Transcripts For MSNBCW The 20240704 :

Transcripts For MSNBCW The 20240704

here. when you are go tonight, donald trump had never been indicted for anything. alex wagner goes on tv for one year. one year. and the man gets indicted in four different jurisdictions, and so you know what that means? donald trump is wondering tonight, whether alex wagner is going to do another year of her show. >> she hopes to. >> he really wants to know that, because he wants to be able to -- >>'s fortunes are tied to mine. >> yes. in other words, he has another very bad year coming. that's what this has to. mean >> perhaps. if you're reading the tea leaves, lawrence, i think they would tell you that. i'm just happy to be still here standing after one long very short year. >> i've got to say it's the fastest year in the history of this kind of occupation. by far. >> lawrence, it sure feels like that. >> by far. it is. >> it is a thrill to be sharing some time with you each and every night that i'm on the air, my friend. i am deeply grateful for our friendship and our camaraderie. >> this is always my favorite minute of the show. favorite couple of minutes of the show. alex, thank you for this year and thank you for many more to come. >> thank you, lawrence. i appreciate it. >> 50 years ago today, the front page of the largest circulating newspaper in donald trump's new york city neighborhood of queens, in that newspaper, this was the headline. nixon blasts false charges. newspapers are hard to find in new york city now but in those days they were everywhere. and the front pages of the newark daily news were designed to grab the eye as you rushed past multiple news stands on the way to the subway, where there were also new stands in the subway and where half the people on your subway card in queens would be reading the new york daily news. donald trump had to see that headline on this day, 50 years ago. he couldn't miss it. no one in new york city could miss it. that was august 16th, 1973. the president of the united states on the front page of donald trump's hometown newspapers claiming the accusations against him emerging in criminal investigations were all false, all of them false. and one year later, richard nixon resigned the presidency because those charges were true, all true. every newspaper in the country had a version of that very headline, 50 years ago today. and everyone who saw that headline, including kids in junior high school, knew that we were living through an important chapter of history. we knew we were living in the middle of history. the president to the knighted states being investigated for possible criminal conduct. that it never happened before in history. you are now living in the middle of such history once again. and if you are in high school or college now, you will be around 50 years from now to see the trump headlines reappear on their 50th anniversary, 50 years from now there will be four different dates that year that will mark a 50th anniversary of a former president to the knighted states being indicted. the bigger anniversaries, a year or two after that, will be the 50th anniversaries of guilty verdicts, if they are reached in these four criminal prosecutions of a former president. when you are living in the middle of history, maintaining perspective is not just a constant struggle. it is often impossible. no american soldier or general knew that they were going to be fighting world war ii for four years. when it is presented in high school textbooks in its need for your package, world war ii looks like it makes a certain sense in the flow of american history to a high school student. you can see where it fits in. 50 years ago, no one knew the president of united states was one year away from being forced to resign the presidency and then receive a pardon for his crimes committed while he was president to the native states. that pardon is the only reason donald trump is the first former president to donated states to be indicted. there is no greater struggle that i personally have in these presentations at this hour every night than the struggle of perspective. for example, this indictment is now 48 hours old, and i still have not been able to do what i have been hoping to do for two nights in a row now, and that is to spend the entire hour guiding and analysis of the entire indictment. the alleged crimes of donald trump and the people closest to him, mark meadows and rudy giuliani, following elsa village crimes committed by the group of indicted lawyers, an unprecedented indictment of a group of lawyers like jeffrey clark, john eastman, jenna ellis should also include an analysis of the alleged claims of the indicted fake electors and the alleged criminal conspiracy to steal voting data from computers in coffee county, georgia. and last and in most ways most importantly an analysis of the alleged climbs of witness tampering and threatening that involve the vicious lies told by donald trump and rudolph giuliani about the poll workers ruby freeman and her daughter, and the cruel, and according to the indictment, criminal attempt by kanye west's former publicist to terrorize ruby freeman. this indictment is the single most important story told in indictment form about donald trump or any president to united states, and donald trump's alleged criminal enterprise to destroy american democracy and to destroy any person in the way of his criminal enterprise. when our first guests tonight, an opinion piece for the new york times called this indictment ingenious. if you have not yet read this indictment, you do deserve a full page by page analysis of it on this program. but the flow of news about this indictment will not yet allow us to slow down and turn each page of this indictment for you, and so we will continue to be quoting it selectively. i will always be struggling to find the right perspective on this indictment and the stories around it. but i just want to acknowledge at the outset this evening that history is now moving too fast for a mere news program to be able to hold it in place for an hour. tonight, a federal judge in atlanta responded in less than 24 hours to defendant mark meadows's motion to move fulton county district attorney fani willis's criminal case against him from the fulton county courthouse to federal court. donald trump and other defendants are expected to make similar motions. the federal judge, steven si jones, appointed by president obama, ordered a hearing on that question in his federal courtroom in atlanta a week from monday, on august 28th, at 10 am. the judge gave district journey willis a deadline of next wednesday, august 23rd, for submitting a return brief arguing against moving the case to federal court. today judge ernie willis filed a motion with the georgia state judge currently in start of the case proposing that the arraignment of the defendants shall take place the week of september 5th. the motion also proposes dates for the discovery process and pretrial motions to be filed. the last line of the motion proposes a trial date of march 4th of next year. leading off our discussion tonight, emily copeland, criminal offense attorney and former federal prosecutor in georgia, also with us when he's fleming, former district attorney in dekalb county georgia, and barbara mcquade, law professor at the university of michigan law school. she's also an msnbc legal analyst. and gwen, let me begin with you, and what district attorney willis filed today with the state court judge in georgia which is her proposed schedule for this case. i take it that's a standard kind of filing the district attorney would make at this point in time and the dates in it are aspirational at this stage and just a starting point for the judge to consider. >> well, it is aspirational. i can't say that it's standard. usually that type of discussion of the type of scheduling would happen after arraignments. soul we are, she is indicating, i think issues very ready to go, much like she said during her press conference two nights ago, and so i think in anticipation we are also waiting to see whether any of the defendants, through their council, decided to file a speedy trial demand. that could also change the schedule. but we are of course waiting to see. but it's interesting, she had indicated truly ready to go in terms of trying this case within six months, and that's exactly what we are singing. >> on the speedy trial law in georgia, gwen, a speedy trial, a defendant has a right to it in even less than six months, isn't that the law is written? so the way the law is written in georgia, a defendant can file a speedy trial demand in the term of court, which is a two month period, in the term of court that he is indicted. here she is indicted. then he has to be tried either in that term are in the succeeding term. so it's either in the first two months, where the indictment is filed, or the following two months. what interesting, that could be a total of four months or, if a defendant filed the motion, say, in the second month of a term. so if you have a july, august term, if any motions are filed this week were before the september terms starts, then the trial must be completed by the end of october, which is the end of the next succeeding term. it could be as much as four months, it could be three, it could be two and a half, depending on when the motion is filed. >> gwen, i remember many months ago you explaining