Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Ana Cabrera 20240708 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Ana Cabrera 20240708

it may have paid off for the biden administration. the white house was bracing for a brutal economic report today. you heard them even preparing you, the viewer, on the air multiple days this week. the president's planned rebuttal this morning turned into a victory lap. >> i want to speak to you this morning about an extraordinary resilience and grit of the american people. and american capitalism. our country is taking everything that covid has to throw at us and we've come back stronger. i'm pleased to report this morning, and many of you already know, that america's job machine is going stronger than ever. building a strong recovery and opportunity for hard working women and men all across this great country. america is back to work. >> and with hiring up and wages up, even as millions were out of work because of omicron, you may be wondering why is the market mixed right now? and that's because today's report provided more clues that inflation isn't cooling off. so wall street is a little skiddish about looming action from the fed. let's discuss with business journalist mark stewart. mark, good to see you. starting with the jobs report, how did forecasters get this so wrong? and what is your bigger takeaway here? >> hey, it's really good to be here. i asked that very question to economist this morning. he called it the $1 million question. and i think the simple explanation is this. it is very difficult to gather economic data in realtime. we have to keep in mind people have been moving around during the pandemic. every single day is uncharted. and some of the methods to collect and analyze data from the past may not be working so well in this current state of the pandemic. but indeed there are some important takeaways. first of all, the job growth. it shows that during something as challenging as the omicron variant, we can be nimble and we can thrive and we can hire people. yet at the same time, it also shows that omicron is a threat to contend with because people worked fewer hours per week. perhaps they were staying at home because they were sick, they were quarantined or they were taking care of others. and one final point, ana, despite this good news, big companies, small businesses are still having a very tough time hiring people. things are improving, but there's still a lot of disparity. in fact, if you look at the most recent data dump, as they say, women and black workers saw little or no change in the jobless rate compared to the month before. so as far as some watershed moment, improvement, don't count on that just yet. >> does today's report give us any better indication of where inflation is headed? we know gas prices are back to $3.42 a gallon, matching the seven-year record high we saw last fall. what should we expect? >> well, i just was at an economic briefing last week, and a lot of economists feel that inflation is going to be part of our lives for the next 11 months. but as far as that gas question is concerned, it's very relevant. we're all thinking about summer vacation. i checked in with aaa this morning and they feel that because omicron is subsiding and eventually people are going to want to hit the road again, gas prices likely will remain elevated because the sheer fact that there is so much demand. we should also keep in mind as to what's happening around the world. right now the tension between ukraine and russia. russia is a big stakeholder. a big player in opec. if russia isn't so happy with sanctions or potential sanctions, it can have a say in oil output and if output is reduced, we're all going to pay more at the pump. >> i also want to ask you about the company formerly known as facebook, meta just took a major hit losing nearly $240 billion in market valuation yesterday. that's more than starbucks, boeing and domino's pizza are worth combined. so is this a one-off or does this spell trouble for meta and mark zuckerberg? >> no, it's certainly jaw dropping. i think the thing we have to remember about tech sector is that it's extremely fickle. there are new products, new entrants all the time. not to mention this constant threat of regulation from the government. i think the thing to keep in mind is this. when investors hear on an earnings call that there is perhaps some concern about the future, about the outlook, they may want to pull back. and that's what happened yesterday. but facebook or meta is not necessarily alone. when peloton, when netflix indicated that it's seeing a decline in subscriber base and has some hesitation about the future, it, too, saw its stock decline and saw a bit of a sell-off. obviously, facebook/meta is a big name and when something like this happens, it draws a lot of headlines. but remember, over the past 24-plus months of the pandemic, we have seen tremendous swings in the tech sector. so i think at this point, it's part in line as to what's been happening. i wouldn't write off mark zuckerberg and facebook at least just yet, ana. >> marc stewart, thank you so much. >> take care. let the games begin. this morning's opening ceremony officially kicks off the winter olympics in beijing and the traditional glitz and sparkle all there under the cloud, though, of a covid lockdown and diplomatic boycotts by the u.s. and other countries as well. but chinese president xi jinping was very happy to welcome a special guest today. russian leader vladimir putin. and together they issued a call for nato to halt further expansion. their unified demand adds to the international fears that russia will invade ukraine with its troops still amassed at the border. let's the olympics and cnn's salina wang is there with a closer look. >> reporter: the beijing winter olympics have officially kicked off with the opening ceremony. it was a visually stunning spectacle with the use of elaborate technology but a simpler more subdued than the 2008 ceremony. 3,000 performers this time around versus 15,000 back then because in 2008 there was this immense pressure on china to pull off this extravagant ceremony to cement china's role as an emerging global superpower. this time around, china is not trying to prove anything to the world. it is a more confident nation and, in fact, this opening ceremony was a moment for beijing to show off a wealthy and powerful china and one that's under xi jinping more authoritarian and increasingly at odds with the west. that is as the united states, as well as some of its allies, the uk, australia and canada, are staging a diplomatic boycott of the olympics. as a statement against allegations of genocide in china's xinjiang region, allegations that china strongly de denies. a big contrast to 2008 when george w. bush was in the stands, shoulder to shoulder to chinese leaders. this time around, a very different guest of honor. vladimir putin. along with putin, there were other autocratic and strongman leaders, including saudi crown prince mohammad bin salman, leaders of egypt, turkmenistan, china surrounding itself with a very different set of friends. salina wang in beijing. president putin never left the sidelines. but he very much had a starring role after meeting with chinese president xi jinping. they not only announced their united opposition to nato expanse dwron but said they're deepening strategic partnership has, quote, no limits. joining us to discuss, robin wright, columnist for the new yorker and distinguished fellow at the woodrow wilson sister and retired lieutenant general mark hertling. always great to talk to both of you. you know this realm so well. robin, what do you make of this show of unity by putin and xi? does a putin/xi partnership pose a big threat to the u.s.? >> it does. for 30 years since the end of the cold war, the world has witnessed a kind of tri-polar world where you had russia, china and the united states. to different degrees, dominating the international landscape. now you find in this sweeping 5,000-word statement, china and russia led by the two most powerful influential autocrats in the world backing each other up, not just on the immediate issues of pushing back against nato expansion in europe or the one china policy that would basically endorse china's absorption of taiwan, this deals with a myriad of issues of the future. it deals with security of nations. it deals with spheres of influence. the political model for the future. very pointedly said there is no one model that works for the world when it comes to democracy. there was a lot of hypocritical language in terms of democracy and recommend rights and so forth but this was a profound signal to the united states specifically, to the west in general and to the idea of democracy broadly that these two nations are going to team up. now it's an unnatural alliance in many ways. but they can wreak havoc if they really push forward on this agenda. >> just a quick follow on that because china seems to be a much bigger world power than russia, right? and one would think putin needs xi more than the other way around. and so when you look at the immediate threat and the situation at the ukrainian and russian border, would putin dare launch an invasion during the olympics and risk taking the spotlight away from china? >> no, and the pattern of the past actually in 2008 and 2014 it was that putin waited until after the olympics. so i think everyone is looking at those dates afterwards. i mean, putin needs xi more than xi needs putin right now and i think down the road. but they are in some ways because of their kind of autocratic approach to government, their hunger for power and their quest to be life-long leaders, they have much in common. >> general hertling, putin and xi released this joint statement saying they both oppose the expansion of nato. why is the nato alliance such a threat to them? >> yeah, finish off that statement, though, ana, because