Transcripts For MSNBC MSNBC Reports 20240708 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For MSNBC MSNBC Reports 20240708

we're watching how this report drives the markets, because, of course, thursday the dow plunged big time wiping out hundreds of billions of dollars from the market in the single worst day since 2020. any moment now president biden will leave the white house for a trip to ohio where he will be putting the focus on a key aspect of the economic recovery. manufacturing. we will let you know if he stops to take any questions from reporters. plus, chief justice john roberts just made his first appearance since that political earthquake. the release of the draft opinion on abortion. he has tough words for whoever leaked it. lawmakers and advocates concerned about the court overturning roe v. wade warn other rights could be next, including same-sex marriage. ahead i will get reaction from the ceo and president of the trevor project, an organization that provides help to lgbtq youth. we are keeping our eye on ukraine. nbc has new reporting on the role of u.s. intelligence on the battlefield. it centers on the sinking of russia's flagship, moskva. how the pentagon responded this morning here on msnbc. we start with today's jobs report. i am joined by leigh ann caldwell, and julia pollack, labor economists for zip recruiter. steve, let's start with the big picture. the report is generally positive. that's the headlines i am seeing on cnbc and the "wall street journal." how is it all connected? >> the story, i think, you are right, it was a remarkable day yesterday, a remarkable reversal from wednesday when the dow was up 1,000 and fell 1,000. it was really kind of shaking peoples' foundation in the outlook. this number comes along today and it's better than expected. the unemployment rate remains low, 428,000 americans put to work, but wall street right now and the federal reserve as well are looking to the number as something different, and they are looking for help on the inflation front and they are looking that the job market is slowing down and they are not getting that much in there, and that's why the market is down again today. you have a little bit below of where it was before, but it's a particular number they are looking for, and it's called the participation rate. that number ticked down, and they want more people to come back in the workforce and fill the jobs and reduce the threat of inflation. that's not happening now. the job market is still very, very tight, and actually fed chair powell called it tight to an unhealthy respect. >> when you look at the report overall, julia, you flagged a few stores, gains in industries, transportation and housing. what do they signal? >> well, it's a defusion index. it's a good day in the u.s. job market and the gains, we have large gains in leisure hospitality, and restaurant dine something growing, and big gains in manufacturing, too, and the oil and gas is starting to pick up in response to the huge price gains. we are also seeing broad gains in professional business services. one place still lag something the government, but there's some sign it's starting to catch up. >> we often hear, speaking of the president, today we are expected to hear from him because he's taking a trip this afternoon to ohio. what are you going to be listening for especially after yesterday's wild stock market plunge and the overall concern about inflation? >> chris, this is a white house that doesn't typically like to lean in on the stock markets when it's up and down, and unlike the previous administration it would do that fairly regularly. i don't know that we will hear about the stock markets specifically, and what we will hear from the president is praising job growths and crediting his own plans with that job growth, and at the same time saying he recognizes that americans are still facing significant challenges with inflation and high prices, and that he's continuing to work on that issue. to that affect the president is going to focus on boosting manufacturing here in the u.s., and that's why he's in ohio with the backdrop that is meant to send the message that he's working on this and making progress, and he's likely to call on congress to pass legislation that would boost the semiconductor industry, once again, all focused on domestic production and boosting the u.s. economy and trying to make the case he's doing things executively, and pushing for legislation as that continues to be the top issue for americans. this white house is very well aware of that inflation. >> we have talked, leigh ann, since the president and his team said we want to get him out talking and there's only so much you can do when people are feeling the pinch in their pocket books, and having said that and that narrative for months now, how does this play in, including the jobs report, in the story they want to tell in november? >> there's still uncertainty, and that's a problem for democrats. and as far as jobs, they are coordinated in their response with leader hoyer and speaker pelosi, and crediting their policies and the biden administration, including the american rescue plan for what they say is getting people back to work and raising the price of wages. they still have a lot of challenges. those challenges include, namely, inflation. democrats insist they are going to do things to help americans with rising costs, including trying to cap insulin dealing with medicare as well, and a whole host of issues. that is what their messaging is going to be, not only crediting what they have already done, but also trying to do additional things and pointing to those additional things. it gets back to being able to realize and understand people's pain. but republicans, they have been talking about inflation for months and months and months and they think that this is the number one issue heading into the mid-term elections, which is just now six months away, so it is very mixed economic news if you look at the entire economic picture as far as for democrats, chris. >> if you get into really, julia, sort of the bigger economic picture and that's exactly what steve talked about at the top, let's talk wages. hourly wages are up. earnings are up, but a bit below expectations and year over year wages are not keeping up with inflation. number one, why is that? what are the implications of that? >> sure, so inflation has been outpacing wage growth for a whole year now. that said, there are some industries where the labor market is so tight and workers are seeing gains way above inflation, and leisure hospitality, and warehousing, workers have seen double digit gains for several months now and that's only likely to continue. we are seeing a little softening and the fed will be happy to see that, and it's still a tight labor market so there will be upward pressure on wages for employers, and there's signs wage growth will expand in the coming months because it's lagging inflation, and the public sector workers, when they come to the table and renegotiate their contracts, they demand increases so we can expect to see wage growth ripple out across the country in the coming months. >> steve, help us look forward on what the report today suggests in the near term for folks facing high prices at the grocery store and at the gas pump, and also for business owners who, first of all, in many cases are having trouble hiring pay pull, and are having trouble hiring people in what they believe is a wage that keeps their stock holders happy or their bottom line flush? >> look, this is the most complicated outlook i have dealt in 20 or 30 years of doing this. let me put something to the side here that i think is very important. it's much better for you to have a job and have your wage gains go up less than inflation than it is for you not to have a job at all. the idea that people are working and more people are working and more people are working in large numbers here, and i think the number is something like a couple million people have been put to work this year, and that's overall good for the u.s. economy and good for spending. unfortunately, at the moment it likes like it's too much of a good thing. we need to slow down everything. we have a big acceleration coming from putting people