Mar 11 2021 Read 153 Times Author: James Edwards on behalf of Porvair Sciences Free to read Unlock Sample preparation is a key process when running any samples on a chromatography instrument. No matter how good the instrument is, to get the best sensitivity and reproducibility sample clean-up needs to be performed. A traditional method has been to use liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) which allows transfer of analyte from an aqueous solution to an organic solution. However, LLE can have issues around the time, irreproducibility and emulsions forming. This application note discusses the advantages of using a supported liquid extraction (SLE) over an LLE method for extracting a range of analytes (acidic, basic and neutral) from pig plasma. The Microlute™ SLE plate offers an alternative method to LLE which follows the same principles of LLE methods. It improves recovery, reproducibility and speeds up sample preparation to allow a greater throughput of samples tested