robin is spot on. she gave the gross generalization of the entire document but you started with the first line. i have the rest of it. the parties oppose to further expansion of nato call on the north atlantic alliance to abandon their idea lodgeal approach to the cold war, respect the sovereignty, security and interest of other countries, the diversity of their civilizational and cultural historical patterns and treat the peaceful development of other states objectively and fairly. xi and putin saying that where one is holding an olympics, where he is being boycotted by at least seven countries, diplomatally because of his treatment of the uighurs, and putin on the verge of attempting to bully and influence and potentially even invade again ukraine. so you talk about the hypocrisy of those two things. i'd also like to comment on what robin said because i think she's spot on. when she said they have each other's back, that's probably the best way to view their relationship. it isn't a partnership, a side by side partnership. i would almost say that they're back-to-back looking at different opportunities around the world to expand their horizons and their territory. both of them have stated that they want to expand their own countries. china and taiwan in the south china seas to some of the islands. putin saying he wants to go back to the old cold war with nations in his security sphere. so it just really is interesting from that standpoint. one of the things i comment on, i had a chance to spend a couple of weeks in china when i was still in the military and talked to their war college students and some of their soldiers. in 1998, they had a 20-year plan, and at the time, when i saw that plan, i kind of said, whoo, being a bit ambitious. but truthly in the last 20 years they've hit every marker in terms of expanding not only their economy and the military. but china is a force to be reckoned with. putin, not so much. >> that's scarey to think about looking back 20 years ago to see where they have -- or haven't met their benchmarks and know they've been meeting them. robin, the biden administration says that they have intel to suggest that russians are plotting a false-flag operation with fake graphic videos made to look like ukrainians launched a bloody attack against russians and that would be the pretext for russia to invade ukraine. the administration was pressed to provide evidence. take a listen. >> this is derived from information known to the u.s. government. intelligence information that we have declassified. i think you -- >> okay, well, where is it? where is this information? >> it is intelligence information that we have declassified. >> well, where is it? >> where's the declassified information. >> i just delivered it. >> no, you made a series of allegations and -- >> would you like us to print out the -- you'll see a transcript of this briefing that you can print out for yourself. >> that's not evidence. that's you saying it. i'm sorry. >> robin, you can understand there are national security risks involved in laying all the cards on the table, but is it important that the administration show some evidence? >> well, the united states has a very rocky record when it comes to making claims about nations' intentions. we saw that over the issue of weapons of mass destruction made to justify the war in iraq. so i think there will be a lot of questions. the problem now is how does the united states deal with putin's plan when putin makes a series of allegations. no, he has no intention of going into ukraine and so forth and yet militarily, he continues day by day to deploy more forces, more war planes, more tanks and so i think the united states is trying to invoke intelligence. so there will be natural skepticism. the problem is how does the united states counter it and put russia on notice that we understand what they're doing or we understand how they're gaming this crisis. it's, you know, it's kind of a no-win position for the united states right now. but there aren't many options, and they will be held to account if it's proven yet again the united states actually didn't have the intelligence or that's not what russia was planning. >> have to leave it there today. robin wright and mark hertling, good to see you both. this just in to cnn, the republican national committee has voted to punish two of their own for investigating the january 6th insurrection. what this means for representative liz cheney and a adam kinzinger. that's ahead. plus, the father and son duo convicted in the killing of ahmaud arbery now set to go on federal trial for federal hate crimes after officially withdrawing their guilty pleas just this morning. and the cdc just unveiled a new weapon in tracking the pandemic. human waste. we'll explain. what if you could have the perspective to see more? 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>> well, they couldn't, you know, they probably couldn't have gotten something stronger through. they did it on a voice vote so they could sort of say it was unanimous. but let me just read you one sentence. the first sentence of this resolution, whereas the primary mission of the republican party is to elect republicans who support the united states constitution and share our values. and then it goes on about censuring these two people. what are these two people doing? supporting the constitution? what's their crime? trying to figure out exactly what occurred on january 6th. and i will say that mitt romney is not alone. we just saw a tweet from larry hogan, mitch mcconnell's trying to get him to run for senate. he's the republican governor of maryland who said it's a sad day for my party and the country when you're punished just for expressing your beliefs, standing on principle and refusing to tell blatant lies. so i doubt that it was unanimous in that room. but it is proof that the republican national committee is a wholly owned subsidiary of donald trump and they will go on to endorse liz cheney's opponent in a primary which is pretty much unheard of. and that's what these two are up against. >> and yet, norm, we know liz cheney and adam kinzinger will not be intimidated and will not back down. they are moving forward with the work of the committee and we've learned this committee interviewed jeffrey clark. he's the former doj official who pushed the election reversal scheme and we're told he pleaded the fifth over 100 times. but one committee member tells us they might have a way to make him talk. listen. >> one of the options the committee needs to look at is whether we provide use immunity to mr. clark. what that means is that the testimony you give to the committee could not be used in the criminal case. if the justice department finds out about it some other way, they're not precluded from proceeding. >> norm, do you think it's worth offering immunity to clark or anyone else? >> i do think that statutory immunity should be considered so we can get to the truth of what mr. clark has to say as one of the inside lawyers, perhaps the leading one inside the government pushing for the overthrow of a legitimate election. ana, the reason that this statutory provision exists, most necessary when somebody asserts the fifth amendment and clark does have a legitimate reason to be concerned about prosecution because there is evidence of a possible conspiracy to obstruct congress, possible state charges, as well of soliciting election fraud that he may or may not have been a part of. we'll have to see how that dwps. but it is important to get the truth from him and this approach where congress authorizes and then a court grants an order of use immunity, it can be used is for that purpose. remember, they do have to keep it close or it can taint any possible prosecution of clark outside of congress. that's what happened with ollie north, most famously. so, yes, i think it should be considered. >> and gloria, several aides to former vice president mike pence have been talking to the committee, but we're learning they're not answering questions about direct conversations with trump. is this about executive privilege, do you think, or is there a political calculation involved? >> i think it's probably about both. i think that they made it very clear to donald trump's attorneys that if the attorneys thought certain conversations were privileged, then they would honor that. and i think that's the way they approached it. when they were interviewed by the committee. but i was told the interviews were not contentious. so what this means to me is that the committee lawyers knew this was going to be an issue and found ways to get around it or to not ask certain questions that they knew would be privileged or asked them in a different way. and so i don't think there were a lot of arguments about it. they testified for hours. and so they were able to give their information without seeming to be in conflict with the former president. >> but it just seems like thn the former president is protected whether he should be or not, norm. what actually happens if you are under oath and you disclose something that may be covered by executive privilege? >> well, it may constitute a waiver of the privilege if you do that, but, ana, i think it's important that, you know, there's a saying, witnesses can sometimes lie. documents don't. and this is why the committee went all the way to the supreme court in an extremely rapid fashion, just over three months, to get those 700-plus trump administration documents because even if these witnesses are refusing to talk, those documents will do the talking for them. the whole executive privilege argument is bologna here, as the supreme court found, there's no real basis for them not to do this, but unfortunately, no time to litigate it. >> and the committee is having serious discussions now about whether they will issue subpoenas for specifically fellow lawmakers who aren't voluntarily cooperating. the chairman of the committee saying it may come down to respect for the institution. gloria, why the reluctance to take that step? fear of gop retribution after the midterms? isn't that the assumption republicans will do that anyway? >> it could -- you know, it could be, and there's a lot of discussion inside the committee and there is an agreement on it. i think that when you issue a subpoena to a fellow member of congress, and by the way, they're perfectly allowed to do that, you have to be ready to follow up on it. so if you issue a subpoena to say they were to issue a subpoena to jim jordan, and he doesn't want to cooperate, his initial letter to them didn't make it seem like he was really excited about going before the committee. so say he doesn't cooperate. do you hold him in contempt of congress then? so, you know, you have to be willing to take this all the way down the road. and that could really gum up the works. it could set a precedent that perhaps they don't want, as you pointed out. so it's a very complex matter for them. and i don't think they've sort of gotten to a point where they can say, yes, we're going to do this for one or all of these people. >> gloria borger and norm eisen, thank you both. minneapolis police are under scrutiny once again after a no-knock search warrant led to a black man's death. details next. isn't that right limu? limu? sorry, one sec. doug blows a whistle. 