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hello, new york. thank you for joining us live at town hall in new york city for this very, very special edition of why is this happening. he is incisive, he is big hearted, he is very, very, very smart. and admitted, he's taller than you expected. please give a warm welcome to my friend, my beloved colleague, msnbc's chris hayes. >> thank you. hey. oh, stop. stop it. how are you? good. thank you. thank you, thank you, thank you. thank you. sit down, sit down. thank you. that's extremely kind. i hate attention and positive feedback. that was a really hard 20 seconds for me. thank you for cutting it short. it's amazing to be here in my hometown of new york city. i got some family here. so tonight, we're going to talk about democracy. and that word, we probably talk more about democracy in the last four, five years than i had in all of my time before that. like, even that as a topic seems weird. we all know, america is a democracy. there's a certain kind of history you're taught that i think is part of american civic culture, almost civic religion, which roughly goes to the following. the founders rebelled against the tyranny of the crown. and the injustice of monarchy. and they conceived in liberty a new nation, founded on the government by, of, and for the people. that's the gettysburg address version of it, and they rejected basically the idea that there is some authority above all of us that has dominion over us, that each of us are imbued with the ability to determine our own fate collectively as a we, and that's a very difficult and messy process, but fundamentally, in the eyes of some of the founders and in the eyes of others as a natural truth, but that's the idea. we all decide together what we all are going to do. and that's simple fundamental and at the time radical vision is what separates us here in the western hemisphere from the old world of europe where you had monarchies and kings and queens and tyrants. then as time went on, various forms of blood and soil authoritarianism, ultimately fascism, culminating in the second world war. you don't really get democracies in that part of the world in the way we think about them here. there are some, obviously, like there are democratic forms of government that exist before then, revolutions, these sort of compromises that get worked out in poland and other parts of the continent. basically, we are the model for the world. right? yes. we're the first ones. we figured it out. we slough off the yoke of tyranny and seize our fate. the other part of the story we all know is a very complicated story. as one british critic at the time said, the loudest cries of liberty come from the americans as they whip their slaves. which is, by the way, an important point that they saw it at the time. right? like people understood at the time, there was an incredible ridiculous tension in american rhetoric about self determination and democracy. but the general story i think we have is we sort of start with an imperfect democracy and we work towards a more perfect democracy, the more perfect union in the preamble. and i think there's something to that story. i don't think it's a crazy story, but it's basically the civic religion we have. i think there's another way of thinking about the story of american democracy which is america is kind of the ongoing dynamic site of a contestation over democracy. the site of a constant pitched battle between forces on the side of democracy and forces against it. and the forces against them are not fringe characters, and sometimes the forces against them are the most celebrated people in the country. andrew jackson, who is viewed as a small "d" democrat because he railed against the elites, and he founded the modern democratic party with populism and invited the people into the white house on the day of his inauguration where they all got drunk. he was not in any recognizable sense really a democrat in the way that we think of it today. i mean, he thought there was a caste of people who should rule over another caste of people. he was one of the major pursuers of the ethnic cleansing that made the continent what it is. he didn't think people had inalienable rights and all of us should rule collectively. he thought the white man should rule over slaves and over the indigenous people that populated the planet. i'm not saying this in an andrew jackson is canceled way. i mean, he should be. to be clear. i'm actually talking in a very specific way about what, how would you characterize idealogical belief system of andrew jackson. is it accurate to call him a small d democrat? is it accurate to call andrew jackson a believer in democracy? right? i think it's a little tough to say it is, at least in our modern sense, which is the best sense. theodore roosevelt who is on mt. rushmore, what does he believe? he believes, and writes, and says often, that the white race is there to rule over the other races. he found what becomes essentially the american empire. in the pacific, where we will rule over these people. they're not going to get the vote. they're not going it be citizens. they're subject to authority from on high, and they are forced to be under that authority and not that different a way than the remote king back in the time. and again, with all of these examples i'm giving, there's people at the time who recognize it. one of the most pitched debates in american history before the congress is about the trail of tears where people come to the well to say this is -- they didn't have the term at the time, ethnic cleansing. this is totally unjust. we can't do this. these people have inalienable rights. at the same time when we started fighting our wars under roosevelt and pursuing american empire, there were people at the time, mark twain being very prominent among them, saying we're doing the thing we hated the crown for doing. at each moment in american history, where you have these fights and frictions over what the meaning of democracy actually is, there are contemporaries on each side of the debate. it's not this neat arc where we start out sort of confused and don't understand that slavery is wrong, but we walk into the light. no, they knew. they knew. they knew the trail of tears was wrong. they knew that the wars in the pacific and the philippines, what we were doing, they knew it was wrong. there were people who very clearly saw what it was. and that's true at every point. and it's true up until the period and the run-up to world war ii. now, that story we learned is basically the following. because of the trauma of world war i, the u.s. is very reticent to get involved in another war on european shores. fair. and we kind of dither, and fdr comes up with land lease. this is like the basic version because he's trying to straddle, but he realizes something has to be done, but it's hard to get americans into this idea of a second war in europe in several decades later and then pearl harbor happens and we're in and we defeat fascism. right? go us. that's basically the story. and that story also masks exactly the same thing that is masked in the other moments from country to founding, to the trail of tears and jackson, to the creation of u.s. empire in the pacific under theodore roosevelt, which is contemporaneous debates in the society about what democracy is and whether it's good. whether what we actually do want is for all of us collectively as individuals with sovereign rights over ourselves collectively to come together to transfer that sovereignty into a collective we that decides as a democracy how we will mark our fate. how we will go forward. or whether what we want is something else. dominion, ruled by some group or person, that is an eternal debate in american politics. we're now realizing this, i think, in a way we didn't appreciate until wi found ourselves in that moment now where we're debating it again every day. and it feels weird and it feels alien, and it feels like it landed from mars. hadn't we had come to a consensus on this? didn't we all agree that we're a democracy? wasn't it the fact that in the old days we would fight along the 40 yard lines, as the cliche, right? we didn't have extremes. we weren't actually debating, no, the debate has been there the entire time. one of the most useful interventions in understanding the debate being there the whole time comes by way of this up and coming talent that i spotted. [ laughter ] >> i got a pretty good eye. and this really remarkable podcast called ultra, that came out i think a year ago. [ applause ] >> totally, if you have not listened to it, go download it. subscribe to my podcast too while you're doing it, but download ultra. and it is the story of basically a fascist sympathizers in the u.s. prior to the war, and their efforts. and the incredible lengths they went to, i'm not going to spoil it, and now that subsequently has been turned part of it, but i want to urge people because i read the book this week because i have been under the gun deadline wise. i want to urge people who listen to ultra to read the book because this book prequel, see it? there it is. it is not just the podcast in the book. it actually goes so much further, it's an incredible read, and is kind of, i think, a skeleton key for this particular moment. so without further ado, i would like to introduce the author of prequel, my dear, dear, dear friend, my beloved colleague rachel maddow. [ applause ] >> there are a lot of people in this room. >> a lot of people. for those listening on the podcast, there's 20,000 people in this room. never seen anything like it in my life. >> i'm wearing my reading