Transcripts For MSNBCW The 20240704 :

Transcripts For MSNBCW The 20240704

way here into this studio. he has an hour to get here. apparently, they are in kind of a lockdown at the moment. but he will eventually we believe get here. >> just don't put him up at the top. i thought he was going to be at the top of the show. do you need me to tap dance? it will be a minute. >> we were hoping to get him earlier. but he will get here and tell us what went on in there. >> spill the tea. i want to know. >> well, we are waiting for mike. the name of this episode is waiting for mike. >> a new play by lawrence o'donnell. >> exactly. thanks alex. >> carry on. >> thank you. thank you. well, a presidential campaign came to new york city tonight. in fact, it is across the street from here. at radio city music hall. where the single biggest fundraiser of the presidential campaign took place tonight with three presidents on stage. biden, obama, and clinton. the event shows the unity of the democratic party. not just the democratic party today but the last 30 years as it was led by president bill clinton and president barack obama. and now president joe biden. a similar gathering on the republican side of the presidential campaign is impossible. because the republican party is not unified. the republican party has been shattered by donald trump. and so, there will be no trump fund raising event or campaign event with the one living former republican president george w. bush. and none of the living former republican vice presidents will be appearing at trump rallies. dan quaile is 77 years old and has no following in the republican party. dick cheney is 83 and one of the leader of republicans against trump. as is his daughter. liz cheney who yesterday described what a second trump presidency could be like. >> it is important to recognize what it would mean to have a president who refused to abide by the rulings of our courts. when you have a situation where the reason that our courts have the power that they do and that they have to have under our constitution is because the chief executive enforces their rulings. the courts can't enforce their own rulings. and all you have to do is listen to what donald trump says, look at the filings that his lawyers have made in the immunity case and others. he, you know, the moment that the court rules in a way he disagrees with, he will just ignore it. he will refuse to abide by it. >> donald trump's own vice president mike pence has announced that he does not support donald trump for president. now just imagine the political equivalent in the democratic party. just imagine if joe biden's former running mate barack obama was opposing joe biden's reelection. it is inconceivable because the democratic party is fundamentally sane and the republican party has been lost to trumpian madness to the point that mike pence refusing to endorse donald trump is now perfectly normal in trump world. the unique ability of the democratic party to put three presidents on stage together in radio city music hall, the largest indoor theater in in the world with seats for 6,013 people means that the sold out event means that the biden harris campaign have the most powerful fund raising operation in history of american politics. that sold out event raised more than $25 million which is more than the trump campaign raised in the entire month of february. they raised more money in two hours than the trump campaign raised for an entire month. and that means that in august, september, and october when the battleground states are flooded with television commercials for the campaigns, the biden harris campaign will have a tremendous advantage. those television advertising campaigns are aimed at undecided voters and swing voters. voters who could go either way on election day. it takes massive amounts of money in tv advertising to reach those voters because those voters do not watch programs like this. they do not watch cable news. they generally do not read any newspaper articles about politics or government. they know as much about politics and government as i know about golf. and so, most of them have no idea how much joe biden has helped people of all ages with student debt. those voters don't know about 82-year-old karen who had her student debt forgiven. she took out two student loans, one for $30,000, another for $45,000, and over time, with interest, those loans grew to a total of $175,000. she said, quote, it was a burden. i couldn't think of it all the time. it was just there in the background. i thought it would be forgiven when i died. joe biden erased that debt for that 82-year-old woman. that's the kind of story that can be told in a 30 second tv commercial. the voters who will be informed by those commercials in the last weeks of the campaign don't yet know that joe biden has capped the price of insulin for diabetes patients. they don't know about so many of the biden accomplishments that could be easily summarized in 30-second commercials. by the end of october, with the biden harris campaign out spending the trump campaign on tv advertising in the battleground states, many more voters will know about those biden accomplishments. that is why fund raising is so important in this presidential campaign and donald trump is losing very, very badly in the fund raising race. according to the new york times, review of federal records, donald trump has spent $100 million of campaign money on legal fees for donald trump averaging quote, more than $90,000 a day in legal related costs for more than three years. none of it paid for with his own money. instead, the former president has relied