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They are all boston strong and we salute them. Im anderson cooper. Good night. I hope you were with us during the last hour and you were inspired as watching adrianne hasletdavis story. She is truly boston strong. One thing she wanted to get across to everyone watching is something her grandmother said to her as a kid it is okay to not be okay sometimes. But adrien is doing okay. And she has a long road ahead of her as do many of the survivors but we will root for her along the way. If you are just joining us, we expect a News Conference any moment from Australian Authorities on the search for flight 370. It is 11 00 a. M. In the search area. The newly refined and somewhat smaller search area. You see it in the red near the top of the screen. The gray is former search areas. The question right now is will it change yet again when Angus Houston, whos coordinating the search effort, steps to the make phone in perth. Will he make bigger news. We will find out shortly and we expect the Press Conference any moment now. You can you can see it live on the screen. They are preparing the podium and such. As we wait for him i want to go to aar erin mclaughlin. They refined the search area. What do we know about the search going on right now . Thats right, anderson. They managed to reduce the search area by some 1300 square miles, which believe it or not, is a relatively minor adjustment, compared to the adjustment they made on sunday when they reduced the search area to roughly a third of what it used to be. Still, were talking about some 33,000 square miles. A very, very large area, which is why authorities have been stressing that it is critical they get more information to be able to reduce it even further. As you said, it will be interesting to see if mr. Houston has any comments on that in the Press Conference that were expecting just minutes from now. When i last talked to authorities in our 8 00 hour, people involved in the search, they were saying they were going to give it many more days, perhaps more than a week of continuing to try to just focus on hearing anymore pings that might occur. The assets that are now being used in the search, do we know how many ships and planes are out there looking . Well, today, according to the joint Agency Coordination center, Press Statements this morning, there are some 15 planes and 14 aircraft out scouring those waters, but it has sob said in some 23 days of the operation we have had no reported findings of any kind of debris. As you mentioned, all eyes right now focused on the australian vessel, The Ocean Shield with the american ping locater on board scouring the waters in a ladderlike formation, trying to redetect that signal that gave so many people hope here on sunday. Again, it will be interesting to see if mr. Houston has any comments, any updates on that. The past few Press Conferences of this kind that we have experienced over the past few days there have been dramatic announcements. Anderson. Erin mclaughlin, we appreciate that. We will check in with erin and as i said if you are just joining us we are waiting to hear from authorities. We do not know what they will be announcing at this Press Conference. It is a little past 11 00 a. M. In australia and in the search area. Obviously the search is already underway. We dont know if there are new developments, though, beyond the refining the search area. We anticipate some sort of announcement being made. We will bring it to you live. We want to bring in our panel. Author of why planes crash, Investigator Fights for safe skies and doing calculations on the search. Boeing trip 777 captain and miles obrien, former Department Of Transportation Inspector who represents Accident Victims and their families. Richard, lets start with you. You were with me in the 8 00 hour. You heard from Captain Mark Math thi mathies from the u. S. Navy. He said the life of the pinger is 30 days and may go up to 45 days and may allow that much time to focus the search on trying to get another ping. Yes. Last night, Angus Houston said im just keeping an eye forgive me, im keeping an eye to see if he will stop me. He said they will go several more days. Heres Angus Houston. Okay. Good morning. Im accompanied by the same team as on previous occasions. Im pleased to be here to brief you today. Today i can report some further encouraging information regarding the search for missing flight mh370. On monday, i advised the Pinger Locater deployed by The Ocean Shield had detected signals consistent with those emitted by aircraft black boxes on two separate occasions. I can now tell you that ocean shield has been able to reacquire the signals on two more occasions. Like yesterday afternoon, and late last night perth time. The detection yesterday afternoon was held for approximately five minutes and 32 seconds. The detection late last night was held for approximately seven minutes. Ocean shield has now detected four transmissions in the same broad area. Yesterdays signals will assist in better defining a reduced and much more manageable search area on the ocean floor. I believe we are searching in the right area, but we need to visually identify Aircraft Wreckage before we can confirm with certainty that this is the final Resting Place of mh370. For the sake of the 239 families, this