Transcripts For MSNBC The 11th Hour With Stephanie Ruhle 202

Transcripts For MSNBC The 11th Hour With Stephanie Ruhle 20240707

-- on this monday night. good a thing, i'm alison menendez in for stephanie ruhle. ukraine has now been fighting russia's unprovoked invasion for nearly three months. today, vladimir putin was trying to defend his war, this was victory day in russia, when the nation celebrates victory over nazi germany. it is russia's biggest holiday, and during today's observance, is putin tried to justify the war, with false claims of nazis and ukraine, and so-called aggression towards russia. amid the images of troops marching information, and the military hardware on display, putin did not declare a new offensive in ukraine, i did not declare victory. >> we -- he offered up his own message to the kremlin we >> today, a senior u.s. defense official called russian efforts on the battlefield, incremental and somewhat anemic, despite, that rich russia continues to hammer ukraine with airstrikes, this weekend -- being used as a shelter. 60 were said to be killed, msnbc's news says the biden tonight told democrats that putin is a very, very calculated man, but that he doesn't have a way out right now. earlier today, the president signed an updated version of the land lease, the program originally used to speed weapons to britain during world war ii, will now help get weapons into the hands of ukrainian fighters. >> every, day ukrainians pay with our lives, and the cost is not cheap. but caving to aggression is even more costly, that's why we're sending them this. >> biden has called on congress to approve another 33 billion dollars for ukraine. house democrats say they will begin working on that funding legislation tomorrow. let's begin our coverage of the war with nbc's cal perry, live for us tonight in kyiv. kyle, it wasn't just victory day in moscow, russian troops also marked a day in ukraine, tell me more. yes, so we have this kind of bizarre scene on the eastern part of mariupol, where we've not seen heavy fighting in the past few weeks. where russian, officials who have changed the street signs there to russian, took part in a small parade, this was obviously a piece of propaganda used by moscow, and coincided with a large march that we saw on moscow, but bizarre because the fighting on the other side of the city is so fierce. we continue to see that sort of stronghold that still works facility where hundreds of fighters are still in that basement area, we understand a number of them are wounded. so, to have these scenes play out on the other side of the city, is a juxtaposition that allowed ukrainians, just cannot wrap their heads around. on the other side of the, country of the continuation in the east of this violence, the school that you mentioned was hit on saturday night, they are strike. they're at least six people were trapped in that rubble at some point. but again, it's hard for us to reach out area, just as it was to reach the theater in mariupol, because the fighting -- and the air strikes from russia just continue. >> do we have a sense of the status of that steel plant in mariupol? >> not a good one, as for now, on an hour by hour basis. we know that as of, yesterday the government was still in communication with fighters. we think that most of the civilians, and not all of the civilians, have finally been extracted from that site. they are on their way, the last of, them to zaporizhzhia. we just don't know how long the ukrainian fighters can hold out. they're not sharing with us how many there are, -- operational security reasons. there is a lot, i think, of speculation that the russians are close to taking that plant, because they have swung a whole lot of troops to the eastern part of the country, the donbas region, leaving just a few thousand in the city of mariupol. >> cal, i wonder which area of the country are ukrainian officials most worried about at this point? >> well, certainly mariupol, because they don't have a good grasp of how many people have died there. officials think it could be in the tens of thousands. in the eastern part of the country, in the donbas region, in the luhansk area, that's where that school is, the fighting is still fears. i should say, the ukrainian government is really proud of games it's making in the kharkiv region, that's to the north. that's kharkiv that you see east of where i am the northern part of the country, six villages have been liberated by ukrainian forces. so ukrainian for hisses are on the move in the northern part of the country, it seems they've stalled the invasion to the, east and in the southern part of the country's cities marred by massive bombardment. the city of mariupol has been wiped off the map, the city of odessa issued saying the last six hours has come under cruise missile fire. at least seven rockets landing in the city of odessa. a lot of fear about what could happen in odessa, as well, because it is one of those black sea ports. >> nbc's cal perry, life earth in kyiv, ukraine. kyle, thank you. let's bring in our experts peter, baker chief white house correspondent in the new york times, he spent years as a moscow bureau chief for the washington post, closely watching the rise of putin. jason beardsley, a decorated u.s. military veteran with over 20 years of experience and then army and navy, he is now the national executive director of the new association of the navy. and william taylor, former u.s. ambassador to ukraine, is also the united states institute of peace vice president for russia. gentlemen, it's good to see you all. peter, i want to start with you. wasn't a lot to take away from today's victory day in russia, but we did hear this from the u.s. ambassador to russia, take a listen. >> it's also difficult to know what president putin is planning. it's difficult to speculate because his decision circle is so small. if i were a betting person i'd say it's most likely the president putin is doubling down his special military operation in ukraine. >> peter, putin tried to defend the war today, but why do you think he chose to refrain from making any major declarations about what is next for ukraine? >> well, i think first of all, the reality on the ground is such that it makes any kind of pronouncement along those lines pretty hard to, cell. even in a country where the kremlin controls the media, where the information is under state auspices, there is a lot of reality still there in russia. they see the body bags coming home, they hear the stories from their loved ones on the front line, they know it's really going, on at least a lot of them do. i think it will be hard for them to sell a story a victory at a time when there is clearly nothing like that. secondly, i don't think, and i've -- obviously he knows that part of the world really. well i think that he enjoys being unpredictable, i think he probably enjoys having tweaked us for the last number of days, thinking that something big was going to come, and then watching us get all worked up, and then showing oh i didn't do what you thought i was gonna do, i'm not so easily categorized. that doesn't mean that something big can't happen, or doesn't have to have to happen on victory day for him to decide that he's going to escalate, or in some way make this war even more deadly and devastating and it's already been. so, we get worked out about the holiday, but it's days after the holiday that we should probably be thinking back. >> ambassador taylor, peter bigger wants to hear, from you and that means so do i. >> alicia, peter, it's great to be able to talk to you. i think peter's right, i think peter's right. president putin had to pat options, people were debating whether he'd choose one of the other, that is double down, or back down. declare victory, try to settle down. he couldn't really do either, there is no good option for him, so it shows no good option. he is afraid, alicia, he's afraid of his people, he doesn't want to ask them to sacrifice, he knows that they're already starting. people in russia are already starting to feel the pain, and they're beginning to bury their sons and fathers and brothers when they come back from ukraine. so putin is worried about his standing with the people, dictator are not, he's got to worry about the people. >> -- i want you to take a listen to what we heard today from former adviser to zelenskyy. >> i have a sense that putin blink today, there were no ultimatums, no victories announced. it looks like they don't know what to do. he's scared, and with -- still signed, i think it's ukraine's to win no. >> jason, do you agree? >> yeah, and by the way, both pierre and william have it right here. and really, putin didn't blink today, he's been playing for the entire invasion. every step of the way, he's been beleaguered in hampered by logistics, poor supply, bad leadership, they tried to knock out the ukrainian communication networks, elon musk stepped in with starlink. they tried to knock out ukrainian weapons, united states stepped in with howitzers, with all kinds of ammunition in munitions. so that has meant that the ukrainian forces have been fighting, they've been creative, they've been using guerrilla style warfare. plus combined strategies. they're really on the cusp of being able to open up a seam in his battlefield. that doesn't mean this is over, soon putin as the two guests already stated, he did when he could today, a show of what we can call theater, it was farcical, everyone knows that. the reason he didn't brag and call this a war, is a bit of a technicality. he cannot rely on the russian people by decline in general mobilization, because that will put them in a whole different world. right, now he's trying to limit this, and try to save face as much as possible. >> ambassador taylor, it's a such a sharp contrast to what we're seeing from president zelenskyy, that powerful video, walking the streets in response to russia's victory day, talking about being a free people. what are you hearing from your contacts in ukraine, about how the government views the war at this point? >> presidents ellen ski, use this words, he mobilizes his people, and they mobilize him. he really represents them, the ukrainian people are strong, they're tough, they are determined to be