Transcripts For MSNBCW Way 20240614 :

Transcripts For MSNBCW Way 20240614

italy. and we'll recap an eventful day on capitol hill where senate republicans blocked a democratic led bill to protect fertility treatments for women. and the former president was also on the hill for the first time since his supporters attacked the capitol. we'll go through trump's meetings with top republicans in both chambers. good morning and welcome to "way too early" on this friday, june 14th, flag day. i'm jonathan lemire, thanks for being with us. and we'll begin this morning in italy where the second day of the g7 summit is under way, and in just moments president biden will hold a joint appearance with italy's prime minister, leaving president biden and the other g7 leaders will meet with pope francis. following that gathering the president will depart italy and head to california where he has a couple of major fund raisers. during yesterday's events the president and his ukrainian counterpart, volodymyr zelenskyy, signed a ten-year bilateral security agreement. the biden administration official tells nbc news that the united states is prepared to commit the entire amount if necessary but does expect other nations to step forward as well. the loan will be secured by the revenue generated from approximately $300 billion in frozen russian assets. following the signing ceremony with zelenskyy, president biden reaffirmed the west's continued support for ukraine. >> 2 1/2 years ago putin unleashed a brutal war on ukraine, and it's been a horrifying ordeal for the aukrainian people so brain brave and incredible and also been a test for the world. would we stand with ukraine, stand for sovereigty, freedom, and against tyranny? the united states, the g7 and countries around the world have consistently answered the question by saying, yes, we will. we will say it again, yes again and again and again, we're going to stand with ukraine. we've taken three major steps at the g7 that collectively show putin we cannot -- he cannot wait us out, he cannot divide us, and we'll be with ukraine until they prevail in this war. first, there's a bilateral security agreement just signed. second, historical agreement to provide $50 billion in russian sovereign assets to ukraine, and third an agreement to ensure our sanctions and efforts to disrupt third countries supplying russia's war efforts. >> when it comes to the middle east it appears the biden administration does not expect to see a cease-fire deal anytime soon. white house national security advisor jake sullivan says while mediators are working to bridge the gaps between israel and hamas, there's no clear timetable for reaching an agreement. earlier this week hamas submitted amendments to the latest proposal, but the white house says the some of those proposed changes are unworkable. president biden expressed concerns a deal won't be done soon while he was speaking to reporters at the g7 summit yesterday. later in the day he criticized hamas for lack of progress. >> president biden, did you all have a chance to discuss a possible cease-fire? >> yes. >> are you confident it's going to be done soon, sir? >> no. i'm not -- i haven't lost hope. the bottom line is we've made an agreement -- i've laid out an approach that has been endorsed by the u.n. security council, the g7, by the israelis, and the biggest hang-up so far is hamas refusing to sign on even though they have something similar. whether or not it comes to fruition remains to be seen. we're going to continue to push. >> joining us now live from the g7 in bari, italy is white house reporter from bloomberg news with a stunning backdrop. good to see you this morning. you were one of the two reporters called on by president biden in his news conference with the ukrainian president yesterday. let's start there. what are american officials and the president himself saying about the deal they struck with ukraine? do they feel like it can trump-proof the outcome were president biden to lose this november? >> i think they're incited about it, and these are pretty big take-aways. it's both the deal and the broader deal of the g7 of those fixed assets to try to capture some sort of upfront cash from what will be a trickle of proceeds from the frozen russian funds that are mostly in europe. so these are big things that they want to tout. to the extent they trump-proof it nothing is entirely off-limits if president trump wins the election and comes back in next year, john. but i think broadly this is just on top of the supplemental a big surge of support from the g7 broadly and the u.s. specifically for ukraine. and you heard president zelenskyy thank the leaders, thank american leaders for the support and say that, you know, it'll go a long way in helping them in their fight against russia. of course, the big questions there are how long that support will last. we asked president zelenskyy on that. he said it's how long the unity will last. you can read about that and in the meantime how quickly that billion dollars will flow, and we're still sorting out some of the details including how much the americans will contribute. it looks like the canadians, japanese, and british have more or less settled on their numbers. the eu is still up in there air, and what all those contribute, john, the americans are basically going to top it up to 50. we're waiting to see a final number on that. it does look on a small note they can do it through existing authorities. >> you just mentioned it there's concerns about how long this unity will last. a number of the leaders there gathered for the g7 saw their political parties be dealt pretty humbling setbacks in recent weeks especially this past week the exception being the host, the italian prime minister, and of course president biden is in a tight race this november. just give us a sense of the anxiety there about where this gathering, this g7 goes from here, and frankly the unruly world that they face. >> yeah, we asked u.s. officials about that yesterday and said, hey, are they trying to essentially get whatever they can done now because the next year is just so uncertain. u.k. headed for an election here in just a few weeks, an american election later this year. of course, the french snap parliamentary election, the ukrainians have an election the next year, year and a half or so. a lot of things are up in the air right now, so i think the broader theme is what can they do? in one case the g7 it's kind