is absolutely imperative. Today The Ocean Shield is continuing the slow, pain staking and methodical work to refine the location around the four acoustic detections. We are not yet at the point of deploying the Autonomous Underwater Vehicle. The Better Ocean Shield can define the area the easier it will be for the Autonomous Underwater Vehicle to subsequently search for Aircraft Wreckage. It is important to note that ocean shield can search six times the amount of area with the towed Pinger Locater than can be done with the sonar on the autonomous underwater vehicle. Searching underwater is an extremely laborious task. So the more work we can do on the surface with the towed ping er locater to affix the position of the transmission the less work we will have to do below the surface, scouring the sea floor. Given the guaranteed shelf life hoe pinger batteries is 30 days and its now 33 days since the aircraft went missing its important that we gather as much information to fix the possible location of the aircraft while the pingers are still transmitting. In further promising information, we have received the results of the Data Analysis conducted on the signals detected by ocean shield on the first two occasions. This Data Analysis was conducted by the Australia Center based at albatross in new south wales. It is the Australian Defense forces center of excellence for acoustic analysis. The analysis determined that a very stable, distinct and clear signal was detected at 33. 331 kilohertz and that it consistently pulsed at a 1. 106 second interval. They, therefore, assess the transmission was not of natural origin and was likely sourced from specific electronic equipment. They believe the signals to be consistent with the specification and description of a Flight Data Recorder. Up to 11 military aircraft, four civil aircraft and up to 40 ships will assist in todays search. A modified apc3 will coordinate with ocean shield in conducting a sonar search in the same vicinity. Today a weak front is moving in from the southeast, and is expected to bring scattered showers. The Planned Search Area is about 75,000 square kilometers. You may have noticed the size of the search area has significantly reduced over the last couple of days. Based on ocean shields detections we are now searching a much more concentrated area based on The Drift Pred cases made possible by ocean shields detections. A smaller area has allowed much tighter Search Patterns based entirely on Visual Search principles. In other words, we have intensified our search in the Visual Search area. Just a bit of housekeeping, at my last Press Conference i said i could come back to you with the precise timing of when the signals were detected by The Ocean Shield. The first detection took place on saturday, the 5th of april at 4 45 p. M. Perth time. The Second Detection took place on saturday, the 5th of april at 9 27 p. M. Perth time. The third detection took place on tuesday the 8th of april at 4 27 p. M. Perth time. The fourth detection took place on tuesday, 8th of april at 10 17 p. M. Perth time. Im now happy to take your questions, but before i do that i would refer you to the diagram there which shows you where all of the detections were made. I would also highlight to you the Satellite Hand Shake Calculation number seven. That was the hand shake, which was a partial ping. Where the experts in kuala lumpur access the planes engines might have flamed out and its probably significant in terms of the end of power flight. What does your data show . Du it give you any indication of how far they have traveled . We have no idea at this stage. We are continuing the i have yul search, a intense Visual Search in the hope of picking something up because what we are dealing with with the Visual Search is an area of search which has been adapted consistent with the amount of Oceanic Drift that has been at play during the period. Okay. So thats the first point. The second point is, the only thing we have got at the moment in terms of this location here is the detection of the transmissions. We have no idea at this stage what is under the water. Of course, as soon as we finish the towed Pinger Locater work, hopefully we will get more transmissions to better refine the point on the ocean floor where the transmissions are emanating from. Once we have that, and theres probably no more hope of picking up anymore transmissions, we will put the Autonomous Underwater Vehicle down to have a look. Now, hopefully with a lot of transmissions, well have a tight, small area, and hopefully in a matter of days we will be able to find something on the bottom that might confirm that this is the last Resting Place of mh370. I stress and i cant stress enough the families have to be considered when you report on awl of this. Because they want a bit of certainty. We dont get certainty until we have a visual sighting of the wreckage. That will probably come with the work the Autonomous Vehicle does. The other thing about the bottom there, im informed by experts, that theres a lot of silt down there. That could complicate the search because the silt on the bottom of the ocean can be very thick and things disappear in to it and it makes a Visual Search underwater very difficult. On monday, you thought there was possibly two pingers. To you think you are dealing with two or one device at this point . Well, we have the evidence. The assessment was made that we thought there might be two pingers there. This has not been confirmed in further detections that we picked up. Now, whether thats because, you know one ping er has Run Out Of Battery Life and theres one running, or we just havent got close to it, i dont know. But the fact of the matter is we havent had any further evidence of two pingers going off in the same area or at the same time. Isnt it curious that two pingers, the frequency to be 3. 