Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC Newsroom Live 20170110 : compare

Transcripts For BBCNEWS BBC Newsroom Live 20170110

for the 2026 tournament. good morning. it's tuesday 10th january. welcome to bbc newsroom live. jeremy corbyn has said eight hat to limit the maximum amount that people can and. in a speech this afternoon he is expected to give more details on labour's approach to brexit and to say for the first time that he is not wedded to the principle of the free movement of people. norman smith is in westminster death. he is not wedded but he says access to the single market is more important and significantly he has had the line about the maximum and in cap, lots to chew over this morning. today was thejeremy to chew over this morning. today was the jeremy corbyn, to chew over this morning. today was thejeremy corbyn, relaunch, reboot at the start of the new year, if you like, repositioning his party and brexit, as well. trying to resent and optimistic, confident view and brexit. to do away with the idea that labour was seeking to thwart brexit. mr corbyn expected to say that britain could be better off after brexit. and on freedom of movement comic yesterday that he is not wedded to this principle of week of movement, where in the past he has always been very, very reluctant to concede that freedom of movement might have to be abandoned. he would say that labour is in favour of managed migration and that restrictions might have to be part of the negotiations. that is part of the repositioning we expected and brexit. but, and also relaunch on his leadership. a confident mr corbyn. and he dropped this political bombshell that he backs a pay cap, and bandings limit for the wealthy. —— and earnings limit. that is unprecedented. we have had pax rate of 80%, 90% during the 1970s. basta reaud rate of 80%, 90% during the 1970s. bastareaud pax rate. we have had labour chancellors talking about squeezing the pit. we have never had a lead dare say there would be a top limit. i think you have to look at each company and say is it right... we have to look at the issues of disparity in countries as a labour prime minister would you like the sake you would cap the level of income? and discussing it now. you either do a cap or you look at the levels of disparity in organisation and other countries... of course he was pressed about what level his cap would kick in at. he said it would be somewhat higher than what he and and would hit premiership footballers who are earning ridiculous amounts, he said. elsewhere on the question of freedom of movement, some confusion, i have to say. in the briefing we were given we were told mr corbyn would save the party was no longer wedded to freedom of movement but that in the bees this morning he has been relu cta nt to cou nte na nce the bees this morning he has been reluctant to countenance the idea of changes to freedom of movement, suggesting that labour would look at changes to employment regulations to ensure the eu workers couldn't undercut british workers. in other words, and more regulated labour market rather than changes to freedom of movement. this is what he said. my mind is quite clear, we need to end the exploitation that is going on, maintain a market access in europe and maintain good relationships between all communities. you have not change a man and the fact that there are not too many immigrants here?‘ man and the fact that there are not too many immigrants here? a lot of people in this country make a fantastic people... to be completely clear, your policy changes, you think would probably bring down the numbers, but you don't think that levels of immigration are too high and you can't tell us how many people would be effective?” and you can't tell us how many people would be effective? i will deal with the west and expects of exportation first. that is a looser one. “— exportation first. that is a looser one. —— i will exportation first. that is a looser one. —— iwill dealwith exportation first. that is a looser one. —— i will deal with the west '5 best all—star employers have had it too easy for too long. let's start with the pay cap. good idea? lets let's start with the pay cap. good idea ? lets have let's start with the pay cap. good idea? lets have a conversation about wages, because people across britain have suffered from their pay being held down by the conservatives. there is a feeling out there that the era of good, well paid jobs with a decent pension at the end of it is gone and we did think britain's teachers should be like that. i have to say, as well as giving people an low and middle incomes a boost, we also need to understand that it is obscene that the 3rd of january in the first three days of 2017, some of the top buses are being paid more than the average working person is paid in the whole year. a obscene, obscene to have that level of pay, so would an million pounds be the maximum you could add? we need to start talking about wages. is that the rough and mount. i'm not going to give a figure... the labour leader didn't... did figure... the labour leader didn't. .. did you figure... the labour leader didn't... did you know about this before he said it? we have to have a conversation. did you know about it? i know that labour, and jeromy, and all abuzz have always interested in reducing the level of inequalities... i couldn't attend the meeting with the shadow cabinet this morning because of my date with you, so i don't know what was discussed there. let's talk about freedom of movement, does labour back cards to freedom of movement? what's jeromy has back cards to freedom of movement? what'sjeromy has said in the except of his beach that you have seen as well is that labour is not wedded to the freedom of movement... that is not what i asked do you back herbs to freedom of movement? -- paths. immigration and the freedom of movement will be amongst those and access to the single market that labour wants will also be part of that. we want to see a complete end to unscrupulous bosses using the free movement of labour to drive down pay and conditions, because that's not right. i'm still not clear on whether you back, never mind the government, whether you back cards to greet movement. then need to be herbs... is that a yes? what we don't want is britain's future post brexit to be a bargain basement low—wage, low tax economy on the shores of europe. britain deserves better than that. yes and no do you back curbs to freedom of movement? bennies to be changes to the way freedom of movement operates. —— bed that needs to be changes. jeromy corbyn will be making that speech in peter later today. thank you very much and we will of course be taking corbyn‘s ‘s speech live at the 30 pm. the problem was discovered last wednesday and the trust said it immediately implemented its serious incident procedures. let's go to our correspondence who's been the story. what's you know so far about what they're looking at, what may have gone on here? it is difficult there have been few details released by the health trust. what we do know is that on wednesday the 11th of january, six days ago, a member of staff noted that the sale and bags, a salty mixture that may be given to patients to perhaps hydrate them, the staff member noticed that these saline bags had been tampered with and immediately notified some senior commissions. at that point the trust instigated a serious instigated procedure and security measures have been stepped up. all medicines are being reviewed. 0n been stepped up. all medicines are being reviewed. on that day, the trust immediately contacted cumbria police and they have started an investigation. a doctor who was the medical director here said that the trust contacted the police immediately regarding the small number of saline bags that appeared to be tampered with. they say that no patient, they understand, has been adversely affected although there are a scheme any patients who have questions or concerns to contact the trust. thank you very much. the place commuters on southern rail are facing the first of three days of strikes by train drivers this week. oui’ our correspondent duncan kennedy is there now. what impact is the latest right having? the only thing moving here in horsham aren't the trains but the cages. pages like this which are ferrying people around. —— the coaches. they are not going to central london, but two other train stations. you can see to the left the platforms, no trains moving, the green and white train you can see in the distance is a southern rail train they should be moving but is not. something like 2200 train should be running on any given work day—to—day, none are running at the moment across kent, sussex, and parts of hampshire. you can imagine what that is doing bulk of metres. we spoke to one man who competes every day. —— what that is doing for commuters. he expressed the frustrating that many commuters are feeling today. we shouldn't be having to understand it to the degree that we are to understand this, the major players need to sit down and properly resolve it. there are clearly safety concerns that need to be looked at and how this is being rolled alt. southern shouldn't be pushing ahead so wholeheartedly with it if there are these concerns. no journeys nojourneys are moving no journeys are moving today. here you would have between five and 10,000 people moving to this day soon. just take a look, absolutely empty, no were moving. why is it all happening? it is to do with the train drivers, chaps like these on the picket line this morning. it is about them and the gods and who should and shouldn't open doors. these guys are saying they shouldn't open the doors on the train it's not safe they are too busy doing other things it should. southern rail, the company and the parent company say no, no, it's perfectly safe for the drivers to open the doors, the guard should be concentrating on other things like looking after passengers. we spoke to southern rail this morning they say they are open the talks are any time, but as yet there are no plans for the sides to meet. three strikes this week and be more later in january. thank you very strikes this week and be more later injanuary. thank you very much. the union says the latest cut... with me is john the union says the latest cut... with me isjohn powell is more about what will be happening. nothing official from the post of this but the union is telling others that staff at post offers were told this morning that 37 of these really the crown post offices in city centres, are going to be closed and franchised out or hosted by other commercial organisations and the high street. so there is 11,000 post offers across the uk, but around 300 offers across the uk, but around 300 of these big crown post offices. that provide all the services that you would expect in a post—office. while royal mail is being privatised, the post—office is funded by the tax payer and has been lost making the many years. as part of cost cutting, they've been closing these big ones putting them into wh smiths. unions say that this process has been a death by a thousand cuts. you lose people who have knowledge of the institution and other plays by people in retailers who are on lower pay and don't have that kind of knowledge or experience and it does the customers, who are losing out. last year post offices sought to close something between 60 and 70 of these crown post offices. before christmas there was a strike by post—office workers, in the run—up to christmas over this and over other issues like pitching changes but today the union says that 37 more to go this year. potentially more strike action looming? the union says it will not stand back while the post of his cuts so manyjobs and is put on the past to manage clients. but we await confirmation on the post office itself and what it is planning to do. the headlines on bbc newsroom live. jeromy corbyn says he wants a cap on the amount of money people can add. a 15—year—old girl is questioned in connection with the death of a seven—year—old in york. and in sport... fifa has voted to expand the world cup finals from 32 teams to a8, starting from the 2026 tournament. there'll be 16 groups of three, and then a straight knock—out stage. johanna konta's preparations for the australian open continue to go smoothly. the world number 10 has reached the third round of the sydney international, with a comfortable straight sets win over australia's daria gavrilova. and £7 paralympic champion has criticised... she describes the decision as crazy. the british and irish governments say they're going to work to try to find a solution to the most serious political crisis in northern ireland in a decade. yesterday, the deputy first minister, sinn fein's martin mcguinness resigned. it came after weeks of tensions between his party and their partners in the power—sharing government, the democratic unionists. 