Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240703 :

Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240703

hello, everyone, thank you for joining me. i'm fredricka whitfield. there is a new town of talks between striking auto workers and representatives from two of the big three carmakers. the strike is now entering the third full day. today's talks are expected to be with ford and general motors. the uaw said it had, quoting now, reasonably productive talks end quote, when it met with ford yesterday. and for the first time ever, workers are striking at plants from gm, ford and stellantis all at the same time. workers want big pay raises and other benefits after years of concessions during rough times for the industry. the carmakers say despite big profits in recent years, the raises being demanded would drive them out of business. cnn's vanessa yurkevich is at a ford plant in wayne, michigan. vanessa, what are we learning about the talks and whether anyone there on the picket line is optimistic? >> reporter: so ford and general motors back at the negotiating table with the uaw in detroit. stel yantis is getting back to the table on monday. we heard from sean feign on several morning shows. he said that he believes that the sides are still far apart and progress has been slow. he also said that he's rejecting offers of 20%, these are the historic offers that the big three say they're making rejecting those. he wanted to see 40% in wage increases over the next four years of this contract. i want to bring in sheryl webb williams. she's one of the 600 workers that was impacted in terms of ford laying 600 people off because of the ripple effect, because some union members here were told to go on strike. sheryl, i want to ask you, you know where negotiations stand. you know what the union is asking for and you know what the automakers have put on the table. what do you think is a fair place to end up in these negotiations? >> i think sean feign did a great job starting high because you leave room for negotiations. i know ford is offering 20%. i think around maybe 36% is fair. >> and fair based on what in your mind? >> fair based on workers not having to work two and three jobs just to support their families. that we work hard, middle class, we work hard so that we could send our children to college, make a better life for themselves as well as for others around them. >> reporter: you are one of the impacted workers that ford had to lay off because the folks that were told to strike. are you aware if you're getting strike pay, unemployment to pay the bills? >> well, as of now, the union is -- we did sign up today for strike pay. so we will be receiving strike pay. >> how long are you willing to wait this out? >> well, because this is a huge contract, this here is historical, i believe that, you know, however long it takes to make a difference. evs are coming. i'm hoping for job security. so not just pension, not just cola, not just end in tears but job security. >> you want to be here for the long run? >> i want to be here for a while. until it is time for me to retire. >> reporter: sheryl williams, thank you so much for your time. >> thank you. >> reporter: so we're hearing from biden administration officials that julie sue and senior white house adviser jean spurling has been involved in negotiations and talks. but they actually plan on coming to town early this week. we know that president faehn has said that he wants the administration to stay out of this. but president biden has sent these two officials to town to try to get these three automakers and the union on the same page and getting a deal done as soon as possible. fred. >> vanessa yurkevich in michigan, thank you so much for that. earlier today on state of the union, jake tapper spoke with now republican presidential hopeful mike pence about the auto workers strike and this is some of what exchange. >> you blame the strike on president biden's policies. most americans, 75% according to gallup, support the strikers. as a general principle, do you think it is fair that the ceo of general motors makes 362 times what a typical gm employee makes? >> well, lentt me say what i dot think is fair. is that joe biden has put forward an economic agenda from the outset that launched the worst inflation in 40 years. literally the cost of living has gone up almost 17% since we left office. their war on energy has caused glass lien prices to go through the roof and i have to doubt in my mind that the hard-working auto workers are living in the same reality every other american is and that is wages are not keeping up with inflation. i also think that this green agenda that is using taxpayer dollars to drive our automotive economy into electric vehicles is understandably causing great anxiety among uaw members. these guys are seeing the green new deal, that was passed under the guise of an inflation reduction act and seeing it driving their industry into electric vehicles. benefiting china that makes most of our batteries. and i think they're pushing back rightly. and i also think the american people stand behind them in the numbers that you suggest because we're all living in the failed reality of bidenomics today, jake. >> but there is this issue of general fairness in 1965 during the era of the great middle class expansion, ceo's made 20 times what their typical workers made. but the ceo of gm makes 362 times what her typical employees make. i just want to make sure i get an answer from you. is that okay? do you think that is fair? >> well, i think that ought to be left to the shareholders of that company. i'm somebody that believes in free enterprise. i think those are decisions that could be made by shareholders and creating pressure and i'll fully support how these publicly traded companies operate. i'm not interested in government mandates or government bullying when it comes to those kind of issues and i have to tell you, i don't think it is about the usual fault lines of the difference in salaries between white-collar and blue-collar and i think every day americans are living in the failed policies of bidenomics. >> inflation is horrible but their wages haven't gone up since the auto bailout in 2008. meanwhile, the ceo's, their wages have gone up 40% in the last five years. that is what the union workers say as to why their striking. i guess just a question here, do you side with the ceos or the union here? >> i side with american workers. i side with all american families. i side with the people of this country, jake, that are living under the failed policies of the biden administration. >> president biden's position on is in contrast and