Transcripts For CNN Early Start With Christine Romans and La

Transcripts For CNN Early Start With Christine Romans and Laura Jarrett 20240708

boycott. the olympic committee reported 21 new covid cases. now they have 308 since beijing started the closed loop bubble. >> back here in the u.s. you're looking at a live picture now of the white house all lit up in red, white and blue to cheer team u.s.a. the state department thursday publicly defended the right of u.s. athletes to speak out against human rights abuses in china despite olympic committee rules prohibiting any protests. just a short time ago russian president vladimir putin and the chinese leader xi jinping meeting in person at a time of high tension with the west. cnn's ivan watson joins us live from hong kong this morning. ivan, this will be an olympics like no other. >> reporter: yeah. you know, i'm down here in hong kong, but my colleagues up in beijing, some of whom have covered other olympiads, say the atmosphere is different. for example, in beijing those who were around in 2008 when the city hosted the summer olympics there, they say they're not anticipating large viewing parties or any large gatherings because the city's been struggling with outbreak out omicron and delta variants of covid so you're not having people encouraged to gather in large numbers. meanwhile, on the other side of this kind of parallel universe the so-called closed loop where all the athletes and the olympic organizers are inside the olympic bubbles, there one of the prevailing concerns is covid because there have been hundreds of cases detected. athletes who have trained for years are worried that they may test positive and may have to skip out on the event so you've got the champion u.s. figure skater nathan chen, he's not going to march in the opening ceremony because he's worried about being around too many other people and maybe contracting the virus. the flag bearer for the u.s.a. alina myers taylor who is a four-time olympian bobsledder she cannot carry the flag because she tested positive. somebody else now has to do it for her. that's giving you a sense on top of the existing stress, there's a lot more and the fact that all the athletes are behind fences and walls. >> the families and friends are back home. many journalists and people covering the event say this is really like no other. not the fun that it usually is when you go to cover an olympics. we also know, ivan, this is the first meeting right now between the russian president and the chinese leader xi jinping. the first meeting face to face in two years. what do you expect? we >> reporter: we're hearing the lines coming out. they have been celebrating friendship, deepening security ties and also a statement that is certainly going to be celebrated by kremlin which china agrees with russia and has spoken out against any further expansion of the nato military alliance. this is something that russia perceives as a threat and part of the whole standoff. putin has traveled to beijing, vladimir putin, and has gotten the chinese leader to agree with him on this key point. so a sign of solidarity between two key authoritarian leaders whose relations with washington have deteriorated in recent years. this before china hosts -- has the world's eyes on it for the winter olympics. so it's a welcome moment for both of these leaders. >> ivan watson in hong kong. thanks, ivan. to russia where the kremlin is denying a pentagon claim that russia plans to stage a fake attack to create a pretexts for invasion. >> as part of this fake attack, we believe that russia would produce a very graphic propaganda video which would include corpses and actors that would be depicting mourners and images of destroyed locations as well as military equipment at the hands of ukraine or the west. >> cnn's nic robertson is live in moscow. how confident is the u.s. in making that type of serious claim and what is the kremlin saying? i see the russian foreign minister spoke out just a short time ago. >> reporter: yeah. russian foreign minister sergei lavrov called it dedelusional. they say it didn't make logical sense. all of these claims that we've heard of russia, you know, planning false flag events to trigger a conflict and trigger their entry to a conflict in ukraine. the russian officials have been knocking down. we've heard from u.s. officials that there were other false flag operations that might be being planned that didn't have this sort of specificity. they said that was untrue. the british government said that russia was trying to put in a puppet government in ukraine after they moved in and tried to occupy ukraine. so -- and, again, on that russia denied that as happening. here we have a lot more specificity coming from the pentagon and other officials. the state department, ned price there the spokesman, declined to get into details about the claim that's being made. not unusual to want to give away details that might then, you know -- might then give russian officials an opportunity to understand where the information came from but here, you know, absolutely categorical denial that that's about to happen. we also had push back against the under secretary of state victoria newland who tasked the state news agency here in an interview with them, she said -- and she has publicly said that it was russia that was responsible for leaking the document to the spanish new hampshire, leaking the united states and nato's response to russia that were private and the united states asked to be kept private. russia was responsible for that. russian officials are coming back and saying that is not correct. obviously they're claiming it's propaganda so, you know, a lot being said on these topics here. >> sure. nick, thank you for your reporting. we're getting new details this morning on the dramatic u.s.-led raid in syria thursday that left the leader of isis dead. the white house calls the leader's death a catastrophic blow to isis. jomana has more. we know u.s. intelligence gathering gave momentum this fall. we know the president was briefed just before christmas. >> reporter: well, you know, christine, this is one of the most -- it is the most significant operation carried out by u.s. special forces in syria since 2019, since the killing of isis's former leader. as you mentioned, we understand that the u.s. military intelligence had been watching this location in northwestern syria for months waiting for that right opportunity for them to carry out this raid. the opportunity presented itself on wednesday when this happened. now one major issue that everyone is looking at right now is this discrepancy we're getting into the count of civilian casualties. the u.s. forces are saying as they approached the three story building, the house where the isis leader was, he pretty much straightaway detonated explosives killing himself, his wife, his children. on the second floor there was a lieutenant, deputy with his wife and he engaged u.s. forces. he was killed, his wife was killed and we understand a child on that floor was killed. the u.s. military has not clarified how that child was killed. they say members of an al qaeda affiliate approached that building and they described them as whose tiles, engaged them and they were killed. the u.s. says that in total four civilians were killed in this operation and five combatants. what we're getting from syrians on the ground, from rescue workers, they are saying that 13 people were killed including 6 children and 4 women and the u.s. is saying that they are looking at these reports. they are reviewing this operation. we've heard from president biden and the secretary of defense saying they did opt for a special forces operation to try and minimize civilian casualties and at the same time the secretary of defense, christine, saying that given the complexity of this mission, we will take a look at the possibility of our action may have also basically led -- may have possibly led to harm to innocent people. so everyone is going to be waiting to see what the conclusion, what the outcome of this review is going to be. this is coming at a time when the u.s. military is under a lot of scrutiny for civilian casualties in afghanistan and also in syria where civilian casualties in airstrikes, something that has only come to light in recent months, christine. >> jomana, thank you so much for that. laura? also this morning, we are learning more about the tense moments inside "the situation room" as president biden and his team watched the raid that killed the isis leader in real time. let's go live to washington and bring in cnn's jasmine wright. good morning. the reporting here is pretty incredible from the white house team. it also has shades of the raid that killed osama bin laden. >> reporter: yeah, stunning amount of detail from officials who over the last 24 hours have given more and more detail about some of those really tense moments in "the situation room" as the president monitored this raid in real time. he was joined by his vice president and other national security officials. they described moments filled with anxiety when they watched the helicopter on the ground malfunctioning. we learned that was destroyed by u.s. special forces to moments of levity when they saw children coming from -- coming safely outside from the first floor of the building. remember, the u.s. -- the isis target lived on the third floor above families and so that was the reason why as we heard jomana say, the president opted for a special forces mission. to of course another tense moment when that initial bomb went off, the isis target killing himself and his family in that suicide bombing at the third floor. so really some tense moments here. and of course we are learning all these details, laura, because the administration officials view this as a success and are detailing it as so he and are taking a victory lap. president biden joined in on that yesterday when he spoke at the white house talking about this mission and really offering a grave warning. take a listen. >> this operation is testament towards america's reach and capability to take outer or list threats no matter where they try to hide anywhere in the world. we will come after you and find you. >> so we are also learning of just how much detail went into planning this. months and months of course. the president was briefed late december. making the final decision on tuesday. in december when they were going through the painstaking details, even bringing a tabletop model of the building so the president could see exactly how this plan would lay out. but, yes, laura, lots and lots of detail as we come from hours and hours after this raid. >> yeah. just amazing to get the hindes the scenes story. to cnn business now. the january jobs report in just a few hours. president biden will speak about it afterwards. the white house has been warning us for days don't get your hopes up for a good report here. you had millions of people out sick and