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>> that's right, ana. he was not named in the warrant and his family attorneys say that he was not the target of this homicide investigation. we're also hearing from the parents of amir locke for the first time. to take you back to why this was happening. the minneapolis police department says they were executing a warrant for a homicide investigation tied to nearby st. paul, minnesota. as i mentioned, locke's name was not mentioned on any part of the search warrant, according to the minneapolis police department, but regardless, these officers pushed into this apartment, executing this warrant. locke appeared to be woken up as he is seen wrapped in blankets. then as he tries to get up, a gun is seen. that's when those shots were fired. police say that gun was pointed at the shooting officer, but based on the videos and image provided, we haven't been able to independently confirm that. bottom line, the parents have to watch that same video and had to see their own son get shot. >> as his mother, i will make sure that as long as i'm on this side of this world, i am going to fight every day throughout the day, 365 days, to make sure that amir ricari locke gets justice for being executed by the mpd. my son didn't deserve it. the rest of the black males in this city and across this nation didn't deserve it. >> reasonable law-abiding citizen would do, white or black. >> now the attorneys, along with the parents said locke was a lawful gun owner. we also heard from the attorneys that to the best of their knowledge, the police were acting on a warrant for a seizure of property, not necessarily a person, but we haven't seen the exact warrant ourselves. >> omar jimenez, thank you for your reporting. let me take you to georgia. the father and son convicted on state charges of killing black jogger ahmaud arbery will stand trial on federal hate crime charges. at a hearing just a short time ago, travis mcmichael indicated he has changed his mind and he will not plead guilty to the federal charges after a judge rejected the deal with federal prosecutors. his father gregory mcmichael also withdrew his plea agreement. cnn national correspondent ryan young is outside the federal courthouse in brunswick, georgia, with details. ryan, walk us through today's proceedings and what happens next. >> ana, something that stands out if you listen to the pain in the story omar did, think about the pain the family here had almost 700 days ago. i remember wanda cooper jones basically saying she would not stop until the killers of her son were brought to justice. in the state case, that happened. the jury found the three men guilty. now there's this federal court case. i'm not sure how we move forward on monday because there's jury selection but everyone in this community knows there was a plea deal that the judge basically rejected. that plea deal was pulled back but at one point -- they pulled those pleas back. and ahmaud arbery's father spoke about wanting justice for his son. >> i just got one word to say. all we want is 100% justice to the arbery family. that's all we're looking for. god be the glory. >> so you think about this, ana. this court case will start on monday with jury selection. the last time jury selection was tough here. i talked to the community members before court today. they were telling me they were so happy with the way court moved forward the first time and how this community came together to see justice served. this will happen again as community leaders are going out to the community to make sure they understand how this entire process works once again. also because it's federal court, there's no video from this case and that's why people are wanting to know if there's going to be any sort of transparency as this case moves forward. ana? >> ryan young in brunswick, georgia, thank you. a new weapon in the fight against the pandemic and you may be flushing it down the toilet. we'll explain, next. to new patients without insurance - everyday. plus, patients get 20% off their treatment plan. we're on your corner and in your corner every step of the way. because your anything is our everything. aspen dental. anything to make you smile. book today at, walk in, or call 1-800-aspendental. well, well, well. look at you. you mastered the master bath. you created your own style. and you - yes, you! turned a sourdough starter into a sourdough finisher. so when you learn your chronic dry eye is actually caused by reduced tear production due to inflammation you take it on, by talking to your eyecare professional about restasis®... which may help you make more of your own tears with continued use twice a day, every day. restasis® helps increase your eye's natural ability to produce tears, which may be reduced by inflammation due to chronic dry eye. restasis® did not increase tear production in patients using anti-inflammatory eye drops or tear duct plugs. to help avoid eye injury and contamination, do not touch bottle tip to your eye or other surfaces. wait 15 minutes after use before inserting contact lenses. the most common side effect is a temporary burning sensation. ask your eye care professional about restasis®. now to trick out these lights. visit to learn more. ♪ (doorbell ringing) (bustling office sounds) - [announcer] eggzilaration, when the cheesiest guilty pleasure breakfast sandwich starts your day on just the right note. on time, lowest price, or we'll make it right. 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>> well, thank you for having me on. this is really an important moment. as early as may or june of 2020, we had very early suggestive evidence that not only could you detect covid in wastewater, in sewage, but it predicted and preceded by 4 to 6 days a rise of cases in emergency rooms and hospitals in the community. so as you said, we did start in the trump administration. i convened the first federal working group in july. i started the national surveillance system at cdc in september and funded it for $50 million in november of that year. so it's great to see this up and running. and just think how important this is, ana, because as hopefully covid goes down and we get to a lower endemic level, we can now monitor and predict what parts of the country, what parts of communities may have rises in cases. so that's where we can surge things like mask wearing and testing and all the other mitigation efforts, as well as oral antiviral medications. this is an important moment and i'm pleased the cdc did this. >> this, obviously, doesn't require people to report positive tests. so could the data be more accurate, do you think? >> well, it's going to be a better, broader view, right, because we can look at square miles of communities or whole communities and you don't have to do tests to report them. it's really three. it's right there in the sewage. we can't track that to an individual person, so you don't have to worry about that. but it will give us an idea what's going into the community which is incredibly powerful. in the other applications we talked about is, for example, large areas where there are nursing homes or assisted living facilities or even college campuses where we're very concerned about the rise and fall of the disease. you can do that simply by a sewage sample. and in the future, we really got interested because not only could you do that, but you could track things like hepatitis c outbreaks. you could detect antimicrobial resistance, frankenstein bugs, and even look if there's a spike in opioid use or methamphetamine or dangerous drugs in the community and surge public health. it's a very exciting moment and it's going to be the future. it's going to be an important tool in the future for public health. >> it does sound promising. let's talk about our current testing methods. cases are dropping significantly, thank goodness, but covid deaths are still high. averaging more than 2,400 new covid deaths every day here in the u.s. and the latest cdc data shows unvaccinated people are 97 times more likely to die of covid than people who are vaccinated and boosted. yet there is a lag in people getting boosted. so if you look at those eligible, again, these are people who initially got vaccinated. only half have gotten that booster shot. admiral, how concerning is that? >> well, we certainly urge everyone to get vaccinated and boosted if you're in an eligible category. it is your best protection against getting hospitalized or dying. what we're seeing right now is