back to work and we don't have all the people who used to be working back in the workforce. they need to be brought back in and they will be brought back in perhaps with higher wages. all that creates the following concern, that the federal reserve will have to pull a volker. what does that mean? there was a greedy guy in the '80s, and he raised wages to double digits and created two recessions. that's the concern right now, this effort to flight inflation ends up in a recession, and not maybe this year but likely next year. then you have fed chair powell that said on wednesday, you know, i don't have to crash this plane, i can bring it in for a soft landing and ease it, and the market goes back and forth and the last couple of days it's like a crash landing. >> you always explain it so well. thank you. appreciate all of you being with us today. also this morning we are following a significant development with one of the covid vaccines. the fda is now placing new restrictions on the single shot johnson & johnson vaccine. officials say it poses a rare but serious risk of blood clots. the fda says it should only be given to adults who cannot get a different vaccine or specifically request the johnson & johnson shot. here's what the new white house coordinator had to say. >> if you are more than a couple weeks out, you are in the clear. we have not seen any cases come up beyond a few weeks, so if you have gotten one of these vaccines, the j&j vaccine, you are protected. let's take a live look now at first lady jill biden. she's visiting service members at an air base in romania. she will spend mother's day meeting women and children who have fled ukraine. coming up, an embarrassing blow for vladimir putin. now nbc news is reporting first the u.s. shared intelligence that helped ukrainians sink the russian cruiser, the moskva. plus, what is at stake? that draft supreme court decision has a lot of folks asking how far could the implications reach, like same-sex marriage and contraception access and interracial marriage. we will dig into those with experts just ahead. experts just ahead (dad allen) you know when you see a great deal on a phone, and then realize it's not for you? not at verizon. (mom allen) yep, they just gave us all a brand new iphone 13. (dad allen) we've been customers for years. (dad brown) i thought new phones were for new customers? we got iphone 13s, too. switched to verizon 2 minutes ago. (mom brown) ours were busted and we still got a shiny new one. (boy brown) check it out! (dad allen) so, wait. everybody gets the same great deal? (mom allen) i think that's the point. (vo) now everyone can get a new iphone 13 on us on america's most reliable 5g network. (allen kid) can i have a phone? (vo) for every customer. current, new, everyone. to show the love. i know there's conflicting information about dupuytren's contracture. i thought i couldn't get treatment yet? well, people may think that their contracture has to be severe to be treated, but it doesn't. if you can't lay your hand flat on the table, talk to a hand specialist. but what if i don't want surgery? well, then you should find a hand specialist certified to offer nonsurgical treatments. what's the next step? visit today to get started. this morning another effort is under way to rescue more ukrainian civilians from the steel plant in mariupol. this one launched by the united nations. president zelenskyy this morning described russia's siege there as, quote, an example of torture with starvation used as a weapon of war. this morning we are learning more about how ukrainians struck drown the moskva. ukraine claims they used u.s. intelligence to target it. earlier on msnbc, pentagon press secretary john kirby addressed that reporting and the u.s.'s role of intelligence. >> it's hard to see how it's helpful for sources to be talking to reporters about intelligence that is being provided to ukraine to help defend themselves. on that report, you saw me at the podium, again, we provide them what we consider to be timely information. >> joining me now is my guests. good to have all of you here this morning. let me start with the new reporting. what do we know about the intel? >> u.s. officials told nbc news that intelligence shared with ukraine played a significant role in the sinking of the moskva, and it was the flagship of the black sea fleet, and this was the biggest blow, and this ship should have been able to defend itself, and 500 sailors were onboard and it's believed hundreds of them died. ukraine spotted a ship near odesa and asked americans whether it was the moskva, and the u.s. was able to provide location and that allowed ukraine to target the ship with neptune missiles. two of the missiles hit the ship causing a fire and hours later the ship sank. the americans did not participate in the attack itself. the whole issue of intelligence sharing is a sensitive matter, and the american government is not trying to provoke a escalating response from vladimir putin. >> it may not be a surprise, david, to the russians, but could it be an excuse? that has been the concern, right? on top of this reporting that nbc news has, "the new york times" reported the ukrainians were using intelligence from the u.s. to target their military leaders, and john kirby said the u.s. is giving ukraine information to defend themselves. talk more about that and the risk assessment being made by the u.s. government here. >> the white house, i think, is agitated by the news reports fearing that they will be seen by russia as escalatory and will draw further russian escalation in response. i am told that president biden is angry, is calling members of the cabinet and saying speak more softly, we're carrying big sticks but we don't need to talk about that. i think the distinction that the administration is trying to draw and described it accurately, they are providing intelligence to the ukrainians but they are not specifically targeting this ship or this general. it's like the distinction where you say, i am handing him a gun but not pulling the trigger. whether that's going to be convincing to the russians is another question. today there is an effort, you heard it from kirby, and you are hearing it across the government saying while we are providing intelligence, we are not directly targeting these generals, these individuals or ships that have been hit. >> when you say the russians, obviously, the biggest part of that is vladimir putin, and on the other hand it's the russian people and the use of their, perhaps, as propaganda. how does this kind of thing play in russia? >> well, chris, putin has been saying from the beginning, really, that the west is against us, the west is organized, ukraine is their proxy, and this is a western campaign to undermine russia and its power. anytime there's evidence that putin can cite that reinforces that argument where he can say, see, this is a proxy war, makes the case he's trying to make with the russian people, and that's concerning washington with the messaging. >> and the latest rescue operation is under way in mariupol. what do we know about it? >> we don't generally get many updates from the united nations, at least we didn't last time they attempted to rescue last weekend the civilians at the steel plant in mariupol. they said they kept that information quiet for security reasons so they could carry out the rescues on site. it's a delicate operation and a dangerous operation. as you know, there has been shelling and fighting at that plant for the past two days, every since that last evacuation. it took a couple of days for us to hear just where those evacuees were taken the first time around over the weekend. so no update yet on whether those u.n. teams were able to reach the plant or reach the place where people are taking shelter. they are only evacuating civilians, from what we understand. we have been told there's some 600 people who are wounded there. we believe they are soldiers. there are more than 200 civilians, among them some 20 to 30 children. the steel plant complex itself is massive, chris. it's a four-square-mile area, and underneath are a series of tunnels and bunkers, and because of the constant shelling there's a lot of damage there, so in some cases some of the tunnels have been