Transcripts For MSNBCW The 20240704 :

Transcripts For MSNBCW The 20240704

special prosecutor jack smith's investigators asked gradually witnesses in washington d. c. how drunk rudolph giuliani was when he was advising donald trump? it is a crucial, legal question for the trump defense team who have already said they intend to use and advice of counsel defense blaming everything donald trump did on the advice he got from lawyers including the one who, to me, looked and sounded drunk every time he spoke publicly about the presidential election in 2020, and on january 6th. we will discuss the finer legal points of drunk legal advice later in this hour, after we begin with a sober assessment of the breaking legal news of the day in georgia. at 2 pm today, federal judge steve c. jones issued an order to both sides of the case after hearing a full day of testimony yesterday, and defended mark meadows motion to move his criminal trial from fulton county courthouse, in georgia, to the federal district court, in georgia. judge jones ordered fulton county district attorney fani willis and mark meadows criminal defense lawyers to each file a brief by 5 pm on thursday, answering exactly one question that the judge has after that hearing. would a finding that at least one, but not all, of the overt acts charged occurred under the color of meadows's office, be sufficient for federal removal of a criminal prosecution? we will get the answer to that question in a moment from our legal experts. less than an hour after the federal judge issued that order, district attorney fani willis filed a motion asking georgia state court judge, scott mcafee, to clarify's ruling, granting defended kenneth chesebro's motion for a speedy trial. district attorney willis said, the state of georgia respectfully six clarification from the court as to whether the courts intention was to sever defended chesebro's trial from the other defendants further if the courts intention indeed was to sever defined chesebro's trial from the defendants because defended chesebro has not filed a motion to sever, and because the court has filed no hearing on a motion to sever, the state of georgia respectfully requests that the court set aside its scheduling audit to the extent that the order states at this time these deadlines do not apply to any codefendant. the state of georgia for the respectfully requests that the court set a deadline for any defendant wishing to file a motion to sever, allow the parties, including the state of georgia, sufficient time to brief the severance issue. the state maintains its position that severance is improper at this juncture, and all defendants should be tried together. judge mcafee has scheduled the speedy trial for defendant chesebro for october 23rd last then two months from tonight. defendant sydney powell, one of the eight lawyers who are criminal defendants in the case, as also filed a motion requesting a speedy trial. leading off our discussion tonight is gglenn kirschner, former federal prosecutor, and the host of the justice matters podcast. he's an msnbc legal analyst. also with us, amy lee copeland, criminal defense attorney and former georgia federal prosecutor. glenn, let's go to what's happening in the federal court with judge jones asking that one seemingly simple question. that is, if one of the things that mark meadows is accused of, just one piece of what he's accused of, if one of those was done under the so-called color of his job, does that mean the mark meadows case must be removed to federal court? what is your answer, if you have one -- it looks like it requires some study to get a real answer to that. what is your answer as of tonight to that question? >> so, lawrence, the only definitive answer is we don't know. here is why i say that. the judge would not have posed the question if there was controlling authority. in other words, if there was an appellate court that had wrestled with this previously, had authored an opinion because then the judge wouldn't have to ask the question. the judge might do, what i've had judges do to me, you know, mr. kershner, defense attorney, i have some questions about this one case that seems to support what the defense is seeking to do -- remove his trial from state court to federal court. i would like the parties to weigh in on whether this is controlling president. for example, the judge didn't say that. the judge basically said, i don't know the answer to this. i am asking both parties to brief it up. there are two ominous parts of the same sentence, lawrence, as i read this order. the one ominous part is when judge jones says, what if one but not all of the acts fall within the scope of mark meadows official duties? i think we could draw a reasonable inference so we could tease out of that, that the judge may already have concluded that any number of acts charged against mark meadows are well beyond the scope of his official duties. second word that i think is a bad word for mark meadows, is he said, if i do find one act was within the scope of mark meadows official duties, is that sufficient for me to transfer the case from state court to federal court? not, am i required to do it, but does it give me the discretion as to whether i want to do it or not. i don't think there's a good read on this note for mark meadows, but i do think the judge's decision is still unwritten. it is still an open question. >> just to go over the language of the law on removing a case like this, it says it can be removed for any officer of the united states, in an official or individual capacity for or relating to any act under color of such office. amy lee copeland, i'm looking at that phrase, or relating to any act. so, it seems like there's some real hope for mark meadows in the language of this stature. >> lawrence, it's a low standard. he has to show it's more likely than not these three things are true, that he's a federal officer, he was acting in connection with that office, and he raises a colorful, federal defense. when i was in law school 31 years ago, i had a law professor that said, all the time, when you ask or anything, she would say, i don't know. it used to frustrate me to know and that having practiced as long as i have, a lot of questions are answered simply with, i don't know. i applaud judge jones for essentially saying in an order he doesn't know, and he wants some clarity about it. i will tell you, in civil matters, apparently, there is some case law out of other areas that says, if one claim is removable, then all claims are removable. that doesn't really seem to apply to federal cases. it may all depend on the difference between an overt act, a criminal act, towards the finish line, not necessarily criminal, and a racketeering act, which is the meat and potatoes of reclaim, which is -- we -- and what [inaudible] >> glenn, there is reason for mark meadows lawyers to be helpful. here is a judge raising this question of, is one sufficient? they will clearly argue that one is sufficient, then they will go to the indictment and tried to pick out the one, the incident in the indictment that they say is arguably something he did in the regular course of his job, therefore, because there is one there they can point to, then this definitely should be moved to federal court. >> yeah, but i think there's a fundamental challenge for mark meadows here, and for judge jones. it seems like he is struggling in earnest to make sure he makes, not only the right decision, but a fully support-able decision. one way or another, it is likely to get appealed. he's getting his ducks in a row by asking the parties for input on this question of law. here's what i see is the fundamental challenge. let's assume half a dozen things mark meadows is accused of doing and that rico indictment handed down by fani willis, that it can be viewed as within the scope of his official duties as chief of staff, but let's assume six others are not, and let me use the hypothetical to drive the point home. let's assume donald trump asked him to go out to shoot somebody on fifth avenue, and he did it. nobody could argue that is within the scope of his official duties as the chief of staff, even if a number of the other overt acts were within the scope. what does that mean? it means i would assume, because i don't know the precise answer, that, maybe, the entire case does get transferred to federal court. it certainly doesn't get dismissed. it gets tried in federal court, and based on the available evidence, it looks like a conviction is the likely result. >> amy lee copeland, it does seem mark meadows will want -- if this decision goes against him, he will want to appeal it. >> i think you are absolutely right about that, lawrence. give him some time, if nothing else, and if it's against him, he has every reason in the world to want to appeal it. whether or not it's an appealable order is a good guess. i would think that it's conclusively determining the issue, and it would affect his rights, and in that way it could go up in what's called an interlocutory or intermediate appeal. >> i'm really copeland, we need your georgia expertise to untangle what is going on in the speedy trial situation, which suddenly just became, maybe, not so speedy. district attorney willis saying, to the judge, wait a minute, you have, in effect, with your scheduling order for one trial, for one defendant, severed that defendant without there being a motion to sever. district attorney willis is saying, we have to all get back together in court and