glasses so you're just little blobs. i can't see you at all, which is helpful. >> yes. can we -- i want to start in your way into this material, because i have to say, it is an incredible talent that you have, and this has been true on your television show for years, at sort of finding these sort of unexplored nuggets in american history, these stories that people don't know and then you tell them and they're like, what? really? that actually happened? and ultra was an incredible example of that, where i literally -- i mean, i knew who father coughlin was. a right-wing anti-semitic populist creature. i knew that. i knew there was this american first movement that lindbergh, i read the philip broth novel, but that was kind of my canning for those things. i knew those things, and nothing else that appeared in that podcast. i want you to start by saying what was your way into this material, because it really is not on the surface. >> so, i never set out to tell a history story. i'm always looking for something that's going on in current life. it's always something that is sprung from things going on in the news. and the thing i get dinged for rightly, i think, in terms of the way i do my work is that if i want to tell you about, you know, something happening in the world today, everything has to start with, you know, first, a meteor hit the earth. then, the dinosaurs died. and when their bodies dissolved. i mean -- >> that's a good bit. >> but if that is not your way of thinking about the world, i can understand why that's alienating. i know i'm not everybody's cup of tea. oh, thank you. i love you too. but that's the way my brain works. and i was -- i was as unnerved as everybody, but kind of confused and interested that we were seeing all this alt-right neonazi, anti-semitic and holocaust denial stuff around the rise of trumpism. trumpism is happening in the electoral politics space and then we have this thing for a minute we called the alt-right. i don't know that we call them that anymore, but it was seeing them rise alongside trump and seeing them cheerleading for trump and seeing them as sort of parallel movements. i didn't understand why that was. and so i wanted to figure out how not just anti-semitism but specifically holocaust denial has functioned in the united states before. >> that was the starting point. >> that was the starting point. how do -- because if you go back far enough in terms of the origins of american holocaust denial, which i did, you get back to like 1948. and holocaust denial is a lot of terrible things but one of the things it is is weird. with so much evidence it happened how it can be that we say it didn't happen. that's especially true in 1948 when there are lot of people in the world who are witnesses to what happened. how can it be that it's a source of denial for a political movement. it's not that they earnestly believe it didn't happen. they're using holocaust denial as part of a political project. that's what i got into in the '40s and how i found my defendants and how i learn thad all got put on trial and all got off when the judge died. i thought, you know what y was going to tell a different story. i think i'm going to tell this one, because i didn't know any of it. >> you trace in the book different strands of pro-fascist, anti-semitic, nazi aligned thought and actors in the u.s. how would you describe, because in some ways it's a little bit of a misfit toys situation. there's some real odd ones in there. but they're also operating in a discursive environment that is not closed off to what they're saying. >> correct. >> tell me about public opinion around the question of fascism and the rise of it in 1930, '31, '32 when some of the people you document in the book are trying to and sometimes at the behest of the german government, cultivate sympathy. >> fascism was the movement of the future. fascism did not have the caste that we associate it now retrospectively with nazi germany. the number one selling book in america in 1941 was written by charles lindbergh's wife, and it was about how fascism was coming to america and wouldn't that be fantastic because we could finally get some stuff done. and it was in fact, a lot of people who have looked into it, i can't say this definitively, but a lot of people believe it was ghost written by a guy named lawrence dennis, he actually wrote a book called becoming american fascism. one of the things we found was old nbc radio archives from town meeting of the air, which was a great debate show that they used to host on one of the nbc radio networks, and in one of the very first ones they did, they brought lawrence dennis on to argue for fascism against other people who were arguing against fascism. he wiemed the floor with them. >> fascism cross fire. >> he totally won, exactly. but it was a popular thing. i mean, by the time you get to 1940, 83% of the american public is against us joining world war ii. 83%. that's what fdr was up against. and some of that was just we don't want to fight another war, but some of that was the people who you want us to fight against we think have the better idea. >> how did they go about cultivating -- we talk about dennis for a little bit, who is a worthwhile spending a little time on. >> oh, there's such a good twist when it comes to him. >> but talk about him a little bit. >> lawrence dennis had been a state department official. he had been -- he had gone to harvard. he was a very erudite, very articulate guy. and he was -- he had kind of a substack contrariness to him. you couldn't compliment him without him insulting you for complimenting him, but he also in his gruffness and his contrariness made everyone fall in love with him. he was seen, men, women, old, young, it didn't matter. everyone had a crush on lawrence dennis and he slept his way through the 1930s in a way that he didn't understand why his wife minded. so you know, a lot of interesting stuff about him. but he was writing speeches and books for the isolationists. and the isolationists weren't calling themselves fascists overtly but they had the self-described fascist of america writing their stuff. and dennis was a favorite of the nazi government in berlin, and they brought him over for the nuremberg rallies. they brought him over to germany and gave him access to everybody up to and included hitler. and he used it to essentially become a very well networked, very influential person. he interviewed mussolini, interviewed hitler. spent time all the most important diplomats and leaders of the time, and he came home and wrote speeches for isolationist senators and books for wives and heroes. and he was one of the sedition trial defendants and he was so arrogant, he not only defended himself in court, but he insists there should be mental examinations of his co-defendants, which they once they realized it was a way out, agreed. they all wanted mental examinations. >> he is sort of the leading, i mean, leading fascist american intellectual you document, but there's also -- the seed is being planted in somewhat fertile soil for a bunch of reasons. i wonder if you could talk about why that's the case. like, there is the fact that world war i was brutal and awful, and there's an interesting thing that happens in both this book and ultra which is that people who totally understandably and reasonably were like, whoa, that was a disaster, being kind of prepared to be like, we're never doing that again. and that posture which is not at all a crazy posture, a totally rational posture, being the kind of slippery slope by which they end up in first isolationism and then outright fascism. you have the depression. and then you have this sense of like the brokenness of the american system/the messiness of democracy. all three of those things are sort of running themes in the people that are pushing for, proposing, or in the case of huey long, embodying an alternate to that. >> yes, i think it's easiest to see it when you look at what the germans were secretly telling us. so one of the things we now know and this is in ultra and in the book too, is there was a really big, really aggressive, really well funded secret german propaganda effort targeting the american people. and what were they trying to do? basically trying to do three things, probably i guess you could narrow it down to. one was to support isolationism, however they could. however you wanted to hear it, they would help you hear it. any argument against the americans joining the war, they were all for that. they also wanted to turn us against our allies by making us see fascism as preferable to every other form of government. so they're arguing we shouldn't go to war to defend our ally britain because in what sense are they really our ally? they're corrupt, they're an empire, they're cruel. they're weak. the germans who have a much better idea are going to run over them in a matter of weeks. why would we side with the failing empire that we should resent and not with the germans who have a better idea. they're also trying to make us believe that we are inherently weak, that we should change our own form of government, and that by having a democracy, we're opening ourselves up to be controlled by the jews, to be controlled by international forces, to be controlled by those who would send us into the meat grinder of these wars with we should just let germany win and side with them. they were trying to articulate all of those things through any american voices they could put their words in the mouth of. so it's members of congress, it's u.s. senators, it's people like lawrence dennis who they are funding up the wazzu. it's an american nazi agent