he said the big automakers should go further to make sure record numbers mane record contracts for the workers. and now into the shooting death of a los angeles sheriff's deputy. officials say 30-year-old ryan clinkunbroomer died after being shot inside of his patrol car lat night. they're calling the killing an ambush. camilla, what are you learning? >> reporter: hey, fred. this was a deputy on duty. in uniform and very, very close to the sheriff's station where he worked. this happened last night at around 6:00 p.m. in palmdale, which is about 60 miles north of los angeles. and ryan clinkunbroomer who said there was just 30 years old, the sheriff saying that he was found unconscious by a good samaritan and they took him to the hospital. but was pronounced dead at the hospital. now, sheriff robert luna is saying that all of the resources that the department has are being devoted to finding the person responsible for this. this is what they're focused on, finding who did this. here is the sheriff. >> we need to get this guy off the street. guy or guys. he's a public safety threat. he ambushed and killed, murdered one of our deputies. we need your help to get him off the street. >> reporter: and the sheriff said this does appear to be targeted. he said it could be just because he was wearing a uniform. now he did also say that they're in the very early stages of this investigation. and as you heard there, they're asking for help from the public. now, i do want to mention that ryan clinkunbroomer was third generation working for the department. his father served at the sheriff's department, his grandfather as well. he just had gotten engaged just four days ago so the sheriff saying he was just starting out his life in that sense. so, of course, this is a community in mourning and a department in mourning. but they are again really focused on trying to find the person responsible. this is not the first time this happens. just three years ago here in los angeles, two deputies were shot ambush style while they were in their patrol car waiting at a train station. and there are many of these incidents just this year, 2023. there has been about 83 ambush-style assaults or attacks on police officers resulting in 101 officers throughout the country being shot and that resulted in 15 fatalities. this is according to a report from the fraternal order of police. so this is not the first and again here in los angeles, they are now focused on finding the person responsible, fred. >> terribly sad and tragic. camilla berna, tell us more who you get more information about all of the unanswered questions. >> thank you, fred. still ahead, overseas in lib raw, rescue operations continue after devastating floodwaters ravaged the coastal town of derna. workers believe many bodies were washed out to sea. we'll have an update. and plus a stark warning, nato secretary gem saying the world must prepare for a long war in ukraine and hear why. and new brutality of the long war for ukrainians. stay with h us. for your dog. and delivevered right to your door. it's's smarter, healthier pet food. ♪ you were always so dedicated... ♪ we worked hard to build up the shop, save for college and ouretirement. we worked hard tobut we got there,p, anks to our advisor and vanguard. now i see who all that hard work was for... it was always for you. seeing you carry on our legacy— i'm so proud. at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner. setting up the future for the ones you love. that's the value of ownership. hello 12 hours of relief. 12 hours!! not coughing? 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>> well, fredricka, it is significant meeting on many levels. first and foremost, israel is a close american ally. but there is a message here that president biden has with primary netanyahu which he needs to share which is that he's concerned about israel's democracy being pushed in the wrong direction by the prime minister so that is why this meeting is up in new york and it is going to be a tough discussion. there also some positive discussion points that the president is going to be engaging in related to possible normalization with saudi arabia, questions about the palestinians within a possible deal between saudi arabia and israel. so there is a lot on the plate. but i think the core message is that the president is deeply committed to israel and he wanted to look at netanyahu in the eye and say, say you have to straighten out what is happening and the israeli people are not happy where he's taking judicial issues in their country. >> and now for president zelenskyy, his visit to the u.s. this week will also be very pivotal. he'll be in new york at the u.n. general assembly. but then he's also expected to meet with president biden in washington, d.c. and with senators on capitol hill. and this comes as a few members of congress have expressed out loud concerns over continued u.s. funding for ukraine's war efforts, and so does zelenskyy have to make his case once again or make an appeal in a different way when he comes face-to-face with legislators? >> yeah, i think the tragedy of the moment for president zelenskyy from a american perspective is that we're seeing republicans in the house threatening a shutdown. and if there are no fund as proved in this fiscal year coming up, we're coming up to the deadline in a couple of weeks, that could ensnare ukraine aid as well. it is very important for president zelenskyy to say keep this focus going, keep supporting this supplemental that the president sent forward. we can't delay aid to ukraine. we can't be the ones who undermine ukraine's ability to continue its offensive and i hope that domestic politics doesn't get in the way of this. it is an unnecessary self-inflicted wound if we do see the republicans shut down the government for many reasons including for the ability of ukraine to defend itself against russia. >> it is a delicate tight rope for ukraine, even while you have the head of the national security council who wrote an on set saying they need better and more consistent western aid. there is also the expression from ukrainians who are saying we're very appreciative of the aid thus far. but it can't be over. so, how do they do that? how do they express an appreciation and yet at the same time say the war is still not over. we still need your help? >> i mean, in the big picture, you know, what we're engaged in as american society is defending democracy around the world, defending democracy certainly here at home as well and the president is doing that. but we really need to ensure that we're protecting our allies and that argument appealing to the american self-awareness