what we saw all during and that is what we call death is, quote, a laggi ging indicator, althoug the cases are going down. you'll see hospitalizations and deaths lag by several weeks. that death toll is going to be up there for another short period of time and then should drop. but i've always urged and still urge vaccination is your best protection. please get your two shots. please get boosted if you're eligible. although omicron is less serious overall, there are a lot of people still dying as your data just showed. >> more than 2,400 people every day here in the u.s. are dying with covid. i want to put the graphic back up. the unvaccinated are 97 times more lukely to die from covid than people vaccinated and boosted. yet even given those facts, there are tens of millions of people who are refusing to get the first shot. there have been a not of analysis done that find states or counties that voted for trump have higher unvaccination rates and higher covid death rates than those that voted for biden. and a quarter of republicans just this month in a kaiser family foundation survey, 26%, continue to say that they will definitely not get vaccinated. that has held steady since december 2020. this goes back to the tone and misinformation that took root during the last administration, which you were a part of. bottom line, too many people don't believe or >> but let me ask the question. >> there was no misinformation. >> your network failed to carry. >> excuse me. let plea ask the questionch because i wasn't trying to point fingers here. my question is how do you break through to the people who are dug in and say they wasn't goat vaccinated and in part because of all of the misinformation that they have been fed? is it too late to reach them? >> it is never too late and we need to keep trying but i do want to say and you did point a if you fingers. the trump administration was provaccine. we developed warp speed and we sent them out and that was not carried by cnn by the way. we'll all been vaccinated and promoted it. >> we carry all of the public covid briefings and i have to make sure that we clear the record there. and the other -- >> did you cover operation warp speed for our seminar from the white house. >> but the president at the type was speaking gibberish but the science and was really casting doubt on the science. remember the talk about hide rourke roxy chloroquine and bleach casting dr. fauci in a negative light at times, so there was this anti-science mentality that -- >> it was never anti-science. i was never censored, i always spoke the truth in science. we followed the science in the biden administration, more people have died under the biden administration than under trump. >> does the president always follow the science. >> the more that we politicize this and the more we have this kind of political decision, the less those people you are concerned about getting vaccinated are going to get vaccinated. >> but the numbers don't lie. why is it just the red states have the lowest vaccination rate and higher covid death rates. it is a fact. those are the numbers. that is the statistics. >> i understand that. there are a whole lot of demographics involved there and i think the reason is because the biden administration has failed to reach out to the republicans, think politicized vaccination which we warned against from day one. we all have to join hands, get rid of your political affiliations, and try to get people vaccinated to save this 2500 -- >> how are we politicized the -- to take it away from the higher level in terms wlaf is happening in this administration versus the last administration. you still have republican governors like ron desantis who won't even say if they've gotten the booster or his state selected surgeon general who is a doctor who danced around questions about the vaccines effectiveness, would not answer directly, what is your mess age to them. >> i didn't see those press conferences. i wan to reiterate that the vaccines are highly effect and safe and effective and i urge everyone who is eligible, all eligible adults and teenagers, we're still talking about the lower age groups and we know fas for a different time but should get vaccinated and boosted. it is your best protection against hospitalizations and deathch it is not a political issue. i think we should be square with the american people. two vaccines doan prevent you from getting omicron but they do prevent you from hospitalizations and death. that is the message we need to keep pushing in a nonpolitical way. >> i appreciate your message and you're right it shouldn't be a political issue but there are still members of the republican party are making it look like vaccines are not the savior that they have been for so many in this. thank you, i arespect you and appreciate the conversation. >> thank you, ana. >> right now, a dangerous winter storm is effecting nearly half of the u.s. with hundreds of thousands already without power. millions under winter weather advisories. we'll bring you the latest, next. make a name for yourself. have a firm grip. always dress for success. and you gotta show 'em who's boss. thanks for coming in. we'll get back to you. hustle, sure, but for what matters. when you do, it leads to amazing. welcome to the next level. the all-new lexus nx. ♪ life happens in the moment. in the quiet and the chaos. you shouldn't have to miss out on all the moments you love just to lose the weight you want. ww's all new personal points program. for the first time ever your plan is designed 100% for you. live the life you love, lose the weight you want. the all new ww personalpoints program. get started for just $10 a month at hurry! offer ends february 7th! ♪ ♪making your way in the world today♪ ♪takes everything you've got♪ ♪ ♪taking a break from all your worries ♪ ♪sure would help a lot ♪ ♪wouldn't you like to get away? 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(chicka-chicka) grubhub. subway's new roast beef footlong has so much new, like hearty multigrain bread and usda choice angus roast beef. for in-depth analysis let's go to marshawn lynch. what? man, you just ate the product shot! save big. order through the app. i was injured in a car crash. i had no idea how much my case was worth. i called the barnes firm. when a truck hit my son, i had so many questions about his case. i called the barnes firm. it was the best call i could've made. your case is often worth more than insuran call the barnes firm to find out i could've made. what your case could be worth. we will help get you the best result possible. ♪ the barnes firm, injury attorneys ♪ call one eight hundred,est resul eight million ♪ a massive winter storm has now arrive in the northeast. with heavy know, ice, freezing rain, and sleet. as of this morning more than 85 million americans from texas to new england were under winter weather advisories or warnings. this sprawling system ras wreaked havoc. look at the back-up on interstate 10 in texas. it will take hours to clear. and in the midwest, more than a foot of snow fell across several states with parts of chicago metro area seeing nearly 11 inches. travel is not only being disrupted on the roads. over the past two days airlines have canceled more than 8,000 flights. at least 300,000 kruft customers are still without power in six states. now in minnesota where winters are long and the snow is deep, a know plow is embraced and given a name. so here are the results of the state's annual name a snowplow contest. the top spot, a tribute to the late actress, betty whiteout. and the distant runner-up with barely half of the votes, control salt delete. rounding off the top fight, the big plowski, scoop dog and no more mr. ice guy. and i just wanted to mention, i am wearing red today for national wear red day in honor of the go red for women movement. and it is meant to draw attention to women's heart health because heart disease is the number one killer of women claiming a woman's life every 80 seconds according to the american heart association. so to all of the poms and daughters and sisters out there, please take good care of yourself. and that is does it for me on this friday. i'll see you back here on monday. until then join me on twitter at ana cabrera. have a great weekend. this is cnn breaking news. >> i'm victor blackwell, welcome to "newsroom." >> and i'm alisyn camerota. we do have breaking news. on the january 6 investigation. cnn can report that the house select committee investigating the attack on the capitol now has white house records that reveal details of a phone call donald trump made to republican congressman jim jordan on the morning of the negotiation. >> two sources who have reviewed the call