talk about this. >> that's exactly what she is saying. the statute does give the judge the discretion to sever it, as long as he's not violating the law, or making it a fact, he has the discussion to separate. notice in the hearing, the hallmarks of a legal system. that's what i think miss willis is saying. we want to be heard on this before you do it. mr. chesebro as filed a demand for a speedy trial. under georgia statute, if he isn't -- the trial hasn't begun before the end of the term of court, which here, i think, is november the 6th, he would be entitled to an acquittal. regardless of what happens, because mr. chesebro has made this demand, it looks like he is going to have to have a trial within the next two months. >> glenn, it sounds like distributor any willis wants to get some organization here on the question of how many people are going to be in the speedy trial? there's another defendant now asking for a speedy trial. district attorney willis is saying, as of now, i want all of the defendants in the speedy trial. she is asking the judge to think about two things at once, a speedy trial and severance, and, therefore, if you are going to sever, create a deadline for motions to sever so we can get donald trump's motion to sever. everyone else's motion to sever in the court, considered at the same time. >> yeah, and i agree that the judge has not really taken up the question of whether severance on the facts and the law is warranted. what he has done, assuming he sticks with his order that chesebro and, presumably, powell, now that she has demanded a speedy trial, will go to trial in october. it's what i would call a de facto severance. i will tell you, lawrence, i continue to be impressed by district attorney fani willis who proves time and again that she doesn't even own a pair of kid gloves. she said, i am prepared to go to trial against 19 codefendants. i don't know if she's going to hold it in a stadium, i do know that having handled large-scale r. i. c. o. trials in the courts of washington, d. c. , u. s. marshals always told us, six defendants is the limit. that is the most we can provide courtroom security for. we had to batch our defendants together. we did three r. i. c. o. trials against six defendants, and one defendant. pros and cons for the defendants who go first, and defended to go second or third. i can't wait to see if a 19 codefendant trial actually happens, what that is going to look like. >> amy lee copeland, i think we have strong doubts about seeing that version of the trial down there. it also strikes me as district ernie willis saying to the judge, not so fast. let's keep everything organized here. i think distracted tierney willis acknowledges the possibility of severance and speedy trial for some of the severed defendants. let's get it all right. let's find out right now everyone who wants to be severed, and anyone who doesn't. >> that's right. it was a very polite way of saying, excuse me, i need to be heard on this. this is a relatively new job. she's been out of law school for ten years. he knows what he's doing, but i think she wants to make a record, lawrence. she wants to be heard on this. she wants to make sure that he understands what usually it takes to sever defendants, and what this consequences are. as somebody who thinks the legal branch is the most transparent of the three branches of government, you know, i'm glad were having this discussion publicly, not in a courtroom, where it will be televised and the public could see what's going on. >> glenn, speaking of severing, if mark meadows gets moved to federal court, who else does? >> i think, potentially, other federal officers may go. i don't think the alternate electors will go because they're not federal officers. i don't think donald trump's lawyers will go because they may make an argument that they were working for a federal officer. it doesn't magically convert them into federal officers. so, it could be jeffrey clark, for example, because he was a doj official, maxima federal officer. i think his claim is probably far less robust than mark meadows claim. he really is somebody who's seen to have so far exceeded the scope of his official duties by corrupting and weaponizing the department of justice, and interfering in a state election. you know, once we get a decision in the mark meadows case, then you are going to see other defendants lineup to try and take their shot. >> amy lee copeland, i had my doubts about anyone who wasn't a federal employee being covered by this removal statute until i read it today. what it refers to, any officer, any officer of the united states, any officer, in parentheses, or any person acting under that officer, and we already have these fake electors saying, i was acting under donald trump, people in this case who have no federal employment affiliation who were saying they were acting under the direction of federal officers. >> that's what they are saying in their motions. i read mr. stills motioned the most carefully. what he says as he walked into a room, in the georgia state house, sitting there were attorneys, and attorneys told him that this was all perfectly legitimate. what i think is really interesting in this case, there were a total of 16 fake electors. four of whom walked out, i think, and i'm getting this, lawrence, from a filing in october of 2020, two in a special purpose grand jury. there were a number of people who remained. 12 people remained, only three of those fake electors when [inaudible] so i'm curious how the evidence is going to take out to them. yes, they are saying, we thought we were acting under the direction of the president of the united states. with them [inaudible] my gut is they get their cases removed because they were acting for candidate trump as opposed to the office of the president of the united states. that is where the rope is going to meet the road on that. >> we will see. emily copeland, and glenn kirschner, thank you for starting us off. i appreciate it. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> coming up, donald trump is the first former president to face criminal prosecution only because richard nixon was pardoned instead of indicted after he resigned the presidency, partially because of the pulitzer prize-winning reporting of our next guest, the washington post's bob woodward. bob woodward's unique perspective on the united states of america versus donald trump's next. rsv is in for a surprise. meet arexvy. 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>> i think, lawrence, this is the most important case. there are only four charges. all the others have more counts, but there are only four counts in this. if you look at the indictment, it is all, the first 42 pages are built around that law of attempting or actually subverting a lawful function of government. of course, that lawful function of government is certifying who is the next president. even people who like trump, or don't like trump, yes, let's certify, let's decide who the next president is, and in this indictment, jack smith, and the grand jury have said, hey, look, the standard here, according to what you read, is dishonesty. much easier concept to understand for a jury. dishonesty versus conspiracy, or obstruction, which can wind up being a little bit abstract, and then you read through the indictment, and it is stunning. let's say trump decides, as he is entitled, to not take the stand. they've got all this testimony from ten key people saying, not just that they disagree with what trump said, about overturning the election, but they specifically told him, and that includes pence, the attorney general bill barr, and it includes pat cipollone, the white house counsel, and seven other people, and you go through the governor of arizona, the governor of michigan, sitting court justice in wisconsin. a jury can sit here and say, oh, this is what trump says. here is sworn testimony from ten people saying, oh, now, i told him that is wrong. the prima facie case of dishonesty we'll be right there for the jury to see. >> i agree with you that first charge is the simplest and clearest thing that donald trump is accused of. i want to read, for the audience, how it was presented. the second or third page of the indictment, it says, from honor about november 14th, 2020, through honor about january 20th, 2021, the district of columbia, and elsewhere, the defendant, donald j trump, did, knowingly, combine conspire, confederate, and agree with coconspirators known and unknown to the gradually to defraud the united states by using dishonesty, fraud, and deceit, to impair, obstruct, and defeat the lawful, federal government functioned by which the results of presidential election are collected, counted, and certified by the federal government. what is so powerful about that, as a criminal charge, is we all watched most of that happen, most of it was happening, in many ways, out in the open. >> it was very public, and, also, the role of pence here is absolutely critical. he did what the constitution, and electoral count act said. he is agonized over it, he has been criticized. in the book, bob costa and i did peril. we describe additional pressure on pence, and here is donald trump telling him in that period before january 6th, that day, or the day before, i don't want to be your friend anymore if you don't do this. in other words, not certify biden as the next president. you lack courage. you have betrayed us. i made you. you were nothing. your career is over. so, now, put yourself