Transcripts For MSNBCW The 20240704 :

Transcripts For MSNBCW The 20240704

surrender to the agency, and that is former justice department official, jeffrey clark. who tried to block his arrest earlier this week, arguing that it would be too difficult for him to travel to atlanta to be booked. by 2:15 this morning, jeffrey clark had turned himself. several other codefendant surrendered overnight. around the same time. including, michael roman, a trump campaign staffer, who helped track and coordinate the fake electors in multiple states. misty hampton, a former election supervisor, accused of helping with the voting machine a breach in coffee county. sean still, one of the fake electors who also helped organize the meeting. and robert cheeley, a georgia lawyer who made false election claims at a hearing to georgia lawmakers. by 10:15 a. m., trevian c. kutti, who pressured election workers ruby come in, to testify that she had out committed election fraud had surrendered and looked awfully happy in that picture. an hour later, the last defendant surrendered. steven le, an illinois pastor involved in the plot to intimidate ruby freeman. he turned himself in. harrison floyd, this man, who was solicited by steven lee to help intimidate ruby freeman, and influence her testimony, is the only defendant still being detained in jail. at an initial court appearance today, harrison floyd was denied bond, with the judge calling him a flight risk, and a risk to commit additional felonies. he will remain in custody until judge scott mcafee can hear the issue of his bond. today, another codefendant is joining in the effort to move the case to federal court, as joining a growing list of codefendants pointing directly at donald trump for the crimes that they are charged with committing. cathy latham, this woman, one of the fake electors filed a motion to try her case in federal court. arguing that she was acting as a federal officer in her role as an elector, quote, at the direction of the president of the united states. and quote. okay, never mind that they were not the lawful presidential electors representing the legal votes from the state of georgia. but this whole notion could become a potentially -- devastating argument for donald trump. it is the stain language that appeared in court documents against michael cohen. donald trump's former fixer in the hush money case. that he went to jail for. she's now the third indicted fake elector who in court filings to move their cases to federal court said that they were acting, quote, at the direction of donald trump and his lawyers. in a court filing last night, sean still argued that, quote, mr. still, as a presidential elect or, was also acting at the direction of the incumbent president of the united states, and quote. the david shafer's court filing also uses that exact same language. quote, at the direction, and quote, of donald trump. after judge yesterday approved the speedy trial date proposed by the district attorney willis of october 23rd, for feet kenneth chesebro, one of the key architects behind the fake elector plot, another one of donald trump's in -- is seeking a speedy trial. today, for sidney powell, father request for a speedy trial that would also likely take place within the same timeframe before the end of this year. ahead of the hearing on monday, former white house chief of staff, mark meadows, is responding to district attorney willis saying that she is wrong when she argues that he, mark meadows, violated the hatch act in his actions to try to interfere with the georgia 2020 election. in his filing, his lawyers argue, quote, while the states characterization of mr. meadows's conduct and official duties are largely a relevant, at the removal stage, they are also wrong. creating an election or politics exemption to removal and official immunity would have sweeping consequences for the role of the chief of staff of the operation of the federal government going forward, and quote. now, that evidentiary hearing on monday is the first time the merits of the case would be tested before a judge. secretary of state, brad raffensperger, the georgia secretary of state, and his chief investigator, frances watson, have been subpoenaed to testify in that hearing. both of them can speak to the activities of mark meadows was involved in, in that fani willis argues is far outside the scope of mark meadows official duties. mark meadows, remember, the chief of staff to the president of the united states. set up a phone call between his then boss, donald trump, and frances watson, the investigator, where he pressured her to change the election results. days later, mark meadows texted frances watson asking her, according to the indictment, quote, is there a way to speed up fulton county's signature verification in order to have results before january 6th, if the trump campaign assist financially, and quote? >> if the trump campaign assist financially. in the counting of ballots. francis watson was also at the cotton county civic center the day that mark meadows tried to observe a signature match audit process, one that was not open to the public. mark meadows also took part in the january 2nd phone call, the famous phone call, the so-called perfect phone call. where donald trump pressured the secretary of state, brad raffensperger, to try to help them change the election results in georgia. >> there are allegations where we believe that not every vote or fair vote and legal vote was counted, and that at odds with the representation from the secretary of state's office. so mister secretary, i was hopeful that, you know, in the spirit of cooperation and compromise, is there something that we can at least have a discussion to look at some of these allegations to find a path forward that's less litigious? >> to find a path forward that's less litigious. setting off our discussion tonight, paul butler, a professor of law at georgetown university and a former federal prosecutor. glenn kershner, former federal prosecutor and the host of the justice matters podcast. they are both msnbc legal analysts. good evening to both of you. let's try -- let's start right away, glenn, with the speedy trial. thing we've got a few people asking for a speedy trial. we've got ken cheeseborough asking for it, we've got city powell asking for it. in georgia, that means something very specific. which means that their trial, they could get their way, their trial could start on october 23rd. that's not for everybody. that's for them, and anyone else of those 19 who are interested in this. tell me your thoughts. >> yes, so right now, the judge has granted kenneth chesebro's request for a speedy trial, and set a trial date for october 23rd. thereafter, sidney powell, one of the other 19 charged rico codefendants made a speedy trial demand. she will almost certainly be added to the trial in october. so it will be a two codefendant trial. who knows how many of the other defendants will end up making speedy trial demands. but if they do, i suspect the october 23rd trial date will grow. but here's the thing, ali, that's not necessarily going to work to donald trump's advantage. here's why. you are going to have lawyers in that case, in that trial, representing the interests of kenneth chesebro, and sidney powell i, asking questions designed to attack the evidence that incriminates them. but guess what, donald trump will not have a voice at that trial. so the evidence that will come in, before the jury, that incriminates donald trump, may largely go untested. that's the downside to the second batch of defendants who are not represented in the first trial. the public, assuming the trial is televised, we'll get a certain picture of the evidence. it probably will not involve anybody attacking or going after, trying to knock down the incriminating evidence regarding donald trump. in fact, ali, i've had cases like this where i tried some codefendants, and i was going to try other codefendants in the future. you know what the codefendants in the first trial will do, they will point the finger at the empty chair, and say, those are the bad guys. trump and giuliani, and meadows. it is not us. this could break really bad for donald trump. >> the interesting thing, paul, as michael cohen will tell you all the time, donald trump doesn't stand by his man. donald trump is the first guy to throw people under the bus. if you happen to be at trial before donald trump, to glenn's point, you're going to see, it was rudy, it was eastman, it was meadows. and certainly, it was trump. i was doing their work. donald trump may not be a part of that trail. >> yeah, some defendants, like jeffrey clark and mark meadows, are trying to get the case to move to federal court. others, like sidney powell and kenneth chesebro, claim that they want to go to trial right away. presumably, they are okay with state work. prosecutors love rico cases. because they allow them to tell the full story of how the crime went down. and bring in all of the coconspirators. but this also makes them quite complicated to try. for example, all 19 defendants will be able to cross examine every witness in the trial. so, ali, this is why this trial is going to be long and complicated. and why the georgia trial will almost certainly happen after the election. but this is also why jack smith charged only donald trump in his january 6th indictment. i'm still thinking that is going to be the first to go to trial. almost certainly before the election. >> part of the bet, i'm assuming, glenn, with sydney powell and kenneth chesebro, is that the trial under georgia law, they ask for a speedy trial, it's got to be within the court session or the subsequent court