Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWS LIVE - 30 20180113 : comparemela.

Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWS LIVE - 30 20180113

and the shocker in this is al jazeera live from to hall so coming up. the president not only news that for the troops watching news that more than much democrats dismiss president trump's denial and his offensive comment about some countries but to spark a global outrage. for months of uncertainty a breakthrough in talks to form a new coalition government and germany. and facebook announces changes in the hope of creating a more meaningful experience but it shares take a hit. this is the last chance that was the message from the us president all trying to say extended the landmark iran nuclear deal and that he's warned america's european allies he would withdraw from the two thousand and fifteen agreement all together at his demands to change it are not met alan fischer has the latest from washington . europe's diplomats met in brussels to urge the u.s. to continue with the iran nuclear deal seeing they believe it improved global security now donald trump has agreed but says he would do it again in a statement issued from the white house he called it his utopian allies to negotiate a supplemental deal in the next one hundred twenty days which would place fresh restrictions on iran seeing today i'm waving the application of certain nuclear sanctions but only in order to secure our european allies agreement to fix the terrible flaws of the iran nuclear deal this is a last chance in the absence of such an agreement the united states will not again we've sanctions in order to stay in the iran nuclear deal and he warned those who for whatever reason choose not to work with us will be siding with the iranian regime's nuclear ambitions and against the people of iran and the peaceful nation. of the world under u.s. law the president has to regularly recertify the deal donald trump has repeatedly called the iran deal the watch he's ever seen and pledged before he became president to scrap it at the end of last year he want he was ready to step away iran is not living up to the spirit of the deal but one of the deals architects says the deal is working there is no dispute that iran is living up to its obligations which we negotiated with iran and it's like that we should live up to obligations to that does not mean that we shouldn't address other aspects of iranian behavior which course concern whether it involves aggressive foreign policy its political missile program its human rights record john white house also knows the new round of non-nuclear sanctions targeting groups and individuals it believes have committed human rights abuses and blocked freedom of speech in iran but insists it is outlined to europeanize what it wants to see happen but there's no indication the unitarians are ready to renegotiate a deal in the next one hundred twenty days the two years to craft and put in place alan fischer washington are as foreign minister mohammad serif says the two thousand and fifteen deal is not renegotiate while on twitter he called trump's announcement a desperate attempt to undermine a solid multilateral agreement. on the streets of tehran to get their view. nearly two and a half years after the nuclear deal was signed many iranians say they haven't seen any real benefits and that president hassan rouhani promised more than he could deliver his own money has said that the stuff then you could house the money plea deal had no impact at all of the price of rice as doubles me sixpence to millions in rent meanwhile the children of official sneak people don't exist money to. talk to the woman selling things on the street which people but some are still willing to stand by their president communism on television we're going to rwanda is doing his best of course there are some problems in the country sanctions pressure from abroad naturally impacts the livelihoods and the economic situation but if we just blame the president and say he is the one who has to do something of course he cannot we should stand next to him cooperate with him and tolerate the situation the nuclear deal had some success the lifting of sanctions let iran so oil again freely on the international market exports are up to more than two million barrels a day but gains have been overshadowed by u.s. president donald trump's aggressive stance towards iran every few months the iranian nuclear deal was thrown into chaos and managing that political turmoil takes up so much of the iranian government's time that there isn't a lot of room left for public discourse about much else trump has created so much uncertainty about the nuclear deal that iranians say it's been as harmful as sanctions that the deal was meant to lift many people are frustrated that foreign investors are too scared to come to iran and the value of their currency keeps falling. trump is a person who has a psychological problem his opinions have no balance on any issue is always changing his mind and for me as an iranian and for most iranians it doesn't matter if the us pulls out of the deal as long as european countries cooperate with us we will stay in the deal oh oh oh. summer audience don't care about the nuclear deal little and say they simply want to get on with their lives their money may have had to live on the show i just want to make people happy that said and i don't care about anything else making people happy is a kind of arts and i'm not interested in these kinds of nuclear conversations oh oh oh iran's government says it's ready to deal with any scenario so too it seems are its people. the old zero to one i stuck about donald trump's demand to renegotiate the deal with hillary mann leverett chase the chief executive officer at a political risk consulting firm she says the u.s. president has no vision for what he wants as an alternative agreement. we've seen i think a lot of disarray within the administration and in part over the summer even the cia director here michael pompei o who himself is a staunch iran hawk a real anti iran advocate when he was in the congress even the cia