of the only game in town left. the other blocs of the g20 almost ground to a halt where it's very difficult to get something if anything done. so the g7 still seems to agree on a lot of things. on the flip side they've lost a bit of clout relative to the rest of the world. and in particular russia and china. and much of this meeting is also focused on china. i think that's flown a little bit under the radar. the u.s. sanctions announced this week are trying to stop chinese essentially trans shipment of computer things and so biden is clamping down on russia, he's clamping down also on china and trying to sort of, you know, insulate all that. it's not all agreement here, john. they always haggle over things, the communique, these summits are carried on the stick reporters are chasing. in particular there's a lot of discussion how to access abortion and reproductive rights, in this communique the u.s. pushing for reproductive rights and looks like they've succeeded in getting that in the final draft bloomberg obtained where the italian prime minister we understand had been pushing against mentioning that in there. she comes from a more conservative wing of italian politics. so they don't agree on everything, but broad consensus in particular on that question of ukraine. >> live for us at the g7 in italy one of our favorites, josh wingrove. thank you and travel safe. meanwhile, back here at home donald trump was on capitol hill yesterday for the first time since the january 6 insurrection. the gop nominee briefly addressed the press after gathering with house senate republicans in two separate meetings touting his great relationships with everyone present. in the meeting with senators specifically trump appeared to avoid confrontations with those in the room who'd been critical of him in the past including the two republicans who attended who had voted to convict him for inciting an insurrection. that would be senators bill cassidy and mitt romney. those two senators -- i'm sorry, senators present said trump did not mention january 6th. >> this is an outstanding group of people. i'm with them 1,000%. they're with me 1,000%. we agree just about on anything, and if there isn't, we work it out. >> the meeting with republican senators also mark the first time trump and senate minority leader mitch mcconnell have come face-to-face since 2020. afterward mcconnell told reporters the meeting was, quote, good. >> we had a meeting. >> did he say anything about you? >> no. >> did you talk to him directly? >> yeah. he took questions from the audience. and it was an entirely positive session. >> additionally two sources tell nbc news trump employed close ally marjorie taylor greene to start to get along with house speaker mike johnson who she recently attempted to oust from power. meanwhile, trump is now trying to cleanup an attack he made yesterday while in d.c., this attack on the city hosting next month's republican national convention. in his meeting with house republicans trump called milwaukee, quote, a horrible city. the comment was first reported by punch bowl news' jake sherman and then later confirmed by an nbc news source who was inside the room. in addition to being the assignment of the rnc, milwaukee is also the largest city in the key battleground state of wisconsin. afterwards, trump insisted to fox news that he was only referring to crime in milwaukee and the way the city runs its elections. other republicans defended him as well. despite that, the biden campaign pounced on the comments posting a photo on social media of president biden hosting the milwaukee bucks basketball team after they won their title back in 2021. they were at the white house. biden's team posted this caption, "i happen to love milwaukee." the campaign also started selling official t-shirts that read, quote, not a horrible city over a map of wisconsin. meanwhile the milwaukee mayor had this to say about trump's attack on his city. >> if donald trump wants to talk about things he thinks are horrible, all of us lived through his presidency, so right back at you, buddy, i'll say that. look, obviously donald trump is wrong about something yet again. i find it kind of perplexing. i find it kind of strange that he would insult the largest city in wisconsin. to insult the state that's hosting your convention i think is kind of -- kind of bizarre, actually. it's kind of unhinged. >> trump is also very critical of the 2016 rnc host city, cleveland. in a strange move to target the biggest city in a battleground state. will he go after philadelphia? next up here the supreme court rejects the latest effort to roll back access to the abortion pill. what that decision could mean in the ongoing fight over reproductive rights. plus, trump also met with business leaders on capitol hill and promised to cut corporate taxes again. those stories and a check on sports and weather when we come right back. check on sports and weather when we come right back [coughing] copd hasn't been pretty. it's tough to breathe and tough to keep wondering if this is as good as it gets. but trelegy has shown me that there's still beauty and breath to be had. because with three medicines in one inhaler, trelegy keeps my airways open and prevents future flare-ups. and with one dose a day, trelegy improves lung function so i can breathe more freely all day and night. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy for copd because breathing should be beautiful. ah, these bills are crazy. she has no idea she's sitting on a goldmine. well she doesn't know that if she owns a life insurance policy of $100,000 or more she can sell all or part of it to coventry for cash. even a term policy. even a term policy? 