session. which means it's going to be really soon. are they betting that fani willis isn't ready to go that soon? because under georgia law, as i understand it, if you ask for that speedy trial, the judge says you can have it. you don't get it, the case against you disappears. >> yeah, i would not bet against fani willis. i don't think she even owns a pair of kids love. she's been going hard the whole time. when kenneth chesebro said i demand a speedy trial, what did fani willis do? oh, i've got you a speedy trial right. here october 23rd, let's go. in fact, she said i'm ready to try all 19 defendants on october 23rd. now, judge mcafee said let's start with the defendant who demanded a speedy trial. now we have a second one. sidney powell, but she indicated, unflinchingly, she is ready to go against all 19. she has her ducks in a row. and then some. if this was kenneth chesebro trying to call fani willis's bluff, she called his bluff. now what he may do, ali, is once he begins to get the discovery dump, the millions of documents, he might say, judge, i withdraw my request for a speedy trial. i didn't realize i was going to be contending with so much evidence. so stay tuned for that. >> paul, if one law would like to see justice play out here, i've read all of the indictments. they are all very detailed. jack smith looks very prepared. fani willis looks very prepared. obviously, this will be tried, and there will be a jury of their peers. which one should one who wants justice to be served before the next election, so that donald trump can't become president, and claim he can't prosecuted president, which one should you want to go first? the georgia trial or the jack smith trial. >> the jack smith trial. again, we have a situation where the district of columbia, by the end of this year, 2000 people will have been charged in connection with january 6th. they're mainly the footsoldiers, the little guys. so i think we have to have the general, the people who organized and financed, and planned in the insurrection, to be brought to justice, just like the little guys were. fani willis and jack smith actually make a good team, although they are probably not talking a whole lot. so with the willis georgia prosecution, again, we get the whole sorted tail. the effort to intimidate the former vice president. the fake electors scheme, even some of the blood and violence of the actual insurrection. again, jack smith purposely cut his case short and sweet. i think he thinks he can try it in a few weeks. we could have a verdict in that case before the end of the next year. >> wow, all right, thanks guys. great to have you kick us off tonight to explain all of the stuff we don't already. now glenn kirschner, and paul butler, coming up, there were some major developments this week in the classified documents criminal case against donald trump. involving trump employee, for, who could be a very important witness for jack smith and the government against donald trump. that's next. but a little metamucil everyday can help. metamucil's psyllium fiber gels to trap and remove the waste that weighs you down and also helps lower cholesterol and slows sugar absorption to promote healthy blood sugar levels. so you can feel lighter and more energetic. lighten everyday the metamucil way. feel less sluggish & weighed down after just 14 days. sign up for the 2 week challenge at ♪ ♪ ♪♪ voltaren. the joy of movement. ♪♪ moderate to severe eczema still disrupts my skin. despite treatment it disrupts my skin with itch. it disrupts my skin with rash. but now, i can disrupt eczema with rinvoq. rinvoq is not a steroid, topical, or injection. it's one pill, once a day. many taking rinvoq saw clear or almost-clear skin while some saw up to 100% clear skin. and, they felt dramatic and fast itch relief some as early as 2 days. that's rinvoq relief. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal, cancers including lymphoma and skin cancer, death, heart attack, stroke, and tears in the stomach or intestines occurred. people 50 and older with at least one heart disease risk factor have higher risks. don't take if allergic to rinvoq, as serious reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. disrupt the itch and rash of eczema. talk to your doctor about rinvoq. learn how abbvie can help you save. so, you've got the power of xfinity at home. now take it outside with xfinity mobile. like speed? 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>> sure, my understanding of woodward's filing is that he took issue with how jackie smith's team quoted from what appeared to be sealed testimony without releasing that moment and that time,. without getting approval from the judge to do so. it would be the violation of court rules and it makes at the head of the case. jack smith -- they had gotten approval, provided copy of it, an order from judge those bark which had been provided in ex parte, meaning the defense counsel was not aware of it. so they didn't do anything wrong in that context, but the concern that woodward has here is that the government is selectively quoting from sealed testimony. my expectation is that if woodward gets the file, he is going to ask it to basically unseal the rest of the testimony. i have no problem with that, i think the public should have a right to see that. >> this feels like for what trump world does. there is stuff i could cause delays, but the substance of the matter here for those of us who are not lawyers, is that there is a guy who provided testimony that appears to be false by his own admission and that the new testimony is more helpful to the government than the original indictment actually was? >> yeah, woodward feels like he was on team trump and feels like he was protecting and promoting the interests of donald trump over the interests of his client, mr. yuscil tavares. he led to a client, mr. taveras to go before the grand jury and lie. that lie had the effect of protecting walt nauta, de oliveira, and donald trump. that is not zealously representing your client. lo and behold, the minute that yuscil tavares gets conflict free council, the number two person at the popstar jewels of public defender who is known for decades, and she is an excellent, lawyer he immediately retracts his lies and tells the truth. what does he do? he implicates the defendants walt nauta, trump, and de oliveira. ali, that highlights the beauty of the sixth amendment right to counsel because it's not just the right to any old counsel like one paid for by trump pack money, it is a right to conflict free council. a person who has your interests at heart, not don't trump's interest at heart. >> this is an interesting conversation because obviously in trump world there are a whole lot of people charged with a whole lot of things who do not have donald trump's means and, once in, while donald trump pays for their attorney or says he's going to, sometimes he doesn't. it seems to be a sore spot for rudy giuliani right now, but the point is how does that conversation go? at what point does that happen that tavares has got cold feet somehow and this federal defender sits and talks to him and explains, what happens there that causes a guy like taveras saying i want a new lawyer, i want to change my testimony? >> the biggest issue, no doubt, is that he got a target letter. he got a target letter from jack smith saying that we are planning to indict you for perjury. once that had happened, and once judge boasberg gave him that federal defender to provide independent counsel, employee for, taveras, changed his mind in terms of how you want to proceed forward with representation. it's not the first time that we have seen this in trump world, we saw it with cassidy hutchinson during the january six hearings. we've seen this throughout history with what we typically referred to as criminal enterprises where the balls provide you as a lawyer, and then the lawyer's loyalty appears to be discipline other than the individual client. so mr. taveras has his own lawyer now, he a provided apparently truthful testimony, it implicates the boss, it's the bosses problem not taveras problem. >> thank you so much for clearing this up, because it kind of got lost in the weed because a lot of other stuff has been going on in georgia, but it's very, very important development in the gut mar-a-lago case. glen gardner, bradley moss, we appreciate you tonight. coming, up keep your eye on 2024 as we follow donald trump being prosecuted for allegedly illegal actions to subvert this result of the 2020 election. republicans are, right now, working to you state and local power to suppress the vote and subvert elections next time. this week, this texas state supreme court dealt a major blow to voters in harris county, texas. texas senate candidate it all in all right, a voting rights attorney, joins me next. ♪ sunny one so true, i love you ♪ why didn't we do this last year? 