blocked off and escapes have been blocked off, so it's not easy to get people out of the complex. there was a report just a short time ago on social media from one of the fighters, the ukrainian fighters in the plant saying they were using a car to help with the evacuation today and they were shot at. we have not had confirmation, and i want to be clear about that from either the ukrainian government or from the united nations at this point. just one final note, chris, the russians say we are not attacking the plan the, this is not happening, you can evacuate civilians at anytime. >> yeah, okay, and kelly cobiella, thank you for your excellent reporting. david, let's talk about the ongoing and ever escalating humanitarian crisis, and the u.s. announcing it will provide additional humanitarian aid for ukraine, and president zelenskyy says he needs more, and for example he says there's a catastrophic lack of medical services. are we doing enough? is nato, our allies, doing enough at this point? >> well, that's the right question to ask. president biden's $33 billion package had a significant component for humanitarian assistance. i think this is a moment where the world wants to do everything possible, the world -- by that i mean the west, to help ukraine as it suffers the unprovoked russian invasion. i think as medical needs, food needs, and other humanitarian issues become more obvious, you are going to see a response. i think the members of congress will lead that and say we need to do more of this and urge more spending. it's really folks on the ground that have to make clear what the specific requirements are. >> i want to go back, if i can, david, to show you the first lady on that eastern europe trip, and money speaks loudly. the sanctions have spoken loudly. but when she goes and you see her there, and she's meeting with troops and getting pictures taken, and she was talking to members of the military and she's going to be spending mother's day with ukrainian refugees. talk about the importance of this kind of messaging, what exactly it says both to our allies in that part of the world to our military and just overall to have the first lady travel there, particularly, frankly, on mother's day? >> i think it sends a powerful message of support and solidarity. our troops are not in combat but they are in harm's way. i travel with general milley, the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff across the baltic states, all of the states that ring russia, and we have a lot of forces there. in a moment of miscalculation they could be in harm's way. i think to have prominent people, and there's nobody more prominent than the first lady, there on the scene saying that america cares about you, stands with you, and it is an important message. it's an important message to the troops, and also to our adversaries, that this is a commitment the united states has made. do not mistake our seriousness and our commitment. i think that's part of what the first lady's visit is telling our adversaries and allies alike. >> yeah, and getting her hands dirty, so to speak, hopefully not literally because she's serving meals, but she has a long history of serving the military especially when she was second lady in the obama white house. thank you for your reporting today. the wnba season tipping off tonight, but one of the league's biggest stars will not be on the court. of course, brittney griner remains in custody in russia. this week the state department changed the status of being wrongly detained. she was arrested last february after russian officials say a search of her luggage in russia turned up vape cartridges containing oil from cannabis. and then the new comments from justice roberts on the leaked draft. and then chuck schumer trying to get every senator on the record with where they stand on the issue, next. issue, next. what happens when performance... meets power? 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>> yeah, democrats are onboard with the strategy, and democrats want to show voters they are fighting for an issue broadly popular, the kinds of bans on abortion services like in texas are really unpopular with voters. the opportunity to put the women's self protection act on the floor earlier this year after it failed earlier this year, it shows voters they are fighting. the long-term strategy is less clear, because democrats will have to keep the voters who are aghast when they read that memo this week. >> going into this before this draft leaked, there was a sense that this election was going to be largely about the economy as elections often are, but particularly where we are right now. is there a sense among the democrats you talked to that this does provide an opening, that this could provide movement certainly and energizing the base and getting voters out who otherwise would not have voted in a mid-term election? >> i think that's absolutely the case. i talked to beto o'rourke yesterday and he made the argument a lot of people affected by a ruling like this are who democrats need but have a hard time getting to the polls, women of color and people who are less engaged on some of the other issues might see this as an issue too important to let go, and this is no longer a theoretical issue as it has been in many states, including some that passed the trigger laws. the trigger, if it's being pulled you can't wait to vote on this issue and that's the argument you will hear from scores of democratic politicians across the country as they try and put back together a coalition like they had in 2018 with suburban women, and that's a key, key part of it, chris. >> everything we are seeing play out in the supreme court is having massive ripple affects across the country. you just heard about texas, and now louisiana seeking to classify abortion as homicide. we have more on that, next. we have more on that, next my asthma felt anything but normal. ♪♪ it was time for a nunormal with nucala. nucala is a once monthly add-on treatment for severe eosinophilic asthma that can mean less oral steroids. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your asthma specialist about a nunormal with nucala. ♪ ♪ bonnie boon i'm calling you out. everybody be cool, alright? 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yep, they're constantly refreshing. y'all get our own commercial! subway keeps refreshing and- you are looking at air force one getting ready to take off from joint base andrews. just moments ago president biden boarded the plane to head to a manufacturing event in ohio this afternoon. on his way out of the house reporters asked him about the new jobs report and he responded but succinctly good with a thumbs up. one more example of the many actions that states have been taking on the abortion issue in the wake of the leaked draft decision, both for and against abortion. blayne alexander has the latest on that front. >> a patient advocate in shreveport, louisiana, a position she pursued after going there as a patient. >> i don't know if i would have made it through an unplanned pregnancy managing my mental health. >> in louisiana, legal abortion up to 20 weeks would be outlawed and charged with homicide. one organization is working with a dozen other states on anti-abortion legislation. >> we believe abortion is cruel and it's the taking of an innocent life and we should make that illegal. >> connecticut's governor signed a law. and some states are placing focus on abortion pills that could be administered by providers and through the mail. they are approved for up to ten weeks in a nonmedical setting. >> we will see medication abortions increase, and that will be better in some cases. >> it could pave a difficult path on states on both sides of the issue. >> you will see states in conflict with each other and states in conflict with the government and you won't see an end to court battles. >> to talk more about these new concerns sparked by the draft opinion, i want to bring in ceo of the trevor project, an organization that provides assistance to lgbtq youth, and i am so glad to have both of you to talk about both issues. let me start with how big this is, other rights including same-sex marriages could be targeted next? >> there's a great deal of concern about that, and