who is running like 12 different publications, it's publishing houses they have bought, it's magazines, and the messages that they were trying to sell us, to me, it's just unnerving and clarifying to see them because it is so much the story that we're still being sold by those who would prefer that we became a strongman form of government instead of a democracy today. the exact same message. power e*trade's award-winning trading app makes trading easier. with its customizable options chain, easy-to-use tools and paper trading to help sharpen your skills, you can stay on top of the market from wherever you are. e*trade from morgan stanley. i've struggled with generalized myasthenia gravis. but the picture started changing when i started on vyvgart. vyvgart is for adults with generalized myasthenia gravis who are anti-achr antibody positive. in a clinical trial, vyvgart significantly improved most participants' ability to do daily activities when added to their current gmg treatment. most participants taking 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exactly! don't delay the game with verizon or t-mobile 5g home internet. catch it on the xfinity 10g network. well, the message is that there are december it's not just that there are minority groups, these are secretly powerful, and they are the hidden power behind the scenes, and you think you're controlling the government, you think you're voting for people, but your vote doesn't really matter because there's a secret kabul. their secret kabul, that means we can't all participate in the democracy. high would we give the secret kabul a vote. what the government needs to do is protect us from those people. we need a government that is strong, that has authority, that can protect us from those people to vote is cute, but it's weak. and this is the only way that we can efficiently compete with the real countries on earth, the real strong countries, you know, you would say today, china, russia, hungary. and so that message is the same. it's to turn us against each other to make us believe that democracy doesn't work. to align us with strongman countries in other parts of the world. the other piece of it is that there's no knowable truth. >> yes. this is really important. >> really important, and i can tell right now that this sounds woo woo, but it's not. it's very specific. one of the things they do is they tell you, don't believe journalism, don't believe science, don't believe experts. don't believe history. it's all fake. it's all designed to bamboozle you. none of these expertise, these sources of expertise are real. the only knowable truth is something you feel in your gut, and let me tell you what to feel in your gut. separating us from the idea of knowable truth means we don't recognize real practical problems in the world. we don't recognize real practical solutions to those problems, which we should put our government to, and it means you're very susceptible to both conspiracy theories and susceptible to suggestion from the leader who wants you to do things you probably would not do on your own steam if you had your wits about you. that dislocation from the truth, don't trust the media, don't trust science, don't trust experts, don't trust any political opposition, don't trust journalism, that is part of the authoritarian project and it always has been. >> here's one of the things so fascinating to me in reading the book. everything you just described, when they happen now, when versions of them happen now, there is this very, i think, somewhat ahistorical and also understandable tendency to put them on the technology of the time. all of the same traits that i think we try to see as an outgrowth of some technological moment here, platform moment, it's just all there. it's like analog versions of it, and it's as far as i can tell, almost as effective. >> yeah, i mean, the thing that has changed, i think, is the iterative nature of the media. your ability to talk back in a social environment. so what that does is i think it can work as an accelerant. so somebody says a lie to you, you repeat the lie back to them. okay, here's a bigger lie. it helps those messages being targeted better, i think. but yeah, there's a very, very famous celebrity pilot in her day, pilots used to be like the kardashians and the travis kelces. they were everything all together. who doesn't love a pilot. >> exactly, they were the celebrities of their day, like you cannot believe. and after amelia earhart, the most famous female aviatrix in the country, was laura ingalls. wait, little house on the prairie? no, her eighth cousin. her eighth cousin. >> also, don't get it twisted. you're about to hear how she rolled. >> she flew an airport over the white house and dropped pamphlets over the white house out of an airplane. very impressive. also, you don't want to see those pamphlets. >> yeah. >> so she was actually working for the gestapo. she was an american who was on the pay roll of the nazis. she was answering to the top gestapo agent in the united states, and she was like fully getting paid, like had a monthly stipend. there's this great moment, actually, you know how you do times machine for old "new york times" articles. if you have a subscription, you can use the time machine. turns out there's a limit to how much you can use the time machine. >> you found it. >> i found it by spending a lot of otime with laura ingalls. >> it's like getting kicked out of the bar at 4:00 a.m. that's it, sorry. >> you're done. you're overserved on stories about laura ingalls. nazi aviatrix. i got cut off, and they called me. i was like, how -- i don't think you had my number. so weird. but she was so famous there was an article in the newspaper, in "the new york times," like in 1934, when she got a speeding ticket. article in "the new york times." by 1935, she was so famous, there was an article in "the new york times" when she got a parking ticket. like, it was crazy how famous she was. then she's working for the gestapo and dropping fliers over the white house. there's this amazing story from when she goes on trail. one of the witnesses against her in her trial was a surgeon who operated on her, who said that after she was under the laughing gas, all she wanted to talk about was her swastika necklace. but like, one of the most influential and popular celebrities in the entire country. now, her espousing the views that she had and being such a dare devil in the way she was espousing them, we don't have anything like that today. that's a different kind of power in terms of -- >> and that level of mass fame. just harder to achieve now because of how fractured it is. there's these people in the book, and laura ingalls is a great example. you never heard of them and they were massively famous. there are a bunch of those that you tell the story of, and then there's henry ford. you know, it's so funny because i know, again, the broad strokes of henry ford, brilliant industrialist, ford motors. you know, basically created the modern means of -- the sort of modern factory method of assembly line production. brought costs down in doing so, paid his workers a higher wage than others. also, a raving anti-semite. that's like my two sentences on ford. the last part of that, that last sentence, like, i knew it. but when you read it in your book, when you reencounter henry ford on the subject of the jews, and what, and the lengths he went to, i really don't think that he -- i think that you need to kind of reverse the order of that bio. in the two sentences. it's like, this guy was wildly dangerous and bad, and aligned with the worst forces basically in history. >> i knew about ford's anti-semitism, i think, as if it were a private vice. no, he was a different thing. it was one of the things he contributed to this world. you want mead to read that part. do you mind if i read that? see who's coming to town. happy holidays! 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(announcer) change your life at that's he was one of the most successful and celebrated industrialists on the planet. his anti-semitism was rank, and it was unchecked. he spewed it freely in private tirades among friends, family, close business cohorts, newspaper reporters or pretty much anybody within earshot. in the office in private chats, in interviews, at dinners, even on camping trips. a close friend wrote in his diary, ford attributes all evil to jews. ford even ordered his engineers to forego the use of any brass in his model t automobile. he called brass a, quote, jew metal. ford said, wherever there's anything wrong with the country, you'll find the jews on the job there. he blamed a vast jewish conspiracy for inciting his workers and stockholders to demand here share a sliver more of the profits with them, he blamed jews for the gold standard and the advent of the federal reserve bank. he blamed jews for ruining motion pictures in america, he blames them for ruining popular music, he blamed jews for ruining baseball. he was hardly the only radical anti-semite, but in addition to his fortune and his fame, he had a mega phone your crazy uncle lacked. he had twitter. i'm kidding. sorry. sorry. it's x, i'm supposed to say x. he had a newspaper. it was called the dearborn independent, which he had purchased for a song in 1918. the paper was a big money loser in the beginning. ford's editorial harangues did little to draw new readers. how many attacks on the man who had beaten ford in the senate race did the public really want. but truman new berry had stolen that election. one of the editorial staffers was a veteran of the new york newspaper wars. he had an idea. he wrote to ford's