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>> thanks, ali, i'm coming to you. i just want to say this is a violation of the texas constitution and the texas constitution prohibits the legislature from passing any law that can only apply to one county. here they just set a population limit and it only applies to one county. so to me it is clearly a violation, and it's going to require the county to shift the elections administration function to the county clerk and to the texas folks who have not done this and don't know how to do this. what it is really about is causing chaos and difficulty in our biggest and most diverse county in our state, also a democratic county and one that has had a major impact on reaching statewide elections. >> >> what is the ostensible excuse for it? as these republicans go out to these constituents and they say why would you pass this laws to only applies to harris county, or why would you pass a law that only has a population of 4 million people? what is their response, why is that necessary? >> well, they will say that they think there are a similarities in the elections in election county. what it's really about is that harris county is growing incredibly close quickly, it's incredibly diverse, and they're trying to target it because the numbers coming out of it in terms of the number of voters is impacting and showing them that they have to worry about what is happening there in terms of there being too good of voter turnout. so this is a long running story that we have had here in texas, ali, i think you know that i am a voting rights lawyer. it is something that we have been dealing with for sometime, which is that whenever we see some progress being made the state legislature often tries to step in and take us backwards. >> let's talk about the legality of it. because you are a voting rights lawyer. at this point, the texas supreme court is allowing the texas government to go ahead with us and yet there is a hearing that is scheduled for november. what is the difference between the two of them? >> let's just say that once harris county takes down their elections administration office, they're not going to bring it back. until they are sure that they are going to do it within the limits of this law, as it is being applied. it's likely that it won't just apply to this municipal election that is coming up, it will also apply to the election next november in the presidential year. that is a concern, at least we will have more time in harris county to get those officers that have not been doing this function up to speed for the presidential election, but it is certainly going to have an impact on a very important mayoral election in houston. so we will see what the supreme court does, but it is unlikely, unless they grant this, that we will see arizona to bring this back. >> before those two young men got thrown out of the tennessee legislature and before legislatures across this country worse becoming sameness for their activism within the house, you texas representatives were the ogs on this one. you have tried all sorts of interesting and creative moves to try to hold back the majority from doing antidemocratic things and, while it has set the tone for resistance in this country for pro democratic resistance, it does not always work. what works in a case like this? how do you fight this? if the legislature will not do the right thing and the texas supreme court will not do the right thing, how do voters do the right thing done? how does fairness and democracy prevail in texas? >> well we have to have a backlash. we have never backlash. we have to have folks understanding what they are trying to do. i'm a member of congress, ali, and i have worked in the congress to lead the effort to pass the john lewis voting rights act, which would restore the voting rights act and set national standards for early voting, vote by mail, and ban partisan gerrymandering. we have been able to pass that through the house of representatives, but we have not been able to get it through the senate. we have 50 votes, but not enough to get past the filibuster. when i bet you ted cruz and replace him in the senate we will get this in the senate, and we will restore the right to the vote and do it -- it's not the first time they've been targeted and understand they're going to come out in numbers that we have seen to reject ted cruz and help us restore our democracy. everyone else wants to help us do it go to colin allred. com, we need your help. >> congressman, good to see you. congressman colin allred of texas. when we come back, how donald trump's surrender, arrest, mugshot shows that american democracy is actually working. that is during a week when we also saw the opposite of democracy, a russian mercenary leader possibly assassinated by vladimir putin. that is next. average risk, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider for cologuard. ♪i did it my way!♪ type 2 diabetes? 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a season of a democracy sees a former president getting the same treatment as any of her accused and understands that no one is above the law. joining us now is michael mcfaul, an ambassador to russia from 2012 to 2013. he's an msnbc international affairs analyst. sir, it is good to see you again. let's be clear, no love lost for most people for you have ghani prigozhin. the point here is what happened to prigozhin was entirely predictable because that is what happens to people who run afoul of authority in a place like russia. >> that's right, ali. it's a great point. u.s. asog, who is a criminal, by my judgment he did a lot of bad things and not just in ukraine, but in africa and syria. but, he did not have any way to defend himself like you said and the way that he was taken out in this incredibly audacious way, again, we need to underscore that we don't know all the facts so i will keep using the legends. but pretty clear, allegedly, that this plane blew up and he was on it. that is the way that vladimir putin deals with people he doesn't like, or he arrest the same, or he poisons them, or he throws them in jail for 25 years for criticizing's war as have happened to several dissidents. but there is no rule of law in russia, that is for sure. >> let's talk about that last point that you just made. when we, in the west, look at russia and we wonder, given the pressure that they are under, given the backlash they have faced for the full scale invasion of ukraine, why has the average russian go along with us? there are two important points, the average russian does not readily have access to good information flow and, two, is they have weakened any meaningful opposition in russia because meaningful opposition leaders are in jail. navalny is in jail, -- is in jail. >> that's exactly right. and those two points are exactly the right ones. first, that information. so, those that support putin are those that watch russian propaganda channels on tv. by the way, the younger people in russia, polling is hard to do in russia, let's be clear. it's also hard to do in dictatorships, but the best of our knowledge for those that get their information from youtube and other websites, and not from television, tend to be younger, urban educated people. they don't support the war. but do they protest against the war today? the answer is no. to your second point, they did in the beginning. i think a lot of you forgot the tens of thousands of people did protest and then putin did exactly what you just described with navalny, -- he put them in jail for years and years and years, and that is a deterrent for people to protest and that is why so many people have their heads down inside of putin's russia today. >> i looked at some of these people to say that we should, in america, look to them. when our democracy is in peril, and it is not in the same way that it is for russia, that is a fact. it's not in the same way that it is for ukraine, that was a fact. but our democracy is threatened and we are called upon esther distance who do have a vote, and an ability to participate in the political process to do so. we may do so without going to jail. i look at to these guys in russia and say, in vladimir or -- he went back in a beloved 2022 knowing full well that he would be arrested and now he is in jail. it should inspire us to say that we should not have to go to jail in america to preserve the democracy that we have here. >> i couldn't agree more. he was a friend of mine, he is fighting for the very things that we take for granted. he's willing to go to jail for, it and he was on tv last week in some arraignment still smiling, still telling people to be strong. by the way, he didn't get a trial of his peers, of his fellow citizens. he had no due process, he had no rule of law whatsoever when he was indicted everybody knew he was going to jail. that is different from our system, too. >> ambassador, it's good to see you as always. thank you for joining us, former ambassador michael mcfaul. tonight we have got the last word coming up, right after this. ♪ i've got symptom relief ♪ ♪ control of my crohn's means everything to me. ♪ ♪ ♪ control is everything to me. ♪ feel significant symptom relief with skyrizi, including less abdominal pain and fewer bowel movements at 4 weeks. skyrizi is the first and only il-23 inhibitor for crohn's that can deliver both clinical remission and endoscopic improvement. the majority of people on skyrizi achieved long lasting remission at 1 year. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to. liver problems may occur in crohn's disease. ask your gastroenterologist how you can take control of your crohn's with skyrizi. ♪ ♪ control is everything to me. ♪ learn how abbvie could help you save. more shopping? 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and, defendant trump's impact on candidate trump's chances in 2024 and the political implications of it all. then, recapping another historic week featuring a mugshot scene around the world. michael best loss is here to put it all in perspective as the 11th hour gets underway on this friday night. greetings, i am simone sanders townsend in for stephanie ruhle. tonight, the criminal prosecution in the georgia 2020