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is this going to matter come november? >> so what played out this week was almost identical to what played out last week when the senate took a vote on preventing contraception. only collins and murkowski crossed the aisle to support the legislation. every other republican either sends some sort of mixed message of this bill is unnecessary, there is no threat to the ivf or contraception or what the focus is. also your bill goes too far, it threatens religious liberty, but also we have an alternative version that's better, so kind of a muddled message there, and you are seeing republicans say that they don't sweat these so-called show votes, but i think the rush to sign that nonbinding resolution that you put up shows -- shows otherwise, shows that there is some anxiety here. ivf is far more popular especially on the right than abortion, and so this is an attempt by democrats to show that the fall of roe v. wade has had broader ripple effects, that it's not just about abortion, that it is affecting other forms of health care like we saw in alabama. >> the democrats think it's perhaps they're most important issue, arguably, this fall. so, alice, i want to ask you about what we covered earlier the supreme court's decision on the abortion pill. and there was plenty of -- a sigh of relief but warnings, hey, this is decision just on standing that doesn't mean they can't try again. so give us the impact of the ruling and what this administration or future administrations might do to handle it either to protect or roll back access. >> that's right. so the ruling simply leaves the status quo in place. so that means in some parts of the country abortion pills are easily accessible, widely available, and in some places they are virtually banned for everyone. and so it means that in place by not touching the federal regulation of the pills. now, of course, another administration could come in and say either we're going to pull these pills from the market entirely, we're going to reimpose restrictions that were on the pills in the past, or we're going to change our legal position as this continues to play out in court. so of course there is a lot of future administration can do. this was never the anti-abortion movement's only strategy to go after abortion or to go after just abortion pills. they have a lot of other things in the works, state legislation, federal legislation, other lawsuits, pressure campaigns, and plans for what they hope is a future trump administration. >> all right, health care reporter on capitol hill for politico. alice, thank you as always. next up here we'll go live to cnbc for an early look at what's driving the day on wall street after the s&p 500 had its fourth consecutive record close. plus, a big win for elon musk. we'll dig into why tesla shareholders voted to reinstate his more than $45 billion pay package. "way too early" will be right back with that. age. 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>> we should have very little confidence that this current supreme court majority is going to continue to protect any sort of reproductive rights, and this is court that's stripped away the right to abortion under roe v. wade. they've shown a willingness to hear these cases and to advance these legal theories. i have little confidence that we're not going to see more backsliding on people's freedom and we see it in the states where republicans have power, they're enforcing and pushing abortion bans, and i'm seeing it in the house just this week on the defense bill, no less. we've seen attacks on abortion rights, attacking the ability of service members to seek reproductive care in states where they don't have the right to an abortion. >> and congressman, yesterday donald trump made his return to capitol hill, first time since leaving office, first time since the insurrection. a number of republicans who ran for their lives on january 6th due to a riot caused by trump stood there and applauded him. it's also revealed that trump in the wake of his new york conviction asked speaker johnson to try to overturn it and johnson reportedly said he would talk to the supreme court about it. not quite sure how that works, but just give us your sense of the gop right now beholden to trump and what they plan to do. >> yeah, and look, we can have our disagreements on policy, and my goodness, we do. this is guy who tried to overthrow the constitution, tried to overturn the election on january 6th, still lies about losing that election to joe biden. these threats are real, they are current. i represent western pennsylvania, a state whose votes they tried to throw out and whose members of congress helping him tried to block our electoral college votes from counting them. these threats were made and we've got to beat this guy in november and win this election. >> and lastly and briefly do you have confidence in speaker johnson to be a good faith leader in the house of representatives? >> i'll tell you what, when we have speaker hakeem jeffries i'll have much more faith in what the congress can do in upholding our responsibilities. mike johnson was one of the chief architects in the house of helping trump advance these crazy legal theories to overthrow the election. these threats remain, they're serious and go to the highest levels of the republican party right now. >> we appreciate you being with us this we'll discuss president biden and ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy's meeting as both leaders lay out new u.s. support for ukraine. we'll have more on the g7. then, coming up on "morning joe," ahead of the republican national convention, donald trump calls the host city, milwaukee, horrible. we'll go over those comments and how his republican allies are scrambling to explain just what he meant. plus, senator brown of ohio will be a guest live in studio after senate republicans blocked a democratic bill to block ivf nationwide. tough re-election fight. plus, minority whip katherine clark will join the conversation following the mifepristone ruling. 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(man) no health questions. -physical exam? -don't need one. it's colonial penn guaranteed acceptance whole life insurance. if you're between the ages of 50 and 85, your acceptance is guaranteed in most states, even if you're not in the best health. options start at $9.95 a month, 35 cents a day. once insured, your rate will never increase. a lifetime rate lock guarantees it. keep in mind, this is lifetime protection. as long as you pay your premiums, it's yours to keep. call for more information and the simple form you need to apply today. there's no obligation, and you'll receive a free beneficiary planner just for calling. welcome back. you're looking at images from moments ago at the g7 in italy. biden is holding meetings with the italian prime minister, miloni. biden and volodymyr zelenskyy signed a ten-year bilateral security agreement. both leaders took questions from the press. zelenskyy was asked about how the agreement and other promise of support from around the world would be affected if the leaders who are in place now get voted out of office. that includes president biden, could