this spree speedy trial ought to me privately and i smiled are not in my way through it is if i understood it and i'm getting closer to understanding it, but i could never repeated. barbara mcquade, let's go to the federal question. mark meadows is probably not the last defendant to make this motion to move the case to federal court. donald trump has indicated that he is going to make a similar motion. what do you make of the federal judges response to it so far? >> the judge has said a very aggressive briefing schedule. wants to hear the matter on august 28th and has said it for an evidentiary hearing, to hear more about the facts of the case. the standard is, if the person wise the united states government official at the time of the conduct and if the conduct was within the scope of their authority, then it is properly removed from state court to federal court, the idea being that the supremacy clause says that we should take federal matters to federal court we want to make sure people getting a fair shake if they're accused of a crime. i see that mark meadows, donald trump, and some others were federal officials at the time of the conduct. but i think they're gonna have a hard time showing that they were acting within the scope of their authority. the allegation is that they exceeded the scope of their authority, they abused their authority. so i think, i mean, it's not an feasible scenario to see it be removed, but i think it's an uphill climb. >> amy lee copeland, you use that adjective ingenious to describe this indictment. please expand on what you see that is ingenious about this indictment. >> sure. lawrence. good evening. the breadth of the indictment is large. there is no doubt about it. there are 98 pages full of details. in the indictment, though, it talks about the various schemes used to defraud georgia voters. it talks about the false electors. it talks about the attempted voting machine breach in coffee county, georgia. it talks about the harassment of the poll workers. the meetings that were going on in different states. the breadth of it is due to the rico statute which is broader than the federal counterpart. this allows the prosecutor to tell a story by present the pieces to the jury. >> amy lee common copeland, gwen keyes fleming, barbara mcquade, we have just gotten started. please stay in place. this is just the warm-up for the rest of our discussion of the george indictment for the rest of the hour. but coming up next, the one poll worth mentioning this week is not a presidential campaign poll. the democratic leader of the house of representatives, hakeem jeffries, will join us next. 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that's gonna think. and it's our job to make sure it's exam. >> i will tell you this, though, i do meet a good number of republicans who are disillusioned with donald trump. they are. not everybody, but a chunk of them. >> donald trump has announced a campaign event on monday in which he now is claiming that he will provide a defense of the charges against him in georgia. we all know he will do no such thing. donald trump has not spoken one word of legal defense against any of a criminal charges that have been filed against him in state and federal court in four different cases. not one word of actual legal defense. meanwhile, the democratic parties candidate for president is saying this tonight. >> republicans have repeatedly tried to repeal key parts of the inflation reduction act, including the speaker of the house now, taking credit for the billions of dollars and private investments in thousands of jobs coming into their state. this law is one of the biggest drivers of jobs and economic growth this country has ever seen. since i took office, the private sector has announced nearly 400, excuse, me 240 billion dollars in new clean energy manufacturing investments. >> joining us now, house democratic leader hakeem jeffries. thank you very much for joining us tonight, mister leader. it has been one very fast year since that legislation was passed. what has it accomplished so far? >> good evening. great to be with you, lawrence. the inflation reduction act is part of an incredible track record of legislative accomplishments and success led by president biden that will continue to make life better for every day americans all throughout the land. the inflation reduction act struck a dramatic blow against the climate crisis, sets are planted on a sustainable trajectory forward, lowers energy costs, will stand up for clean energy, economy, create over 1 million good paying jobs over the next decade, strengthens the affordable care act, will lower health care costs, and will continue to drive down the high price of lifesaving prescription drugs for millions of americans, including taking the price of insulin, which for many american families costs approximately thousands of dollars a year, and now, because of the inflation reduction act, it's $35 amount. >> going forward, joe biden does seem to be struggling with perception here in being able to convince voters that any of those things have actually been accomplished, which is to say, the voter that's up for grabs is the voter who doesn't pay close attention to this kind of governing and to the kind of coverage of this kind of governing. and so is there any strategy that is actually workable to reach the voter? we kind of voter who doesn't actually want to be reached. they actively, it's like trying to make me watch golf. they actually don't want to consume this information. >> the closer we get to the election, the more voters across the country will begin to pay attention, but members of the house democratic caucus during this august district work period spread out across the country have been doing events in communities, in the neighborhoods where providence to represent, to highlight the progress we have made on their behalf and a variety of different areas, whether it's standing up for a veterans through the pact act, or passing the chips in science act which will bling domestic manufacturing jobs back home to the united states, and of course the infrastructure investment in jobs act which will create millions of good paying jobs, help fix our crumbling bridges, roads, tunnels, airports, sewer, and water systems, our mass transportation systems, and insured clean water in every single community. we also under the leadership of president biden pastor safer communities act, gun safety legislation for the first time in 30 years. more needs to be done to stop the carnage on our streets, in our communities, in our classrooms, but under the leadership of president biden we have made progress in this area. i think thematically we're gonna continue to point out the democrats are working to build an economy from the middle out in the bottom up. extreme maga republicans, on the other hand, believe in the economy built from the top down the benefits the wealthy, the well off, and the well connected. we'll fighting we're fighting for middle class folks, working families, all those who aspire to be part of the middle class, for older americans, for young people, in terms of bringing to life the american dream. that comparison of our track record, where they have a nominee who is has left behind a track record, a trail of criminal indictments, as opposed to what joe biden has done, continuing to put people over politics, i think is going to a stand the test of time and appeal to a clear majority of the american people. >> democrats in the house will be, as well democrats in the senate, will be running against a party, the republican party, that will be spending a tremendous amount of the campaign defending unindicted former president. that will be an essential component of republican campaigns, how strongly the candidates defense and indicted former president. shouldn't be part of democratic campaigns? should the democrats be campaigning on the issue of the corruption of the former president? >> i think we're going to campaign not just on our track record of accomplishments, because we're not simply trying to say to the american people, reward us. but we will be able to articulate a whole host of accomplishments to say to the american people, trust us. we mean what we say, we say what we mean in terms of our efforts to put people over politics. but more importantly it will articulate a vision for the future. campaigns are at the end of the day about the future. our efforts to really grow the middle class, to make life better for everyday americans, to bring the american dream to life, in urban america, rural america, suburban america, small town america, appalachia, the heartland of america. at the same time will have this criminal process play itself out. my from expectation of the prosecutors will continue to follow the facts, be guided by the constitution, present, in their view, the strongest possible case to the juries and to the american people and we will see where that lands. >> house democratic leader hakeem jeffries, thank you for joining us tonight in a program where i have admitted that there is a struggle to maintain proper perspective on our news environment these days, and one of the things that is being lost is a focus on actual government. as you've been discussing tonight. and i greatly appreciate you joining us tonight to help us maintain that focus. >> thanks, lawrence. really appreciate you. >> thank you very much. >> when we come back, we're gonna have more on the georgia indictment with our expert panel, including georgia legal experts. we have just begun. that's right for me. ♪ ♪ feels more easy. ♪ ♪ my doc and i agreed. ♪ ♪ i pick the time. ♪ ♪ today's a good day. ♪ ♪ i screened with cologuard and did it my way! ♪ cologuard is a one-of-a kind way to screen for colon cancer that's effective and non-invasive. it's for people 45 plus at average risk, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider for cologuard. ♪ i did it my way! ♪ looking for a bladder leak pad that keeps you dry? 