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Pointing , Custody , Scott Mcafee , End Quote , President , Cathy Latham , Elector , Direction , Role , Motion , Officer , United States , Votes , Potentially , Argument , Notion , Language , Court Documents , Fixer , Michael Cohen , Stain , Cases , Fake Elector , Acting , Filings , Hush Money Case , Mr , Lawyers , Elect , Court Filing Last Night , President Of The United States , David Shafer , Georgia Trial , Quote , District Attorney Willis Of October 23rd , In , Feet Kenneth Chesebro , Architects , 23 , October 23rd , For Sidney Powell , Mark Meadows , Timeframe , Place , Father , White House , The , Hatch Act , Actions , Filing , Georgia 2020 , Characterization , Conduct , Forward , Government , Duties , Consequences , Relevant , Removal , Removal Stage , Immunity , Operation , Exemption , Time , Brad Raffensperger , Secretary Of State , Merits , Georgia Secretary Of State , Frances Watson , Activities , Scope , Phone Call , Boss , Chief Of Staff , Way , Indictment , Election Results , Order , Results , Financially , Signature Verification , Trump Campaign Assist , 6 , January 6th , Part , Public , Counting , Cotton County , Trump Campaign , Signature Match Audit Process , Ballots , Francis Watson , Civic Center , January 2nd , Vote , Allegations , Representation , So Mister , Office , Odds , Spirit , Cooperation , Law , Something , Discussion , Path , Paul Butler , Some , Professor , Compromise , Setting , Litigious , Georgetown University , People , I T , Thing , Glenn Kershner , Prosecutor , Let , City Powell , Try , Host , Analysts , Matters Podcast , Ken Cheeseborough , Trial , Everybody , , Anyone , Thoughts , Codefendants , Request , Made A Speedy Trial Demand , Rico , Yes , Many , Up Making Speedy Trial Demands , Two , Advantage , Evidence , Interests , Questions , And Sidney Powell I , Guess What , Jury , Voice , Downside , Batch , Incriminates , Fact , Anybody Attacking , Say , Guys , Meadows , Finger , Giuliani , Chair , Guy , Man , Bus , Doesn T 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, July 5th 2023 , Defender , Council , Information , Footage , Demand , Set , Body Man , Security Camera , Defense Counsel , Threats , Submission , Court Of Public Opinion , Result , Phone Calls , Emails , Disregard , Matter , Details , Individuals , Lives , Coincidental , Credulity , Reporting , Nearman , Media Outlet , Cavity Attorney , Beef , Bradley Moss The National , World , Recants , Understanding , Jackie Smith , Violation , Approval , Head , Court Rules , Bark , Context , Copy , Anything , Ex Parte , Problem , Expectation , Rest , File , Right , Feels , Delays , Substance , Team Trump , Admission , Taveras , Lie , Client , Effect , Yuscil Tavares , Person , Public Defender , Jewels , Popstar , Lo And Behold , Excellent , The Truth , Beauty , Amendment , Money , Heart , Conversation , Don T Trump , Interest , Things , To , Spot , Rudy Giuliani , Talks , Cold Feet , Saying , No Doubt , Planning , Perjury , Terms , Mind , Enterprises , Hearings , Bosses Problem , Taveras Problem , It Kind , Up , Discipline , Balls , History , Loyalty , Cassidy Hutchinson , Six , Republicans , Weed , Eye , Bradley Moss , Gut , Glen Gardner , 2024 , Harris County , Voters , Elections , Texas , Voting Rights Attorney , I Love You Why Didn T , Blow , Sunny One , Migraine , Qulipta , Pain , Plans , Worry , Help , Attacks , Look At Me Now , Migraine Feeling , Kind , Frequency , Cgrp , Zero , Side Effects , Magic Eraser , Messes , Constipation , Nausea , Migraine Medicine , Sleepiness , Powers , Running Shoe , Meet Arexvy , Scrubbing , Sheets , Cleaning , Rsv , Surprise , 80 , Respiratory Disease , Rsv Vaccine , Airways , Lungs , Fda , 60 , Everyone , Health Conditions , 82 , 94 , Vaccine , Response , Muscle Pain , Immune Systems , Headache , Injection Site Pain , Ingredients , Fatigue , Tax Refund , Pharmacist , Innovation , Business , Make It Arexvy , Erc , Refund , Marshall , Rosie , Emily , Dr , Innovation Refunds , Patio , Facelift , Practice , Wax Museum , Brows , Stop Waiting , Life , Protein , Living , Blend , Diabetes , Glucerna Protein , Going , Doing , Season , Blood Sugar Response , Game , Score , Shop , Brand , Chance , Saving , Monopoly Tag , Prize Money , 25 Million , 100000 , 00000 , Breaking News , Game Tickets , Greg Abbott , Attention , Roe , County , Tennessee Legislature , Counties , Elections Administrator , Residents , 4 Million , Texas Supreme Court , Home , Joe Biden , 5 Million , 56 , Estate , Laws Constitutionality , Oversight , September 1st , 1 , Elections Administrators , Colin Allred , Democratic , Voting , Appeal , Races , Talk , Senate , Ted Cruz , Thanks , Texas County , Basis , Size , Population Limit , Texas Constitution And The , Folks , Administration , Function , Difficulty , County Clerk , Chaos , Impact , Constituents , Excuse , Laws , Population , Similarities , Numbers , Election County , Number , Running Story , Impacting , Voter Turnout , Voting Rights Lawyer , Sometime , State Legislature , Progress , Legality , Difference , Being , Limits , Officers , Houston , Men , Back , What The Supreme Court Does , Arizona , Country , Activism , Legislatures , House , Sameness , Majority , Moves , Ogs , Sorts , Texas Representatives , Resistance , Tone , American Democracy , Backlash , Partisan , Filibuster , Congress , Ban , Gerrymandering , Voting Rights Act , House Of Representatives , Vote By Mail , Voting Rights Act And Set National Standards , John Lewis , Member Of Congress , Mugshot , Congressman , Opposite , Surrender , Com , Vladimir Putin , Mercenary Leader , Don T Take Ozempic , Russian , Provider , Type 2 Diabetes , Cologuard , Weight , A1c , My Ozempic , Cv Risk , Events , Studies , 7 , Isn T , Adults , Heart Disease , Type 1 Diabetes , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Family , Pens , Share , Reuse , Needles , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Gallbladder Problems , Vision Problems , Stomach Pain , Reaction , Changes , Lump , Neck , Swelling , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Stop Ozempic , Blood Sugar Risk , Kidney Problems , Insulin , Health Care Provider , Vomiting , Diarrhea , Dehydration , Chevy Silverado , Camera Views , Z71 Off Road , 25 , 13 , Truck , Deals , Package , Everything Kids , Amazon , Spending , More , Breakthrough , Remover , Skin Tags , Scholl S , Deodorant , Listen , Secret , Works , Odor , Sale , Godaddy , Ohhh Yesss , Dinosaur , Build , Partner , Website , Town , Colorado , Godaddy Com Voltaren , High School , Brother , Psych , Foul , Game Dude , Kelly Carter , Lap , Mayhem , Allstate , Bro , Rookie , Home Insurance Coverage , Game Over , Sugar , Energy , Protein Max Challenge , Uuuhhhh , 10000 , 0000 , Music , Supplement , Nature , Vitamin , Democracy Versus A Dictatorship , Display , 45 , Peril , Inmate Number , Mugshot Shows American Democracy , George , Americans , Action , Citizen , Prosecuting Investigating , Fingerprints , Charges , Left , Plane , Counts , Times , Threat , Innocence , Agents , Safety , Guilt , Secret Service , System , Cannot Act Outside The Law , Politicians , Prigozhin , Killing Yevgeny Prigozhin , Sky , Survivors , Everywhere , Clarity , Authorities , Mercenary Group , Ground , Coup , Wagner , On Fire , Kremlin , Plane Crash , Dictatorships , Mugshots , Dictatorship , Mistakes , Surrendering , Statement Saying , Involvement , Fate , Innocent , Michael Mcfaul , Sir , Analyst , Accused , 2012 , 2013 , Love , Authority , Ghani Prigozhin , Asog , Criminal , Judgment , Facts , Ukraine , Syria , Africa , Same , Legends , War , Rule Of Law , Dissidents , West , Points , Pressure , Scale , Invasion , Average Russian Go , Navalny , Opposition Leaders , Opposition , Information Flow , Tv , Polling , Propaganda , Ones , Best , Knowledge , Youtube , Websites , Television , Tens Of Thousands , Protest , Answer , Beginning , Democracy , Heads Down Inside Of Putin S Russia Today , Deterrent , Vladimir , Distance , Process , Esther , 2022 , Fighting , Mine , Arraignment , Citizens , Due Process , Control , Everything , Symptom Relief Control , Crohn , Former , Skyrizi , Crohn S , Feel , Bowel Movements , Symptom Relief , Remission , Il 23 , Endoscopic Improvement , 4 , Liver Problems , Crohn S Disease , Infection , Symptoms , Gastroenterologist , Liberty Mutual , Car Insurance , Spending Honey , Shopping , Switching , Mom , 700 , 00 Dollars , Phone , Reminder , Airport , Dad , Pay , Ohhhhhh , Magic Eraser Mait , Out Didn T You , For Y , Um , Commitment , Volume , Xfinity 10g Network , Somebody , Break , Taxes , Episodes , Book Club Broadcasts , Velshi , Chris Hayes , Book , Books , Controversy , Sense , Snow , Backwards Drift , Authors , Privilege , Nonsense , Half , Radar , Book Club , Author , Podcasts , 400 , Romeo And Juliet , William Shakespeare , Families , Children , Relationship , Most , Ron Desantis , High School English , Students , Education Restrictions , Entirety , Florida , Schools , Excerpts , Hand , Programming Note , Women S Equality Day , Women , Fight , Girls , Awareness , Heroes , Difficult , Documentary , Clip , Films , Take A Look , Decision , Women S Soccer Team , Taliban , Speaking , Film , It Premiers , Ayenda , Ten , Trouble , Gonna , The 11th Hour , Phase , Georgia Have , 11 , Around The World , Defendant Trump , Chances , Perspective , Loss , Candidate , Implications , 11th Hour , Friday Night , Simone Sanders Townsend , Stephanie Ruhle ,

