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on trial this week. we introduce you to the jury deciding conrad murray's fate right here, right now cnn. good evening. i'm don lemon. you are in the "cnn newsroom." president obama begins the new week on the west coast. his trip amounts to a political two-for. he's raising millions in campaign cash from big money donors and using his remarks to push for his jobs proposal. the president started in seattle a few hours ago. then he headed to northern california to tap the wallets in silicon valley. chief white house correspondent jessica yellin is traveling with the president tonight and joins us live from san jose. jessica, good evening. what was president obama's message to his supporters in his stops today? >> hey, don. he is rallying his old democratic donors trying to get that old energy back to the extent he can saying don't forget the energy, don't forget. don't give up now. listen to the message. >> i need you guys to shake off any doldrums. i need you to decide right here and right now. and i need you to talk to your friends and your neighbors and your co-workers. and you need to tell them you know what? we're not finished yet. we've got more work to do. >> he mentioned he's raising millions. he has a total of seven fund-raisers on this west coast swing. >> we've also seen president obama have a sharper tone towards republicans lately. did he keep up that aggressiveness today? >> he absolutely did. and, you know, one of the most effective tactics when you are trying to rally democrats is to remind them of the alternative, which is republicans. and one of his messages today i'm going to read it because we don't have it on tape. he says of republicans, the alternative i think is an approach to government that would fundamentally cripple america in meeting the challenges of the 21st century. of course, talking about having a republican in the white house. this follows in line with his much more sharply partisan message we've heard from him in recent weeks. ever since that debt deal fell apart and he end upped with the political acrimony we saw over the summer. i can also tell you, don, that speaking to well-placed donors that the president saw that his fund-raising base was not rallying during that debt deal. he was not being -- the campaign was not able to get the rsvps, was not able to draw in the money they would have liked to have been able to draw in during the debt negotiation period. but as soon as that was over, as soon as he came out with the american jobs act and as soon as perry and romney and all those guys started debating, those fund-raising numbers started ticking up, and this is a message that seems to be working for them. >> jessica yellin out west traveling with the president. thank you, jessica. in washington tonight, lawmakers are at odds over spending again. and once again, we're facing a threat of a government shutdown. lawmakers say a shutdown can be avoided but they still can't resist deflecting the blame to the other party. candy crowley has more. >> reporter: for the third time this year, a congressional stare down threatens a government shutdown. let me start with you, senator warner, and ask you if there is a point at which you think this is embarrassing. >> yes. it is embarrassing. >> are we there? >> can we once again inflict on the country and the american people the spectacle of a near government shutdown? i sure as heck hope not. >> reporter: the u.s. government runs out of money at the end of this week unless a temporary spending bill is passed on capitol hill. inside the house version is money to replenish the federal emergency management agency, fema, which assists disaster victims. tornadoes in joplin, hurricanes in the northeast. the remarkable thing is that basically congress can't agree on something everyone is for. funding fema. the crux of the matter is how and when to decide how to pay for it. >> the house version says that a disaster has to be dealt with. we're going to help people that have been affected by disasters, but we're going to start cutting the government in other places where the money is not so important. >> reporter: senate democrats have rejected the house version saying republicans are proposing to pay for increased fema funds with cutbacks in programs that create jobs. nobody's budging. ergo stalemate, a looming shutdown and the politics that's ensue. >> i'll give the senate democratic leader most of the credit. he manufactured a crisis all week about disaster when there's no crisis. everybody knows we're going to pay for every single penny of disaster aid that the president declares. and that fema certifies. >> one point about who to blame or not to blame on this current, hopefully nonshutdown is that there is a group. and i do believe it is mostly centered in the house in terms of some of these tea party republicans who say on every issue we're going to make this a make or break. >> pointing fingers about an impending shutdown can be good politics, but an actual shutdown is likely to hurt any politician in a 50-mile radius of washington. odds are good they'll figure this out. they have till friday. candy crowley, cnn, washington. also tonight, at long last, two americans are spending their first night back in the u.s. >> after 781 days in prison, shane and i are now free men. >> their imprisonment in iran now over after more than two years after they stepped off the plane in new york, they finally got to make some comments that they've waited nearly 800 days to get off their chests. susan candiotti was there. >> reporter: back on u.s. soil, freed hikers josh fattal and shane bauer came out swinging at iran calling themselves political pawns and iran's officials liars for calling them spies. >> they do not deserve undue credit for ending what they had no right and no justification to start in the first place. the only reason we have been held hostage is because we are american. >> reporter: and they disclosed how they found out their two-year ordeal was over. last wednesday in prison, they were inexplicably given street clothes, fingerprinted and taken to meet an envoy from oman who told them -- >> he looked at us and he said, let's go home. >> within hours, they ran off a plane in oman and into the arms of their families, including the mother of josh fattal. >> what was that like for you? >> we were hooting and hollering and we were waving our scarves and we just couldn't wait until they got down to us. i couldn't have asked for anything