in the role of a juror here. you see pence beleaguered, beat up, told by his boss, you know, i made you. i am not going to be your friend anymore. you are betraying me. clearly, it will be very easy for the prosecutors in this case to show what is in the constitution, in the electoral count act. now, you can't tell what a jury is going to do, but this, i think, is cleverly designed to make a juror coherent, that somebody on the jury can actually go, oh, this is dishonest. this is pressure. this is contradiction from all of these people, not just saying they disagree, but saying they personally told donald trump he was wrong. >> bob, the first version of these scenes we read was in your book, and now the special prosecutor's basically presenting versions of that too -- will be presenting them to a trial jury in washington. did it occur to you, as you are working on the book, that what you were writing was one of the first things the special prosecutors would be reading as they approached this case? >> you know, that certainly is possible. now, give credit to bill well, the former massachusetts governor, who i talk to you about this while costa and i were working on this book. he was handed the criminal division in the justice department, and the reagan administration. all of what had happened, that trump had done, he said to me, look, this is 18 usc, 371. subverting the lawful function of government. i remember thinking about that, talking to people, as we know, some of trump's greatest, biggest supporters, like senator lindsey graham, bailed out on him because they looked at all this evidence, and in fact, lindsey graham had his counsel on the judiciary committee at that time. lindsey graham was chairman, investigating all of this. leigh holmes -- he did an honest job of, is there anything to support this? he said, absolutely none. leigh holmes came to my house, and we laid out what the giuliani and other memos said. he said, there's just nothing here, not a matter of less here than giuliani, there is absolutely zero. >> bob woodward, thank you very much for writing the first draft of these scenes for us. thank you very much for joining us tonight, i really appreciate it. >> thank you, lawrence. >> thank you. >> coming up, who're going to believe about rudy giuliani's drunk legal advice, rudolph giuliani, or rudolph giuliani? 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>> the mayor was definitely intoxicated, but i did not know his level of intoxication when he spoke with the president. >> and we don't know his level of intoxication when rudolph giuliani said this. >> when i went to bed on election night, he was ahead in all those states, every single one of those states. how is it they all turned around? every single one of them turned around? is it more consistent with the plan to turn them around? since there are witnesses who say there is a plan to turn them around, and it's -- to say that it all happened, in every single state, my goodness, this is how you win cases in a courtroom. >> how drunk does your lawyer have to be before you stop following his advice? that is a question, a legal question, donald trump's current defense team will have to answer when he goes on trial on march 4th in washington, d. c.. rolling stone is reporting, in the questioning of multiple witnesses, smith's team of federal investigators have asked questions about how, seemingly, intoxicated giuliani was during the week she was giving trump advice on how to cling to power, according to a source, who has been in the room with smith's team. one witness's attorney and a third person familiar with the matter, some witnesses told smith seem they saw giuliani consuming significant quantities of alcohol, some told the special counsel's office that they could clearly smelled alcohol on giuliani's breath, including on election night. some have already told investigators they were directly aware of moments when trump had talked to others about giuliani's drinking, and trump spoke negatively about his then top lawyers alcohol consumption. nbc news has not independently confirmed rolling stones drunk lawyering reporting. glenn kirschner is back with us. glenn, how drunk does your lawyer have to be before you are defense based on advice of counsel completely collapses? >> it sounds like a set up for a punchline, lawrence. here's the thing, you know, reliance on advice of counsel can be a viable defense. think about one of the more ordinary circumstances. my tax lawyer told me i could take this deduction, and it turns out you couldn't take that deduction. it was illegal to take that deduction. you may very well have an advice of counsel defense available to you. i think, implied, there is a word that is implied, in the reliance on advice of counsel defense. it is reliance on advice of a sober council. you know, i think donald trump has an uphill climb here offering a reliance on the advice of counsel with a straight face. here is, i think, a more fundamental problem than rudy giuliani's possible intoxication when he's giving advice to his client. when i saw the first indictment come out, the january 6th indictment, and we learned rudy giuliani was one of the unindicted coconspirators, but pretty easy to identify him as one of the sixth unindicted coconspirators, even though he wasn't named. when i saw the georgia indictment come out, where rudy giuliani is a charged coconspirator of donald trump, there is no such thing as reliance on advice of coconspirator defense. i don't say that in a snarky way. if your coconspirator is your council, you really are deprived from arguing we were relying on the advice of counsel because you are being charged as being part of a criminal conspiracy with your council. i think whether drunk or sober, that dog isn't going to hunt. >> if rudolph giuliani takes the witness stand in his own defense, and this trial, is it relevant to ask him about his drinking? is there a line of inquiry that could be relevant? >> any criminal litigator will tell you the scope and breadth of cross-examination is wide, and judges can get in trouble for unduly curtailing cross-examination. absolutely, his level of intoxication, at anytime, relevant to a fact of consequence in the prosecution, is fair game on cross examination. the other thing you might want to start by cross examining rudy giuliani after he's administered the oath, and swears to tell the truth. your first line of crossed might be, well, to you, truth is not truth. isn't that right? he's got nowhere to go. you could play the tape. press play on cross examination. ruth rudy giuliani announcing truth is and truth, he would not make a compelling witness in his own defense. frankly, that's one of the reasons, lawrence, all along, i said, i don't even know that he is likely to be pursued as a cooperating witness. it would be really hard to clean him up sufficiently to present him to a jury. >> glenn kirschner, thank you very much for joining us tonight. always appreciate it. >> thank you, lawrence. >> coming up, president biden has done more things that previous presidents wanted to do than any other president. the latest one is reducing the cost of prescription drugs, pharmaceutical companies are now fighting joe biden on this one in court. senator amy klobuchar will join us next to fight back. each day is a unique blend of going, doing, and living. glucerna protein smart with 30 grams of protein to help keep you moving. uniquely designed with carbsteady to help manage blood sugar response. glucerna, bring on the day. amazon has great deals on everything kids need. instead of spending more, he spent less. seemed obvious. why would a person spend more money? 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[ applause ] >> the day you get your clearchoice dental implants makes every day a confident day... a never-hide-my-smile day... a life-of-the-party day... a take-on-the-world day... a believe-in-myself day... a flash-my-new-teeth day. because your clearchoice day is the day you get your confidence back for good. a clearchoice day changes every day. schedule a free consultation. >> today is the start of a new deal for patients where big pharma doesn't hack in a blank check at your expense, and the expense of the american people. on my watch, health care should be a right, not a privilege, in this country. >> today the white house, president biden and vice president harris revealed the first ten drugs that will be subject to historic federal price negotiations and controls for the first time ever. medicare will have the power to negotiate prices directly with pharmaceutical companies by using a new law which democrats passed in congress last year without a single republican vote. the medications on the list include treatments for cancer and diabetes, and the program is projected to save taxpayers 98. 