of our role in the global fight for democracy, that is key. president zelenskyy has carried ma message multiple times here. this is an veinvestment into democracy and supporting ukraine advances american security, it protects our allies in nato, it keeps russia at bay, and this is the kind of message that does carry the broad majority support of the united states. >> okay. also, i want to shift gears. let's talk about the catastrophe. the flooding in libya. it is just -- it is unbelievable. and it is hard to even see what kind of aid can assist, what kind of apparatus, equipment could possibly help in the recovery of the bodies, you just heard about bodies floating at sea and how libyans don't have the equipment to retrieve them. you see the rubber dingy boats trying to get through the choppy mediterranean sea but to no avail could they recover hundreds of bodies. how -- what kind of assistance could the u.s. offer? what kind of assistance could allies offer when you've got this kind of both the meeting of the manmade crisis and mother nature has taken on all of this. who could help and at what point, what kind of timeline do you see as possible? >> yeah, fredricka, you're bringing all of the right themesin them them themesing to -- themes together. and that makes any disaster relief, any international assistance challenging. we've seen north africa and morocco and in turkey with the earthquake earlier in the year, functioning governments that we could work with to provide assistance. but the timing from an international response perspective could be fortuitous? that there is the u.n. assembly and important discussions could take place about extending packages of support and we'll have to see outside of government relief efforts be advanced and that means through nongovernmental organizations and that is really a very short-term survival mode. there has to be work to get political reconciliation in libya. that is been an ongoing challenge for years. ab sent that, we're going to see band aid approaches going forward and the poor suffering of the libyan people. i'm glad you mentioned this way. it is just -- it is devastating to watch. this should not be happening. the manmade impact and the floods compounded by the manmade impact of failed governance, it is really devastating and so the u.n., the international community has a role to play in resolving all of the these issues but in the near term there is a band age approach until a greater international cooperation could come in and provide a package but we do need a functioning libyan government to take care of this humanitarian disaster. >> this humanitarian disaster on top of so many preceding it, and you mentioned morocco as one of them. joel ruben, thank you so much. >> fredricka. all right, still ahead, what donald trump said about the possibility of facing jail time. come on. come on. work for dad- here.... now, you can find the game easy. my barbecue is saved! access nfl sunday titicket on us, get a $400 reward card. my barbecue is ruined. 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>> no, don't, really. i don't even think about it. i'm built a little differently i guess. these are political -- these are banana republic indictments. these are third world indictments. >> with me now, harry litman, a former deputy assistant attorney general. good to see you. so given the seriousness of the charges that the former president is facing, should he be concerned about the real possibility of being sent to prison if convicted? >> certainly. there is an irony here. he keeps calling it political. in fact, the system is bending over backwards to keep it from being so. and that means they're trying to hard to treat him like any other person. well if he gets convicted and his prospects are strong for being convicted, of crimes that send other people to jail for say 10 years, there is almost no way to -- to keep him from going there. he's rolling the dice on a politics victory. but back in the legal system, yes, he's seriously looking at the prospect of time in prison and as unfathomable as it seems, that is the direction it is going very strongly in. >> and he spoke willingly in that interview and of course prosecutors are watching every word whether it be on social media or even during interviews to see if in any way he violates crossing any line in these cases. and now we know particularly that we're still awaiting judgment from a judge who has been asked for a limited gag order on trump to restrict what the former president can say about the national election subversion case, especially as it comes down to intimidating witnesses or prejudicing the jury pool. so, if a judge does render a decision on that, and does put in place some limited gag on the former president, how would it be enforced? >> little by little until he left her no choice but at the end of the day, what she's really got, the big card she has to play is to revoke his conditions of release and either enormous and multiplying fines or if that doesn't do the trick, time in jail. it is the same kind of dynamic. it can't be and yet the statements he made just this morning that you played, fredricka, are exactly the kinds of things that the doj was pointing toward in asking for this gag order. it is poisoning the jury pool potentially, making them think that the justice system is rigged. that is the sort of thing that he's not permitted to do under his conditions of release. and she may take a giant step, it won't be for a few weeks, there is a briefing, to say you have to cut this out or else, or else we'll still mean -- she'll want to make it -- to really have her hand forced, but he's just the kind of guy to force her hand. that is what we've learned about trump over the last many years. >> so you don't think it is a matter of a couple of days but a few weeks before judge chutkan rendered that decision. >> because there is briefing on both sides and now he gets to respond and they'll be a hearing. so at end of the month is when it will be ripe to decide. >> henne litman, good to see you. >> thank you. and a dramatic rescue caught on body camera. atlanta police officer and an atlanta fire rescue captain saving a man trapped in they sudden floodwaters right in downtown atlanta. we talk with both of them next, live. the best advice i ever got was to invest with vanguard for my retirement. the second best? 