free, they are determined to be independent, and he is leading them. he grows on that, he absorbs that, and he projects it. it's a very positive projection, so it's a great combination of president zelenskyy in the ukrainian people that are so tough. >> peter, we also saw evidence on russian media of anti war sentiment, there is hacking on russian tv, instead of a display of the usual channels, a message took over the screens that read, quote, the blood of thousands of ukrainians, and hundreds of murdered children's on your hands. the kremlin has made it a crime to express anti war sentiment. people could get arrested, could a protest like that prompt the kremlin to crack down even harder? >> certainly, yes, absolutely. they are very, very jealous of the information space they have, over the years, repeatedly crackdown on any information source that got in their way, as they saw it. they have been incredibly repressive since this war began, with this new law threatening a 15-year sentences in prison, for even using the word war to describe the special military operation, and arrested hundreds if not thousands of people over the last few months. they've successfully tamp down a lot of the street actions until now. but the more and more information gets through and more and more russians feel like they are losing, their loved ones for a cause they don't necessarily believe in. i think the more dangerous if it comes for him. ambassador taylor's, right there is in fact a popular will, that matters even in a dictatorship. that's what happened in afghanistan, is what happened with chechnya. there were people at home that saw the cost of war in their communities. you can't hide funerals. i think that, overtime, he is worried about losing that public support, which is why he's playing the nationalist drum so heavily, in order to keep up some sort of sense of patriotic duty in fighting a war that many russians don't understand, because it against their slavic brothers. these are not against chechens, or afghans, or people they consider to be foreigners. ukrainians, to them, are like fraternal relatives, and i think it's very confusing for a lot of relatives, why they are at war with a family like that. >> to that point, tonight you had the president expressing concern about putin, not being able to find a way out of this war. what is the president worried about here, aside from the conflict not ending soon? >> desperation. but we've seen from the beginning is, because putin hasn't been able to do decisively defeat ukrainians on the ground. you see these arrow bombardments of the city, places like bucha, you're gonna see more of, that the longer russia is in play. i think what president biden is worried about is essentially adding to that. so, the real key here, president zelenskyy has got to mobilize his forces, the new mutations that are being served up inside, ukraine kept on to the frontlines, and combined their strategy with the so far guerrilla style hit in tactic of warfare that the ukrainians have been doing. they need to hand russia some decisive blows. russia, right now, they are committing their bodies, onsite they're trying not to push bodies back to russia. so, they are trying to hide the son of people. but information is leaking, out and again, all credit to the ukrainians for putting this effort together, and to the white house are getting the weapons in here. the big often, is they should have been in before the invasion. we had six months of previous intelligence. so, here is an opportunity for the president to get in front of the next complication in taiwan, looking right across the straits of china. the time to do weapons supplies is not in the middle of a fight, it's prior to it. and by the way, the green berets, the special forces, have been successful since 2014 training the ukrainians on these tactics, which is why they've operated differently than they did in the donbas region prior to that. >> ambassador taylor, this all comes as we heard this alarming news from the pentagon today, take a listen. >> we certainly have seen indications that ukrainians are being moved from ukraine into russia, i can't speak to how many camps or what they look like. but, we do have indications that ukrainians are being taken in against their will into russia. >> ambassador, your thoughts? >> alicia, war crimes. this first movement of people who don't want -- these are ukrainians. they want to go into ukraine. they want to go into where free ukraine is. and putin is moving them, he's almost kidnapping them, thinking about them, putting them into -- people are calling filtration camps. we're talking about reeducation. we've heard this. this is terrible if we are going back to this. so this just indicates why ukrainians have to win. why the ukrainians have to be able to beat the russians, and their counterattacks are an indication that they can do this. they have succeeded on the ground. they've succeeded on the sea, with their own missiles, their own anti-ship missiles. they can do this. they need to win so that these atrocities stop. >> i take your earlier point about the need to have gotten these weapons at their, sooner, given where we are, given that we have already sent billions and weapons, what's else do ukrainian forces need right now? >> well, they've got a lot of good intelligence from the united states communications huge. you can't fight on multiple fronts without those robust networks. again, the startling network, they came in and patch that kept its made ukraine very effective in this. what they need now is to infiltrate the new weapons. the united states is training them and other countries, that's been great. it's now getting those forces into play, because as ambassador taylor suggested, the opportunity is now to break the will of russia. the only way to do that if you got a knack out there armor, you've got a knack out there artillery. you are doing that now, but again, the united states needs to be smart here. we've got our own issues trying to compete in the naval fleet against china, against russia. so it's time to look at how do we get in front of these, rather than behind them. and i would suggest the white house has got a great opportunity, while the american people are very supportive of the strong defenses. it's better to do this and avoid a war that you get inside of one and have to end it. >> peter, to that sense of urgency, the president is pushing congress to immediately approve more aid to ukraine. he says it needs to be done before trying to secure more covid funding. the house taking up the measure tomorrow. what should we be watching for? >> yeah, as we're striking of course, the president united states came to congress, he said, i need 33 billion dollars to help ukraine with his military and humanitarian aid. and congress is beating him up. they look like they're adding those seven billion dollars to those, and indicate by the way, a certain bipartisan consensus here in washington, which is rather remarkable, given everything else. they're telling the president united states, we not only support what you're doing in terms of helping ukraine. but you want to do more. so that's gonna be, i think, on a table, starting tomorrow. the question is whether republicans or democrats have completely agree on the specifics of the bill, and if they want to move forward, they don't to get this bogged down by the covid bill which is tightening up in the immigration fight that's unrelated, because there's some pressing need to get this out there, and if they don't do that, they'll be a snow slow down. and the weapons, -- >> thanks to peter breaker, jason beardsley and ambassador william taylor. coming up, critics overall argue abortion is issued states should get to the side. but those critics may not be planning to stop there. later, the world's addiction to oil has been blamed for fueling autocratic governments for years. could the tragedy of ukraine finally end the dependency? 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well, people may think that their contracture has to be severe to be treated, but it doesn't. if you can't lay your hand flat on the table, talk to a hand specialist. but what if i don't want surgery? well, then you should find a hand specialist certified to offer nonsurgical treatments. what's the next step? >> you've just said that you visit today to get started. believe it begins at conception. if there is legislation brought to you to ban construct contraception, would you sign it? >> well, i don't think that's gonna happen in mississippi. i'm sure they have those conversations and other states. >> you're not answering the question. >> as always the case -- well, that's always the case. there's so many things that we can talk about. >> justice alito's leaked opinion overturning roe v. wade has many fearing what's next. take, for example, mississippi's governor, refusal to rule out a ban on contraception. some democratic candidates for state attorneys generals now promising to help, just today, new york's ag announced new legislation to boost funding for women's clinics in the state. with us tonight harry litman, former u.s. attorney and former deputy assistant attorney general. and victoria defrancesco, the dean of the clinton school of public service at the university of arkansas. she's also an msnbc political analyst. harry, if roe v. wade is overturned, there is already concern access to a concert actives could be next. whatever is on the table? how much of this is gonna play out in the course? >> on the table, it's a really vast array of things we've come taken for granted, unless you have same-sex marriage was, injure race marriage, private consensual behavior, even the ability to educate your children. all of these things are completely put into play by the alito leak right now. the leak draft says right now this is only about abortion. but you just don't declare winners or losers. they give reasons. they give principles. just as you can say as to abortion, while, it used to be a crime in the 18th century. that's why we can overrule it today. you can say the exact same thing, exact same thing about marrying someone of another race, marrying someone of the same sex. so it's just completely at the grace of these five, whether