3 on both of them . Well, i wont get in to that because basically the analysis on that i dont think has revealed anything unusual. I might ask mr. Levy if he has any information on that. No. Okay. Do you plan to move more pinger locate canners in the area to cover more territory . No, we dont. Because as i have said previously, one of the important things about this sort of search is the need for complete, completely noiseless environment. Ocean shield is minimizing all of its systems and really the only thing that is operating are the two thrusters at the back of the vessel. Everything else is turned off. So that we have the best search environment possible. If you have other ships there, you would end up with a very noisy environment and you wouldnt get the sort of search that we have at the moment. I mean, we are looking at this stage for transmissions that are probably weaker than they would have been early on because the batteries of both devices are past their use by date, and they were very shortly found. I think we are very fortunate, in fact, to get some transmissions on day 33. Just one person. Is it possible you could release a section of the Audio Recording so we can hear it . Well look at that. I dont see why not. How many detections do you think The Ocean Shield needs to refine the location. You already have four detections and you say you need more detections to refine the location and second, do you have more information regarding the detection we received about the chinese ship and do you think it is a reliable one . In terms of ocean shield, the more detections we get, the better. The other thing that comes in to it is the quality of the transmission and the detection. What we are after is the best return that we can get. By triening a La Triangulating data we will come up with a more sharply defined, much smaller search area underwater. Bear in mind, that the time spent on the surface cover six times more area than any given time than we will be able to do when we go under water. With the batteries likely to fade or fail very shortly, we need to get as much positional data as we can so that we can define a very small search area. Bear in mind, with the air france disaster several years ago, it took them 20 days. They had a very good they thought they had a good fix and it took the underwater vehicle 20 days to get to the wreckage. Yes. [ inaudible ] is it worthwhile to send a manned submarine to have a look at whats down there . Have you considered that . Well, im not running the search. Weve got weve got the Australian Maritime Safety Authority running and coordinating the operational search. Of course the Defense Force providing a lot of the assets, along with many other nations. Theres a lot of Military Assets out there at the moment. Of course there is one submarine. I might just get Commodore Levy to comment on that particular aspect of your question. The short answer is, the utility of submarines has been evaluated and it was when we first started to commence the search. It you determined that they would not, the submarine would not be optimized for this particular search. What we do have today is Royal Australian aircraft p3 aircraft deploying in the field. That provides more sensors in the vicinity of ocean shield without having a ship there to proreduce the background noise. Some very good work that was only started after the mh370 aircraft was lost, very good work by the Australian Defense work, in particular the air force have modified the acoustic processor to pick up the 37. 5 kilohertz frequency. We expect anytime now the aircraft, the first aircraft, The Ocean Shield will coordinate to lay a sonar buoy. It is a Package Parachuted out of the aircraft, floats on the surface of the ocean and will deploy a hydrophone, 1,000 feet below the surface of the ocean and it has a radio that transmits the data back to the aircraft. Hp3 is capable of carrying 30 on each mission and that will provide a range of sensors, a number of sensors, 1,000 feet below the surface. The towed Pinger Locater is deeper than that. It provides a range of sensors 1,000 feet down. The other point i would make is the silt cover on the bottom as well as potentially hiding debris. Now we have an analysis that shows there is silt down there. That is an absorbing material. So we are at risk of a lot of the sound energy being absorbed by the silt rather than if it was a rock seabed. A lot of that would be reflected to the surface or towards the surface. The fact there is silt there also hindered to a certain extent the sound provocation. Have you analyzed the signal. [ inaudible ] i understand theres been no further detections in the area where the chinese vessel assisted by hms echo, which is an oceanographic vessel from the royal navy. I believe they havent made any