be replaced by trump. zelenskyy responded by saying in part, it seems to me that everything depends on the unity within this or that state and that the people are with us. any leader will be with us in the struggle for freedom. joining us now, senior congressional reporter for punch bowl news, andrew desiderio. >> good morning. >> the centerpiece of the g7 was this funding for ukraine, but there's a lot more on the agenda today. what should we expect? what are the goals of this administration today? >> yeah, well, another aspect of this is this deal they're trying to cobble together to use seized russian assets and basically use the interests on the collateral and use that to pay for ukraine's reconstruction. this has been an effort that the biden administration has been leading on. it was authorized by congress as part of the last ukraine aid package. frankly, it was a sweetener to get enough republicans to vote for the legislation, particularly in the house. obviously, most of those russian assets are being held in the european union. only around $5 billion are in the united states. this needs to be a multilateral effort, and that's why it is being held at the g7. it is something, you know, that can sort of help trump-proof this process, if you will. if donald trump were to get back into the white house and refuse to sign any additional legislation that funds ukraine and funds particularly its reconstruction, which is the key part here. >> yeah. certainly no end in sight to this conflict. we reported earlier, president biden going to meet with pope francis later on. there's also discussions about the cease-fire in gaza, which talks seem nowhere close. also, china. tell us more about the agenda here. >> yeah. look, all those topics are going to be super important here. the meeting with pope francis is going to be very closely watched. you know, i think president biden, you know, obviously foreign policy is his passion in off, right? it's been his passion throughout his career in the united states senate as vice president and now as president. heading into an election season here, president biden feels like this is his best chance to show that, you know, he is a leader on the world stage. really, this is his issue where he can best donald trump on, right? donald trump talks a lot about this in terms of what happened when he was in office. obviously, president biden has had to deal with not only afghanistan and ukraine but also, as you mentioned, the war in gaza and the tensions within his own party there. president biden is really trying to confront that head on at this summit. >> yeah, and trying to draw a contrast with donald trump while doing so. andrew, you reported yesterday that trump, while in washington, heaped praise upon vp contender tim scott, the south carolina senator, during his meeting with senators there. tell us a little bit more about that and how he reacted to the others in the room who are vying to be his running mate. >> yeah, look, it was really fascinating. i talked to a number of republican senators after that meeting, and nearly all of them were struck by how much praise donald trump was heaping on tim scott compared to the other potential vp contenders in the room. of course, those being senator marco rubio of florida and senator jd vance of ohio. he talked for a few minutes about tim scott. he joked that tim scott was a poor presidential candidate, but he has been a -- in the words of donald trump -- a great surrogate for me. he looked around the room, saw marco rubio and jd vance sitting there, as well, and he, you know, shouted them out but didn't talk about them as much as he talked about tim scott. certainly did not heap as much praise on them as he did on tim scott. so a lot of republican senators left that room thinking that, in donald trump's mind, tim scott is the frontrunner as he looks to choose his vice presidential pick probably within the next few weeks to a month here. >> yeah, head of the convention in that horrible city of milwaukee. i will say, the photos we just ran there while you were talking of trump basking in the applause of lawmakers who had to run for their lives from a crowd that trump inspired really sums up the republican party in the year 2024. as does the fact that mitch mcconnell, who on january 6th, late that night, denounced donald trump. not only has he endorsed him again but met with him cordially yesterday. tell us about that. >> some people were expecting donald trump to go in there and go an a screed against his political enemies, many in the room. people like mitch mcconnell, mitt romney, bill cassidy, who voted to conflict the former president in his january 6th impeachment trial, but he was actually, in the words of many republican senators, quite gracious and reserved. they were surprised at that, especially given that, a few hours earlier when he met with house republicans, he was pretty much the exact opposite, right? i think that's a recognition on the part of donald trump that these senators have been talking for a very long time about the need to coordinate their campaigns with that of donald trump so that he is not undermining them, right? there is this belief among many republican senators that he is the reason why they lost so many winnable senate seats in 2020 and 2022. they're trying to make sure that doesn't happen again this year. that's why you see them embracing him with open arms, as you said, despite what they all said about him after january 6th. >> we should note, trump blamed abortion on the 2022 losses but said it could be a good issue this time around. we appreciate the reporting from punch bowl news' andrew desedario. thank you for getting up

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Frontrunner , Pick , Trump Basking , Photos , Lawmakers , Mitch Mcconnell , Crowd , Applause , Who On January 6th , 2024 , Screed , Him Cordially , Enemies , January 6th Impeachment Trial , Recognition , Opposite , Campaigns , Belief , Seats , 2022 , Arms , Losses , Reporting , Andrew Desedario ,

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Transcripts For MSNBCW Way 20240614 :

Transcripts For MSNBCW Way 20240614