better. >> reporter: in prison, spending months in isolation with no diplomatic visits and being told lies about their families, they said they were haunted by cries from other prisoners. >> we heard the screams of other prisoners being beaten and there was nothing we could do to help them. >> what was it like to hear the beatings and the screams? >> not being able to help another human being. being completely impotent and unable to do anything to ease their suffering was something i will never forget and will always be with me. >> reporter: and when they complained to their prison guards about their treatment -- >> the guards would immediately remind us of comparable conditions at guantanamo bay. we do not believe that such human rights violations on the part of our government justify what has been done to us. >> reporter: josh and shane wouldn't take reporter questions asking for privacy for now. and as for shane and sarah's engagement we've heard so much about -- >> i'd rather not. >> you'd rather not focus on it? >> everyone knows we're engaged. >> have you not set a date yet? >> no. >> we want more than anything to begin our lives anew with this fresh taste of freedom. >> they left the room without revealing any more details about their two-year ordeal. susan candiotti, cnn, new york. when we come right back here on cnn -- >> a gunman opens fire near a stadium full of children playing football. tonight, we have new video of those kids taking cover from the bullets. 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[♪...] >> male announcer: now, for a limited time, your companion flies free, plus save up to 65%. call 1-800-sandals. conditions apply. i want you to pay close attention now. new video in to cnn of a police shoot-out with a gunman near a youth football game in suburban seattle. >> is there any exit? is there any exit over here? >> we're fine right now. we're all underneath bleachers. >> you can hear the gunshots in the background there. kids and parents scrambled for cover at the high school stadium as police confronted a man firing two rifles at a nearby elementary school. police say the unidentified man had tried to break into a car at the school. then tried to break into the cab of a piece of earth moving equipment on school property. police converged on the scene killing the 51-year-old gunman before he was able to get near the football game. no one else was hurt. this week begins one of the most high-profile and possibly gut wrenching criminal trials you may ever witness. dr. conrad murray, the man blamed for michael jackson's death will defend himself in court on charges of involuntary manslaughter. opening statements begin tuesday. tonight, cnn's ted rowlands gives us a preview of the case against the doctor. >> your honor, i am an innocent man. >> reporter: the jury in the conrad murray manslaughter trial will have several questions to answer. one, did dr. murray give michael jackson a lethal dose of propofol? prosecutors say there's no doubt murray and his attorneys say there's no way. >> there's no way that dr. murray would pump michael jackson full of propofol sufficient for major surgery and walk out of that room. it's not going to happen. that's not the dr. murray is. >> reporter: he claims he only administered 25 milligrams of propofol, far less from what was found in jackson's body by the coroner. >> how did it get in him? >> that's a good question, ted. do you have any idea how it got in him? >> reporter: the defense is expected to argue that jackson somehow gave himself the lethal dose. >> could michael jackson have done it? >> is it possible for an individual to inject himself with a drug? yes. yes. >> before jackson died, he spent hours struggling to go to sleep according to a time line murray gave police. murray says he gave jackson five doses of three different drugs between 1:30 a.m. and 7:30 a.m. at 10:40 a.m. he says he gave jackson the propofol. >> did anybody witness what happened? >> no, just the doctor, sir. >> 911 was called at 12:21. emergency responders will testify they believe jackson was dead when they arrived. another question jurors must answer is was using propofol, an anesthetic for surgery as a sleep aid so reckless that murray should be held responsible for jackson's death? doctor after doctor gets up and says this should never be used outside a clinical setting or hospital setting. >> the fact the circumstances may be demonstrated to be unusual does not make it egregious. that alone does not make it egregious. >> reporter: they'll argue jackson was a drug addict and in horrible physical shape and he was getting drugs from other doctors that murray didn't know about. prosecutors plan to argue that jackson was in good shape and planned to show this clip from the documentary "this is it." of jackson rehearsing just days before he died. so now more than two years after jackson's death, a los angeles jury will be presented with the case and ultimately decide whether or not dr. conrad murray should be held responsible. ted rowlands, cnn, los angeles. >> and i will be in los angeles all week to cover the trial for cnn and bring you the very latest from inside the courtroom. stay tuned. ahead this hour -- unemployment crosses color lines. but should president obama be doing more to reduce black unemployment? some african-american members of congress say yes. we're going to discuss it after the break. edicine and natural ingredients from around the world. he called it vicks vaporub. today, the vicks journey continues. introducing new vicks nature fusion cold & flu syrup. powerful multi-symptom medicine flavored with natural honey instead of artificial flavors and dyes. so you can feel good about what you take to feel better. there's so many choices. the guests come in and they're like yeah i want to try this shrimp and i want to try this kind and this kind. they wait for this all year long. 