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salonpas, it's good medicine. >> we are back with our team of former prosecutors, emily copeland, gwen keyes fleming, and barbara mcquade. barbara, i want to go back to that question about removing the case to federal court. the federal judge, steve see jones, who has scheduled a hearing on that, said in his written order about that hearing that the statute provides federal jurisdiction over any officer of the united states for, quote, any act under color of such office. what does that phrase mean, under color of such office? >> it's usually used by police officers, or federal agents. the most common scenario is where you have some federal agent involved in a shooting is charged by the state and he engaged in that shooting in the role of his job. maybe the shooting was valid, maybe the shooting was invalid, but he did it under the authority of his badge and his gun and his role as a federal agent. and so in this case, when we've got donald trump and mark meadows setting up meetings and other kinds of things, was that part of their job duties to be involved in counting the votes in georgia? or was donald trump instead acting like a candidate? i think that would be the decision the judge will be looking at here. is this something within the outer reaches of the scope of the presidents duties to find out what's going on in elect an election versus, was this just a candidate interested in doing all that he could to change the outcome of the election? as i said earlier, i think it's an uphill battle for trump and his team, but it's not a crazy position to take. it's an aggressive position to take. i think that's why the judge wants to have a fact finding hearing to understand what their role wasn't taking this on. the defendant isn't an interesting situation because i can't imagine that any defendants are gonna want to testify. that evidentiary hearing will be interesting to hear who actually testifies in it. >> mark meadows attorney has provided a form of testimony in the pleating that he made to the federal court, where he explained that mark meadows went down to georgia to watch that audit and then came back to washington and told the president that it was all being done exactly the way it should be. that's new information. that's new testimony, in effect, for mark meadows, that he told donald trump, after going down there to see the audit, that the audit was going along perfectly well. amy lee copeland, the judge tonight, a federal judge, in his order about this, summarized all of mark meadows alleged criminal conduct in the indictment, and his summary included line items like, he attempted to and was prohibited from physically observing a non public georgia election audit. the judge is very description of that makes it sound like something that wasn't mark meadows job. >> i agree with you there, lawrence. it sounds very ominous for mr. meadows position. the whole purpose of removal is to prevent a state criminal prosecution from encouraging unlawful federal authority. when you think of elections, it's really a state undertaking. that's why mr. meadows couldn't go into the confidential cobb county vote audit. the strait was administering its elections. the state was doing it right. i read the motion that mr. meadows filed, and it makes everything sound like it's all hunky dory, that he's just making some calls, just going to places, just irving is an emissary to the president. but when you read the allegations in the indictment, there's so much more. he's trying to insert himself into a georgia election process, one that our governor said as few two days ago there was no fraud in. >> and gwen keyes fleming, right when his lawyers motion, is amy lee copeland just said, having read it, is a very positive description of it, very naive description of his conduct, saying, for example, he just arranged a phone call with brad raffensperger, with the secretary of state. that's all he did. that's what white house chief of staff do. they range phone calls, they arrange meetings, the judge, federal judge summarizes it this way. mark meadows. he solicited, along with donald trump, georgia secretary of state brad raffensperger to violate his oath of office by altering the certified returns for presidential electors. the federal judge seems to be leaning toward the view of the indictment that mark meadows was not just the telephone operator who set up the phone call. when >> i think you're right. first of all, judge jones seems to have at least a preview of what this case is about. i think it's also interesting, in the motion, one of the examples of mark meadows permissible conduct, or conduct under the color of federal law, is where he offers trump campaign resources to expedite what was happening in terms of vote counting. i believe that was a conversation he had with investigator watson in cobb county. again, i think you will see from the district attorney in her response, laying out how all of these things are all related to state elections, which is not the responsibility of the president of the united states. if it is not his responsibility, then it cannot transfer to the chief of staff. >> barb mcquade, when the federal judges evaluating mark meadows behavior, is it worth noting that no previous white house chief of staff in history as ever done any one of those things after a presidential election? >> i suppose it's worth noting, but i don't know how far that goes. i think instead the real question here is, as you say, in the motion filed by mark meadows he describes all of these acts as the kinds of things that are chief of staff does. i made phone calls, i arranged meetings, i was acting as an emissary. those facts on their face are fine. but it was the purpose of those acts that is what makes them criminal and beyond the scope of his duties as the chief of staff. if he is arranging a meeting with the president and someone else and his cabinet, that's part of his duties. what he was doing instead was trying to tamper with an election. this is a game the defense attorneys play in all white-collar cases. the acts them selves are not, per se, illegal, it's the purpose of the attempt to defraud that makes those crimes illegal. with that same game going on here with mark meadows and i think the judge is going to see this as mark meadows acting as a campaign advisor and not as a chief adviser to the president of united states within the scope of his duties. >> where we will squeeze in a quick break right here. we're gonna come back with the full panel to cover more of this indictment. especially what is the last part of the indictment, how donald trump and his 18 coconspirators attacked ruby freeman and her daughter. this indictment says that everything that donald trump and rudy giuliani and the coconspirators did to those women was a crime. we'll be right back. it's down with rybelsus®. his a1c? 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my brain. so i choose neuriva plus. unlike some others, neuriva plus is a multitasker supporting 6 key indicators of brain health. to help keep me sharp. neuriva: think bigger. >> when you are about to see in this video is one of the crimes charged in the georgia racketeering of donald trump an 18 coconspirators. >> i cannot say what specifically will -- [inaudible] >> because ruby freeman did not just the people she was meeting with, she had that meeting with -- at a police station and luckily it was recorded on a police officer's body cam. that is how we know about what was said in that discussion, in george kirby and kuti seems to be discussing the possibility of in effect kidnapping ruby freeman. i cannot say what specifically will take place, i just know it will disrupt your freedom, that is what she was told. the two other defendants more specifically part of that conspiracy to interfere with ruby freeman and her daughter are harrison floyd, and the other defendant is steven lee. that part of the conspiracy is the final chapter of this extraordinary indictment and still with us are -- barb mcquade, all former prosecutors. one case floating us the district attorney in the neighboring county as you used to be, what goes through your mind when you watch that indictment come to life in that video? >> so, i have to say, that is the first time i have seen that video. and, it is very disturbing to me. it also explains why d. a. willis felt it necessary to include allegations as it relates to what happened to miss freeman. and, those allegations are, the attempt and social solicitation of all statements, trying to get her to line change or story about what happened with respect to the counting of ballots, as well as intimidating her. i think that video is what the d. a. is basing certainly that later charge, the influence of intimidation charge on. so i anticipate that will