director pompei all had to admit that he had written a letter to the generals soleimani the head of the iranian revolutionary guard al quds force because there is such there is there's such disarray that i think that people in the administration even those that are viscerally anti iran like the head of the cia understand that they need to do something they can't ignore the fact that iran exists and it's an important power in the middle east whether you like it or not so i think you'll continue to see president trying trying to stumble forward with all sorts of negative blustery rhetoric but then i think you may also see people like the cia director pompei o perhaps even rex tillerson the secretary of state or defense secretary mattis doing some other things to potentially reach out to iran or to at least try to stop the chaos that is caused by by president trans trumps rhetoric and the us president has denied using the word shithole to describe haiti el salvador and countries in africa donald trump is alleged to have made the comments during a white house meeting on drafting immigration legislation on thursday slur has been widely condemned as racist and offensive a white house correspondent carefully how could reports. surrounded by members of the african-american community at a white house ceremony honoring the civil rights icon dr martin luther king donald trump made no apology for his alleged racist comments a day earlier. in a series of early morning tweets donald trump denied media reports that he had called haiti el salvador and african countries shitholes during a meeting with senators on immigration but he did admit the language she. used was tough he also denied saying anything derogatory about haitians other than haiti is obviously a very poor and troubled country. we're here today standing beside the president in the oval office with dr martin luther king jr's nephew later he told al-jazeera he believes trump has much to learn about tolerance but is not hateful i honestly don't think the president trump is a racist i think he's racially uninformed we've got time to do it democratic senator dick durbin was at thursday's white house meeting and says trump made the controversy or comments words he calls vile and racist he said these hateful for which it is said there were people. tribes comments have stung many in the country including the tens of thousands of haitians who came to the united states after the devastating twenty ten earthquake it was kind of disturbing you know it was hurtful to my community and my current members of the president's own republican party have distanced themselves from trump's comments calling them problematic as politicians try to come to an agreement on immigration and funding to avoid an imminent government shutdown i read those comments later last night so first thing that came to my mind was very unfortunate unhelpful it is incomprehensible that these words came out of the mouth of the president of the united states of america a country that was founded on. being free from discrimination the calls for the president to apologize for his remarks are intensifying inside and outside the united states but for now it appears that apology is unlikely kimberly helped at al jazeera washington. turkey's prime minister is urging iran and russia to rein in the syrian government's offensive in a live province one of the rebels last strongholds and says the army assault could force even more people to be displaced one hundred twenty thousand people have fled in just the past three weeks russian iran backed the forces of syrian president bashar al assad all turkey supports opposition fighters cynicus ala has more from an talking. the situation is becoming more and more difficult every day for syrians especially from. hama since the crisis began in mid december in two thousand and seventeen in iran one hundred seventy thousand people have reached to the turkey syria border to the camps after the bombing started then across the whole country more than two thousand seventy hundred people were displaced and eight two thousand of those displaced are children where fifty thousand families have to leave their homes the situation is kind of dire especially in these camps near by the turkish border because they're all over the full with people who have fled their lens in the last couple of years we have been talking to n.g.o.s who are on the ground and they are saying that until now one thousand five hundred tents have been provided for those displaced but unfortunately it is thirty thousand more tents are needed there is no infrastructure enough to accommodate all those people for now and n.g.o.s say that they are expecting more people come to the camps as the dire situations and humanitarian to reach it to continues in the province german chancellor angela merkel's conservative party has made a deal with that center left rivals to formally open government coalition talks later say they're hoping ten months of political uncertainty following september's elections david schaper reports from berlin. the breakthrough came after an exhausting twenty four hours of negotiations between the parties concluding more than five days of talks the political limbo in germany seems finally to be over it's it it was steve the c.d.u. unanimously approved a paper or the results of the exploratory talks at which many participated and which was based on a broad funday sion and we will recommend our party begin talks on forming a stable government. as the s.p.d. we have decided unanimously to give the party leadership a mandate to negotiate a coalition the biggest hurdle in the talks was to reach an agreement on refugees and migration the open door policy championed by angela merkel led to more than a million refugees being granted asylum in germany during the years twenty fifteen and sixteen the political price for that decision was the entry of the far right alternative for germany who gained more than one thousand seats in the parliament the border stuck by good numbers will now be kept to two hundred twenty thousand per year and agreement has been reached on even more controversial