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Georgia , Killing Black , Travis Mcmichael , Judge , Deal , Hearing , Charges , Hate Crime Charges , Ryan Young , Courthouse , Prosecutors , Proceedings , Plea Agreement , What Happens Next , Brunswick , Gregory Mcmichael , Family , Killers , Wanda Cooper Jones , Community , Jury Selection , Plea Deal , Jury , Federal Court Case , Court Case , Glory , Arbery Family , God , Word , Court , Community Members , Court Today , Community Leaders , Process , Case Moves , Transparency , Sort , Patients , Fight , Toilet , Corner , Treatment Plan , At Aspendental Com , Book Today , Aspen Dental , Walk In , 1 , Starter , Sourdough , Sourdough Finisher , Style , Master Bath , Yes , Tears , Tear Production , About Restasis , Inflammation , Eyecare , Contamination , Eye Drops , Eye Injury , Inflammation Due , Ability , Plugs , Tear Duct , Surfaces , Bottle Tip , Side Effect , Eye Care Professional , Lights , Contact Lenses , Visit Restasis Com , Temporary Burning Sensation , 15 , Bustling Office Sounds , Ringing , Announcer , Eggzilaration , Guilty Pleasure , Price , Chicka , Grubhub , Phones , Banking , Note , Doing , Wonder , Groom , Rewards , Honeymoon , Bank Of America , App , Phil , Romance , Air , Love , Dating , Fate , Gift , Protein , Money , Energy , Tools , Stop Banking , Sighs Wearily , Excited Yell , Thirty , Daughter , Stop Trulicity , Health , Type 2 Diabetes , Sugar , Blood Sugar , Nutrients , A1c , Dose , 2 , Ten , Type 1 Diabetes , It Isn T , Children , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome Type 2 , Side Effects , Stomach Pain , Kidney Problems , Vision , Blood Sugar Risk , Insulin , Taking Trulicity , Neck , Lump , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Nausea , Diarrhea , Vomiting , Dehydration , Reaction , Diabetic Retinopathy , Income Planning , Help , Cash Flow , Saving , Testing , Tool , Variants , Gross , Coronavirus , Spread , Cd , Skr Publishing , Experts , Health Officials , Levels , Virus , 19 , 100000 , Area , Brett Giroir , Admiral , Covid Testing Efforts , Department Of Health And Human Services , Covid Tracker , Results , Testing Wastewater , Wastewater Surveillance System , Significance , The End , Cases , Sewage , Rise , Emergency Rooms , Wastewater , June Of 2020 , 2020 , 4 , Surveillance System , Hospitals , Working Group , 50 Million , 0 Million , Communities , Level , Parts , Running , Medications , Mitigation Efforts , Mask , Tests , Doesn T , Better , Obviously , College Campuses , Areas , Disease , Applications , Example , Facilities , Nursing Homes , Antimicrobial Resistance , Hepatitis C Outbreaks , Sewage Sample , Frankenstein Bugs , Public Health , Opioid Use , Methamphetamine , Spike , Drugs , Deaths , Testing Methods , 2400 , Half , Lag , 97 , Protection , Booster Shot , Category , Hospitalizations , A Laggi Ging Indicator , Vaccination , Death Toll , Graphic , Unvaccinated , Lukely , Counties , Analysis , Facts , Tens , Unvaccination Rates , Death Rates , Kaiser Family Foundation Survey , 26 , Misinformation , Tone , Root , December 2020 , Plea , Fingers , Questionch , Wasn T Goat Vaccinated , Point A , You Fingers , Warp Speed , Provaccine , Other , Briefings , Seminar , Operation Warp Speed , Science , Type , Gibberish , Doubt , Dr , Bleach , Casting , Fauci , Hide Rourke Roxy Chloroquine , Mentality , Light , Decision , Vaccination Rate , Numbers , Statistics , Demographics , Day One , Affiliations , 2500 , Surgeon General , Booster , Terms Wlaf , Who , Ron Desantis , Governors , Vaccines , Effectiveness , Mess , Press Conferences , Adults , Teenagers , Age Groups , Fas , Message , Shouldn T , Savior , Winter Storm , Conversation , Thousands , Winter Weather Advisories , Hundreds , Latest , Ana , Firm Grip , Dress For Success , Show Em Who S Boss , Hustle , Lexus Nx , Points , Chaos , Ww Personalpoints Program , At Ww Com , 10 , 0 , The World Today , Break , Worries , Doorbell Ringing , Piano Music , Roast Beef Footlong , Bread , Roast Beef , Choice , Music Changes To Rapid Funk , Ensushiastic , Subway , Usda , Hearty Multigrain , Product Shot , Save Big , Let S Go , Marshawn Lynch , Worth , Car Crash , Barnes , Firm , Result , Truck Hit , Injury Attorneys , Est Resul , Eight Hundred , Eight Million , Northeast , Ice , Heavy Know , Winter Weather , Advisories , Sleet , Warnings , Texas , Sprawling System Ras Wreaked Havoc , Freezing Rain , New England , 85 Million , Snow , Roads , Foot , Interstate 10 , Midwest , Travel , Chicago , Plow , Flights , Least , Six , 8000 , Spot , Runner Up , Tribute , Actress , A Snowplow Contest , Betty Whiteout , Red , National Wear Red Day , Votes , Control Salt , Big Plowski , Scoop Dog , Ice Guy , The Go Red For Women Movement , Killer , Heart Health , Heart Disease , Daughters , Sisters , Woman , Poms , Attention , American Heart Association , 80 , Twitter , Breaking News , Investigation , Newsroom , Capitol , Victor Blackwell , Alisyn Camerota , January 6 , Sources , Phone Call , Records , The Morning Of , Negotiation , The Call ,

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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Ana Cabrera 20240708 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Ana Cabrera 20240708

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it may have paid off for the biden administration. the white house was bracing for a brutal economic report today. you heard them even preparing you, the viewer, on the air multiple days this week. the president's planned rebuttal this morning turned into a victory lap. >> i want to speak to you this morning about an extraordinary resilience and grit of the american people. and american capitalism. our country is taking everything that covid has to throw at us and we've come back stronger. i'm pleased to report this morning, and many of you already know, that america's job machine is going stronger than ever. building a strong recovery and opportunity for hard working women and men all across this great country. america is back to work. >> and with hiring up and wages up, even as millions were out of work because of omicron, you may be wondering why is the market mixed right now? and that's because today's report provided more clues that inflation isn't cooling off. so wall street is a little skiddish about looming action from the fed. let's discuss with business journalist mark stewart. mark, good to see you. starting with the jobs report, how did forecasters get this so wrong? and what is your bigger takeaway here? >> hey, it's really good to be here. i asked that very question to economist this morning. he called it the $1 million question. and i think the simple explanation is this. it is very difficult to gather economic data in realtime. we have to keep in mind people have been moving around during the pandemic. every single day is uncharted. and some of the methods to collect and analyze data from the past may not be working so well in this current state of the pandemic. but indeed there are some important takeaways. first of all, the job growth. it shows that during something as challenging as the omicron variant, we can be nimble and we can thrive and we can hire people. yet at the same time, it also shows that omicron is a threat to contend with because people worked fewer hours per week. perhaps they were staying at home because they were sick, they were quarantined or they were taking care of others. and one final point, ana, despite this good news, big companies, small businesses are still having a very tough time hiring people. things are improving, but there's still a lot of disparity. in fact, if you look at the most recent data dump, as they say, women and black workers saw little or no change in the jobless rate compared to the month before. so as far as some watershed moment, improvement, don't count on that just yet. >> does today's report give us any better indication of where inflation is headed? we know gas prices are back to $3.42 a gallon, matching the seven-year record high we saw last fall. what should we expect? >> well, i just was at an economic briefing last week, and a lot of economists feel that inflation is going to be part of our lives for the next 11 months. but as far as that gas question is concerned, it's very relevant. we're all thinking about summer vacation. i checked in with aaa this morning and they feel that because omicron is subsiding and eventually people are going to want to hit the road again, gas prices likely will remain elevated because the sheer fact that there is so much demand. we should also keep in mind as to what's happening around the world. right now the tension between ukraine and russia. russia is a big stakeholder. a big player in opec. if russia isn't so happy with sanctions or potential sanctions, it can have a say in oil output and if output is reduced, we're all going to pay more at the pump. >> i also want to ask you about the company formerly known as facebook, meta just took a major hit losing nearly $240 billion in market valuation yesterday. that's more than starbucks, boeing and domino's pizza are worth combined. so is this a one-off or does this spell trouble for meta and mark zuckerberg? >> no, it's certainly jaw dropping. i think the thing we have to remember about tech sector is that it's extremely fickle. there are new products, new entrants all the time. not to mention this constant threat of regulation from the government. i think the thing to keep in mind is this. when investors hear on an earnings call that there is perhaps some concern about the future, about the outlook, they may want to pull back. and that's what happened yesterday. but facebook or meta is not necessarily alone. when peloton, when netflix indicated that it's seeing a decline in subscriber base and has some hesitation about the future, it, too, saw its stock decline and saw a bit of a sell-off. obviously, facebook/meta is a big name and when something like this happens, it draws a lot of headlines. but remember, over the past 24-plus months of the pandemic, we have seen tremendous swings in the tech sector. so i think at this point, it's part in line as to what's been happening. i wouldn't write off mark zuckerberg and facebook at least just yet, ana. >> marc stewart, thank you so much. >> take care. let the games begin. this morning's opening ceremony officially kicks off the winter olympics in beijing and the traditional glitz and sparkle all there under the cloud, though, of a covid lockdown and diplomatic boycotts by the u.s. and other countries as well. but chinese president xi jinping was very happy to welcome a special guest today. russian leader vladimir putin. and together they issued a call for nato to halt further expansion. their unified demand adds to the international fears that russia will invade ukraine with its troops still amassed at the border. let's the olympics and cnn's salina wang is there with a closer look. >> reporter: the beijing winter olympics have officially kicked off with the opening ceremony. it was a visually stunning spectacle with the use of elaborate technology but a simpler more subdued than the 2008 ceremony. 