further detections. In terms of the analysis of the signals that it picked up, ill come back to you on that. Im not sure where we are at with that. I havent had any advice that the analysis is complete at this stage. When you began this search and looking at the odds, the size of the ocean, the size of the search area, what do you think the chances are that you would make an announcement like this today . Well, i would say very quickly caution again what we are picking up is a great lead. We have to caution before we say this is the final Resting Place. Theres still a ways to go. If you asked me when i arrived last sunday night, i would have been probably more pessimistic than i am now. Im now optimistic we will find the aircraft, or what is left of the aircraft in the not too distant future, but we havent found it yet because this is a very challenging business. Were relying on transmissions that have come and gone. I just like to have that hard evidence, a Photograph Evidence that theres pieces of aircraft down there to know that actually this is the final Resting Place of mh370. Based on this diagram, will you can see the scale on the bottom. The scale on the bottom is on the left at 01020 kilometers. You can see it is a relatively small area. Again, i narrowed it down to 25 kilometers. Im confident that we have an area there which provides a promising area to exploit. Note the satellite hand shake calculation and ping seven. Thats another source of evidence. So i think that were looking in the right area. But im not prepared to say, to confirm anything until such time as somebody lays eyes on the wreckage. Are you being cautious for the families and the sake of precision, but we are looking at a case where we have frequencies, which are consistent with a black box. Thats been verified by the black box. By acoustic analysis. They have been consistent, they have been sustain td and they are where the science suggests the plane is. Yep. Can you give a percentage, without holding you to it, 80 , 90 . I understand you have to express caution but how confident are you . I have confidence were in the right area. But im not going to give the final confirmation until somebody has seen wreckage. Okay. Im not prepared to go this percentage or that percentage. You said you were to wait to get more transitions from ocean shield. For how many days do you want to keep the Pinger Locater working . The reason we want to do that is that theres no second chances. It looks like the signals we have picked up recently have been much weaker than the original signals we picked up. The batteries are starting to fade and as a consequence the signal is becoming weaker. We need to, as we say in australia, make hay while the sun shines. We need to get all of the data we can. By getting more data, we will be able to compress this area in to a much smaller area where we do the very difficult and challenging search with the Autonomous Underwater Vehicle. Bear in mind, we heard about the silt. The silt on the bottom will complicate that search. Sometimes silt can be, you know, tens of meters thick. Its a very difficult environment. So, you know, the more effort we put in to location of where the transmission is coming from, the more certainty we will have that we will find something on the bottom of the ocean. What are they doing in the search area . What we are doing, we are not putting all of our eggs in one basket. We are continuing with all of the activities. We are continuing to look where 01 is and we are also doing a much more intense Visual Search. Where the track spacing f you understand that. What an aircraft does. Its assigned to an area to search and then it will design a pattern with small spacing and it will cover the area very extensively and very intensively. Thats what is happening now. Thats what is happening in the wreckage in the area here would have moved with the ocean drift, the currents and waves and so on we are now searching the area where after 33 days the scientists, the analysts assess where the wreckage might be now. We hope we will ools also find something on the surface of the ocean that confirms that the aircraft basically entered the water at this location. Submarin limitation in how deep they can dive. Thats a classified area. All nations they dont declare how deep their submarines can go. The environment down here is around, we said previously 4500 meters. So what were talking about, specialists underwater, Autonomous Vehicles and specialists other vehicles that could be used for recovery. So this is the domain in which you use those sorts of vehicles. So from here we will be looking further downstream for other vehicles that might be able to operate in the environment, if we find, if we find obviously the aircraft. Mr. Houston sorry. Just one at a time. You first and then you. The difference between the points on the map is about 25 meters maximum. In the class we were told it could only pick up sounds a mile away from the black box. Are you reassessing of how the Sounds Travel Underwater at this point because you are detecting things that are much further apart. Again, you heard the commodore say the bottom is a silt bottom. That absorbs sound. Funny things happen depending on temperature, Temperature Layer answer so on and so forth. The characteristics of the water, the characteristics