coming out. it's a serious problem. people are incarcerated. this is just not detained. this is like prison. >> what you said you heard from children, what kind of things are they saying? twhaps to children who aren't reunited? >> reporter: we have been hearing accounts of abuse, of you know not having enough food, being really really cold, not allowing siblings to hug each other. >> oh my goodness. >> yes, it's been awful.
>> what happens if these children don't have family here? >> they will most likely go into the federal foster care system. they will have to go in front of the of an immigration judge to represent themselves on asylum and if they don't have an attorney, they are doing this, themselves, even if they are 3-years-old. >> that's insanity, isn't it? now the government is proposing the aclu hand tell reunification. a judge just said that's unacceptable. >> that is demonstrative of this issue. you have been there. you are a part of a group of moms who are lawyers who have gone to the border to help with these cases. what challenges does that confusion bring to attorneys like new your group on these cases? >> well, the judge demands a government to create a plan.
we don't know what that will be. we don't know how sincere they will be in implementing a plan. what resources they will put into a plan the people in charge the, we don't know again if they will cooperate with the non-profit. it's very challenging. >> so with no clear plan emerging, as you say, what you wnsd on the borders, like they're incarcerated, are there social workers? you mentioned non-profits. are there social workers? volunteers? do people have access to try to i mel your rate this -- amellioraate this? >> reporter: people do not have assistance to families. at the border we were trying to accompany families to go to the port of entry to illegally apply for asylum.
that you were denied. they were made to be put on a wait list, which is illegal. so you know, we were waiting even seven-and-a-half hours in front of the border in tijuana, trying to bring in an accompanied minor and they refused us. we waited for seven-and-a-half hours. >> why in the world were you refused? i don't think people can understand why has this got to be so differently, so hard, so just an uncooperative spirit? can you make sense of it? >> i can make sense of it. we're the most powerful country in the world, customs and border patrol are saying dhie not have the capacity, that they are maximum capacity. they can't bring any more people in. there is a wait list the wait flis tijuana are a thousand people. there are a thousand people legally waiting to enter to
apply for asylum. they are staying in migrant shelters run by volunteers. churches and opening their homes and putting bunk beds and beds so that these individuals and families can stay and be safe. again, don't forget, these people are fleeing affliction, flee eight becausers, traffickers. now they have to wait in tijuana with this list. >> after pretty much walking to the border a very long time. well, we wish there was something more positive to come out of this but right now, there just isn't. but we appreciate your time and you share in your story, we hope you are back with us again angeline perhaps will you have more hopeful news that this nightmare is turning a corner somehow. angeline chin, thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you so much. in california, firefighters are battling 17 major fires, but
intense dry heat and gusting winds are not helping ends that fight at all. ivanka brer ra will have more about that. plus, searching for relief the deadly heat wave on the iberian peninsula, there is good news in the forecast. we have more on that coming up
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international sanctions. the report was prepared by independent experts the news comes as u.s. secretary of state mike pompeo said a few hours ago that the u.s. was optimistic north korea would follow through on its pledge to de-nuclearize. the woman known as the manhattan mad dam was interviewed this week in the russian organization. sources say kristen davis appeared voluntarily. she is a former trump adviser to roger stone sources say mueller may be building a case against stone, zimbabwe's president is calling for calm after post-election violence broke out after this week's presidential election the opposition has challenged the vote saying the election was rigged. it is the vote since the long time leader robert mugabe was ousted from office. the world health organization says yemen is on the break of a
cholera epidemic with more than 1 million suspected cases. violence supported by a saudi coalition and iranian backed houthi rebels is keeping aid workers from reaching those in need some many of them children. well, massive wildfires in california are covering much of the state with a blanket of smoke. that is what it looks like from space. despite the best efforts of exhaustive firefighters. some of the strongest fires continue now to grow. they're getting worse. three of those fire versus burned more than 30,000 acres a piece the flames are swallowing forests witherred by drought. the car fire consumed 133,000 acres alone and it is only 39% contained. for more now on how people are coping. cnn's scott mcclain has this. >> reporter: as fire continues
to bear down on california, there is no relief in sight. after days of relative calm, winds are once again calming the flames. >> winds come in and we can see what we are doing. it does mean increased activity. >> reporter: the car fire which destroyed more than 1,000 homes, hot, dry conditions have made the hillsides tinder dry with not a drop of rain in the forecast. >> what would help is a shift in mother nature. >> reporter: in the small town of lewiston, there is heavy smoke of the ridge as they drop fire retardant on the mountains, almost everyone in town evacuated. >> my family packed. i stayed to do what has to be done. >> reporter: with his neighbors long gone, he volunteered to feed the neighbor's cats and even their turkeys, too. >> daddy couldn't make it this morning so uncle james is going