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here we go. come on. i have to break the window to try to get this guy out. come on. come on. let yourself go. watch your head. come on. watch it. come on. this way. i got you. i got you. >> so as unfortunate as that was, that driver was actually very fortunate that it happened right near the atlanta public service building which was where fire and rescue is. and so we are fortunate enough to have two of the officers here that reported that entire rescue there happening. officer re and o'brian with atlanta police department and terrance simon with atlanta fire department. you're here with us now. close call for that gentleman. but talk us through, officer, what happened? it was the point of view of your body cam video that all of that was happening. so here this sudden rainfall comes in atlanta and it catches people by surprise because it came with such force and throughout the city there were flooded areas. at what point did you realize or hear that the street right outside of your headquarters what so unundated with water there would be a driver there in his vlg stuck? >> so, i was traveling on p street heading to another call when i noticed the stalled vehicle. at that point i didn't know there was anybody in the vehicle at that time. the water, i was parked the car there to make sure no other vehicle gets stuck in that area. within a space of seconds, it just started seeing the car started to drift. and then later on i started hearing yelling, that is when i guess captain was there and then that is when i know there was an tulloch pant in the car. >> and then captain, you hanned to be there or saw what was going on. >> my story is a little bit different from officer. i have a co-workert tori henry, the executive assist and and she notified me that someone hit a tree and i went outside to check it out and i noticed this gentleman was drowning in his car or appeared to be zrodowninn his car so i went into action and attributed that to my training. >> so those instincts thank goodness and for them to kick in like that. he looked very shaken. who wouldn't be. >> correct. >> but then you were able to hear that -- the yelling, you said officer. so you were able to sort of communicate with him so that he knew to either turn away while you hit the glass or talk to me about how that happened? >> i decided that i dent want any glass going on him. so myself and captain kept saying turn your head away and finally he did. so i was able to actually break the window. >> and then i saw one of you pulling out -- pulling him out, there. i think that was you. captain, right? i cannot imagine what this is like for the driver. but i mean, you all did all of the right things. mashed potato lovers. your day has come. indulge in the rich, creamy classic bob evans mashed potatoes. farm fresh p potatoes blended with real milklk and butter for that homemade taste. with the delicious taste bob evans s is known for. bring home the warm comfort of mashed potatoes today. ♪ ("drumroll" by lónis, little l league) ♪ (♪) ♪ ts just in ♪ ♪ got the keys to what yo want and what you need ♪ ♪ something new something sweet ♪ ♪ moving to a different beat ♪ ♪ okay now (what?) ♪ ♪ can i g a (get a) drumroll? 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Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240703 :

Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240703

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hello, everyone, thank you for joining me. i'm fredricka whitfield. there is a new town of talks between striking auto workers and representatives from two of the big three carmakers. the strike is now entering the third full day. today's talks are expected to be with ford and general motors. the uaw said it had, quoting now, reasonably productive talks end quote, when it met with ford yesterday. and for the first time ever, workers are striking at plants from gm, ford and stellantis all at the same time. workers want big pay raises and other benefits after years of concessions during rough times for the industry. the carmakers say despite big profits in recent years, the raises being demanded would drive them out of business. cnn's vanessa yurkevich is at a ford plant in wayne, michigan. vanessa, what are we learning about the talks and whether anyone there on the picket line is optimistic? >> reporter: so ford and general motors back at the negotiating table with the uaw in detroit. stel yantis is getting back to the table on monday. we heard from sean feign on several morning shows. he said that he believes that the sides are still far apart and progress has been slow. he also said that he's rejecting offers of 20%, these are the historic offers that the big three say they're making rejecting those. he wanted to see 40% in wage increases over the next four years of this contract. i want to bring in sheryl webb williams. she's one of the 600 workers that was impacted in terms of ford laying 600 people off because of the ripple effect, because some union members here were told to go on strike. sheryl, i want to ask you, you know where negotiations stand. you know what the union is asking for and you know what the automakers have put on the table. what do you think is a fair place to end up in these negotiations? >> i think sean feign did a great job starting high because you leave room for negotiations. i know ford is offering 20%. i think around maybe 36% is fair. >> and fair based on what in your mind? >> fair based on workers not having to work two and three jobs just to support their families. that we work hard, middle class, we work hard so that we could send our children to college, make a better life for themselves as well as for others around them. >> reporter: you are one of the impacted workers that ford had to lay off because the folks that were told to strike. are you aware if you're getting strike pay, unemployment to pay the bills? >> well, as of now, the union is -- we did sign up today for strike pay. so we will be receiving strike pay. >> how long are you willing to wait this out? >> well, because this is a huge contract, this here is historical, i believe that, you know, however long it takes to make a difference. evs are coming. i'm hoping for job security. so not just pension, not just cola, not just end in tears but job security. >> you want to be here for the long run? >> i want to be here for a while. until it is time for me to retire. >> reporter: sheryl williams, thank you so much for your time. >> thank you. >> reporter: so we're hearing from biden administration officials that julie sue and senior white house adviser jean spurling has been involved in negotiations and talks. but they actually plan on coming to town early this week. we know that president faehn has said that he wants the administration to stay out of this. but president biden has sent these two officials to town to try to get these three automakers