some businesses temporarily closed because of omicron. that will hold back the numbers. we'll talk more about that with mark zandi, the chief economist at moody's. u.s. oil prices jumped above $90 a barrel. just one day after opec plus decided not to ramp up production more aggressively to ease those energy prices. add to that new pain on your porch. amazon is hiking the price of its prime service by 17%. it will be $139 a year. it's to pay for expanded prime membership. added video content and more expanded free shipping. march 25th for existing prime members. right now a live look in dallas with almost 100 million people in the path of a major winter storm coming. two top aides to the former vice president talking to the january 6th committee but not telling all. and how rich is too rich? well, jeff bezos, his yacht and the bridge that's in the way. that's next. and hear pounding video of a dog in distress. see the moment he was saved at the last second. l to firm and radiant. with olay body, i feel fearless in my skin. frank is a fan of fast. he's a fast talker. a fast walker. thanks, gary. and for unexpected heartburn... frank is a f of pepcid. it works in minutes. nexium 24 hour and prilosec otc can take one tfour days to fully work. pepcid. stng relief for fans of fast. i may have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. or psoriatic arthritis. but we are so much more. we're team players and artists. designers and do-it-yourselfers. parents and friends. if joint pain is getting in the way of who you are, it's time to talk to your doctor about enbrel. enbrel helps relieve joint pain, and helps stop permanent joint damage. plus enbrel helps skin get clearer in psoriatic arthritis. ask your doctor about enbrel, so you can get back to your true self. play ball! enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders and allergic reactions have occurred. tell your doctor if you've been someplace where fungal infections are common. or if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if you have persistent fever, bruising, bleeding or paleness. don't start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. visit to see how your joint damage could progress. enbrel. eligible patients may pay as little as $5 per month. this is the new world of work. each day looks different than the last. but whatever work becomes, the servicenow platform will make it just, flow. whether it's finding new ways to help you serve your customers, orchestrating a safe return to the office... wait. an office? 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avocado. ice cream. sandwiches. no food is off limits. when can i start?! get started for just $10 a month at hurry! offer ends february 7th! what happens when we welcome change? we can transform our workforce overnight out of convenience, or necessity. we can explore uncharted waters, and not only make new discoveries, but get there faster, with better outcomes. with app, cloud and anywhere workspace solutions, vmware helps companies navigate change-- meeting them where they are, and getting them where they want to be. faster. vmware. welcome change. new this morning in georgia. one of two men convicted in the killing of ahmaud arbery is going to trial. gregory mcmichael informed the court he will not plead guilty. he and his son travis were sentenced to life in prison in state court but arbery's mother objected to' plea deal. travis mcmichael will appear in court to confirm if he, too, is going to trial. nearly 100 million people from texas to main in the path of major winter storm. heavy snow in major cities in the midwest causing dangerous whiteout conditions. in texas freezing temperatures and ice. look at that, testing the state's power grid again. this is texas. this morning more than 300,000 customers in six states including texas still without power. the storm is crippling air travel with thousands of flights canceled. today the storm system pushes to the northeast. let's get to meteorologist karen mcginnis. karen, is this getting worse before it gets better this weekend? what do we expect? >> it looks like, christine, it's going to be shifting. those areas so deeply impacted from texas into the tennessee valley, they start to ease up a little bit. i do mean ease up. it's not going to be a sudden return to really beautiful conditions but it is going to be the northeast, new england. portions of the great lakes that would really start to suffer. what you're looking at, those images, those were shot by a drone erator. that was matt lance. he took out the drone showing the beautiful images coming to the west of the fort worth area. on the ground it's terrible. road conditions were bad, three to five inches of snow and a little bit of ice. let's show you what happened near the st. louis area. interstate 70. there were three tractor trailers that mixed it up on icy roads. two vehicles, one of which went under one of those tractor trailers. they're saying that that person was taken to the hospital in critical condition. also, want to show you what's happened right around memphis. there was so much ice. ice covered trees, ice covered roads. so the ice brought the trees down and this landed on top of an automobile, a truck. no one was injured in that, but just goes to show you just how damaging ice can be. already across the u.s. they have canceled nearly 2700 flights, already. that's in anticipation of this frontal system that's ushering the messy weather in the northeast and new england. christine and laura, looks like you will see perhaps a little bit of ice, maybe mixed with sleet, frozen precipitation. it will be light and move in and out. washington, d.c., warmest temperature but it drops throughout the entire day. don't let the temperature of 50 fool ya. >> we've already got an early dismissal at my school. they don't want to do the big, icy trip home this afternoon. nice to see you. still ahead for you, the hangover headache that just won't end for boris johnson and his lockdown party scandal. the top aides who now say they're done. lifestyles of the rich and famous. the old bridge blocking jeff bezos new boat. it's a super yacht and how money is greasing the wheels. that helps you build a futuree for those you love.. vanguard. become an owner. ♪ for skinin that never holds you back. don't settle for silver. #1 for diabetic dry skin #1 for psoriasis symptom relief and #1 for eczema symptom relief. gold bond. champion your skin. nicorette knows, quitting smoking is freaking hard. you get advice like: try hypnosis... or... quit cold turkey. kidding me?! instead, start small. with nicorette. which can lead to something big. start stopping with nicorette okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete balanced nutrition for strength and energy. woo hoo! ensure, complete balanced nutrition with 27 vitamins and minerals. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. ♪ ♪ before discovering nexium 24hr to treat her frequent heartburn... claire could only imagine enjoying chocolate cake. now, she can have her cake and eat it too. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? 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investigating the january 6th insurrection. we understand the censure resolution, it's actually been watered down from the original version. why? >> reporter: christine, well, that came after committee members decided to water it down. one committee member told us they're concerned that by the original resolution, which was to expel congresswoman liz cheney and congressman adam kinsinger from the house gop conference would make it and set precedent for the rnc to continue doing something like this in the future if there were any republicans that went against or were criticizing the party but, look, this censure was voted out of the resolutions committee yesterday. now the whole 168 member rnc is going to vote on this later today. but i want to emphasize that these two lawmakers, congresswoman liz cheney and congressman adam kin singer, both of these members who sit on the house select committee investigating the january 6th insurrection, they shrugged this off. they are not concerned about this resolution at all and in different statements they both said they stand by their decision to be part of this panel to investigate what happened on january 6th and to continue to call out that big lie that republicans keep pushing that the election was stolen from former president donald trump. christine? >> daniel, thank you so much. jumping overseas now. a new blow to brittain's boris johnson. four of his top aides just quit as his lockdown party scandal rages on. scott mcclain has the story. who's gone and what did they say on their way out the door? >> reporter: hey, laura. the government is trying to frame this as an expected staff shakeup. the optics of four top aides leaving all on the same day doesn't do much to dispel this situation that things are looking a little bit chaotic at downing street. boris johnson is losing his chief of staff, communications chief and private principle secretary. the same man that invited people to a byob party at downing street in the lockdown. minera myrza, she's been with him for years and she's highly influential. the leader of the opposition said they personally failed to prosecute one of the pedophiles when he was england's top prosecutor. the prime minister clarified his remarks but he didn't clarify. she said you are better man than many of your detractors will ever understand which is why it is desperately sad that you made a scurrilous accusation. a man who is widely seen as a contender to take johnson's job if he is forced out of office. he said yesterday he wouldn't have said the same thing that johnson said, repeated that accusation. that is widely being seen as a swipe against his boss, laura. >> scott, thanks for staying on top of that one for us. a dog in colorado lucky to be alive this morning after being trapped in a car fire. dramatic video shows the moment police arrived when a man was screaming for someone to help save his pet. >> my dog is in the car. >> dog in the car? >> please get my dog. >> oh, my god. >> where is it at? >> in the back. right here. >> right here? >> yes. >> hank. >> is it unlocked. >> manual lock. >> right here. come on. >> hank, come on. >> come on, buddy. >> come on. come on, hank. oh, my god. come on. >> oh, wow. a vet who lives next door has confirmed that the dog is okay. >> oh, my goodness. we are dog people. that's hard to watch. >> terrifying actually. president biden speaking today after the release of the january jobs report. we're going to preview what to expect next. and why colin kaepernick is teaming up with spike lee. powe, we can harness the energy of the tiny electron. we can create new ways to connect. rethinking how we communicate to be more inclusive than ever. with app, cloud and anywhere workspace solutions, vmware helps companies navigate change. faster. vmre. welcome change. are you one of the millions of americans who experience occasional bloating, gas or abdominal discomfort? taking align can help. align contains a quality probiotic to naturally help soothe digestive upsets 24/7. try align, the pros in digestive health. and join the align healthy gut team up and learn what millions of align users already know. how great a healthy gut can feel. sign up at also try align dualbiotics gummies to help support digestive health. ♪ my name is austin james. as a musician living with diabetes, fingersticks can be a real challenge. that's why i use the freestyle libre 2 system. with a painless, one-second scan i know my glucose numbers without fingersticks. now i'm managing my diabetes better and i've lowered my a1c from 8.2 to 6.7. take the mystery out of managing your diabetes and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free at get your personal points plan! i'm james corden and i'm here to tell people that ww is getting even more personal. keep on shopping, ignore us. i've lost like 28 pounds. you look great! i love that my clothes fit better, but i just love ice cream a little bit more than that. the new ww personal points program is particular to you. so what kind of foods do you like? 