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surrender to the agency, and that is former justice department official, jeffrey clark. who tried to block his arrest earlier this week, arguing that it would be too difficult for him to travel to atlanta to be booked. by 2:15 this morning, jeffrey clark had turned himself. several other codefendant surrendered overnight. around the same time. including, michael roman, a trump campaign staffer, who helped track and coordinate the fake electors in multiple states. misty hampton, a former election supervisor, accused of helping with the voting machine a breach in coffee county. sean still, one of the fake electors who also helped organize the meeting. and robert cheeley, a georgia lawyer who made false election claims at a hearing to georgia lawmakers. by 10:15 a. m., trevian c. kutti, who pressured election workers ruby come in, to testify that she had out committed election fraud had surrendered and looked awfully happy in that picture. an hour later, the last defendant surrendered. steven le, an illinois pastor involved in the plot to intimidate ruby freeman. he turned himself in. harrison floyd, this man, who was solicited by steven lee to help intimidate ruby freeman, and influence her testimony, is the only defendant still being detained in jail. at an initial court appearance today, harrison floyd was denied bond, with the judge calling him a flight risk, and a risk to commit additional felonies. he will remain in custody until judge scott mcafee can hear the issue of his bond. today, another codefendant is joining in the effort to move the case to federal court, as joining a growing list of codefendants pointing directly at donald trump for the crimes that they are charged with committing. cathy latham, this woman, one of the fake electors filed a motion to try her case in federal court. arguing that she was acting as a federal officer in her role as an elector, quote, at the direction of the president of the united states. and quote. okay, never mind that they were not the lawful presidential electors representing the legal votes from the state of georgia. but this whole notion could become a potentially -- devastating argument for donald trump. it is the stain language that appeared in court documents against michael cohen. donald trump's former fixer in the hush money case. that he went to jail for. she's now the third indicted fake elector who in court filings to move their cases to federal court said that they were acting, quote, at the direction of donald trump and his lawyers. in a court filing last night, sean still argued that, quote, mr. still, as a presidential elect or, was also acting at the direction of the incumbent president of the united states, and quote. the david shafer's court filing also uses that exact same language. quote, at the direction, and quote, of donald trump. after judge yesterday approved the speedy trial date proposed by the district attorney willis of october 23rd, for feet kenneth chesebro, one of the key architects behind the fake elector plot, another one of donald trump's in -- is seeking a speedy trial. today, for sidney powell, father request for a speedy trial that would also likely take place within the same timeframe before the end of this year. ahead of the hearing on monday, former white house chief of staff, mark meadows, is responding to district attorney willis saying that she is wrong when she argues that he, mark meadows, violated the hatch act in his actions to try to interfere with the georgia 2020 election. in his filing, his lawyers argue, quote, while the states characterization of mr. meadows's conduct and official duties are largely a relevant, at the removal stage, they are also wrong. creating an election or politics exemption to removal and official immunity would have sweeping consequences for the role of the chief of staff of the operation of the federal government going forward, and quote. now, that evidentiary hearing on monday is the first time the merits of the case would be tested before a judge. secretary of state, brad raffensperger, the georgia secretary of state, and his chief investigator, frances watson, have been subpoenaed to testify in that hearing. both of them can speak to the activities of mark meadows was involved in, in that fani willis argues is far outside the scope of mark meadows official duties. mark meadows, remember, the chief of staff to the president of the united states. set up a phone call between his then boss, donald trump, and frances watson, the investigator, where he pressured her to change the election results. days later, mark meadows texted frances watson asking her, according to the indictment, quote, is there a way to speed up fulton county's signature verification in order to have results before january 6th, if the trump campaign assist financially, and quote? >> if the trump campaign assist financially. in the counting of ballots. francis watson was also at the cotton county civic center the day that mark meadows tried to observe a signature match audit process, one that was not open to the public. mark meadows also took part in the january 2nd phone call, the famous phone call, the so-called perfect phone call. where donald trump pressured the secretary of state, brad raffensperger, to try to help them change the election results in georgia. >> there are allegations where we believe that not every vote or fair vote and legal vote was counted, and that at odds with the representation from the secretary of state's office. so mister secretary, i was hopeful that, you know, in the spirit of cooperation and compromise, is there something that we can at least have a discussion to look at some of these allegations to find a path forward that's less litigious? >> to find a path forward that's less litigious. setting off our discussion tonight, paul butler, a professor of law at georgetown university and a former federal prosecutor. glenn kershner, former federal prosecutor and the host of the justice matters podcast. they are both msnbc legal analysts. good evening to both of you. let's try -- let's start right away, glenn, with the speedy trial. thing we've got a few people asking for a speedy trial. we've got ken cheeseborough asking for it, we've got city powell asking for it. in georgia, that means something very specific. which means that their trial, they could get their way, their trial could start on october 23rd. that's not for everybody. that's for them, and anyone else of those 19 who are interested in this. tell me your thoughts. >> yes, so right now, the judge has granted kenneth chesebro's request for a speedy trial, and set a trial date for october 23rd. thereafter, sidney powell, one of the other 19 charged rico codefendants made a speedy trial demand. she will almost certainly be added to the trial in october. so it will be a two codefendant trial. who knows how many of the other defendants will end up making speedy trial demands. but if they do, i suspect the october 23rd trial date will grow. but here's the thing, ali, that's not necessarily going to work to donald trump's advantage. here's why. you are going to have lawyers in that case, in that trial, representing the interests of kenneth chesebro, and sidney powell i, asking questions designed to attack the evidence that incriminates them. but guess what, donald trump will not have a voice at that trial. so the evidence that will come in, before the jury, that incriminates donald trump, may largely go untested. that's the downside to the second batch of defendants who are not represented in the first trial. the public, assuming the trial is televised, we'll get a certain picture of the evidence. it probably will not involve anybody attacking or going after, trying to knock down the incriminating evidence regarding donald trump. in fact, ali, i've had cases like this where i tried some codefendants, and i was going to try other codefendants in the future. you know what the codefendants in the first trial will do, they will point the finger at the empty chair, and say, those are the bad guys. trump and giuliani, and meadows. it is not us. this could break really bad for donald trump. >> the interesting thing, paul, as michael cohen will tell you all the time, donald trump doesn't stand by his man. donald trump is the first guy to throw people under the bus. if you happen to be at trial before donald trump, to glenn's point, you're going to see, it was rudy, it was eastman, it was meadows. and certainly, it was trump. i was doing their work. donald trump may not be a part of that trail. >> yeah, some defendants, like jeffrey clark and mark meadows, are trying to get the case to move to federal court. others, like sidney powell and kenneth chesebro, claim that they want to go to trial right away. presumably, they are okay with state work. prosecutors love rico cases. because they allow them to tell the full story of how the crime went down. and bring in all of the coconspirators. but this also makes them quite complicated to try. for example, all 19 defendants will be able to cross examine every witness in the trial. so, ali, this is why this trial is going to be long and complicated. and why the georgia trial will almost certainly happen after the election. but this is also why jack smith charged only donald trump in his january 6th indictment. i'm still thinking that is going to be the first to go to trial. almost certainly before the election. >> part of the bet, i'm assuming, glenn, with sydney powell and kenneth chesebro, is that the trial under georgia law, they ask for a speedy trial, it's got to be within the court session or the subsequent court session. which means it's going to be really soon. are they betting that fani willis isn't ready to go that soon? because under georgia law, as i understand it, if you ask for that speedy trial, the judge says you can have it. you don't get it, the case against you disappears. >> yeah, i would not bet against fani willis. i don't think she even owns a pair of kids love. she's been going hard the whole time. when kenneth chesebro said i demand a speedy trial, what did fani willis do? oh, i've got you a speedy trial right. here october 