question of how many relatives will be allowed to be reunited with families already in germany one thousand cases will be considered per month with strict conditions attached friday's agreement though has one final hurdle to pass a special conference in bonn later this week of the social democrats will have to give their approval before the coalition tours can formally go ahead. well the youth of the social democrats is one of the most vocal parts of the party calling for opposition they believe that an s.p.d. outside of government would have the opportunity to to reenergize troon really think it's agenda. in a radical shift on german aabs exports the party said they would end the beach italy supplying weapons to countries involved in the yemen conflict and tighten guidelines on sales the talks also agreed come ground on strengthening the euro zone and close partnership with france and driving forward with reforms in the european union they also promised to boost germany's contribution to the budget david chaytor al-jazeera. still ahead on al-jazeera a craps and cracks down on argentina's leader. and as president of spain's catalonia region meets his newly elected m.p.'s but the still uncertainty over what he'll do next. from the clear blue sky of the doha morning. to the fresh fruits and breeze in the city. must have felt pretty cold in shanghai are the day max is three to five degrees so a little bit better come saturday is seven still about seventeen hong kong this is fairly cold it's low humidities are you feel the chill but if the breeze eases the temperature rises and so we're up to about thirteen come sunday fine looking skies the most part has been fog around but i think there's enough for us to move most of it rather more active further south this wet season still in the lazy and this particular part of it has been including singapore groups or even the subtle and has been very wet another hundred millimeters also still to come over a in a potential development here that's being cold as well the highest temperature of twenty five in kuala lumpur twenty seven singapore are below average and this is an area where temperatures don't tend to vary any day of the year so it's a cold wet spell and i would relatively speaking not occur until the end of the weekend i think the central time nothing much is moving in the year despite the fact you've got high cloud his not much of a breeze. paul fog is longleaf the most part if there are a few showers around of course but weather should be which is a long way south occasionally catching the southeast tip but mostly we're talking sri lanka. there with sponsored by cats on these. unbelievable it sounds like an agreement between criminal bosses slide trading in stolen goods that have been taken by the place if anyone ever comes to ask the question minister throw their hands up in the air and say i don't know i was just nominee director we're doing a investigation into a. ukraine would you say bribes you've been corrupt our own corrupt did just the presidency challenges your investigation it's the only go this time. this is al jazeera let's take a look at the top stories right now as president donald trump says he will approve the iran nuclear deal just one more time promising to end it if it's not renegotiated is calling on america's european allies to put new restrictions on iran as part of the agreement there's been worldwide condemnation after donald trump referred to some developing nations as quote shithole countries one of those nations was el salvador and its president issued a formal complaint to the u.s. government and the u.n. spokesperson said the comments were racist and turkey is urging iran and russia to rein in the syrian government's offensive and atla province that is one of the rebels' last strongholds and says the army assault could force even more people to be displaced one hundred twenty thousand people have fled in just the past three weeks. the u.n. has met to discuss a new report on the war and yemen it shows the extent to which saudi arabia and iran have intervened in the conflict the report bolsters accusations by the u.s. that iranians weapon iranian weapons rather have been supplied to the rebels and experts are also critical of saudi led coalition air strikes which have caused the majority of civilian deaths let's get more now from our diplomatic editor james face who was at that meeting james tell us more about what's in this report. well this is was not your meeting it's a report that's been circulated to members of the u.n. security council the fifteen members of the security council they will meet to discuss it at a later stage it is not a public corrupt fought but i have been allowed to look at a copy and it's a very very hard hitting report with criticism for all parties of the war in yemen political particularly worth looking at some of the criticism facing the who thiis in iran saying that they have been helping each other and saying that there are military remnants that that are of iranian origin and were introduced into yemen after the arms embargo in twenty fifteen but it's not just iran that's in trouble here the saudi led coalition is in serious trouble with allegations that they've been targeting civilian casualties and allegations of torture let me give you a few of the details here it says that in south yemen yemen because of the length of the war the lack of military progress and the divisions that have emerged it believes that the secession into a separate country of south yemen that used to be a south yemen is now a real possibility and says the troops in south yemen although they're nominally under president had the and now displaying the old flag of south yemen and that he no longer has effective command and control of military and security forces in the south it also talks about the forces that have been built up by the saudi led coalition the so-called proxy forces it says that those are actually not helping yemen they'll do more to further the fragility of yemen they will to hold the state together and it says those forces that they amassed by the coalition pose a threat to the