0ur ireland correspondent chris page reports. my colleague ben brown is at stormont. as you say, the worst political crisis here in a decade after the resignation of the deputy first minister. that is under the power—sharing rules here and means that the first minister also has to step down. the row is over this renewable heat scheme that she introduced in 2012 when she was enterprise minister. it is hugely controversial, potentially going to cost about half £1 billion. because of the failure to cap the subsidies on this. so, the sinn fein and martin mcguinness have accused the eu paid of arrogance. —— the dwp. she has accused him of acting selfishly. the two sides seem to have hardening their position in the wa ke have hardening their position in the wake of the resignation yesterday. the northern ireland secretary now wa nts to the northern ireland secretary now wants to broker some sort of talks that will avert the needs for a slap collection for the northern ireland assembly. with in a week you would have to call an election. —— a snap election. the less he can get some sort of agreement between the two sides. he is offering his services and so is the irish foreign minister, but as i say with both sides hardening their positions it doesn't look like an early agreement is likely. thank you, ben. borisjohnson, who's visiting washington,says he's confident britain will be first in line for a trade deal with the new us administration. the foreign secretary has been meeting senior republican politicians who've promised to make a us—uk trade deal a priority, barack 0bama warned in april that the uk would be at the back of the queue if voters chose brexit. earlier borisjohnson said it had been a very interesting time to visit the us. clearly the trumpet administration to be has a very exciting agenda of change. —— deep trump administration. 0ne change. —— deep trump administration. one thing that won't change as the closeness of our relationship. we are the number two contributed to defence in nato. we are great campaigners for food trade and we hear that we are first in line to do a great free trade deal with the united states. it will be a very exciting new our countries. that is borisjohnson putting out his thoughts via facebook. democrats in the us congress have called for a review of donald trump's appointment of his son—in—law, jared kushner, as a senior white house adviser.democrats in the us congress democrats in the us congress have called for a review of donald trump's appointment of his son—in—law, jared kushner, as a senior white house adviser. they've asked thejustice department to consider whether it violates a law against nepotism. the trump transition team argues that the law barring public officials from giving jobs to relatives does not apply to the white house. let's take a look at some of the other stories making the news this morning. hundreds of thousands of people have been attending funeral in tehran of the former iranian president, akbar hashemi rafsanjani. he died of a heart attack on sunday at the age of 82. he was one of the most influential figures since iran's 1979 revolution, criticised for harsh rule but later a key supporter of reformists. drivers caught offending on so—called ‘smart motorways' could be offered re—education lessons by the police. smart motorways operate variable speed limits and can open the hard shoulder to reduce congestion. police say many motorists are becoming confused about when they're allowed to drive on the hard shoulder. the american owners of the messaging app snapchat are to set up a new international headquarters in the uk. snap inc currently has seventy—five staff at its office in london and will seek to hire more. the move is seen as a positive in the technology sector, as the likes of facebook and google have based themselves in ireland which offer lower tax breaks. let's get more and jeromy corbyn, he has been speaking this morning and labour's position on brexit. talking about the performance of the trade and saying that the party is not wedded to freedom of movement, but if the you insisted on it than free trade is the most important. the single market is the more important aspect. he has also been talking about his desire to see the law limiting the maximum amount that people can and to create a more equal society. let's go now to our political glory, norman smith. there is a good deal of head scratching today about what is jeromy corbyn's stance on freedom of movement. we were told that mr corbyn was going to say that labour is no longer wedded to this idea of freedom of movement and is in favour of managed migration and accepted restrictions of freedom of movement would form part of the brexit negotiations. however, on a range of interviews this morning he seemed to play down the notion that he would support changes to freedom of movement, instead suggesting that he was about labour market regulation. in other words means to ensure that european workers couldn't come here and undercut british workers will stop not quite the same as changes to freedom of movement. i am joined by the former labour europe minister will start you have written about changes to freedom of movement saying that a two tier system should be adopted. do you understand mr corbyn's current position?|j be adopted. do you understand mr corbyn's current position? i welcome the fact thatjeromy says that the labour party is and where did to freedom of movement. it was said that the status quo is not an option which is right in the terms of the referendum result. managed migration has to have some restrictions particularly in the areas of low skilled and semiskilled work. this is the two tier system will stop i hope that when jeromy corbyn is the two tier system will stop i hope that whenjeromy corbyn gets up to speak in peterborough he will give more detail to what he means by managed migration. it is right that we should tackle exploitation, but i did think that goes far unearthed so i hope we will see some more meat on the bones of what restrictions actually means. and if we don't get that, and the interviews this morning suggests he's simply talking about labour market regulation, if he fails to grasp the issue of freedom of movement, the implications for labour what? logs, it remains to be seen what he's going to say this afternoon —— locked it remains to be seen. i welcome the fact that he's talking about immigration. put too long now people think that the labour party don't want to talk about immigration. we have to do start having this debate with the public. if you are a labour voter you will be scratching your head saying what on earth are you saying, isn't there a need for clarity, simplicity, directness and this fundamental issue of freedom of movement? we have to be clear and consistent of what our policy of immigration is and that is why my colleague stephen kinnock and i put forward what was a well thought through proposal about retaining and the one hand preference for eu workers over non—eu workers in order to get the best economic deal, but equally there would be restrictions and quotas in low skilled areas of work. that would be working with employers and trade unions and phased in over time. it would mean we would be training up, employers would have more of a responsibility to train local people. mr corbyn's policy seemed to drop from a clear blue sky and a maximum amount of money you could add, popular or barking? he is right to highlight that the gap between those who are earning their most or the least is too big. i would like to see measures to make sure that we have employees on board. something that the prime minister talked about last year but then quickly dropped. but i would also see proposals to put in place a real living wage. thanks, so much. lots to see from what mr corbyn says this afternoon in terms of labour's sta nce this afternoon in terms of labour's stance on brexit, freedom of movement and of course mr corbyn's position on this proposed pay cap. we will bring you jeromy corbyn's speed live at 3:30pm. breaking news on the post—office closures. we have had the news via the union and we're now getting confirmation from the post office about what the plans are. let me give you some details of the statement we have had through confirming "it will be seeking partners for 37 of its directly managed branches as part of its effo rts managed branches as part of its efforts to secure its branches in community is around the uk in the long term. that is in addition to those previously announced in the last calendar year, more than half of those which have successfully relocated even the retail stores." so, changing the way these post offices work so that they will be franchised. the post—office says it is about securing services in communities, the union says it's going to mean job communities, the union says it's going to meanjob cuts communities, the union says it's going to mean job cuts which will bring more misery to post office workers and the customers they serve. talking about a strategy of slash and burn by the post—office. we will keep you updated, of course, on that. an ancient tree known for the tunnel at its core has been knocked over in at its core has been knocked over in a storm in central and northern california. it had survived for centuries and allowed tourists to pass through it. it came down because of heavy rain. graffiti dated back to the 1800s. now a catch up dated back to the 1800s. now a catch up with the weather. nothing quite so dramatic across the british isles just yet, nothing quite so dramatic across the british islesjust yet, he nothing quite so dramatic across the british isles just yet, he said laden with mystery. give it 2a hours commune of a no. it looks a bit of a mess, more clout in central and western parts. the odd bit of rain. there may be a threat of rain along the line of the weather front. not an issue in the far east. it may buck up in the west. let us speak about the wind, it starts freshening up about the wind, it starts freshening up through the night, pushing these weather fronts down and across the british isles, there will not be an awful lot of rain, but it introduces really cold air and very strong winds. wednesday is all about the strength of the wind, notjust in the north, some western areas could see gusts of 40—50 miles per hour. blizzards for the high ground of scotland. the pennines, top end of wales. some of the gusts will be 60-70 wales. some of the gusts will be 60—70 mph. 0n the move, police take that into your calculations —— please. this is bbc newsroom live. the headlines: the labour leader, jeremy corbyn, has said he wants to introduce a law to limit the maximum amount people can earn in order to create a more equal society. he also says he believes the level of immigration to the uk is not too high. police in cumbria are investigating suspicions that a small number of saline bags were tampered with at the cumberland infirmary in carlisle. it's not thought any patients have been affected. 15—year—old girl is questioned in connection with the death of a child in york the seven—year—old died after being admitted to hospital with life—threatening injuries. commuters are facing the first of three days of strikes by train drivers this week. the latest industrial action in the dispute over plans for drivers to open and close doors. drivers will walk out today, tomorrow and friday. now the sport. good morning. fifa has unanimously voted to increase the number of teams in the world cup, from 32 to a8, starting from the 2026 tournament. we can talk now to our sports news correspondent, alex ca pstick, who's live at fifa headquarters in zurich. alex, we've been expecting this decision, despite concerns about it diluting the quality of the tournament, so what are the reasons for doing this? it was expected, as you say, to be approved today by the ruling council. 37 members meeting in the building here in zurich. it has been approved because it had overwhelming support among the nations, the 211, making up football's world governing body. continents like africa, asia and the americas, they wanted a bigger representation at football's bigger representation at football's big showpiece event, more countries there. they knew they would not get it in the existing structure dominated by europe. the only way forward was expansion. they wanted to have it because it would improve football throughout the world, they said, and would help make the sport more inclusive. it stands to make fee for a lot of money. they will getan extra... fee for a lot of money. they will get an extra... plenty of support going into this meeting. the only people really objecting were the big european clubs worried about the demands it would make on the players. they have got around that because the system will be 16 groups of three and then going to a straight knockout round of 32. the two finalists will play a maximum of seven matches, the same as the existing structure of 32 teams. thank you very much, alex. claudio ranieri has won fifa's first coach of the year award. the leicester city manager was in zurich to pick up the title, recognition of his achievement in leading the 5,000—1 shot to the premier league title last season. i think what happened last season in england was amazing, it was something strange. the god of football said, leicester must win. only this. and who else but cristiano ronaldo was player of the year. he added the fifa trophy to the ballon d'or award he picked up last month, after a season in which he captained portugal to the european championship and won the champions league and club world cup with real madrid. we had the draw for the fourth round of the fa cup last night. the holders manchester united will play wigan athletic, but here's what the cup is all about. wycombe wanderers, from league two, see tottenham hotspur pulled out of the hat. they quite like the idea of a trip to white hart lane and that's what they get. you can see what it means to them. leeds united have an away tie at either non—league sutton united or afc wimbledon, after beating cambridge united. although they were given a scare by the league two side who went ahead through uche ikpeazu. but alex mowatt scored the winner for leeds. the full draw is on the bbc sport website. johanna konta's preparations for the australian open are still going well. she's through to the quarterfinals of the sydeny international after a comfortable straight—sets win over australia's daria gavrilova. the british number one next faces daria kasatkina, who knocked out world number one angelique kerber. cycling's governing body has given athletes seven weeks to prepare for the pa ra—cycling track world championships, which will be held in los angeles in early march. earlier i spoke to a man who won two golds at the rio paralympics last year, jason cundy. for it to be so last—minute, seven weeks, four athletes preparing, it is not really time to do it, for organisations and teams to sort out logistics, transport, hotels, flights, it is just a logistics, transport, hotels, flights, it isjust a bit logistics, transport, hotels, flights, it is just a bit crazy. i do not know whether there is a motive for it, but it seems a bit strange it has come so late in the day. that's all sport for now. jeremy corbyn is calling for a maximum legal salary. he proposed to put a figure on the pay cap. let us listen to what he said to our political editor. i think you have to look at each company and say, is it really right that the chief executive should earn 100 or more times more than those doing the work keeping that company going? we have to look at the issues of this parity within companies. that is rather different than saying that you would cap the level of income? is that what you are saying? either you do a cap or you look at the levels of disparity within organisations. 