right-hand man, find an evil to attack. let's find some sensationalism. and lo the answer landed unbidden. a newly translated english language translation of a book, the pamphlet was the work of rabidly anti-semitic russian fabulists who were furious at the bolshevik's toppling. they portrayed it as the early innings of a plot by a kabul of all powerful jewish schemers to take over the world. the protocol was billed as a product of a surreptitious note taker at a top secret meeting where these jewish puppet masters had drawn up their strategy. there was no secret meeting obviously, there was no secret plot, there was no surreptitious note taker. it was a work of fiction, a considered and deliberate lie and a dangerous piece of propaganda. ford and his newspaper bore down on it with alacrity. they started a new weekly series in the dearborn independent. it would end up being a 92-part weekly series. every week for 92 weeks, headlines like these. the international jew, the world's problem. and jewish jazz, more onmusic becomes our national music. and the perils of baseball, too much jew. these headlines were slashed on the pages of ford's paper which was distributed in ford dealerships across the country. ford also sought the publication of his series in book form, entitled the international jew. it ran to four volumes. never mind that the protocols was exposed as make believe in 1921, right in the middle of his 92-week series. his weekly international jew essays continued without pause, and they kept tossing the latest edition on to the front seat of newly purchased model ts all over the country. ford saw to it that the four volumes of the international jew were published and translated worldwide in 12 international editions including one in germany. of all the contributions henry ford made to this world, one of them was this. the most prolific, most sustained published attack on jews the world had ever known. the german edition of ford's book landed in the hands of one particularly gifted propagandist, when adolf hitler's book was published in 1925, the author appeared to lift not just ideas but whole passages from ford's publications. they extolled ford by name. hitler wrote, it is jews who govern the stock exchange forces of the american union, every year makes them more and more the controlling masters of the producers and nation of 120 million, only a single great man, ford, to their fury, still maintains full independence. by this point, hitler had already mulled sending german shock troops to major american cities to aid in what he hoped would be henry ford's run for president in 1924. when a reporter from the detroit news showed up at nazi party headquarters in munich in december 1931 to interview hitler, a series called five minutes with men in public eye, she had her five minutes with hitler. when she went to hitler's office, she was surprised to find hanging on the wall behind hitler's desk, a large framed portrait of a very famous american. hitler explained to the newspaper woman, i regard henry ford as my inspiration. the detroit reporter asked hitler that day, point blank, why he was anti-semitic. he said without hesitation, somebody has to be blamed for our troubles. i feel like you go back in time to that, like, go back in time to then, the worst thing you could find, if you could time machine yourself back to the future style, see your family or like people you were interested in that time, the worst thing you could imagine is they would have a portrait of hitler at that time. i think hitler having a portrait of you -- >> is actually worse. >> that's like, i didn't know that was an option, but that's worse. at bombas, we're obsessed with comfort. quality. movement. because your basic things should be your best things. one purchased equals one donated. visit and shop our big holiday sale. i was on a work trip when the pulmonary embolism happened. but because i have 23andme, i was aware of that gene. that saved my life. we're travelling all across america, talking to people about their hearts. how's the heart? good. you sure? i think so. how do you know? let me show you something. put two fingers right on those pads. look at that! that's your heart! that is pretty awesome. with 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universal in some cases, in many different places in many different forms, not any particular era. i do think there's a sense that it is an endemic european problem. and that the u.s. was maybe like a little more distant from it. and that is just not the case. >> not the case. one of the things that is unsettling about the henry forward thing is the idea that it was a west to east conveyance. you also saw that at the university of arkansas law school. the not seize sent a young important rising star not seen lawyer to spend a year at the university of arkansas lawyers doing a study of american race law. they wanted to learn about how america could be seen as a paragon of democracy and a good guy country in the world while oh pressing african americans to the degree that we were while oppressing indigenous americans, native americans, and while conquering countries around the world and subjugating the people in those countries as subjects and not citizens. how is it that america looks good and their constitution says none of this is possible, but they're still doing it. they thought that was an excellent idea. [applause] and so they sent an azzi lawyer, heinrich cruger, to the university of arkansas, to do a deep study of racist american law and a way that you could have the 14th amendment and also jim crow. and also lynching. and they brought that. not the government production, they brought his report back to munich and berlin and they used it as the basis for discussion for writing the nuremberg laws to strip jews of their citizenship in germany. they learned some of that from us. and if you think that it's something in the german character that makes you susceptible to fascism, i invite you to spend time thinking about that antidote. it's very disturbing. it's very disturbing. >>lacing me? customize and save with liberty bibberty. he doesn't even have a mustache. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ hi, i'm jason. i've lost 228 pounds on golo. only pay for ♪hat you need. changing your habits is the only way that gets you to lose the weight. and golo is the plan that's going to help you do that. just take the first step, go to i was on a work trip when the pulmonary embolism happened. but because i have 23andme, i was aware of that gene. that saved my life. >> [applause] >> there has been headlines the last few days about vision being put together around people around donald trump. what a second term would look like and particularly staffing it and who the lawyers would be and what the lawyers would do and how the lawyers would approach their job. one of the things that i recognized in the last days, particularly in the trump administration, is that the rule of law, a grandiose an abstract term, is just as a kind of sociological fact what the sort of acculturation of a class of lawyers will or won't go for at a certain point. in reality, what it means is that when it is time to do the coup, which lawyers will be like, yes, and which will be like, no. and that's like a sociological fact, as opposed to an abstract fact about law. the law is no. you can't. but if you get people with bad enough faith and bad enough intentions and morally dubious enough and smart enough. >> smart enough is important. >> they can come up with ways to make a colorable argument that yes. we got lucky and so far as there were not, there were a few, but there were many more who didn't. but that idea that it comes down to that. which it sort of shows up in that fayetteville chapter, that everyone who's operating system, the jim crow in the south as lawyers know what they are doing, that really haunts me. it's what i think about the most when i read the stories about the 2025 project, about trump's plans, and about what ultimately the guardrail is that keeps us using democracy under the rule of law and not a dictatorship. >> to be clear, i should just say this, the book is called prequel not because of the bad guys but because of the good guys. [applause] only hitler's hitler. only not these are not. sees there is no modern analogy to germany under hitler and the 90s from 1933 to 1945. there isn't one. don't try to make. when the prequel, the people to sort of learn from here, the story that went before that feels like the antecedent to what we are in now, where the americans were fighting against the ultra right in this previous time, both in the government but also mostly outside of the government, people who were trying to outflank and expose them and hold them to account. i always feel like, i know it's obvious to everyone, but it's important to say. in terms of what's going on in contemporary terms, i've been thinking about this project 2025 stuff and i'm having another one of those moments, which you know me well enough to know happens all the time, which everybody sees it one way and i'm really stuck on a piece of it that i see differently, and i can't let it go. that's the insurrection act part of it. so this reporting in the washington post, last sunday, that trump, project 2025 plan involves invoking the insurrection act on the first day that he is sworn in for his next term. it keeps getting discussed as how crazy is it that trump wants to use the military against peaceful protesters? first of, all these protests are hypothetical. we don't know that they exist. also, there's nothing in them invoking the insurrection act that has