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italy. and we'll recap an eventful day on capitol hill where senate republicans blocked a democratic led bill to protect fertility treatments for women. and the former president was also on the hill for the first time since his supporters attacked the capitol. we'll go through trump's meetings with top republicans in both chambers. good morning and welcome to "way too early" on this friday, june 14th, flag day. i'm jonathan lemire, thanks for being with us. and we'll begin this morning in italy where the second day of the g7 summit is under way, and in just moments president biden will hold a joint appearance with italy's prime minister, leaving president biden and the other g7 leaders will meet with pope francis. following that gathering the president will depart italy and head to california where he has a couple of major fund raisers. during yesterday's events the president and his ukrainian counterpart, volodymyr zelenskyy, signed a ten-year bilateral security agreement. the biden administration official tells nbc news that the united states is prepared to commit the entire amount if necessary but does expect other nations to step forward as well. the loan will be secured by the revenue generated from approximately $300 billion in frozen russian assets. following the signing ceremony with zelenskyy, president biden reaffirmed the west's continued support for ukraine. >> 2 1/2 years ago putin unleashed a brutal war on ukraine, and it's been a horrifying ordeal for the aukrainian people so brain brave and incredible and also been a test for the world. would we stand with ukraine, stand for sovereigty, freedom, and against tyranny? the united states, the g7 and countries around the world have consistently answered the question by saying, yes, we will. we will say it again, yes again and again and again, we're going to stand with ukraine. we've taken three major steps at the g7 that collectively show putin we cannot -- he cannot wait us out, he cannot divide us, and we'll be with ukraine until they prevail in this war. first, there's a bilateral security agreement just signed. second, historical agreement to provide $50 billion in russian sovereign assets to ukraine, and third an agreement to ensure our sanctions and efforts to disrupt third countries supplying russia's war efforts. >> when it comes to the middle east it appears the biden administration does not expect to see a cease-fire deal anytime soon. white house national security advisor jake sullivan says while mediators are working to bridge the gaps between israel and hamas, there's no clear timetable for reaching an agreement. earlier this week hamas submitted amendments to the latest proposal, but the white house says the some of those proposed changes are unworkable. president biden expressed concerns a deal won't be done soon while he was speaking to reporters at the g7 summit yesterday. later in the day he criticized hamas for lack of progress. >> president biden, did you all have a chance to discuss a possible cease-fire? >> yes. >> are you confident it's going to be done soon, sir? >> no. i'm not -- i haven't lost hope. the bottom line is we've made an agreement -- i've laid out an approach that has been endorsed by the u.n. security council, the g7, by the israelis, and the biggest hang-up so far is hamas refusing to sign on even though they have something similar. whether or not it comes to fruition remains to be seen. we're going to continue to push. >> joining us now live from the g7 in bari, italy is white house reporter from bloomberg news with a stunning backdrop. good to see you this morning. you were one of the two reporters called on by president biden in his news conference with the ukrainian president yesterday. let's start there. what are american officials and the president himself saying about the deal they struck with ukraine? do they feel like it can trump-proof the outcome were president biden to lose this november? >> i think they're incited about it, and these are pretty big take-aways. it's both the deal and the broader deal of the g7 of those fixed assets to try to capture some sort of upfront cash from what will be a trickle of proceeds from the frozen russian funds that are mostly in europe. so these are big things that they want to tout. to the extent they trump-proof it nothing is entirely off-limits if president trump wins the election and comes back in next year, john. but i think broadly this is just on top of the supplemental a big surge of support from the g7 broadly and the u.s. specifically for ukraine. and you heard president zelenskyy thank the leaders, thank american leaders for the support and say that, you know, it'll go a long way in helping them in their fight against russia. of course, the big questions there are how long that support will last. we asked president zelenskyy on that. he said it's how long the unity will last. you can read about that and in the meantime how quickly that billion dollars will flow, and we're still sorting out some of the details including how much the americans will contribute. it looks like the canadians, japanese, and british have more or less settled on their numbers. the eu is still up in there air, and what all those contribute, john, the americans are basically going to top it up to 50. we're waiting to see a final number on that. it does look on a small note they can do it through existing authorities. >> you just mentioned it there's concerns about how long this unity will last. a number of the leaders there gathered for the g7 saw their political parties be dealt pretty humbling setbacks in recent weeks especially this past week the exception being the host, the italian prime minister, and of course president biden is in a tight race this november. just give us a sense of the anxiety there about where this gathering, this g7 goes from here, and frankly the unruly world that they face. >> yeah, we asked u.s. officials about that yesterday and said, hey, are they trying to essentially get whatever they can done now because the next year is just so uncertain. u.k. headed for an election here in just a few weeks, an american election later this year. of course, the french snap parliamentary election, the ukrainians have an election the next year, year and a half or so. a lot of things are up in the air right now, so i think the broader theme is what can they do? in one case the g7 it's kind of the only game in town left. the other blocs of the g20 almost ground to a halt where it's very difficult to get something if anything done. so the g7 still seems to agree on a lot of things. on the flip side they've lost a bit of clout relative to the rest of the world. and in particular russia and china. and much of this