0ther disparity within organisations. other countries have some policies developing this and i think we need to consult with them and learn lessons. let us talk now to stefan stern from the high pay centre, joins me from westminster. from westminster. he has spotted the problem. there is a big gap between pay at the top and eve ryo ne a big gap between pay at the top and everyone else in the business. whether you can pick a number or a thick line and say, no one is getting more, that is much harder in practice. that is why we think the pay ratios are more practical and useful for revealing the gap and putting pressure on companies to close the gap. it is something that has never been said by a labour leader in this country before, they have obviously been very high tax rates to try to make pay over a certain level... 90% pay rates, could something like this work or would it have to be done through a very high tax bracket?” would it have to be done through a very high tax bracket? i do not think you need very high tax brackets but you are right to look at income tax. politicians in westminster seem to be a bit frightening to talk about income tax. remembering the work of the late tony atkinson who died suddenly a few days ago, he said, great expert on inequality, he said we are not using income tax to do enough of the work, cut the top rate back to 44% to those earning 150,000 or over, maybe reinstating the 50% rate for those earning hundreds of thousands and millions of pounds, it would do something useful in terms of raising money for the government, money we obviously need to spend on the nhs and other places. you said looking at the pay ratio is the way you would approach it, as we were talking the other day, talking about the pay ratio, 100 times more for a chief executive than for workers at the bottom of the pay scale in some countries, how would you limit it? what do you think would be an a cce pta ble what do you think would be an acceptable ratio? even 100 times in historic terms is quite unprecedented. a few years ago, 20 yea rs unprecedented. a few years ago, 20 years ago, 40—50 times would have been the norm. it is quite hard to set a specific number and say, no one is going to get more, but shareholders can put pressure on companies. in the states, asjeremy corbyn was referring to, i think, in 0regon, they are going to tax companies more heavily if the pay ratio between the top and the average worker is over that 100 times bigger. that is another imaginative way of looking at this issue of putting more pressure on companies. to name one number and say, no one is getting more than that, that is much more problematic andi that, that is much more problematic and i think as you heard in the interview, jeremy corbyn was not necessarily committing to that, he was consulting on it. what about the impact on attracting top talent, would it mean people go away if there are limits and restrictions? no, ido there are limits and restrictions? no, i do not believe that. people would still be earning very well indeed, we do not have to wonder about senior executives and income levels. they are very high numbers in historic terms, unprecedented. 5.5 million a year for ftse 100 bosses, taking a bit away from that in income tax or putting pressure on to close the gap between that package and the average worker, i am not sure it will cause anyone financial difficulty. thank you very much. more than 30 people are now known to have died in recent days across europe as a cold snap from the arctic circle continues to affect central and eastern parts of the continent. temperatures have dropped to minus 30 degrees celsius, and charities are concerned for refugees crossing the continent on foot or living in informal settlements. greg dawson reports. a view worthy of a ski resort postcard, but even injanuary, this is not a sight you expect on the greek island of crete. "you can't get through," shouts this driver, attempting to negotiate the frozen mountain roads. instead of customers, the pavement of this high—street is filled with snow up to 2m high. in the greek capital, selfies in front of the parthenon may be a common sight, but rarely in these conditions. the cameras are also out in istanbul where the snow is expected to stick around until wednesday. i don't remember seeing the snow like this, ever. the public transportation is basically not working and most of the roads in istanbul are shut down. thousands of passengers have faced delays and cancellations at the city's ataturk airport, and ferries have been unable to run on the bosporus strait. but it is those making journeys on foot that face some of the toughest conditions. in the serbian capital, belgrade, there are more than 2,000 refugees dealing with temperatures as low as minus 20 celsius. a makeshift fire, an abandoned warehouse and a pair of slippers — the only defence for some against the freezing conditions. further north, some of the coldest temperatures have been felt in the czech republic where it has dropped as low as minus 30. at least six people in the country are known to have died from exposure and more snow is promised in the coming days. greg dawson, bbc news. the 15—year—old girl is being questioned by police in york after the death of a seven—year—old girl. the seven—year—old girl was taken to hospital but died a short time later. the teenager remains in police custody. let us go to york. we heard the detective chief inspector talking at the police station in york as the inquiry goes on into establishing the circumstances of what happened. the area on the north—west of the city of york, a residential area, a lot of york, a residential area, a lot of woodland and large semi—and detached houses, a well—to—do area. the area where the incident happened between az30pm and 5pm last night, at the back of a number of properties, it is open land used for recreational purposes according to local people, popular with dog walkers and people taking time out to enjoy the open air. we know as the detective inspector said last night, a 15—year—old has been arrested, a seven—year—old girl was attended to by police and paramedics, taken to hospital to york district hospital, but she sadly died later on. the focus of the investigation is, a white forensics tent behind one of the properties on one of the closes in this neighbourhood, that is where they will be working out the circumstances of what happened here last night. we have been talking to local people today who said they we re local people today who said they were alerted by lots of police activity at around 5pm and the street was sealed off for some time and then of course this morning we have learned more about exactly what happened. the police press conference just a few moments ago, the detective leading the investigation would not be specific, he would not answer certain questions the press had asked for, but nonetheless, we know the inquiries are continuing and we wait for more information later on today. thank you, phil. in a moment, a summary of the business news this hour. but first, the headlines on bbc newsroom live: labour leaderjeremy corbyn says he wants a cap on the maximum amount people can earn. police are called into cumberland infirmary in carlisle after a number of saline bags appear to have been tampered with. a 15—year—old girl is questioned in connection with the death of a seven—year—old in york. in the business news... supermarket chain morrisons has reported a 2.9% rise in like—for—like sales over the christmas period — its best performance for seven years. the retailer said fresh food, alcoholic drinks and its nutmeg clothing range had all performed well. a splurge on gifts in the week leading up to christmas day boosted sales in december, despite a weaker performance from online retailers. that's according to a report from the british retail consortium and kpmg. december‘s like—for—like sales surpassed black friday in november, climbing 1% year—on—year compared with a rise of 0.1% for december, 2015. last year, the average uk household saw a slight rise in their disposable income, or spending power. retired households saw a fastest rise compared with the previous year, owing primarily to income from private pensions. the richest fifth of the population saw a slight fall in their spending power. thank you forjoining me. so far it is looking like the supermarkets did well this christmas. new figures show that in the last 12 weeks of 2016, supermarket sales rose by 1.8% with consumer spending an extra £1180 million. but food price inflation is back for the first time since 2014 and that means after 28 months of falling prices, hills at the tills could rise. —— bills. joining me now is fraser mckevitte, head of consumer insight and retail at ka ntar world panel. prices rising for the first time in 28 months, is this a blip or the new normal? i think it is returning after an aberration of two years. returning to normal. food prices have generally tended to rise. inflation at the moment is only running at 0.2%. barely anything. but it is clear 2017 is going to lead to price rises. i do not think we should get carried away. there is a tension. the economic fundamentals, the falling value of sterling, but i do not think supermarkets will be the first to move on putting up prices. in their effo rts move on putting up prices. in their efforts to retain market share, i think we will see a very competitive landscape. price wars could continue. looking back at christmas, looking like it was pretty good for the supermarkets. 480 million extra spent. why was that? every retailer will take something out of this christmas period and take some good news from it. the reasons behind it, firstly, there were a couple of extra trading days this year which might seem small point but with christmas on a sunday, an extra couple of days for people to go shopping for the last was pretty dismal so there are pretty easy numbers to compare against. early in the piece, people having more disposable income, people have chosen to splash out a little bit. consumer confidence is doing 0k and that has meant people have spent a little bit more this christmas on food and best evidence by the fact that premium phone label ranges are up. people want to spend a little bit more —— premium own brand ranges. the discounters, the march on the traditional retailers, tesco, sainsbury‘s, morrisons, how have the traditional big stores done this christmas? tesco have continued the revival of recent months. morrisons you have all ready talked about, posted very good figures. even as death who are still declining have managed to cut losses by about half —— even asda. people tend to go to those traditional retailers. at the discounters will be happy too, they are growing up to 10% in growth which is pretty impressive and they will be looking to carry the momentum into the new year as they continue to open new stores. momentum into the new year as they continue to open new storesm momentum into the new year as they continue to open new stores. it is still all to play for. thank you very much for your time. let's take a look at some today's other business stories. the post office is to close and franchise if further 37 of its flagship crown offices. the union says this could lead to the loss of 300 jobs. crown post offices are the larger branches found on high streets. a two—day strike by some of ba's cabin staff may disrupt flights at heathrow airport today and tomorrow. the strike, by members of the unite trade union, is in pursuit of higher pay for certain members. ba says most flights from heathrow will not be affected, nor will any flights from gatwick and london city airports. up to 38,000 staff from hm revenue and customs will be expected to move large distances as part of a reorganisation. that's according to a report from the national audit office which said some people may need to relocate by up to 174 miles if they want to keep their jobs. messaging app snapchat has chosen london as the home of its international headquarters in what is being described as a vote of confidence for the uk as it prepares for brexit. the us—based group has 150 million users a day worldwide. a quick look at the markets. the ftse matched the 33—year—old winning strea k yesterday ftse matched the 33—year—old winning streak yesterday by recording record close after record close. on the up again today. sterling is quite weak at the moment. why does that mean a strong