almost entirely on donations made in an attempt to fight the results of the 2020 election. the biden harris campaign posted this new ad. >> the president visiting eight swing states, biden has criss- crossed the country. >> visiting the southwest, campaign stops have focused on border security. reproductive rights. lowering health care. housing costs, and celebrating ships and science acts. >> before tonight's fundraiser, the three presidents recorded a podcast with hosts jason bateman, shawn hayes who had three presidents as guests at the same time. the biden harris fund raising advantage today allowed the biden harris campaign to open a field office in lancaster, pennsylvania. the first time there will be a democratic field office in lancaster for a presidential election. in 2020, donald trump beat joe biden in lancaster county 57.2. if owe biden could increase his vote in lancaster county, he could increase his winning margin in pennsylvania which he won by 80,000 votes in 2020. the huge biden fund raising advantage allows the them to build a campaign infrastructure advantage. the associated press reports, quote, just six months before the first early votes are cast in the general election between trump and biden, trump's republican party has little general election infrastructure to speak of. officials on the ground in top swing states are not panicking but the disparity with the biden campaign is stock. this month alone, biden opened 100 new offices and added more than 350 new staffers in swing states from arizona to georgia to pennsylvania. that's in addition to the democratic president's existing battleground staff of 100 that was already in place. and the last presidential campaign with pennsylvania as a must win state, this program turned repeatedly for guidance with pennsylvania campaign expert, senior senator bob casey running for reelection this year. senator casey's republican opponent david mccormick has endorsed donald trump tonight. senator casey released this ad on what he calls greed-flation. >> the producer doubled their profits. toilet paper up 10%. profits increased $100 million. corporations raising prices five times faster than inflation. bob casey calls it greed- flation and he is fighting back. >> i'm bob casey. my plan gives the federal trade commission the right to punish corporate price gouging. putting money in your pocket instead. that is why i approve this message. joining us now is bob casey. the longest serving democratic senator in pennsylvania. he is running for u.s. senate in 2024. senator, first of all, great seeing the pennsylvania map behind you. that's the way you guided us through this four years ago. what does it mean to the biden campaign? what does it mean to you to see the biden campaign opening a campaign office in lancaster? >> well lawrence, i saw a good bit of that this week. i was all across the state. i was traveling across the northern tier counties. and in erie, we opened an office there. and there's a lot of energy and intensity because i think people are ready now to be able to deliver a message about how democrats have delivered. when i go to these county, i tend to list all the things we got done. by name and project. infrastructure projects, investments with the child tax credit. so many things we have done. but these offices in places like lancaster and as you pointed out earlier, that has been a red county for a long time. more so the counties behind me. these are places where i think we can cut into the margin to lift up those counties and lift up families but we have to have the resource to do it and it will be a challenge. >> the biden campaign, to win the state does not mean they have to suddenly win lancaster county but the idea is if you can get more votes there, the biden already won pennsylvania. so if he can just had to his vote count in any location in pennsylvania, that adds to his likely winning margin. >> no question about it. and no matter where you go, in those red counties that i was in this week, five or six of them in a row, they are counties where the former president was getting in the race against president biden maybe 74, 75% of the vote. but this question of lowering the cost of families, lowering costs for families and talking about greed-flation or shrink- flation. they know corporate america's profits were up five times the rate of inflation. and they know they have been getting ripped off where corporate profits were going through the roof. right after these big corporations. got a corporate tax break in 2017. because donald trump and republicans rammed it through without a single democratic vote. and they took that tax cut and gave shareholder buy backs and jacked up the prices. we got to crack down on it. expose it. >> i know you can't get through a day of campaigning in pennsylvania or any of your work as a senator in pennsylvania. it is one of those states densely populated by both parties. in your conversations with republicans, are you finding a liz cheney effect, a nikki haley effect where you can detect there are republicans who have voted for trump in the past, but simply will not vote for him this time? they have moved into the liz cheney or nikki haley camp? >> i get some of that sense. it is often unspoken. it is not like they run up and declare their independence from maga or the extreme right. but it is often unspoken. i had a unique experience. i won't say what county so not to get them in trouble. but two republican county commissioners came to an event for us and the event was billed as a campaign event. and they showed up. after the event was over, we are doing videos and they were going