or not that's something like that will come up and be shot down. and of course, as the mississippi governor makes clear, there's a lot of people in the country who want to be pushing them in that direction. >> vicky, as i listen to harry lay out everything that could possibly be on the table, and lay out the power of these five justices, i have to wonder to what extent is the politically galvanizing argument here about health care, access to abortion, access to plan b, contraceptives. and to what extent it's about a broader argument on judicial overreach, and the variety of rights that can be impacted, it will actually motivate voters? >> right. and i think that what you are seeing here, we must take a step back, alicia. it is a shifting of the rallying point. for so many decades, especially since 1973, we've seen roe v. wade be a rallying point in the gop, and it gain momentum, and we've reached this point. so when we are looking at these other things that are inherent on the table, the question is, will they be sufficiently affected in rallying folks, going forward. i think that that is a question, and i think it's also going to the four by region. so when we're talking about the curtailment of rights, they're taking back these rights, and we see it at the national level in terms of the justices acting in this way. but also, i think we need to keep our eye on what's happening in our regions and in our individual states. for example, what we are seeing in mississippi right now. overall, the issue that we need to keep our eye on, in terms of judicial overreach, but also what is happening at the state level, in the courts, but also the legislatures. >> harry, ownership there's a little, talk about the 16 investigation. the washington post has more on the role that mark meadows played in advancing trump's efforts to overturn the election. the paper reports, quote, meadows granted those peddling theories about a stolen election direct access to the oval office. and personally connected some with the president. he pressed the justice department to investigate serious and debunked claims. he also pushed the justice department on successfully, to try to invalidate the election results in six states through federal court action. this is been nearly five months now since the house found him in contempt. so why has the justice department charged meadows yet? >> by the way, it's not just that. he's also with trump the entire afternoon of 16, and either after is repeatedly told don't do, it he goes ahead. that report is really harrowing. why not? well, some have positive that there is a memo that makes it seem that maybe there is a claim that he doesn't have to show, because it's so close to trump. there is this local testimony immunity. the courts have rejected that, alicia. but the idea might be that it's giving the department off before charging with a crime. but, when i suggest that they ought to do is re-subpoena him tomorrow, and have it only apply to things that have nothing to do with his official duties. for instance, a campaign and everything about the 16 rally, because the argument, if it exists back there, it's that it's only for official duty. so then i think they could slap an immediate new contempt referral, and i think that might be an easier road for the climate of judges. short answer we don't know and it's a real issue, because there's so much that he is up to his elbows in. he eric holder, suggesting a tp indictment could be coming, here's what he had to say earlier tonight. >> by the end of this investigative process, you will find that donald trump has done the necessary things to meet all of the elements of a variety of statutes, and it will be shown that the requisite intent in doing those. but, if nothing else, donald trump was a norm breaker. he has taken us to a place where, a consideration of a prosecution of a former presidents, and his closest ally's -- considerations, prosecutions of all of those people is totally appropriate. >> harry, your thoughts? >> you know, holder is an institution, and i am going around as as he is, that the only thing worse than prosecuting trump's not prosecuting him. he continues to absolutely propound the big lie, whip up all his supporters, and maintain the same toxic effect on the country. just giving him a pass on all of this, wow, what a message about the rule of law. >> harry lippman, as, always thank you so much for being with, us victoria has agreed to stick around. coming, up members of congress are about to go on the record over abortion rights. we are going to bring you a critical vote, destined to fail, when the 11th hour continues. 11th hour continues migraine attacks? you can't always avoid triggers like changes in weather. qulipta™ can help prevent migraine attacks. you can't prevent what's going on outside, that's why qulipta™ helps what's going on inside. qulipta™ is a pill. gets right to work to prevent migraine attacks and keeps them away over time. qulipta™ blocks cgrp a protein believed to be a cause of migraine attacks. qulipta™ is a preventive treatment for episodic migraine. most common side effects are nausea, constipation, and tiredness. learn how abbvie can help you save on qulipta™. i am robert strickler. i've been involved in communications in the media constipation, and tiredness. for 45 years. i've been taking prevagen on a regular basis for at least eight years. for me, the greatest benefit over the years has been that prevagen seems to help me recall things and also think more clearly. and i enthusiastically recommend prevagen. it has helped me an awful lot. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. ♪ ♪ ♪♪ voltaren. the joy of movement. ♪♪ why do people who live with generalized myasthenia gravis want a new treatment option? 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it should. we need to make sure that every it's another bad scheme for california. single voter understands, that the republican and mitch mcconnell, does not believe that their daughters, their mothers, that their sisters have rights to make fundamental life and death decisions. we are half citizens under this ruling. >> senate democrats warning of republican efforts to restrict abortions nationwide. after mitch mcconnell left the door open to a nationwide ban. he told usa today it was, quote, possible. the senate plans to vote on a bill to provide protections for abortion rights on wednesday, the vote is expected to fail. democrats don't have the support to pass the 60 vote threshold. senator lisa murkowski, one of the last potential republican supporters of the bill said that she will vote no. still with us victoria defrancesco, and cnn contributor matthew dowd, he is also former george w. bush strategist, and founder of country over party. this vote on monday, is expected to fail, why is it still important that they hold it? >> well, it's going to fail, but all i said, politics is all about pointing out and pushing through where you want the debate to be about. and i think democrats would be smart to make this entire campaign over the next six months, about our fundamental rights and freedom. not only about pro-choice but also about voting rights. i think holding a vote, even if you lose begins to build residents for that in the coming campaign, but there's no doubt this is going to go down. i think at this point in time, will we're talking about from now until november 2nd, the first tuesday of november, is what the campaign is gonna be about, and democrats want to make this about that. >> and vicky, there is gonna be the lived experience and that accompanies that large, argument -- low income women struggle to get abortions in texas. you've been covering this years -long effort to restrict abortion access in that state. talk to, us how do we get here? with >> a disproportionate, burden, as you pointed out is going to be on poor women and especially women of color. i think that the one strategy going forward and looking at all of the odds being stacked against democrats, and saying that something is not likely going to get passed in the senate, looking at the supreme court, looking at various state legislatures, is looking at public opinion. i have one word, it's overreach. i think we have really reached a tipping point, where we know that first of all, the general american public is supportive of a woman's right to choose. but beyond, that i'm really zeroing in on two key groups. a independence, where we see two thirds of independence, especially women, don't support this total ban on abortion, or near total ban. as well as republicans. so really interesting, among republicans it's very few that you have that extreme case. most republicans, and this is from a pew poll, shows that -- what we're seeing is this rhetoric of a very extreme stance. not even in the case of rape or incest. so i think of this overreach that we've seen, is going to pull over certain segments that have been teetering before, and also mobilize those segments of the democratic base, namely those women of color. >> well, matt, to this point vicky is making about overreach. you have mcconnell saying that nationwide abortion ban is possible, he has got to know that is not where a majority of americans are. i, wonder is this him trying to cater to the, base ramp up midterm turnout, and then he doesn't actually go through with it on the other side. is this something that could come back to haunt him we >> i think mitch mcconnell knows in his heart, that is still this debate in november is about choice, it is about abortion. and republicans lose. i think mitch mcconnell knows that they want -- that the republicans want this debate to be about the economy and inflation. because of the election becomes wholly about, that the republicans win. so i think this is mitch mcconnell clearing the deck for now, just saying that going on moving on that knowing that he has to make that argument. but as vicky said, this is a great issue for democrats to motivate and persuade, because a vast majority of the country. the issue is, will democrats do it do it well, and be able to adjust the debate and move the debate about a debate about inflation, to a debate about rights? and that really is the fundamental question for november. can they move this