of the ocean floor all come in to play here. The other thing is that in terms of this area The Ocean Shield went there on the 5th of april. It is pulling the towed Pinger Locater since then. Thats four or five days. It has searched that area continuously through that period of time. This is what we picked up at the moment. Youll note that the most recent detections are all down in the southern part of the area. On tuesday, the two signal were acquired. Okay. It was around 1,000 matters above the seabed, 3,500 deployed. Is that experts say that is consistent with what happened [ inaudible ] it is quite possible that theres currents down there which could have disturbed the debre and also as it was falling from the surface it would have dispersed over a large area, as well. It has been said we know more about the surface of the moon than the seabed of the ocean floor. Thats probably right. We dont have accurate sampling of the currents in that particular area. The indication we have that silt is on the seabed is taken from samples taken some years ago and 130 miles away from the current position. They are in a database that we can access but gives an understanding of how little topography we have of the seabed. The concept of Water Movements an flows down there is one we have to take in to account. The families must take encouragement from what you have announced today. But as you said that confirmation must be visual from the autonomous sub. When is your understanding of when the sub could go down . Do you have a time frame in mind, five to ten, 20 days. You mean the Autonomous Underwater Vehicle . Yes. We will send it down when we have exhaust ed the possibilities in terms of the surface search. This is a personal opinion. I dont think that time is very far away at all because i think the last signal we got was a very weak signal. If we continue to get signals, though, we will continue to search. For the simple reason that the underwater vehicle it operates at walking pace. Okay. It has a relatively narrow swath and it takes days and days and days to cover even an area like this. In fact, this area you see here would take it wed be talking in terms of weeks, not just days. So the more time we spend getting the locational data the better off we will be when we come to the underwater search. Remember what i said in my brief. Essentially, it takes six times longer to cover the same area with the Underwater Submersible as it does with towed pinger on the surface. How long will you wait from the last ping you receive, or the last signal you receive, which as you said you last night, if you hear nothing more how many hours or days will you wait before deploying the Autonomous Vehicle . Well with, i think those judgments have yet to be made. This is a very dynamic process. Judgments are made on the basis of a lot of factors. And clearly we are not at that point yet. I cant give you any information at this time. I would imagine, though, its not far away before we deploy something to go down and have a look. Today . [ inaudible ] none of the debris we with found, thus far, has had a connection to mh370. But we are now in a search area, and we are working very intensely and we are hopeful, we are hopeful that we might find something that has a connection to the aircraft. So well just have to wait and see how that goes. If we find anything of significance, well obviously let the media know. Have you already been over that before in a broader pattern . I think we have probably been over on a broader pattern, but we havent done it the way we are doing it now. You may remember over the last week we have been covering areas of 220,000 kilometers, areas the size of island or one of the largest provinces in china. Were now sending the same number of aircraft out to a search area which is much smaller. Consequently we can do a much more intense, thorough search, Visual Search. Before we were doing, if you like, an all sensortype search, using radar and eyes, but what we are focus canned on right now is a i have yul search. Visual range. I think the the range is two miles an i think that is Visual Search 101. We are searching 75,000 square kilometer cans. We keep going from nautical miles to kilometers. Given the debris that was previous you believe has nothing to do with mh370. Is there any chance the frequencies have nothing to do with the Transmission Devices you were looking for . You said they match up to the frequencies and you dont believe them to be anything natural but could they be something unrelated . We think well, we have had the analysis done. Its nothing natural. It comes from a manmade device. And its consistent with the locater on a black box. Thats why we are more confident than we were before, but we have to lay eyes on it. One more question we are working. Thats one of my roles to coordinate that. This week is very busy in perth because theres a big conference. That is true right now. We have thousands of people here at the moment. Thousands of visitors. From the end of this week, we will have adequate accommodation to cater to the families and we will be keeping a very close eye on that. We are working very closely with the Chinese Ambassador and his staff, the malaysian High Commissioner and hi staff, Malaysian Airlines and the west australian government, the City Of Perth and the city