to scan the video with he and i said are you sure you guys want to be in this video in and they said maybe we shouldn't but they showed up because they know i delivered for their county and they know president biden hasty livered. >> do you have a prediction for the biden campaign in pennsylvania on election day? >> yes. he is going to win and i'm going the win. but it will be a long tough road. but we will get there. i have the opposite problem. it is the other guy who has the money advantage. so we have to keep working him. >> senator, thank you very much for starting off our discussions tonight. >> thanks lawrence. >> thank you. coming up, in a new piece in the atlantic andrew weisman writes no good legal reason exists to delay donald trump's january 6th trial any further. andrew joins us next. r. andrew joins us next. mucinex dm gives you 12 hours of relief from chest congestion and any cough, day or night. mucinex dm. it's comeback season. now try mucinex instasoothe sore throat medicated drops. are you taking the right multi-vitamin? with new chapter, you get excellent quality, organic ingredients, and fermentation. fermentation? yes. feel the difference with 20 plus nutrients your body can absorb. so you can do you. learn more at okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. 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>> reporter: well there is nothing we can do about the fact that the supreme court has been lollygagging. now it is hearing it on the last day of this term. what can be done at that oral argument to press the conservative justices who are putting their thumb on the scale and delay. to press trump's counsel on why there is no legal legitimate grounds to delay a ruling. the ruling should come forth width. you lawrence have heard me talk about on this show how the public has a right to a speedy trial. donald trump's only interest here, the only issue in the supreme court is one of immunity. it is not the trial date. on the issue of immunity, anyone claiming immunity has interest in having that decided quickly. they are telling the court they should not one day more because they are immune from the suit. donald trump as you recall said in the trial court that the gag order was interfering with his ability to actually campaign for office. that is one more reason that he should have for deciding this quickly. we are trying to arm fair minded justices. those who are looking at this dispassionately. there should be a group of people who fall into that category about why this case should be decided quickly. otherwise, this will essentially be de facto immunity for the former president. >> so your suggestion an hope is that in the actual presentation arguments to the supreme court, that they ask for basically as fast a ruling as possible. >> reporter: absolutely. they ask for that and that they press the court to point out to them there is no legitimate grounds for delay here. the reason this is heard now, this is out of turn. when you have a claim of immunity. this is so urgent and important, we will decide this before the trial. not after the trial. the normal rule is all of these issues get decided after trial takes place. after all, if they delay the decision here, that really will make it almost impossible for there to be a trial before the general election which is something the public has a right to. >> it would be fascinating to see if they could get the court to engage on the issue of how quickly can you issue an opinion. to possibly hear ketanji brown jackson say something about how it could be issued. and gorsuch or someone else or alito say well no. surely it would take months for us to figure this out. it would be fascinating to hear that particular point engaged. >> absolutely. it would have the effect of those people who may not be looking at this in good faith having to actually articulate the reason for delay here. that isn't just what they are trying to do is just avoid a trial. they may decide in very flowery language that presidents are not immune from prosecution but at the same time, what they will really be doing is saying this former president is immune. >> what other issues should be easily clarified in oral arguments? >> one of them is that there should be some small area where a president may be immune from criminal prosecution for conducting foreign relations with adversaries and allies. that that might be an area where it is hard to have normal rules and it seems to me that you could have everyone saying you know what? that may be the case and that may be a debate worth having but this is not the case to do it. because in this case, what it is before us is somebody who is charged with inrecollection. whatever the parameters are of presidential immunity in a criminal context, it does not encompass this case. so, that is a standard way in which courts proceed which is deciding the case before it. and they don't need to decide the sort of outer perimeters of where there might be an argument. because this surely, it would be somebody who illegally is trying to stay in office. and remember, the court has to take the allegations of the indictment true in deciding this case. >> i want to squeeze in a commercial break here. when we come back, i want to get your reaction to what a federal judge said tonight about donald trump's attack on the family of the trump trial judge in new york. we'll be right back. york. we'll be right back. lings... ti. 