this decision, and we need to emphasize, it's not a final decision, and if it comes out it could undermine the rights to privacy, and we know that lgbtq people face enormous amounts still of discrimination and rejection and isolation. there's a lot of concern that this could lead to an erosion of more rights for lgbtq people. >> and justice alito wrote in the leaked draft of this potential abortion decision, should not cast out other precedents, but if that's the case, there's so much fear not only from lgbtq advocates but across the board that this is only the first domino to fall. how do you read this? >> chris, that's right. he gives that disclaimer and another one, and he says abortion is different from everything because it involves, quote, fetal life. nonetheless, i agree that this decision has planted seeds, which if watered and cultivated could, in fact, lead to the reversal of the taking away of other rights. let's talk about same-sex marriage in particular. two things have me concerned. one is that the decision says that, you know, part of why roe was wrongly -- excuse me, the draft says, is because it's not deeply rooted in the history and traditions of this country. reading the history and the traditions of this country literally and narrowly, that same logic could apply. and the other thing, chris, this draft opinion by justice alito sounds a lot like the dissent written by justice alito, the same logic about history and traditions, and the same idea is we should put this stuff to the states rather than having a nationwide constitutional right. >> when you look at it through that lens, are we looking at things, indeed, like interracial marriage? what are the concerns you are hearing in the legal community that could fall under that very broad category? >> i heard concerns from everything to decisions that predated roe v. wade, like the decision about contraception, griswold from 1965, and interracial marriage, all the way through some of the others that involve gay rights and marriage equality. the important thing here, chris, i talked about seeds, i don't think there is going to be one earthquake after another very soon after the issuing of this decision, but when this kind of insecurity and instability around rights presents, even if it takes a very long time for certain things to play out, it took 49 years from roe v. wade being decided to it being, looks like, overturned, and that's very difficult for those whose rights are vulnerable. it means states will be emboldened to try out new infringements on rights to see how far they can get if they are so inclined, and people will make different decisions about their lives not knowing how secure they can feel. you know, that's why we talk about people relying on supreme court opinions as such an important thing to think about before a precedent is overruled. >> if i could ask you about the bigger picture where you have the startling new health survey of lgbtq young people from the trevor project, i mean, it's an underestimate to say it paints a difficult picture of the struggles they have been facing, and some of the findings in the past year, 45% of lgbtq youth seriously considered attempting suicide. 14% actually went through with an attempt. 73% of lgbtq youth report experiencing anxiety. 58% depression. i mean, suicide numbers in particular are far greater than in the general population. i want you to dig a little deeper into those numbers, what you think is driving them, but also if you are concerned there will be new pressures given what we are seeing from the supreme court that could exacerbate the problem. >> we are concerned about that. i think it's important to note that lgbtq people are not born inherently to consider attempting suicide, and the reason for the numbers is because of the discrimination and rejection and the stigma that lgbtq face in society. these numbers are even higher for transgender and nonbinary young people, and higher for lgbtq youth of color. so color. when we see debates in public about people saying, i'm not sure lgbtq people deserve the same rights as everyone else, when there are the planting of the seeds, as we discussed, of potentially trying to overturn decisions that have broad-based support in america, i think it's important that we just underscore that, most people in america do not support discrimination against lgbtq people, most people support same-sex marriage and support and affirmation of children, but there's a negative impact on mental health. i hope people can keep in mind when they use these words in public that young people are listening and that words really do matter. >> i think this is something, obviously, we have talked about for a while now. i think you would also acknowledge that there are, unfortunately, a lot of people out there who are not going to heed that warning, who don't care, frankly, about that very real concern. what does everybody else do about it? obviously, point one is, your vote is powerful. right? what else? >> i think there is systemic change that is needed. the policies can be harmful. across the country in many states, there are people in positions of power targeting lgbtq young people and specifically transgender and non-binary young people. they are trying to outlaw and make a felony providing best practice medical care, they are trying to come in between medical providers and parents who are trying to provide care for their children, they are trying to prevent trans children from using the rest room in a safe way. we need to change those policies. we need to make sure these policies support young people. i also want people to know, some of the systemic change can seem large and overwhelming and maybe hard to know where to start. every single person can make a difference. one of the most powerful statistic we have our from research is that just having one accepting adult in an lgbtq young person's life can reduce their risk of suicide by 40%. that's an enormous difference. every single person who is watching this who is listening can be that person. by just providing love and acceptance and affirmation, you can make a difference in the lives of lgbtq youth and help to save lives. >> thank you for ending on a positive note and i think giving people power to know that they can do something to change. thank you. we have breaking news we are following right now out of cuba. there's been an explosion at a hotel in downtown havana. this is not far from the capital building. we have a correspondent on the scene. he confirms that the explosion is at the saratoga hotel. we have no idea what caused the blast and no word of any injuries. we will continue to watch this for you. we have a correspondent on the scene. we will bring you any big developments. coming up next, off to the races. the kentucky derby is tomorrow. an iconic sports event. it's not short of controversy in the past year. steve kornacki is at churchill downs louisville, kentucky, with a preview of the top contenders. . you know when you see a great deal on a phone, and then realize it's not for you? 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Transcripts For MSNBC MSNBC Reports 20240708 :

Transcripts For MSNBC MSNBC Reports 20240708