to a broad enough and resident enough debate, to move the election off the economy. >> i've got to ask, you since you both have ties to texas. new york times points out, quote, governor greg abbott said on thursday that he would seek to overturn a 1982 court decision, that obligated public schools to educate all children, including undocumented in immigrants. vicky, it brings back your point about overreach, and makes me think about california, and the way we watch this go down in california, when you had a republican governor who pushed very hard on these same questions of public services for immigrants. could we see a similar swing back in texas? >> i mean, if this makes it up to the supreme court, alicia, potentially it would. let me just point out the irony with that in 2001, texas was the first date in the mission to have instate college tuition for dreamers. i think what we see here is greg abbott being one of the most outspoken folk in terms of abortion and abortion restriction. that fight is been one for him. now he is turning to another issue that has really been mobilizing the base, and this is i think where we're going to see greg abbott really take a stand. he has won other battles, and the border issue is one that he knows as we saw with the trump presidency with that can really fire up the base. >> matt, mcconnell may want this to be about the economy, but he's got greg abbott screaming about undocumented immigrants, he's got ron desantis picking fights with disney -- 's mccall are gonna be able to make this about the economy? >> well, i think that's what he has to try to do. but as i listen to all this, how far afield we are from what the republican party in texas was 20 years ago, when george w. bush was governor. george w. bush could not get elected governor of texas as a republican today. he was pro-immigrant, he didn't want to argue about a bunch of the social issues at the time here in texas. he wanted to talk about and focus on the economy and education. george w. bush, just in two decades, we've moved from george w. bush to greg abbott, vastly different political parties today, and that's where we are. greg abbott knows that if you want to run for president, which odds are that he does, he's trying to make cultural issues -- he thinks he has this election, one he's moving on to the next election when she wants to one in, because it's president of the united states. >> victoria defrancesco in matthew dowd, thanks for spending some time with us. coming, up our next guest is western oil -- we're gonna ask historian ruth band gap, if a new plan to phase out russian oil is too little too late, when the 11th hour continues. hour continues hi! need new glasses? 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>> i hope so. they're actually getting to the heart of putin's regime, because putin isn't just a dictator, he's a kleptocrat. and he's holding xin revolves around control and plunder of national resources of oil and gas. and an echo talk russi, we gazprom, the energy conglomerate is treated as a personal tool by putin and the olive arcs. and its profits are actually kind of blundered, exfiltration where the blob profits are not going back to society, but they're taken out to the leader and his cronies offshore accounts. so if you want to strike at this whole system of thievery, you have to strike one at, you have to do with the u.s. planning to do. >> okay, but given that, ruth, let's talk timeline. what is a quote, timely and orderly fashion? especially if some of them saying, we can't do it immediately. we're gonna face this out. does that give putin town to come up with a contingency? >> i think it would. there's already a assembling block and that viktor orban in hungary who doesn't want to go along with this. and there's nothing surprising about this. in fact, the whole thing is we're having a huge reckoning of the relationship of dirty energy and the enemies of democracy. and for too long, we had made these deals with dictators out of, you know, thirst for energy, row energy prices. and the problem is, in the past, especially, nobody wants to play pay the price at home. and you know, viktor orban, he just got reelected on a take a trace, that i'm never gonna, you know, back sanctions on russian energy, because that's never gonna raise prices for home. so he actually played this nationalist cart. and so, it shows the untenable lucky of this, you know, who takes your money, but he's very much, you know, putin's ally. and now, he's holding up to this whole thing. and that gives putin time to have more of a contingency, which is not good for the cause of ukraine and ending the war. >> meanwhile, earlier today, council and farm relations president richard haass, one of what putin might do the rest of the world keeps standing firm against him. take a listen. >> so if you have a losing hand, you don't want to walk away from the table that punctuates eight. we just keep the game going. so my guess is that putin's gonna wait for time, a low keyed, open-ended military struggle, so there is no one who can say, you lost. he could say, i didn't lose. this is still ongoing. we are going to prevail. he at least has a talking point. >> ruth, how does that match with your understanding of putin as a strongman? >> you know, when i watched this quote, victory parade today, it came to mind what this late communist spectacle, with this kind of frozen rigid leader, and this, you know, these platitudes, these gaslighting, because these are very old themes. he talked about that russia's victim of the west, and the war as a defensive russia has just been grasped on with these whole themes. and the thing is, what an irony that you have parades of tanks and soldiers, when you know, putin's misguided war has cost 24,000 soldiers, 1000 tanks. but the public will, when you have a regime that is propped up by repression propaganda, what you need is the appearance of victory, not actual victory. that's what's putin cares about and he's in this war to maintain himself in power. and so, just going along, and gaslighting the russian public, which is doing quite successfully, his popularity rate is incredibly rising. and so, i could see that scenario making sense to him. >> ruth ruth ben-ghiat, as always, thank you. coming up, the big award for a hero in ukraine. when the 11th hour continues. the 11th hour continues nicorette knows, quitting smoking is freaking hard. you get advice like: try hypnosis... or... quit cold turkey. kidding me?! instead, start small. with nicorette. which can lead to something big. start stopping with nicorette and it's easier than ever to get your projects done right. with angi, you can connect with and see ratings and reviews. and when you book and pay throug you're covered by our happiness check out today. angi... and done. my sister's managing a lot, including her type 2 diabetes. and when you book and pay throug you're covered by our happiness but she's found new ways to stay on top of it all. once-weekly trulicity is proven to help lower a1c and it can help you lose up to 10 pounds. trulicity is for type 2 diabetes. it isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. it's not approved for use in children. don't take trulicity if you're allergic to it, you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. stop trulicity and call your doctor right away if you have an allergic reaction, a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, changes in vision, or diabetic retinopathy. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. taking trulicity with sulfonylurea or insulin raises low blood sugar risk. side effects include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, which can lead to dehydration, and may worsen kidney problems. ask your doctor about once-weekly trulicity. welcome to your world. your why. what drives you? 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[end of translation] >> look at that tale whacking! trudeau checking his pockets for cheese treats for patron there. it has been an exhausting three days for that famous pop. next, but a russian opposition outlet tweeted a photo of patron snoozing during a press conference over the weekend. it seems that even heroes would meet the rest. a very good dog to take us off the air tonight. on that note, a reminder, we can always catch me on american voices, saturdays on sundays, six to 8 pm eastern, right here on msnbc. from all of our colleagues across the networks in nbc news, goodnight. odnight. thank you at-home for joining us this hour, happy to have you here. not everybody's tv works the same. but for lots of tvs, probably most tvs, now i should probably be more of an expert on this. for most tvs, something like this is what it looks like when you look on the television and you want to decide on something to watch. you get the electronic grid on screen, right? that shows you the channels that you have to choose from, and that's on the left side. and then there's the lists where the various shows and the access that's across the top. you look at the titles for the shows. and this is what it looks like. you click on what you want to

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Yesterday , Civil Protection Service , Zelenskyy In Kyiv , Ukrainian Army , Canadian , Patron , Service , Interpreter , Service Dog , Translation , Cheese Treats , Opposition , Pop , Outlet , Pockets , Tale Whacking , Heroes , Weekend , Press Conference , Photo , Dog , Patron Snoozing , Note , Reminder , Voices , Colleagues , Nbc News , Saturdays On Sundays , 8 , Odnight , Tvs , Same , Expert , Lots , Television , Shows , Lists , Grid , Screen , Titles ,

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Transcripts For MSNBC The 11th Hour With Stephanie Ruhle 20240707 :

Transcripts For MSNBC The 11th Hour With Stephanie Ruhle 20240707