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president bush. this is someone who has had a lot of experience with january 6th defendants. in washington dc. very unusual for a federal judge to do interviews like this. and he decided he wanted to have something to say about donald trump's conduct. >> it is unusual to have judges speaking out in this way. but it is worth noting that judge has been speaking out. you have the former chief judge. royce lamberth on the court. all speaking out about the problem of violence. the problem of people spewing lies about the judiciary and it makes sense that is where we are. we live through a time where the media was constantly attacked. because it was a check on the power of donald trump. justice, individual prosecutors as i know very well. for the same reason. because it was a check on his power. now that he is facing enormous civil liability and criminal liability with the first of the criminal cases, this is to be expected and a sign of where we are as a country and it is good to see the judges speaking up about the rule of law and how essential and important it is to our country. >> it is worth noting that donald trump's latest attack on the judge's daughter is false. he is attributing a social media post to her she didn't make at all. but i think about the gag order the judge has issued against donald trump. does somehow allows for this to happen. >> well, it will be interesting to see where it gets expanded and it is because the judges are very reticent to apply the gag orders to themselves. out of a sense of duty. a sense of mission and purpose to the rule of law that they are there to protect're participants in the process whether it is jurors, witnesses, court staff. but they tend to look at themselves last in that list and a litany of people. frankly you would think, it is inconceivable to think it is something they have to think about. i would be interested to see if this continues and the other judges handling these cases expand these gag orders. because, of course, you want to make sure you are stemming the potential violence. you don't want to wait until it has actually happened. >> andrew, thank you very much for joining us tonight. >> you're welcom . and they will be hosting a defendant trump hour at this night. 10:00 p.m. right here on msnbc. and coming up, a bill in congress would bar federal office holders and candidates from having intelligence briefings if they have been charged with crimes. the current targets of that legislation would be donald trump, and robert menendez. that's next. ump, and robert me that's next. that means less stress for you. >> woman: thanks. >> tech: my pleasure. have a good one. >> woman: you too. >> tech: schedule today at >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ life, diabetes, there's no slowing down. each day is a unique blend of people to see and things to do. that's why you choose glucerna to help manage blood sugar response. uniquely designed with carbsteady. glucerna. bring on the day. 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agencies plan to provide briefings to donald trump soon. despite the criminal charges against him including for violating of the espionage act for possession of classified documents. new ledgelation in congress is trying to change that. guarding the united states against reckless disclosure act or guard act would prohibit any federal official or candidate charged with certain crimes from having access to classified information. this new legislation would also apply to new jersey senator robert menendez who federal prosecutors have charged with acting as a foreign agent. one of the criminal charges mentioned in the proposed legislation. menendez has announced that he would not run for reelection as a democrat this year. new jersey first lady tammy murphy abruptly announced sunday she has dropped her bid for u.s. senate. joining us now, is the first member of congress to call on senator menendez to resign. andy kim of new jersey running to replace senator menendez. thank you for joining us. what is your view of this legislation guarding the united states against reckless disclosure act? >> i am somebody who has had clearness half my life. our most important and sensitive material. acted so recklessly in the past. and in terms of the indictments out there. whether that is former president donald trump or senator menendez, neither of them should be allowed to be able to participate. the accusations an charges against them. >> you are already running ahead in the polls before tammy murphy decided to drop out. you seemed to be on your way to the democratic nomination for senate in new jersey. what do you need to do beyond that? and is it possible that senator menendez could run as an independent? >> well one thing i learned in my three previous races, you know, you don't take anything for granted. senator menendez has said he might run as an independent. i am going to make sure that i am going out there, earning every single vote. making sure that we are engaging and look, it is not just about my race, it is making sure we can lift up the democrats up and down the ballot. i hope people are excited about it. >> new jersey is not a guaranteed blue state in elections like this. the possibility of a republican senator is not out of the question. >> what we have seen before, we had a governor chris christie not too long ago. governor murphy won his reelection by three points in his reelection just the other year. so, look. again, nothing can be taken for granted. especially on the heels of this indictment of the senator which has certainly been something that has, you know, given a lot of independent voters concern about the democratic party here in new jersey. which is why i have been pushing hard on this platform of restoring integrity back