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[ trapp ] creating an experience instead of just a meal that's endless shrimp. my name is angela trapp. i'm a server at red lobster and i sea food differently. all right. the president is pitching his jobs plan on a daily basis. republicans already are lining up in opposition. meantime, african-americans, his strongest supporters, have an unemployment rate approaching a 25-year high. at around 17%. close to 17%. now is the president doing enough to help them, and could he do more? i want to talk about it with cnn contributor and political anchor for new york one, errol lewis. here in atlanta, goldie taylor, editor at large for the good to see both of you. let's start with the president's speech at the dinner hosted by the congressional black caucus last night. before i'm going to play something from emmanuel cleaver. before i want to ask you, what did you think of the president's speech? >> i thought it was an interesting speech but a gutsy one. depending on who you think he was talking to last night, he was right on base or dead off base. and so that remains to be seen. >> right on base or dead off base mean -- >> if he was talking to members of the cbc and telling them to get up off their keisters and get into the streets, maybe he was dead on. if he was talking to the american people, talking to african-americans about where their fight is, then maybe the comments were misplaced. ? >> people were a bit critical of it because they said that for people who have been unemployed for a few years or have lost their homes to repossession, saying, you know, let's move. stop complaining may not have been the right message. >> i didn't hear him as a really aiming at anybody other than the black political leadership that was in the room there, frankly. i mean, he was telling them to stop complaining. stop criticizing and to work with him. he's going to need all of their help in their key districts in the swing states if he's going to get re-elected. it was a pretty naked appeal to them to try and close ranks and help him as he tries to mount this re-election bid. i don't know if he was asking the unemployed to do anything for him, other than to be a little patient with him. >> but before the dinner iasked the cbc chairman if he finds it hard to criticize the president. take a listen. >> i've been black all of my life. and i know that african-americans are going to be careful about providing any comfort to those who would like to politically dismantle this presidency. and so, obviously, and unapologetically, we're going to be careful about things that we say that might reflect negatively on the president. >> all right. so the president again, that was before he spoke at the cbc. goldie, we've discussed this situation but the jobs situation isn't getting better. should african-americans keep their criticisms private? i'm surprised more people aren't marching in the streets when it comes to this economy and unemployment. should african-americans keep it private? >> they have to begin acting in their own interest. if you look at african-american unemployment where it remains in double digit, continues to decline while the rest of the economy begins to table off there are key issues there we have to be concerned about. last night's speech for the president with the cbc, he needs them. he frankly cannot win this election without them. during the 2008 election, he had 67% or better turnout for african-american voters during the midterm elections the following two years, there was 37% african-american turnout. if that 37% only turns out again next year, this president goes back home to chicago. >> and this is real talk, errol. i think it's "the washington post" that i was looking at online and i think the headline says, president obama courting black voters again or something like that. i'm paraphrasing. >> yeah, i don't know that he ever stopped, actually. you know, he's been doing quietly over the last few years is when a major policy initiative comes out, especially domestic policy, he'll convene members of the plaque press and sort of tell them. look. this is what this means for your readers and constituency. this is what it means in black communities. i think some of the criticism, when emmanuel cleaver says he would be complaining if it was some other kind of a president, you have to wonder, what specific policies are they talking about? i mean, you know, the president has done a whole bunch of stuff and he's talked about a lot of it. when you look at some of the things that maybe aren't pitched as to help black youth, but when he's putting money into community colleges, when he's putting money into failing high schools, many of which are in inner cities, he's doing what they have asked for. i'm not sure exactly what they are getting at. maybe around some of the mortgage relief? >> i think that the quote was, as again a paraphrase if bill clinton was president, he wouldn't stand for this or if 34% of white women were unemployed, we'd be marching in the streets. again, that was the gist of what he had to say. i have to say this. the overall economy is starting to worry a lot of people. i talked with conservative analyst david frum. he had some pretty dire things to say. take a listen. >> we are facing a global economic crisis. it's not just in the united states. although things oar we have enormous problems here as americans continue to cope with the enormous debt load they piled up during the housing bubble. and as so long as consumers are weighed down by those debts it's hard to see how they find their footing. >> errol, are we headed toward a global recession, and if so, is there anything the president can do to prevent it? >> a lot of the signs are pointing to some really hard times ahead. i don't know if david frum has really analyzed it the right way, frankly, though. if consumers hunker down and do what he seems to be suggesting like repay their personal debts, that leads you right into recession. you know, the problem with recession, the definition of recession is that not enough people are spending. and when not enough people are spending, the stores start slowing down and the credit starts to dry up and the whole machine grinds to a halt. so what can the president do in the president can do what he's been trying to do which is sort of get the morale back, get some kind of stimulus going and hope he can get somewhere with congress. >> he's got to do it in 12 to 14 months. >> he's got to do it. he's got do it in a shorter time than that because this election is starting in earnest now. i don't think this country is going to be in any better shape should we have a republican take control of the white house next year. in fact, i think we'll be in worse shape. but the fact is, in terms of african-american wealth, it's dried up and evaporated with the fall of the housing markets over these years. to ask consumers to spend more when they've lost their homes, they haven't had jobs in 99-plus weeks, i think that's a misnomer. you have to make some real investments in small business. make real investments 4 the middle class. make real