be a key piece of evidence going forward in the trial. >> amy, one of your points in your new york times op-ed piece about this indictment being ingenious is, this indictments ability to link that moment in that police station, in georgia, with the man who was sleeping in the white house that night, donald trump. that behavior is all linked clearly linked in the pattern described in this indictment. >> that is true, lawrence, and i think it offers a nice human touch, everything that happened to miss freeman, it offers a human touch for the jury and the d a to talk about it a poll worker serves the polls and a sense of duty and not to get rich quick scheme. they say a woman who is doing her job and accused of hair when or cocaine or transferring usb port like it was drugs or cocaine. but meters you leon e, and a valid part of this whole indictment of part of the scheme that was perpetrated here, and it will allow miss willis to paint a very human face with what was happening, and something out there, it's something to happen to the individual. >> barb mcquade, these defendants, they went to her, home they knocked on her door, they are very specifically charged with what this direct contact ruby freeman. obviously they are not federal workers, if right now, this case is as charged, donald trump plus 18 codefendants fani willis said she would be happy to try them altogether. if mark meadows gets his case removed, if donald trump gets this case removed in federal court, what happens to defendants like this? do their cases just remain in state court? >> they do. so only those people who were federal officials at the time of the alleged conduct would have their case removed in federal court. i think, lawrence, we are not going to see of 19 go to trial together anyway, there will either be some guilty pleas, statistically 90 to 95% of defendants plead guilty. this case may be unique, but i think it is fair to guess some will plead guilty in this case. then, those who remain will be separated into smaller groups for child purposes. you know you can really only commonly about five or six parties and their lawyers in a courtroom, and have that jury really be able to keep track of who is, who which evidence lines up with which a defendant. i would suspect at some point, the judge will ask funny willis to propose -- how can we present a testimony most efficiently in these various trials? this would be talking about the scheme. one that is very interesting and perhaps go back to the point about using rico's ingenious, because it allows all these different schemes to come on in. in one case, under one umbrella, so the jury gets to hear about all the other, stuff even if we are only focused on a handful of these defendants in a particular trial. because, as long as they have that one united goal in there and bias, which was to overturn the election in favor of trump, the jury will be able to hear about all of, that even if the trial is just about the smaller group and smaller scheme. >> do you think fani willis has an incentive to separate out donald trump as an individual defendant to be tried individually? >> well i think to barbara's point, at the beauty of the indictment is at the rico charge that allows the prosecutor to tell the whole story. whether you break it down into buckets, being the influencing officials, including raffensperger and members of the georgia legislature, your second bike it being the fake electors scheme, you have the computer chest pass scheme, and then you have obviously the incident with miss freeman. those might be some clear lines, but as a prosecutor, my main goal, and i'm zooming in the 88 main goal would be to tell the entire story, and not have parts of that story be missing as you are trying to make your case to the jury. >> he merely copeland, barb mcquade thank you very much for guiding us through this indictment tonight. as you know, having, reddit we still are just scratching the surface. thank you very much for joining us. appreciate it. we will be right back. after the best nap of my life... and papa is hungry. and while you're hittin' the trail, i'm hitting your cooler. oh, cheddar! i've got hot dog buns! and your cut-rate car insurance might not pay for all this. so get allstate, and be better protected from mayhem, like me. roar. 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(chainsaw revs) (tree crashes) (chainsaw continues) (daughter screams) let's pretend for a second that you didn't let down your entire family. what would that reality look like? well i guess i would've gotten us xfinity... and we'd have a better view. do you need mulch? >> that is tonight's last word. what, we have a ton of mulch. the 11th hour with stephanie ruhle starts now. >> tonight, the scope of the case against defendant donald trump, 91 charges from four different indictments as fani willis lays out at the timeline for georgia's case. and, jack smith now has access to information from trump's twitter account, in a new reporting on the company slowing access to website elon does not like. . , rule fulton county d.a. fani willis is wasting absolutely no time in moving ahead with the georgia election interference case. today, she proposed a trial date of march 4th of 2024, or donald, trump and 18 others. that is one day before super tuesday, which of course is in the heat of the presidential primary season. the eight witnesses also focusing on another big court, date when trump and his codefendants will be arraigned and enter the specific police. she wants that to happen the

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Transcripts For MSNBCW The 20240704 :

Transcripts For MSNBCW The 20240704

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here. when you are go tonight, donald trump had never been indicted for anything. alex wagner goes on tv for one year. one year. and the man gets indicted in four different jurisdictions, and so you know what that means? donald trump is wondering tonight, whether alex wagner is going to do another year of her show. >> she hopes to. >> he really wants to know that, because he wants to be able to -- >>'s fortunes are tied to mine. >> yes. in other words, he has another very bad year coming. that's what this has to. mean >> perhaps. if you're reading the tea leaves, lawrence, i think they would tell you that. i'm just happy to be still here standing after one long very short year. >> i've got to say it's the fastest year in the history of this kind of occupation. by far. >> lawrence, it sure feels like that. >> by far. it is. >> it is a thrill to be sharing some time with you each and every night that i'm on the air, my friend. i am deeply grateful for our friendship and our camaraderie. >> this is always my favorite minute of the show. favorite couple of minutes of the show. alex, thank you for this year and thank you for many more to come. >> thank you, lawrence. i appreciate it. >> 50 years ago today, the front page of the largest circulating newspaper in donald trump's new york city neighborhood of queens, in that newspaper, this was the headline. nixon blasts false charges. newspapers are hard to find in new york city now but in those days they were everywhere. and the front pages of the newark daily news were designed to grab the eye as you rushed past multiple news stands on the way to the subway, where there were also new stands in the subway and where half the people on your subway card in queens would be reading the new york daily news. donald trump had to see that headline on this day, 50 years ago. he couldn't miss it. no one in new york city could miss it. that was august 16th, 1973. the president of the united states on the front page of donald trump's hometown newspapers claiming the accusations against him emerging in criminal investigations were all false, all of them false. and one year later, richard nixon resigned the presidency because those charges were true, all true. every newspaper in the country had a version of that very headline, 50 years ago today. and everyone who saw that headline, including kids in junior high school, knew that we were living through an important chapter of history. we knew we were living in the middle of history. the president to the knighted states being investigated for possible criminal conduct. that it never happened before in history. you are now living in the middle of such history once again. and if you are in high school or college now, you will be around 50 years from now to see the trump headlines reappear on their 50th anniversary, 50 years from now there will be four different dates that year that will mark a 50th anniversary of a former president to the knighted states being indicted. the bigger anniversaries, a year or two after that, will be the 50th anniversaries of guilty verdicts, if they are reached in these four criminal prosecutions of a former president. when you are living in the middle of history, maintaining perspective is not just a constant struggle. it is often impossible. no american soldier or general knew that they were going to be fighting world war ii for four years. when it is presented in high school textbooks in its need for your package, world war ii looks like it makes a certain sense in the flow of american history to a high school student. you can see where it fits in. 50 years ago, no one knew the president of united states was one year away from being forced to resign the