to take care of you. >> reporter: he has nothing pack and no plans to leave. >> as the worst, i'll jump in the river and let it burn over. >> reporter: armed with two water trucks and a he is trying to defend his home. >> are you not afraid? smr when your number is up, your number is up. >> reporter: more than a dozen fires are still burning across the state, invisible even from space, they are saying the mendocino fire is bigger than the car fire threatening over 9 million buildings, even as flames have crossed over the ridge. >> the kids have left the grandkids have left. >> reporter: some are ignoring evacuation orders. >> i have to wait until the flames are at my door because i got nowhere else. >> reporter: intense heat affecting california and parts of europe are under the grip of a deadly heat wave.
the iberian peninsula is reaching record high temperatures. three people in spain died from heat stroke this week the hottest day this year. the change is on the way, we are told and 45 degrees in europe would be. >> 113 or so. >> 113 degrees. ivan cabrera las more about it. >> japan. a global situation now. no question about that. these super fires that are raging in california, also not being held by the incredible temperatures there. let's take it to the magic number here. 48. that is in celsius. 118 fahrenheit. why is that important? well, natalie, that itself the highest temperature ever record in the continent of europe. i have them back in 19 sfempl that was in athens, greece, when they hit that number. we have been watching that, because it has the potential for to us tie that or break it over
the last several days. i don't think we will quite get there, thank goodness, still very hot, temperatures in the low- to mid-forget, talking well into the 100s here, cordoba spain, the average is mid- to upper-90s. here are the temperatures and by the way, as the dry heat thankfully with the humidity, this would be just out of control as it already is. notice the moisture off the mediterranean and barcelona. why is this happening? you see the dry air in the mid-levels of the atmosphere. we have been stuck in this pattern with this high here. pattern views. we will go from extreme heat. heading into the middle part of the week lisbon, mid-30s around
100 degrees. we get back into the mid-20s, 70s heading into wednesday and thursday. >> that will be more like it. in spain, kind of the same deal here, it is sum early. i know, it's supposed to be hot. these temperature surges are out of control. of course we hit 2017 as we have been talking about. we put that in the list of one of the hottest years on record and the last ten years have been quite something. >> absolutely. again, a summer of extreme heat for much of the world and things could get only worse. let's talk it over with bob ward the policy director for the research institute on climate change and the environment he joins us now from london. thank you so much for being with us. you have written many of the deaths that we have seen, i mean, it's been japan, it's been in europe. now spain, could have been
prevented had government warned the public of the risk of heat wave, can you elaborate on that? >> well, certainly in countries that are further north, they're more used to worrying about cold weather in the winter. a lot of the buildings are designed in order to try to keep intent. what we are finding is that with climate change, we are seeing more frequent, more intense hot weather during the summers and a lot of buildings are not well designed. they tend to trap the heat and continue heat stress. people vulnerable, saying underlying illnesses, that can be a deadly operation. we will have seen hundreds of deaths for instance in the uk and northern europe. a lot of those are people who live alone and have basically suffered in the heat on their own and haven't been able get
help. it's kind of a hidden public health emergency because these people don't arrive at hospital. they are discovered dead in their homes. >> right. we've seen these record breaking years. it keeps getting worse and worse him people are warned about typhoons, floods, take cover. it seems we haven't made extreme heat a part of the collective warning system. >> climate change is having an impact on our aspects of climate change an weather. coping is the problem. have you is increased frequency of heat waves and drought conditions, increased frequency, sea level rise. all these things are happening at the same time, which is such
a problem heat wave, because of tax people who are vulnerable. it's complicated by other factors like in city areas, where you got high levels of air pollution, that yasd to the problem which means it's like a complicate factor. similar to a wildfire you seen in california and recently in greece as well, climate change is a rick factor. we're not sure how climb change may be affecting high winds. we know california has been having a terrible expended drought and earlier this winter, where it was very dry, these are the risk factors increasing the likelihood of these things
happening. >> is this an issue of the world still not addressing the serious impact of climate change and taking it seriously? >> i think people have not quite realized yet that climate change arrived and this is what's hachlth it's just going to get worse. we have to learn to cope. beyond that, we have a choice. if we cut our mission strongly, frankly we will not be able cope with. it will be a magnitude of impact. >> sadly the united states is considering easing emissions right now. >> bob ward, we appreciate your comments, thank you for your insites. thank you. >> while some celebrate, others reject the zimbabwe outcome.