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>> yeah. christine, i think the odds are pretty good that we could actually see a decline. according to the bureau of census that conducted the survey right when omicron hit its peak a few weeks ago, 12 million people who said they weren't working weren't working because they were sick because they were fearful of getting sick. all of those folks out of the workforce can't work because they're ill, i think odds are pretty good that we'll see a decline. unemployment may take a notch higher as well. >> that's remarkable to think 12 million people were side lined for whatever reason because of omicron. that shows you that the recovery in the economy depends on the virus. i think we can assume that january's job losses if that happens was temporary, right? this is a rear-view mirror now. >> yeah. i think the timing is clearly still two years into this tethered to the pandemic and the waves of the pandemic. when the waves are washing over us, it's tough. it hurts the economy. fortunately you have a resilient economy. it looks like omicron is passing through. the economy crashes. we created 6 million jobs last year. we're within spitting image of getting all the jobs back we lost in the recession. continuing omicron fades away the economy will continue to recover. >> the headline is the inflation number. i know last year you said the typical family is paying something like $200 extra a month because of higher costs for just about everything. we're seeing wages rise but is inflation still that big consumer real feel story to you? >> yeah. i think that's really what's stinging people. i mean, the last time we saw inflation like this was four years ago. two generations ago. a lot of americans have never seen anything like this. it hurts. christine, it's actually up to $250 a month more now to buy the same kinds of goods and services folks were buying a year ago. really stings. again, i think right back to the pandemic, which has disrupted goldman's supply chains, messed up the labor market, caused all these labor problems and forcing businesses to raise prices. so, again, i'm optimistic that as the pandemic winds down here that inflationary pressures will evade. that's key to getting people feeling better about how the economy is going. >> yeah. we heard senator joe manchin say build back better? what's that. it's dead basically. is there anything the white house and congress can do to help people right now? >> well, i think the most immediate thing is getting the pandemic behind us which means making sure everyone gets all the things they need, masks, vaccines, test kits and then just working through all the issues in the supply chains and the labor market. it's going to take time. not going to happen very quickly because there's no smoking gun solution. all of these things add up. >> we know the economy nerds are going to have fun trying to make sense of what all of these numbers mean in the jobs report. mark zandi, moody's chief economist, thank you very much. >> thank you. the olympic games officially kick off in a little over an hour now at the opening ceremony but how many athletes will we actually see walking? coy wire is there in beijing for this morning's bleacher report. coy, some people deciding to stay safe and not walk at all? >> reporter: yeah, that's right, laura. good morning to you. frustrating juxtaposition for the athletes. they want to get excited but it is tough. geopolitical rhetoric swirling around. there were two chain link fences around the figure skating arena. threat of covid. one of the biggest names deciding not to walk. team u.s.a.'s star figure skater nathan chen told me earlier he is not participating in part because of the close proximity to so many other people just days before his individual competition begins. it makes you wonder, laura, how many other athletes might follow suit. for team u.s.a. at least, a team official said 177 of the 224 olympians will be walking. that's a higher number percentage wise than the tokyo games. they should be in for quite the show. beijing in 2008 had an opening ceremony that's generally regarded as the greatest of all time. same venue. iconic bird's nest. same director, chinese filmmaker and it will be simpler. 3,000 performers versus the 15,000 from 14 years ago. here's what one of the olympians said about what it means to be able to walk in the opening ceremony. >> opening ceremony is my favorite experience of the olympic games. i think that it's a really important experience for the athletes because we're so used to being in the zone and being competitive and opening ceremony is the one moment during the entire process when you get to just kind of let go and enjoy your accomplishments in getting this far. >> reporter: all right. here is the opening ceremony gear that we are going to see. ralph lauren, the official flag bear jerel jacket i am told that we will see. they will definitely be warm. this is one of the most comfortable and coolest coats i've ever seen. considering putting it on and trying to sneak on in there and make my way into the opening ceremony through all the fences, through all the security. if you see me back in the states tomorrow, you'll know why. >> you are an olympian in our heart, coy. thank you. appreciate it. >> reporter: thank you. colin kaepernick's story expected to become a spike lee venture. >> chloe, the nfl is facing this pretty stunning racial discrimination suit from this coach, brian flores. >> yes. >> now at the same time as this kaepernick story coming out. kind of amazing timing. >> not a good time for the nfl right now, but this is a really great opportunity for colin kaepernick. it's been announced spike lee is going to direct this dock cue series. no date yet. it will include new interviews, new series. colin kaepernick saying it's time to correct the narrative. he did do a documentary called colin in black and white last year. they say this is going to be different. it's part of his first look deal with disney. it's really exciting. going to be produced by gentjamele hill. they were sitting courtside at the lakers game. they're all excited about it. i'm excited to see. he was released from the 49ers in 2017 for kneeling during the national anthem to protest police brutality. he still has never received another contract. >> let's talk about super heroes. >> i have my madam webb notes. >> we had scarlet johansson. this is sony's first deal. >> dakota johnson, love her. she is doing indie movies. she is madam webb. madam webb first came about in the 1980s. she is a blind paralyzed character, elderly woman. some people are criticizing the fact that they cast a younger, able-bodied not blind person. anyway, so i'm excited. it's going to be a great role for her. this is coming off of spider man no way home making over $1 billion in the box office. >> she has come a long way from "fifty shades of gray" which is how i remember her. >> me too. >> little early. >> i've got to say a little early in the morning. nice to see you. >> thanks for joining us. >> it's friday. thanks for joining us, i'm christine romans. >> i'm laura jarrett. 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U S , Laura Jarrett , Beijing , Thanks , Start , All Around The World , Viewers , Christine Romans , New York , Friday February 4th , 4 , 5 , Opening Ceremony , Picture , Stadium , World Leaders , Countries , Winter Olympics , Olympic Flame , Lit , Two , Cases , Olympic Committee , Boycott , Loop Bubble , Covid , 21 , 308 , Athletes , White House , Right , White , Human Rights Abuses , Red , China , Team Usa The State Department , Olympic Committee Rules Prohibiting , Vladimir Putin , Meeting , Leader , Olympics , West , Person , Russian , Cnn , Protests , Tension , Ivan Watson , Hong Kong , Xi Jinping , Reporter , No Other , Some , Colleagues , Olympiads , Atmosphere , Example , Viewing Parties , City , Summer Olympics , Gatherings , Outbreak , Delta Variants , 2008 , People , Numbers , Closed Loop , Kind , Side , Parallel Universe , Bubbles , Concerns , Hundreds , Organizers , One , Event , Nathan Chen , Champion , Flag Bearer , Flag , Virus , Alina Myers Taylor , Four , Lot , Sense , More , Somebody , Top , Stress , Fact , Fences , Walls , Ivan , Families , Friends , Fun , Home , Journalists , President , Face To , Security Ties , Friendship , Statement , Kremlin , Lines , Something , Part , Nato , Threat , Expansion , Military Alliance , Leaders , Key Point , Sign , Standoff , Solidarity , To Beijing , World , Washington D C , Eyes , Hosts , Relations , Attack , Both , Pentagon Claim , Plans , Pretexts , Invasion , Images , Propaganda Video , Locations , Actors , Corpses , Mourners , Claim , Foreign Minister , Type , Hands , Military Equipment , Ukraine , Nic Robertson , Moscow , Wall , It Dedelusional , Sergei Lavrov , Officials , Conflict , Events , Entry , Government , Specificity , Operations , Puppet Government , Didn T , Sort , British , State Department , Details , Pentagon , Spokesman , Ned Price , Opportunity , Information , Denial , State News Agency , Secretary Of State , Push , Victoria Newland , Interview , Response , Document , Spanish , New Hampshire , Reporting , Propaganda , Topics , Nick , Raid , Death , Isis , Syria , Jomana Say , Blow , Momentum , Intelligence , Gathering , Christine , Operation , U S Special Forces , Military Intelligence , Killing , Most , 2019 , Location , Issue , Northwestern Syria , Forces , Everyone , Story Building , House , Discrepancy , Count , Civilian Casualties , Three , Wife , Deputy , Children , Floor , Isis Leader , Explosives , Lieutenant , Members , Building , Child , U S Military , Al Qaeda , Tiles , Rescue Workers , Ground , Combatants , Civilians , Five , 6 , 13 , Biden , Secretary , Defense , Special Forces Operation , Women , Mission , Casualties , Look , Complexity , Possibility , Action , Military , Outcome , Conclusion , Review , Scrutiny , Airstrikes , Afghanistan , Team , Situation Room , Let S Go , Jasmine Wright , Detail , Amount , Shades , Osama Bin Laden , 24 , Vice President , Security , Helicopter , Ground Malfunctioning , Anxiety , Levity , Reason , Special Forces Mission , Isis Target , Course , Family , Bomb , Suicide Bombing , Isis Target Killing , Listen , Victory Lap , Administration , Success , Warning , Anywhere , Threats , Testament , Matter , Reach , List , Capability , Decision , Model , Late December , Yes , Lots , Plan , Hindes The Scenes Story , Businesses , Jobs , Business , Report , Millions , Hopes , Mark Zandi , Omicron , Moody S , Oil Prices , 90 , 0 , Pain , Amazon , Service , Energy Prices , Price , Production , Barrel , Porch , Add , Opec Plus , 17 , Video Content , Membership , Shipping , March 25th , 39 , 139 , 25 , Aides , Winter Storm , Path , January 6th Committee , Dallas , January 6th , 100 Million , Yacht , Dog , Jeff Bezos , Bridge , Way , Video , Second , Distress , Skin , Heartburn , Frank , Fast , Fan , Talker , Fast Walker , Olay Body , Gary , Nexium , Af , Relief , Fans , Pepcid , Prilosec Otc , Stng , Psoriatic Arthritis , Rheumatoid Arthritis , Doctor , Enbrel , Joint Pain , Damage , Parents , Players , Artists , Designers , Do It Yourselfers , Infections , Cancers , Ability , Nervous System , Lymphoma , Clearer , True Self , Tuberculosis , Bleeding , Reactions , Heart Failure , Sores , Bruising , Have , Fever , Blood Disorders , Hepatitis B , Paleness , Cuts , Infection , Don T , Work , Patients , Last , Flu , Visit Enbrel Com , , Office , Customers , Return , Servicenow Platform , Ways , Safe , Flow , Network , Vo , Challenge , Ultra , Cities , Workplace , 5g , Ultra Wideband , Servicenow , Verizon , Stroke Risk , Times , Afib , Heart Valve Problem , Movie , Mindy , Yep , 10 , Treatment , Risk , Stop Taking Eliquis , Warfarin , Trail , Stroke , Help , Bruise , Artificial Heart Valve , Ww , Points , Medicines , Blood Thinner , Procedures , James Corden , Ice Cream , Program , Foods , Shopping , Clothes , 28 , Limits , Workforce , Food , Sandwiches , Offer , Avocado , February 7th , 7 , Vmware , Workspace , Companies , Solutions , Change , App , Discoveries , Convenience , Outcomes , Necessity , Uncharted Waters , Cloud , Faster , Welcome Change , Trial , Men , Ahmaud Arbery , Georgia , Gregory Mcmichael , Court , Travis Mcmichael , State Court , Plea Deal , Life , Prison , Mother , Snow , Texas , Midwest , Ice , Conditions , Storm , Estate , Air Travel , Temperatures , Power , Power Grid , Six , 300000 , Flights , Northeast , Storm System , Thousands , Meteorologist Karen Mcginnis , Bit , Areas , New England , Tennessee Valley , Great Lakes , Drone , Portions , Drone Erator , Tractor Trailers , Area , Interstate 70 , Louis Area , Fort Worth , Road Conditions , 70 , Condition , Vehicles , Hospital , Icy Roads , Memphis , No One , Trees , Automobile , Truck , Ice Covered Roads , System , Weather , Anticipation , 2700 , Temperature , Precipitation , Sleet , Move , Ya , 50 , Boris Johnson , Scandal , Lockdown Party , Hangover Headache , Big , Dismissal , My School , Icy Trip , Boat , Money , Old Bridge , Blocking , Wheels , Lifestyles Of The Rich And Famous , Owner , 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Heads , Steel Bridge , The Bridge , Ocean , Central Span , 130 , Company , Air , Giant Masts , Value , Job , Cost , Stir , Municipality , Project , Rotterdam Shouldn T , Others , Wishes , Shipbuilding Industry , Tweet Thfroa , Group , Politician , Tweet , Kudos , Pun , A Bridge Too Far , Adam Schiff , Protest , News , U S House , Eggs , Twitter , 2000 , Share , Taxes , Super Jath , Use , Fun Boat , Packages , Hellie Couldn Ter Can T Land , Sea , Thank You , Mike Pence , Car , Plus , Inflammation , Intestine , Medication , Flight , Uc , Surface , Determination , Cancer , Vaccine , Pres , Serious , Brain Condition , Skin Growths , Stelara , Tb , Delivery Man , Lung Inflammation , Remission , Cost Support Options , Janssen , Mail , Recipient , Privacy , Reading It , Everybody , Plaque Psoriasis , Burning , Bill , Itching , 8 , Tremfya , Moderate , Emerge Tremfyant , Joints , Painful , Stinging , 16 , Sandpaper , Combo , Preservatives , Eye Drops , Ingredients , Strypaper , Biotrue Hydration Boost , Diabetes , Biotrue , Glucerna , Number , Blood Sugar , Carbsteady , Appearances , Witnesses , Mark Short , Caitlyn , Conversations , Counsel , Donald Trump , Greg Jacob , Chief D , Communications , Trump , Request , Thing , Things , Interviews , Set , Parameters , Questions , Committee , Negotiations , Republican National Committee , Room , Pressure , Pence , Proxy , Vote , Campaign , Certified , Liz Cheney , Adam Kin Singer , Offense , Censure Resolution , Resolution , Committee Member , Committee Members , Version , Precedent , Republicans , Conference , Gop , Party , Member , Censure , Resolutions Committee Yesterday , 168 , On The House Select Committee Investigating January 6th Insurrection , Lawmakers , Congressman Adam Kin Singer , Statements , Election , Panel , Big Lie , Daniel , Brittain , Story , Door , Optics , Staff Shakeup , Scott Mcclain , Situation , Chief Of Staff , Principle , Downing Street , Lockdown , Minera Myrza , Prime Minister , Opposition , Prosecutor , Pedophiles , England , Many , Accusation , Detractors , Scurrilous , Contender , Wouldn T , Boss , Swipe , Someone , Police , Car Fire , Lucky , Colorado , Pet , God , Manual Lock , Hank , Back , Come On , Buddy , Vet , Colin Kaepernick , Dog People , Goodness , Release , Spike Lee , Powe , Electron , Rethinking , Vmre , Quality Probiotic , Taking Align , Discomfort , Pros , Bloating , Gas , Try Align , 24 7 , Health , Gut , Users , Alignprobiotics Com , Dualbiotics , Glucose Numbers , Scan , Musician , Austin James , Fingersticks , My Name , Libre 2 , A1c , Mystery , 8 2 , 6 7 , Phone , Employees , T Mobile , Ground Running , Device , 800 , 00 , Facebook , Opportunities , Largest , 5g Network , 200 , Bottom Line , Comcast Business Mobile , Data , Business Owner , Mind , Data Plans , Pay , Gig , Internet , Contracts , Comcast Business , Term , Line Activation Fees , Powering Possibilities Tm Let , 500 , Stock Index Futures , Markets , Cnn Business , Shares , Indecisive , Asian , Check , Parent , Stock , Wall Street , Crash On , Epic Crash , Meta , Royaled , 26 , 232 Billion , 32 Billion , Loss , Mark Zuckerberg , 9 Billion , 29 Billion , Profit Drop , Tech , Contagion Spread , Mcdonald S , Goldman Sachs , At T , Ford , Apple , Job Market , Privacy Policy , 150000 , December 2020 , Experts , Rate , We Saw , Ana Analytics , Adp , 3 9 , 2020 , Factor , Business Closures , Peak , 331000 , Bureau , Decline , Odds , Census , They Weren T Working , Survey , Omicron Hit , 12 Million , Folks , Unemployment , Notch , Sick , Economy , Job Losses , Rear View Mirror , Recovery , Pandemic , Waves , Timing , Spitting Image , Economy Crashes , 6 Million , Inflation Number , Headline , Costs , Recession , Wages , Continuing Omicron , Inflation , Anything , Consumer , Generations , Kinds , Services , Supply Chains , Goods , 250 , Labor Market , Pressures , Labor Problems , Prices , Winds , Joe Manchin , Congress , Vaccines , Issues , Masks , Test Kits , Jobs Report , Economy Nerds , Smoking Gun Solution , Ceremony , Little , Chief Economist , Bleacher Report , Coy , Coy Wire , Rhetoric Swirling , Frustrating Juxtaposition , Names , Figure Skating Arena , Team Usa , Chain Link , Suit , Official , Competition , Proximity , 177 , Olympians , Games , Greatest , Percentage , Show , 224 , Filmmaker , Venue , Performers , Iconic Bird S Nest , 14 , 3000 , 15000 , Experience , Zone , Opening , Accomplishments , Opening Ceremony Gear , Ralph Lauren , States , Olympian , Coats , Discrimination , Spike Lee Venture , Nfl , Chloe , Brian Flores , Kaepernick Story Coming Out , Series , Documentary , Narrative , Dock Cue , Courtside , First Look Deal , Lakers , Called Colin In Black And White , Disney , Gentjamele Hill , Game , 49ers , Anthem , Kneeling , Police Brutality , 49 , 2017 , Dakota Johnson , Contract , Madam Webb , Heroes , Notes , First Deal , Indie Movies , Scarlet Johansson , Sony , Character , Woman , Blind Person , Madam Webb First , 1980 , Box Office , Spider Man , Role , 1 Billion , Billion , Fifty Shades Of Gray , Fifty , Sugar , Nutrients , Sighs Wearily , Excited Yell , Master Bath , Thirty , Dry Eye , Tear Production , About Restasis , Starter , Sourdough , Style , Sourdough Finisher , Eyecare , Tears , Inflammation Due , Tear Duct , Contamination , Side Effect , Eye Care Professional , Surfaces , Temporary Burning Sensation , Plugs , Eye Injury , Bottle Tip , Contact Lenses , 15 , Lights , Visit Restasis Com , Psoriasis , Feel , Choices , Electorlytes , Powder Packs , Pedialyte , Cream , Otezla , Injection , Choice , Splash , Pill , Prescribing Information , Plaques , Requirement , Redness , Scaliness , Joint Swelling , Tenderness , Routine Lab Monitoring , Thickness , Depression , Weight Loss , Feelings , Thoughts , Nausea , Vomiting , History , Planning , Upper Respiratory Tract Infection , Headache , Weight , America Stay , Comcast Business Is , Coast To , Access , Connectivity , Gig Speeds , 20 Million , Prepaid Card , Voice , Visa , 64 99 , 4 99 , Bundle , Brianna Keilar , Tensions , Boycotts , John Berman , 2022 ,

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Transcripts For CNN Early Start With Christine Romans And Laura Jarrett 20240708 :

Transcripts For CNN Early Start With Christine Romans and Laura Jarrett 20240708