anything to do with protest. if you on your first day in office give yourself the power to use the u.s. military against u.s. civilians on u.s. soil, if you think it matters whether there is a protest anywhere in the country, that day or any subsequent day -- [applause] it is the check of ian book loaded gun sitting in the first act of the play. it will be used by the end of the play and it is accruing power to himself in a way that, it's not like they'll do it for 12 hours and then give it back. the idea of the authoritarian project is to gather all power to the leader, both inside the government and outside the governments. you're not allowed to be a political opponent. jan also not allowed to be immediate critic. and you're also not allowed to be civics i.t. and that suffix is i.t. entails opposition or criticism of the leader. this is what fascism is. it may be a form of government that includes other sources of authority when leader takes over, but those other sources authority from the government will be either neutered or closed down. so the congress will not function, the fourth estate will no longer be free. civil society will not be allowed to do anything that is critical or in opposition. political potency will not be tolerant tolerated. ultimately minorities will be scapegoated. this is how these things go. to know that i will accrue all power to myself, i will unify civilian and military authority on day one, and have that be the announced plan, it just means that we're there. this is it. we're not in a hypothetical confrontation with a leader who promises authoritarian rule. we are in an explicit choice. >> the choice part is the part that i think a lot of people have a hard time with. it's something that appears in the book. fascism in both its italian and german forms and differently in spain actually because it functions a little differently there. but it's a popular movement. again, the hitler was elected, but it's the case that there is mass mobilization and tons of people in millions of people who are like, yes, we want this. there is a fascinating irony to. it it's a mass movement of grassroots supporters mobilizing in favor of what will ultimately be an authoritarian project that makes the civil society, that allows for mass movements, basically, to go away. i think a lot of people probably this room probably listening to this podcast or watching this, have a hard time being, like, how is this popular? how is this popular and why is this popular? i'm curious if you feel like you've got insights that you have drawn from this period of historical study. again, it's not precise apples to apples, but people wanting a charismatic leader who's going to fight for them and defend their purity or -- >> embody the nation. >> embody the nation against his enemies, foreign and domestic, that is, that has been a popular recipe. >> there's different kinds of authoritarians. fascism is a mass mobilization movement. that's also complex because one of the things that happens in fascist decidedly is it becomes impossible not to be part of the movement. so you may be an enthusiast. but if you're not you're probably gonna be out there wearing a badge and doing the saying. because you don't have any other choice. you create the illusion of unitary, of a unitary nation subject to and a fan of the great leader about who there's a cult of personality and you're not allowed to oppose. >> there's a line you quote, i don't think he long was a fascist but he was an authoritarian, he said you can get to a point where it looks like it's a democracy and it's not a democracy anymore because people are so happy with the leader. >> yeah. >> no one's complaining anymore because you just solved everything. [laughter] this was his line. why bother voting? we all agree. that was his line. louisiana as under hualong was routinely caused called a dictatorship. in court it was called bass. it was a defense, actually used by people who were put on file trial in federal court for having been part of his immensely corrupt graph schemes in louisiana. judges would say, like, well you weren't huey long, so you didn't have a choice in the matter. this is a dictatorship. you didn't have freewill therefore yes, you took the bribes, but you are kicking them up to him. it was accepted that he was a dictator. that's why fascist love the idea of huey long. that's confusing if we look at authoritarian authoritarianism as a conservative versus liberal thing, because lots of thing things about huey long look liberal. policy does not matter. it is about accruing all power to the leader. that's all that matters. and they'll say and do anything in order to get all the power, but then once they've got it, that's the point. >> there's a certain kind of specific visual grammar and language syntax and cadence to fascism or to broadly authoritarian movements, or popular leadership cults, and there's a picture of huey long, big portrait if you see it immediately like oh, i know exactly what this is. like, there's the big picture of the guy, and i feel that way about, to bring back to the contemporary, i feel that way about the use of the word vermin. >> yes. >> by trump this week. >> a trump this week in a speech to describe his political and domestic energy enemies. when you see that, and you know what you're looking. at when you hear a leader described the other people on the political spectrum as vermin, with like investing the, nation i just know what that is immediately. >> everybody knows what that is. and i think he knows what that is. >> yes. >> there's also something, there's a little bit of, i don't know what we should call, it a playground thing that he does in terms of his politics. do you remember where the idea of fake news came from, that phrase? that phrase was not donald trump's phrase. that was used to describe what was happening in russian information spaces, where they were writing legitimately fake made-up new stories and then siloing them into the u.s. news ecosystem through pro russian covert sources, and it was a legitimate thing. this thing didn't happen in montenegro, but russian propaganda sources wrote that it happened in montenegro and now there are rightly new sources in america where describing this thing that happened in montenegro that never happened in montenegro. it was a real thing. was part of what was going on with the russian disinformation influence and election interference after efforts in 2016. people are starting to figure it out that that was one of the weird things that was happening in our information universe in that election. and then trump adopted it and said all news is fake news. and so then you couldn't use that term anymore to describe this more technical thing which we had been previously describing. without a term to describe it, we then lost track of it. because then it became a thing that had a meaningless name. so you can't talk about that thing. so there's some of that. >> with what? >> the use of the word vermin. and with the way that he is now calling his enemies fascists. >> right. yes he, has started doing. that >> he has started calling you and me and everybody who's not team trump is a fascist, that he has to save the country from the fascists. and he's using this terminology which is overtly and obviously fascist callback language, and we have the people, yes, okay, but calling the internal enemy vermin and to be exterminated, he knows what he's doing. that will make everybody say wow, the most fascist things i ever heard, no, fascist, year the fascists. all his enemies are fascists. and then the word fascist doesn't mean anything anymore. and we don't have any word anymore to describe what this is that he's trying to get us to do. we [applause] so as he starts to advance what i think is a more overtly authoritarian project, watch for him to call everyone else an authoritarian and a tyrant. it's to rob those words of their function. >> there's, there are people in your book who want to be the next american hitler and don't have it in the. i don't remember morally, i just mean whatever the stuff is, the charisma, whatever it is, and i guess i, something that i was thinking about when reading your book, what is the saying? what is the thing that makes hualong successful in becoming huey long? what is the thing that makes trump successful in this particular kind of type, authoritarian populist demagogue, different people have tried it in different ways, it has a lot of commonalities in the rhetoric. some six feet in some don't. it feels alchemical to me. i can't tell you what it is because i can describe. i can understand basic dynamics. i understand blaming some small disfavored minority for the nations ills and the invigorating feeling of solidarity that comes from the nation's blood all coursing through the rally and all being directed at one place like a bunch of solar panels aimed at a water tower to boil everything together and i can get that and i can look at someone who is gifted and rhetoric and his presence and charisma, which is a percent to about him, but in the end if you ask me to, if i had the nba draft of fascists autocrats [laughter] and i was like running them through the paces, i don't know in the end what makes someone work for someone and not for someone else. >> this is a very unpopular opinion, but i do not believe that the leader matters. >> this is what i sort of thought. >> the movement matters. >> it's prior to, he backs into it at some level. >> you need a country that is looking for an authoritarian solution, and you need people who are willing to submit themselves to the authority of the person who says they deserve