into our politics, fighting against corruption, and we have seen how powerful it has been in this primary so far. a message that has really galvanized and created not just a campaign, a movement for a better democracy. so we continue to push on that. we have a lawsuit that is trying to change and redefine new jersey politics. the operation we have had here far too long. we continue to do that. and really try to show that a reform agenda, a protect democracy agenda is powerful not just here in new jersey but across the country. >> andy kim now running for senate in new jersey. thank you very much for joining us tonight. >> thank you. coming up, mike memele is here. he made it across the street from radio city music hall. he was just with three presidents over there. he'll give us a full report next. t next. ♪ ♪ make your dream car...a reality. mercedes-benz certified pre-owned vehicles are rigorously inspected to live up to the highest of expectations. this thing? it's what's going on inside of me. it's my moderate to severe ulcerative colitis. it wasn't always this calm uc went everywhere i did. wondering when it would pop up next was stressful doing a number on my insides. but then i 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gifts, but mike was there. and so now, i have my poster here. joining me is mike who was at tonight's big event with the three presidents. mike, we are so eager to hear about that. stephen colbert presiding in a panel discussion. with three presidents on the panel. how did it begin? what is the entrance. >> you have these incredible performances. all the entertainers got the crowd going and you wonder how they top that. they introduce the voice of god, these three presidents and you are looking at the stage waiting for them to come out. they come up from below stage. it was a very dramatic appearancement. the crowd went wild and it set the tone for stephen colbert to begin the conversation. i couldn't imagine remembering anything like it. three former presidents, two former presidents and the sitting president. this unique fraternity that only they can speak to. >> was there a divided set of assignments, bill clinton on economy, barack obama on foreign policy? >> absolutely. i have to tell you, this event tried to accomplish a number of things for the biden campaign. bringing in a heck of a lot of money. $25million. the fundraiser to end all fundraisers. but you see it on the streets outside of our building. the protests over gaza. and you see it in the fact that voters are not feeling what the economic data shows us. and both former presidents tackled each one of those one at a time. it was a very clear preparation for the fact that there might be disruptions from the audiences and there were. barack obama took the opportunity to not just talk about on the substance of what president biden has managed to do and tried to do to bring some clarity to this very difficult impossible situation but he at one point scolded some of the protesters who tried to interrupt him saying it is good to have moral clarify. >> the protests about gaza. >> almost all of them. he said it is one thing to have moral clarity, but the presidency a lonely seat. you have to listen to the other side. tackle all the complications of this issue. and actually get results and that is what president biden with his decency is trying to do. when he got angry at the protester, the crowd got angry with him. they were also heckling. you turn to bill clinton and the economy. stephen colbert asked that why. why are not americans feeling this. and remember what they called him in 2012, the secretary of e planing stuff. and bill clinton, 77 years old, very slowly described, diagnosed the problem. he said there have been two shocks to the economic system in this country and to the psyche of this country. the 2008 recession. barack obama and vice president biden tried to recover from that. donald trump disrupted the progress they were making. and he he said covid disrupted it even more. he said the president couldn't do anything about inflation. but everything he has done has got us on the right track. the clown did eat it up i would love for us to show the clips of what they said tonight to get that message across. to share more of that with you. we were not allowed video cameras. >> at one point, the response to the protesting turned into a standing ovation. >> when former president obama delivered that lecture and it was a lecture. it was stern and forcement. the crowd erupted in applause. so i think this is a cathartic moment for a lot of democrats who are frustrated. they want to see more progress in gaza. some of them paid a lot of money and felt it was a powerful moment. >> so, how did they wrap it up? >> so they start coming up from below stage. and this is classic biden. steven colbert put on his aviators, biden and obama and clinton did this. >> by the way, it is the biggest room in the world. the 6,000 people. there is nothing like being in that hall. it is always bigger than you remember it is. >> it is a stage i don't think we will see another one like this. this is something i actually ran into julie chavez rodriguez. i said how do you top this? she said it is all about momentum. this is what they have try today do to build momentum leading into the general election fight. >> i cannot thank you enough for fighting out of the security. longest trip ever. thank you mike. that is the last word. the 11th hour with stephanie ruhle starts right now. tonight, trump's new bid to get his georgia rico case tossed. claiming his 2020 lies were

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