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boycott. the olympic committee reported 21 new covid cases. now they have 308 since beijing started the closed loop bubble. >> back here in the u.s. you're looking at a live picture now of the white house all lit up in red, white and blue to cheer team u.s.a. the state department thursday publicly defended the right of u.s. athletes to speak out against human rights abuses in china despite olympic committee rules prohibiting any protests. just a short time ago russian president vladimir putin and the chinese leader xi jinping meeting in person at a time of high tension with the west. cnn's ivan watson joins us live from hong kong this morning. ivan, this will be an olympics like no other. >> reporter: yeah. you know, i'm down here in hong kong, but my colleagues up in beijing, some of whom have covered other olympiads, say the atmosphere is different. for example, in beijing those who were around in 2008 when the city hosted the summer olympics there, they say they're not anticipating large viewing parties or any large gatherings because the city's been struggling with outbreak out omicron and delta variants of covid so you're not having people encouraged to gather in large numbers. meanwhile, on the other side of this kind of parallel universe the so-called closed loop where all the athletes and the olympic organizers are inside the olympic bubbles, there one of the prevailing concerns is covid because there have been hundreds of cases detected. athletes who have trained for years are worried that they may test positive and may have to skip out on the event so you've got the champion u.s. figure skater nathan chen, he's not going to march in the opening ceremony because he's worried about being around too many other people and maybe contracting the virus. the flag bearer for the u.s.a. alina myers taylor who is a four-time olympian bobsledder she cannot carry the flag because she tested positive. somebody else now has to do it for her. that's giving you a sense on top of the existing stress, there's a lot more and the fact that all the athletes are behind fences and walls. >> the families and friends are back home. many journalists and people covering the event say this is really like no other. not the fun that it usually is when you go to cover an olympics. we also know, ivan, this is the first meeting right now between the russian president and the chinese leader xi jinping. the first meeting face to face in two years. what do you expect? we >> reporter: we're hearing the lines coming out. they have been celebrating friendship, deepening security ties and also a statement that is certainly going to be celebrated by kremlin which china agrees with russia and has spoken out against any further expansion of the nato military alliance. this is something that russia perceives as a threat and part of the whole standoff. putin has traveled to beijing, vladimir putin, and has gotten the chinese leader to agree with him on this key point. so a sign of solidarity between two key authoritarian leaders whose relations with washington have deteriorated in recent years. this before china hosts -- has the world's eyes on it for the winter olympics. so it's a welcome moment for both of these leaders. >> ivan watson in hong kong. thanks, ivan. to russia where the kremlin is denying a pentagon claim that russia plans to stage a fake attack to create a pretexts for invasion. >> as part of this fake attack, we believe that russia would produce a very graphic propaganda video which would include corpses and actors that would be depicting mourners and images of destroyed locations as well as military equipment at the hands of ukraine or the west. >> cnn's nic robertson is live in moscow. how confident is the u.s. in making that type of serious claim and what is the kremlin saying? i see the russian foreign minister spoke out just a short time ago. >> reporter: yeah. russian foreign minister sergei lavrov called it dedelusional. they say it didn't make logical sense. all of these claims that we've heard of russia, you know, planning false flag events to trigger a conflict and trigger their entry to a conflict in ukraine. the russian officials have been knocking down. we've heard from u.s. officials that there were other false flag operations that might be being planned that didn't have this sort of specificity. they said that was untrue. the british government said that russia was trying to put in a puppet government in ukraine after they moved in and tried to occupy ukraine. so -- and, again, on that russia denied that as happening. here we have a lot more specificity coming from the pentagon and other officials. the state department, ned price there the spokesman, declined to get into details about the claim that's being made. not unusual to want to give away details that might then, you know -- might then give russian officials an opportunity to understand where the information came from but here, you know, absolutely categorical denial that that's about to happen. we also had push back against the under secretary of state victoria newland who tasked the state news agency here in an interview with them, she said -- and she has publicly said that it was russia that was responsible for leaking the document to the spanish new hampshire, leaking the united states and nato's response to russia that were private and the united states asked to be kept private. russia was responsible for that. russian officials are coming back and saying that is not correct. obviously they're claiming it's propaganda so, you know, a lot being said on these topics here. >> sure. nick, thank you for your reporting. we're getting new details this morning on the dramatic u.s.-led raid in syria thursday that left the leader of isis dead. the white house calls the leader's death a catastrophic blow to isis. jomana has more. we know u.s. intelligence gathering gave momentum this fall. we know the president was briefed just before christmas. >> reporter: well, you know, christine, this is one of the most -- it is the most significant operation carried out by u.s. special forces in syria since 2019, since the killing of isis's former leader. as you mentioned, we understand that the u.s. military intelligence had been watching this location in northwestern syria for months waiting for that right opportunity for them to carry out this raid. the opportunity presented itself on wednesday when this happened. now one major issue that everyone is looking at right now is this discrepancy we're getting into the count of civilian casualties. the u.s. forces are saying as they approached the three story building, the house where the isis leader was, he pretty much straightaway detonated explosives killing himself, his wife, his children. on the second floor there was a lieutenant, deputy with his wife and he engaged u.s. forces. he was killed, his wife was killed and we understand a child on that floor was killed. the u.s. military has not clarified how that child was killed. they say members of an al qaeda affiliate approached that building and they described them as whose tiles, engaged them and they were killed. the u.s. says that in total four civilians were killed in this operation and five combatants. what we're getting from syrians on the ground, from rescue workers, they are saying that 13 people were killed including 6 children and 4 women and the u.s. is saying that they are looking at these reports. they are reviewing this operation. we've heard from president biden and the secretary of defense saying they did opt for a special forces operation to try and minimize civilian casualties and at the same time the secretary of defense, christine, saying that given the complexity of this mission, we will take a look at the possibility of our action may have also basically led -- may have possibly led to harm to innocent people. so everyone is going to be waiting to see what the conclusion, what the outcome of this review is going to be. this is coming at a time when the u.s. military is under a lot of scrutiny for civilian casualties in afghanistan and also in syria where civilian casualties in airstrikes, something that has only come to light in recent months, christine. >> jomana, thank you so much for that. laura? also this morning, we are learning more about the tense moments inside "the situation room" as president biden and his team watched the raid that killed the isis leader in real time. let's go live to washington and bring in cnn's jasmine wright. good morning. the reporting here is pretty incredible from the white house team. it also has shades of the raid that killed osama bin laden. >> reporter: yeah, stunning amount of detail from officials who over the last 24 hours have given more and more detail about some of those really tense moments in "the situation room" as the president monitored this raid in real time. he was joined by his vice president and other national security officials. they described moments filled with anxiety when they watched the helicopter on the ground malfunctioning. we learned that was destroyed by u.s. special forces to moments of levity when they saw children coming from -- coming safely outside from the first floor of the building. remember, the u.s. -- the isis target lived on the third floor above families and so that was the reason why as we heard jomana say, the president opted for a special forces mission. to of course another tense moment when that initial bomb went off, the isis target killing himself and his family in that suicide bombing at the third floor. so really some tense moments here. and of course we are learning all these details, laura, because the administration officials view this as a success and are detailing it as so he and are taking a victory lap. president biden joined in on that yesterday when he spoke at the white house talking about this mission and really offering a grave warning. take a listen. >> this operation is testament towards america's reach and capability to take outer or list threats no matter where they try to hide anywhere in the world. we will come after you and find you. >> so we are also learning of just how much detail went into planning this. months and months of course. the president was briefed late december. making the final decision on tuesday. in december when they were going through the painstaking details, even bringing a tabletop model of the building so the president could see exactly how this plan would lay out. but, yes, laura, lots and lots of detail as we come from hours and hours after this raid. >> yeah. just amazing to get the hindes the scenes story. to cnn business now. the january jobs report in just a few hours. president biden will speak about it afterwards. the white house has been warning us for days don't get your hopes up for a good report here. you had millions of people out sick and some businesses temporarily closed because of omicron. that will hold back the numbers. we'll talk more about that with mark zandi, the chief economist at moody's. u.s. oil prices jumped above $90 a barrel. just one day after opec plus decided not to ramp up production more aggressively to ease those energy prices. add to that new pain on your porch. amazon is hiking the price of its prime service by 17%. it will be $139 a year. it's to pay for expanded prime membership. added video content and more expanded free shipping. march 25th for existing prime members. right now a live look in dallas with almost 100 million people in the path of a major winter storm coming. two top aides to the former vice president talking to the january 6th committee but not telling all. and how rich is too rich? well, jeff bezos, his yacht and the bridge that's in the way. that's next. and hear pounding video of a dog in distress. see the moment he was saved at the last second. l to firm and radiant. with olay body, i feel fearless in my skin. frank is a fan of fast. he's a fast talker. a fast walker. thanks, gary. and for unexpected heartburn... frank is a f of pepcid. it works in minutes. nexium 24 hour and prilosec otc can take one tfour days to fully work. pepcid. stng relief for fans of fast. i may have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. or psoriatic arthritis. but we are so much more. we're team players and artists. designers and do-it-yourselfers. parents and friends. if joint pain is getting in the way of who you are, it's time to talk to your doctor about enbrel. enbrel helps relieve joint pain, and helps stop permanent joint damage. plus enbrel helps skin get clearer in psoriatic arthritis. ask your doctor about enbrel, so you can get back to your true self. play ball! enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders and allergic reactions have occurred. tell your doctor if you've been someplace where fungal infections are common. or if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if you have persistent fever, bruising, bleeding or paleness. don't start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. visit to see how your joint damage could progress. enbrel. eligible patients may pay as little as $5 per month. this is the new world of work. each day looks different than the last. but whatever work becomes, the servicenow platform will make it just, flow. whether it's finding new ways to help you serve your customers, orchestrating a safe return to the office... wait. an office? 