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we're watching how this report drives the markets, because, of course, thursday the dow plunged big time wiping out hundreds of billions of dollars from the market in the single worst day since 2020. any moment now president biden will leave the white house for a trip to ohio where he will be putting the focus on a key aspect of the economic recovery. manufacturing. we will let you know if he stops to take any questions from reporters. plus, chief justice john roberts just made his first appearance since that political earthquake. the release of the draft opinion on abortion. he has tough words for whoever leaked it. lawmakers and advocates concerned about the court overturning roe v. wade warn other rights could be next, including same-sex marriage. ahead i will get reaction from the ceo and president of the trevor project, an organization that provides help to lgbtq youth. we are keeping our eye on ukraine. nbc has new reporting on the role of u.s. intelligence on the battlefield. it centers on the sinking of russia's flagship, moskva. how the pentagon responded this morning here on msnbc. we start with today's jobs report. i am joined by leigh ann caldwell, and julia pollack, labor economists for zip recruiter. steve, let's start with the big picture. the report is generally positive. that's the headlines i am seeing on cnbc and the "wall street journal." how is it all connected? >> the story, i think, you are right, it was a remarkable day yesterday, a remarkable reversal from wednesday when the dow was up 1,000 and fell 1,000. it was really kind of shaking peoples' foundation in the outlook. this number comes along today and it's better than expected. the unemployment rate remains low, 428,000 americans put to work, but wall street right now and the federal reserve as well are looking to the number as something different, and they are looking for help on the inflation front and they are looking that the job market is slowing down and they are not getting that much in there, and that's why the market is down again today. you have a little bit below of where it was before, but it's a particular number they are looking for, and it's called the participation rate. that number ticked down, and they want more people to come back in the workforce and fill the jobs and reduce the threat of inflation. that's not happening now. the job market is still very, very tight, and actually fed chair powell called it tight to an unhealthy respect. >> when you look at the report overall, julia, you flagged a few stores, gains in industries, transportation and housing. what do they signal? >> well, it's a defusion index. it's a good day in the u.s. job market and the gains, we have large gains in leisure hospitality, and restaurant dine something growing, and big gains in manufacturing, too, and the oil and gas is starting to pick up in response to the huge price gains. we are also seeing broad gains in professional business services. one place still lag something the government, but there's some sign it's starting to catch up. >> we often hear, speaking of the president, today we are expected to hear from him because he's taking a trip this afternoon to ohio. what are you going to be listening for especially after yesterday's wild stock market plunge and the overall concern about inflation? >> chris, this is a white house that doesn't typically like to lean in on the stock markets when it's up and down, and unlike the previous administration it would do that fairly regularly. i don't know that we will hear about the stock markets specifically, and what we will hear from the president is praising job growths and crediting his own plans with that job growth, and at the same time saying he recognizes that americans are still facing significant challenges with inflation and high prices, and that he's continuing to work on that issue. to that affect the president is going to focus on boosting manufacturing here in the u.s., and that's why he's in ohio with the backdrop that is meant to send the message that he's working on this and making progress, and he's likely to call on congress to pass legislation that would boost the semiconductor industry, once again, all focused on domestic production and boosting the u.s. economy and trying to make the case he's doing things executively, and pushing for legislation as that continues to be the top issue for americans. this white house is very well aware of that inflation. >> we have talked, leigh ann, since the president and his team said we want to get him out talking and there's only so much you can do when people are feeling the pinch in their pocket books, and having said that and that narrative for months now, how does this play in, including the jobs report, in the story they want to tell in november? >> there's still uncertainty, and that's a problem for democrats. and as far as jobs, they are coordinated in their response with leader hoyer and speaker pelosi, and crediting their policies and the biden administration, including the american rescue plan for what they say is getting people back to work and raising the price of wages. they still have a lot of challenges. those challenges include, namely, inflation. democrats insist they are going to do things to help americans with rising costs, including trying to cap insulin dealing with medicare as well, and a whole host of issues. that is what their messaging is going to be, not only crediting what they have already done, but also trying to do additional things and pointing to those additional things. it gets back to being able to realize and understand people's pain. but republicans, they have been talking about inflation for months and months and months and they think that this is the number one issue heading into the mid-term elections, which is just now six months away, so it is very mixed economic news if you look at the entire economic picture as far as for democrats, chris. >> if you get into really, julia, sort of the bigger economic picture and that's exactly what steve talked about at the top, let's talk wages. hourly wages are up. earnings are up, but a bit below expectations and year over year wages are not keeping up with inflation. number one, why is that? what are the implications of that? >> sure, so inflation has been outpacing wage growth for a whole year now. that said, there are some industries where the labor market is so tight and workers are seeing gains way above inflation, and leisure hospitality, and warehousing, workers have seen double digit gains for several months now and that's only likely to continue. we are seeing a little softening and the fed will be happy to see that, and it's still a tight labor market so there will be upward pressure on wages for employers, and there's signs wage growth will expand in the coming months because it's lagging inflation, and the public sector workers, when they come to the table and renegotiate their contracts, they demand increases so we can expect to see wage growth ripple out across the country in the coming months. >> steve, help us look forward on what the report today suggests in the near term for folks facing high prices at the grocery store and at the gas pump, and also for business owners who, first of all, in many cases are having trouble hiring pay pull, and are having trouble hiring people in what they believe is a wage that keeps their stock holders happy or their bottom line flush? >> look, this is the most complicated outlook i have dealt in 20 or 30 years of doing this. let me put something to the side here that i think is very important. it's much better for you to have a job and have your wage gains go up less than inflation than it is for you not to have a job at all. the idea that people are working and more people are working and more people are working in large numbers here, and i think the number is something like a couple million people have been put to work this year, and that's overall good for the u.s. economy and good for spending. unfortunately, at the moment it likes like it's too much of a good thing. we need to slow down everything. we have a big acceleration coming from putting people back to work and we don't have all the people who used to be working back in the workforce. they need to be brought back in and they will be brought back in perhaps with higher wages. all that creates the following concern, that the federal reserve will have to pull a volker. what does that mean? there was a greedy guy in the '80s, and he raised wages to double digits and created two recessions. that's the concern right now, this effort to flight inflation ends up in a recession, and not maybe this year but likely next year. then you have fed chair powell that said on wednesday, you know, i don't have to crash this plane, i can bring it in for a soft landing and ease it, and the market goes back and forth and the last couple of days it's like a crash landing. >> you always explain it so well. thank you. appreciate all of you being with us today. also this morning we are following a significant development with one of the covid vaccines. the fda is now placing new restrictions on the single shot johnson & johnson vaccine. officials say it poses a rare but serious risk of blood clots. the fda says it should only be given to adults