23rd, let's go. in fact, she said i'm ready to try all 19 defendants on october 23rd. now, judge mcafee said let's start with the defendant who demanded a speedy trial. now we have a second one. sidney powell, but she indicated, unflinchingly, she is ready to go against all 19. she has her ducks in a row. and then some. if this was kenneth chesebro trying to call fani willis's bluff, she called his bluff. now what he may do, ali, is once he begins to get the discovery dump, the millions of documents, he might say, judge, i withdraw my request for a speedy trial. i didn't realize i was going to be contending with so much evidence. so stay tuned for that. >> paul, if one law would like to see justice play out here, i've read all of the indictments. they are all very detailed. jack smith looks very prepared. fani willis looks very prepared. obviously, this will be tried, and there will be a jury of their peers. which one should one who wants justice to be served before the next election, so that donald trump can't become president, and claim he can't prosecuted president, which one should you want to go first? the georgia trial or the jack smith trial. >> the jack smith trial. again, we have a situation where the district of columbia, by the end of this year, 2000 people will have been charged in connection with january 6th. they're mainly the footsoldiers, the little guys. so i think we have to have the general, the people who organized and financed, and planned in the insurrection, to be brought to justice, just like the little guys were. fani willis and jack smith actually make a good team, although they are probably not talking a whole lot. so with the willis georgia prosecution, again, we get the whole sorted tail. the effort to intimidate the former vice president. the fake electors scheme, even some of the blood and violence of the actual insurrection. again, jack smith purposely cut his case short and sweet. i think he thinks he can try it in a few weeks. we could have a verdict in that case before the end of the next year. >> wow, all right, thanks guys. great to have you kick us off tonight to explain all of the stuff we don't already. now glenn kirschner, and paul butler, coming up, there were some major developments this week in the classified documents criminal case against donald trump. involving trump employee, for, who could be a very important witness for jack smith and the government against donald trump. that's next. but a little metamucil everyday can help. metamucil's psyllium fiber gels to trap and remove the waste that weighs you down and also helps lower cholesterol and slows sugar absorption to promote healthy blood sugar levels. so you can feel lighter and more energetic. lighten everyday the metamucil way. feel less sluggish & weighed down after just 14 days. sign up for the 2 week challenge at ♪ ♪ ♪♪ voltaren. the joy of movement. ♪♪ moderate to severe eczema still disrupts my skin. despite treatment it disrupts my skin with itch. it disrupts my skin with rash. but now, i can disrupt eczema with rinvoq. rinvoq is not a steroid, topical, or injection. it's one pill, once a day. many taking rinvoq saw clear or almost-clear skin while some saw up to 100% clear skin. and, they felt dramatic and fast itch relief some as early as 2 days. that's rinvoq relief. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal, cancers including lymphoma and skin cancer, death, heart attack, stroke, and tears in the stomach or intestines occurred. people 50 and older with at least one heart disease risk factor have higher risks. don't take if allergic to rinvoq, as serious reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. disrupt the itch and rash of eczema. talk to your doctor about rinvoq. learn how abbvie can help you save. so, you've got the power of xfinity at home. now take it outside with xfinity mobile. like speed? 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>> sure, my understanding of woodward's filing is that he took issue with how jackie smith's team quoted from what appeared to be sealed testimony without releasing that moment and that time,. without getting approval from the judge to do so. it would be the violation of court rules and it makes at the head of the case. jack smith -- they had gotten approval, provided copy of it, an order from judge those bark which had been provided in ex parte, meaning the defense counsel was not aware of it. so they didn't do anything wrong in that context, but the concern that woodward has here is that the government is selectively quoting from sealed testimony. my expectation is that if woodward gets the file, he is going to ask it to basically unseal the rest of the testimony. i have no problem with that, i think the public should have a right to see that. >> this feels like for what trump world does. there is stuff i could cause delays, but the substance of the matter here for those of us who are not lawyers, is that there is a guy who provided testimony that appears to be false by his own admission and that the new testimony is more helpful to the government than the original indictment actually was? >> yeah, woodward feels like he was on team trump and feels like he was protecting and promoting the interests of donald trump over the interests of his client, mr. yuscil tavares. he led to a client, mr. taveras to go before the grand jury and lie. that lie had the effect of protecting walt nauta, de oliveira, and donald trump. that is not zealously representing your client. lo and behold, the minute that yuscil tavares gets conflict free council, the number two person at the popstar jewels of public defender who is known for decades, and she is an excellent, lawyer he immediately retracts his lies and tells the truth. what does he do? he implicates the defendants walt nauta, trump, and de oliveira. ali, that highlights the beauty of the sixth amendment right to counsel because it's not just the right to any old counsel like one paid for by trump pack money, it is a right to conflict free council. a person who has your interests at heart, not don't trump's interest at heart. >> this is an interesting conversation because obviously in trump world there are a whole lot of people charged with a whole lot of things who do not have donald trump's means and, once in, while donald trump pays for their attorney or says he's going to, sometimes he doesn't. it seems to be a sore spot for rudy giuliani right now, but the point is how does that conversation go? at what point does that happen that tavares has got cold feet somehow and this federal defender sits and talks to him and explains, what happens there that causes a guy like taveras saying i want a new lawyer, i want to change my testimony? >> the biggest issue, no doubt, is that he got a target letter. he got a target letter from jack smith saying that we are planning to indict you for perjury. once that had happened, and once judge boasberg gave him that federal defender to provide independent counsel, employee for, taveras, changed his mind in terms of how you want to proceed forward with representation. it's not the first time that we have seen this in trump world, we saw it with cassidy hutchinson during the january six hearings. we've seen this throughout history with what we typically referred to as criminal enterprises where the balls provide you as a lawyer, and then the lawyer's loyalty appears to be discipline other than the individual client. so mr. taveras has his own lawyer now, he a provided apparently truthful testimony, it implicates the boss, it's the bosses problem not taveras problem. >> thank you so much for clearing this up, because it kind of got lost in the weed because a lot of other stuff has been going on in georgia, but it's very, very important development in the gut mar-a-lago case. glen gardner, bradley moss, we appreciate you tonight. coming, up keep your eye on 2024 as we follow donald trump being prosecuted for allegedly illegal actions to subvert this result of the 2020 election. republicans are, right now, working to you state and local power to suppress the vote and subvert elections next time. this week, this texas state supreme court dealt a major blow to voters in harris county, texas. texas senate candidate it all in all right, a voting rights attorney, joins me next. ♪ sunny one so true, i love you ♪ why didn't we do this last year? 