5 billion dollars over a decade. they agreed upon prices for the first round of drugs are scheduled to go into effect in 2026. several major drug makers, including merck and johnson & johnson, vile losses to delay these cost saving measures. >> we are here today with the firm belief the united states of america, no senior should have to choose between whether they are able to fill a prescription or fill their refrigerator with food, but -- yes. [applause] >> joining us now, democratic senator in klobuchar -- member of the senate judiciary committee. senator, i want to go to the pharmaceutical companies opposition to this, and they're going to go to court, try to delay it, kill it. what is going to happen in court? >> well, that's a good place to go, lawrence. they've tried to delay this against the will of the american people time and time again. they've spent hundreds and millions of dollars in ads, likely aarp end of the president stood up to that. they have three lobbyists for every member of congress, but we persevered and got a bill passed. what they're doing is bringing multiple lawsuits, major lawsuits, with major law firms, against the justice department in different courts in this land. i don't think they're going to win this. let me tell you why. they have this argument that, somehow, they should be able to get what they want. they got this sweetheart deal written into law, back 20 years ago, and they claim that means, i guess, forever, they get to pick whatever price they charge, 50 million seniors for their drugs under medicare. they don't have to be in the program. they don't have to sell their drugs to the 50 million seniors. of course they want to. so, it's an outrageous argument. if, under this argument, the government wouldn't be able to negotiate for doctors fees, or hospital fees, or reimbursements for other things. like what the va does, lawrence, they, rightfully, negotiate on behalf of the nations veterans and get much less expensive drugs. those are the kinds of prices we want to see for our seniors. >> let me ask the control room to do a split screen here. you don't need to see me, but it be good to see the senator and the list of drugs these ten drugs that are a couple of years away from being -- having the price controlled by medicare. senator, this strikes me as fragile. no republican votes for this whatsoever. why wouldn't the next republican president to do everything possible to stop this from happening? why wouldn't any republican senators and members of the house elected in the next election try to repeal it? >> well, that's a good question. that is why it's going to be such a big deal in the election. for years, including donald trump, people were climbing, oh, we're going to do something about pharmaceutical prices. this president finally has. this is just the first list of ten. there's going to be 15 more, and 15 more. 20 more. even on this list, we are looking at drugs like sirretta and deliquesced, nearly 5 million people take those drugs for all kinds of heart conditions. you've got diabetes, major diabetes drugs, you've got another one that treats arthritis and psoriasis. the list goes on. you will see more and more drugs. add to that limits on insulin cost, $35 a month, that is set, that is taking effect now. we've got three drug companies under pressure because of the medicare prices agreeing to extend that limit to people who aren't on medicare, the younger people as well. finally, you've got the free vaccines happening now for shingles, pneumonia, for our seniors. those are things, 2000 dollar limit on out of pocket cost, we can't afford to have those reversed. the seniors aren't going to go backwards, nor are the people of this country when it comes to drug prices. so, this will be a major issue in this campaign, especially when you've got the fact that joe biden, after years and years of inaction on this issue, totaling away, leading the bill on this, and finally, because of a president that stood up, we've been able to get this done. >> senator klobuchar, of course, as you know, the senate was working on this issue when i was working in the senate in the 1990s, and no one told us that we were going to have to wait 30 years. senator amy klobuchar, thank you very much for joining us tonight, i really appreciate it. >> great to be on again, lawrence. >> thank you. >> we will be right back. to sleep, so when our windshield cracked, we needed it fixed right. we went to there's no one else we'd trust. their experts replaced our windshield, and recalibrated our car's advanced safety system. they focus on our safety... so we can focus on this little guy. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ my father didn't know his dad. she knew that i always want to know more about my family history. with ancestry i dug and dug until i found some information. i was able to find out more than just a name. and then you add it to the tree. i found ship manifests. birth certificate. wow. look at your dad. i love it so much to know where my father work, where he grew up. it's like you discover a new family member. discover even more at ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ what do we always say, son? 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Attorney , The State Of Georgia , Clarification , Six , Motion To Sever , Deadlines , Scheduling Audit , Codefendant , Extent , Parties , Defendant , Estate , Severance Issue , Deadline , Judge , De Facto , Position , Juncture , Defendant Chesebro For October 23rd , Defendant Sydney Powell , Mcafee , 23 , October 23rd , Two , Discussion , Matters Podcast , Gglenn Kirschner , Prosecutor , Host , Eight , U S , Glenn Kirschner , Criminal Defense Attorney , Georgia Federal Prosecutor , Analyst , Amy Lee Copeland , Let S Go , Things , Of , Job , Mark Meadows Case , Study , Appellate Court , Wouldn T , Words , Opinion , Authority , Mr , Judges , Questions , Kershner , President , Example , Part , Parts , Sentence , Scope , Duties , Inference , Criminal Act , Number , It , Discretion , Law , Officer , Decision , Language , Read , Note , Capacity , Copeland , Standard , Amy Lee , Stature , Phrase , Hope , Acting , Law School , Colorful , Connection , 31 , Three , Anything , Don T Know , Law 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Lincoln , Constitution , Law Of The Land , 1789 , 1861 , Conspiracy , Charge , Donald Trump Will Stand Trial In Federal Court , 1948 , 09 , Supreme Court , William Howard Taft , Quote , Written By , 1912 , Deceit , Functions , Audio Book , Associate Editor , Trickery , Craft , The Trump Tapes , 1971 , Import , Charges , Counts , Pages , 42 , Function , Like Trump , Indictment , Don T , Look , Jury , Dishonesty , Concept , Let S Say Trump , Obstruction , Abstract , Stand , Trump , Pence , Bill Barr , White House Counsel , Pat Cipollone , Seven , Governor , Court Justice , Wisconsin , Arizona , Michigan , Say , Thing , Simplest , Prima Facie , Audience , Elsewhere , Page , Honor About January 20th , Honor About November 14th , November 14th 2020 , 14 , 2021 , January 20th 2021 , Coconspirators , Fraud , Confederate , Results , Certified , Ways , Happening , The Open , Role , Pressure , Book , Bob Costa , Peril , Friend , Joe Biden , Courage , Juror , Career , Beat Up , Boss , Prosecutors 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Transcripts For MSNBCW The 20240704 :

Transcripts For MSNBCW The 20240704

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special prosecutor jack smith's investigators asked gradually witnesses in washington d. c. how drunk rudolph giuliani was when he was advising donald trump? it is a crucial, legal question for the trump defense team who have already said they intend to use and advice of counsel defense blaming everything donald trump did on the advice he got from lawyers including the one who, to me, looked and sounded drunk every time he spoke publicly about the presidential election in 2020, and on january 6th. we will discuss the finer legal points of drunk legal advice later in this hour, after we begin with a sober assessment of the breaking legal news of the day in georgia. at 2 pm today, federal judge steve c. jones issued an order to both sides of the case after hearing a full day of testimony yesterday, and defended mark meadows motion to move his criminal trial from fulton county courthouse, in georgia, to the federal district court, in georgia. judge jones ordered fulton county district attorney fani willis and mark meadows criminal defense lawyers to each file a brief by 5 pm on thursday, answering exactly one question that the judge has after that hearing. would a finding that at least one, but not all, of the overt acts charged occurred under the color of meadows's office, be sufficient for federal removal of a criminal prosecution? we will get the answer to that question in a moment from our legal experts. less than an hour after the federal judge issued that order, district attorney fani willis filed a motion asking georgia state court judge, scott mcafee, to clarify's ruling, granting defended kenneth chesebro's motion for a speedy trial. district attorney willis said, the state of georgia respectfully six clarification from the court as to whether the courts intention was to sever defended chesebro's trial from the other defendants further if the courts intention indeed was to sever defined chesebro's trial from the defendants because defended chesebro has not filed a motion to sever, and because the court has filed no hearing on a motion to sever, the state of georgia respectfully requests that the court set aside its scheduling audit to the extent that the order states at this time these deadlines do not apply to any codefendant. the state of georgia for the respectfully requests that the court set a deadline for any defendant wishing to file a motion to sever, allow the parties, including the state of georgia, sufficient time to brief the severance issue. the state maintains its position that severance is improper at this juncture, and all defendants should be tried together. judge mcafee has scheduled the speedy trial for defendant chesebro for october 23rd last then two months from tonight. defendant sydney powell, one