ftse? a lot of the companies making up the ftse100 of global companies, international. they take reve nu es companies, international. they take revenues in in dollars so the weak sterling increases the value of reve nu es sterling increases the value of revenues and the value of the company and increases the value of the ftse. morrisons, after the 2.9% rise in christmas sales, up almost 496. rise in christmas sales, up almost 4%. tesco riding on the coat—tails. figures out on thursday. that is it from me. more business throughout the afternoon. see you later. the hollywood musical la la land leads nominations for this year's baftas, with 11 nods, including best film. its stars, ryan gosling and emma stone, are also up for best actor and actress, just a day after winning at the golden globes. british actors andrew garfield, emily blunt and hugh grant are also nominated, as is british state welfare drama i, daniel blake. let us take a look at some of those films. # are you shining just for me? # are you shining just for me? # city stars, there is so much that i can't see #is i can't see # is this the start of something... # if you are fit for work, your only option isjob if you are fit for work, your only option is job seekers allowance.” wa nt to option is job seekers allowance.” want to appeal. you have to apply online. i was a carpenter. you need to run the mouse up the screen. not like that! i'm going to have to ask you to leave. you don't care. you have created a scene. who is first in the two question what do you mind if this young lass signs on first? —— who is first in this queue? what happens now? they arrive. my ex—husband used to call me a nocturnal avenue. —— animal. ex—husband used to call me a nocturnalavenue. —— animal. i've been thinking about him a lot lately and recently sent me this book he has written. it is filing and it is sad and he dedicated it to me. did you love him? i did something horrible to him. a taste of some of the movies. you can find out who the winners are on the 12th of february. we will be talking to a film critic about the nominations in the next hour. it is all glitz and glamour at the moment. in an exclusive interview with victoria derbyshire, nicole kidman has been speaking about ageism in hollywood and she had this to say about her career so far. i think i've given really good performances. i still don't think i've given my best performance, if that makes sense. but do you think you've got that in you, it's still to come? i think i've got an enormous amount still to say and do and be, which is a wonderful thing, at my age, to still feel that. why do you say, your age? because i think sometimes that wanes as you get older and you've achieved a lot. i've seen it in people and it certainly... i still... it's what i love. i read something recently that isabelle huppert said. she said, "i'm an dress in my fingernails, in my toes," and that's what i am. do you think hollywood has got a problem with decent roles for women in their 40s and upwards, female actors in their 40s and upwards? well, i mean, that's such a loaded question. a problem, in what way? is there enough of them? probably not. but now there is so much more available to us in terms of globally working in tv, working in film. i think we are in a position where we can create our own shows. i mean, ijust did that with reese witherspoon, we did a show called big little lies. five of the roles for women and three of them for women over 40. i am in a very fortunate position where i have really interesting directors offering me different things. but ourjob now, as females in this industry, is to push through and try to blur those boundaries. we've got incredible trailblazers in terms of huppert and meryl streep and sarandon and jessica lange and all of these women, judy davis, all of these women who, before us, have carved paths that are defying the norm from what it was, say, 30 years ago. it's fabulous. and we've got to continue the work. the headlines are coming up on the bbc news channel. in a moment we say goodbye to viewers on bbc two, but first we leave you with for a look at the weather. thank you. a quick look through the door, still struggling for sunshine here. i am just having technical issues. we will get you through the forecast, i assure you. apart from myself, this forecast looks a bit of a mess. cloud stuck across much of the central and western parts of the british isles. that is tied in with a weather front which will eventually d rift a weather front which will eventually drift further away towards the east. but ahead of it, staying dry for the most part, things will gradually improve for northern ireland. top temperature around 10 degrees. the real problem comes as we move through the night time with the winds beginning to freshen up across scotland where they will be blizzards. that is not a nice night. that sets the tone for what we are likely to see across much of the british isles during the course of wednesday. my real issue is not the fact it will be much colder, my real issue is the strength of the wind. it could be highly disruptive, not just strength of the wind. it could be highly disruptive, notjust as scotland, the gusts are causing us real concerns. if you have plans to travel across scotland, the pennines, especially in the morning, ido pennines, especially in the morning, i do not doubt someone will see gusts of 70 miles an hour and it could have you over in a high sided vehicle. even in the western parts of cornwall, some gusts of 45 miles an hour. that process continues through the morning, perhapsjust winding back a fraction, the gusts, through the day, but the morning is a real issue. otherwise, it is a decent sort of data provided you are not in the blizzards at the top end of the pennines or in scotland on the higher ground —— sort of day. snow showers and blizzards keep coming on thursday especially in the north—west scotland. we are going to push into the mix relatively milder air in the south. wet and windy for the southern coasts and counties of england and wales. whether mild air i’u ns england and wales. whether mild air runs into the cold air there may be a temporary conversion, especially on the higher ground, salisbury plain, brecon beacons, of rain into snow. all the while the blizzards keep coming in scotland. through the course of the night, we change the wind direction. north—westerly is ushering the wintry showers down across wales, perhaps towards the midlands, and for friday is often a straight northerly onto the east coast where you will have the prospect of ice and also wintry showers. this is bbc news and these are the top stories developing at midday. labour leaderjeremy corbyn says he wants a cap on the maximum amount people can earn i would like to see a maximum earnings limit because i think that would be a fairer thing to do. mr corbyn also says he stands by his view that immigration to the uk is not too high, and access to the open market is more important than ending freedom of movement a 15—year—old girl is questioned in connection with the death of a seven—year—old in york. the northern ireland secretary is cheap to make a statement to mps, shortly. i live. cheap to make a statement to mps, shortly. ilive. —— cheap to make a statement to mps, shortly. i live. —— is due to make a statement. misery for southern rail passengers as the first of three days of strikes take place across the line. also this hour, we'll get a run down on this year's bafta nominations. hollywood musical la la land leads the way with 11 nods. and fifa confirms its expanding the world cup to 48 teams for the 2026 tournament. good morning. welcome to bbc newsroom live. jeremy corbyn says he once the inched use a law to limit the maximum that people can earn. he told the bbc that he stands by the told the bbc that he stands by the to the uk is not too high. in a speech this afternoon he is expected to give more details labour's approach to brexit. but, in a series of interviews this morning the labour leader said he wants to see the end of the exploitation of migrant workers and that he wanted to maintain market access with the eu. he also suggested a cap is amount individuals can add, saying the limit would be somewhat higher than his salary. and that he would join the picket line with southern rail workers in the long running dispute over the role of gods. norman smith is in westminster. this was the day mr corbyn hoped to reboot his leadership to show at assertive antiestablishment jeremy corbyn. critically to prevent a more confident opposite mystic vision of brexit saying that britain could be that the after we have left the eu. an issue of immigration saying that labour was no longer wedded to the idea of freedom of movement, it was in favour of man's migration and, yes, that changes to eu rules around immigration would have to form part of the brexit negotiations. —— managed migration. however, in interviews this morning he appeared to be treated his former position on immigration saying he hadn't really changed his mind, what he was about was trying to insure a regulated labour market in the uk, said that eu workers couldn't undercut british workers. but, on freedom of movement he shied away from any moves to curb the dim of movement as he made clear in this interview with mike colleague. my mind is quite clear that we need to end exploitation, maintain market access in your. so you have not changed your mind and the fact that the on the many immigrants here? there were large numberof immigrants here? there were large number of people here making a fantastic contribution our society. just to be completely clear, usual policy changes would probably bring down the numbers, but you still don't think that there are levels of immigration is too high end can't tell is how money people will be effective? i am going to deal with the worst app specs of exploitation, first. deal with that. the worst app specs of exploitation, first. dealwith that. —— the worst app specs of exploitation, first. deal with that. —— the worst aspects will stop employers have had it too easy for too long to exploit people in often bad working conditions. all this is being viewed with some confusion by his labour colleagues, some of whom are pressing him to ta ke some of whom are pressing him to take a clever more aggressive stance on freedom of movement. one of whom, emma reynolds wrote an article saying that labour ought to have a two tier approach to freedom of movement with restrictions and unskilled workers being able to take advantage of freedom of movement. this is what she said to me this morning. i welcome what he said on free movement, i think there has to be changed on free movement i think the shadow brexit secretary have also said that. the status quo is not an option, i would like to see more detail, again we're going to see the speech later on, today about what managed migration really means, what he's talking about. i don't thinkjust means, what he's talking about. i don't think just tackling exploitation, as important as it is, i don't think it goes far enough and stephen kinnock and i at the week proposed a two tier system whereby you combine preference the eu workers over non—eu workers but you do restrict the numbers in low skilled and semiskilled professions. all this came as mr corbyn ducked the political bombshell this morning suggesting that he backs a pay cap, and absolute limit on the amount of limit you can earn. —— dropped the political bombshell. i asked the shadowjustice secretary whether it would kick in £1 million. we need to start talking about wages... is that the wrath area? i'm not into give a bigger, jeremy corbyn didn't give a figure this morning. did you know about this before he said it? anything we do need to have a conversation... did you know about it? and over all of us have always been interested in reducing the level of inequality in our society. was it raised at the shadow cabinet this morning? i couldn't attend it this morning? i couldn't attend it this morning? i couldn't attend it this morning because of my dates with you at 11 o'clock so i wasn't there. but there. but then what was discussed. my understanding was that it was not raised at the shadow cabinet. talking do at least one of his allies, i was told they knew nothing about and were texting each other trying to find out what this policy was. as we understand it, mr corbyn said it would kick in at more than his salary of £138,000, and it would hit, for example premiership footballers and club executives, who he says are earning ridiculous salaries. norman, thank you very much, let's talk more about that pay cap. with me edwin morgan debited director of policy at the student directors. what you think? as the ball, let me say that at our institute we have one big companies that if they weren't being seen to moderate executive pay than politicians would get interested. this is what we have seen today. i think that it is probably an feasible for politicians to ever know what the right level of... the ftse100 ceo, billions of pounds worth of turnover, no politician is really going to be odd to say this is exactly right level all this too much. the problem is... if you have been warning countries the sometimes —— companies per sometime. it was implied it you think that play is too high. we do and over the last 20 or 30 years there has been a problem that executive pay always seem to go up that executive pay always seem to go up and not in line with the performance of those companies. what exactly has been concerning you, the pay ratio in some companies is that the person of the top is an in a hundred times more than the person in the bottom, could you peg is what you think is a suitable ratio? like jeremy