presidency and then receive a pardon for his crimes committed while he was president to the native states. that pardon is the only reason donald trump is the first former president to donated states to be indicted. there is no greater struggle that i personally have in these presentations at this hour every night than the struggle of perspective. for example, this indictment is now 48 hours old, and i still have not been able to do what i have been hoping to do for two nights in a row now, and that is to spend the entire hour guiding and analysis of the entire indictment. the alleged crimes of donald trump and the people closest to him, mark meadows and rudy giuliani, following elsa village crimes committed by the group of indicted lawyers, an unprecedented indictment of a group of lawyers like jeffrey clark, john eastman, jenna ellis should also include an analysis of the alleged claims of the indicted fake electors and the alleged criminal conspiracy to steal voting data from computers in coffee county, georgia. and last and in most ways most importantly an analysis of the alleged climbs of witness tampering and threatening that involve the vicious lies told by donald trump and rudolph giuliani about the poll workers ruby freeman and her daughter, and the cruel, and according to the indictment, criminal attempt by kanye west's former publicist to terrorize ruby freeman. this indictment is the single most important story told in indictment form about donald trump or any president to united states, and donald trump's alleged criminal enterprise to destroy american democracy and to destroy any person in the way of his criminal enterprise. when our first guests tonight, an opinion piece for the new york times called this indictment ingenious. if you have not yet read this indictment, you do deserve a full page by page analysis of it on this program. but the flow of news about this indictment will not yet allow us to slow down and turn each page of this indictment for you, and so we will continue to be quoting it selectively. i will always be struggling to find the right perspective on this indictment and the stories around it. but i just want to acknowledge at the outset this evening that history is now moving too fast for a mere news program to be able to hold it in place for an hour. tonight, a federal judge in atlanta responded in less than 24 hours to defendant mark meadows's motion to move fulton county district attorney fani willis's criminal case against him from the fulton county courthouse to federal court. donald trump and other defendants are expected to make similar motions. the federal judge, steven si jones, appointed by president obama, ordered a hearing on that question in his federal courtroom in atlanta a week from monday, on august 28th, at 10 am. the judge gave district journey willis a deadline of next wednesday, august 23rd, for submitting a return brief arguing against moving the case to federal court. today judge ernie willis filed a motion with the georgia state judge currently in start of the case proposing that the arraignment of the defendants shall take place the week of september 5th. the motion also proposes dates for the discovery process and pretrial motions to be filed. the last line of the motion proposes a trial date of march 4th of next year. leading off our discussion tonight, emily copeland, criminal offense attorney and former federal prosecutor in georgia, also with us when he's fleming, former district attorney in dekalb county georgia, and barbara mcquade, law professor at the university of michigan law school. she's also an msnbc legal analyst. and gwen, let me begin with you, and what district attorney willis filed today with the state court judge in georgia which is her proposed schedule for this case. i take it that's a standard kind of filing the district attorney would make at this point in time and the dates in it are aspirational at this stage and just a starting point for the judge to consider. >> well, it is aspirational. i can't say that it's standard. usually that type of discussion of the type of scheduling would happen after arraignments. soul we are, she is indicating, i think issues very ready to go, much like she said during her press conference two nights ago, and so i think in anticipation we are also waiting to see whether any of the defendants, through their council, decided to file a speedy trial demand. that could also change the schedule. but we are of course waiting to see. but it's interesting, she had indicated truly ready to go in terms of trying this case within six months, and that's exactly what we are singing. >> on the speedy trial law in georgia, gwen, a speedy trial, a defendant has a right to it in even less than six months, isn't that the law is written? so the way the law is written in georgia, a defendant can file a speedy trial demand in the term of court, which is a two month period, in the term of court that he is indicted. here she is indicted. then he has to be tried either in that term are in the succeeding term. so it's either in the first two months, where the indictment is filed, or the following two months. what interesting, that could be a total of four months or, if a defendant filed the motion, say, in the second month of a term. so if you have a july, august term, if any motions are filed this week were before the september terms starts, then the trial must be completed by the end of october, which is the end of the next succeeding term. it could be as much as four months, it could be three, it could be two and a half, depending on when the motion is filed. >> gwen, i remember many months ago you explaining this spree speedy trial ought to me privately and i smiled are not in my way through it is if i understood it and i'm getting closer to understanding it, but i could never repeated. barbara mcquade, let's go to the federal question. mark meadows is probably not the last defendant to make this motion to move the case to federal court. donald trump has indicated that he is going to make a similar motion. what do you make of the federal judges response to it so far? >> the judge has said a very aggressive briefing schedule. wants to hear the matter on august 28th and has said it for an evidentiary hearing, to hear more about the facts of the case. the standard is, if the person wise the united states government official at the time of the conduct and if the conduct was within the scope of their authority, then it is properly removed from state court to federal court, the idea being that the supremacy clause says that we should take federal matters to federal court we want to make sure people getting a fair shake if they're accused of a crime. i see that mark meadows, donald trump, and some others were federal officials at the time of the conduct. but i think they're gonna have a hard time showing that they were acting within the scope of their authority. the allegation is that they exceeded the scope of their authority, they abused their authority. so i think, i mean, it's not an feasible scenario to see it be removed, but i think it's an uphill climb. >> amy lee copeland, you use that adjective ingenious to describe this indictment. please expand on what you see that is ingenious about this indictment. >> sure. lawrence. good evening. the breadth of the indictment is large. there is no doubt about it. there are 98 pages full of details. in the indictment, though, it talks about the various schemes used to defraud georgia voters. it talks about the false electors. it talks about the attempted voting machine breach in coffee county, georgia. it talks about the harassment of the poll workers. the meetings that were going on in different states. the breadth of it is due to the rico statute which is broader than the federal counterpart. this allows the prosecutor to tell a story by present the pieces to the jury. >> amy lee common copeland, gwen keyes fleming, barbara mcquade, we have just gotten started. please stay in place. this is just the warm-up for the rest of our discussion of the george indictment for the rest of the hour. but coming up next, the one poll worth mentioning this week is not a presidential campaign poll. the democratic leader of the house of representatives, hakeem jeffries, will join us next. 