3,000 performers this time around versus 15,000 back then because in 2008 there was this immense pressure on china to pull off this extravagant ceremony to cement china's role as an emerging global superpower. this time around, china is not trying to prove anything to the world. it is a more confident nation and, in fact, this opening ceremony was a moment for beijing to show off a wealthy and powerful china and one that's under xi jinping more authoritarian and increasingly at odds with the west. that is as the united states, as well as some of its allies, the uk, australia and canada, are staging a diplomatic boycott of the olympics. as a statement against allegations of genocide in china's xinjiang region, allegations that china strongly de denies. a big contrast to 2008 when george w. bush was in the stands, shoulder to shoulder to chinese leaders. this time around, a very different guest of honor. vladimir putin. along with putin, there were other autocratic and strongman leaders, including saudi crown prince mohammad bin salman, leaders of egypt, turkmenistan, china surrounding itself with a very different set of friends. salina wang in beijing. president putin never left the sidelines. but he very much had a starring role after meeting with chinese president xi jinping. they not only announced their united opposition to nato expanse dwron but said they're deepening strategic partnership has, quote, no limits. joining us to discuss, robin wright, columnist for the new yorker and distinguished fellow at the woodrow wilson sister and retired lieutenant general mark hertling. always great to talk to both of you. you know this realm so well. robin, what do you make of this show of unity by putin and xi? does a putin/xi partnership pose a big threat to the u.s.? >> it does. for 30 years since the end of the cold war, the world has witnessed a kind of tri-polar world where you had russia, china and the united states. to different degrees, dominating the international landscape. now you find in this sweeping 5,000-word statement, china and russia led by the two most powerful influential autocrats in the world backing each other up, not just on the immediate issues of pushing back against nato expansion in europe or the one china policy that would basically endorse china's absorption of taiwan, this deals with a myriad of issues of the future. it deals with security of nations. it deals with spheres of influence. the political model for the future. very pointedly said there is no one model that works for the world when it comes to democracy. there was a lot of hypocritical language in terms of democracy and recommend rights and so forth but this was a profound signal to the united states specifically, to the west in general and to the idea of democracy broadly that these two nations are going to team up. now it's an unnatural alliance in many ways. but they can wreak havoc if they really push forward on this agenda. >> just a quick follow on that because china seems to be a much bigger world power than russia, right? and one would think putin needs xi more than the other way around. and so when you look at the immediate threat and the situation at the ukrainian and russian border, would putin dare launch an invasion during the olympics and risk taking the spotlight away from china? >> no, and the pattern of the past actually in 2008 and 2014 it was that putin waited until after the olympics. so i think everyone is looking at those dates afterwards. i mean, putin needs xi more than xi needs putin right now and i think down the road. but they are in some ways because of their kind of autocratic approach to government, their hunger for power and their quest to be life-long leaders, they have much in common. >> general hertling, putin and xi released this joint statement saying they both oppose the expansion of nato. why is the nato alliance such a threat to them? >> yeah, finish off that statement, though, ana, because robin is spot on. she gave the gross generalization of the entire document but you started with the first line. i have the rest of it. the parties oppose to further expansion of nato call on the north atlantic alliance to abandon their idea lodgeal approach to the cold war, respect the sovereignty, security and interest of other countries, the diversity of their civilizational and cultural historical patterns and treat the peaceful development of other states objectively and fairly. xi and putin saying that where one is holding an olympics, where he is being boycotted by at least seven countries, diplomatally because of his treatment of the uighurs, and putin on the verge of attempting to bully and influence and potentially even invade again ukraine. so you talk about the hypocrisy of those two things. i'd also like to comment on what robin said because i think she's spot on. when she said they have each other's back, that's probably the best way to view their relationship. it isn't a partnership, a side by side partnership. i would almost say that they're back-to-back looking at different opportunities around the world to expand their horizons and their territory. both of them have stated that they want to expand their own countries. china and taiwan in the south china seas to some of the islands. putin saying he wants to go back to the old cold war with nations in his security sphere. so it just really is interesting from that standpoint. one of the things i comment on, i had a chance to spend a couple of weeks in china when i was still in the military and talked to their war college students and some of their soldiers. in 1998, they had a 20-year plan, and at the time, when i saw that plan, i kind of said, whoo, being a bit ambitious. but truthly in the last 20 years they've hit every marker in terms of expanding not only their economy and the military. but china is a force to be reckoned with. putin, not so much. >> that's scarey to think about looking back 20 years ago to see where they have -- or haven't met their benchmarks and know they've been meeting them. robin, the biden administration says that they have intel to suggest that russians are plotting a false-flag operation with fake graphic videos made to look like ukrainians launched a bloody attack against russians and that would be the pretext for russia to invade ukraine. the administration was pressed to provide evidence. take a listen. >> this is derived from information known to the u.s. government. intelligence information that we have declassified. i think you -- >> okay, well, where is it? where is this information? >> it is intelligence information that we have declassified. >> well, where is it? >> where's the declassified information. >> i just delivered it. >> no, you made a series of allegations and -- >> would you like us to print out the -- you'll see a transcript of this briefing that you can print out for yourself. >> that's not evidence. that's you saying it. i'm sorry. >> robin, you can understand there are national security risks involved in laying all the cards on the table, but is it important that the administration show some evidence? >> well, the united states has a very rocky record when it comes to making claims about nations' intentions. we saw that over the issue of weapons of mass destruction made to justify the war in iraq. so i think there will be a lot of questions. the problem now is how does the united states deal with putin's plan when putin makes a series of allegations. no, he has no intention of going into ukraine and so forth and yet militarily, he continues day by day to deploy more forces, more war planes, more tanks and so i think the united states is trying to invoke intelligence. so there will be natural skepticism. the problem is how does the united states counter it and put russia on notice that we understand what they're doing or we understand how they're gaming this crisis. it's, you know, it's kind of a no-win position for the united states right now. but there aren't many options, and they will be held to account if it's proven yet again the united states actually didn't have the intelligence or that's not what russia was planning. >> have to leave it there today. robin wright and mark hertling, good to see you both. this just in to cnn, the republican national committee has voted to punish two of their own for investigating the january 6th insurrection. what this means for representative liz cheney and a adam kinzinger. that's ahead. plus, the father and son duo convicted in the killing of ahmaud arbery now set to go on federal trial for federal hate crimes after officially withdrawing their guilty pleas just this morning. and the cdc just unveiled a new weapon in tracking the pandemic. human waste. we'll explain. what if you could have the perspective to see more? 