it. and so you've got, like, frankel was napoleon sized. hitler was a dork. mussolini was a journalist and a socialist. >> those were the worst things. >> those were the worst things in the world. >> [laughter] [applause] >> but not a big set up. there's one thing about these guys that's inherently, that transformed those countries against their will. those countries were subject to an anti democratic pro authoritarian movement that had skills, and the people were ready to do it. and so you end up with a huey long being very successful in the project that he was part of. the person who fdr most feared running against in 1936 was huey long. in 1935, as huey long was gearing up to start his presidential campaign, where he was gonna run against fdr, and fdr believe that if anyone could beat him it would be huey, in 1935, fdr was at the summer white house in hyde park new york, and he had summoned father coughlin to come talk to him about the fact that coughlin was clearly supporting he along. he believes it coughlin and long and long together would bring america to a fascist dictatorship in two years. ease of it was an unstoppable force. he was there to try to talk loughlin out of it and as coughlin was driving to fdr's house that day for that top hualong was assassinated. >> spoiler alert. >> [laughter] >> that was 1935 and that's the way things went. what huey long's power-wise, i think what was magic about him, was his unbridled appetite for power. >> right. >> the thing that he did was, yes, he paved road to the grave away free school textbooks and he was a spellbinding orator and he wore silk outfits and all sorts of things you could say about him. but really what he was a maestro of was power, that he never met the source of authority that he could not accrue to himself, and that was the saying that you need to be able to do to be able to lead a society in that direction well telling a people that they need to do it but they can only trust you with that their enemies are out to get them and you're not the only when they can protect them from those enemies. that's how it works. that's how it works. >> somedays, i cover up because of my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. now i feel free to bare my skin, thanks to skyrizi. ♪(uplifting music)♪ ♪nothing is everything♪ i'm celebrating my clearer skin... my way. with skyrizi, 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. in another study, most people had 90% clearer skin, even at 5 years. and skyrizi is just 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. thanks to clearer skin with skyrizi - this is my moment. there's nothing on my skin and that means everything! ♪nothing is everything♪ now's the time. ask your doctor about skyrizi, the #1 dermatologist-prescribed biologic in psoriasis. learn how abbvie could help 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question? >> yes. >> i make this joke when i talk about my job or i would say something along the lines of, and the staff here has heard this, it's now going on eight years of my one precious life dealing with thinking about this dude. >> [laughter] >> here we long? [laughter] >> [applause] >> obviously the world's smallest violin, i'm lucky to do what i do, and i love what i do. but there's an exhaustion factor. [applause] you guys feel that way too? but there's also those exhaustion but there's also you've got to be indefatigable because the movement on the other side seems indefatigable navigable. >> yes! >> and are you exhausted, as well? seriously, because people ask me all the time and i'm, like i feel for myself, i feel very like the stakes are incredibly high, when you said when we're looking at someone talking about doing this from day one, we are in it. i feel that way. i felt that way for much of this. that is animating. it gives me a sense of zeal and mission and energy. but also it's like sometimes i'm like -- i cannot. and so i just balance those two but i'm curious as to how you do it. >> one thing you and i have talked about over beers, one of the things that is the privilege and pleasure of our job, maybe not up for leisure, a privilege, is that you're here and you watch msnbc -- >> [applause] >> you're thinking about this stuff all the time. you're consuming the news all the time you're thinking about our country and you're worrying about the worst people in america and what they might do next. all the time. we all are. and then to have to do all that and go do your jobs. chris and i are doing all that, but then our jobs is processing it. so it's therapy. we are all being put through the same ringer. but chris and i get to do our daily jobs talking about the stuff. that is a great privilege. to that end, part of my big jobs has also been writing this book and doing other projects like it. i'm mark working on ultra season too. >> [applause] >> very exciting. and what is energizing to me about that is, again, the good guys. you think that the bad guys in this are obscure, and most of them are, coughlin, and forward, and long, but the really obscure people are the good guys, the americans who, the beleaguered secretary who is working for this minnesota senator and was such a freaking creep every time she gets paid by the senate she has to hand back half of her salary to him in cash. that's how much power she had in the workplace. and yes, she went to the fbi and she told the fbi. >> [applause] >> water senator boss was doing with a well-known azzi agent. she didn't sign up for the marines trying to be a paratrooper somewhere. she was somebody who was not in a powerful position at all and she did something that was really important for her country. i am very enthused to learn her story. i'm very enthused to learn about the guy who was like this really milquetoast normal middle of the road guy who's fields of expertise was direct mail advertising and yet, when you son came home from his first semester of college and was like, dad, i'm getting all this propaganda, this anti-semitic pro german pro veggies and propaganda at school. it's really freaking me out, i don't know what to do with it. he was like, well, i do happen to have an area of expertise that relates to stuff being sent in the mail. and he applied his random area of expertise to becoming a one-man expository journalist and investigator to find out and to literally document for the good of the country a multi million dollar covert propaganda campaign that the germans were running through 24 congressional offices and multiple front organizations all over the country. and he exposed it. he was an ad man. a random civilian who did this. i'm so energized by stories like that. who's gonna be that secretary? who's going to be that ad man? who's gonna be the guy working for the atl in southern california running a spy ring on his fellow world war i veterans? >> disguise amazing. >> because they notice that german groups in los angeles we are starting to have hitler youth summer camps and they were worried about that. who are the heroes among us today who didn't sign up to be heroes but heroisms is coming to their door? >> [applause] >> i am energized. i'm energized but i also feel like for all of us being a 250-year-old democracy is hard. there aren't very many. the seeds of anti-democratic projects in authoritarian projects are within the heart of every person who lives in a democracy because democracy, like you were saying at the outset, chris, is about us all deciding something together, us as equals, with our rights and our sacred lives given to us by almighty god, equal before one another, can decide together how we will be governed, and that is a beautiful thing unless you think that some of the people who are in your polity with you shouldn't have a say because they're creeps. and who among us has not felt that way? >> it is not an evil thing to think, that, actually, i have a better idea than you, you shouldn't get a say. that's natural. a small d democrats, we need to be committed to the idea that this is a better system of government than others, for all of its flaws. the great, tactical disadvantage, for those of us who fight for democracy is not fighting for democracy is democracy. you must use democratic means to defeat anti-democratic forces. this can seem like fighting with one hand tied behind your back. you are either a democrat, or you are not. it's hard. it's hard. you have to do it. hey, you should try new robitussin honey medi-soothers for long-lasting cough and sore throat relief. try new robitussin lozenges with real medicine and find your voice. you know? we really need to work on your people skills. when moderate to severe ulcerative colitis takes you off course. put it in check with rinvoq, a once-daily pill. when i wanted to see results fast, rinvoq delivered rapid symptom relief and helped leave bathroom urgency behind. check. when uc tried to slow me down... i got lasting, steroid-free remission with rinvoq. check. and when uc caused damage rinvoq came through by visibly repairing my colon lining. check. rapid symptom relief... lasting steroid-free remission... ...and the chance to visibly repair the colon lining. check, check, and check. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin cancer; death, heart attack, stroke, and tears in the stomach or intestines occurred. people 50 and older with at least 1 heart disease risk factor have higher risks. don't take if allergic to rinvoq as serious reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. put uc in check and keep it there with rinvoq. ask your gastroenterologist about rinvoq and learn how abbvie can help you save. hmmm... ask your gastroenterologist about rinvoq can this be more, squiggly? 