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-- on this monday night. good a thing, i'm alison menendez in for stephanie ruhle. ukraine has now been fighting russia's unprovoked invasion for nearly three months. today, vladimir putin was trying to defend his war, this was victory day in russia, when the nation celebrates victory over nazi germany. it is russia's biggest holiday, and during today's observance, is putin tried to justify the war, with false claims of nazis and ukraine, and so-called aggression towards russia. amid the images of troops marching information, and the military hardware on display, putin did not declare a new offensive in ukraine, i did not declare victory. >> we -- he offered up his own message to the kremlin we >> today, a senior u.s. defense official called russian efforts on the battlefield, incremental and somewhat anemic, despite, that rich russia continues to hammer ukraine with airstrikes, this weekend -- being used as a shelter. 60 were said to be killed, msnbc's news says the biden tonight told democrats that putin is a very, very calculated man, but that he doesn't have a way out right now. earlier today, the president signed an updated version of the land lease, the program originally used to speed weapons to britain during world war ii, will now help get weapons into the hands of ukrainian fighters. >> every, day ukrainians pay with our lives, and the cost is not cheap. but caving to aggression is even more costly, that's why we're sending them this. >> biden has called on congress to approve another 33 billion dollars for ukraine. house democrats say they will begin working on that funding legislation tomorrow. let's begin our coverage of the war with nbc's cal perry, live for us tonight in kyiv. kyle, it wasn't just victory day in moscow, russian troops also marked a day in ukraine, tell me more. yes, so we have this kind of bizarre scene on the eastern part of mariupol, where we've not seen heavy fighting in the past few weeks. where russian, officials who have changed the street signs there to russian, took part in a small parade, this was obviously a piece of propaganda used by moscow, and coincided with a large march that we saw on moscow, but bizarre because the fighting on the other side of the city is so fierce. we continue to see that sort of stronghold that still works facility where hundreds of fighters are still in that basement area, we understand a number of them are wounded. so, to have these scenes play out on the other side of the city, is a juxtaposition that allowed ukrainians, just cannot wrap their heads around. on the other side of the, country of the continuation in the east of this violence, the school that you mentioned was hit on saturday night, they are strike. they're at least six people were trapped in that rubble at some point. but again, it's hard for us to reach out area, just as it was to reach the theater in mariupol, because the fighting -- and the air strikes from russia just continue. >> do we have a sense of the status of that steel plant in mariupol? >> not a good one, as for now, on an hour by hour basis. we know that as of, yesterday the government was still in communication with fighters. we think that most of the civilians, and not all of the civilians, have finally been extracted from that site. they are on their way, the last of, them to zaporizhzhia. we just don't know how long the ukrainian fighters can hold out. they're not sharing with us how many there are, -- operational security reasons. there is a lot, i think, of speculation that the russians are close to taking that plant, because they have swung a whole lot of troops to the eastern part of the country, the donbas region, leaving just a few thousand in the city of mariupol. >> cal, i wonder which area of the country are ukrainian officials most worried about at this point? >> well, certainly mariupol, because they don't have a good grasp of how many people have died there. officials think it could be in the tens of thousands. in the eastern part of the country, in the donbas region, in the luhansk area, that's where that school is, the fighting is still fears. i should say, the ukrainian government is really proud of games it's making in the kharkiv region, that's to the north. that's kharkiv that you see east of where i am the northern part of the country, six villages have been liberated by ukrainian forces. so ukrainian for hisses are on the move in the northern part of the country, it seems they've stalled the invasion to the, east and in the southern part of the country's cities marred by massive bombardment. the city of mariupol has been wiped off the map, the city of odessa issued saying the last six hours has come under cruise missile fire. at least seven rockets landing in the city of odessa. a lot of fear about what could happen in odessa, as well, because it is one of those black sea ports. >> nbc's cal perry, life earth in kyiv, ukraine. kyle, thank you. let's bring in our experts peter, baker chief white house correspondent in the new york times, he spent years as a moscow bureau chief for the washington post, closely watching the rise of putin. jason beardsley, a decorated u.s. military veteran with over 20 years of experience and then army and navy, he is now the national executive director of the new association of the navy. and william taylor, former u.s. ambassador to ukraine, is also the united states institute of peace vice president for russia. gentlemen, it's good to see you all. peter, i want to start with you. wasn't a lot to take away from today's victory day in russia, but we did hear this from the u.s. ambassador to russia, take a listen. >> it's also difficult to know what president putin is planning. it's difficult to speculate because his decision circle is so small. if i were a betting person i'd say it's most likely the president putin is doubling down his special military operation in ukraine. >> peter, putin tried to defend the war today, but why do you think he chose to refrain from making any major declarations about what is next for ukraine? >> well, i think first of all, the reality on the ground is such that it makes any kind of pronouncement along those lines pretty hard to, cell. even in a country where the kremlin controls the media, where the information is under state auspices, there is a lot of reality still there in russia. they see the body bags coming home, they hear the stories from their loved ones on the front line, they know it's really going, on at least a lot of them do. i think it will be hard for them to sell a story a victory at a time when there is clearly nothing like that. secondly, i don't think, and i've -- obviously he knows that part of the world really. well i think that he enjoys being unpredictable, i think he probably enjoys having tweaked us for the last number of days, thinking that something big was going to come, and then watching us get all worked up, and then showing oh i didn't do what you thought i was gonna do, i'm not so easily categorized. that doesn't mean that something big can't happen, or doesn't have to have to happen on victory day for him to decide that he's going to escalate, or in some way make this war even more deadly and devastating and it's already been. so, we get worked out about the holiday, but it's days after the holiday that we should probably be thinking back. >> ambassador taylor, peter bigger wants to hear, from you and that means so do i. >> alicia, peter, it's great to be able to talk to you. i think peter's right, i think peter's right. president putin had to pat options, people were debating whether he'd choose one of the other, that is double down, or back down. declare victory, try to settle down. he couldn't really do either, there is no good option for him, so it shows no good option. he is afraid, alicia, he's afraid of his people, he doesn't want to ask them to sacrifice, he knows that they're already starting. people in russia are already starting to feel the pain, and they're beginning to bury their sons and fathers and brothers when they come back from ukraine. so putin is worried about his standing with the people, dictator are not, he's got to worry about the people. >> -- i want you to take a listen to what we heard today from former adviser to zelenskyy. >> i have a sense that putin blink today, there were no ultimatums, no victories announced. it looks like they don't know what to do. he's scared, and with -- still signed, i think it's ukraine's to win no. >> jason, do you agree? >> yeah, and by the way, both pierre and william have it right here. and really, putin didn't blink today, he's been playing for the entire invasion. every step of the way, he's been beleaguered in hampered by logistics, poor supply, bad leadership, they tried to knock out the ukrainian communication networks, elon musk stepped in with starlink. they tried to knock out ukrainian weapons, united states stepped in with howitzers, with all kinds of ammunition in munitions. so that has meant that the ukrainian forces have been fighting, they've been creative, they've been using guerrilla style warfare. plus combined strategies. they're really on the cusp of being able to open up a seam in his battlefield. that doesn't mean this is over, soon putin as the two guests already stated, he did when he could today, a show of what we can call theater, it was farcical, everyone knows that. the reason he didn't brag and call this a war, is a bit of a technicality. he cannot rely on the russian people by decline in general mobilization, because that will put them in a whole different world. right, now he's trying to limit this, and try to save face as much as possible. >> ambassador taylor, it's a such a sharp contrast to what we're seeing from president zelenskyy, that powerful video, walking the streets in response to russia's victory day, talking about being a free people. what are you hearing from your contacts in ukraine, about how the government views the war at this point? >> presidents ellen ski, use this words, he mobilizes his people, and they mobilize him. he really represents them, the ukrainian people are strong, they're tough, they are determined to be free, they are determined to be independent, and he is leading them. he grows on that, he absorbs that, and he projects it. it's a very positive projection, so it's a great combination of president zelenskyy in the ukrainian people that are so tough. >> peter, we also saw evidence on russian media of anti war sentiment, there is hacking on russian tv, instead of a display of the usual channels, a message took over the screens that read, quote, the blood of thousands of ukrainians, and hundreds of murdered