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>> thanks, ali, i'm coming to you. i just want to say this is a violation of the texas constitution and the texas constitution prohibits the legislature from passing any law that can only apply to one county. here they just set a population limit and it only applies to one county. so to me it is clearly a violation, and it's going to require the county to shift the elections administration function to the county clerk and to the texas folks who have not done this and don't know how to do this. what it is really about is causing chaos and difficulty in our biggest and most diverse county in our state, also a democratic county and one that has had a major impact on reaching statewide elections. >> >> what is the ostensible excuse for it? as these republicans go out to these constituents and they say why would you pass this laws to only applies to harris county, or why would you pass a law that only has a population of 4 million people? what is their response, why is that necessary? >> well, they will say that they think there are a similarities in the elections in election county. what it's really about is that harris county is growing incredibly close quickly, it's incredibly diverse, and they're trying to target it because the numbers coming out of it in terms of the number of voters is impacting and showing them that they have to worry about what is happening there in terms of there being too good of voter turnout. so this is a long running story that we have had here in texas, ali, i think you know that i am a voting rights lawyer. it is something that we have been dealing with for sometime, which is that whenever we see some progress being made the state legislature often tries to step in and take us backwards. >> let's talk about the legality of it. because you are a voting rights lawyer. at this point, the texas supreme court is allowing the texas government to go ahead with us and yet there is a hearing that is scheduled for november. what is the difference between the two of them? >> let's just say that once harris county takes down their elections administration office, they're not going to bring it back. until they are sure that they are going to do it within the limits of this law, as it is being applied. it's likely that it won't just apply to this municipal election that is coming up, it will also apply to the election next november in the presidential year. that is a concern, at least we will have more time in harris county to get those officers that have not been doing this function up to speed for the presidential election, but it is certainly going to have an impact on a very important mayoral election in houston. so we will see what the supreme court does, but it is unlikely, unless they grant this, that we will see arizona to bring this back. >> before those two young men got thrown out of the tennessee legislature and before legislatures across this country worse becoming sameness for their activism within the house, you texas representatives were the ogs on this one. you have tried all sorts of interesting and creative moves to try to hold back the majority from doing antidemocratic things and, while it has set the tone for resistance in this country for pro democratic resistance, it does not always work. what works in a case like this? how do you fight this? if the legislature will not do the right thing and the texas supreme court will not do the right thing, how do voters do the right thing done? how does fairness and democracy prevail in texas? >> well we have to have a backlash. we have never backlash. we have to have folks understanding what they are trying to do. i'm a member of congress, ali, and i have worked in the congress to lead the effort to pass the john lewis voting rights act, which would restore the voting rights act and set national standards for early voting, vote by mail, and ban partisan gerrymandering. we have been able to pass that through the house of representatives, but we have not been able to get it through the senate. we have 50 votes, but not enough to get past the filibuster. when i bet you ted cruz and replace him in the senate we will get this in the senate, and we will restore the right to the vote and do it -- it's not the first time they've been targeted and understand they're going to come out in numbers that we have seen to reject ted cruz and help us restore our democracy. everyone else wants to help us do it go to colin allred. com, we need your help. >> congressman, good to see you. congressman colin allred of texas. when we come back, how donald trump's surrender, arrest, mugshot shows that american democracy is actually working. that is during a week when we also saw the opposite of democracy, a russian mercenary leader possibly assassinated by vladimir putin. that is next. average risk, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider for cologuard. ♪i did it my way!♪ type 2 diabetes? 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a season of a democracy sees a former president getting the same treatment as any of her accused and understands that no one is above the law. joining us now is michael mcfaul, an ambassador to russia from 2012 to 2013. he's an msnbc international affairs analyst. sir, it is good to see you again. let's be clear, no love lost for most people for you have ghani prigozhin. the point here is what happened to prigozhin was entirely predictable because that is what happens to people who run afoul of authority in a place like russia. >> that's right, ali. it's a great point. u.s. asog, who is a criminal, by my judgment he did a lot of bad things and not just in ukraine, but in africa and syria. but, he did not have any way to defend himself like you said and the way that he was taken out in this incredibly audacious way, again, we need to underscore that we don't know all the facts so i will keep using the legends. but pretty clear, allegedly, that this plane blew up and he was on it. that is the way that vladimir putin deals with people he doesn't like, or he arrest the same, or he poisons them, or he throws them in jail for 25 years for criticizing's war as have happened to several dissidents. but there is no rule of law in russia, that is for sure. >> let's talk about that last point that you just made. when we, in the west, look at russia and we wonder, given the pressure that they are under, given the backlash they have faced for the full scale invasion of ukraine, why has the average russian go along with us? there are two important points, the average russian does not readily have access to good information flow and, two, is they have weakened any meaningful opposition in russia because meaningful opposition leaders are in jail. navalny is in jail, -- is in jail. >> that's exactly right. and those two points are exactly the right ones. first, that information. so, those that support putin are those that watch russian propaganda channels on tv. by the way, the younger people in russia, polling is hard to do in russia, let's be clear. it's also hard to do in dictatorships, but the best of our knowledge for those that get their information from youtube and other websites, and not from television, tend to be younger, urban educated people. they don't support the war. but do they protest against the war today? the answer is no. to your second point, they did in the beginning. i think a lot of you forgot the tens of thousands of people did protest and then putin did exactly what you just described with navalny, -- he put them in jail for years and years and years, and that is a deterrent for people to protest and that is why so many people have their heads down inside of putin's russia today. >> i looked at some of these people to say that we should, in america, look to them. when our democracy is in peril, and it is not in the same way that it is for russia, that is a fact. it's not in the same way that it is for ukraine, that was a fact. but our democracy is threatened and we are called upon esther distance who do have a vote, and an ability to participate in the political process to do so. we may do so without going to jail. i look at to these guys in russia and say, in vladimir or -- he went back in a beloved 2022 knowing full well that he would be arrested and now he is in jail. it should inspire us to say that we should not have to go to jail in america to preserve the democracy that we have here. >> i couldn't agree more. he was a friend of mine, he is fighting for the very things that we take for granted. he's willing to go to jail for, it and he was on tv last week in some arraignment still smiling, still telling people to be strong. by the way, he didn't get a trial of his peers, of his fellow citizens. he had no due process, he had no rule of law whatsoever when he was indicted everybody knew he was going to jail. that is different from our system, too. >> ambassador, it's good to see you as always. thank you for joining us, former ambassador michael mcfaul. tonight we have got the last word coming up, right after this. ♪ i've got symptom relief ♪ ♪ control of my crohn's means everything to me. ♪ ♪ ♪ control is everything to me. ♪ feel significant symptom relief with skyrizi, including less abdominal pain and fewer bowel movements at 4 weeks. skyrizi is the first and only il-23 inhibitor for crohn's that can deliver both clinical remission and endoscopic improvement. the majority of people on skyrizi achieved long lasting remission at 1 year. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to. liver problems may occur in crohn's disease. ask your gastroenterologist how you can take control of your crohn's with skyrizi. ♪ ♪ control is everything to me. ♪ learn how abbvie could help you save. more shopping? 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and, defendant trump's impact on candidate trump's chances in 2024 and the political implications of it all. then, recapping another historic week featuring a mugshot scene around the world. michael best loss is here to put it all in perspective as the 11th hour gets underway on this friday night. greetings, i am simone sanders townsend in for stephanie ruhle. tonight, the criminal prosecution in the georgia 2020