of the eight lawyers who are criminal defendants in the case, as also filed a motion requesting a speedy trial. leading off our discussion tonight is gglenn kirschner, former federal prosecutor, and the host of the justice matters podcast. he's an msnbc legal analyst. also with us, amy lee copeland, criminal defense attorney and former georgia federal prosecutor. glenn, let's go to what's happening in the federal court with judge jones asking that one seemingly simple question. that is, if one of the things that mark meadows is accused of, just one piece of what he's accused of, if one of those was done under the so-called color of his job, does that mean the mark meadows case must be removed to federal court? what is your answer, if you have one -- it looks like it requires some study to get a real answer to that. what is your answer as of tonight to that question? >> so, lawrence, the only definitive answer is we don't know. here is why i say that. the judge would not have posed the question if there was controlling authority. in other words, if there was an appellate court that had wrestled with this previously, had authored an opinion because then the judge wouldn't have to ask the question. the judge might do, what i've had judges do to me, you know, mr. kershner, defense attorney, i have some questions about this one case that seems to support what the defense is seeking to do -- remove his trial from state court to federal court. i would like the parties to weigh in on whether this is controlling president. for example, the judge didn't say that. the judge basically said, i don't know the answer to this. i am asking both parties to brief it up. there are two ominous parts of the same sentence, lawrence, as i read this order. the one ominous part is when judge jones says, what if one but not all of the acts fall within the scope of mark meadows official duties? i think we could draw a reasonable inference so we could tease out of that, that the judge may already have concluded that any number of acts charged against mark meadows are well beyond the scope of his official duties. second word that i think is a bad word for mark meadows, is he said, if i do find one act was within the scope of mark meadows official duties, is that sufficient for me to transfer the case from state court to federal court? not, am i required to do it, but does it give me the discretion as to whether i want to do it or not. i don't think there's a good read on this note for mark meadows, but i do think the judge's decision is still unwritten. it is still an open question. >> just to go over the language of the law on removing a case like this, it says it can be removed for any officer of the united states, in an official or individual capacity for or relating to any act under color of such office. amy lee copeland, i'm looking at that phrase, or relating to any act. so, it seems like there's some real hope for mark meadows in the language of this stature. >> lawrence, it's a low standard. he has to show it's more likely than not these three things are true, that he's a federal officer, he was acting in connection with that office, and he raises a colorful, federal defense. when i was in law school 31 years ago, i had a law professor that said, all the time, when you ask or anything, she would say, i don't know. it used to frustrate me to know and that having practiced as long as i have, a lot of questions are answered simply with, i don't know. i applaud judge jones for essentially saying in an order he doesn't know, and he wants some clarity about it. i will tell you, in civil matters, apparently, there is some case law out of other areas that says, if one claim is removable, then all claims are removable. that doesn't really seem to apply to federal cases. it may all depend on the difference between an overt act, a criminal act, towards the finish line, not necessarily criminal, and a racketeering act, which is the meat and potatoes of reclaim, which is -- we -- and what [inaudible] >> glenn, there is reason for mark meadows lawyers to be helpful. here is a judge raising this question of, is one sufficient? they will clearly argue that one is sufficient, then they will go to the indictment and tried to pick out the one, the incident in the indictment that they say is arguably something he did in the regular course of his job, therefore, because there is one there they can point to, then this definitely should be moved to federal court. >> yeah, but i think there's a fundamental challenge for mark meadows here, and for judge jones. it seems like he is struggling in earnest to make sure he makes, not only the right decision, but a fully support-able decision. one way or another, it is likely to get appealed. he's getting his ducks in a row by asking the parties for input on this question of law. here's what i see is the fundamental challenge. let's assume half a dozen things mark meadows is accused of doing and that rico indictment handed down by fani willis, that it can be viewed as within the scope of his official duties as chief of staff, but let's assume six others are not, and let me use the hypothetical to drive the point home. let's assume donald trump asked him to go out to shoot somebody on fifth avenue, and he did it. nobody could argue that is within the scope of his official duties as the chief of staff, even if a number of the other overt acts were within the scope. what does that mean? it means i would assume, because i don't know the precise answer, that, maybe, the entire case does get transferred to federal court. it certainly doesn't get dismissed. it gets tried in federal court, and based on the available evidence, it looks like a conviction is the likely result. >> amy lee copeland, it does seem mark meadows will want -- if this decision goes against him, he will want to appeal it. >> i think you are absolutely right about that, lawrence. give him some time, if nothing else, and if it's against him, he has every reason in the world to want to appeal it. whether or not it's an appealable order is a good guess. i would think that it's conclusively determining the issue, and it would affect his rights, and in that way it could go up in what's called an interlocutory or intermediate appeal. >> i'm really copeland, we need your georgia expertise to untangle what is going on in the speedy trial situation, which suddenly just became, maybe, not so speedy. district attorney willis saying, to the judge, wait a minute, you have, in effect, with your scheduling order for one trial, for one defendant, severed that defendant without there being a motion to sever. district attorney willis is saying, we have to all get back together in court and talk about this. >> that's exactly what she is saying. the statute does give the judge the discretion to sever it, as long as he's not violating the law, or making it a fact, he has the discussion to separate. notice in the hearing, the hallmarks of a legal system. that's what i think miss willis is saying. we want to be heard on this before you do it. mr. chesebro as filed a demand for a speedy trial. under georgia statute, if he isn't -- the trial hasn't begun before the end of the term of court, which here, i think, is november the 6th, he would be entitled to an acquittal. regardless of what happens, because mr. chesebro has made this demand, it looks like he is going to have to have a trial within the next two months. >> glenn, it sounds like distributor any willis wants to get some organization here on the question of how many people are going to be in the speedy trial? there's another defendant now asking for a speedy trial. district attorney willis is saying, as of now, i want all of the defendants in the speedy trial. she is asking the judge to think about two things at once, a speedy trial and severance, and, therefore, if you are going to sever, create a deadline for motions to sever so we can get donald trump's motion to sever. everyone else's motion to sever in the court, considered at the same time. >> yeah, and i agree that the judge has not really taken up the question of whether severance on the facts and the law is warranted. what he has done, assuming he sticks with his order that chesebro and, presumably, powell, now that she has demanded a speedy trial, will go to trial in october. it's what i would call a de facto severance. i will tell you, lawrence, i continue to be impressed by district attorney fani willis who proves time and again that she doesn't even own a pair of kid gloves. she said, i am prepared to go to trial against 19 codefendants. i don't know if she's going to hold it in a stadium, i do know that having handled large-scale r. i. c. o. trials in the courts of washington, d. c. , u. s. marshals always told us, six defendants is the limit. that is the most we can provide courtroom security for. we had to batch our defendants together. we did three r. i. c. o. trials against six defendants, and one defendant. pros and cons for the defendants who go first, and defended to go second or third. i can't wait to see if a 19 codefendant trial actually happens, what that is going to look like. >> amy lee copeland, i think we have strong doubts about seeing that version of the trial down there. it also strikes me as district ernie willis saying to the judge, not so fast. let's keep everything organized here. i think distracted tierney willis acknowledges the possibility of severance and speedy trial for some of the severed defendants. let's get it all right. let's find out