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[steve] we met online about 10 years ago. as i got older, my hearing was not so good so i got hearing aids. my vision was not as good as it used to be, got a change in prescription. but the this missing was my memory. i saw a prevagen commercial and i thought, "that makes sense." i just didn't have to work so hard to remember things. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. folks in the audience, and that perfectly segues to this, which is going to angela and stanford connecticut. she says, and i like this question, i don't know if you're like this your whole life, but how do you handle close friends, or family, or others, who have extreme, or, different political views? asking for a friend. >> i live in rural, western massachusetts. living in rural, western, new england, dirt road new england, has a lot of things about it. now, we have the internet. that's new. it's really made things a lot better. one of the things that i think, as a kid who grew up in the suburbs, who's lived in cities my whole life, i've lived there for the last 20 years, one of the things that it has taught me is that politics is only one thing, in any one person's life even for those who are committed. news junkies, political activists, working for political parties, or an elected official themselves, a bear is getting into their trash. they, also are afraid of them -- >> a lot of heartbreak. >> they are taking care of their elderly parents, who they didn't expect to be taken care of at this point in their life, they have both kids, and parents, and they are the responsible family member. they have another family member who is in recovery, who they are so hopeful for, but so scared for. there is, i believe, something very important that you can do in your non political life, that will improve your political life. to have personal relationships with people, face to face. things that are about everything besides politics. it is hard to do, post covid, even harder, but do you have a book club? do you, maybe, want to start a club? it could be over zoom. do you have a neighbor who lives alone? who wants to come to thanksgiving? do you want to be part of a civic group was working on a local pipeline that is coming to your town? do you want to volunteer at the vets hospital? something that connects you to the immediate era, which isn't about finding consensus about what happens in the 2024 election is good for your community, it is good for your soul, and being able to look at other people, in the eye, and recognize each other's human? it. . i have another one, this is from pat and pennsylvania. this is completely, out of the blue, and i don't think a single person in this audience has given this any thought, but alaskan anyway. >> nicely done. >> what do you think of the latest polls -- >> whether they show biden and trump neck and neck? >> i don't know, ask president romney. i don't know. you are actually much better reading polls than i am. no, you are, you are much better, your more subtle. i look at them and say -- i feel like polls, in my adult lifetime, our garbage. . except, occasionally, they are right. so, yes, you can spend your time worrying about polls, or you can work as hard as possible, for the candidate you want to win. i sometimes, there are interesting cross tabs information. a specific group of people, who used to think about your chosen candidate, now thinking about this about that person. okay, that may be helpful in terms of the way you may want to work for your candidate. but, the point of them, especially for us as a public, for people who are not political professionals, they tell you what work needs to be done. calibrate your level of political involvement to match, exactly, your anxiety about the polls. if you are freaked out about it, do something. do something with other people. you will be better for it, and you will be more resilient, and in difficult times ahead. this is from debbie in north carolina. i think i may have met debbie before the show, who came here, from there today. this is a trade craft question that, i, also, have. having watched you closely for years. how do you come up with such amazing topics that start-up seemingly totally random, drive a stake through the heart of a relevant event? >> it is that meteor thing. i think -- >> how? how? get down to brass tacks. process. where does the seed show of a random anecdote that is the start of the thing? are you reading all the time? do you follow some -- what is it? >> in general, it's good to read all the time. in our business, if there is one thing i could impart on you bergeron, we'll, if you are a female person coming to this, first of all, never show your emotions, no one ever understands. otherwise, male or female -- still true, hello. in general, for everybody, read beyond the assigned to reading. whatever the assigned reading is what's going on the news cycle, read beyond it. you never know what will be redevelopment. read stuff that interests you, that is nonfiction, that is journalism, that is history, that is academic work that interests you. you never know when it will be relevant, and when it will be a helpful contribution. just in general. so, the way it works, on a day-to-day basis, is there something going on that is interested in, that i'm confused by, or wants to understand better. i just keep looking stuff about it, until i find something that interests me. then, i teach myself that thing, and then teach other people that thing. again, your mileage may vary. my storytelling style doesn't work for everybody. if you do not mind coming around on the journey that i'm on, i really do believe that, over the course of one conversation, you can get to a graduate school level of complexity with anybody, so long as you are willing to start together, in kindergarten. that is why some people don't like that i repeat things, that i will restate, luke, bakary state, lou, back restate. some people find that very frustrating. i heard you the seven-time, i didn't need at the 17th. that is because we are starting here, and going here. i need to ensure that we are all there, every step. the weird or the topic, the more unfamiliar the proper nouns are, i think the more that you have to pay attention to the way you tell the story. by the time we get to the point of it, it's like, oh, it comes together, i've got it. my shorthand for myself is that by the time we get to the end of the story, i want you to be able to tell it to well enough that you could tell someone else. i want you to get, it so you can tell my story. that's what i'm trying to do. what are changes you have made to your method in process, and in final versions over the course of the long career you have had doing this? >> the a block is getting longer. that if you represent one of our advertisers, i'm particularly sorry. it is a real consequence. like i said, i do have this one gear brain. i don't think that i have changed very much, in terms of the way i think about the news. i tried, for a while, to pay attention to the visual elements on the screen while i'm talking, but it didn't work, so i gave up. that was my big try, my big effort, to notice what is happening. >> i feel like you are very involved in the production. >> yes, but i don't look at it while i'm talking. >> oh yes, you can't look while you are talking. you were looking while you are talking? >> i am unaware of -- i will choose what elements i want there to be, but i don't know when they're on the screen, and i don't speak to them, or know what you are looking at. theo's nose was cause for alarm, so dad brought puffs plus lotion to save it from harm. puffs has 50% more lotion and brings soothing relief. don't get burned by winter nose. a nose in need deserves puffs indeed. america's #1 lotion tissue. i have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. thanks to skyrizi i'm playing with clearer skin. 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. and skyrizi is just 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine, or plan to. with skyrizi, nothing on my skin means everything! ♪ nothing is everything ♪ ask your dermatologist about skyrizi. learn how abbvie could help you save. 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[applause] you cannot build from a position of despair, and feeling powerless. you need to have people you can call. not just because they are on your side, but because you know them, and they know you, and you are americans, together, in a difficult moment. we need that kind of resilience, for all of us. they start a book club. >> rachel maddow, ladies and gentlemen. 