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will assume all means necessary to protect the people's work the people that won, we will not allow it and we will not accept. >> for zimbabwe, this vote is critical, a stable elect would go far to attract foreign investment and revive a sinking economy david mackenzie has the latest on the election. >> hello, in a short time we believe that at least 20 supporters will be facing a judge here in harare accused of inciting violence, the very mugabe-ero kind of charge. it does point to the intimidation they are under in this post-election period. they say the election was
rigged, there was fudge of the numbers at the polling stayings and beyond. they haven't offend any evidence, as you say, it's an important election, they can take that to the courts, he says, but he is calling on calm and for a divide country to be united. it is calm on the streets here in harare. people mostly going on about their business. but this is still the standoff, this political standoff that is leaving the country in limbo. natalie. >> you know, david, this is a country with highly educated, yet so many young people haven't had jobs. i feel like they don't have a future. there is so much at strange for zimbabwe in all after this, correct in. >> reporter: yes, the youth here in harare, the opposition party by a large degree out in the rural areas, it was a different
story. if you look around the streets and the lines outside the banks, people just kind of get their daily allotment of cash. that is a struggle, making ends meet while the politicians squabble over this election. but there is a sense if they can get the right, they might see investment returned to the country on a political level the rulings on the party want this election to be send because they are targeting sanctions, those are holding their final judgment. >> we thank you in harare, thank you so much. ahead here, we take you to the persian gulf, where iran is conducting naval exercises, the question is, what are they up to? we will talk to our nic robertson about that.
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hormuz, a critical passage for global oil supplies, our nic robertson is following this story for us from abu dhabi. the question is, what is behind iran to do this? >> it does seem to center on the issue of upcoming sanctions on tehran. of course, these are come nook play now after president trump pulled the united states unilaterally out of that multi-national jcpoa the nuclear deal with eastern. so iran is worried, it seems that there is going to be a knock on economic impact. indeed, that's already happening. what we've heard from the commander of the forces who we understand from u.s. defense officials is leading these naval exercises. he has said if iran is unable eggs port i'll through the strait of hormuz, that one else
will. that has been echoed by the supreme leader. that's the concern here because it looks like this military exercise as these pentagon officials are calling it could be a hint that that's iran's intention to block that. what we know about the sanctions, however, that some come into effect early next week. >> that would affect buying a dollar's hard currency, buying gold or other precious medals. that seems to be having an effect on the economy at the moment. but the effect on oil products and shipping ie the strait of hormuz, that's not due to come into effect until november. so why this military exercise now? again, it's that question mark that has everyone wondering what the intent is. >> and if they were to shut down the strait of hormuz, what would be involved? who would be involved opening back up?