investments in infrastructure improvements. things that will put people back to work so they have that dollar to spend at the grocery store. today they don't have it, so they're not spending. this is not a confidence issue. this is a flat broke pocket issue. >> it has to be -- it has to go beyond rhetoric. >> it has to go beyond rhetoric. >> goldie taylor, errol louis, great conversation. i appreciate it. coming up later this hour, are african-americans hurting their own interests by hesitating to criticize president obama? we're going to discuss it in the no talking points segment. also, a black man tied to a truck and drag to his death. james byrd's murder ignite d anger across the country. i know that her gums are a foundation of a healthy smile. jill knows that, too -- so she uses crest pro-health clinical gum protection toothpaste. it helps eliminate plaque at the gum line, helping prevent gingivitis. it's even clinically proven to help reverse it in just 4 weeks. and it protects these other areas dentists check most. crest pro-health clinical gum protection. because healthy smiles are built on healthy gums. life opens up when you do. 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>> i don't because -- only because there's some innocent people that may be executed wrongly. might be put to death and you may be innocent. and so for that reason idisagree with the death penalty. i would like him to live on in jail for the rest of his life and remember what happened to my dad. >> so renee, you bring up something. do you feel at all that the attention on the troy davis execution overshadowed? you are talking about people being put to death who are innocent. a lot of people say troy davis is innocent? do you think is overshadowed the execution of your father's killer? >> i don't -- i can't really tell you if it overshadowed it because i wasn't aware of the media or watching the newspapers. so i stayed away from that when this was in front of me. so i didn't read the papers or watch the news so i can't really say. but i am aware of what happened to mr. davis. >> betty you have said in the past you forgive lawrence brewer for what he did to your brother. i want to play what he said in the days leading up to his death. and i want to get you to respond to it. take a listen. >> okay. >> as far as any regrets, no, i'm still -- i have no regrets. >> so this man killed your brother, landed himself on death row and here he is saying he has no regrets. do you feel anything about forgiving him after hearing him say that? >> oh, yes, i do. i forgave him 13 years ago. and the reason why, if i did not forgive him, i would be like he were. and i -- >> so it doesn't matter what he said and how he felt and -- >> no, it doesn't matter because it's just like someone to be eaten up with cancer. i refuse to let heat override me. so, yes, sir, i did forgive him. >> do you still live in jasper? have race relations improved there in the 13 years? >> it had but lately tension have started back up. >> what do you -- how so? >> we hired -- they hired a black chief of police here in jasper, texas. >> and so people are upset by that? >> yes, they are. not all, but some. >> and so it's starting up again, you believe. i want to go back to renee now. john william king is still on death row for your father's death. do you want to see him -- his sentence commuted to life in prison? >> yes, i would want him to live on in memory of what happened to my dad every day being reminded of why he's there. why he chose to do the things he's done. it's a choice in life. you can do bad or you can do good. it was him, brewer and berry was very uneducated. and if people just educate themselves and believe in god, we won't have this type of crime happening against one another just because we're different. >> no date has been set for john william king, the other man sentenced to death for killing james byrd. the trial of michael jackson's doctor starts this week. but already, controversy. is the court trying to send a message to jackson fans to beat it? 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[ male announcer ] the epa estimated 42 mpg highway chevy cruze eco. for wherever life takes you. at aviva, we wonder why other life insurance companies treat you like a policy, not a person. instead of getting to know you they simply assign you a number. aviva is here to change all that. we're bringing humanity back to insurance and putting people before policies. aviva life insurance and annuities. we are building insurance around you. the trial of michael jackson's doctor is set to begin this week. but there's already controversy. it is nothing to do with the case. it's about seating for jackson's fans in the courtroom. i talked about that and other stories making news with hln's jane va llez mitchell. >> there's some controversy about the number of seats in the courtroom for the family, for fans. what's going -- for the public. what's going on? >> well, there are six seats designated for the public. they've got to get there at 7:30 in the morning and then there's going to be a lottery to determine who those six will be. and the jackson fans are like wait a second. that doesn't leave room for enough jackson fans. and some believe that it's orchestrated to kind of keep the jackson fans out of the courtroom. but i do have to say, if i was part of the court system, i'd think maybe that's a good idea because we don't want anybody influencing the jury unduly. and they can even influence with their stares. a jackson fan was thrown out of court the other day having a staredown with the defendant, dr. conrad murray. >> this is another trial i know you're going to be covering. the connecticut family, the mother and two children. brutally beaten and then killed. the father also beaten and then set on fire. the father was the only one who survived nepfirst suspect found guilty. now the second person is going on trial. what can we expect from that? >> well, it's a horrific trial. this family has to endure going through this horror a third time nepfirst time when it actually happened, then the trial of the first defendant who was convicted and is on death row. now the trial of the second defendant. they have to listen to horrific audiotapes of the second defendant describing exactly what he did minute by minute to this family, including beatings, sexual assault and arson. three females left dead. the sole survivor dr. william petit devastated by hearing this sort of blase account of this mayhem. it's being compared to