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Traits , Tendency , Technology , Outgrowth , Nature , Media , Somebody , Lie , Accelerant , Pilots , Celebrity Pilot , Kardashians , Travis Kelces , Celebrities , Amelia Earhart , Pilot , Eighth Cousin , Laura Ingalls , Little House On The Prairie , Wait , Pamphlets , Airplane , Gestapo , Pay , New York Times , Times Machine , Nazis , Roll , Stipend , Time Machine , Articles , Subscription , Turns , Limit , Bar , Otime , 4 , 00 , It , Nazi Aviatrix , Cut Off , Newspaper , Article , Number , Speeding Ticket , Parking Ticket , 1934 , 1935 , Surgeon , Fliers , Laughing Gas , Views , Swastika Necklace , Level , Fame , Devil , Dare , Henry Ford , Strokes , Workers , Means , Assembly Line Production , Factory Method , Wage , Costs , Brilliant Industrialist , Sentences , Anti Semite , Sentence , Two , Subject , Reencounter , Order , Reverse , Anti Semitism , Bio , Vice , Holidays , Ring , Black Friday , Ring Cameras , Ring Com , Holiday Magic , Golo , Aidyl , 90 , Weight Loss , Weight Gain , Oyo , 50 , 30 , Weight , Time , Closet , Golo Com , Sizes , Forever , Announcer , Industrialists , Rank , Office , Friends , Interviews , Anybody , Newspaper Reporters , Tirades , Dinners , Chats , Close Business Cohorts , Evil , Use , Camping Trips , Brass , Diary , Engineers , Model T Automobile , Nuremberg Laws To Strip Jews , Job , Brass A , Conspiracy , More , Motion Pictures , Advent , Popular Music , Sliver , Stockholders , Profits , Federal Reserve Bank , Baseball , Phone , Addition , Fortune , Uncle , Crazy , Dearborn Independent , Twitter , Paper , Big Money Loser In The Beginning , Readers , Attacks , Senate , Song , Harangues , 1918 , Election , Veteran , Berry , Newspaper Wars , Staffers , English , Sensationalism , The Answer , Translation , Unbidden , Pamphlet , Toppling , Rabidly Anti Semitic Russian Fabulists , Bolshevik , Top Secret Meeting , Puppet Masters , Plot , Product , Protocol , Schemers , Innings , Surreptitious Note Taker , Note Taker , Meeting , Strategy , Fiction , Bore , Series , Alacrity , 92 , Jew , Problem , Music , Headlines , Perils , Jazz , Onmusic , Publication , Dealerships , Pages , Book Form , The International Jew , Essays , Volumes , Protocols , Make Believe , Middle , Pause , 1921 , Eedition , Editions , Seat , Front , Saw , Most , Contributions , Attack , Prolific , Ideas , Propagandist , Hands , 1925 , Name , Passages , Masters , Stock Exchange , Cities , Producers , Independence , Run , Fury , Shock Troops , 120 Million , Reporter , President , Headquarters , Nazi Party , Detroit , Public Eye , Munich , 1931 , 1924 , December 1931 , Of A Very Famous American , Desk , Inspiration , Woman , Troubles , Hesitation , Point Blank , Style , Back To The Future , Option , Comfort , Bombas , Holiday Sale , Quality , Visit Bombas Com , Pulmonary Embolism , Gene , 23andme , 23 , Heart , Hearts , Ekg , Anywhere , Fingers , Pads , Kardiamobile , Stroke , Loved One , Deal , Causes , Atrial Fibrillation , Price , Kardia Com , Amazon , 69 , 9 , Socks , Underwear , Good , Need , T Shirts , Passage , Breath , Go Out , Production , Place , Notion , Places , Cases , European , Forward , Henry , West , University Of Arkansas Law School , Rising Star , East Conveyance , Lawyers , Law , Lawyer , Paragon , Native Americans , Oppressing Indigenous Americans , Degree , Constitution , Azzi Lawyer , Subjects , Lynching , Jim Crow , Heinrich Cruger , 14th Amendment , 14 , Basis , Citizenship , Discussion , Antidote , Character , Lacing Me , Save , Mustache , Liberty Bibberty , Hat , Jason , 228 , Plan , Step , Habits , Donald Trump , Rule Of Law , Administration , Reality , Class , Acculturation , Won T Go For , Coup , Intentions , Faith , Enough , Few , Shows , Operating System , South , Chapter , Fayetteville , 2025 , Dictatorship , Plans , Guardrail , Guys , Germany Under Hitler , Analogy , American Hitler , The Good Guys , Learn , There Isn T One , Feels , Antecedent , 1933 , 1945 , Fighting , What S Going On , Contemporary Terms , Last Sunday , Insurrection Act , Washington Post , Military , Protesters , Of , Protests , Protest , Check , Civilians , Protest Anywhere , Ian Book Loaded Gun Sitting In The First Act , Play , Power , The End , Accruing , Governments , Opponent , Both , Criticism , Suffix , Civics I T , Fourth Estate , Civil Society , Minorities , Potency , Scapegoated , Day One , Choice , This Is It , Rule , Confrontation , Mobilization , Tons , Spain , Millions , Irony , Favor , Grassroots , Supporters , Insights , Popular , Being , Apples , Purity , Enemies , Kinds , Authoritarians , Mass Mobilization Movement , Recipe , Saying , Badge , Enthusiast , Illusion , Great Leader , Personality , Unitary , Cult , Line You Quote , Fan , Democracy , No One , Authoritarian , Line , Louisiana , Hualong , Graph Schemes , Defense , Bass , File Trial In Federal Court , Bribes , Well You Weren T , Freewill , Judges , Fascist , Authoritarianism , Conservative , Dictator , Lots , Huey Long Look Liberal , Policy , Matters , Grammar , Language , Leadership Cults , Syntax , Cadence , The Big Picture , Vermin , Energy , Contemporary , Speech , Spectrum , Playground Thing , Phrase , Fake News , Russian , Writing , Information Spaces , Ecosystem , Montenegro , Propaganda Sources , Interference , Information Universe , Influence , Disinformation , 2016 , 2016 People , Fascists , Track , Terminology , You And Me , Enemy Vermin , Callback , Exterminated , Fascist Doesn T , Tyrant , Function , Charisma , Type , Commonalities , Populist Demagogue , Pills , Nations , Feet , Dynamics , Disfavored , Six , Coursing , Feeling , Blood , Solar Panels , Solidarity , Water Tower , Someone , Presence , Draft , Fascists Autocrats , Nba , Someone Else , In The End , Paces , Solution , Journalist , Dork , Frankel , Napoleon , Set Up , Socialist , Democratic , Pro , Will , Against , 1936 , Campaign , Anyone , Gonna Run , Hyde Park , Force , Driving , Release , Loughlin Out Of It , Spoiler Alert , Magic , Appetite , Sorts , Road , Grave , Free School Textbooks , Orator , Outfits , Maestro Of , Direction , Skin , Skyrizi , Plaque Psoriasis , Moderate , Somedays , 3 , Vaccine , Starter Doses , 2 , Psoriasis , 1 , Ink Business , Products , Borders , Breakthroughs , Premier , Coffee Grinder , Genius , Beans , Smarter , Sam , Cash , Purchases , Ink Business Premier Card , Breakthrough Card , Spending Potential , Chase For Business , 02 5 , 000 , 5000 , Cleaning Tool , Mop , Swiffer Powermop , Bucket , Dirt Away , Swivel Head , Cleaning Pad , Scrubbing , Hundreds , 360 , Lines , Joke , Staff , Dude , Eight , Exhaustion Factor , Violin , Exhaustion , Indefatigable Navigable , Animating , Stakes , Zeal , Mission , Privilege , Beers , Leisure , Pleasure , Jobs , Chris , Ringer , Therapy , Put , Projects , End , Mark Working On Ultra Season , Secretary , Senator , The Americans , Creep , Minnesota , Workplace , Boss , Salary , Water , Fbi , Position , Somewhere , Paratrooper , Marines , Mail , Advertising , Fields , Middle Of The Road , You Son , Dad , School , College , Semester , Veggies , Area , Offices , Investigator , Organizations , 24 , Gonna , Civilian , Spy Ring , Guy Working For The Atl In Southern California Running A , Summer Camps , Veterans , Didn T Sign , Los Angeles , Hitler Youth , All Of Us , Heroisms , Door , There Aren T , Many , Seeds , 250 Year Old , 250 , Lives , Equals , Outset , Almighty God , Say , You Shouldn T , Another , Polity , Flaws , Disadvantage , Hand , Back , Relief , Cough , Medicine , Soothers , Sore Throat , Honey Medi , Robitussin Lozenges , Robitussin , Voice , People Skills , Rinvoq , Damage Rinvoq , Course , Symptom Relief , Results , Ulcerative Colitis , Uc , Colon Lining , Remission , Urgency , Leave Bathroom , Chance , Heart Attack , Death , Cancers , Skin Cancer , Lymphoma , Blood Clots , Fatal , Tb , Intestines , Heart Disease Risk Factor , Risks , Tears , Stomach , Gastroenterologist , Abbvie , Squiggly , Event , Sign , Click , Pen , All Electric Id 4 , Driver S License , Volkswagen , 2023 , Lea , A Retired School Counselor , Questions , Signing , Inventory , Deposit , Payment , Art Teacher , Zero Down , Steve , North Pole , Alaska , Zero , Prescription , Vision , Prevagen , Hearing , Missing , Memory , Change , Hearing Aids , Stores , Audience , Folks , Stanford , Connecticut , Western Massachusetts , Rural , Living , New England , Dirt Road , Kid , Suburbs , Activists , Political Parties , News Junkies , Care , Bear , Heartbreak , Trash , Family Member , Parents , Recovery , Kids , Relationships , Covid , Face To , Neighbor , Book Club , Club , Zoom , Pipeline , Town , Isn T About Finding Consensus , Civic Group , Vets Hospital , Each Other , Community , Soul , Human , 2024 , Out Of The Blue , Pat , Pennsylvania , Polls , Neck , Romney , I Don T Know , Mask , Reading , Adult , Garbage , Candidate , Cross Tabs Information , Professionals , Involvement , Match , Anxiety , Times , Resilient , Debbie , North Carolina , Topics , Stake , Trade Craft Question , Seed Show , Meteor Thing , Brass Tacks , General , Start , Business , Anecdote , Female , You Bergeron , Emotions , Whatever , News Cycle , Contribution , Nonfiction , Redevelopment , In , Journey , Conversation , Mileage , Kindergarten , Complexity , Graduate School Level , Bakary State , Luke , Lou , Seven , 17 , Nouns , Shorthand , Changes , Block , Career , Method , Consequence , Advertisers , Elements , Screen , I M Talking , It Didn T Work , Gear Brain , Effort , Try , Nose , Alarm , Theo , Lotion , Puffs , Harm , Lotion Tissue , Winter Nose , Puffs Plus , Dermatologist , Family Heritage , Ancestry , Gift , Writers , Network , Startup , Businesses , Technologies , Help , Airline , Innovation Labs , 160 , Communities , Information , Architects , Bank , Final , Gnome , Sensor , Record , Phillies , Guys Don T , Fishing , Work Flow , Schedule , Compartmentalization Purposes , Nine , 01 , Switch , Evening , Rest , Mondays , Millers , Bad , Last Question , Hawaii , Friday Night Cocktail Moments , Proof , 80 , Cocktails , Wine , Glass , Connections , Audiences , Book Tour , Baggage , Family Members , Concerns , Civil Civic Life , Lifetime , Despair , Resilience , Americans , Ladies And Gentlemen , Control , Crohn , Feel , Bowel Movements , Damage , Abdominal Pain , Majority , Intestinal Lining , Il 23 , Liver Problems , Crohn S Disease , Crohn S , Postal Service , Member Card , Ucard , Deliveries , Holiday Joy , Unitedhealthcare , Medicare Advantage , United States Postal Service , Doors , Pharmacy , National Provider Network , Huh That , Cheese , Dentist , Smile , Yep ,

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