corbyn, i'm not good but number on it, but actually the pay ratio has been relatively stable for the last few years between the top and bottom. for is the real issue is shareholders getting involved and saying to companies, we think the pay is too high, and that has happened in the last two or three yea rs, happened in the last two or three years, but it doesn't yet seem that the big board of it companies, but the big board of it companies, but the 100 companies, are responding. they don't seem to be doing enough yet to say that they know it is an issue... they have been alone worst enemies? yes. do you think you pay cap is the right thing? ijust don't see how a pay cap is going to work, who will set it who will apply to? for example if you have an entrepreneur who sets up a successful company and sells it, are they not allow to take the rewards of their... they not allow to take the rewards of their. .. what's the answer then, how do you dress this issue it hasn't been addressed? actually, the government has introduced interesting ideas in a green paper that recently came out about how you get shareholders to get involved and how you get more of a voiced of employees into the board rooms, so they're listening to those concerned. a lot of employees, might feel why is the top guy earning so much more than us when we don't access to the company doing any incredible things? some positive stuff in the pipeline, and we like to see that come through and see what the effects of that are. if companies really what the effects of that are. if com pa nies really start what the effects of that are. if companies really start listening and responding to public pressure, political pressure, a pay cap is just such a blunt tool, though. what about really high top rate of tax like in the past, 90%? all the evidence would suggest that that is countered productive when we have the 50p rate of income tax. it raised barely if any more than the 45p rate. edit think about the big game changer. edwin morgan, thank you very much. ayes i don't think. we will take jeremy you very much. ayes i don't think. we will takejeremy corbyn's speech out lining his approach to brexit. we will bring you his speech live at 2:30pm. breaking news about the independent enquiry into child sexual abuse, the chairwoman has announced the name of the new lead counsel to the enquiry, it is brian altman qc. he is now being replaced. there has been a lot of change at that enquiry, the chairperson has changed several times, the current one is the third in the role and now there is a new council, brian altman qc. a 15—year—old girl has been arrested after the death of a seven—year—old girl in york. the younger girl was found with life—threatening injuries in the woodthorpe area of the city she was taken to hospital but died a short time later. the last hour north yorkshire police have given a statement. officers have conducted house—to—house enquiries in the area and remain working at the scene while the investigation continues. specially trained officers are supporting the victim's family. clearly, the circumstances require the investigation to be done ina require the investigation to be done in a sensitive manner. let's cross now to phil bodmer who's in york. we had the detective chief inspector talking in york as that enquiry goes on into establishing the circumstances into what happened here. this is an area on the north—west of the city of york. it is residential, a lot of woodland, and large semidetached houses. so, a well—to—do area and the area where this incident happened between 435 o'clock last night, is at the back ofa number of o'clock last night, is at the back of a number of properties it is open land which is used for recreational purposes according to local people. it is popular with dog walkers and people taking time out to enjoy the opener. we know, as the detective inspector said, f—15 year old has been arrested seven ul dow was attended to by police and paramedics and taken to hospital. she died later on. the focus of those investigations, we saw a forensics tent behind one of the properties, thatis tent behind one of the properties, that is where they will be working out the circumstances of what happened here last night. local people have said they were alerted by lots of police activity at about five o'clock last night. the street was sealed off for some time and, of course, we have learned more this morning about what has happened. the police press conference here, the perspective leading this investigation wouldn't be specific or answer certain questions. —— the detective leading this investigation. we do know the enquiries are continuing and we await more information. police have been called to a hospital where a number of saline bags appeared to have been tampered with. on wednesday the 4th of january, six days ago, and member of staff noticed that the saline bags, given to patients to rehydrate them, the staff member noticed that the sale i'm bags had been tampered with. immediately notified some senior clinicians. at that point of the trust instigated a serious incident procedures. security measures have been stepped up and all medicines been stepped up and all medicines been reviewed. on that day, wednesday the 4th of january, the trust immediately contacted cumbria police. they have started an investigation. doctor rod harpo and the medical director at north cumbria hospitals has said that he confirmed that the trust contacted the police immediately, regarding the police immediately, regarding the small number of saline bags that appeared to have been tampered with. they say that no patient has been adversely affected, but are asking any patients who have any questions or concerns to contact the trust. labour leaderjeremy corbyn says he wants a cap on the maximum amount people can earn. of a seven—year—old in york. police are called in to crumble and infirmary in carlisle after a number of saline bags appeared to have been tampered with. now a sports update. we're starting with football because beef i have voted to increase the number of teams in the world cup from 32 to 48. -- teams in the world cup from 32 to 48. —— because the fat. despite some concerns from some nations about by looting the quality. they insist it will make the event more inclusive. they want more countries there, they knew they wouldn't get in the existing structure which is dominated by your 13 guarantee places, so the only way forward was expansion. it was wanted because it would improve football throughout the world. and help to make the sport more inclusive. it also stands to make the fire a lot of money. they will get at extent $1 billion. —— stands to make fifa a lot of money. preparations for the australian open continue to go from strength to strength. she is three to the quarterfinals of the sydney international after a comfortable win against the australian player. she knocked out world number one angelique kerber. cycling ‘s governing body has given athletes seven governing body has given athletes seven weeks to prepare. jody cundy he won two goals the great britain criticised the decision. for it to be such a last minute, seven weeks, but at least preparing, that's not trying to do it, but organisations and teams to sort out logistics, visas, transport, hotels, flights, you name it, it's a bit crazy. i don't know if there is an old theory motive but it seems a bit strange thatis motive but it seems a bit strange that is come so late in the bay. finally, england's cricketers are chasing to beat and india at a site. it gets underway on sunday. we'll keep you updated two out the afternoon, but that is all the sport but now more in the next hour. tonight president obama's farewell. his time will come to an end. let's get more from chicago. how is he going to encapsulate those eight yea rs going to encapsulate those eight years in his farewell speech, tonight? it will be a fascinating moment. in this city where the story began, president obama's rise to power, to national prominence, he's gained a book and that eight years with a big speech going through his whole record, trying to recapture what he has achieved, his health—care reforms, saving the country from a financial crisis as he will see it, and also managing to ca ptu re he will see it, and also managing to capture and kill is modern garden. there will be a tall the resistance in that sense. the interesting thing will be to what extent he will warn about the future, about what is it green at stake. one of the policies he will be remembered for, health ca re he will be remembered for, health care reform, that is in donald trump's sites for repeal, and very soon. trump's sites for repeal, and very soon. we will hear some warnings but an attempt to outline what has been achieved. as he prepares to leave and handover to a divisive replacement, how is the scene now houses popularity in the united states ? houses popularity in the united states? he is popular still. in all the opinion polls he is popular, very divisive at the same time. he is hated by many republicans, they can't wait to see the back of him. but, generally, he's quite popular. walter was 60% popularity, amazing foran walter was 60% popularity, amazing for an outgoing president after eight years in power. —— up to 60% popularity. the question is what role will he play? he is spoken about remaining on the field but while that look like? at the moment the democratic party has virtually no leadership, certainly no younger generation to take it on and take the fight against republicans. he will feel that he has to take some pa rt will feel that he has to take some part against nurturing that new talent, bringing it answer that they can take on the public and in the feature. thank you much gary. the us owners of the messaging app, snap chat the company currently has seventy—five staff at its office in london and will seek to hire more. the move is seen as positive for the technology sector, as other companies such as facebook and google have based themselves in ireland, which offers lower tax breaks. with me art media editors. they mentioned the tech environment here, tell us more about the considerations that will have gone into this move? the last government, the coalition government between 2010 and 2015, put great weight behind what they called silicon roundabout, nu tec sector in the east of london. —— a new tech sector. the video messaging app snapchat, sees london as being somewhere out with a lot of talent. it has good tax rates, not as good as island. i'm going to interrupt you, because we going to hear from borisjohnson he was speaking in the commons. i have been discussing these matters with the incoming administration and it was clear that there is a wide measure of agreement between oz open the challenges that we face and i can assure the house that our embassy in washington is engaging with the, and the prime minister's offices are engaging with the incoming team to make sure we work in lockstep to build an those areas of agreement. thank you mr speaker in addition to talk to the incoming us administration, what talks did my right honourable friend have with congressional leaders? i'm grateful, there where, i have to say to the house there was a huge bond of good will for the united kingdom can't capital hill. -- a huge fund. and a very large measure of understanding that now is a time to doa understanding that now is a time to do a free trade deal, they want to do a free trade deal, they want to do itand do a free trade deal, they want to do it and fast. that understanding was most vivid and most urgent on the part of the incoming administration. audette, topical questions, —— or death, topical questions. never mind, rebecca powell is here. topical number to mr speaker. my priorities are to renew our efforts to address the crisis in the middle east, to work to secure the middle east, to work to secure the best negotiations with our european partners, beginning with triggering article 50 and the building even stronger working relationship with the us administration as i have said i had just returned from the us to feather that ambition. as best is the last of the foreign office questions, let me repeat my thanks tojohn cerrie. rebecca powell. 