children's on your hands. the kremlin has made it a crime to express anti war sentiment. people could get arrested, could a protest like that prompt the kremlin to crack down even harder? >> certainly, yes, absolutely. they are very, very jealous of the information space they have, over the years, repeatedly crackdown on any information source that got in their way, as they saw it. they have been incredibly repressive since this war began, with this new law threatening a 15-year sentences in prison, for even using the word war to describe the special military operation, and arrested hundreds if not thousands of people over the last few months. they've successfully tamp down a lot of the street actions until now. but the more and more information gets through and more and more russians feel like they are losing, their loved ones for a cause they don't necessarily believe in. i think the more dangerous if it comes for him. ambassador taylor's, right there is in fact a popular will, that matters even in a dictatorship. that's what happened in afghanistan, is what happened with chechnya. there were people at home that saw the cost of war in their communities. you can't hide funerals. i think that, overtime, he is worried about losing that public support, which is why he's playing the nationalist drum so heavily, in order to keep up some sort of sense of patriotic duty in fighting a war that many russians don't understand, because it against their slavic brothers. these are not against chechens, or afghans, or people they consider to be foreigners. ukrainians, to them, are like fraternal relatives, and i think it's very confusing for a lot of relatives, why they are at war with a family like that. >> to that point, tonight you had the president expressing concern about putin, not being able to find a way out of this war. what is the president worried about here, aside from the conflict not ending soon? >> desperation. but we've seen from the beginning is, because putin hasn't been able to do decisively defeat ukrainians on the ground. you see these arrow bombardments of the city, places like bucha, you're gonna see more of, that the longer russia is in play. i think what president biden is worried about is essentially adding to that. so, the real key here, president zelenskyy has got to mobilize his forces, the new mutations that are being served up inside, ukraine kept on to the frontlines, and combined their strategy with the so far guerrilla style hit in tactic of warfare that the ukrainians have been doing. they need to hand russia some decisive blows. russia, right now, they are committing their bodies, onsite they're trying not to push bodies back to russia. so, they are trying to hide the son of people. but information is leaking, out and again, all credit to the ukrainians for putting this effort together, and to the white house are getting the weapons in here. the big often, is they should have been in before the invasion. we had six months of previous intelligence. so, here is an opportunity for the president to get in front of the next complication in taiwan, looking right across the straits of china. the time to do weapons supplies is not in the middle of a fight, it's prior to it. and by the way, the green berets, the special forces, have been successful since 2014 training the ukrainians on these tactics, which is why they've operated differently than they did in the donbas region prior to that. >> ambassador taylor, this all comes as we heard this alarming news from the pentagon today, take a listen. >> we certainly have seen indications that ukrainians are being moved from ukraine into russia, i can't speak to how many camps or what they look like. but, we do have indications that ukrainians are being taken in against their will into russia. >> ambassador, your thoughts? >> alicia, war crimes. this first movement of people who don't want -- these are ukrainians. they want to go into ukraine. they want to go into where free ukraine is. and putin is moving them, he's almost kidnapping them, thinking about them, putting them into -- people are calling filtration camps. we're talking about reeducation. we've heard this. this is terrible if we are going back to this. so this just indicates why ukrainians have to win. why the ukrainians have to be able to beat the russians, and their counterattacks are an indication that they can do this. they have succeeded on the ground. they've succeeded on the sea, with their own missiles, their own anti-ship missiles. they can do this. they need to win so that these atrocities stop. >> i take your earlier point about the need to have gotten these weapons at their, sooner, given where we are, given that we have already sent billions and weapons, what's else do ukrainian forces need right now? >> well, they've got a lot of good intelligence from the united states communications huge. you can't fight on multiple fronts without those robust networks. again, the startling network, they came in and patch that kept its made ukraine very effective in this. what they need now is to infiltrate the new weapons. the united states is training them and other countries, that's been great. it's now getting those forces into play, because as ambassador taylor suggested, the opportunity is now to break the will of russia. the only way to do that if you got a knack out there armor, you've got a knack out there artillery. you are doing that now, but again, the united states needs to be smart here. we've got our own issues trying to compete in the naval fleet against china, against russia. so it's time to look at how do we get in front of these, rather than behind them. and i would suggest the white house has got a great opportunity, while the american people are very supportive of the strong defenses. it's better to do this and avoid a war that you get inside of one and have to end it. >> peter, to that sense of urgency, the president is pushing congress to immediately approve more aid to ukraine. he says it needs to be done before trying to secure more covid funding. the house taking up the measure tomorrow. what should we be watching for? >> yeah, as we're striking of course, the president united states came to congress, he said, i need 33 billion dollars to help ukraine with his military and humanitarian aid. and congress is beating him up. they look like they're adding those seven billion dollars to those, and indicate by the way, a certain bipartisan consensus here in washington, which is rather remarkable, given everything else. they're telling the president united states, we not only support what you're doing in terms of helping ukraine. but you want to do more. so that's gonna be, i think, on a table, starting tomorrow. the question is whether republicans or democrats have completely agree on the specifics of the bill, and if they want to move forward, they don't to get this bogged down by the covid bill which is tightening up in the immigration fight that's unrelated, because there's some pressing need to get this out there, and if they don't do that, they'll be a snow slow down. and the weapons, -- >> thanks to peter breaker, jason beardsley and ambassador william taylor. coming up, critics overall argue abortion is issued states should get to the side. but those critics may not be planning to stop there. later, the world's addiction to oil has been blamed for fueling autocratic governments for years. could the tragedy of ukraine finally end the dependency? 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well, people may think that their contracture has to be severe to be treated, but it doesn't. if you can't lay your hand flat on the table, talk to a hand specialist. but what if i don't want surgery? well, then you should find a hand specialist certified to offer nonsurgical treatments. what's the next step? >> you've just said that you visit today to get started. believe it begins at conception. if there is legislation brought to you to ban construct contraception, would you sign it? >> well, i don't think that's gonna happen in mississippi. i'm sure they have those conversations and other states. >> you're not answering the question. >> as always the case -- well, that's always the case. there's so many things that we can talk about. >> justice alito's leaked opinion overturning roe v. wade has many fearing what's next. take, for example, mississippi's governor, refusal to rule out a ban on contraception. some democratic candidates for state attorneys generals now promising to help, just today, new york's ag announced new legislation to boost funding for women's clinics in the state. with us tonight harry litman, former u.s. attorney and former deputy assistant attorney general. and victoria defrancesco, the dean of the clinton school of public service at the university of arkansas. she's also an msnbc political analyst. harry, if roe v. wade is overturned, there is already concern access to a concert actives could be next. whatever is on the table? how much of this is gonna play out in the course? >> on the table, it's a really vast array of things we've come taken for granted, unless you have same-sex marriage was, injure race marriage, private consensual behavior, even the ability to educate your children. all of these things are completely put into play by the alito leak right now. the leak draft says right now this is only about abortion. but you just don't declare winners or losers. they give reasons. they give principles. just as you can say as to abortion, while, it used to be a crime in the 18th century. that's why we can overrule it today. you can say the exact same thing, exact same thing about marrying someone of another race, marrying someone of the same sex. so it's just completely at the grace of these five, whether or not that's something like that will come up and be shot down. and of course, as the mississippi governor makes clear, there's a lot of people in the country who want to be pushing them in that direction. >> vicky, as i listen to harry lay out everything that could possibly be on the table, and lay out the power of these five justices, i have to wonder to what extent is the politically galvanizing argument here about health care, access to abortion, access to plan b, contraceptives. and to what extent