meeting is also focused on china. i think that's flown a little bit under the radar. the u.s. sanctions announced this week are trying to stop chinese essentially trans shipment of computer things and so biden is clamping down on russia, he's clamping down also on china and trying to sort of, you know, insulate all that. it's not all agreement here, john. they always haggle over things, the communique, these summits are carried on the stick reporters are chasing. in particular there's a lot of discussion how to access abortion and reproductive rights, in this communique the u.s. pushing for reproductive rights and looks like they've succeeded in getting that in the final draft bloomberg obtained where the italian prime minister we understand had been pushing against mentioning that in there. she comes from a more conservative wing of italian politics. so they don't agree on everything, but broad consensus in particular on that question of ukraine. >> live for us at the g7 in italy one of our favorites, josh wingrove. thank you and travel safe. meanwhile, back here at home donald trump was on capitol hill yesterday for the first time since the january 6 insurrection. the gop nominee briefly addressed the press after gathering with house senate republicans in two separate meetings touting his great relationships with everyone present. in the meeting with senators specifically trump appeared to avoid confrontations with those in the room who'd been critical of him in the past including the two republicans who attended who had voted to convict him for inciting an insurrection. that would be senators bill cassidy and mitt romney. those two senators -- i'm sorry, senators present said trump did not mention january 6th. >> this is an outstanding group of people. i'm with them 1,000%. they're with me 1,000%. we agree just about on anything, and if there isn't, we work it out. >> the meeting with republican senators also mark the first time trump and senate minority leader mitch mcconnell have come face-to-face since 2020. afterward mcconnell told reporters the meeting was, quote, good. >> we had a meeting. >> did he say anything about you? >> no. >> did you talk to him directly? >> yeah. he took questions from the audience. and it was an entirely positive session. >> additionally two sources tell nbc news trump employed close ally marjorie taylor greene to start to get along with house speaker mike johnson who she recently attempted to oust from power. meanwhile, trump is now trying to cleanup an attack he made yesterday while in d.c., this attack on the city hosting next month's republican national convention. in his meeting with house republicans trump called milwaukee, quote, a horrible city. the comment was first reported by punch bowl news' jake sherman and then later confirmed by an nbc news source who was inside the room. in addition to being the assignment of the rnc, milwaukee is also the largest city in the key battleground state of wisconsin. afterwards, trump insisted to fox news that he was only referring to crime in milwaukee and the way the city runs its elections. other republicans defended him as well. despite that, the biden campaign pounced on the comments posting a photo on social media of president biden hosting the milwaukee bucks basketball team after they won their title back in 2021. they were at the white house. biden's team posted this caption, "i happen to love milwaukee." the campaign also started selling official t-shirts that read, quote, not a horrible city over a map of wisconsin. meanwhile the milwaukee mayor had this to say about trump's attack on his city. >> if donald trump wants to talk about things he thinks are horrible, all of us lived through his presidency, so right back at you, buddy, i'll say that. look, obviously donald trump is wrong about something yet again. i find it kind of perplexing. i find it kind of strange that he would insult the largest city in wisconsin. to insult the state that's hosting your convention i think is kind of -- kind of bizarre, actually. it's kind of unhinged. >> trump is also very critical of the 2016 rnc host city, cleveland. in a strange move to target the biggest city in a battleground state. will he go after philadelphia? next up here the supreme court rejects the latest effort to roll back access to the abortion pill. what that decision could mean in the ongoing fight over reproductive rights. plus, trump also met with business leaders on capitol hill and promised to cut corporate taxes again. those stories and a check on sports and weather when we come right back. check on sports and weather when we come right back [coughing] copd hasn't been pretty. it's tough to breathe and tough to keep wondering if this is as good as it gets. but trelegy has shown me that there's still beauty and breath to be had. because with three medicines in one inhaler, trelegy keeps my airways open and prevents future flare-ups. and with one dose a day, trelegy improves lung function so i can breathe more freely all day and night. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy for copd because breathing should be beautiful. ah, these bills are crazy. she has no idea she's sitting on a goldmine. well she doesn't know that if she owns a life insurance policy of $100,000 or more she can sell all or part of it to coventry for cash. even a term policy. even a term policy? 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more than just my armpits stink. facts. that's why i use secret whole body deodorant for clinically proven odor protection everywhere. so i smell great all day, all hike, and all night. secret whole body deodorant. a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose all comcast and now we're introducing ultimate speed for business, our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds at no additional cost. from the company with 99.9% network reliability and advanced cyber security, it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. and it's all from comcast business. welcome back to "way too early." it is 5:30 a.m. here on the east coast, 2:30 out west on this friday morning. we made it to friday. i'm jonathan lemire. thanks for being with us. senate republicans blocked a democratic sponsored bill that would have enshrined federal protections for invitro fertilization. the bill was rejected with just two republicans backing the legislation. they of course need 60 votes to move forward. the failed vote was expected