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Both , Politics , Media , Show , Of , Brian Stelter , Susan Glasser , One , Ali Velshi , Word , Msnbc , Buddy , Lawrence , Eight , Nine , Wall , Weekend , Friend , Feeling , Night , Donald Trump , Defendants , Election , Defendant , District Attorney , Georgia , Prosecution , Noon Deadline , Fani Willis , Criminal Enterprise , Fulton County Jail , Arrest Face , Arrest Phase , 19 , 2020 , Justice , Jeffrey Clark , Arrest , Department Official , Agency , Atlanta , 15 , 2 , Electors , Codefendant , States , Campaign Staffer , Track , Including , Michael Roman , Hearing , Lawyer , Misty Hampton , Coffee County , Meeting , Voting Machine A Breach , Sean , Robert Cheeley , Trevian C Kutti , Election Fraud , Lawmakers , Election Workers Ruby , 10 , Steven Le , Harrison Floyd , Picture , Ruby Freeman , Plot , Illinois , Steven Lee , Judge , Texas State Supreme Court , Risk , Jail , Testimony , Bond , Flight Risk , Felonies , Case , Effort , Crimes , Issue , Federal Court , List , Codefendants Pointing , Custody , Scott Mcafee , End Quote , President , Cathy Latham , Elector , Direction , Role , Motion , Officer , United States , Votes , Potentially , Argument , Notion , Language , Court Documents , Fixer , Michael Cohen , Stain , Cases , Fake Elector , Acting , Filings , Hush Money Case , Mr , Lawyers , Elect , Court Filing Last Night , President Of The United States , David Shafer , Georgia Trial , Quote , District Attorney Willis Of October 23rd , In , Feet Kenneth Chesebro , Architects , 23 , October 23rd , For Sidney Powell , Mark Meadows , Timeframe , Place , Father , White House , The , Hatch Act , Actions , Filing , Georgia 2020 , Characterization , Conduct , Forward , Government , Duties , Consequences , Relevant , Removal , Removal Stage , Immunity , Operation , Exemption , Time , Brad Raffensperger , Secretary Of State , Merits , Georgia Secretary Of State , Frances Watson , Activities , Scope , Phone Call , Boss , Chief Of Staff , Way , Indictment , Election Results , Order , Results , Financially , Signature Verification , Trump Campaign Assist , 6 , January 6th , Part , Public , Counting , Cotton County , Trump Campaign , Signature Match Audit Process , Ballots , Francis Watson , Civic Center , January 2nd , Vote , Allegations , Representation , So Mister , Office , Odds , Spirit , Cooperation , Law , Something , Discussion , Path , Paul Butler , Some , Professor , Compromise , Setting , Litigious , Georgetown University , People , I T , Thing , Glenn Kershner , Prosecutor , Let , City Powell , Try , Host , Analysts , Matters Podcast , Ken Cheeseborough , Trial , Everybody , , Anyone , Thoughts , Codefendants , Request , Made A Speedy Trial Demand , Rico , Yes , Many , Up Making Speedy Trial Demands , Two , Advantage , Evidence , Interests , Questions , And Sidney Powell I , Guess What , Jury , Voice , Downside , Batch , Incriminates , Fact , Anybody Attacking , Say , Guys , Meadows , Finger , Giuliani , Chair , Guy , Man , Bus , Doesn T 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, July 5th 2023 , Defender , Council , Information , Footage , Demand , Set , Body Man , Security Camera , Defense Counsel , Threats , Submission , Court Of Public Opinion , Result , Phone Calls , Emails , Disregard , Matter , Details , Individuals , Lives , Coincidental , Credulity , Reporting , Nearman , Media Outlet , Cavity Attorney , Beef , Bradley Moss The National , World , Recants , Understanding , Jackie Smith , Violation , Approval , Head , Court Rules , Bark , Context , Copy , Anything , Ex Parte , Problem , Expectation , Rest , File , Right , Feels , Delays , Substance , Team Trump , Admission , Taveras , Lie , Client , Effect , Yuscil Tavares , Person , Public Defender , Jewels , Popstar , Lo And Behold , Excellent , The Truth , Beauty , Amendment , Money , Heart , Conversation , Don T Trump , Interest , Things , To , Spot , Rudy Giuliani , Talks , Cold Feet , Saying , No Doubt , Planning , Perjury , Terms , Mind , Enterprises , Hearings , Bosses Problem , Taveras Problem , It Kind , Up , Discipline , Balls , History , Loyalty , Cassidy Hutchinson , Six , Republicans , Weed , Eye , Bradley Moss , Gut , Glen Gardner , 2024 , Harris County , Voters , Elections , Texas , Voting Rights Attorney , I Love You Why Didn T , Blow , Sunny One , Migraine , Qulipta , Pain , Plans , Worry , Help , Attacks , Look At Me Now , Migraine Feeling , Kind , Frequency , Cgrp , Zero , Side Effects , Magic Eraser , Messes , Constipation , Nausea , Migraine Medicine , Sleepiness , Powers , Running Shoe , Meet Arexvy , Scrubbing , Sheets , Cleaning , Rsv , Surprise , 80 , Respiratory Disease , Rsv Vaccine , Airways , Lungs , Fda , 60 , Everyone , Health Conditions , 82 , 94 , Vaccine , Response , Muscle Pain , Immune Systems , Headache , Injection Site Pain , Ingredients , Fatigue , Tax Refund , Pharmacist , Innovation , Business , Make It Arexvy , Erc , Refund , Marshall , Rosie , Emily , Dr , Innovation Refunds , Patio , Facelift , Practice , Wax Museum , Brows , Stop Waiting , Life , Protein , Living , Blend , Diabetes , Glucerna Protein , Going , Doing , Season , Blood Sugar Response , Game , Score , Shop , Brand , Chance , Saving , Monopoly Tag , Prize Money , 25 Million , 100000 , 00000 , Breaking News , Game Tickets , Greg Abbott , Attention , Roe , County , Tennessee Legislature , Counties , Elections Administrator , Residents , 4 Million , Texas Supreme Court , Home , Joe Biden , 5 Million , 56 , Estate , Laws Constitutionality , Oversight , September 1st , 1 , Elections Administrators , Colin Allred , Democratic , Voting , Appeal , Races , Talk , Senate , Ted Cruz , Thanks , Texas County , Basis , Size , Population Limit , Texas Constitution And The , Folks , Administration , Function , Difficulty , County Clerk , Chaos , Impact , Constituents , Excuse , Laws , Population , Similarities , Numbers , Election County , Number , Running Story , Impacting , Voter Turnout , Voting Rights Lawyer , Sometime , State Legislature , Progress , Legality , Difference , Being , Limits , Officers , Houston , Men , Back , What The Supreme Court Does , Arizona , Country , Activism , Legislatures , House , Sameness , Majority , Moves , Ogs , Sorts , Texas Representatives , Resistance , Tone , American Democracy , Backlash , Partisan , Filibuster , Congress , Ban , Gerrymandering , Voting Rights Act , House Of Representatives , Vote By Mail , Voting Rights Act And Set National Standards , John Lewis , Member Of Congress , Mugshot , Congressman , Opposite , Surrender , Com , Vladimir Putin , Mercenary Leader , Don T Take Ozempic , Russian , Provider , Type 2 Diabetes , Cologuard , Weight , A1c , My Ozempic , Cv Risk , Events , Studies , 7 , Isn T , Adults , Heart Disease , Type 1 Diabetes , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Family , Pens , Share , Reuse , Needles , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Gallbladder Problems , Vision Problems , Stomach Pain , Reaction , Changes , Lump , Neck , Swelling , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Stop Ozempic , Blood Sugar Risk , Kidney Problems , Insulin , Health Care Provider , Vomiting , Diarrhea , Dehydration , Chevy Silverado , Camera Views , Z71 Off Road , 25 , 13 , Truck , Deals , Package , Everything Kids , Amazon , Spending , More , Breakthrough , Remover , Skin Tags , Scholl S , Deodorant , Listen , Secret , Works , Odor , Sale , Godaddy , Ohhh Yesss , Dinosaur , Build , Partner , Website , Town , Colorado , Godaddy Com Voltaren , High School , Brother , Psych , Foul , Game Dude , Kelly Carter , Lap , Mayhem , Allstate , Bro , Rookie , Home Insurance Coverage , Game Over , Sugar , Energy , Protein Max Challenge , Uuuhhhh , 10000 , 0000 , Music , Supplement , Nature , Vitamin , Democracy Versus A Dictatorship , Display , 45 , Peril , Inmate Number , Mugshot Shows American Democracy , George , Americans , Action , Citizen , Prosecuting Investigating , Fingerprints , Charges , Left , Plane , Counts , Times , Threat , Innocence , Agents , Safety , Guilt , Secret Service , System , Cannot Act Outside The Law , Politicians , Prigozhin , Killing Yevgeny Prigozhin , Sky , Survivors , Everywhere , Clarity , Authorities , Mercenary Group , Ground , Coup , Wagner , On Fire , Kremlin , Plane Crash , Dictatorships , Mugshots , Dictatorship , Mistakes , Surrendering , Statement Saying , Involvement , Fate , Innocent , Michael Mcfaul , Sir , Analyst , Accused , 2012 , 2013 , Love , Authority , Ghani Prigozhin , Asog , Criminal , Judgment , Facts , Ukraine , Syria , Africa , Same , Legends , War , Rule Of Law , Dissidents , West , Points , Pressure , Scale , Invasion , Average Russian Go , Navalny , Opposition Leaders , Opposition , Information Flow , Tv , Polling , Propaganda , Ones , Best , Knowledge , Youtube , Websites , Television , Tens Of Thousands , Protest , Answer , Beginning , Democracy , Heads Down Inside Of Putin S Russia Today , Deterrent , Vladimir , Distance , Process , Esther , 2022 , Fighting , Mine , Arraignment , Citizens , Due Process , Control , Everything , Symptom Relief Control , Crohn , Former , Skyrizi , Crohn S , Feel , Bowel Movements , Symptom Relief , Remission , Il 23 , Endoscopic Improvement , 4 , Liver Problems , Crohn S Disease , Infection , Symptoms , Gastroenterologist , Liberty Mutual , Car Insurance , Spending Honey , Shopping , Switching , Mom , 700 , 00 Dollars , Phone , Reminder , Airport , Dad , Pay , Ohhhhhh , Magic Eraser Mait , Out Didn T You , For Y , Um , Commitment , Volume , Xfinity 10g Network , Somebody , Break , Taxes , Episodes , Book Club Broadcasts , Velshi , Chris Hayes , Book , Books , Controversy , Sense , Snow , Backwards Drift , Authors , Privilege , Nonsense , Half , Radar , Book Club , Author , Podcasts , 400 , Romeo And Juliet , William Shakespeare , Families , Children , Relationship , Most , Ron Desantis , High School English , Students , Education Restrictions , Entirety , Florida , Schools , Excerpts , Hand , Programming Note , Women S Equality Day , Women , Fight , Girls , Awareness , Heroes , Difficult , Documentary , Clip , Films , Take A Look , Decision , Women S Soccer Team , Taliban , Speaking , Film , It Premiers , Ayenda , Ten , Trouble , Gonna , The 11th Hour , Phase , Georgia Have , 11 , Around The World , Defendant Trump , Chances , Perspective , Loss , Candidate , Implications , 11th Hour , Friday Night , Simone Sanders Townsend , Stephanie Ruhle ,

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