who cannot get a different vaccine or specifically request the johnson & johnson shot. here's what the new white house coordinator had to say. >> if you are more than a couple weeks out, you are in the clear. we have not seen any cases come up beyond a few weeks, so if you have gotten one of these vaccines, the j&j vaccine, you are protected. let's take a live look now at first lady jill biden. she's visiting service members at an air base in romania. she will spend mother's day meeting women and children who have fled ukraine. coming up, an embarrassing blow for vladimir putin. now nbc news is reporting first the u.s. shared intelligence that helped ukrainians sink the russian cruiser, the moskva. plus, what is at stake? that draft supreme court decision has a lot of folks asking how far could the implications reach, like same-sex marriage and contraception access and interracial marriage. we will dig into those with experts just ahead. experts just ahead (dad allen) you know when you see a great deal on a phone, and then realize it's not for you? not at verizon. (mom allen) yep, they just gave us all a brand new iphone 13. (dad allen) we've been customers for years. (dad brown) i thought new phones were for new customers? we got iphone 13s, too. switched to verizon 2 minutes ago. (mom brown) ours were busted and we still got a shiny new one. (boy brown) check it out! (dad allen) so, wait. everybody gets the same great deal? (mom allen) i think that's the point. (vo) now everyone can get a new iphone 13 on us on america's most reliable 5g network. (allen kid) can i have a phone? (vo) for every customer. current, new, everyone. to show the love. i know there's conflicting information about dupuytren's contracture. i thought i couldn't get treatment yet? well, people may think that their contracture has to be severe to be treated, but it doesn't. if you can't lay your hand flat on the table, talk to a hand specialist. but what if i don't want surgery? well, then you should find a hand specialist certified to offer nonsurgical treatments. what's the next step? visit today to get started. this morning another effort is under way to rescue more ukrainian civilians from the steel plant in mariupol. this one launched by the united nations. president zelenskyy this morning described russia's siege there as, quote, an example of torture with starvation used as a weapon of war. this morning we are learning more about how ukrainians struck drown the moskva. ukraine claims they used u.s. intelligence to target it. earlier on msnbc, pentagon press secretary john kirby addressed that reporting and the u.s.'s role of intelligence. >> it's hard to see how it's helpful for sources to be talking to reporters about intelligence that is being provided to ukraine to help defend themselves. on that report, you saw me at the podium, again, we provide them what we consider to be timely information. >> joining me now is my guests. good to have all of you here this morning. let me start with the new reporting. what do we know about the intel? >> u.s. officials told nbc news that intelligence shared with ukraine played a significant role in the sinking of the moskva, and it was the flagship of the black sea fleet, and this was the biggest blow, and this ship should have been able to defend itself, and 500 sailors were onboard and it's believed hundreds of them died. ukraine spotted a ship near odesa and asked americans whether it was the moskva, and the u.s. was able to provide location and that allowed ukraine to target the ship with neptune missiles. two of the missiles hit the ship causing a fire and hours later the ship sank. the americans did not participate in the attack itself. the whole issue of intelligence sharing is a sensitive matter, and the american government is not trying to provoke a escalating response from vladimir putin. >> it may not be a surprise, david, to the russians, but could it be an excuse? that has been the concern, right? on top of this reporting that nbc news has, "the new york times" reported the ukrainians were using intelligence from the u.s. to target their military leaders, and john kirby said the u.s. is giving ukraine information to defend themselves. talk more about that and the risk assessment being made by the u.s. government here. >> the white house, i think, is agitated by the news reports fearing that they will be seen by russia as escalatory and will draw further russian escalation in response. i am told that president biden is angry, is calling members of the cabinet and saying speak more softly, we're carrying big sticks but we don't need to talk about that. i think the distinction that the administration is trying to draw and described it accurately, they are providing intelligence to the ukrainians but they are not specifically targeting this ship or this general. it's like the distinction where you say, i am handing him a gun but not pulling the trigger. whether that's going to be convincing to the russians is another question. today there is an effort, you heard it from kirby, and you are hearing it across the government saying while we are providing intelligence, we are not directly targeting these generals, these individuals or ships that have been hit. >> when you say the russians, obviously, the biggest part of that is vladimir putin, and on the other hand it's the russian people and the use of their, perhaps, as propaganda. how does this kind of thing play in russia? >> well, chris, putin has been saying from the beginning, really, that the west is against us, the west is organized, ukraine is their proxy, and this is a western campaign to undermine russia and its power. anytime there's evidence that putin can cite that reinforces that argument where he can say, see, this is a proxy war, makes the case he's trying to make with the russian people, and that's concerning washington with the messaging. >> and the latest rescue operation is under way in mariupol. what do we know about it? >> we don't generally get many updates from the united nations, at least we didn't last time they attempted to rescue last weekend the civilians at the steel plant in mariupol. they said they kept that information quiet for security reasons so they could carry out the rescues on site. it's a delicate operation and a dangerous operation. as you know, there has been shelling and fighting at that plant for the past two days, every since that last evacuation. it took a couple of days for us to hear just where those evacuees were taken the first time around over the weekend. so no update yet on whether those u.n. teams were able to reach the plant or reach the place where people are taking shelter. they are only evacuating civilians, from what we understand. we have been told there's some 600 people who are wounded there. we believe they are soldiers. there are more than 200 civilians, among them some 20 to 30 children. the steel plant complex itself is massive, chris. it's a four-square-mile area, and underneath are a series of tunnels and bunkers, and because of the constant shelling there's a lot of damage there, so in some cases some of the tunnels have been blocked off and escapes have been blocked off, so it's not easy to get people out of the complex. there was a report just a short time ago on social media from one of the fighters, the ukrainian fighters in the plant saying they were using a car to help with the evacuation today and they were shot at. we have not had confirmation, and i want to be clear about that from either the ukrainian government or from the united nations at this point. just one final note, chris, the russians say we are not attacking the plan the, this is not happening, you can evacuate civilians at anytime. >> yeah, okay, and kelly cobiella, thank you for your excellent reporting. david, let's talk about the ongoing and ever escalating humanitarian crisis, and the u.s. announcing it will provide additional humanitarian aid for ukraine, and president zelenskyy says he needs more, and for example he says there's a catastrophic lack of medical services. are we doing enough? is nato, our allies, doing enough at this point? >> well, that's the right question to ask. president biden's $33 billion package had a significant component for humanitarian assistance. i