with republicans trying to push a slimmed down version of the bill earlier in the week. the bill was the second messaging vote on reproductive rights held by democrats in an attempt to put republicans on the record ahead of the november election. republican senators criticized their democratic counter parts saying they were simply holding show votes. a joint statement signed by every republican senator released late wednesday called the votes a partisan campaign of false fear mongering intended to mislead and confuse the american people. president biden responded to the vote on social media writing, "donald trump's maga republican allies voted against protecting access to fertility treatments for women who are desperately trying to get pregnant. this is outrageous and unacceptable." joining us now health care reporter on capitol hill for politico. alice, good to see you this morning. thanks for being here. let's start with this ivf vote obviously at the forefront in the wake of what happened in alabama some months back. and as just discussed, it's the latest effort by democrats to hold republicans' feet to the fire. give us your analysis of the strategy, and what's the reaction on both sides of the aisle? is this going to matter come november? >> so what played out this week was almost identical to what played out last week when the senate took a vote on preventing contraception. only collins and murkowski crossed the aisle to support the legislation. every other republican either sends some sort of mixed message of this bill is unnecessary, there is no threat to the ivf or contraception or what the focus is. also your bill goes too far, it threatens religious liberty, but also we have an alternative version that's better, so kind of a muddled message there, and you are seeing republicans say that they don't sweat these so-called show votes, but i think the rush to sign that nonbinding resolution that you put up shows -- shows otherwise, shows that there is some anxiety here. ivf is far more popular especially on the right than abortion, and so this is an attempt by democrats to show that the fall of roe v. wade has had broader ripple effects, that it's not just about abortion, that it is affecting other forms of health care like we saw in alabama. >> the democrats think it's perhaps they're most important issue, arguably, this fall. so, alice, i want to ask you about what we covered earlier the supreme court's decision on the abortion pill. and there was plenty of -- a sigh of relief but warnings, hey, this is decision just on standing that doesn't mean they can't try again. so give us the impact of the ruling and what this administration or future administrations might do to handle it either to protect or roll back access. >> that's right. so the ruling simply leaves the status quo in place. so that means in some parts of the country abortion pills are easily accessible, widely available, and in some places they are virtually banned for everyone. and so it means that in place by not touching the federal regulation of the pills. now, of course, another administration could come in and say either we're going to pull these pills from the market entirely, we're going to reimpose restrictions that were on the pills in the past, or we're going to change our legal position as this continues to play out in court. so of course there is a lot of future administration can do. this was never the anti-abortion movement's only strategy to go after abortion or to go after just abortion pills. they have a lot of other things in the works, state legislation, federal legislation, other lawsuits, pressure campaigns, and plans for what they hope is a future trump administration. >> all right, health care reporter on capitol hill for politico. alice, thank you as always. next up here we'll go live to cnbc for an early look at what's driving the day on wall street after the s&p 500 had its fourth consecutive record close. plus, a big win for elon musk. we'll dig into why tesla shareholders voted to reinstate his more than $45 billion pay package. "way too early" will be right back with that. age. 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>> we should have very little confidence that this current supreme court majority is going to continue to protect any sort of reproductive rights, and this is court that's stripped away the right to abortion under roe v. wade. they've shown a willingness to hear these cases and to advance these legal theories. i have little confidence that we're not going to see more backsliding on people's freedom and we see it in the states where republicans have power, they're enforcing and pushing abortion bans, and i'm seeing it in the house just this week on the defense bill, no less. we've seen attacks on abortion rights, attacking the ability of service members to seek reproductive care in states where they don't have the right to an abortion. >> and congressman, yesterday donald trump made his return to capitol hill, first time since leaving office, first time since the insurrection. a number of republicans who ran for their lives on january 6th due to a riot caused by trump stood there and applauded him. it's also revealed that trump in the wake of his new york conviction asked speaker johnson to try to overturn it and johnson reportedly said he would talk to the supreme court about it. not quite sure how that works, but just give us your sense of the gop right now beholden to trump and what they plan to do. >> yeah, and look, we can have our disagreements on policy, and my goodness, we do. this is guy who tried to overthrow the constitution, tried to overturn the election on january 6th, still lies about losing that election to joe biden. these threats are real, they are current. i represent western pennsylvania, a state whose votes they tried to throw out and whose members of congress helping him tried to block our electoral college votes from counting them. these threats were made and we've got to beat this guy in november and win this election. >> and lastly and briefly do you have confidence in speaker johnson to be a good faith leader in the house of representatives? >> i'll tell you what, when we have speaker hakeem jeffries i'll have much more faith in what the congress can do in upholding our responsibilities. mike johnson was one of the chief architects in the house of helping trump advance these crazy legal theories to overthrow the election. these threats remain, they're serious and go to the highest levels of the republican party right now. >> we appreciate you being with us this we'll discuss president biden and ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy's meeting as both leaders lay out new u.s. support for ukraine. we'll have more on the g7. then, coming up on "morning joe," ahead of the republican national convention, donald trump calls the host city, milwaukee, horrible. we'll go over those comments and how his republican allies are scrambling to explain just what he meant. plus, senator brown of ohio will be a guest live in studio after senate republicans blocked a democratic bill to block ivf nationwide. tough re-election fight. plus, minority whip katherine clark will join the conversation following the mifepristone ruling. 