>>. >> reporter: it's a tough question to answer, what we've seen in the spacecraft when there was threats, it was iran-iraq war in the ''80s that led to what is known as tank awards going through, ships were reflagged with kuwaiti flags him they were escorted by u.s. naval ships to get them through. it's a much more complicated picture today. but we know strategically, they have been preparing for this, saudi arabia, exports, down through the red sea, problems there because of yemen. we know they have developed a strategic pipeline that would allow them and does allow them today to export up to 1.5 million barrels of oil a day through a massive pipeline that bypasses the stait of hormuz.
over anything, being attacked would have a knock impact on the price of oil. it would force it up. >> right. it would affect many companies in the world. as always, thank you. final here, the new era. nasa selected nine astronauts. voilla, there they are. to be the first no blast off from american soil sense the days of the space shuttle program the new manned missions are slated to start next year, part of nasa's collaboration with boeing and spacex. the u.s. president is behind this public partnership treating, we have the greatest facilities in the world. exciting things happening. on that one, thanks for watching cnn "newsroom." i'm natalie allen, for viewers in north america, "new day" is next. for everyone else, stay with us
for "amanpour." thanks for watching. . 12k3w4r6r789s fewer ingredients. took out dyes, parabens, phthalates and sulfates. beat the top safety standards in the world and added one handed pumps. gentle means pure, gentle means safe, gentle means love. the new johnson's®. rewards me basically so why am i hosting a dental convention after party in my vegas suite? or wearing a full-body wetsuit at this spa retreat? or sliding into this ski lodge with my mini horse kevin? because lets me do me, right? sorry, the cold makes him a little horse. you do you and get rewarded. you're wearing a hat. that's funny.

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, Seven , Minor , Sense , Customs And Border Patrol , Idhie , Spirit , Capacity , A Thousand , Safe , Homes , Churches , Bunk Beds , Individuals , Beds , Shelters , List , Don T , Traffickers , Affliction , Walking , Eight Becausers , Eight , Story , Positive , Again Angeline , Fires , News , Firefighters , Angeline Chin , Corner , 17 , Heat Wave , Heat , Winds , Relief , Plus , Fight , Iberian Peninsula , Ivanka Brer Ra , Forecast , Plans , Answer , Everything , Zip File , Files , Employees , Tours , Efforts , E File , 8 , 50 , Gig , Comcast , Businesses , Dream More , Dream Faster , Virus , Programs , Stories , Vials , Around The World , To De Nuclearize , Dam , Trump Adviser , Organization , Manhattan Mad , Sources , Case , Opposition , Violence , Zimbabwe , Calm , Calling , Say Mueller , Vote , Robert Mugabe , Office , Break , World Health Organization , Many , Aid Workers , Coalition , Cholera Epidemic , Iranian , Saudi , Houthi , State , Space , Smoke , Blanket , Flames , Car Fire , Forests Witherred , Piece , Fire Versus , 133000 , 30000 , Three , Reporter , Coping , Fire , Scott Mcclain , 39 , Activity , Sight , Town , Conditions , Shift , Hillsides , Mother Nature , Rain , Tinder , Drop , 1000 , Everyone , Ridge , Fire Retardant , Mountains , Lewiston , Neighbors , Daddy Couldn T , Turkeys , Cats , Uncle , Care , Worst , Pack , River , Water Trucks , Smr , Buildings , Mendocino Fire , Grandkids , 9 Million , Northern Europe , Parts , Evacuation Orders , Nowhere , Grip , Cordoba Spain , Change , Heat Stroke , Japan , Ivan Cabrera Las , 113 , 45 , Question , Super Fires , Magic Number , 118 Fahrenheit , 48 , 118 , Sfempl , Potential , Temperature , Continent , Tie , Greece , Athens , 19 , Mid Forget , Average , 100 , Control , Humidity , Moisture , Upper 90s , 90 , Happening , Mediterranean , Mid Levels , Atmosphere , Barcelona , Pattern Views , Lisbon , 30 , Sum , Temperature Surges , 20 , 70 , Course , 2017 , Ten , Much , Research Institute On Climate Change , Summer , Environment , Policy Director , Bob Ward , Deaths , London , Risk , Countries , North , Public , Lot , Winter , Weather , Finding , Heat Stress , Illnesses , They Haven T , Hundreds , Operation , Instance , Uk , Help , Public Health Emergency , Hospital , Him , Typhoons , Cover , Floods , Impact , Frequency , Warning System , Aspects , Heat Waves , Drought Conditions , Sea Level , Rise , Tax People , City Areas , Factors , Air Pollution , Yasd , Levels , Factor , Wildfire , Brick Factor , Risk Factors , Likelihood , Cope , Mission , Hachlth , Choice , Magnitude , Easing Emissions , Outcome , Insites , Spain , Dvt , Pe Blood Clot , Blood Clot , Ride , Chest , Lung , Doctor , Stop Taking Xarelto , Pe , Blood Clots , Blood Thinner , Another , Danger , Studies , Blood Clotting Factors , Body , Patients , Warfarin , Is Selective , 98 , 6 , Bleeding , Fatal Bleeding , Medicines , Bruise , Can , Liver Problems , Bruising , Procedures , Kidney , Artificial Heart Valve , Car Insurance , Homeowners , Boat Insurance , Money , Renters , Motorcycle , Yea , Huh That , Fish , Whoa , Gecko , Geico , Nice , Eye , Business , Internet , Anywhere , Voice , 4 95 , 24 95 , Opposition Party , Civility , Results , Work , Investment , Economy , Elect , Harare , Hello , Supporters , Charge , Intimidation , Numbers , Courts , Fudge , Polling Stayings , Beyond , Streets , Standoff , Limbo , Jobs , Youth , Degree , Allotment , Struggle , Lines , Making , Cash , Banks , Party , Politicians , Level , Rulings , Judgment , Persian Gulf , Exercises , Nic Robertson , Lactaid , Lactose , Lk , Mmm , Linzess , Constipation , Belly Pain , Adults , Bathroom , Ibs , Chronic Constipation , Yesss , Laxative , Bowel Movements , Bowel Blockage , 18 , Side Effect , Side Effects , Stomach Pain , Diarrhea , Stools , Area , Gas , Swelling , Remission , Symptoms , Stelara , Everywhere , Crohns Disease , Dosing , Infections , Cancer , Treatment , Immune System , Infection , Ability , Tuberculosis , Hospitalization , Problems , Have , Vision Problems , Reactions , Brain Condition , Anyone , Headaches , Signs , Needs , Skin Growths , Vaccine , Sores , House , Seizures , Ingredients , Crohn , Cost Support Options , Brain , Mind , Neurons Misfire , Blood Flow Declines , Focus , Sharpness , Incredible Machine , Screen , Keyword , Smartphone , Forebrain , Bottle , Force Factor , Gnc , Concentration , Recall , Mental Energy , Alarm Clock , Zzzquil Pure Zzzs , Blend , Botanicals , Melatonin , Sleep Cycle , Concern , Force , Show , Strait Of Hormuz , Oil Supplies , Passage , Abu Dhabi , Tehran , Nook Play , Commander , Knock , Jcpoa , Eastern , Forces , Defense , Military Exercise , Hint , Else , Supreme Leader , Pentagon , Effect , Currency , Intention , Dollar , Gold , Oil , Medals , Question Mark , Intent , Opening , Spacecraft , Threats , Iraq War , 80 , Ships , Picture , Tank Awards , Kuwaiti , Pipeline , Exports , Red Sea , Them , Stait Of Hormuz , 1 5 Million , Knock Impact , Price , Anything , Companies , Nasa , Final , Astronauts , Voilla , Nine , Partnership , Space Shuttle Program , Missions , Collaboration , Boeing , Soil , Spacex , Everyone Else , Facilities , New Day , North America , Amanpour , Phthalates , Parabens , Dyes , 12k3w4r6r789s , 12 , Sulfates , Pumps , Safety Standards , Gentle , Wetsuit , Convention , Vegas , Johnson S , Spa Retreat , Horse , Hat , Ski Lodge , Cold , Hotels Com ,

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