think this is a moment where the world wants to do everything possible, the world -- by that i mean the west, to help ukraine as it suffers the unprovoked russian invasion. i think as medical needs, food needs, and other humanitarian issues become more obvious, you are going to see a response. i think the members of congress will lead that and say we need to do more of this and urge more spending. it's really folks on the ground that have to make clear what the specific requirements are. >> i want to go back, if i can, david, to show you the first lady on that eastern europe trip, and money speaks loudly. the sanctions have spoken loudly. but when she goes and you see her there, and she's meeting with troops and getting pictures taken, and she was talking to members of the military and she's going to be spending mother's day with ukrainian refugees. talk about the importance of this kind of messaging, what exactly it says both to our allies in that part of the world to our military and just overall to have the first lady travel there, particularly, frankly, on mother's day? >> i think it sends a powerful message of support and solidarity. our troops are not in combat but they are in harm's way. i travel with general milley, the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff across the baltic states, all of the states that ring russia, and we have a lot of forces there. in a moment of miscalculation they could be in harm's way. i think to have prominent people, and there's nobody more prominent than the first lady, there on the scene saying that america cares about you, stands with you, and it is an important message. it's an important message to the troops, and also to our adversaries, that this is a commitment the united states has made. do not mistake our seriousness and our commitment. i think that's part of what the first lady's visit is telling our adversaries and allies alike. >> yeah, and getting her hands dirty, so to speak, hopefully not literally because she's serving meals, but she has a long history of serving the military especially when she was second lady in the obama white house. thank you for your reporting today. the wnba season tipping off tonight, but one of the league's biggest stars will not be on the court. of course, brittney griner remains in custody in russia. this week the state department changed the status of being wrongly detained. she was arrested last february after russian officials say a search of her luggage in russia turned up vape cartridges containing oil from cannabis. and then the new comments from justice roberts on the leaked draft. and then chuck schumer trying to get every senator on the record with where they stand on the issue, next. issue, next. what happens when performance... meets power? 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>> yeah, democrats are onboard with the strategy, and democrats want to show voters they are fighting for an issue broadly popular, the kinds of bans on abortion services like in texas are really unpopular with voters. the opportunity to put the women's self protection act on the floor earlier this year after it failed earlier this year, it shows voters they are fighting. the long-term strategy is less clear, because democrats will have to keep the voters who are aghast when they read that memo this week. >> going into this before this draft leaked, there was a sense that this election was going to be largely about the economy as elections often are, but particularly where we are right now. is there a sense among the democrats you talked to that this does provide an opening, that this could provide movement certainly and energizing the base and getting voters out who otherwise would not have voted in a mid-term election? >> i think that's absolutely the case. i talked to beto o'rourke yesterday and he made the argument a lot of people affected by a ruling like this are who democrats need but have a hard time getting to the polls, women of color and people who are less engaged on some of the other issues might see this as an issue too important to let go, and this is no longer a theoretical issue as it has been in many states, including some that passed the trigger laws. the trigger, if it's being pulled you can't wait to vote on this issue and that's the argument you will hear from scores of democratic politicians across the country as they try and put back together a coalition like they had in 2018 with suburban women, and that's a key, key part of it, chris. >> everything we are seeing play out in the supreme court is having massive ripple affects across the country. you just heard about texas, and now louisiana seeking to classify abortion as homicide. we have more on that, next. we have more on that, next my asthma felt anything but normal. ♪♪ it was time for a nunormal with nucala. nucala is a once monthly add-on treatment for severe eosinophilic asthma that can mean less oral steroids. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your asthma specialist about a nunormal with nucala. ♪ ♪ bonnie boon i'm calling you out. everybody be cool, alright? 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yep, they're constantly refreshing. y'all get our own commercial! subway keeps refreshing and- you are looking at air force one getting ready to take off from joint base andrews. just moments ago president biden boarded the plane to head to a manufacturing event in ohio this afternoon. on his way out of the house reporters asked him about the new jobs report and he responded but succinctly good with a thumbs up. one more example of the many actions that states have been taking on the abortion issue in the wake of the leaked draft decision, both for and against abortion. blayne alexander has the latest on that front. >> a patient advocate in shreveport, louisiana, a position she pursued after going there as a patient. >> i don't know if i would have made it through an unplanned pregnancy managing my mental health. >> in louisiana, legal abortion up to 20 weeks would be outlawed and charged with homicide. one organization is working with a dozen other states on anti-abortion legislation. >> we believe abortion is cruel and it's the taking of an innocent life and we should make that illegal. >> connecticut's governor signed a law. and some states are placing focus on abortion pills that could be administered by providers and through the mail. they are approved for up to ten weeks in a nonmedical setting. >> we will see medication abortions increase, and that will be better in some cases. >> it could pave a difficult path on states on both sides of the issue. >> you will see states in conflict with each other and states in conflict with the government and you won't see an end to court battles. >> to talk more about these new concerns sparked by the draft opinion, i want to bring in ceo of the trevor project, an organization that provides assistance to lgbtq youth, and i am so glad to have both of you to talk about both issues. let me start with how big this is, other rights including same-sex marriages could be targeted next? >> there's a great deal of concern about that, and this decision, and we need to emphasize, it's not a final decision, and if it comes out it could undermine the rights to privacy, and we know that lgbtq people face enormous amounts still of discrimination and rejection and isolation. there's a lot of concern that this could lead to an erosion of more rights for lgbtq people. >> and justice alito wrote in the leaked draft of this potential abortion decision, should not cast out other precedents, but if that's the case, there's so much fear not only from lgbtq advocates but across the board that this is only the first domino to fall. how do you read this? >> chris, that's right. he gives that disclaimer and another one, and he says abortion is different from everything because it involves, quote, fetal life. nonetheless, i agree that this decision has planted seeds, which if watered and cultivated could, in fact, lead to the reversal of the taking away of other rights. let's talk about same-sex marriage in particular. two things have me concerned. one is that the decision says that, you know, part of why roe was wrongly -- excuse me, the draft says, is because it's not deeply rooted