it's about a broader argument on judicial overreach, and the variety of rights that can be impacted, it will actually motivate voters? >> right. and i think that what you are seeing here, we must take a step back, alicia. it is a shifting of the rallying point. for so many decades, especially since 1973, we've seen roe v. wade be a rallying point in the gop, and it gain momentum, and we've reached this point. so when we are looking at these other things that are inherent on the table, the question is, will they be sufficiently affected in rallying folks, going forward. i think that that is a question, and i think it's also going to the four by region. so when we're talking about the curtailment of rights, they're taking back these rights, and we see it at the national level in terms of the justices acting in this way. but also, i think we need to keep our eye on what's happening in our regions and in our individual states. for example, what we are seeing in mississippi right now. overall, the issue that we need to keep our eye on, in terms of judicial overreach, but also what is happening at the state level, in the courts, but also the legislatures. >> harry, ownership there's a little, talk about the 16 investigation. the washington post has more on the role that mark meadows played in advancing trump's efforts to overturn the election. the paper reports, quote, meadows granted those peddling theories about a stolen election direct access to the oval office. and personally connected some with the president. he pressed the justice department to investigate serious and debunked claims. he also pushed the justice department on successfully, to try to invalidate the election results in six states through federal court action. this is been nearly five months now since the house found him in contempt. so why has the justice department charged meadows yet? >> by the way, it's not just that. he's also with trump the entire afternoon of 16, and either after is repeatedly told don't do, it he goes ahead. that report is really harrowing. why not? well, some have positive that there is a memo that makes it seem that maybe there is a claim that he doesn't have to show, because it's so close to trump. there is this local testimony immunity. the courts have rejected that, alicia. but the idea might be that it's giving the department off before charging with a crime. but, when i suggest that they ought to do is re-subpoena him tomorrow, and have it only apply to things that have nothing to do with his official duties. for instance, a campaign and everything about the 16 rally, because the argument, if it exists back there, it's that it's only for official duty. so then i think they could slap an immediate new contempt referral, and i think that might be an easier road for the climate of judges. short answer we don't know and it's a real issue, because there's so much that he is up to his elbows in. he eric holder, suggesting a tp indictment could be coming, here's what he had to say earlier tonight. >> by the end of this investigative process, you will find that donald trump has done the necessary things to meet all of the elements of a variety of statutes, and it will be shown that the requisite intent in doing those. but, if nothing else, donald trump was a norm breaker. he has taken us to a place where, a consideration of a prosecution of a former presidents, and his closest ally's -- considerations, prosecutions of all of those people is totally appropriate. >> harry, your thoughts? >> you know, holder is an institution, and i am going around as as he is, that the only thing worse than prosecuting trump's not prosecuting him. he continues to absolutely propound the big lie, whip up all his supporters, and maintain the same toxic effect on the country. just giving him a pass on all of this, wow, what a message about the rule of law. >> harry lippman, as, always thank you so much for being with, us victoria has agreed to stick around. coming, up members of congress are about to go on the record over abortion rights. we are going to bring you a critical vote, destined to fail, when the 11th hour continues. 11th hour continues migraine attacks? you can't always avoid triggers like changes in weather. qulipta™ can help prevent migraine attacks. you can't prevent what's going on outside, that's why qulipta™ helps what's going on inside. qulipta™ is a pill. gets right to work to prevent migraine attacks and keeps them away over time. qulipta™ blocks cgrp a protein believed to be a cause of migraine attacks. qulipta™ is a preventive treatment for episodic migraine. most common side effects are nausea, constipation, and tiredness. learn how abbvie can help you save on qulipta™. i am robert strickler. i've been involved in communications in the media constipation, and tiredness. for 45 years. i've been taking prevagen on a regular basis for at least eight years. for me, the greatest benefit over the years has been that prevagen seems to help me recall things and also think more clearly. and i enthusiastically recommend prevagen. it has helped me an awful lot. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. ♪ ♪ ♪♪ voltaren. the joy of movement. ♪♪ why do people who live with generalized myasthenia gravis want a new treatment option? 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it should. we need to make sure that every it's another bad scheme for california. single voter understands, that the republican and mitch mcconnell, does not believe that their daughters, their mothers, that their sisters have rights to make fundamental life and death decisions. we are half citizens under this ruling. >> senate democrats warning of republican efforts to restrict abortions nationwide. after mitch mcconnell left the door open to a nationwide ban. he told usa today it was, quote, possible. the senate plans to vote on a bill to provide protections for abortion rights on wednesday, the vote is expected to fail. democrats don't have the support to pass the 60 vote threshold. senator lisa murkowski, one of the last potential republican supporters of the bill said that she will vote no. still with us victoria defrancesco, and cnn contributor matthew dowd, he is also former george w. bush strategist, and founder of country over party. this vote on monday, is expected to fail, why is it still important that they hold it? >> well, it's going to fail, but all i said, politics is all about pointing out and pushing through where you want the debate to be about. and i think democrats would be smart to make this entire campaign over the next six months, about our fundamental rights and freedom. not only about pro-choice but also about voting rights. i think holding a vote, even if you lose begins to build residents for that in the coming campaign, but there's no doubt this is going to go down. i think at this point in time, will we're talking about from now until november 2nd, the first tuesday of november, is what the campaign is gonna be about, and democrats want to make this about that. >> and vicky, there is gonna be the lived experience and that accompanies that large, argument -- low income women struggle to get abortions in texas. you've been covering this years -long effort to restrict abortion access in that state. talk to, us how do we get here? with >> a disproportionate, burden, as you pointed out is going to be on poor women and especially women of color. i think that the one strategy going forward and looking at all of the odds being stacked against democrats, and saying that something is not likely going to get passed in the senate, looking at the supreme court, looking at various state legislatures, is looking at public opinion. i have one word, it's overreach. i think we have really reached a tipping point, where we know that first of all, the general american public is supportive of a woman's right to choose. but beyond, that i'm really zeroing in on two key groups. a independence, where we see two thirds of independence, especially women, don't support this total ban on abortion, or near total ban. as well as republicans. so really interesting, among republicans it's very few that you have that extreme case. most republicans, and this is from a pew poll, shows that -- what we're seeing is this rhetoric of a very extreme stance. not even in the case of rape or incest. so i think of this overreach that we've seen, is going to pull over certain segments that have been teetering before, and also mobilize those segments of the democratic base, namely those women of color. >> well, matt, to this point vicky is making about overreach. you have mcconnell saying that nationwide abortion ban is possible, he has got to know that is not where a majority of americans are. i, wonder is this him trying to cater to the, base ramp up midterm turnout, and then he doesn't actually go through with it on the other side. is this something that could come back to haunt him we >> i think mitch mcconnell knows in his heart, that is still this debate in november is about choice, it is about abortion. and republicans lose. i think mitch mcconnell knows that they want -- that the republicans want this debate to be about the economy and inflation. because of the election becomes wholly about, that the republicans win. so i think this is mitch mcconnell clearing the deck for now, just saying that going on moving on that knowing that he has to make that argument. but as vicky said, this is a great issue for democrats to motivate and persuade, because a vast majority of the country. the issue is, will democrats do it do it well, and be able to adjust the debate and move the debate about a debate about inflation, to a debate about rights? and that really is the fundamental question for november. can they move this to a broad enough and resident enough debate, to move the election off the economy. >> i've got to ask, you since you both have ties to texas. new york times points out, quote, governor greg abbott said on thursday that he would seek to overturn a 1982 court decision, that obligated public schools to educate all children, including undocumented in immigrants. vicky, it brings back your point about overreach, and makes me think about california, and the way we watch this go down in california, when you had a