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>> well, they couldn't, you know, they probably couldn't have gotten something stronger through. they did it on a voice vote so they could sort of say it was unanimous. but let me just read you one sentence. the first sentence of this resolution, whereas the primary mission of the republican party is to elect republicans who support the united states constitution and share our values. and then it goes on about censuring these two people. what are these two people doing? supporting the constitution? what's their crime? trying to figure out exactly what occurred on january 6th. and i will say that mitt romney is not alone. we just saw a tweet from larry hogan, mitch mcconnell's trying to get him to run for senate. he's the republican governor of maryland who said it's a sad day for my party and the country when you're punished just for expressing your beliefs, standing on principle and refusing to tell blatant lies. so i doubt that it was unanimous in that room. but it is proof that the republican national committee is a wholly owned subsidiary of donald trump and they will go on to endorse liz cheney's opponent in a primary which is pretty much unheard of. and that's what these two are up against. >> and yet, norm, we know liz cheney and adam kinzinger will not be intimidated and will not back down. they are moving forward with the work of the committee and we've learned this committee interviewed jeffrey clark. he's the former doj official who pushed the election reversal scheme and we're told he pleaded the fifth over 100 times. but one committee member tells us they might have a way to make him talk. listen. >> one of the options the committee needs to look at is whether we provide use immunity to mr. clark. what that means is that the testimony you give to the committee could not be used in the criminal case. if the justice department finds out about it some other way, they're not precluded from proceeding. >> norm, do you think it's worth offering immunity to clark or anyone else? >> i do think that statutory immunity should be considered so we can get to the truth of what mr. clark has to say as one of the inside lawyers, perhaps the leading one inside the government pushing for the overthrow of a legitimate election. ana, the reason that this statutory provision exists, most necessary when somebody asserts the fifth amendment and clark does have a legitimate reason to be concerned about prosecution because there is evidence of a possible conspiracy to obstruct congress, possible state charges, as well of soliciting election fraud that he may or may not have been a part of. we'll have to see how that dwps. but it is important to get the truth from him and this approach where congress authorizes and then a court grants an order of use immunity, it can be used is for that purpose. remember, they do have to keep it close or it can taint any possible prosecution of clark outside of congress. that's what happened with ollie north, most famously. so, yes, i think it should be considered. >> and gloria, several aides to former vice president mike pence have been talking to the committee, but we're learning they're not answering questions about direct conversations with trump. is this about executive privilege, do you think, or is there a political calculation involved? >> i think it's probably about both. i think that they made it very clear to donald trump's attorneys that if the attorneys thought certain conversations were privileged, then they would honor that. and i think that's the way they approached it. when they were interviewed by the committee. but i was told the interviews were not contentious. so what this means to me is that the committee lawyers knew this was going to be an issue and found ways to get around it or to not ask certain questions that they knew would be privileged or asked them in a different way. and so i don't think there were a lot of arguments about it. they testified for hours. and so they were able to give their information without seeming to be in conflict with the former president. >> but it just seems like thn the former president is protected whether he should be or not, norm. what actually happens if you are under oath and you disclose something that may be covered by executive privilege? >> well, it may constitute a waiver of the privilege if you do that, but, ana, i think it's important that, you know, there's a saying, witnesses can sometimes lie. documents don't. and this is why the committee went all the way to the supreme court in an extremely rapid fashion, just over three months, to get those 700-plus trump administration documents because even if these witnesses are refusing to talk, those documents will do the talking for them. the whole executive privilege argument is bologna here, as the supreme court found, there's no real basis for them not to do this, but unfortunately, no time to litigate it. >> and the committee is having serious discussions now about whether they will issue subpoenas for specifically fellow lawmakers who aren't voluntarily cooperating. the chairman of the committee saying it may come down to respect for the institution. gloria, why the reluctance to take that step? fear of gop retribution after the midterms? isn't that the assumption republicans will do that anyway? >> it could -- you know, it could be, and there's a lot of discussion inside the committee and there is an agreement on it. i think that when you issue a subpoena to a fellow member of congress, and by the way, they're perfectly allowed to do that, you have to be ready to follow up on it. so if you issue a subpoena to say they were to issue a subpoena to jim jordan, and he doesn't want to cooperate, his initial letter to them didn't make it seem like he was really excited about going before the committee. so say he doesn't cooperate. do you hold him in contempt of congress then? so, you know, you have to be willing to take this all the way down the road. and that could really gum up the works. it could set a precedent that perhaps they don't want, as you pointed out. so it's a very complex matter for them. and i don't think they've sort of gotten to a point where they can say, yes, we're going to do this for one or all of these people. >> gloria borger and norm eisen, thank you both. minneapolis police are under scrutiny once again after a no-knock search warrant led to a black man's death. details next. isn't that right limu? limu? sorry, one sec. doug blows a whistle. 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>> that's right, ana. he was not named in the warrant and his family attorneys say that he was not the target of this homicide investigation. we're also hearing from the parents of amir locke for the first time. to take you back to why this was happening. the minneapolis police department says they were executing a warrant for a homicide investigation tied to nearby st. paul, minnesota. as i mentioned, locke's name was not mentioned on any part of the search warrant, according to the minneapolis police department, but regardless, these officers pushed into this apartment, executing this warrant. locke appeared to be woken up as he is seen wrapped in blankets. then as he tries to get up, a gun is seen. that's when those shots were fired. police say that gun was pointed at the shooting officer, but based on the videos and image provided, we haven't been able to independently confirm that. bottom line, the parents have to watch that same video and had to see their own son get shot. >> as his mother, i will make sure that as long as i'm on this side of this world, i am going to fight every day throughout the day, 365 days, to make sure that amir ricari locke gets justice for being executed by the mpd. my son didn't deserve it. the rest of the black males in this city and across this nation didn't deserve it. >> reasonable law-abiding citizen would do, white or black. >> now the attorneys, along with the parents said locke was a lawful gun owner. we also heard from the attorneys that to the best of their knowledge, the police were acting on a warrant for a seizure of property, not necessarily a person, but we haven't seen the exact warrant ourselves. >> omar jimenez, thank you for your reporting. let me take you to georgia. the father and son convicted on state charges of killing black jogger ahmaud arbery will stand trial on federal hate crime charges. at a hearing just a short time ago, travis mcmichael indicated he has changed his mind and he will not plead guilty to the federal charges after a judge rejected the deal with federal prosecutors. his father gregory mcmichael also withdrew his plea agreement. cnn national correspondent ryan young is outside the federal courthouse in brunswick, georgia, with details. ryan, walk us through today's proceedings and what happens next. >> ana, something that stands out if you listen to the pain in the story omar did, think about the pain the family here had almost 700 days ago. i remember wanda cooper jones basically saying she would not stop until the killers of her son were brought to justice. in the state case, that happened. the jury found the three men guilty. now there's this federal court case. i'm not sure how we move forward on monday because there's jury selection but everyone in this community knows there was a plea deal that the judge basically rejected. that plea deal was pulled back but at one point -- they pulled those pleas back. and ahmaud arbery's father spoke about wanting justice for his son. >> i just got one word to say. all we want is 100% justice to the arbery family. that's all we're looking for. god be the glory. >> so you think about this, ana. this court case will start on monday with jury selection. the last time jury selection was tough here. i talked to the community members before court today. they were telling me they were so happy with the way court moved forward the first time and how this community came together to see justice served. this will happen again as community leaders are going out to the community to make sure they understand how this entire process works once again. also because it's federal court, there's no video from this case and that's why people are wanting to know if there's going to be any sort of transparency as this case moves forward. ana? >> ryan young in brunswick, georgia, thank you. a new weapon in the fight against the pandemic and you may be flushing it down the toilet. we'll explain, next. to new patients without insurance - everyday. plus, patients get 20% off their treatment plan. we're on your corner and in your corner every step of the way. because your anything is our everything. aspen dental. anything to make you smile. book today at, walk in, or call 1-800-aspendental. well, well, well. look at you. you mastered the master bath. you created your own style. and you - yes, you! turned a sourdough starter into a sourdough finisher. so when you learn your chronic dry eye is actually caused by reduced tear production due to inflammation you take it on, by talking to your eyecare professional about restasis®... which may help you make more of your own tears with continued use twice a day, every day. restasis® helps increase your eye's natural ability to produce tears, which may be reduced by inflammation due to chronic dry eye. restasis® did not increase tear production in patients using anti-inflammatory eye drops or tear duct plugs. to help avoid eye injury and contamination, do not touch bottle tip to your eye or other surfaces. wait 15 minutes after use before inserting contact lenses. the most common side effect is a temporary burning sensation. ask your eye care professional about restasis®. now to trick out these lights. visit to learn more. ♪ (doorbell ringing) (bustling office sounds) - [announcer] eggzilaration, when the cheesiest guilty pleasure breakfast sandwich starts your day on just the right note. on time, lowest price, or we'll make it right. 