right now everyone who wants to be severed, and anyone who doesn't. >> that's right. it was a very polite way of saying, excuse me, i need to be heard on this. this is a relatively new job. she's been out of law school for ten years. he knows what he's doing, but i think she wants to make a record, lawrence. she wants to be heard on this. she wants to make sure that he understands what usually it takes to sever defendants, and what this consequences are. as somebody who thinks the legal branch is the most transparent of the three branches of government, you know, i'm glad were having this discussion publicly, not in a courtroom, where it will be televised and the public could see what's going on. >> glenn, speaking of severing, if mark meadows gets moved to federal court, who else does? >> i think, potentially, other federal officers may go. i don't think the alternate electors will go because they're not federal officers. i don't think donald trump's lawyers will go because they may make an argument that they were working for a federal officer. it doesn't magically convert them into federal officers. so, it could be jeffrey clark, for example, because he was a doj official, maxima federal officer. i think his claim is probably far less robust than mark meadows claim. he really is somebody who's seen to have so far exceeded the scope of his official duties by corrupting and weaponizing the department of justice, and interfering in a state election. you know, once we get a decision in the mark meadows case, then you are going to see other defendants lineup to try and take their shot. >> amy lee copeland, i had my doubts about anyone who wasn't a federal employee being covered by this removal statute until i read it today. what it refers to, any officer, any officer of the united states, any officer, in parentheses, or any person acting under that officer, and we already have these fake electors saying, i was acting under donald trump, people in this case who have no federal employment affiliation who were saying they were acting under the direction of federal officers. >> that's what they are saying in their motions. i read mr. stills motioned the most carefully. what he says as he walked into a room, in the georgia state house, sitting there were attorneys, and attorneys told him that this was all perfectly legitimate. what i think is really interesting in this case, there were a total of 16 fake electors. four of whom walked out, i think, and i'm getting this, lawrence, from a filing in october of 2020, two in a special purpose grand jury. there were a number of people who remained. 12 people remained, only three of those fake electors when [inaudible] so i'm curious how the evidence is going to take out to them. yes, they are saying, we thought we were acting under the direction of the president of the united states. with them [inaudible] my gut is they get their cases removed because they were acting for candidate trump as opposed to the office of the president of the united states. that is where the rope is going to meet the road on that. >> we will see. emily copeland, and glenn kirschner, thank you for starting us off. i appreciate it. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> coming up, donald trump is the first former president to face criminal prosecution only because richard nixon was pardoned instead of indicted after he resigned the presidency, partially because of the pulitzer prize-winning reporting of our next guest, the washington post's bob woodward. bob woodward's unique perspective on the united states of america versus donald trump's next. rsv is in for a surprise. meet arexvy. 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>> i think, lawrence, this is the most important case. there are only four charges. all the others have more counts, but there are only four counts in this. if you look at the indictment, it is all, the first 42 pages are built around that law of attempting or actually subverting a lawful function of government. of course, that lawful function of government is certifying who is the next president. even people who like trump, or don't like trump, yes, let's certify, let's decide who the next president is, and in this indictment, jack smith, and the grand jury have said, hey, look, the standard here, according to what you read, is dishonesty. much easier concept to understand for a jury. dishonesty versus conspiracy, or obstruction, which can wind up being a little bit abstract, and then you read through the indictment, and it is stunning. let's say trump decides, as he is entitled, to not take the stand. they've got all this testimony from ten key people saying, not just that they disagree with what trump said, about overturning the election, but they specifically told him, and that includes pence, the attorney general bill barr, and it includes pat cipollone, the white house counsel, and seven other people, and you go through the governor of arizona, the governor of michigan, sitting court justice in wisconsin. a jury can sit here and say, oh, this is what trump says. here is sworn testimony from ten people saying, oh, now, i told him that is wrong. the prima facie case of dishonesty we'll be right there for the jury to see. >> i agree with you that first charge is the simplest and clearest thing that donald trump is accused of. i want to read, for the audience, how it was presented. the second or third page of the indictment, it says, from honor about november 14th, 2020, through honor about january 20th, 2021, the district of columbia, and elsewhere, the defendant, donald j trump, did, knowingly, combine conspire, confederate, and agree with coconspirators known and unknown to the gradually to defraud the united states by using dishonesty, fraud, and deceit, to impair, obstruct, and defeat the lawful, federal government functioned by which the results of presidential election are collected, counted, and certified by the federal government. what is so powerful about that, as a criminal charge, is we all watched most of that happen, most of it was happening, in many ways, out in the open. >> it was very public, and, also, the role of pence here is absolutely critical. he did what the constitution, and electoral count act said. he is agonized over it, he has been criticized. in the book, bob costa and i did peril. we describe additional pressure on pence, and here is donald trump telling him in that period before january 6th, that day, or the day before, i don't want to be your friend anymore if you don't do this. in other words, not certify biden as the next president. you lack courage. you have betrayed us. i made you. you were nothing. your career is over. so, now, put yourself in the role of a juror here. you see pence beleaguered, beat up, told by his boss, you know, i made you. i am not going to be your friend anymore. you are betraying me. clearly, it will be very easy for the prosecutors in this case to show what is in the constitution, in the electoral count act. now, you can't tell what a jury is going to do, but this, i think, is cleverly designed to make a juror coherent, that somebody on the jury can actually go, oh, this is dishonest. this is pressure. this is contradiction from all of these people, not just saying they disagree, but saying they personally told donald trump he was wrong. >> bob, the first version of these scenes we read was in your book, and now the special prosecutor's basically presenting versions of that too -- will be presenting them to a trial jury in washington. did it occur to you, as you are working on the book, that what you were writing was one of the first things the special prosecutors would be reading as they approached this case? >> you know, that certainly is possible. now, give credit to bill well, the former massachusetts governor, who i talk to you about this while costa and i were working on this book. he was handed the criminal division in the justice department, and the reagan administration. all of what had happened, that trump had done, he said to me, look, this is 18 usc, 371. subverting the lawful function of government. i remember thinking about that, talking to people, as we know, some of trump's greatest, biggest supporters, like senator lindsey graham, bailed out on him because they looked at all this evidence, and in fact, lindsey graham had his counsel on the judiciary committee at that time. lindsey graham was chairman, investigating all of this. leigh holmes -- he did an honest job of, is there anything to support this? he said, absolutely none. leigh holmes came to my house, and we laid out what the giuliani and other memos said. he said, there's just nothing here, not a matter of less here than giuliani, there is absolutely zero. >> bob woodward, thank you very much for writing the first draft of these scenes for us. thank you very much for joining us tonight, i really appreciate it. >> thank you, lawrence. >> thank you. >> coming up, who're going to believe about rudy giuliani's drunk legal advice, rudolph giuliani, or rudolph giuliani? 