and the union on the same page and getting a deal done as soon as possible. fred. >> vanessa yurkevich in michigan, thank you so much for that. earlier today on state of the union, jake tapper spoke with now republican presidential hopeful mike pence about the auto workers strike and this is some of what exchange. >> you blame the strike on president biden's policies. most americans, 75% according to gallup, support the strikers. as a general principle, do you think it is fair that the ceo of general motors makes 362 times what a typical gm employee makes? >> well, lentt me say what i dot think is fair. is that joe biden has put forward an economic agenda from the outset that launched the worst inflation in 40 years. literally the cost of living has gone up almost 17% since we left office. their war on energy has caused glass lien prices to go through the roof and i have to doubt in my mind that the hard-working auto workers are living in the same reality every other american is and that is wages are not keeping up with inflation. i also think that this green agenda that is using taxpayer dollars to drive our automotive economy into electric vehicles is understandably causing great anxiety among uaw members. these guys are seeing the green new deal, that was passed under the guise of an inflation reduction act and seeing it driving their industry into electric vehicles. benefiting china that makes most of our batteries. and i think they're pushing back rightly. and i also think the american people stand behind them in the numbers that you suggest because we're all living in the failed reality of bidenomics today, jake. >> but there is this issue of general fairness in 1965 during the era of the great middle class expansion, ceo's made 20 times what their typical workers made. but the ceo of gm makes 362 times what her typical employees make. i just want to make sure i get an answer from you. is that okay? do you think that is fair? >> well, i think that ought to be left to the shareholders of that company. i'm somebody that believes in free enterprise. i think those are decisions that could be made by shareholders and creating pressure and i'll fully support how these publicly traded companies operate. i'm not interested in government mandates or government bullying when it comes to those kind of issues and i have to tell you, i don't think it is about the usual fault lines of the difference in salaries between white-collar and blue-collar and i think every day americans are living in the failed policies of bidenomics. >> inflation is horrible but their wages haven't gone up since the auto bailout in 2008. meanwhile, the ceo's, their wages have gone up 40% in the last five years. that is what the union workers say as to why their striking. i guess just a question here, do you side with the ceos or the union here? >> i side with american workers. i side with all american families. i side with the people of this country, jake, that are living under the failed policies of the biden administration. >> president biden's position on is in contrast and he said the big automakers should go further to make sure record numbers mane record contracts for the workers. and now into the shooting death of a los angeles sheriff's deputy. officials say 30-year-old ryan clinkunbroomer died after being shot inside of his patrol car lat night. they're calling the killing an ambush. camilla, what are you learning? >> reporter: hey, fred. this was a deputy on duty. in uniform and very, very close to the sheriff's station where he worked. this happened last night at around 6:00 p.m. in palmdale, which is about 60 miles north of los angeles. and ryan clinkunbroomer who said there was just 30 years old, the sheriff saying that he was found unconscious by a good samaritan and they took him to the hospital. but was pronounced dead at the hospital. now, sheriff robert luna is saying that all of the resources that the department has are being devoted to finding the person responsible for this. this is what they're focused on, finding who did this. here is the sheriff. >> we need to get this guy off the street. guy or guys. he's a public safety threat. he ambushed and killed, murdered one of our deputies. we need your help to get him off the street. >> reporter: and the sheriff said this does appear to be targeted. he said it could be just because he was wearing a uniform. now he did also say that they're in the very early stages of this investigation. and as you heard there, they're asking for help from the public. now, i do want to mention that ryan clinkunbroomer was third generation working for the department. his father served at the sheriff's department, his grandfather as well. he just had gotten engaged just four days ago so the sheriff saying he was just starting out his life in that sense. so, of course, this is a community in mourning and a department in mourning. but they are again really focused on trying to find the person responsible. this is not the first time this happens. just three years ago here in los angeles, two deputies were shot ambush style while they were in their patrol car waiting at a train station. and there are many of these incidents just this year, 2023. there has been about 83 ambush-style assaults or attacks on police officers resulting in 101 officers throughout the country being shot and that resulted in 15 fatalities. this is according to a report from the fraternal order of police. so this is not the first and again here in los angeles, they are now focused on finding the person responsible, fred. >> terribly sad and tragic. camilla berna, tell us more who you get more information about all of the unanswered questions. >> thank you, fred. still ahead, overseas in lib raw, rescue operations continue after devastating floodwaters ravaged the coastal town of derna. workers believe many bodies were washed out to sea. we'll have an update. and plus a stark warning, nato secretary gem saying the world must prepare for a long war in ukraine and hear why. and new brutality of the long war for ukrainians. stay with h us. for your dog. and delivevered right to your door. it's's smarter, healthier pet food. ♪ you were always so dedicated... ♪ we worked hard to build up the shop, save for college and ouretirement. we worked hard tobut we got there,p, anks to our advisor and vanguard. now i see who all that hard work was for... it was always for you. seeing you carry on our legacy— i'm so proud. at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner. setting up the future for the ones you love. that's the value of ownership. hello 12 hours of relief. 12 hours!! not coughing? 