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avocado. ice cream. sandwiches. no food is off limits. when can i start?! get started for just $10 a month at hurry! offer ends february 7th! what happens when we welcome change? we can transform our workforce overnight out of convenience, or necessity. we can explore uncharted waters, and not only make new discoveries, but get there faster, with better outcomes. with app, cloud and anywhere workspace solutions, vmware helps companies navigate change-- meeting them where they are, and getting them where they want to be. faster. vmware. welcome change. new this morning in georgia. one of two men convicted in the killing of ahmaud arbery is going to trial. gregory mcmichael informed the court he will not plead guilty. he and his son travis were sentenced to life in prison in state court but arbery's mother objected to' plea deal. travis mcmichael will appear in court to confirm if he, too, is going to trial. nearly 100 million people from texas to main in the path of major winter storm. heavy snow in major cities in the midwest causing dangerous whiteout conditions. in texas freezing temperatures and ice. look at that, testing the state's power grid again. this is texas. this morning more than 300,000 customers in six states including texas still without power. the storm is crippling air travel with thousands of flights canceled. today the storm system pushes to the northeast. let's get to meteorologist karen mcginnis. karen, is this getting worse before it gets better this weekend? what do we expect? >> it looks like, christine, it's going to be shifting. those areas so deeply impacted from texas into the tennessee valley, they start to ease up a little bit. i do mean ease up. it's not going to be a sudden return to really beautiful conditions but it is going to be the northeast, new england. portions of the great lakes that would really start to suffer. what you're looking at, those images, those were shot by a drone erator. that was matt lance. he took out the drone showing the beautiful images coming to the west of the fort worth area. on the ground it's terrible. road conditions were bad, three to five inches of snow and a little bit of ice. let's show you what happened near the st. louis area. interstate 70. there were three tractor trailers that mixed it up on icy roads. two vehicles, one of which went under one of those tractor trailers. they're saying that that person was taken to the hospital in critical condition. also, want to show you what's happened right around memphis. there was so much ice. ice covered trees, ice covered roads. so the ice brought the trees down and this landed on top of an automobile, a truck. no one was injured in that, but just goes to show you just how damaging ice can be. already across the u.s. they have canceled nearly 2700 flights, already. that's in anticipation of this frontal system that's ushering the messy weather in the northeast and new england. christine and laura, looks like you will see perhaps a little bit of ice, maybe mixed with sleet, frozen precipitation. it will be light and move in and out. washington, d.c., warmest temperature but it drops throughout the entire day. don't let the temperature of 50 fool ya. >> we've already got an early dismissal at my school. they don't want to do the big, icy trip home this afternoon. nice to see you. still ahead for you, the hangover headache that just won't end for boris johnson and his lockdown party scandal. the top aides who now say they're done. lifestyles of the rich and famous. the old bridge blocking jeff bezos new boat. it's a super yacht and how money is greasing the wheels. that helps you build a futuree for those you love.. vanguard. become an owner. ♪ for skinin that never holds you back. don't settle for silver. #1 for diabetic dry skin #1 for psoriasis symptom relief and #1 for eczema symptom relief. gold bond. champion your skin. nicorette knows, quitting smoking is freaking hard. you get advice like: try hypnosis... or... quit cold turkey. kidding me?! instead, start small. with nicorette. which can lead to something big. start stopping with nicorette okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete balanced nutrition for strength and energy. woo hoo! ensure, complete balanced nutrition with 27 vitamins and minerals. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. ♪ ♪ before discovering nexium 24hr to treat her frequent heartburn... claire could only imagine enjoying chocolate cake. now, she can have her cake and eat it too. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? 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glucerna protein smart has your number with 30 grams of protein. scientifically designed with carbsteady to help you manage your blood sugar. and more protein to keep you moving with diabetes. glucerna live every moment back to two top aides to former vice president mike pence have testified. notable appearances for what they did and did not talk about. caitlyn joins me live from washington this morning. caitlyn, what was off limits for these two witnesses? >> reporter: good morning, laura. these are two crucial witnesses. mark short, the chief of staff to mike pence as vice president and greg jacob, the chief d counsel to pence. they would not discuss their direct conversations with president donald trump or other conversations they knew of that were direct conversations with trump. that's because trump's team came to them and instructed them not to talk about what's called presidential communications. those were off limits and more importantly, the vice president's office, their team, decided that they were willing to oblige with this request from the trump team. so the thing is here though, i mean, it's important the parameters that are being set but the thing is they were willing to talk about a lot of things. this was a very small amount of questions in the interviews. there were already negotiations with the committee. these two top aides to vice president mike pence were speaking quite a lot about their conversations with mike pence, what was happening in the days up to january 6th and they were advising him what was happening when he was the person getting this pressure campaign before as the vote was being certified. >> and almost serving as pence's proxy since we don't know yet whether pence will testify. they were in the room where it happened. they know quite a bit. caitlyn, thank you. later today the republican national committee will formally vote to censure representatives liz cheney and adam kin singer. their offense? investigating the january 6th insurrection. we understand the censure resolution, it's actually been watered down from the original version. why? >> reporter: christine, well, that came after committee members decided to water it down. one committee member told us they're concerned that by the original resolution, which was to expel congresswoman liz cheney and congressman adam kinsinger from the house gop conference would make it and set precedent for the rnc to continue doing something like this in the future if there were any republicans that went against or were criticizing the party but, look, this censure was voted out of the resolutions committee yesterday. now the whole 168 member rnc is going to vote on this later today. but i want to emphasize that these two lawmakers, congresswoman liz cheney and congressman adam kin singer, both of these members who sit on the house select committee investigating the january 6th insurrection, they shrugged this off. they are not concerned about this resolution at all and in different statements they both said they stand by their decision to be part of this panel to investigate what happened on january 6th and to continue to call out that big lie that republicans keep pushing that the election was stolen from former president donald trump. christine? >> daniel, thank you so much. jumping overseas now. a new blow to brittain's boris johnson. four of his top aides just quit as his lockdown party scandal rages on. scott mcclain has the story. who's gone and what did they say on their way out the door? >> reporter: hey, laura. the government is trying to frame this as an expected staff shakeup. the optics of four top aides leaving all on the same day doesn't do much to dispel this situation that things are looking a little bit chaotic at downing street. boris johnson is losing his chief of staff, communications chief and private principle secretary. the same man that invited people to a byob party at downing street in the lockdown. minera myrza, she's been with him for years and she's highly influential. the leader of the opposition said they personally failed to prosecute one of the pedophiles when he was england's top prosecutor. the prime minister clarified his remarks but he didn't clarify. she said you are better man than many of your detractors will ever understand which is why it is desperately sad that you made a scurrilous accusation. a man who is widely seen as a contender to take johnson's job if he is forced out of office. he said yesterday he wouldn't have said the same thing that johnson said, repeated that accusation. that is widely being seen as a swipe against his boss, laura. >> scott, thanks for staying on top of that one for us. a dog in colorado lucky to be alive this morning after being trapped in a car fire. dramatic video shows the moment police arrived when a man was screaming for someone to help save his pet. >> my dog is in the car. >> dog in the car? >> please get my dog. >> oh, my god. >> where is it at? >> in the back. right here. >> right here? >> yes. >> hank. >> is it unlocked. >> manual lock. >> right here. come on. >> hank, come on. >> come on, buddy. >> come on. come on, hank. oh, my god. come on. >> oh, wow. a vet who lives next door has confirmed that the dog