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>> the mayor was definitely intoxicated, but i did not know his level of intoxication when he spoke with the president. >> and we don't know his level of intoxication when rudolph giuliani said this. >> when i went to bed on election night, he was ahead in all those states, every single one of those states. how is it they all turned around? every single one of them turned around? is it more consistent with the plan to turn them around? since there are witnesses who say there is a plan to turn them around, and it's -- to say that it all happened, in every single state, my goodness, this is how you win cases in a courtroom. >> how drunk does your lawyer have to be before you stop following his advice? that is a question, a legal question, donald trump's current defense team will have to answer when he goes on trial on march 4th in washington, d. c.. rolling stone is reporting, in the questioning of multiple witnesses, smith's team of federal investigators have asked questions about how, seemingly, intoxicated giuliani was during the week she was giving trump advice on how to cling to power, according to a source, who has been in the room with smith's team. one witness's attorney and a third person familiar with the matter, some witnesses told smith seem they saw giuliani consuming significant quantities of alcohol, some told the special counsel's office that they could clearly smelled alcohol on giuliani's breath, including on election night. some have already told investigators they were directly aware of moments when trump had talked to others about giuliani's drinking, and trump spoke negatively about his then top lawyers alcohol consumption. nbc news has not independently confirmed rolling stones drunk lawyering reporting. glenn kirschner is back with us. glenn, how drunk does your lawyer have to be before you are defense based on advice of counsel completely collapses? >> it sounds like a set up for a punchline, lawrence. here's the thing, you know, reliance on advice of counsel can be a viable defense. think about one of the more ordinary circumstances. my tax lawyer told me i could take this deduction, and it turns out you couldn't take that deduction. it was illegal to take that deduction. you may very well have an advice of counsel defense available to you. i think, implied, there is a word that is implied, in the reliance on advice of counsel defense. it is reliance on advice of a sober council. you know, i think donald trump has an uphill climb here offering a reliance on the advice of counsel with a straight face. here is, i think, a more fundamental problem than rudy giuliani's possible intoxication when he's giving advice to his client. when i saw the first indictment come out, the january 6th indictment, and we learned rudy giuliani was one of the unindicted coconspirators, but pretty easy to identify him as one of the sixth unindicted coconspirators, even though he wasn't named. when i saw the georgia indictment come out, where rudy giuliani is a charged coconspirator of donald trump, there is no such thing as reliance on advice of coconspirator defense. i don't say that in a snarky way. if your coconspirator is your council, you really are deprived from arguing we were relying on the advice of counsel because you are being charged as being part of a criminal conspiracy with your council. i think whether drunk or sober, that dog isn't going to hunt. >> if rudolph giuliani takes the witness stand in his own defense, and this trial, is it relevant to ask him about his drinking? is there a line of inquiry that could be relevant? >> any criminal litigator will tell you the scope and breadth of cross-examination is wide, and judges can get in trouble for unduly curtailing cross-examination. absolutely, his level of intoxication, at anytime, relevant to a fact of consequence in the prosecution, is fair game on cross examination. the other thing you might want to start by cross examining rudy giuliani after he's administered the oath, and swears to tell the truth. your first line of crossed might be, well, to you, truth is not truth. isn't that right? he's got nowhere to go. you could play the tape. press play on cross examination. ruth rudy giuliani announcing truth is and truth, he would not make a compelling witness in his own defense. frankly, that's one of the reasons, lawrence, all along, i said, i don't even know that he is likely to be pursued as a cooperating witness. it would be really hard to clean him up sufficiently to present him to a jury. >> glenn kirschner, thank you very much for joining us tonight. always appreciate it. >> thank you, lawrence. >> coming up, president biden has done more things that previous presidents wanted to do than any other president. the latest one is reducing the cost of prescription drugs, pharmaceutical companies are now fighting joe biden on this one in court. senator amy klobuchar will join us next to fight back. each day is a unique blend of going, doing, and living. glucerna protein smart with 30 grams of protein to help keep you moving. uniquely designed with carbsteady to help manage blood sugar response. glucerna, bring on the day. amazon has great deals on everything kids need. instead of spending more, he spent less. seemed obvious. why would a person spend more money? 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[applause] >> joining us now, democratic senator in klobuchar -- member of the senate judiciary committee. senator, i want to go to the pharmaceutical companies opposition to this, and they're going to go to court, try to delay it, kill it. what is going to happen in court? >> well, that's a good place to go, lawrence. they've tried to delay this against the will of the american people time and time again. they've spent hundreds and millions of dollars in ads, likely aarp end of the president stood up to that. they have three lobbyists for every member of congress, but we persevered and got a bill passed. what they're doing is bringing multiple lawsuits, major lawsuits, with major law firms, against the justice department in different courts in this land. i don't think they're going to win this. let me tell you why. they have this argument that, somehow, they should be able to get what they want. they got this sweetheart deal written into law, back 20 years ago, and they claim that means, i guess, forever, they get to pick whatever price they charge, 50 million seniors for their drugs under medicare. they don't have to be in the program. they don't have to sell their drugs to the 50 million seniors. of course they want to. so, it's an outrageous argument. if, under this argument, the government wouldn't be able to negotiate for doctors fees, or hospital fees, or reimbursements for other things. like what the va does, lawrence, they, rightfully, negotiate on behalf of the nations veterans and get much less expensive drugs. those are the kinds of prices we want to see for our seniors. >> let me ask the control room to do a split screen here. you don't need to see me, but it be good to see the senator and the list of drugs these ten drugs that are a couple of years away from being -- having the price controlled by medicare. senator, this strikes me as fragile. no republican votes for this whatsoever. why wouldn't the next republican president to do everything possible to stop this from happening? why wouldn't any republican senators and members of the house elected in the next election try to repeal it? >> well, that's a good question. that is why it's going to be such a big deal in the election. for years, including donald trump, people were climbing, oh, we're going to do something about pharmaceutical prices. this president finally has. this is just the first list of ten. there's going to be 15 more, and 15 more. 20 more. even on this list, we are looking at drugs like sirretta and deliquesced, nearly 5 million people take those drugs for all kinds of heart conditions. you've got diabetes, major diabetes drugs, you've got another one that treats arthritis and psoriasis. the list goes on. you will see more and more drugs. add to that limits on insulin cost, $35 a month, that is set, that is taking effect now. we've got three drug companies under pressure because of the medicare prices agreeing to extend that limit to people who aren't on medicare, the younger people as well. finally, you've got the free vaccines happening now for shingles, pneumonia, for our seniors. those are things, 2000 dollar limit on out of pocket cost, we can't afford to have those reversed. the seniors aren't going to go backwards, nor are the people of this country when it comes to drug prices. so, this will be a major issue in this campaign, especially when you've got the fact that joe biden, after years and years of inaction on this issue, totaling away, leading the bill on this, and finally, because of a president that stood up, we've been able to get this done. >> senator klobuchar, of course, as you know, the senate was working on this issue when i was working in the senate in the 1990s, and no one told us that we were going to have to wait 30 years. senator amy klobuchar, thank you very much for joining us tonight, i really appreciate it. >> great to be on again, lawrence. >> thank you. >> we will be right back. to sleep, so when our windshield cracked, we needed it fixed right. we went to there's no one else we'd trust. their experts replaced our windshield, and recalibrated our car's advanced safety system. they focus on our safety... so we can focus on this little guy. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ my father didn't know his dad. she knew that i always want to know more about my family history. with ancestry i dug and dug until i found some information. i was able to find out more than just a name. and then you add it to the tree. i found ship manifests. birth certificate. wow. look at your dad. i love it so much to know where my father work, where he grew up. it's like you discover a new family member. discover even more at ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ what do we always say, son? 