the manson murders because of the sadism involved. and the fact these two guys who admit they were there seem to be enjoying a wreaking havoc and torturing this family. >> it's just terrible. tell us what else you'll be covering coming up on "issues." >> well, we are all over tar taritarik tarik salahi. he thought she had been kidnapped. there are claims that, well, maybe the three of them are in cohoots to pitch a reality show even though he's the betrayed husband. we're all over that story. >> jane velez-mitchell, "issues with jane velez-mitchell" airs each night on hln. thank you, jane. >> thank you, don. controversial topic in our no talking points segment that you don't want to miss tonight. criticizing the president. it's a catch-22 for many and we'll break it down for you coming up. first your monday morning commute forecast tonight. here's a hint. it's going to be wet in a lot of places. using powerful medicine and natural ingredients from around the world. he called it vicks vaporub. today, the vicks journey continues. introducing new vicks nature fusion cold & flu syrup. powerful multi-symptom medicine flavored with natural honey instead of artificial flavors and dyes. so you can feel good about what you take to feel better. from centrum. omega-3s go beyond heart health. probiotics go beyond digestive balance. and fruit & veggie has antioxidant properties. new pronutrients from centrum. help make nutrition possible. two of the most important are energy security and economic growth. north america actually has one of the largest oil reserves in the world. a large part of that is oil sands. this resource has the ability to create hundreds of thousands of jobs. at our kearl project in canada, we'll be able to produce these oil sands with the same emissions as many other oils and that's a huge breakthrough. that's good for our country's energy security and our economy. at aviva, we wonder why other life insurance companiesurity treat you like a policy, not a person. instead of getting to know you they simply assign you a number. aviva is here to change all that. we're bringing humanity back to insurance and putting people before policies. aviva life insurance and annuities. we are building insurance around you. we share. shop from anywhere. and are always connected. we live in a social world. isn't it time we had a social currency to match? membership rewards points from american express. use them to get the things you love from,, and more unexpected places. they're a social currency with endless possibilities. developing weather news. we told you about a tornado warning earlier. jacqui jeras is here to update us. what do you have? >> we've had a couple of touchdowns being confirmed. cleveland, mississippi. had a tornado touch down about an hour ago. we're getting word the walmart and sears sustained some significant damage there and also that there was some damage to a subdivision. we don't have any word on any injuries at this point. we're continuing to work that story. cleveland, by the way is northwest of the greenville area over here towards the delta. you can see a tornado watch remains in effect until 10:00 local time tonight. that's until the top of the hour. but i'm also concerned here for greenville because there some are very nasty storms moving through there. they are moving over the same area so we get real concerned about flooding. >> so be very careful and take shelter. so what about tomorrow's commute tonight? >> yeah, we've got a lot of trouble areas out there for tomorrow. and you know, a couple of big weather stories we'll be watching in the week ahead overall. first of all, this area of low pressure across the great lakes. warm weather across the rockies. and then we've got a storm in the pacific northwest. we'll start out with this upper low. that's where we expect most of the delays to begin because this thing is just going to sit here really probably bringing rain until thursday. we've got days to go with this system here. on the plus side, nice south wind bringing you summer-like temperatures in the rockies where it will be 5 to 15 degrees above average. and the pacific northwest will be a rough start to that workweek. windy conditions there today. breezy conditions tomorrow as well. but the rain, we think, for your monday commute is going to be a little bit heavier. let's hit your top five for you. tomorrow's commute tonight. city number five, what do we pick? philadelphia. looking for morning fog. give yourself extra time to get to work. make sure you have an extra distance between you and the car ahead of you. there could somebody delays in the afternoon, too, because of a couple of showers. cincinnati, that cut-off low we were telling you about bringing you low clouds and rain. delays expected throughout the day at the airport there which is a hub. seattle, low clouds. rain and those strong gusty winds. you'll be socked in all day long. so get up a little early if you can before you head on out. miami and ft. lauderdale, we were pounded all day long with heavy rain and thunderstorms. tomorrow, that's going to be the rule once again. i don't want to rule out tampa or orlando. you guys could see delays because of those thunderstorms, too. and a lot of ponding of water, too. watch out for that on the highways. chicago, you are number one. i think you guys were number one last week, too. sorry about that. but low clouds, rain and wind. that cut-off low will stick with you through wednesday. that's going to bring in lousy weather. a lot of repeat cities, don, on that list this weekend. >> in chicago if you don't like the weather, stick around. give it a few minutes. it's going to change. >> thank you, jacqui jeras. it is time for our ongoing segment, no talking points. it's where we hold newsmakers accountable to answer tough questions without rhetoric and spin. tonight the president and the congressional black caucus. first the president hammering one theme since he introduced his jobs bill 2 1/2 weeks ago. >> you should pass this jobs plan right away. pass this jobs bill. pass this jobs bill. you should pass it right away. pass this bill. pass this jobs bill. >> and he did it again with feeling last night at a congressional black caucus dinner in washington. >> pass this jobs bill and every small business owner in america, including 100,000 black-owned businesses will get a tax cut. you say you are the party of tax cuts. pass this jobs bill. >> the president had to be stern. he was speaking to an audience who represents the 16.7% of