peace and stability of yemen it talks to about civilian casualties and particularly about the actions of the saudi led. coalition it investigated ten airstrikes and it looked at those ten cases and said that even if in some cases the saudi coalition had targeted legitimate military objectives the panel finds it highly unlikely that the principles of proportionality and precaution in attack were met and it says as a result that those responsible for planning and executing those airstrikes probably should fall under the designation of the security council for action for sanctions to be taken against them and the last bit i know it's a long list but this is a really hard hitting report is allegations of widespread and systematic arbitrary arrest depreciation of liberty and of force disappearances particularly by the united arab emirates in yemen it says that in camps there coding to the cases of twelve inmates it looks at there have been beatings electrocution constrained suspension the use of what it calls the cage confinement in a cage in the sunlight and the denial of medical treatment it goes on to say that working with the government of yemen gives the u.a.e. plausible deniability for these violations ok james thank you very much for that report very detailed we'll have to say what their reaction to that is thank you james several of argentina's high profile union leaders are facing corruption charges many had organized mass protests against government cuts to salaries and pensions three civil or ports from europe where the latest arrest took place. this house in the small city of police in europe has raised a lot of questions over the years its size and opulence intrigue people like antonucci ass who has been living here for ten years he has just found out that he is a fugitive argentinian labor union leader. there was something strange because of the amount of money and i believe that maybe it was money laundering but he was good with the community and it was none of our business the owner of the land this matter. the leader of an important labor union in neighboring argentina he was arrested here last week and is awaiting extradition to his home country police say they found at least five hundred thousand dollars in cash and weapons they also ceased luxury cars like mercedes and ferraris worth at least two million dollars. not a fellow out of here owns at least two properties in order why this one specifically wholesale had a private so with exotic animals this place was raided by the police at the request of an argentinean charge that is investigating him for money laundering and corruption because his lifestyle is not compatible with his income as a labor union leader well see that he's not alone lever union leaders are being investigated and detained in argentina most of them are accused of corruption many in argentina are shocked by the amount of money seized by the police in different operations. argentine society is demanding that the leadership be less corrupt and the justice system is reacting we asked people in a poll which were defines labor unions most of them assert corruption since the government of president one bit on and he's charismatic wife. labor unions in argentina have had a crucial role in defending workers' rights. precedent. argentina needs to change and he's planning to push for labor reform but union leader. the latest arrests are a way of pressuring unions to support the government's plans. if there is corruption then it should be investigated a new leader should emerge but there are many that are not corrupt i will continue pushing the government in the poll says it wants to impose that i believe would hurt many of the cheap mints work is it going to argentina's labor unions are among the strongest in latin america but corruption has tainted their image their capacity to tackle this problem will likely decide if they have what it takes to look after the people they would present. as. euro why spanish government has dismissed the possibility of former catalan later colors pushed among governing the region from self-imposed exile in brussels earlier that members serve as pro independence movement in the belgian capital it took thirty four seats in last month's election but still finished behind the unionist citizens party on friday some of them as separatists in place so they hope will be approved for another term as president and the catalyzed regional parliament but the matter of government says it will contest any attempt in the courts the day barber has more from brussels. well colors put them on seem to be in a jovial mood here in brussels as he took part in that meeting with people from his party who were elected to the catalan parliament last december and members of the other main probably independence party he didn't actually talk to the press himself it was left to spokespeople from his party who are adamant that he would very soon be sworn in as the cattle on president there are a number of obstacles that they face mr push him on won't go back to spain and neither will the deposed ministers that he came to brussels with last year when they were facing a european arrest arrest warrant that's gone away but they still refused to go back now mr push them all says that he might make his investiture speech which has to happen by the end of the month via video link some opinion say that would be unconstitutional the spanish government say it would be illegal so do the party which won the most votes in the regional elections sudha done us and we're waiting to hear from the catalan parliaments lawyers as to very advice but the message here really was that that's not going to sway things that if in fact the parliament does choose to relax mr push tomorrow as well as regional president then it would be an affront to democracy if anybody tried to stop that you know incident from the rest of the of the empowerment in india and chooses. to be here in brazil who believe in confidence and so really in space the not only in east loosely intimately class. well there is another problem former. group among the several a very were actually jailed and sprayed so