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>> well, thank you for having me on. this is really an important moment. as early as may or june of 2020, we had very early suggestive evidence that not only could you detect covid in wastewater, in sewage, but it predicted and preceded by 4 to 6 days a rise of cases in emergency rooms and hospitals in the community. so as you said, we did start in the trump administration. i convened the first federal working group in july. i started the national surveillance system at cdc in september and funded it for $50 million in november of that year. so it's great to see this up and running. and just think how important this is, ana, because as hopefully covid goes down and we get to a lower endemic level, we can now monitor and predict what parts of the country, what parts of communities may have rises in cases. so that's where we can surge things like mask wearing and testing and all the other mitigation efforts, as well as oral antiviral medications. this is an important moment and i'm pleased the cdc did this. >> this, obviously, doesn't require people to report positive tests. so could the data be more accurate, do you think? >> well, it's going to be a better, broader view, right, because we can look at square miles of communities or whole communities and you don't have to do tests to report them. it's really three. it's right there in the sewage. we can't track that to an individual person, so you don't have to worry about that. but it will give us an idea what's going into the community which is incredibly powerful. in the other applications we talked about is, for example, large areas where there are nursing homes or assisted living facilities or even college campuses where we're very concerned about the rise and fall of the disease. you can do that simply by a sewage sample. and in the future, we really got interested because not only could you do that, but you could track things like hepatitis c outbreaks. you could detect antimicrobial resistance, frankenstein bugs, and even look if there's a spike in opioid use or methamphetamine or dangerous drugs in the community and surge public health. it's a very exciting moment and it's going to be the future. it's going to be an important tool in the future for public health. >> it does sound promising. let's talk about our current testing methods. cases are dropping significantly, thank goodness, but covid deaths are still high. averaging more than 2,400 new covid deaths every day here in the u.s. and the latest cdc data shows unvaccinated people are 97 times more likely to die of covid than people who are vaccinated and boosted. yet there is a lag in people getting boosted. so if you look at those eligible, again, these are people who initially got vaccinated. only half have gotten that booster shot. admiral, how concerning is that? >> well, we certainly urge everyone to get vaccinated and boosted if you're in an eligible category. it is your best protection against getting hospitalized or dying. what we're seeing right now is what we saw all during and that is what we call death is, quote, a laggi ging indicator, althoug the cases are going down. you'll see hospitalizations and deaths lag by several weeks. that death toll is going to be up there for another short period of time and then should drop. but i've always urged and still urge vaccination is your best protection. please get your two shots. please get boosted if you're eligible. although omicron is less serious overall, there are a lot of people still dying as your data just showed. >> more than 2,400 people every day here in the u.s. are dying with covid. i want to put the graphic back up. the unvaccinated are 97 times more lukely to die from covid than people vaccinated and boosted. yet even given those facts, there are tens of millions of people who are refusing to get the first shot. there have been a not of analysis done that find states or counties that voted for trump have higher unvaccination rates and higher covid death rates than those that voted for biden. and a quarter of republicans just this month in a kaiser family foundation survey, 26%, continue to say that they will definitely not get vaccinated. that has held steady since december 2020. this goes back to the tone and misinformation that took root during the last administration, which you were a part of. bottom line, too many people don't believe or >> but let me ask the question. >> there was no misinformation. >> your network failed to carry. >> excuse me. let plea ask the questionch because i wasn't trying to point fingers here. my question is how do you break through to the people who are dug in and say they wasn't goat vaccinated and in part because of all of the misinformation that they have been fed? is it too late to reach them? >> it is never too late and we need to keep trying but i do want to say and you did point a if you fingers. the trump administration was provaccine. we developed warp speed and we sent them out and that was not carried by cnn by the way. we'll all been vaccinated and promoted it. >> we carry all of the public covid briefings and i have to make sure that we clear the record there. and the other -- >> did you cover operation warp speed for our seminar from the white house. >> but the president at the type was speaking gibberish but the science and was really casting doubt on the science. remember the talk about hide rourke roxy chloroquine and bleach casting dr. fauci in a negative light at times, so there was this anti-science mentality that -- >> it was never anti-science. i was never censored, i always spoke the truth in science. we followed the science in the biden administration, more people have died under the biden administration than under trump. >> does the president always follow the science. >> the more that we politicize this and the more we have this kind of political decision, the less those people you are concerned about getting vaccinated are going to get vaccinated. >> but the numbers don't lie. why is it just the red states have the lowest vaccination rate and higher covid death rates. it is a fact. those are the numbers. that is the statistics. >> i understand that. there are a whole lot of demographics involved there and i think the reason is because the biden administration has failed to reach out to the republicans, think politicized vaccination which we warned against from day one. we all have to join hands, get rid of your political affiliations, and try to get people vaccinated to save this 2500 -- >> how are we politicized the -- to take it away from the higher level in terms wlaf is happening in this administration versus the last administration. you still have republican governors like ron desantis who won't even say if they've gotten the booster or his state selected surgeon general who is a doctor who danced around questions about the vaccines effectiveness, would not answer directly, what is your mess age to them. >> i didn't see those press conferences. i wan to reiterate that the vaccines are highly effect and safe and effective and i urge everyone who is eligible, all eligible adults and teenagers, we're still talking about the lower age groups and we know fas for a different time but should get vaccinated and boosted. it is your best protection against hospitalizations and deathch it is not a political issue. i think we should be square with the american people. two vaccines doan prevent you from getting omicron but they do prevent you from hospitalizations and death. that is the message we need to keep pushing in a nonpolitical way. >> i appreciate your message and you're right it shouldn't be a political issue but there are still members of the republican party are making it look like vaccines are not the savior that they have been for so many in this. thank you, i arespect you and appreciate the conversation. >> thank you, ana. >> right now, a dangerous winter storm is effecting nearly half of the u.s. with hundreds of thousands already without power. millions under winter weather advisories. we'll bring you the latest, next. make a name for yourself. have a firm grip. always dress for success. and you gotta show 'em who's boss. thanks for coming in. we'll get back to you. hustle, sure, but for what matters. when you do, it leads to amazing. welcome to the next level. the all-new lexus nx. ♪ life happens in the moment. in the quiet and the chaos. you shouldn't have to miss out on all the moments you love just to lose the weight you want. ww's all new personal points program. for the first time ever your plan is designed 100% for you. live the life you love, lose the weight you want. the all new ww personalpoints program. get started for just $10 a month at hurry! offer ends february 7th! ♪ ♪making your way in the world today♪ ♪takes everything you've got♪ ♪ ♪taking a break from all your worries ♪ ♪sure would help a lot ♪ ♪wouldn't you like to get away? 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Negotiation , The Call ,

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