unemployed african-americans in this country. so before mr. obama spoke, my question to congresswoman sheila jackson lee, a cbc member herself, was a simple one. when it comes to black unemployment, and i insist on a direct answer. >> do you think he gets it? >> well, i tell you what. let me just say that the congressional black caucus admires, loves this president and is ready for his re-election. we call our efforts constructive evidence, critiquing so we can all do better. >> with all due respect do you think he gets it? >> i do think he gets it. i think it's hard. i think that he's got to be able to balance this whole idea being the president of the united states of america, knowing that there are painful communities. >> and to be fair, some black leaders have been critical of the president. but even the head of the cbc admits it's hard for him and others to be publicly critical of a black president. again, we wanted a direct answer. listen. >> do you think that african-americans are harming themselves because they are supporting this president even when it appears, at least that this issue, he has not had their best interest at heart? >> well, first of all, i think the president is clearly focused on jobs. and while he is not speaking directly to african-americans, it is clear that some of the proposals where he's talking about the long-term unemployed with directions to the cabinet to provide attention there, that it will have impact on african-americans. >> so, again, i pressed congressman cleaver to answer the direct question. >> is it harder for a black person, whether constituent or congressperson or lawmaker to constructively criticize this president because he is african-american? >> i do think that for african-americans in politics, in congress, it is a more difficult. differences are not necessarily disassociation or disaffection. we support the president. we don't always agree with him. and when we don't, we're still not going to blast him. we're going to try to get information to him. >> and as i say every time we do the no talking points segment, it is not ideological nor partisan to insist that leaders who come on this program stick to the questions presented. you the viewer, the american people, the voter deserve as much. up next, if at first you don't succeed, try, try again. diana nyad dives in for a third time. [ applause ] [ jackhammer ] [ crowd cheering ] [ speeding car ] [ siren ] [ horse whinnying ] [ bell dings ] your true self -- uncover it, embrace it, protect it. what's healthier than that? down the hill? man: all right. we were actually thinking, maybe... we're going to hike up here, so we'll catch up with you guys. [ indistinct talking and laughter ] whew! i think it's worth it. working with a partner you can trust is always a good decision. massmutual. let our financial professionals help you reach your goals. i tell you what i can spend. i do my best to make it work. i'm back on the road safely. and i saved you money on brakes. that's personal pricing. let's check your head lines right now. police in indiana have been called to a house where multiple bodies were reportedly found. there's little information at this point, but the state police went to the home near laurel, indiana, that was sunday afternoon, this afternoon and police are still trying to determine what happened there. they have questioned people, but do not have anyone in custody now. we'll continue to update you. josh fattal and shane bauer are back home in the u.s. they were in prison for two years accused of spying. they were released after a deal brokered. they were arrested in 2009 along with american sasha shourd. shourd was a released about a year ago. . medics in yemen say one person was killed in the capital today as security forces battle anti-government protesters. 38 people were killed saturday in clashes addressing his country, the president blamed terrorists for the deadly violence at an anti-government protest. he said that al qaeda is supported by the elements responsible for the violence. saudi arabia's king is giving women the right to vote. king abdulla's decision doesn't take effect until after the next election. on thursday, saudi men will vote in municipal elections, only the second in 50 years. women still have a long way to go in the kingdom though. saudi arabia doesn't even allow them to drive. president barack obama begins a new week on the best coast, he is raising millions from big-money donors and is using his remarks to push for his jobs proposal. he started sunday in seattle. then he headed to northern california where he holds a town hall monday at the headquarters for linked in. it looks like the third time isn't a charm for diana nyad. the 62-year-old endurance swimmer ended her attempt to swim the 102 mile this morning. >> i trained so hard for it! i deserve it. it's a hard thing to let go of. >> nyad began her swim friday evening and projected it would take 60 hours to complete. she suffered jellyfish and man of war stings and she had made her first attempt 33 years ago. her second attempt, last month, ended after 29 hours. people who attended services at one new jersey church this sunday left with more money than they had when they came. the liquid church passed the offering plate, but insisted people take money out instead of dropping it in. the church pastor was on cnn earlier today. >> people give $30,000 cash into our sunday offering, so today we're doing the opposite. they'll reach in and pull out an unmarked envelope that we have prepacked with 10s and 20s and 50s. people are acting like they're going to be struck by lightning. people are cynical about religion. they expect to come to church to be shaken down. but it's all god's money and he trusts you. every bill in the u.s. economy says in god we trust, and we're going to put that to test. >> pastor lucas isn't just throwing cash around. he is urging his flock to use the money to help people in need. he calls it a spiritual stimulus. you know, it may be one of the most famous album covers ever, nirvana's album cover, so what up had to the baby swimming arj around? you'll meet him next. 