there are many unanswered questions about exactly how and when they can start jobs when they can take power business owners in zambia are worried a cholera outbreak in the capital with soccer could cost them their livelihoods the government's ban public gatherings and ordered food markets and businesses to close to help control the spread of the disease more than sixty people have died in this outbreak since september police are patrolling the streets to ensure the markets are to remain closed place in the democratic republic of congo have fired tear gas to disperse churchgoers mourning the deaths of demonstrators who died in recent protests security forces killed at least seven people in the capital kinshasa on new year's eve the demonstrations on friday were organized by catholic activists who've been protesting against president joseph kabila as refusal to step down from office for indian supreme court justices have held an unprecedented press conference to criticize the chief justice the q some of bias and allocating judges to cases and they also raise concerns about procedures to hire and promote judges the judges said all this presents a danger to democracy in india the chief justice has not responded yet facebook c.e.o. mark zuckerberg has announced changes to the way the platform's news feed is filtered in the coming months it will start prioritizing posts from family and friends it's like a brick said he wants to make the facebook experience more meaningful for its two billion members he says the explosion of branded content in recent years has crowded out personal moments it's also concerned about state influence social media analyst jacob silverman says the changes could be bad news for traditional media brands. i'm afraid it's not going to help news outlets in any particular way over the last year we've seen facebook incursion news outlets that sometimes pay them to produce video which can be consumed very readily in the news feed and now that's probably all going away any publication that's done a so-called pivot to video is probably face and subtribe will i think where this is also disturbing is that zuckerberg seems to distinguish between what he calls passive content and content that's more engaging that involves your friends and family talking now does that mean that he thinks that the news is sort of passive content and not worth engaging with it certainly seems so and that in general news is going to discount in people's feeds because it's not seen as the kind of dynamic thing that people want to gather around and there is our website for you to keep that to date on the day's news they're going to al-jazeera dot com. these are the headlines on al-jazeera yes president donald trump says he will approve the iran nuclear deal just one more time promising to end it if it's not renegotiated he's calling on america's european allies to put fresh restrictions on iran as part of this agreement saying mr ravi has been gauging reaction in tehran. a lot of the political thinkers a lot of the lawmakers we've spoken to here see his disdain for the do it really is the disdain for. a legacy of former president barack obama it was a successful negotiation were the former president may see this as a feud with his predecessor playing out on iranian soil there's been worldwide condemnation after u.s. president donald trump referred to the developing nations as quote a shithole country one of those nations was el salvador and its president issued a formal complaint to the u.s. government and the u.n. spokesman said the comments were racist. turkey is urging iran and russia to rein in the syrian government's offensive and live province one of the rebels last strongholds as the army assault could force even more people to be displaced one hundred twenty thousand people have fled in just the past three weeks german chancellor angela merkel and her conservative party have struck a deal with the social democrat rivals to open government coalition talks attempt to try to revive the power sharing agreement must be approved by s.p.d. members next week. place in the democratic republic of congo have fired tear gas to disperse churchgoers mourning the deaths of demonstrators who died in recent protests security forces killed at least seven people in the capital kinshasa on new year's eve the demonstrations on friday were organized by catholic activists a new u.n. report on the war and in yemen shows the extent to which saudi arabia and iran have enervated in the conflict that bolsters accusations by the us that iranian weapons have been supplied to who's the rebels and experts were also critical of saudi led coalition airstrikes which have caused the majority of civilian deaths facebook is changing how it's news feed works personal poster being favored over news and content the company says it wants to encourage what it calls meaningful an interaction. those are the headlines the news continues here on al-jazeera after inside story keep it or. violent protests in hundreds of arrests there's anger over a price rises in tax hikes but the government says there's no other way to cut a ballooning deficit so how will to musea resolve its deep rooted economic problems this is inside story.

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Kuala Lumpur , Malaysia , Doha , Ad Daw Ah , Qatar , Kinshasa , Democratic Republic Of The Congo , Shanghai , China , United States , Hong Kong , Iran , Argentina , Washington , El Salvador , Congo , Rwanda , Yemen , Syria , United Arab Emirates , Zambia , Russia , Haiti , Bonn , Nordrhein Westfalen , Germany , Brussels , Bruxelles Capitale , Belgium , Ukraine , India , Singapore , Tehran , Saudi Arabia , Spain , France , Berlin , Turkey , America , Saudi , Turkish , Russian , Iranians , Belgian , Iranian , Spanish , German , Haitians , Arab Emirates , Syrian , Argentine , American , Angela Merkel , Martin Luther King Jr , Africa Donald , David Schaper , Hassan Rouhani , Dick Durbin , Hillary Mann Leverett , Martin Luther King , Alan Fischer , Rex Tillerson , Al Assad , Jacob Silverman , Michael Pompei ,

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