of free mantle to ensure that we can do Everything Possible to ensure the families are looked after and taken care of when they come to australia. We want them to we know its a very sad time for them. But when they come, they will be looked after. We are very know cussed on that. And i must say the west australian government, the federal government both see this as a very, very high priority. Thank you very much. Thank you. Perhaps the most significant information we have heard in a very long time. Air chief marshall Angus Houston saying a number of important things. He described the new confirmation of pings as a great lead. He said heed quote now optimistic we will find whats left of the aircraft in the not too distant future. Hes not confirming the aircraft has been found, but they have the sounds they have now heard again are consistent with Flight Data Recorders. He says, quote, they are stable, distinct, clear signals that have been detected. The transmission is not of natural origin, which eliminates that it could be a whale or something natural on the seabed. They said it is a silty bottom of the ocean here in this area which has been complicating the sound, the transmission of sound. This is truly a significant evening. We are back with our panel. He didnt say they found the plane without saying it. It is as close as he will say without physical evidence. When he says im optimistic we will find the aircraft in the not too distant future. I believe were searching in the right area, not of natural origin, electrical equipment, equipment with an being a military man hes not going to go that final step until he has physical evidence. This is pretty much telling us hes got it. I agree. When the families are in consideration and thats what he is considering you cant give anything other than facts. They are handling this like a professional investigation now opposed to earlier on when announcements were coming out all over the place. This guy knows what he is doing and taking control of the investigation and being considerate of the families and very well done. The fact that new pings were heard is clearly a huge, huge step forward. I you confident they were going to reacquire it. I kept that to to myself. You could see the marshall had a more relaxed demeanor than i have seen him before. That would be confidence as far as im concerned. The interesting thing, earlier in his conversation, he indicated not only did they have the pings from the Flight Data Recorder opposed to the cockpit voice recorder. Interesting. Mary . Same thing. I think that Angus Houston and the team there, they certainly expressed that they thought they had the pingers, they had the black box, they had the right site. It was all right there. They didnt put the crowning achievement on it. They didnt say we have the plane but i think everybody reads Between The Lines that they are saying that and so very important. I concur that they should use those black boxes and pingers, as long as they last. They might be in their final dying pulses, but it would simplify the length of the search because this is the first step in a long process. Miles obrien, Angus Houston also saying the Autonomous Underwater Vehicles will not be sent down until they have exhausted all possibilities in the search on the surface both for debris on the surface and for the pingers. Houston also said that he did not anticipate that would be very far off. Because of the weakening what he believes is the weakening of the signal that they are likely to go to those Autonomous Underwater Vehicles relatively shortly. I think as the confident dense grows that this is grows that this is the location and more returns from the pingers, you can say with certainty when you stop hearing them what happened. Wheres we didnt know if it you a fluke before or not. With four or five and if we get to six and seven and they get less and less you can say with certainty the batteries are died. Lets get the auv in the water and get busy with that. Im flabbergasted, not a single shred of debris has been found and they are on the pingers quite evidently. Id like to know what assets in the nonpublic realm, The Secret Realm were used to pinpoint this location. This cant be just luck. Do you believe theres more information they are not giving out . I think they have a higher level of credibility on the information. I think they have one level deeper. They have got the experts who know this backwards basically. This is my supposition, but the experts are saying this is it but hes the last level of caution. You dont come out and do a Press Conference and make the sort of comments you quoted it, anderson. We will find the aircraft in the not too distant future. They know where that plane is now. David gallo, you coled the search for air France Flight 447. So much has been made that it took two years to get the black box up but as you and i have talked the last several weeks a lot of time was eaten up by red tape, getting approvals to get to the site. Once you are out there and have an idea where the wreckage is, i mean, when you look at the conditions under the water even with the silt, how confident are you they will be able to find the black boxes and in a relatively short order . Im confident they can find the black boxes. I have no doubt about that. Im not saying it is easy. Thats