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[ trapp ] creating an experience instead of just a meal that's endless shrimp. my name is angela trapp. i'm a server at red lobster and i sea food differently. at aviva, we wonder why other i'life insurance companiesr treat you like a policy, not a person. instead of getting to know you they simply assign you a number. aviva is here to change all that. we're bringing humanity back to insurance and putting people before policies. aviva life insurance and annuities. we are building insurance around you. you know, the ones who do such a super job, they're backed by the superguarantee®? only superpages®. wherever you are, wherever you're going, you'll find the super business you need. so next time, let the good guys save the day. get the superguarantee®, only at superpages®. in the book ... on your phone or online. ♪ ♪ this is dangerous, here we are now ♪ ♪ entertainers oh, smells like teen spirit, great song. hard to believe that nirvana's breakout album was 20 years ago. "never mind" redefined the genre. nearly as famous as the music was the album cover. a naked baby in a swimming pool with a dollar bill on a hook. that baby is spencer alden. he's all grown up now on this, the 20th anniversary of "never mind" i asked spencer what it was like to be the nirvana baby. and he began by telling us the photo was taken by a friend of his father's. >> he had a good friend that was a photographer, and the photographer, they went to school together. he needed -- he just got a job that, you know, needed a baby to be in the water swimming and i was just born at the time. and my dad doing sets props, reading and magic and special effects for the film industry, it was like another job for him. they threw me in the water and that was about it. so -- you know, it was just like a friend's helping out a friend kind of a thing. >> you're on the album cover, but did you like the album at all? were there certain songs you liked or didn't like? >> definitely, i looked nirvana a lot. all the songs had a special place for people and i really liked the album. i definitely really liked to listen to it when no one is around, i would say. i wouldn't turn it on with all my friends watching. kind of weird and awkward. but i like the album. >> do you get royalties? it's one of the best-selling albums ever. >> no, i don't get any royalties. there was no model release signed, so it's kind of a interesting cover, because, you know, i feel like it kind of portrays the situation kind of well. >> well, lesson learned. get the model release, that was spencer alden, the nirvana baby. okay, nbc's "saturday night live" has its eyes on politics. alec baldwin portrayed rick perry as a less than energized politician. >> it's late in the debate this is when you get tired and confused. >> not tonight, i'm ready. >> romney said he was for, against obamacare. but what about mitt romney? i mean, mitt romney care. was it before he was before? >> uh-oh. >> was it was he was before -- border control? >> i guess all is fair in politics and comedy. i'll be reporting this week from los angeles on the trial of michael jackson's

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Guys , Ticking Up , Numbers , Washington , Romney , Jessica Yellin Out West , Shutdown , Government Shutdown , Lawmakers , Party , Threat , Blame , Reporter , Point , Warner , Yes , Stare , Candy Crowley , People , Country , Spending Bill , Spectacle , Heck Hope , Thing , Disaster , Congress , Federal Emergency Management Agency , Northeast , Tornadoes , Victims , Hurricanes , House Version , Capitol Hill , Joplin , Doesn T , Something , Version , Everyone , Disasters , Crux , House , Funding Fema , Jobs , Places , Cutbacks , Funds , Nobody , Programs , Senate , Budging , Politics , Credit , Crisis , Penny , Everybody , Democratic Leader , Ergo Stalemate , Group , Current , Aid , Hopefully Nonshutdown , Some , Issue , Break , Politician , Terms , Fingers , Make , Tea Party , Odds , Radius , Night , 50 , Prison , Shane , Plane , Imprisonment , Comments , Iranian , Men , New York , 781 , Josh Fattal , Chests , Susan Candiotti , Soil , Shane Bauer , 800 , Reason , Place , Justification , Hostage , Officials , Pawns , Liars , Ending , Ordeal , Last , Woman , Envoy , Street Clothes , Families , Mother , Arms , Let S Go Home , Isolation , Shooting , Hollering , Scarves , Visits , Prisoners , Beatings , Nothing , Screams , Lies , Beaten , Cries , Prison Guards , Suffering , Human Being , Questions , Part , Conditions , Josh And Shane Wouldn T , Human Rights Violations , Treatment , Guards , Guantanamo Bay , It , Privacy , Engagement , Sarah , Room , Lives , Taste , Freedom , Details , Children , Stadium , Football , Gunman Opens Fire , Announcer , Cover , Kids , Take Advil , Video , Thousands , Bullets , My Name , Yoga Instructor , Lacey Calvert , Job , Action , Soreness , Switch , Answer , Exxonmobil , Well , Wells , Groundwater , Rock , Half , Amount , Players , Steel , Cement , Right , Fracking Operation , Natural Gas , Companion , Save , Sandals , 65 , 1 , 1 800 Sandals , Police , Attention , Gunman , Shoot Out , Youth Football Game , Exit , Underneath Bleachers , Gunshots , Car , Oman , Elementary School , School , Man Firing , Background , Parents , Rifles , Cab , High School , School Property , Football Game , Equipment , Piece , Scene , No One Else , Earth , Hurt , 51 , Death , Dr , Court , Trials , Profile , Charges , Wrenching , Case , Manslaughter Trial , Manslaughter , Ted Rowlands , Honor , Preview , Opening Statements Begin Tuesday , Way , Propofol , Dose , Prosecutors , No Doubt , Attorneys , Surgery , Jackson , Idea , Defense , Milligrams , Coroner , Body , Ted , 25 , Individual , Drug , Drugs , Time Line , Doses , 30 , 40 , 7 , 10 , Five , Three , Witness , Emergency Responders , Question Jurors , 12 , 911 , Doctor , Sleep Aid , Setting , Anesthetic , Fact , Shape , Circumstances , Hospital Setting , Drug Addict , Doctors , Didn T , Documentary , Clip , Los Angeles , African American , Unemployment , Courtroom , Color Lines , Members Of Congress , World , Nature Fusion Cold , Vicks Vaporub , Flu Syrup , Ingredients , Vicks Journey , Medicine , Multi Symptom , Flavors , Honey , Dyes , Kind , Shrimp , Guests , Choices , Shrimp Scampi , Shrimp Entrees , Red Lobster , Meal , Server , Experience , Sea Food , Angela Trapp , Trapp , 5 99 , 15 99 , Opposition , Basis , Thigh , Unemployment Rate , 17 , Dinner , Speech , Contributor , Goldie Taylor , Anchor , Editor , Both , Errol Lewis , New York One , Atlanta , Grio Com , Congressman Cleaver , Congressional Black Caucus , Gutsy One , Last Night , Streets , Members , Cbc , Base , Keisters , Bit , Homes , Repossession , Fight , Misplaced , Leadership , Complaining , Anybody , Saying , Let S Move , Wall , Help , Swing States , Districts , Appeal , Ranks , Listen , Unemployed , Re Election Bid , Patient , Chairman , Presidency , Black , My Life , Comfort , Things , Jobs Situation Isn T , Unapologetically , Economy , Interest , Criticisms , People Aren T Marching , Election , Issues , Rest , Double Digit , Elections , Turnout , Voters , 67 , 37 , 2008 , The Washington Post , Headline , Chicago , Real Talk , Errol , Paraphrasing , Policy , Plaque Press , Constituency , Policy Initiative , Readers , Policies , Communities , Criticism , Wonder , Bunch , Stuff , Lot , Many , High Schools , Aren T , Youth , Community Colleges , Cities , Relief , Quote , Bill Clinton , Again A Paraphrase , He Wouldn T Stand , Women , David Frum , Gist , 34 , Problems , Housing Bubble , Debt Load , Consumers , Recession , Debts , Footing , Pointing , So , Signs , Times , Problem , Spending , Stores , Morale Back , Definition , Halt , Machine , Stimulus , Somewhere , 14 , Take Control , Wealth , Housing Markets , Fall , Investments , Haven T , Small Business , Class , Misnomer , Make Real Investments 4 , 4 , 99 , Confidence Issue , Pocket Issue , Grocery Store , Infrastructure Improvements , Dollar , Rhetoric , Interests , Great Conversation , Talking Points Segment , Hesitating , Truck , Murder Ignite D , Gum , Gums , Helping Prevent Gingivitis , Danger , Jill , Gum Line , Smile , Crest Pro Health , Plaque , Protection Toothpaste , Foundation , Life , Protection , Smiles , Convention , Areas , Escape Definition , Escape Compromise , Status Quo , Ct Hybrid , Lexus , 42 , Name , Sun Life Financialrating , Sun Life Valley , Skiing , Sun Life Financial , Person , Laugh , Trees , Flowers , City , Water , City People , Population , Breathes , Skyline , Answers , Nation , Siemens , Sixty Thousand , Media , Out , States , Cases , Executions , Headlines , Troy Davis , Lawrence Brewer , Much , Massive , Georgia , Crime , Support , White Supremacist , Lynching , Sister , Daughter , Jasper , Hate Crime Legislation In Byrd , I Don T Feel , Killers , Sense , 13 , Wasn T , Death Penalty , Option , Arm , Gruelly , Doesn T Sway , Me One Way , Jail , Dad , Newspapers , Killer , Mr , News , Brother , Papers , Front , Death Row , Doesn T Matter , Tension , Someone , Cancer , Heat , Race Relations , John William King , Sentence , Memory , Choice , Brewer , Another , Berry , Type , God , Fans , Controversy , Killing , Set , Aviva , Life Insurance Companies , Epa , Mpg Highway Chevy Cruze Eco , Insurance , Number , Humanity , Annuities , Stories , Seating , Hln , Family , Public , Seats , What S Going On , Jane Va Llez Mitchell , Six , Enough Jackson , Morning , Leave Room , Second , Lottery , Stares , Court System , Defendant , Staredown , Fan , Connecticut , On Fire , Suspect , Nepfirst , Audiotapes , Horror , Females , Carson , Sexual Assault , The Sole Survivor , Sort , Murders , Blase Account , Mayhem , Sadism , Wreaking Havoc , Tar Taritarik , Tarik Salahi , Reality Show , Claims , Cohoots , Story , Husband , Issues With Jane Velez Mitchell , Jane Velez Mitchell , Night On Hln , Catch 22 , Topic , Points Segment , Hint , Monday Morning Commute Forecast , 22 , Antioxidant Properties , Veggie , Fruit , Nutrition , Centrum , Go Beyond Heart Health , Omega 3s , Probiotics Go Beyond Digestive Balance , Pronutrients , 3 , Energy Security , Resource , Growth , Oil Reserves , Ability , Oil Sands , Breakthrough , Hundreds , Project , Emissions , Oils , Kearl , Canada , Life Insurance , Companiesurity , Currency , Points , Membership , Isn T , Anywhere , American Express , Possibilities , Ticketmaster Com , Amazon Com , Jacqui Jeras , Couple , Weather News , Tornado Warning , Word , Damage , Walmart , Tornado , Touchdowns , Subdivision , Cleveland , Mississippi , Effect , Area , Top , Tornado Watch , Injuries , Greenville , Delta , 00 , Storms , Flooding , Shelter , Weather , Low , Pressure , Weather Stories , Trouble Areas , Rockies , Pacific Northwest , Storm , Great Lakes , Heavy Rain , Delays , Temperatures , System , Side , South Wind , 15 , 5 , Commute , Workweek , Cut Off , Somebody Delays , Afternoon , Showers , Distance , Morning Fog , Philadelphia , Cincinnati , Clouds , Little , Miami , Lauderdale , Hub , Winds , Airport , Low Clouds , Thunderstorms , Highways , Number One , Rule , Ponding , Orlando , Tampa , Weekend , List , Wind , Repeat Cities , Talking Points , Segment , Jobs Bill , Spin , Theme , 2 1 , Bill , Small Business Owner , Audience , Tax Cut , 16 7 , Businesses , Tax Cuts , Stern , 100000 , 16 7 , Sheila Jackson Lee , Critiquing , Re Election , Evidence , President Of The United States America , Respect , Leaders , Head , Others , Heart , Proposals , Cabinet , Directions , Impact , Congressperson , African Americans In Politics , Information , Disaffection , Differences , Partisan , Voter , Program Stick , Viewer , Up Next , Try , Crowd Cheering , Diana Nyad , Horse Whinnying , Siren , Applause , Speeding Car , True Self , Bell Dings , Laughter , Indistinct Talking , Down The Hill , Professionals , Partner , Decision , Goals , Massmutual , Back On The Road , Brakes , Pricing , Lines , Indiana , State Police , Home Near Laurel , Bodies , Custody , Spying , Anyone , Deal , Sasha Shourd , 2009 , Medics , Clashes , Capital , Security Forces Battle Anti Government Protesters , 38 , King , Violence , Protest , Terrorists , Elements , Al Qaeda , Saudi Arabia , Abdulla S Decision Doesn T , Kingdom , Long Way To Go , On Thursday , Headquarters , Coast , Town Hall , Endurance Swimmer , Isn T A Charm , 102 , 62 , Let Go Of , Attempt , Jellyfish , Stings , War , 33 , 60 , Services , Offering Plate , Liquid Church , New Jersey , 29 , Cash , Opposite , Sunday Offering , Church Pastor , 30000 , 0000 , Religion , Envelope , Lightning , Prepacked With 10s And 20s 50s , 20 , Pastor Lucas Isn T , People In Need , Flock , God We Trust , Album , Album Cover , Nirvana Baby , Baby Swimming Arj , Promotion , I Life , Ones , Super Business , Superguarantee , The Good Guys , Only Superpages , Book , Phone , Superpages , Smells Like Teen Spirit , Entertainers , Baby , Never Mind , Genre , Music , Swimming Pool , Friend , Spencer Alden , Dollar Bill , Father , Nirvana , Photo , Hook , Photographer , Water Swimming , Sets Props , Special Effects , Reading , Magic , Film Industry , Songs , Royalties , Model Release , Albums , Eyes , Saturday Night Live , Lesson , Nbc , Debate , Rick Perry , Alec Baldwin , Mitt Romney Care , Obamacare , Uh Oh , Homecoming , Everything , Me And Press On , Criticizing A Black President , Free At Last , Admission , Mistake , Jobs Tanking , Comedy ,

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