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>> well, fredricka, it is significant meeting on many levels. first and foremost, israel is a close american ally. but there is a message here that president biden has with primary netanyahu which he needs to share which is that he's concerned about israel's democracy being pushed in the wrong direction by the prime minister so that is why this meeting is up in new york and it is going to be a tough discussion. there also some positive discussion points that the president is going to be engaging in related to possible normalization with saudi arabia, questions about the palestinians within a possible deal between saudi arabia and israel. so there is a lot on the plate. but i think the core message is that the president is deeply committed to israel and he wanted to look at netanyahu in the eye and say, say you have to straighten out what is happening and the israeli people are not happy where he's taking judicial issues in their country. >> and now for president zelenskyy, his visit to the u.s. this week will also be very pivotal. he'll be in new york at the u.n. general assembly. but then he's also expected to meet with president biden in washington, d.c. and with senators on capitol hill. and this comes as a few members of congress have expressed out loud concerns over continued u.s. funding for ukraine's war efforts, and so does zelenskyy have to make his case once again or make an appeal in a different way when he comes face-to-face with legislators? >> yeah, i think the tragedy of the moment for president zelenskyy from a american perspective is that we're seeing republicans in the house threatening a shutdown. and if there are no fund as proved in this fiscal year coming up, we're coming up to the deadline in a couple of weeks, that could ensnare ukraine aid as well. it is very important for president zelenskyy to say keep this focus going, keep supporting this supplemental that the president sent forward. we can't delay aid to ukraine. we can't be the ones who undermine ukraine's ability to continue its offensive and i hope that domestic politics doesn't get in the way of this. it is an unnecessary self-inflicted wound if we do see the republicans shut down the government for many reasons including for the ability of ukraine to defend itself against russia. >> it is a delicate tight rope for ukraine, even while you have the head of the national security council who wrote an on set saying they need better and more consistent western aid. there is also the expression from ukrainians who are saying we're very appreciative of the aid thus far. but it can't be over. so, how do they do that? how do they express an appreciation and yet at the same time say the war is still not over. we still need your help? >> i mean, in the big picture, you know, what we're engaged in as american society is defending democracy around the world, defending democracy certainly here at home as well and the president is doing that. but we really need to ensure that we're protecting our allies and that argument appealing to the american self-awareness of our role in the global fight for democracy, that is key. president zelenskyy has carried ma message multiple times here. this is an veinvestment into democracy and supporting ukraine advances american security, it protects our allies in nato, it keeps russia at bay, and this is the kind of message that does carry the broad majority support of the united states. >> okay. also, i want to shift gears. let's talk about the catastrophe. the flooding in libya. it is just -- it is unbelievable. and it is hard to even see what kind of aid can assist, what kind of apparatus, equipment could possibly help in the recovery of the bodies, you just heard about bodies floating at sea and how libyans don't have the equipment to retrieve them. you see the rubber dingy boats trying to get through the choppy mediterranean sea but to no avail could they recover hundreds of bodies. how -- what kind of assistance could the u.s. offer? what kind of assistance could allies offer when you've got this kind of both the meeting of the manmade crisis and mother nature has taken on all of this. who could help and at what point, what kind of timeline do you see as possible? >> yeah, fredricka, you're bringing all of the right themesin them them themesing to -- themes together. and that makes any disaster relief, any international assistance challenging. we've seen north africa and morocco and in turkey with the earthquake earlier in the year, functioning governments that we could work with to provide assistance. but the timing from an international response perspective could be fortuitous? that there is the u.n. assembly and important discussions could take place about extending packages of support and we'll have to see outside of government relief efforts be advanced and that means through nongovernmental organizations and that is really a very short-term survival mode. there has to be work to get political reconciliation in libya. that is been an ongoing challenge for years. ab sent that, we're going to see band aid approaches going forward and the poor suffering of the libyan people. i'm glad you mentioned this way. it is just -- it is devastating to watch. this should not be happening. the manmade impact and the floods compounded by the manmade impact of failed governance, it is really devastating and so the u.n., the international community has a role to play in resolving all of the these issues but in the near term there is a band age approach until a greater international cooperation could come in and provide a package but we do need a functioning libyan government to take care of this humanitarian disaster. >> this humanitarian disaster on top of so many preceding it, and you mentioned morocco as one of them. joel ruben, thank you so much. >> fredricka. all right, still ahead, what donald trump said about the possibility of facing jail time. come on. come on. work for dad- here.... now, you can find the game easy. my barbecue is saved! access nfl sunday titicket on us, get a $400 reward card. my barbecue is ruined. 