a fairly tricky topographic area, on the north side of an Undersea Plateau that is about two miles high off the sea floor and the north side might have canyons, gullies and all sorts of stuff. It wont be easy but can still help on a survey. Last thing you want are boulder and rocks scattered around on the sea floor. If silt is covering the sea floor it may help the sonar source. If you are just joining us a significant Press Conference from Angus Houston. Coming as close as possible to saying they have, with a lot of confidence very close to finding this aircraft underneath the water. They said they will not confirm anything until they have a visual on wreckage. They obviously want to continue to search for debris, as well, on the surface of the water. None of which they have found thus far. They point out again, this is the significant part. The transmissions they have heard are not of natural origin. They are consistent with they are from man made objects and consistent with the Flight Data Recorders. A lot more to talk about. Well be right back. Aflac. Aflac, aflac, aflac [ both sigh ] ugh you told me he was good, dude. Yeah he stinks at golf. But he was great at getting my claim paid fast. How fast . Mine got paid in 4 days. Wow. Thats awesome. Is that legal . Big fat no. [ male announcer ] find out how fast aflac can pay you at aflac. Com. [ male announcer ] find out how fast aflac can pay you and well be here at lifelock doing our thing you do your shop from anywhere thing, offering protection that simple Credit Score Monitoring cant. 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One Phillips Colon Health probiotic cap each day helps defend against these digestive issues with three types of good bacteria. I should probably take this. Live the regular life. Phillips. Good evening, everyone. Major development in the flight 370 investigation. Today i can report further encouraging information regarding the search for missing flight mh370. On monday, ied a vied the towed Pinger Locater deployed by The Ocean Shield had detected signals consistent with those emitted by aircraft black boxes on two separate occasions. I can now tell you that ocean shield has been able to reacquire the signals on two more occasions. Late yesterday afternoon and late last night perth time. Confirming based on their analysis that those are not of natural origin, the sounds are not of natural origin. They are consistent with a Flight Data Recorder. A great lead Angus Houston has called it. He said he is optimistic we will find what is left of the aircraft in the not too distant fuchlt saying a week ago he was not that optimistic but now he is saying this is a great lead. I believe we have searching in the right area, he went on to say a short time ago. I want to bring back our panel. David gallo, Angus Houston is saying now its just probably not far off before they actually deploy the Autonomous Underwater Vehicle to go down once they have exhausted the possibilities of finding more sound on the surface of the water. How will that work . What is that process . Can you tell us . Well, they are going to have to well, you have to retrieve the ppl on the end of the cable and then launch and recover using a crane. A torpedoshaped object and means setting up a navigational grid on the bottom but a you cant use gps. The rhythm of the ship will change to the opsec to allow them to launch and recover the vehicle. So a totally different ball game for the vessel. How does the Autonomous Vehicle work . Is it like mowing the lawn, it just goes along a grid back and forth . Yeah. They will tell it what grid they want it to run and then they will launch it off. It will go to the bottom and take an hour or two to get down to the bottom and then it will start to move along its path. Every time it runs from north to south, the next time it comes back, it will move over 100 yards or Something Like that and come back on the next track. Like cutting the grass, you want to overlap every path so you dont miss any spots. Is it sending imagery back in realtime . Sadly, no. Thats world of sonar discover what sort of data is it . It is images . Is it sonar . What is it . It is images made with sound and like an ultrasound looking at a babys ultrasound. It is made with sound on the sea floor. Anything on or above the sea floor that contrasts with the background will show up on that. A lot of this will depend not just on the technology but on the operators of the system. If you have a very good Sonar Operator they will be able to pick out something natural against something man made against natural background, like this is a plane against a land slope. They talked in the Press Conference about the silt on the Sea Floor Kauing a problem in terms of the transmission of problem. Would this Cause Problem in terms of getting sonar images. Nothing sonar discovergraph. Any kind of coding, Volcanic Rock is tough, reflectings sound easily. It iscy to get lost in the rubble. A little sediment would be good. I dont think it will affect the sound much at all. Everyone stay with us. We want the take another break. We will return at the top of the hour. If you missed the Press Conference we will replay the key moments for you. Live coverage in the search for flight 370 continues after this. 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