0k... ok... quite brief answers. when he was questioned about his meeting to the us. he didn't meet donald trump but did meet senior advisers. and the fundamental issue that he mentioned there is about a free—trade deal. we already knew he'd been told the uk was in the front seat in us trade talks, different from what obama said back in april when he said that britain would be at the back of the queue. he said they do want a free—trade deal and they want it fast. let's go back, we werejust deal and they want it fast. let's go back, we were just talking about snapchat and its decision to have its new international hq here in london. so, snapchat is a video based at, unlike twitter which is based at, unlike twitter which is based on text or facebook which is the biggest social media. they have decided to base their non—us headquartered in london. they think that london has a burgeoning tech set, the credit to that should go to the last government. there is also a feeling that london has some fantastic talent across the whole of media. snapchat makes it monday by selling advertising and that a very fast growing advertising sector in london and i think snapjack think by basing their non—us —— snapchat think that basing their non—us... have concerns about brexit runaway in... it's notjust london, manchester is flourishing and birmingham. but london has a burgeoning creative sector. bearing in mind that lots of tech companies are ultimately media companies. they distribute news and make money through advertising. because london, in particular has a big media sector, tech companies like facebook, google, like snapchat who make their money out of advertising feel that london is the place to come to find people who are good at selling adverts. i think that the ca rd selling adverts. i think that the card list that they have made overnight. thank you, very much. the northern ireland secretary james brokenshire is to make a statement to mps about the political crisis in the stormont assembly. the british and irish governments say they're going to work to try to find a solution to the most serious political crisis in northern ireland in a decade. yesterday, the deputy first minister, sinn fein's martin mcguinness resigned. it came after weeks of tensions between his party and their partners in the power—sharing government, the democratic unionists. my colleague ben brown is at stormont. yes, as you say the worst political crisis here for a decade. the northern ireland secretary about to make a statement this afternoon on it. the likelihood is that we will have a snap election here for the northern ireland assembly, perhaps within a few weeks following the resignation of sinn fein's martin mcguinness, the deputy prime minister, yesterday. let's talk to the sinn fein national chairman. why did martin mcguinness resign, putting at risk all of the achievement there have been? martin mcguinness made his decision yesterday to call time and call out and bring to an end a status quo which had become corrupt and which was completely undermining the basis of the political institutions and process in the northern —— the north of ireland. it is over, this renewable heating scheme. many people looking from outside will be puzzled but northern ireland could have been thrown into political crisis over the heating scheme. heating scheme i would add that is going to cost the taxpayer in the north of ireland over half of £1 billion as a direct result of a —— of allegations of corruption going to the heart of the scheme. it is much bigger than a heating scheme in the north of ireland with the squandering of public funds. it extends to other scandals which have taken place in recent years, going to the heart of the northern political and business class. it is also a case of the dup party and government that has lost the run of itself and completely rejected the prince was an process of the good friday agreement upon which these institutions have been placed —— rejected the principles and process. if you are going to have an election, surely it will be cast aside? we spoke to the dup before christmas and we invited the dup leader, as she should do, to step to decide in order to allow for robust and independent, brent is a judicial investigation into all of these matters. she rejected that option. it is an absolutely untenable situation to have the dup leader remaining in office during that investigation. the dup's content and arrogance has meant they have plunged us into this deep political crisis -- plunged us into this deep political crisis —— contempt. plunged us into this deep political crisis -- contempt. but they say it is sinn fein plunging everyone into this crisis. it is a row over the heating scheme rumbling on for months, why did martin mcguinness choose to resign yesterday? no, this isa choose to resign yesterday? no, this is a situation that has come about asa is a situation that has come about as a result of the democratic unionist party arrogance and co nte m pt unionist party arrogance and contempt for wider society, the basis of partnership and power—sharing at the heart of the good friday agreement, the contempt they have shown for republicans and nationalists and rejection of mutual respect in this scheme. it goes begun beyond republicans and nationalists, the lgbt community, to women, this is a situation where the dup have rejected the basis for future political process on the basis of equality. some people are saying you are risking that position of direct rule from london and you would not be suited to that either that there will be no reintroduction of british direct rule. it failed and it will not be reintroduced. the only way forward is on the basis of full and faithful adherence to the good friday agreement and to end the corruption of the principles of equality and parity of esteem. let us get back to good governance and ensuring the institutions work to the people and building a future and peace for all of our people across the island of ireland. thank you for being with us in the rain and cold outside stormont. that is the latest from stormont. that is the latest from stormont. the northern ireland secretary, james brokenshire, is expected to make a statement to mps on this crisis this afternoon. we will have coverage on that. you can get out of the cold for now. let us can get out of the cold for now. let us find out how the weather is looking. as we have seen, it is cloudy and damp. the best of the breaks have beenin damp. the best of the breaks have been in the east. a weather front is making its way across northern ireland ringing nuisance rain, light and drizzly rain, a grey afternoon for many. a lot of cloud continues through the day. quite miles for the time of year. temperatures peaking at 7-11. it all time of year. temperatures peaking at 7—11. it all changes overnight tonight. the wins will strengthen from the north and west. gales and eventually severe gales in the far north of scotland, driving in rain which will turn increasingly wintry, cold airdigging in which will turn increasingly wintry, cold air digging in behind. further south, dull and damp, cold air digging in behind. further south, dulland damp, not cold air digging in behind. further south, dull and damp, not as cold. but the real cause for concern into wednesday is the strength of the winds, moving across scotland and eventually into the north—west of england. we are likely to see gales or severe england. we are likely to see gales or severe gale calls. if you are driving high sided vehicles, bear it in mind. the showers will turn wintry at lower levels. it starts off wintry, showers in the west of wales, windy start the day across england and wales, not the strength of further north and there is a good deal of quite weather here still, cloudy and predominantly dry. westerly winds driving in showers in the west. the strongest winds across the west. the strongest winds across the pennines. further snow showers likely. there will be a cuban relations at lower levels here —— there will be accumulations at lower levels. the risk of blizzards overnight in scotland. snow showers likely in northern ireland as well. rain showing its hand in the south—west. this could bring heavy persistent rain across channel facing coasts particularly the m4 corridorfor the early facing coasts particularly the m4 corridor for the early morning rush—hour. a level of uncertainty as it bumps into the cold air. maybe a wintry mix. the real issue will be the extent of the rain. it stays cold and windy with further snow showers in the far north—west. add on the strength of the windward struggling temperatures and it will more like —3 or —4—macro. quieter on friday. staying cold and cherie but hopefully not quite as extensive, the showers —— cold and showery. you are watching bbc newsroom live. our main headlines... labour leaderjeremy corbyn says he wants a cap on the maximum amount people can earn. he also says he believes the level of immigration to the uk is not too high. police in cumbria are investigating suspicions that a small number of saline bags were tampered with at the cumberland infirmary in carlisle. it's not thought any patients have been affected. a 15—year—old girl is questioned in connection with the death of a child in york. the seven—year—old girl died after being admitted to hospital with life—threatening injuries. commuters on southern rail are facing the first of three days of strikes by train drivers this week. it's the latest industrial action in the dispute over plans for drivers to open and close doors. drivers will walk out today, tomorrow and on friday. the latest strike by southern train drivers is under way, the first of six day—long, stoppages planned injanuary. southern has put on replacement buses in some areas but is advising people not to travel unless it is essential. horsham is one of the stations affected and our correspondent, duncan kennedy, is there. the only thing moving here in horsham and across the southern rail network are the coaches, coaches like this which are ferrying people around, 200 have been put on by southern rail to get people not to central london where most want to go to but to other train stations where the train operators are working. to the train operators are working. to the left, you can see the platforms, no trains moving in with the green and white train in the distance, thatis and white train in the distance, that is a southern rail train that should be moving and of course is not. something like 2200 train should be running on any given work day, none of running at the moment, right across kent, sussex, surrey and parts of hampshire. you can imagine what it is doing for commuters. we spoke to one man who commutes here everyday and he has just paid £5,500 for his annual season ticket and he expressed the frustrations many tens of thousands of commuters are feeling today. we should not be trying to understand it to the degree we are. the major players need to sit down to resolve it. there clearly are safety concerns which need to be looked at, questions over how this is being rolled out. these need to be addressed and looked into. southern should not be pushing ahead southern should not be pushing ahead so wholeheartedly with it if there are these concerns. one of about 3000 passenger journeys are these concerns. one of about 3000 passengerjourneys being made daily on the southern rail network but none are being made today. this train station in horsham and, normally 5000—10,000 people moving through the station, just take a look. absolutely empty. why is it happening? the train drivers, chaps like these, manning the picket line this morning, and it is all about them and the guards and who should not open doors. these guys are saying that they should not open the doors on the train, it is not safe, they are too busy doing other things, it should be up to the guards. southern rail and the parent company say, no, perfectly safe. the guards should be concentrating on other things like looking after passengers. we spoke to southern rail this morning and they say they are open to talks at any time but as yet there are no plans for the sides to meet so we have got three strikes this week and three more later in january. the post office says it is seeking partners for franchises of 37 of its flagship crown branches on high streets across the uk. the communication workers union says the changes will result in the loss of 300 jobs and 127 specialist roles. a post office spokesman said that the changes would "underpin continued commitment to give communities in every part of the country access to essential services." concerns have been raised about the care of transgender prisoners, following four deaths in just over a year atjails in england and wales. a report, from the prisons and probation ombudsman, says prison staff and managers need to be more proactive and flexible in the way they deal with inmates who've changed their birth gender, or are in the process of doing so. here's our home affairs correspondent, danny shaw. the latest transgender prisoner to die in custody — jenny swift, from merseyside, was 49. she was found hanged in her cell 11 days ago. jenny was male by birth but she was living as a woman, and she has been taking hormone drugs to help with the transition. she was on remand at doncaster prison when she died. it is a prison for men. an investigation has now begun. a report by the prisons and probation ombudsman says there have been four deaths of transgender prisoners injust over a year, including jenny swift. the ombudsman says, since 2012, he has received 33 complaints about tra nsgender equality. most cases he examined related to transgender females held in prisons for men. concerns were highlighted after vicki thompson died at leeds prison, in november, 2015. she was male by birth but had identified as a female since her mid—teens. she told friends she would kill herself if she was sent to a men's prison. the ombudsman, nigel newcomen, says too often when there are concerns about a transgender prisoner's location, they are segregated or placed in a different area within the existing jail, instead of being moved. in the past few months, the ministry ofjustice has revised its guidance to ensure that the great majority of transgender inmates are dealt according to the gender they identify with. danny shaw, bbc news. smart way to —— smart open ways can open the hard shoulder to relieve congestion. motorists are apparently becoming confused. an 18% rise in the number of people caught using the number of people caught using the hard shoulder illegally over the last two years. an update on the headlines but the. the labour leader jeremy corbyn says he wants a cap the maximum amount people can earn. if 15—year—old girl has been arrested and questioned in connection with the death of a seven—year—old in new york. police are called into cumberland infirmary in carlisle after a number of sale and bags appeared to have been tampered with. —— say line. jeremy corbyn says he wants to bring about a more equal society broke bringing ina about a more equal society broke bringing in a cap on the map people can earn. speaking to our political editor, preventing worker exploitation is one of his top