Rotorua 11-year-old begs for Trikafta to be free of cystic fibrosis 12 Feb, 2021 05:00 PM 6 minutes to read Leah Rumney who wants Trikafta for Leah's cystic fibrosis Leah Rumney's Christmas wish was to be free of cystic fibrosis. But it's a wish which broke her mother's heart because she knew she couldn't make it happen for her 11-year-old. Not without Trikafta - a breakthrough treatment Cystic Fibrosis NZ says is widely heralded as having the potential to turn cystic fibrosis from a life-threatening condition to a manageable condition. But it is not currently registered and funded in New Zealand. And at more than $470,000 a year the drug is simply not attainable to many with cystic fibrosis, including the Rotorua girl.