republican governor who pushed very hard on these same questions of public services for immigrants. could we see a similar swing back in texas? >> i mean, if this makes it up to the supreme court, alicia, potentially it would. let me just point out the irony with that in 2001, texas was the first date in the mission to have instate college tuition for dreamers. i think what we see here is greg abbott being one of the most outspoken folk in terms of abortion and abortion restriction. that fight is been one for him. now he is turning to another issue that has really been mobilizing the base, and this is i think where we're going to see greg abbott really take a stand. he has won other battles, and the border issue is one that he knows as we saw with the trump presidency with that can really fire up the base. >> matt, mcconnell may want this to be about the economy, but he's got greg abbott screaming about undocumented immigrants, he's got ron desantis picking fights with disney -- 's mccall are gonna be able to make this about the economy? >> well, i think that's what he has to try to do. but as i listen to all this, how far afield we are from what the republican party in texas was 20 years ago, when george w. bush was governor. george w. bush could not get elected governor of texas as a republican today. he was pro-immigrant, he didn't want to argue about a bunch of the social issues at the time here in texas. he wanted to talk about and focus on the economy and education. george w. bush, just in two decades, we've moved from george w. bush to greg abbott, vastly different political parties today, and that's where we are. greg abbott knows that if you want to run for president, which odds are that he does, he's trying to make cultural issues -- he thinks he has this election, one he's moving on to the next election when she wants to one in, because it's president of the united states. >> victoria defrancesco in matthew dowd, thanks for spending some time with us. coming, up our next guest is western oil -- we're gonna ask historian ruth band gap, if a new plan to phase out russian oil is too little too late, when the 11th hour continues. hour continues hi! need new glasses? 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>> i hope so. they're actually getting to the heart of putin's regime, because putin isn't just a dictator, he's a kleptocrat. and he's holding xin revolves around control and plunder of national resources of oil and gas. and an echo talk russi, we gazprom, the energy conglomerate is treated as a personal tool by putin and the olive arcs. and its profits are actually kind of blundered, exfiltration where the blob profits are not going back to society, but they're taken out to the leader and his cronies offshore accounts. so if you want to strike at this whole system of thievery, you have to strike one at, you have to do with the u.s. planning to do. >> okay, but given that, ruth, let's talk timeline. what is a quote, timely and orderly fashion? especially if some of them saying, we can't do it immediately. we're gonna face this out. does that give putin town to come up with a contingency? >> i think it would. there's already a assembling block and that viktor orban in hungary who doesn't want to go along with this. and there's nothing surprising about this. in fact, the whole thing is we're having a huge reckoning of the relationship of dirty energy and the enemies of democracy. and for too long, we had made these deals with dictators out of, you know, thirst for energy, row energy prices. and the problem is, in the past, especially, nobody wants to play pay the price at home. and you know, viktor orban, he just got reelected on a take a trace, that i'm never gonna, you know, back sanctions on russian energy, because that's never gonna raise prices for home. so he actually played this nationalist cart. and so, it shows the untenable lucky of this, you know, who takes your money, but he's very much, you know, putin's ally. and now, he's holding up to this whole thing. and that gives putin time to have more of a contingency, which is not good for the cause of ukraine and ending the war. >> meanwhile, earlier today, council and farm relations president richard haass, one of what putin might do the rest of the world keeps standing firm against him. take a listen. >> so if you have a losing hand, you don't want to walk away from the table that punctuates eight. we just keep the game going. so my guess is that putin's gonna wait for time, a low keyed, open-ended military struggle, so there is no one who can say, you lost. he could say, i didn't lose. this is still ongoing. we are going to prevail. he at least has a talking point. >> ruth, how does that match with your understanding of putin as a strongman? >> you know, when i watched this quote, victory parade today, it came to mind what this late communist spectacle, with this kind of frozen rigid leader, and this, you know, these platitudes, these gaslighting, because these are very old themes. he talked about that russia's victim of the west, and the war as a defensive russia has just been grasped on with these whole themes. and the thing is, what an irony that you have parades of tanks and soldiers, when you know, putin's misguided war has cost 24,000 soldiers, 1000 tanks. but the public will, when you have a regime that is propped up by repression propaganda, what you need is the appearance of victory, not actual victory. that's what's putin cares about and he's in this war to maintain himself in power. and so, just going along, and gaslighting the russian public, which is doing quite successfully, his popularity rate is incredibly rising. and so, i could see that scenario making sense to him. >> ruth ruth ben-ghiat, as always, thank you. coming up, the big award for a hero in ukraine. when the 11th hour continues. the 11th hour continues nicorette knows, quitting smoking is freaking hard. you get advice like: try hypnosis... or... quit cold turkey. kidding me?! instead, start small. with nicorette. which can lead to something big. start stopping with nicorette and it's easier than ever to get your projects done right. with angi, you can connect with and see ratings and reviews. and when you book and pay throug you're covered by our happiness check out today. angi... and done. my sister's managing a lot, including her type 2 diabetes. and when you book and pay throug you're covered by our happiness but she's found new ways to stay on top of it all. once-weekly trulicity is proven to help lower a1c and it can help you lose up to 10 pounds. trulicity is for type 2 diabetes. it isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. it's not approved for use in children. don't take trulicity if you're allergic to it, you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. stop trulicity and call your doctor right away if you have an allergic reaction, a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, changes in vision, or diabetic retinopathy. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. taking trulicity with sulfonylurea or insulin raises low blood sugar risk. side effects include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, which can lead to dehydration, and may worsen kidney problems. ask your doctor about once-weekly trulicity. welcome to your world. your why. what drives you? 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[end of translation] >> look at that tale whacking! trudeau checking his pockets for cheese treats for patron there. it has been an exhausting three days for that famous pop. next, but a russian opposition outlet tweeted a photo of patron snoozing during a press conference over the weekend. it seems that even heroes would meet the rest. a very good dog to take us off the air tonight. on that note, a reminder, we can always catch me on american voices, saturdays on sundays, six to 8 pm eastern, right here on msnbc. from all of our colleagues across the networks in nbc news, goodnight. odnight. thank you at-home for joining us this hour, happy to have you here. not everybody's tv works the same. but for lots of tvs, probably most tvs, now i should probably be more of an expert on this. for most tvs, something like this is what it looks like when you look on the television and you want to decide on something to watch. you get the electronic grid on screen, right? that shows you the channels that you have to choose from, and that's on the left side. and then there's the lists where the various shows and the access that's across the top. you look at the titles for the shows. and this is what it looks like. you click on what you want to

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Immigrants , Schools , Court Decision , 1982 , Questions , Services , Irony , Swing , 2001 , Mission , Restriction , Dreamers , Folk , College Tuition , Stand , Battles , Border , Presidency , Ron Desantis , S Mccall Are Gonna , This , Disney , Pro Immigrant , Bunch , Parties , Education , Moving On , President Of The United States , He , Gonna Ask Historian Ruth Band Gap , Guest , Pair , Glasses , Visionworks , 50 , Everybody , Ringcentral , Phone , App , Bonnie , Be Cool , Job , Shortlist , Job Criteria , Project Managers , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Stop Taking Jardiance , Type 2 Diabetes , Prescriptions , Heart Risk , Cream , Coffee , Sweat , Boston , 25 Million , Heart Attack , Dehydration , A1c , Urinary Tract Infections , Yeast , Heart Disease , Ketoacidosis , Kidney Problems , Infection , Side Effect , Perineum , Skin , Symptoms , Reaction , Sulfonylurea , Insulin , Blood Sugar , Dialysis , Mount Everest , Dreaming , Gusts , Wind , Jimmy Cliff , Suitcase Closing , Ding , Sanctions 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Yesterday , Civil Protection Service , Zelenskyy In Kyiv , Ukrainian Army , Canadian , Patron , Service , Interpreter , Service Dog , Translation , Cheese Treats , Opposition , Pop , Outlet , Pockets , Tale Whacking , Heroes , Weekend , Press Conference , Photo , Dog , Patron Snoozing , Note , Reminder , Voices , Colleagues , Nbc News , Saturdays On Sundays , 8 , Odnight , Tvs , Same , Expert , Lots , Television , Shows , Lists , Grid , Screen , Titles ,

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