priorities can he said. it isa it is a slightly bizarre way of describing the way in which people are recruited to come to this country and indeed other countries to undercut existing working conditions. in brass tacks, does it mean you would like to see more or fewer people from other parts of the eu coming to the uk? it probably means there would be fewer but i think we should also recognise that there is a massive contribution made to our health service, education and manufacturing industry by people from all over europe and indeed there are a very large number, maybe 1.5-2,000,000 british there are a very large number, maybe 1.5—2,000,000 british people living in other parts of europe, making a contribution there as well. the book come here and work hard and pay taxes and they are part of our community, let us be accepting of that —— people come here. there has been a rise in hate crime and abuse recently. to be clear, you think there would be fewer people coming here from the rest of the eu probably. you have also said you are not saying anyone could not come. we have not got into article 15 negotiations yet and market access to europe and that is key. —— article 50. half of our trade is with the european union. clearly that trade needs to continue to protect industries and jobs in britain and so these brexit negotiations have to focus on economic... in terms of what you are saying, you are saying probably you would see a reduction in the number of people coming here if you acted on the workplace but you would not stop anyone coming here. those two things to the viewers might sound contradictory. they are not contradictory. they are not contradictory at all. we end the exploitation because it has an effect on reducing everyone's working conditions. we are also saying that one has to recognise, as iam sure saying that one has to recognise, as i am sure everyone saying that one has to recognise, as i am sure everyone does, that without european doctors and nurses in our nhs, it would be in an even worse situation. but if you tightened up the rules for employers, in your view, tightened up the rules for employers, in yourview, even tightened up the rules for employers, in your view, even if workers were better protected, they could still be remaining, french, italian. but there would be less incentive to recruit them. we recognise there is a skills shortage, shortage of doctors and nurses. they will have to come from somewhere otherwise waiting lists get longer, the crisis gets steeper in the nhs. can you tell us today what you think a fair level of immigration would be? it is a huge metropolis concerned, we have asked you previously whether you think levels are too high and you have said you do not think the levels are too high. —— it is a huge concern. my too high. —— it is a huge concern. my mind is clear we need to end the exploitation going on, we need to maintain market access within europe and we need to ensure their good relations between all communities. you have not changed your mind on the fact you have always believed that are not too many immigrants here? there are a lot of people in this country making fantastic contributions to our society, as do a large number of british people living in other parts of the world. just to be completely clear, your policy changes, you think they would probably bring down the numbers, but used all do not think levels of immigration are too high and you cannot tell us how many people would be affected? i want to deal with the worst aspects of exploitation first, deal with that. that is crucial and it would also improve working conditions for people in this country as well. employers have had it too easy for too long to exploit people in often bad working conditions. one of the proposals you have given this morning that might be appealing to your supporters is the idea of capping income. do you really believe that in this country people should be told that they can earn no more than a certain amount? i think you have to look at each company and say, is it really right that the chief executive should be on 100 or more times than those actually doing the work keeping the company going. we have to look at theissues company going. we have to look at the issues of disparity within companies. that is rather different than saying as labour prime minister you would cap income. is that what you would cap income. is that what you are saying, a top level salary? either you do a cap or look at levels of disparity within other organisations. other countries have policies and i think we need to consult and learn lessons. it cannot be right that those doing the work are be right that those doing the work a re often be right that those doing the work are often living in work in poverty while the chief executive is earning many millions. finally, briefly, one of your biggest supporters, len mccluskey, said before christmas, if the polls were still as bad as they are now four labour in 2019, you would consider your position? he said, john mcdonnell and jeremy corbyn are not egomaniacs, they are not desperate to cling onto power for power‘s say, if the do not budge... it is nice for him to say i am notan budge... it is nice for him to say i am not an egomaniac! i do not think iam. we am not an egomaniac! i do not think i am. we have been through two leadership elections in the year, i was elected for a second time with a higher turnout and higher majority. we have to campaign. one housing, health, economic investment, that is what we are doing. len mccluskey knows you well and he said that if things do not change, you consider your position. is he wrong? i do not quite know what he meant by that. my position is, i am proud to lead this party and i am utterly determined to create a better, fairer, more decent society in britain where we do not have rising homelessness, people dying on trolleys in hospitals, we invest and proudly do so in public services. jeremy, thank you very much. the hollywood musical la la land leads nominations for this year's baftas, with 11 nods, including best film. its stars, ryan gosling and emma stone, are also up for best actor and actress, just a day after winning at the golden globes. british actors andrew garfield, emily blunt and hugh grant are also nominated, as is british state welfare drama i, daniel blake. let us take a look at some of those films. # city of stars, are you shining just for me? # city of stars, there's so much that i can't see. # who knows, is this the start of something wonderful? if you've been deemed fit for work, your only option is jobseeker's allowance. i want to appeal. you have to apply online, sir. i was a carpenter. i've never been anywhere near a computer. you need to run the mouse up the screen. no, not that like that. i'm just gannin' round in circles. i'm going to have to ask you to leave. i'm trying to explain to you a situation, and you don't care i've got about 12 quid in my purse do you know what — you've created a scene. what was i supposed to do? jesus christ! who's first in this queue? iam. do you mind if this young lass signs on first? no, no, you carry on. this isn't your concern. i want you to get out as well. every 18 hours, a door opens up. that's when we go in. dramatic music. it's time. yeah, that just happened. what happens now? they arrive. my ex—husband used to call me a nocturnal animal. i didn't know you had an ex—husband. i've been thinking about him a lot lately, and recently he sent me this book he's written. it's violent, and he dedicated it to me. did you love him? i did something horrible to him. which? a flavour of some of the new movies nominated for the baftas. and you can find out who the winners are on 12th february when the ceremony takes place and we'll be talking to the film critic, jason solomons, about those nomintions in the next hour. it's all glitz and glamour with the start of the film awards season. in an exclusive interview with the bbc‘s victoria derbyshire, nicole kidman, who stars in the film lion, has been speaking about ageism in hollywood, and she had this to say about her career so far. i think i've given really good performances. i still don't think i've given my best performance, if that makes sense. but do you think you've got that in you, it's still to come? i think i've got an enormous amount still to say and do and be, which is a wonderful thing, at my age, to still feel that. why do you say, your age? because i think sometimes that wanes as you get older and you've achieved a lot. i've seen it in people and it certainly... i still... it's what i love. i read something recently that isabelle huppert said. she said, "i'm an dress in my fingernails, in my toes," and that's what i am. do you think hollywood has got a problem with decent roles for women in their 40s and upwards, female actors in their 40s and upwards? well, i mean, that's such a loaded question. a problem, in what way? is there enough of them? probably not. but now there is so much more available to us in terms of globally working in tv, working in film. i think we are in a position where we can create our own shows. i mean, ijust did that with reese witherspoon, we did a show called big little lies. five of the roles for women and three of them for women over 40. i am in a very fortunate position where i have really interesting directors offering me different things. but ourjob now, as females in this industry, is to push through and try to blur those boundaries. we've got incredible trailblazers in terms of huppert and meryl streep and sarandon and jessica lange and all of these women, judy davis, all of these women who, before us, have carved paths that are defying the norm from what it was, say, 30 years ago. it's fabulous. and we've got to continue the work. an ancient tree known for the massive hollowed out tunnel at its centre has been knocked over in a series of storms in colourful near. the historic tree had survived for centuries and allowed tourist to pass through it before it came down because of heavy rain. —— in california. it featured graffiti from the 1800s when visitors were allowed to etch their names into the tree's dark. chimpa nzees allowed to etch their names into the tree's dark. chimpanzees have been filmed making and using tools to get access to water. the footage shows how chimpanzees use the special tools they have made to drink the water. the study of the critically endangered group of chimpanzees in the ivory coast, they use tree branches to get water. more on that on the 1pm news. now the weather. plenty of whether to get through and some will cause some disruption. it isa some will cause some disruption. it is a relatively quiet day with the best of brightness in sheltered eastern areas. a blanket of cloud across the country. nuisance rain moving in from the west gradually drifting steadily east. in terms of the feel of things, it will be mild, 7-10d. the feel of things, it will be mild, 7—10d. overnight, the wind will strengthen in the far north and west of scotland. gale force gusts eventually, perhaps severe gales to the extreme north, bringing outbreaks of rain turning wintry. chiefly to higher ground but eventually to lower levels. england and wales, quieter story, eventually to lower levels. england and wales, quieterstory, cloudy with light and drizzly rain. the winds are cause for concern on wednesday with the potential for the gales or severe gales to continue across scotland with a mixture of rain, sleet and snow showers quite widespread and maybe reaching the far north of northern ireland. a windy start for england and wales, the strongest of the winds moving through the pennines in the afternoon. a good deal of dry weather for central and southern areas, bits of cloud around. perhaps the strongest of the wind moving further south across the peaks and pennines with 60—70 mph gusts not out of the question, turning colder in the north. sunny spells. overnight, wednesday, continue to see a cluster of showers, some snow accumulating at lower levels in scotla nd accumulating at lower levels in scotland overnight. further south, slightly milder and wet weather starting to show its hand in the far south—west. keeping a close eye on this. at the moment, it looks likely to stay on rain. some quite heavy, particularly to the south of the m4 corridor. as it bumps into the cold air in the north, we might see a wintry mix. to the north, it stays windy, cold, with frequent showers, add on the strength of the wind took disappointing temperatures and it will probably feel more like —3 in the far north. the low—pressure d rifts the far north. the low—pressure drifts away, we stayed cold and breezy but a little quieter for friday. deal with that, that is a crucial one, which also would improve working conditions for people in this country as well. mr corbyn has also called for a cap on how much people can earn, saying it would lead to a fairer society. struggling into work, hundreds of