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>> no, don't, really. i don't even think about it. i'm built a little differently i guess. these are political -- these are banana republic indictments. these are third world indictments. >> with me now, harry litman, a former deputy assistant attorney general. good to see you. so given the seriousness of the charges that the former president is facing, should he be concerned about the real possibility of being sent to prison if convicted? >> certainly. there is an irony here. he keeps calling it political. in fact, the system is bending over backwards to keep it from being so. and that means they're trying to hard to treat him like any other person. well if he gets convicted and his prospects are strong for being convicted, of crimes that send other people to jail for say 10 years, there is almost no way to -- to keep him from going there. he's rolling the dice on a politics victory. but back in the legal system, yes, he's seriously looking at the prospect of time in prison and as unfathomable as it seems, that is the direction it is going very strongly in. >> and he spoke willingly in that interview and of course prosecutors are watching every word whether it be on social media or even during interviews to see if in any way he violates crossing any line in these cases. and now we know particularly that we're still awaiting judgment from a judge who has been asked for a limited gag order on trump to restrict what the former president can say about the national election subversion case, especially as it comes down to intimidating witnesses or prejudicing the jury pool. so, if a judge does render a decision on that, and does put in place some limited gag on the former president, how would it be enforced? >> little by little until he left her no choice but at the end of the day, what she's really got, the big card she has to play is to revoke his conditions of release and either enormous and multiplying fines or if that doesn't do the trick, time in jail. it is the same kind of dynamic. it can't be and yet the statements he made just this morning that you played, fredricka, are exactly the kinds of things that the doj was pointing toward in asking for this gag order. it is poisoning the jury pool potentially, making them think that the justice system is rigged. that is the sort of thing that he's not permitted to do under his conditions of release. and she may take a giant step, it won't be for a few weeks, there is a briefing, to say you have to cut this out or else, or else we'll still mean -- she'll want to make it -- to really have her hand forced, but he's just the kind of guy to force her hand. that is what we've learned about trump over the last many years. >> so you don't think it is a matter of a couple of days but a few weeks before judge chutkan rendered that decision. >> because there is briefing on both sides and now he gets to respond and they'll be a hearing. so at end of the month is when it will be ripe to decide. >> henne litman, good to see you. >> thank you. and a dramatic rescue caught on body camera. atlanta police officer and an atlanta fire rescue captain saving a man trapped in they sudden floodwaters right in downtown atlanta. we talk with both of them next, live. the best advice i ever got was to invest with vanguard for my retirement. the second best? 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here we go. come on. i have to break the window to try to get this guy out. come on. come on. let yourself go. watch your head. come on. watch it. come on. this way. i got you. i got you. >> so as unfortunate as that was, that driver was actually very fortunate that it happened right near the atlanta public service building which was where fire and rescue is. and so we are fortunate enough to have two of the officers here that reported that entire rescue there happening. officer re and o'brian with atlanta police department and terrance simon with atlanta fire department. you're here with us now. close call for that gentleman. but talk us through, officer, what happened? it was the point of view of your body cam video that all of that was happening. so here this sudden rainfall comes in atlanta and it catches people by surprise because it came with such force and throughout the city there were flooded areas. at what point did you realize or hear that the street right outside of your headquarters what so unundated with water there would be a driver there in his vlg stuck? >> so, i was traveling on p street heading to another call when i noticed the stalled vehicle. at that point i didn't know there was anybody in the vehicle at that time. the water, i was parked the car there to make sure no other vehicle gets stuck in that area. within a space of seconds, it just started seeing the car started to drift. and then later on i started hearing yelling, that is when i guess captain was there and then that is when i know there was an tulloch pant in the car. >> and then captain, you hanned to be there or saw what was going on. >> my story is a little bit different from officer. i have a co-workert tori henry, the executive assist and and she notified me that someone hit a tree and i went outside to check it out and i noticed this gentleman was drowning in his car or appeared to be zrodowninn his car so i went into action and attributed that to my training. >> so those instincts thank goodness and for them to kick in like that. he looked very shaken. who wouldn't be. >> correct. >> but then you were able to hear that -- the yelling, you said officer. so you were able to sort of communicate with him so that he knew to either turn away while you hit the glass or talk to me about how that happened? >> i decided that i dent want any glass going on him. so myself and captain kept saying turn your head away and finally he did. so i was able to actually break the window. >> and then i saw one of you pulling out -- pulling him out, there. i think that was you. captain, right? i cannot imagine what this is like for the driver. but i mean, you all did all of the right things. mashed potato lovers. your day has come. indulge in the rich, creamy classic bob evans mashed potatoes. farm fresh p potatoes blended with real milklk and butter for that homemade taste. with the delicious taste bob evans s is known for. bring home the warm comfort of mashed potatoes today. ♪ ("drumroll" by lónis, little l league) ♪ (♪) ♪ ts just in ♪ ♪ got the keys to what yo want and what you need ♪ ♪ something new something sweet ♪ ♪ moving to a different beat ♪ ♪ okay now (what?) ♪ ♪ can i g a (get a) drumroll? 