in the history and traditions of this country. reading the history and the traditions of this country literally and narrowly, that same logic could apply. and the other thing, chris, this draft opinion by justice alito sounds a lot like the dissent written by justice alito, the same logic about history and traditions, and the same idea is we should put this stuff to the states rather than having a nationwide constitutional right. >> when you look at it through that lens, are we looking at things, indeed, like interracial marriage? what are the concerns you are hearing in the legal community that could fall under that very broad category? >> i heard concerns from everything to decisions that predated roe v. wade, like the decision about contraception, griswold from 1965, and interracial marriage, all the way through some of the others that involve gay rights and marriage equality. the important thing here, chris, i talked about seeds, i don't think there is going to be one earthquake after another very soon after the issuing of this decision, but when this kind of insecurity and instability around rights presents, even if it takes a very long time for certain things to play out, it took 49 years from roe v. wade being decided to it being, looks like, overturned, and that's very difficult for those whose rights are vulnerable. it means states will be emboldened to try out new infringements on rights to see how far they can get if they are so inclined, and people will make different decisions about their lives not knowing how secure they can feel. you know, that's why we talk about people relying on supreme court opinions as such an important thing to think about before a precedent is overruled. >> if i could ask you about the bigger picture where you have the startling new health survey of lgbtq young people from the trevor project, i mean, it's an underestimate to say it paints a difficult picture of the struggles they have been facing, and some of the findings in the past year, 45% of lgbtq youth seriously considered attempting suicide. 14% actually went through with an attempt. 73% of lgbtq youth report experiencing anxiety. 58% depression. i mean, suicide numbers in particular are far greater than in the general population. i want you to dig a little deeper into those numbers, what you think is driving them, but also if you are concerned there will be new pressures given what we are seeing from the supreme court that could exacerbate the problem. >> we are concerned about that. i think it's important to note that lgbtq people are not born inherently to consider attempting suicide, and the reason for the numbers is because of the discrimination and rejection and the stigma that lgbtq face in society. these numbers are even higher for transgender and nonbinary young people, and higher for lgbtq youth of color. so color. when we see debates in public about people saying, i'm not sure lgbtq people deserve the same rights as everyone else, when there are the planting of the seeds, as we discussed, of potentially trying to overturn decisions that have broad-based support in america, i think it's important that we just underscore that, most people in america do not support discrimination against lgbtq people, most people support same-sex marriage and support and affirmation of children, but there's a negative impact on mental health. i hope people can keep in mind when they use these words in public that young people are listening and that words really do matter. >> i think this is something, obviously, we have talked about for a while now. i think you would also acknowledge that there are, unfortunately, a lot of people out there who are not going to heed that warning, who don't care, frankly, about that very real concern. what does everybody else do about it? obviously, point one is, your vote is powerful. right? what else? >> i think there is systemic change that is needed. the policies can be harmful. across the country in many states, there are people in positions of power targeting lgbtq young people and specifically transgender and non-binary young people. they are trying to outlaw and make a felony providing best practice medical care, they are trying to come in between medical providers and parents who are trying to provide care for their children, they are trying to prevent trans children from using the rest room in a safe way. we need to change those policies. we need to make sure these policies support young people. i also want people to know, some of the systemic change can seem large and overwhelming and maybe hard to know where to start. every single person can make a difference. one of the most powerful statistic we have our from research is that just having one accepting adult in an lgbtq young person's life can reduce their risk of suicide by 40%. that's an enormous difference. every single person who is watching this who is listening can be that person. by just providing love and acceptance and affirmation, you can make a difference in the lives of lgbtq youth and help to save lives. >> thank you for ending on a positive note and i think giving people power to know that they can do something to change. thank you. we have breaking news we are following right now out of cuba. there's been an explosion at a hotel in downtown havana. this is not far from the capital building. we have a correspondent on the scene. he confirms that the explosion is at the saratoga hotel. we have no idea what caused the blast and no word of any injuries. we will continue to watch this for you. we have a correspondent on the scene. we will bring you any big developments. coming up next, off to the races. the kentucky derby is tomorrow. an iconic sports event. it's not short of controversy in the past year. steve kornacki is at churchill downs louisville, kentucky, with a preview of the top contenders. . you know when you see a great deal on a phone, and then realize it's not for you? 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Combat , Staff , Scene , Nobody , Forces , Miscalculation , Commitment , Adversaries , Seriousness , Visit , History , Season Tipping , Military , Serving Meals , Obama , Wnba , Supreme Court , Brittney Griner , Stars , Custody , League , State Department , Status , Luggage , Search , Vape , Senator , Record , Comments , Cannabis , Chuck Schumer , Performance , Badder , Faster , Payments , Business , Transaction Fees , Godaddy , Leak , Planning , Senate , Abortion Ruling , Vote , Else , Conference , Judges , Pete , Statement , Event , Impeachment , Views , Atlanta , Person , Affect , Decision Making Process , Impression , Leak A Act Of Betrayal , Actions , One Bad Apple , Breach Of Trust , Security Officer , Police Force , Charge , Details , Politico , Anyway , Josh , Msnbc Last Night , Anything , Source , Codify Abortion Law , Votes , Promise , Election , Choice , Majorities , Voters , Strategy , Advantage , Bans , Kinds , Opportunity , Abortion Services , Floor , Texas , Women S Self 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Draft Opinion , Stuff , Dissent , Interracial Marriage , Community , Right , Lens , Decisions , Others , Contraception , Category , Griswold , 1965 , Issuing , Marriage Equality , It Being , Insecurity , Instability , 49 , Lives , Infringements , Opinions , Precedent , Health Survey , Underestimate , Findings , Facing , 45 , Youth Report , Suicide Numbers , Depression , 58 , 73 , 14 , Pressures , Little , Population , Suicide , Reason , Transgender , Stigma , Society , Public , Planting , Everyone Else , Debates , Affirmation , Mind , Marriage , Impact , Warning , Who , Change , Positions , Rest Room , Practice , Parents , Medical Care , Care , Felony , Difference , Statistic , Adult , Research , 40 , People Power , Lgbtq Youth , Acceptance , Ending , Explosion , Cuba , Correspondent , Word , Hotel , Capital Building , Blast , Saratoga Hotel , Downtown Havana , Kentucky Derby , Sports Event , Injuries , Developments , Off To The Races , Controversy , Contenders , Preview , Louisville , 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Francisco , Pricing , Value , Feet , Office , Friends , Muni , Prop A , Health , Fleets , City , Delays , Emissions , Neighborhood , Safety , Zero ,

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