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that's gonna think. and it's our job to make sure it's exam. >> i will tell you this, though, i do meet a good number of republicans who are disillusioned with donald trump. they are. not everybody, but a chunk of them. >> donald trump has announced a campaign event on monday in which he now is claiming that he will provide a defense of the charges against him in georgia. we all know he will do no such thing. donald trump has not spoken one word of legal defense against any of a criminal charges that have been filed against him in state and federal court in four different cases. not one word of actual legal defense. meanwhile, the democratic parties candidate for president is saying this tonight. >> republicans have repeatedly tried to repeal key parts of the inflation reduction act, including the speaker of the house now, taking credit for the billions of dollars and private investments in thousands of jobs coming into their state. this law is one of the biggest drivers of jobs and economic growth this country has ever seen. since i took office, the private sector has announced nearly 400, excuse, me 240 billion dollars in new clean energy manufacturing investments. >> joining us now, house democratic leader hakeem jeffries. thank you very much for joining us tonight, mister leader. it has been one very fast year since that legislation was passed. what has it accomplished so far? >> good evening. great to be with you, lawrence. the inflation reduction act is part of an incredible track record of legislative accomplishments and success led by president biden that will continue to make life better for every day americans all throughout the land. the inflation reduction act struck a dramatic blow against the climate crisis, sets are planted on a sustainable trajectory forward, lowers energy costs, will stand up for clean energy, economy, create over 1 million good paying jobs over the next decade, strengthens the affordable care act, will lower health care costs, and will continue to drive down the high price of lifesaving prescription drugs for millions of americans, including taking the price of insulin, which for many american families costs approximately thousands of dollars a year, and now, because of the inflation reduction act, it's $35 amount. >> going forward, joe biden does seem to be struggling with perception here in being able to convince voters that any of those things have actually been accomplished, which is to say, the voter that's up for grabs is the voter who doesn't pay close attention to this kind of governing and to the kind of coverage of this kind of governing. and so is there any strategy that is actually workable to reach the voter? we kind of voter who doesn't actually want to be reached. they actively, it's like trying to make me watch golf. they actually don't want to consume this information. >> the closer we get to the election, the more voters across the country will begin to pay attention, but members of the house democratic caucus during this august district work period spread out across the country have been doing events in communities, in the neighborhoods where providence to represent, to highlight the progress we have made on their behalf and a variety of different areas, whether it's standing up for a veterans through the pact act, or passing the chips in science act which will bling domestic manufacturing jobs back home to the united states, and of course the infrastructure investment in jobs act which will create millions of good paying jobs, help fix our crumbling bridges, roads, tunnels, airports, sewer, and water systems, our mass transportation systems, and insured clean water in every single community. we also under the leadership of president biden pastor safer communities act, gun safety legislation for the first time in 30 years. more needs to be done to stop the carnage on our streets, in our communities, in our classrooms, but under the leadership of president biden we have made progress in this area. i think thematically we're gonna continue to point out the democrats are working to build an economy from the middle out in the bottom up. extreme maga republicans, on the other hand, believe in the economy built from the top down the benefits the wealthy, the well off, and the well connected. we'll fighting we're fighting for middle class folks, working families, all those who aspire to be part of the middle class, for older americans, for young people, in terms of bringing to life the american dream. that comparison of our track record, where they have a nominee who is has left behind a track record, a trail of criminal indictments, as opposed to what joe biden has done, continuing to put people over politics, i think is going to a stand the test of time and appeal to a clear majority of the american people. >> democrats in the house will be, as well democrats in the senate, will be running against a party, the republican party, that will be spending a tremendous amount of the campaign defending unindicted former president. that will be an essential component of republican campaigns, how strongly the candidates defense and indicted former president. shouldn't be part of democratic campaigns? should the democrats be campaigning on the issue of the corruption of the former president? >> i think we're going to campaign not just on our track record of accomplishments, because we're not simply trying to say to the american people, reward us. but we will be able to articulate a whole host of accomplishments to say to the american people, trust us. we mean what we say, we say what we mean in terms of our efforts to put people over politics. but more importantly it will articulate a vision for the future. campaigns are at the end of the day about the future. our efforts to really grow the middle class, to make life better for everyday americans, to bring the american dream to life, in urban america, rural america, suburban america, small town america, appalachia, the heartland of america. at the same time will have this criminal process play itself out. my from expectation of the prosecutors will continue to follow the facts, be guided by the constitution, present, in their view, the strongest possible case to the juries and to the american people and we will see where that lands. >> house democratic leader hakeem jeffries, thank you for joining us tonight in a program where i have admitted that there is a struggle to maintain proper perspective on our news environment these days, and one of the things that is being lost is a focus on actual government. as you've been discussing tonight. and i greatly appreciate you joining us tonight to help us maintain that focus. >> thanks, lawrence. really appreciate you. >> thank you very much. >> when we come back, we're gonna have more on the georgia indictment with our expert panel, including georgia legal experts. we have just begun. that's right for me. ♪ ♪ feels more easy. ♪ ♪ my doc and i agreed. ♪ ♪ i pick the time. ♪ ♪ today's a good day. ♪ ♪ i screened with cologuard and did it my way! ♪ cologuard is a one-of-a kind way to screen for colon cancer that's effective and non-invasive. it's for people 45 plus at average risk, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider for cologuard. ♪ i did it my way! ♪ looking for a bladder leak pad that keeps you dry? 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salonpas, it's good medicine. >> we are back with our team of former prosecutors, emily copeland, gwen keyes fleming, and barbara mcquade. barbara, i want to go back to that question about removing the case to federal court. the federal judge, steve see jones, who has scheduled a hearing on that, said in his written order about that hearing that the statute provides federal jurisdiction over any officer of the united states for, quote, any act under color of such office. what does that phrase mean, under color of such office? >> it's usually used by police officers, or federal agents. the most common scenario is where you have some federal agent involved in a shooting is charged by the state and he engaged in that shooting in the role of his job. maybe the shooting was valid, maybe the shooting was invalid, but he did it under the authority of his badge and his gun and his role as a federal agent. and so in this case, when we've got donald trump and mark meadows setting up meetings and other kinds of things, was that part of their job duties to be involved in counting the votes in georgia? or was donald trump instead acting like a candidate? i think that would be the decision the judge will be looking at here. is this something within the outer reaches of the scope of the presidents duties to find out what's going on in elect an election versus, was this just a candidate interested in doing all that he could to change the outcome of the election? as i said earlier, i think it's an uphill battle for trump and his team, but it's not a crazy position to take. it's an aggressive position to take. i think that's why the judge wants to have a fact finding hearing to understand what their role wasn't taking this on. the defendant isn't an interesting situation because i can't imagine that any defendants are gonna want to testify. that evidentiary hearing will be interesting to hear who actually testifies in it. >> mark meadows attorney has provided a form of testimony in the pleating that he made to the federal court, where he explained that mark meadows went down to georgia to watch that audit and then came back to washington and told the president that it was all being done exactly the way it should be. that's new information. that's new testimony, in effect, for mark meadows, that he told donald trump, after going down there to see the audit, that the audit was going along perfectly well. amy lee copeland, the judge tonight, a federal judge, in his order about this, summarized all of mark meadows alleged criminal conduct in the indictment, and his summary included line items like, he attempted to and was prohibited from physically observing a non public georgia election audit. the judge is very description of that makes it sound like something that wasn't mark meadows job. >> i agree with you there, lawrence. it sounds very ominous for mr. meadows position. the whole purpose of removal is to prevent a state criminal prosecution from encouraging unlawful federal authority. when you think of elections, it's really a state undertaking. that's why mr. meadows couldn't go into the confidential cobb county vote audit. the