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Mission , 300 , Boats , Equipment , Conditions , Areas , Waters , Coves , Expertise , Situation , Man Power , Health Hazard , Loved Ones , Their , Burial , Flooding , Dry Skin , Moisture , Aveeno , Prebiotic Oat , Nourishing , 24 , Visit Indeed Com He , Spreadsheets , Indeed Instant Match , Job Description , Kayak Compay , Qualityandidates , Ocean , Cheese , Ham , Turkey , Subway , Lineup , Refresh , Meats , Grand Slam , Titan Turkey , Sandwhes The Deli Heroes , The Beast , Internet , Business Internet , Business Grade Internet , Design Business , Store , Exploding , Vo , Switch , Show , Bobby , Engineer , Chef , Designer , Debit Card , Firsts , Learning , Cooking , Sequins , Plaid , Chase , Ooh , Uhuh , Uh , Both , Mom , Bank , Nice , Control , Futures , Spending , Account , Freedom , Parents , Home , Bob Evans , Lovers , Dive , Tender Macaroni , Warm , Melty Gooey Goodness , Mac , Delicious Taste , Volodymyr Zelenskyy , Aid , Congress , Senators , Russia , Capitol Hill , Jens Stoltenberg , End , Counteroffensive , Assessment , Gains , Momentum , Bit , Least , Bakhmut , Spl , Video , Settlement , Forces , South Of Bakhmut , Andreef , Lot , Area , Russians , Houses , Rubble , Artillery , Moon Scape With Utter Destruction , President , Gain , Partners , Weapons , U N General Assembly , Lines , Ammunition , Projectiles , Himars , Ten , Counter Offensive , Mismatch , Kyiv , Line , Success , Degree , Benjamin Netanyahu , Israeli , Meeting , Joel Ruben , Face To , Deputy Assistant Secretary Of State , Return , Invitation , Focus , Obama , Demo , District , Nomination , Democratic , Message , Rally , Thur Conversations , Levels , Around The World , Direction , Discussion Points , Discussion , New York , Plate , Normalization , Core , Saudi Arabia , Palestinians , Netanyahu , Eye , Visit , Biden In Washington D C , Case , War Efforts , Concerns , Appeal , Funding , Perspective , Republicans , House , Tragedy , Legislators , Fund , Shutdown , Couple , Ensnare Ukraine Aid , Ability , Doesn T , Politics , Offensive , Wound , Tight Rope , Reasons , Head , Set , Expression , National Security Council , Appreciation , The Big Picture , Allies , Argument , American Society , Role , Ma Message , Self Awareness , Fight , Veinvestment , Support , Talk , Security , Bay , Majority , Gears , Let , Catastrophe , Apparatus , Recovery , Libyans Don T , Assistance , Hundreds , Avail , Point , Timeline , Crisis , Mother Nature , Themes , Disaster Relief , Themesing , Governments , Timing , Earthquake , Response , North Africa , Discussions , Government Relief Efforts , Packages , Reconciliation , Challenge , Band Aid , Survival Mode , Organizations , Ab , Impact , Governance , Suffering , Manmade , Approach , Term , Band , Package , The International Community , Greater International Cooperation , It , Disaster , Care , Top , Game , Come On , Barbecue , Possibility , Right , Donald Trump , Access Nfl , Sunday Titicket , Things , Savings , Reward Card , Farmers , Seats , Insurance , Aren T Worth Compromising , Get A , Crowdheers , Onene , 400 , Network , Businesses , Story , Writers , Airline , Farmers Mnemonic , 160 , Communities , Startup , Architects , Innovation Labs , Skin , Daily Moisture , Boat , Face , Formula , Talking , Experience , Wisdom , Passion , Client , Old School , Morgan Stanley , Plan , Vision , Grit , Technology , Insights , Creativity , Cosmetic , Botox , Mother , Tonya , My Name , Sports Kids , Nine , 42 , Thing , Activity , Another , Doctor , Muscle Weakness , Symptoms , Forehead Lines , Effects , Frown Lines , Injection , Sign , Feet , Difficulty Swallowing , Breathing , Speaking , Crow , Fda , Side Effects , Headache , Muscle , Risk , Botulinum Toxins , Condition , Reactions , Medications , Injection Site Pain , Eyelid Swelling , Nerve , History , Skin Infection , Eyelid Drooping , Eyebrow , Music , Botoxcosmetic Com , Eagle Screeches , Light Acoustic Music Plays , Kia Sportage , Go , Ground , Turbo Hybrid , Movement , Kia , Election , Cases , Trials , Efforts , Hanling , Classified Domes , Nbc , 2020 , Jail , Charges , Prospect , Felony Charges , He Isn T , Claims , Meet The Press , 91 , Indictments , Opponent , Bed , Justice Department , Little , Banana Republic , Harry Litman , Facing , Seriousness , Third World , System , Prison , Irony , Crimes , Prospects , 10 , Politics Victory , Dice , Yes , Word , Interviews , Interview , Social Media , Prosecutors , Judge , Trump , Judgment , Gag Order , Decision , Jury Pool , Witnesses , Subversion , Gag , Choice , Little By , Release , Card , Trick , Fines , Either , Dynamic , Kinds , Statements , Pointing , Briefing , Giant Step , Sort , Justice System , Hand , Matter , Hearing , Chutkan , Rescue , Henne Litman , Atlanta , Man , Police Officer , Body Camera , Downtown Atlanta , Fire Rescue Captain , Advice , Retirement , Best , Hi , Food , Weight , Weight Loss , Noom , Tosin , 33 , Relationship , Visit Noom Com , Clothes , Downy , Trial , Dyes , Perfumes , Towel , Investment Research , Gentle , Investments , Advisors , Investment Plan , Look , David , Thanks Jen , Mobile App , Parts , Trains , Rainstorm , Rain , Amount , Pocks , Mayor , 3 , Gentleman , Streets , Motorists , Body Camera Video , Take A Look , Fashion , Glass , Step , Window , Driver , I Got You , Public Service Building , Fire , Officer , Call , Atlanta Fire Department , O Brian , Terrance Simon , Rainfall , Point Of View , Body Cam Video , Force , Water , Headquarters , Street , P Street Heading , Vlg , Vehicle , Anybody , Captain , Yelling , Space , Tulloch Pant , Tori Henry , Executive Assist , Saw , Instincts , Action , Training , Someone Hit A Tree , Goodness , Who Wouldn T Be , Correct , Away , Him Out , Mashed Potato , Mashed Potatoes , Taste , P Potatoes , Butter , Comfort , Creamy Classic , Indulge , Farm Fresh , Real Milklk , Drumroll , Something , Keys , Little L League , LÓnis , Can , Drumro , Beat , Ya , Can Iga , Drum That , Yahh , Oohh , Mucinex Kickstart , Congestion , Flu , Ah Morning , Flu Season , Fever , Body Pain , Morning Jolt , Aaaaah , Instant Cooling Sensation , Candidates , Shortlist , Project Managers , Projects , Job Criteria , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Caplyta , Medicines , Chance , Bipolar Depression , Lytetm , Before Dawn , Bipolar , Adults , Weight Gain , Thoughts , Risks , Depression , Mood Changes , Behaviors , Antidepressants , Dementia , Patients , Movement Disorders , Movements , Confusion , Report Fever , Aren T , Stroke , Permanent , Meat , Quarterbacks , Caplyta Com , Now Subway , Sports , Footwork , Games , Anything , Cheers , Nothing , Pitch , Field , Xfinity 10g Network , Woho , Built N , Deion Sanders , Colorado , Colorado State , Season , Sports Action , Highlights , Ticket , Details , Big Saturday Night , College Football , Coy Wire , 1 , Hats , Press Conferences , Shades , Wins , Press Conference , , 11 , Glasses , Rivalry , Shade , Occasion , Rams Credit , Two Point Conversion , Touchdown , Overtime , Chador Ra Sanders , Eight , 45 , 28 , Score , Shot , Upset , Zone , Ball , Buffaloes , The End , Michael Harrison , 918 , Coach Prime , My Kid , Undefeated , Ohtani , W , Mba , Counts , Dodgers , Elbow , Surgery , Repair , West , Dominance ,

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