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, Sinn Fein , Partners , Ben Brown , Unionists , Power Sharing Government , Tensions , 0ur Ireland , Stormont , Democratic , Chris Page , Resignation , First Minister , Row , Enterprise Minister , Power Sharing Rules , Heat , 2012 , Arrogance , Failure , Subsidies , Â 1 Billion , 1 Billion , Position , Wa Ke , Acting Selfishly , Northern Ireland Secretary , Dwp , Sort , Election , Snap Election , Slap Collection , Needs , Northern Ireland Assembly , Wa Nts , Ben , Agreement , Borisjohnson , Foreign Minister , Positions , Who , Visiting Washington , Trade Deal , Us , Politicians , Queue , Administration , Back , Foreign Secretary , Voters , Priority , Republican , Barack 0bama , Trumpet , Relationship , Won T Change , 0ne Change , Closeness , Deep Trump , Agenda Of Change , Free Trade Deal , Food Trade , Defence , Campaigners , Nato , Donald Trump , Review , Senior , Appointment , Adviser Democrats , Thoughts , White House , Son In Law , Us Congress , Facebook , Democrats , Jared Kushner , Law , Thejustice Department , Officials , Relatives , Adviser , Trump Transition Team , Law Against Nepotism , News , Stories , Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani , Age , President , Thousands , Hundreds , Heart Attack , Funeral , Tehran , Iranian , 82 , Figures , Offending , Rule , Supporter , Motorways , Reformists , Re Education Lessons , Revolution , Variable , Smart Motorways , 1979 , Messaging , Shoulder , Speed Limits , Motorists , Congestion , Owners , Snapchat , More , Move , Google , Office , Snap Inc Currently , Headquarters , Positive , Technology Sector , Seventy Five , Tax Breaks , Trade , Performance , Aspect , Desire , Society , Deal , Glory , Scratching , Stance , Interviews , Range , Notion , Labour Market Regulation , Tier System , Europe Minister , Option , Terms , Status Quo , Fact Thatjeromy , Work , Areas , Semiskilled , Whenjeromy Corbyn , Referendum Result , Peterborough , Think , Detail , Meat , Issue , Bones , Logs , Implications , Public , Labour Voter , Debate , Policy , Need , Head , Isn T , Clarity , Simplicity , Directness , Earth , Free Trade , Order , Stephen Kinnock , Retaining , Proposal , Well Thought , Hand Preference , Employers , Trade Unions , Training Up , Quotas , Responsibility , Blue Sky , Big Gap , Employees , Most , Least , Place , Proposals , Thanks , Real Living Wage , Sta Nce , Breaking News , Closures , 30pm , Effo Rts , Branches , Statement , Community , Half , Stores , Term , Addition , Job Communities , Job Cuts , Meanjob , Misery , Tree , Strategy , Tunnel , Slash , Core , Storm , Tourists , Northern California , Weather , Catch Up , Heavy Rain , Graffiti , 1800 , Bit , Mess , Commune , Clout , Mystery , Odd Bit Of Rain , British Isles , No , Islesjust , 2 , Nuisance Rain , Weather Front , Threat , Far East , Wind , Weather Fronts , Strength , Gusts , Winds , North , Blizzards , North West Scotland , Ground , Wales , Pennines , Top End , Notjust , 50 , 40 , Calculations , Suspicions , Carlisle , Cumberland Infirmary , Cumbria , Hospital , Child , Injuries , Dispute , Action , Number , Alex Ca Pstick , Quality , Reasons , Fifa Headquarters , Zurich , Building , Ruling , Support , Continents , Nations , Making Up Football S World Governing Body , Africa , 211 , Football , Structure , Representation , Expansion , Showpiece Event , Asia , Americas , Fee , Getan Extra , Clubs , Extra , Big European , System , Knockout , Finalists , Matches , Title , City Manager , Coach Of The Year , Achievement , Recognition , Award , Leicester , Claudio Ranieri , 5000 , Season , England , Cristiano Ronaldo , God , Premier League , 1 , Ballon D Or , Trophy , Club World Cup , Player Of The Year , Champions League , European Championship , Portugal , Real Madrid , Draw , Manchester United , Cup , Fa Cup Last Night , League Two , Wigan Athletic , Tottenham Hotspur , Wycombe Wanderers , Idea , Leeds United , Trip , Away Tie , White Hart Lane , Bbc Sport , Side , Winner , Sutton United , Scare , Leeds , Cambridge United , Afc Wimbledon , Uche Ikpeazu , Alex Mowatt , Cycling , Win , Daria Kasatkina , Number One , Quarterfinals , Angelique Kerber , Sydeny , Body , Golds , Ra Cycling Track World Championships , Los Angeles , Pa , Rio Paralympics Last , Jason Cundy , Athletes , Four , Flights , Logistics , Transport , Hotels , Motive , Salary , Chief Executive , Editor , 100 , Tech Companies , Times , Parity , Policies , Lessons , Everyone , Centre , The Business , Ryo Ne , Pressure , Labour Leader , Ratios , Practice , Tax Rates , Rates , Income Tax , Tax Bracket , Tax Brackets , Inequality , Great Expert , Tony Atkinson , Raising Money , Learning , Over , Millions , Earning Hundreds Of Thousands , 44 , 150000 , Ratio , Places , Nhs , Bottom , Pay Scale , Cce Pta Ble , Shareholders , Norm , Yea Rs , 20 , Worker , States , Asjeremy Corbyn , 0regon , Interview , Andi , Limits , Top Talent , Ido , Income Levels , Executives , Ftse 100 , 5 Million , Anyone , Difficulty , Package , Temperatures , Foot , Continent , Refugees , Cold Snap , Settlements , Charities , Arctic Circle , Minus 30 , Island , Sight , Driver , Ski Resort Postcard , Greg Dawson , Mountain Roads , Crete , Snow , Front , Street , Parthenon , Capital , High , Pavement , Selfies , 2m , Istanbul , Transportation , Roads , Cameras , City , Making Journeys , Cancellations , Ferries , Delays , Bosporus Strait , Ataturk Airport , Makeshift Fire , Celsius , Slippers , Pair , Warehouse , Serbian Capital , Belgrade , 2000 , Minus 20 , Low , Exposure , Czech Republic , Police , Old Girl , Teenager , Detective Chief Inspector , Police Station , Police Custody , Inquiry , Area , Circumstances , North West , Residential Area , Woodland , Houses , Incident , Land , Properties , Purposes , Last Night , Az30pm , Air , Paramedics , Detective Inspector , Dog Walkers , York District Hospital , Time Out , Focus , Tent , Closes , Neighbourhood , Police Activity , The Street , Detective , Police Press Conference , Press , Phil Bodmer Who , Information , Inquiries , Summary , Business News , Rise , Sales , Supermarket Chain Morrisons , 2 9 , Retailer , Food , Nutmeg , Clothing , Gifts , Splurge , Alcoholic Drinks , Report , British Retail Consortium , Power , Disposable Income , Average Uk , Households , Household , Spending , Saw , Black Friday , December , Kpmg , December 2015 , 2015 , 0 1 , Spending Power , Population , Supermarkets , Pensions , Fifth , Consumer , Food Price Inflation , Supermarket Sales Rose , 2016 , Â 1180 Million , 12 , 1180 Million , 1 8 , Fraser Mckevitte , Retail , Falling Prices , Hills , Bills , Tills , Insight , Ka Ntar World Panel , 2014 , 28 , Prices , Blip , Aberration , Anything , Inflation , Price Rises , Food Prices , 0 2 , Reve Nu Es Sterling , Value , Market Share , Tension , Fundamentals , Efforts , Landscape , Price Wars , 480 Million , Couple , Sunday , Last , Consumer Confidence , Piece , Discounters , Evidence , 0k , Brand Ranges , Phone Label , Revival , Tesco , Sainsbury S , Losses , Asda , Momentum , Growth , Business Stories , Storesm , Franchise , Members , Ba , Crown Offices , Loss , Streets , Pursuit , Heathrow Airport , Distances , Airports , London City , Reorganisation , Hm Revenue And Customs , Gatwick , 38000 , Home , App , National Audit Office , 174 , Markets , Group , Confidence , Vote , 150 Million , Record , Ftse , Streak , Strea K Yesterday Ftse , 33 , Revenues , Nu Es Companies , Ftse100 , Business , Coat Tails , Riding , 4 , 496 , Stars , Musical , Hollywood , Film , Best Actor , Ryan Gosling , Emma Stone , Andrew Garfield , Films , Take A Look , Actress , Is British State Welfare Drama , Daniel Blake , Golden Globes , Hugh Grant , Emily Blunt , City Stars , Start , Option Isjob , Job Seekers Allowance , Carpenter , Screen , Wa Nt , Mouse , Scene , Lass , Signs , Don T Care , Ex Husband , Animal , Avenue , Nocturnalavenue , Book , Filing , Taste , Glitz , Winners , Movies , Film Critic , Glamour , 12th Of February , Nicole Kidman , Performances , Career , Ageism , Victoria Derbyshire , Sense , Women , Roles , Isabelle Huppert , Actors , Fingernails , Dress , Loaded Question , My Toes , Working In Film , Tv , Shows , Show , Ijust , Big Little Lies , Reese Witherspoon , Industry , Directors , Females , Ourjob , All , Have , Trailblazers , Women Who , Meryl Streep , Boundaries , Judy Davis , Sarandon , Jessica Lange , Viewers , Bbc Two , Goodbye , Door , Sunshine , Cloud , Forecast , East , Temperature , Rift , Night , Tone , Someone , Western Parts , Vehicle , Ido Pennines , Perhapsjust Winding , Fraction , Cornwall , 45 , Snow Showers , Data , South , Coasts , Counties , Conversion , Brecon Beacons , Salisbury Plain , Showers , Northerly , Wind Direction , Ice , Prospect , East Coast , Midlands , Midday , Open Market , Mps , Southern Rail Passengers , Ilive , Use , Migrant Workers , Series , Role , Running Dispute , Southern Rail Workers , Individuals , Mystic Vision , Antiestablishment , Moves , Dim , Mike Colleague , Contribution , Dealwith , Aspects , Specs Of Exploitation , Confusion , Labour Colleagues , Ke , Emma Reynolds , Article , Advantage , Whom , Shadow Brexit Secretary , Professions , Preference , Secretary , Wrath Area , Bigger , Shadowjustice , 1 Million , Â 1 Million , Understanding , Other , Talking , Allies , Â 138000 , Footballers , Example , Club Executives , Salaries , 138000 , Student Directors , Me Edwin Morgan , Ball , Debited , Executive Pay , Companies , Institute , Politician , Turnover , Ceo , Billions , Pounds Worth , Play , Warning , Person , Top , A Hundred , It Companies , Doesn T , Big Board , Enemies , Entrepreneur , Ijust Don T , Rewards , Hasn T , Ideas , Answer , Green Paper , Concerned , Guy , Rooms , Effects , Listening , Pipeline , Stuff , 50p Rate , Tool , Ayes , Big Game Changer , Takejeremy Corbyn , Enquiry , Abuse , Name , Counsel , Chairwoman , Change , Qc , Council , Chairperson , Third , Brian Altman Qc , North Yorkshire , Woodthorpe , Officers , Enquiries , House , Victim S Family , Qina , Manner , Back Ofa Number , Semidetached , 435 , Opener , Investigations , Old , Ul Dow , Forensics Tent , Thatis Tent , Wouldn T , Perspective , 4th , Wednesday The 4th Of January , Staff Member , Procedures , Security Measures , Clinicians , Doctor Rod Harpo , North Cumbria Hospitals , Infirmary , Sports Update , Beef , Fat , Event , Fire , Help , 13 , Billion , Player , Governing Body , S Governing Body , Goals , Jody Cundy , Visas , Strange , Strange Thatis Motive , Site , Theory , Bay , Cricketers , India , President Obama , Farewell , Chicago , Farewell Speech , Prominence , Garden , Health Care Reforms , Kill , Ca Ptu Re , Extent , Resistance , Stake , Repeal , Sites , Warnings , Attempt , Health Ca Re , Popularity , Handover , Replacement , Opinion Polls , Republicans , Foran Walter , Field , Generation , Talent , It Answer , Fight , Rt , Feature , Gary , Considerations , Tech Environment Here , Media Editors , Weight , Silicon Roundabout , Nu Tec Sector , 2010 , Somewhere , Video Messaging , Tech Sector , Matters , Commons , Measure , Embassy , Challenges , Oz Open , Washington , Offices , Team , Lockstep , Speaker , Leaders , Friend , Fund , Will , Bond , United Kingdom Can T Capital Hill , Itand , Audette , Priorities , Rebecca Powell , Middle East , Working Relationship , Foreign Office , Feather , Ambition , Answers , Tojohn Cerrie , 0k , He Didn T Meet , Advisers , Trade Talks , Seat , Let S Go Back , International Hq , Social Media , Video , Text , Twitter , Headquartered , Burgeoning Tech Set , Government , Advertising , Media , Advertising Sector , Snapjack , Whole , Sector , Media Companies , Brexit Runaway In , Bearing , Manchester , Birmingham , Particular , Feel , Like Snapchat , James Brokenshire , Card List , Rd Selling Adverts , Ca , Stormont Assembly , Likelihood , Risk , Chairman , Let S Talk , Basis , Institutions , Northern , Heating Scheme , Outside , Taxpayer , Corruption , Result , Heart , Scandals , A , Allegations , Squandering Of Public Funds , Case , Business Class , Principles , Cast , Prince , Dup , Brent , Situation , Leader , Contempt , Content , Heating Scheme Rumbling , Isa , Asa , Co Nte M Pt , Lgbt Community , Nationalists , Partnership , Power Sharing , Respect , Rejection , Equality , Direct Rule , Reintroduction , Parity Of Esteem , Governance , Adherence , Latest , In The Rain , Peace , Cold Outside Stormont , Building A Future , Cold , Coverage , Breaks , Best , Drizzly Rain , Many , Wins , Gales , Air Digging , Behind , Cold Airdigging , Dulland , Cold Air Digging In Behind , Concern , Cause , Calls , Gale , Vehicles , Westerly , Relations , Accumulations , Uncertainty , Channel , South West , Mix , M4 Corridor , M4 Corridorfor , Hand , The Rain , Add , Or 4 , , Showery , Southern , Stations , Southern Train Drivers , Horsham , Replacement Buses , Stoppages , Injanuary , Southern Rail Network , Train Operators , Left , 200 , Trains , Work Day , Thatis , Running , Surrey , Â 5500 , 5500 , Tens Of Thousands , Season Ticket , Frustrations , Train Station , Passenger Journeys , Rail Network , 3000 , Guards , Station , Rail , Crown Branches , Franchises , Commitment , Communication Workers Union , Spokesman , 127 , Deaths , Prisons , Managers , Prisoners , Prison Staff , Care , Essential Services , Probation Ombudsman , Atjails , Prisoner , Inmates , Danny Shaw , Birth Gender , Swift , Cell , Merseyside , 49 , Jenny Swift , Birth , Transition , Hormone Drugs , Doncaster Prison , Woman , Remand , Men , Ombudsman , Complaints , Prison , Transgender Prisoners , The Prisons And Probation Ombudsman , Tra Nsgender Equality , Vicki Thompson , Cases , Leeds Prison , Female , Mid Teens , Friends , November , Nigel Newcomen , November 2015 , Majority , Ministry Ofjustice , Transgender , Location , Gender , Jail , Guidance , Ways , 18 , Update , Map , Working Conditions , It Isa , Brass Tacks , Health Service , Education , Manufacturing , 1 5 , 2000000 , Taxes , Hate Crime , Rest , Industries , Saying , Workplace , Reduction , Effect , Doctors , Rules , Siam , Nurses , Yourview , Skills Shortage , Shortage , Incentive , French , Italian , Lists , Metropolis , Contributions , Supporters , Capping Income , Theissues Company Going , Poverty , Finally , Len Mccluskey , Polls , Briefly , John Mcdonnell , 2019 , Egomaniac , Elections , Notan Budge , Housing , Investment , Health , Turnout , Campaign , Hospitals , Homelessness , Trolleys , Better , Allowance , Fit , Sir , 12th February , Earnings Limit , Eleven ,

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