strait was administering its elections. the state was doing it right. i read the motion that mr. meadows filed, and it makes everything sound like it's all hunky dory, that he's just making some calls, just going to places, just irving is an emissary to the president. but when you read the allegations in the indictment, there's so much more. he's trying to insert himself into a georgia election process, one that our governor said as few two days ago there was no fraud in. >> and gwen keyes fleming, right when his lawyers motion, is amy lee copeland just said, having read it, is a very positive description of it, very naive description of his conduct, saying, for example, he just arranged a phone call with brad raffensperger, with the secretary of state. that's all he did. that's what white house chief of staff do. they range phone calls, they arrange meetings, the judge, federal judge summarizes it this way. mark meadows. he solicited, along with donald trump, georgia secretary of state brad raffensperger to violate his oath of office by altering the certified returns for presidential electors. the federal judge seems to be leaning toward the view of the indictment that mark meadows was not just the telephone operator who set up the phone call. when >> i think you're right. first of all, judge jones seems to have at least a preview of what this case is about. i think it's also interesting, in the motion, one of the examples of mark meadows permissible conduct, or conduct under the color of federal law, is where he offers trump campaign resources to expedite what was happening in terms of vote counting. i believe that was a conversation he had with investigator watson in cobb county. again, i think you will see from the district attorney in her response, laying out how all of these things are all related to state elections, which is not the responsibility of the president of the united states. if it is not his responsibility, then it cannot transfer to the chief of staff. >> barb mcquade, when the federal judges evaluating mark meadows behavior, is it worth noting that no previous white house chief of staff in history as ever done any one of those things after a presidential election? >> i suppose it's worth noting, but i don't know how far that goes. i think instead the real question here is, as you say, in the motion filed by mark meadows he describes all of these acts as the kinds of things that are chief of staff does. i made phone calls, i arranged meetings, i was acting as an emissary. those facts on their face are fine. but it was the purpose of those acts that is what makes them criminal and beyond the scope of his duties as the chief of staff. if he is arranging a meeting with the president and someone else and his cabinet, that's part of his duties. what he was doing instead was trying to tamper with an election. this is a game the defense attorneys play in all white-collar cases. the acts them selves are not, per se, illegal, it's the purpose of the attempt to defraud that makes those crimes illegal. with that same game going on here with mark meadows and i think the judge is going to see this as mark meadows acting as a campaign advisor and not as a chief adviser to the president of united states within the scope of his duties. >> where we will squeeze in a quick break right here. we're gonna come back with the full panel to cover more of this indictment. especially what is the last part of the indictment, how donald trump and his 18 coconspirators attacked ruby freeman and her daughter. this indictment says that everything that donald trump and rudy giuliani and the coconspirators did to those women was a crime. we'll be right back. it's down with rybelsus®. his a1c? 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my brain. so i choose neuriva plus. unlike some others, neuriva plus is a multitasker supporting 6 key indicators of brain health. to help keep me sharp. neuriva: think bigger. >> when you are about to see in this video is one of the crimes charged in the georgia racketeering of donald trump an 18 coconspirators. >> i cannot say what specifically will -- [inaudible] >> because ruby freeman did not just the people she was meeting with, she had that meeting with -- at a police station and luckily it was recorded on a police officer's body cam. that is how we know about what was said in that discussion, in george kirby and kuti seems to be discussing the possibility of in effect kidnapping ruby freeman. i cannot say what specifically will take place, i just know it will disrupt your freedom, that is what she was told. the two other defendants more specifically part of that conspiracy to interfere with ruby freeman and her daughter are harrison floyd, and the other defendant is steven lee. that part of the conspiracy is the final chapter of this extraordinary indictment and still with us are -- barb mcquade, all former prosecutors. one case floating us the district attorney in the neighboring county as you used to be, what goes through your mind when you watch that indictment come to life in that video? >> so, i have to say, that is the first time i have seen that video. and, it is very disturbing to me. it also explains why d. a. willis felt it necessary to include allegations as it relates to what happened to miss freeman. and, those allegations are, the attempt and social solicitation of all statements, trying to get her to line change or story about what happened with respect to the counting of ballots, as well as intimidating her. i think that video is what the d. a. is basing certainly that later charge, the influence of intimidation charge on. so i anticipate that will be a key piece of evidence going forward in the trial. >> amy, one of your points in your new york times op-ed piece about this indictment being ingenious is, this indictments ability to link that moment in that police station, in georgia, with the man who was sleeping in the white house that night, donald trump. that behavior is all linked clearly linked in the pattern described in this indictment. >> that is true, lawrence, and i think it offers a nice human touch, everything that happened to miss freeman, it offers a human touch for the jury and the d a to talk about it a poll worker serves the polls and a sense of duty and not to get rich quick scheme. they say a woman who is doing her job and accused of hair when or cocaine or transferring usb port like it was drugs or cocaine. but meters you leon e, and a valid part of this whole indictment of part of the scheme that was perpetrated here, and it will allow miss willis to paint a very human face with what was happening, and something out there, it's something to happen to the individual. >> barb mcquade, these defendants, they went to her, home they knocked on her door, they are very specifically charged with what this direct contact ruby freeman. obviously they are not federal workers, if right now, this case is as charged, donald trump plus 18 codefendants fani willis said she would be happy to try them altogether. if mark meadows gets his case removed, if donald trump gets this case removed in federal court, what happens to defendants like this? do their cases just remain in state court? >> they do. so only those people who were federal officials at the time of the alleged conduct would have their case removed in federal court. i think, lawrence, we are not going to see of 19 go to trial together anyway, there will either be some guilty pleas, statistically 90 to 95% of defendants plead guilty. this case may be unique, but i think it is fair to guess some will plead guilty in this case. then, those who remain will be separated into smaller groups for child purposes. you know you can really only commonly about five or six parties and their lawyers in a courtroom, and have that jury really be able to keep track of who is, who which evidence lines up with which a defendant. i would suspect at some point, the judge will ask funny willis to propose -- how can we present a testimony most efficiently in these various trials? this would be talking about the scheme. one that is very interesting and perhaps go back to the point about using rico's ingenious, because it allows all these different schemes to come on in. in one case, under one umbrella, so the jury gets to hear about all the other, stuff even if we are only focused on a handful of these defendants in a particular trial. because, as long as they have that one united goal in there and bias, which was to overturn the election in favor of trump, the jury will be able to hear about all of, that even if the trial is just about the smaller group and smaller scheme. >> do you think fani willis has an incentive to separate out donald trump as an individual defendant to be tried individually? >> well i think to barbara's point, at the beauty of the indictment is at the rico charge that allows the prosecutor to tell the whole story. whether you break it down into buckets, being the influencing officials, including raffensperger and members of the georgia legislature, your second bike it being the fake electors scheme, you have the computer chest pass scheme, and then you have obviously the incident with miss freeman. those might be some clear lines, but as a prosecutor, my main goal, and i'm zooming in the 88 main goal would be to tell the entire story, and not have parts of that story be missing as you are trying to make your case to the jury. >> he merely copeland, barb mcquade thank you very much for guiding us through this indictment tonight. as you know, having, reddit we still are just scratching the surface. thank you very much for joining us. appreciate it. we will be right back. after the best nap of my life... and papa is hungry. and while you're hittin' the trail, i'm hitting your cooler. oh, cheddar! i've got hot dog buns! and your cut-rate car insurance might not pay for all this. so get allstate, and be better protected from mayhem, like me. roar. 