Celebrating two Masses at parishes in Monroe and a formal wedding-like reception filled the first full day of festivities Sunday for newly ordained Father Zaid Chabaan. Father Zaid, as he is called, was ordained to the priesthood by Archbishop Allen Vigneron at Blessed Sacrament Cathedral in Detroit Saturday. Father Zaid, who served as a transitional deacon at both St. Mary and St. John Catholic Churches this past year, celebrated his first Masses at both parishes on the Feast of Pentecost Sunday along with about 10 priests from the archdiocese, priests from the Monroe parishes and seminarians studying to be priests. Father Derik Peterman, associate pastor of Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic Church in Farmington Hills, gave the sermon at the first Mass held at St. John’s. Both Father Derik and Father Zaid entered the seminary together eight years ago. At the second liturgy held at St. Mary’s, Father Zaid gave his own sermon. Deacon Michael Stewart introduced him to the congregation.