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Attorney , The State Of Georgia , Clarification , Six , Motion To Sever , Deadlines , Scheduling Audit , Codefendant , Extent , Parties , Defendant , Estate , Severance Issue , Deadline , Judge , De Facto , Position , Juncture , Defendant Chesebro For October 23rd , Defendant Sydney Powell , Mcafee , 23 , October 23rd , Two , Discussion , Matters Podcast , Gglenn Kirschner , Prosecutor , Host , Eight , U S , Glenn Kirschner , Criminal Defense Attorney , Georgia Federal Prosecutor , Analyst , Amy Lee Copeland , Let S Go , Things , Of , Job , Mark Meadows Case , Study , Appellate Court , Wouldn T , Words , Opinion , Authority , Mr , Judges , Questions , Kershner , President , Example , Part , Parts , Sentence , Scope , Duties , Inference , Criminal Act , Number , It , Discretion , Law , Officer , Decision , Language , Read , Note , Capacity , Copeland , Standard , Amy Lee , Stature , Phrase , Hope , Acting , Law School , Colorful , Connection , 31 , Three , Anything , Don T Know , Law Professor , Areas , Case Law , Claim , Matters , Clarity , Doesn T , Removable , Claims , Meat , Difference , Racketeering Act , Finish Line , Reason , Potatoes , Mark Meadows Lawyers , Inaudible , January 6th Indictment , Something , The One , Incident , Course , Challenge , Another , Question Of Law , One Way , Row , Input , Others , Chief Of Staff , Somebody , Point , Home , Nobody , Fifth Avenue , Evidence , Mark Meadows Will Want , Result , Conviction , Doesn T Get , World , Nothing Else , Issue , Whether , Guess , Appeal , Rights , Interlocutory , Expertise , Situation , District Attorney Willis Saying , Effect , District Attorney Willis , Scheduling Order , Saying , Fact , Statute , Demand , System , Hallmarks , Notice , Georgia Statute , He Isn T The Trial Hasn , Term , Acquittal , November The 6th , Wall , Willis , Distributor , Organization , Motions , Sever , Motion , Facts , Everyone Else , Powell , Codefendants , Kid Gloves , Pair , 19 , Trials , Courts Of Washington D C , Stadium , Limit , Most , Marshals , Courtroom Security , Doubts , Cons , Pros , Who Go First , Some , Version , Tierney Willis , District Ernie Willis , Possibility , Everyone , Anyone , Doing , Record , Consequences , Ten , The Federal Government , Courtroom , Branch , Severing , What S Going On , Transparent , Branches , Public , Officers , Electors , Argument , Jeffrey Clark , It Doesn T , Think , Mark Meadows Claim , Official , Maxima , Doj , State Election , Lineup , Shot , Removal Statute , Wasn T A Federal Employee , Person , Parentheses , Attorneys , Room , Direction , Stills , Carefully , Employment Affiliation , Georgia State House , Grand Jury , Four , Fake Electors , Total , Filing , October Of 2020 , 16 , Gut , Yes , 12 , Candidate Trump , Rope , Emily Copeland , Coming Up , Road , Richard Nixon , Bob Woodward , Washington Post , Presidency , Guest , Pulitzer Prize , Perspective , Versus , On March 4th Of Next , Meet Arexvy , Rsv , Surprise , Respiratory Disease , Rsv Vaccine , Airways , Lungs , Fda , 60 , Health Conditions , 82 , 94 , Side Effects , Ingredients , Vaccine , Headache , Reactions , Pain , Muscle Pain , Immune Systems , Response , Injection Site Pain , Fatigue , Dad , Doctor , Face , Hairs , Razor , Green Bar , Gillettelabs , It Ain T My Dad , Pharmacist , Make It Arexvy , Man , Blades , Hair , Best , Contours , Flexdisc , Stroke , Gillette Shaving Experience , Plaque Psoriasis , Gamechanga , Moderate , Somedays , Five , Nothing , Skin , Skyrizi , Thanks , Music , 3 , 4 , 90 , Infections , Starter Doses , Risk , Ability , Plan , Symptoms , Infection , Protein , Psoriasis , Energy , 1 , 30 , Sugar , Protein Max Challenge , Uuuhhhh , 10000 , 0000 , Treatment , Surgery , Option , Dupuytren S Contracture , Contracture , Visit Findahandspecialist Com , Franklin Delano Roosevelt , Presidents , Inauguration , Congress , Inauguration Day , 1937 , January 20th , 20 , March 4th , Photograph , George Washington S Second Inauguration , Abraham Lincoln , Constitution , Law Of The Land , 1789 , 1861 , Conspiracy , Charge , Donald Trump Will Stand Trial In Federal Court , 1948 , 09 , Supreme Court , William Howard Taft , Quote , Written By , 1912 , Deceit , Functions , Audio Book , Associate Editor , Trickery , Craft , The Trump Tapes , 1971 , Import , Charges , Counts , Pages , 42 , Function , Like Trump , Indictment , Don T , Look , Jury , Dishonesty , Concept , Let S Say Trump , Obstruction , Abstract , Stand , Trump , Pence , Bill Barr , White House Counsel , Pat Cipollone , Seven , Governor , Court Justice , Wisconsin , Arizona , Michigan , Say , Thing , Simplest , Prima Facie , Audience , Elsewhere , Page , Honor About January 20th , Honor About November 14th , November 14th 2020 , 14 , 2021 , January 20th 2021 , Coconspirators , Fraud , Confederate , Results , Certified , Ways , Happening , The Open , Role , Pressure , Book , Bob Costa , Peril , Friend , Joe Biden , Courage , Juror , Career , Beat Up , Boss , Prosecutors , Coherent , Contradiction , Scenes , The , Trial Jury , Versions , Writing , Reading , Credit , Massachusetts , Administration , Division , Usc , 18 , 371 , Lindsey Graham , Supporters , Greatest , Judiciary Committee , Job Of , Chairman , Leigh Holmes , House , Matter , Giuliani , Holmes , None , Memos , Leigh , Draft , Zero , Cross Examining Rudy Giuliani , Place , Dave , He Wasn T , Massage Chair , It Smell , Mall , But , Brain Health Indicators , Neuriva Ultra , Brain , Boost , Kitchen Tool , Oxi , Gain Flings , Febreze , Mental Alertness , 7 , Medicines , Hiv , Dovato , Pill , Adults , Hiv Pills , Stop Dovato , Help , Liver Problems , Buildup , Reaction , Dofetilide , Lactic Acid , Breastfeeding , Pregnancy , Baby , Diarrhea , Nausea , Anxiety , Tiredness , Kidney , Trouble Sleeping , Sleep Number , Bed , Gab , Fewer Medicines , Setting , 50 , Company , Spreadsheets , Candidates , Indeed Instant Match , Ocean , Kayak , Home Delivery , Base , Job Description , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Functioning , Alcoholic , Reporter , Population , Bloody Mary , Party , Cigars , Malts , Oath , Election Night , Witnesses , View , Victory , Wives , January 6th Committee , Intoxication , Observation , Level , Nation , Mayor , States , It S , Goodness , Team , Questioning , On Trial March 4th , Defense Team , Rolling Stone , Witness , Power , Attorney , Source , Alcohol , Special Counsel , Office , Breath , Quantities , Drinking , Alcohol Consumption , Nbc News , Set Up , Lawyering Reporting , Punchline , Rolling Stones , Reliance , Deduction , Tax Lawyer , Circumstances , Council , Uphill Climb , Problem , Client , Unindicted Coconspirators , Coconspirator , Wasn T , Coconspirator Defense , That Dog Isn T , Line , Inquiry , Witness Stand , Cross Examination , Criminal Litigator , Breadth , Trouble , Absolutely , Consequence , Game On Cross Examination , Truth , Isn T , Nowhere To Go , Press Play On Cross Examination , Tape , Reasons , Ruth , Pharmaceutical Companies , Prescription Drugs , Cost , Senator Klobuchar , Blend , Glucerna Protein , Going , Living , More , Deals , Blood Sugar Response , Spending , Amazon , Everything Kids , Money , 10 , Time , Dinosaur , Sale , Town , Colorado , Godaddy , Build , Partner , Website , Godaddy Com , Knix , Life , Underwear , Clearchoice , Applause , Implants , Pads , Tampons , Laundry , Flash My , Consultation , Confidence , Good , Country , Expense , White House , Harris , Health Care , Big Pharma Doesn T Hack , Watch , Patients , Right , Blank Check , Privilege , Drugs , Prices , Price , Controls , Subject , Negotiations , Medicare , Democrats , List , Diabetes , Program , Medications , Treatments , Vote , Cancer , Taxpayers , Republican , 5 Billion , 98 , 5 Billion Dollars , Drug Makers , Round , Cost Saving Measures , Losses , Johnson , 2026 Several , 2026 , Prescription , Senior , Belief , Food , Refrigerator , In Klobuchar , Member , Companies , Opposition , Lobbyists , Will , Ads , Millions , Hundreds , Aarp , Lawsuits , Land , Law Firms , Sweetheart Deal , 50 Million , Seniors , Va Does , Doctors , Fees , Hospital Fees , Nations , Reimbursements , Veterans , Behalf , Split Screen , Control Room , Couple , Votes , Being , Whatsoever , Wouldn T The Next , Senators , Members , Climbing , 15 , Diabetes Drugs , Heart Conditions , Arthritis , Deliquesced , Sirretta , 5 Million , Add , Set , Insulin Cost , Drug Companies , 35 , Shingles , Pocket Cost , Vaccines , Dollar Limit , 2000 Dollar , 2000 , Drug Prices , Campaign , Done , This , Inaction , No One , 1990 , Windshield , Sleep , Safelite Com , Safety , Safety System , Guy , Singers , Recalibrated Our Car , Safelite Repair , Father , Ancestry , Family History , Information , Name , Tree , Work , Family Member , Birth Certificate , Ship Manifests , Ancestry Com Limu Emu , Liberty Mutual , That S My Boy , Car Insurance , Son , Huh , Freeways , Pay , Uncle Limu , Refund , Marshall , Tax Refund , Rosie , Patio , Facelift , Innovation , Business , Dr , Practice , Erc , Innovation Refunds , Stop Waiting , Brows , Wax Museum , Sports , Footwork , Games , Nice , Cheers , Pitch , Field , Woho , Xfinity 10g Network , 11th Hour , Stephanie Ruhle , 11 , Monster Storm , Forecast , Tornado Watch , Half , State Troopers , Community , Door To , Swells , Flooding , Island , Residents , Cedar Key , 900 ,

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