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what are the goals of this administration today? >> yeah, well, another aspect of this is this deal they're trying to cobble together to use seized russian assets and basically use the interests on the collateral and use that to pay for ukraine's reconstruction. this has been an effort that the biden administration has been leading on. it was authorized by congress as part of the last ukraine aid package. frankly, it was a sweetener to get enough republicans to vote for the legislation, particularly in the house. obviously, most of those russian assets are being held in the european union. only around $5 billion are in the united states. this needs to be a multilateral effort, and that's why it is being held at the g7. it is something, you know, that can sort of help trump-proof this process, if you will. if donald trump were to get back into the white house and refuse to sign any additional legislation that funds ukraine and funds particularly its reconstruction, which is the key part here. >> yeah. certainly no end in sight to this conflict. we reported earlier, president biden going to meet with pope francis later on. there's also discussions about the cease-fire in gaza, which talks seem nowhere close. also, china. tell us more about the agenda here. >> yeah. look, all those topics are going to be super important here. the meeting with pope francis is going to be very closely watched. you know, i think president biden, you know, obviously foreign policy is his passion in off, right? it's been his passion throughout his career in the united states senate as vice president and now as president. heading into an election season here, president biden feels like this is his best chance to show that, you know, he is a leader on the world stage. really, this is his issue where he can best donald trump on, right? donald trump talks a lot about this in terms of what happened when he was in office. obviously, president biden has had to deal with not only afghanistan and ukraine but also, as you mentioned, the war in gaza and the tensions within his own party there. president biden is really trying to confront that head on at this summit. >> yeah, and trying to draw a contrast with donald trump while doing so. andrew, you reported yesterday that trump, while in washington, heaped praise upon vp contender tim scott, the south carolina senator, during his meeting with senators there. tell us a little bit more about that and how he reacted to the others in the room who are vying to be his running mate. >> yeah, look, it was really fascinating. i talked to a number of republican senators after that meeting, and nearly all of them were struck by how much praise donald trump was heaping on tim scott compared to the other potential vp contenders in the room. of course, those being senator marco rubio of florida and senator jd vance of ohio. he talked for a few minutes about tim scott. he joked that tim scott was a poor presidential candidate, but he has been a -- in the words of donald trump -- a great surrogate for me. he looked around the room, saw marco rubio and jd vance sitting there, as well, and he, you know, shouted them out but didn't talk about them as much as he talked about tim scott. certainly did not heap as much praise on them as he did on tim scott. so a lot of republican senators left that room thinking that, in donald trump's mind, tim scott is the frontrunner as he looks to choose his vice presidential pick probably within the next few weeks to a month here. >> yeah, head of the convention in that horrible city of milwaukee. i will say, the photos we just ran there while you were talking of trump basking in the applause of lawmakers who had to run for their lives from a crowd that trump inspired really sums up the republican party in the year 2024. as does the fact that mitch mcconnell, who on january 6th, late that night, denounced donald trump. not only has he endorsed him again but met with him cordially yesterday. tell us about that. >> some people were expecting donald trump to go in there and go an a screed against his political enemies, many in the room. people like mitch mcconnell, mitt romney, bill cassidy, who voted to conflict the former president in his january 6th impeachment trial, but he was actually, in the words of many republican senators, quite gracious and reserved. they were surprised at that, especially given that, a few hours earlier when he met with house republicans, he was pretty much the exact opposite, right? i think that's a recognition on the part of donald trump that these senators have been talking for a very long time about the need to coordinate their campaigns with that of donald trump so that he is not undermining them, right? there is this belief among many republican senators that he is the reason why they lost so many winnable senate seats in 2020 and 2022. they're trying to make sure that doesn't happen again this year. that's why you see them embracing him with open arms, as you said, despite what they all said about him after january 6th. >> we should note, trump blamed abortion on the 2022 losses but said it could be a good issue this time around. we appreciate the reporting from punch bowl news' andrew desedario. thank you for getting up

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Frontrunner , Pick , Trump Basking , Photos , Lawmakers , Mitch Mcconnell , Crowd , Applause , Who On January 6th , 2024 , Screed , Him Cordially , Enemies , January 6th Impeachment Trial , Recognition , Opposite , Campaigns , Belief , Seats , 2022 , Arms , Losses , Reporting , Andrew Desedario ,

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