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(chainsaw revs) (tree crashes) (chainsaw continues) (daughter screams) let's pretend for a second that you didn't let down your entire family. what would that reality look like? well i guess i would've gotten us xfinity... and we'd have a better view. do you need mulch? >> that is tonight's last word. what, we have a ton of mulch. the 11th hour with stephanie ruhle starts now. >> tonight, the scope of the case against defendant donald trump, 91 charges from four different indictments as fani willis lays out at the timeline for georgia's case. and, jack smith now has access to information from trump's twitter account, in a new reporting on the company slowing access to website elon does not like. . , rule fulton county d.a. fani willis is wasting absolutely no time in moving ahead with the georgia election interference case. today, she proposed a trial date of march 4th of 2024, or donald, trump and 18 others. that is one day before super tuesday, which of course is in the heat of the presidential primary season. the eight witnesses also focusing on another big court, date when trump and his codefendants will be arraigned and enter the specific police. she wants that to happen the

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Pay , Polls , Joy , Movement , Voltaren , Election , Politics , Any , Ones , Polling , Prediction , Campaign Polling , Decisions , High Speed , Wisdom , News Load , Campaign Holes , Paul , Results , Say , 54 , 2020 , 42 , Trump , Vote , Statement , Investing , Contrast , Opinion , Republicans , Job , Gonna Think , Exam , Number , Everybody , Chunk , Defense , Campaign Event , Parties , Estate , Candidate , Cases , Jobs , House , Parts , Investments , Speaker , Thousands , Billions , Credit , Office , Excuse , Growth , Drivers , Sector , Clean Energy Manufacturing Investments , 240 Billion , 240 Billion Dollars , 400 , House Democratic Leader , Mister Leader , Part , Track Record , To Be With You , Accomplishments , Land , Success Led , Economy , Energy , Energy Costs , Trajectory , Climate Crisis , Forward , Blow , Sets , 1 Million , Price , Health Care Costs , Prescription Drugs , Millions , Affordable Care Act , Insulin , Amount , Families , Costs , 35 , Voter , Things , Attention , Strategy , Perception , Governing , Grabs , Coverage , Doesn T Pay , Information , Closer , Doesn T , Golf , Communities , Members , Events , District , House Democratic Caucus , Progress , Neighborhoods , Behalf , Areas , Chips , Pact Act , Science Act Which Will Bling Domestic Manufacturing Jobs , Veterans , Variety , Infrastructure Investment , Roads , Tunnels , Sewer , Airports , Help Fix , Crumbling Bridges , Community , Water Systems , Water , Mass Transportation Systems , Leadership , Needs , Streets , Biden Pastor Safer Communities Act , Carnage , Gun Safety Legislation , 30 , Classrooms , Democrats , Area , Hand , Wealthy , Bottom Up , Extreme Maga , Class , Folks , Working Families , Indictments , Nominee , Comparison , Stand , Test , Trail , Well Democrats , Majority , Essential Component , Former , Senate , Campaigns , Candidates Defense , Shouldn T , Campaigning , Issue , Corruption , Efforts , Reward Us , Trust Us , Host , Vision , Heartland , Small Town America , Urban America , Rural America , Suburban America , Appalachia , Prosecutors , View , Play , My , Constitution , Expectation , Juries , Lands , Focus , Government , News Environment , Expert Panel , Lost , Thanks , Including Georgia Legal Experts , Colon Cancer , Cologuard , Doc , Risk , Provider , Non Invasive , 45 , Bladder Leak Pad , Pad , Liquid , Wetness , Money , Deals , Back To School , Amazon , What , Protein , Music , Sugar , Uuuhhhh , Protein Max Challenge , 1 , 0000 , 10000 , Nature , Sound Engineer , Supplement , Record Label , Pharmacist , Brand , Vitamin , Taking Off , Strength Lidocaine , Patch , Candidates , Job Description , Contours , Body , Indeed Instant Match , Otc , Visit Indeed Com Hire Salonpas Lidocaine Flex , Pain , Team , Medicine , Salonpas , Steve See Jones , Order , Written , Jurisdiction , Shooting , Color , Officer , Police Officers , Fact , Agents , Agent , Phrase , Quote , Role , Kinds , Job Duties , Gun , Badge , Votes , Duties , Presidents , Reaches , Decision , Position , Outcome , Versus , Uphill Battle For Trump , Wasn T Taking This On , Fact Finding Hearing , Situation , Testimony , Mark Meadows Attorney , Form , Pleating , Audit , Washington , Effect , Summary , Line Items , Description , Election Audit , Non Public Georgia , Mr , Purpose , State Criminal Prosecution , Removal , Wasn T Mark Meadows Job , Meadows Position , Elections , Vote Audit , Meadows Couldn T Go Into The Confidential Cobb County , State Undertaking , Strait , Meadows , Everything , Calls , Emissary , Places , Just Irving , Hunky Dory , Allegations , Governor , Georgia Election Process , Copeland , Phone Call , Fraud , Saying , Chief Of Staff , Phone Calls , Brad Raffensperger , White House , Secretary Of State , Oath Of Office , Georgia Secretary Of State , Returns , Telephone Operator , Preview , Examples , Campaign Resources , Mark Meadows Permissible , Vote Counting , Cobb County , Conversation , Investigator Watson , Responsibility , State Elections , Response , It Worth , Mark Meadows Behavior , Worth , Acts , Face , Fine , Meeting , Game , Per Se , Defense Attorneys , Someone , Crimes , Chief Adviser , Campaign Advisor , Cabinet , Selves , Mark Meadows Acting , Coconspirators , Women , Stop Rybelsus , Break , Panel , 18 , Doctor , Pill , A1c , Weight , Me Rybelsus , Goal , Family , Help , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Type 1 Diabetes , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Don T Take Rybelsus , 2 , Side Effects , Reaction , Nausea , Gallbladder Problems , Blood Sugar Risk , Vision Problems , Lump , Stomach Pain , Swelling , Changes , Neck , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Vomiting , Dehydration , Diarrhea , Charting , Tools , Power E Trade , Prescription , Kidney Problems , 0 , Trading , Market , Powerful , Feel , Opportunities , Morgan Stanley , Scans , Sentiment , Medicines , Hiv , React , Markets , Orders , Opportunity , Futures Ladder , Dovato , Treatment , Hiv Pills , Adults , Don T , Symptoms , Stop Dovato , Ingredients , Dofetilide , Headache , Liver Problems , Baby , Breastfeeding , Kidney , Buildup , Pregnancy , Lactic Acid , Anxiety , Tiredness , Trouble Sleeping , Botox , Mother , Tonya , My Name , Nine , Cosmetic , Another , Activity , Sports Kids , Lines , Injection , Effects , Forehead Lines , Frown Lines , Feet , Fda , Crow , Muscle Weakness , Reactions , Condition , Breathing , Skin Infection , Injection Site Pain , Speaking , Sign , Eyelid Swelling , Difficulty Swallowing , Eyebrow , Eyelid Drooping , Botulinum Toxins , Conditions , Medications , Muscle , Nerve , Botoxcosmetic Com , Video , Georgia Racketeering Of Donald Trump , Police Station , Inaudible , Police Officer , Body Cam , Freedom , In Effect Kidnapping Ruby Freeman , Possibility , Steven Lee , Harrison Floyd , County , Time , Mind , D A , Statements , Solicitation , Counting , Charge , Respect , Ballots , Evidence , Piece , Intimidation Charge , Influence , Points , Is , Op Ed , Human Touch , Poll Worker , Behavior , Da , Pattern , Scheme , Woman , Cocaine , Duty , Hair , Usb Port , Leon E , Miss , Drugs , Human Face , Happening , Individual , Contact , Home , Door , Workers , Plus 18 , State Court , 19 , Pleas , 90 , 95 , Child Purposes , Groups , Track , Funny Willis , Five , Trials , Handful , Umbrella , Of , Bias , Favor , Incentive , Rico Charge , Beauty , Computer Chest Pass Scheme , Electors Scheme , Incident , Bike , Buckets , Georgia Legislature , Zooming , 88 , Reddit , Life , Papa , Surface , Nap , Hot Dog Buns , Cooler , Hittin The Trail , Cheddar , My Heart Doesn T , Background , Heart Failure Diagnosis , Mayhem , Allstate , Roar , Priorities , Sfx , Stop Taking Farxiga , Heart , Hospital , Me Farxiga , Heart Failure , Skin , Ketoacidosis , Death , Infection , Side Effect , Urinary Tract , Yeast Infections , Blood Sugar , Perineum , Men , Farxiga , Sounds Good To Me , Eczema , Itch , Medication , Astrazeneca , Rinvoq , Rash , Steroid , Topical , 100 , Infections , Cancers , Relief , Fast , Ability , Lymphoma , Blood Clots , Rinvoq Relief , Tb , Risks , Heart Disease Risk Factor , Skin Cancer , Intestines , Stomach , Stroke , Heart Attack , Tears , Abbvie , Sophie , Some , City , Step , Trees , Signal , T Mobile Home Internet , Second , Tree Crashes , Reality , Chainsaw , Chainsaw Revs , Xfinity , Mulch , Ton , Twitter , Timeline , 11th Hour , Reporting , Jack Smith , Stephanie Ruhle , 11 , 91 , Company , Website , Elon , Donald , Interference , Heat , Trial Date Of March 4th , March 4th Of 2024 , 2024 , Police , Codefendants , Witnesses , Season , Eight ,

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