is okay. >> oh, my goodness. we are dog people. that's hard to watch. >> terrifying actually. president biden speaking today after the release of the january jobs report. we're going to preview what to expect next. and why colin kaepernick is teaming up with spike lee. powe, we can harness the energy of the tiny electron. we can create new ways to connect. rethinking how we communicate to be more inclusive than ever. with app, cloud and anywhere workspace solutions, vmware helps companies navigate change. faster. vmre. welcome change. are you one of the millions of americans who experience occasional bloating, gas or abdominal discomfort? taking align can help. align contains a quality probiotic to naturally help soothe digestive upsets 24/7. try align, the pros in digestive health. and join the align healthy gut team up and learn what millions of align users already know. how great a healthy gut can feel. sign up at also try align dualbiotics gummies to help support digestive health. ♪ my name is austin james. as a musician living with diabetes, fingersticks can be a real challenge. that's why i use the freestyle libre 2 system. with a painless, one-second scan i know my glucose numbers without fingersticks. now i'm managing my diabetes better and i've lowered my a1c from 8.2 to 6.7. take the mystery out of managing your diabetes and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free at get your personal points plan! i'm james corden and i'm here to tell people that ww is getting even more personal. keep on shopping, ignore us. i've lost like 28 pounds. you look great! i love that my clothes fit better, but i just love ice cream a little bit more than that. the new ww personal points program is particular to you. so what kind of foods do you like? 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>> yeah. christine, i think the odds are pretty good that we could actually see a decline. according to the bureau of census that conducted the survey right when omicron hit its peak a few weeks ago, 12 million people who said they weren't working weren't working because they were sick because they were fearful of getting sick. all of those folks out of the workforce can't work because they're ill, i think odds are pretty good that we'll see a decline. unemployment may take a notch higher as well. >> that's remarkable to think 12 million people were side lined for whatever reason because of omicron. that shows you that the recovery in the economy depends on the virus. i think we can assume that january's job losses if that happens was temporary, right? this is a rear-view mirror now. >> yeah. i think the timing is clearly still two years into this tethered to the pandemic and the waves of the pandemic. when the waves are washing over us, it's tough. it hurts the economy. fortunately you have a resilient economy. it looks like omicron is passing through. the economy crashes. we created 6 million jobs last year. we're within spitting image of getting all the jobs back we lost in the recession. continuing omicron fades away the economy will continue to recover. >> the headline is the inflation number. i know last year you said the typical family is paying something like $200 extra a month because of higher costs for just about everything. we're seeing wages rise but is inflation still that big consumer real feel story to you? >> yeah. i think that's really what's stinging people. i mean, the last time we saw inflation like this was four years ago. two generations ago. a lot of americans have never seen anything like this. it hurts. christine, it's actually up to $250 a month more now to buy the same kinds of goods and services folks were buying a year ago. really stings. again, i think right back to the pandemic, which has disrupted goldman's supply chains, messed up the labor market, caused all these labor problems and forcing businesses to raise prices. so, again, i'm optimistic that as the pandemic winds down here that inflationary pressures will evade. that's key to getting people feeling better about how the economy is going. >> yeah. we heard senator joe manchin say build back better? what's that. it's dead basically. is there anything the white house and congress can do to help people right now? >> well, i think the most immediate thing is getting the pandemic behind us which means making sure everyone gets all the things they need, masks, vaccines, test kits and then just working through all the issues in the supply chains and the labor market. it's going to take time. not going to happen very quickly because there's no smoking gun solution. all of these things add up. >> we know the economy nerds are going to have fun trying to make sense of what all of these numbers mean in the jobs report. mark zandi, moody's chief economist, thank you very much. >> thank you. the olympic games officially kick off in a little over an hour now at the opening ceremony but how many athletes will we actually see walking? coy wire is there in beijing for this morning's bleacher report. coy, some people deciding to stay safe and not walk at all? >> reporter: yeah, that's right, laura. good morning to you. frustrating juxtaposition for the athletes. they want to get excited but it is tough. geopolitical rhetoric swirling around. there were two chain link fences around the figure skating arena. threat of covid. one of the biggest names deciding not to walk. team u.s.a.'s star figure skater nathan chen told me earlier he is not participating in part because of the close proximity to so many other people just days before his individual competition begins. it makes you wonder, laura, how many other athletes might follow suit. for team u.s.a. at least, a team official said 177 of the 224 olympians will be walking. that's a higher number percentage wise than the tokyo games. they should be in for quite the show. beijing in 2008 had an opening ceremony that's generally regarded as the greatest of all time. same venue. iconic bird's nest. same director, chinese filmmaker and it will be simpler. 3,000 performers versus the 15,000 from 14 years ago. here's what one of the olympians said about what it means to be able to walk in the opening ceremony. >> opening ceremony is my favorite experience of the olympic games. i think that it's a really important experience for the athletes because we're so used to being in the zone and being competitive and opening ceremony is the one moment during the entire process when you get to just kind of let go and enjoy your accomplishments in getting this far. >> reporter: all right. here is the opening ceremony gear that we are going to see. ralph lauren, the official flag bear jerel jacket i am told that we will see. they will definitely be warm. this is one of the most comfortable and coolest coats i've ever seen. considering putting it on and trying to sneak on in there and make my way into the opening ceremony through all the fences, through all the security. if you see me back in the states tomorrow, you'll know why. >> you are an olympian in our heart, coy. thank you. appreciate it. >> reporter: thank you. colin kaepernick's story expected to become a spike lee venture. >> chloe, the nfl is facing this pretty stunning racial discrimination suit from this coach, brian flores. >> yes. >> now at the same time as this kaepernick story coming out. kind of amazing timing. >> not a good time for the nfl right now, but this is a really great opportunity for colin kaepernick. it's been announced spike lee is going to direct this dock cue series. no date yet. it will include new interviews, new series. colin kaepernick saying it's time to correct the narrative. he did do a documentary called colin in black and white last year. they say this is going to be different. it's part of his first look deal with disney. it's really exciting. going to be produced by gentjamele hill. they were sitting courtside at the lakers game. they're all excited about it. i'm excited to see. he was released from the 49ers in 2017 for kneeling during the national anthem to protest police brutality. he still has never received another contract. >> let's talk about super heroes. >> i have my madam webb notes. >> we had scarlet johansson. this is sony's first deal. >> dakota johnson, love her. she is doing indie movies. she is madam webb. madam webb first came about in the 1980s. she is a blind paralyzed character, elderly woman. some people are criticizing the fact that they cast a younger, able-bodied not blind person. anyway, so i'm excited. it's going to be a great role for her. this is coming off of spider man no way home making over $1 billion in the box office. >> she has come a long way from "fifty shades of gray" which is how i remember her. >> me too. >> little early. >> i've got to say a little early in the morning. nice to see you. >> thanks for joining us. >> it's friday. thanks for joining us, i'm christine romans. >> i'm laura jarrett. 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U S , Laura Jarrett , Beijing , Thanks , Start , All Around The World , Viewers , Christine Romans , New York , Friday February 4th , 4 , 5 , Opening Ceremony , Picture , Stadium , World Leaders , Countries , Winter Olympics , Olympic Flame , Lit , Two , Cases , Olympic Committee , Boycott , Loop Bubble , Covid , 21 , 308 , Athletes , White House , Right , White , Human Rights Abuses , Red , China , Team Usa The State Department , Olympic Committee Rules Prohibiting , Vladimir Putin , Meeting , Leader , Olympics , West , Person , Russian , Cnn , Protests , Tension , Ivan Watson , Hong Kong , Xi Jinping , Reporter , No Other , Some , Colleagues , Olympiads , Atmosphere , Example , Viewing Parties , City , Summer Olympics , Gatherings , Outbreak , Delta Variants , 2008 , People , Numbers , Closed Loop , Kind , Side , Parallel Universe , Bubbles , Concerns , Hundreds , Organizers , One , Event , Nathan Chen , Champion , Flag Bearer , Flag , Virus , Alina Myers Taylor , Four , Lot , Sense , More , Somebody , Top , Stress , Fact , Fences , Walls , Ivan , Families , Friends , Fun , Home , Journalists , President , Face To , Security Ties , Friendship , Statement , Kremlin , Lines , Something , Part , Nato , Threat , Expansion , Military Alliance , Leaders , Key Point , Sign , Standoff , Solidarity , To Beijing , World , Washington D C , Eyes , Hosts , Relations , Attack , Both , Pentagon Claim , Plans , Pretexts , Invasion , Images , Propaganda Video , Locations , Actors , Corpses , Mourners , Claim , Foreign Minister , Type , Hands , Military Equipment , Ukraine , Nic Robertson , Moscow , Wall , It Dedelusional , Sergei Lavrov , Officials , Conflict , Events , Entry , Government , Specificity , Operations , Puppet Government , Didn T , Sort , British , State Department , Details , Pentagon , Spokesman , Ned Price , Opportunity , Information , Denial , State News Agency , Secretary Of State , Push , Victoria Newland , Interview , Response , Document , Spanish , New Hampshire , Reporting , Propaganda , Topics , Nick , Raid , Death , Isis , Syria , Jomana Say , Blow , Momentum , Intelligence , Gathering , Christine , Operation , U S Special Forces , Military Intelligence , Killing , Most , 2019 , Location , Issue , Northwestern Syria , Forces , Everyone , Story Building , House , Discrepancy , Count , Civilian Casualties , Three , Wife , Deputy , Children , Floor , Isis Leader , Explosives , Lieutenant , Members , Building , Child , U S Military , Al Qaeda , Tiles , Rescue Workers , Ground , Combatants , Civilians , Five , 6 , 13 , Biden , Secretary , Defense , Special Forces Operation , Women , Mission , Casualties , Look , Complexity , Possibility , Action , Military , Outcome , Conclusion , Review , Scrutiny , Airstrikes , Afghanistan , Team , Situation Room , Let S Go , Jasmine Wright , Detail , Amount , Shades , Osama Bin Laden , 24 , Vice President , Security , Helicopter , Ground Malfunctioning , Anxiety , Levity , Reason , Special Forces Mission , Isis Target , Course , Family , Bomb , Suicide Bombing , Isis Target Killing , Listen , Victory Lap , Administration , Success , Warning , Anywhere , Threats , Testament , Matter , Reach , List , Capability , Decision , Model , Late December , Yes , Lots , Plan , Hindes The Scenes Story , Businesses , Jobs , Business , Report , Millions , Hopes , Mark Zandi , Omicron , Moody S , Oil Prices , 90 , 0 , Pain , Amazon , Service , Energy Prices , Price , Production , Barrel , Porch , Add , Opec Plus , 17 , Video Content , Membership , Shipping , March 25th , 39 , 139 , 25 , Aides , Winter Storm , Path , January 6th Committee , Dallas , January 6th , 100 Million , Yacht , Dog , Jeff Bezos , Bridge , Way , Video , Second , Distress , Skin , Heartburn , Frank , Fast , Fan , Talker , Fast Walker , Olay Body , Gary , Nexium , Af , Relief , Fans , Pepcid , Prilosec Otc , Stng , Psoriatic Arthritis , Rheumatoid Arthritis , Doctor , Enbrel , Joint Pain , Damage , Parents , Players , Artists , Designers , Do It Yourselfers , Infections , Cancers , Ability , Nervous System , Lymphoma , Clearer , True Self , Tuberculosis , Bleeding , Reactions , Heart Failure , Sores , Bruising , Have , Fever , Blood Disorders , Hepatitis B , Paleness , Cuts , Infection , Don T , Work , Patients , Last , Flu , Visit Enbrel Com , , Office , Customers , Return , Servicenow Platform , Ways , Safe , Flow , Network , Vo , Challenge , Ultra , Cities , Workplace , 5g , Ultra Wideband , Servicenow , Verizon , Stroke Risk , Times , Afib , Heart Valve Problem , Movie , Mindy , Yep , 10 , Treatment , Risk , Stop Taking Eliquis , Warfarin , Trail , Stroke , Help , Bruise , Artificial Heart Valve , Ww , Points , Medicines , Blood Thinner , Procedures , James Corden , Ice Cream , Program , Foods , Shopping , Clothes , 28 , Limits , Workforce , Food , Sandwiches , Offer , Avocado , February 7th , 7 , Vmware , Workspace , Companies , Solutions , Change , App , Discoveries , Convenience , Outcomes , Necessity , Uncharted Waters , Cloud , Faster , Welcome Change , Trial , Men , Ahmaud Arbery , Georgia , Gregory Mcmichael , Court , Travis Mcmichael , State Court , Plea Deal , Life , Prison , Mother , Snow , Texas , Midwest , Ice , Conditions , Storm , Estate , Air Travel , Temperatures , Power , Power Grid , Six , 300000 , Flights , Northeast , Storm System , Thousands , Meteorologist Karen Mcginnis , Bit , Areas , New England , Tennessee Valley , Great Lakes , Drone , Portions , Drone Erator , Tractor Trailers , Area , Interstate 70 , Louis Area , Fort Worth , Road Conditions , 70 , Condition , Vehicles , Hospital , Icy Roads , Memphis , No One , Trees , Automobile , Truck , Ice Covered Roads , System , Weather , Anticipation , 2700 , Temperature , Precipitation , Sleet , Move , Ya , 50 , Boris Johnson , Scandal , Lockdown Party , Hangover Headache , Big , Dismissal , My School , Icy Trip , Boat , Money , Old Bridge , Blocking , Wheels , Lifestyles Of The Rich And Famous , Owner , Futuree , Skinin , Silver 1 , Vanguard , Don T Settle , 1 , Psoriasis Symptom Relief , Eczema Symptom Relief , Bond , Smoking , Cold Turkey , Nicorette , Energy , Nutrition , Strength , Woo Hoo , Protein , Claire , Cake , Minerals , 24hr , Chocolate Cake , Vitamins , 27 , 30 , Mucinex , Kim , Nexium 24hr , Congestion , Night Protection , Acid , Australia , Save It Slimeball , 12 , Man , Imbruvica , Adults , Cll , Prescription Medicine , Thanks To Imbruvica , 2 , 3 , Side Effects , Problems , Therapy , Symptoms , Heart Rhythm Problems , Confusion , High Blood Pressure , Blood Thinners , Chills , Blood Counts , Fevers , Weakness , Decrease , Heart Disease , Diarrhea , Irregular Heartbeat , Heart Problems , Kidney Failure , Signs , Seizure , Tumor Lysis , Fluids , Gift , Heart , Valentine S Day , Everything , Store , Sale , Love , Zales , Pats , Structure , The Netherlands , Isa Soares , It , Problem , It Doesn T Go , Super Yacht , Rotterdam , Sailing Yacht , Completion , Delivery , 417 , Heads , Steel Bridge , The Bridge , Ocean , Central Span , 130 , Company , Air , Giant Masts , Value , Job , Cost , Stir , Municipality , Project , Rotterdam Shouldn T , Others , Wishes , Shipbuilding Industry , Tweet Thfroa , Group , Politician , Tweet , Kudos , Pun , A Bridge Too Far , Adam Schiff , Protest , News , U S House , Eggs , Twitter , 2000 , Share , Taxes , Super Jath , Use , Fun Boat , Packages , Hellie Couldn Ter Can T Land , Sea , Thank You , Mike Pence , Car , Plus , Inflammation , Intestine , Medication , Flight , Uc , Surface , Determination , Cancer , Vaccine , Pres , Serious , Brain Condition , Skin Growths , Stelara , Tb , Delivery Man , Lung Inflammation , Remission , Cost Support Options , Janssen , Mail , Recipient , Privacy , Reading It , Everybody , Plaque Psoriasis , Burning , Bill , Itching , 8 , Tremfya , Moderate , Emerge Tremfyant , Joints , Painful , Stinging , 16 , Sandpaper , Combo , Preservatives , Eye Drops , Ingredients , Strypaper , Biotrue Hydration Boost , Diabetes , Biotrue , Glucerna , Number , Blood Sugar , Carbsteady , Appearances , Witnesses , Mark Short , Caitlyn , Conversations , Counsel , Donald Trump , Greg Jacob , Chief D , Communications , Trump , Request , Thing , Things , Interviews , Set , Parameters , Questions , Committee , Negotiations , Republican National Committee , Room , Pressure , Pence , Proxy , Vote , Campaign , Certified , Liz Cheney , Adam Kin Singer , Offense , Censure Resolution , Resolution , Committee Member , Committee Members , Version , Precedent , Republicans , Conference , Gop , Party , Member , Censure , Resolutions Committee Yesterday , 168 , On The House Select Committee Investigating January 6th Insurrection , Lawmakers , Congressman Adam Kin Singer , Statements , Election , Panel , Big Lie , Daniel , Brittain , Story , Door , Optics , Staff Shakeup , Scott Mcclain , Situation , Chief Of Staff , Principle , Downing Street , Lockdown , Minera Myrza , Prime Minister , Opposition , Prosecutor , Pedophiles , England , Many , Accusation , Detractors , Scurrilous , Contender , Wouldn T , Boss , Swipe , Someone , Police , Car Fire , Lucky , Colorado , Pet , God , Manual Lock , Hank , Back , Come On , Buddy , Vet , Colin Kaepernick , Dog People , Goodness , Release , Spike Lee , Powe , Electron , Rethinking , Vmre , Quality Probiotic , Taking Align , Discomfort , Pros , Bloating , Gas , Try Align , 24 7 , Health , Gut , Users , Alignprobiotics Com , Dualbiotics , Glucose Numbers , Scan , Musician , Austin James , Fingersticks , My Name , Libre 2 , A1c , Mystery , 8 2 , 6 7 , Phone , Employees , T Mobile , Ground Running , Device , 800 , 00 , Facebook , Opportunities , Largest , 5g Network , 200 , Bottom Line , Comcast Business Mobile , Data , Business Owner , Mind , Data Plans , Pay , Gig , Internet , Contracts , Comcast Business , Term , Line Activation Fees , Powering Possibilities Tm Let , 500 , Stock Index Futures , Markets , Cnn Business , Shares , Indecisive , Asian , Check , Parent , Stock , Wall Street , Crash On , Epic Crash , Meta , Royaled , 26 , 232 Billion , 32 Billion , Loss , Mark Zuckerberg , 9 Billion , 29 Billion , Profit Drop , Tech , Contagion Spread , Mcdonald S , Goldman Sachs , At T , Ford , Apple , Job Market , Privacy Policy , 150000 , December 2020 , Experts , Rate , We Saw , Ana Analytics , Adp , 3 9 , 2020 , Factor , Business Closures , Peak , 331000 , Bureau , Decline , Odds , Census , They Weren T Working , Survey , Omicron Hit , 12 Million , Folks , Unemployment , Notch , Sick , Economy , Job Losses , Rear View Mirror , Recovery , Pandemic , Waves , Timing , Spitting Image , Economy Crashes , 6 Million , Inflation Number , Headline , Costs , Recession , Wages , Continuing Omicron , Inflation , Anything , Consumer , Generations , Kinds , Services , Supply Chains , Goods , 250 , Labor Market , Pressures , Labor Problems , Prices , Winds , Joe Manchin , Congress , Vaccines , Issues , Masks , Test Kits , Jobs Report , Economy Nerds , Smoking Gun Solution , Ceremony , Little , Chief Economist , Bleacher Report , Coy , Coy Wire , Rhetoric Swirling , Frustrating Juxtaposition , Names , Figure Skating Arena , Team Usa , Chain Link , Suit , Official , Competition , Proximity , 177 , Olympians , Games , Greatest , Percentage , Show , 224 , Filmmaker , Venue , Performers , Iconic Bird S Nest , 14 , 3000 , 15000 , Experience , Zone , Opening , Accomplishments , Opening Ceremony Gear , Ralph Lauren , States , Olympian , Coats , Discrimination , Spike Lee Venture , Nfl , Chloe , Brian Flores , Kaepernick Story Coming Out , Series , Documentary , Narrative , Dock Cue , Courtside , First Look Deal , Lakers , Called Colin In Black And White , Disney , Gentjamele Hill , Game , 49ers , Anthem , Kneeling , Police Brutality , 49 , 2017 , Dakota Johnson , Contract , Madam Webb , Heroes , Notes , First Deal , Indie Movies , Scarlet Johansson , Sony , Character , Woman , Blind Person , Madam Webb First , 1980 , Box Office , Spider Man , Role , 1 Billion , Billion , Fifty Shades Of Gray , Fifty , Sugar , Nutrients , Sighs Wearily , Excited Yell , Master Bath , Thirty , Dry Eye , Tear Production , About Restasis , Starter , Sourdough , Style , Sourdough Finisher , Eyecare , Tears , Inflammation Due , Tear Duct , Contamination , Side Effect , Eye Care Professional , Surfaces , Temporary Burning Sensation , Plugs , Eye Injury , Bottle Tip , Contact Lenses , 15 , Lights , Visit Restasis Com , Psoriasis , Feel , Choices , Electorlytes , Powder Packs , Pedialyte , Cream , Otezla , Injection , Choice , Splash , Pill , Prescribing Information , Plaques , Requirement , Redness , Scaliness , Joint Swelling , Tenderness , Routine Lab Monitoring , Thickness , Depression , Weight Loss , Feelings , Thoughts , Nausea , Vomiting , History , Planning , Upper Respiratory Tract Infection , Headache , Weight , America Stay , Comcast Business Is , Coast To , Access , Connectivity , Gig Speeds , 20 Million , Prepaid Card , Voice , Visa , 64 99 , 4 99 , Bundle , Brianna Keilar , Tensions , Boycotts , John Berman , 2022 ,

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